#seven deadly sins bts scenarios
luxora · 2 years
BTS -> {Seven Deadly Sins AU} -> Falling in love with a mortal
Requested: No
Group: BTS
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Some smut.
Warning: Deadly sin stuff. Some blood and violence. some nsfw. Possibly triggering. Mention of cheating. Mention of depression and emotional lows.
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Your breath was making the mirror mist up slightly, but it was tolerable enough, especially since the two of you were both taking great pleasure in the activities that he enacted when he decided to join you in the shower. His grip on your hips was bruising but tolerable, his lips on your neck making you moan in delight as he continued to rut against you, his eyes on your and his reflection while you clung to the edge of the bathroom sink, taking him as he relentlessly moved against you.
While you looked glorious in moments of ecstasy, Seokjin couldn’t help but smirk at his reflection as he looked completely astounding towering over you and making you completely submissive to him. You were beyond overwhelmed with the physical pleasure you were receiving from him, as well as from the love that you felt for him, and yet he looked so completely composed and not at all as disheveled as you that it made him chuckle. He couldn’t help it, it was just a good contribution to his pride as a lover and a man.
But then again, he was known as Pride for a reason.
Out of all his brothers, he was the best out of all them. Be it appearance-wise, intelligence, or experience, he was superior to them all. None of his brothers affected humans like him. Like moths to a candle flames, others were always drawn to him first. And he lavished in the attention that was forced upon him. While his brothers constantly call him out on his vanity, he simply did not find it within himself to care. So what if he was vain, he had a good reason to. After all, he was the best, something which was openly noted by their parents. He was the eldest and the most superior, his brothers could never match up to him, and he always made sure to remind them of it in case they believed that he was getting complacent of his position as the eldest.
Seokjin was used to humans fawning over him and he took take pleasure in reeking the benefits of his ‘Pride’ title. It was so easy to take care of those lustful individuals that desired a single night with him. He did not care who they were, as long as they could feed his vanity and pride, then he would happily take them. He had needs that needed to be fulfilled, and he expected everyone to obey his every command. But then to his utmost surprise, he found himself being defied by the very first time by a human with the most fiery personality in the entire universe.
You hated him. You told him straight his face. And never in his existence had he ever had his ego knocked down to the extent that he was left speechless, unable to be the one to say the last word as you all but stormed off and left him behind with a stunned crowd and a cackling bunch of brothers who witnessed the verbal beat down he was given by a mousy mortal. And he was infuriated. Just how dare you humiliate him in front of everybody? No one has ever done that to him! Not even his brothers. He had planned to make you pay, in the worst way possible, and what was a better way than to make you fall in love with the very charms you claimed to hate? It was the most delicious plan.
But nowhere in the plan did he expect to genuinely fall in love with you.
He felt you tightening around him, your lips chanting his name as you told him you were getting close, which only motivated him to speed up his thrusts even more. He pulled his lips away from your neck and instead grabbed the back of it and pushed you down to the sunk so that it was only his body he could see in the mirror reflection, his eyes looking like two swirling orbs of desire as his hips slammed against yours.
“What do you want?” He asked at his reflection, his hips not pausing for even a moment while his grip on your neck tightened. He was rather asking himself the question but you were completely unawares as you assumed that he was asking you the question.
“T-To come!” You answered, squeaking highlight as Seokjin kept hitting the deepest spot in your body.
“What do you think you are doing?” He asked again, his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he felt the pit in his stomach increasing with time, an indication that was soon going to follow after you for otherworldly pleasure. While you were slightly confused at the question, it did not phase your much as you were so close to the edge.
“T-taking you!” You screeched, your body pressing back against Seokin’s hand on your neck that was keeping you down. Seokjin pushed you down harder against the sink, his hips slapping against your backside with punishing thrusts which only made you screech even more. He looked away from his reflection and instead watching himself enter and exit your body, the pit in his stomach so large that it was only going to take a few more seconds before he would release himself.
“Who do you love?” He asked, both of his hands squeezing the body parts he was touching as he slammed himself into your even more, needing your answer.
“You! I love you!” You announced, screaming when Seokjin slammed into you one last time before you finally clenched hard around him and felt yourself get filled up with his own seed, his hips pressed against yours as he released himself in you, letting out disgruntled grunts as he allowed himself to follow over the edge with you, giving each other to the world of pleasure.
Both of you trembled from the aftermath of such a climatic release, but Seokjin couldn’t help himself as he released you neck to only press his entire body against your back, his lips in your ear as he began to subtly move his hips again.
“Who is the one that has ruined you for others?” He asked, which made you give a soft laugh before you turned your head around and catch his lips in a surprise kiss.
“You.” You confessed, love clearly shining in your eyes which made his head clench in both happiness and guilt, since the only reason the two of you were like this was because of you broke his pride, but he did not have the heart to tell you the truth.
You were his and he was going to keep you, even if it meant he had to lie. Because he was not going to let you leave him, not when you have affected him so much to extent that he can’t imagine being with anyone else but you.
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“I get that it is in your nature, but what you did was not okay!”
“......It is not that much of a big deal......”
Yoongi was tired, and just physically tired but just tired in general., and he could not completely blame himself for it. He never asked to be born into this family, he had never asked to become Sloth, to be the epitome of nothing. The thing about the Deadly family was that titles were inherited the second they were born and with his family, seven children meant seven titles, and they were literally born to be a specific sin and had no control over what they were to be. Being Sloth meant that he was more than just the epitome of laziness, but that he literally had no effort to do anything, much less feel anything.
His brothers took all of the emotions, leaving him with none. Even though he was the second eldest, he hardly had any control over anything. He was the forgotten brother most of the time, his family barely noticing if he was in the room or not, not that they really missed him since he did not add much to the conversations in the first place. He just liked to sleep, sleep was the only solution to his feeling of absolute nothingness. He could never be like his brothers, he didn’t have the capabilities to be the same as them, so he simply just lived for sake of living, he breathed for the sake of breathing, but at times he wondered if it was even worth it.
He did not think much of you when the two of you had first met, the only thing he did notice was that you were almost the complete opposite of him. While he delved into the shadows, you were in the center of the limelight. While he was quiet, you were a loudmouth. When he simply wanted to pas on, you wanted to live, and for some reason, you wanted him to live with you. He can’t really say he humored you, but at the same time he did because he never pushed you away. He simply allowed you into his life and let you try pull him out of his shell.
But it was never easy. You were fighting against his very nature, and most of the time he thinks you are simply wasting your breath in trying to save someone like him.
“It is a big deal! I called you a million times and you didn’t answer your phone once! I called every one of your brothers and they said you didn’t answer their phone calls either! We were worried about you Yoongi!”
Yoongi lifted his head to gaze at you, his slumped form on his armchair in a very dark room at his home as he closed all the curtains in the house to leave him in peaceful darkness. But despite the darkness, he could see your angry expression easily, your hands on your hips as you stared him down from your spot in the middle of the room “.....why?”
“...Did you seriously just ask me ‘why’?” You scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief as you stared at him, hoping he would crack something else to contrast his legitimate question. Only he didn’t. He said continued to look at you with the same hollow look in your eye you were tired of being familiar with. “You complete son of a ... “
You spared him with one fierce glare befoe you spun on your heel and stormed out of the room, leaving him behind in his vortex of darkness. Yoongi sighed, ducking his head down to his chest and closing his eyes to listen to you slam the door shut, most likely leaving him to his hole of hollowness while he wastes away like a piece of-
“What the fuck!” He screamed, leaping off his armchair a he was soaked from his head to his waste in ice cold water, you glaring at him from your original pot, only with a dripping bucket in your hand. You dropped the bucket to the floor and glared at him once more before marching over to his window and ripping open the curtains to let the light in, making Yoongi hiss at the sudden brightness. You then marched back to him and poked him hard in the chest while glaring harshly at him.
“You listen to me Min Yoongi, and listen well. You may not give a shit about yourself, but there are others who do. If you don’t think your brothers do, then you better fucking know that I do. if you dare to pull another stunt like this again, I will literally set your whole fucking house on fire and dance naked on top of the roof while set off fireworks which will explode into ‘Min Yoongi is a fucking dumbass’, do you understand me?”
Yoongi stared at you for a moment, jaw slightly slack.
“...That’s oddly specific-”
“Min Yoongi!” You screeched, grabbing him by his wet shirt and tugging him close until the two of you were nose to nose, your nostrils flaring with the amount of anger you were feeling, that you almost reminded him of a dragon that was about to breathe fire. “Tell me that you fucking understand, otherwise I swear to all the heavens and hells above, I will kick your ass right here right now. Fucking answer me.”
He stared at you right in the eyes, noticing the fire in them which only seemed to increase with each passing second as he didn’t answer you. His shirt was sopping wet and water was dripping from his air into his eyes, but he found it did not bother him that much. What bothered him was that he knew that he had upset you, and he never used to care much of the feelings of others in the past. Not even with his brothers did he bother about their thoughts or feelings.
But you...he was bothered that he was the reason that upset you. So he finally nodded in understanding, noticing how your features softened slightly at his acknowledgment before your eyes hardened again and he felt himself get flung across the room and suddenly pushed in the direction of his bathroom.
“Good! Now the first thing you need to do is have a shower! You are sopping wet!”
“...You are the reason I am like this in the first place.” He pointed out, only to receive a slap on the back and another hard shove into his bathroom.
“Unimportant. Now get moving. I’m going to pick you out some clothes and we are going out for lunch. I bet you haven't even eaten a thing yet, am I right?” He opened his mouth to answer, only for his stomach to beaten him to it, making him slightly flush at the revelation. You shot him a knowing look. “Yeah I thought so. Now get in and hurry up.”
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One thing which Hoseok was very good at was spoiling you, especially since he the finances to spoil you endlessly. The family dynamics were quite obtuse since the assets of the family was divided according to the deadly sin, and with Hoseok being the representation of Gluttony, he happened to be one of the most well-off siblings amongst the brothers. He wouldn’t say that he was the favorite, but he most certainly received some great benefits with his deadly sin, and so he lived his life accordingly with what he could afford, which was everything.
Hoseok enjoyed his life. He lived in luxury and he could surround himself in all of the physical pleasures in life, ranging from material possessions to beautiful people that enjoyed living life with him. But the one problem with being the representation of gluttony was that people were not always sincere with their intentions with him. Yeah, he had the money of the Deadly family, but that did not mean that he had the happiness that most of his brothers had in terms of sincere relationships. He would say the only solid relationships that he had was with his brothers, even though their relationships could become quite volatile due to their differing natures. But in the end they were family, and family stuck together through thick and thin.
At first you and him were only friends, someone who happened to be in the same place as him whenever he went out and hung out with others, but somehow he managed to become drawn to you. One of the reasons that Hoseok was popular among humans was that he spent his money on himself and on them, buying out the clubs and paying for everyone’s bills, but you weren’t interested in him trying to buy you anything. You were independent and you hated being indebted to others, so you never did take up on Hoseok’s offers in anything that was financial.
One would say he was generous at times, but it was all because he had a bountiful amount of money to spend, almost too recklessly at times, and you didn’t like that. Perhaps it was because you were the opposite of him that he became attracted to you, and he had to earn your love through actions instead of gifts and money, but when he eventually managed to capture your heart, he did not limit himself when it came to spoiling you.
“Hoseok, this is way too much.” You complained, staring at the thousand of roses that were on your dining room table, some even on the floor because of the bountifulness of the Hoseok’s gift. Hoseok just grinned before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind.
“No its not. It’s our thousandth day anniversary, it is only right that I gift you will a thousand roses.” He chuckled in your ear, press a kiss to it before going to nibble on your earlobe, earning himself a smack from you as you turned around in his arms to flash him a glare.
“I told you that you don’t need to buy me fancy things like this! This is way too much.” But Hoseok was already prepared for your argument, so he quickly silenced you with a kiss before pulling back to raise a finger at you.
“Nuh uh, your term of ‘fancy’ consists of expensive jewellery and a car, and I have not gotten you those gifts. I have simply gotten you some lovely red roses and have reserved a table at one of our favorite restaurants. Nothing too  fancy, just actions filled with love.” He flashed you a cheeky smile, only to be met with a narrowed gaze.
“Don’t try pull a loophole on me, I won’t tolerate it.” Hoseok laughed and pressed a kiss to your nose.
“Ah but you will my young lover, when it comes to you, I am allowed to endlessly spoil you in any way I see fit while keeping you happy. And deny it all you want, I know that you love my expression of love for you.” He wiggled his eyebrows playfully at you, noticing how you tried to resist smiling but couldn’t help it, letting out a light chuckle which made Hoseok beam. “You see, you love me.”
“Of course I do, but I sometimes wonder why.” You admitted, only to make Hoseok gasp in mock hurt.
“How could you be so cruel to me my love, I have only been a loyal friend and boyfriend to you who is endlessly loving and spoiling you from head to toe.”
“That is exactly the problem, I don’t need you to do that. I’m already yours, so there is no need to buy me.” Warmth immediately filled Hoseok’s body when you mentioned the fact that you his. True, he did try to buy you at first when he expressed interest, but you made him work for you, an it was work damn well paid off because he now has someone who balances him completely. He was filled with so much warmth, a pool of desire began to form in his stomach as his eyes flashed mischievously, which immediately caught you attention and make you look at him warily. “Just what are you planning now?“
Hoseok slipped his hand to your backside and squeeze, prompting a gasp out of you which only made his grin increase in size. He then slipped his hands to your thighs and suddenly picked you up, your arms immediately wrapping around his waist to support yourself while you hands went to his shoulders, your eyes wide as you stared at him. “I just have one more gift to give you before we go out and spend a lovely evening together with wine and food, and don’t worry, it is completely free.”
“Just what are you-” Hoseok pressed his lips against yours, swallowing your words with his mouth as he slipped his tongue into yours and immediately took over the kiss while he began to walk the two of you towards your bedroom, not pausing for even a moment before he had you pressed against the mattress with him on top of you. He pulled away and flashed you the most lethal grin before he pulled himself to his knees and began to unbutton his shirt.
“I am going to make love to every inch of your body until the only thing that you can hear, think, and say is my name, and you are going to let me spoil you in any way I see fit. You agree?” Your face was completely flushed at the sight of a bare chested Hoseok as he tugged his shirt off and tossed it to the side before his hands when to your shirt, tugging it up until your bra covered chest was revealed to him, prompting him to lean down and press a kiss to your sternum, his eyes glancing back to you with lustful eyes. “Do you agree my love?”
“Y-Yes...” He grinned as he began to trail kisses along your neck.
“Glad to hear it.”
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Envy and jealousy was an entwined product in Namjoon’s life, and he was often a victim to it since he was its sole representative. In terms of his parents affection, Namjoon has not received much of it and it has been an aspect of his upbringing which shaped him into what he is today. he gets that every person and living thing had a tragic backstory, but even he could say his was pathetic. Out of all seven of his brothers, he received the least attention from his parents. He has even been accused of being some sort of copy cat to his brothers Seokjin and Jimin, because Envy is an aspect connected to both of their sins, therefore he was dealt with swiftly in the family with his place in the hierarchy, despite being one of the older brothers.
Namjoon has always been jealousy of others, especially of his brothers, because no matter how hard he tried to prove himself, he always seemed to come short. He was almost the minor middleman in the family despite being the one with the most sense, but he was constantly compared to everyone that he is surprised that he hasn’t even been driven insane yet. The Deadly family was not exactly magnolias and rainbows, they were the representations of all evils after all, and yet he was considered one of the lesser of evils all because of his emotional connections to his brothers.
Even though he has grown now and has built up some success in his life, he can’t deny that he still yearns for approval from his family. While he shouldn't care what they thought about him since they never bothered to when he was growing up, he wanted them to give him some sort of acknowledgment, to just say that he has done a good job or just...he just wanted them to give him something, something which his brothers had received while growing up which he did not. Was it such a bad thing to receive a parents love for once?
Namjoon felt arms wrap around him from behind, giving him a firm squeeze while he felt a kiss on his bare shoulder, warm breaths ticking his skin as he felt a warm body press itself against his back. He didn’t acknowledge them as he stared at his phone, his grip tightening every passing second and even shaking as he stared at the message from his parents in relation to the family dinner he had prepared to host at his home this weekend.
‘Unfortunately we can’t make it. Send our regards to your brothers.’
He felt his throat thicken, a slight pressure building in his eyes even though he was trying to resist it by clenching his jaw and gritting his teeth hard together. He heard a sigh behind him and another kiss to his shoulder.
“We can still have a good time. I spoke to Taehyung and Jungkook the other day, and they seemed really excited to see everyone again.”
“That is only because they were aware that our parents were going to join us. Clearly things are going to change since they can no longer attend.”
Namjoon couldn’t help but slam his phone on the mattress and cradle his head with his hands, his fingers tugging harshly at his hair as he tried to get a hold of himself. It was not surprising that his parents couldn’t attend, they never did when he was the host of such family events. Why would they bother coming out to the home of their least favorite son? They never turned down an invitation from the others, only when he was the host did they always back out of the attendance. It was not surprising one bit, and yet it was at the same time.
“Don’t say that. Your brothers love you, they wouldn’t back out because of this.” You said, giving him another firm hug as you rested your chin on his shoulder, staring at his side profile as he held his head. Namjoon let out an empty chuckle.
“While your optimism is one of the reasons why I love you, it won’t work in this situation sweetheart. I know my brothers, they are not going to come, not when their star and moon is no longer in attendance and they are no longer required to play their part as a big, happy family.”
All of the Deadly sins had a part to play, and his brothers were no different. They all strived to impressed their parents, even if it meaning outshining and undermining one another, because who wouldn’t want to be the apple of their mother’s and father’s eyes? Namjoon certainly has never been one, he has always been the gum under their shoe that they could not wait to scrape off on the pavement.
“You’re wrong. They won’t pull out, not if I have a say about it.” You said, a sudden determination filling your voice. Namjoon chuckled and lifted his head to turn and look at you, mild amusement in his eyes.
“And what, pray tell, could you do to my brothers to force them to come to a family dinner?” You raised an eyebrow and flashed him a challenging smirk.
