#sevika x fem oc
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▌𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗦 ˖࣪ ♡ ˓ 005 ꜜ ❁ 𝖺𝗌 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝖿𝖺𝗇𝖿𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 ┆. 𝑸𝑼𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑶 𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑰𝑻𝑼𝑳𝑶 ◗ ₊˚ 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖐𝖆 𝖝 𝖋𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖈 ⋆ ❜
❪ ៸៸ ✬ ❫. ━━ 𝗖𝗔𝗣𝗜𝗧𝗨𝗟𝗢 𝗤𝗨𝗔𝗧𝗥𝗢・raiva desenfreada 𖠵៸៸ !⠀ִֶָ
𝐀 𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐌 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐀 a madeira dos degraus abaixo de seus pés; em uma ação breve, no entanto, ainda assim, isso não tornou seus passos menos audíveis para as poucas pessoas ao seu redor, tanto pela sua altura, quanto pela sua força. Isso sem falar da raiva que a mulher sentia no momento, especialmente por ter acabado de sair do escritório de Silco em silêncio, optando por se calar ao invés de soltar sua língua azeda para o seu chefe, sabendo que ele não a perdoaria duas vezes seguidas.
Ironicamente, quem havia feito merda na missão havia sido Jinx, mas era óbvio que tudo tinha que cair em cima dos ombros da lutadora, como se Sevika tivesse total controle sobre a mente completamente quebrada da adolescente de longos cabelos trançados diariamente.
Ainda que com os nervos à flor da pele, mais do que disposta a espancar a primeira pessoa que tivesse o azar de cruzar com o seu caminho naquela ocasião, a mais alta tentou controlar sua raiva desenfreada, e decidiu que iria descontar seus sentimentos na bebida pelas próximas horas, perdendo o olhar do grupo já conhecido espalhado sobre a mesa de sinuca, alguns do grupo parecendo um pouco ansiosos ao vê-la.
Sevika ignorou tudo e todos ao seu redor, se dignando apenas em se mover até o bar, sentando-se em uma das muitas cadeiras vazias ━━ graças ao Última Gota estar atualmente fechado àquela hora do dia ━━ sem qualquer delicadeza na ação, deixando transparente até mesmo em sua expressão corporal o quanto ela não estava com disposição para nenhuma gracinha naquele momento.
Sem qualquer surpresa, o barman da vez, Thieram, não fez perguntas desnecessárias como faria com outros clientes em busca de gorjetas. Apenas tremeu um pouco dos pés à cabeça ao ver o braço direito de Silco aparentar estar com o dia cheio e, se curvando por um momento, não demorou a colocar um copo na frente da mulher assustadora, já tendo conhecimento da bebida alcoólica que a mesma tinha preferência nesses dias.
No entanto, no segundo em que Thieram tirou a tampa da garrafa ainda lacrada de bourbon, o vidro foi tirado de suas mãos com uma facilidade beirando ao patético, mas não por Sevika como ele esperava que acontecesse, e sim por Ran.
Os olhos escuros do homem se cruzaram com os púrpura neon de Ran (por conta da luminosidade do local), contudo, nem mesmo sua cor fosca de marrom seria útil contra a indiferença nos olhos da mais baixa. E, com um breve aceno de queixo para o lado, Thieram nem sequer pensou duas vezes antes de simplesmente concordar baixinho com sua ordem silenciosa, se retirando no próximo segundo para fazer suas devidas coisas longe das duas mulheres perigosas.
Ran nem sequer sorriu ao observar o barman se afastar rapidamente, praticamente fugindo com o rabo entre as pernas como um covarde, apenas desviou o olhar para o balcão, colocando o líquido alcoólico no copo ainda vazio de Sevika sem pronunciar uma única palavra enquanto o fazia.
Quando o recipiente de vidro já se encontrava cheio o suficiente, a de cabelos pretos sentou-se ao lado da mais velha, com o corpo virado para a lutadora, apoiando um dos braços no balcão, com uma preguiça óbvia na simples ação.
Todavia, nem por demonstrar tal expressão corporal relaxada ela se tornava automaticamente menos intimidade. Certamente Sevika não se intimidou com isso, por mais que sentisse o olhar intenso de Ran sob seu corpo, tendo pleno conhecimento de que a mais baixa não havia a servido um copo de bourbon em busca de discutir consigo.
No entanto, o silêncio começou a incomodar Sevika, especialmente ao ver que a de cabelos escuros, mesmo se encontrando de boca fechada, ainda servia a bebida em seu recipiente, sem desviar o olhar de seu corpo. Mas quando a mais alta chegou ao quinto copo, sua voz áspera se fez presente; baixa, rouca, e deixando ainda mais transparente que ela não estava com saco para aturar dramas desnecessários:
━━ Se quer me perguntar algo, é melhor fazer de uma vez.
Surpreendente, o canto dos lábios de Ran moveu-se o suficiente para que um mínimo sorriso aparecesse.
━━ Quer jogar uma partida de cartas antes?
━━ Você sabe muito bem que eu não quero jogar porcaria nenhuma.
Um resmungo baixo e suave saiu da garganta da mais baixa ao ouvi-la, não se afetando com a grosseria gratuita da lutadora mais forte, nem sequer se ofendendo minimamente com tal tratamento.
Era como um tipo estranho de rotina para todos do grupo ━━ a maioria dos mesmos ainda se encontrava perto da mesa de sinuca no meio do bar ━━, principalmente nos dias em que Jinx ia junto de suas missões, sempre fazendo o humor antes indiferente (algumas raras vezes beirando ao relaxado quando a mulher acordava de bom humor) de Sevika se tornar azedo, amargo como limão em vista dos outros dias.
Esperando a segunda em comando beber mais alguns copos de sua bebida alcoólica favorita nesses dias, a mulher com uma franja cobrindo um dos olhos voltou a tentar tirar algo da maior:
━━ Aconteceu alguma coisa na missão? ━━ indagou de maneira suave, quase podendo chegar a indiferença se não fosse a sua curiosidade costumeira, mas também não querendo jogá-la com ansiedade na de cabelos presos.
Sevika, para a surpresa da outra mulher ainda apoiada confortavelmente sobre o balcão, resmungou audivelmente no próximo instante. Não para confirmar sua questão, tão pouco para mandá-la se calar como fazia com outros 'colegas de trabalho'; foi como se, por um único segundo, a lutadora deixasse toda a sua insatisfação do dia sair em sua voz para qualquer um ouvir. Isso foi o suficiente para a morena saber que, sim, havia acontecido algo além da discussão e a briga com Jinx.
O problema agora era descobrir o que, para que Ran soubesse como ajudar a sua superior a melhorar o humor, tendo conhecimento que em breve elas iriam até o bordel de Babette em conjunto no dia seguinte, e ter uma Sevika mal-humorada não era exatamente o seu maior desejo no momento.
Apesar disso, seu tempo pareceu chegar ao fim, assim como seu plano de relaxar a mais alta antes de qualquer outra coisa, já que, no próximo segundo, antes que a de cabelos escuros tivesse a chance de reagir, uma voz masculina fez-se presente no silêncio momentânea das duas:
━━ Pare de resmungar como uma criança rabugenta, Sevika, e fale algo com que podemos trabalhar.
Nem Ran, nem Sevika, fizeram questão de mover-se um único centímetro de seus queixos, sabendo que não havia o mínimo de necessidade de desviar o olhar para a voz, sabendo exatamente a quem a mesma pertencia sem precisar olhá-lo duas vezes.
Ainda assim, isso só serviu para reforçar o desgosto de Ran pela surpresa de ver o terceiro em comando de volta de sua missão tão cedo. E, embora seu aborrecimento não tenha aparecido em suas feições, ficou transparente em suas próximas palavras; a insatisfação em sua voz a denunciando.
━━ O que está fazendo aqui, Lock? Não tinha um carregamento para revisar?
━━ O chefe me chamou mais cedo graças ao teatrinho do demônio azul.
Uma risada abafada saiu das narinas da mulher com um braço mecânico, tal ação sendo o suficiente para chamar a atenção dos dois, estranhando tal coisa.
Ran deixou mais aparente ao levantar minimamente uma das sobrancelhas, embora graças a sua franja tampando a maioria de sua testa, isso não ficou exatamente à vista de possíveis olhos curiosos. E Lock se viu apertando as pálpebras em um ato invisível, se perguntando dentro de sua mente se isso era ruim o suficiente para ele deixá-las a sós, preferindo que Ran fosse o alvo da raiva desenfreada de Sevika.
No entanto, como sempre, a mulher com um dos membros modificados os surpreendeu quando apenas sorriu, claramente cínica sobre o que quer que estivesse em sua mente e, levando o copo de cristal até seus lábios, virou-o, tomando o resto do bourbon em um último gole, batendo o fundo do recipiente agora vazio na madeira, com força o suficiente para chamar a atenção de quem quer que estivesse prestando atenção, mas não o suficiente para quebrá-lo em centenas de pedaços.
━━ Temos um problema maior do que Jinx nesse momento.
Isso confundiu tanto Lock, quanto Ran em diversas formas diferentes, e isso ficou perceptível em suas expressões; nenhum deles esperava outro problema para solucionar nessa altura do campeonato, especialmente depois da burrada que a filha adotiva de Silco havia feito essa manhã, de novo.
Jinx já era um problema grande o suficiente para eles lidarem diariamente ━━ e de quebra ainda estar sempre presente na organização. O que poderia ser pior que uma adolescente propensa a surtos psicóticos?
━━ Que tipo de problema? ━━ Lock indagou, tentando entender com mais detalhes do que exatamente a segunda em comando estava se referindo.
O homem ainda tinha um resquício de esperança que tal empecilho fosse pequeno, o típico trabalho que em menos de três dias eles pudessem resolver, nem que fosse com o máximo de força bruta.
━━ O passarinho mentalmente instável irá perder seu posto de pior funcionário do mês por um tempo? ━━ Ran perguntou um pouco depois do homem mais alto, com um tom sarcástico o suficiente para fazer um pouco da raiva de Sevika diminuir, mas não completamente.
Deixando o copo vazio de lado, a mulher com um braço de metal virou-se de lado, ficando de frente para Ran, desviando por um segundo o olhar da mesma para olhar um Lock mais atrás da gótica de cabelos escuros com franja sob um dos olhos, notando a maneira como os dois estavam um pouco tensos, não parecendo tão confortáveis como esperado.
━━ Teoricamente falando, ela não é problema nosso. Ainda. ━━ A confusão em ambas as feições alheias aumentaram, agora ficando tão aparentes quanto a água filtrada de Piltover. ━━ Aquela mulher é um problema meu. E de Jinx.
A maneira como Sevika pronunciou o nome da adolescente de longos cabelos azuis foi dolorosa, como se falar o nome da mais nova fosse uma forma única de torturá-la, sem a necessidade de tocar em sua pele. Não precisava ser um gênio para notar o desprezo que a mulher mais alta tinha pela mais nova, nem sequer fazendo questão de esconder tal fato, nem mesmo na presença de Silco.
Apesar disso, tal desprezo só serviu para aumentar significativamente a diversão que a de cabelos mais curtos sentiu ao ouvir suas últimas palavras.
Ran fez o possível para segurar o sorriso irônico que quis escorregar por seus lábios pintados com um batom preto o melhor que pôde. Todavia, para sua cota de azar daquele dia, um resquício de diversão ainda se espalhou por seu rosto no próximo instante.
Sevika notou com facilidade a alegria no olhar da mais baixa. Se fosse qualquer outra pessoa assistindo tal ação, não veria nada de mais em sua expressão, mas a mais velha conhecia Ran a tempo suficiente para lê-la como um livro aberto. No entanto, a segunda em comando não se irritou com isso, já esperando ações parecidas vindo da mulher sádica, de qualquer forma.
━━ Você vai ter o desprazer de trabalhar com o demônio azul? ━━ Antes que pudesse controlar sua língua, a pergunta já havia saído por seus lábios, escorrendo como um verme. ━━ Boa sorte, porque você vai precisar pra caralho dessa vez.
Sevika simplesmente revirou os olhos ao ouvir, não afetada pelo humor da outra, optando por ficar em silêncio naquele momento, tentando pensar em formas de se livrar daquele trabalho o mais rápido possível.
Todavia, como já era de se esperar, Lock foi quem veio ao salvamento da lutadora com um braço de metal, cortando o assunto com pouquíssimas palavras:
━━ Deixe a pobre mulher em paz, Ran. Ela já está tendo um dia ruim o suficiente. ━━ Deu dois tapinhas leves nas costas da mais baixa, fazendo-a entender que aquela não era hora para fazer piadas (embora provavelmente ainda havia muitas outras em sua língua furada). ━━ E Sevika, vamos jogar uma partida de sinuca, e eu não vou aceitar um não como resposta. Você precisa de uma vitória mais do que aqueles idiotas.
Pense numa dificuldade de mexer com os capangas do Silco, meu Odin do céu, nesse dia que escrevi o capítulo fiquei umas cinco horas sofrendo, tentando decidir personalidade e afins- não reclamando, mas já reclamando, né
Enfim! Mais uma vez sem Morgana aparecendo, porém, como sempre, nem isso torna o capítulo menos importante (o próximo é mais importante, mas isso não vem ao caso, shhhhhh
Antes que alguém diga sobre os pronomes de Ran (ela/eles) e que a personagem é não-binário eu quero deixar claro que essa é a minha maneira de escrever a personagem! Em alguns capítulos eu posso tentar abordar essas informações (até pesquisei como, porém não me ajudou muito), mas sinceramente eu sempre me perco ao tentar, e por isso achei mais fácil deixar assim. Peço desculpas caso isso deixe alguem desconfortável, mas infelizmente irá ficar assim, por conta de EU me sentir mais confortável escrevendo assim.
Ok! Deixamos isso de lado, vou me permitir cadelar a relação que criei entre a Sevika e a Ran. E antes que alguém shippe- essa fanfiction não é lugar pra isso (quem que eu tô tentando enganar? Super mexeria nessas duas, mas isso não vem ao caso agora, shhhhh)
Aqui essas duas são apenas amigas! E eu estou decidindo ainda o que fazer com os outros capangas do Silco (inclusive, se alguém souber o nome do resto, tirando o Dustin, eu tô aceitando ideias! Um sofrimento pra achar nomes bons pra eles, que meu Odin do céu-)
Enfim! Espero que tenham gostado do capítulo! Até o próximo!!
