#sever do vouga
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travelsofabrokegirl · 2 years ago
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The Portuguese countryside is so lovely. Somewhere near Sever do Vouga, Portugal 2023
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pacosemnoticias · 1 month ago
Detido suspeito da autoria de grande incêndio de setembro em Oliveira de Azeméis
A Polícia Judiciária (PJ) anunciou esta quarta-feira a detenção do suspeito da autoria de um incêndio ocorrido em setembro em Oliveira de Azeméis, no distrito de Aveiro, considerado um dos maiores incêndios ocorridos no país naquele período.
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Em comunicado, a PJ esclareceu que o suspeito foi detido na terça-feira ao final do dia com a colaboração do Grupo de Trabalho para a Redução de Ignições em Espaço Rural.
Segundo a Judiciária, o detido, de 24 anos, operário fabril, ateou o fogo com recurso a isqueiro, em vários pontos, não apresentando qualquer motivação para a autoria dos factos.
O incêndio em causa teve início a 14 de setembro, na freguesia de Ossela, tendo sido dado como dominado no dia 20 de setembro.
De acordo com a nota da PJ, o fogo consumiu mais de 6.000 hectares de floresta e de mato, habitações e outros equipamentos e edificados, só no concelho de Oliveira de Azeméis, acabando por convergir com os incêndios que tiveram origem em Sever do Vouga e de Albergaria-a-Velha no mesmo período, tendo sido necessário proceder ao corte das autoestradas A1 e A29 e outras vias rodoviárias.
"No conjunto dos três incêndios, foi consumida uma área aproximada de 36.600 hectares, entre povoamento florestal, matos, habitações, indústrias e outros edificados, bem como a perda de vidas, amplamente difundidas pela comunicação social", refere a mesma nota.
O combate às chamas mobilizou várias centenas de operacionais, veículos e meios aéreos, sendo um dos maiores incêndios que lavraram no período relativo à declaração da situação de alerta decretada entre 15 e 17 de setembro de 2024, para todo o território continental.
O detido vai ser presente à autoridade judiciária competente para primeiro interrogatório judicial e aplicação das medidas de coação.
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ribacaima · 3 months ago
Viadal: - Fotos para mais tarde recordar.
Parte IV - Pela Freita, Arestal e Estrada dos Caramuleiros.
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Para mais informações ver o quinzenário "A Voz de Cambra" nº 542 de 1 de Dezembro de 1993.
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Ver os contos serranos: - Um Roubo na Anta (in, VC da 2ª quinzena de Julho de 2014) e A Morte na Anta do Garoto Traquinas. (in, VC de 2ª quinzena de Setembro de 2014).
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Aqui houve em tempos uns bancos em pedra para descanso dos viajantes vindos de Macieira de Cambra, passando por Irijó, a caminho de Arões e, lá mais longe, S. João da Serra.
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O António Cubal, cicerone, descobrindo uma data nas alminhas antes identificadas. Aqui se cruzavam a Estrada dos Caramuleiros e a Estrada dos Mouros, por Irijó.
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Sobre a lenda de Santa Marinha ver a VC nº 549 de 15 de Março de 1994.
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Na década de cinquenta do século XX, os moradores de Viadal ainda lá mandavam pisar o burel para mantas. (ver também Ernesto Veiga de Oliveira e outros em Tecnologia Tradicional - Pisões Portugueses. INII, Lisboa 1977, pág. 52.
Até à abertura da Estrada para S. João da Serra, cerca de 1930, era aqui que se fazia a travessia do rio Teixeira, por barco, para Conlela e outras terras de Lafões.
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No muro exterior à ermida encontra-se incrustada a pedra de um menir, que serve de marco divisório das freguesias de Junqueira, Vale de Cambra e Dornelas, Sever do Vouga.
