#seth is a good and soft kid
sydnikov · 7 months
Being Bold || S. Jarvis
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Author: Sydney / @sydnikov
Pairing: Seth Jarvis / fem!Reader
Word Count: 7.4k
Summary: Seth has a crush on you. A bad one, and he makes it very obvious throughout the years he’s known you, though you’ve still never taken him seriously because of his immaturity and energetic personality. Much to his chagrin, you keep denying him—until one night, scorned by thoughts of your most recent ex who never knew how to touch you right, you give in to Seth’s advances.
Warnings: 18+ smut, unprotected p in v (birth control usage), oral (f receiving), very slight age gap (reader is 2 years older), alcohol mention, alcoholic consumption, minor mention of violence including blood, cursing
A/N: Wow. This one is something (it’s just smut with a small bit of plot don’t mind my dramatics). Here’s the jarvy debauchery as promised ✨ until the next, thanks for the support as always!
*Minors, you are responsible for your own media consumption. That being said, I will not block you for interacting with this fic or my blog, but always be aware of the content you choose to consume and the consequences it can have.
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You’ve only seen Seth Jarvis as a kid.
Well, maybe ‘kid’ is too strong of a word to describe the immaturity gap. You’re only two years older than him, but it’s just that how he acts gives you the impression of a boy.
Not a man, but a boy. And it drives Seth absolutely insane.
He first meets you the year he joins the Hurricanes because you’re friends with the social media director (he later finds out you’re close to Lottie, Jesperi’s girlfriend, as well). He remembers the night vividly, what you were wearing, how soft your hand felt against the calluses on his own. How you looked at him, amusement and softness in the smile you flashed him.
Seth was smitten. Still is, actually, because you’re around more than ever. He sees you everywhere. After games, and even just around Raleigh because you live in the area.
He tries asking you out. Numerous times, but much to his chagrin you always turn him down.
“We just met, Seth.” A week after you first shake his hand.
“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” Well, he did. But, in his defense, he’d just broken up with her after he moved.
“I’m too old for you.” That one hurt, because that’s when he finds out you’re only two years older.
Seth is nothing if not persistent, though. He doesn’t give up even after all the rejections. He’s also pretty sure your reluctance is because you think he’s never touched a woman in his life.
Presumptuous, right? Andrei thinks so when Seth tells him after playing Call of Duty for several hours, but he recounts a conversation you had with Lottie (he still owes her and Jesperi a drink for that, actually) after Seth begged her to slide a good word in.
“You’re not into the mustache?” Lottie had giggled, taking a sip of her martini.
You were drinking a whiskey sour, which he knows because he bought it for you but had Lottie say it was from her. Your face burned red, either because of the alcohol or the question, he doesn’t know.
“No, no,” You laughed. “I like mustaches. And a nice stubble. They feel good on the thighs.”
“So what’s the problem? He’s in love with you, basically.”
“Isn’t he, like, I don’t know… Nineteen?” You had drawled, faking indifference while mixing around the olive in your drink with the little straw it came with.
“He’s twenty-two, babe.” She smirked. “Only two years younger.”
Lottie says she thinks you’re just wary of his immaturity. When he tries defending himself, Jesperi reminds him that he scored a goal the other night, pointed at you behind the glass where you sat with Lottie, and then proceeded to griddy.
Word on the street is that you weren’t impressed.
Nonetheless, Seth can’t change his personality for you, as much as he considers it. He thinks the sun rises and sets on you, but if you truly think you’re too good for him then he does have enough self respect to walk away and get over it.
But… He just doesn’t think that’s the case, here. You only seem reluctant—that’s it.
“You can’t force her to sleep with you, Jarvy.” Andrei tells him, breaking him out of his thoughts. 
“I know.” He groans, his chin falling into his hand. “What do I do, then?” And truly, he’s run out of ideas. He’s played silly, nice, gentleman… What else is there left for him to do, other than give up?
Seth thinks of your radiant smile, then groans to himself because fuck. He really doesn’t want to give up.
“Give her space?” Andrei suggests. “Have you tried, just… Going away?” He frowns for a moment, trying to think of the right words in English. “Not ‘going away’—”
“Space? You think she just needs space?”
“Well, not too much space—”
“Svechy you're a genius.” Seth interrupts, jumping out of his seat with renown vigor. “I’ll buy you a drink for this, remind me!” And then he’s springing up from the couch, grabbing his keys and sprinting out the front door.
Andrei blinks. Once, twice, then shakes his head with a laugh. He feels like he should warn you, then promptly decides this is not something he wants to get in the middle of.
Seth takes his teammate’s advice to heart, and gives you the space he thinks you need to process his zealous pursuit of you. He can tell it catches you off guard because he’s stopped following you around like a lost puppy, along with all of the antics normally associated with his creative flirting.
In fact, it’s such a sudden change from what you’re used to that it freaks you out. Hurts a little bit, too, because did he just wake up one day disgusted by the thought of you?
You tell yourself you’re disturbed because you miss the attention. It’s been a while since you’ve had a guy foam at the mouth for you, after all, so now that it’s gone you’re just going through withdrawals.
It’s more than that, though, and you won’t admit it to yourself but when you spy him chatting it up with other girls your stomach twists in a way that you know screams trouble.
Maybe it’s because you just ended things with your latest boyfriend - a bore of a man who couldn’t make time for you outside of his work - and the vulnerability of being alone yet again is getting to you.
Is Seth really so bad? You think about him sometimes, when you’re alone in your apartment or even right in front of him. You’ve always had a soft spot for him, sure, but nothing more than friendly affection.
You’re questioning this now, when his attention is no longer being directed at you, because you distinctly remember him getting into a fight with some other player on the ice, and that’s the first time you remember thinking man and not boy.
The team it was against escapes you, but you remember someone getting in Sebastian’s space with a raised arm, and then Seth came flying in with a fist to the opposing player’s face and a lot of colorful words. Your jaw had dropped as the referees tore them apart, his hair dripping with sweat and a cut welling with blood dripping down his forehead.
The moment forces you to think that maybe altogether, his energetic personality, a smile that never leaves his face, and the unwavering loyalty for his friends combined isn’t such a bad thing after all. The revelation leaves you shaking and feeling quite awkward when he’s around, or even just being brought up.
“Do you miss Scott?” Lottie asks you one day when you’re out for lunch at Perry’s - a steakhouse near her apartment in North Hills - referring to your aforementioned ex-boyfriend. Even his name is boring.
You laugh a little, unable to not roll your eyes though your ire isn’t directed at her. “No. I knew it wasn’t going to last when I got into it, anyways.”
“It’s been about two weeks since you broke up with him.” She says, a statement rather than a question. The look on her face tells you she’s trying to go somewhere with this. “Has anyone caught your eye lately? You’re too pretty to be single, you know.”
It’s obvious that Lottie is trying to ask if you’ve reconsidered Seth at all. It’s been the talk of your whole friend group, including the guys, that he’s suddenly stopped in his bold pursuit of you, though none of them think it’s because he’s lost interest.
“I don’t know.” You whine, begrudgingly stabbing a piece of potato with your fork. “I mean, he’s… Seth.”
“Seth, who has spent his entire time on the Hurricanes trying to win you over?” She says with a raised brow. “Just because he’s had his fun doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy.”
You don’t have a response to that, so instead you just nod. She is right, as much as you hate to admit it. Seth is a successful professional hockey player in his prime, of course he’s been with his fair share of women and will continue to do so as long as he’s single.
If that was your case you’d certainly be having fun, too.
“If his casualness towards dating really bothers you, you should just talk to him.” Lottie says after a moment. “He’s dying for you to speak to him, I swear it.”
You concede. “I’ll talk to him the next time I see him.”
Fortunately for you, that ‘next time’ doesn’t happen for quite a few more weeks, and when you do finally run into him again it’s when you’re slightly tipsy, drinking at a bar near to PNC Arena after the boys have won a game.
You don’t even take note of his presence at first, in the middle of gossiping with some of your friends who just so happen to know the players.
The gossip? Your ex-boyfriend, Scott, and his inability to make you come.
“I mean, he wasn’t bad or anything.” You say. “He had all the knowledge and stuff, just, like, couldn’t do anything. Y’know?” You’re slurring your words a little bit, but everyone around you nods like you’re making some big, important speech.