𝟬𝟬𝟬 ◛ ˊ 2.110 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
𝟬𝟬𝟭 ◛ ˊ 1.930 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
𝟬𝟬𝟮 ◛ ˊ 2.070 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
𝟬𝟬𝟯 ◛ ˊ 2.040 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
𝟬𝟬𝟰 ◛ ˊ 2.055 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
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𝟬𝟬𝟲 ◛ ˊ 2.320 palavras 𖡻
𝟬𝟬𝟳 ◛ ˊ 2.055 palavras 𖡻
𝟬𝟬𝟴 ◛ ˊ 2.125 palavras 𖡻
𝟬𝟬𝟵 ◛ ˊ 2.745 palavras 𖡻
𝟬𝟭𝟬 ◛ ˊ 4.095 palavras 𖡻
#fanfiction#fanfic#shameless#jusstya#arcane fanfic#arcane lol#arcane league of legends#sevika arcane#sevika my beloved#sevika#sevika x fem oc#sevika x female oc#sevika x oc#sevika x morgana#jinx arcane#ran arcane#lock arcane#silco arcane#silco#arcane netflix#arcane fic#fanfics#female oc#fem oc#oc female#my edit#arcane sevika#arcane silco#jinx league of legends#jinx lol
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so like ive never written smut and my writing is way different than any ive seen so i did some practice. and i expect feedback. 🧍♀️plus this isn’t about sm1 specific imagine it as you like
warnings(?): some pwp for the fuck of it, suggestive, sadomasochism, knife kink :3c, just a little sumsum
cold. so cold.
shivers down your spine making you feel like a scared cat, if you could focus on that look on her face you’d think you also look like one.
a half smile, bent brows, so many emotions flowing in and out the current of your faces right in front of each other.
eyes don’t meet, lips don’t speak, breathing unmatched and trembling feet.
sound of clothes ripping interrupt the heavy breathing and unstoppable thinking
“you’re doing so good,” all in one sigh
no matter how wide your eyes are, you cannot see anything anywhere, yet she can see everything, even if you’re not speaking, she can hear every thought and choked word.
eyes on the hand
that hand that holds the knife
face flushed, legs weak, but you’re already laying down, how much lower can you go?
your hands gripping on your skirt are more prone to bleeding than your knife-teased neck
“do you not have trust in me?”
those eyes, so soft-bent, so shiny. you know they’re not sincere, their shine matches the knives and they look like they can break you.
#my writing#billie eilish#billie eilish blurb#billie eilish fanfiction#billie eilish x fem!reader#billie eilish x reader#blurb#fanfiction#mizu bes#wlw post#lesbian#mizu x reader#abby anderson x reader#corky x reader#sadomasochistic#oc x reader#practice#smut#smut fic#sevika x reader
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#sevika fanart#arcane sevika#arcane#sevika x oc#sevika imagine#sevika x fem#sevika arcane#league of legends#sevika#arcane fandom
213 notes
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Not So Sweet [Sevika x fem reader]
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49324864/chapters/124546213#workskin
content warning: still smut. (MDNI) they’re at the brothel this time. fingering, edging, strap on. bondage and like dub con, i guess? obviously reader is into it but Sevika just kinda does what she wants with her to teach her a lesson. brat taming.
summary: It seems like she’s not a customer anymore. Your night could’ve been peaceful, and surely your coworkers would be jealous of you taking their business.
1. Relaxing Night
2. A Long Night at Work
note: this one’s fun. tell me why i cared enough about zaun currency to read a reddit post to learn about it. probably still got it wrong too bc i skimmed :/ still in love with her and trying to include more backstory. the reader is like very much based on my arcane oc because why not? it’s my writing i do what i want. also i just really like that story so i want to put it out there. anyway, this one is like just all smut. not much fluff, sorry, but the next one will have plenty of playful banter. hope you like :) (proofread? never heard of her)
—————— 18+ ——————
Life at Babette’s wasn’t nearly as bad as some could picture it. The job itself already gave you a place to sleep—a roof over your head. You were at a point where you were worth enough that only tolerable customers came through. Sure, you had your share of creeps, but most were clean and civilized.
Babette was like your family at this point. You’d been working for her since you turned 18. She had been promising you a job for years before that but wouldn’t allow it until you were old enough. The enforcers would take one look at a minor in her house and arrest her, even if you weren’t working. The day you turned 18, you got off the street.
The worst part was the enforcers. They would raid the place, looking for any drop of shimmer or illegal coins. Some were just trying to do their job. Others would pin you to the ground and cuff you if you blinked at one of them wrong. They’d have their fun teasing you, trashing your room “searching” for illegal activity, before spitting on you and leaving with nothing.
In another life, you were a fighter. In that life, you’d had your fair share of enforcer blood on your hands.
But in this one, you were already too beaten down to care.
Piltover had taken everything from you, much like it did to everyone else. You were one of the only workers that didn’t accept Topside clients. They could go fuck themselves; they didn’t need your help.
That was part of the reason fucking Sevika gratified you so much. It made you feel like you were really pissing off the enforcers, screwing the crime ring’s best fighter. You were helping her grow her forearm strength that night.
You hadn’t run into her since that night. It had been about a week and you’d been lying low. You never knew with those sorts of situations. People could always have ulterior motives. Besides, the lesser known brothel down the road had been raided a couple days ago and you were preparing for the day they came to you.
Sevika surely intrigued you. Given the chance, you would fuck her again, but you knew the likelihood of that. She was too important to hook up with the same person twice. She had every woman in the undercity at her disposal. You were just a whore.
The night was still young as you sat up after your last client. They were an excited couple that was much too interested in having a third.
Some of the party left a little disappointed.
In the end, the husband was just watching you take care of his wife. The idea made you chuckle even now.
On your bedside table was your payment. Five silver and two bronze. They didn’t tip well.
Your room at Babette’s was one of the largest there. Lavish curtains hung from the ceiling like it was a deep purple and black circus tent. Silver beading and faux gems hung around the banisters of your canopy bed. The lighting came from low lamps and dripping candles scattered around the room.
The bed, of course, was the centerpiece. It was even on a raised platform compared to the rest of the room. It was a large king with the softest silk a Zaunite could ever touch. There were secret hooks and straps hidden on the sides for easy access, and the bedside tables were packed full of toys.
Other than the bed, There was a small lounge sofa, a mirror, a long plush rug, and a swing. There were other small pieces of furniture around like cushion chairs and little tables, but nothing to be paid attention to.
You got used to your feet and walked down to the other half of the room. You approached the mirror, checking if they left any marks and if they messed up your makeup too badly.
Everything seemed good, and you checked the rest of you. You were wearing a tight black velvet corset with a straight neckline that pressed your chest up. It was part of an underwear set that connected to garters and thigh-high stockings. Your heels had been tossed somewhere around the room, and you didn’t care to find them.
On the coffee table beside the sofa was your mask, which you promptly slid back on. It was simple black and covered down to the tip of your nose. Thin silver laced the edges.
You fell onto the couch, lying across it like a luxurious woman and not an undercity whore. You had the glamor of a woman from Piltover but not the reputation.
You closed your eyes, taking this brief moment of silence. Of course, you could hear the distant sounds that came along with the job. Erotic noises came from nearly every room around, but they blended in after so many years of being there. Someone was always laughing, screaming, moaning, and weeping.
A moment later you rang a bell for the interns to come in and change your bedsheets. They did so quickly and left without saying a word. You were glad. They were a bitchy bunch trying to take your job. All because they thought they were hotter, prettier, or more skilled.
They weren’t.
Out in the hall you heard someone approaching in clicking heels. The curtains to your room slid open, and your coworker Zanira poked her head inside. Her eyes were wide, and she looked around for you somewhat frantically. “Babe, you’ve got a customer coming.”
“Okay.” Your brow furrowed at her. Usually there wasn’t an odd warning before a customer. They just walked on in. You blinked at Zanira. “Let them through?” You didn’t know how to respond in such a random interaction.
Zanira pursed her lips, obviously wanting to say something, but she just nodded and closed the curtain. Her heels clicked as she walked away, and heavy footsteps replaced hers. They were getting louder.
The curtains rustled, being pushed open for the large frame that entered.
A sly smile spread on your face as you watched her look around for you. When her dark, gray eyes met yours, you cooed, “Come back for more?”
When you heard her footsteps you assumed it was some ghastly man coming through for a quick fuck. This was a pleasant surprise. Though, whatever state she left you in would surely impact how the rest of your workday went.
Sevika pulled the curtains closed and clipped them shut. You followed every movement of hers, focusing on how her fingers flexed as she tied the curtains shut. “I heard you’re an expensive one,” she said, eyes sliding back over to meet yours.
You nodded proudly. “It takes a golden hex to get me to do anything.” It took you years to earn your reputation.
“Hm.” She looked over all your furniture, analyzing what the two of you had at your disposal. “What’ll you do for three?”
You smiled mockingly, cooing, “Fall in love with you.”
She rolled her eyes. “Then I’m glad I only have two.”
You scoffed. You didn’t need her attitude if that’s all she was here to give. “What brings you here? My girl looked a little alarmed when she saw you coming through.”
Her brow creased and she turned fully to face your side of the room. “Am I not allowed to be here? I come all the time.”
“Yes, but you usually stay with the more… docile of our servers.”
She liked submissives. You’d heard their cries every now and then when you knew she was around. When you would speak to them and they’d mention her, they’d whisper with blush in their cheeks and a prudishness to their words.
You were no such doe.
“Come here and I'll show you why.”
You cocked one eyebrow. “I’m not moving until I see money.”
For just a moment, her strong demeanor faltered. Did she really expect you to crack like that? It was almost cute. She was disappointed. You weren’t like the easy sluts down the hall that listened to her every beck and call.
“What?” You pulled yourself up by the back of the sofa. You now sat across it like a model. It was enchanting and you knew it. “You think just because we hooked up at a bar that you don’t have to pay me?”
That was an off-the-clock fuck for fun. For actual pleasure. If she found you while you were in this room, she had to pay you. There was no premium pass just because of what happened in the back room of the Last Drop.
Though, you wanted her. Half of your brain said “so what? Whatever will happen will be worth much more than whatever she’ll pay you”. The way she stared down at you made you hot. She was there for one reason, and, hell, you wanted to make sure she got what she came for.
“You weren’t asking for payment the other night. Say, by the way you looked I doubt you even remembered what a hex looked like at the time.”
Images of what the two of you had done came flooding back (as if they ever left), and you pressed your thighs together slightly.
Still, curtly, you asked, “Is that so?” You faked a pout. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Your vulnerability is showing, Sevika. Don’t be so desperate, now.”
Her face hardened into stone, and she looked down at you with stern eyes. You would be lying if you didn’t say it excited you. This little game the two of you played was pure entertainment.
She stalked over to you and stopped when she stood above you. You stayed lying back, acting as cool as could be. She leaned down, placing one finger under your chin to tilt your face up to meet her eyes. She didn’t smile as she said, “You’re real cute when you act like you’re in charge.” She pointed across the room. “In bed. Now.”
A shallow breath fell from your lips and, yeah, just like she said, you couldn’t even remember what money was. You wanted her again—you needed her.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Fuck, you’d make up the money some other way.
You stood up, slipping past her as she ran her hand down your back and watched you go. Her gaze was like glue to your backside, you could tell.
“And get rid of that fucking mask.”
You threw it to the floor.
You crawled into your bed, pushing the covers back and sitting up by the pillows. Across the room, Sevika walked over slowly, pretending to be interested in everything else in the room but you.
When she reached the bed, She stood at one of the banisters, leaning against it and crossing her arms.
“What’s wrong?” You cocked your head to the side. “Water too cold for you?”
She shook her head. “Not at all.” She gestured to all of you. “I want you to touch yourself.”
Her tone had you wishing you would listen to her. She did something to you no other fuck did. Just the way she raked her eyes down your body made you shiver. But you couldn’t let her know that.
“Why should I do that?”
“Because I’m not doing anything to you until you do, and if you don’t start listening to me when I tell you the first time, we’re going to have some problems.”
“Then I guess we have problems.” You stuck your bottom lip out, mocking her.
She sighed, raking her hand through her hair. She looked back down at you. “Come here.”
You crawled forward, stopping at the edge of the bed where she was and getting up on your knees to meet her eye level.
“Oh, but you’ll listen to me now?”
You smiled. “I choose what I want to do.”
“Yeah, alright.” She wrapped her hand around your throat. “I thought you learned your lesson last time. Now, I’m losing faith in you.”
She squeezed just tight enough to have you dizzy. You grasped her forearm, leveling yourself and she held you up just slightly. Excitement riddled your body and you felt yourself getting wet. You wondered how much longer until you broke.
“And, gods, you’re gonna have to stop talking,” she growled, getting close enough to your face that you could smell her.
She pressed a metal finger to your lips. “No.”
You swallowed a boulder. Her grip on your neck was starting to have you see stars. It was heavenly. She leaned in, but flinched back when you tried to do the same. She held an ironic, menacing grin as she held you still and kissed you.
It felt like a wash of relief. As much as you were playing to cool, you wanted her so badly. Your panties were ruined and soon you would be too. The heat in your core was nearly unbearable.
Her hand squeezed just the slightest bit tighter around your throat and she had you gasping. You clawed at her forearm and she continued to kiss you, sliding her tongue beside yours. Instead of letting you win, she took one of your frantic hands and brought it down to your underwear, encouraging you.
The room was rocking and spinning around you. Sevika kept you wrapped in her kiss as your shaky hand slipped into your underwear and you dragged one finger through your folds.
A strangled moan ruptured your kiss. Sevika moved to kiss your cheek, jaw, and then your neck as your fingers began to circle your clit. The feelings together were the perfect mix, and you felt yourself relaxing into her touch. Despite this being only your second time together, she knew exactly where to drag her teeth to have you moaning into her ear.
She took her hand from your throat, caressing it down your body as her metal arm kept you firm in her grasp. You needed it. You kept a slow, torturous pace on yourself and it was starting to make you weak. You’d finish soon if you weren’t careful.
Sevika kissed down your neck and across your collar. Her arm hooked around your waist and reached for the laces of your corset. “How do I get this off of you?”
You could hardly think with your hand still massaging your clit. With your free hand, you reached behind yourself and felt around for the right tie.
She was impatient, taking her sharp metal finger and slicing through every row of laces.
The corset fell off your front and she pushed it out from between the two of you. She stared down at your breast, taking one in her hand as she muttered, “I’ll get you a new one.” She rolled your nipple between her fingers, having you sigh. “Now, shut up.”
“You can’t make me—“
Her lips caught you in another kiss and she led you to lie down on your back. She moved you so the two of you were lying properly in the bed.
You could feel your orgasm coming. You rubbed your clit faster as she seemed distracted with your breast. She dragged her lips down your body and took one of your nipples in her mouth. She ran her teeth over the sensitive skin, sucking it into her mouth. The sensations of all your pleasures made you feel electrified and you could stop from moaning her name.
You were expecting a boring night. But this was anything but that. her figure over yours was enough alone to send you over the edge. Just to know that you were in her arms, being ordered around by her, being punished by her, was maddening. You felt dizzy even without her hand around your throat.
Just as you thought you were going to cum, she pulled your hand out of your panties.
“But…” Your eyes got lost in hers.
“You really don’t stop talking,” she grumbled. You watched as she leaned over and pulled one of the drawers of your nightstand open. Excitement fluttered in your stomach as you wondered what she was grabbing.
She came back with a cloth tie. She sat back between your legs, holding it up menacingly. “Maybe this’ll help you shut up.”
