#seto theories
posuegg · 1 year
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ryuichifuwa · 1 month
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fatedroses · 1 day
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I swear I'm gonna be paranoid for this specific gradient of ourple.
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kisaraslover · 9 months
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im a SUCKER for Kaiba's 5 millennia accumulated guilt manifest into overprotective behavior over Kisara. the strongest moments hes tied to his past as Seth, remembering, feeling etc would be because of her or BEWD, those moments are when Set and Seto feel like 1 very long life, like when youre reminded of kindergarten friends, or the air of your elementary school winters. heavy heart until you shake it off
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moonogre · 8 days
“I am also able to report on the status of the wagers. The two cards that have been entered into the betting pool are Blue Eyes White Dragon–” the Commissioner’s eyes swung to Kaiba, “–and Red Eyes Black Dragon–” and then to Jonouchi. “I certify that both cards meet the requirements for the wager.” 
“Ey!” Jonouchi grinned, jabbing him with his elbow. “Matchy, matchy.” 
“Don’t touch me,” Kaiba quipped. 
“Both duelists are aware that a loss will result in the forfeit and ownership transfer of their wager. I would now like to invite Jonouchi Katsuya to call the coin toss. At your ready, sir.” And then the Commissioner stood still before them with a golden KaibaCorp token balanced atop his thumbnail: an embossed KC logo for heads and an engraved king chess piece as tails. 
“Fuck, I’ve been nailing these toss calls all day,” Jonouchi said with a grin. “What do you think it’ll be this time, Commish?”
“Your decision, sir.” 
Jonouchi threw back his head and laughed. “Alright, fair, I walked into that one.” His tongue darted over his lips for a moment before he worried his bottom lip in between his teeth. He squinted at the coin as though he was concentrating very hard, and then nodded. 
The coin sailed upwards and flipped, gold and pretty, within the air. Jonouchi craned the long column of his neck so his face was upturned, open and hopeful under the coin’s countless rotations. He looked star-struck, mouth barely parted, eyes trailing the turns as gravity bore it down. And then he must have spied something– Jonouchi looked completely convinced of something, for just a split second– and his eyes narrowed in triumph and he smiled, turning his gaze to Kaiba. “Heads I go first.” And then his hand darted out to snatch the coin from the air. 
Jonouchi hid the coin in his clenched fist, held between their faces. His dark eyes were daring him to something. Everything in Kaiba stirred as if to meet it, but then he tore his gaze away to give the Commissioner a questioning look. “Surely this is breaking some kind of rule.”
The Commissioner looked to Kaiba, and then Jonouchi. “No, this is unusual… but not in breach.” Jonouchi’s smile, wolfish now, only widened. 
“Whaddaya say, Kaiba?” Kaiba’s eyes trailed over Jonouchi’s face as he continued taunting him. “Think I’ll win again?” 
“I don’t care.” 
Jonouchi gave him that lopsided grin again and made a fist with his other hand as well, drawing the skin on the back of the hand taught and flat. He rested the coin on it. 
KC face-up, the king buried and resting against his skin, below.
Jonouchi’s eyebrows flashed. “I win.”
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hibiy4 · 5 months
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empty-dream · 9 months
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A heart that rescues hearts
Finally I can redraw from this scene in Shounen Brave. A split second scene that I truly love because I believe those are the eyes that knows everything (I've said this 1000 times probably).
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If he has always been aware of the loops and all the bad things that have happened and will happen if he saves Marry yet he still does it anyway, then brave he is.
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dryades-angeli · 11 months
Serenity and Kisara are may the same person?
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Some Silentshippers speculate that Serenity and Kisara could be the same person. And the artist Setsunakou has also taken up this idea in her artworks. Among others in this picture. ~*~ L O O K: Both have those trademark eyes that Kishimoto uses for most of his female characters. Mai and Ishizu, for example, have different eye shapes that make them look a little more grown-up. Important to note: Serenity's previous design even had blue eyes, like Kisara.
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Now let's get to the hair. As you can see from Seto and Mahad, the incarnated people do not necessarily to have exactly the same appearance. Seto's Egyptian version has longer hair and Mahad, as a magician, has a different hair color. So Kisara's incarnation may have shorter hair and a different hair color. The fact that Serenity doesn't have her hair on her face isn't a sign that she couldn't be Kisara. Look here:
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The old version of Joey Wheeler had the same parted hair as Serenity. In the new version they fall in his face. When Akiza from 5D's opens her hair, it looks almost exactly like Kisara's. So if Serenity put her hair over her face, she would look almost exactly like Kisara. C H A R A K T E R: Let's try to assign character traits to the two. Serenity: Good-natured, gentle, a little naive, compassionate, shy, vulnerable, have her inner strength, optimistic, fragile. Kisara: Mysterious, lonely, shy, calm, sometimes a little self-confident. Ine the manga more passive, lonly and tired of life.
