#seungmin reaction image
nj-in · 2 months
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Pink Jeongin pink Jeongin pink Jeongin pink Jeongin
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cheeseceli · 7 days
You wear a swimsuit
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Pairing: skz Ot8 × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff, reactions
Request: I was wondering how skz would react to their s/o being shy/not wanting them to see them in a bikini/swimsuit? thank you !! <3
Warnings: skinship on Hyunjin's, mentions of insecurities regarding body image
A/n: I truly need Lee Know to dye his hair purple again | daily click
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Bang Chan
At first he's just like "wear what you're the most comfortable with" and then, when you guys go to the pool or the beach, he's trying to entertain you as much as he can and inviting you to do everything with him (wanna play volleybal with me and the boys? We can go to the pool later) so hopefully you'll get comfortable and wear the swimsuit with no worries on mind
Lee Know
Out of all the boys, he's the one who covers himself the most, so I believe he'd completely understand you. If you aren't comfortable wearing revealing clothes, he gets it. However, he will not tolerate you thinking badly of yourself. Praises you until you understand that you're beautiful no matter what you're wearing.
He knows everyone has insecurities but?? You?? Having insecurities on how you LOOK?? He does NOT get it. This post is basically me saying they all would reassure and compliment you, but this is HEAVY on Changbin's. And he's also super dramatic when he sees you in the outfit in a positive way, like he would kneel and thank you for blessing him with your beauty
May I present you, ✨physical comfort✨. If you're insecure because of your body, he might just remember you that this is the exact body he loves so much. Kisses, hugs and soft touches until you forget why you were so self aware before.
If it's like an outing with the boys to the beach and you don't want him to see you, he'll reassure you that you look gorgeous to him always. Now, if you don't want other people seeing you, that's quick to solve: he's always so chaotic and so full of energy that outsiders will always look at him only lol. So everything is okay in the end
Just like the other boys, he would also reassure you, but if it would make you feel better, he'd offer to lend one of his shirts to you, so you could use it to cover your swimsuit until you feel more confident to show it. As a bonus, it would probably be your favourite shirt of his
I believe he would do the same as Felix but in a more subtle way. Instead of being like "I can lend you a shirt to cover your swimsuit" it would be like "do you want to wear a shirt of mine? Just because". He's trying to not make a big deal out of it so you don't think that wearing a bath suit is too much of a thing, he's tryna make you feel comfortable
He has a sort of delicate reassurance. The moment you say you don't want him to see you wearing a swimsuit, he wants to understand why. And then he gently convinces you to wear it and show him. He's ready to praise you for your looks. Somehow, he's a mix of all the other boys, but gentler if that makes sense.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: you have curly hair
Reminder that this is all fiction, this does not represent the members in real life!
Taglist: @yuyubeans @dandelions-143 @sleepyleeji
Dividers by @enchanthings | images 1, 2 and 3
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lieslab · 2 months
Kill this love
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Chan X gn reader
Summary: After a rough day, Chan's anger is taken out on you and it tends to bring up unhealed wounds from your past relationship.
Genre: Angst without a happy ending
Word Count: 2.2K
Trigger warning: Anger, implications of post-traumatic-stress-disorder, domestic abuse, and a panic attack.
A/N: This one was a request and I finally got around to it. Hooray!! I might have cried a little while writing this and I never want to ever write Chan angry again because this is the second one and it makes me feel bad, but here you go <3
_ _ _
It was hard to be a leader. It meant stepping forward and being a pillar on your worst days. Going the extra mile, even when you just wanted to collapse into a ball and cry. It meant carrying the burden for your members, trying to keep everything in order, and keeping your image squeaky clean. 
The media is ruthless. One new article can destroy a career. One dating rumor can fuel acidic hatred. One fuck-up can destroy you in the eyes of your fans. When your number one fans morph into number one haters. When words of praise and smiles become scowls, glares, and castigation. 
There was always a blooming anxiety overhead. Storm clouds that threatened to downpour at any moment and when your company was constantly chastising you, well…being a leader was hard. 
It was a privilege to be a leader, but lately, it had been nothing, but a burden; a sheet of plastic wrap that was far too tight for him to breathe in. No matter what he seemed to do, it just wasn’t working lately. He couldn’t please the company, the fans were whining about something far from his control, and the members weren’t listening. He loved them, but sometimes they just wanted to bicker and screw around instead of cooperate. 
“What is going on today?” Minho mumbled beneath his breath. 
“You’re telling me,” Chan grumbled in response. The pair were attempting to teach yet another challenging dance, but nobody wanted to take the time to listen. 
After traveling out of the country and coming back this week, the company only gave them one day to rest. It was one day too little. The guys were exhausted and whiny. Nobody wanted to put in the effort to learn the dance and everyone just wanted to go home. 
“Hello?” Minho called out, a weak attempt to put the spotlight back on him, but it didn’t work. “Guys?” 
Seungmin and Felix were missing from the group. The two of them said something about using the bathroom, but that was nearly twenty minutes ago. Changbin had Han pinned down onto the floor. I.N was sprawled out over the couch and Hyunjin was bouncing on top of him while I.N weakly attempted to shove him off. 
“What’s the point of attempting to teach the dance if they won’t listen?” 
“Guys!” Chan’s sharp voice shot through the air. 
That drew their attention towards him rather quickly. Four sets of eyes met him and he crossed his arms over his own chest. “Get up and knock it off! We have work to do and w-” 
He was cut off by the door to the dance studio opening. He assumed that it was Felix and Seungmin, but when you headed over towards him with a frown, he only assumed the worst. The water bottle in his hand went flying out of anger. To your surprise, it swung past your head. 
Your eyes went wide at the sudden reaction. Chan took your breath away in multiple ways during the relationship, but for once, you really couldn’t breathe. You were sucked back into your past relationship. The vacuum of your brain pulled you in before you could do anything. 
You couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t scream. Everything you tried to rebuild, it crumbled; your self-dignity, self-respect, and self-love. They had been stacked on a pile of styrofoam and now it was melting. 
Chan began to yell at you, but you didn’t hear him. You were aware of his hands waving and his lips moving, but you couldn’t hear anything he was saying. The words never reached your ears as the memories from your last relationship came flooding back. 
You still remembered the scent of tobacco from them. The way it was always overpowering and seemed to burn your nostrils and coat your tongue. Even now without them, you could smell it again. You suddenly felt nauseous as your stomach twisted and churned. 
The rest of the guys sat shocked as Chan yelled at you. They knew his anger came out in rough ways sometimes, but they never thought he’d take it out on you. After all, the two of you had been dating for quite a while. 
You spun around and rushed out the door. Down the hall you flew and you didn’t stop. When Felix and Seungmin were giggling as they turned down the hall, you shoved your body between them and bumped into their shoulders. There wasn’t time to apologize, you just rushed away. 
Felix tried to call after you, but you didn’t stop to listen. Instead, you ran back towards the entrance of the building. Your heart was a hammer in your chest and fear clutched your heart. 
Sometimes people were fragile and vulnerable. You didn’t work up the courage to tell Chan because the truth was that you were terrified. When people hear about the abuse that occurs in romantic relationships, quite often, the first response is “why didn’t you just leave?” It’s never just that simple. 
Domestic abuse tends to follow the cycle of abuse. Everything seems okay for a while and suddenly things begin to get tense. Every action you take seems to be a ticking time bomb. You’re walking on eggshells and then you hit a landmine. 
You could still remember the redness of your past lover’s face. The way that a vein bulged in their forehead as they screamed at you until their voice gave out. Then came the sorrow filled apologies. 