Before you could protest, she was wrapping it around your head and tying it tight enough that you couldn’t speak. The gag pressed into your mouth and you bit down on it with as much attitude as you could, glaring back at her.
“There,” she smiled. “So much prettier when you’re quiet.”
You spit curse at her through the cloth, only becoming more irritated as she nodded along mockingly. As if she could understand every gargled word. Her grin only widened with every nasty word.
Her coarse hands ran over your ribs, reaching around you to flip you over on your stomach. “Stay there.”
And before you could jerk your hands up to move or untie the cloth, she had your wrists pinned behind your back. They fit between the grasp of her calloused palm snugly and she held you still.
She was reaching over again, grabbing another tie to keep your wrists together. “I wouldn’t have to do this if you were more obedient.”
You lay there, completely at her disposal, as she picked up your hips and moved them where she wanted. You were on your knees, shoulders and face pressed into your sheets, and growing wetter by the second. Your clit still pulsed from your fingers, and you needed her to touch you.
Everything she did to you was different and electrifying. Hundreds of people came to visit you but none knew how to touch you like she did.
You turned your head to one side, craning your neck to see her behind you. She was pulling her shirt off and then her bra. It was an entrancing sight, watching the muscles in her shoulders and neck move to pull the clothes over her head. Her brow was tense with focus as she dropped her things off the side of the bed.
You looked at her bare figure, nearly moaning just at the sight of her. You needed to see her pants come off too, but she was done, looking back at you with a hooded stare. She was devouring you with her eyes. it sent a shiver up your spine.
She leaned over you, pressing her chest against your back as she pressed a kiss to the side of your neck. Her breath was hot against your bare neck, and the sound of her breathing so close to your ear made your core drip. She groaned as you pushed your ass up against her hips, her teeth biting down on the back of your shoulder.
Her hands ran down the sides of your torso, dragging her fingertips over your skin to make you shiver. Her hands rubbed the underside of your breasts, massaging your soft mounds.
She cupped your breast in her hands, pressing them against her palms as she pinched your nippled between her fingers. A sigh fell from you as you continued to grind your hips back against hers.
One hand moved down your front, toying with the edge of your panties as she bullied your nipple until it was sure to bruise.
“You don’t need these, do you?” She asked.
Before you could even try to respond, she was ripping through the fabric and pulling it off you. She discarded the tatters before slipping her hand back down and diving into your sensitive folds.
“Mm,” she hummed, collecting your slick on her fingers. “So fucking wet, and I was starting to worry you didn’t like me.”
The tips of her fingers began to push into your entrance, causing you to relax into the mattress as a moan slipped past your clenched teeth. Her two fingers curled inside of you, her palm rubbing your clit as she set a slow and burning pace.
The cool metal of her arm slid around your hip, guiding you to ride her fingers. She forced you to comply with her slow pace though you wanted to rest your finish so badly. With every curl of her fingers, she pressed hard against your most sensitive spot. Your soft walls tensed around her hand, dripping down her knuckles as she left a hickey on your upper back, right where your muscle met your neck.
It was hot and painfully slow how you rutted against her hand. A slow moan slipped from you as she tugged at your sore nipple once more. She rolled it in her fingertips, massaging your soft tissue as she rubbed your clot against the bone of her palm.
“You’re so fucking nasty, baby,” she groaned. “Can’t believe I’m fucking a whore like you.”
A blush spread across your face as you whined, grinding your hips faster to try and get her to speed up. You cried her name with a demand to get her to do what you wanted, but it only came out as a string of muffled grumbles.
“What was that?” Her voice was laced with teasing pleasure. It was dripping with amusement. She pulled her fingers out a bit just to shove them back in harshly, having you suck in a hard breath. “You’ve got something in your mouth, babe. I can’t understand you.” She said it so plainly it was like you didn’t already know. Like you were just that fucking stupid.
She seemed to be taking pity on you, ravishing in the way you squirmed when she went faster. Her assault was unwavering as the pleasure spread throughout your body.
Heat shot to your head as you felt your orgasm coming. Your body was frantic, trying to grind and ride her hand just the way you needed to finish. Stray curses and moan were muted by the gag. The cloth was now soaked with your spit and drying out your tongue.
“What’s that?” She taunted, “You’re close, aren’t you?” Her gravelly voice right by your ear. You nodded quickly, face rubbing against the mattress as your eyes snapped open to look at her. The hair was falling out of her ponytail and curling over her forehead as she hovered behind you, close to your neck.
The constant rubbing of her fingers inside of you had you hardly hearing her. The room was filled with your strangled, muffled moans as all you could focus on was chasing your finish.
As quickly as you felt the orgasm coming, she pulled her fingers out of your soaked cunt. The sudden loss of sensation had you twisting under her, hard and angered words spat through the gag as you flared back at her.
“Hey—hey!” She gripped you by the hair on the back of your neck, tugging your face up to look her in her eyes. “Don’t be suck a fucking brat. You’ll get what you want, be patient.”
Your hair slipped through her fingers as she dropped your head back down onto the mattress. Your face smushed into the sheet as your lower half went cold. She moved off of you, once again reaching into your nightstand to find something else.
Your eyes widened as she pulled out a strap that was bigger than one that had ever been inside of you. That one was only for you to use on other people. You didn’t think it could fit in you.
Her name was butchered through the gag as you tried to get her attention. She was too busy pulling the harness over her hips to care about your worries.
Her pants had already been dropped to the floor, and you fought your hardest to break your wrists from the tie she’s put them in. You wanted to feel the strong hacks of her thighs. Her plain black underwear was low on her hips, revealing how far her deep purple scars went down her body.
Her eyes flicked up to you. Her face was shadowed with lust. Even if you could tell her that would be too much, she wouldn’t listen. You could still see your juices on her two fingers as she walked back over to the bed, crawling behind you.
“I know,” she assured, rubbing your ass and hip. “You’ll be okay, baby. I know you can take it. You talk a lot of shit, but I see right through you. You like it when I treat you like this.”
Your fingers clenched as you tried to pull your wrists free. She only took it as an opportunity to reach down and kiss your knuckles gently. As if she was trying to be chivalrous and sweet.
A final snarky remark was spat into the gag, and this one was louder than the last. A sharp sting spread across your ass as she spanked you. “Watch your fucking mouth.”
Your eyes squeezed shut as she smacked you again, the pain tingling under your skin. It lingered as she adjusted behind you and began to rub her cock through your soaked folds.
The cold silicone made you shiver and whine into the mattress. She eased you into the feeling, but soon enough she was pressing the tip against your entrance. So covered in your slick, the tip pushed into your puffy pussy with more ease than you expected, but soon the stretch became painful.
A sharp cry broke through the gag as she continued to abuse your cunt. Every time you thought all of it was in you, she pushed just one inch more. Finally, the base of her cocker your entrance and you whimpered at the fullness. There was no more you could’ve fit if she tried. Your walls clenched around her and you pushed your hips into her to convince her to move.
Perhaps her teasing was over because she complied, pulling out and rocking back into you. She found a rhythm that you could keep up with, your thighs shaking and tensing as she thrust you again and again.
The tie around your wrists was beginning to strain the muscle in your shoulders and wrists. Your head pressed to the side made your neck crane and cramp as you were pushed harder into your bed. So fucked out, the pain was hardly noticed compared to the coursing, heated pleasure thy she sent through your core, all the way into your lower belly.
You would’ve stayed there forever. The bed creaked with every thrust of her hips, hitting against the wall as she muttered a mix of cruel and sweet saying to you to coax you along.
At some moment, she moved behind you slightly and slowed her pace. Your worries grew and you thought she was denying you your finish again, but she soon began her cruel humping again.
“Here, sweetheart,” she cooed, leaning down so you could see her. In her hand were her two hexes. “Take it.”
You glared up at her, wrists writhing in their tie.
“Come on,” she urged, holding her hand closer to your face so you could really see the money she was going to give you. “You can’t have it unless you take it from me.”
She jerked her hips into you harder, making the strap shove further into your cunt. She had you groaning, face smushed further into your pillow.
Through the bag came a muffled “fuck you”, and she frowned at you pitifully. She shrugged, moving out of your gaze and dropping the coins somewhere on her clothes.
She thrust roughly into you again. “I think you should just give up on this bratty act. I like you a lot more when you’re broken and fucked out underneath me.”
Sure, she was talking to you, but you weren’t listening. One of her hands had snaked down to your front and was rubbing tight circles around your clit. Together, her stimulation and rutting was quickly driving you to your finish.
If you could talk, you would beg. The pleasure was too overwhelming for you to come up with any bite. You needed to cum. You needed her to take you there.
Your peak was approaching fast. and she could tell from the way your hips pushed back into her more sloppily than before. It was a frantic attempt to finish before she could stop you.
“Come on, baby girl, you can cum.”
That was all you needed, her deep voice pushing you over the she as you keened, going limp into the bed as your orgasm shot through you. It came in heated waves that had you crying for her.
She was kind and slowed with your finish. The ribbed sides of the dildo beginning to burn as she slowly pushed in once more time. Then, she pulled out, rubbing the muscle in your shoulder as she sighed.
Her hand slipped up to undo the gag at the back of your head. Your limp body had her pulling the cloth out from under the other side of your head as you spat it out of your mouth.
A thick breath heaved from your lungs as you licked your dry lips. “Give me a break.”
She lifted an eyebrow.
Your nose wrinkled. With the nastiest, most disrespectful tone you could, you spat out a “please”.
She shook her head, smiling to herself. “Okay, baby, I’ll give you a break while I untie you.”
“What if I run?” You hissed. She loosened the tie around your wrists, and you immediately pulled your hands free, rolling your wrists as you pushed yourself up onto shaky arms.
“You couldn’t even if you tried,” she said, helping you roll over onto your back.
You stared up at her, the hair sticking to her forehead, her chest rising with her heavy breaths, and the imprint of a wet spot on her underwear. The sheen on her broad shoulders and biceps was entrancing as you were lost in the sight of her as she leaned down to kiss you softly.
Her hot tongue slipped against yours as you whined against her lips, cradling her face in your hands. She rubbed her palms down your hips, adjusting your legs and spreading your thighs as she brushed the sticky strap against your core again.
A weak sigh slid between your mouths as you braced yourself to take her again. You were sore, but as the dildo rubbed against your clit, you were alight with arousal once more.
She frowned. “I’m sorry, but I’m not done ruining you, sweetheart. I want to see you cry on my cock.”
She sunk deep back into you, having you a heaving mess under her. “Now,” she began. “Do you think you can stay quiet without this?” She held up the gag, looking down at you with an expectant gaze.
You let out a heavy breath. As it fell out of you, you realized she’d won. You were too tired and fucked out to bite back. All you wanted now was for her to take care of you. You’d do anything to keep her here with you.
“Good girl.” She rubbed her thumb across your cheek. “See? You can behave.”
She pulled out just enough to ram back in. Your mind was lost in the heat of her. You were ready to beg if need be. You just couldn’t focus on anything but the feeling of her fucking into you.
Your hands, still sore from the tie, pressed against her collar and chest. Her skin was softer than expected, and slick with her sweat. You reached between your bodies and cupped her soft breast, massaging it gently. She moaned into your skin, rutting into you so the strap stimulated her clit just as much as she pleasured you.
You were so full, her cock so thick as she rubbed the ribbed sides against your abused walls. You wrapped your legs around her, pulling her closer as you ran your hands through her hair.
Her lips met yours in another heated, hungry kiss. She was nearly desperate, spit mixing with yours as she thrust harder and you whined against her mouth. Her teeth nipped at your bottom lip. She rested on one elbow, hand threading through your hair as her metal fingers gripped your thigh to keep you tight against her.
She wasn’t focused on your pleasure, humping against you just so she could feel the strap rub against her clit and get her off. She used you as a fucktoy to reach her climax, being ceaseless in her own pace.
The idea of it made you feel close regardless. The fact that you were her’s and she used you however she wanted had warmth spreading through your core and sparking to your clit.
Your eyes began to sting as tears built at the edges. It was a flood of sensations that had you moaning and crying out as she kissed you again.
“You’re okay, sweet girl. You look so beautiful right now.”
She bit down on your neck so hard you were worried she’d draw blood. Your makeup was running down your face as tears collected in your eyes from the overwhelming pleasure. You tugged at her hair, having her moan against your skin.
You met her hips, trying to persuade her rhythm to please you, but she only pushed your hips down harder. “Stay still, baby, I’m close,” she groaned. Her incessant thrust only hurt, smacking against your cervix as she chased her high.
Another wave of arousal rolled through your body as her chest pressed against yours, her nipples pressed into your skin and breasts. It didn’t take much longer before she became a mess above you, moaning loudly in your ear as she jumped her cock into you quickly to satisfy her finish.
Stray whispers of praise fell from her lips as she continued to thrust into you, wanting to see you cum and you were close. Shivers shot down your spine as she dragged her lips across your jaw, and your orgasm came on suddenly, having you shake and your vision go white. You screamed, nails digging into her shoulder as your pleasure overtook you.
She hushed you, hand rubbing your hip to coax you down from your high. Heavy breath heaved through your chest as you lay there, hot and thoroughly fucked as she helped you come back to her. Your eyes cracked back open, finding her looking down at you gently with a slight crease in her brow.
“You there, doll?”
You smiled, nodding as she rubbed her thumb across your bottom lip. Sharp exhales still shot through you as you relaxed against the bed and in her arms.
She pulled out slowly, easing out as you but your lip from the sensation. You watched as she took the harness off. She came back with a cloth and wiped the insides of your thighs.
“Why can’t you be this nice all the time,” you jested, pushing her shoulder gently with one foot.
She scoffed, laughing lightly. “I could say the same thing to you.”
You made an annoyed sound in your throat, brushing her off as she got back up. The mattress shifted with her weight and you tried your best to sit up and lean back against your pillows. Your wrists ached as you pushed yourself up, and the tendons in your thighs were sore as you closed your legs.
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” you muttered. “How am I supposed to do my job now?”
She shrugged, pulling her pants back on. “That’s not my problem.”
You crossed your arms. “Food is expensive.” You didn’t make enough money that day to buy dinner for yourself yet, and you were starting to get hungry. She tired you out in every sense. Hell, you really needed some water too.
“Okay,” she nodded. “How about I make it up to you? I’ve got a poker game tomorrow night and one of my guys just bailed. There’s an empty spot at the table if you want it.”
Your brow furrowed. Why the hell did she want you there?
“You can eat as much as you want,” she offered.
Your head tilted to the side. Every pro and con ran through your mind and a million questions shot through you, but one came to the surface: “Why me?”
“Because I want someone easy to beat,” she teased, pulling her shirt over her head. She saw your glare and shook her head. “Really, there’s just no one else, and the game won’t be as good with less people. You seem like you could hold your own against the guys I hang out with—much better than the girls down the hall.”