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A imagem do S. Tiago do Arestal remontará ao séc. XV. Com inícios no Poço de S. Tiago, junto a Sever do Vouga, passariam por aqui, assim o pensamos, romeiros a caminho de Compostela. Seguiam pelo planalto do Arestal, em direção ao S. Tiago da Felgueira, na outra ponta, e Albergaria das Cabras, no alto da Freita. Coincide com a Estrada dos Caramuleiros, dos tempos modernos, e muito usada pelos almocreves e outros viajantes durante as I e II Guerras Mundiais.
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(in, VC nº 546 de  1 Fevereiro de 1994).
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peakwealth · 3 months ago
No more silly season
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Early morning sunshine and low cloud rising from the valley at Sever do Vouga, Portugal (July 2024)
Late September has brought the promise of a relaxed autumn. The afternoon shadows have lengthened and the nights have turned cool with clear skies and bright stars.
We used to look forward to summer. Now we are relieved when it is finally over, the punishing heat of southern Spain, the drunken rowdiness during the night and the crowds of tourists during the day.
Eloping to a more temperate part of Portugal brought temporary relief - see the preceding audio postcard from the small town of Sever do Vouga (1).
Summer also used to be the 'silly season' in the news business, when everyone was on holiday and there was nothing much to report. Not any more, the news is non-stop now and it is consistently awful.
I noted, with sadness and anger, that it was ten years ago that Malaysia Airlines flight MH 17 was shot down over Ukraine with a Russian anti-aircraft missile. 298 people died, human debris twirling out of the summer sky. Justice has not been done, nor is it likely ever to be. Allowing Vladimir Putin to get away with this casual act of aggression opened the door to greater evil and unaccountability. This is where we are now.
But in the midst of horrific wars, summer fires and floods, I saw some hopeful stories popping up.
In no specific order of time or importance:
1. When the Labour party won the summer elections in the UK, Jacob Rees-Mogg lost his conservative seat in the House of Commons. Catholic, pompous, pin-striped and insufferable, Rees-Mogg is the son of a famous editor of the London Times (in the days when such editors were luminaries and persons of substance). He had been memorably called the Honourable Member for the 19th Century.
2. Another political wunderkind was sidelined when the French electorate turned against the hard-right Rassemblement national of Marine Le Pen. The mid-summer snap election went off the rails, delivering an unexpected swing to the left as well as a hung parliament. Jordan Bardella (29), Madame Le Pen's more Instagrammable front man, had been groomed to become prime minister. Not so. In some ways it was tempting to see Bardella as a junior version of Rees-Mogg, youthful looking and parvenu at the same time, both over-eager. Gone for now.
The good vibe ended there. President Emmanuel Macron ignored the outcome of the election and, after much hand-wringing and obfuscation, appointed an ageing conservative to be his new PM, Michel Barnier. Neither may last long.
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Wall of shame at the 'duty-free' (Costa del Sol Airport, Spain, 2023)
3. The Geneva-based World Health Organization went out of its way to remind us about some of the great evil-doers of our age. Tobacco, ultra-processed foods, fossil fuels and alcohol cause a quarter of all deaths in Europe, the WHO said. (2)
“Today, we provide indisputable evidence of harmful commercial practices and products and we say people must take precedence before profit, always.” Hans Kluge, WHO Europe
No big news there, and the list of corporate bad actors and transnational manipulators is far from exhaustive, but it bears repeating. Every little bit of political pushback helps. In the US, more local governments (including California) are prosecuting oil majors and plastics manufacturers not only for the damage they do but for deceiving the (gullible) public about such things as recycling - a myth, according to the Attorney General of California, Rob Bonta, perpetuated by Exxon Mobil, among others.
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Latest version. (Screenshot company website)
4. Talking about pushback, I was interested to see families of one recent school shooting in the US suing companies which, they assert, help gun makers promote their weapons to 'insecure (…) socially vulnerable' adolescent boys.