“I didn’t mean to, I swear.” 
“It won’t happen again, I promise.” 
“I was just angry, I’m sorry.” 
And because you wanted to believe it was a one time thing, you believed them, but then it just kept happening. Over and over and over and over again. They call the peace after that burst of aggression the honeymoon phase. 
The kindness you experienced, you fell in love all over again. The occasional candybar you’d get. The apology with flowers and a handwritten card. The bags of greasy fast food with hushed promises to do better. 
Words without actions are meaningless. Promises mean nothing, if you keep breaking them. Just when you thought it was safe for you, your significant other burst again. You thought you were free of it, but here you were again. At least, at the beginning of it, and now you were terrified that it was going to happen all over again. 
When Felix and Seungmin got back to the dance practice room, it was oddly quiet. Minho glanced up when the pair walked in, but he didn’t feel like teaching anymore. The fear on your face when the water bottle was thrown your way, he couldn’t get it out of his head. 
“Why are you all so quiet?” Seungmin asked. 
“Chan, did you see-” 
“I don’t wanna talk about it!” He snapped. “Let's just learn this stupid dance, so we can all go home.” 
“Did something happen?” Felix asked. 
“He chucked a water bottle at his significant other’s head,” Minho blurted out. 
“You…you what?” 
“It’s not like I meant to! Like you haven’t done dumb shit before!” 
“I’d never throw something at the love of my life, you asshole!” 
“Fuck off, Minho!” 
“Wait! Shut up for a minute!” Seungmin interrupted. “Did you seriously throw a water bottle?” 
“No, he also yelled at them and made them cry,” Hyunjin added. 
A look of terror was shared between Felix and Seungmin. Chan’s angry demeanor dropped instantly at the sight of it. “What was that? What did you two just do?” 
“Why would you ever do something like that? You know that they’ve been in an abusive relationship and now you ju-” 
Chan’s eyes widened. “They what? What are you talking about?” 
“You…you don’t know?” Felix’s voice softened. “They never told you, did they?” 
“Say you’re kidding.” 
“No, I thought you knew. They talked to Seungmin and I one day when they were struggling. They were looking for you, but came across us instead and they were having a mini breakdown about it and…” He trailed off. “God, you really did it now.” 
“What are you waiting for? Go after them!” Seungmin reached over and gave Chan a small shove. “Go try to win them back now that you fucked up your relationship. Don’t come back until you apologize.” 
Chan stumbled, but he didn’t fight Seungmin’s suggestion. Instead, he jogged to the practice door, swung it open, and disappeared outside. He cursed himself beneath his breath. How could he fuck it up this badly? 
Meanwhile, you rushed into your apartment with tears in your eyes. Your bottom lip quivered and you hugged yourself tightly, a weak attempt to soothe your soul, but it wasn’t working. The warmth of your hands rubbed up and down your arms, but it still didn’t help. 
You barely made it onto your couch before you curled into a ball and pressed your legs against your chest. How could he do that to you? He didn’t know, but how could he? Even when you were angry and outraged, you’d never imagine throwing something at someone. It was hard to wrap your head around. 
All those feelings from the past relationship were bubbling up again. You thought it was a one and done thing. You didn’t think the hurt would linger so much, but it did. The sting of betrayal and the hurt overflowed your heart. You were drowning in the feelings that you thought had washed away. 
You wanted the warmth and comfort of Chan, but now you were scared. The warmth you once craved became a fire. Too hot to touch and too dangerous to love. What if he did it again? What if next time, it turned into physical assault? What if? What if? What if? 
You squeezed your eyes shut and buried your head in the floral cushion. He was supposed to be your safe place, your rock, and your world. What happened now that it had fallen apart? What were you supposed to do? 
The idea of breaking up with him was unbearable, but you were so scared. You promised yourself you’d never settle for anything like the last relationship. What if it continued? The thought haunted you like a ghost. 
When the front door to your apartment slammed open, you jerked up on the couch. Your heart bucked wildly and your eyes widened when Chan rushed into the living room. When your eyes met, you felt yourself unable to breathe again. 
“Baby, I’m so sorry I-” He started to come towards you. 
“Don’t!” You barked and pulled back. 
“Let me just-” 
“Stop!” You cried out as you climbed over the arm of the couch. “Stop it, you’re scaring me!” 
He suddenly stopped with his arms outstretched towards you. “Please don’t say that, I just want to touch you. I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. The guys were being a pain in my ass and I had no right to take it out on you, but I did. Please let me hold you.” 
“I-I can’t.” Your voice quivered and tears built up in your eyes. “I’m so afraid. I-I…please…” You sucked in a shaky breath. “Just stay over there and don’t come closer. I should have told you, but I-I was scared and-” A sob threatened to escape your lips. 
His heart broke all over again. It was like glass shattering over and over and over in his ears. What had he done to you? What did he do?
“About your past relationship?” He sank to his knees on the floor. “I found out from Felix and Seungmin. I didn’t know and if I did, I would have never done what I did. I shouldn’t have done it in the first place and there’s no excuse for it.” 
“Can’t you just get out?” 
“I don’t want you here right now. I need time and I-” The image of him blurred from your tears. “I need to think and I hate to say it, but I’m so scared you’ll do it again.” 
“I won’t. I’m not going to hurt you. I-” 
“Please!” You cried out with desperation. “Chan, please, I can’t do this right now, I-” You struggled to breathe. It was a fight to capture air in your lungs. 
He knew a panic attack when he saw one from you. They didn’t happen often and they were rare, but he used to comfort you during them. He used to rub your back and speak softly. The warmth of his breath on your neck as he helped coach you through deep breaths. 
“Sweetheart, don’t do this to me. I know you’re struggling to breathe, so just let me-” 
“Get out!” You shrieked. “Get the fuck out of my apartment! Get-” You sucked in a shallow breath. “Out!” 
His own tears began to fill his eyes. You were a wreck and it was all his fault. When he hesitated, ragged sobs fell from your body as you collapsed to the ground. It was as if someone was ripping up your heart. Your brain was fighting comfort and fear at the exact same time. 
“Please,” he whispered. 
When you shook your head with those watery eyes, he knew he had to go. His presence here was just making you worse. He couldn’t help you, no matter how much he wished he could. 
He pushed himself to his feet and took a final glance at you. You were curled up and half-hiding behind the couch arm for security. His eyes met yours and he managed to get out an “I love you.” 
And the worst part? 
You couldn’t find the strength to say it back. 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi @stellasays45
Taglist and inbox rules
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spiceofvy · 1 year
SKZ walking in on the Reader masturbating
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cws: gender neutral reader, mention of toys used during masturbation (minho), filming (changbin), drawing someone while their masturbating (hyunjin), mutual masturbation (seungmin, jeongin)
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Chan: Is immediately flustered and curses himself for not knocking before he gets in. He walks out of the room, slamming the door a bit too hard, startling you. Talk of killing the mood. After you‘re finished or gave up because you were no longer in the mood he talks to you about what is okay for him to do in such a situation. „I don‘t mind helping you next time if you want me to.“
Minho: Will smile widely when walks in on you. He probably heard you through the door so he knows exactly what is happening on the inside. „Don‘t you want something better than this sad little toy?“ Oh and better he is. And half an hour of solo fun turns into multiple hours of fucking. Asks you to text him next time so he can come home a bit earlier.