Surely, she had some ultimotives. She probably just wanted to get in your pants again but was trying to be nice enough so you would let her. A night at her poker table would probably be a good time. You gambled with some of the other workers when business was slow and you thought you were pretty good. Besides, being seen with her so publicly would probably keep you safer when walking down the street.
“What time should I be there?”
She was fully dressed, standing at the edge of the bed. If she was happy with you agreeing, she didn’t show it. “About nine.”
“Okay. Fine.”
She nodded, leaning over the bed. “Okay, I have to go now.” She motioned for you to come forward and kissed you slowly when you complied.
She hummed against your lips. “Walk me out?”
She laughed, leaning back and muttering a goodbye as she walked out. You said it back quietly, face slightly contorted in confusion as you tried to figure her out.
After she was gone, you laid there for a while in silence. Your sweat stuck to your skin as you ran your hands over your hair to tame it in the back. You wiped the makeup that was smudged under your eye.
A few minutes later, Zanria poked her head back into your room. You assumed she was just being nosy, but you soon saw she was carrying a tray of something.
“What?” You asked, feeling a bit too tired to be nice.
“She paid for this,” Zanria said, walking up to you in the bed. You sat up more to see the platter full of grapes, cheese, chocolate, and other small foods. There was a small pitcher of water, too.
Of course she did. She seemed to care about you a lot more than she was supposed to, and you weren’t complaining.
You only hoped it wouldn’t get too deep
#arcane#arcane league of legends#fanfic#fanfiction#smut#sevika x y/n#sevika x reader#sevika#sevika arcane#fluff#sevika fanfic
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In The Darkest Corners, 13.
pairing: vi x fem!oc (reader with a name)
warnings: mature themes, just an overall minors beware, violence, just general arcane-ness. this one’s still pretty fucked up, at least for my standards.
word count: 2,957
author’s note: i low key feel sadistic after writing this chapter. but anyways, yes i know my paragraphs are long, no i won’t be changing them 😁 enjoy !!
don’t forget to read the other parts first!!
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
Caitlyn's steps echoed in the damp corridor as she approached the cell where Vi was held captive. The dim light cast long shadows on the walls that seemed to follow her as she walked. As Caitlyn reached for the door, the clink of metal against metal reverberated in the cold air. Her voice pierced the silence as she whispered into it. “Vi? Are you there?” A quiet echo bounced off of the cold, hard walls of the cell, but the resounding silence made her nervous as the seconds passed. After what felt like forever, Vi's voice cut through the silence, sharp and incredulous.
“Caitlyn? What the hell are you doing here?” Vi hissed back, rising out of the darkness of her cell to approach Caitlyn. Her defenses prickled at the memory of what went down in front of the Council. More importantly, what she lost that day.
Caitlyn paused, her hand lingering on the lock. She met Vi's gaze, her expression unreadable. "I'm getting you out.”
Hope flickered in Vi’s chest, but it was quickly dampened by doubt. The skepticism dancing on her face hardened into a scowl. "Why? What's your game, Caitlyn?"
"Look, I know you may not have the best impression of me, but I’m here for Olive. She’s been missing, and I talked to the bartender at The Last Drop. He last saw her with Sevika, until she passed out and Sevika dragged her off. I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything about this?” Caitlyn replied, her tone measured.
Vi's fists clenched, the tension between them escalating. "You think I don’t know? That Silco wouldn’t dangle it in my face like some sort of fucked up little game? You think I haven’t been torturing myself in here, day in and day out, trying to figure out how to get to her?” She stepped forward menacingly as she spoke, until Caitlyn could almost feel her breath on her face. “But now you show up out of nowhere, claiming you want to help? For what, a Piltover PR stunt? Either get me out of here so I can fix this shit, or leave.”
Caitlyn's jaw tightened, and for a moment, the air crackled with unspoken conflict. "I know you don't trust me, Vi. But I need you to trust that I want to help you. To help Olive. Silco's grip on the Undercity is tightening, and we need to stand together against it." She paused, taking a suddenly shaky breath. “And…I, uh….I can’t lose Olive again.”
Vi scoffed and rolled her eyes, suspicion still etched on her features. "Why should I believe you? You've always been on the other side of this mess. You couldn’t even try to find Olive when she spent an entire year alone in the Undercity.”
Caitlyn sighed, the weight of their shared history pressing on her shoulders. "I know I haven't been the most reliable ally in the past. But circumstances have changed. We—"
Vi cut her off bitterly. "Save it. I don't need your explanations. Just get me out of here, and we'll go from there." Caitlyn was silent, caught off guard. Vi studied Caitlyn's face, searching for any hint of deceit. The cell seemed to shrink around them as the seconds ticked away. Finally, Caitlyn nodded, a begrudging acceptance in her eyes. She understood that the fragile alliance forged in the depths of the Undercity might not survive in the harsh light of the world above.
She pulled out some sort of advanced lock picking mechanism, and made quick work of the rickety cell lock. As the lock clicked open, the cell door swung open and Caitlyn stepped back cautiously as Vi quickly exited her cell. The tension lingered, a silent reminder of the delicate balance between trust and betrayal hovering around them. Caitlyn, acutely aware of the strained atmosphere, focused on the task at hand—getting Vi out of Stillwater. The dim light flickered overhead, casting erratic shadows on the walls. They were able to quickly sneak back out of Stillwater, Caitlyn following Vi’s quick, athletic maneuvering.
Once they were a ways away from Stillwater, Caitlyn put a hand on Vi’s arm to stop her. Vi flinched at the touch, like she was tempted to swing, but Caitlyn chose to ignore the movement. “Stop, Vi — where are we even going? How do you know where she is?”
The question made Vi sigh, like it was something obvious that Caitlyn was oblivious to. “I know Silco. I know where he keeps his facilities. I know exactly where he has her. Where he wants me.” Her face was hard as stone.
Caitlyn wasn’t convinced. “So what, we’re just going to walk straight into what is obviously a trap? The two of us? Even if we managed to get in, there’s no way we’d be able to get Olive out. Not without a full rescue team.” Her disbelief was palpable in her voice.

Vi closed her eyes, like she was thinking, and then shook her head. “I don’t care. I’ll figure it out. I won’t wait anymore. I have to find her.” She started walking again, but yet again, Caitlyn grabbed her arm to stop her, more forcefully this time.
“You’d be a fool to do this. Just wait one day, I’ll pull together a team of enforcers and we’ll face Silco and his followers together. Then we’ll have an actual chance.” Her voice was desperate, like she wasn’t just trying to convince Vi, but herself as well. Vi pulled away again.
“You can do that if you want, but I’ve learned my lesson with enforcers, and I’m not risking it again. Especially not with Olive involved.” She spoke with an air of finality that Caitlyn came to accept was not one to be questioned. She sighed.
“Fine. I’ll move as quickly as I can, but in the meantime, just…be safe. Please. For Olive,” Caitlyn replied in a gentler voice, softening in the subject of her childhood friend. Vi nodded, and then turned her back to leap into the Undercity, moving as quickly as she could while keeping her stealth.
This time when Olive awoke, she was alone. She wasn’t sure if she was relieved, or made more anxious by the absence of another person. She sat there in the silence, her back against the freezing wall of her cell, alone with her thoughts and fears. Was she really going to die like this? How soon would it be? Would, at the end of the day, it really be her own father that ended her life? A year ago, she might’ve been grateful to be free from the pain and confusion…but now, she had something to lose. Someone to lose. Even if it was a someone who left her. Alone. In the rain. Someone who she wasn’t even sure she would ever see again, if she did survive this. Before Olive knew it, she could feel tears dripping down her cheeks, and her ears suddenly registered the sobs leaving her throat. Her cries seemed unending, the cold in the air and the burning on her wrists disappearing into her sorrow. After what felt like forever and no time at all, she finally heard footsteps tapping down the corridor towards her, a mocking “tsk, tsk, tsk,” being murmured by the figure as they approached.
“What?” Olive choked out through her sobs. Suddenly, it didn’t feel worth it to save her words anymore. “Here to taunt me more? Make me feel worthless, hopeless, despaired?” She took a shaking breath and continued, “Well, I’m already there. You did your job. What else do you want from me?” The door to her cell clanged open and shut, but Olive still kept her eyes squeezed and trained on the floor. It wasn’t like she could use her hands to wipe her tears while they were changed behind her back, so squeezing the excess liquid out of her eyes was the best she could do. She listened intently as the figure knelt in front of her and grabbed her face in their hands. She wished she didn’t recognize their touch.
“Oh, dear, sweet Olive tree, don’t cry,” her father’s — no, Teeter’s voice made a terrified shiver go down her spine. He wiped her tears for a moment, but she flinched from his touch, now glaring straight into his eyes. Instead of pulling away, his grip on her jaw tightened. His voice turned from a fake sweetness to a true hiss. “Don’t you worry, dear daughter,” he drew out the pet name like a snake, “it’ll all be over soon anyways. We’re just missing one piece of our puzzle.” Olive took a deep breath, and glanced down at his hands before looking back into his eyes. Wordlessly, she reeled back slightly and, as hard as she could, spit straight in his face.
Her screams followed quickly after. “YOU MOTHERFUCKER,” she bellowed, her voice scraping even as she ignored it, “YOU FILTHY MURDERING FUCKING TRAITOR, YOU’RE DEAD. YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD. I WON’T LET YOU DO THIS AGAIN, I WON’T. YOU COWARD,” her voice echoed in the cell and down whatever corridors connected to it. Teeter grimaced and angrily wiped the spit off his face, using that same hand to then cover one of his ears as Olive screamed, the other keeping a tight grip on her face. He suddenly let go of her face and immediately slapped her as hard as he could, making Olive’s eyes blur and tears prick in her eyes. Before she could react, he gripped her face in one hand again, this time so tightly that her cheeks were completely squished together by her mouth.
“How dare you, you little bitch,” he snarled, pulling her close to his face. Even though her cheek was bright red and felt like it was on fire, Olive ignored the pain and returned Teeter’s glare silently. He huffed and dropped her. “Sevika!” He called in a suddenly airy voice, “I think our bitch needs a muzzle.” As Sevika turned from the wall outside of Olive’s cell and strolled in as requested, Olive’s stomach filled with dread. Her heart pounded against her chest, and she scrambled back against the wall, as if she would somehow be able to escape this. Teeter simply watched her and laughed cruelly. Olive’s eyes were wide as saucers while she watched Sevika approach, spinning a metal muffle gag in one finger.
Sevika’s voice broke through the momentarily quiet room. “I’ll take it from here,” she spoke gruffly through a half-smirk, only glancing at Teeter, who nodded and looked to Olive one more time. She continued glaring.
“I’ll see you later then, dear daughter,” he said sinisterly, kicking her once in the abdomen lightly and ignoring her whine. “Can’t wait for our next talk…” He turned and slinked out of the room, leaving Sevika to her own devices with Olive. The taller woman nodded a goodbye and focused her attention to Olive, who was glaring up at her from her position against the wall.
Sevika smirked. “Oh, my little bird, I wish we could do this in different circumstances,” she remarked cruelly, approaching Olive with the so-called ‘muzzle’ in her hand. “How nice would that be, hm?” Her voice was that of a mocking murmur, only fueling Olive’s hatred and dread. Olive bared her teeth in a grimace, holding back the urge to spit again.
“You’re disgusting,” Olive replied in a hate-filled voice. Sevika only laughed. Her laugh made something in Olive snap, and she reeled back and then spit straight into Sevika’s face (or as close as she could get from the floor). Disgusted, Sevika grimaced and then whipped her gaze back to Olive with a newfound anger in her eyes.
“You really want to act like a bitch? Then I’ll treat you like the little bitch that you are,” Sevika barked, roughly grabbing Olive’s jaw in one hand and yanking her up to where Sevika could more easily reach her. Before Olive could recover from the shock and spit a retort, the muzzle was being shoved onto her face. Olive half-choked on the gag as it invaded her face and mouth, making Sevika grin maliciously. With a click, Sevika latched the device on securely and shoved Olive back down to the floor, still gagging a bit on the new sensation and desperately trying to force her body to breathe out of her nose. Once she could breathe, she sent a hateful glare towards Sevika, who sighed and leaned down a bit. Her large body approaching Olive’s made the smaller flinch away, as if she would be able to get away. As if. Sevika rolled her eyes.
“You know, little bird, I would be a lot nicer if you made it easier,” Sevika said to her with a sigh, catching Olive’s chin with one finger as she tried to turn away and lifting Olive’s gaze to hers. “So pretty…” she murmured, “we’d have so much fun, you and I.” Olive could do nothing but glare in response. Sevika sighed again and removed her finger. “It’s too bad that you’re too much of a prissy bitch to take an opportunity when you get one,” she grunted and took out a cigar, lighting it and placing it between her lips to take a long drag before speaking again. “You could’ve had it good down here. But instead, you chose someone who won’t even attempt to help you. How sad.” Olive’s glare became fiery, and she lurched out towards Sevika, as if she could do anything. The chain holding her hands wasn’t even long enough for her to stand up, much less reach Sevika, and Olive was yanked back down by the chain as vigorously as she tried to get up. Unsurprisingly, Sevika laughed and cooed mockingly. “Aww, want to fight back, do we?” her voice hushed suddenly, “You’re ours now, little bird. And there’s no fighting back.” With that, she turned around and left the room, leaving Olive to moan in pain at the new restriction on her face.
The night wrapped Silco's stronghold in a shroud of darkness, broken only by sporadic lanterns casting long, eerie shadows. Vi moved with calculated determination towards the looming warehouse that covered Silco’s underground hold, her steps muffled by her strategic movements as she approached. Ideally, she would slip past the guards and into the stronghold unnoticed, but when it came to Vi, this wasn’t a very realistic option. Instead, she left a trail of unconscious guards behind her, bodies hidden by random objects or pushed behind barriers and into shadowy corners. Soon enough, she was within the twisted corridors of Silco’s headquarters. The echoes of distant conversations and clinking metal reverberated as Vi navigated the labyrinthine passages, her keen eyes searching for any sign of Olive. The information she had extracted from Caitlyn and Grint had led her here, to Silco's inner sanctum, where he practiced the majority and most important of his operations, as well as kept his long-term prisoners. Her heart pounded in her chest as she descended lower and lower into the hold, eventually approaching a heavily guarded door. With practiced finesse, Vi disabled the guards without a sound, their unconscious bodies now silent witnesses to her intrusion. The door, fortified and imposing, seemed to defy her entry. Vi gritted her teeth, muscles flexing as she used all her strength to pry it open. The hinges groaned in protest, but the door finally yielded. The corridor beyond was dimly lit, revealing rows of cells like crypts in the Undercity's secret catacomb. The air hung heavy with the scent of dampness and despair. Vi scanned the cells as she advanced through the corridor, her eyes searching for a familiar face. Eventually, she spotted a battered form huddled on the ground on the floor of the farthest cell, quiet pained breaths leaving the person’s body. Vi rushed to the cell, hands coming up to the bars as she looked in. Instantly, her heart sank as she recognized that the form was in fact a shivering Olive, seemingly unconscious on the floor of her cell.