“So did you have to fake it?” Someone asks. You can’t even remember how Scott was brought up in the first place.
You giggle; you can’t help it. “Oh my god, yes, sometimes it was so bad I had to say I was cramping just to get him to stop trying.” That sends everyone into boisterous laughter, and in your slight drunkenness you can’t help but join in.
The song changes then, and it must be one everyone knows because it scatters you and the rest of the girls into smaller groups, some running to the dance floor while others wander back to the bar. You stay seated, however, content to watch as you sip your drink.
“Whiskey sour?” That’s when Seth makes his presence known. His voice murmured in your ear catches you off guard, and you jump a little as you turn to face him. “Seth.” You greet, not unkindly. “Yeah, but it’s only my second.”
Just as soon as he appeared, he’s jumping back up from his seat next to you. “I’ll get you a third.” You don’t have time to protest as he disappears, and your affection for this rambunctious man only continues to grow as he bounds back moments later, sliding you your drink with a smug grin.
“Thank you.” You smile, a little shy, a little bashful, as you take your first sip. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Anything for my girl.” Ah, there it is. You’re unable to hide the obvious roll of your eyes, but Seth’s smile doesn’t waver. “Not your girl, Seth. Just got out of a relationship, remember?”
“Oh, yeah.” He says. “Scott, right? Sounds like that was doomed from the start.”
You narrow your eyes, unsure of the knowing tone he’s taken on. “And how would you know?”
“He couldn’t make you come, yeah? What a tool.”
Suddenly, your throat is very dry, and you’re taking a very large sip of whiskey that has you wincing. So… He heard you say that, then. Is it hot in here? You have the sudden urge to fan yourself. Fuck fuck fuck. Seth, of all people, should not be making your thighs clench.
You don’t realize how silent you’ve gotten until he speaks up again. “I could make you, you know.”
That has you choking, and you quickly throw back the rest of your drink to soothe your throat. “What?” When you finally meet Seth’s eyes, he’s still grinning at you, though it’s more carnal. His eyes darken as he responds.
“Come. I could get you to come so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk the next day.”
Your reply is meek, knowing deep down inside you’re fighting a losing battle. “Have you even touched a girl before?” He scoffs, and you know as well as he does that he’s been with his fair share of women. It’s one of the reasons you’re so hesitant to take him seriously.
Seth is undeterred, though, as he slides even closer to you. You stare straight ahead, determined not to meet his eyes even though you’re positive there’s a red flush creeping up your neck as his breath tickles your ear.
He says your name, a low purr that’s almost mocking like he can see right through your bullshit because finally, he’s breaking through to you. “You know I have. None of them are you, though.”
You squirm in your seat as his hand creeps up your shoulders, grasping the back of your neck as he gently turns your head to face him. He squeezes reassuringly, and now you’re melting into his embrace as a gasp falls from your lips.
“I want you. You know that, baby.”
“Let me show you, please?” Then those warm eyes are bearing into your own, and now you’re getting a glimpse of the boy you first met all over again. This time, though, instead of feeling innocent affection all you feel now is heat.
You were stupid to think the adoration he never hesitates to show for you wouldn’t win you over eventually.
Blinking owlishly, you move one of your hands to grip his arm, looking so dainty against the rugged muscle under his skin, and, well. You cave.
Seth doesn’t expect you to give in so easily. He freezes, doesn’t move until you gain your wits back and pinch his thigh with a gentle roll of your eyes. “Are you just going to sit there or should I find someone else to entertain me?”
That gets him moving. It’s his turn to look anxious as he runs a hand through his hair, still processing the fact that he didn’t have to convince you more. He wasn’t actually expecting to get this far with you—quite literally, the woman of his dreams.
“Shit, okay.” He laughs, jumping out of his seat and lacing his fingers with yours. “You’re serious, then.”
“Somehow.” You deadpan. Somehow your legs are still clenching and your heart is beating a little too fast to be normal. “Don’t fuck it up.”
He looks to you, a little terrified, and you can’t help but break the irritated front and send him a small smile, squeezing his hand reassuringly even as your words are all snark. Truthfully, you’re also scared, but not of the sex, but rather the developing feelings that might grow deeper afterwards.
You just got out of yet another disappointing relationship. You don’t want whatever this is with Seth to end with the same result.
He does a good job of distracting you from your destructive thoughts, though, as he pulls you out of the bar like two teenagers trying to sneak away from their parents. You suppose it’s not unlike that same feeling because Jesperi catches your eye as you exit the doors, and he sends you such a shit-eating grin it has you ducking your head to avoid his obnoxious stare.
You suppose you do owe him a favor now after all.
For the first time ever, standing outside in the biting cold, Seth kisses you as you’re waiting for an Uber. You being busy trying to look like you’re not about to go hook up, he suddenly grabs you by the waist and smooths his lips against yours so good your toes curl.
“Fuck.” He murmurs into your mouth. “I can’t get enough of you.” His teeth catch your bottom lip, and you unabashedly moan. You run your hands up his chest, around his shoulders, and to the back of his neck where you card your fingers through thick strands of hair, tugging from the roots.
“Seth…” You gasp when he detaches his lips from your own only for him to smooth down your jawline, then down to your neck where he sucks wet kisses into your sensitive skin. “Fuck, we’re in public.” With a hiss, you pull him away from your neck and pointedly ignore the wetness in your panties when he groans at the loss of contact.
He looks at you like a baby getting its favorite toy taken away, and you can’t ignore how his desperation turns you on wildly. It takes everything in you to not let him go back to feasting on your neck.
“When’s the Uber getting here?” You ask after a moment. You’re both panting, tipsy from the taste of each other’s lips as you try to catch your breath.
Seth pulls out his phone, and as you admire the way the light illuminates his face you completely miss the words coming from his mouth.
You flush. “Say that again?” Seth grins wickedly, brings you in by the back of your neck and kisses you, then pulls away too soon for your liking. “The Uber. It’s right here.” He then wraps an arm around your waist, digging his fingers deliciously into your skin, and leads you into the Uber as it arrives right on time.
He rattles off his address to the driver, then settles back into the seats. His arm snakes around your shoulders, and you hum your appreciation as you sink into his chest. You feel him kiss the top of your head in response.
You could fall asleep, if you really wanted to. The sudden switch in mood from carnal desperation to gentle affection would give you whiplash if you weren’t so at ease resting against him like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
The drive passes fairly quickly, and Seth doesn’t stop touching you as you make your way up the elevator to his apartment. His hand sneaks to your ass, giving it a squeeze before you slap his arm away.
“Cameras!” You hiss, though it’s with little mirth as a small smile curves up your lips. Seth merely laughs, slides his hand back down to rest on your lower back. “They don’t care. Now c’mere.”
You make out until you can’t breathe, and as you pull away it’s just in time as the elevator doors open. Your heart rate picks up, and you hide your nerves as he grabs your hand and practically sprints out of the elevator with you.
“We have all night, you know.” You giggle, absentmindedly rubbing your thumb over the top of his hand. Seth groans playfully, but his words strike you as serious even as he masks it with a grin.
“Not long enough, babe.”
You don’t respond, partly because you don’t know how to and partly because he’s just unlocked his door, and you’re too busy taking in his apartment. You’ve been to Andrei’s house numerous times, Jesperi and Lottie's apartment, Jordan’s for his famous house parties… It’s just now that you’re realizing you don’t actually know Seth all that well.
What you do know, though, is that he’s eyeing you like he can’t wait to devour you, and the reminder that you don’t even know his favorite color exits your mind as you sidle up to his chest, grabbing him by the lapels of his suit to drag his lips down to yours.
“Time to impress me, lover boy.” You hum into his mouth, fighting a shiver when he nips at your bottom lip. Seth chuckles, one of his hands sliding down your back to squeeze your ass, the other tugging your hair back to expose your neck.
He kisses your cheek once, twice, mouths at your collarbone with teasing bites that have your eyes fluttering shut, and then it’s like he loses patience as suddenly his hands are picking you up by your thighs and curling your legs around his waist.
You squeak in surprise. “Seth!” You admonish, because of course it turns you on that he’s able to throw you around effortlessly. He seems to have that effect on you.
