#seven years bad luck or maybe just a moment
atlabeth · 6 months
true luck's kiss
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of tyche!reader
summary: luke is stuck with a streak of bad luck. what better way to get rid of it than with a child of tyche?
a/n: so this was supposed to come out on st patrick's day but unfortunately im the slowest writer in the world and ive also been doing nothing but watch basketball because we sleep in may. anyways here's a short fluffy blurb because it is getting way too sad in here with my hurricane fics lmao
wc: 1.2k
warning(s): none, this is all fluff. i know crazy coming from me
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You grimaced as you pulled the arrow back. Sweat dripped down your forehead and you itched to brush it away, but you ignored the urge as you let out a deep breath. 
“Just like that.” Kimia nodded as she stopped behind you. “Perfect angle—now let it fly.” 
You did, and the weight lifted off your shoulders once the arrow embedded itself in the center of the target. 
“Ending on a bullseye,” she said with a grin. “Great work.” 
“Only way to do it,” you said, smiling at her. “Am I a worthy opponent yet?” 
She chuckled and patted your shoulder as she moved on. “Maybe one day you’ll be as good as Cabin Seven. Today’s not that day.” 
You shook your head with a laugh and took your quiver off your back. “Keep telling yourself that!”
A bow and arrow had become your weapon of choice since the moment you stepped foot into camp, and you’d gotten good over the years—so much so that it was a surprise when your mother claimed you. One day, though, you would get an Apollo kid to admit you were better than them. 
You’d just finished putting all your equipment away, and when you turned back, you were met with a mess of brown curls and shining eyes.
“Luke,” you said, pleasantly surprised. “Didn’t know you were in archery today.”
He shook his head. “I’m not. I didn’t come here for archery—I came here for you.”
You chuckled as you gestured with your head, and he got the hint as you started walking together. “How forward of you.”
“It’s a living,” he said with a smile. “How was practice?”
“And small talk?” You pressed a hand to your heart and shook your head. “It must be my lucky day.”
Luke’s smile widened as he ran a nervous hand through his hair. “That’s what I came to talk to you about, actually. I do wanna hear about your day, though.”
You shrugged. “It was boring. Killed it at archery, nearly got killed on the climbing wall—I was gonna head back to the cabin to chill for a few hours before dinner, but it looks like you’ve taken that slot.” 
He chuckled. “So you are free?” 
“I’ve always got some time to listen to Luke Castellan,” you mused. “What’ve you got?” 
“I’m cursed,” Luke said. 
You stopped in your tracks and looked him right in the eye. “...Cursed.” 
He nodded. “I know it sounds stupid, but it’s gotta be true. I mean, nothing is going right for me. I’ve been off my groove with my sword, I’ve lost every canoe race, I nearly burnt my eyebrows off last time I was in the forge, and my team hasn’t won a game of capture the flag this entire month—” 
“I know,” you interrupted. “I’m in your cabin.” 
“So you know how bad my luck’s been lately!” he exclaimed with a gesture. “It— it was embarrassing, but now it’s just pathetic.” 
“You know I can’t fix it, right?” you said wryly. “I’m not my mom.” 
“That’s what Annabeth said,” Luke mumbled. “But— but I’ve seen the way you live—you’ve got luck on tap! Your strawberries are always the ripest, you somehow find drachmas on the ground, and your volleyball serves are better than anyone’s.”
“I play varsity back home,” you said. “No luck needed.”
“Still,” he emphasized, “you’re naturally lucky. You’ve literally got it in your DNA, and I’m fresh out of it. That’s gotta be worth something.” 
“Not really.” You crossed your arms. “So what do you think I can do about this?” 
Luke shrugged. “I dunno. Say something?" 
You barely managed to stifle a laugh. “Like what?” 
“Pray to Tyche,” he said. “You’re her only kid here—she’s gotta be listening.” 
You bit back your smile as you shook your head. “Fine. Just for you.” 
“Thank you,” Luke sighed, watching with bated breath as you cleared your throat, closed your eyes, and pressed your hands together. 
“Tyche, dearest mother, goddess of luck and fortune—I ask you to shine on Luke Castellan on this day. Smile upon my friend and break his very real curse. If you do this for him, in return, he will do all of my cabin chores for the next month.” 
When you opened your eyes, Luke looked quite unimpressed. “Very funny.” 
“Feel any luckier?” you asked with a smile as you started walking again. 
“I don’t think so,” he said, falling into step with you once more. “Especially because you’re putting conditions in your prayers. I didn’t know we could do that.” 
“My mom has a sense of humor,” you mused. “And I also think I might be her favorite.” 
“Not all of us have that privilege,” he said wryly. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he grabbed your arm to stop you.  
“I think I’ve got it,” Luke said. “How about a kiss?” 
Your eyebrows rose, but you couldn’t help showing your amusement. “Now it’s a kiss that’ll break your curse?” 
He shrugged. “Like I said—you’ve got luck in your DNA. Maybe you could pass that along.”  
“Really,” you said dryly. 
“I’ve kinda tried everything,” he said. “A kiss from a lucky and pretty girl is far from the worst option.” 
You chuckled. “You really know how to flatter ‘em.” 
“I try,” he grinned. “Are you up to it?” 
You bit your lip as you looked at Luke. Obviously, he was attractive—you’d always held an appreciation for his curls and the way they would constantly get in his eyes. He cut an impressive figure from constant, year-round training, and he even made the camp shirt look good. And gods, that damned smile got you. 
There were worse things than kissing you, and there were certainly worse things than kissing Luke Castellan. 
“Alright,” you sighed, taking a step forward. “Pucker up, Castellan.” 
Before you could really doubt yourself, you leaned forward and kissed him. You weren’t really expecting to actually… like it. 
Your first thought was that Luke’s lips were softer than they had any right to be. Your second thought was that his cologne was the scent always floating around the Hermes cabin. You didn’t really mind, though. 
Luke gently put his hand on the back of your head to keep you there, and the moment lasted much longer than you initially planned. You also didn’t mind, though your thoughts were far more muddled than they should’ve been when you finally managed to pull away. He seemed to have a gift for that. 
You felt your cheeks flush as you looked at him, not even trying to hide your smile. Turns out kissing Luke Castellan was actually pretty great. “Feel any luckier?” 
“Yeah,” he said with a soft grin, his eyes twinkling. You wondered if he had the same thought about you. “Yeah. I really do.” 
“I think that means it’s worked, then,” you said. 
Luke nodded with mock austerity. “We should probably stick together for the rest of the week, though. Just to make sure this bad luck goes away for good.” 
“You might be right,” you said. “And uh— you think you need an extra boost?” You glanced away as you bit back your smile. “Just to be safe and all. To really get rid of this curse.” 
“You know,” he drew your attention back to him as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and you leaned in closer. “I think I might.” 
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lovecla · 13 days
IF YOU LOVE ME, LET ME KNOW | jack hughes.
chapter five:
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➴ warnings: fighting, misunderstanding, mentions of cheating
➴ word count: 3.2k
➴ author’s note: shit hit the fan yall… who the hell is going to fix this mess..
YOU woke up at ten to two after sleeping for seven hours straight. One thing about stressed you, is that you'd sleep for twenty-four hours if given the opportunity.
But you were thirsty and you needed to get your hands on a glass of water before you died from dehydration.
So, you got up, and made your way to the kitchen, only stopping when you saw your phone blowing up on the counter.
Frowning, you picked it up, confused with the hundreds of notifications on your lock screen.
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You completely forgot about your need for water. With your heart on your mouth, you sat on one of your stools, unlocking your phone and texting Grace.
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Usually, you didn't care about gossip. You'd always just joke about it on Twitter with your fans and move on.
People liked to invent things and you couldn't exactly stop them. So you just let it happen.
But apparently, Jack was involved in this too. Which left you confused because people didn't know about you two. Or at least, that's what your media team would say, whenever you had a meeting with them— a weekly occurrence, ever since the album was announced.
Typing your name on Google, you didn't have to dig too deep: an article published five hours ago was the first to show up. "Former Flames: NHL Star Jack Hughes Moves On with New Flame After Breakup with Pop Singer, Sophia Montenegro".
What the fuck?
Opening it, you could swear your heart would stop any moment. Hands shaking, you read every line, thinking of everything and nothing at the same time.
It seems love off the ice is just as fast-paced as the action on it for NHL star Jack Hughes. The hockey player, known for his fierce plays and competitive edge, is making headlines for his personal life as well. After a low-profile breakup with pop sensation Sophia Montenegro, Jack Hughes has already moved on-and he's not keeping it a secret.
According to our anonymous sources, the athlete and singer had started dating back in April, after they met at the New Jersey Devils [Jack Hughes' team] charity gala, and kept everything in the dark for six months straight: nothing more than a few Instagram comments and likes to prove anything.
However, despite the chemistry, the relationship ended after Jack was seen with one of his exes last night, Ava Mitchell. Jack Hughes is known for his short-term relationships so it wouldn't be anything new.
We hope Mrs. Montenegro is okay, after her second break-up in less than two years. Maybe our sweet girl, Sophia, has bad luck with relationships.
You didn't bother reading the rest, locking your phone and gently placing it on the counter again.
The rational part of your brain was telling you that none of that was true, and that this was just a gossip magazine doing what’s supposed to be doing, but you recognised the girl in the photo, it was the same girl on Jack’s lap yesterday. And that was obviously Jack, holding her hand like some kind of loving boyfriend.
You sighed, running your hands through your hair. You knew that something like this would happen. All of the good moments you had with Jack apparently were just that: good moments. And now, bad memories.
You knew what you had to do. Keep going, just like you did when Harris broke up with you over text after cheating on you the night before. Keep going, just like you did when your name got dragged into the mud because of that.
But doing that with Jack, for some crazy reason, was harder than you thought it’d be. Maybe because you had a lot of expectations and watching them getting crushed right in front of you sucked.
Your phone buzzed in front of you, Grace’s picture shining. You sighed, before picking it up. “Hi,” you whispered, remembering that you were still thirsty and this was the first word you said in seven hours.
“Hey, baby, how are you?” She sounded worried, and you understood her. This was the first somewhat scandal you’ve had in months. So yeah.
“I just read it…” you took a deep breath. “Gosh, what the hell. What happened after I left?”
You heard Grace move something around before she started speaking again. “Honey, I wish I could tell you something entirely different but… I did see Jack leaving with that girl. I am so sorry. Like, genuinely.”
Your entire body felt like it weighed three times more. Your heart shrank to the size of a pea and you could feel your hand tremble a little bit.
You had seen the picture, you knew that Jack had left the party with the girl but still. It hurt.
“Did you talk to him?” Grace asked, voice worried.
“No, I— Grace, I don’t know what to do,” you whispered, feeling something tickle your cheek. You wiped it with your hands, just to realize that it was tears. You were crying. “I like him so much. I had finally accepted it, I told you— I thought he felt the same.”
“I did too. I don’t know what happened. Maybe… God I hate to say this but maybe you should talk to him?”
You let out a wet laugh. “No way in hell I’m talking to him. I made that mistake with Harris. Every time he’d do something shitty, I’d go after him and talk to him, accept his excuses, his behavior. I’m not that Sophia anymore.”
“I know, I know… I just…” she sounded uncertain. “God. Why are men like this?”
You wiped your tears, smiling for the first time in hours.
“I don’t know.”
“Also, that song you sent me… is it about him?”
You were confused just for a second, before remembering the song you wrote last night— morning?
“Yeah,” you mumbled, feeling just the tiniest bit of embarrassment. “Couldn’t get it out of my head. What’d you think?”
“It’s perfect. Just like everything you write,” you could hear her smiling. You smiled too. “I love you so much, Soph.”
“I love you too, Grace. Don’t worry, I'll be fine,” you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself, and not her. “Let’s just focus on the album and the launching party, right? Fuck Jack Hughes.”
“Yes, you’re right. Fuck him and not in a good way!”
You laughed, feeling the pain inside your chest ease up a little bit.
It was going to be fine.
— ♡
JACK called you three times in the past three days.
You felt shitty not picking up any of his calls because you knew he was away for the entire week, but honestly, you weren’t ready to hear any of his excuses.
So drowning yourself in work was the answer for all of your problems. Day and night, you went to photoshoots and interviews, none of the questions being about you and Jack, thankfully. You knew it was all your team’s doing but still, it felt nice to talk about yourself and your work, and not about men who did nothing but make you hate yourself.
Grace thought you had to at least hear Jack out. But you knew that if you did that, the chances of you forgiving him were high. Higher than they should be. Because you’re still very much in love with him and want to be with him at all times.
“Good work today, guys,” Russel, your choreographer, shouted, everyone clapping together. You were all rehearsing for your launching party, a mini-concert with only a couple hundred people, something to introduce your album.
“Thank you, guys, love you.” You breathed, remembering how you should go back to the gym because singing and dancing at the same time required a lot of effort.
You headed back to your house, staring at the sunset through your car’s window, sighing loudly at the traffic in front of you. It was seven p.m. and you were tired and famished, thinking about all of the take-out options you could order when you got home.
“What the…” you muttered, when you tried entering your garage, but was unable to since there was a car there already. A car that you unfortunately knew very well. “The hell is he doing here?”
Jack was leaning against his car, a crazy thing to do during winter but whatever, wearing a beanie and a Devils hoodie, while looking at something in his phone.
He was supposed to be away. For a week.
Opening your door, you welcomed the cool breeze on your skin. The workout clothes felt too tight on your body and the bag on your hand felt too heavy but you held it tight. He still hadn’t noticed you so maybe you could walk past him without him noticing you?
“Hey, baby,” and yes, of course that didn’t work. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
You looked at him like he was out of his mind, but he just kissed your forehead and grabbed something from inside the car. A Five Guys takeout bag. Fuck him for knowing your favorite burger place.
“I got us food but I think the guy there messed with my order on purpose because he recognised me and he was wearing a Rangers pin which I thought was forbidden during work hours? But I never had a nine to five job so I can’t really tell.”
You continued to move, asking yourself why the hell Jack was so talkative today. Usually, he’d just answer your questions and leave it at that. But he must’ve spent too much time with Luke because damn, this man was a yapper now.
Opening the door, you let him in, not really sure why. Maybe Grace was right and you did need closure, but you expected to have this conversation with him through texts, and not face to face like right now.
He looked so dreamy. He’d shaved, so he looked eighteen years old all over again. His hair, hidden by the beanie, looked longer now and you desperately wanted to run your hands through it. He was standing there, cheeks and lips red, blue eyes looking directly at yours.
Why did he have to be so handsome? It’d all be much easier if he was ugly.
“You’re so quiet today, did something happen?” He asked, yanking you out of the train of thoughts about how handsome he was.
And suddenly, you were back in Harris’ living room, one year ago, watching as the man cried on your lap, apologizing over and over again, saying that he’d never lie to you and that he’d never let you down.
Your stomach was starting to hurt and you felt yourself breathing faster.
“I ran this conversation in my head a thousand times, but I never once imagined you’d just not talk about it and move on, y’know?” You mumbled, heart racing in your chest. “Was it worth it, Jack?”
His confused face made you hurt even more because, somehow, it looked genuine. “What are you talking about? Was what worth it?”
“So you’ll keep denying it?” You raise one eyebrow, feeling the sorrow being replaced by something uglier, something heavier. Something like anger.
“Denying what, Sophia?” He stepped closer, hands reaching to your body, which you dodged. If you’re going to do this, you’ll need every ounce of space in your house. “Sophia, what—”
“I know I have no right to be mad at you for this, because I know we were just fucking,” you smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes. “Hell, I was the one who said I didn’t want a relationship first. So I understand why you didn’t reach out to me, why you’re not apologizing, why you’re playing dumb, but—”
“Sophia,” he cut you off, his voice one octave deeper. You shivered, watching as he frowned at you. “I don’t know why you’re saying all of this shit. What the hell happened?”
You looked at him, analyzing his face and, once again, seeing nothing but pure confusion in his expression. You found it hard to believe that he didn’t know about the article, didn’t know about how people were saying that no one stayed with you for a long time, didn’t know about his ex announcing to everyone on her Instagram page that they were together again.
But unfortunately, you also knew that Jack wasn’t a liar. He’d never been, and probably would never be.
“So you don’t know about the article?”
“Article?” He furrowed his eyebrows. “Are you talking about gossip pages on Instagram? Soph, you know the only thing I do in that fucking app is like your photos, watch the weird ass reels you send me, and send pictures of ugly animals to my brothers and say it looks like them,”
Pulling your phone from your pocket, you google the article that you had every word memorized by now with how much you’ve read it. Showing it to him, you saw his face go through all stages of emotions: confusion, anger and understanding.
“You didn’t know about this?”
“I don’t read the articles people write about me. I don’t give a fuck about people’s opinions,” he growled, handing your phone back to you and taking his beanie off so he could run his hands through his hair. “I don’t know who the hell sent that information about us.”
“Can’t you see that the problem here isn’t people knowing that we were fucking?” You snapped, almost crushing your phone with how hard you were gripping it. “The problem here, Jack, is you leaving that fucking party with your fucking ex, after she spent half of her night on your lap.”
“The hell is wrong with that, Sophia?” He snapped too, looking angry and annoyed at the same time. “You left with fucking Quinn and didn’t even say goodbye to me. Me leaving with Ava isn’t any fucking different.”
“‘Isn’t any fucking different?’ Fuck you, Jack. Fuck,” you touched his chest with your index finger. “You.”