Changbin: Gets shy when he sees you and walks straight back out. But just a couple of seconds of seeing you like this already turned him on so much. Has a wank of shame later. And the day after. And the week after. He just can‘t stop the image of you pleasuring yourself from hunting him. Will ask you to film yourself the next time you masturbate, starting a whole collection of videos on his phone. „Just for when I can‘t have you by my side.“
Hyunjin: When he sees you in such a position, something in his mind just halts, he has finally found inspiration for his next painting. Asks you to keep doing so he can draw you. If you agree he is gonna sit by your side watching how your face moves, how you blush, how shudder when you cum. Keeps on asking for just one more orgasm so he has more references. When he is done and several pages of his special sketchbook are filled he will thank you with his mouth. „Thank you for doing this for me my beautiful muse“
Jisung: Jisung doesn‘t realize what you are doing when he walks into the room. He had a long day and just really needs to rant. How the vending machine at the studio was broken, how the music software crashed two times, he got stuck for hours on the same part of the song, how it rained on the way home and he forgot his umbrella. When he realizes what you were up to he just stares at you for a bit. And you just stare back. „When you‘re already at it… wanna fuck?“ Laughs about it later and promises to check if you're masturbating before he starts ranting next time.
Felix: Our baby gets so shy when he walks in on you. Starts to frantically swear in English while covering his eyes instead of walking out, face dark red. Then starts apologizing, still standing there with his eyes covered. When he finally realizes that he should probably leave you alone he hits his foot on the doorway. „Just tell me when you‘re finished!“ When he‘s outside he realizes that the situation has him pretty aroused which makes him blush again.
Seungmin: „I don‘t mind. Keep going.“ If you don‘t ask him to leave he will just stay to watch. After some time he starts rubbing his bulge through his pants, his eyes roaming your body and flushed face. Praises you softly for being so pretty for him. Will keep the eye contact going as you both cum. After that mutual masturbation will become your guys’ normal reaction to walking in on each other.
Jeongin: Another shy baby. But he just can't take his eyes away from you, you look so good while satisfying yourself. When he finally runs out of the room he has such a hard boner. He wasn’t aware that watching you masturbate would be such a turn-on for him. Will ask you later if he could watch you making yourself cum, which will lead to mutual masturbation. „I just want to see you feeling good.“
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torialefay · 9 months
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My Grimoire 🪄 Masterlist
started: jan 05, 2024
last update: sept 05, 2024
total works: 78
i'm so glad you're here! 🌟 if you have any requests, please scroll to the bottom for more guidelines. if you'd just like to chat in general, send me a message any time! 🫶🏼
key: (s) = smut (f) = fluff (a) = angst
🌟 = toria's recs
my most recents:
• Take It Like A Real Man (chan smut)
• "you've never had someone be this good to you before?" (changbin smut)
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☀️ Everyday Idol 🌙 (series): bangchan x reader (maybe, hehe u will have to see); jungkook x reader (also a maybe bc i’m evil); fluff, smut, angst; ONGOING
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
✨bangchan as your boyfriend (astrology series); bangchan x reader; COMPLETE
🌟 Pt 1: Venus in Scorpio pt. 1 (s) (intense & emotional)
Venus in Scorpio pt. 2 (s) (intense & emotional)
Pt 2: Sun in Libra (f) (a)
Pt 3: Mars in Sagittarius (a)
Pt 4: Moon in Libra (f) (hurt/comfort)
Pt 5: Mercury in Libra (a) (hurt/comfort)
One Shots/Drabbles:
🌟 The Eaten Heart (s) (intense, ritualistic, sacreligious)
🌟 “Bye Basket” 💬 (f)
🌟 I Think You're Really Pretty Too (s) (sub idol chan)
✨ Mirror Image (s)
✨ Do You Want to Try? (s) (daddy chan)
✨ Morning Sex with Chan (s) (f)
✨ 🎶 Dating Chan Sounds Like 🎶 (f) (a) (PLAYLIST)
✨ Slow Morning/ Doing Chan’s Hair (f) (lil drabble)
✨ Mom & Dad of KPop (Met Gala as Chan's girlfriend) (f) (lil drabble)
✨ Take It Like A Real Man (s) (pegging)
✨ (Birthday) Queen Reigns Supreme (s) (chan/felix/reader)
✨ i have several more small astro readings/drabbles/blurbs for channie. scroll to the bottom if you'd like to read more <3
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✨minho as your boyfriend (astrology series); minho x reader; running now
Pt 1: 🗝️ Sun in Scorpio ♠️
Pt 2: Moon in Sagittarius 🚩🚩
One Shots/Drabbles:
🌟 You Want a Baby, Huh? (s) (breeding)
✨ Whatever Makes You Feel Better. Period. (s) (comfort) (period sex)
✨What is Lee Know like when he is jealous? (drabble)
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🌟 One Hell of a Workout 💣 (s) (public sex)
✨ "you've never had someone be this good to you before?" (s) (perv!changbin)
✨changbin as your boyfriend (astrology series); changbin x reader; COMING SOON!!!
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✨ Don't Cry, I Thought You Liked It (s)
🌟 You Know Whose You Are (s)
✨hyunjin as your boyfriend (astrology series); hyunjin x reader; COMING SOON!!!
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🌟 Jealous Sex with Han (s)
✨ Praise for the Princess 🎀 (s)
✨jisung as your boyfriend (astrology series); jisung x reader; COMING SOON!!!
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🌟 Home Will Always Be Here Too 🏠📍 (s) (f)
✨ Say It Right (s) (dom felix)
✨ (Birthday) Queen Reigns Supreme (s) (chan/felix/reader)
✨felix as your boyfriend (astrology series); felix x reader; COMING SOON!!!
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✨🍷 I Want Your Lips 🌪️ (s) (husband seungmin)
🌟 Regardless of That Fucking Assignment 📝 (s) (professor seungmin au)
✨seungmin as your boyfriend (astrology series); seungmin x reader; COMING SOON!!!
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🌟 Public Sex With Jeongin (s)
✨"What Did You Wish For?" 🎂 (s) (birthday sex)
✨jeongin as your boyfriend (astrology series); jeongin x reader; COMING SOON!!!
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✨SKZ's Reaction to Your Drunken Confession🍾 (f) (ot8 drabble)
✨ SKZ's Reaction to Having a Pet in the Bedroom During Sex? (ot8 drabble)
✨ Who in SKZ has the best pull out game? (ot8 drabble)
✨ Which type of doctor would each SKZ member be?
✨ SKZ as Bridgerton Characters
✨ SKZ as the Major Arcana
✨ How 3racha takes care of you when you're sick
✨ What birth order would SKZ be most likely to date?
✨ SKZ as animal types of boyfriends
✨ Who in SKZ is most likely to like missionary?
✨ Who in SKZ is more emotional vs rough in the bedroom?
✨ Who in SKZ has the most possessive energy & how do they show it?
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Smut Requests 💋💦
please know that i WILL get to your request as soon as i'm able to
i try to write these out in the order that i receive them, so if i have a lot of requests, it will take a few weeks before i can get it done
the only exception to this rule is if i have several requests for the same member in a row. i may move up the list to another member if this is the case :)
Natal Chart Readings 🔮
i offer free natal chart compatibility readings with 1 skz member of your choice
if interested, send the following to my ask box/inbox (NOT to my messages pls <3) :
your natal chart or placements (i recommend Cafe Astrology or Astro-Seek for their user friendliness!)
which member you'd like me to assess with you (OR alternatively, i can write for which member i think is best suited to you)
please specify your pronouns!
compatibility reading requests are always open, but it does take me a while to work through them. please be patient, as i do them in order of when i receive them. each takes me ~30 mins - 1 hour, so i am only able to do them in my free tim (which isn't a lot tbh). i PROMISE i will get to yours within a few months!!!