On May 24, 2022, an eighteen year old former student used an AR-15 assault rifle to kill nineteen children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Earlier in the day he had shot his grandmother in the face, apparently a premeditated act.
Lawsuits have been filed against Meta, the parent company of Instagram, and against Activision Blizzard (Microsoft owned), the developer of 'Call of Duty', a military video game favoured by the killer. The company prides itself of bringing "unrivalled gaming experiences for the world to enjoy".
As for the manufacturer of the gun used in the assault, it is also being sued. Daniel Defense is a family owned company based in Georgia. ("Freedom. Passion. Precision")
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Daniel Defense online shopping website. (Screenshot)
This is not the first time families of children murdered in their schools sue companies they hold responsible for facilitating gun violence. The Uvalde families have also promised legal action against police officers. Local police were heavily criticized for their slow, timorous and chaotic response to the assault.
5. Personal or corporate responsibility for illicit content on social media and messaging apps remains a hot potato. So I took notice when Pavel Durov (39), the founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested in Paris in August. French police were waiting for Durov when he arrived in Paris from Baku, Azerbaijan, on a private jet. Investigators wanted to know about online criminal activity on Telegram, his global messaging platform with roots in Russia and almost a billion users, some of whom are said to be particularly unsavoury. Nothing to do with me, Durov told the police, but he was held for four days, prevented from leaving France and required to post bail of five million euros. He holds French citizenship. The investigation continues.
Hohoho. Has Elon Musk been to France recently?
(1) Sever do Vouga is a municipality in the Portuguese district of Aveiro, north of Coimbra and south of Porto. Population around 12,000 (declining). Coordinates: 40°44′N - 8°22′W .
(2) https://www.politico.eu/article/world-health-organization-government-tobacco-food-fossil-fuels-alcohol-europe-deaths-harm/
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newstfionline · 4 months ago
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Angelenos Shrug at Recent Quakes, Decades After the Last ‘Big One.’ (NYT) Los Angeles, in all its glory, is a wonder to behold. Its finest days (high 70s, sunny, breeze whispering through the palm trees) can make one believe it is impervious to disaster. The unfortunate truth that lurks below the earth is thus easy to gloss over or even forget. Until it reminds you with a jolt. Suddenly there is no denying the shaking, the rattling, the swaying—and one’s memory is jogged. In recent months, Los Angeles has experienced a smattering of earthquakes that were just powerful enough to make residents stop in their tracks. One morning last week, a 4.7-magnitude earthquake was felt across all corners of the city. For some, the recent quakes have amplified the underlying dread of “the big one” and prompted many to wonder if the shaking is a prelude to a disaster. (The short answer is: it’s up for debate.) But for much of Los Angeles, the general response after being jostled awake, after floors and shelves have vibrated, is apathy.
America’s Oil Country Also Runs on Renewables (NYT) During the scorching summer of 2023, the Texas energy grid wobbled as surging demand for electricity threatened to exceed supply. Several times, officials called on residents to conserve energy to avoid a grid failure. This year it turned out much better—thanks in large part to more renewable energy. The electrical grid in Texas has breezed through a summer in which, despite milder temperatures, the state again reached record levels of energy demand. It did so largely thanks to the substantial expansion of new solar farms. And the grid held strong even during the critical early evening hours—when the sun goes down and the nighttime winds have yet to pick up—with the help of an even newer source of energy in Texas and around the country: batteries. The swift growth of battery storage as a source of power for the electric grid, along with the continued expansion of large-scale solar farms, could not have come at a better time. Texas, like many other states, is facing a surge in its power needs from data centers, new manufacturing plants, cryptocurrency mines, growing residential demand and increasingly intense summer heat. Officials estimate that Texas, already the nation’s largest electricity consumer, could roughly double its demand in just a few years.