"Olive!" Vi whispered urgently, her voice barely audible above the oppressive silence. Olive’s body didn’t move. Vi shoved the door open, nearly ripping it off its hinges, ignoring the fact that it was suspiciously unlocked as she rushed to Olive. She gently took Olive’s face in her calloused and wrapped hands, inspecting her as she whispered pleas for her to get up. “Olive, Olive please…wake up, Olive, please…it’s me, its Vi,” she begged, her voice breaking as she spoke and a breath of relief leaving her chest when Olive’s eyes blinked open.
But instead of looking relieved, Olive’s eyes widened and she immediately squirmed to try to escape Vi’s grasp, her instincts surging with panic even though she had yet to realize who had awoken her. Vi gently grabbed one of her arms and rubbed, continuing to identify herself until Olive finally seemed to hear her and paused, wide eyes meeting Vi’s. At first, she looked shocked, then relieved, and tears welled in her eyes as Vi pulled her into her grasp and held her for a moment. Vi then pulled away, moving to release her from her binds, but Olive’s eyes grew wide again, and she started to scream from behind her mask, muffled sounds being all that came out as she stared at something behind Vi and desperately tried to free herself again. Confused, Vi’s ears finally picked up on footsteps approaching from behind, not having heard them before as she focused on Olive. But by the time she realized this, it was too late, and something heavy hit her on the head before she could even turn around, the world going dark.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
tags!!: (lmk if you want to be added!)
@forestnymph666 @sevviesbabe
#in the darkest corners#vi#arcane#arcane fandom#arcane fanfiction#vi arcane#vi fanfic#vi fanfiction#vi x oc#vi x reader#matchamilkislover#matchamilkis#arcane vi#arcane x oc#arcane fanfic#arcane x reader#arcane piltover#piltover and zaun#wlw#lesbian
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hey holly, hope you're okay! this is not a request or anything but could you think about writing something about eivor x chubby!reader? honestly as a chubby girl i read eivor x reader and find it so hard like someone like her could find me attractive. its really personal, but i haven't seen any kind of posts like this, eivor, kassandra, soma, sevika, its a very specific thing about being insecure and how they would react or try to help. sorry to bother if anything, thank you for attention, english is not my first language also.
Right, I'm sorry to hear about your struggle with body image, because nobody deserves to experience that. But this is categorically a request, regardless if you preface it with "this is not a request", and you even acknowledge it's personal. You have given me a specific scenario, a muse to write for and a protective characteristic of the 'reader' - in every sense of the word, this is a request, and your English is far too eloquent for me to believe you don't understand that.
I'm gonna handle this with sensitivity because you are evidently requesting this from a place of struggle. There are so many blogs active on the Eivor reader-insert tags (or any AC lady, really. If someone writes for one, they likely write for others) who do accept requests. Take some time to seek them out - I'm sure if their requests are open, they will pander to what you want.
I will never write something with protective characteristics in mind that isn't sapphism/femininity. I want my writing to be accessible to anyone who wants to read it after seeing the [character] x Fem!Reader title. And while that in itself is impossible, because I cannot factor in everything and have to write within the realm of probability, the bare minimum for what I want to achieve here is keeping things body-type and racially ambiguous. Because if you start adding a list of pre-determined physical attributes, it stops being a reader insert - it becomes an OC insert with false titling.
As someone who used to have weight-related self esteem issues, I know what you're going through. There is nothing ugly about chub, or stretch marks, or cellulite, and I hope you reach a place where you can see that, and start viewing yourself in a more appreciative light. I wish you the best in that.
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PREVIOUSLY CALLED jane-todd-maximoff
what i write for Arcane/league of legends Dc X-men the witcher (books/game/Netflix/movie),ghost, jackass/CKY, HIM.
my inbox is open for a request until i say it is not i write for any character from that fandom.
AO3 link
📖 = x Reader
✉ = Headcanons
📕 = ships
📜 = no x reader
updated 11/1/24
London after midnight - CKY CRUE X reader 📖
My kinda lover - Johnny Knoxville x FEM reader 📖
Keep god out of California! And keep the devil inside of you. - Chris Pontius x reader smut 📖
CKY boys helping you dyeing your hair head cannons 📖 ✉
Meet the parents - joe frantz x reader (WIP) HC 📖 ✉
Loving machine - Brandon DiCamillo x reader (WIP) 📖
Dream about me - joe Frantz x reader (WIP) 📖
DAY SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY SIX - Ville Valo x reader📖
ANGEL OF DEATH - ville valo x reader 📖
All The things I love about You - Ville Valo x Fem reader (WIP) 📖
Primo emeritus digital art
Random Copia sketch
We All Break - Ghost Primo and Terzo 📜
Afternoon naps - 📖 CARDINAL COPIA / READER 📖
Rest -Primo emeritus x sibling of sin 📖
Arcane/league of legends
Meeting jinx for the first time ✉
Nightmares with Viktor ✉
melvik ✉ 📕📜
Viktor with a fem s/o with PCOS ✉
Sevika with a childish s/o ✉
we had everything 📖 SILCO
Understand 📖 SILCO
corpse bride 📖 SILCO
Awaken 📖 VIKTOR
The sweater thief 📖 VIKTOR
All for us 📖 VIKTOR
Jayce tails with a s/o with long nails ✉
Miss you 📖 VI
Home 📖 SILCO
The image of the dead 📖 JINX
Till the very end 📖 JINX
Silco x reader headcanons ✉
Silco x mage ✉
The witcher
The squad ✉ JASKIER + GERALT Netflix
Drinking song for the socially anxious 📕 📜 GERASKIER Netflix+game
When things go wrong 📖 GERALT/READER Netflix
light to guide you 📖 GERALT/READER game
Stay 📖 ESKEL/READER game
Dating robin!Jason ✉
Being in a relationship with Jason ✉
Being a assassin and dating Jason Todd ✉
Jason Todd head-canons ✉ 📜
What if Jason Todd and peter maximoff are the same person ✉ 📜
Being a titan with Gar Logan ✉
Random headcanons TIM DRAKE ✉ 📜
Spill my guts Jason Todd (WIP) 📜
Being peter Maximoff's twin ✉
peter Maximoff headcanons ✉
What if Jason Todd and peter maximoff are the same person ✉
Ahs asylum xmen crossover sort of more thoughts on this ✉
Peter+blankets ✉
Peter maximoff where's black nail polish ✉
peter smokes ✉
Original characters
After dark Silco x oc master-list
#xmen fanfiction#arcane headcanon#masterlist#jason todd headcanon#xmen headcanon#arcane imagines#arcane head canon#jane-todd-maximoff#Ghost bc#jackass#cky#him
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request guidelines.
it's probably overdue, right?
who do i write for?
arcane | jinx, vi, caitlyn, viktor, sevika, ekko. attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin | armin, mikasa, annie, jean, hange, levi
my favorite characters to write for?
arcane | jinx, vi attack on titan/shingeki no kyojin | armin, annie, hange
what do i not write?
x female readers [ i only do neutral and male readers. i tag neutral readers with 'x fem reader' because it's neutral, and therefore inclusive to everyone ] smut/anything overly sexual [ what 'overly sexual' means can vary by request. if your request is slightly sexual, i'll work with you to make your request appropriate ] illegal age gaps incest oc oneshots character x character headshots
what do i write?
x neutral readers, x male readers limes fluff angst yandere any au that follows the rules here reader x character romantic platonic headcanons
how to request?
just shoot me an ask/suggestion :> if it doesn't follow the guidelines in one way but is still workable, i'm glad to work with you to make it happen. thank you for requesting if you do, it really means a lot.
#arcane netflix#arcane#arcane x gn reader#arcane x y/n#arcane x reader#arcane x you#aot anime#aot x reader#aot x gender neutral reader#shingeki no kyojin#attack on titan
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❛ ⭞ ﹏ 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐆 ຳ 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑒 ♡̷̸ 𝖺𝗌 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝖿𝖺𝗇𝖿𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 ៸៸ !⠀ִֶָ── 𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖋𝖊𝖒 𝖔𝖈 𝖝 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖐𝖆. ᝢ
─── ・ 。 ☆ : 𝑺 𝑰 𝑵 𝑶 𝑷 𝑺 𝑬 𖡻
Dyaenreth Lutrea é uma feiticeira que estava morando em Piltover já há um bom tempo, mas desde o momento em que a mulher assistiu horrorizada a ação dos defensores do lugar, vendo-os atirar no seu próprio povo a queima roupa, muitas vezes agredindo os denominados filhos de Zaun, a feiticeira fez uma escolha: Dya não iria ficar assistindo os outros morrerem sem mais nem menos, muitos menos estar do lado de um país que se dizia progressista, mas que atacava seu próprio povo sem mais nem menos.
Lutrea deixou Piltover em busca de não apenas ajudar os zaunitas, como também viver entre eles, aprendendo sobre suas lutas, e escolhendo por livre e espontânea vontade estar entre eles. Dyaenreth só não esperava acabar no bar Última Gota, trabalhando para o cão do submundo, e de brinde ficar próxima não apenas do homem e de suas crianças, como de uma lutadora que também participou da revolta, a conhecida Scary Lady.
[ Vander x Female OC x Sevika | Trisal - Poliamor | Estranhos para Amantes | Romance Lento | Durante o Ato 1 (1TP) de Arcane ]
゛𝟬𝟬𝟬 ◛ ˊ 0.595 palavras 𖡻
゛𝟬𝟬𝟭 ◛ ˊ 1.310 palavras 𖡻
゛𝟬𝟬𝟮 ◛ ˊ 1.450 palavras 𖡻
゛𝟬𝟬𝟯 ◛ ˊ 1.455 palavras 𖡻
゛𝟬𝟬𝟰 ◛ ˊ 2.645 palavras 𖡻
゛𝟬𝟬𝟱 ◛ ˊ 1.900 palavras 𖡻
゛𝟬𝟬𝟲 ◛ ˊ em andamento 𖡻
゛𝟬𝟬𝟳 ◛ ˊ
゛𝟬𝟬𝟴 ◛ ˊ
゛𝟬𝟬𝟵 ◛ ˊ
゛𝟬𝟭𝟬 ◛ ˊ
• Wattpad;
• Spirit Fanfics;
#fanfiction#fanfic#social spirit#wattpad link#wattpad#arcane fanfic#arcane lol#arcane league of legends#arcane netflix#vander arcane#league of legends#arcane oc#trisal#polyamourous#fanfics#edit#arcane vander#sevika arcane#sevika my beloved#sevika x fem oc#sevika x female oc#arcane sevika#sevika x oc#sevika#sevika x fem oc x vander#vander x oc#fem oc#female oc#sevika x oc x vander#goldwing
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▌𝗦𝗛𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗦 ˖࣪ ♡ ˓ 𝟬𝟬𝟰 ꜜ ❁ 𝖺𝗌 𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝖿𝖺𝗇𝖿𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇┆. 𝑸𝑼𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑶 𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑰𝑻𝑼𝑳𝑶 ◗ ₊˚ 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖐𝖆 𝖝 𝖋𝖊𝖒𝖆𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖈 ⋆ ❜
❪ ៸៸ ✬ ❫. ━━ 𝗖𝗔𝗣𝗜𝗧𝗨𝗟𝗢 𝗤𝗨𝗔𝗧𝗥𝗢・𝑢𝑚 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑙 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑚𝑎 𖠵៸៸ !⠀ִֶָ
𝐍𝐎 𝐒𝐄𝐆𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐎 𝐄𝐌 𝐐𝐔𝐄 𝐉𝐈𝐍𝐗 𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐌 no escritório de Silco, elas imediatamente souberem que o homem não estava contente.
Além da expressão desgostosa em suas linhas cicatrizadas, a postura do mesmo se encontrava diferente dos outros dias em que ambas tiveram o desprazer de chegar em conjunto no escritório do Olho de Zaun; sua coluna ainda se encontrava curvada como o cotidiano, no entanto, aparentava estar tensa, irritada, não mostrando um único traço do preguiçoso ou exausto de sempre.
Era algo pequeno para o industrialista, talvez até imperceptível para os mais alheios a sua figura corporal, porém algo grande para aqueles que teriam o azar de lidar com o mesmo naquele dia.
Mesmo notando tal fato, isso não diminuiu o humor ingênuo, mas um pouco leigo, de Jinx, e tão pouco o mau humor de Sevika, principalmente pelo longo dia que a mulher havia tido.
Trabalhar com Jinx realmente levava o melhor dela. Ou o que poderia ser chamado de melhor, se fosse levar em conta que a morena parecia sempre se encontrar rabugenta, assim como seu chefe.
━━ Por que demoraram tanto? ━━ Silco indagou após uns segundos de silêncio, ainda com os olhos na prancheta em suas mãos, entretanto, claramente dando a atenção desejada as duas mulheres agora em seu escritório.
Isso pareceu ser o suficiente para Jinx se soltar; a adolescente de cabelos azuis sorriu abertamente no segundo seguinte, deixando sua metralhadora no chão com um baque alto, sem qualquer preocupação em sua ação, e se movendo rapidamente para perto do homem que via como sua própria figura paterna.
Sevika resmungou ao olhá-la, optando por deixá-la falar primeiro. A mais alta simplesmente se moveu até o sofá vermelho encostado na parede, sentando-se no mesmo sem preocupação, apreciando da sua maciez, e já se preparando para o possível sermão de seu superior, desejando em silêncio para que aquilo acabasse logo.
━━ Tivemos um problema no meio do caminho! ━━ a mais nova afirmou, chegando mais perto da mesa ao ponto de encostar ambas as palmas das mãos abertas na mesma, em seguida se debruçando sobre alguns papéis espalhados sobre a madeira, sabendo que os mesmos já haviam sido devidamente revisados.
━━ Qual problema? ━━ Silco nem sequer desviou o olhar de seus papéis ao perguntar, contudo, sua voz pareceu alguns terços mais suave ao se dirigir à azulada.
━━ Bom, depende de qual horário estamos falando.
Tais palavras confundiram o homem ao ponto de suas sobrancelhas se moverem minimamente. Uma ação pequena, e possivelmente invisível para qualquer outra pessoa, no entanto, isso foi o suficiente para Jinx ter certeza de que ele estava prestando atenção em suas palavras, e poderia continuar a divagar, dessa vez não segurando sua língua ao fazê-lo:
━━ Os Fogolumes apareceram quando estávamos fazendo a entrega especial que você pediu. Eu derrubei a maioria, obviamente! E eu estava prestes a pegar o líder daquele grupo, para dar um recado para ele passar pro líder, mas a ogra se recusou a colocar o carregamento em risco. Nós discutimos, trocamos uns tapas, eu dei uma surra nela como sempre, e então a entrega acabou. Mas no caminho apareceram uns caras querendo encurralar a gente já que estávamos sozinhas, que idiotas, né? ━━ Jinx riu abertamente com o final, parando sua divagação por alguns segundos. Esse tempo foi o suficiente para que Silco erguesse seu olhar, focando-o em Sevika, claramente dando-lhe uma ordem silenciosa para que ela contasse a mesma história que Jinx depois, porém obviamente com mais detalhes.
