cyberfunsupporter · 2 months
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kesujo · 27 days
You're the Light to my Shadow
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As you’re heading out the café, you discover it isn’t empty.
“Hi, Seulgi.” Seulgi jumps, causing a smile to form on your face. “Finishing up some homework?”
“Hi Chanho! Yeah.”
“We’re closing and it’s getting dark, shall I walk you home?”
“Yes!” Before you can process how hastily her response is, Seulgi is already packing up her backpack. “Let me just—” She reaches for her coffee but ends up knocking it off the table instead. “Oh—” the cup clatters onto the ground, depositing its contents onto the bottom half of your pants. “—oh my god! I’m so, so, so sorry!”
You can’t help but smile at Seulgi, red-faced and profusely bowing. “Seulgi, it’s—”
“I ruined your—I-I’ll buy you new ones!”
“—fi-what? You don’t have to.”
“Are you sure?”
Your smile turns into laughter at her guilt-ridden expression. “Yes, I’m sure. Should I get you a new cup? Pumpkin cappuccino with less sugar and ice, right?”
“What? No! I couldn’t ask you to do that!”
“It’s alright, today’s batch is gonna get dumped anyway.”
Without waiting for an answer, you whisk away into the backroom, returning a minute later with a new cup of Seulgi’s drink and fresh pants.
“Oh, thank you so much!”
“No problem. Ready?”
You can tell Seulgi wants to say something, but the space you give her to say it lasts five, ten minutes. Eventually, Seulgi pipes up, “Thanks for walking me home. And, for this,” Seulgi motions to her cup.
“Don’t mention it.” You can see words starting to form on her face, but the only sounds that fill your ears are rustling of the orange-yellow leaves of the trees planted along the sidewalk and the accompanying howling wind.
One question. Nothing more.
“Something on your mind?”
When Seulgi turns to you, you can’t tell if her pink cheeks are from the cold or from her flustered state. “Um! … yeah … so, Chanho…”
The bashful way she diverts her gaze, the way her naturally-pouty lips part to allow her tongue to briefly loll out of her mouth, it takes everything in your power to resist the urge to call her ‘cute’.
“Did I make that cappuccino poorly?”
“What? No! Of course not!”
You smile at that. From the offended expression on Seulgi’s face, you may as well have called her kittens ugly. “So, Seulgi…”
At this point, her cheeks are even pinker than the hot-pink cropped T-Shirt she’s wearing. “D-Don’t tease me!”
What are you doing? After that question, nothing more. Right?
“But, u-um!” You turn back towards her. “Are—Are you and Sunmi … dating?”
Sunmi, your manager, who claimed she could handle closing by herself when you know she dreads closing shifts the most. “No.” Seeing the relief on Seulgi’s face fills your chest with dread.
This isn’t happening. Not with Seulgi.
“So, then, um … are you single?”
You almost can’t hear those last few words over the wind that threatens to whisk away her denim cropped jacket. Honestly, you wish you hadn’t.
You were being so careful, though: teetering on friendly but never flirtatious, treating her with respect but only befitting a regular customer. Where did you go wrong? And now, Seulgi: the one girl you can’t take your mind off, the one girl that threatens to upend your pact against the fairer sex you’ve upheld for the past year, the one girl you know you should’ve stayed away from but couldn’t escape from, with her magnetic, bright, bubbly personality and that luminescent smile that turned her eyes into upside-down crescents and your heart to mush.
A few seconds of silence hung in the air after that. In the corner of your eyes, seeing her shivering causes the urge to give her your jacket to swell—but, now, more than ever, you need to resist.
“Th-Then, then, um, do-do you want to go, um, are you free—”
“Seulgi, I’m sorry.” Seeing her face turn from shock to on-the-verge-of-tears tugs at your heartstrings. But, you have to say this. “I’m … I’m really sorry. Someone like you shouldn’t involve yourself with someone like me.”
You can hear the tears in her voice and steel your heart. “Sunmi. I’m not dating her now, but I used to. Back in high school. Do you want to know why we broke up?” I can do this. “She caught me flirting with her friends. Plural.” This is for the better. “You might’ve thought I would’ve stopped after getting caught the first time, maybe even the second time, but I didn’t. I just kept doing it.” The thought of never seeing her again fills you with dread, but not as much as the thought that she may end up like any of your exes. “What’s worse, Sunmi forgave me. She just, she kept forgiving me and forgiving me, and every time she would, what did I do with her trust, her love?” You can feel Seulgi’s eyes on you, but you refuse to meet them. “I quashed it.” Disdain, disgust, horror—what kind of expression must she be making at you? “Not just Sunmi, either. All those women whose hearts I toyed with, not stopping even after getting hospitalized a few times by the brothers and fathers of those exes, all to satiate my own ego. That’s the kind of person I am, Seulgi. Whatever you see on the surface is just masking this ugliness underneath. I’m just a disgraceful, lonely, insecure excuse of a man who doesn’t deserve—Seulgi?”