• i will not write for minors. pls have your age in bio!
Random Chris Blurbs/Discussions/Asks:
✨ Chan in a relationship/ would he be an asshole? (astrology)
✨ Does Chan have a daddy/corruption kink? && Does he have a caregiver complex?
✨ What type of person does Chan need, and who can he not be with? (Non-astro, just my opinions)
✨ Lil drabble over “The Eaten Heart” from my fav lil 🦇 anon <3
🌟 Drabble on Chan's "Eternity" SKZ Record
✨ How does Chan act when he gets jealous/possessive?
✨ Channie overstimming you until you cry :(
✨ What is Chan like in a relationship when his s/o has a bad day & gets clingier than usual?
✨ Christopher cringey loserboy drabble
✨ Things gentleman boyfriend Channie would do
🌟 How would Chris propose?
✨ How would Chris react to being in a relationship with someone very independent?
✨ My review of the candle from Chris' live lol
✨ Chris' generalized masturbation habits
✨ Is Chris prone to loneliness?
✨ Lil discussion on Chris' daddy kink & pt.2
✨ Is Chris the type to tell you what to wear? (lil angsty)
✨ Ramble on Chris' sexual frustration and loneliness
✨ Chris' masculine mannerisms
The Babiest of Anons:
🦇 🎀 �� 🦔 🪷 ☀️
🌙 About Me ✨ (if you're interested)
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outro-jo · 2 years
Stray Kids Masterlist
main | info (please read before requesting)
key- fluff: ☀️ angst: 🌧️
spicy: 🔥 au: 🪐 text: 💬
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skz x godly parents
when they can’t have you 🌧️
fav ways to show affection ☀️
with autistic partners ☀️
“how’s my short king” 💬
hiding after teasing 🔥 (18+)
when skz says “no” ☀️
time of the month ☀️💬
kissing skz goodbye ☀️
calling them a cute nickname ☀️💬
pushing you away 🌧️
telling them you’re autistic ☀️
writing a song with skz ☀️
member aesthetics
helping with body image issues ☀️
dating a nonbinary person ☀️🌧️
vs pain flares 🌧️
w/ a science-y partner ☀️
w/ a black cat partner | bunny partner ☀️
when your brother doesn’t like them 🌧️☀️
helping partner through chemo
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Bang Chan
best friends to lovers ☀️
cravings (chanlix) ☀️
royal reunion ☀️
failed date night (chanlix) ☀️
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Lee Know
go or stay 🌧️☀️
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you are so beautiful☀️
w/ his bf ☀️
masterpiece (18+) 🔥
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저기요 누나/형 ☀️
your sunshine ☀️ (jilix)
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cravings (chanlix) ☀️
your sunshine (jilix) ☀️
good cow-munication ☀️
failed date night (chanlix) ☀️
study buddies | pt 2 ☀️
the missile is eepy ☀️
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you’re on your own kid
part one,
please read info before requesting
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kaciidubs · 3 months
hey ml, long time no see! i feel like it’s been a while since i sent a request and i had an idea pop into mind!
fem! skz manager x ot8!skz where the reader is a hidden song artist and has loads of albums that have gone viral. Her identity gets leaked whilst on the way to the airport for skz’s tour. The boys are confused about why everyone is taking photos and videos of their manager and then they later find out why and after listening to some of her songs (2000s lady gaga style music) they confront her about it?
Hi my baby! Sorry this took me so long to get to, but we're here now~ It's not much but I hope you like it.
It genuinely wasn't meant to be a secret, you just didn't think you needed to discern your less-than-usual past as you secured the position of managing the leaders of K-Pop's fourth generation.
What they didn't know wouldn't hurt, right?
Well, you'd hoped it remained that way until you started garnering some unintended attention every time you would travel with the boys; camera lenses pointed in your direction more often, fans vying to get your attention alongside the boys' - it got to the point where security was starting to protect you almost as much as the kids.
None of them were the wiser to this influx of attention - you were pretty, and one of the few public female representatives to Stray Kids' management team, so it only seemed like an odd natural step to your association with them; at least, that was until a few fans chanted a name they hadn't heard before.
Hyunjin was the first to jump into looking up the name's association on the plane's shoddy WiFi while on their way to Japan, and wouldn't you imagine his surprise when images of you - albeit a slightly younger version of you - popped up on his phone's screen on numerous YouTube thumbnails and articles.
It didn't take long for him to put two and two together - granted, the headline "Pop Princess becomes K-Pop Manager" did much of the heavy lifting - and several links were sent to the boys' online group chat; each reaction text grander than the last while you relaxed in your seat, none the wiser to their revelations.
Through the hustle and bustle of customs and baggage claim, everyone was soon settled in their respective hotel rooms, ready to tackle the first day of rehearsals and final adjustments - or so you thought, until you received a text from your group chat aptly named lost orphans.
Bread Boy: Noona!! Come to Changbin's room we have something to ask you 🙏🏻
Could you have ignored him and gone back to your show? Perhaps, but you knew the boys - whenever one of them requested your presence, it was best to see it through, no matter how silly it often turned out to be.
Shuffling your way down the hall, you pressed the spare key card to Changbin's room on the reader before letting yourself in - welcoming yourself to the sound of multiple conversations and faint music weaving throughout the atmosphere.
With the door closing to announce your arrival, you wandered further into the room to see each of the boys taking up space on the double queen beds. It wasn't until you you settled into the free desk chair that the song floating through the air began to tug at your memory.
"Is this...?"
"Your old music that you decided to keep a secret from us?" Seungmin looked at you with a playful smirk, holding this phone up, "Yeah, it is - and it's really good, by the way."
Now, was this a scene from your worst nightmare? Not exactly, but you were absolutely mortified at what they could've stumbled across from old interviews and - lord forbid, your old performances.
"Don't tease her," Minho chided, hitting the top of the younger's head, "you know there's probably a reason she didn't share it with us."
"Would you have told us eventually?" Jisung's wide, hopeful eyes bore into your own, "Because, really, these songs are amazing - did you write them yourself? Did you have a team? When did you start? Why did you stop?"
Hyunjin waved his hand, "Han, calm down - ask her anymore questions and you're gonna scare her off!"
"Guys, please." Each of the boys grew quiet at Chris's insistence, letting him take lead of the conversation at hand. "We didn't mean to just throw this at you but finding out our manager used to be a singer was just too amazing to pass up - I hope you're not mad at us for going behind your back and, in a way, invading your privacy?"
You took in his sympathetic expression before taking the time to look at each of the other boys, the mix of apologetic hope warming your heart and easing the worry that crept up your spine.
"It's okay - honestly, I knew it was going to come up eventually down the line, but I hoped at that time I would've gotten ahead of it enough to at least show you guys the better songs."
The tension in the air quickly dissipated at your playful tone, and the boys began heatedly discussing your old discography, performances, and whatever question they'd hoped you would answer.
"Would you ever go back to making music while being our manager?" Felix mused, nodding his head along to a new song now floating through the speaker.
"Follow up question, would you do a collab with us?" Changbin grinned, holding up his phone as if he were hosing an interview.
Jeongin held out a hotel notepad and pen, "Can I have your autograph?"
You went about answering as many of their questions as you could before you had to do your managerial duty of making sure they went to bed to have enough energy for their busy day the next morning - however, not without a promise that you'd continue the conversation after their schedule.
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gunilslaugh · 1 year
Can I request reader treating boyfriend XH like a puppy almost ik that sounds weird but I mean Like always making sure they drink water, feeding them, patting there head, booping their nose ykwim :p? Cuz honestly they all have golden retriever boyfriend energy to me I wanna take care of them HDJFHHFHFJ
Not gonna lie I read the first sentence and was a little off-put, but then I finished reading and understood what you meant. I hope you enjoy!