Seth maneuvers the two of you through his darkened apartment with ease, knowing the route to his bedroom like the back of his hand. Your attempts at distracting him include sucking a bright red hickey on his neck, fully intending it for it to be bright enough that his teammates give him hell for it the next day.
Once he pushes open the door with his foot, he brings you to the foot of his bed and unceremoniously drops you. You scoff with indignation at his manhandling, though you know he knows you like it if the smirk on his face is anything to go by.
A tiger stalking its prey, Seth crawls on top of you and meets your eager lips in another kiss. His hands smooth down the curves of your hips to your thighs, slowly spreading them open. He mumbles something, and you miss it completely.
“Hm?” You run your hands through his hair, enjoying the way the black strands are moussed from your touch. Your shirt is also already halfway up your torso as he helps you tear it off. “I said I’ll wear your marks proudly. My girl.” He coos, flicking open the clasp of your bra and immediately moving down to your chest.
“Fuck.” He groans. “They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful.”  Your laugh quickly turns to a gasp as he sucks your right nipple into his mouth.
Your other nipple is taken by his fore-finger and thumb, rolling the sensitive nub between the calloused pads. Between him sucking on one tit and playing with the other, you’re practically a whimpering mess, trying to simultaneously wiggle out of his grip yet get closer at the same time.
“Seth,” You whine. “I need you.” You’re admitting it openly, foregoing coyness in favor of your own pleasure. Yeah, so what? You like this overgrown puppy of a man, and you really want to fuck him. Pulling his head back by his hair, you eagerly slam your lips back together.
“Need me?” He grins against your lips. “Where do you need me? Gotta be specific, babe, because I can be here,” He emphasizes a quick squeeze to your tit. “Here,” The other hand smooths over your ass. “Or here...” He trails off into a low rumble, parting your eager thighs.
Based on the tortured groan he lets out, you assume he can probably feel the wetness that’s soaked through your jeans. You’re too turned on to be embarrassed, though.
“Damn it, Seth, just touch me.” You hiss, keeping his hand pressed between your thighs while the other is already working open the button of your jeans. “Fucking tease.” You mutter, though it’s light-hearted and he knows it based on his snicker.
He helps you peel off the rest of your jeans, throwing them somewhere behind you. It’ll be fun trying to hunt for those in the morning. When he sees the dainty white lace covering your pussy, he lets out his most needy sound yet.
“Shit.” He breathes. “Wore these for me? So pretty. My pretty baby.” He murmurs as he thumbs the lace, running two fingers over the soaked fabric. If you could see, you’d guarantee his pupils are blown wide.
Your hips rise at the friction, wanting more. And because you’re still hellbent on resisting him, apparently, you roll your eyes, spitting out your next words. “You knew I was coming home with you, didn’t you? Asshole.” Though your words are all snark, your tone screams laughter.
Strangely enough, the banter gets you off more than any dirty talk in the world. It’s familiar, relaxing, and Seth clearly doesn’t mind either as he merely chuckles. “I just know you that well, don't I?” The look on his face offers no room for argument.
And, well, you suppose he isn’t wrong. You are here in his bed at the end of the day, right?
You grumble something that to his ears sounds like ‘shut up’ and then you’re sliding your panties down your thighs, letting him take care of the rest as, like your other clothes, he tosses them somewhere behind him.
If you thought the sight of your covered pussy would get the best reaction from him, it’s nothing compared to the way his entire body freezes at seeing it bare.
You’d had a feeling something big was going to happen after Lottie's sly words, so you took the liberty of shaving everywhere just two nights before. You’re glad for that, as Seth is looking at the heat between your legs like he doesn’t know where to start.
Teasing him in a normal setting about not knowing how to touch a woman is one thing, but making a remark now as anxious anticipation is all over his face just feels wrong.
You do like him, after all—quite a bit, you’re coming to find.
Reaching out your hand, you wait for him to grasp it before you pull him down to hover over your awaiting form. “C’mere, baby.” The pet-name slips without thought, but you can’t make yourself regret it because the way his face lights up is a look you won’t forget any time soon.
He laughs a little as your eyes finally meet, like he can’t believe he’s actually about to fuck you and you’re going to let him. “Tell me how to touch you?” He asks, not a demand but more of a request.
Taking his right hand, you lead him down the length of your body, over your breasts and down your stomach until your hands are resting just below your navel. “You know how to find the clit?” You tease, partly joking and partly serious.
Seth scoffs like the very thought offends him, and the mild dig does its job of making him forget his earlier nervousness.
“Of course I know where the fucking clit is,” He replies, pointer and middle finger already sliding down and gathering the slickness lathered in your lower lips. “Scott is such a dumbass.”
Well, it seems the familiar, cocky Seth is back now.
“...didn’t even realize what a bombshell he had right in front of him.” You miss the first part of his sentence because he did, in fact, find your clit, and unlike your ex, knows exactly how to touch it.
Your mouth opens into an ‘o’, and Seth hums a pleased noise as his fingers work your sensitive clit into a swollen, throbbing mess. Your hips move in time with the flicks of his fingers and you don’t even realize you’re panting until Seth leans forward and licks a stripe all the way from your navel down to your soaked opening.
When you start bucking into his mouth, he grabs your hips and holds them down to the bed, forcing you to take it. You whine, hands finding purchase in his hair as his tongue laps at you like you’re his favorite meal. He dips into your entrance in time with the quick circles he’s drawing over your clit, and oh, suddenly you’re much closer than you thought.
“Tastes so good.” You hear him grunt. “Can’t get enough of you.”
“Seth,” Gasping, you can’t decide if you want to keep him close or shove him away. “Shit. Seth, fuck, I’m close.”
“Yeah? Already?” Your confession only seems to reinvigorate his efforts, and the next thing you know two long fingers are sliding their way into your cunt. “Gonna come for me?”
Quicker than you expect he finds the sensitive wall of flesh inside you, and his fingers curl up against it which sends you keening. Loudly. You slap a hand over your mouth, but Seth quickly tears it away.
“Nobody here but me and you.” He grins, and just to rub it in, presses a hot kiss to your clit. “I wanna hear you scream.”
“What a gentleman.” You manage to squeeze out, and in revenge for your snark he immediately sucks your clit between his lips and rapidly curls his fingers inside you.
Seth watches with hooded eyes as your own squeeze shut, teeth biting into your kiss-swollen lips while your hands tug at his hair. Your thighs are shaking on each side of his head, and suddenly he wants you to come for him like his life depends on it.
“You gonna come?” He asks. Your walls clamp around his fingers and he knows you’re close. “Yeah? Can you come for me? I know you want to.”
Your entire body shakes all while he keeps you tethered to the bed. Your mind, though, is floating, and you can practically see white as his lips don’t stop sucking, his fingers don’t stop curling, and it’s too much but also not enough and you want to shove him away yet demand he never stops touching you.
And your high is right there, you can practically taste it, but your body is wound so tight and you can’t remember the last time you’ve let go that you remain stuck right on the edge.
There are tears leaking from the corners of your eyes as you tug at his hair. Seth meets your eyes, looks a little concerned after reading the desperation on your face, and then understands when a broken moan tumbles past your lips.
Seth, a little shit as always, brings you back to the edge with his words alone. “It’s been so long, hasn’t it?” He slips in a third finger. “Bet you haven’t had anyone make you feel like this. Just me. Hopefully always me.”
“Seth,” You croak. “Please.”
“I’ve got you.” He urges. “Let go for me. You’re right there, I know it. You’re so tight, fuck, there you go.”
His mocking words echo in your mind with the low drawl of his voice, dark eyes staring at you like you’re a feast, and his damn fingers curling just right against your spongy wall.
His free hand suddenly moves, presses down over your lower abdomen, and oh. “Such a good girl.” Seth croons as you fall apart.
It’s the last thing you hear as your vision goes white, and the heat in your body explodes with wave after wave of ecstasy pumping from the tips of your toes all the way to the hair on your head. Your eyes squeeze shut, and you’re pretty sure you’re making some sort of strangled noise as you ride your high that seems to go on forever.
By the time you come back, your legs are still shaking and Seth is still gently stroking your inner walls with careful circles around your clit. He's my gazing up at you with pure, unbridled adoration and the emotion in his eyes makes your heart thump.