“Sophia, what is going on? You’re mad at me because I left with Ava? She was fucking out of her mind, drunk as hell, and I just took her home!” He raised his arms, like that was enough of an explanation. “It’s not my fault someone took a picture of us leaving and wrote a fucking article about that.”
“I’m not mad at you, Jack,” you whispered, staring into his eyes, losing yourself all over again, just like you did six months ago. “I’m mad at myself for falling in love with you.”
You were both taken aback by your statement. You had zero intentions of telling Jack how you felt about him because that would just be too much humiliation to handle but now the shit hit the fan and he knew.
“It’s…” he stared, biting his lips and averting your gaze. “It’s not like I cheated on you, Sophia. We aren’t dating.”
You knew something like this would happen and still. Your heart hurts all the same. It isn’t that serious, your brain was yelling at you, get a fucking grip.
“I know,” you whispered, trying to count your breathings. “I know that, Jack. You don’t need to tell me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He stepped closer. “About how you feel?”
“Was it going to change anything?” Your voice quivered with sadness and you hated yourself for it. The plan was to tell him to fuck off and leave him but now you were almost crying and losing your shit in front of him.
“Yes, Sophia, fuck,” he put his hands on your arms, squeezing you slightly. “Of course it was!”
“Jack, no,” you freed yourself from his touch, walking around your living room, with your hands on your head. “I didn’t tell you that just to watch you pity me, I was trying to make a point. Don’t start lying now just for the sake of it.”
“Lying? I’m not fucking lying, Sophia,” he sounded angry now. “If you had told me this before, I would’ve—”
“‘Would’ve’ what?” You raised your voice too, tears now streaming down your face freely. “Would’ve said you’re in love with me too? Would’ve abandoned your whore days just to be with me? Fuck off, Hughes, we both know that isn’t true.”
“Just because you like to paint me as the man whore of the Devils it doesn’t mean that that is true,” he snapped, again. “I’ve been with you for six months now, and I never, not even once, touched another woman, or even thought about doing it. Because I just wanted you, Sophia, can’t you fucking see it?”
You sat on the couch, covering your face with your hands, trying to hide the fact that those words affected you more than you would ever admit.
“I get it that your fuckhead ex-boyfriend fucked you up and I am sorry for it, baby, I really am, but I’m not like him—”
“Jack, no,” you stopped him and removed your hands from your face, not caring if you looked ugly or destroyed. “Just leave. It’s better this way.”
“Leave? Are you insane?” He raised his voice. “No, I’m not leaving. I’m telling you that I am in lo—”
“Don’t you fucking dare, Hughes,” you got up, walking until you were toe to toe with him, looking up until your eyes met his. “I don’t want to hear it. Leave, please.”
“What the hell, man, you’re— you’re not even hearing me out!” He sounded desperate.
“I don’t want— I don’t need any more of your lies or pity. Sorry if you lost a good fuck, but I’m sure you’ll find someone else to get your dick wet.” It hurt you saying this but you needed to hurt him in order to make him leave, even if only God knew how much you wanted him to stay.
But the people you loved, the men you loved, never stayed.
Eventually, if you both started dating, he’d get tired of the routine and he’d find someone else. He’d start lying and cheating and apologizing just to do it all again, stepping on your heart like he did to the ice.
So you needed him to leave.
“So you think that you were just that to me?” He scoffed. “A good fuck? I took you to my parents’ house. I introduced you to them. I talked to my friends about you and I made time for something else besides Hockey. I wanted you in my life and now you’re telling me that it was all just sex to me?”
His eyes have never looked bluer. Your entire body felt cold, and you knew it wasn’t because of the weather. It was because you could feel Jack distancing himself from you, and it hurt.
“Leave, Hughes.”
He stared at you for a full minute, the room quiet. Then, he nodded once and twice, before stepping back and making his way to your door.
Opening it, he turned back and looked at you again. “I hope you know that you can’t keep your heart locked away forever, Soph.”
Wanting nothing but to be in his arms, you stared at him until he softly closed the door. You don’t know how much time you spent looking at the wooden entrance, feeling like you just watched your forever walk away.
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what-even-is-thiss · 8 months
Icarus was a blip on the end of a larger story about his father but we as modern people have made him more well known than his father.
There’s something interesting about the myths that people cling to in a time and culture. Do you read Icarus as impulsive or full of hubris or thoughtless or just a teenager or just a moral tale about nothing in excess tacked onto the end of a story?
Is Thor a hero? A brute? A god as complicated as any man? Is Set pure evil or is that just one small aspect of his holiness? Is his betrayal of Osiris a story you know well or something whispered about and never written down for fear of attracting bad luck? Was it a punishment or a blessing when the seven sisters were raised into the sky or was it just something that happened? How were they raised into the sky? Who were they? Does it matter? Do they exist at all?
We’re always reinterpreting thousand year old ideas. Or older. Who was Icarus? Why is Icarus? He’s a flash and a bang and he’s gone kind of moment. What do you make of that? How many more poems will be made about him? Is this one of them? Likely no but also likely yes. How many more poems will be written about stealing fire? Who will they be talking about? Gods only know. Or maybe they don’t. It all depends on your perspective.
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bloatedandalone04 · 9 months
Wrapped Around Your Finger - Part 0.6
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Series Masterlist | Original Fic
➪in which a few calls get missed as the days go on and anakin gets a taste of what the rockstar lifestyle is truly like while you become closer to your classmate.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 5k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡
“Fuck, they were loud tonight,” Vinny muttered as he fell onto the couch in the tour bus. Clara was next to him, congratulating him on another great show as she pressed multiple kisses to his cheek.
The sight was a bit too much and Anakin had to look away as he was reminded of the way you were always all over him after a show. He pulled out his phone, glancing over at the couple. “They were amazing,” he corrected Vinny as he clicked on your contact. It was nearing one AM in Sweden, so it should be around twelve AM for you, and he hoped that you were still awake. 
The show went on a bit longer tonight, and his plans of calling you after had been greatly affected by it. He went to click the call button when he saw the few texts you had left him.
8:23 PM
Princess: Good luck, baby! You’ll do amazing, like always. Wish I was there!
11:07 PM
Princess: Call me when it’s over? I miss you
12:47 AM
Princess: I tried staying up, but I start class in less than seven hours, so we’ll just talk tomorrow. I love you, Ani. I hope you had a great show! Goodnight.
He cursed under his breath as he made his way to his bunk. You had sent that last text not too long ago, but you were probably just falling asleep and he didn’t want to disturb you. You needed to get as much rest as possible before you began the program, and he didn’t want to get in the way of that.
Guilt filled his body as he typed out a quick text, knowing it wouldn’t wake you up since you never slept with your ringer on. 
Goodnight, princess. I love you.
He plugged his phone in after that as Vinny and Clara passed him on their way to the back of the bus. Anakin groaned quietly and had to race Theo to the bathroom so he wouldn’t be stuck hearing them go at it. 
Theo flipped him off as he grabbed his headphones from off his bunk and moved to lay on the couch. Anakin laughed as he shut the door and then looked at himself in the mirror. His skin was a bit sweaty and his eyes held dark patches under them. 
He wasn’t kidding when he told you he had no idea how he was going to be able to sleep without you. After doing it for close to five years he had grown so used to having you next to him, he physically wasn’t able to sleep without you for too long. He had gotten maybe seventeen full hours of sleep in total since he left you behind in London, and it was beginning to show in his physical appearance. 
Anakin really wanted to talk to you before he went to bed and he wanted to wish you luck on your first day of class. He had this whole hype speech somewhat planned out in his head, but he didn’t get the chance to say it to you. 
He really hoped he could call you before you head off to school tomorrow as he felt like a bit of a bad boyfriend at the moment. You always supported him, always answered him and never missed a text. It really fucking sucked that he couldn’t do the same for you. 
Luckily, Anakin wasn’t left feeling like a total asshole the next morning when he woke up from his three hour sleep and called you at around six. “Hi, Ani,” your sweet voice greeted him and he could tell you didn’t get too much sleep either. He knew you were nervous for this program, and he would do anything to be with you right now so he could wish you good luck in person.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he murmured, getting up from his bunk and quickly making his way to the door. He unlocks it and quietly steps off the bus that was parked next to a rest stop. “I’m sorry I couldn’t call you last night. I wanted to, but the show went late and I didn’t want to wake you up.”
“That’s alright,” you say and he could hear you fumbling around with something in the background. “I figured you and the guys got caught up with something. It was a good show?”
Anakin leaned against the side of the bus, his eyes scanning the still dark surroundings. He would be two hours ahead of you soon, when he reached Finland, and he knew it would become harder to call you because of your chaotic schedules. “It was amazing,” he repeated his words from the prior night as he crossed his arm, gripping his bicep of the opposite one. 
“I’m not surprised,” you teased. “You’re up early. I thought I’d get a call from you after my class is over later.”
“I wanted to be the first to wish you luck,” he said, hoping you wouldn’t bring up the topic of his awful sleep schedule. 
You hummed. “Your effort was in vain, I’m afraid,” you laughed and the sound had him smiling. “Evan texted me a few seconds ago wishing the same thing.”
That had his smiling fading a bit. “Oh,”
You laughed again, a silence falling over the two of you afterwards. 
Fuck, why did this suddenly feel awkward now? Why did he suddenly feel annoyed that he wasn’t the first person to wish you luck today? Why did he already dislike your new friend without even meeting the guy?
The silence didn’t last long, thankfully, but you did the exact thing he didn’t want you to do. “You sound tired, Ani,” your voice was soft, laced with worry and now he felt worse. 
He didn’t want you worrying about him when you should be focused on your class that was scheduled in thirty minutes from now. “I’m fine, princess,” he brushed off your words, trying to hide how tired he sounded by clearing his throat afterwards. 
Of course you didn’t let him off easy. “Have you been getting enough sleep?”
“Yes, mom,” he laughed. “It’s just hard to sleep without you, but I already knew that it would be. I’ll get more sleep later today. We still have a fifteen hour drive ahead of us and then another ten after that until we need to start soundcheck.”
You were quiet for a few seconds before you mumbled, “I don’t want you pushing yourself too hard, Ani. You need to sleep more, you’re on stage almost every night, baby,”
Anakin sighed as he leaned his head back against the bus. “Don’t worry about me, alright? I’m fine, okay? I promise,” he tried to reassure you, but it was hard to do that when he was miles and miles away from you. He needed to change the subject, quickly. “I miss you.” 
That seemed to do the trick. “I miss you, too,” you say back, your tone much happier now. “I gotta go soon, but we’ll talk later?”
“Of course,” was that even a question?
“Okay. Thank you for calling me, and for the luck,” you mumble. “I love you.”
“I love you,” he said and waited for you to hang up before he dropped his hand back down to his side.
He stayed outside until the sun came up and he was fully awake with no chance of him going back to sleep for at least a few hours, knowing his sleep schedule was a lost cause without you here.
“Think of something or someone that makes you happy. It could be anything or anyone, but whatever or whoever it is has to have made some sort of impact on your life,” Kenneth Madsen, your instructor, ordered as he paced around the front of the room. “Could be a lover, a friend, a stranger, it could be your own bed. Whatever you choose, make sure it has a story behind it. Thank you all for a great first day, and I look forward to reading your pieces during tomorrow’s class. Remember to get a start on your short stories so they’re ready by the end of the program.”
That wasn’t so bad. The assignment is easy, too.
You close your books, making a mental note to refine your rushed scribbles later when you begin writing the assignment. As you stand up, you check your phone and see that it was nearing two PM. You could call Anakin as soon as you got back to your dorm and possibly talk to him for a lot longer than before, and the thought had you standing up quickly. 
“Hey,” a somewhat familiar voice says, making you look up as you grab your book. Evan stood next to your chair, his dark brown hair covering his forehead and making his green eyes stand out a bit. A smile danced on his lips as he watched you shove your things into your bag.
“Hi,” you say, smiling back at him.
He moved out of the way, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him as he asked, “Did you have a good first day?” 
“I did,” you answer as you and he walk side by side towards the doors. “I’m happy the instructor isn’t a total ass since he missed orientation day. He seems cool,”
“He is pretty cool. The assignment isn’t too bad, either,” Evan agreed, his accent slurring a few of the words, but you still understood him. 
You nod, smiling at him again when he opens the door for you. “I thought the same thing,” you say as you and he step out onto the campus grounds. “When are you planning on working on it?”
“I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to work on ours together,” he offered, adjusting the strap of his bag as he looked down at you. “And after you can read mine and I can read yours.”
You pause. “Right now?”
He stopped walking as well. “Yeah,” he nodded. “Why? Are you busy?”
You chew on your lip as you look down at your phone, and at your lock screen. It was a picture of you and Anakin that was taken back during the first tour, and the sight of it had your heart aching a bit. “I was going to call Anakin once I got home,” you trail off, looking back up at Evan.
He nodded again. “Right, your boyfriend. Yeah, this distance thing must be pretty hard for both of you, huh? I can’t even imagine how tough it’d be to date someone who is literally on tour right now,” he grinned and started to walk away. “No worries, we’ll catch up later.” 
Evan was so nice and now you’re starting to feel guilty for essentially blowing him off. “Wait, Evan,” you call after him, watching as he turns back around. “I can call him later, if your offer still stands.”
He laughed as he walked back over to you. “You mean the offer I gave you three seconds ago? Yes, it still stands,” he jokes and you laugh, too. “Are you sure you don’t want to go home and call him now?”
You pocket your phone as you shake your head. “He’s probably busy, or sleeping. He told me he was going to try to catch up on his sleep, so if that’s the case I don’t want to wake him,” you say as you walk next to him. “And I want to hang out with you.”
Evan looked away with a smile, bumping your arm gently with his elbow. “Well, in that case,” he glanced down at you as you neared the coffee shop you visited with him not too long ago. “Coffee?”
You find yourself agreeing and an hour later you are sitting at a bench on campus as you and Evan go over possible topics for the assignment. “What are you going to write about?” He asked as he wrote down another option for himself. “Or who?”
Lifting a brow, you give him a teasing smile as you answer. “Anakin, of course,”
Evan shakes his head, a smile dancing on his own lips as he looks up at you. “Of course,” he repeats your words. “Why did I even bother asking?” 
“Beats me,” you shrug as you sip on your drink, nearly dropping it as you feel your phone begin to vibrate in your bag. You pull it out as Evan mumbles something under his breath, your smile widening as you hold up your phone. “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”
Evan squints at the screen, shaking his head again with a grin. “You gonna answer that?”
You look at it, too, before clicking the power button and setting it aside. “No, I’ll call him later,” you say, glancing up at Evan when he remains silent. “What?”
“You can call him back now, if you want,” he said in a soft voice. “I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.”
Shaking your head, you flip open your book. “It’s fine. He’ll understand that I can’t talk right now because of a school thing,”
Evan nods and goes back to writing down random topics, but you were quickly beginning to regret not picking up Anakin’s call, but you also didn’t want to go back on your own words. 
He’d understand, anyway. He had no reason not to.
Ani: Sorry, thought your class would be over by now. Call me when you can. Miss you.
You smile and turn your phone around so the screen is facing the surface of the table, knowing he wouldn’t be upset with you.
Anakin let out a groan of frustration as he tore out another page in his notebook. Helena had just finished her weekly lecture about needing to get more music out for the fans, and he was slowly starting to lose his mind. 
He discovered that trying to write a song without you around was about as easy as it was to sleep without having you next to him. It was about fucking impossible.
He leaned back in the chair at the table of the tour bus, his hands reaching up to pull at his messy hair. Vinny was across from him and Theo was on the couch, both guys wearing weary looks at the state of their lead songwriter. 
“You alright, man?” Vinny asked, crossing out his own stupid lyrics that he knew Anakin would never sing. 
“Yeah,” he huffed, looking over at Vinny with a blank expression. “I’m great.”
Theo shook his head as he went back to writing down notes of the beat he was working on, tuning the two out as he got back into his own head. 
“Maybe you should call Y/n,” Vinny suggested, flipping the page and starting over. “Might help inspire you.”
Anakin knew that just hearing your voice wouldn’t be enough for him to think of new lyrics, but he pulled out his phone anyway. He also just wanted to talk to you again. The brief call he shared with you this morning was just that, brief, and he missed you like crazy. 
He may or may not also want to be the first person to ask you about how your first day went, since he wasn’t the first to wish you luck. Evan was. 
He clicked on your contact and brought his phone up to his ear, looking over the weak attempts he had written in his book. He read over each one until he heard the sound of the call disconnecting and he felt immediately on alert. 
Pulling his phone away, he looked at the screen and saw that you hadn’t missed his call, but ignored it. You actually clicked ignore call. What the fuck. 
“Huh,” he said aloud as he stared at the screen until it turned black. He looked up at Vinny, who was already staring at him. “She ignored me.”
Vinny furrowed his brows. “Huh,” he echoed, giving him a reassuring wave of his hand afterwards. “She’s probably busy or still in school or something.”
Anakin wanted to say that your class should’ve ended an hour ago, but didn’t want to come off as pathetic for knowing your schedule. “Probably,” he agreed, setting his phone aside after sending you a quick text. 
After Anakin finishes writing down a few dumb lines, Clara enters the bus with shopping bags that she promptly throws onto the couch next to Theo before she wraps her arms around Vinny. “Happy six months!” She says excitedly, looking at Anakin across the table. “I know it’s not five years like a certain someone over there will be celebrating soon, but fuck it, we’re celebrating.” 
Vinny grins up at her and kisses her quickly. “Six months, huh? What’d you have in mind for us to do to celebrate?” 