I looked for the characteristics from the relevant wikis. So they are not mine. Kisara and Serenity seem pretty weak at first glance. Seto even had to save Kisara twice, because she didn't know how to help herself. Serenity, on the other hand, is very attached to her big brother and lets him protect her. Tristan also sacrificed himself for her in the duel against Nezwitt in the virtual world. Both are quite shy and reserved, even seem a little fragile. Both are very gentle and have their inner strength that comes out in crucial moments. The differences Serenity seems to be cheerful, naive and a little more dependent than Kisara. On the other hand, Kisara makes a rather mysterious and lonely impression. But that also has to do with how they grew up. Serenity always had the protection and love of her mother and brother. Kisara, on the other hand, seemed to have had no one. Especially since she was captured by slave traders, stoned and had to fight alone against monsters. If Kisara had grown up as sheltered as Serenity, her character would not have been any different. S E T O ` S R E A C T I O N: I'm talking about Seto Kaiba here, not Priest Seto. Just to be able to classify it. When he met Kisara, he was extremely shocked because he recognized her from a vision of himself. He had this vision after Battle City and the Virtual World. When he meets Serenty, he reacts quite calmly, indirectly fulfills his request and his gaze rests on her for quite a long time. So it could be that he subconsciously recognized her but couldn't place her. As I said, he only knew Kisara from one of the visions he had after his meeting with Serenity. ~*~ It will probably remain just a theory. But to me it makes perfect sense. What do you think about that?
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shinayashipper · 1 year
Yugi is such a doting boyfriend but can't really handle being Doted which Kaiba is Very Determined to change
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d1g1talw0rld · 1 year
The full post, everyone!
In ancient Egypt, the color green was considered a sacred color. It was associated with life, death, the natural world, religion, and rebirth. These themes are also very relevant to the two green-haired characters in Yugioh, Noa Kaiba and Seto Kaiba (in his season zero/early manga iteration)
Life and death are fairly straightforward. Both Noah and Seto experienced death, and yet did not die. Noah died physically and yet lived on in the DIGITALWORLD, and Seto died mentally due to his penalty game, though his physical body was mostly unharmed. Both associate winning with life and freedom, and losing with death. In the end, Seto transcends reality to enter the afterlife, and Noah accepts death as it was always meant to happen. They also both see violence as a survival strategy, which leads into the natural world.
Both Kaiba brothers, for their talk about ascending and computerlike minds, operate on very animalistic instincts. Both have an incredible survival drive, and are willing to do anything to protect themselves or the ones they care about. For instance, Noah beliving if he were to kill Seto and the others he would be able to escape and live as a human again, or Seto in the rooftop scene, desperately gambling with his last chance, as he saw it was the only option to save the brother who kept him going. However, they both also show a distinct leaning away from said natural world, either by choice or by circumstance. Noah is trapped inside a computer that slowly degrades his humanity, and Seto engrossed himself inside of fantasy games and technology that rivals any great miracle (he even bragged so himself).
Religion is another theme they share. Noah's more direct symbolism pulling from many cultures, including the tree of life he was shown with, Noah's Ark, angels, but most importantly, Noah shows religious guilt and religious trauma, in an indirect way. Pleading to a face in the sky, asking "Why wasn't I good enough to go with you". Seto is the opposite. Seto killed his "god" and would happily do it again. He even told Yami/Atem that "if God stands in you way, bring God down!" Seto denies all possibilities of magic and faith, until the bitter end, even though he becomes a godlike figure in his own right (making things from nothing, connecting almost all of mankind, TRANSCENDING DEATH and/or TIME), and worshipping Atem as a distant God he can never "knock down" (his hologram of him is IN A CHURCH, it isn't stuble)
Rebirth, likewise, isn't stuble. Noah found rebirth in the DIGITALWORLD, a parody purgatory of life after death. And he also found a rebirth of the soul, as his interactions with Mokuba sparked a return of his dead and dormant humanity again. Seto…Firstly Seto rose from poverty and cast aside his name to become a powerful figure with a new life, in a metaphorical rebirth. He also has died multiple times due to various shadow penalties (the illusion of death where he died and was resurrected ad nauseum for eight hours comes to mind specifically), and always bounced back. And of course, he ventured to the paradise of the dead to return his lost Atem to life. He was the Orpheus who didn't look back, because he refused to look back all his life, and it was all building up to something in the end.
Both of these characters have or have had at some point, green hair. However, it's more complex than that. Noah's hair is closer to teal, a mix of blue (which is the color of the ocean and also associated with technology) and green, symbolising how he's slightly to the left of those things, a perversion of the natural cycle, even, a rather unsettling interruption of nature. Noah's teal symbolises the blending of technology into something supposed to be natural, and taking over it, as the color leans much closer to blue. Seto's hair is commonly interpreted as dyed, as in that he created his own versions of these cycles with man-made materials, as he always had a tendency to do. Both green haired Kaiba brothers show different variations on a theme, different formats of a line. Perhaps, even, different shades of a color.
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melchinafan · 1 year
Alright, okay, playing Secret World Legends, picked up the "Dear Reader" side mission to collect scattered pages from an upcoming Sam Krieg novel. Got knocked back in a shadowy flutter of wings, as ya do. Clearly something did not want me to have those pages yet...but maybe the something is friend-shaped! So I said aloud, "Hello?" And not two seconds later, from the hella-haunted building the pages were next to (which is emanating old radio and nigh-indiscernible vocalizations), a clear voice in the exact same
Echoes back to me.