It’s been a decade since 43 students disappeared in Mexico. Their parents still fight for answers (AP) Clemente Rodríguez has been documenting the long search for his missing son with tattoos. On Sept. 26, 2014, Christian Rodríguez, a tall boy who loved to folk dance and had just enrolled in a teachers college in the southern state of Guerrero, disappeared along with 42 classmates. Every year since, on the 26th of each month, Clemente Rodríguez, his wife, Luz María Telumbre, and other families meet at the Rural Normal School at Ayotzinapa and take a long bus ride to the capital, Mexico City, to demand answers. They will do so again next week, on the 10th anniversary of their sons’ disappearance. Rodríguez and the other parents are not alone. The 43 students are among more than 115,000 people still reported as missing in Mexico, a reflection of numerous unresolved crimes in a country where human rights activists say violence, corruption and impunity have long been the norm.
Firefighters quell most of Portugal's worst wildfires, fight still on (Reuters) Firefighters tackling deadly wildfires in central and northern Portugal had doused the flames in the Aveiro district, one of the worst-hit, as of Thursday, and were focusing on eight large blazes still raging elsewhere. After five days of ravaging tens of thousands of hectares of forest and farmland, destroying houses and claiming seven lives, the fires in Oliveira de Azemeis, Albergaria-a-Velha and Sever da Vouga, in the northwestern district of Aveiro, were no longer listed as active on the civil protection service's fires portal.
Violence rocks France overseas territories in challenge for new PM Barnier (Worldcrunch) France’s territories in the Caribbean and the Pacific are facing a new wave of unrest with security forces killing two men in New Caledonia and a curfew imposed after rioting in Martinique. The uptick in violence poses a challenge for new centre-right Prime Minister Michel Barnier, who has struggled to form a government following snap parliamentary elections in June, when no party won an absolute majority. The curfew in Martinique comes amid protests against the high cost of living on the island of 350,000.
The EU is trying to help Ukraine prepare for winter (AP) European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Ukraine on Friday focused on helping the country to repair and reconnect its war-damaged electricity grid and boost its heating capacity as winter approaches. Around half of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure has been destroyed during its war with Russia, and rolling electricity blackouts leave parts of the east in darkness for four hours at a time. Von der Leyden said it was as though all of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia had lost electricity. Meanwhile, winter is approaching. The Europeans have already sent more 10,000 generators and transformers, and they’re supplying small and more mobile gas turbines too. These types of electricity-providing equipment is harder to hit and easier to repair. Ukraine’s winter runs from late October through March, with January and February the toughest months. The Europeans hope to help supply around 25% of the 17 gigawatts of power that the country is likely to need this winter.
Putin wants Russia’s youth to become patriots. Many are all in. (Washington Post) At age 25, Maryana Naumova is a regular speaker at youth forums, universities and talk shows across Russia. Naumova is one of thousands of young Russians who have inserted themselves into their country’s new wartime system, adopting Kremlin spin as their own beliefs and ensuring that Putin’s core ideology, of ultranationalist patriotism and Orthodox Christian values, will be carried forward by a new generation. This includes the idea that the United States wants to destroy Russia and that Russia is a peace-seeking victim rather than an aggressor. Like Naumova, they see themselves as patriotic truth-tellers, not instruments of spin. About 7 in 10 Russians between ages 18 and 24—69 percent—support Russia’s war in Ukraine, according to an August poll conducted by the Levada Center, an independent polling group. But 66 percent of young Russians also support moving toward peace talks, according to the poll—a higher proportion than the overall population, of whom only 50 percent support moving toward such talks.
Pagers attack brings to life long-feared supply chain threat (Washington Post) The deadly attack that caused thousands of pagers used by members of Hezbollah to explode Tuesday shines a spotlight on an inconvenient truth: It is virtually impossible to secure the modern electronics supply chain against a determined and sophisticated adversary. Experts call the Israeli attack unparalleled in the history of spycraft in its scale and casualty count, and believe the risk is low that other governments will follow suit in rigging consumer electronics this way. But the Lebanon attack brings to life a long-theorized, worst-case scenario that has troubled governments including the United States as electronic devices have grown more complex and global supply chains more convoluted. The incident may add momentum to political efforts from the U.S. and others to localize more production of critical technologies at home or with trusted allies. However, construction of the typical modern gadget involves dozens of countries, with a dizzying number of component suppliers, contractors and subcontractors.