Isso não agradou a mais alta, todavia, antes que a ela tivesse a chance de demonstrar sua insatisfação (já que Sevika não tinha escolha em recusar tal ordem silenciosa), nenhum pouco contente em ter de esperar a azulada terminar de contar a história para ela o fazê-lo de novo assim que Jinx saísse, a mais nova voltou a disparar palavras:
━━ Demos uma surra naqueles idiotas! Bem feito, né? Enfim, nós pegamos o dinheiro deles, mas acabamos discutindo no meio do caminho pra cá, e eu quis descontar o tédio na ogra, já que não pude fazer naqueles idiotas. Foi uma luta bem chata, apesar de divertida. A Sevika ficou correndo, fazendo manobras, só fugiu de mim na maior parte do tempo, e eu não gostei!
Isso também rendeu outro olhar de Silco a mais alta, porém, desta vez, havia definitivamente um olhar satisfeito em seus olhos. Era mínimo, mas o suficiente para a mulher com um braço mecânico entender que ela havia feito o certo ao não tocar na de cabelos trançados.
Mesmo com tal olhar, Sevika não ficou exatamente feliz com isso, não gostando nenhum pouco de ter ficado apenas na defensiva ao 'lutar' com a azulada. A mulher de cabelos curtos apenas anotou em sua mente para continuar não tocando na de cabelos longos caso houvesse discussões/lutas no futuro, por mais irritante e causadora de problemas que a adolescente seja.
━━ A gente acabou parando em um bairro estranho, e demos de cara com uma mulher bem bonita, mas ela era uma péssima mágica, ela-
━━ Mágica? ━━ Silco perguntou, se confundindo profundamente ao ouvir essa palavra. Não por não saber o seu significado, porém sim por não ouvi-la há um bom tempo.
Não havia seres capazes de manipular magia em Zaun, tirando um ou outro Vastaya isolado, em busca de um lugar temporário para viver.
Jinx juntou as sobrancelhas com a pergunta, se confundindo por alguns segundos, contudo, rapidamente se recuperou, e levantou o tronco, dando um breve pulinho ao fazê-lo, principalmente graças à velocidade que havia levantado.
━━ Sim! Uma mágica! Ela até sabia sobre os meus parafusos soltos!
Os olhos de Sevika rolaram automaticamente ao ouvir as divagações da mais nova, já totalmente ciente de que a garota havia viajado por completo no meio da história. E, sem paciência alguma para ouvi-la divagar sobre informações equivocadas, corrigiu-a:
━━ Ela não era uma mágica, era uma forasteira.
Silco desviou a atenção da filha para a sua segundo em comando, agora mais do que confuso com suas palavras.
Pela primeira vez em muito tempo, o homem não estava entendendo um terço do que as duas estavam falando.
Ainda sim, ele iria entender, mesmo que precisasse fazer um longo interrogatório para tal feito.
━━ Uma forasteira? ━━ repetiu sem necessidade, ganhando um breve aceno de queixo da mais alta, tão breve quanto mal humorado. ━━ De Piltover?
━━ Não, aquela mulher não tinha pinta de ser de Piltover. ━━ Sevika moveu o queixo para os lados enquanto pronunciava tais palavras no começo, deixando óbvio que não havia chance alguma de tal coisa. ━━ Nem o sotaque era parecido. Parecia algo distante, velho, eu nunca ouvi nada parecido em toda a minha vida.
O silêncio predominou por alguns segundos, o suficiente para que o Olho de Zaun deixasse sua prancheta de lado, e apoiasse as costas em sua cadeira, ponderando as informações que ouviu com paciência. Não demorou muito até que a voz rouca do industrial voltasse a questionar:
━━ Parecia perigosa? Ela será um problema?
A mulher com um braço mecânico se calou por alguns segundos, parecendo ponderar suas próximas palavras com cuidado, mas Silco sabia melhor: Sevika não estava pensando no que dizer, e sim relembrando todos os eventos das últimas horas, principalmente para ter certeza de suas informações.
━━ Eu não tenho certeza. Não fiquei muito tempo ao lado dela para descobrir se poderia fazer algo. ━━ Isso não agradou o homem, contudo, também não o deixou irritado, apenas… com uma pulga atrás da orelha com o novo empecilho descoberto. ━━ Mas ela parecia bem relaxada o tempo todo, mesmo quando eu a intimidei com o meu braço. Aquela mulher não sente medo com facilidade, nem com frequência, isso ficou óbvio.
O Olho de Zaun escutou com atenção seu segundo em comando, ponderando dentro de si se valeria, ou não, a pena perder seu tempo com tal indivíduo. Silco não gostaria de perder um tempo valioso com um rato qualquer da subferia, porém também não poderia ficar sem fazer absolutamente nada, visto que tal pessoa não sentia medo de seu melhor soldado.
Jinx desviou o olhar entre os dois algumas vezes, se sentindo estranhamente excluída na conversa, não gostando nenhum pouco de tal sentimento. A mais nova não queria que toda a atenção de Silco estivesse em Sevika, já bastava ela ser a segunda em comando. Também não iria tirar dela sua ótima história!
A adolescente com longos cabelos trançados ficou em silêncio por algum tempo, absorvendo todas as palavras que ouviu, e pensando em algo para dizer. Notando que não havia muita coisa que ela tinha conhecimento, Jinx disse a primeira coisa que veio até sua cabeça:
━━ Eu me lembro onde ela mora, posso levar você até lá, pode conhecê-la! ━━ A azulada afirmou, parecendo agitada como nas vezes em que comia muito açúcar escondido.
Tal euforia não passou despercebida pelos mais velhos, como se a garota fosse um livro aberto para eles lerem até de olhos fechados, se desejassem. Sevika sendo a primeira a notar a insegurança em suas palavras, uma que a mulher de cabelos escuros achava patética na adolescente.
Jinx era um dos maiores problemas da companhia, mesmo sendo tão nova em vista dos outros empregados, e definitivamente uma bomba relógio com data de validade.
Uma que Sevika odiava estar perto, fossem por algumas horas, ou alguns simples minutos.
Silco, ao contrário da mulher com um braço mecânico, absorveu as palavras da filha, ponderando em silêncio se aceitava tal oferta feita pela mais nova; por mais ocupado que o homem se encontrava naquele dia (em todos, na verdade), desejava se livrar o mais rápido possível de tal pessoa. Não matando como costumava fazer com alguns inimigos que o desafiavam abertamente muitas vezes, apenas para ter certeza de que tal mulher não fosse uma carta solta em seu jogo, não querendo deixar nada passar em branco naquele dia.
Primeiro o grupo tentando encurralar sua filha e o seu soldado, depois uma mulher que não tinha medo de seu segundo em comando?
Não poderia ser uma simples coincidência, ou poderia? O Olho de Zaun não esperava ter as respostas jogadas em sua mesa como corpos sem vida, e sim mandar alguém ir atrás das mesmas.
Erguendo minimamente seu queixo, focando o olhar na de cabelos longos ━━ que se encontrava atualmente mexendo em suas tranças de forma completamente despreocupada ━━, Silco a chamou, e a adolescente desviou o olhar de suas madeixas coloridas no mesmo instante, parecendo eufórica ao ouvir seu nome ser chamado, quase ansiosa com algo tão simples. Ela queria saber sua resposta, era claro como o céu de Piltover.
Silco controlou um sorriso que quis escorregar por seus lábios sempre ressecados, e a deu sua tão esperada resposta.
━━ Você tem coisas mais importantes para fazer do que servir como um guia turístico, Jinx. ━━ Isso foi o suficiente para que a mais nova estalasse a língua no céu de sua boca, mostrando seus dentes brancos com certa agressividade, igualmente apertando as pálpebras na direção de sua figura paterna, de forma alguma feliz com as palavras alheias.
Tal ação poderia ter feito o homem rir em outra situação, se não fosse uma outra presença na sala. Por conta disso, o industrialista apenas mostrou uma linguagem corporal tediosa, como se a mais nova fosse uma criança irritada no meio de seu escritório. E, ao desviar o olhar para seus papéis espalhados em sua mesa já devidamente revisados, afirmou novamente:
━━ Mas, se quer tanto voltar lá, leve Sevika com você. Lock pode limpar a bagunça hoje, de qualquer maneira.
A mais alta instantaneamente girou o pescoço, de uma forma que poderia quebrá-lo se ultrapasse uma linha invisível, focando suas íris escuras e expressão raivosa em seu chefe, demonstrando abertamente o quanto ouvir tais palavras (embora as mesmas estivessem mais para uma ordem) não a deixaram de maneira alguma contente.
Porra, se Sevika tivesse escolha, estaria saindo pela porta do escritório sem mais nem menos no próximo segundo. Para a sua falta de sorte, ela não possuía tal privilégio.
Silco sentiu tal olhar raivoso, no entanto, como já era esperado, o ignorou com facilidade, voltando a rolar os olhos na prancheta de minutos atrás, apenas completando sua ordem com mais algumas palavras:
━━ E não se esqueçam de fazerem um relatório sobre tal visita. Vocês já sabem o que precisam fazer.
Como sempre eu sumindo, evaporando, esquecendo que tenho fanfiction (long) postada no tumblr e só lembrando no outro ano (eu sou péssima com piadas, peço perdão a todos)... mas, como já diz o ditado: antes tarde do que nunca!!
Sério, se fosse pra começar a dizer o quanto eu amei escrever esse capítulo, ficaria aqui até amanhã falando! Não tenho certeza se todos irão gostar como eu, mas ele foi um dos mais divertidos de se trabalhar! (Juro, pra mim, esses três tem uma atmosfera muito divertida de se escrever).
Enfim, não tenho muito o que dizer sobre esse capítulo, mas se não me falha a memória, ele foi betado/revisado/corrigido por uma amiga minha. Agradeçam ela que nao tem muito erros!!! Sou uma vergonha para a língua portuguesa--
𝟬𝟬𝟬 ◛ ˊ 2.110 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
𝟬𝟬𝟭 ◛ ˊ 1.930 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
𝟬𝟬𝟮 ◛ ˊ 2.070 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
𝟬𝟬𝟯 ◛ ˊ 2.040 palavras 𖡻 leia aqui!
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𝟬𝟭𝟬 ◛ ˊ 4.095 palavras 𖡻
#jusstya#fanfiction#fanfic#shameless#sevika arcane#sevika my beloved#sevika#sevika fanfic#sevika x fem oc#sevika x female oc#sevika x oc#arcane oc#arcane sevika#lol arcane#arcane fanfic#arcane league of legends#arcane netflix#arcane silco#silco#silco arcane#silco league of legends#silco lol#jinx league of legends#jinx lol#arcane jinx#jinx arcane#sevika x reader#oc female#female oc#fem oc
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#arcane#arcane sevika#league of legends#sevika x oc#sevika imagine#sevika x fem#arcane fandom#sevika fanart#sevika arcane#sevika
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#sevika#arcane#league of legends#sevika x fem#sevika arcane#sevika x oc#arcane sevika#sevika imagine#sevika fanart#arcane fandom#sevikafanart#arcane league of legends
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#jusstya#ully victoria#edit#fanfiction#fanfic#fanfics#vander arcane#arcane vander#vander x oc#vander x fem oc#oc: dyaenreth lutrea#goldwing#sevika x female oc#fem oc#oc female#female oc#sevika arcane#sevika my beloved#arcane sevika#sevika#sevika x oc#sevika x fem oc#fanfic edit#couple aesthetic#aesthetic couple#aesthetic#red aesthetic#witch aesthetic
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In The Darkest Corners, 4.
pairing: vi x fem!oc (reader with a name basically)
warnings: mature themes, just an overall minors beware, violence, just general arcane-ness.
word count: 1,525
synopsis: finally leaving the brothel, olive is hopeful vi found a lead. unfortunately, it’s not exactly the lead she was looking for - but it’s exactly the lead vi wanted to find.
authors note: there will be more explicit violence in this chapter because…reasons. vi being the main reason. anyways, hopefully i’ll get chapters 5-11 uploaded shortly after this one.
don’t forget to read parts 1, 2, and 3 first!!
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Olive awkwardly bid the woman in the fox mask goodbye and followed Vi through the doorway. The conversation wasn't half bad — but she knew what the woman would expect had she stayed much longer. She released an audible sigh as they exited the brothel and the smoke changed to a smog.
"So you're no stranger to Babette, huh?" Vi asked teasingly.
"That's none of your business," Olive responded with a scratch in her throat, like just the thought was upsetting her.
"Whoa, my bad, didn't mean to hit a sore spot." Vi lifted the hands in her jacket pocket as an informal defensive stance.
"So where are we going now, anyway? Did...Babette have any information?" Olive asked, desperate to change the subject.
"We aren't going anywhere. I'm following the lead Babette gave me, but it's better I do it alone. I'll find you later."
"I'm sorry, what? If you've got a serious lead, I'm coming with!" Olive exclaimed, her face knotted with offense and surprise.
"No, you aren't." Vi's eyes hardened as she stopped and stared Olive down, like she was committing some crime by wanting to be involved in her own investigation. "This is something I need to do myself. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you don't seem like much of a fighter, and I don't want to deal with being in charge of someone else's life right now." Her voice was firm. Olive knew she wouldn't bend.
"Fine." Olive crossed her arms. "As long as you don't get yourself killed before we figure this shit out."
Vi winked. "Wouldn't dream of it."
Olive grumbled to herself as she trudged to her shamble of an apartment, cursing herself for not trying harder to stick up to Vi. Not much of a fighter my ass, she thought. She hasn't even seen me fight! She sighed, knowing it was no use to argue about it with herself. She'd just have to wait and hope that Vi kept her word about finding her. Unless...
Once inside her apartment, she headed straight for the pack she'd been living in since she first left her old home with it. Deep at the bottom, where she hoped she would never have to reach, her hand curled around a metal object. Pulling it out, Olive took a long look at the pistol that once felt warm in her hands. She always resented the shooting lessons and tournaments that her parents forced her into, but now that she actually had a use for her unforgotten skills, she started to understand just a little bit why they enforced it so much. She gripped the weapon tighter in her hand, then checked that it was still loaded like she remembered before standing up and walking grimly out of her apartment.
Olive scaled the walls of the tallest building near her and began to travel along the raised pathways, jumping over gaps and scaling more stories as she needed to. While this wasn't her favorite form of travel, it would be the best way of spotting whatever Vi was getting herself into. She suddenly stopped when she heard Vi's voice.
"Filthy traitor!"
Olive got down low and peeked over the ledge she was on. What she saw was Vi slamming another person's face into a wall. Ouch. Upon taking a closer look, Olive gasped when she recognized Vi's opponent. Sevika? Olive herself had always stayed as far away as possible — that bitch was scary as hell. But she was also giant, with a metal shimmer-powered arm. The fact that Vi was holding her own against her, and actually kicking her around, was impressive.