Hearing her sniffling is what causes you to inadvertently turn your head towards her and finally get an answer to the rhetorical question you posed to yourself earlier: her eyes shimmering and the area around them red, her pouting lips pulled into a deep frown, tears freely running down her cheeks, over the fingers that are failing to contain the flood pouring out her eyes … she’s looking at you with sympathy.
“I-I’m, I’m, I’m so sorry…” You don’t respond. You’re unable to. What about that story could have possibly aroused such a reaction from her? “…it’s—it’s just, I can s-see the pain in your eyes and hear it in your voi-voice, a-and it’s just, it’s so sad to see that be-because you’ve clearly changed so much, bu-but, you look like you still can’t forgive yourself…”
The autumn chill picks up, and Seulgi shrinks in the face of it. You catch yourself midway into taking off your jacket, undoing the few steps closer your feet had taken you towards her. You remember complimenting this exact outfit on her before. Surely, Seulgi didn’t choose to wear it despite the cold weather because of that, right?
“I don’t understand.” Seulgi sniffles again and looks up at you. “How … is that your reaction to what I said?”
“W-Well, you’re being so vulnerable for me, how can I react an-any other way?”
As she finishes her sentence, another cold gust of wind assaults her, and seeing her curling up pushes you over the edge. Her health is more important than my concern over her reaction to this.
When your jacket comes over her shoulders, her eyes widen and she looks up at you again, with considerably more pink cheeks this time. “O-Oh! Thank you so much, but aren’t you going to be cold?”
“I’ll be fine.”
As the two of you trod along the leaf-ridden sidewalk, Seulgi’s sniffling dies down. “Do you remember my first time at that café?” Caught by surprise at the sudden question, you take a second to shake your head in response. “The previous night, I didn’t fully plug my phone in, so I missed my alarm and overslept. While showering, I discovered I was on my period, and even worse, my coffee machine broke. Nothing was going right that morning: I had to go back to my apartment because I had forgotten my homework first, and then my phone second, so when I saw that café on my way to class, I decided I needed at least something to push me through that morning. I remember I was double-checking my backpack when my name was called; in a rush and a complete emotional mess, when I went back to my backpack with coffee in hand, I tripped on it spilled my coffee all over you.
“I remember I was ready to cry right then and there. But, I didn’t, because your response to being drenched with a medium-sized cup full of icy-cold coffee wasn’t to be angry, but to be empathetic. You very kindly reassured me that you were ok, checked to make sure I was fine and that my backpack didn’t get wet, and then even offered to remake my coffee free of charge. For you, it was probably just another Monday and I was just another customer. For me, that day, you saved me.”
Seulgi is glowing. It’s like the universe is shining a spotlight on her: the orange sunlight mixes with the orange of the autumn leaves to create a halo effect around her entire body. Seulgi is an angel, and you are basking in her divine presence.
“It’s true that I don’t know much else about you. For five months, I couldn’t find the confidence to ask for your name, and when I finally did, you smiled and pointed at your name tag and I wanted to die right then and there.” The corners of your lips twitch. “But let me tell you what I do know: you’re kind, you’re considerate, you’re friendly, you always try your best, you show empathy and warmth to even customers who are yelling at you for something that isn’t your fault, and you always try to smile. And that’s all that matters to me.”
Did that really happen? How do you have no memory of it?
“So, please, stop beating yourself up for the mistakes you’ve made in the past. Everyone deserves a second chance, especially those who have self-reflected and are striving to be better.”
Seulgi’s very being is blinding. You’ve met women like her before—you’ve ruined women like her before—but none nearly so vibrant. You, on the other hand, are a shadow. Opposites. Never meant to be together.
“That doesn’t matter. I don’t deserve someone like you—”
“Don’t say that!” You jump at how forceful her words are. In the short few months you’ve known Seulgi, this is easily the sharpest tone you’ve ever heard her use. “Don’t just give up on yourself so easily! I don’t know how bad of a person you were in the past, but why does that still matter?”
It hurts. The more reflection you’ve done, the worse you felt. You’ve long since accepted you don’t deserve forgiveness.