Why Israel’s pager attack in Lebanon is a war crime (Daraj/Lebanon) The idea is truly terrifying. In its gravity, it even exceeds the casualties—at least 12 dead, 3,000 wounded. To plant explosives in pager devices of more than 5,000 Hezbollah members and detonate the explosives remotely is beyond a security breach. Whoever pressed the detonation button, did so with the knowledge that the target was not going to be limited to those who carry the devices. He must have been aware that most Hezbollah members spend their days with their families or work colleagues, or they are walking in markets, stores and streets, along with civilians who have no idea what is going on. The decision was made to detonate about 5,000 small explosions. Benjamin Netanyahu approved the operation, so we can indeed say that he pushed the button himself. From what moral ground did this act originate? The majority of targeted Hezbollah members lived outside the trenches of war, and the decision to liquidate them all means that the goal was not to kill just them, but to expand the circle of death to their hometowns. Thus this new attack aimed at their “hometown” qualifies as a war crime, because the target goes beyond the fighters, down to their families and children. The individual targeted explosions are a kind of retaliatory act, and the pain they inflict goes beyond the death count. The tearing out of the eyes is a kind of torture, and the amputation of the fingers that the bombs caused hit not just the fighters, but their families and relatives.
Israel says it killed senior Hezbollah members (BBC) At least 14 people have been killed and 66 injured after Israel's military said it carried out a "targeted strike" on Beirut—its third attack on the Lebanese capital this year. Israel says it killed Hezbollah's operations commander Ibrahim Aqil in the strike. We are in Dahieh, Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut, and the streets around the site of the airstrike have been closed. There’s a heavy security presence of Hezbollah members stopping journalists from getting close to the location, a densely populated area. The atmosphere, unsurprisingly, is very tense. This latest Israeli attack, which the IDF says killed senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, is another sign of the precise intelligence Israel has about the group. In July, another airstrike in Dahieh, Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut, killed Fouad Shukr, a right-hand man to the group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah who was responsible for its military operations. He was the most-high profile Hezbollah member to have been killed in the current conflict. Today's attack is another humiliation for Hezbollah, in a week when hundreds of pagers and walkie-talkies used by the group exploded, causing chaos and panic across Lebanon. It was an unprecedented security breach that indicated how Israel had managed to penetrate the group’s communication system.
Sword with pharaoh’s mark found in Egypt, still shimmering 3,000 years later (Washington Post) More than 3,000 years ago, a long bronze sword emblazoned with the insignia of Ancient Egypt’s Ramses II—the most powerful pharaoh of the era—was set down in a mud hut somewhere in the Nile Delta. A team of archaeologists digging up an ancient fort in the area spotted the bronze blade and cleaned it, revealing this month they had found a shimmering blade with the intricacies of an ornamental cartouche—the personal emblem used by the pharaohs—still visible. It had not lost its reflective shine under the layers of rust and grime accumulated over millennia. Ramses II, the second-longest ruling pharaoh in Ancient Egypt, reigned from 1279 to 1213 BCE, a period marking the final peak of Egypt’s military power. Many scholars believe he was also the pharaoh reigning over Ancient Egypt during the time of Moses.
Book sales (Publishers Weekly) Total book sales were up 5.6 percent year over year in the first half of 2024, hitting $6.3 billion. That’s fueled by a 6.7 percent increase in sales of books for adults, as well as hot markets in the religion section (up 15.6 percent in the first six months) and the higher education book market (up 8 percent). Fiction for adults was up 11.3 percent, and sales of digital audiobooks were up 20.4 percent. The only areas where sales slipped were in children’s and young adult fiction and nonfiction.