You don’t even realize your fingers are still tangled in his hair until you have to let go because they’re cramping, and then Seth finally removes his fingers and slowly crawls back up your body.
You’re still catching your breath when he presses a long, soft kiss to your lips. “How was that?” He questions almost shyly. His need for reassurance might have had a past you rolling your eyes, but right now all you want to do is hold him and thank him for making you feel so good.
Especially after Scott. Asshole.
You shudder, clit still throbbing as you wrap your arms around his heavy shoulders and bring his weight down on top of you. His very hard cock brushes against your hip with the movement, and you’re reminded that he hasn’t had any semblance of relief yet.
“Thank you.” You whisper. It’s definitely weird to thank someone after they eat you out, right? Probably, but you don’t really care.
His lips brush against your cheek in response, heart swelling at the gentle vulnerability you’re showing him. He’s planning on running to the bathroom to get you a towel, but freezes when he feels your hands peeling off the suit he totally forgot he was wearing.
“Babe?” He mumbles, a little confusingly, but all you do is kiss him and that shuts him up. He doesn’t break contact even as he shrugs off the rest of his suit, peeling off his undershirt until he’s more than halfway bare. Your hands carve lines over the hard planes of muscle on his chest, scratching lightly with your nails over his nipples which has him flinching into your mouth. Snickering, you make your way down the rest of his chest, past his waist, under his boxers, and then you’re wrapping your hand around his hot, pulsating dick.
Seth groans, almost collapsing on top of you as you squeeze lightly. It’s a dream come true, him touching you and now you touching him. He wants to close his eyes at the feeling of your gentle strokes, but he insists on keeping them open to watch the enraptured look on your face.
Then your other hand moves, unbuttoning his slacks and sliding them over his hips and that’s when he jerks back to the present. “Sweetheart,” He gasps. “You… You don’t have to.”
You smile at his breathlessness. “You don’t want to fuck me?” You pout, though it quickly turns back into a grin when his eyes widen in panic. Another day you’d blow him, when you aren’t so desperate to get him inside you.
Seth briefly removed himself from on top of you to lean over his bed, rifling through his nightstand drawer. You assume he’s looking for a condom and that his efforts fail when he eventually closes the drawer with a curse.
He looks back to you, all messy hair, swollen lips, and glistening eyes. “I don’t have a condom.” He informs regretfully.
“I’m on the pill, if you’re…” You trail off, unsure. “If you’re okay with that. And I’m clean.”
“Hell yes I’m okay with that.” He breathes. His cock hardens even more at the thought of feeling you raw, if even possible. “I’m clean too.” And then he’s kissing you again, long and slow and deep, and you’re happy to let him take the lead as your brain is still trying to play catch-up from your orgasm.
Seth eventually breaks away only to reattach to your neck, nipping at the skin likely already covered in his marks, hands now making their way back down your body. He playfully flicks your nipple as he does so, grins when you flinch upwards.
“Have I told you how much I love your body?” He says in-between kisses, almost like an afterthought. He’s in the middle of spreading your thighs open, fingers slipping through your leftover wetness and brushing your clit when you respond.
You help in his endeavors, raising your legs to curl over his hips as he situates himself on top of you. “You’ve mentioned it a few times, I think.” You reply, breath hitching when his cock presses against you.
“It’s perfect.” He continues, like he didn’t even hear you. “You’re perfect.” He wraps his hand around his dick, guides the head to your entrance and pushes in. All words escape you, and your head falls back with a moan.
He sinks into you with a pleasurable sound of his own, eyes squeezing shut as your warmth envelops him. Sucking in a breath through his teeth, he thrusts slowly into you, bottoming out. “So tight.” He hisses.
“Oh, fuck,” You whimper, digging your nails into his back. Seth stills, thinking he's hurting you. “Shit, am I—”
“Don’t you dare stop.” You quickly interrupt, crying out when his tip rubs against your sensitive inner walls just right. Seth relaxes at your words, a cocky grin spreading over his face. “Sorry, sorry.” He chuckles, picking up the speed of his thrusts.
Like before when his tongue was in you, it doesn’t take you long before noises are escaping your throat uncontrollably or for your legs to tremble from where they’re wrapped around his waist. The sensations are more because you’re already so sensitive, so strung-up, and so eager for another release that you give up any pretenses of trying to play cool.
Your head lolls back onto the bed, all strength leaving your body as Seth happily does all the work on top. Quick, short pants are coming from his mouth, and his chest is heavy where it presses down against yours. With every thrust his pelvis is rocking into your clit, sending sparks up your body as you clench rhythmically around his cock. It’s burning you from the inside-out in the best way possible, and very quickly you’re already approaching the edge.
You try to express your impending release, but all that’s able to come from your mouth is one long moan. Seth, somehow, knows exactly what that noise means, and is suddenly pulling out. “What the fuck?” You practically shout with indignation, glaring at the man on top of you with squinted eyes.
Ever the comedian, he only laughs at your irritation. “Hold on, bear with me.” His hands grab your waist, then rolls you over onto your stomach. He raises your hips, pushing down on your lower back into an arch, and all previous complaints leave you as he’s unable to help himself and runs his hands over your ass.
You’ll think later on why him being unfazed with your attitude makes your heart warm.
“Spread your legs for me.” He murmurs, tapping at the junction between your thighs. You do as he says, and shiver when his fingers go to part your cunt once you’re open. You can’t see his face, but imagine the look on it to be one of enrapturement. You turn your head finally, pressing your hips down onto his hand where it remains touching you.
Your earlier guess was right; his pupils are blown wide, jaw hung open just a little bit at having this view of you from behind. Meeting his eyes, you stare imploringly.
While the sudden need for him scares you, you don’t shy away. Rather, you meet his desires head-on in the form of pushing your hips back against him when he finally pushes in, smothering a whimper as his body looms over yours.
Neither of you talk in favor of letting your pleasure speak for you. The new position feels more intimate, oddly enough; his chest presses onto you from every angle, and you can feel his breath every time he pants into your ear. At the same time his arms are wrapped around your waist, hands kneading at the flesh of your hips while he thrusts into you from behind.
All too soon you’re reaching your peak just like before, and the buildup feels so sweet because he’s hitting you deeper, unrelenting in his thrusts despite how your arms collapse from underneath you. Seth doesn’t flinch, merely picks you back up and presses a hand to your abdomen to keep you there.
With your arms free, you realize that your clit is feeling neglected, and as you sneak your right hand in-between your legs he’s suddenly beating you to it, slapping your own hand away and replacing it with his own.
When it’s all said and done, you don’t think you’ll ever forget the feeling of his fingers circling your sensitive nub so deliciously. Between his dick rutting into your sweet spot mercilessly and the rough pads of fingers stimulating your clit, your eyes are slamming shut with your mouth opening in a silent scream as for the second time that night, Seth is sending you into release.
He carries you through it with noncommittal praise while you’re lost in white noise and starry vision. The sight of you crumbling beneath him sends sparks throughout his body, and it doesn’t take long between the rhythmic clenching of your cunt and the pleasured sounds falling from your lips for him to flood your insides with his cum.
“Oh, fuck—fuck, fuck, fuck.” Seth loses any semblance of restraint of trying to be gentle, as his last thrusts rattle your frame and have you whimpering by the time he’s done releasing, your overstimulated clit throbbing in time with the slow rocks of your calming bodies. “So good. You did so good, yeah?” Seth is rumbling into your ear, voice hoarse and tired as he carefully slides out of you. Eyes still closed, you flinch at your sensitivity. “Sorry, babe.” He whispers, having to regroup for a moment as his softening cock meets cool air after being buried inside you.
You attempt to speak, but the only sound that leaves your mouth is a groan as your aching limbs stretch. You don’t bother opening your eyes yet, either, perfectly content to lay in your post-orgasmic pleasure and not think about the future.
Seth doesn’t let you wallow for long, however, as he’s suddenly leaning over you again. “Can you turn over? I have a towel, it’s warm.” He asks, back to shy and unsure. Now that you’re not caught up in the throes of sex, he’s not quite sure how you’re going to act. “You also need to go pee.”
Your default moods of snarky and mildly irritated is what he gets. “No.” You grumble, though it’s not mean as you bury your head in his pillow, still flat on your stomach. Having no energy to move, you don’t expect Seth to do anything about it, either.