“Sunmi forgave you for what you did in the past, right?” You nod. Your eyes land on the shadow the setting sun casts upon the two of you. “But it sounds like you still don’t.” You nod again. But Seulgi makes it sound so easy. Could you…? “Then, let me help. Let me show you that you’re worthy of forgiveness. Or, it doesn’t have to be me, but let someone help you.”
“But … I mean, I didn’t even mean to…”
Seulgi catches the tail end of the unspoken sentence and softly smiles. Despite the redness around her eyes and slight puffiness on her face, her smile, illuminated by the setting sun in the background, stops your heart. “But that makes all the difference, right? That you didn’t mean to?”
A shadow can’t exist without light. Maybe you aren’t opposites after all. Maybe…
“Seulgi, I think you’re wrong.”
Seulgi blinks. “What?”
“It does have to be you.” The confusion on her face slowly transforms into understanding, then of wide-eyed excitement and exuberant joy. “You’re the only one—”
You’re cut off by Seulgi suddenly throwing herself onto you. And, for the first time in a year, you give into your desires, wrapping your arms around her slim frame.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise, I’ll make it up to you!”
Last year, a particularly bad breakup kickstarted your journey of self-growth. Now, surrounded by the same beautiful array of autumn leaves, Seulgi has somehow reached into your chest and pried open the iron cage you’ve surrounded your heart with. “No, Seulgi. It’s me who needs to promise to make it up to you.”
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married-2-the-music · 2 months
Red Velvet Deep Dive #2/2: Ten Years Of K-pop Outside The Box
Here are my credentials (again): Red Velvet was the first k-pop group I ever loved, even though Blackpink was really my introduction. I became a ReVeLuv in 2019, because of Russian Roulette, and I’ve been a fan since, including of the members’ solo careers (Wendy in particular). But as I’ve gotten more into k-pop and since they come back so infrequently, I haven’t really been keeping up with them and I feel like I’m less of a fan than I once was. So, I’m super excited for their comeback, and I’m hoping that through this deep dive, I’ll fall back in love just in time for the new EP.
Part One:
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authorhjk1 · 11 months
IU's and Kang Seulgi's competition started, when they caught each other, having sex backstage during an award show, a couple of months ago. At first, it picked up slowly. Random challenges, send via text on the kakaoTalk app, answered by pictures as proof of the accomplished mission. Now, the two of them are tied, desperate to come up with something new. Luckily, IU and Seulgi have alot of fans, who are more than happy to help them out.
One thing idols do best is taking pictures. For Istagram for Facebook, you name it. And Jini is no exception. But this time, unbeknownst to her fans, there is a reason why she only uploaded pictures with her upper body visible. Reading the comments afterwards makes her smile. If only they knew what was going on.
Idols are always stressed, overworked and tired. On top of that, they can't even relax properly. They have to be carefull about heir food, words and actions. And one thing, that some people might neglect, is sexual satisfaction. That becomes a problem for Karina, Jihyo and Eunbi. Having bigger breasts only adds to their problems. Due to stress, their milk production starts to rise. When three of them invite you to join their pre-Christmas party, they obviously have ulterior motives.
December is always hectic for you. Luckily, you are sometimes able to blend out the real world and immerse into kpop. You are a member of a few discord channels and Reddit communities. One night, you see there is only one other person in one specific chatroom. The two of you send each other spicy pics and gifs of your favourite idols, like you usually do. Suddenly, you receive similar kind of pictures from an unknown number. Pictures of Kazuha. Asking your online friend about it, he actually is experiencing the same, but with pictures of An Yujin. What is this about? And what is the last picture you receive? A condom? What is going on?
You immediately harden at th sight of your coworker in her stage outfit. Karina looks like a holy being as the makeup artist finishes her job. She looks up at you through the mirror nervously. You are not supposed to be here. You are perfoming soon as well, your own group is getting ready in the next room. But sometimes, like today, Karina gets stressed and worried before her perfomance. The two of you sneak off, finding a closet that seems perfect for your purpose. You freeze in the door as you see Irene between Taeyeons's legs.
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chuuyangel · 2 years
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⊹ ִ ⠀໋ ָ⠀⪩꯭ ꯭⪨ I'꧑ ᥒ᥆t thᥱ dᥱ᥎ιᥣ, 마음껏 더 원망해, I d᥆ᥒ't ᥴᥲrᥱ 𓆪˖ ◞
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⠀⠀᪗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀︵͜⏜͜⠀⠀⠀․ ⠀⠀๋ ⠀ ◌⠀⠀ ︵
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— if you use,like or reblogue pls !🦇
@nick-web’s filter
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witchblade · 1 year
Genuinely love th@t seulgi gif so much her confused flailing igot extremely nauseous midpost helLo. sorry seulgi
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dojae-huh · 1 year
Daeback show, Johnny
I wrote down the facts. The interview was interesting and revealing. Many things supported what I already thought about Johnny.