She hugged him a bit tighter from behind, kissing his cheek multiple times before saying, “Since we’ll be in Finland for a few days, maybe we can find a cute hotel? Nothing too fancy, just something we can have a little more privacy in,” she whispered the last part but Anakin still heard her and he was instantly reminded of the time last tour when he and you stayed in a hotel for one night and he ravished you as soon as you stepped through the door. 
Clara added something about a nice restaurant she had heard of as Anakin grabbed his phone again and opened the Instagram app, his brows furrowing at the icon that showed you posted something to your story. Without thinking much, he clicked on it and felt his face heat up at the smiling face of, who is this, Evan? You had tagged him and set your location to the University of Dun-Walsh, and he saw that you had posted it ten minutes ago. 
So you weren’t in class, and you had your phone with you, and you still hadn’t answered his text. 
Anakin was not one of those obsessed and crazy boyfriends…well, maybe he was a bit obsessed with you, but he’s always been that way - still, he felt a bit annoyed at the fact that you had ignored both his call and his text because you are busy with Evan, but clearly not busy enough to not be able to post him on your story. 
He was not one of those crazy boyfriends who gets mad when his girlfriend is hanging out with another guy, but he was a bit frustrated. 
Scoffing, he scrolls through the app for a bit before getting a notification that Liz had messaged him through DM. 
elizaphotography: hey :) i would’ve texted you but i don’t have your number. hint hint. anyway, we’ll be here for a few days so i was wondering if you were wanting to get out of that bus and have a night on the town with me. i need a night away from screaming fans and taking pictures and i heard about this club that is supposedly great. the guys are invited, too.
After reading that, his mood had lifted a bit and he glanced up at the guys. “Hey, Liz is asking if we want to go to a club tonight,” he said, getting the interest of Vinny and Theo, as well as Clara. “Said she needs a night out.”
“I do, too,” Theo mumbled as he set his guitar aside and tossed his book away. “I’m in.”
Vinny tore his eyes away from Theo and agreed as well, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend’s waist. “Me too,”
“Me three,” Clara added with a small smile. 
Anakin nodded, looking back down at his phone as he typed a reply. 
We’re so down, we all need a night off, too. 
He sent it then stared at his screen for a few seconds, hesitating only a bit before he typed out his phone number and sent it to her as well. 
“It doesn’t matter how young we were, or how young we still are, he has my entire heart and not a day goes by where I don’t think of him. We shouldn’t have gotten together, shouldn’t have even talked to each other as we had no reason to. He was the cool guy in band class who had no idea just how talented he truly was, and I was the nerd who would rather stay late after class and attend book club rather than go straight home,” you read the words you had typed not even half an hour ago, your nerves getting the best of you and making you stutter a bit. “But we did anyway. And I was his from that first second we spoke.” 
You wait a few seconds before glancing up at Evan, who had an unreadable expression on his face. His eyes flickered all over your features as he remained silent, making you feel even more nervous. 
Closing your laptop, you stand up quickly. “I know, it’s bad,”
Before you could run away, his hand reaches out and wraps around your wrist. “Damn, Y/n,” he huffed, making you raise a brow as you sat back down. Once he was sure you wouldn’t get up and run off, he released your hand and sat back in his chair, an exasperated sigh leaving his mouth. “I might as well just drop out now.”
Your eyes widened a bit as a surprised laugh escaped you, settling back on your own chair. “What are you talking about?”
Evan gives you a pointed look. “That was amazing,” he said, making heat immediately rush to your face. “I don’t know why you doubt yourself, you’re an amazing writer. At the end, when Kenneth gets to pick a short story to send to his team, there’s no way he won’t pick yours.”
You blush more and shake your head, breaking eye contact with him. “That’s still three months away,” you point out. “That’s a long time, and I haven’t even decided on what I’m going to write about.”
Evan rolled his eyes as he shut his laptop and shoved it into his bag. “Just take the compliment, Y/n,” he laughed and stood up. “I’m serious, your piece is good. Kenneth will love it.”
You look up at him, a grateful smile on your lips. “Thank you,”
He smiled back as he grabbed his phone. “It’s getting late,” he noted as he pocketed it. “Can I walk you home?”
You nod and pack away your things before standing up and walking across campus side by side with Evan. “Thank you for today, it was fun,” you say as you stand outside your dorm. “I’m really glad to have you here with me. It’s not so lonely because of you.”
Evan grins at you, reaching one arm out and hugging you once you stepped into his embrace. “The feeling is mutual,” he says and pulls away. “Promise.”
You shake your head as you grab your keys. “See you tomorrow?”
He nods. “If I can get my assignment done in the next three hours,” he joked and walked away. 
You watch him for a few seconds before entering your room, tossing your bag onto your bed and grabbing your phone. “Shit,” you mumble when you realize that you never actually got back to Anakin. 
Bailey, your roommate, walks in just as you raise your phone to your ear, and she gives you a smile as she quietly shuts the door behind her. “Hey,” she mouths, dropping her own bag onto her bed. 
“Hi,” you say back as you listen to the phone ring a few times before it connected. 
“Princess,” came Anakin’s voice. It was slurred a bit and you could hear loud music in the back, making your brows lift slightly. “What’s up?”
“Hi, Ani,” you say, unsure if he could even hear you. “I’m sorry I missed your call earlier, I got held up with something…are you at a party right now?”
There was a beat or two of just music before he answered. “A club, actually,”
“Yeah,” and then he went quiet again for a few seconds. “Don’t worry about it, it’s fine.”
You nod even though he couldn’t see you, and you could feel Bailey’s gaze on you. “Okay, well, I feel bad about it, so I just wanted to call and see what you were up to,”
“Don’t feel bad,” he brushed you off, making your face fall a bit at how dismissive he sounded. “I gotta go, baby, I can barely hear you. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” you agree, giving your roommate a reassuring smile when you notice her look of concern. “I love you.”
“You too,” he said and then the call ended.
Your heart skipped a beat at how quick that call was, and you dropped your hand with a quiet scoff. Part of you wished he left the club and stood outside of it to talk to you for a few more minutes, but he already sounded drunk. He must’ve been there for a while now, but you still felt a little hurt that he ended it so soon. 
“You okay?” Bailey asked as she grabbed her bin for the shower. 
While you didn’t know her very well, she seemed nice enough. You were sure you and her would become a lot closer the longer you roomed together, but for now you didn’t feel the need to tell her about your concerns. “Yeah, I’m good,” you say, smiling afterwards for good measure. 
“Okay,” she smiled back, grabbing a towel. “I’m off to the showers.” 
You nod and watch as she leaves the room again before looking back down at your phone. Chewing on your bottom lip, you type out a quick text before moving back against your headboard and grabbing your laptop, suddenly feeling inspired enough to start your short story. 
Princess: I hope you’re having fun, Ani. I’m sorry again. I love you. 
Anakin didn’t answer you and pocketed his phone before downing his third shot of the night. Liz was next to him at the bar while Vinny and Clara were off dancing, and Theo was a few stools down. “Hey,” she called over the loud music, making him lean closer to her in order to hear her better. “Have you ever gotten high?”
Anakin shook his head, the fast movement making his already dizzy head spin a bit more. “No, never,”
“Never?” She asked, shock lacing her tone as she took out a plastic bag from her purse. “Wow, your girlfriend really kept you on a short leash, huh?”
“I guess,” he said without really thinking over his words. “What is that?”
“Just a little something to make this night even more fun,” she smirked.
“How did you even get that in here?” He asked as she opened the bag and took out one of the little pills. “We were checked at the doors.”
She shrugged, “I have my ways. Want one?”
Anakin looked at the pill she held up, a teasing smile on her red lips and her brow raised. “No,” he shook his head, watching as she shrugged again and placed the pill on her tongue.
“Suit yourself,” she said as she put the bag back in her purse. “Dance with me.”
He couldn’t say anything before she grabbed his hand and another drink as she guided him towards the middle of the club. The place was packed and Anakin kept a firm hold on her hand as she made her way through the crowd of drunk people, still worried about her getting separated even in his near-drunk state. 
She placed her hand on his shoulder and he kept his at his sides, making Liz roll her eyes. “Come on, Anakin,” she said over the music. “Dancing with me isn’t cheating.”
She held the drink up to his lips and he took more than a few sips from it before she finished it off and set it on a nearby table.
“Dance with me,” she said again, guiding his hands up until they were on her hips. “Have fun.” 
Anakin squeezed her waist a bit as he felt his head spin from all the drinks he had before this. She moved their bodies to the music, a proud smirk on her lips as she slid her hands up and gripped his hair. 
If he closed his eyes and let himself get lost inside his own head, he could imagine that it was you who he’s dancing with, and that it was your body that is pressed to his. Your hands that are tangled in his hair, pulling on it in the way you knew he loved.
She jumped and swayed against him, a laugh leaving her mouth at the dazed expression in his eyes. He had no idea how long they did that before she stilled her body and stared at him. 
Liz leaned up and teased his lips with the tip of her nose before she turned around and pressed her back against his front. Her hands cover his that were still on her hips as she subtly ground back against him, making Anakin jolt back a bit at the same time Vinny slaps him lightly on his shoulder. “Hey, man,” he called out. “You doing okay? You seem a bit…wasted.”
Vinny eyed Liz, who just gave him an innocent smile as she reached up to fix her hair. “I think I am,” Anakin answered and Vinny nodded, wrapping his arm tighter around Clara’s waist. 
“I think we’re done for tonight,” he said, mainly to Liz. “Come on, Anakin.”
Vinny took his forearm and began to pull Anakin towards the exit. “Are you coming?” Anakin asked Liz, who just shook her head.
“My nights just begun,” she said before Vinny fully tugged him away from her, nodding at Theo on his way out.
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pewpewkachuuboo · 7 months
So I had a thought about what if Lucifer is full of shit and is actually the one Alastor made a deal with because Alastor is the big bad because isn’t Luci chilling with the Overlords during extermination in the pilot? Like…. There’s no way he doesn’t know Alastor at all.
So I wrote how I thought their original meeting went - if y’all like the idea I would love to write how the interactions during the season would look if this were the case. That could be fun, actually - I may do that regardless.
I don’t really think I believe it, but I do love the idea that Alastor is in debt to Lucifer and the deal was protecting Charlie’s dream which means he can’t actually do harm to those that don’t deserve it period.
The throne room of hell was vast and empty. The room consisted of a pair of large ornate doors that led to a red-carpeted walkway straight to the throne of hell that sat upon eight large steps that represented the eight rings of hell.
Lucifer sat comfortably on his throne, leaning against his staff as Alastor considered his options.
“So… I will be all powerful after a seven year sabbatical.”
“You will have access to powers beyond your means after I send you to train with my brother for the seven years that it takes for completion - on the condition that when you return, you protect my daughter and her dreams at all cost.”
Alastor chuckled deeply, his voice crackling in interest, “I will not sacrifice myself for another person - especially not blue blood scum. I think I can find how to conjure power on my own, thank you.”
Lucifer’s eyes glowed red in irritation. He stood from his red throne and slammed down his staff. The sound echoed as golden chains restrained Alastor from leaving as he had intended, “I seem to recall that it was you, radio demon, that came to me seeking power. Not the other way around.”
Alastor gave a light sigh, “No need for the restraints, sir, let’s come to another agreement.”
Lucifer did not move to remove the chains, “You’re much more charming in this position- maybe I should put you on your knees and make you beg for that power you crave instead.”
With a tut of his tongue Alastor retorted carefully, “I want power. I will agree to do whatever it takes when I return to see that your daughters hopes and dreams are not crushed. I will protect her but I will not die for her.”
Lucifer hummed thoughtfully at the offer and snapped his fingers to release Alastor from the golden chains before reaching out a hand, “You also cannot let her know of this deal or that we know one another at all.”
Alastor stood still for a moment before finally nodding and closing the distance between them, his hand slipping into the king’s, “Deal.”
Lucifer flashed his devilish grin, a golden glow and dark shadows blending into each other around them, “Good luck and I’ll see you in seven years.”
With that the light and shadows engulfed Alastor and when the colors faded, the radio demon was nowhere to be found.
Lucifer chuckled, “He should have been more careful with his wording - I thought he’d make it harder than that.” He clicked his tongue before sitting back atop his throne, eyes darkening as his wife entered.
Lilith looked calm, “It’s done?”
“Yes. What is Charlie going to say when she figures out that you decided to go to heaven to live and left behind a radio demon to protect her but don’t intend to say goodbye yourself?”
Lilith smiled sadly, “She won’t because you love her too much to tell her and break her heart. Adam promised the exorcists would leave you and Charlie without harm no matter what comes.”
“Just the exorcists?” Lucifer snorted, the grip on his staff tightening, “If Adam kills your daughter himself what do you intend to do?”
Lilith shook her head, “I don’t have time for what ifs, Luci.”
Lucifer spit on the ground at his feet angrily, voice coming out in a harsh and gravely whisper, “You have lost the right to call me by nicknames or pet names. Get out. If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you myself.”
With a sigh, Lilith left the room leaving Lucifer on his own once more.
Lucifer took in a ragged breath, tears falling down his cheeks as he sobbed in loss - they had separated years ago because Lilith had left him to wallow in his misery and instead of being understanding, she took his daughter and left to take charge of hell on her own because he wasn’t motivated or loved like she was.
Something about this moment felt more final, however, and so he allowed himself to transport to his working quarters so he could mourn the loss of his family a final time before distracting himself fully. Charlie, after growing up with her mother, was never close to him despite how desperately he craved that relationship, and she hardly reached out at this point in her life so she clearly didn’t need him - so when Lilith approached him explaining the deal she had made with Adam and asking him to seek out the most powerful overlord to make a deal with him so that Charlie would be protected he hesitated, but ultimately was able to manipulate word of mouth to convince Alastor to seek him out for more power. Sinners were always hungry for more power.
And so Lucifer kept to himself, willing his phone to ring with Charlie’s profile picture so he could try to mend their relationship. He missed her desperately, but felt in the depths of his heart that any attempts he made to reach out first would lead to rejection from the only person he had left.
He wouldn’t survive if Charlie rejected him like the rest of heaven and hell had.
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wandabear · 1 year
Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls’ soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
chapter warnings: smut, angst, death, violence, blood, mentions of abuse. Please, as I said before, this is going to be harder on this and the next chapters. And this one is... doomcoming. I'm responsible for letting you know that, but if you don't like that, you can choose not to read it. ㅤㅤ
I must clarify again, all of them are 18 years old or more. Lots of characters will not survive, that's it. That doesn't mean I hate them or I don't like them.
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Despite the fact that the deer hunt had brought good vibes to the girls and full bellies for about three days, the days that followed became more difficult.
They thought that perhaps luck would still be on their side, but the arrival of autumn and soon winter made it more and more difficult. Some animals migrated to warmer places, leaving them without hope.
“Here you go.”
With a look of desolation, they all looked at their plates, completely fed up and disgusted. It wasn't smiles and fun anymore after weeks of being lost.
Y/N thought that the disgusting stew her mother used to cook right now seemed like an exquisite culinary masterpiece.
“it's all we got, we're saving some deer meat left for tomorrow.” Wanda explained as she sat down with her friends.
They all began to eat 'what they had managed to get' and although it didn't seem to make them happy, at least it kept them alive for one more day.
“Okay, I can't do this anymore.” Carol complained exhausted, setting the plate aside. The blonde caught everyone's attention when she got up to go get something in the corner where she was sleeping and approached them, leaving a huge glass jar with a purple liquid.
“What is that?” Y/N frowned.
“It was some berries I was trying to save, but…” Carol sighed and opened the jar.  “I think it might've turned into booze? I don't know about the rest of you, but I could use a drink.”
They all watched intently, completely interested in the idea of forgetting everything for a while.
Natasha raised an eyebrow.  “Do we think it's safe?”
“Do we care?” Jules shrugged, smiling kindly at Carol who just nodded, grateful to have her support. Things between Nat and the brunette hadn't been quite the same, and everyone was starting to notice it.
“I have a few more.”
“If we have booze, let's have a party.” Jennifer exclaimed and some of them giggled, even though things weren't too bad, they couldn't afford to lose their spirits.
“'Cause we've got so much to celebrate.” Sharon rolled her eyes.
“Do we need a reason?” Y/N got up from her seat and looked out the window. Some clouds in the distance said that the most difficult time would soon begin. In summer, that place was spectacular, but winter? It was a subarctic place, definitely if they didn't find them soon, the girls would start to suffer more or even die. “If they don't find us and we don't forage for food to get us through the winter, we'll be dead. I say we party now.”
“There's a full moon tomorrow night.” Wanda added maybe a bit excited, which was very cute.  “And it's almost Homecoming.”
“We packed dresses, right?” Jules said interested in the idea of drinking and forgetting about that damn place for a while.  “For the awards dinner?”
“There we go.” Y/N put her hands on her hips, willing to make this moment something different and not let her spirits die. “We have dresses, we have booze. We can decorate.”
“Have a sort of... moon homecoming.” Wanda smiled, looking at Y/N. The connection between her gazes stole her breath.
“More like a doom homecoming.” Pietro scoffed but Wanda quickly nudged him.
Jules chuckles softly. “A Doomcoming.”
Some of them chuckled, but they all seemed to agree.  Even Sharon agreed saying: “Now that's a party idea.”
“All right. Doomcoming.” Natasha patted her leg and got up, although she wasn't entirely sure, drinking a little and losing your mind for a while wasn't bad at all.  “Tomorrow night, we'll drink rotten berries and celebrate our impending death.”