“You forget that women are one of the most predatory creatures in the world. If we smell blood and are hungry enough, he will go into a frenzy, and since I am remarkably close with all six of their girlfriends, let me just say that we will work together to make sure to bring them all to their knees for dinner.” Namjoon let out a disbelieving laugh.
“You would seriously use blackmail and intimidation in the form of their girlfriends to make them come over?” You flashed him a smile.
“But of course, what else would I use?” Namjoon smiled and shrugged.
“I have no idea. I don’t always have a firm idea on what is going on in that pretty let head of yours.”
“Good, I would hate to be predictable.”
“That, my dear, you could never be.”
Namjoon turned around completely and wrapped his arms around you before pulling you into a kiss, sighing when you lips melded with his and gave him some sense of relief. While he was astounded that he managed to find such a compassionate person like you, he was grateful for it. You were about the only one who gave him the affection and care that he needed, the kind that was deprived from him when growing up. You were his number one supporter, and you fought for him like a soldier would for their king, and he was forever happy that he managed to meet and fall in love with you. He pulled away from the kiss and moved to rest his head on your shoulder, your arms moving around to hug him closely, your lips grazing his temple as he became cradled in your arms.
“I just wish that they would recognize me for my own efforts.” He confessed, his voice slightly thick with emotion. You pressed another kiss to his temple.
“And they will, one day. But even if they don’t, just know that I see it. I see everything that you have worked for and I am so proud of you for doing it.”
Namjoon could only answer with a smile, moving to press a kiss to your neck before pushing you back down on the mattress so that he could rest his head on your chest, to take in the comfort that you were all too willing to give him.
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Lust. Sex. Love.
Jimin was the epitome of all three. He was the embodiment of everything related to relationship between people, ranging from familial, platonic, and romantic. And it was very difficult for him to be able to control himself, especially when he was surrounded by so many others that were giving off waves of arousal and affection which were like drugs to him.
While his brothers have their own dilemmas to deal with accordance to their Sins, Jimin was the one that struggled the most despite it looking the most utopian type of sin to represent. Sure, Jimin was a lot like their eldest brother in terms of popularity among humans and having a luxurious outside appearance to show off, but Jimin struggled in terms of his temptation and addiction to bodies, fumes, and toxicity. He was very easily influenced and there have been times that he had to be rescued by his brothers to get him out of the messes that has created himself. But he thought that he would eventually be able to get a hold of himself, especially when he discovered someone who loved him despite of his messed up nature.
But like he said, he was messed up by default, and he has made a massive mess that even his brothers wouldn’t be able to get him out of it because it was something that was caused by his own obsessive and weak nature for beauty and pleasure. 
Jimin rushed into the house and hurried up the stairs, knowing it by memory know, before bursting into the room, noticing your figure immediately as you were busy packing your clothes into a suitcase. He rushed towards you and grabbed you by the hands, stopping you from packing anymore clothes.
“Don’t.” He said, only for you to rip you hands out of his as your glared at him fiercely, your upper lip raised in a sneer as you looked at him in complete disgust.
“You can’t stop me.” You sneered before you reached for your unpacked clothes again, only for Jimin to grab your hands again, his eyes making a desperate plea as he stared at you helplessly.
“You don’t want to do this.” He said, only to make you laugh in response. You tried to rip your hand out of his again, but this time he tightened his grip on you so that your couldn’t, making you wrestle with him slightly as you tried to rip free.
“Let go!”
“Y/N, you don’t want to do this. You don’t want to leave.”
“I said let go!”
“Y/N, I know we can work this out, we can-”
“There is nothing to work out!’ You screeched, startling him and giving yourself the opportunity to rip your hands entirely from Jimin. You took a few steps back to put some distance between him and yourself before shaking your head, roughly threading your fingers through your hair before turning to glare at him again. You pointed an accusing finger at him and snarled. “You made your choice, and I am busy making mine. Stop interfering.”
“I have. I have to interfere. I can’t lose you.” He took a few steps towards you, only for your to match him and take a few backs to maintain the distance between the two of you, a warning look in your eyes which promised death if he came even closer to you.
“You lost me the second you decided to sleep with someone else. Or maybe that is being too generous, limiting it to only one person. I know there has been more, no point in trying to hide it any longer.”
Jimin felt himself pale at your words, a bob of emotion filling his throat that he could not swallow down no matter how hard he tried. He has been trying to control his urges, he really had, because he really did want to try be a better man for you. You didn’t deserve someone who treated you like some side chick that only got visited to give him the physical pleasure he desired. You were more than that, you were someone who had managed to capture his heart and love him despite his...everything.
He was hardly marriage material, it being something that Jimin resigned himself to never have because he knows that he will not be a good husband. He was too much for any woman to handle. Nobody would be able to deal with all the baggage that came with him which revolved around his encompassing of everything connected to Lust. But you...you were an exception. If there was anyone he thought he could marry, it would be you. Because you were everything he needed to be in control of himself, you motivated him to try become better.
And yet he has proved to you that his nature was just much stronger than his love for you. And he wanted to convince that it was not true, because while he did sleep with others, it was your face that he was seeing, not theirs. He just couldn’t lose you. He will do whatever you want to try make it up to you, but you couldn’t leave him. Not when he could fix it.
“Y/N please, tell me what I can do to fix this. There has to be something that I can do to make it up to you. Please...” He was desperate and it was clear in his voice and eyes, and he hoped that you would perhaps realize that he was being sincere in his pleas. But you only stared at him with an disgusted and unforgiving expression topped off with a sneer. You shook your head.
“There is nothing you can do to fix this. Its broken beyond repair now. I have kept quiet for too long and tonight has just topped it all off.”
“Y/N, I-”
“My sister and my best friend, I know I should be shocked and yet at the same time, I shouldn’t be. You always eyed them whenever we were together.”
“Y/N, I swear it was-”
“An accident? Sure. I’ve heard that plenty of times to know that its isn’t. Sleeping with others isn’t an accident Jimin, it is a habit. And I am not going to stick around anymore and deal with the aftermath of your choices.”
“They don’t mean anything to me Y/N!” Jimin could not stand the distance between the two of you anymore, and even though it may make it worse, he could not help himself. He hurried over to you and grabbed your arms, keeping a tight grip on them so you could not escape. He stared at you pleadingly as you wrestled and tried to tug yourself away from him. “You mean everything to me. You are the only one I truly care about in this world! I know I’ve fucked up, I know I have hurt you and I am sorry! I am so fucking sorry! There has to be a way for me to make it up to you! There must be some way I can prove to you that I love-”
“Change your sin then.” Jimin froze. He stared at you in disbelief, unable to comprehend the demand that you gave him. You stared at him with steeled eyes, a scowled permanently painting your face before you flashed him a cruel smirk filled with hollowness. “You see, its not nice when someone asks the impossible from you.”
“Y.....N...” He uttered brokenly, his whole sense of self shattering because while he could do anything for you, changing his very essence and nature was the only thing he could not do. And you knew that. You placed your hands on his chest and shoved him, taking him by surprise as he fell to the floor in shock, your body standing over his with a disgusted and defeated look on your face.
“Goodbye Jimin.”
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Taehyung has always been the emotional type, and even though at times he wished he wouldn’t be emotional, he would just erupt like a volcano and consume everything in his path, uncaring on what or who he destroyed. He couldn’t help it, it was in his nature to destroy and to feel.
His brothers always told him he was the loose cannon of the family, always needing someone to watch over him to make sure that he would not go overboard. But it was not like anyone could ever truly stop him when he snapped. He was one of the strongest out of the brothers, especially since he was mainly motivated by his fury which unleashed all of his strength. Jungkook was probably the only one who could apprehend him when he was having one of his ‘wrath’ episodes, but even then there were times when he was unable to get Taehyung to settle down.
No one ever really thought that Taehyung could ever live a normal life, well, as normal as a deadly sin could live. He was literally the living embodiment of Wrath, one of the most volatile and emotional sins that there was. He was unpredictable and at times, even deadly. Nothing could control him, and most definitely no one could get him to settle. If his brothers couldn’t do it, then who the hell could.
And then came the human mortal that captured his heart.
“Y/N, he needs you. Get over here quickly. He is going mad.” Taehyung heard Jungkook’ voice talking to you through the phone, but he did not focus on it much as he all but ripped the fabric of the couch right out and threw its dismantled body across the room, a hellish scream ripping itself out of his throat.
He was tired and hungry. He had a bad day and night and just when he thought he could finally have a rest, his brothers just had to come barging into his house and disrupt his one moment of peace he was finally able to get after such a shitty day he had. He just snapped, and what was at first his living room was now looked like the aftermath of a nuclear war, and it was only getting worse. His brothers were all hiding in the other rooms, not daring to interrupt Taehyung while he was in the middle of one of his ‘Wrath’ episodes.
“I WANT YOU TO GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!” Taehyung screamed, this time throwing one of his ceramic ornaments across the room and making it shatter against the well, which made him scream in fury when he realized that it was one that you had gifted him a while ago. “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!”
“Tae! Stop!”
Hand were suddenly on his cheeks and his hands automatically went to grab them, ready to rip them off, but then the owner of the hands slipped into his eyesight, his vision that was tainted in red slightly decreasing to recognize that it was you, your eyes locked with his with a soft, but determined gaze as you pressed your palms harder against his cheeks, trying to make sure that he would not rip your hands off him.
“Look at me. Look at me. Just look at me.” You chanted, pressing yourself against your body and forcing his head down to look at you, since you were quite a bit shorter than him. Taehyung pulled his hands away from your to grip you by the shoulders, his finger tips digging into skin as he breathed shakily in front of you, his entire body stiff and shaking. “Breathe Tae. You need to breathe. Count with me.”
People have always tried to get him to calm down from his episodes and he has tried everything. Matching breathing patterns, counting to ten, trying to imaging a calming image, but it could never help him. He was broken and unfixable, there was no way he could ever live a normal life. He was a ticking time bomb, and he knew every time he went off, he just destroyed. And he hated being like that. He hated being something that everyone had to monitor.
He hated it. He just fucking hated it.
“Tae...” But your voice was steady and sweet, and even though many others have tried to the same tactic that you were doing and failed to get him to listen, he forced himself to listen. His red vision was slowly fading and your face was becoming more clear to him. Your eyes were soft and bright, your eyebrows were slightly scrunched in concentration as you continued to stare at him, voice steady as you tried to talk him out of his wrath. “Talk to me. Tell me what happened. What’s wrong?”
He didn’t say anything at first. He was unable to. His tongue felt heavy and thick, making him swallow thickly as he tried to find some motivation to talk. His grip on you was still tight, and he was quite certain it was hurting you, but you did not react. You instead ignored it and stared at him, your thumbs gently rubbing circles on his cheeks. He felt his bottom lip tremble, and a strangled sound left his lips as he heaved his head forward, nearly knowing against your own.
“I...had a bad day.” He managed to say, his hands readjusting themselves on your shoulder to give them another squeeze, his breathing still unsteady. He noticed you nod your head.
“Alright. What happened? Tell me about it.”
And so he started talking, albeit a bit brokenly, but he managed to talk to you. His red vision eventually faded away entirely, and he found himself sitting the middle of his wrecked living room with you holding his hands, listening intently to him as he spoke, thumbs tracing his knuckles until he finally finished speaking. You brought one of his hands to your lips and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day Tae.” You apologized, even though it was hardly your fault. Taehyung just nodded. You pressed another kiss to his hand. “How about I make you a snack and we can talk some more. Why don’t you tell me what you were thinking of doing tomorrow?
Taehyung just nodded again, tightening his grip on your hands when you helped him off his feet and guided him to the kitchen, your voice sweet and steady the whole time as you continued speaking to him to keep him calm. You were about the only one who managed to get him out of his episodes, and even though it was an unfair thing forced onto you with getting into a relationship with him, he still appreciated it. It was nice to be spoken down from a Wrath episode, it just brought some sense of normalcy to his life. You were his only normalcy.
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It was positively freezing but Jungkook did not care if it was all it took to make you his. He has never met a women so frustrating before in his life. Jungkook was so used to getting what he wanted because he was the youngest, and he was already greedy to get more because he was entitled to it. There is a piece of him in every human being and it was only human nature for everyone to be a little bit greedy, but it can be imagined that Jungkook is much more greedy than others due to his Deadly sin, hence why he was so determined to have you despite your several rejections of him.
Jungkook was Greed, the very thing that drove many people mad and twisted, but he didn’t care. His greed made him live luxuriously, he got whatever he wanted, when he wanted, and nobody could ever tell him no because he always turned it into a yes. Jungkook just had the capabilities to get whatever he wanted, sometimes without much effort and he was fine with that. He was the youngest, loved and spoilt, and he wouldn’t change a thing about it.
And yet for the first time in his existence, he has been denied of something which was so easily attainable. A woman. While he could get whatever women he wanted, him always have some sort of magnetic pull to them, he found himself mystified by someone of your caliber. You completely rejected him, in more ways than one. Verbally, physically, and emotionally, it was as if he was a detective that could not crack a cold case, no matter what he did, he just could not get through to you.
You challenged him, and he both hated and loved it because the reward of overcoming a cold mountain would be the most delicious ending of a elaborate chase. He wanted you, he wanted you badly, and yet he kept getting himself denied of you from your own actions. While he has met with many women that enjoyed playing hard to get with him, they easily crumbled under his experienced hands within a short amount of time, but you clearly were not like the women he had dealt with in the past.
“What the fu- I told you to get lost already! Are you stalking me?!” You ripped open your front door when you caught his wet figure standing in the raining, his clothes sticking to his body, highlighting his impressive physique. He just smiled and held out the flowers that he had brought for you.
“You left behind my bouquet.” You gaped at him.
“Did it even cross your mind that I wouldn’t want your stupid bouquet?”
You were getting beyond frustrated with him. Jungkook would not let up on his chase after you. He was going to have you, one way or another, and if that meant he had to buy millions of stupid bouquets only to have them tossed in his face, or left to stand outside in the pouring rain to redeliver them to you, then so be it. He wanted to have you, and nothing in his way was going to stop him in his pursuit.
“I don’t want your stupid flowers! Get lost already!”
“I could...but then no one else will give you flowers.”
“What don’t you understand? No means no! I am not interested in dating you! I am not going to be the next notch on your post! Go find some other girl who is stupid enough to fal for your charms!”
“Ahh, so you do think I’m charming.” Jungkook flashed you a victorious grin, which only made you groan in disdain as you covered your face in compete annoyance. Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle, you simply were so delightful to tease. He took a step towards your door, eyes looking earnestly at with you a bright smile. “Well in case you haven’t noticed, I am rather wet, so do you perhaps think I can-”
“Not a chance.” You immediately closed you door until it was only your head visible to him, your eyes narrowed in a glare. “There is not a chance in hell that I am letting you in my house.”
“But I am cold and wet-”
“That was your fucking choice for standing outside my house in the rain like some deranged lunatic!” Jungkook cocked his head and pouted, gently waving the flowers in front of you.
“But I was simply returning the flowers I had handpicked for-”
“Don’t even try lie, I know those are store bought.” You were right of course, but he didn’t want to admit it. His pout deepened and he took another step closer to your door, close enough that he could lean in and press a kiss to those lush lips of yours if he wanted.
“Surely you are not so cruel to leave out a poor, besotted man to freeze to death in the rain.” You scoffed.
“You’ll survive.” Jungkook shook his head and leaned his head against your door way, his eyes looking earnestly into yours.
“On the contrary, I am feeling rather faint. Would you mind if I lay down on your couch.” You scoffed again and tightened your grip on your door.
“I would mind. Beat it.”
“Oh you are a cruel woman Y/N L/N.” Jungkook pouted, which earned him an eyeroll and a final glare.
“And you are a stupid man. Don’t come back to my house, otherwise I will call the police next time.”
He didn’t even flinch when you finally slammed the door in his face, a coy smile crawled along his lips before he let out a chuckle before placing his flowers on your doorstep, certain that they will eventually be taken in when you check to see if he was still on your door step. He flicked his wet fringe out of his eyes and wringed out the bottom of his shirt before looking at your close door, smiling at it.
Bit by bit, he was getting to you, like a pick axe to a massive block of ice the size of a refrigerator, he was getting you used to his presence. It will only be a matter of time before you fall madly in love with him, and when you do, he will make sure that he can keep you for all eternity, because it seems his greedy nature can only be sated by you and nothing else.
And oddly enough, he was okay with it. He has always gotten what he wanted and you were going to be no exception.
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arosesstorm · 2 years
bangtan boys masterlist:
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Bangtan Boyz x music moodboardz:
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BTS x song lyrics moodboardz:
new rules -> maknae line
all too well -> all
winter bear -> taehyung
the astronaut -> jin
more -> hoseok
decalcomania -> jungkook
the last -> yoongi
seoul -> namjoon
promise -> jimin
BTS x singers moodboardz:
BTS x pop songs
BTS x taylor swift
BTS x shawn mendes
BTS x lana del rey
BTS x chase atlantic
BTS x olivia rodrigo
BTS x billie eilish
BTS x arctic monkeys
scenarios via text:
you get jealous
-bf (your) lockscreen
Bangtan Boyz as:
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-toxic traits
-flirting stiles
-toxic exes personal fav
-happy endings
-“bad news”
-maknae line aesthetics
-the seven deadly sins
-cover magazine gods
-love stories
-romantic tropes
-love languages
-gang members
Bangtan Boyz in:
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-harry potter
-gilmore girls
-party party yeah
-gossip girl
-spiderman across the spider-verse
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kim taehyung:
⟩ red ties: in which y/n got closer to Taehyung trying to survive her emotions towards Jungkook who only saw her as a friend. Now the youngest finally decided to give their story a shot while she's left to realize, defeated, that she had fallen head over heels for his best fried.
⟩ stuck inside me: Min woke up one morning with her life turned upside down; now her best friend Jimin was no longer her best friend, her new found friendship with Yoongi and Hoseok helped her survive College years but even them couldn't help the cold she felt at night. That was it, rock bottom, until she met a strange dark haired boy who brought light into her life, but took so much more. ⤵
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
⟩ rain: in which y/n battles between the feelings she feels for her very first love Jungkook and the unexpected emotions she find herself experience for Jungkook's best friend Taehyung. All narrated through a phone. ⤵
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
⟩ amor fati: in which y/n's feelings for Jungkook leave her heartbroken, Jungkook's too blind to realize what he's missing, Taehyung's around to help until he falls for the girl too. ⤵
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
⟩ purple lips: Kim Taehyung realized he loved you, maybe it was too late?