When he auditioned he said wanted to be a model (his mother's advice) as he couldn't sing or dance. He sang a Christian church song, the church was the only place he used to sing when he was a teenager.
Johnny was telling his parents that he wants to be an actor but he never did anything to prepare for it. His mother worked at a tv-station, so let him know about the audition and asked it he wants to try.
The reason he wanted to be an actor is because of a show about Superman, he thought to appear on screen would be cool.
Johnny likes to go on rants but has little opportunity to do so.
Johnny trained for 3 years going back and forth, and for 5 years living in Korea. He wanted to quit at one point, he visited US, saw how his US friends were thinking of how to become adults instead of waiting endlessly for a debut, it resonated with him, so he contemplated applying to colleges. However, he was told to give it another try. Johnny hinted at someone in SK making him feel like he was needed and wanted there (in SM), like he didn't spend his trainee time in vain, it meant something. Johnny put his trust in that (those) person (people). It was a big moment, because he felt needed for the first time (aside from parents), or rather, realised he had the earning to be needed, it was a lesson that left an impact.
Working with friends is lie working with family members. Johnny hopes he is needed by his friends.
Johnny's character changes when he speaks in Korean and in English. He learnt Korean after he moved to Korea, that time he was surrounded by many hyungs with a decent age gap, which shaped the way he spoke and behaved. He feels he is younger speaking Korean, so it's easy for him to do aegyo.
Johnny likes cute things. He received many stuffed toys after the debut from fans, he put them on his bed. So that's the story of Johnny sleeping with stuffed toys. He doesn't do it anymore.
Johnny really likes fashion and follows what is in trend.
Johnny thinks as a neo he wore a lot of crazy outfits, one of the most during Cherry bomb era.
Seems like Johnny decided to be serious about DJing recently. Befre it was a hobby, he is working on polishing his skills.
Johnny thinks of himself as a person who follows rules.
Pursue of happiness guades his life. People around make him happy. He needs an outlet, to release what is inside him, so he needs friends who will listen.
Johnny likes to perfrom th emost, so he is anticipating the next tour. He would like to create his own music in the future (he didn't sound very passionately, so just a lingering wish for the future).
Mark wanted to be a novelist.
Johnny called BoA as "BoA-noona", but said he is not close to her, only says "hello" in halls politely. He knows Seulgi well, but is not close.
Mark is a thinker, takes his time and hesitates with "what if", Haechan ia s more afficient "let's go", "let's do".
In a zombie apocalypsis Woo would need to be taken care of, Tae is a person you'd be able to rely on, split responsibilities. Tae would find a place and think how to fortify it, Johnny would do it. So brain and brawn.
Taeil goes with the flow, doesn't care about money, isn't materialistic.
Johnny is materialistic.
"Doyoung has plans". (It's interesting Johnny hesitated between Taeil and Doyoung. I think, he thought how Do would be efficient but insufferable in that situation).
Johnny is intrigued by people who don't think like him. One of the reasons he likes Taeil.
"People like you... you are thinking too much. You gotta figure out what to do.. but I feel like... You will rationalise beyond belief. Your mind will eat itself." I'm positive it was about Doyoung.
Johnny likes to talk to intellegent people.
Growing up in US as an Asian-American wasn't easy. He wasn't too confident about himself. Johnny is glad thing are changing.
The surprising part was Johnny leaving the making of decisions to Taeyong. He is a follower. He leaves plans to others.
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sweetmastermind · 2 years
Enhypen dynamics are seriously so weird, I don't think the members are horrible people but when you put them together it's like they don't fit, too much tension, too much competition, I don't know, I like some of the members and I really like their music but whenever I watch other contents like interviews and their variety shows I get a very bad feeling. It's normal for groups to be awkward with each other but for enhypen there's also this pissed off feeling they give off, it's not the simple awkwardness from being coworkers, but like you said in your readings, the try and something overdo some things to mask that feeling. I feel specially bad for their maknae niki, imagine being so young, in a foreign country, witnessing all of the mess that goes behind the scenes, and getting caught in bs bullying scandals made by akgaes, damn.