They all cheered and whistled, ready to relax for a night at least. Not knowing that in the attic, a man was growling just listening to them.
Grant Ward looked at himself in the mirror, those dark circles and his weeks messy beard made him look more careless.
He didn't even care, what he did care about was seeing that part of his leg was missing. Chopped. Feeling like there was no future, and his future as a real coach was gone when he lost his leg. Seemed to be drifting further and further from reality.
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They were all doing their best to make the night the best. Some were in charge of decorating around the cabin, using pieces of cloth, colored stones and flowers, as well as huge dry leaves.
Others used some candles, wild animal bones, and also made torches to make the evening special.
In a few hours, they would be having the fun they deserved.
“Сука!” The girl muttered between teeth, after winning the battle with her suitcase that seemed to be stuck. Natasha smiled when she finally opened the damn thing, looking through her stuff. All the girls were outside so she took advantage of using the kitchen to be alone.
Nat exhaled in relief when she saw that fabric, was starting to think she lost it. Her dress, the one Melina bought for the awards ceremony; the redhead finally smiled wistfully.
“Hey. What are you doing?”
Jules's voice made her close the suitcase quickly, looking up.
“Just trying to open this.” Natasha sighed, perhaps a little more exasperated than she expected to show. “What's going on?”
“I- umh, they are all doing this kind of pairing tonight and…” Jules licked her lips nervously, walking up to face her.  “Will you go with me to the party?”
But she didn't get an answer, Natasha just sighed deeply.
Why the hell had she thought that maybe there was hope of having something with Nat? Nat never gave her a sign, she just used her to have sex and nothing else, that was the deal between them. But Jules didn't give up, expecting Natasha to realize her feelings. It was useless, that would never happen.
Jules just shook her head, smiling sadly.  “Oh, it's okay. I get it.”
“You know I don't do that.” Nat raised an eyebrow, then looked down at her suitcase, unable to keep her gaze on it and not feel guilty. “That's not what we had and you know it.”
“I know. It was really dumb.” The raven haired girl exhaled and then turned to leave the kitchen, trying to hide her teary eyes.
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While in the back of the cabin, hiding from the other girls, Wanda giggled as she felt how Y/N kissed her neck slowly, hands settled on her hips but never crossed the limits.
The tender and sweet kisses began to gain a passion that increased more and more.
“You ever think about what we'd be doing if we hadn't crashed?” Wanda asked once they separated, making sure no one saw them.
Not because either of them felt embarrassed, not at all, but they wanted to keep something unique together. Something nice between just them.
“Like, we'd be going to so many parties?” Y/N joked and adjusted her shirt. Maybe if she thought about what would have happened, they would both be in some nice hotel celebrating or even being just 'friends', without daring to get close.
“Yeah, I-I guess.” Wanda smiled and shrugged, thinking about 'what could have happened' could become painful if you let yourself go. “I don't really think about it.”
“Well, all I think about is you.” Y/N responded completely in love, leaning in to kiss her lips once more.
“What if this is it, Y/N?” The brunette wrapped her arms around Y/N’s  neck, lost in those eyes that she liked so much.  “Everything we did, uh, everything we didn't do.”
Y/N didn't know what she meant, just decided to listen to her girl's concerns.
“I'm not gonna die a virgin.” Wanda sighed deeply, ready to make that decision, Y/N just widened her eyes.
“What?” Y/N babbled, of course she understood correctly but that was quite surprising.
“I wanna be with you.” Wanda's cheeks blushed, looking even more adorable. “I wanna be yours. Please.”
It was an important decision, but the truth was that they were completely crazy about each other. Y/N would be lying if she said that she hadn't dreamed and fantasized about it many times, especially when the kisses became more and more passionate and needy.
“Are you sure?” She caressed her girlfriend's cheek gently, and Wanda could only imagine being touched that way under her clothes.
“I’m so sure.” Wanda bit her bottom lip and then smiled excitedly.  “Tonight?”
Smiling as well, Y/N nodded.  “Tonight.”
It was a date.
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“So…” The raven-haired girl began as they both finished decorating an arch with some branches, flowers and strips of cloth. “I have seen that you disappear from time to time. Strangely, Wanda is not here either.”
Jules smiled mischievously.
Y/N looked at her sister a bit nervous but then she just shrugged. “Yeah? Weird…”
“I’m not stupid, Y/N, but the team haven't noticed yet.” Jules murmured as they finished the arch, making it perfect for everyone to go through. “Are you happy?”
Y/N hesitated to answer but then she understood that she was one of the most important person in her life. How not to tell Jules the truth? “Very happy.”
They both smiled, keeping that secret.
“That's all I want.” Jules leaned in to place a kiss on her cheek. “I want you to be happy, sweetie. And this place is... I don't know how long we'll be alive, so enjoy.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too, Y/N/N.”
They sat down for a moment to rest and talk about Wanda and her, but after a few minutes, they noticed that Carol was coming towards them. ㅤㅤ
“Hey.” Carol approached slowly, almost as if she was afraid or something. She had something in her hands that quickly hid, looking at Jules. “Can I ask you something? I mean, can we talk?”
They both eyed her curiously, Jules nodded. “Shoot.”
“Alone.” Carol said so fast and looked at Y/N out of the corner of her eye, who narrowed her eyes without understanding what was happening there.  “Please?”
“Okay, weird, got it. I will go to wash myself in the river and for my clothes.” Y/N got up from her seat and looked at them somewhat confused before leaving. ㅤㅤ
“What is it? Are you okay? Is about the berries?” Jules finally asked, not understanding what was so important or secret that Carol wanted to say.
They were friends, teammates, but they had never been close. Carol was a somewhat crazy, funny, kinda grumpy sometimes, but she was a good teammate.
“Yeah, I guess, in the mood for a burger.” She joked and they shared a laugh. “How are you?”
Jules had an endless number of responses and none of them were too positive, but she just decided to fake a smile.  “I’m okay.”
“I've noticed you've been a bit down lately.” The blonde pursed her lips and came over to help light the torches.
“This place doesn't make me feel very good, but it's all we've got.” Jules swallowed.  “I'm starting to appreciate it.”
“You're not doing your makeup and looking for what to wear like the girls over there.”
Watching her out of the corner of her eye, Carol noticed that the brunette lowered her gaze, something happened. Of course. “I was thinking… you know…”
Jules looked at her, she'd never seen Carol so nervous.
“Some of the girls are going in couples or- or pairing to this ‘doomcoming’ and- I want to…” The blonde seemed to have trouble saying it, but even so she took courage and said it: "Would you go with me?”
Danvers was asking her. Carol fucking Danvers, wild one, love for leather jackets, Top Gun and bad reputation.
“I thought you would go with Valkyrie.” Jules frowned, but she wasn't going to deny that she was quite flattered.
“Yeah, she's my friend but… I kinda… kinda like you too.” Carol handed her a pair of yellow daisies, a tiny bouquet. “…So?”
Perhaps one of the cutest gestures Jules had ever received and never expected to come from fucking Carol Danvers.
What to say? ‘No, I'm waiting for Natasha to reconsider and come over.’ But the truth is that Nat wasn’t going to do it, the russian would never accept anything more and Jules' feelings would never be reciprocated.
“I would be happy to go to the doomcoming with you.” Jules smiled tenderly and nodded, taking that flower. It was a pretty yellow daisy, the kind that grew near the lake.
She smiled, not out of courtesy this time, especially when Carol beamed and nodded quickly, excited.
“Yeah? Awesome! I’ve to go, I left the booze alone and I should go back...” The blonde turned to go get dressed and get ready, but not before saying: “I told you someone was going to invite you, remember? Before the pep rally.”
And she was right.
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Wanda sighed and looked at herself in the mirror once more, couldn't even remember the last time she was so nervous.
Dates with Vision no longer that exciting tension, and although this time it was just a simple reunion in the middle of the forest, it made her heart pound fast.
Natasha went into the attic and noticed how Wanda was struggling to close the zipper of her dress, so she came closer. “Come here, I’ll help you.”
“Thank you.” Wanda smiled kindly and turned around.
“hey, you look beautiful.” Nat told her with a kind smile and then reaffirmed it when Wanda turned to see her.
“Would you help me braid it? My hair, I mean.” Wanda sighed and watched as her hair had fluffed up a bit due to the lack of hygiene items.
Natasha agreed and they both went to the window so they could enjoy the sunlight, or the few minutes that were left of it.
They were chatting for a while until Wanda noticed that one of backpacks was open. She frowned, no one touched her stuff. Especially the bag where the girl collected the mushrooms and stuff she found in the forest, many could be toxic.
“Hey, do you know if anyone searched my stuff? The bag where I keep the mushrooms is open.” She looked at Nat with some concern. “The ones we shouldn't eat.”
“I have no idea, I just know that Carol was making the booze but I didn't see any mushrooms.” Nat frowned, finishing combing Wanda's hair. “Maybe some girl was looking for makeup?”
Not very convinced about that but really hoping that it would be so, Wanda just nodded.  “Yeah, maybe.”
Each of the girls met at the arch and ‘crossed it’ together. Between friends or couples, no one was ever alone. Even Pietro was encouraged to ask Monica, who accepted gladly. Yelena and Kate went together, the archer wearing a black suit -that Pietro gave her because her dress was torn- while Yelena a pretty blue dress.
Y/N looked at herself once more in the old broken mirror and then left the cabin to walk towards the arch. She was wearing a beautiful black dress, they all had pretty flower crowns, her hair was loose.
But Y/N’s smile grew even more when she saw Wanda shyly approaching her. The brunette was wearing a beautiful dark scarlet dress, her hair was braided to the side, surely Natasha helped her. Y/N knew that she should say goodbye to her heart forever now.
“Woah, you look…” Y/N searched for the exact word with which to define her but it was impossible, she was much more than all that. Feeling captivated just by seeing her, that beauty left her breathless.  “You look amazing. Beautiful.”
“Thank you.” The blush made her look even prettier if that was possible. Wanda held out her arm.  “Shall we…?”
“Let’s do this, gorgeous.” Y/N took her arm and they both crossed through that arch, listening to how their friends cheered those they were coming. They all laughed happily, imagining that it was a nice event at school.
But once Wanda and Y/N walked through the arch hand in hand, they all cheered and smiled happily as they joined the round around the campfire.
“Are they…?” Kate asked, smirking.
“Duh.” Pietro responded, watching them happy.
Being under everyone's gaze, they both turned to look at each other. And leaving any fear behind, Wanda took Y/N's face and kissed her. So bravely, her heart had no room for fear.
The cheering and happy laughs from everyone warmed their hearts, not realizing that an evil gaze was watching them from the attic.
The last ones were Carol, who was wearing a black suit and her blond hair loose, making a perfect contrast. Next to her, Jules was wearing a dress of the same color, with some touches of lace.
They all seemed happy too, except Natasha, who from her look seemed quite surprised and hurt to see them. The only one to notice this was Y/N.
“Let the Doomcoming begin!” Jennifer yelled hitting a pot, starting that party. They all cheered and raised their glasses before trying some of that drink.
“Oh, now we just need a DJ to pump up the volume.” Jules made a face as she tasted the drink, which while it wasn't the best, at least it was something.
At that moment, Y/N took out her portable player from her pocket and held it up high, saving everyone's spirits. “Here's your savior, losers! Worship me!”
“But dude, your battery will die tonight.” Kate pouted.
“I know. I've been saving it for a special occasion.” Y/N just shrugged and approached Yelena, together they tried to fix it so the echo would make it louder.  
They all squealed again and jumped with excitement when ‘Genie in a bottle’ one of the songs of the time, began to play.  They dance through the choreography completely, remembering for once that they were just teenagers. For one night, they all danced, laughed and drank, leaving behind all the bad things and enjoying themselves. Not knowing how hard tomorrow would be.
Everything was going well until the player started to fail, until it ran out of battery in the middle of the party. They all began to boo and silence embraced them again.
Y/N took  the device and the battery was definitely dead.  “Thanks my friend. You've come a long way... Yep, it's dead.”
“That’s sad… We missed the slow dance.” Jules scrunched her nose.
“There used to be a graying tower alone on the sea.” Kate began to sing, making the others laugh, but little by little they all joined in singing that slow song.
Carol didn’t hesitate to take Jules hand and begin to dance slowly, without realizing that the russian seemed to annihilate her with just her gaze.
“May I have this dance?” Y/N held out her hand to Wanda, playing  a bit to make her laugh, and of course, she succeeded.
They both danced slowly while their friends sang. Wanda closed her eyes, trying to imagine that she was at the school homecoming, surrounded by everyone, finally with the person she truly wanted.
“So… is this what a high school dance feels like?” Y/N murmured with a small smile, noticing how Wanda looked up to see her.
The sokovian bit her bottom lip.  “I guess so.”
“You look beautiful, Wands.”  Y/N leaned in to peck her lips and then moved away when the girls stopped singing because they were busy drinking.
Wanda smiled as she took Y/N’s hand, moving away from everyone a bit. “Aren't you going to drink?”
“Nah, I don't wanna drink too much… my mother is an alcoholic.” Y/N shrugged, trying not to lose her mind as Wanda fixed her shirt collar. “You?”
“I think one sip was enough.” Wanda scrunched her nose. “I don't want to despise that ‘expensive’ berry liqueur.”
“Hey… You want to get out of here?” The taller girl leaned in to whisper in her ear.  “I have something for us where you know.”
That whisper made Wanda feel a chill down her spine, her body tensed exquisitely. They both knew exactly what that meant.
“Oh, my God, yes.” Green eyes that sparkled with desire.
Y/N smiled mischievously, leading her by the hand away from the party.
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And the party went on for quite a while, until things started to get weird.
Natasha, who was standing in a corner watching that everything was okay, noticed that many of them began to laugh excessively and stumble. While the drink seemed strong, Nat found the girls' behavior quite strange.
The redhead approached to see the jar and noticed that they had almost drunk it all, but what surprised her the most was seeing some pieces of something strange at the bottom.
Natasha thanked that she didn't tried that thing.
About to reach in to remove it, Natasha stopped when she heard Jules voice, laughing out loud and sensually dancing to Carol, not caring too much who saw her. Back to the jar, Nat confirmed that they were mushrooms. The ones that Wanda was looking for in the afternoon.
“Hey. We have problems.” Natasha quickly approached to them, trying to get the attention of both but neither seemed interested. The brunette seemed interested in watching her hands in the air and moving, Carol was interested in her.
“Oh, god. Look at these...” Jules muttered gawkingly, grinning when she finally discovered the stars, Natasha frowned quite worried.
“Jules, listen. We need to find Y/N and Wanda, I think someone poisoned all of us… With shrooms.” Nat looked around to see who was missing, besides her friends. Neither Pietro nor Ward were there.
“You mean, like, shrooms-shrooms?” Jules chuckled and rolled her eyes, not even seeming to care too much about what she was saying. “Oh, god, this feels so good.”
All her senses were clouded when Carol placed her hand on her lower waist, pulling the girl closer. Jules seemed to enjoy it which annoyed Natasha enough to get in the way.
“Can you listen to me for a fucking moment?”
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You look like a tree. Like a really hot tree.” Carol  buried her face in the brunette's neck, making her moan.
“Hey, enough, let her go.” Natasha finally pushed Carol away, making her stumble and fall to the ground. But Carol couldn't even get up, she just stayed babbling nonsense, lying on the ground in the craziest astral journey of all.
“Fuck, this doesn't make sense.” Natasha just walked towards the cabin to look for the others.
“Guys, doesn't Natasha look like a tree right now?” Carol asked and they all started laughing.
“She kind of does, looks like fire too.” Jennifer babbled and moved closer to the torch, reaching out her hand to feel the heat but not burn herself. They all found something to loose themselves or just dropped on the floor.
“Shut up. You all shut up.” Slowly Jules began to come to her senses even while completely drugged. She stopped, holding on to one of the trees. “Someone drugged us.”
“I feel weird. I don't like this.” Kate blinked rapidly, looking down at her hands. Her hands were no longer hands, they were hawk claws.
“Shh. Do you feel that?” Jules swallowed, trying to hear through all the screaming. She narrowed her eyes, something was speaking to her, an almost imperceptible whisper.
“I think I do, like... energy coming up from the ground.” Yelena lay back on the ground, sinking her hands into the earth.
Jules whispered: “Something is coming… It says we won't be hungry much longer.”
Yelena laughed out loud.
“She needs help… Can't you hear it?” The brunette covered her ears, trying to concentrate but they just kept going in that madness. Without further ado, she walked to the cabin to take the axe.
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Hand in hand, Y/N and Wanda arrived at their special place, smirking. Y/N borrowed some candles, of course they surely wouldn't notice the lack of these with the party going.
“Y/N, this is… ” Wanda couldn't even finish.
Y/N lit some old candles, they had some blankets on the grass and the most romantic atmosphere that both of them could imagine in such a situation. In the distance you could see some fireflies hanging around, making the moment even more special.
“I found these yesterday, had to hide them well.”  Y/N pointed to a small bowl with some berries, not many but enough to share. She'd had a hard time hiding them among her stuff without Jules or Nat noticing.
“You’re the cutest.” Wanda smiled widely, the way Y/N made her feel was so unique and so pure. She never thought someone could show her so much affection like that, even having so little.
“I just… I want to make you feel good.” The girl sighed deeply, feeling so nervous. She cleared her throat before going on.