And hot.
Olive followed the fight as it moved, watching as they slammed each other through walls and made hit after hit. When Vi launched Sevika through a wall into another alleyway, Olive cursed and quickly leaped across another roof and rushed onto a raised walkway to keep track of the fight. She watched as Vi grasped Sevika's throat and held her down with her boot, growling something to her that Olive couldn't pick up. When Sevika replied, she watched as Vi's face slipped into shock and her guard started to come down.
That was when Sevika stabbed her through the abdomen.
Olive gasped in shock, and after a moment she came back to herself and started fumbling to get her pistol out, cursing her stupid fingers. She felt helpless as she watched Sevika kick Vi down from where she was already crawling on the ground and then walk around to pull her up by her chin. Then Sevika raised her arm, about to recharge. Olive knew instantly that she was aiming to kill. Without a second thought, she pointed her pistol at the vial of shimmer that was about to recharge Sevika's arm, and shot. The vial burst open, shocking the great brute long enough to give Olive the chance to keep shooting. She aimed for her now failing arm again and again, but her target quickly jumped back into action, growling at Olive when she spotted her before dodging her shots and running off.
Olive instantly leapt down to the alley Sevika had left Vi in, calling out her name desperately as she rushed towards her. She shoved the pistol back into her holster and knelt down to check that Vi was conscious, or at least alive. To her relief (and surprise) Vi looked at her with a weak smile and held a hand towards Olive.
"You gonna help me up or not, cupcake?"
Olive sighed and pulled Vi up with both arms after holstering her pistol, laying Vi's arm along her shoulders so that she could hold most of Vi's weight while she still walked.
"Stop calling me that, my name is Olive," she said in a tone of half-assed annoyance.
"But you're so sweet, like a cupcake," Vi replied with a smile in her voice.
Olive rolled her eyes but kept helping her along down the alleyway in the opposite direction of where Sevika had gone. A shiver suddenly ran down her spine when she heard shouting and running in their direction.
"Shit," she hissed under her breath, about to hoist Vi more onto her figure so that they could speed up.
"Start running," Vi said, suddenly quickening her own steps with a painful groan. Olive did as she was told and started rushing down alleyways, taking whatever turns and detours Vi instructed her to. They slowed to a stop in front of a ledge that housed levels of scaffolding below it.
"Are you sure you can do this in your-" Olive was cut off by Vi leaping down on her own, and Olive rushed to look what she was doing just in time to watch her slam herself onto a horizontal pole, but keep launching herself down.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Olive cursed in hushed tones before following her lead. She did her best to avoid throwing herself around like Vi had done, but this wasn't exactly an easily navigable path. She dropped herself next to Vi and put her arm out to stop her before she started trying to move again.
"My apartment is just down the next alley, we can go there," She gasped, still trying to catch her breath. Vi nodded and, surprisingly, let Olive continue helping her as they made their way to her apartment.
They struggled up the steps, but soon enough Olive was kicking open the door with her free leg and led Vi to the mat that she used as a bed. The latter groaned and let her head fall against the wall as she shifted her hand that was covering her wound.
"Let me see," Olive said gently, reaching to move Vi's hand and then her shirt that was blocking her full view of the wound. She winced, seeing just how wide and deep Vi's wound really was.
"You're not a bad shot, Cupcake," Vi groaned, trying to lighten the mood.
"I'm a great shot," Olive retorted with a sigh, moving to search for whatever first aid supplies she could make out of her few belongings. She found a clean cloth and some alcohol, and turned back to Vi to clean her up.
"This is going to sting," she warned before pouring a bit of the alcohol on the wound and quickly covering it with the cloth to soak everything up. Vi groaned and hissed in pain.
"You're not even gonna give me some of that stuff before you start pouring it on me?" She asked with a grimace. Olive shot her a glare and stood up.
"You need some sort of medicine for this." She stated, looking out the one tiny window in her apartment.
"Good luck on finding that," Vi retorted with another groan.
"I'm sure I'll manage. I'll be back soon." Olive turned and started towards the door, but Vi spoke again suddenly.
"Olive, I...Thank you," she almost whispered.
"Anytime," Olive replied casually before heading out the door and back into the Lanes.
Once outside, she cursed herself for being so confident in finding medicine in the undercity. This wasn't going to be easy.
#matchamilkislover#arcane vi#vi arcane#vi fanfic#vi x reader#vi x oc#arcane fanfiction#vi fanfiction#lesbian#some angst#league of legends#arcane x reader#piltover and zaun#arcane piltover#arcane#in the darkest corners#arcane fandom#vi#matchamilkis
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In The Darkest Corners, 12.
pairing: vi x fem!oc (reader with a name)
warnings: THIS CHAPTER WILL CONTAIN EXPLICIT SCENES OF VIOLENCE AND OTHER POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING TOPICS. mature themes, just an overall minors beware, violence, general arcane-ness. heavy angst.
word count: 2,993
synopsis: everything’s gone to shit. i’m terrible at writing synopses.
author’s note: as i said in the warnings, this is NOT a lighthearted chapter. proceed at your own risk.
don’t forget to read the other parts first!!
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Olive's head pounded as she slowly regained consciousness. The first thing she noticed was the cold, damp air that clung to her skin, followed by the hard surface beneath her. Her eyes struggled to focus, adjusting to the dim light of the cell. The chains on the floor rattled slightly as she shifted, the metallic sound echoing through the empty space. With a groan, Olive tried to sit up, only to be met with searing pain and stiffness. Her body ached as if she had been put through the ringer. Panic set in as the memories of the bar and Sevika's ominous presence rushed back. She scanned her surroundings, realizing she was locked in a small, dark cell. The chains on the floor hinted at the cell's sinister purpose, but they remained untouched, leaving Olive to wonder why she hadn't been restrained. Her clothes clung uncomfortably to her damp skin, and she shivered involuntarily. Then the realization hit her – she was alone, likely in Silco’s clutches, with no one looking for her.
Minutes, maybe hours, passed before the sound of heavy footsteps approached. The door creaked open, revealing Sevika's figure outlined by the faint light from the hallway. A sinister smile played on Sevika's lips as she strolled in, the echoes of her boots reverberating in the confined space. She pulled a slow drag from her smoke as she regarded Olive, her casual yet piercing gaze unrelenting.
"Well, well, look who's finally awake," Sevika taunted, her tone dripping with malice. She circled Olive like a predator closing in on its prey. "You put up quite a fight back there at the Last Drop. I must admit, I'm impressed."
Olive's throat felt dry, and her voice came out as a hoarse whisper. "What... What do you want?"
Sevika laughed, a chilling sound that seemed to amplify the coldness of the cell. "Oh, sweetheart, it's not about what I want. It's about what Silco and Teeter want. And they want to have a little chat with you."
Sevika's words sent shivers down Olive's spine. Silco – the puppeteer orchestrating the chaos in the undercity. She had heard enough about him to know that crossing paths with him was a dire situation. Not to mention that somehow Teeter, his next in command, was somehow involved in this too. She had heard horror stories of his cruelty, his relentlessness. All she could do was hope that they were exaggerated tales, meant to scare more than anything.
Sevika took another drag, drawing out her exhale as she kept her eyes on Olive. Her voice continued over Olive’s racing thoughts. “But that’s not to say I can’t have a little fun while I’m at it. It’s rare I get a playtoy as pretty as you.” Sevika leaned in, her breath brushing against Olive's ear. "Let's have some fun first, shall we?" With a sinister grin, she traced a finger along Olive's cheek, leaving a trail of cold dread in its wake.
Sevika's torment was a cruel dance, choreographed to break Olive both physically and mentally. She reveled in the power she held over the smaller, savoring the fear that radiated from her like a bitter perfume. First, she circled Olive, her steps deliberate and echoing in the confined space. She toyed with the chains on the floor as she passed them, creating an unsettling melody that set the stage for the impending torment. The clinking of metal merged with the hushed sounds of Olive's shallow breaths. Then, with a sudden, forceful motion, Sevika grabbed Olive's chin, forcing her to meet her sinister gaze. The intensity in Sevika's eyes sent shivers down Olive's spine. Sevika's touch was a cold reminder of the power dynamics at play. She leaned in, her breath a venomous graze across Olive’s skin.
"I almost forgot your warm welcome to Silco's domain, sweetheart," Sevika purred, her voice dripping with malicious delight. "You should feel honored. Not everyone gets a personal invitation." Sevika's fingers trailed along Olive's jawline, forcing her to meet her eyes. "I've heard of your little escapades with Vi. Cute love story, isn't it? Too bad it led you straight into my hands."
Olive's jaw clenched, a silent promise of defiance. "Whatever you're imagining won't break me. Vi and I—we're partners, nothing more."
Sevika chuckled, her fingers tracing a maddening pattern on Olive's arm. "Partners, hm? I've seen the way she looks at you, talks to you, and it's not just friendly banter. There's a story there, and I'm itching to hear it. You forget that we have eyes everywhere."
Olive, despite the torment that ripped at her already aching heartstrings, remained resilient. Sevika's attempts to exploit the romantic tension between her and Vi were met with stubborn resistance. “There’s nothing there, believe me,” she retorted through gritted teeth.
Sevika ignored her denial, continuing her taunting. "You think Vi cares about you? She left you alone in this hellhole. Quite the fairy tale romance you've got going," Sevika sneered, her words cutting through the air.
“What? Are you trying to break me down? Leave me screaming for help, begging for her to come save me?” Olive spat back, holding back the tears that burned at the back of her eyes. “It won’t work. She won’t come, and you won’t get whatever you want from her. Or me.” Olive’s eyes burned into Sevika’s with a passion she hadn’t felt in a long time.
Sevika's laughter echoed in the cold cell. "Oh, sweetheart, you're so naive. This isn't a rescue mission, even if we wanted it to be. It's a wake-up call for Piltover and a nightmare for you." With a grimace, Sevika’s hand suddenly moved from Olive’s chin to a vice grip on her neck. “Now why don’t we actually get started, shall we?”
With a sudden shove, Olive was sprawling on the floor, her back hitting the ground with a thud. She reeled for a second before scrambling back, trying to get away from Sevika’s hulking form that was steadily approaching her. Sevika let out a low chuckle as she watched Olive, tracking her every move.
“Aww, scared, are we? Don’t worry, pet,” Sevika leaned down to Olive’s eye level, her voice lowering to a whisper. “I won’t hurt you. Nothing lasting, anyways.” With that, her hand curled around Olive’s hair and yanked, hard. “Now stand up,” she growled, voice suddenly rising in volume. Olive was forced to follow her hand, standing with Sevika while her scalped screamed in pain. The only sound that left Olive’s mouth was a muffled whimper through gritted teeth. All Sevika did in response was laugh sadistically.
The specifics of what Sevika did to her became a blur in Olive’s memory. Her skin burned from shallow cuts and slices, sharp pains and blunt aches from kicks and hits. She could feel parts of her crack and bruises start to form, but barely even fought back. The last few weeks had been torture enough for her - she didn’t have the energy or will to keep fighting now. The only times she remembered to protest were the moments when Sevika would slow, filthily scanning her body as she stood above her or softening her touch as she gripped Olive’s arm, or neck. These were the moments when Olive would kick her back or spit in her face, shoving herself away until her back would slam into one of the cold stone walls. Sevika would scoff or laugh and roll her eyes, continuing like nothing happened. Eventually, Olive’s consciousness started to flicker in and out as her body ached more and more. Seemingly satisfied by this, Sevika uttered only a triumphant grunt before leaving the cell and slamming the door behind her, locking it as she went. Olive accepted unconsciousness readily, desperate for an escape from the nightmare that her life had become.
The Undercity embraced Caitlyn with its oppressive atmosphere, a stark contrast to the polished halls of Piltover. She navigated the twisted alleys with cautious steps, her eyes scanning the dark corners for any sign of her missing friends. The Undercity, always unpredictable, seemed to stretch endlessly before her. With every passing moment, her worry deepened. Caitlyn's quest led her through the tangled web of clandestine paths and dimly lit hideouts. She inquired about Vi, about Olive, but received only furtive glances and cryptic warnings in return. The Undercity had its own language—one Caitlyn was only beginning to decipher. Eventually, she stumbled upon a murky establishment where whispers of a recent scuffle at The Last Drop reached her ears. A chill ran down Caitlyn's spine. Something wasn't right. The air in the Undercity crackled with tension, and Caitlyn's instincts told her that she was treading on dangerous ground.
Caitlyn's boots echoed in the dimly lit corridor as she approached the entrance of The Last Drop, the air thick with the pungent scent of alcohol and the hushed murmurs of patrons. The familiar creak of the tavern door announced her arrival, drawing the attention of the few souls brave enough to seek solace in the shadows. Caitlyn approached the bar, her eyes scanning the crowded room until they settled on the grizzled bartender, Grint. The atmosphere seemed to hush for a moment as patrons stole curious glances at the unfamiliar face in the tavern.
"Good evening," Caitlyn greeted, her voice cutting through the ambient noise at a volume only Grint could fully hear. "I'm Caitlyn. I'm a friend of Olive’s. I’m looking for information about a scuffle that happened here involving her. Can you tell me what you know?"
Grint eyed her for a moment, studying her with a cautious scrutiny. The lines etched into his face deepened as he sighed, deciding how much he should reveal. "Caitlyn, huh? Well, you've picked a hell of a night to walk into The Last Drop." He took a deep sigh before lowering his voice and continuing. “Olive's gone. Haven't seen her since that night. Silco's got her locked up. Word is, they're keeping her somewhere deep in the bowels of the Undercity.” He eyed Caitlyn nervously as he watched her reaction to the information.
As Grint recounted the events, Caitlyn's expression tightened. Her heart dropped when she learned that not only was Olive missing, but she had been taken by Silco’s top henchman; the situation was more dire than she had imagined. She took a moment to compose herself before asking the crucial question. "And where is Vi now?" Caitlyn inquired, her gaze unwavering.
Grunt hesitated, gauging Caitlyn’s determination. "You don't know what you're getting into, Caitlyn. Silco's reach goes far, and breaking into one of the prisons—"
"I don't care. I need to find Vi, and I need to find Olive. Tell me where they're keeping her," Caitlyn demanded, her resolve burning brighter than ever.
Grint sighed again, resigned. "Stillwater. It's heavily guarded, Caitlyn, especially now. Going there alone is suicide."
Caitlyn's gaze met Grint's, her steely determination unwavering. "I can't afford to wait for approval or a team. The corruption runs too deep for me to get one now anyways. I'm going in, and I'm bringing them back. No matter the cost."
The bartender sighed, realizing that Caitlyn's determination was unyielding. "I can tell you what I told Olive. Avoid the light, find a back door, don’t get caught."
Caitlyn nodded, a steely glint in her eyes. "Thank you, Grint. I'll find them."
As Caitlyn left The Last Drop, the weight of the Undercity pressed upon her, but she marched forward, fueled by a determination to unravel the mystery, rescue her friends, and confront the shadows that threatened to engulf them. She needed to come up with a plan.