Their fans too are insane, jokes aren't allowed there. Like seulgi said in an interview, sometimes members in a group fight then have to a schedule together and all they can do is try to avoid each other as much as possible, and fans DO NOTICE THAT. Most of the times fans do jokes out of it but not with enhypen's fans, calling them anything else but family deserves mass harrassment from their part. Suggest a pair might not be the bestest of besties it's like a dea/th sentences there
I seriously don't get what's wrong with them 😐
A lot of people that are not fans have notice the tension between them + well their scandals. I think they need to get their shit together because things are going to star falling apart for them. I understand that pretending to be bffs is not the best, but at least be a decent coworkers 😕
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banan-chanchan · 2 years
@xiaoluclair oh, this was unexpected, but thank you! (⌒▽⌒)
top 5 spotefie songz in the last month:
1 - The Loneliest - Måneskin (I fckn LOOOOOVE these guys and for me personally it's one of my fav songs to read angst with. It's just kicks you right in th e kokoro)
2 - Lily was here - Dave Stewart, Candy Dulfer (THIS WAS MY SONG OF THE LAST YEAR, such masterpiece, i love it since I was little)
3 - Ferrari - James Hype (do I even need to explain myself? 💁‍♀️😂)
4 - 28 reasons - Seulgi
5 - Can you feel my heart - BMTH
What can I say? I love my shuffle button, okey? And with this recent events I love my angst.. 😂
@alestire @il-predestinato @tetralea @annterry @racingheartstopper if you're bored, you can share your deepest secrets (a.k.a. sptf top) as well ✨❤
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just-orbiting-you · 24 days
random thoughts on bts subunits
stemming from minimoni music’s convo about subunit work, i don’t think they’ll end up in the separation they called out there: nj/jm, yg/hs/sj, th/jk, even if they were just spitballing.
based on previous subunits, maybe they go out of their way to push members who don’t always interact in ot7 music together. but i do feel there are others i would pair.
if i got the chance to be creative director on bts projects, here’s the ideas i would throw out.
i of course need a one (1) jikook subunit song before i die and whenever we get her, i need her to be a full comeback with stages and choreo. literally rv irene and seulgi naughty comeback.
i also am like namjoon and want him to make like a full mini album with hobi, i think they’re at a similar point in their solo careers.
i want to hear yoongi actually sing more like on d-day if he really decides to hone this new skill. and i think he could really write beautiful ballads for jin to sing, yoonjin duets could be very interesting.
tae would fit pretty well into namjoon’s experimental tracks on RPWP, picture tae in place of moses sumney around the world. moses does a phenomenonal job, but tae could fit in that sort of environment. tae as the deep male vocal on domodachi or namjoon on blue from layover. seriously guys.
jungkook vocals would fit so well on yoongi’s more upbeat solo work like SDL.
i am a slut for jimin’s studio tony montana and i don’t quite know if he likes rapping (he probably doesn’t) but i wish he would try it again just once, maybe on a yg or hobi track.
i want to know what jimin and hobi would make. i need their dance subunit again.
i also think tae and hobi could do something a little jazzy.
as for trios
i’m biased but 3J all the way baby. they needed their choreo moment 5 years ago. dance line needs to shine. give them a house track or a more contemporary choreo, or a slower ballad and have hobi sing a little. come ON.
hobi does contemplative, slower rapping well (all of rap line do) but i think put hobi and jungkook vocals on a song like people off of d-2 with yoongi. youre set.
for some reason, i’m thinking of jin, jimin and namjoon. they’ve paired jin and jimin vocally on ot7 songs in the past. and i think they could work on a shoegazey song like heaven.
please bts i am begging, i need you to do unit work more often i think its so much fun 🙇‍♀️🙏. i know they’d probably want things to come more naturally and that’s all id really hope is that their units derive organically for artistic purposes.
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married-2-the-music · 3 months
Red Velvet Deep Dive: A Decade Of K-pop Outside The Box!
Happy Comeback Day!!
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Good morning! (To me)
Atinys out for blood, it was funny at first and the antis went wild so they had to be clowned, but some fans are doing TOO much, calm down. Let them deal with the copying. But I do hope Vata says something, ideally something that won't be dumb and disrespectful
That previous fan call was so frustrating to watch, but the Atiny reassured him and Hwa also said he liked longer hair (then why did he cut it off not so long after siydishdkshsjduhdj but he went pink so it's fine). Look I care about hair, it's one of my personality traits and I may talk shit sometimes, but I would never say it anywhere near the members...