He raises a brow at your sass, not quite sure if he should be relieved or concerned. Huffing, he makes a grab for your hips. “Guess I’m carrying you to the bathroom, then.”
“Seth!” You shriek as he attempts to manhandle you, a burst of energy fueling your efforts in trying to get away. “You little shit, no, fine, fine!” And Seth wins just like that, as you concede the battle and roll from your stomach onto your back. You glare as he leans over your torso, bringing the towel down to clean up the mess in-between your thighs.
His confidence comes back, little by little, as the banter returns naturally and your dynamic doesn’t change despite indulging in your bodies’ most primal desires. “You’ll thank me in the morning.” He grins when he finishes, sliding off the bed to bring it back to the bathroom. You follow, doing your business so quickly you leave before he’s done with his own.
When he comes back you’re in the same position he left you in, like you never left. “So I’m staying the night, then?” You prompt as he goes to sit next to you, a little teasing, a little serious. Where do you stand with him now?
He shrugs, masking his nervousness. “If you want to.” He sinks his teeth into his lip, eyeing you from where he sits. He can’t tell what you’re thinking, and it slightly unnerves him.
Your mysteriousness is also what captivated him about you in the first place too, though. With that, he realizes he wouldn’t have gotten this far if you hadn’t liked him at least a little bit. Taking a deep breath, he takes the bold route, grabs your hand, and does what he does best:
Be bold.
“I want you to stay though, like, really badly.” He admits, meeting your curious eyes. You suck in a breath at his words, and Seth continues. “You know I like you. A lot. And I think you like me too.”
As if knowing he’s waiting for your reassurance, you reply quietly. “A little presumptuous of you, yeah?”
Seth grins, and you can’t help but wonder how you were able to resist it for so long.
“So… You’ll stay?” He tilts his head, reminding you of a puppy. You go to respond, maybe with another sarcastic reply, and he seems to know this even before you do. “Please?”
And, well, you can’t deny him when he’s looking at you like that; soft, brown eyes full of adoration gazing at you like you’ve hung the stars and the moon. “Okay.” You relent, grinning happily as he mouths something like ‘fuck yeah’ and rolls over next to you.
“Do you want to shower?” He suddenly asks, after you’ve already curled underneath his sheets with your body pressed against his. He makes a nice furnace, and you’re mad at yourself for not indulging in him sooner. “Because I have a big one. It has these jets that spray from different angles, and you can go alone or I can join or—”
“Seth.” You interrupt, poking his chest to get his attention. He gulps at the amused expression on your face. “Stop talking.”
It’s silent for several minutes, and you’re almost asleep until he speaks up again.
“Can I be your boyfriend now?”
“Oh my god.” You hiss. “If I say yes will you let me go to sleep?”
You can’t see his face but you know for a fact there’s a stupid grin on it. “You know, I think you’re gonna fall in love with me one day.”
“Keep dreaming, babe.” You say.
But you both know he won’t be dreaming for long.
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A/N: I like this one a lot tbh. But my lord I didn't realize how repetitive writing smut is so I need to have at least a little plot established before I can just jump into it 😭 regardless, I hope this is everything y’all wanted in terms of me writing for him and more! Please be sure to reblog and comment, thank youuuuu
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afrowrites · 2 months
Norman F Rockwell
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Black reader (plus size too!) x Homelander
Your a hardworking widow and single mother who works at vought in the graphics department, when a certain all American hero is intrigued by the sight of you, or maybe the scent of you...
Warnings: Stalking, Mentions of Death.
Wordcount: 1,891
Rating: Teen and up
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A woman stands alone with her ten-year-old son weeping next to her, her stomach holds the last legacy of her husband. And as they lower him into the ground a rifle can be heard to signify a fallen soldier. And a single tear runs down the woman's face knowing she must stay strong.
“~[Your name]~, did you get the final layout for the Homeboy Kids’ book yet?” She asked as she turned towards her coworker's voice, “Oh yeah, I got them, they look pretty good with all things considered.” 
The woman smiled, proud of her co-workers' adherence to her notes.
“Well, that's good, because you have to present them to Ashley today.” The woman said, dropping a bomb and slipping out of her office.
“Wait, I have to do what?!” You half shout.
You frantically search your emails trying to figure out why today you had to present in less than… 
“Oh shit! I gotta do this in an hour!” 
You were wearing your comfiest business casual clothes but were not ready to entertain your boss today, and the email mentioned that others would be attending. ‘Probably those weirdo's in marketing.’  You thought to yourself. 
You stumble down the hallway towards Ashley's office, holding your layout tubes while trying to zip up the back of your skirt. Thank God you had an emergency “I didn't just have a baby” outfit and some heels. 
You fluff your afro up, put on some lipgloss, take a deep breath and open the door to walk into Ashley’s office.
You could see Ashley's permanent furrowed brow shift into a fake plastered smile she gave to all her employees when trying to save face.
“Good afternoon, miss {Your Name}. Have a seat, please”
“Sure” you answer, feeling a bit awkward.
Seth and Evan are engaged in a calm conversation, tucked away in the secluded corner of the room. Meanwhile, you're absorbed in organizing your layouts, your back to the entrance, when the sharp sound of a door swinging wide pierces the silence. Out of the periphery of your vision, you notice the room's occupants abruptly rise to their feet in a unified, almost military precision.
"Uh, Homelander, welcome," she greets with a strained smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes, her voice tinged with a detectable quiver betraying her anxiety. Indeed, the atmosphere has shifted palpably; a heavy cloak of tension settles over the room, making the air itself seem laden with foreboding.
“Ashley,” he notes her presence. Uninterested. 
“ Hey Seth, Evan, good to see you.” Now a hint of sarcastic enthusiasm sets in his voice.
He sets down into his chair, and as he sits he turns his head to you. He sniffs the air realizing something. Even before you'd know, he finds you leaking, and suddenly his interest in you increases tenfold and with a sudden interest in you he introduces himself.
“Why hello there,” his devilish grin and piercing blue eyes startle you, “you know it's a shame I never get to meet all the wonderful people here working at Vought, what's your name Ms…?”
“Rodriguez, although people just call me [your name].” You smile professionally. 
“Well Ms.Rodriguez,” he takes your hand in his, brushing your soft knuckles before planting a kiss on them. “I do hope to enjoy your presentation.” As he gave you a soft wink. 
You find his introduction performative but also slightly genuine.
The marketing guys gave their little spiel on how to market the homelander’s son, Ryan. 
You soon make a suggestion. “I believe that would go well with young adult males, but we aren't thinking of the bigger picture here. We know how Homelander is when it comes to women.” 
You see his jaw tighten, so you tread lightly when you continue.
“We’ve already seen the comic books, so how about we take a look at something more child-like for mothers, show the soft story about Homelander becoming a father raising a child all on his own, raising him to be a good American hero.” 
The market guys roll their eyes and scoff in protest, but before they can open their mouths you hear clapping.
“Wow that’s… well that's good,” To you he sounds almost genuine but his mind is still working on you. You breathe a sigh of relief at his approval. 
You mutter off a “thank you, sir.” And scurry back to your seat.
After muttering a quick, “Thank you, Sir.”, you scurry back to your seat.
“Well I think this has been a great meeting, thank you all for being here. I-” 
Homelander interrupts, “Ms.Rodriguez may I have a moment to ask you something?.” 
Stunned, you respond, “Oh-uh sure,” you give him a weak smile. 
“Great,” he grins a menacing grin. “Let's take a walk.”
It's quiet for the first few minutes, almost bone-chilling . He clears his throat to break the silence.
“So, Rodriguez. What do you do here?” He asks in a way that sounds like he's interested but also way too critical. 
“Well sir, I work in graphics and art, but I do most kid's artwork and stuff.” You chuckle nervously.
He nods at your answer, and he continues, “Well I think that is just super!” He still smells your body producing his favorite thing (well maybe second favorite thing). 
He continues the walk in silence until you guys reach your office, he scans around the room trying to find ways to see you more often. Until he sees, “Oh, you have a family,” you turn the picture towards him.
“Oh yeah, my babies,” you sigh at missing them. “Rafael and America.”
“Wow, what a name for such a cute baby,” he feigns interest because as stated before he's only interested in what's under your skirt.