⟩ summer temptation: Falling for taehyung was not how she imagined her last summer before college to go; watching him fall for her sister was not how she wished to spend her last days home.
But it had happened, and even if a year later the couple had broken up, taehyung was still a forbidden fruit: coming home for vacation, she had to remind herself that every now and then.
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jeon jungkook:
⟩ stuck inside me : Min woke up one morning with her life turned upside down; now her best friend Jimin was no longer her best friend, her new found friendship with Yoongi and Hoseok helped her survive College years but even them couldn't help the cold she felt at night. That was it, rock bottom, until she met a strange dark haired boy who brought light into her life, but took so much more. ⤵
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
⟩ amor fati: in which y/n's feelings for Jungkook leave her heartbroken, Jungkook's too blind to realize what he's missing, Taehyung's around to help until he falls for the girl too. ⤵
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
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park jimin:
⟩ stuck inside me: Min woke up one morning with her life turned upside down; now her best friend Jimin was no longer her best friend, her new found friendship with Yoongi and Hoseok helped her survive College years but even them couldn't help the cold she felt at night. That was it, rock bottom, until she met a strange dark haired boy who brought light into her life, but took so much more. ⤵
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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namfine · 4 years
⬤ | 𝕴𝖗𝖆 : 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕙𝕝𝕖𝕘𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕟 | ⬤
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Wrath is strong, vengeful anger or indignation.                                              - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - - Θ pairing: Park Jimin x Reader Θ word count: 5.1k Θ summary: When you first signed up for private dance lessons, you thought your instructor was the sweetest thing in the world. But during tonight’s session you notice he’s on edge, more harsh than ever with his feedback. It only goes downhill when he notices you wearing a familiar piece of a jewelry. Θ tags: 18+, jimin x reader, unprotected sex, TW: Jimin yells and gets a bit rough with you, oral (f), angry sex??, he shoots his load in you, more monster fucking,  Θ part: 5 of 7 of our Seven Deadly Sins Milestone Challenge. ⋫ Link to Master List here Θ a/n: Welcome to wrath! I don’t really have much to say except that I tried to convey wrath as best as I could. Jimin yells and gets a bit rough but there’s no harsh physical contact. As always I hope you all enjoy!!! -Fizzy ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ) 
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God just fucking relax y/n you’ll be okay. Just act natural and everything will be okay. This is your instructor for fuck’s sake, not a god.
Is what you kept telling yourself as you headed inside the dance studio, chest heavy with nerves. You were running late, having trouble finding a clean pair of pants since you were behind on laundry. Not only that, but it was raining heavily, which was so odd because the sun was just burning brilliantly in the sky. Then suddenly it disappeared and was replaced by this storm. When you stepped inside, you immediately noticed how quiet it was. Normally there would be a few people lagging around, trying to get in a few extra seconds from Jimin. Considering the fact that it was also pouring, you were shocked that there wasn’t a soul in sight, trying to avoid the horrid weather.  
Usually Jimin was a very sweet and caring dance instructor, more than happy to help you when you were having trouble with a certain move. He rarely got upset and when he did, he wouldn’t let it show.  For your last couple of lessons however, you noticed he seemed more tense but when you would ask he would give you a big smile and say it was nothing to worry about. You messaged him saying that you were running late and normally when you message each other, he’s so upbeat and cheery, adding in emojis and “lol’s”. But when he responded to your message, all you got was an “Okay” with a period, making a pit of dread settle in your stomach. It didn’t help that he had left you on read for about 5 minutes before replying. The cold air inside the building made your skin breakout in chills, your teeth clattering together. Your clothes were sticking uncomfortably to you but luckily you brought a change because the rain had started while you were still home. You quickly made your way towards your room, where Jimin was hopefully still waiting for you. The closer you got, the louder the music became and when you reached the double doors you paused, taking a deep breath before pushing on the bar. You spotted Jimin at once, back facing you while he sat on the floor and worked on stretching his legs. He didn’t say anything at first so you assumed he hadn’t noticed you. You wanted to announce your presence first before going to change, trying to ease him off his obvious annoyance. But when you opened your mouth to speak, he said something first. “Are you going to dance in those wet clothes?” His voice was monotone, his reflection in the mirror not even glancing up at you. The pit in your stomach flared, and you clutched your bag strap tighter. “I-I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you I was here...before I went to go change.” Your voice stuttered and you swallowed whatever saliva you had in your mouth to try and sooth your dry throat. “You’re already late y/n. Just go.” Again with the monotone, but at least this time he spared you a small glance. You thought you saw something glint in the mirror, where his eyes were. It flashed red but you couldn’t focus on it for long since you were in a hurry. You sighed and turned back out the door, quickly running to the bathroom. You switched your shirt and pants for the dry ones in your bag, thanking yourself for putting them inside a plastic one. You hung your clothes up on hooks in the bathroom, figuring since you were the only one there you didn’t have to worry about them being taken. You opted in leaving off your bra and panties, them being completely soaked as well. Your clothes were loose and baggy enough that you figured it would go unnoticed. Your hand grazed your neck, feeling something cool on your skin. It was a necklace that you had gotten from someone, but didn’t recall who. You usually take it off while practicing but seeing as you didn’t want to make Jimin wait any longer, you kept it on and tucked it inside your sweatshirt.  When you stepped out, you paused, feeling something off. It was quiet when you walked in the building but now it was deathly silent, you couldn’t even hear the sound of the rain beating against the walls anymore. The hallways also seemed darker than when you had first entered, darker than what gray clouds would have caused. You glanced towards the front doors on your right, except now nothing was there, just a vast hallway of darkness. You looked left to find the same thing, the darkness seeming to stretch with every second you stared. Your only source of light was coming from the dance practice room right in front of you and even then, the light spilling from the two small windows were a faint red. You blinked but made your way to the dance room, feeling something prickle on the skin of your back. The feeling intensified when you stepped inside and found Jimin glaring right at you, arms crossed and a faint scowl on his face.  “Come on, get into your stretches.” He jerked his head to the side and turned around to face the mirrors. You quickly dropped your bag to the floor and scurried next to him, bringing your arm across your chest. A few seconds of silence passed before you did your other arm, then switched to work on your legs. This was strange, normally you and Jimin would have no problem in finding things to talk about, but now he wasn’t even sparing you glances. He couldn’t be this mad over you being late, could he? It had to be whatever has been on his mind your past couple of sessions. You didn’t want to intrude but you also could not stand him not saying anything to you. You contemplated on asking for a few moments, decided that the silence was not worth it. “Jimin? I’m sorry, I know I’ve asked you before but is something bothering you? You seemed really distracted.” Hesitantly you looked at him from your position on the floor, your chest constricting when you saw him looking down at you.  “No offense y/n but I’m not in the mood to talk about it. It’s also none of your business. Now get up, we’re gonna start now.” He walked away from you to go to the stereo. You felt heat on your cheeks and when pushed yourself off the floor, you thought you felt the room get a bit warmer. You checked the thermostat from your position, seeing the big black numbers display ‘76’. It seemed to be higher than that. But you brushed it off when the familiar tune of your song began to play. You’re not really sure why you decided to take up dancing, the memory bringing fog to your mind. All you know is that you woke up with this routine of coming to this building and have continued it ever since, not really questioning yourself. You were brought out of your thoughts when Jimin reached out and caressed your arm, gently turning you to face him. You blinked and looked at his face, a small wave of butterflies coursing through your stomach when you noticed his facial features much softer than before. You two got into position before falling into the routine. As you danced together throughout the room, you were hit with the thought that you didn’t actually really know the moves, it felt like your body was on autopilot, your body already doing the next move before you could even think about it. You tried to recall if this was the same dance as last week and a small part of you was screaming that it wasn’t. You were pretty sure last week you were dancing to something hip-hop and not this contemporary piece that was flowing throughout the studio.  Jimin’s arms abruptly left your sides and you looked at him, that scowl crossing his face again. He sighed and brought a hand down his cheek. “Can you pay attention please? You nearly stepped on my foot just now.” Your lips parted to respond but your voice caught in your throat. Instead you gave a shy nod, wiping your hands on your sweatpants before returning to your original position. It went on for who knows how long, time seemed lost to you because Jimin was suddenly nitpicking every little movement you did. Whether it be because your position was slightly off, you stuck out your left rather than right foot, or if you just got a whole move completely wrong. Jimin was starting to become more and more critical with his comments and with each passing one, it felt like the room got hotter. Sweat began to form on your forehead and you temporarily wished you were wearing your soaking clothes. At one point when it came to a move where he had to hold you close to his chest, he froze, his hand gripped your lower back. You stood still, not really knowing what to do, until it hit you that he probably felt your breasts against him and realized you weren’t wearing a bra. Just as you were about to speak up, he held you away at arms length, his jaw clenching together and making a muscle tick. You shakily inhaled, waiting for his next move, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down your temple. As you looked at him you noticed he wasn’t sweating one bit. No drops on his forehead, no panting, not even a blush on his cheeks. Maybe you were just over exerting yourself? “Let’s continue.” He murmured and went back to holding you against his chest. Your arms went around his neck, feeling heat radiate off of him. You instinctively went to take them off but Jimin’s grip on you tightened, his fingertips pressing into you. You gulped and gently laid them back down, breathing deeply before taking a step backwards. You thought things had gone back to normal, that it was all settled down. His hold on your waist even loosened up a bit. Eventually you two parted away from each other and you collapsed on the ground, the throbbing ache in your legs making you close your eyes. The sound of something clattering on the wood floor rang next to your ear but you paid no attention to it. “For fucks sake y/n, can’t you fucking focus?” He bursted out at you, anger finally making way. You lifted your head up from the floor to look at him, not bothering to hide the confusion on your face. “Seriously, this is like the 6th time you’ve messed up? What is wrong with you? Are you just trying to test my patience today?” You didn’t know what to say, his outburst completely throwing you off. You pushed yourself up on your elbows, your body flaring up in heat and now sweat began to drip in between your breasts.  “What the fuck is your problem, Jimin.” You hissed at him, chest heaving in exhaustion.  “I don’t have to explain myself to you. But maybe you should explain something to me. For instance, we’ve gone over this routine before, why are you fucking up everything right now?” “I don’t fucking know! Why are you being so critical right now? What the hell is up your ass?” You dropped your head back on the floor and rubbed your palms into your eyes, seeing explosions of color behind your eyelids. You heard his footsteps stomping towards you and suddenly the front of your sweatshirt was being pulled up, the small chill of air feeling cool against the sweat on your chest. Your body was tugged upwards and Jimin was so close to your face you almost went cross eyed. He stared at you and then flicked his gave downwards, eyes widening a fraction. “Why. The fuck. Aren’t you wearing a bra?” Your eyes were as wide as saucers, the embarrassment flooding throughout your body. His eyes traveled back up to yours and you became conscious of the fact that he was straddling you. “It got wet from the storm. I didn’t want to wear them, sorry-” “I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing y/n, but you better fucking quit it or else,” He lets go of your shirt and pushes you away, your body falling back to the floor. The sound of something hitting the ground sounded again and you became aware of how Jimin stilled on top of you. He leaned closer to your body and felt his hand grab onto your necklace. “Where did you get this?” He questioned, not taking his eyes off the ruby. “What?” You replied, face scrunching in puzzlement. “I said where the fuck did you get this y/n!?” He was roaring into your face now, a red hue showing in his eyes. “I don’t know, I can’t remember! Can you fucking get off of me?” You attempted to lift your body up, but Jimin’s hand pushed you back to the ground and his other abruptly yanked the chain off your neck, the snap making you flinch. “Do you know what this is?” He shook it in front of your face, the chain lightly brushing against your nose. “It’s a necklace! Seriously Jimin get off-!” You tried again to move but his palm on your chest held you still. Why was he so concerned with a piece of jewelry? As you watched him inspect the necklace, you saw his lips move but couldn’t make out what he was saying, music was still playing from the stereo. You saw his face contort in anger and at the same time it felt like the room got about 20% hotter, sweat beading and sliding down your temples. He muttered something but you couldn’t quite hear him. “What?” “It’s a fake, it’s a fucking fake!” With speed greater than you could imagine, he threw the necklace to the side, the speed of it sending it straight through the studio mirrors and shattering them into a million little pieces. You looked on with fear and shock, trying to make sense of what was happening. You felt Jimin grab onto your sweatshirt again and he hauled you upwards. “You need to remember where you got the necklace! Tell me!” He shook you, his eyes vibrating with how they scanned all over your face. You didn’t know what to tell him, you honestly could not recall where you had gotten it. Every time you closed your eyes to think, all you could see were sparks of yellow. The more you tried to rack your brain for answers, the more Jimin got angry. “I don’t know! I already told you!” “You’re not trying hard enough! Where is the real one!? Please y/n this is very important!”  He was now screaming at you, completely blocking out the sound of the music. His veins were bulging from his neck and arms, except they didn’t look normal. Instead they were glowing red, traveling up his body, through his face and into his eyes, which were now a blazing crimson. From the corner of your eye you saw the other mirrors in the room begin to crack. Thin, spiderweb lines spreading across them. You couldn’t think straight, you had to do something to get him to stop. “Answer me!” You felt like your mind went blank, your body went on autopilot because next thing you knew, you were on top of him, holding his arms above his head. You had somehow gathered enough strength to push him off and get him onto his back. His wrists felt hot against your skin, like a burning pan, yet you didn’t pull away. The motion caught Jimin off guard because his yelling ceased at once, eyes wide in disbelief. “Tell me what the deal is about the necklace!” You shook his wrists, your chest rising and falling with how much adrenaline was coursing through you. You felt his chest move with every breath he took, the veins all over his body dulling just a bit. He inhaled deeply, holding it in for a few seconds before releasing it through his nose. “That necklace is very important to me. It...it was a family heirloom, that.” He paused and swallowed, flicking his tongue out to lick his lips. His eyes and glowing veins going throughout his body and face, faded a bit. The heat emanating from his body seemed to decrease as well. “Someone stole it from me and I’ve been on edge ever since. I’m-I’m sorry y/n I didn’t mean to scare you. Sometimes my anger gets the best of me.” By now the glow had disappeared almost completely, his brown eyes starting to show through. The look in his eyes held sincere regret, he didn’t even try to fight you when you switched positions.  “Talk to me next time. Don’t fucking take your wrath on me.” You jerked his wrists once more but loosened your grip just a bit. He wiggled them around, but did nothing to pull them out your grasp. You sat there for a couple of seconds, the music no longer playing, the only sounds being each other’s breathing. You went to sit on your haunches, a question ready on your tongue, until you felt something under you. You tried to hide your surprise, but judging by the way Jimin’s body tensed under you and the way his lips parted, you knew he noticed. “Jimin-” You whispered, afraid that raising your voice even a sliver would shatter whatever was happening right now. “I’m sorry, it happened when I saw inside your shirt and now you’re on top of me and-” You stopped him by putting your fingers on his lips. He paused and looked up at you, mirroring your expression, a mixture of confusion, contemplation and something else burning hot and bright. You saw his throat move and then felt the tip of his tongue peek out to delicately lick the pads of your fingertips. It slowly dragged across, fingers twitching at the sudden wetness and felt your breath hiccup in your throat. You moved your fingers off his lips but quickly put your thumb on his bottom lip, the plushness of it feeling soft under your digit. As you swiped it across, Jimin’s mouth opened and he slowly closed his lips around the tip of your thumb, his tongue gently swirling around it. You forced yourself to swallow the saliva forming in your mouth, to try and moisten your sudden parched throat. You pulled your thumb out and dragged it down his lip, his saliva glistening under the studio lights. As you trailed your hand down towards his neck, you felt him tense under you. You raised an eyebrow in question but continued your journey down to his chest, all while subtly grinding on his crotch. When you reached his chest, he visibly flinched, his torso rising up into your touch. He bit his lower lip when you swerved your hand over to his nipple, feeling it pebble through his black shirt. With just the barest of touches you circled around it, causing Jimin to close his eyes and attempt to steady his breathing. You pressed your lips together and while still grinding down on him, you leaned down and let your breath ghost over his nipple. Without sparing another second you flicked your tongue over it, hearing a choked gasp escape from his mouth. Your other hand went under his shirt and made contact with his skin. It felt like he was on fire, like there was a furnace burning inside him and seeping through his pores. Your fingers reached his other nipple and began to tweak and pull at it. Jimin’s eyes were still closed but his hips were bucking up into you, his erection much more prominent against your wet core. You remembered you weren’t any underwear and the thought caused a shiver to travel through you. You quickly sat up and slid both hands under his shirt, bunching it up to his neck. You leaned down and kissed up his stomach, letting your tongue wet both of his buds. When you reached his neck you bit him hard and his moan had you clenching. Your mouth lingered above his, the faintest of touches gracing his lips. If his mouth twitched you would be kissing but he didn’t dare make any moves. Your tongue slipped out and touched his lips and then you moved to his ear, sinful words ready on your lips. “You know...I’m not wearing any panties either.” You breathed into his ear, licking the shell of it. In a split second you were back to being flipped over, Jimin looming over your body once more. He placed a searing kiss against your lips, pressing his hard cock into your core. You whimpered into his mouth, hands flying up to tangle in his hair. He pulled away while holding your arms, tugging you up with him to stand and giving you no time to adjust before his mouth was back on yours. He put his hands on your waist and began to guide you backwards to a wall, immediately attaching to your neck. Your fingers went to twist into his hair, a gasp leaving your mouth when your back slammed against the concrete. He grinded his cock up into you, breathing heavily into your neck, squeezing your hips in time with his thrusts. You threw your head back against the wall, his cock rubbing deliciously against your pussy and sending electricity down your spine. He stopped kissing your neck and went back to your lips, nipping down every couple of seconds. He reached for the bottom of your sweatshirt and lifted it up and over your head, diving into your chest to suck at the top of your breasts. “Fuck, y/n” He breathed into your skin, his warm breath spreading goosebumps all over you. His kisses traveled down your stomach and stopped at the band of your pants. He pulled them down and helped you step out of them, taking your shoes off in the process. He threw them all to the side along with your shirt. He lifted a leg onto his shoulder, a small breeze of cool air hitting your wet core, and wasted no time in putting his face into your soaking pussy. It felt like fire was coursing through you with every swipe of his tongue and when it went over your clit, you swear you saw tendrils of red behind your eyelids. You didn’t even realize your hands had gripped onto two things protruding from his head, the rough texture scratching at your skin when you tensed up. You felt your end coming and you opened your mouth to speak up but couldn’t find your voice. Jimin felt your legs quake, threatening to close around his head, so he pulled away from you and stood up, pulling his pants down when he reached your height. He reached behind his back and tugged off his shirt, smirking at your crestfallen expression when you didn’t get to finish.  “Don’t worry sweetheart, we’ll get to that soon enough.” He quirked an eyebrow and reached down for your legs, squeezing your thigh to signal you to jump up. When you felt his cock rub against your folds, your head fell forward onto his shoulder, panting onto his skin. Without much warning besides his head prodding at your entrance, he slipped into you, each inch of his cock stretching your walls deliciously. He thrusted into you, his nails, sharper than you recall, digging into your waist. You cried out, a mixture of pain and pleasure, and bit down onto his neck. His cock felt so good, but you needed more, needed him to be rougher. “Jimin, please. Go harder” You moaned out, clenching around him. His movements didn’t still but you felt his shoulders stiffen beneath your hands. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, that red glow that was in his eyes starting to flare up again.  “You want me to go harder?” His thrusts didn’t stop, in fact it felt like he was slowing building up power. You nodded as best as you could since he was gripping your cheeks. From the corner of your eyes you could see his veins begin to glow red once again. “Seeing that necklace on you...made something awaken in me, you know?” His words confused you, but you didn’t dare speak. “You think I would’ve been happy seeing it but no. I didn’t even have time to process it before I was asking you a million questions.” The lights in the studio began to flicker and you heard something crack faintly in the room. His thrusts didn’t stop however, one of his hands now harshly grabbing your thigh. You felt your high coming once again, those small red tendrils now turning into spirals. “My heirloom is still out there. It makes my blood boil, knowing some greedy motherfucker has it.” At his words, you both felt it, like something clicking in the air. The word ‘greedy’ made a quick burst of yellow explode right before your eyes, the sudden smell of sage and leather passing by your nostrils. The lights flickered rapidly, the sound of cracking getting a bit louder, and you felt the walls vibrating behind you. Jimin was quiet for a moment before he spoke up, again. You didn’t quite hear what he said because suddenly he grabbed onto your hair, locking your gaze onto his, red eyes boring into yours. “You fucked him.” He muttered. Your eyebrows furrowed together. Who? Who was he talking about? You didn’t have time to register because the rumbling from behind you got louder and without warning, the lights went out, leaving the two of you fucking in complete darkness. Red abruptly engulfed the room, lighting it up once more but that wasn’t what startled you. The entire room had now turned into mirrors; the doors, the ceiling, even the floor. Looking straight across you could see yourself being pounded but it was what fucking you that had your heart begin to race. Under your hands he felt he felt smooth but the image in the mirror had you wondering.  It was much bigger than Jimin’s size, red veins spread like vines throughout his back, stark black wings were folded, from his head were two sharp black horns curling outwards. You couldn’t look away from it, the cracks in the mirror messing with your mind because while in some pieces he looked normal, in others he was this creature. The skin under your hand turned rough and while you looked onward at the mirrors, you realized that you weren’t scared. In fact it felt like this was all too familiar. A moan was ripped from your throat when you felt Jimin, or it, rubbed furiously at your clit, the motion had your entire body shaking with pleasure. He was relentless, pounding into your pussy with no mercy, fucking his anger into you. “J-Jimin,” Your voice came out in a broken stutter, your release was coming soon. “Cum for me, angel.” With a couple of more thrusts and one particular hard rub on your clit, you came. Jimin finished as well, pumping his cum deep inside you. Stars of red bursting behind your eyes, your body heat soaring and then declining all at once. When you looked at the mirror, the creature had taken over it completely, no traces of Jimin left whatsoever. You looked down and your lips parted, seeing the creature in the mirror was now in front of you, head buried into your chest. With a shaky hand you touched one of the horns protruding from his skull, it’s rough texture bringing a sort of calmness within you. Jimin didn’t look up at you, instead breathing heavily into your chest.  You stayed there for what felt like hours, his cock reminding you that he was still buried inside you. With a sigh he gently lowered you to the floor, the ache in your legs making you wince, his cock slowly slipping out of you. Even when your feet touched the cool glass of the ground, he still didn’t look up at you. You placed a hand on the back of his head, scratching lightly with your nails. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled, thumbs rubbing small circles into your skin. He placed a hesitant kiss on you, fearing to do too much. You shook your head but then remembered he couldn’t see you. “Don’t be, it’s alright.” You mumbled, swallowing the lump of spit that had lodged in your throat. Eventually the two of you got dressed, well, it was more so you got dressed and Jimin went to hide in the one corner of the room where there were no mirrors and the red light didn’t illuminate. While adjusting your shirt, you were pleasantly surprised to find your other clothes, bra and panties, dry and under your pants. When you finished changing, you turned to face Jimin, your heart lurching in your chest when you met his red eyes. You wanted to say something, anything, but you couldn’t find the right words in your mind. You opened your mouth to speak but Jimin beat you to it. “I think it’s time for you to move on, y/n.” His tone wasn’t harsh, more melancholy, but it still caused a ripple of pain to shoot through your heart. Something clinking sounded behind you, and you turned around to see that a hole had appeared in one of the mirrors, nothing but darkness going past it. You went to look back at Jimin but you could no longer see his eyes. You walked towards the hole, feeling an ache spread through your body. Glass crunched beneath your feet and you moved to put one foot into the hole, but something rough grabbed onto your hand before you could move again. You didn’t turn around, allowing Jimin to hold onto you. He lifted your hand and placed something cool and smooth in it. When you brought it up to your face, you saw it was a small hand mirror, gold all around but with tiny red rubies scattered about. Your eyes shifted to the side to focus on Jimin and a small smile spread across your face when you were met with his human form, smiling back at you. With one final nod, you stepped inside the hole, darkness enveloping you completely.
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veeparkersstuff · 3 years
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"Of the seven deadly sins, lust is definitely the pick of litter" -Tom Robbins
Like or reblog, don't repost please!💗
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et-brownies84 · 4 years
Bts as the seven deadly sins.
Seokjin: Ban Fox’s sin of Greed.
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Namjoon: Escanor Lion’s sin of Pride.
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Yoongi: King Grizzly’s sin of Sloth.
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Hoseok: Gowther Goat’s sin of Lust.
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Jimin: Meliodas Dragon’s sin of Wrath.
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Taehyung: Diane Serpent’s sin of Envy.
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Jungkook: Merlin Boar’s sin of Gluttony.
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
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Hoseok Seven Deadly Sins: Greed
It’s going to be some time until the next addition is added (it’ll probably be Seokjin’s). I gotta make his moodboard and try to finalize that side story as best I can. I threw in some big reveals (if you catch them in this). This may be edited as the story line expands, so keep an eye out. In case you want to know how to follow this series, the order of main story following Jungkook will be Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook. The side story you can read Jimin or Taehyung first. It doesn’t change the story, but Seokjin will be the last one to read. At the end of this series I will explain each of the connections with the characters in case I didn’t make one thing or another clear.
“Where are we?” Jungkook asked as he walked behind Hoseok inspecting his change of clothes. He looked around to see they were in the middle of a busy city, New York City, possibly. He wore a suit and tie that looked of high quality. The two crossed the street as people passed around them and one person accidentally colliding shoulders with Jungkook without even an apology. “What the—they can see us?” 
“Shut up.” Hoseok straightened his suit as he lead them to a 50 floor building. Two doormen pulled open the spotless glass doors for the two men. Hoseok attracted the attention of the people in the lobby with his overwhelming aura. The confidence and his stoic body language made people stop and stare. His black shoes clicked against the tile floor alerting the receptionists. The two women eyed Hoseok as giggles left their lips. Hoseok’s lips curved upward on the side as he approached the two ladies. “Good morning, ladies. I was wondering if Kang Dowoon is in?”
The woman in front of him was too flustered to talk that her co-worker stepped in, “Do you have an appointment with Mr. Kang, sir?” 
He looked at the clock and paused, “I believe it’s at 10. It should be under Hoseok.” The women checked the calendar their lips pressed together as they look at the schedule. Hoseok rolled his eyes as he twirled his fingers.
“Ah, here it is!” The flustered one exclaimed as she pointed at the time. “We’ll give him a call. He’ll be up at the top floor.”
Hoseok flashed them a grin, “Thanks” he gave their desk a couple taps before he pushed away from them and headed towards the elevators. His grin all but vanished the moment he turned the corner, “I should have just sent Taehyung.” Hoseok threw a file at Jungkook, “Read it.”
“What? Are you illi–”Jungkook let out a hiss as he reached up at his hidden collar. Hoseok entered the elevator with a smirk. “You bastard, what did you do?”
“You’re in training. I have just as much power to discipline you as my brother. Now read.”
Jungkook’s lips twitched as he opened the file and read the content, “Kang Dowoon age 45. Occupation CEO of Square Co. Desire for wealth–”
“Yada yada yada” Hoseok waved his hand about, “What’s his label?”
Jungkook skimmed the papers until he landed on a number, “5…”
“Only a 5? Why the hell did Namjoon give me such a weak soul?” Jungkook gave him a confused look, “The label is the rarity of the soul. 5 is average–nothing. 10… 10 is the rarest. Very hard to come by.” Hoseok let out an amused chuckle, “Namjoon got lucky he got you and that girl. Both tens. Both immortal beings at one time or another.” Jungkook jerked back as if he had been struck. The elevator opened, “Don’t say a word. You’re here to watch and learn.” Hoseok stepped out and was greeted by Kang Dowoon’s assistant who lead him and Jungkook to the office.
Dowoon was finishing a phone conversation when he noticed his secretary and the two demons. Dowoon said his quick goodbyes as he hung up and fixed his tie as he went to give Hoseok a handshake. “Welcome Mr. Hoseok. Pleasure meeting you. Though I don’t believe I had you on my schedule.”
His secretary adjusted his glasses, “It seems the receptionist didn’t convey they added a 10 o’clock appointment to me. I will deal with that inexcusable oversight.” He handed off a printed packet to Dowoon before he bowed and saw himself out of the room.
“Yes, well then, take a seat” Dowoon indicated to the chairs facing his desk. Hoseok and Jungkook took their seats as Dowoon sat in his chair. “What can I do for you gentlemen?”
Hoseok smirked, “It’s more like what I can do for you Kang Dowoon. I’ll cut to the chase. You wish for power and” he gave a nonchalant shrug, “I can give you that.” 
Dowoon’s ears perked, but he gave a scoff, “I assure you, Hoseok? I have quite the company. I have power and money. So, if that is all, I’ll have to ask you to leave.”
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief that didn’t go unnoticed by Hoseok. “I admit, you have an impressive company, but it’s not enough.” Hoseok pulled out a few 50,000 won and placed them on the desk in front of them. “However, a man of your caliber would want more” he waved his hand over the money. The flimsy bills disappeared as gold bars took their place. “You want an endless supply of riches” Hoseok smirk grew as he saw Dowoon salvatated at the five gold bars that sat at the end of his desk. “I can give you that.”
Jungkook’s disgust displaced any relief he held. The greed in Dowoon’s eyes was apparent miles away it made Jungkook sick. How he turned into a starved dog by such a cheap magic trick… Jungkook sat back in disbelief. Just how easy was it to toy with a human? How was it so easy to make them fall into a temptation? He shuttered, incredibly easy. His hand clenched on his lap, he knew it was. He wasn’t even human when he made the deal with Namjoon. He was supposed to be able to resist all temptations, but even he fell for it. A flare of determination overwhelmed him, he eyed Hoseok and Dowoon. Not this one. Jungkook wasn’t going to let them have this man. Hoseok held out a document, but his words were silenced by Jungkook’s heartbeat in his ears. He may not be an angel any longer, but to see someone give into another one of these demons–he couldn’t allow it. Jungkook slammed his hands on the desk as he grabbed the contract from Dowoon overzealous fingers, “You haven’t even read it and you’re about to just go and sign it?” There was a sharp pain in his throat from the collar and Jungkook winced, but fought through the pain. His throat constricted as he fought out his words, “You realize you’re signing away your life. The moment you die, which could be today or in twenty years, that thing” he pointed to Hoseok who, though maintained his business like persona, was raging on the inside. “He will take your very essence and make you suffer every single day. You will feel nothing but pain for eternity.” Dowoon paled, “He’s not here to help you. He–”
“That’s enough!” Hoseok shot from his seat. Furrow etched on his face as he let out an animalistic growl, “I’ve heard enough out of you!” Jungkook cried out loudly as he hit the ground in pain. His hand grasped at his throat to claw off the collar. “YOU!” His voice was deep as it reverberated around the room and he glared at Dowoon. He shoved the paper towards Dowoon, “Sign the paper! You’ll get everything you want.”
Dowoon’s eyes were as large as saucers. His body trembled as he looked at Hoseok. His pupils were no longer their brown haze, but bright red. As he spoke, his tongue became snake like as his teeth were replaced with fangs. Dowoon hit the security button under his desk and in seconds security and his secretary rushed inside. 
Hoseok growled as he looked back at the uninvited guests. He took steps away from his prey as he extended his arm and the three men were sent flying. Dowoon used the distraction to flee out the hidden door as Jungkook managed to use the desk to lift himself from the ground. Hoseok fumed as he watched his prey escape. His nostrils flared as he sucked in a large amount of air. He twisted to Jungkook with black eyes. His body shook as he evaporated in front of Jungkook. The office dissolved back to the lounge room without a lazy Yoongi around. Hoseok’s claw grasped Jungkook’s throat, “I SHOULD CLAW OUT YOUR VOCAL CORDS and feed them to that little bitch of yours.” A snarl erupted from Hoseok’s throat. His face distorted in rage that only made Jungkook coward in his grasp. His claws pierced the side of Jungkook’s neck. “You’re not an angel anymore, bastard. Learn your fucking place! You’re in Hell–you and that little bitch of yours.” Hoseok threw Jungkook to the ground as he kicked him violently. 
He repeatedly stomped on Jungkook as the collar around his neck intensified the pain. “I may not be able to make your pathetic existence hell, but I can that girl” Jungkook struggled against the weight of Hoseok’s foot as he stomped down on him once more. “You should have never shown in interest in that fucking whore because I will torture her until her body gives out. I will rip her apart only to put her together and do it for the rest of her miserable life.” Hoseok reached down at Jungkook’s neck and threw Jungkook with such a strength, his body hit the doors of the room and the doors flew open. Jungkook collided against the hallway pillar before he fell in a heap.
Taehyung whistled as Jungkook, “you’re one daring son of a bitch” he stood above Jungkook with his hands in his pockets. “You’re askin for a death wish—“ he let out a laugh “well you’re technically dead already.” Jungkook stood with a pained expression. The pain coursed through his body and black blood seeped from his throat when Hoseok’s claws were lodged.
“Count yourself lucky that Hoseok spared you. He doesn’t spare anyone. He should have incinerated you for the shit you did” Jimin entered with his arm over Thalia’s shoulders.
“Maybe being Namjoon’s pet benefits” Taehyung mocked.
Jungkook ignored his side comment as his eyes widened when saw Thalia. Her hair was down and off her shoulder. She wore a revealing lingerie that Jungkook could tell wasn’t her choice. She looked uncomfortable under Jimin’s hand. His hand slouched dangerously close to her breast. “What’s you mean? He’s just one of us.” She met his eyes for a split second before looking away in shame.
Jimin’s eyebrow rose as he extracted his eyes from Thalia’s breasts for a moment and Taehyung let out a scoff, “Just one of us?” A cold laugh left Taehyung’s lips. “The Prince of Hell isn’t just one of us. If he wanted to, he could have you relive your worst moment of your life. To feel the pain not only mentally but physically tenfold the first time. I’m sure yours would be your wings ripped from you, right little angel?” he taunted and Jungkook growled as he lunged at him. The two of them hit the ground with Jungkook on top of Taehyung. They struggled as animalistic growls and snarls sounded between them.
Thalia gasped and went to break them up, but Jimin moves his hand to her hips, “Don’t get between them, baby girl” he purred. “They’ll just rip you apart” he nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck. “Should we go have some fun” his tongue swiped up her neck. A pleasured shiver coursed her spine as a moan left her lips involuntarily. She grimaced at the sound she made as she screwed her eyes shut.
Jungkook yanked Thalia from Jimin in an instant. His face reddened with anger and from the claw marks Taehyung left from his attack, “Don’t touch her. She’s uncomfortable.” Thalia felt her knees buckled as she grabbed hold of Jungkook’s shirt. He helped her stand as he pulled her behind him protectively. “She’s not yours to claim bastards.”
Taehyung stood as he wiped the black blood from his busted lip with a sinister smile, “You think you’re so good, don’t you?” An amused laugh left his scowling lips, “She may have forgotten, but we know what you did to her. When she was one of your kind and when she was human.” He took a threatening step towards the pair and Thalia let out a scared whimper as she hid herself from Taehyung. “I could tell her, you know? How fast do you think she’ll turn on you?” He let out a maniacal cackle. “You’re no better than us!” His eyes turned a bright red as the room rumbled. 
Jimin reached out to Taehyung to stop him and the two instantly shot away from each other as a pain entered them. The room stopped shaking. They hissed as they recoiled into themselves. Taehyung let out a frustrated growl, “I’ve told you before, don’t fucking touch me!” He ran a hand through his hair as he kicked a hole in the sturdy wall beside him, “Stay the fuck away from me–All of you. Or I’ll kill you and apologize later to Namjoon.” He stormed down the hallway as Jimin slid down the wall behind him. Jimin placed his head in his hands as a tear-less cry erupted from him.
“Come on…” Jungkook took Thalia’s hand in his and rushed her out of the hall. She looked back at the mild destruction that was left behind. His hand tightened around Thalia’s as he took her towards his room, “We’re getting you out of here. I’m not letting any of these bastards hurt you again.”