UNI AU PLEASE YESSSSS - says me who still gets uni related nightmares despite being out of school for a while. Not a furry at least not in THAT way alrite!!! I'm just an animal lover and pretty boys enthusiast, so what if we combine those two 🤗
You got me at Park Seonghwa in red, because I love red and I love Seonghwa 💋 16:58 let's never forget and I thought we would end it with just one Shinee song, but my Shawol baby did not disappoint
Mf I'm gonna haunt him in that house I can tell we're not gonna let each other "live" square up ghost Tae
Nothing in Twilight screamed ROMANCE to me, like?! Don't get me started on that dumbfuck Jacob especially in later parts, and of course the ugly baby 😭 most shows suffer from too many seasons syndrome, it's so sad. I mean yeah understandable, they wanna milk it, there's a demand, but sighhh. Omfg that TB mention, it's creepy, but happens TOO OFTEN, the mind reading or perhaps spying is out of control ☠
The evils of SM lmao, imagine if Taemin, Key, Kai, Seulgi, Taeyeon (I would add Changmin, have you heard his song... Devil?) performing together 😳😳😳😳
Wdym Hwa doesn't like Y/N... you're right, he LOVES her <3 why are there so many guys please, all simps? But the one who is supposed to simp hates her??? And does Y/N like Hwa? Well I love ETL, so 😘 Y/N as Taemin's lore - sexy of her
Sunmi's recent concept, the ginger mermaid hair I DIED. Right, miss Chungha, I'm not that into her recent stuff unfortunately, but she's gooooood anyways.
Poor Y/N I just know I'm gonna become her biggest apologist and if bitch boy royal guy Hwa doesn't want her I'll take her as my witch wife. I'm looking forward to the fic, because it seems like there's a lot to unpack.
I know Villain Dies is so nice, actually the whole album is really good, Tomboy's rap was questionable, but the whole release is solid. One of my faves in 22 actually. Songs with villain in the title always slap: Idle, Pixy, Key, SNSD...
I just saw that art you linked *mind reading* it's soooo good and made me think of Duke or King
Btw Sunmi and Taemin, A LONGER COLLAB WHEN. I keep coming back to this. I like watching award shows with friends, because we just hang out and it's less boring that way, but on my own it's a struggle lmao
Mingi era sure it is and it has been since DV. I was like "gotta collect a lot of Mingi since he was absent" and the fact he looked especially good was a bonus and he's been looking saaaaauuuuur goooood ever since
That San x Jueyon article is so dumb sjsgiagsidgejsjs it's just their hairstyles I-
No because I showed Hwa one of my cats once 😭😭😭😭 I'm obsessed with the sound he makes in the first video, it's so fucking cute his lil "HAHA"
And what about my bodyguard Seonghwa? Do I get two?
HOOOOLYY SHTITIS SOOHYUK WHAT IS THIS AND WIDUKSHEUWAHABHA Eunwoo is there too? Jesus how did I miss this - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Good morning! (To me)
good almost night (to me)
(and you)
Atinys out for blood, it was funny at first and the antis went wild so they had to be clowned, but some fans are doing TOO much, calm down. Let them deal with the copying. But I do hope Vata says something, ideally something that won't be dumb and disrespectful
atiny and now a whole idol 😭😭 nO EXACTLYYYY some are doing too much 😭😭 i understand the emotion behind it & the way it reached the choreographers too,,, but i saw SOME going above and bEYOND,, killed the entire vibe,,, vata didn’t say anything but a team member of his did?? wasn’t vata all quick to call out someone for plagiarism WHERE THAT GO NOW VATA AND HWA
That previous fan call was so frustrating to watch, but the Atiny reassured him and Hwa also said he liked longer hair (then why did he cut it off not so long after siydishdkshsjduhdj but he went pink so it's fine). Look I care about hair, it's one of my personality traits and I may talk shit sometimes, but I would never say it anywhere near the members...
