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rotten-strawberrie · 4 months ago
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that's really warm! >ㅁ<
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rotten-strawberrie · 5 months ago
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Laura with her dads
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rotten-strawberrie · 5 months ago
could u do smth where pony goes to his gf’s softball game and they loose and she is upset but pony comforts her?? love ur blog and i think id be rly cute bc i love pony and play softball bahaha
hii!! thank you so much, I had a blast writing this<33
order for anon: pony comforting the reader after losing a game
genre: fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort
warnings: None that I know of
Ponyboy didn't enjoy being at school any longer than he needed to. He hated the way Socs would stare at him, the band of girls who would start whispering to each other about him always put a pit of shame in his stomach. He just didn't understand them, and he hated that, it made him feel dumb, even weird at times.
All of that was worth it the second he saw your face beaming with determination, your eyes sparkling, and your hair braided. He sat beside you hours earlier while you did it, and watched your brows twitch in frustration when a few strands tangled at the very end. Pony liked to admire people but he loved to admire you.
"Strike two!"
The voice of the announcer rang out, crackling as the wind broke through the intercom. Pony's brow creased as he read the score board, the guest school had been in the lead for the past half hour. The atmosphere in the stands was intense, Pony was thankful in part. With everyone focused so intensely on the game, less eyes were on him.
"Out three!"
The crowd winced.
Pony spotted you, his face immediately relaxing when he scanned your grass stained uniform. That ambitious glint in your eyes brought an amused smirk to his face.
He sat back and watched the next batter up to swing, the final inning... He watched the tan girl clink her shoes, reel back her arms and swing.
Immediately you sprung into action, sprinting after the ball. He always worried about you, you had a tendency to bump into walls, skin your knees, and trip over air.
You went for it, leaping forward in hopes of catching the ball only for it to curve, barely grazing the tip of your glove before you were on the ground, scraping your arm against the prickly field. The only thing drowning out the stinging you felt in your body was the buzzing of the scoreboard.
You sat on the edge of the couch in the Curtis house. Darry's already put band-aids on your knees, and put an antiseptic on your arm. Ever the mother, he made sure you had dinner and instructed you and Pony to share the couch.
"Y/n, you did just fine.. You were amazing," Pony sighed, rubbing your back. "Why beat yourself up over it?"
You sighed, scooting back into the aged cushion of the couch. "I just.. If I had caught the stupid ball, maybe we could've won."
He chuckled, not at all fitting for the situation. That was something you'd groen to like about him, he had a strange concept of social cues.
"No way, besides you all those other girls were off today," He scooted over, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. His body heat immediately seeping into your skin.
"You think so?" You quirked, laying your head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, Darry says you're the best player."
You smiled, a soft noise of appreciation buzzes past your lips when his fingers find your hair, starting to play with it.
"I'm his favorite?"
"Don't push it," he smiled, watching you start to doze off on him.
"Stop being so hard on yourself, you hear me?"
"Yes, Pony.."
"Good," he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, "That's my girl."
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rotten-strawberrie · 5 months ago
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do u ever just
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rotten-strawberrie · 5 months ago
it should be illegal to take a nap and still have a headache when you wake up. like no i shut it off and back on again why are you still here
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rotten-strawberrie · 6 months ago
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working on a zine about the intersections of fatness, gender, and growing up online. it's a long time coming and i'm still not sure where it'll take me.
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rotten-strawberrie · 7 months ago
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first post w my new ipad and its this……..
original can be found here
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rotten-strawberrie · 8 months ago
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They should not be allowed in the same room together
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rotten-strawberrie · 8 months ago
Bruce: Today I realised I'm old
Clark: What happened?
Bruce: I fell in the kitchen and instead of laughing, all my kids came running to see if I was ok
Bruce: I saw fear in their eyes
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rotten-strawberrie · 9 months ago
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“Despite everything, it’s still you.”