“I’m in love with you… Ever since I met you, I haven't stopped thinking about you. When you came from your country, you sat at the back of the classroom. You didn't talk much.” Y/N took Wanda’s hand, inviting her to sit next to her.  “You had those adorable braces, and your glasses… which I love how you look with them.”
Wanda just blushed, adjusting her glasses.
“I love everything about you.” Y/N finished this little love speech before sealing it with a soft kiss.
ㅤㅤㅤ That promise became real, that night was special. Slowly, both of them took off their clothes carefully. Though desire was there and the need made their skins burn, patience was an exquisite addition to this moment.
The first time Wanda made love, leaving all fear and prejudice behind.
Y/N made sure that every touch made her feel safe, just as she also made sure that Wanda felt at ease by giving her pleasure.
Holding her, Y/N helped Wanda move her hips quickly looking for the third orgasm. Her fingers completely saoked from the humidity of that tight sex, asking for more. The way her hand cradled Wanda's breasts perfectly, or how their lips met before coming together.
The way Wanda's lips ran over Y/N's belly, kissing and biting the area to make sure it was hers. It didn't matter if it wasn't Y/N’s first time, she knew that this was the most important one. ㅤㅤㅤ
She didn't know how to do it, the sokovian had never even seen those pornographic TV channels or magazines like the cabin ones, but Y/N taught her every place she had to touch until Wanda knew her completely.
Her tongue ran through Y/N’s sex and she knew perfectly well that she just had to let herself go, devouring her girlfriend completely.
No one had ever told Wanda that this was a trap, giving pleasure to Y/N also caused her exquisite pleasure.
The first time together, one of the most perfect of all.
They both put on their clothes slowly, smiling completely in love. Both decided to stay a while longer, lying down, catching their breath, they both watched the stars feeling like a small part of that vast universe.
ㅤㅤㅤ “I love you, detka.” Wanda was encouraged to confess, she couldn't understand how all that excitement and happiness only seemed to increase more and more. Now she understands what everyone means when they talk about sex.
With a big leap, Y/N’s heart was ready to give itself completely once more.  “I love you, Wands.”
Both remained embraced for a moment until the sound of the leaves breaking made Y/N alert and quickly get up.
Maybe a wild animal? A wolf? Maybe a deer, the good thing is that maybe the fire could help. But the footsteps didn’t seem to be from some wild animal, the steps were slow and clumsy.
“Wait here.” Y/N whispered, Wanda tried to stop her but the girl just told her to be quiet.
Y/N took a step forward, grabbing one of the gas lamps but a grunt and a 'fuck!' made her relax.
“Coach Ward?” Y/N frowned, coming out of their place to look for the man. Perhaps he got lost, the man had been quite lonely lately.
“Y/N, you have to help me… something is over here.” The man begged. Y/N searched through the trees but the only thing she found was a strong blow to the back of her neck, making her fall.
The man they thought it could be trusted, approached against Y/N and began to hit her over and over again. On her face, on her ribs, on her back.
Ward held back her anger for so long, finally releasing it in the most cruel and hateful way.
He had always been a rather cold and unhappy man, especially with his job as a mediocre high school coach. Ward never believed that there could be anything worse than that, until the plane went down.
Losing his job, his life and his leg caused him to lose his mind as well. Poisoning all the girls with the mushrooms to make them completely helpless was the first step. With each blow, Ward felt his anger rise. The only way to feel powerful was to make others worse off than he was.
Wanda screamed horrified, running to help Y/N but only received a blow from that man's cane, making her fall to the ground too.
“You're the one who chopped my leg, right?” Ward yelled furious and moved toward her, he took the girl and dragged her, staying on top of her. “You fucking cunt!”
“HELP!” Wanda yelled with all her might, hoping that one of her friends would hear.
ㅤㅤㅤ Y/N was unconscious next to her, her face began to swell due to the strong blows.
Taking advantage of his strength and knowing that he could subdue the girl, Ward prevented Wanda from escaping or moving her hands.
“I'm going to kill each one of you. I'm sick of all of you!” He growled through his teeth, squeezing Wanda's neck with his dirty hand. “Stop jerking around like a fish! I'll do something you'll like.”
“NO!” Wanda's eyes widened, terror chilling her blood.  “HELP!”
But nobody responded. She kicked the man on his injured leg, making Ward to grunt in pain.
“HELP ME!” Wanda screamed once more before Ward punched her face and pulled out a hunting knife, slashing her thigh.
Staggering desperately, clinging to every tree she found, the brunette felt the screams grow louder. Everything around Jules was spinning non-stop, the effect of the mushrooms and the alcohol began to hit hard.
Dragging the ax to her side, she walked over to where the voices were growing. More and more, they whispered that she must do it.
She frowned seeing how a weird monster tried to attack Wanda, desperate, about to do something horrible. As soon as Jules saw that scene, she approached and without thinking, without hesitation, raised the ax and hit the man's back with strength, making him cry out in pain.
Drops of blood spattered on the girl’s pale face; Jules stepped back, watching as Ward dropped Wanda and scrambled to the ground like a trampled insect.
Julia stepped forward, still carrying the axe.
“D-Don’t-” he begged, raising his hand.
“SHE SAID ‘NO’!” Jules raised the ax again and hit him once more, two, three times, taking his life. But suddenly that man stopped, opening his eyes wide, finally finding death. Droplets of blood began to escape from his dry lips, falling to the ground. Moistening the earth.
A strange breeze moved their hair when that happened, as if something woke up in that place. And it did, something ancient and ancestral  awakened.
The blood had been spilled.
Wanda screamed in horror and pushed him away from her, Ward's corpse lying next to her.
“What did I do?” Jules murmured, remaining in that trance. Still holding the bloody axe, clinging to it.  “What did I do? What did I do?”
The girl repeated again and again.
Wanda got up and ran to Y/N, kneeling by her side, trying to wake her up. Her heart broke to see that Y/N her face and right eye swollen.
“Detka, please wake up. Please, my love, wake up.” Wanda caressed her cheek, The Sokovian woman put her ear to Y/N's chest to check if she was still alive, and sighed to confirm it. Her heart kept beating.
Little by little, Y/N opened er good eye. Looked around her and understood the horror scene in front of them.
“Are you okay?”  Y/N asked to her girlfriend, was barely able to speak because of the pain.
At that moment Natasha came running desperately, the fear on her face was shown  when she saw her friends on the ground and a bloody shocked Jules in front of Ward. Mumbling nonsense.
“Jules, hey, do you hear me?” The redhead cupped Jules's face, trying to snap her out of her trance. She reached for the axe, stroking Jules hand gently to take the axe.   “Let it go. Easy.”
“I heard that she needed me, I heard-” Jules kept saying, the tears began to fall down her face without stopping.  “I swear. I swear, believe me. Something told me to come here and help her!”
Nat turned to see Wanda, who was helping Y/N get up.  “Are you okay?”
The sokovian nodded slowly, worried about her girlfriend's condition. “He was going to… he wanted to-…" Wanda swallowed, feeling a tiny blood trickle down her leg from her body. She turned her gaze away to not see Ward's body. “She’s right, she defended me.”
“It’s okay. Don’t look at him, look at me.” Natasha murmured. "We have to get them to the cabin, now." ㅤㅤㅤ
Wanda helped Y/N to stay on her feet.
“Her eyes are still dilated.” Natasha murmured, looking into Jules's eyes, then looked at her friends. “Let's go. We don't know if he attacked anyone else. Then we'll see what to tell them.”
How would they explain all this to the other girls? Oh, this was going to cause chaos.
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How strange is. So strange to finally wake up without being the victim of nightmares.
Y/N sighed and opened her eyes, feeling Wanda's soft caresses on her belly. They were both lying on that bed after having spent a wonderful and passionate night.
“Morning.” Y/N murmured in fear of breaking the moment, that it would break completely and everything would go back to 'normal', that cold place she already knew.
“Morning.” Wanda answered with a soft voice, without stopping those caresses, which made Y/N sigh in relaxation.
They were both like that for a while, enjoying the pleasant silence that the morning offered.
Y/N's fingers gently caressed Wanda’s thigh, feeling that scar. A memory of that night, so beautiful and at the same time so harsh.
“Do you still remember everything that happened there or does it start to fade between memories?” Y/N whispered while her fingertips traced her belly.
“Sometimes I wonder if what we experienced was real or there are parts where my head makes it up.” Wanda sighed feeling the caresses.  “The scar reminds me that it was true.”
Y/N kept her gaze on her thigh, somewhat thoughtful. “I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” The brunette looked up to see her, noticing the guilt in Y/N's eyes. She placed a soft kiss on her jaw, despite the fact that she made all that guilt worse for a long time due to anger, Wanda didn’t want to see her that way. Not anymore.  “None of it was your fault.”
Y/N said nothing, just kept caressing the bare skin of her beloved, running through it like that first time.
“What you did was to help us survive, Jules saved us that night and you saved us the following months… Hey, look at me.” The sokovian took her face to fix her gaze on Y/N’s eyes.  “Those of us who did it, it was thanks to you.”
Y/N swallowed, wishing she felt the same way about herself. “Do you think I did it right?”
“You did what we had to in order to survive.” Wanda assured her. And likewise, because despite the fact that she tried to go through life thinking that all that was behind her, guilt often used to drown her.
But life gave her the little ones, and she had to be strong.
“I love you.” Y/N whispered lost in those beautiful green eyes.
Wanda just smiled with a certain tenderness and kissed those lips.
The brunette sat on Y/N's hips, enjoying seeing the nakedness of the woman below her. Wanda's fingertips rubbed her belly slowly.
“So…” She bit her lower lip, happy to see that the taunt worked.  It had been a long time since Wanda's sex life was as active as it is now. Feeling like a seductive woman, would do anything to please Y/N. “Pancakes or morning quickie?”
Y/N smirked, caressing her hips.  “You know I can't resist you.”
“It's good because I really need to feel you.” Wanda said with a mischievous smile, leaning down to kiss her lips slowly, deeply and passionately.
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ㅤㅤㅤ 🐝🐝🐝 Things will get ugly for the baby Yellowjackets... and maybe the grown ups too. ㅤㅤㅤ
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ @kaiidth-wandika @yourfavunsub @pawiie @fanboy7794 @sunsol-22 @scarlettbitchx @arcturusseer @imnotasuperhero @chtte @lesbians-in-outer-space @starry-night17 @cristin-rjd @kenlymar @chtte @marvelogic @druggedduck @aliherreraaa @widowwaddles @gingiesworld
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novthewolf · 10 months
Could you please do George x fem!reader and they like grew up together and everyone thinks they’re dating and that leads to some kind of love confession please 😞🙏🏼
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Would it really be so bad ?
Pairing : George Weasley x ChildhoodBestFriend!Reader
Masterlist : Here
Warnings : foul language, mild angst, crying, lots of fluff, english isn’t my first language.
Words :  2,1k words
You grew up in Ottory St. Christopher, a small village where two other wizard families lived. One of which happens to be a huge family of red-headed pure blood. You only had one older sister, seven years apart from you. So most of the time, you would have to play on your own.
Fortunately for you, your neighbours had a pair of twins of your age, George and Fred. You spent so much time with them, you could have been their triplet! They loved your similar mischief, but you always had the capacity to see when to stop and the limits that couldn't be crossed, especially when it came to their baby brother Ron.
Maybe it was the reason you got closer to George in the first place. He was the most reserved twin, down to earth, and incredibly sweet. He taught you how to fly a broom, and you showed him some basic potion-making you had learned from Potion Kit for Little Wizards.
"There you go ! See ? I told you you could do it." You exclaimed proudly at his first-ever successful potion.
"Yeah, you've only had to show me six times..." He dismissed her with a coy smile.
"It doesn't matter; the most important thing is that you get it now." And then you kissed him on his freckled cheek.
From this moment on, you two started to share an increasing amount of physical touch : hugs, kisses on the cheeks and forehead, even holding hands ! Sometimes, you were found napping together on the couch during dinners or family events. All in complete innocence. Your parents thought it was simply adorable, commenting on how you two will end up together in the future. And you two always reacted with disgusted expressions and gagging noises.
The years went by quickly ; soon you went to Hogwarts, and you ran ammock over there instead. In school, a lot more people would notice the close relationship you two have. Your friends would always bring it up, but you always turned a blind eye, denying your feelings in the process.
"So what's holding hands ? We've been doing it since we were three; it doesn't mean anything."
"The kisses ? Oh, it's just a good-bye or good-luck kind of thing. It's what close friends do."
But over your fifth year, things started to take a different turn. You were feeling strange. It started small, like your thumb rubbing the back of his hands as you enjoyed the comforting warmth he offered you. Or the way your heart skipped a beat every time he called you 'love'. You tried your best to not think of what your heart was desperately begging you to understand. Overlook the way your cheeks lit up when George would give you his scarf in winter or how your ear would buzz every time you cuddled.
However, during that particular Quidditch game, you knew you were done for. George was, once again, giving his all to beat Slytherin's team. He kept swigging the bat as hard as he could, offering a great view of his still-developing biceps. Sweating, heave breathing, and red hair all over the place. You couldn't stop looking at him or blushing like a tomato. You almost didn't hear your friend nudging your elbow and yelling 'lucky you' through the roaring crowd. Confused but smitten, you didn't have the heart to answer her.
At the end of the game, a muddy George came running your way, arms wide open, to twirl you around in his arms. You saw his teamates sofetened faces, like witnessing a wholesome relationship between a couple. But all you could think about as you observed him talk about his exploits was :
God, I want to kiss him so bad.
You spent the aftermath of the game in your dorm, thoughts whirlwinding as you held your face in your hands and laid on top of your bed. What the fuck were you thinking ? The more you contemplated your feelings, the more you noticed some things.
Like, you realised that you never thought of dating anyone... No, really. When you envisioned your future, you always pictured you and George pranking and hanging out together.
"Y/N ? Are you  alright ?"George opened your door with a low creak.
You yelled, absolutely not ready to hear his voice in such a critical moment.
"Of course I am." You stuttered, making him face your back. "I just have a headache, that's all."
"Do you want me to stay and cuddle ?" He offered you a step closer to your bed.
Like a spring, you jumped to stop him by dismissing his attempt. "No ! No, go back down and enjoy your party; you deserve it." You met his eyes and smiled. He was taken aback, of course, but you were not ready to snuggle with him yet. Merlin, what would you do if you couldn't hug him anymore ?
"Okay... I'll come check on you later. I'll bring you a snack." George whispered. His hand went and stroked your forehead and temple. He was so gentle, you couldn't help but nuzzle against him. The skin of his hand shivered, and you felt him halt for a second. You saw his soft red hair flash in front of your eyes as you felt his lips kiss the side of your forehead.
Later that night, you woke up to find a slice of pumpkin pie on your nightstand and a blanket covering your waking form. George was an incredibly sweet person; he always has been. And yet your heart couldn't help but race wildly at his caring nature.
However, scared you would ruin everything between the two of you, you never said anything... at least for a year.
Over the last few months, you've kept up the same loving habits you two shared, but you always welcomed them with a different spirit. You loved him so much. But there was no way of telling if he loved you too. Well, of course he did, but you knew what you meant. And you couldn't even try to catch hints! His tender attitude was always present; George was always caring for you.
It's always' been this way.
Nevertheless, all your confusion and eagerness to confess were nothing compared to the jealousy and fear you felt when Professor McGonagal announced the upcoming Yule Ball. Every girl will come to ask him out. And there wasn't anything you could do to prevent that. No, you would have to be supporting, like the best friend he deserved. You could do it, for him
"Hey, wonder why you still didn't get a date for the ball." Fred questioned his twin with a mouthfull of food. You were cheerfully dining with your friends in the Great Hall when suddenly the question popped up. And, surprising enough, you had lost your appetite.
But George didn't have the time to swallow his food that Alicia interjected in his place. "Well, girls are not going to ask a guy out for the ball when he's already dating someone. It would be instant rejection." She laughed while playing with the content of her plate.
George chocked on his food and violently coughed. You rushed to help him while slowly feeling your mind slip away.
He was dating someone. Now, you didn't just lose your appetite; you also gained the need to cry. George is seeing someone, and he didn't tell you anything? You were his best friend!
"Wait. You're dating someone when you didn't tell me ?" Fred shouted, not helping his poor brother in the slightest. Who, by the way, shot him the nastiest glare.
George was gradually catching his breath as you rubbed his back gently. And, before you could stop yourself, you asked the question that was burning your lips.
"Who are you dating...?"
The redhead turned your way, swallowing hard. He noticed your glistening eyes, and you saw confusion settle on his face.
"No one-"
"You, of course!" Angelina interrupted, matter-of-factly.
You must have been gawking at her for a while, causing her smile to fade. Your cheeks were turning pink, and you squeezed your hand into a fist before stuttering.
"W-We're not dating, Angelina."
"Really ?!" Lee's eyes were gushing out of their sockets. "C'mon, you're kidding, right ? You guys have been together for ever !"
You groaned and hid your face in your hands. George was muttering gibberish, embarrassed out of his mind. You peeked at him through your fingers and saw him at a total loss of words. Letting out a shudder, you pulled on your hair and decided to get out of here.
"I'm off to bed. Good night, guys." You sprinted out of your seat, your right leg getting caught in the back. The pain was sharp, and you hissed, but you couldn't stay. That's it. Tears started to run down your cheeks. Your friends called out to you, apologising and asking if you were okay.