All members ß • 3 • ß
Summary: Xdinary Heroes reaction to you treating them in a puppy-like way.
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photo not mine credits to owner.
Gunil likes to act like he has this macho man image, so when you pat his head telling him how cute he is he pushes your hand away in defense. 
“I’m not cute. Look at all these muscles.” He flexes one of his arms and pats his bicep. “I’m a man,” he states proudly. Only to have you boop his nose in return. 
“A very cute man,” you smiled. Gunil sighs. He wants to be the one to take care of you, but you seem to be adamant about taking care of him. Always making sure that he eats and drinks plenty of water. Don’t get Gunil wrong, he appreciates it, but he has this bit of pride that makes it hard for him to let you look after him. He secretly loves it when you boop his nose though.
Jungsu got so flustered the first time you booped his nose. He didn’t know what to do. Chuckling awkwardly as he turned a shade of pink. 
“What was that for?” he asked. 
“You looked too adorable not too,” you told him. He has since gotten used to you doing this action. His nose crinkles up each time you do so. Jungsu is always grateful whenever you hand him a water bottle after practice or text him during the day asking about if he has eaten. He doesn’t mind you treating him in a puppy-like way unless you do in front of the members then he becomes very embarrassed. He asks you to keep it more behind closed doors. At the end of a long day he loves cuddling up next to you as you stroke his hair.
“Stop patting my head like I’m a dog.” Jiseok swats your hand away from his head. 
“I’m sorry I can’t help it, you give off golden retriever energy,” you say. 
“What does that even mean?” he laughs.
“It means I want to take care of you,” you explained. Encasing him in an overly affectionate hug. Jiseok hugs you back, but also rolls his eyes as if you’re being a bit ridiculous. He finds that he quite likes you taking care of him. Sometimes he thinks you’re being a bit much, although he still likes the feeling of you looking out for him. When you boop his nose or pat his head he gives you a judgemental look, however he secretly likes it. If you haven’t done it in a while he tries to think of a subtle way to get you to do it.
He doesn’t really notice that you treat him in a puppy-like way at first. He just thought that head pats and nose booping were your preferred ways of showing affection. He didn’t even connect those actions to the way you cared about him drinking enough water and having good meals either. It wasn’t until his members brought it up that he realized it. 
“Y’know it’s kinda funny how y/n treats you a bit like you're a puppy,” Jooyeon said. 
“What do you mean?” Seungmin questions.
“Dude, you seriously haven’t noticed? The head pats, the nose boops, cooing at how cute you are,” Hyeongjun listed. That’s when Seungmin noticed that you did take care of him as if he was a puppy. He doesn’t mind it though. It’s not like you do it in a weird way. You do it in a caring way, so he’s ok with it.
“You’re so cute Hyeongjunie,” you said after giving him a water bottle. One of your hands makes its way to ruffle his hair. A blush paints its way onto his cheeks. Compliments always made him a bit shy. 
“Thanks,” he says bashfully, looking down at the guitar in his lap. You couldn’t help but boop his nose before leaving him to practice in peace. Your nose booping added to the blush on his cheeks, making it become a deeper shade. He’s aware of the puppy-like nature you treat him in and it does make him a little shy, but at the same time, although he won’t admit it out loud, he likes it. He feels well cared for and loved. Some days it bothers him a little bit and he’ll ask you to turn it down. 
Jooyeon is currently napping with his head in your lap after horsing around. Your hand carded through his hair as he slept and he nuzzled closer to your touch.
“You really are like a puppy,” you stated. That’s why you couldn’t help, but take care of him. Making sure that he eats well and drinks enough water. Always feeding him a bit of your food whenever you two eat together. When he comes to you excited about something you can’t fight off the urge to pat his head. Often booping his nose just because you find him cute. Jooyeon loves the affections you give him. His heart warms whenever your hand finds its way to his head and flutters when your finger lands on his nose. He’s so happy to have you care about him. Will say comments like, “I’m not a dog.” Then get upset when you don’t give him head pats.
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joocomics · 10 months
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tags: mean idol!jooyeon x groupie fem!reader, mentions of threesomes, name calling | mdni
“I think you dropped this in the car.”
You recognise Jooyeon’s voice the moment you hear it.
“Oh, thanks,” you reply taking the small purse from his hand. You watch him turn away unconcerned with you or the conversation, and open up a black travel bag he tossed on the king sized bed. You put away your purse without letting him out of your sight. “Where are you going?”
“Out for a drink.” He replies with a passive tone, as he changes in another shirt.
“So…” you take a few steps closer, but not enough to see his face. You’re out of your heels now and you feel the soft carpet under your feet. The sounds of the running shower where Seungmin is at this very moment fill the silence between you two. “Does this mean you’re not joining us?” You look up at Jooyeon seductively.
“I don’t do stuff like that,” he spits out while placing his phone and keys in his pockets.
“Stuff like what?”
Jooyeon finally turns around, as he drops the bag on the floor before crossing the room towards your direction. He stares at you with an unrelenting look, that slowly turns into an amusing smirk as he gets closer.
“Sluts,” he answers. “Groupies as you like to call yourselves.”
“I’m not a slut,” your voice leaves through your lips in a colder tone. But you bite your lower lip controlling your nerves. You don’t want to piss him off. Your lipstick was long gone, wiped out from the boys’ fingers, so you can’t taste your cherry flavoured gloss. “I just enjoy having fun.” You lock eyes with his when he hovers over your body. “And I want to have fun with you too.” You add with quieter, drowned out words, as you hold tightly onto the eye contact.
Jooyeon inhales deeply your perfume clashing with the scent of sex coming from your body that’s wrapped in a little black dress, as he leans over your figure with one hand on the wall. His warm breath brushes your lips, and you lick them hoping to get a taste of him.
“Too bad I don’t share.” He hisses through his teeth making you drool like a dog.
You try your best not to swallow pathetically while he’s still leaning in your face. If you do, he’ll know you want his cock down your throat right away; he’ll know that you want him to make your throat sore before you let others take their turns on you. His blond professionally done hairstyle is still pretty in tact even after the concert. You glance at the only few strands hanging in his eyes before speaking.
“You did not enjoy what you saw on the backseat of your car then?”
You get a sharp chuckle as a reaction.
Jooyeon slides his tongue on the inner side of his cheek, repressing flashbacks of the little nasty show you had with Seungmin and Jiseok on the way to the hotel. He watched most of it, but he really wished he didn’t.
“Do you know how many of those I’ve seen?” He arches a brow at you with a bold grin.
He isn’t lying. You’re not the first girl Seungmin and Jiseok share with each other and you won’t be the last. Most times their threesomes begin in the cars, because their cocks couldn’t just wait a few minutes, and if Jooyeon had to share the ride with them or drive if he was the only sober one, he had to put up with it.
He usually doesn’t mind. He’s used to it and if he blasts music he completely forgets that it’s even happening. But you’re the first girl Jooyeon wished for a slight moment he didn’t let in his car.
“Also…” he whispers before closing his mouth again. Instead of pulling back, he leans a little closer, making you wait in anticipation with your bare back pressed against the wall.
The images of you earlier, moaning against Jiseok’s parted mouth as Seungmin’s hand was lost between your folds, stretching you out, so he can use you just like the rest of the girls he’s been fooling around with on multiple different backseats, pop up in his mind so vividly. Your tight dress was raised to your stomach, and everything between your thighs was exposed in the rear view mirror where he tried his best not to peek at. His fingers were squeezing the wheel harshly, as he tried to not look for your pretty moans through the loud music.