I’d like to think of these as two candid photos taken at different times 😌
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rotten-strawberrie · 9 months ago
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⌕ kuroshitsuji - sebastian michaelis.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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rotten-strawberrie · 10 months ago
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This is canon
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rotten-strawberrie · 11 months ago
You guys do know you're supposed to reblog things, right
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rotten-strawberrie · 1 year ago
He is worse than wrong. He is, may Heaven forgive him, right but being annoying about it.
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rotten-strawberrie · 2 years ago
Hiii! Could I request The Outsiders gang and their reactions to the reader saying "I love you"? Thanks for considering!!!! 🪐
of course I can !! I did assume it was saying I love you for the first time so I hope that's okay !^^; [please ignore that I'm so behind on asks okay mwah mwah <33]
order for anon: the gang and the first " I love youd" from the reader pt.1 maybe??
genre: fluff and hurt/comfort
warnings:jail time on dallas, mentions of alcohol in twobits
characters: darry, dally, pony, and johnny
darry worked his ass off almost everyday. so phone calls on breaks were a routine for the both of you. you'd be at home doing a hobby or on a break of your own while darry listened in , barely talking more than a sentence while listening to your voice.
" --and he marked the question wrong anyways !! what a prick- "
he chuckled, invisioning you pacing around angrily while complaining about the professor you hated.
" if you need an intimidating hunk to scare him off , you know where to find me "
you cackled , almost forgetting why you were so angry in the first place , " this is why I love you dar "
he was ecstatic , smiling ear to ear like a lovesick baboon. he cockily babbled out" not so bad yourself, y'know " which had both of you laughing right from the belly.
" unfortunately I have to get back to uh- work but- you free tonight ? "
" pick me up at 7 dar , wherever you wanna go " and with a childish grin you hung up before he could even tell you those three words back
dallas walked with pride, head up and chest out like he wasn't just released from jail early for behaving himself.
ring being tossed up and down in his dominant hand as he strutted towards you, smiling expectantly. " miss me ? "
" who ? the idiot that got caught ? " your head tilted, wary of the heat coming from his motorcycle he left in your care while locked up.
" yeah, you missed me " he pecked your cheek, slipping the ring into your hand, and sitting shotgun on the bike in one motion.
you snickered, sliding your arms around him and whispering into his shoulder, " I love you dumb criminal. "
he pat your hand on his stomach, glancing back with softness for the smallest second before riding off to God knows where.
johnny was overjoyed, only a little embarrassed at the fact he came running to show you the silly thing. he'd finally aced a science test, getting to graduate the grade with pony.
he'd already showed the boys while you were working and came to your house as soon as you got off.
you stood in front of him, confused. he didn't seem hurt physically at all, and usually when he leaves home he stays in the lot or with the curtis' boys.
" what's wrong johnny? "he smiled, practically shoving the paper in your face.
" hold on boy, I can't read that close " you took it, taking a second for your exhausted eyes to cooperate and read.
" johnny that's amazing! I told you you could do it! " you hugged him, practically crushing the boy as he laughed.
" thank you, the boys are waiting for me, I was gonna invite you but you look exhausted, "
you chuckled, waving him off, " no biggie, go have fun and tell me about it later "
he beamed, running off your porch in a jog before he turned around, " love you johnny, "
he chuckled, cheeks tinting red and sheepishly he yelled back, " love you too, "
" I hate math so much, " you sighed, slumping face first into ponyboy's desk.
you heard him snicker from his spot on the bed, amused at your frustration, " it's not that bad, "
" remember when dallas thought I was sneaking up behind him and socked me in the mouth? "
" yeah, you almost passed out, "
" I'd rather do that another five times than math, "
he sighed, feigning annoyance while leaning on his forearms, " if I do it for you will you shut up about it? "
you nodded, grinning wide " my hero! I love you so much! "
he ran a hand through his hair, cheeks bright red, " you're out of your mind, "
trying to move past it , he sat next to you , attempting to ignore his flustered state by doing work, when you pecked him quickly on the cheek
" love you too pone , "
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rotten-strawberrie · 2 years ago
Guess who’s listening to Everywhere at the End of Time
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rotten-strawberrie · 2 years ago
- hours before disaster
Guess who’s listening to Everywhere at the End of Time
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