He looked back at her, “I swear, I’m going to save you from them–from here. Trust me. I won’t lose you again…” Thalia gave him a stiff nod and Jungkook flashed her a small smile encouraging her to muster a smile of her own. He stopped outside his door as he touched her collar. “Who is Namjoon to claim ownership of you?” His eyes narrowed at the collar in anger. He wanted to rip it from her. He wanted to wash cleanse her from the touch of his and any other man or woman who put their hands on her. To both their surprise, the collar fell off her neck and they looked as it hit the ground. A surprised laugh escaped his lips as he flashed a bright smile, “Guess, you were meant for me after all.” Thalia let out a gasp as she touched her bare neck. Her eyes lit up as she looked at Jungkook who all but faltered at her breathtaking beauty. “I’ll hide you in my room until I can think of a way to get us out of here, okay?” His hand touched her cheek and she leaned into his touch as she gave him a nod. He opened his bedroom door and let her in before checking the hall once more before he shut the door.
“Well well, if it isn’t my pets… I’ve been waiting for you.”
-Moodboard and writing by: Squirrelly831
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ddaeng-181338 · 6 years
The Seven Sins | 01
☾Seven Deadly Sins AU
☾ OT7 x Reader
☾ Smut , Fluff,  Angst
The daughter of Satan himself doesn’t even know how much power she holds...so much power that she has the seven deadly sins themselves wrapped around her finger.
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You dropped your pen onto the table, eyes fluttering shut as you groaned softly. You had been working on this assignment for three hours now, your hands were sore and your head felt like it was going to fall off your shoulders if you didn’t get some coffee soon. Why is he so obsessed with this topic. The Seven Deadly Sins — the topic your professor was obsessed with this semester and wanted a full project done on them.
Your eyes opened slowly to take in the small cafe around you, it was getting colder by the day — meaning the sun would leave earlier and earlier. It was only 6pm and it was as dark as midnight out. Your tired eyes moved begrudgingly back to your paper — you had typed the whole thing out but your professor decided today would be the day he told you he wouldn’t take it unless it was written out on paper.Your eyes moved down to the many papers before you and you begun to re read what you wrote.
Pride — this sin is said to be the foremost sin out of the seven, he is said to be the gateway for all other sins to enter the human soul. Pride is something we were taught from birth, we are told we are the best, the prettiest, the cutest. It is something we grow up with and all still have. This is why Pride is the deadliest of all seven sins. He will never leave us. No matter what we do. It is said that if you enter the gates of Hell because of the Sin Pride — your punishment is to be broken on a wheel.
Pride is linked with the horse and the color violet.
You had referred to each sin as “he” it was easier than calling them “it” every time. Referring to them as people was more personal for you and easier to write. Your professor wanted an introduction paragraph for each sin. In your mind Pride was the leader so he came first.  The next sin you wrote about was Gluttony.
Gluttony- this sin contains a strong desire to consume more than what is needed. We were weaned improperly as infants, always expecting more than just the milk we were given. He is also a very prominent sin we all contain. It is said that if you go to Hell for the sin of gluttony your punishment is to be force fed rats, and toads.
Gluttony is linked with the pig and the color orange.
Gluttony had only short descriptions in every book and website you found. He was pretty self explanatory. You looked up again — if you looked at your own writing for more than a few minutes the lines would blur together and you'll get nowhere. “Maybe I need a Coffee.” You toyed with the idea of leaving your chair to order a drink but decided against it and moved onto your next Sin — Sloth
Sloth — this sin is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. In a more understandable way — he is a very tired and lazy sin. He is something we all possess to an extent. It is said that if you go to Hell for the sin of Sloth your punishment is to be thrown in a pit full of snakes and to dance for eternity.
Sloth is linked with the goat and the color light blue.
Your eyes scanned lower — only four sins left for you to proofread.
Lust — this sin is the inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Why do we do it? I’m sure you know I shouldn’t have to explain that to you. It along with Pride just might be the sin we are all guilty of no matter what. It is said that the punishment for those who enter hell due to the sin of lust will be smothered in fire and brimstone — not hugs and kisses
Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.
Wrath — this sin is rage, anger and violence. We are wired to feel the emotion of anger, but some of us feel it more often than others. It is said that if you enter hell because of the sin Wrath your punishment is to be dismembered alive, to be torment as it happens.
Wrath is linked with the bear and the color red.
Greed — this sin is the desire for material wealth and material possessions.This sin cares more for objects than it does for anything spiritual. We all possess this sin form time to time, letting our possessions get the better of us. It is said that if you enter hell for the sin of greed you will be boiled Alive in the richest oils there are — but you’re still boiling alive so really does it matter?
Greed is linked with the frog and the color yellow.
Your eyes looked up to take in your surroundings again. There was only one sin left on your report but your eyes were dropping and you’d just have to suck it up and go order a coffee. You slipped off your stool and headed for the counter. There wasn’t really anyone else in the cafe besides a boy sitting in the corner using the free WiFi and two girls holding hands and flirting — they were regulars at this point.
But what caught your attention on your way up to the counter was the chocolate Labrador dog sitting outside the cafe window, eyes trailing you as you moved. You hadn’t noticed him before and were tempted to walk outside and see if he had a collar. However something in you told you not to and you decided against it — eyes turning back to the counter in front of you.
“How can I help you miss?” The girl behind the counter had a shy smile on her cheeks — in all the times you’d come here you’d never seen her. She must be new. “Hi! Could I just get the strongest thing you got.” You didn’t care at this point what it tasted like — as long as it woke you up. “Sure, one of those days hmm?” She tapped your order onto the screen and your order number and amount due popped up on the little machine in front of you.
“It’s definitely one of those days.” She gave you a sympathetic nod before leaving the counter to go make your drink. Once again your eyes trailed over to the window, the same chocolate lab sitting at the shop window watching you. Why in the world is that dog so content out in the cold like that? And why the hell is he watching me so intently?
“Ma’am?” You shapes back to reality and turned to the shy girl at the counter once more. “Oh! Sorry…” you took the cup from her hands — it was a cold drink. “Thank you!” You walked away, keeping your eyes trained on the floor below you. That dog outside the window was giving you an uncomfortable feeling. What the hell is wrong with me? It’s a dog. That’s it. A dog.
You sat down at your table again, poking the straw into your cup and taking a few long sips. Damn this shit really is strong. You felt it kicking in already, the caffeine bringing you to life. You flipped to the last page of your paper — one sin left — Envy.
Envy— this sin is the desire for others belongings, traits, statuses and abilities. We possess this sin because of the world around us — there will always be people who we believe are prettier than us, have more money than us, are better at things than us. It is said that if you enter the gates of Hell due to the sin of Envy you will be put in freezing water for eternity.
Envy is linked with the dog and the color green
You read the last sentence and froze. Eyes scanning over your words one last time before your head shot up — turning towards the window where the brown dog was still sitting. The uneasy feeling in your stomach intensified when you looked at that dog. Stop y/n, you’re...you’re being paranoid. You put all your papers back into the folder you brought with you. Your hands felt clammy as you shoved it in your laptop bag and reached out to grab your laptop. You didn't know why you need to get out of the small cafe or why that damn dog was making you panic but you needed to leave.
You shoved your laptop into your bag and threw whatever was left on the small table in the bag as well. “Ma’am is everything okay?” The same shy girl from the counter was now standing in front of you. You froze, eyes wide as you realized how insane you must look. “I...I’m fine.” You watched her for a moment, the panicking feeling fading the longer you looked at her. What the fuck
“Ma’am are you sure…” her voice morphed into something deeper and you snapped out of your daze. Panic formed in you again — this time morphed into utter terror. “What the fuck are you?” You backed up a step, eyes roaming over the whole cafe only to realize it was now empty. “Your worst nightmare darling.” Her eyes shifted, her dark brown eyes turning pure black, enveloping the whites of her eyes as her skin grew paler.
You backed away from her...it slowly, your skin felt freezing and your hands shook. She wasn’t human, in no way was she human. But if she wasn’t human...what was she? Before you could really register it the cafe door opened and a man in a long dark brown leather coat walked in. There was a mask over his face and his dark hair was covering most of his eyes. The thing in front of whipped around to look at the man and an inhumane sound before speaking.
“Envy? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE.” Its voice ripped through the cafe and you jumped. “You knew from the beginning Lilith, i was sent to get her. Not you.” The creature — Lilith growled in response. “How am I supposed to trust the youngest of the Sins to come retrieve Satan’s daughter?” You froze… did she just call him...Envy? The Youngest Sin? I must be dreaming.
“You can trust the youngest sin because he has more power than you ever will Lilith. I can handle the girl just fine.” Lilith rolled her eyes and backed away from you, her demonic form shifting back into the shy barista girl you saw only moments before hand. “Sorry your highness, I didn’t mean to frighten you.” Your highness? Daughter of Satan? What the hell… “don’t mind her y/n. We need to get going now. You see i was sent to retrieve you and bring you back to Hell with me. I can explain on the way, but were on a time crunch so you must come with me now.”
“What in the fuck are you talking about? You think I’m going to willingly  follow you two? What the hell are you…” the room around you begun to spun and you stumbled back a bit. “I’m sorry your highness, but this is for the best.” Envy moved towards you and you felt as if the air was being taken out of your lungs. “I...I don’t…” your voice was deep and slurred and your arms and legs felt like they weighed a thousand pounds. Envy reached you and picked you up bridal style — you had no energy to fight back but being in his embrace you felt oddly safe.
“Just sleep y/n you’ll be safe with us okay? I promise.” You nodded sleepily, eyes shutting against your will as darkness greeted you like an old friend.
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
World Of Sloth [Yandere! Emperor! Min Yoongi] [Reader-Insert]
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Warning: As this story contains yandere themes, the characters display behaviors that can be triggering or uncomfortable to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not believe any of the mentioned members would display any sort of this behaviour irl.
Word Count: 3.3K (okay I kept deleting this because I hated it lmao but I won’t anymore I promise)
They lived in an empire that was reigned by a ruler who could not create balance. It was an empire where the harder a person worked, the worse their life was. The poor scraped and lived off dirts left over on the ground from the soles of rich people’s feet; and the rich lavished in their endless privileged. They were consumed by their materials, and each day, they gained more and more for the things they never worked for. Majority of the people who did not belong to the upper class,  lived in atrociously ahorrent conditions.
See, it was not always like this in your kingdom, nor were the inhabitants’ life this miserable. Prior to the reign of the current sovereignty, difference in wealth amongst lower, middle, and upper class existed but the lower class still had a decent life. Mostly, their needs for survival such as food, water, shelter, the chance to have some education, and work opportunities which allowed them to improve themselves, existed. Now, under the current ruler and the society he had created, breaking out of the poverty cycle was almost an impossible task.
Bad quality of life, and barely having their needs for survival met, meant higher increase in crime, hatred, and divide amongst people in a kingdom that should actually be united together. People were beginning to become whelmed by the idea of  justice they thought they deserved, and were starting to lose their fear for the corrupted authority. They kept their heads low for the most part, but acts of rebellion -- small and secretive big ones -- were starting.
Living a somewhat lavish life, and then being hurt by people who were from the lower class, or living through poverty and being hurt by those from the higher class, being at the end of the spectrum in each situation had it cons and complications. But for you, it was even worse because you were from  both worlds in some way, but seem to belong to neither.
You were born to a single mother, who raised you, and then passed away a few years after your birth from a life-threatening disease. At that time, your kingdom was not in shambles like the way it was currently. So despite ending up as an orphan, and without much financial aid, you were lucky enough to enroll in the local training school. You learned everything there was to know about becoming a guard, and after graduating as the top student amongst your peers, you landed a well paying job at the royal castle. Throughout your four years of working life, you had rotated with your job and taken several roles. Currently, you were in the outskirts of the town in order to pick up a small delivery, and were supposed to bring it to back to the royal castle safely.
The outskirts were quite a while away from the central and were a desert. It was incredibly dusty and hot. As you waited outside the person’s home whom you were supposed to pick up the delivery from, you could feel sweat forming at various parts of your body, and your mouth becoming dry. You decided to unhook your water bottle pad, and opened the lid. You brought the bottle up to your lips.  As you began to drink, the cool water felt refreshing and was already helping you feel better.
As you continued to drink, you heard a mockery scoff in the distance which caused you to turn towards the sound. They were hiding, but you could still see an outline of a child, and a woman, who you guessed was the child’s mother.
You felt her cold glare, and saw how she cuddled her child closer to her.
“Filthy soldiers, they take everything away from us and then come here and shove it in our faces as if we don’t struggle enough. Disgusting,” She stated icily, and you winced at the undeniable truth in her words. Although many soldiers contributed to the corruption that existed, you were not one of them. You stayed content with your pay, and your needs being met for survival. Anything spare, or more you had which you did not need, you always delivered it at night anonymously to someone you had seen in need. For that reason, her words stung and hurt you.
You were going to walk up to her and defend yourself. However, you never received the chance to because the door of the house you were waiting in front of was opened. A man with his entire face covered with bandages poked his head through. You were not able to see or guess anything about his appearance other than his strange and bright amber eyes. With suspicion etched in them, he glanced around to make sure you were not being watched. Then, he finally looked at you, and the haunting emptiness in his eyes caused you to still momentarily.
“Is there someone else with you?” He asked. You could not help but notice how deep his voice sounded, and question his odd behaviour. He was acting suspicious of you, and any other possible onlookers, when he was the suspicious one. You almost sighed at the irony, but decided against it, and responded to the question you were asked.
“No, I came alone. I was told to pick up a secretive package that needs to be delivered to the King’s personal guard and am ‘not suppose to see,’” You replied, not aware of the secret message that existed in your words. The man nodded in approval. Then, he opened the door a bit more and placed a raggy looking bag in your hand.
“Hide it somewhere where its not expected,” He said, and his eyes shifted towards your chest for mere seconds, then back to your face. Your eyes followed the direction of his gaze, and when you realized what he meant, a blush appeared on your cheeks. Your eyebrow twitched in anger, and you were going to give him a piece of your mind. But by the time you looked up, you saw that the man had already shut the door on you. You growled in anger, before you huffed, and then stomped away.
“Thank you [Name],” Jimin said smiling, as he took the bag  from you, and tucked it in the pocket that was inside his uniform jacket, before he patted it. You could not help but ponder on the miniscule moment when he had taken the bag from you, and how his skin contacted yours. His touch felt warm, and your cheeks redden at the thought.
The way Jimin always smiled at you, with his plump lips stretched into a small and adorable smile, and the way his eyes squinted when he did so, always flustered you. He was always so sweet to you. Jimin’s caring personality, combined with his irresistible and  attractive features, numerous talents, and every other perfection he had, made you develop feelings for him in no time. You wanted to become someone who was confident and good enough for Jimin. However, in his presence, you generally ended up being reserved and shy, because you liked him so much.
Since you were zoned out in your thoughts, you did not realize that Jimin was trying to talk to you. You only returned to reality once he started to shake you gently.
“H-Huh? W-What? What happened?” You asked frantically, with wide eyes, while snapping out of your thoughts. You audibly gasped when you saw how close Jimin was leaning towards your face, and the concern he held for you.
It took all of your self control to not implode and scream when Jimin put his hand against your forehead to check your temperature. Your face was burning hot and red but it was not for the reasons he thought of.
“Are you okay? You feel really hot and your face is all flushed. Did going to the desert area affected you this much? I should call the doctor—“ The rest of his words fell on your deaf ears. This was because you had mentally grasped on how dotting he was being over you, and realizing how much he cared for you. One thought of what an angel he was lead to another, and you drifted into your thoughts of how much you loved him.
You missed on how the doors of the room which both you and Jimin were in were opened, and the stoned-faced King that had walked in. You were also oblivious to the momentarily grimace and disgust that was etched on Jimin’s face when he saw the Emperor.
When you felt Jimin grab your hand, and tighten his grip on it possessively, you were no longer lost daydreaming, and focused on your reality. You saw that Jimin’s back was facing you, and realized that he had pushed you behind himself to hide you away from the eyes of the Emperor he was facing.
“Jimin, you’re late. You know that if you make me wait for too long, there will be consequences. You better have a good reason,” Min Yoongi said, as walked towards Jimin, and greeted him with an icy stare. Just like his eyes, his voice sounded cold too. The lack of human emotion and expression in them caused shivers to run through your spine.
The matter of the fact was that although you had heard many things about him, you had never actually seen the Emperor himself. From the time he had started his rule, and till this point, Yoongi had never made a public appearance for any speeches or conferences. All of your knowledge about him came from the discourse surrounding him and other people’s opinions of him.  You suddenly realized how you worked for the King, but had never met him. As a result, you knew little to nothing about him from himself, and you felt strange about that.
Yoongi’s threat to Jimin did not seem like empty words, and you did not want Jimin to get in trouble because of you. After all, you were only supposed to make a delivery, get approval and then move onto your next job. But you thought that due to your incompetency to behave appropriately around Jimin, and making him worry over you for nothing, simply because you desired his attention, caused him to waste his time on you. You knew that you had to be the one to take responsibility for this situation.
Not knowing the terrible future that laid ahead of you because of the choices you were going to make, and being clueless of how Jimin was hiding you because he wanted to protect you, you acted without thinking.
You removed your hand from Jimin’s grip, and stepped out from behind him. Without wasting any time, you were instantly bowed to Yoongi, unaware of the baffled gaze Jimin was looking at you with.
“I sincerely apologize for his delay and any inconveniences it may have caused you, my King. I was merely delivering a package as Mr. Park had assigned me to do, and it was my fault he was held up. I will take any punishments on his behalf that you see fit,” You said, keeping your head low. As a result, you did not see the ravening glint that had appeared in Yoongi’s eyes when he saw you.
“A delivery, huh? That’s strange because I wasn’t told of any deliveries that we were suppose to receive.  Everything that comes and goes in and out of the castle, needs to be run through me first as protocol. Mr. Park, out of all people, knows that,” Yoongi said stoically,  and narrowed his eyes at Jimin, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Then, he averted his eyes back to you again.