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Mueren tres personas en los incendios en Portugal - upday News
– Una persona ha quedado carbonizada en Sever do Vouga y otra más ha fallecido por un ataque cardiaco. – Protección Civil ha anunciado la prórroga de la … — Leer en www.upday.com/es/mueren-tres-personas-en-los-incendios-en-portugal
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alessandro54-plus · 4 months ago
In Portogallo 7 persone sono morte nei vasti incendi nel nord e nel centro del paese
https://www.ilpost.it/2024/09/17/incendi-portogallo-morti-2/ Pompieri a Sever do Vouga, una città nel nord del Portogallo, il 16 settembre (AP Photo/Bruno Fonseca) In Portogallo almeno 7 persone sono morte negli incendi divampati lo scorso fine settimana e continuati lunedì e martedì nel nord e nel centro del paese. Secondo la Protezione civile portoghese al momento sono attivi 54 incendi…
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andronetalks · 4 months ago
Portugal fire situation update
The Portugal News By TPN/Lusa, in News, Portugal · 15 Sep 2024 In Sever do Vouga, the flames have been consuming forest populations since 02:17 and are being fought by 50 vehicles, around 170 operatives and five aerial resources, a source from ANEPC told Lusa. Due to this fire, the National Road 16 (EN16) between Carvoeiro and Poço de Santiago is closed, but “there is no knowledge of homes at…
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zouljazz · 9 months ago
CAE Sever do Vouga 2024
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tapintarolas · 9 months ago
Leia esta mensagem… " Motociclista Escapa Por Um Triz a Choque Frontal Com Outro Motociclista Em Sever Do Vouga".
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pedro79f · 2 years ago
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Momentos "@ze_das_fotos" do VougaTrail Campeonato Nacional de Ultra Trail 2022/2023 ATRP @atrp_portugal @fpatletismo @vougatrail 56kms 2600d+ Após a minha publicação feita ontem sobre a prova ainda que tardia porque estava a aguardar por mais fotografias dos fotógrafos da prova leva-me a fazer mais uma publicação de momentos hoje porque lá surgiram entretanto as ditas fotografias... 🤣 Fica assim registada a sequência de momentos. ☺️ Já agora aproveito para dar destaque que andei mais de 30kms com o pé leve do endurance @fabio_barbosa30 que deu para muita conversa até à meta. 🤟 🐿️@monsanto.running.team 🏋️@rebelo.rui @running_higher_by_ruirebelo #trailrunning #trail #trailrunner #mountainslovers #run #ilovetrailrunning #runningontrails #runner #instarunners #runhappy #happyrun #trails #magictrails #instanature #ultra #hdelab #monsantorunningteam #atrp #itra #utmb #nãohámilagres #nopainnogain #irun4ultra #endurance #endurancerunning #endurancetrail #endurancetraining #whereveryouracewesupportyou #compressportportugal (at Sever do Vouga) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnVKwnHLY_Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pacosemnoticias · 2 months ago
ICNF refere que número de incêndios foi o mais baixo da década, mas área ardida foi terceira maior
O Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF) avança num relatório publicado, na segunda-feira, que entre 01 de janeiro e 30 de setembro de 2024 deflagram 6.319 incêndios rurais que resultaram em 135.058 hectares (ha) de área ardida, entre povoamentos (79.111 ha), matos (42.349 ha) e agricultura (13.598 ha).
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"Comparando os valores do ano de 2024 com o histórico dos 10 anos anteriores, assinala-se que se registaram menos 43% de incêndios rurais e mais 65% de área ardida relativamente à média anual", indicam os dados provisórios do ICNF, frisando que "o ano de 2024 apresenta, até ao dia 30 de setembro, o valor mais reduzido em número de incêndios e o terceiro valor mais elevado de área ardida, desde 2014".