some literally do not deserve those,, if u don’t like something just keep it to urself??? also some atinys say “ateez after they keep getting the same 10 people each fancall” WHICH IDK IF THEY UNDERSTAND THAT SOME PEOPLE (not one of the 10’s) POST ABOUT THEIR FANCALLS ON LINE 😭😭😭 SOME THINGS ARE PRIVATE,,, no ur so right, talking shit but keeping it to urself and jot saying it in front of idols is basic manners 😭😭😭
UNI AU PLEASE YESSSSS - says me who still gets uni related nightmares despite being out of school for a while. Not a furry at least not in THAT way alrite!!! I'm just an animal lover and pretty boys enthusiast, so what if we combine those two 🤗
I WILL VERY MUCH TRY FOR IT !!!! i recently was watching 18 again the kdrama version and kept seeing seonghwa 😭😭😭 LMFAOOOO DO U GET THOSE RANDOM THOUGHTS ABOUT AN ASSIGNMENT BEING DUE BUT THEN U REALIZE UR NOT IN UNI AT ALL 😭😭😭🤚🏼 KFJWKDBWK SAY WHAT U WANT ITS CONFIRMED UR A FURRY,,, ur saying alpha hwa???? hear me out, fallen angel hwa <3 taemin’s lore
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You got me at Park Seonghwa in red, because I love red and I love Seonghwa 💋 16:58 let's never forget and I thought we would end it with just one Shinee song, but my Shawol baby did not disappoint
SEONGHWA IN RED IS ILLEGAL, red is such an illegal colour like how can u be so sexy and bad at the same time,,, GBQKFHEK HE WILL FORVER REMEMBER HIS ROOTS AS A SHAWOL IM BEGGING TO SEE HIM NEXT TO TAEMIN FBWNDBE
Mf I'm gonna haunt him in that house I can tell we're not gonna let each other "live" square up ghost Tae
Nothing in Twilight screamed ROMANCE to me, like?! Don't get me started on that dumbfuck Jacob especially in later parts, and of course the ugly baby 😭 most shows suffer from too many seasons syndrome, it's so sad. I mean yeah understandable, they wanna milk it, there's a demand, but sighhh. Omfg that TB mention, it's creepy, but happens TOO OFTEN, the mind reading or perhaps spying is out of control ☠
The evils of SM lmao, imagine if Taemin, Key, Kai, Seulgi, Taeyeon (I would add Changmin, have you heard his song... Devil?) performing together 😳😳😳😳
THE EVILS OF SM STOOPPP AND HES CHANGMIN FBWNDB THE DILF OF KPOP,, no bc changmin’s chocolate + lie with chungha is so good THE HARMONIES IN DEVIL IS CRAZY GOOD sm and their soloists are so top notch <3 omg do u rmr when henry taemin and kyuhyun performed trap together that but with all of sm’s evils ,, THE NEWEST EDITION TO SM EVIL IS TAEYONG WITH HIS GHOST
Wdym Hwa doesn't like Y/N... you're right, he LOVES her <3 why are there so many guys please, all simps? But the one who is supposed to simp hates her??? And does Y/N like Hwa? Well I love ETL, so 😘 Y/N as Taemin's lore - sexy of her
bestie no one likes y/n except maybe hongjoong <3 and maybe someone from hwa’s side <3 national traitor after all ☺️ ALL OF THEM SIMPS TRULY san tho 😮‍💨 y/n has a complicated history with hwa tho never mentions it,,, hwa is about to be married BESTIE WHY WOULD HE THINK OF SOMEONE ELSE FBWMFJWK y/n is so fr sexy my favourite yn out of all
Sunmi's recent concept, the ginger mermaid hair I DIED. Right, miss Chungha, I'm not that into her recent stuff unfortunately, but she's gooooood anyways.
RIGHT THE GINGER MERMAID,, when sunmi does lore in her cb’s it always slaps,,, chungha!!!! her company doing her so dirty but her vocals are so so stunning, love me out loud on her recent album is insanity
Poor Y/N I just know I'm gonna become her biggest apologist and if bitch boy royal guy Hwa doesn't want her I'll take her as my witch wife. I'm looking forward to the fic, because it seems like there's a lot to unpack.
FBWKDHSK EVERYONE WILL BE YNS BIGGEST APOLOGIST until u guys learn about seonghwa <3 JDBWKDBK BOLD OF U TO ASSUME BITCH BOY ROYAL GUY IS NOT GONNA BE OBSESSED WITH THE IDEA OF MISS YN,, a lot to unpack for sure!! excited to finally start it after a long time!!
I know Villain Dies is so nice, actually the whole album is really good, Tomboy's rap was questionable, but the whole release is solid. One of my faves in 22 actually. Songs with villain in the title always slap: Idle, Pixy, Key, SNSD...
it really is! i have that and the danceracha song on repeat atm 😭😭 we do not talk about that rap in this household
I just saw that art you linked *mind reading* it's soooo good and made me think of Duke or King
omg a TB moment i see 👁👁 it really did but now imagine deonghwa as a general
Btw Sunmi and Taemin, A LONGER COLLAB WHEN. I keep coming back to this. I like watching award shows with friends, because we just hang out and it's less boring that way, but on my own it's a struggle lmao
WE NEED THEM TOGETHER ON A WHOLE SONG SM PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN 😭😭😭 kdnwkd im quite the opposite of u i prefer watching it alone bc my friends keep tALKING 🔫 I NEED TO HEAR THE FALSETTO PLS STOP TALKING 😭😭
Mingi era sure it is and it has been since DV. I was like "gotta collect a lot of Mingi since he was absent" and the fact he looked especially good was a bonus and he's been looking saaaaauuuuur goooood ever since
am i seeing a “mingi dv anon” era approaching????? what do u think is mingi’s best hair,,, his blond for me just hits so hard like he’s a natural blond
That San x Jueyon article is so dumb sjsgiagsidgejsjs it's just their hairstyles I- //// No because I showed Hwa one of my cats once 😭😭😭😭 I'm obsessed with the sound he makes in the first video, it's so fucking cute his lil "HAHA"
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 THE WAY IT STARTED TO TREND TOO NDBDNDBDN omg WHAT DID HE SAY TO UR CAT 😭😭😭🤚🏼🤚🏼 PLS DID HIS EYES GO ALL ROUND AND BOBA 😭😭😭 park seomghwa needs to be protected at all costs im fighting anyone who troubles this man 🔫
And what about my bodyguard Seonghwa? Do I get two?