“Raise your head, Miss. [Surname]. I believe that Jimin has enough experience and authority to be responsible for his own actions and not let his underlyings take the blame for him. It’s awful when the innocent pay the price for something that another in power refuses to take responsibility for. Wouldn’t you agree, [Name]?” Yoongi asked, and he looked at you with a predatory gaze that was etched with emotions and intentions you could not decipher. You thought it was ironic, and you were in slight disbelief that out of everyone, Yoongi had said those words. But as mentioned before, what you knew of Yoongi was presumptions. So, maybe there was something deeper to the crisis of your Kingdom then just a lazy King? You furrowed your eyebrows, but nonetheless, responded with a nod.
Yoongi’s lips twitched into a forced smile.
“I like to be answered verbally [Name], and spoken to only when asked. Be mindful, and remember that for our future conversations. Now, I am promoting you. Since Park Jimin will be facing execution for his betrayal, I now assign you,  as my next personal bodyguard.”
Your nerves were on edge, and heavy tears fell down your cheeks due to the things you were forced to endure. You wanted to move, fidget, cry out loud in pain, and were even willing put aside your dignity and beg for mercy if it meant your current torment would stop. But you could do neither of those things, or anything else. Without Yoongi’s permission, you were not allowed to move in anyway, speak, or respond in any other way which may convey your displeasure for his actions.
Your bottom lip quivered as Yoongi softly rubbed salt into your bloody gashes that he had cut into your skin not too long ago. The stinginess of it burned. It was terrifying; Yoongi was terrifying because  despite the fact that he was literally torturing you right now, he was very precise and gentle with his actions. Even when he was hurting you, he looked at you with a soft fondness in his eyes.
It was sickening.
“I don’t like to hurt my favourite toy,” Yoongi began, and he gently ran his fingers through your locks with his other hand. His words, especially his term ‘favourite toy’ that was specifically for you, were always laced with obsession. He objectified you because he loved the idea of you as his personal plaything that he owned, and refused you to think of you as a human. From experience, you knew that evidently his words were insincere, and realistically, he would take whatever chance he got to hurt you.
“But you won’t stop bringing up Jimin, and why I had him executed. You don’t say it, but I can see it in your eyes. I can see everything in your eyes — the disgust and hatred you have for me, and the love you had — still have for Jimin and how much you miss him. You hold love for him that you should have for me,” He hissed, and the hand which was running through your hair gently before, had now made its way to your roots, and clenched your hair strands tightly, causing you to hiss out in pain.
“Well [Name], since I love you so much, I’ll tell you so you can stop wasting your time on grieving for a traitor and move onto me. That package you delivered to Jimin was red sand poison he was planning on slipping in my food to kill me so that he could become the King and fix this country. Not only that, prior to that slip up which led to his definite punishment, he had made numerous attempts to kill me. Can you believe how disgusting that it is? Or the fact that you actually felt love for such a scumbag?” Yoongi said, and his words struck a nerve in you.
See, so far, you’ve handled all of his antics well enough since they were all directed towards you, personally. Additionally, once or twice, he would criticize you about how he thought he was too generous and good for you. Seemingly, his criticism towards Jimin was the catalyst you needed to finally stand your ground, and set Yoongi in his place.
You snapped.
“He probably planned to do that because you deserve it. Honestly, I can’t blame him for wanting to get rid off you. After being in your presence and realizing that you truly are the heartless monster people say you to be, getting rid off someone as pathetic as you; someone who hurts more than he cares for his people, your death would be a blessing. Jimin’s disgusting? Don’t kid yourself.  What’s truly disgusting is how you ignore the needs of your people and waste your time on trying to make me love you when I never will—“ You ranted, but were cut off with a harsh slap to your cheek. You did not get time to react to the pain or the stinginess of the slap, because instantly, Yoongi had gripped your chin harshly in between his index finger and thumb. They dug into your skin painfully, and you yelped in pain.
He forced you to meet his eyes, which were narrowed in an infuriated glare.
“Let me remind you that you were the one who delivered the red poisonous sand to Jimin, so by extension, were aiding him with the crime and I can easily have your head off too. But I didn’t. I took pity on your pathetic self just like the King before me did when he let you enrol in the academy. So, really, without the royal’s pity, you would be dead meat by now, or selling yourself to disgusting and MUCH older man just to afford food and water. You better learn to be grateful for the life I have given you,” He hissed, and as you tried to pull your face away from him, his grip on your chin only tightened, and his nails dug painfully in your skin.
It wasn’t long before your anger blinded you, and you growled. Caught in the heat of the moment and not thinking about the consequences your actions were going to have, you spat on Yoongi’s face as an act of defiance.
“At least it would be MY choice to sell myself to whoever I chose to. With you, its literal hell. Fuck off with your bullshit Yoongi,” You snapped. Subsequently to your momentarily rebellion, it went extremely quiet. Your spit that had landed on Yoongi’s cheeks trailed down his cheek. He looked at you with bewilderment in his widened eyes because he was unable to fathom that you had just done that. However, it did not take long for the realization to sink in, and for his widened eyes to turn into a seething glare.
Then, instead of hurting your jaw with his fingers, Yoongi’s entire hand wrapped around your neck. He clutched it tightly and painfully, and you gasped as you felt your air circulation being cut off. Then, he took out a very familiar small dagger from his pocket -- it was the very dagger that he always cut you with, the one that turned your reality into a nightmare.
“You had the choice to avoid this if you had only submit to me. But since you choose not to and want me to actually make your life a living hell, then I will. I’ll cut you and torture you as many times it takes to get you to love me. ME, NOT Jimin, or anyone else!! ONLY ME!!” Yoongi screamed in your face, and the fear he had inflicted in you with a dagger, rushed to your head all at once. You screeched, and tried to move away and shove him off of you, but all of your efforts remained useless.
“Open wide [Name]. Since you don’t smile at me at all like the way you did for Jimin, I’m just going to have to carve one on your face. Be a good girl for you Emperor, keep still and don’t scream,” He ordered, and your eyes widened in terror. Then, the last thing that you remembered was the tip of his dagger glinting before you passed out.
<<previous: Gluttony [Yandere! Vampire! Jin] | next: Pride [Yandere! Artificial Intelligence! Hoseok]>> | Masterpost
okay so if I have links in this post it doesn’t show in the tags. To take the next quiz simply search up ‘world of pride’ the search button of my blog :^)
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dreamscript · 6 years
the seven deadly sins series (m)
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a short series of drabbles. ➟ BTS X READER
there’s something about you that draws them in and pushes them away; it’s enticing in a forbidden fruit sort of way, a mystery that’s difficult to describe...
rated for: sexual content, violence/murder, dark/adult themes, drug use
01. gula, the sin of gluttony
02. luxuria (m), the sin of lust
03. avaritia - COMING SOON
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celainelovesstory · 5 years
Born from the union of female human and angel, those who are no longer deserved any space in Heaven.
"To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom. to be free or to fall is your choice. will you escape this anomie or will you devoted all of you to us?"
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Word count: 916 words 
Seven Deadly Sins AU
Wide Awake
I'm awaken by the strange uncomfortable feeling in my nose. I try to open my eyes, only to be suddenly greeted by a blinding white light above me. Curtains on each right, left side and in front of me. A white dressed person passing by can be seen from the slight gap between the curtains. So, I may be in a hospital now.
My hands trying to reach my head, but I cannot move a thing. My consciousness bounce to the back of my head again as I let go the heavy eyelids lull back to close. It seems like forever to me, but it is originally shorter than an hour, I gain my consciousness again and is still in the exact same place but this time I am greeted by seven perfect smiles. Oh my god, I think this is it. It actually hits me now.
The cry I wasted this morning while walking to the nearby store, to buy the alcohol my father asked. The truck hit my body, deform all along my back bones, my hands, and my legs. I was wearing the white t-shirt with a smiley face as a picture on the front, the irony deep below it. I tried to dried the tears along my face before I go, saving my family faces in front of them all. The things I do for my family. In this society where your face is all people care than the small littlest bit of truth in your heart, so I was so careful to not break it.
But it eventually breaks me. The life I choose to not come back to. "Back to earth, mmm excuse my rudeness but may I know who this pretty woman is?" one of them said. I am stunned and proceed to look on their faces for another couple of seconds before saying my name. "I am Minah." Miraculously I can talk now and now all of their faces lit up.
I internally wow to their faces, not paying any attention as one of them speaks to me. His voice is deep with confidence to my ears, I find it very amusing to hear. I immediately love how his voice sounds to me, feel like the time stop.
"Good morning, Minah. As you may know, you are dead just about five minutes ago and we are here to give you the opportunity to live again. This time we'll it all be alright, we will rewind the time before it is all become a mess. You just said it to your sister too right? 'I love mom so much before when I'm looking back to these photos, where all those feelings gone?' You did said it all, we will give you back your happy life. This is why the seven of us is here. Your mother will be back to you and your drunkard will leave you alone. You want that life of yours back right? You do miss the old time, we know it."
If I can see and feel my palms, it will start to sweat for sure. I don't know what to think or say. I did want to die because all of these exhaust me. I am tired. I cannot pick point anymore. Which one is wrong. Everything feels so wrong. I just cried when people ask me what is wrong.  It just painful living each day.
"We all love you before you know it. Because we love you, we will fix what you couldn't do before. No one wants you go like this, I can show you your family feel painful for you to end your own life. Here.." and he over me his hand. I let my eyes roam over his small chubby fingers, being drawn in and come back again to my senses.
They are all insanely attractive, but I don't know who they are. This man, who offers me his hand smiling at me, signaling me to take his hands. I find myself once again only staring at him, his expression a bit different from the others but I cannot tell what. There is a glint of hungriness in his eyes, but his face is really angelic, almost like a baby. It is as if he has two or more persona in him. I gasp lightly when his hand grab mine, it as if he is in hurry. His grey eyes looking at me and I find my eyes too as the signs of a smile start to appear on his face and suddenly all the surrounding is changing to somewhere somewhat I know.
"Minah!" cried someone with a quite familiar voice. My heart rate accelerates as I start to realize what is going on, what is happening to my sister that is miles away from home. Weeping. Down on the floor. With her husband hugging her from the side. The man is trying so hard to look strong, I can see over his eyes. My body can only freezes there, and the man who was holding my hands from before at the hospital room hold my hand any tighter.
"You can cry on my shoulder" he says, brushing my head from the side to lay it on his shoulder. I don't struggle. I cry to see my sister, shocked by the news, that I died this morning, committing suicide. I don't want to be here. I didn't want to see this happen to my sister.
I want to live again.
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birthofvcnus · 6 years
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—> Kim Taehyung (1/7): LUST
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namfine · 4 years
◐ | 𝕬𝖛𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖆 : 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕕 | ◑
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Greed is an uncontrolled longing for increase in the acquisition or use: of material gain; or social value, such as status, or power.
                                               - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Γ pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Γ word count: 5.2k
Γ summary: When you’re in need of some quick, flashy jewelry for an event, what better place to go than a pawn shop? However when nothing catches your eye, the shop owner shows you something that you absolutely must have. But when the pricing is much more than you anticipated, you think of another way to get it. Just how far are you willing to go for a bargain?
Γ  tags: 18+, hoseok x reader, unprotected sex, oral (f), monster fucking kinda, sexual bribery(?) (if you couldnt tell, you fuck for the jewelry), he cums in you lmao, ripped panties, hair pulling, demon au, seven deadly sins au
Γ part: 3 of 7 of our Seven Deadly Sins Milestone Challenge.
⋫ Link to Master List here
Γ a/n: Welcome to part 3 of our seven deadly sins! Hope you guys aren’t too full from reading gluttony because now it’s time for a little greed. Things get a lil more freaky deaky in this chapter so I hope you all enjoy it! A new chapter will be released everyday so please look forward to the remaining sins! As always, thot on, sinners ;)
-Fizzy ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ)
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When you had first stepped into the pawn shop, you were immediately taken aback. You were so used to seeing the stereotypical dirty, everything out of place, type shops on tv that you were expecting it to be the same in person. However you were surprised to say the least, when the faint smell of sage drifted through your nose, and if you concentrated hard enough you could pick out scents of leather as well. 
You slowly walked through the shop, eyes flicking to and fro because everything seemed to catch your attention. From the organized shelves of books, to the clear, gold rimmed cases filled with trinkets, to even the perfectly stocked and alphabetized case of video games and dvd’s. However you walked right past all of those things and more to find the jewelry section.
Tonight you were attending a friend’s art gallery event and while you did have an outfit already picked out, you decided last minute you wanted to buy a new piece of jewelry to bring it all together, because let’s face it, those little pearl earrings were not going to cut it. So when you caught sight of a pawn shop you hadn’t seen before on your street, you decided you would probably find something extravagant but also cheap there. You were only going to wear it for one night after all. 
When reaching the front of the store, your eyes flick downward into the clear display full of various jewelry. There were pieces here and there that made your lips purse in consideration but nothing really jumped out at you. Walking towards the right while still looking down, your fingertips dragged across the glass, hoping that something would catch your eye. Too deep in thoughts, you didn’t notice someone calling out to you until your hand softly bumped into someone else’s on the other side of the display.
Your body jumped slightly and you pulled your hand away, an apology ready to come out but dying on your tongue once you looked up and saw who the hand belonged to. 
He was absolutely breathtaking, literally, when you looked up at him you swore you felt your breath get lodged in your throat. Your eyes landed on his gentle smile, causing his cheeks to round up into two perfect little circles, his warm eyes made an odd feeling spread throughout your chest- ‘is it a little hotter in here?’-, and his wavy black hair parted down the middle. He seemed ethereal, with his black blazer over the matching shirt and pants. On his ring finger was a bright topaz ring, a gold band surrounding it, the surface glittering softly in the harsh fluorescent lights. It was strange you thought, ‘He seems a little too overdressed for a pawn shop, no?’, his look making your eyebrows furrow slightly together.
He looked to be out of place, like a queen participating in a hot dog eating contest.
“Can I help you with anything?” He inquired softly, tilting his head to the side.
“Uh...,” You shook your head and cleared your throat, trying to gather your thoughts.
“Yeah, I’m looking for a piece of jewelry.” Your eyes glanced down and scanned over the items again. “I uh, have an event later on tonight and I’m trying to find something last minute.” You chuckled sheepishly, looking back up at the handsome man.
“Well what do you have in mind?”
“Not sure, I want it to bring my whole outfit together though.” You smiled thoughtfully, feeling your cheeks warm at the smile you were receiving back.
“What are you wearing? If I see the outfit, I can help you out some more.” So you pulled out your phone, scrolling through your photos to find the picture of the outfit you took a couple of days earlier. It was a simple little long sleeve, black dress, with a v in the back. Your simple heels and pearl earrings were enough to make you presentable, but you really wanted to present yourself.
The man studied it for a few seconds before nodding politely, gesturing to another display case further to your right. Upon reaching it, you noticed this one was filled more with necklaces with a few charms scattered about. While they were more intricate than the ones you were previously looking at, your heart wasn’t really pulling towards any of them.
“See anything you like?” There was something warm about his voice, that just made you feel calm. Which was strange, how could a stranger make you feel this way?
“I’m sorry, not really...these are all very nice though. Thank you anyway.” You glanced up at him, giving a short nod before starting to turn around.
“You know, I might have something for you.” The way he said it made you halt in your tracks. It came out as being helpful but there was something laced underneath it, something that made your body feel like it was being wrapped in chills. You turned back to him and cocked your head to the side, silently urging him to continue.
“Come, I have it in the back room.” He stepped off to the side and pulled open a little door for you. You knew it was odd, him inviting you to the back of the store. Why couldn’t he just go and grab it? Your questions continued to rack your brain, even as you began to walk behind the counter. And when you heard the click of the door locking into place, it was only then that you noticed you were the only person in the store. 
As you followed the man to the back, the hallway you were in seemed endless, your heart began to thump in your chest. Your gaze went upwards, the yellow lights above your head casting eerie glows throughout the hallway. You looked at the man's back, watching his shoulders move behind his jacket. Soon enough you couldn’t hear the music coming from the front of the shop anymore, the lights becoming nothing but a small dot. It had seemed you were walking forever but it was only now that you had lost sight of the front. A shadow on the wall caught your attention and as you looked at it, it went away. For a brief moment…
No that’s silly, the lights were just messing with your vision.
For a quick second, it seemed like the shadow of the man had horns protruding from the top of his head.
You scoffed and shook your head, the thought being completely ridiculous. 
“Hm? Something funny, y/n?” He looked over his shoulder at you, an eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“Oh ah, I was just thinking about something. Nothing worth mentioning.” You replied, still mainly focused on the wall. He gave a sharp nod, a smile gracing his face before turning back towards the front. Inhaling deeply, you continued following the strange man, until finally, he pushed aside a curtain and you stepped into a room, the sight making your jaw drop in awe.
“This is where I keep my most prized possessions, too valuable for me to put out there for the world to see.” He murmured, delicately swiping his finger over the surface of something on a shelf. You couldn’t quite make out what it was, for something past him got your attention. You took a hesitant step forward, tilting your head to the side, trying to make sense of it.
A throne sat in the back of the room, the seat filled to the brim with gold coins, a few gems and jewels here and there. You could make out a bottle of wine lodged in the center of the pile, the black color popping out intensely against the bright colors of the gold. But upon closer inspection, you noticed there was an orange light, seeming to only shine on the bottle, making you realize that it was a dark red instead. On one of the arms, was a clear crystal skull, dazzling amethysts acting as eyes. As if your awe couldn’t get any bigger, on the top of the throne was a crown, far more extravagant than the ones you had seen previously. It was jewel encrusted all around, but instead of it being gold or silver, this one was stark black. One emerald stood in the middle while tiny versions of it ran around the rim and protruding from the top of it was a bright green snake, poised as if it was getting ready to strike.
The sound of a throat clearing snapped you out of your thoughts.
He chuckled, “Are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, sorry. This room is just wow, it’s amazing. I’ve never seen so many treasures in one room before.” You fingertips pressed to your lips, taking another moment to look around the room once more.