“Yeah, their father named them.” You feel a sharp twist in your heart when mentioning your husband's name, Homelander sees this and with his well-learned acting exclaims, “Whatever he did to you I'll get him.” He places a hand on your shoulder as he jokes with you.
You look up at him with teary eyes before wiping them away. “Oh no it’s not that my husbands not with us anymore.” 
He feels indifferent to your plight, yet he pulls you in for a comforting hug. He smells like warm spices but underneath he smells metallic almost of blood. It’s unnerving.
He releases you from his grip, only to take a long look down and clear his throat. 
“Hmmm I think you might wanna…,” You look down horrified. You're leaking.
Standing at your threshold, the rich oakwood panels seem to reach out, inviting you into the warm embrace of home. Before your hand can grace the knocker, your mother-in-law materializes, her eyes alight with the joy of your arrival. "Hola mami!" Your greeting is tinged with fatigue, yet her presence ushers in comfort. "Hola, {insert Spanish nickname}, how was your day?" Her inquiry is simple, yet it's the undercurrent of genuine concern that touches you. "Well, Mami, to be honest, it was a bit perplexing..." you admit, the words trailing off as you grapple with the day's events.
Your exchange is gently fractured by the delightful pattern of small feet drumming against the floor, a familiar and heartwarming cadence. It's a sound that signals the arrival of one of the most precious joys in your life, a guiding light that brightens even your darkest days. The architect of your daily smiles, your cherished child, the ever-sweet Rafi, bounds toward you. This tiny being, the center of your universe, radiates unadulterated happiness, infusing your mornings with meaning and your heart with boundless love.
"Hey, Mamacita!," He says, 
"Hey there, Papito" you greet, the corners of your mouth turning up in a weary but warm smile. "You're not gonna guess who I bumped into today!"
His eyes sparkle with curiosity. "Who was it?"
"The one and only, most amazing superhero of all time!"
Glancing down, you notice he's clutching his beloved Homelander action figure, its edges frayed and colors faded from love and time. It was a gift from his dad. The sight fills you with a bittersweet mix of joy and a pang of sorrow, knowing the layers of memories it holds.
Sighing, you reply, “Well I met the one and only…”, pause for dramatic effect, “HOMELANDER!”  You see his gorgeous little eyes light up, you love to see your little guy happy. He jumps around the house as his grandma yells at him.
 “Papito! You're gonna wake the…,” she’s already too late. And as your second little bundle of joy starts to cry, your mother-in-law is about to get the spoon on Rafi, “Don’t worry mami, it’s fine I wanted to see my baby anyway.”  You smile at her as you trudge towards your baby's room. “Hey Meri, how’s my girl doing?” You coo at her. She has your husband’s beautiful green eyes, gorgeous fluffy curls and chubby cheeks. You hold her close to you, your heartbeat calms her down. You sit for a while ignoring the noise from the street corner thinking of when her father took you to New Mexico, 
The evening air is warm and the breeze carries the simple romance of the night through the air. He cradles you in his soft loving arms as the stars pale in comparison to the sparkle of his eyes peering into your own.
“Y’know (y/n), I was just thinking,” “Oh that’s never good.” You snicker to yourself.
“Hey, that hurts.” He pretends to get shot in the chest. “Whatever,” You roll your eyes 
“Well, what I was going to say was, what if we get married…” He sheepishly says that last part.
“Um well, to be honest, I want to, after all, little Rafi-,” He interrupts. “Or Meri, I plan on having ten beautiful girls, well eleven because of you.’
You laugh a hearty laugh. “Yeah right, let’s just focus on the first one, but yeah I wanna be married.”
“Okay great because I have this ring in a box and I didn’t know who I was gonna give it to.” He yawns sarcastically. 
You wide-eyed stare at him for a little, until it sinks in. You sit up and push his shoulders to the ground. “Oh my God!” You kiss his face all over.
“Hey mami, watch the baby. They ain’t finished yet.” He chuckles “I love you, baby.” he smiles with his gorgeous lips. 
“I love you too, papito.” You lean in for a kiss all while smiling into his lips.  And while you once again fall in love, your favorite song plays.
~Como la flor, Con tanto amor, Me Diste tu~
“Se Marchitó, Me marcho hoy,” You sing to the bittersweet words of Selena, “ Yo sé perder, Pero a-a-ay, cómo me duele, A-a-ay, cómo me duele.” 
The smells of your cooking penetrate the room and seep out of your window into the cold air of a New York night, the warmth and love from your kitchen emanating from your apartment.
Unfortunately for you, a certain pair of eyes enjoyed your little performance, and the ethnic food smelled to him albeit too much spice for his taste, he could still feel a distant mother’s love through those smells.
And when you decided to close the window, he took that as a challenge to get into your life and ruin it. 
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sourlemonsprout · 3 months
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𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝓈
Seth x SugarBoo (gn!reader) x Alphonse
Word Count: 631
(In my head Sugarboo has some sort of out-of-home bakery business or just sells their treats to locals nearby idk🤷‍♀️)
Seth wiped his brow and glanced around the shop once last before closing up. Summer had always been one of his favorite times of the year, water fights outside, camping in the woods, and all the other fun stuff you could do as a kid with the seemingly endless amount of free time on your hands. However, the oppressive heat that lingered in the mechanic shop coupled with the pesky bugs made Seth long for the cooler fall days ahead. It wasn't all bad though, he was truly grateful for the opportunity to work in the shop, and the summer evenings he spent with you and Alphonse were some of the most memorable he'd had in a long time. The comforting beachside strolls, the cozy nights spent by a fire pit, and the delightful array of baked goods you crafted using the fresh fruits that were in season filled his days with joy. Just as he was reminiscing about your delightful treats, a message suddenly lit up Seth's phone.
"heyy can you pick up some lemons on your way back from work pls?? xoxo"
He smiled down at his phone, shaking his head slightly, this was the second time this week you'd had him run to the store, but he didn't mind. As he closed the garage up and locked the doors, he pondered what sweet treat you were going to whip up this time.
As Seth rolled into the driveway, the sun began to flood the sky with a dreamy glow of orange and pink as it faded into the horizon. Stepping off his bike, he could hear your laughter through the open windows. You and Alphonse were sitting at the kitchen table, music playing softly from a speaker as you two chatted away enjoying the gentle summer breeze blowing through the house.
"How ya' doing big guy?" Al nodded at Seth as he walked into the house, kicking off his shoes by the door.
"Tired, but glad to be done for the weekend." He replied with a sleepy smile.
"Busy day?" Alphonse asked.
"Like you wouldn't believe," Seth sighed.
"Thanks for grabbing lemons!" you beam as you get up from the table, grabbing the bag from Seth and dumping them into a collider next to the sink.
"Whatcha planning on makin' with those?" Seth questioned.
"Shortbread lemon tart" you state. You make a mental note to wash the fruits tomorrow before using them, before returning to Seth and pummeling into his chest for a big bear hug.
"W-whoa" he laughed, catching his balance from the sudden hug attack.
"Why hello there Sugar," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. No matter how hot and tiring the days were, coming home to you two made everything worthwhile.
"Whatcha end up making with the blackberries I picked up for you the other day?"
"Little blackberry pavlovas!"
"Pav... lovas?"
"It's an Australian meringue cake with a soft marshmallowy center" you explain.
"Yeah, and they made this compote with the berries and used some fresh mint leaves from the garden as a garnish, it looked amazing!" Alphonse chimed in.
"Damn Sugar, that sounds great! I bet those sold really well huh? s'there any left?"
"nOpe" Al snickered.
"Alphonse," you wine, "You ate the last one??"
"You bet I did, it was delicious Boo," Al said sticking his tongue out playfully at a disappointed Seth.
"You're an ass, you know that right?" Seth bantered.
"I'll save you some of the lemon tart, and I'll be sure to hide it this time. Anyways, dinner is hot and ready on the stove if you're ready!" you say finally breaking away from the hug. As the evening unfolded, the three of you sat down for a cozy dinner and chatted away until the stars dotted the sky outside.
The End <3
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 2 months
Caregivers for age regressor Listener HC's
Was wondering if you could do some hcs of the boys (Charlie, Alphonse, Seth and Auron) being caregivers to their age regressor listeners?