“I can do a lot better than that.” Jooyeon says before pulling back. His cold eyes glance at you for one last moment before he opens the door and leaves the hotel room.
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! please do not repost, copy or translate my works
! please keep in mind that english is not my first language. i apologise in advance for any mistakes i’ve might missed
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doyouevenamericano · 8 months
Stray Kids Reaction Images P.T Kim Seungmin
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skzkiyoon · 4 months
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💤 line distribution…
verse 1: HAN’s “자꾸 나를 자극하는 넌 출처가 없는 문제야 풀어야 할 숙제야” (0:17-0:22)
verse 2: Changbin’s “욕심이래도 되고 싶어, soulmate 이 맘은 점점 더 upgrade 'cause” (1:25-1:29)
verse 3: Lee Know’s “I cannot explain this emotion” (2:03-2:05)
verse 4: HAN’s “머릿속이 띵하고 무감정은 손절” (2:32-3:34)
verse 5: Changbin’s “I cannot explain this reaction” (2:57-2:59)
💤 images…
in front of i.n and hyunjin (0:17-0:19)
scratching her head and looking confused behind seungmin (0:41-0:42) + (0:44-0:45)
beside seungmin (0:51-1:04)
running behind i.n with a basket of red rose petals (1:05-1:07)
beside i.n (1:07-1:09)
beside seungmin with a spray paint can (1:24)
replace changbin with kie, changbin is now holding hands with han (1:26-1:28)
behind i.n (1:30-1:37)
behind changbin (1:43-1:48)
behind bang chan on top, beside bang chan on bottom (1:49-2:03)
in the corner of the screen next to i.n (2:20-2:21)
beside hyunjin (2:37-2:46)
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cheeseceli · 3 months
With a shy s/o
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Pairing: Ot8 Skz × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: headcanons, fluff
Request: I wanted to ask if you could do them having a shy s/o? Kinda quiet sometimes and getting flustered
Warnings: mention of food in Chan's, not proofread.
A/n: in need of a seungmin irl now | fundraiser
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Bang Chan
In between doing everything so you don't get shy and doing everything to fluster you. Yes he'll order food so you feel ok, but then he'll turn to you and start to tease you about something just to see how you get shy. Just the perfect mix of protection towards you and finding you cute in this state.
Lee Know
He's either flustering you as much as he can for no reason at all or he is accidentally making you shy and then he's this mix of being proud/shy himself because of the effect he has on you. No matter the situation, he will always have a soft smile on his lips on the end, happy with the outcome.
You'll constantly get shy around him because this man cannot stop bragging about you😭 of course he will stop it if he sees you're uncomfortable, but if not, he'll praise even the ground you walk on. And when you hide your face, he chuckles and compliments how lovely you look.
Most of the time he's not even trying to make you shy, it just happens. You are just living your life normally and then suddenly he decides to say the sweetest love confession ever like it's nothing. And then you're getting shy. And this man has the audacity to smile and say you're "cute".
He is always making pick up lines for you and honestly, some of them are actually good but most of them are just not it💀 if you get shy from what he says, no matter if it's because it worked on you or because of the second hand embarrassment, he will get all cocky about this. I'm sorry lmao.
We all know this man loves physical touch. If you get shy because of it then, man, you better get used to it 😭 he finds it very endearing as well. I can see him hugging you from behind randomly, you getting slightly embarrassed and then he laughs light-heartedly and sway with you from side to side.
Kinda supports you on doing things to overcome your timidness, like encouraging you to talk more when you're among his friends that you don't know very well and asking the bill yourself. His help is actually so comforting because, aside being extremely useful, he never ever patronises you.
Somewhere between trying to tease you because your reaction is cute and getting shy himself because you were, in fact, very cute. Honestly it's a very cool dynamic lmao. It all happens in his head and you just go from hiding your face to being confused because why is he hiding his own face now? You didn't even do anything??
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: With a hyper s/o
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143 @sleepyleeji
Credits for images 1 2 and 3
Dividers by @isisjupiter
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chiskz · 2 years
fake feelings in fake world
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𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞: few days before Jan 3 2023 ; Jan 3 2023
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2k
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: were the fans right and Seungmin & Chichi's relationship is fake? how did it even happen?
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬: Seungmin & Chichi's dating news || is seungmin and chichi's relationship fake?
𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: swearing, angst
♡ @g4m3girl
♡taglist: @smh-anon , @curly-fr13s (since you wanted skz reaction to their relationship! ♡)
《 ♡ 》
It was an ordinary day. I mean, it would definitely be ordinary and busy with the Stray Kids schedule, if it wasn't for the phone call Chichi came to pick up. She was called by none other than JYPe, without revealing any details letting the girl figure out what was going on. Stressed out, though knowing she'd done nothing wrong, she bit her lower lip. She was lucky that the rest of her dormmates, Minho, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin, were too busy with their morning routine to notice that she had left early.
Three people were already waiting for her in the office, which only added to her stress and made the situation even more serious. So she sat down silently, and then the laptop was turned in her direction, on which the video was ready to be turned on. Chichi swallowed loudly when it turned out that it was a recording of her going out with Changbin. They weren't doing anything wrong, of course, but the situation presented could have looked bad out of context. It was the day they visited the restaurant together. The space they occupied consisted of a table and a couch where they sat together, very close to each other. It was so noisy there that they sat down this way just to hear each other better. However, the fact the way their faces were close plus the possibly intentional poor quality of the video may have hinted at a kiss in some moments. Chichi didn't say anything for a long time, clasping her hands tightly on her knees.
"We got this in an email yesterday from those idiot Dispatch reporters, if you can even call them reporters, damn it." The only man in the room, in a suit, began to speak.
Chichi cleared her throat loudly, trying to regain her voice.
"But it only looks that way, you know we would never-"
"We know." She was interrupted by an elegantly dressed woman with short hair. “But you have to admit that it's not about what really happened there. It's what it looks like."
The girl fell silent again, until finally the woman sitting next to her spoke up.
"We'll think about what to do with it. They want to publish it, but oddly enough they're open to negotiation. It's not going to be good for Stray Kids image, you know... Not after we worked hard to earn the trust for this group, after we decided to keep its male group status. People will gossip that a woman in a men's group always ends up in some kind of dating scandal."
Chichi silently nodded her head, looking down at her hands, only now noticing the nails dug into the skin. She quickly loosened the clamps.
"You can go for now. We will call you to inform you of the decision as soon as there is one." The meeting ended with the man who started it.
Chichi almost noiselessly got up and left the office. She had barely time to get into the elevator before she slid down the wall to the floor, sliding her hands nervously in her hair. Damn it, damn it! Hiatus? Will they kick her out? Will they both be kicked out? Why didn't they call Changbin, why did they only notice the problem in her, as a woman?
The last few days have been torture for Chichi. She managed to cover up her nervous behavior with the excuse of being tired. Eventually, however, she received a call to the office again. Imagine her surprise when she also found ... Seungmin there. She sat down silently beside him at the table in the big conference room. She asked soundlessly "what are you doing here?", to which she received an equally surprised shrug of the shoulders.
Finally, the same three people who had talked to Chichi before entered the room. The girl nervously adjusted her sitting position. A man spoke.
“We paid Dispatch, so the video will not see the light of day. However…” Here the man paused for a moment. “However, the information that there is a dating scandal in Stray Kids has already been published. Netizens’ reactions vary, but it's strangely mostly excitement."