“This is the piece I wanted to show you.” You looked to the left to see him behind a glass counter. When you walked up to it, he had his hands spread out on the glass, giving you a small smirk. Your heart skipped a beat and you bit down on your lip, feeling that warmth go through your body once more. He glanced down and tapped at the glass with a fingernail, the noise making a sharp sound. When you glanced down, you felt a chill go down your spine. On the top of the glass his fingernail looked normal but in the reflection was a sharp black nail instead. Your eyes quickly looked over to his other nails to find them exactly the same; sharp and black. When you looked in the middle of where the reflection of his face should be, you had barely registered relief when you saw his eyes.
There was a sinister yellow glow, gleaming right at you. And if that weren’t frightening enough, the man smiled at you, two sharp canines peeking through. At that, your head snapped back up to look at him, but instead of what you saw in the glass, it was just his normal features. With wide eyes, you opened your mouth to say something but were cut off at once by him placing a yellow velvet box on top, the sound louder than necessary.
He opened the top and you were at a loss for words. The inside was a darker shade of yellow, a small mirror on the underside of the lid, and in the middle was a beautiful necklace. A thin silver chain adorned an oval blood red ruby, four thin, sharp prongs on each side, holding it. The lighting from above made them glimmer, causing a thought to run through your mind that they almost looked like claws. He pulled it out of the box and dangled it in front of his face, the gem swaying gently in front of him.
“That’s beautiful…” You murmured. Your throat felt parched all of a sudden, so you swallowed the ball of saliva forming in your mouth, but it did nothing to quench the growing thirst in your mind.
“How much?” You asked, taking a brief second to flick your gaze over to the man then back to the necklace. From your peripheral you could see a smirk grow on his face, his eyebrow raising up a little. The tip of his tongue peeked out to lick his lips and he leaned in closer to you. Yet, you still couldn’t take your eyes off the gem. 
“Well normally the things in this room aren’t for sale, they are for my viewing pleasure only.” He paused, taking in a breath. “But you seemed really desperate to find something so,” He paused again and that was when you finally looked away and at him, catching him eyeing you up and down slowly. When he reached your face, a sly grin appeared.
“$1,000? Are you fucking serious?” Your eyes bugged out at his answer and you couldn’t help the harsh tone. However it seemed that the man was unaffected, cocking his head to the side and swinging the necklace delicately. You didn’t know much about gemstones but you were certainly positive that it was an outrageous price, especially for something in a pawn shop. 
“I am actually being quite generous with the pricing y/n, normally this goes for much higher value.” His voice took a condescending ring and his eyebrows bunched together. Worry crossed your face, you really didn’t want to pay that much money for something you were only going to wear for tonight but on the other hand you needed this necklace. It was truly something you had never seen before.
You looked at the piece of jewelry once more, staring directly into the center of the ruby. You didn’t know if you were still reeling from hearing the price or if it was really happening but the middle of the gem seemed to be swirling, looking like a mini vortex. Anger flashed through your body and you had half a mind to just snatch it out of his hand and make a run for it. Your fingers twitched at the thought and it appeared that the man noticed, for he jerked his hand up and caught the ruby in his hand. His fingers clasped shut around it, completely obstructing it from your eyes.
“If you think you’ll be able to get away, you won’t. I’ll have you pinned down before your fingers even got to touch this necklace.” He hissed in a low voice and you didn’t miss the way your body shivered at his tone. You pressed your lips together and chose your next words carefully.
“This is a pawn shop isn’t it? Can we negotiate?” As soon as the last word left your mouth, you felt the tension in the room shift. He squinted at you and leaned in closer to your body, staring intensely into your eyes. You tried your best to not look away, your heart beginning to speed up at his close proximity. The corner of his mouth quirked up into a smirk, the action making your breath hiccup in your throat.
“Depends, what are you willing to give?” He muttered, now looking down at your lips. He didn’t even try to hide it, for his gaze lazily rose back up to your eyes. He was so close that you could see details on his face more clearly, like the mole on his top lip or the hint of yellow slowly whirling in the center of his eyes…
Your eyes widened at noticing it but before you could move away, he brushed his fingertips on the top of your hand. He put his other hand next to your faces, letting his fingers open to allow the necklace to drop. It swung before coming to a stop, the want and need of having it coursing through your mind once more.
You needed this, and you were going to get it one way or another.
You pressed forward, feeling just the barest of touches when your lips made contact with his. He didn’t move so you took that as your sign to continue. You closed your eyes, your lips now fully on his and moved against him, small flashes of yellow going off behind your eyelids. You heard the sound of something, the necklace you presumed, clatter against the glass top of the display. His hands gripped the side of your face, now kissing you back with more ferocity. A nip at your bottom lip caused you to gasp, and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue into your mouth.
You felt like your head was clouded, the lightheadedness making you dizzy. A moan slipped past you and your hands wandered up to grip his suit, the material oddly clearing up your mind, acting as a sort of grounding object to bring you back down. You attempted to jerk him towards you, wanting more of his touch, but he dropped one hand off your face and grabbed your wrists, throwing them off of his body. You stumbled a bit forward and smacked a hand on top of the glass to steady yourself, slightly breaking your kiss. You wasted no time in going back, hands going around his neck now, kissing with such hunger and need. 
The man used his free hand to knot itself in your hair, he tugged your head back and went to bite at your neck, his teeth making you gasp. Your hands dug into his hair and gave small tugs, your breathy moans urging him to bite harder. You needed more so you tightened your hold onto his hair and pulled him back up to your mouth. Surprisingly he allowed you to do so and when your lips locked, you raised a leg and pushed yourself up on the counter. He moved back to allow you more room, sliding your legs down on the other side and opening them to let him stand in between.
He grabbed your waist and brought you closer to himself, the feeling of his erection against you made a wave of pleasure go to your core. Your legs wrapped around his waist to lock him in and he grinded against you, squeezing your waist every couple of seconds. His hands slid down your thighs, fingernails digging into you. The subtle pain made you gasp against his mouth and you almost moaned out loud again when he pushed your legs apart, using one hand to guide you onto your back.
He reached up to unbutton your jeans and undo your zipper, yanking them down when he finished. He tossed them to the side and put his mouth right over your mound, moving his lips against your skin. Your legs went to lock around his head but he delivered a swift smack to the outside of your left thigh.
“Keep your legs open for me sweetheart.” He mumbled against you and dragged his tongue up your panties. You let out a low moan at the feeling, lightly tangling your hand in his black hair. He didn’t protest so you twirled a few pieces in between your fingers, the silky texture easily sliding between them. He hooked a finger into your panties and pulled them to the side, taking a quick swipe up your folds, the abrupt feeling of his tongue made your voice hitch and your hips to jerk upwards. His finger that was holding your panties, went to the center and you felt a sudden pull and the sound of material ripping. You lifted your head to see what had happened, but he suddenly pulled your folds apart and licked up once more.
“Fuck,” your voice squeaked out, head dropping back onto the glass. He dug in, tongue licking up and down your pussy, his nose nudging your clit every so often. Your legs trembled, wanting to lock around his head and you almost gave in until you felt two sharp points prodding at the inside of your folds. Your legs twitched at the feeling but you brushed it away when his tongue shoved into your hole. An obscene moan left your mouth and you tugged him impossibly closer to your cunt. You felt that same sharp point directly on your clit now, circling around it lightly.
Your pussy clenched around his tongue and it seemed to spur him on, the sharp point now pressing slightly harder on you. It only lasted a few seconds before his thumb replaced it, pressing harshly onto your clit and causing pleasure to travel throughout your body. It circled around you rapidly, his tongue now moving at what seemed like an impossible speed inside you. Soon that familiar tug pulled inside you and your hips rose upwards.
“Pl-please, I’m gonna-!” You didn’t even get to finish your sentence before your orgasm ripped through your body, your mouth open in a silent scream, your pussy spasming around his tongue. You came down from your high, your breath coming out ragged, and looked down at him. He smirked at you, your arousal glistening on his lips. His eyes looked faintly yellow in your hazy vision. You became slightly more aware that there were more points pricking into your thighs, dragging down. You were pulled up and into a kiss, tasting yourself, his hands going to your lower back. He let you go and grabbed a hand, pulling you off the counter. You allowed him to guide you and when you noticed him leading you towards the throne, you felt your already aching pussy clench.
He barely gave you time to settle before he turned you around and pushed you onto the pile of treasure in the center of the throne. You landed on your palms, feeling some coins slide from beneath your hands. You adjusted to resting on your forearms, the wine bottle directly in front of your face. Upon closer inspection of it, you could clearly make out that it was a dark rusty red color, with a faded label on the side. The glint of the crystal skull caught your attention to your left, but you didn’t have time to glance at it, for you felt your shirt being lifted up and over your head. Before you had a chance to settle, the back of your bra was pulled and you felt it give away. A hand went to your front and yanked it away from you, the coolness from the coins brushed against your breasts and nipples, instantly making them harden.
You heard the sound of clothes rustling and heard a muted thump. Giving a quick side glance, you saw his jacket on the floor. The sound of his belt buckle clinking and then it being thrown to the floor had your hole clench. He kicked your legs apart and rubbed his cock in between your folds, hands going to hold onto your waist. You shivered in anticipation, the combination of him spreading your arousal and the cold contrast of the coins made your mouth water.
“Are you ready for me, darling?” One of his hands left your waist to drag down your back, those sharp points you had been feeling making your spine arch up, you were enjoying them at this point. You gave a meek nod and soon he was stretching your walls, bottoming out in no time. Your fingers splayed out and dug into the pile of coins for support, feeling your breasts touch them when he began to move. 
He wasted no time in pounding into your cunt, the force of his hips making you moan out like a whore. One hand went to go fist in your hair, twisting it around his wrist for a more secure hold. “Look at you, such a greedy little thing. Such a greedy little whore for my cock..” You bit your lip at his words, your eyelids fluttering closed.
“Do you always fuck strangers for things you want? Are you that desperate for material things? You little slut.” Opening your eyes, you could see his reflection in the bottle, that one orange light highlighting the object perfectly. His form began to slowly shift before your eyes, and even though you were getting the fucking of a lifetime, you were still coherent enough for a wave of fear to travel through your body.
Maybe it was all the bright lights or you were still delirious from your powerful orgasm but soon enough you saw two pointed objects begin to protrude from his head, and a pair of wings slowly sprout from his back. Your chest quivered but yet you couldn’t bring yourself to scream, at least not out of fear. Panic mixed in with euphoria, the idea that you were here having sex with something not of this world oddly made your already sopping cunt, gush even more. When his wings softly flared out, you kept telling yourself you were just imagining it, and even when you felt something soft brush against the sides of your waist, a small part of you prayed that it was just because all of your senses were on overload.
The more you stared at the reflection, the tighter your body became. What was even happening right now, why are you still here? Why had you not pulled away and ran while you still had the chance? As you racked your brain for answers, there was a tiny voice that kept pushing through, telling you what you didn’t want to hear. That throughout all this, there was a familiarity from it all. That you had seen this before; the wings, horns, the aura of the creature. You briefly wondered if you were pulling it from an old horror movie you’d seen a while ago, but it didn’t sit right.
As if sensing the puzzle coming together in your head, several sharp pricks were dug into your waist- you quickly put two and two together with everything happening, and deduced that they were claws- you felt him pierce through your skin, the sudden pain making you gasp out loud. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the reflection, and the final nail went in when his eyes locked with yours. With a sinister grin, he blinked and two bright yellow eyes stared right into your soul.
With a cry of terror and pleasure, your orgasm came abruptly, your thighs shaking so uncontrollably that your forearms gave out, and you fell against the mountain of coins. You felt him slam into you a couple of more times before his cum filled you up to the brim, feeling it dribble down your legs after he pulled out. You laid there for a couple of seconds to catch your breath, and you were afraid to turn around and be face to face with whatever just gave you an orgasm of a lifetime. 
Gathering your bearings, you pushed up and silently counted to three, not bothering to hide the shock on your face when you saw him looking normal. No claws, no horns, no wings, no glowing yellow eyes…
He zipped his pants and picked his belt up from the floor, smiling at your expression. When you still hadn’t said anything, he picked up his jacket and folded it over his arm, heading towards the counter. You reached down for your shirt and bra, fumbling around trying to get them back on. When you finished you still had not said a word, silently going to the counter to reach for your pants that he was holding out to you. You put them on but still couldn’t shake off your feelings.
He chuckled softly at you and picked up the necklace, giving it a soft look before handing it to you. Wordlessly you took it, the cool metal feeling hot in your hands.
“Well, a bargain is a bargain. Sorry about your panties by the way. Are you alright?” He questioned with a laugh, moving a hand up to smooth down his hair. It didn’t even look out of place, completely untouched.
You brushed it off, still confused about everything “Um...I’m-I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me, I-” You stopped and swallowed, the realization that you just fucked a stranger for a necklace setting in. A flash of horror crossed your face, and you almost cried until he shook his head and gave you a small smile. 
“Don’t be, we all do crazy things when consumed with greed.” Even though there was a smile on his face, it barely did anything to ease your discomfort. 
“The necklace is yours, come, I’ll walk you outside.” He walked around the counter and nodded towards the front, silently following behind him. The walk to the front was shorter than you remember, the yellow lights you recalled being there, now just white. When you stepped out of the backroom, it was still bright outside, and there were still no people inside. It had felt like you spent hours back there.
When you walked out the door, you still felt uneasy. What exactly had you seen in the reflection of the wine bottle? Why was your need for the necklace so intense?
Something clicked in your mind and deciding that you wanted to leave with some sort of dignity, you turned around to ask him a question.
“I’m so sorry, but I just realized I didn’t get your name,” Heat spread across your cheeks but you continued. “I just got…overwhelmed.” You gave a sheepish smile and he smiled back at you.
“My name is Hoseok.” He grins and gives you a small bow.
“Thank you, Hoseok. For um, this.”
“You’re welcome, next time be careful what you bargain for when you want something.” His tone was playful but chideful, and you couldn’t help but give an exasperated laugh. You gave a politeful nod and turned around to head to your car.
“Goodbye y/n, have fun at your event tonight.”
You almost didn’t register what he said, until you did. You hadn’t told him your name. When you turned back to question him, your heart stopped in your chest when the pawn shop was no longer there. Instead it was just an empty, abandoned building. Deciding that you had enough and needed to get out of there, you sped to your car and drove as fast as you could to your house, wanting to get away as soon as possible.
Your nerves relaxed when you reached your house and got ready. The last thing you put on was the necklace, feeling the ruby flare against your skin. You fingered it gently, the memory of fucking Hoseok burned into your brain.
Once you arrived at your friends art event, you immediately fell into the chatter and hustle of everything. Friends were complimenting your outfit left and right, especially the necklace. You met up with your friend, giving her a congratulatory hug and kiss. You were so deep in conversation that you didn’t notice a mutual friend of yours staring at you, or more so your neck. You were about to question what was wrong until she pointed a finger at your neck.
“Y/n, sorry but do you shower with that necklace on?” You bunched your eyebrows together and your hand went up to clutch it.
“No, I just got this today. Why?”
Now your small group of friends were all staring at it, the stares making your face heat up.
“Your neck is turning green.”
You paused for a half second, then took out your phone to access the camera. Sure enough, there was a thin line of green on your skin. As you looked more at the necklace, you noticed small details of rust on the chain and the ruby that was shining so brightly before you left, was now dull and lifeless.
He had tricked you, he had given you a fake. 
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veeparkersstuff · 3 years
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"Just another drink.
Just another taste.
One more bite to pass my lips.
Never satisfied;
Always wanting more" -am
Like or reblog, don't repost please!🧡
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boombayana · 7 years
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«bts × deadly sins» Jungkook — Vanity(pride) – Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God.
261 notes · View notes
squirrelly831 · 5 years
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Hoseok Seven Deadly Sins: Greed
It’s been a while since I posted a scenario, huh? This is only part 1, part 2 will be released in a few days.
Jungkook’s shoes clicked as he headed down the hallway from his room. Much like before his time in Hell, he didn’t need sleep. He was an immortal being. However, unlike his old position as a protector for humans, he was the one that humans needed to be protected from. Before, he would be greeted with luxurious meals though he didn’t need to eat, but here--the lack of food--lack of humans, it was painful. What did he gain for being here? Had he only had more time, if only he could have been wi—
Shattered glass mixed with a feminine gasp shook him from his thoughts. He let out an unintentional snarl. Thalia quaked as she bowed her head, “I’m so sorry Master, I swear I didn’t mean to do it.” Her voice quivered.
Anger subsided in Jungkook, he let out an awkward cough, “Sorry, Thalia. I’ve been on edge lately.”
Her head moved up and she met his eyes with a look of relief written on her face, “Oh Jungko-I mean Kookie, sorry.” She brushed her hair back from her face as she gave him a small smile, “I’m glad it was you I ran into and not... Jimin or something...”
Jungkook‘s eyes darkened a crimson color as a growl erupted from his chest, “What’d that bastard do to you?”
Thalia froze momentarily as heat flushed her face, “Nothing! Nothing. I’m okay Kookie, I swear.”
Jungkook touched her face and his thumb swept across her cheek, “You know you can come to me. I’ll protect you.” She gave him a nod as she leaned down to pick up the shattered teapot. Jungkook knelt beside her and moved her hands, “You shouldn’t touch it. You’ll get hurt.” Thalia whispered a quick thanks as she picked up the tray for him to place the glass on it. Jungkook glanced up at Thalia and let out a chuckle, “What is it? You’re staring.”
Her face flushed as she cleared her throat, “Sorry” she let out a nervous laugh. “You just” she paused. Taking a glance about the hallway cautiously, “You’re not like the others. Yoongi--he reminds me of someone.”
Jungkook’s eyes narrowed as he stared down the glass. His fingers twitched, “Who?” His voice was low. 
Thalia shrugged, “Can’t say I remember. Namj--The master took my memories, but I do get this weird deja vu feeling with him. But as I was saying Yoongi does nothing but smokes. Seokjin--he’s scary. He’s sadistic. He loves the thrill of bringing people down for his pleasure. Jimin hates me. I think it’s because Taehyung’s nice to me. I feel like Jimin wishes he could kill me” she let out a forced chuckle. “He is scary when he wants to be.”
Jungkook’s jaw clenched as he finished picking up the pieces. His blood boiled from the new information, he made a list in his head of how he could get Yoongi, Seokjin, and Jimin back for what they had done to Thalia. “What about Hoseok and Namjoon?” 