sanhwa!bodyguard x reader…
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HOOOOLYY SHTITIS SOOHYUK WHAT IS THIS AND WIDUKSHEUWAHABHA Eunwoo is there too? Jesus how did I miss this - DV 💖
i would like to offer u this idiot today <3
us but with seonghwa and a rando kid <3
a uquiz
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archievephilip · 6 years
you’re amazing @isac | philip & seulgi
Gyeongsu era chato para muitas coisas, mas não podia negar que o ISAC era divertido, sobretudo por ser capaz de explorar suas habilidades com esportes — que por muito tempo nunca soube que as tinha — e também poder fazer aquilo que gostava: dançar balé. A modalidade de ginástica artística era, de longe, a sua favorita e, apesar de possuir um espírito competitivo, achava era fantástico assistir aos outros competidores se apresentarem. Era um ótimo momento de ver outras pessoas se revelando, além de poder aprender movimentos novos e bonitos para seus próximos treinos. Totalmente encantado e se deixando levar pelas canções escolhidas, sua atenção — que antes não era tanta — recaiu completamente sobre @seulgi-th​ quando este teve sua vez de brilhar. Sempre foi fascinado pelo mais velho, desde sua época como patinador profissional; foi bastante triste a sua saída do gelo, mas ainda assim conseguia apreciar o novo trabalho dele como cantor. Após o fim da apresentação, Philip respirou fundo antes de se aproximar do artista. — Wow! — exclamou com uma simpatia verídica, algo um tanto difícil de acontecer — Você foi fantástico! De verdade!
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philip-th-blog · 6 years
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✧・゚: *✧・゚* IT’S A MATCH!  You and Seulgi have liked each other.
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craig-th-blog · 6 years
♚: Head scratches
Não era necessário conhecer Craig profundamente para saber o quanto o americano gostava de cafunés. Estava sempre pedindo por eles por aí, e ficava todo mole quando alguém começava a brincar com seus cabelos. Daquela vez não foi nada diferente. Deitou a cabeça na coxa de Seulgi, direcionando o pulso alheio até a própria cabeça, implorando por carinho igual um de seus gatos. E quando Seulgi o deu o que ele tanto queria, Craig abriu um sorriso sem mostrar os dentes, se ajeitando numa posição mais confortável no colo do rapaz e fechando os olhos, ficando totalmente relaxado e em paz para receber o carinho.
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daichi-th · 6 years
♙: Sharing a bed
Ai está algo que Daichi não costumava fazer, afinal, foi filho único por toda a vida e mesmo quando dormia na casa dos amigos, sempre tinha um canto ou outro para se enfiar que não contasse com o compartilhamento de um colchão, mas sinceramente? O menino nem se importava. Tanto ele, e provavelmente Seulgi, estavam bêbados da pequena comemoração que haviam feito antes e estavam jogados ali na casa de alguém que o japonês mesmo nem sabia nomear, tendo que dividir um colchão e cobertor, mas, graças a Deus, travesseiro ainda tinham dois. Era engraçado, porém, porque nenhum dos dois ali haviam encontrado ainda o meio termo do quanto do cobertor poderiam puxar para que o outro não ficasse descoberto, fazendo Daichi rir toda vez que puxava um pouco e escutava um resmungar de Seulgi, tal como aconteceu agora. Rindo novamente, o moreno desistiu, se revirando no colchão até encontrar as costas do loiro e jogar seu braço sobre a cintura dele, diminuindo o espaço entre os dois. “Calma que prometo que se tivesse segundas intenções, te levava pra um jantar primeiro, mas tá frio pra porra e essa batalha da coberta vai durar até eu apagar, então...” Se ajeitou melhor naquela posição. “Se preferir porém ser o big spoon é só falar que eu troco, não me importo, huh?” Disse com a voz já um pouco embargada pelo sono causado pelo álcool. 
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