Olive's hazy consciousness swirled in the dimly lit cell, her body still aching from Sevika's previous session with her. The ominous echo of footsteps reverberated, signaling the arrival of unwelcome guests. Olive’s heartbeat immediately quickened, terrified of whoever approached despite the unbreakable face she put on. The door creaked open, revealing the menacing figures of Silco and someone else, who stayed in the shadows. Although she couldn’t see his face, she was sure it must be who Sevika mentioned, Teeter. Olive tried to push herself up, her weakened body protesting every move.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" Silco's voice slithered into the cold air. His eyes bore into Olive, calculating and cold.
The leering figure beside Silco slinked out of the shadows, as if on cue. When Olive was finally able to make out the details of his face, she had to bite back her terror. She instantly startle to scramble back into a corner of her cell, panting and trembling.
The notorious Teeter, Silco’s right hand man whose name terrorized the residents of the Undercity almost as if he were Silco himself, was none other than Olive’s father. Her father wore a twisted grin that sent shivers down Olive's spine. The truth unfolded in the dark shadows of the cell as he spoke, his voice a venomous revelation.
"Hello, daughter," he sneered, the words dripping with malice.
Olive's eyes widened, aghast at the revelation. "Father? What are you doing here?"
Teeter chuckled darkly. "Oh, my dear Olive tree, you really didn’t know yet, did you?” He clucked his tongue disapprovingly. “Well, if you can’t figure it out by yourself - and it seems like you truly can’t - yes, it was me behind everything you and your mother went through a year ago. It was me the whole time. And, to my pleasure, it was me who killed your useless mother.” He finished his final phrase with a bone-chilling grin, like it pleased him to finally say it to her face; it probably did. “I relished in killing her, and I’ll relish in killing you too. When the time comes, at least.”
For Olive, the words hung in the air like a toxic fog. Her mind raced, trying to reconcile the man before her with the one who had orchestrated the raid on her home, the one who had taken everything from her. Her shock was clear in the look on her face, on how she crumpled to the ground, hand covering her mouth and the dry sob that erupted from it. The truth unfolded like a grotesque tableau, revealing her own father as the architect of her deepest sorrows. He had always been a terrible man, yes – but nothing like this. Silco observed her reaction calmly, his eyes gleaming with a perverse satisfaction. He might’ve said something, but Olive didn’t hear it. Her hearing went dull, like a pitchy whine covered all of the other sounds around her. Her eyes glazed over with tears, and she barely registered it when her father pulled her face up with a veined hand and shoved her to the ground, laughing cruelly as he and Silco left her.
A while later – Olive has no idea as to how much later – Sevika returned to prepare a twisted memento for Vi. Olive registered her entrance, but her shock left her feeling almost numb, a quiet whimper being her only reaction to Sevika’s appearance. Sevika chuckled coldly under her breath, but said nothing. The cold steel of her blade glinted as she cut off a lock of Olive's hair, and the strands fell weightlessly into Sevika’s waiting hand, a feathered cascade of betrayal. Olive tried to look away, assuming whatever fucked-up task Sevika had needed the hair for had been fulfilled, but the larger caught her chin in her massive, calloused hand. With a perverse satisfaction, Sevika sliced a shallow line across Olive’s cheek, adding a few drops of Olive's blood to a piece of parchment. Olive hissed, glowering at Sevika with an unparalleled measure of hatred. The sting of the cut reawakened Olive’s senses, and she lashed a hand out at Sevika’s own cheek before the latter could stop her, her nails scraping across the rough skin. Sevika lurched back and growled, holding a hand to her face.
“You’ll pay for that, pipsqueak,” Sevika spat as she set down the parchment and advanced again towards Olive. Olive flinched, expecting a blow, but Sevika instead grasped the chains lying next to her. Before Olive could react, Sevika had roughly shoved Olive to face away from her and chained her hands tightly behind her back. While Olive pulled desperately, she was no match for Sevika’s strength, and the chains clunked to the floor with a thud, carrying an unexpecting Olive with them. Saying nothing, Sevika stood with her parchment and began to walk towards the door. Olive lurched forward, but was cut short by the chains, which tugged viciously at her already aching arms and made her cry out in pain. Sevika laughed.
“Don’t worry, little bird. I’ll be back for more later,” Sevika said as she casually strode out of Olive’s cell and locked the door. “Oh, and by the way – I’ll personally make sure this gets to Vi,” she hissed with a smirk, sauntering away as she ignored Olive’s cries. The shock and horror overwhelmed Olive as she listened to Sevika’s heavy boots retreat down the corridor, lapsing her better judgment as she sobbed and begged the empty air around her with a repeating “No”, her voice gradually weakening from soreness and the acceptance of her horrible fate.
In a cramped cell, Vi wrestled with her thoughts, a gnawing sense of helplessness clawing at her. Every desperate attempt to escape or somehow reach Olive met a resounding silence. The realization that she was trapped, unable to do anything, fueled a burning anger within her. The walls of the prison seemed to close in as Vi grappled with the weight of her powerlessness, each passing moment amplifying the urgency to break free and confront the looming shadows threatening to extinguish the light in her world. Unfamiliar footsteps quietly echoed down the corridor, interrupting her thoughts, but Vi didn’t care; not until the footsteps stopped at the bars of her cell and a vaguely familiar voice whispered to her.
#in the darkest corners#arcane#arcane fandom#arcane fanfiction#arcane piltover#arcane x reader#league of legends#matchamilkis#piltover and zaun#vi#matchamilkislover#vi arcane#vi x oc#vi x reader#arcane vi#vi fanfiction#vi fanfic#arcane x oc#arcane fanfic#lesbian#f/f
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In The Darkest Corners, 11.
pairing: vi x fem!oc (reader with a name)
warnings: mature themes, just an overall minors beware, violence, just general arcane-ness.
word count: 1868
synopsis: just when everything can’t get worse, of course, it does. olive might finally be close to finding answers…but not in the way she wanted to. not like this.
author’s note: yikes! anyways, this is the last chapter i previously wrote and posted elsewhere before finally posting it here. we’ll see how long it takes me to write the next chapter ;)
don’t forget to read the other parts first!!
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆ ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
Olive had always known that returning to the undercity would be dangerous, but she hadn't expected it to be this difficult. As Olive stumbled through the dimly lit streets of the undercity, she couldn't help but feel like she might have made the wrong choice. It was hard enough to adjust after just barely grasping onto Vi, and especially Cait, and now that she lost them, she found herself back in the place she had tried so hard to forget. Soon enough, she found herself drinking for hours at The Last Drop more often than not.
She pushed open the doors of the dingy bar again, the stench of alcohol and sweat hitting her like a brick wall as she made her way to the counter. Grint, the familiar bartender, grimaced as she came in. “Your usual?” Olive gave a heavy sigh and nodded, taking a long blink and leaning both arms on the counter. Grint eyed her warily before pouring her a shot of something that looked like it could strip paint off a wall. Olive downed the shot and motioned for another, her mind beginning to cloud. It wasn't long before she had reached that tipping point where all of her struggles seemed to trickle away.
That's when she saw a familiar face and giant figure approaching her from across the room. Sevika. Olive clenched her jaw and looked away, hoping and begging that Silo’s giant rat was heading for someone else. The thud in the barstool next to her confirmed her fears.
“What do you want?” Olive spat, slightly turning her head to glare at the larger woman. Sevika met her eyes and smirked.
“Same thing as you. To have a drink,” she replied smugly. Grint’s eyes flicked quickly to Olive before he slid Sevika a drink. Olive’s pleading eyes tried to meet his, but he had already looked away and moved across the bar. Olive cursed him in her head, but couldn’t blame him for not wanting to get involved. She threw back the rest of her drink and stood up. Unfortunately, Sevika had the upper hand on her, and when Olive stumbled the moment she tried to take a step, Sevika’s strong arm shot out and grabbed hers with a firmer grip than Olive would’ve liked.
“Why don’t you take a seat,” Sevika suggested in a voice laced with venom and dripping with honey. Olive took a shaky breath and returned to her seat. Last time she had tangled with Sevika, she had had Vi with her, so she felt almost unstoppable; alone, not so much.
"What do you want?" Olive tried to sound confident and forceful. Her voice came out slurred instead.
“Oh, just some company,” Sevika replied with a smirk. “But you know, it’s no fun to drink alone.” She gestured a robotic finger towards Grint, who seemed to gulp before pulling out a drink that looked fairly similar to Sevika’s and sliding it to her, who then slid it to Olive. “Drink up.” She lit a small cigar and began to smoke. Olive ran her fingers on the rim of the glass, but didn’t drink.
“Leave me alone, or you’ll be leaving here with one less arm than the last time we crossed paths.” Olive’s courage had appeared in a surge, but would be quick to fade. Sevika chuckled darkly.
“Oh, come one,” she crooned. “If you really meant that, you would’ve already done it. Or at least, you would have tried,” she said. Olive’s fickle courage vanished, and her hands grew clammy. A shiver went down her spine.
She tried to muster her courage again. “G-get away from me.” Fuck. Her stutter gave her away. She tried to stand again, but Sevika’s hand landed on her shoulder before she could even rise from her seat and kept her firmly in place.
“I’m not going to ask you again.” Sevika growled. “Drink.” Olive gulped and took a nervous sip. If Sevika was going to seek revenge on her now, at least Vi wouldn’t be there to see it. But still, she couldn’t help but wish that Vi was there. To her surprise, the world stayed relatively in focus, and her head didn’t start to spin out of control. She let go of a tightly held breath. Sevika had the nerve to laugh again.
“What, little birdy, thought I put something in your drink?” She asked mockingly. Olive rolled her eyes and continued drinking. The smirk remained on Sevika’s face. Releasing a puff of smoke into the air, she spoke again. “You know, I really do see what Vi saw in you.”
Olive was caught off guard. “Excuse me?” She spluttered, and her face grew red. Sevika leaned in.
“Just look at you,” she murmured slowly, head tilting as she looked the smaller up and down. She leaned back again. “Who could resist?” She took a long drag from her cigar and blew her smoke into the air above them, watching as it curled over their heads. Olive scoffed.
“You’re disgusting,” She shook her head as she replied and took another drink. Sevika shrugged and took yet another drag, paired with a sip from her drink.
“No, it’s true. I really do wonder what I’d have to do to get in your pretty little pants,” Sevika continued. “Maybe I should get myself thrown in prison to ask Vi.”
Olive was too taken aback by what Sevika said to even throw a retort back. Prison? Why would Vi be back in prison? Her mind flew back and forth from Sevika’s disgusting comment and what she had said about Vi. She clenched her jaw. “Fuck. You.” She stood up so angrily and forcefully that her seat clattered onto the floor behind her. But as soon as she had stood up, she was hit with a wave of dizziness and nausea, and the world went black, and she herself clattered to the floor.
Vi sat alone in her prison cell, her back against the cold stone wall. She had been locked up for only a few weeks now, but it felt like an eternity. It was as if time had stopped, and she was stuck in this endless cycle of pain and regret. The memories of Olive haunted her day and night, but all she could do was hope and convince herself that she had made the right choice. That Olive would be safe without her.
Vi had fallen back into her old habits in prison. She would pick fights with anyone who crossed her path, no matter how big or small they were. It was her way of coping with the pain and nightmares that consumed her. Soon enough, a vaguely familiar face crossed her path in the mess hall. Vulcar. A higher level henchman of Silco’s, known for his twisted habits but relatively low IQ. This was sure to be fun.
Vi stepped back and raised her fists, ready for a fight. "You don't scare me, Vulcar," she said, her voice low and threatening. "I'll take you on any day of the week."
Vulcar laughed, his deep, menacing chuckle sending shivers down Vi's spine. "Is that so?" he said, his eyes glittering with malice. "Well, I'm looking forward to it."
The two of them circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, Vi lunged forward, throwing a hard punch at Vulcar's face. He dodged it easily, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. Vi winced in pain but refused to give up.
"You're not getting off that easy," she growled, kicking out at Vulcar's knees. He stumbled back, and Vi used the opportunity to break free of his grip. She landed a solid punch to his jaw, and he retaliated with a vicious uppercut.
Vi stumbled back, her head spinning. She shook it off and charged at Vulcar again, but this time, he was ready for her. He grabbed her by the neck, lifting her off the ground and choking her. Vi gasped for breath, her vision starting to fade. She struggled against Vulcar's grip, but he was too strong. Just when she thought it was all over, he suddenly released her, shoving her to the ground.
"You're not worth the trouble," he spat, turning to leave. Vi lay on the ground, panting and wheezing, feeling defeated. But as Vulcar walked away, he tossed a crumpled piece of paper at her. "Here," he said. "Something to remember me by."
Once back in her cell, Vi slumped against the familiar stone wall and opened the envelope with hands she was desperately trying to hide the shaking of. Anything that Silco directed towards her intentionally couldn’t be good. But it was even worse than she expected.
She pulled out a torn piece of paper from the envelope, and her heart stopped. Words scrawled in purple ink littered the paper, but that’s not what caught her eye. What caught her eye was the lock of hair attached to the paper that had an unmistakable hue. Olive. Her heart sank deeper as she noticed the drops of blood near the hair and read the clearly threatening message written. It was short, and vague, but Vi knew what it meant. She knew what Silco wanted her to do. Soon enough, her fear turned to rage, and her blood boiled. First Powder, and now Olive? Trap or not, Vi would be damned if she let prison stop her again.
She stuffed the letter in her pocket and stood, slamming herself against her cell bars. “HEY!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, disregarding the sting in her throat. “LET ME OUT! NOW!” her continued yelling only received cruel chuckles from the few other inmates and lone guard that resided on her floor. She ignored the desperate emotions clawing at her as she banged on the door. “God fucking damnit…” she moaned, sliding to the floor in front of her cell door. She punched the bars once more before she brought her hands up to hold her head. “No…”
As time passed, Caitlyn grew more and more anxious about Olive. She hoped she might’ve heard from her by now, but no such luck. Jayce had been avoiding her like the plague as well, which couldn’t mean anything good. As she paced around her room for the millionth time, repeating in her head over and over again what had happened the last time they saw each other, her resolve finally hardened. If Olive wasn’t going to come to her, Caitlyn at least had to go to her to make sure that she was okay. The thought of going into the Undercity for the first time, let alone going by herself, of course terrified her; but what terrified her more was the thought that something might have happened to Olive. That she knew now where Olive was, but if she didn’t go searching for her this time, the guilt she would have if something happened to her best friend would eat her alive. So, under the cover of night, Caitlyn slipped out of her room and off of her balcony, headed directly for the very place she swore she would never go.
#in the darkest corners#arcane#arcane fandom#arcane fanfiction#arcane piltover#arcane x reader#league of legends#matchamilkis#piltover and zaun#vi#matchamilkislover#vi arcane#vi x oc#vi x reader#arcane vi#vi fanfiction#vi fanfic#arcane x oc#arcane fanfic#lesbian
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