And look, I've got a pretty solid grasp on reality, I know the game is fictional. But sometimes...
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tititiri · 1 year
I noticed something interesting...
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Although fact that name is clearly inspired by Egyptian mythology.... god Seth. However, should I translate Kaiba's name as "shallow human"?
Another issue is that the name can be written in 3 other ways:
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My theory: I think the choice of characters wasn't accidental. After all, Seto is a character inspired by a person who annoyed KT. Why didn't they have a reason to choose just such characters for his name for a kind of "revenge"? (I would probably do that myself XD)
I don't think anyone can deny that he is a character with a very complex personality. If it's the master's Takahashi sense of humor, I appreciate it very much (:
On the other hand, the use of the character 人(human), along with a name overtly applicable to a deity gives one pause for thought....
●Seto Kaiba despite the fact that he tries to portray himself as a God, Messiah, who saves and rules the entire world of duelists. A person who has power over the souls of the inhabitants of Domino City... is still just a man who has both advantages, disadvantages, weaknesses and fragile body.
I hope you will find it interesting. I'd love to hear what you guys think about it.
On the subject of writing the name, I used this source
I'm aware that Japanese names aren't as easy to explain as European names. In the case of Japanese names, I have encountered the claim that only the parent who gave the name has full knowledge of why them chose it.
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unfriendlyamazon · 2 years
sometimes I think about mokuba carrying seto's briefcase in battle city like seto gives his baby brother a) a job so he feels important and valued and b) three weeks after mokuba was kidnapped and held hostage he is tasked with holding arguably seto's most valuable items ensuring that he won't ever be far from seto and seto is guaranteeing in a real physical sense that he'll always be aware of where mokie is and that's how you know I think too much about this damn show
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jotunvali02 · 2 years
watching DSOD again...
Boy, I can't wait for LittleKuriboh to do his abridged version of it!
There is so much he can play with, even aside from the heavy Prideshipping! I wonder what he'll do of Diva. And I'm sure he'll have a lot of fun with Kaiba and make a very emotional thing when Yugi tells Kaiba that Atem won't return.
Pharaoh Ex Machina.
Next to that, what Shadi says about conflict and fear, it's totally KAIBA he's describing!
We could think it's about Diva, but sorry not sorry, somone who's so afraid to lose (duels or people he loves) he does absolutely everything to prevent it like:
desecrating tombs,
theft of ancient artifacts,
attempted murder,
mass control and surveillance,
exclusion of non-Duellists (while preaching peace and inclusion, like shut up, you wealthy drama queen!),
having his own fucking secret police,
building his own private space station to revive a dead guy because he still craves to deafeat him (or because he's madly in yandere love with him!), it's SETO KAIBA!
Even Diva says so! He's a "tyrant who has turned crazy"!
Yes! HE IS!!
He brags about peace and inclusion but dude, if you exclude certain castes of people from "your" land, arbitrarily arrest people, blackmail others, mass-watch them and do some nasty antiquities-trafficking with an obviously corrupted foreign government, HOW can you expect war and social exclusion will stop??
I mean, is there no political power in Yu-Gi-Oh's Japan?? No powerful or influencial people to say "hey! look Seto Kaiba is a little shit who does shit!" ?? Or does he own the Japanese police and governement too?? wouldn't surprise me
How come no one arrested him after all his bullshit?? Oh yeah! Because HE is the police! He's the cockiest, jerkiest, maddest rich bastard ever yet I love him so much!!
Diva and Kaiba have many common things to talk about together in fact. If neither of them had a monstrous narcissistic ego that is.
Ah. And Kaiba is the villain of the movie. I still wonder how it would've looked like if HE had put on the Millenium Ring.
*shudders* (would have turned R18 because horrors and blood and gore.)
Joey still has wet dreams of Kaiba.
Shadi is the Buddha.
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
Yu -Gi-Oh! Theory: Seto Kaiba Invented Synchro Summoning youtube comments 
The ending of the movie is left intentionally ambiguous and Takahashi has not confirmed either possibility. He specifically said that his illustration represents, "...just one possible future story." There is no canonical answer to whether or not Kaiba lived or died at the end of the film and likely will not be unless NAS, Konami, and Studio Bridge ever decide to use the character again in a future movie or series. This theory video is based on one interpretation of the film's ending. If Kaiba lived in your head canon, enjoy! I hope he Blue-Eyes'd the hell out of some people. But anyone leaving profane tirades in response to someone else's interpretation will be deleted.   Kaiba didn't die, that pod simulates a near death experience by forcing insane G forces on him so that he can enter the afterlife.  But since he isn't truly dead he's slowly fading back into the mortal world that's why he has that ash floating off him
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shironezuninja · 2 months
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Some of the songs on the DP & Wolvie movie OST won’t be making it to my music playlist. Promo videos for the film had songs that SHOULDA been on the OST. “Like A Prayer” was the only one that was heard from Promo Video to Film.
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