When I started this I sent it to the person who asked! So I was able to see if I did it correctly. I hope this post does the ask justice!
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Tries to not give in and give you snacks when you ask everytime. Bc you already ate so much but you ask so nicely and he crumbles
Your on a candy limit bc one time he accidently gave u too much in your little space. Hearing you whine about the tummy ache made him feel bad
Color pencils are at his house, and yours. Tries to find cute color pages online if you wanted a specific one when your in little space.
He's right next to you watching the kid cartoons while your snuggling up to your favorite blanket he got u.
Since there isn't a lot of shops in town he gets most of the toys u own online. Making sure to get your input!
When you try and speak in little space you messing up while saying a word has his heart.
He's sitting there trying not to giggle as he watches you whine. Bc you didn't want to take a nap. (But you ended up taking one bc u were sleepy)
Is panicking if he is doing his part correctly. But chills pit when you tell him he's the best
Is good at telling you no if you kept asking for more snacks after eating too much. Says you'll turn into a snack monster and get tummy aches.
Seth was able to get some plushies for you! There's one you really like and it's a mothman one. You use that when you take a nap in your little space.
Finds weird coloring pages online. Makes sure to stock on coloring utensils bc u make lots of drawings for him. He keeps a lil folder of them.
When putting on cartoons he uses that time to go and prep your snacks for tomorrow. Tries to be productive bc last time he didn't and u cried bc he didn't have the snacks ready.
Loves listening to you ramble about your day. Then go off on how u saw a butterfly and thought of Seth. You messing up your words makes him smile bc it's so cute.
He actually made you a toy one time! It was a wooden one and was happy when you said u liked it.
Charlie was lowkey suprised when you trusted him enought to be your caregiver. Now he's panicking trying not to accidently give u a snack u hate. (The long story short? You gave him the silent treatment for like 5 minutes)
Another one who folds when you ask for more snacks. He's trying but the puppy dog eyes are a critical hit to his heart
Has playful arguments with you, one time u told him he was mean (he didn't give u another snack) he said well ur short. You got offended and ignored him for 2 minutes. Then at a later time he gave u gummy bears and u forgave him.
Has a lost of shows u like om his phone. Ranked 1 to 5 bc your fans changes every so often. One time u whined that I didn't want to watch that one the OTHER one! Charlie was searching for 20 minutes and then finally found it.
You have a big hoodie he bought, it's soft and it's your favorite. One time u threw a tantrum bc Charlie had to wash it.
You threw yourself on the couch and cried for a little. Then Charlie gave it back saying 'see? I only needed it for a little I'm sorry honey.'
He tries to get lots of different things for u to play with. You really liked playing cars with him, bc he made silly sound effects for when they crashed.
Will say no. Don't try puppy eyes he's immune (in his head he's saying don't fold they'll get a tummy ache) he's strict on what he gives u.
Has to be careful on what to buy for u or he says fuck it and buys a lot. So he buys a few toys at a time, like if he's scrolling online and sees one you'll like he'd buy it.
Speaks softly to you bc he knows his voice sounds like he's pissed off 24/7. If you do act bad or get sassy he raises his voice a bit.
Enjoys having you draw on the floor as he gets a couple things done. Complements your drawings as he adds it to a wall he has for u. One of the rooms in the penthouse is a play room for you.
Reads to you when u don't know what to do. His voice sometimes lures you to take a nap so he does it at a specific time. Ends up being a little scheduled for you and if you don't take it you get cranky.
Has a limited screen time for you, since at work your staring at a screen a lot. So he tries to give you like 2 hours, then let's u play with your toys.
When ur in little space ur always clutching on one of his shirts. He had to spray a bit of cologne on it bc 'it needs to smell like youu!' You whine when it doesn't smell like him anymore. He finds it cute and makes sure to resent it at a certain part of the day.
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irrevocableloves · 1 year
violent delights
twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
chapter two: golden topaz
previous chapter ౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ chapter three
summary: why, even in his absence, did edward cullen have an effect on her?
warnings: swearing, lil bit of fluff & angst
words: 2.9k
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Days went by since I last saw Edward Cullen.
I shouldn't be thinking about him or let alone think about what he thought of me. I wanted to confront him, but every time I waited to see his grey Volvo or him striding to his cafeteria seat or perhaps a late arrival to biology class, it was nothing. It was like he never existed. It drove me insane.
Since then, he's invaded not just my mind, but my dreams. But they felt different. As if I could feel him, like he was really there with me.
"Hey, I invited Billy and Jacob tonight, you still up for making dinner?" My dad asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? Oh. Yeah! Definitely."
"You sure? I could always pick up something from the diner or uh–I could always try cooking?"
"No, please," I chucked, "It's okay, dad, I got it."
"Hey, dad, I was wondering..." I trailed off, wondering if it would be strange to ask about the Cullens, but my dad seemed to know just about anything going on around town. "Do you know the Cullens?"
"Sure do! Came just around the time you left to your mom's. Why?"
"Um, I dunno. I just–"
"Listen, all the talk about them being strange. They're a good family. Carlisle has done a whole lot for Forks as a doctor than I've seen in years. He keeps his kids in line, they do good in school from what I've heard, haven't had a single speck of trouble from any of those kids. Can't say the same from those who've lived here their entire 17 or so years."
I was surprised by his response, deciding I shouldn't ask anymore about them, especially Edward...
Soon after the conversation ended, I drove your car to the nearby grocery mart to grab ingredients for the dinner I was making for the Black's.
Billy and Jacob, I've known them for as long as you could remember, they were practically like family to me and my dad. As a kid, I remember all the times playing with Jake, Rachel, Rebecca, Leah, and Seth on the reservation. Mostly, Leah and I would be excluded from the boys and we would be left to babysit Seth because he was too small to be rough-housed. But, Jacob always had a soft spot for me and begged the boys to include us most of the time.
I wasn't stupid, I knew Jacob liked me, but I never had the heart to reject him.
Once I was done gathering the ingredients to make a simple pasta recipe, I headed out.
Back at the house, I had my dad doing the simplest of tasks as possible, like boiling the water, pulling the seasonings out of the cabinets, etc. He wasn't the best cook and I knew that when I was away for the summer he either went to the diner everyday or ate Harry Clearwater's fish fry.
For me, cooking was something that I enjoyed, so you didn't mind catering for my dad every once in a while, in fact, I felt at peace knowing you could do at least one thing for my dad that he could appreciate. Cooking for me was quite peaceful. I wasn't a complete expert at it, but I was good at following recipes, making things from complete scratch, and I knew for sure that I had an excellent taste palette.
While I cooked, I had my dad take out the nice plates that I begged my mom to keep here and pull out the dinner table to face the television so he and the boys could enjoy a nice game of 'whatever sport was on' by the time dinner was ready.
My dad and I sat in comfortable silence before the Black's arrived. Me setting the plates and my dad setting out the nice placemats and silverware that I had thrifted some time ago. This is what I liked about my dad. The silence. It was never uncomfortable or awkward, but he was less of a hover than my mother, who was just a constant ringing in your head. I loved your mom of course, but it didn't hurt to admit that I favored my father just a little bit more.
"So, how was your first week? None of the teachers give ya a hard time?" He broke the silence, I didn't mind his small talk either.
"Nah, they're pretty lenient since I've got all my work done. It's just the PE teacher who's had me running extra laps to make up for the 'lost time'..." I rolled my eyes at the memory of Coach Clapp even assigning me exercises to 'keep yourself busy at home'.
Dinner went by smoothly. Billy and Jacob didn't arrive empty handed as Jacob came in with a hefty looking pie in his right hand, helping my dad with his left to haul Billy's wheelchair up the porch stairs.
At the end of dinner, I'd said my goodbyes to Billy and Jacob, thanking them again for my car. Like always, my dad promised to do all dishes because of our rule, 'whoever cooks doesn't wash the dishes', which means he's the one cleaning them practically every single day.
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I found myself in the forest. With the trees surrounding, the area was left dim, with the sunlight hardly peeking through. I felt my feet guiding me up a hill, closer and closer to the sun rays, the breeze of the dark forest slipping away as I climbed even farther up towards the sunlight. Deeper up the hill, the trees began to fade away and at the end of the hill, an almost blinding light was up ahead. I kept at it, becoming more intrigued with the warmth that I was being guided to. I squinted as I reached the end, the light fading, but I was no longer on your feet. I felt the grass on my face and between my fingertips, the sun rays coating my skin, and a cold hand stroking my hair.