O documento destaca que setembro é o mês com maior número de incêndios, com um total de 2.048 incêndios, o que corresponde a 32% dos fogos registados este ano.
Também foi em setembro que as chamas consumiram a maior área ardida, 124.739 ha, correspondendo a 92% do total de área ardida do ano, segundo os dados provisórios do ICNF.
Apesar de o relatório não focar especificamente os incêndios da terceira semana de setembro, foi entre 16 e 20 desse mês que se registaram nas regiões norte e centro do país o maior número de fogos e área ardida, além de terem provocado nove mortes, queimado casas e destruídos terrenos agrícolas.
Nessa semana de setembro, o país passou dos melhores valores de área ardida da década para o terceiro pior desde 2014, sendo apenas ultrapassado em 2017 (563.000 hectares) e 2016 (165.000).
O ICNF dá conta que o maior incêndio do ano deflagrou em 16 de setembro no concelho de Castro Daire (Viseu) e consumiu 18.369 hectares, seguido do fogo no concelho de Vila Nova de Paiva (Viseu), que também começou em 16 de setembro e totalizou 14.327 hectares.
Nos terceiro e quarto lugares dos maiores incêndios estão os dois fogos que se registaram no concelho de Sever do Vouga, com 15.186 hectares de área ardida, estando também em destaque os incêndios em Penalva do Castelo (Viseu), que consumiu 7.071 hectares, em Nelas (Viseu), com 6828 hectares, em Baião (Porto), com 6.503 ha, e Oliveira de Azeméis (Aveiro), com 6.170 ha.
"Da análise por distrito, destacam-se com maior número de incêndios, e por ordem decrescente, os distritos de Porto (1.413), Braga (676) e Viana do Castelo (601). Em qualquer dos casos, os incêndios são maioritariamente de reduzida dimensão", lê-se no relatório.
O ICNF sublinha que o distrito mais afetado em área ardida é Viseu com 49.163 hectares, cerca de 36% da área total ardida, seguido de Aveiro com 28.079 hectares (21% do total) e do Porto com 20.255 hectares (15% do total).
O ICNF indica também que cerca de um terço dos incêndios teve como causa este ano o "incendiarismo -- imputáveis" e 26% queimas e queimadas.
Do total de 6.319 incêndios rurais verificados este ano, 4.438 foram investigados e têm o processo de averiguação de causas concluído, tendo a investigação permitido a atribuição de uma causa a 3.246, de acordo com o relatório.
O INCF indica ainda que 30% dos incêndios deste ano corresponderam aos níveis de severidade meteorológica elevada, ou sejam dias tendencialmente com temperaturas elevadas, vento forte, ausência de precipitação e humidade relativa baixa.
Os dados do ICNF são diferentes dos avançados pelo sistema europeu Copernicus, que indicam que os incêndios florestais de setembro consumiram cerca de 135.000 hectares em seis dias, totalizando este ano a área ardida em Portugal quase 147.000 hectares.
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ilustracaoportuguesa · 5 years ago
Cabreia e Minas do Braçal XIV by Pedro
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peakwealth · 3 months ago
Stereo MP3 runs 3:24 - headphones recommended
Recorded July 2024.
Equipment used: FIELD: Zoom HN1 + Audiotechnica suspension + Sony MDR-7506 headphones.
VOICE: Mic Sennheiser MD21U + SD Mixpre 3 recorder
Edited on Audacity
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anutoapp · 6 years ago
Mitsubishi Carrinha bar - Sever do Vouga (Aveiro, portugal) - Mitsubishi (Veículos) [Anuto]
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urdesignmag · 8 years ago
Paulo Martins Revamps A Countryside House in Portugal
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Designed by Portuguese architect Pauolo Martins, this countryside house in Sever do Vouga, Portugal, with an useful floor area of 45 sqm, is the perfect place for a weekend break. see more
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