“Neither really care if I’m around. I’m only a servant to them. I fetch things, but they don’t hurt me like--” Thalia stilled as her words halted. The color drained from her face as her hands tightened around the tray. She blinked rapidly as she stood upright, “I have to go.”
Jungkook reached out to her before she could leave, “What’s wrong?” He could feel her quaking.
“I have to go to Jimin’s room... “ Jungkook’s hand tightened against her wrist. She gave him a fake reassuring smile, “I’ll be okay. If I don’t go, Namjoon will punish me and that’s honestly a lot worse.” She slipped her hand away from Jungkook’s before she turned and rushed back the way she had come.
 Jungkook released a deep growl. Who was Jimin and what right did he have to so much as touch Thalia? He threw open the closest door near him to enter only to be greeted with smoke. 
“Well well well, look what the cat dragged in” Hoseok scoffed from the lounge chair in the smoke filled room. Yoongi thrown out on a lounge coach taking a puff of the rolled drug in his hand. Jungkook grimace in disgust as he tried to fan the smoke from his face. His eyes made their way to Hoseok’s relaxed figure. A glass of wine clung to his fingertips as the wine swished about not once escaping the glass. “The fallen angel” he held up his glass to cheer Jungkook as he threw his right leg over his left. “What do I owe this honor? I don’t have your girlfriend here” A smug smile graced his lips as he narrowed his eyes at Jungkook who twitched at the mention of Thalia. 
Yoongi looked up from his joint with drowsy look, “Who’s he?”
Hoseok shrugged and took a sip of his wine, “Just another sinner.”
“That’s rich coming from you. You’re both trapped here too” Jungkook scoffed. He eyed the stoned Yoongi who was
Hoseok let out a hum in response, “Though you’re not wrong there, at least I didn’t have my wings ripped from my body. You were what again? A guardian angel?” Jungkook flinched as his cool expression faded. “Wonder how your human is since you left. Probably died, huh?”
Jungkook’s eyes focused on Yoongi for milliseconds before staring at the black tile below his feet. His silence only brought a wicked grin to Hoseok’s face.
Yoongi’s head fell to the side as he looked from the two before he took another drag, “No need for hostility, J-Hope. We’re all friends here.”
Hoseok let out a chuckle, “I only befriend people I can benefit from” his eyes dragged up Jungkook’s figure before resting on the collar on his neck. “I can’t benefit from Namjoon’s pet, but maybe I can his little slut.”
“I’m not his pet and Thalia isn’t a slut” shattered glass sounded through the room. An eerie silence consumed the three. Hoseok’s eyes darkened as he glanced down to the stem and base of his former wine glass. Red wine covered his hand like watery blood. 
Yoongi move to sit on the couch, his high all but dissolved as he saw Hoseok’s free hand lift, “Hey! Hoseok, don’t do it.” He scurried from the couch and sprinted far from Hoseok.
Ignoring Yoongi, as Hoseok slammed his hand on the arm chair. Dark shadows erupted beneath Hoseok’s chair as loud as a crashing wave. Yoongi sprawled against the nearest wall before being engulfed in the darkness. His scream reverberated through the room.
Jungkook took a panicked step back as he tried to escape the darkness. His breath quickened as he stumbled back once more.
“That’s enough, Hoseok” Namjoon’s voice was calm, but there was an underlying demand. Hoseok tsk sounded as the darkness, centimeters away from Jungkook withdrew. As if a lion on command, the darkness retreated under Hoseok. Namjoon stood in the middle of the room in front of Hoseok unfazed by the darkness that had surrounded him. He looked over to Yoongi who was on the ground in a heap on the floor. One hand outstretched that had sought out an escape from the nightmares that attacked him. His cheeks sunk in as his mouth gaped open like a fish out of water. “You could have killed him” the anger in Namjoon grew, “Do you know how hard it is to replace them?” His head shook, “course not, you don’t ever have to lift a finger—“
“No one cares for your lectures. The druggie is fine. He’ll be back on his couch catching his high soon enough.” Hoseok straightened up in his chair, “It was your pet’s fault. I was just teaching him his place.” Jungkook bared his teeth at Hoseok.
Namjoon waved his hand up before bringing it down suddenly. Jungkook choked as his knees buckled and he was thrown to his knees. “He... still requires training” Namjoon’s head turned back to Jungkook as he looked over his sunglasses. “You got a job” his attention returned to Hoseok. A file appeared in his hand and he held it out to Hoseok, “Take the dog with you.” He nudged his head towards Jungkook who struggled to stand, but his body refused to budge from its kneeling position. “He should learn what it means to be one of us. There’s jobs I have for him, but I can’t trust him off his leash yet.”
Hoseok stood and snatched the file, “I don’t have to lift a finger because I have people willing to do it for me. Isn’t that how you got your little whore, you had the mutt do your dirty work.”
Namjoon’s lips twitched as a corner turned upward, but he said nothing to Hoseok’s accusation. A cloud of smoke blossomed around Namjoon before evaporating with no Namjoon in sight.
Jungkook gasped as the pressure over him vanished and his hands pressed against the tile as he felt able to move. But it was short lived as Hoseok approached him and knocked him down to the ground giving a hard kick to his abdomen, “Let’s go, mutt.” Hoseok stuffed his hands in his pockets as the double doors before him revealed a black hole like portal.
Jungkook grunted as he staggered to his feet “what is—“
“I didn’t give you the right to speak. Just walk, fuck.” Hoseok didn’t glance back at him as he walked through the portal. [Continued]
-Moodboard and writing by: Squirrelly831
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
World Of Wrath [Yandere! Dragon-Shifter! Kim Namjoon] [Reader-Insert]
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The only reason I’m publishing this early is because I can’t stand looking at it anymore or writing for it anymore.  I really hate how this turned out. I haven’t done Namjoon justice :-)
Warning: As this story contains yandere themes, the characters display behaviors that can be triggering or uncomfortable to read. Read at your own risk. This work is purely fiction. I do not believe any of the mentioned members would display any sort of this behaviour irl.
Word Count: 2.9K
It was medieval times where almost every person had blood on their hands, and dark circles from stress and trauma permanently visible under their eyes. In this World Of Wrath, terms associated with peace and tranquility were long forgotten and humans and dragons hunted each other without mercy; it was an endless cycle. Each side always focused on the hurt they experienced, the ones they lost, and used that as a reason to justify their actions for fighting. No one tried to understand or think about how the other side felt the same hurt, loss, trauma, and emotions from killing and being killed. No one ever tried to make amends with the other except for one woman.
She was a beauty among her kind and had courage to face a beast that no one would ever dare to face in their wildest dreams. She showed sympathy and understanding of an angel, and catered and helped others selflessly in a world where it was each man for himself. Despite the threats she received, the wounds she was given so she would fear him, and constant cold treatment, she remained selfless and warm. She was a holy being that existed like no other, and even though she was a human, her kindness had touched the dragon king’s heart and soon, she was accepted as one of their own.
The love between her, and the previous dragon king allowed a creature like no other to exist. On the twelfth day of the ninth month, the next heir of the dragons was born; he was named Kim Namjoon. Due to the uniqueness of his existence, he was prophesied to be someone who would lead the dragons into a new era of triumphs, and do many great things in his lifetime.
During his childhood years, Namjoon discovered abilities that were unique only to him. He was a shapeshifter; he was able to shift into a full dragon and into a human whenever he pleased. Once he had better control over his abilities, he learned to shift only one, or multiple parts of himself into his dragon form while the rest of him remained as a human and vice versa.
He had a great future ahead of him especially because he was part of both worlds that seemed to want to annihilate each other. He had values of kindness, sympathy, and love he learned from his mother. His strong political, persuasive, leader, and powerful fighting abilities from his father. He was the perfect blend because he was believed to be the bridge that could exist between both worlds and help end the conflict.
Namjoon was going to be the change and he was bright enough to believe in a peaceful future  that did not seem to exist.
After meeting his mother and seeing the kindness she had, the other full-blood dragons had begun to change their perspectives on humans little by little as well. In their fights, dragons had started to spare more humans, and not attack without a reason. The Dragon King ordered his kind to stop hurting human children. After he had one of his own, he had began to develop sympathy for other parents.
A shift was starting, and the amount of blood shedding was decreasing. The dragons were showing mercy, but humans perceived it as a sign of weakness. They thought the dragons were weakening. They saw this ‘weakness’ as their chance to end the fighting for once and for all, and make it end well in their favour.
Other humans found out about the human the Dragon King had wedded and his new born child. At first they thought he wedded a human against her will. A group of few human men with excellent stealth skills sneaked into the dragon’s terrority to “rescue” Namjoon’s mother. However,  when they saw that she was actually happy in the presence of the Dragon King and her abomination of a child, they were extremely shocked.
They perceived her actions as a betrayal to her own species. They failed to understand that she had married the Dragon King in the first place so she could show him the kindness that humans had, and prevent as many battles as she could between the dragons and humans. Her strategy was working. She had spend many months turn her plan into a reality. However, it was all ruined with few actions.  
When everyone had begun their slumber for the night, the humans sneaked in and kidnapped the Dragon’s King wife and his child. Once they finish their preparations by binding his wife’s and child’s hands and legs to a tree, they started a huge rukus in order to grab the Dragon King’s attention. They waved torches of fire around Namjoon and his mother signalling to burn them as a threat if he did not come on time.
The Dragon King had appeared in front of them in no time, and his enormous gigantic form loomed over the humans. With the loud and harsh air he exhaled, it was more than obvious that he was beyond pissed. His intimidating presence terrified the humans who had dared to mess with him, but they held their ground. With torches raised high, and smirks plastered on their faces, they spoke.
“Kill yourself Dragon King, or watch us kill your wife and child,” They claimed, as they viciously whipped the fire close to Namjoon's and his mother’s faces and she trembled in fear.
The Dragon King narrowed his eyes at the lowly humans that had dared to challenge him. He spoke in a booming voice.
“I will do no such thing. You’ll be the ones who will put down that torch and leave my family be if you want me to spare your lives,” Dragon King warned. While his threat caused some of the humans to tremble in fear, it did not phase one of them. Said human smirked, and threw the torch in his hand towards the Dragon King’s tied up wife.
Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion as the flame torch flew towards Namjoon’s mother; she gasped, and the Dragon King’s eyes widened. The person who had thrown the flame started to raise his hand and signalled another human to make a move, who was hidden from the sight. Then, all of a sudden it was fast paced as the hot flames licked at the woman’s skin and started to burn her, causing her to scream out in pain. The Dragon King bellowed and was about to fly out towards the offenders to kill them but that never happened.
“Shoot him now!” One of the humans screamed, and from behind where another was hidden, an arrow that had been dipped in lily poison harmful to the dragons, was shot. The arrow dug right into the life vein at back of the Dragon King’s neck. He screamed out in pain and his loud growl caused Namjoon, who had been unconscious so far, to jolt awake.
He woke up to see his mother being burnt to death, and humans stabbing his father and digging various sharp weapons in him.
It was on that day when Namjoon lost control to his dragon form, and killed ruthlessly for the first time that will lead to many more murders to come in the future.
It was that one event that changed him for the rest of his life, and the boy that was supposed to be the change and be the bridge of piece in between worlds, was the change. But it was a change of horror, because the blood shed and battle between dragons and humans that existed for centuries, morphed into blood baths and wars under Namjoon’s reign.
You were a mere herbalist healer and often ventured into wild woods, mountains, and other places where other humans would not usually go to. Humans specifically did not venture into the mountains since that was where the dragons resided. And with their current King, human population had come to decline significantly, and learned to keep their head low, and mind their own business. As long as they did that and other things the dragons asked them to, they were safe for the most part.
At the start of each third cycle, humans were required to make sacrifice one of them for the current Dragon King, Kim Namjoon. The time for the sacrifice was approaching and none had been made so far. And none would be made since you were going to be perceived as one.
You were not really sure where the line between the human and dragon territory was drawn, so you went further into the mountain’s wild woods than you were meant to. You were looking for a particular chamilia flower since its petals were highly valuable in treating deep wounds. Just when you had stumbled into the area that was rumoured to lead to field of magical chamilias, you were spotted by a dragon.
You gasped in surprise when you heard a low growl from behind you, and as you turned, your eyes widened in surprise. There was terror in your eyes, and noticing the evident fear on your face, the red dragon grinned widely in triumph.
“The sacrifice this cycle is a cute one. I’m certain that the Dragon King would like you,” He said, and he stepped out on one leg. When you saw the its giant foot/paw and the size of its claws on it, your legs trembled. You stepped backwards in fear and shook your head.
“I-I’m not the-- not the sacrifice. Sorry I didn’t know I was in the dragon territory I’ll just leave,” You said, smiling nervously. You turned around and were going to run for your life, but before you could, the dragon’s tail flew towards you and wrapped around your waist. You screamed loudly as you were lifted in the air and were forced to drop all of the your belongings onto the ground. The grip of the dragon’s tail around your waist tightened until it felt like you were going to pass out from the suffocation. You eventually did, and at the same time, the dragon took his flight.
“That’s what they all say before we eat them for good,” The dragon said to your fainted form, as he flew to the highest peak where the Dragon King resided.
You woke up to sounds of screams of panic, and sound of vicious flying. Stress and worry lingered in the air, and you felt it evidently as you grudgingly sat up. You noticed that you were in an unfamiliar room that was incredibly lavish; the walls were painted in rich hues of black and crimson and the furniture of the room was extravagant like it belonged to some royal or something.
Eventually, you stood up, and walked in the direction you heard the noise and others talking from. You pushed away the curtains of the room slightly, so you would be able to look through the glass door. The sight you saw caused your eyes to widen.
There were dragons in the garden that was outside of the room you were in. So many dragons, and they were all hovering and circling around something. You could not clearly understand what they were murmuring which prompted you to concentrate so you could make out what they were saying. While trying to understand their now hushed words, your eyes drifted to the right hand side of the garden. You audibly gasped when you saw the countless of flowers and plants that you recognised which you had only ever seen in books. There were many that you wanted to find but never could. They were the rare ones that you always wanted to gather for your herbal medicines since they healed wounds and other illnesses in no time.
You really hoped that you would be able to collect some of the plants and take it home with you so you could make some medicines out of it and give it to your fellow villagers. However, as soon as that thought came it disappeared, when you noticed that one of the dragons had spotted you. And now,  all of them were staring at you.
You gasped and tried scrambled away from the glass door. But the door was opened by one of the dragons in an instant, and with its tail wrapped around your waist, it pulled you out easily like you were a rag doll.
You yelped and tried to struggle out of its grip, but your efforts remained useless. You grunted as the dragon threw you on the ground carelessly. Your skin rubbed harshly against the pavement of the ground which caused you to wince. You were going to get up and give them a piece of your mind. However, when you saw a baby dragon laying beside you, breathing heavily, and blood coming out of its wound, you gasped. You made your way to her before someone even said anything.
You grabbed a part of your shirt, ripped a piece of it, so you would tie it to the baby dragon’s wound. No one really said or did anything except watch you silently. It wasn’t long before you sighed and looked at the dragons surrounding you with a disapproving gaze.
“Are you all just going to stand there all day and stare? Give me the ingredients I tell you if you want me to save this child. You should have everything here,” You said motioning to the various plants in the garden.
It was strange how scared you were in the dragon’s grip mere moments ago, and now that you were performing your expertise, there was an confidence aura radiating off you that demanded other’s attention and focus. Most of the dragons made way for one to collect whatever you told them you needed,. They  watched you in wonder as you blended the plants together, applied the medicine to the baby and tied the ripped part of your shirt around its wound.
Throughout your entire working time, you failed to notice the pair of human eyes that were focused on you, and watched you intensely.
It had been decent amount of weeks since you had been staying with the dragons and began working as their herbalist healer. It was surprising how much they injured themselves for the littlest things when they barely fought many humans anymore.
During your stay, you had become acquainted with most of the dragons. Some of them were wary of you, and others regarded you coldly. As surprising as it was for you, you had come to learn that the infamous Dragon King was part human. He was something that never existed before and was able to shapeshift between his human and dragon form. Staying in his full dragon form for long periods of time, took a lot of energy for him so he preferred to stay human for most of the time.
Namjoon did not converse with you much but you knew that he was always watching you. Whether his constant watching was out of wariness and to make sure you would not do anything to hurt his people, or for something else you weren’t too sure. It definitely felt like something more -- that with his watchful gaze he had intentions and feelings etched in them that you had no clue about.
Unbeknownst  to you, Namjoon watched you because he was beginning to develop an obsession with you. The reason behind it was a bit unsettling because he developed an interest in you since you reminded him of his mother a lot. Your kind, selfless, and giving nature, your gentle eyes, and soft and wide smile, it was all the good things he cherished and love about his mother — he was beginning to like about you. You were the epitome of expression giving to others before yourself, and Namjoon knew that with a personality like yours, you could never survive into the human world for too long, or frankly in this world.
He knew from experience that it was always the sweet and innocent ones that suffered instead of the ones that should. His own tragedy of his parents, especially his mother was an example. Her own kind killed her for being happy with someone they did not approve of. It would surely happen to you if humans found out that you were helping them, and he would be a fool to let something happen to you. Your skills for making herbal medicines and healing them had become an important asset to their kind, and you were just so sweet. It made him want to protect you and keep you hidden from the dangers that existed in the rest of the world.
Namjoon could not stand the thought of you getting hurt and decided in one moment that only someone as sweet as you deserved to carry on his own mother’s legacy and deserved the title of the next queen of dragons.
You did not find out about the obsessive and overprotective tendencies he had developed for you until he killed one of his dragons in front of you in cold blood because said dragon had tried to hurt you. From what you recalled, his name was Jin, the one who had brought you here and was quite notorious for killing humans ruthlessly.
“If someone ever tries to hurt you, I’ll kill them,” Namjoon hissed, as he shapeshifted back into his human form, and looked at you with an intense gaze. “I killed before out of hatred and revenge but now I’ll only kill to protect you. I will never let anyone hurt you my love,” He whispered, as he wrapped his arms around you possessively.
<<previous: Pride [Yandere! Artificial Intelligence! Hoseok]  | next: Lust [Yandere! Incubus! Jimin]>> |  Masterpost
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