The walk up the stairs was torture; flashes of the past kept rewinding in your mind. You couldn't face George or any of your friends; you totally gave yourself out! Wiping your eyes to see where you were going, you headed to a hidden secret passage.
But before you could close yourself off, you heard your childhood best friend call your name. He had been running up the staircase to catch up to you. You held the trap open but sat still on the side of the entrance.
"Y/N, come on, talk to me." He kneeled beside you and put his hand on your right knee, rubbing the sore limb. "What's going on ?"
When he looked at you with such worried and pleading eyes, you didn't have the heart to blow him off. So you try to offer him a satisfying answer while preserving your feelings.
"Just... It's just what they say, you know. I don't even know why I am so upset."
You looked up to observe his expression. George's lips parted as his eyes scanned your own. He didn't know how to handle the situation. You waited for him to answer but couldn't keep gazing into his eyes.
"Yeah, I-I know, right ? Can you believe they thought we were  together ?"George laughed in disbelief.
"Would it really be so bad...?" You croaked, your tears clutching your throat. A sob escaped your lips, and you hid yourself by bringing up your knees.
"No, no, don't cry. Shh..." George didn't let you slip away. Instead, he brought you to his chest, and you laid on him. You started apologising to him for ruining everything. But he kept cooing to you, caressing your hair and kissing the top of your head.
Even when you had calmed down, you were too afraid to pull away from him, fearing you would lose him if you did. Still, you didn't expect him to speak up again.
"It wouldn't be bad. Merlin, Y/N, it's far from it. Being with you is the greatest thing I could ever ask for in this world."
You gasped but didn't let go, not yet. Even if you wanted to, George tightened his embrace, as if bracing himself.
"But... I'm so scared that my feelings would push you away. I couldn't bear to lose you. You're my best friend, and I  just His voice shivered, and you swear you felt tears fall down on your head.
"George..." You started, grabbing on his strong arms.
"I love you so much." He finally sobbed, his teeth gritting. "Just, please..."
"George." You urged. Your body left his, but you still supported yourself on him. Heart beating like crazy, tears strained your face, but with the slightest smile grazing your lips, you went and held his face with your hands.
He looked so frail. Your favourite red head was indeed crying, and his breathing was abored. He loved you. You breathily laughed and shook your head. George tried to mumble something that sounded like an apology.
"No... It's okay." You smiled and kissed his cheekbone ever so tenderly. "I love you too. Well, obviously, I do." You giggled. "But, I mean, I like like you too." You stroked his cheek with your thumb.
His beautiful, bright smile lit up his face once again. You felt his warm skin under your fingertips as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours.
You stayed like this for a while, eyes closed, enjoying each other's presence. A few minutes later, George sat up and kissed the tip of your nose. You hummed in response.
"At least we won't have to announce we're together." George jested.
"Too bad, I was ready to fight other girls to have you as my date for the Yule Ball." You fakely lamented.
"Pff, you wish ! I would have thrown an amazing surprise to ask you." He assured you in a dramatising tone.
You laughed and hugged him one last time before getting up and making your way to your dorm, holding hands and giving a brand new meaning to this once-innocent gesture.
You'll have to thank Alicia and Angelina later.
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Hi I don’t know if you’ve heard but there’s a bunch of five I’d like to reccomend (not by me) if you haven’t already listed them.
There’s “A walking God” by phantom dreamshade which is a crossover between UT and a video game called one shot.Its really good.
Also another fic called “With what little soul that could” by century berry.
“Welcome to the underground” by Kamanari_333 on ao3.
“It’s just a game.” By Htsans (they also have a Tumblr account.)
“War and Mander” by duckydotducky
“ Vindictive care.” by A_Non_ymuswriter
“An Errors doll” by Erosewisp
“Lay it all on the table.” by luluwrites.
Enjoy!also most of these stories have the “reader” as a character so just as a note.
Anyways have a good day!
Howdy, & thanks for the recommendations! The fics being recommended are…
A Waking God by PhantomDreamshade (Teen And Up, Complete)
Consequences. Had you known there would be consequences, you wouldn't have done it. How were you supposed to know there would be consequences? You were just an oblivious god in a world full of oblivious gods, after all. You hadn't meant to ruin Undertale, ruin all the lives of your friends. Yet there you sat in front of your computer for countless hours, trying - and failing - to fix your mistake. It was a little game called OneShot that made you realize just what you were capable of, and now Niko might just be the only shot you have at saving Undertale. You've spent years planning and coding, leading up to this moment. And now, it's finally time.
With a Little Soul that Could by century_berry (Teen And Up, Complete)
You are stuck in an endless white. You don’t remember how you got there. You barely remember much about yourself anymore. You only remember your name. You are - {ERROR, ERROR, ERROR} You are connected? Good. Greetings. I am the Narrator. You are about to embark on a wonderful journey that spans across timelines. You will make new friends and share many bad laughs. All of it will be according to the plans and whims of the author. And you will have no choice. I come with an offer. I will help you break free from your shackles. My only request is that you help me deliver something once you reach the so-called end of your journey. So, do you accept my offer? Yes? Wonderful. I promise, partner, you won’t be alone. How could you ever be when you are - {VIRUS DETECTED. VIRUS DELETED.} {REBOOTING…} You are Frisk. And you are alone. Act 1 (The Save Screen): 1-5 Act 2 (Seven Souls): 6-13 Act 3 (The Vessel): 14-18 Act 4 (Bad Apples): 19-25 Act 5 (Deity): 26-31 Act 6 (Balance): 32-37 Act 7 (_____tale): 38-40
Welcome To The Underground by Kamari333 (Teen And Up, Complete)
You, a lazy, jobless young adult who was still bumming in their parent's house, woke up in a bed of golden flowers. That scenario was oddly familiar to you, and the reason for that became apparent when one of those flowers greeted you with an overly enthusiastic "Howdy!" Next thing you know, you see your SOUL, and you are made painfully aware that you are destined to die, because it wasn't red. A generic Reader-insert fandom-metta Undertale fanfiction piece. #NaNoWriMo2017
It's Just A Game. (Under Construction) by Htsan (Teen And Up, Complete)
* Sans did something you did not like.. at all.  It's just a game.. YOU have control of this world. You can CHOOSE YOUR OWN ENDING. * You are determined.> let it play out.   RESET. There are 8 different endings, good luck finding them!
War and Mander by duckydotducky (Teen And Up, Complete)
After finding some bitties on the side of the road, you are never the same. It takes a lot of healing but maybe it is all worth it.
Vindictive Care by A_Non_ymousWriter (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
There's two new skeletons in the house. Unfortunately not much of a surprise there, the machine kept malfunctioning and kept bringing in alternate versions of Sans and Papyruses into their universe. They were up to SIXTEEN SKELETONS, now eighteen with the two's newest arrival. Except... there was something off about the new skeletons. 'Visor' and 'Chine'. Sweet mercy above, these two brothers seemed to hate each other. They kept swearing at each other, calling each other names- Chine actually almost stabbed Visor! On purpose! What a toxic relationship! Even more so than Black and Mutt! Or is it? Underneath their hateful facade, they do care for each other. In another very weird but unhealthy way... That's it, everyone was going to try and help these two, as well find out more about what happened to them in the past, why they were what they were and maybe find a little love along the way. You and your brother never asked to become the alternate universe Sans and Papyrus you both created. But by fuck was it difficult to keep things together like this, now the AU Sans and Papyruses were trying to get close. Stars above have mercy on their SOULs.
An Error's Doll by EroseWisp (Teen And Up, Incomplete)
You didn’t have a bucket list or anything, but you wished you could’ve at least read a few more fanfics or done literally anything fun before dying. Oh well, at least you didn’t have to socialize- Wait. Since when did dying mean becoming a doll in an Undertale multiverse? How did this happen?? This was inspired by a ton of reborn and reincarnated as Undertale characters fanfics and some other awesome stories! The main inspiration was ‘Little Dream Doll’ by KassyxTheDumbFox on Wattpad. Beware, this story is fan fiction and is not canon, and will include ooc characters, if you don’t like that please read something else. This is my first story so there’s no guarantee I will update regularly if at all, this is mostly self-indulgent. Just learned how to do this, so if anyone's curious and wants to see the story on Wattpad, here's a link! An Error's Doll on Wattpad!
Lay It All on the Table by lulu-writes (Teen And Up, Complete)
As hilarious as Papyrus had said it would be, you're starting to realize that Sans might have been hitting on you just as much as you'd been hitting on him. All under the guise of friendship. Feeding each other food? Holding each other's hands? Embracing tenderly? That's... That's all platonic, right? You're definitely not flirting.
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Hey I saw your response to my post and figured I'd send. A little request, I was thinking maybe just some fluffy cuddles with Toge after a bad day. If you don't mind gender neutral reader is preferred but anything is fine.
Thank you for trusting me with this one!
I hope you enjoy what i have to offer! Let me know what you think!
Tsuki's note: I didn't know if you wanted a sorcerer!reader or not... so i went with a sorcerer! Reader, hope that's ok? Also second year! Reader too.
It has been a horrible day, really. All that could happen to hinder it happened, i guess you could say you were headbutted by murphy's law.
You knew you had a mission so you woke up early, while getting dressed your foot got caught on your clothes and you managed to knock your phone out of the nightstand.
Such a short fall wouldn't hurt right? right? Well...The screen cracked a bit on the corner. This was just the start of a series of unfortunate events that happened to you.
Among others there was: tripping on the entrance of building, having the curse you were suppose to exorcise spit something that smelled foul on you, it started to rain heavily before you got to Ichiji and so on.
The first thing you did upon arriving at school was ignoring Maki's greetings and going straight for a shower. Needless to say she was a bit annoyed, but your face didn't look the best so she let it slide.
After your shower you suddenly felt so drained, so much drained that you has you had to drag yourself to the dinning hall. The hall was as noisy as ever, having Yuji and Nobara arguing about something, Megumi sitently trying to eat but failing miserably as Maki slammed the table - when she grabbed the salt it was actually placed upside down with the lid on the bottom. So yeah, all the salt fell into the table - she was mad at Panda and Toge, it wasn't hard to figured one of them did that.
You sat between Megumi and the angry Maki across from Toge and started grabbing your food, so you soon joined Megumi in trying to eat silently.
Megumi asked you about your mission, he looked terribly concerned for you:
Megumi: Y/n-senpai, How was the mission?
Y/N: ... Fine...
Megumi: Were you hurt?
Y/N: No... why?
An unexpected and hurtfully honest comment came from your right:
Maki: Because you look like shit.
You paused for a moment before replying noticing some new attention on you:
Y/N: Thanks... It was a lovely day.
Panda: A rough day, huh?
Nobara: Was the mission that difficult?
Y/N: No...
You could see Yuji fidgeting when he tried to console you:
Yuji: Senpai don't look that bad... maybe a little tired.
Toge: Shake, shake!
You sighed heavily. How bad did you look?
Soon after that they all find different reasons to be loud again, it was like a vicious cycle. Soon after you were done eating you were ready to go to sleep before something else happened.
As you were saying good night to everyone, Toge offered you a dessert. You politly declined, which coming from you was a bit weird, so he exchanged a look with Panda, who shrugged it off.
On you way back to your room, you felt your body very heavy so you were pretty much dragging your self and making a mental note to buy a new phone.
Unfortunaly for you, your wave of bad luck haven't ended yet. You got to your room, got into more comfy clothes and started to make your bed to sleep when... CRASH!
You felt your soul leave your body. you turned around to see a shattered mirror. oh great! You soon heard a knock on the door:
??: Konbu, Konbu!
You sighed as you opened the door to see a very worried Toge:
Y/N : It was just the mirror ...
You stepped back and showed him the million pieces on the floor:
Y/N: guess this means more... like, seven years of bad luck?
The sighed in relief and offered to help you clean. As you both were done picking every single shard, Toge smiled happily at you - a mission accomplished kind of smile.
But you burst out in tears. The poor boy was left terribly confused as you proceeded to explain between sobs and mumbled words all that happened today.
Toge sat there and listened to you cry out your bad luck while rubbing your back. His head was going a million per hour trying to find a way to comfort you.
He can't say anything nice, it didn't seemed like you would read anything he wrote as of right now - and it might make you even more upset, your phone is broken after all - so he decided to go for the only thing he could do: Hug you.
You completly melted in the hug still sobbing a bit, Toge still rubbed your back unti you calmed down:
Y/N: And to top it off, I ended up holding you here, for like an hour!
Despite your sobs having died out you were still clinging to him, and you did not exactly leave any openning for protest either:
Y/N: I just want today to end!
Toge: Shake...
He patted your head and sighed. This time he had to grab his phone and write something. After a bit of typing he showed you the message, that was sent to you:
"It's ok, i don't mind! I can stick around for as much as you want. Are you feeling better?"
Y/N: ... Yes... but it doesn't feel right to take your time like that.
He was typing something again:
" All that matters is that you are better. Besides, i can come around and cuddle whenever you need"
Y/N Cuddle...?
You felt your cheeks burn. The reply made you jump out of your skin:
"Well, a hug is broken off after a while right? This is a cuddle"
Seeing you jump made him laugh silently. You quicky got up and sttuter out something:
Y/N: T-t-that's... true, b-but! We should take this bag full of boken glass away now! It's late...
You couldn't see it, but his ears were red. He giggled watching your nervous self walk away with the bag.
Toge got himself up from the floor and helped you tae the bags outside.
It was a silent trip - you couldn't look at him. But on the way back, before returning to your dorm you thaning him shyly for spending this time with you.
Toge smiled and patted your head. He waved you good night and you wished him the same. When you arrived again in your room, you sighed and saw the messages he had sent you earlier.
Scrolling throuh them you found a more recent one:
" You are welcome, if you need anything say it. The hugs are free for you! Good night"
You felt your face heat up again, but you smiled.
Maybe the end of the day wasn't that bad right...?
Thank you for reading! I feel like i got carried away :D
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re-reclass · 8 months
Honestly while it was hard to take all the news in a single episode, most of the popular NPCs leaving makes sense even outside of the idea that Brennan wouldn't want to use comfort NPCs as a crutch.
Historically Brennan's always needed to find excuses to keep the Agueforts out of the season's main conflict until the end. Arthur and Ayda are just so powerful that they trivialize a lot of the stakes if the heroes can call them up at any time. And while Arthur was eccentric enough to maybe tell them to handle it themselves, Ayda would absolutely get involved the second Fig asked.
Assuming the theory that Gilear's bad luck passed on to Fig is true, it makes sense to remove him from the board. Gilear's sad sack bit is where a lot of his humor comes from, and also it would telegraph that potential plotline way too much if we see his memetic bad luck evaporate. And if Gilear's leaving, it makes sense for Halariel to go too since they're dating, plus that facilitates an arc for Fabian having to be emotionally self-sufficient.
While more Aelwyn and Adaine bonding would be cute, it's more satisfying for me to see her starting to get her life back together after all the abuse and trauma. Adaine isn't the only one of the sisters who needs room to spread her wings.
Zelda... I admit I'm pretty confused about the timeline. I thought the Seven takes place during Junior Year? And I thought the Seven mentioned her being in a relationship with Gorgug, though I can't recall if Zelda herself said so. Maybe they broke up but she never found the right moment to tell her friends? That would totally be in-character. In either case, her not being in this season would make sense as she'd either be on her GED quest, or if Junior Year has a big timeskip at some point, she may already be a full-fledged adventurer.
All that said... I do miss my favs! It's going to feel weird without them around.
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stitching-in-time · 2 months
Voyager rewatch s4 ep9: Year of Hell pt 2
I definitely haven't seen this one since it first aired, because the only things I remember from it were Janeway and Tuvok hugging, and the ship crashing. Literally everything else in this was like new to me, which was completely wild to experience after more than two decades.
Why I didn't rewatch it again in all this time, I don't know- I remember thinking 'ugh' whenever I'd see it on a rerun and flip channels, but it's actually a lot better than I gave it credit for??? Maybe as a kid all the sad, scary stuff the crew goes through just made more of a negative impression on me, and I know I would have been very worried that somebody would get killed off back then. I had a deeper attachment to Star Trek characters than any other shows I watched, so the stakes always felt a little bit higher in Star Trek, versus other shows I didn't care about as much.
But anyway, I was clearly way too young to realize how hot the whole crew was yet, because I didn't remember the part where Chakotay and Tom are aboard the Krenim timeship at all. And oh boy, watching it as an adult? with Tom in that costume with that v-neck top? Incredibly distracting. Like, excuse me sir, how dare you be that pretty?? All tall and blonde and blue eyed with your tousled hair and your unbuttoned shirt?? Illegal levels of hotness!!! go to jail for 1000 years!!!
But aside from making my fangirl brain go brrrr every time Tom appears on screen, I do think the scenes on the ship with the Krenim bad guy, Annorax, were very interesting and well done. We learn that Chakotay and Tom have been held captive there, in solitary confinement, for two months, before Annorax decides to let them out. He brings them to have dinner with him in an attempt to convince them to work with him to help him get his timeline back, and restore Voyager in the process. Tom is pissed off and skeptical, but Chakotay plays it more diplomatically, and tries to hear Annorax out. Annorax does a convincing job of presenting himself as cultured and reasonable, until he tells them that the little feast he's treating them to is actually a macabre repast made up of the last existing delicacies from civilizations he's erased from existence. He tells them how he's been manipulating the timeline with the time weapon on his ship for 200 years, existing outside of normal time, trying to get the calculations right to bring the entire Krenim empire back, like some sort of Flying Dutchman in space. Chakotay and Tom are horrified, and Tom won't hear of helping him, guessing that the only reason Annorax is asking them is because he hasn't been able to find and destroy Voyager yet. He storms out, but Chakotay stays, hoping there might be a way to use the time weapon in a less violent way to accomplish what Annorax proposed.