“So we decided with the rest of the board to seize this moment and reassure the fans that this is true. A well-managed relationship can help us gain even more publicity.”
"And you're telling us this because..?" Seungmin asked. Not because he couldn't guess what was going on, but because he wanted to hear the details from their lips - and gracefully reject their every offer.
"You and Chichi don't seem like a popular couple. Therefore, not only will fans get their wanted relationship, they will also get a relationship so unexpected that interest in it will increase even more."
"You're not being serious right now, are you?" Chichi spoke for the first time since arriving.
"I remind you that if it weren't for your carefree behavior, we wouldn't be here."
"Excuse me?" The girl immediately went into defensive mode. “First of all, I wasn't doing anything bad, I was having dinner with a friend from my group. Second, why are you blaming me for this? Was I in that restaurant alone or what?"
Seungmin placed his hand on Chichi's thigh, squeezing it slightly to calm her down. So she did, she stopped talking. The woman continued.
"In any case, if you do not agree to this, we will have to terminate your contract prematurely. Or not just yours, but the entire Stray Kids. We don't know what will happen to this situation if we don't take control of it."
Chichi was about to get up and keep talking though, when Seungmin was faster.
"Okay, okay. Let's do it."
The girl gave him a questioning look as she sat back down. The management smiled and nodded to him, then turned their eyes to Chichi, waiting for her answer. And yet in such an absurd situation there could be only one answer... Ichi swallowed loudly and lowered her head sharply. She wouldn't say it looking them in the eyes, wouldn't give them that strange satisfaction.
"Okay, okay... Let's do it."
"Where have you been all this time?"
Felix greeted them as they entered the dorm. It was a day off from group activities, so the boy took the chance to catch up on his favorite game. He had just taken a break after a successful match to warm up some takeaway food he hadn’t eaten earlier.
Chichi looked at him briefly, taking off her shoes and throwing them anywhere, which she usually doesn't do. Seungmin arranged her shoes neatly before taking off his own.
"Chichi and I are a couple from today."
"Oh that's great, congratula-... Wait what?" Felix turned quickly from the microwave to look at the two of them. He blinked several times. "What?"
Chichi looked at Seungmin with an almost scolding look. He got straight to the point!
"Did I hear right?" Jeongin came out of the bathroom, drying his wet hair with a towel. "What is it about?"
"Relax, it's just a fake relationship." Chichi added, taking one, just heated by Felix, piece of chicken. As soon as she saw Jeongin, she realized that she hadn't eaten all day because of being nervous.
"How is it fake?" Felix handed her the meat sauce straight away. "I don't understand any of this, will one of you speak more clearly?"
So Seungmin took it upon himself the dubious honor of letting the others in on the matter, aside from the threatening of contract termination looming over them, of course, and the fact that it all started with Ichi's video with Changbin.
Jeongin stopped drying his hair, standing in disbelief, and Felix's first reaction was to call Chan and have him and the rest of the other dorm come to them immediately. Chichi didn't want Changbin to know, but she also knew that it was only a matter of time, so she didn't stop the young Australian. Less than 10 minutes had passed and Hyunjin and 3RACHA were already in their dorm, listening to Seungmin as he patiently told everything a second time.
Chichi, listening to him, sat on a chair at the kitchen table with her head down. She didn't dare look at Changbin. Even though neither she nor he had done anything wrong, nothing forbidden. Hyunjin was standing next to the maknae in similar shock, Han and Minho were standing next to Felix still by the microwave, Changbin was silent but it was a very painful silence. Chan was ready to leave the dorm and personally unleash hell in the JYPe building.
"It’s all right." Chichi finally spoke up, raising her head slightly to be heard better. "It’s all right. Let's pretend, we'll get some publicity. It will be good for us.”
Chan stopped halfway down the hall, looking at her.
"But that's not how it should be!" Han called. "You get fame with good music, relationship with fans, not some sick fake theater!"
"I said it’s okay." Repeated the girl, trying to sound firm, even though she herself was close to tears. "That's how you do it in show business sometimes. No one will be harmed.” She reassured in a slightly softer tone.
Han didn't say anything anymore, because he knew that there was no discussion with stubborn Chichi. Changbin walked out onto the balcony without a word. Jeongin nodded to Chichi as a sign that she should go talk to him alone. She didn't really want to, but she knew she wasn't the only one suffering from this situation. So she got up slowly and also went to the balcony.
"Changbin..." She began softly, standing as far away from him as the balcony area would allow.
"You really think it's okay?" He asked in a slightly dry tone. Chichi had heard him talk like that before, but never was this tone directed at her. This only convinced her that in a moment she would really start crying.
"Yes. No… I don't know.” She stuttered awkwardly. "If it's something the label wants, we should trust them, they know what they're doing and--"
"Have you thought about what you want?" He asked, turning his head towards her, still leaning against the balustrade.
Chichi couldn't answer him. She couldn't think straight, let alone make sense.
“I… sometimes…I think being part of a team is not about putting yourself first.” She finally replied, mainly referring to their endangered contracts – but, obviously, Changbin couldn't know that.
The man began to think over her words, but she knew that wasn't the answer to his question.
"It's stupid. This shit is just hopelessly stupid." He grunted and walked past her going back inside, leaving Chichi alone on the balcony.
She stayed on it for a good few minutes, trying to cool down herself. It wasn't that easy, especially since the tears were still fighting bravely to finally find an exit from her eyes. She went inside but found no one in the kitchen except Felix and Jeongin eating at the table. This sudden emptiness and equally sudden silence was the last straw that broke the cup. Chichi rushed to her room and started packing, dropping a lot of things absently. The noise was suspicious enough that soon Jeongin and Felix entered her room.
"God, what are you doing?" Felix asked immediately, taking her suitcase in one motion.
"I don't want to be here!" She cried out with tears in her eyes, which she no longer had the strength or desire to hold back. "I don't want to, I don't want to... Let me go!" She called out to the maknae, who wordlessly hugged her back to him and sat down with her on the floor. "Let me go, I said let me go!"
"Be quiet. Just cry out." He whispered as Felix began to slowly clean up the mess she had made.
And so did Chichi. She started to cry, no… She started to howl, leaning forward to let her hair cover her tear-damp face.
"What is this shit... what kind of shitty world is this where feelings are forbidden?"
《 ♡ 》
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boydepartment · 2 years
Jeff Rosenstock - 9/10
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no tws- fluff, short, oneshot, part of my falling in love with him series.
You were not the one who fell first, in fact you thought he was just like that. He would always let you mess with the sleeves on his sweater, if you accidentally didn't use a coaster instead of scolding you, he would just move it silently when you weren't looking. If he had food he would tease you first, then share it. If he needed something he would trust you enough to toss it to him. He would go on tangents about the recent game he watched, using very colorful language.
You genuinely just thought that was who he was until you were talking to Felix who's eyes practically shot out of his head hearing this. When you realized that he wasn't just like that, it got you thinking. You always thought he was attractive, and funny, and sweet, and talented, and-
After that little mental talk with yourself you started getting really nervous around him, and was hyper aware of every little thing. How he would turn to you and smile a bit, how the smile wasn't forced at all. How his hair would almost always get in his eyes. Seungmin had beautiful eyes, especially when he was passionate about something. They shined brighter than any stars in the sky. Everything about him was just beautiful. That made you nervous. You were now always thinking about him too, you could be doing some mind numbing work and the image of him smiling at you would pop in your head.
