dirtyfilthy · 3 years
flow dynamics #2
a free-flowing cascade of concepts, this line drawn out a little too long perhaps -- an abstraction like the one of which we are currently speaking. oh yes, very pleasant, a sweet & lemon-scented phrase that sparkles in the breeze. then: the euphoric rush of emotion: the deep instinctual roar gutter guttural that comes gushing open with the word love with the word moon with the word you getting a little lascivious are we? go lick your lips a kiss just playful settledownnow a tickle a cuddle a chuckle a couple? a couple of ellipses are still left i feel in which to finish ...
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T+5 hours 400ug + 140mg mdma --- maybe that last poem was more of a “second-date” kind of a poem. maybe kind of a strong opener. yeah. …
I jest! I jest!
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Chicks dig me, like I’m kind of a big deal, which is pretty freaking awesome, actually. ;) Still, they tend to like my wife more, I think. 🤔 #mychicks #chicks #heyladies #inthepalmofmyhand #notallatonce #settledownnow #notapeep #theylikeme #theyreallyreallylikeme #goodpeeps #littleladies #itssofluffy #catsgotyourtongue #lotsofcuddles #warmsnuggles #hugs #isaidit #animalhouse
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