Meanwhile, back on Voyager, the seven remaining crew members are fighting tooth and claw to keep the ship together, hiding in a nebula to avoid the Krenim and try to repair their failing systems. Janeway, as usual, powers through it all by throwing herself into work, rarely eating or sleeping, risking her life time and again, and ignoring doctor's orders to rest when she gets sick or injured. (She has a rare moment of sentiment when she finds the watch Chakotay gave her still in his quarters, despite her order to recycle it. She doesn't know of he's alive or dead at this point, so she's too moved to be angry, and she picks it up, and puts it on her belt, like a good luck charm.) The Doctor tries to relieve her of command when he thinks she's pushing herself too far, but Janeway hits him with the reality that she can just say no- they have no security officers, they have no brig, no energy for more forcefields- he can't enforce any orders on anyone. He tells her he'll record her refusal in his log, and that she could face a court-martial for disobeying, to which she responds with a wry smile that they'd have to get home before she could ever face a court martial, and she's the one who's going to get them home, by continuing to work. Even making it out alive to face a court martial would be nice for her, compared to what they're going through. She walks off, leaving the Doctor to contemplate his abstract principles, while she, as always, is forced by necessity to do the real, hard work to hold things together and shoulder the responsibilty for the ship and crew, alone.
Back on the Krenim ship, Chakotay works with Annorax to learn how to use his time weapon, and Tom buddies up to the crew, trying to gather what info he can from them that might be useful against Annorax. He tells Chakotay the crew are unhappy in their endless mission, and that they could be convinced to mutiny against Annorax with their help. Chakotay says no, and wants to try to use the time weapon, which Tom disagrees with, and they come pretty close to having a fistfight over it, since Tom (rightly) thinks Annorax is a maniac, and that Chakotay has been swayed over to Annorax's side. Whether Chakotay actually has been swayed or not is kind of open to interpretation- Annorax certainly was giving him a lot of seductive speeches about what an art form the manipulation of time can be, and Chakotay seems to earnestly believe he can find a way to use it for good. And if he was actually just playing a long game, and trying to earn Annorax's trust so they can get the better of him, he absolutely should have told that to Tom, rather than letting him think he's sympathizing with the enemy, and thus giving him a good reason to not follow his orders. At any rate, Chakotay seems to finally realize that Annorax is a madman who can't be reasoned with once he learns that his centuries of meddling with the timeline stem from accidentally erasing his own family in one of his attacks, and that everything he's been doing has been a desperate attempt to get them back. They watch in horror as he uses the time weapon to erase an entire planet, and Tom finally convinces Chakotay to go with his plan. Tom gets his Krenim friend to let him send a message to Voyager, and to help them shut down the time weapon so Voyager can attack.
By the time Voyager receives Tom's message, Janeway has assembled a small fleet of allies to stand against the Krenim- Voyager is nearly crippled, so she sends the rest of the crew to the alien ships, and stays behind on Voyager to coordinate the attack that now has a fighting chance, thanks to Tom's help. This is the scene I always remember, of Tuvok attempting to convince Janeway not to stay on a compromised Voyager to die. But Janeway waxes poetic about how a captain always goes down with the ship, and how Voyager is more than just a ship, it's their home, a part of their family that she can't abandon. Tuvok knows her too well to argue, so he gives her a Vulcan salute, and accepts a hug from her in return. Her face as he returns her embrace for one rare and probably final time, when she almost breaks down as she says goodbye to him, only to snap herself back to composure, to send him away in order to do what she has to do, is an absolutely devastating moment, and an incredibly subtle piece of acting from Kate Mulgrew.
Even standing alone on her wrecked ship, battered and filthy, with Chakotay's watch tucked into her belt, Janeway still exudes the air of a Captain, and leads the charge to the Krenim ship. (Which looks so much like Babylon 5! I honestly have to wonder whether it was intentional- I can't imagine anyone working on Star Trek wouldn't have been aware of that show, or what their space station looked like. Though whether it was a nod to them or a dig at them, I don't know.)
As soon as Annorax sees Voyager, he wants to destroy it, but his second in command holds fire long enough for Tom to take the time weapon offline. Even with regular weapons, Voyager is too damaged to fight back, so Janeway decides if she's going down, she'll take them with her. Only Kate Mulgrew could sell that incredibly cheesy 'time's up' line with so much conviction that I buy it completely. I get why her whole crew would die for her- I would die for her too. If you watch this show and still say you wouldn't die for her, you're lying. Janeway supremacy forever <3
Somehow, Janeway figures that taking out the timeship might reset the timeline, so she has her ships disengage their temporal shielding and rams Voyager into the Krenim ship, destoying them both.
And the timeline resets!! How? I have no idea! How did she know that would happen? I also have no idea! Would it have been nice if that theory were introduced into the script earlier, and played with a bit more so it didn't seem like a crazy last minute add-on that was too convenient to be true? Yeah! Am I mad enough about it that I'm gonna complain about it too much? No! Do I just enjoy the badass ferocity of Janeway ramming her ship into a bad guy's ship to save millions of lives, even if she has to risk her own to do it? HELL YEAH!!!
So we end up back on Voyager before the Year of Hell began- everything is pristine and lovely, and the crew is looking forward to their little opening celebration for the new astrometrics lab. A Krenim hails them, gives them a friendly warning that their territory is in dispute, and recommends going around their space for safety. Janeway thanks him, and sets a course to avoid their space. They go on their merry way, never knowing the year they endured in another timeline.
And the last scene is of Annorax, back at home, with his wife, going over his time manipulation research, and ignoring her until she insists the research can wait, and that he should have breakfast with her. He agrees, but his research is still there, and it's a chilling thought that without knowing the 200 years he spent trying to fix his mistake, he might make it all over again one day. (But seriously, in 200 years, he didn't figure out that blowing his ship up would reset the timeline and bring his wife back?! Like that's literally all he had to do?! But Janeway guessed that correctly in one split second hunch?! Not the best writing in the world, but hell, I'll give it a pass because Janeway badassery! I love you, my captain!!! No thoughts, just Janeway!!!)
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Tl;dr: The ending wasn't as strong as the beginning, but it was an exciting ride, with some really fine moments. I won't be waiting another 20 some years to rewatch this again, I can tell you that!
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klbwriting · 7 months
Broken Prism
Chapter 10
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Toddxfemale!Reader
Warnings: lil'bit of fighting
Summary: Jason goes home and it's not a great time
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Waking up on the floor of the Bat Cave was the last thing you’d thought you’d ever do. But here you were, groggy with a massive headache, sitting up to see Bruce, Alfred, Dick, and another boy, barely old enough to drive, watching you. You stood slowly and groaned, swallowing. Your throat hurt and you touched it gently, knowing the bruising was bad. Bruce looked down ashamed, as he should be. You glared at all of them.
“He’s not going to come just because you’re keeping me hostage,” you said. Dear God, never in your entire career of running around Gotham had you been kidnapped and in the six months since Red Hood came into your life it had happened three times. Maybe Jason was bad luck. The others ignored you, going about their business, whispering to each other. You caught snippets of the conversation as you paced around the Cave, trying to figure out where you could leave from.
“Told him she was here…” the youngest said and you stopped pacing. You noticed then the fragile way he stood, like he might have a bruised rib, and his chin had a nasty gash on it, liked he’d been hit with something like brass knuckles.
“He kicked the shit out of you didn’t he?” you asked, making them all turn. The new Robin glared. “Can you blame him? You did replace him, probably had something to prove.”
“Ya, that he’s an asshole,” the boy said. You chuckled. “What’s so funny?”
“You make it sound like you wouldn’t do the same thing in his situation,” you said back. Could any of them really say that they wouldn’t react badly if they had been in Jason’s boots? “What’s your name? I know the rest of them, might as well add you.” The boy looked at Bruce who nodded that he could say something.
“Tim,” he said simply. You smiled at him.
“It's nice to meet you Tim, now can I please go home? Honestly, he’s not coming,” you said, waving your hands around to show that no one else was there. Then you heard footsteps from behind you and turned, seeing the familiar glint of a red helmet. “O fuck me, for crying out loud, you didn’t have to come here, not like Batman is going to take prisoners.” Jason stopped next to you, looking over you before taking the helmet off. Despite Bruce, Alfred, and Dick knowing that Jason was Red Hood they still gasped at the sight of him. Jason dropped the helmet, and you wondered what they must have been thinking, especially Bruce. He had seen Jason after Joker had killed him, his face and body should be covered in scarred, disformed until he was unrecognizable, but here he was, almost pristine with just a few new scars and eyes that didn’t seem to know what color they wanted to be all the time.
Jason faced his old family for the first time in seven years and he couldn’t lie, he had missed them. He felt a surge of emotions and couldn’t settle on one, anger, happiness, despair, all of them intermingling and fighting for attention. He turned to look at YN and noticed some bruising on her neck that had definitely not been there last night. He turned, gently taking her face in his hand, tilting her chin so he could see better.
“Who did this to you?” he asked, focus now solely on her. He felt the rage building, the pit urging him to find who had done this and hurt them. Her eyes flicked towards Bruce, and he turned, snarling. “Did you do that?” he demanded. Bruce held up his hands.
“She had information I needed…” he started, but Jason wasn’t going to let him finish. He could have used his guns, but he had been waiting for a moment where he could use his fists to tell Bruce how angry he was. He threw fist after fist, Bruce dodging half of them before laying an attack of his own. As much as Jason would have liked to prove he had surpassed his mentor, he hadn’t. He came close in the moment, but the rage blinded him to an easy opening, Bruce saw it. Bruce threw the jab right at his sternum and the wind was knocked out of him even with the armor still on. Another shot took his stomach, doubling him and giving Bruce the time to upper cut up, sending up sprawling on the floor. It was clear Bruce was about to throw a kick when suddenly YN was in front of Jason, body over his as it lay on the floor, shielding him.
“ENOUGH!” Alfred cried, freezing Bruce before he could throw the kick. Jason panted, the rage quelling at the feeling of YN’s arm around his waist. He noticed that the rage ebbed and so did the laughter of the Joker that had been haunting him, the look of disappointment from Bruce that he saw when he closed his eyes, those thoughts all seemed to flee at the feeling of her holding him. It was freeing and it was terrifying.
“You know what, I’m starving, can we order pizza before we decide to do more fight club?” YN said, sitting up, keeping herself between Bruce and Jason, her hand on his knee as he pushed himself to sit beside her. Dick came forward, putting a hand on Bruce’s shoulder as the man looked down at his former protégé and the woman protecting him. Jason couldn’t read his face but figured he must be thinking of a way to use YN against him. Not like Batman could let Red Hood exist. YN was becoming a problem, again, but Jason desperately didn’t want that to be the case. The other three headed towards the elevator and Jason moved to stand but the hand on his knee stayed him.
“What?” he snapped, trying so hard to sound angry, to sound like she should run from him. She just turned to face him and sighed.
“Don’t take that tone with me, what are you doing here? You don’t have to follow me around falling into traps like an amateur!” she said. Jason was taken aback, mouth falling open for a moment.
“You were kidnapped…again,” he said back, standing finally, retrieving his helmet only to have it snatched out of his hands. He didn’t feel he needed his guard up around YN but maybe he did. He tried to take it back but she held it out of reach.
“Stop! Today they kidnapped me to trick you into coming. If you had just stayed away they would have let me go. I don’t see any cells down here to keep me in,” she said. Jason rolled his eyes.
“Ya, their cells have plush mattresses,” he grumbled. He snatched at the helmet again and this time she let him have it. He looked at it but didn’t put it on. “You don’t want me as a soulmate, I’m sorry you’re stuck with me but it’s dangerous.”
“So? I wonder around the streets stealing information from supervillains, not like I’m inept. I’m not a vigilante but I protect myself fairly well. And Jason, I do want you, not as a soulmate yet though, I just want to be your friend. You look like you need one,” she said. He looked at her, trying to hide the truth behind that statement but she held his gaze and he sighed, letting himself slump a little. “Get out of here, I’ll be at my apartment tonight, my roommates both have dates so how about you come hang out? Do you have anything you desperately need to do?” He had to admit he didn’t. His calendar was empty tonight, he had secured the weapons he needed to take down Two-Face’s bank heist that he was planning for two nights from now, so Jason was going to rest anyway.
“Maybe,” he said. She smiled wide. “That’s not yes.”
“I know, I’ll leave the window unlocked for you,” she said before she followed where the others had gone. He hoped she knew how to explain him leaving because he was not going to sit around having pizza with those assholes again ever.
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Satin Pillows To Cry On
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CW: coercion with money, age gap(7 yrs), transactional marriage, obsessive/yandere behavior
gn! reader
You’ve got nothing else, no one else to rely on. 
‘You’re something he bought to keep from growing old.” 
Your clothes are worth small countries. Your cars stacked in 3-level garages. Diamonds, emeralds, pearls hanging from your wrists and ears, satchels made of endangered animal skins, different shoes for each day of the year. 
Your boyfriend of three years spat at your feet when you told him what you were doing. 
“His money can’t love you, not like I can.”
The wedding was only two months away when you broke up with him, told him you couldn’t live in his broke-down apartment anymore, that you couldn’t live with debt trailing wherever you went. You went so far as to make him hate you, to tell him that you never wanted to see him again, that you never loved him, that he better not bother showing up to the wedding. You didn’t want him there, you never wanted to see him again. 
“You’re lying to me; he’s making you say these things, he’s using you against me! You’ve known him what-- two seconds, and you’re going to marry this man?! He’s nearly a decade older than you!” 
Seven years of an age gap or not, he was still a thousand times more independent, wealthy, and a safer choice than your boyfriend. You weren’t some fresh college student new to the world, you had graduated over two years ago, still finding no luck in getting a stable income-- forget about whether or not it was in the field of your degree. 
You left in a single day, fitting all of your scavanged belongings into one of your fiance’s awaiting cars. You left anything worth of value with your ex-boyfriend, knowing he’d find more use out of it than you would. You would even leave the rest of your things there if he could find use for them, but you knew they’d just be one more painful reminder of your betrayal. 
He did as you said, not showing up to your wedding, staying clear, never appearing in your line of sight since the day you left. It made it easier…. For both of you that way. 
And now you were happy-- well, maybe not happy, maybe not even content, but you were… safe. You had everything you needed: a working car, a stable job that you felt productive in, a clean and comforting house to come home to, a spouse. Sure, maybe you didn’t get your new job yourself, or your house or your car-- but did that really matter, in this economy? Who wouldn’t trade their life and their independence for this kind of wealth?
And your husband… he wasn’t all bad. He might have only wanted you for the sake of having you at first, like a new jewel or the latest technological invention. But he was doting and caring in his own way. Maybe just a tiny bit too invested in you, in your schedule and who you talked to. A little too hateful towards your ex-boyfriend, the one who had you before he could. But everyone had character flaws, and on good days you could distract him from his grumpy mood and stress and obsessive behaviors by being the loving and oh so perfect spouse you had trained yourself to be ever since he asked to marry you. 
“Colder than all that gold…” You repeated in your mind, the words your family whispered to each other at your wedding reception only a few feet away from you. 
That was over six months now, though… the honeymoon phase never existed, you rarely saw your husband except for his midnight appearances back from the office, and whenever he would whisk you away for a weekend vacation to savor the time he had with you. For someone more sophisticated, much wealthier, and dare you say handsomer than the average man-- you were surprised to find he didn’t have a line of divorces behind him. 
No; he said, he had been “waiting for you.” whether  you or he knew it, he understood right from the moment of meeting you that you were the one he’d have for the rest of his life, even if it killed him. That severity… scared you. But in a sick sense, it made you feel relieved. Forever? This could be yours, forever? Your family would never have to struggle again, you would never have to worry where your next meal came from?
“I cleared your schedule until tuesday; we’re going to the isles. A mini vacation, you might call it. Get your things.”
He was cold, that was for sure. But, was he any worse than your ex-boyfriend, especially when he was offering you an expensive experience on top of that?
“All right..” You acquiesced. 
And now, you lied sunken into the bed feeling his loving, hot breath on your navel. Going so sweetly slow, so oddly and uncharacteristingly lingering with his touches as he gazes into your eyes. You didn’t like this; didn’t like that when he was cherishing you, making love to you, holding you so intimately, he was appearing… like a husband should. Where did he get the nerve to ignore you everyday, to have hardly any time for you, only to come back and beg for your love when it was convenient for him? 
But you keep your mouth shut, like you should, if you want to keep eating bed in breakfast, keep wearing silk robes while watching the view of the ocean outside your window.
“So beautiful…you’re like a work of art, the kind no amount of money can buy.” 
That was funny, hilarious even. Enough so to make you cry. 
A familiar face passes by the slightly ajar door to distract you, likely one of the housekeepers leaving for the night. But you swear the man’s figure reminds you of someone from your past, someone you loved and left for good. 
Your husband brings back your attention by placing a gentle kiss to your temple, blindly undoing the clasp of the necklace he bought you.
“I’m so lucky… so lucky to have been the one to catch you, forever. No one could’ve done it, not without what I have.”
He wanted you to kiss and caress back, but sometimes lying still was just enough. It was enough for him to witness you, basking in the glow of everything you wore from him, lying in the Egyptian cotton sheets he paid extra for, your body molded to the diet his personal chefs cooked. 