Seungmin wasn't dumb, he instantly picked up on it too, finally he got tired of you acting so weird around him. You ended up telling him that you really liked him. Not just in a 'you're a great friend way.' and he looked shocked. If you weren't absolutely shitting yourself at this situation, thinking that the whole situation was read wrong, you might have laughed at his reaction. He looked like that one cat reaction image.
But he did reciprocate your feelings, of course he did. He has been in love with you for so long. To him love at first sight isn't real, but you were damn close to it.
However, even though Seungmin fell first, you definitely fell harder. He was your world.
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abandoned-anemoia · 2 years
Stray Kids Masterlist (OT8)
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Zombie Apocalypse
Birth Stone
Birth Flower
Light Blue
Dark Blue
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Pranking Them
You Get Hurt
You’re Overworked
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Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Embrasing the Living (fluff)
Coming Soon...
Workout Routine (smut)
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Headcannons (and misc.)
Cakes dont ask, idk
Funny Apology Cakes They Would Give You
Weird Cakes/Cake Fails With Them
Random Cakes With Writing They Would Give You
Funny Birthday Cakes They Would Give You
Halloween Cakes You Make Together
Couples/Duo Halloween costumes (gender neutral and female gendered!)
Funny Pumpkin Carvings You Do Together
Christmas Cliches/Traditions That Become Your Thing
SKZ in a Zombie Apocalypse
SKZ in a Haunted House
High School Subject They Would Teach
More Coming Soon...
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SKZ as:
Writing (some with pictures)
Fanfiction Tropes
Types of Weather
Horror Movie Tropes
Weird English Words and their meanings
Hallmark Movie Tropes plz I hate Hallmark..they are all the same
Types of Apocalypses
Nostalgic Cartoons
Types of Kisses/Kissing Tropes
Bodies of Water
Classic Horror Movies
Carnival Rides
Carnival Snacks
Funny Candle Labels
Weird Candles
Funny Parent Fails
Meme Animal Pictures
Fugglers (Funny Ugly Monsters)
Funny El Arroyo Signs
Funny Signs
Funny Bathroon Graffiti
Harry Potter Universe Creatures
Underratted Candies
Fantasy Creature Dolls
Pop Culture References
Dream Core Images
Liminal Spaces
Unsettling/Disturbing Images
Cursed Images
Weird but Cute Animals
Monster High Girls
Monster High Guys
Underrated Disney Characters
Male MCU Characters
Female MCU Characters
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Characters/Stories
More Coming Soon...
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Platonic SKZ Imagines
Coming Soon...
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Full Fics
Coming Soon....
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starlostastronaut · 2 months
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summary: night walk with your boyfriend in london
kim seungmin x reader. fluff. seungmin is a tease. 0.9k
seung's pictures from london wouldn't leave me alone. they're just so boyfriend, i had to write this. everyone say thank you mars. probably self indulgent and definitely not proofread. enjoy <3
my masterlist
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“Hey, wait up!” you half laugh, half yell, immediately covering your mouth before someone can complain about you yelling on the street. The clock hadn't reached ten yet, but it was nearing the hour and who knew what kind of people lived in this neighborhood. Better to be safe than sorry, as you’ve already had enough experiences with angry grandmas complaining about the noise during the “quiet night period”.
Seungmin didn't share your concerns. With laughter booming out of his chest he ran down the empty street, spreading his arms like wings. He made a whoo sound as he flew down the street. You smiled as you walked a few meters behind him. It was a nice feeling, seeing Seungmin be so carefree and happy. So far from the idol image his company carefully built (and he tore down bit by bit every day, despite their best efforts). Just a young, regular guy who's only worry is remembering the way back to the hotel.
At one point he turned around, jogging backwards while throwing lighthearted jabs at you for being slow. His eyes crinkled up into crescents as his lips stretched into a smile. “Really, if you walk any slower, that snail we just passed will-” Occupied with making fun of you, he missed the change in the pavement's texture and tripped backwards, dropping his half empty water bottle that rolled down the street.
How the tables have turned. Stopping in your tracks, you watched Seungmin find his balance and then look around, confused as to where his plastic bottle went. Spotting it near, he chased after it like a dog after a ball. When he finally caught up, he raised it victoriously to the sky.
“Good boy,” you laughed, patting his head when you reached the spot where he stood with the bottle. He pulled an offended pout that quickly melted into a soft smile. When you pulled your hand away, he leaned his head to chase after your touch. You smiled. Sometimes he really was like a puppy - just a bit of attention was enough to make him happy. 
Seungmin's smile fell a little when you refused the silent wish for more affection, but he quickly shook that feeling off. He smirked at you before reaching for your hand and lazily lacing your fingers together. He looked into your eyes, his expression betraying his mischievous intentions. He gently pulled you closer, his other arm moving around to your back as you leaned forward. 
He slid his bottle into the side pocket of your bag.
Disappointed, you frowned at him. "I thought I was getting a kiss,” you pouted at him, to which he responded by shrugging. 
“I just love teasing you. Your reactions are so cute,” he confessed with a smile and for a second you considered forgiving him. There was just something about his smile and the way he lit up everytime, that made your heart melt. You were positive you would find a way to bring him all the stars of the universe, he just had to ask.
But not tonight. No, you weren't going to let him get away with it so easily again. You freed your hand from his grasp, intending to pull away, but he didn't let you. When you weren't paying attention, his hand found its place around your waist, holding you firmly in place. "I can't kiss properly you when my hands are full, can I baby?” he murmured, leaning closer. You closed your eyes, anticipating your deserved kiss. You felt his hot breath on your skin and something soft and gentle touched your forehead, lingering for a few slow seconds.
“Seungmin!” you complained, hitting his chest. This was so not fair, you deserved a proper kiss. Seungmin responded by laughing in your face at your reaction. His hand on your waist slipped as his body shook with laughter. How rude. What does a person have to do to get a simple kiss these days?
“I'm sorry,” Seungmin chuckled. “Really. I mean it.” He readjusted his hold on you and pulled you closer again. This time, he finally gave you that kiss.
You closed your eyes as his lips met yours in a soft, gentle and loving kiss, soon turning into teasing, daring and desperate. Hungry, like he hasn't kissed you in days (which he hasn't. You only flew to London this morning). 
Seungmin wasn't one for affection, you knew that since before you started dating. He didn’t seek out hugs and touches like his members, he would much rather just spend time with you or do something for you. Yet every time he kissed you, there was this unknown passion, longing for more. It made you dizzy and you couldn’t get enough of that feeling. Of being desired by a man who wasn't really fond of physical affection.
He pulled away, smirking. “Happy now?” 
You smiled, satisfied now that you got what you wanted. “Very much.” You reached for his hand, intertwining your fingers back together, holding his hand tightly in yours. 
Honestly, you should have expected he would take off running like a dog chasing a ball again, dragging you behind him like the poor owner holding the leash. Determined to not let him have this one, you caught up, running by his side. Just two carefree lovers, enjoying the night as your combined laughter rang through the streets.
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taglist (red means i can't tag you) : @stayconnecteed @hanjsquokka @starlostseungmin @143horny-core @ivaneedssleep @Vegetablesarefuntables @urfavblondy @sunny21200 @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @extrhotjne @kirakombat @chlodavids @kmgfeels @btskzfav @rei-reia @boldy-49 @dazzlingjade @Na-tas-post @oddracha @freyjhasdesiredreality @kayleefriedchicken @caitlyn98s @alicedawitchbish @palindrome969 @rylea08 @cookiesandcreammy @lakoya @nattisbored @hope69world @armystay89 @hyunjinshairband7 @feybin @naarmzz @lovestayforev @sweetbokji
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© starlostastronaut 2024 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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