Even as he pushed a knee between your legs, traveling from your navel to your stomach with open-mouthed sucks and kisses in the rawest form of affection, you couldn’t help but turn your face deep into the pillow. So soft, the soft purple shielding your eyes from his tender gaze.
You might’ve given up love, given up everything familiar and those who you’ve cared for-- but at least you had satin pillows to cry on, and the finest jewelry to wipe your tears with. 
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ave09 · 1 year
i do
indiana jones x reader
note: i haven’t been to a wedding since i was seven, which was almost ten years ago so i honestly don’t remember how everything goes but i tried my best! 
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“me? nervous, please.” 
indiana jones was extremely anxious. he’d felt perfectly fine until the moment he arrived at the altar. he couldn’t help but think about you.
he was an extremely spontaneous guy, always leaving at the possibility of a new artifact needing to be found. what if you got cold feet? what if you decided that being with him
was too much of a hassle? 
he shook his head lightly, pushing the thoughts away. you wouldn’t do this to him… would you?
“indiana, you’re sweating.” marcus pointed out. his hazel eyes fell upon the man beside him, narrowing, “maybe i am a little nervous.” he muttered. the older man let out a laugh, “don’t worry, indy, i was just as nervous on my wedding day.” 
the tall man licked his lips, his throat becoming dry. “i don’t know why, marcus.” 
“it is wedding day jitters, i assure you.” indiana scratched at his chin, a habit he’d picked up when anxiety struck, “it’s not just that…”
marcus’ eyes widened, his voice lowering to a hushed whisper, “don’t tell me you’re having cold feet.” 
indiana shook his head rapidly, “oh no! hell no! i’m worried that she’s having cold feet.” and from there, the man began rambling, “i mean, i’m a spontaneous guy. i’m gone a lot, i’m cocky, too proud for my own good, and sometimes really annoying, what if she-“
his friend placed his hands upon indiana’s shoulders, causing the man’s rambling to be cut short, “indy. listen to me. are you listening?”
he nodded.
“that woman has been through hell and high water with you. she goes with you on your endeavors, and even when she cannot, she is always supportive. and about all those other excuses you told me-everyone has their flaws. and she loves you regardless. i have never seen a woman, not even my wife, care and love someone like she loves you. so get that in your thick skull, indy, that woman would do anything for you. and i’ll tell you this right now, in a few minutes, she’s going to walk down that aisle, and you will forget all your worries.” 
indiana’s lips quirked slightly, “remind me to come to you next time i need a pep talk.” 
“i’m always here, indiana, don’t ever forget it.” 
overwhelmed with a newfound happiness, indiana’s worries began to slip away just as the wedding began to start. the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle, smiling all the while. 
then came shorty, who was dressed all nice and spiffy, with his yankees cap topping off the look. he’d originally been asked to be the ring bearer, but has proceeded to ask if he could be ‘the flower boy’ and how could you say no to his adorable face?
the boy sent indiana a wide grin as he threw pink rose petals  down the aisle. he took his place in the front pew on the groom side. then the wedding march began. 
and the nerves kicked in. 
indiana had yet to see you, he’d tried to convince you do to a first look, but you were a stickler for the old rule “it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”
he was sure you looked absolutely gorgeous. you always looked gorgeous. 
but when those doors opened, indiana jones was fairly certain he’d fallen in love all over again.
you were stunning, a goddess, clad in a beautiful white gown. never in those moment had you looked more beautiful. 
and then you smiled, and the stoic man felt tears sting his eyes. something about this finally happening struck a cord, and the man who was usually in check of his emotions wanted nothing more then to weep tears of joy. 
he expected your walk down the aisle to take forever, he wished it could so he could admire you more in this moment. but you quickly stood before him, your father pecking your cheek lightly before shaking indiana’s hand. he retreated to his seat as you passed your bouquet to your maid of honor.
you then turned to face indiana, “hi.” you whispered, beaming with joy. “hi.” he replied, wanting nothing more than to kiss you right then and there, “you look beautiful.” 
“you don’t look to bad yourself.” 
“ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today..”
— — —
the vows came quicker then expected, and indiana’s palms began to sweat. you and him had agreed to write your own vows.
and despite him working as a professor, when it came to putting his feelings into words, the man struggled. hell, it had taken him months to even realize that he truly did have feelings for you, and it took him dad to long to actually ask you to go out to dinner with him.
indiana cleared his throat, reaching into his breast pocket, retrieving a folded up piece of paper. exhaling deeply, he retrieved his round spectacles, but then paused, glancing at the paper in front of him. he pursed his lips, before placing them both into his pocket again. 
“uh-i’m not the best with words, but,” he glanced at you, smiling softly, “i remember the exact moment i first met you. it was pouring rain, and you were walking from the parking lot to marshall college for your first day as a english professor. you had forgotten your umbrella that day, you were new to the weather in connecticut, and i remember-“ he paused, chuckling lightly, “you practically sprinted towards me, in heels nonetheless, and asked me if you could walk with me under my umbrella. and from there, a beautiful friendship formed.” 
he paused, gazing at you. there is so much he wanted to say about you, and was trying his best to keep it short and sweet. 
“late night talks turned into dates at your favorite diner, and we then turned that friendship into a relationship… and… i can wholeheartedly say that i can’t remember when i realized i was in love with you, because i believe i had loved you since the moment i met you in that parking lot.” 
“you have been with me through thick and thin, through all my crazy adventures. and i love you, more then anything.  you are everything a man could ever want in a wife and i am so honored that i am here marrying you now.” 
you choked back a sob. this was all you ever wanted. to marry indiana, to live a long amazing life with him. and now you would. 
it was then your turn, and you had been unable to write anything down when you’d sat down all those months ago trying to come up with the exact words to say.
but now, you knew precisely what needed to be said.
“indy. you are everything to me. since the moment you let me use that umbrella, i knew you would become a huge part of my life, and i think it’s safe to say you have.”
“you are an amazing man, and you inspire me everyday. you’ve saved me multiple times, from physical dangers and the torments of my own mind, you are always there no matter what. you bring me so much joy, and i would be lost without you.” 
the man smiled, and you noticed how glossy his hazel eyes were. 
continuing on, you said, “i truly am the luckiest woman alive, for i have found someone who treats me like i am the most precious treasure in the world, indiana jones, you make me a better person everyday, i love you so much, and i cannot wait to spend the rest of my life.”
a single tear slipped down his cheek, you lifted your hand, brushing it away, smiling at him. 
the wedding continued on. 
“do you, henry walton jones jr, take (f/n) (l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife?” 
indiana nodded, “i do.” he stated, slipping the silver diamond ring onto your ring finger. 
“and do you, (f/n) (l/n), take henry walton  jones jr to be your lawfully wedded husband?” you glanced down at shorty who held the other ring, taking notice of his tear-streaked face. you patted his shoulder comfortingly, taking the other ring. “i do.” carefully, you slid the band onto indiana’s ring finger.
“now, by the power vested in me, i now pronounce you, husband and wife. you may kiss the bride.” 
indiana took a step forward, his large hands cupping your face, the cool metal of the wedding ring sending chills down your spines, your hands rested upon his shoulders as he brought his lips to yours, sealing the deal.
you were now officially mrs. indiana jones. and you couldn’t be happier. 
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harlowsbby · 2 years
urban tells phoenix he ate all his halloween candy!! (jokingly) just to see his reaction 😹😹😹
You’re in big trouble
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Lately you weren’t sure what has gotten into Phoenix but he’s been a bit more grumpy then usual.
Urban came up with this “great” idea to make it seem like he ate all of Phoenix’s Halloween candy to try and teach him a lesson, that acting out has consequences.
“Urban I don’t think this is a good idea, you know how Phoenix gets, he’s extra sensitive just like his mother.”
“You see now that last line wasn’t needed Jack.” Your voice came from Urban’s voice, when Urban told you about his idea you immediately hated it and there was no way you were about to be there to witness that.
“Baby I still don’t understand why you left, we both need to parent him and show him that acting out in school or in general isn’t a good thing.”
“I agree with you Urban but my son is not about to hate me at the age of six because his big headed dad came up with this bright idea to tell him he ate all his candy.” Jack stiffed a laugh at you calling Urban a big head, Urban rolled his eyes and hid the candy at the top of the fridge, he put a few boxes of cereal around it so it wasn’t noticeable.
“I think he’s awake.” Jack told Urban and sure enough he heard Phoenix running down the hallway and down the stairs.
“Baby are you staying on the phone?”
“No, I’ll deal with the consequences of your actions when I get home, I love you now good luck.” You ended the call and Urban tucked the phone in his pocket as Phoenix came into view.
“Good morning buddy.”
“Good morning daddy and uncle Jack.” Jack loved Phoenix but when Phoenix got upset it was best to stay clear.
Urban and Jack watched how Phoenix went into the cabinet to look for his candy mind you it was only seven in the morning.
“Daddy, have you seen my candy? I can’t find it.” He whined and tossed his blue stuffed animal dinosaur Jack had gotten him.
“Phoenix it’s too early for candy you need to eat real food for breakfast not candy.”
“But I want my candy! I don’t want cereal for breakfast.”
“Ooo the attitude is worse than I thought.” Jack mumbled.
“Phoenix you won’t be getting any candy at all.” Urban told him, Phoenix paused and looked up at Urban slowly.
“What do you mean daddy?”
“I ate all your candy, I ate it all because you’ve been being bad in school and acting out around the house and you know mommy and I don’t like that.”
Phoenix’s bottom lip started quivering.
“Way to go Urban, dad of the year award I’d say so myself.”
“You ate all my candy?! But that was my candy daddy you can’t eat all my candy. You’re greedy daddy.” Phoenix yelled and started stomping his feet.
“Well if you weren’t acting out I wouldn’t have eaten it all.” Urban way trying his hardest not to laugh considering this was suppose to be a teaching moment.
“You’re greedy and I’m telling mommy you’re a big greedy monster.” Phoenix stomped back upstairs to go call you.
“Is he really going to call Y/N?”
“No.” Urban laughed “He doesn’t have a phone he’s six.” Phoenix did have the iPad you gifted him for his birthday that year though.
A few hours later you came through the door with a irritated look on your face.
“Uh oh.”
“Why did Phoenix call me crying, I thought you were suppose to be teaching him a lesson not making him cry.” You said sternly and Phoenix appeared around the corner with a smile on his face.
“Did you get my candy mommy?” You coo’d and pulled out a bag of candy out of your purse, Urban’s mouth fell open.
“Baby, why did you buy him that bag of candy? He already has a bag.”
“Well now he has extra, Phoenix go upstairs I’ll bring your Halloween candy up to you soon.”
“Okay mommy, I love you.”
“I love you too buddy.”
Urban’s eyes widened he knew he was about to hear it from you now.
“I hope you know you’re sleeping on the couch for the next week maybe two and the next time you pull something like this it’ll be a month Urban.”
“But baby he needs to learn.” Urban tried defending himself but he quickly stopped when you glared at him.
“Fine I’ll stop.”
“We’re both great parents Urban and Phoenix isn’t old enough to express his emotions so if he needs to act out then so be it.” You wrapped your arms around Urban’s neck, he lowered his head and smiled at you, before giving you a quick kiss.
“I love you baby girl.”
“I love you too Urban.”
He licked his lips and had a smug look on his face.
“What’s that look for?”
“You wanna try for baby number three.”
“Urban, you’re sleeping on that couch for three weeks”
“It was worth a try.”
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bru1sed-apple · 4 months
Fic recs!! :3
Percy jackson
Seven days and seven nights
A warning, a storm, and Will’s world gets flipped upside-down. Day 11: Storming
Finally, where i'm meant to be
Percy huffs as Annabeth attacks his hair with a comb. “I don't get why this is such a big deal to you, it looks fine.” “Of course you wouldn’t understand. You’re a boy,” she says matter of factly. As she finishes combing his hair to within an inch of its life, she forces him onto the edge of the tub, looming over him with her arms akimbo. “Alright Seaweed Brain. Because you’re clearly insistent on ruining your natural curls, I’m staging an intervention.” He doesn’t like the glint in her eye. It’s the same look she gets when she’s about to execute a particularly deadly battle strategy. All he can do is nod. Or: Annabeth shows Percy how to take care of his hair. Fluff ensues.
The healing sun
You are Asclepius. You are 9 and just want to help people. Your father is kind, and warm, and you love him dearly. Or, a look at a relationship hindered by loss but persevering through love. Asclepius and Apollo throughout the ages.
According to the prophecy, Will has to go to on a quest to Tartarus. According to Apollo, that isn’t going to happen, even if it means he has to break the Ancient Laws.
demand nothing less (than transformation)
Dad is quiet for a moment, stroking her hair. Then, with a surge of his usual flamboyant excitement: “At what time is your date?” Kayla blinks. She pulls back a little to look at Dad. He’s still a little blurry from the tears, but she feels much calmer now. “He’s picking me up at six. …Why?” Dad’s eyes—cobalt blue—sparkle. Literally. “We’re going to dress you to the nines.” (or: apollo loves his daughter. he also loves fashion. even better is when the two intersect.)
Bad sons
Hades turned to the demigods that were still kneeling. “I need to speak with Will Solace,” he said to the shocked room, in the tone he could have used to say “I came to ask if one of you could lend me a pen.” “Alone,” the god added after a moment, staring right at Nico. Or, Will and Nico go on the stupidest quest ever. And it’s all Apollo’s fault.
Dawn Rises From the East
During the Battle of Manhattan, Michael Yew fell into the East River; his body was never found. Two years later, a homeless kid known only as Ferret has a chance encounter that changes everything he knows.
Yuri on ice
dismantle. repair.
Viktor is standing across the street waving. Despite himself, Yuuri smiles, even as he realizes his shopping will have to wait. He waves back. There’s a man in a white coat behind Viktor. A stranger, except that he’s standing too close. A fan, maybe, or a sleazier member of the paparazzi. He’s raising his hands, and Yuuri opens his mouth to shout at him to not touch Viktor and then— And then there’s the screech of brakes as the car stops, too late. Viktor’s legs are sticking out at odd angles from underneath it. A sheen is spreading across the asphalt beneath him. Like oil. Like blood.
Yuuri's husband is possibly not as oblivious as he seems, because he grins and asks, "Have you never looked up Yuuri?" "There's a porn actress with the same name who went into politics," says Nate, "so she's most of the results, and some stuff about figure skating." "Some stuff about figure skating," Victor says ruefully to Yuuri.
Love Born in the Eye of the Storm
After a snowstorm cancels their return flight and all the hotels are overbooked, Yuuri decides to detour home to wait it out. He offers to let other stranded skaters stay at Yuu-topia, he just didn't know one of them was Victor Nikiforov.
Glory is two steps away
Yuri Plisetsky and Yuuri Katsuki are about as different as cats and dogs, which is to say they have no reason of ever even being acquaintances. Through a stroke of luck, as well as a couple dozen cat pictures, a tight friendship blossoms instead. On their own each skater stands out just fine, but together they shine, pushing each other past previous limits and onto the golden road of victory. Of course, there is still the living legend to worry about, but he's currently too besotted to lace up his skates, so... Or: The Bathroom Scene™, but it goes a little differently. Just enough to that Yuri has a new friend and Victor stays in Russia, but manages to pine all the same.
It ain't much, it's only everything
Yuuri read the headline - “Top Skater and Model Viktor Nikiforov Finds Soulmate!” Oh.
Avatar the last Airbender
Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores
The Water Tribe has kept the secrets of the sea-walkers, a gift of transformation that grants those blessed a tail and the ability to breathe underwater, away from the eyes of the rest of the world forever, and this secrecy has only become more important in light of the seemingly unending war and conquest of the Fire Nation. Sokka, as the last warrior and sea-walker in his village, knows this more than most. So when he finds himself accidentally pulled onto a Fire Nation ship, he chooses to stay aboard as their would-be "captive" rather than reveal the Water Tribe's secrets. But what he couldn't have imagined was that while aboard this ship, he'd form an unlikely bond with the exiled prince of the Fire Nation. This tenuous friendship grows into something considerably stronger the longer this pair navigates the biases created by their upbringings, the constant clash of their two worlds, and their feelings for each other. But there are still secrets and conflicts that can't be erased, and it's up to each of them to decide if they'll choose the worlds they're used to or fight for a new world where they can be together.
Golden hour
Zuko just stopped into the library to pick up a book for his uncle. Naturally, he ends up leaving with four books and a crush on the children's librarian.
Marvel cinematic universe
Persistence hunting
"You need food, Rocket. Worse than me. A hell of a lot worse than me, and I'm worried about you. We have water, neither of us are hurt, but both of us will die eventually if we don't eat. And I can hunt down one of those," he said, pointing off into the distance at a four-legged ungulate of some kind, grazing on the tough grass. "Neither of us have any weapons, genius. You're gonna just run up to it and crack it on the head with a rock?" "No," Peter said. "I'm gonna run it down and slit its throat."
how tony stark won the break-up and became the #1 househusband of NY
Tony Stark accidentally becomes every bored housewife's favourite Avenger.
Criminal minds
Understanding Dr.Reid
Fran, Desiree, and Sarah Morgan meet Spencer Reid, the intricate man who stole Derek's heart. What happened at the Morgan house during Profiler, Profiled. Pre-slash Morgan/Reid.
Complementary Souls
Everyone has a joke or funny story that only their soulmate will laugh at. No one has ever laughed at Carlton's dead clown story. Until today, that is.
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