I opened my eyes. Edward was facing me. His hand gently stroking my hair, carefully moving to my cheek. I place mine atop of his, his icy touch melting into my own. It felt warm, his touch. I closed my eyes once again, only to open them to face my bedroom ceiling.
Sighing, I got out of bed, grabbing my journal on your bedside table and jotting down my dream. Ever since I met Edward, I've been in the same meadow. A valley of green with purple flowers scattered around the grass. But never have I been this close to him, never could I feel his touch or the temperature of his skin.
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I woke up to snow.
I smiled, taking in the view from my window of the defrosted frost from the heating unit, looking outside to the perfectly pillowed grounds of my front yard, seeing my dad finishing up the snow chains on my tires.
Surprisingly, not very many people in Forks enjoyed the snow, but I did. I loved being able to bundle myself in layers of clothing and seeing everyone with a red flush on their face from the cold as they engaged in snow fights as if they were reliving their early childhood.
Sure, it was a pain in the ass to walk in or more so drive in, but it sure as hell made the ordinary town of Forks look as if it was the most adored place in the world. Plus, I appreciated the canceled school days on snow days, but unfortunately, school was to remain in session for the time-being.
Before the first bell rang, I stood with Jessica and Angela outdoors while Eric, Mike, Tyler, Ben, and other boys I didn't bother to remember the names of as they carelessly played in the snow with a mix of snowball fights and snow angels. That's when I saw the Cullens arrive, looking to have just as much fun as everyone else – only they looked more like a scene from a painting or a Hollywood film rather than a bunch of children roaring with laughter and glee.
I made eye contact with him for a split second. After a full week of missing school, avoiding my presence, he was with his family, skidding around in the snow with his brother Emmett.
With the weather most likely being in its negatives, he somehow looked more alive than ever. His skin was less pale, his eyes a lot more radiant.
I didn't realize I was staring as long as I was until his eyes met back with my own, causing me to flinch away from his eyesight.
Jessica followed where my eyes were once at, "Y/N, what are you staring at?" Her eyebrows furrowed, then finally realizing my eyes' view, "Edward Cullen is staring at you..." she giggled into my ear.
"Yeah... I don't think he likes me very much."
"The Cullens don't like anyone. Well actually, they never seem to notice anyone, really. But he's like staring staring. What did you do?"
"Jess, stop looking!"
"What's she looking at?" Angela squealed. "Oh."
They both giggled immensely, pulling me in between them and forcing us all to walk towards the school building. Angela giggles, "Looks to me like Edward Cullen's got a crush."
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I expected to see Edward at the left of our shared table, but he was a no-show once again.
I sighed with relief, heading over to my seat, as Mike spoke, "Hey, if Cullen doesn't show up, um I can ask Banner if you can join–"
The chair to the left of me screeched and I looked over.
Edward. There he was. Now sitting there with an awkward smile as if he wasn't absolutely repulsed by my presence, as if my presence didn't prevent him from attending school for a week straight.
"Hello," he said quietly.
I froze. Hello? Was he serious?
"I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Edward Cullen." I didn't respond, I physically and mentally couldn't form an answer to give him. "You must be Y/N."
"I'm... uh... yes." I breathed out.
Did I make this up? The entirety of our previous reaction? He was perfectly polite. It was as if we were meeting for the very first time, as if his first reaction of my presence didn't leave him sickly and running off.
As soon as I sat, I caught him moving towards the edge of his seat. So he's still repulsed.
This was the type of awkward conversations that I despised, which was part of the reasons I was glad my mother had kept me from them, but here I was, having to experience them as if I was doing ice breakers at the beginning of the semester.
Thankfully, before anymore conversation had begun, the bell rang and Mr. Banner began class.
"Onion root tip cells! That's what's on your slides. Separate and label them into the phases of mitosis. The first partners to get it right, win... the golden onion!" The class remained silent as he enthusiastically brought out the golden onion from the inside of his desk. He sighed, telling everyone to get started on their partner work.
Maybe this time the partner work wouldn't be rash and I would actually get a chance to do the work together rather than checking Edward's quick, but correct responses.
"Ladies first?" Edward asked, giving me a crooked smile.
I pushed the microscope towards myself before he could, snapping the first slide and adjusting the lens.
"Prophase." I said confidently.
"Do you mind if I look?" he asked, reaching for the microscope as I was pushing it towards him.
His hand was caught into mine and I flinched. His hands were ice-cold. The familiar coldness that I had felt just the night before in my dream. It felt electric.
"I'm sorry," he muttered, pulling his hand back as well, embarrassed. "Prophase," he agreed, writing it down on our worksheet. His handwriting was surprisingly neat for a boy. Most of the ones I've tended to work with had left illegible scribbles which always prompted me to snatch the sheet away from them and write it myself. But his, it was quite beautiful.
He switched out the slides, quickly identifying Anaphase, to which I mimicked his response with, "May I?"
Throughout the rest of the slides, the two of us continued on with the routine, taking turns with the rest of the slides, checking the answers each of us give to one another until the very last slide. We were finished before anyone else, leaving us with plenty of time to spare.
"I knew it was a good idea to make the two of you lab partners!"  Mr. Banner said excitedly, looking over our completed lab and checking the answers.
Silence met the two of us as Mr. Banner left to check the rest of the class' progress, until I broke the silence.
"You've been gone..."
"Yeah uh," he stuttered. "Got sick. It's why I left class so suddenly." So it wasn't because of me?
"Oh. I'm sorry. Well, I'm glad you're uh– feeling better." He only nodded in response.
Edward broke the silence once again, "So... where were you this month? I take it that you're not new. With your dad being the sheriff and everything."
I was taken aback by his question. Normally when I partnered with other boys (besides Eric and Mike of course), there was a string of awkward silence when the assignment was completed and the boys would ditch me for their friends or whisper quite loudly across the classroom to their friends until they were caught.
"Uh–with my mom. She lives in California, I was visiting for the summer. She doesn't really have anyone else, so I promised her I'd stay for another month."
"California is a lot different from Forks," he chuckled. "Do you like it there? The sun and the heat?"
"Not really, if I'm being honest," it sounded like a lame response, but it was true, "The sun is nice until it's beating on you in 102 degree weather. It's pretty nauseating."
Edward let out a genuine laugh to my response, catching me off guard. Even his laugh was gorgeous.
"So what about you? Why Forks?" I questioned.
"Change of scenery, mostly. My mother, she's always wanted to live in a small town. My sister Rosalie isn't too fond of the town herself, she's a lot more uh... flashy than the rest of us," he chuckled. I listened to him intently while also mapping out the features of his perfectly chiseled face. His cheekbones, his lips. So perfect, like a sculpture..
"Yeah, I can definitely see that," I giggled, remembering Rosalie's modelesque entrance into the cafeteria, it was almost as if she was glowing. "And you? How're you liking Forks?"
"I like it. It's quiet. I'm not such a fan of the flare of bustling cities like Rosalie, I'm a lot more... simplistic."
Before I could speak, Mr. Banner comes rushing over to us. "So, seeing the two of you were the first ones to finish... I present the two of you... the golden onion," he says quite dramatically, revealing the onion from the back of him as if he were some cheap magician. We stared at the man, then at each other, fighting a fit of laughter. "Don't fight all at once! C'mon take it!" Banner said sarcastically.
Mr. Banner rolled his eyes, placing the golden onion on our lab table in front of us.
"I think you should have the honors," I giggled, moving the onion towards Edward.
"Nope, it's only fair you have it, you did most of the slides anyways," he smiled, trying to contain his laughter. My god, he was fucking gorgeous.
"Consider it as a gift, a warm welcome gift to Forks," I joked back.
"No, I insist," he chuckled. "See it as an apology gift. For how I acted when we first met." So I didn't imagine it.
That's when I had relinquished, placing the onion in my bag with possibly the biggest smile on my face.
After class, I expected Edward and I to part ways as I told him goodbye. But he stayed by my side, which resulted in awfully embarrassed, reddened-face Mike when he tried to rush to my side after the bell rang.
Walking out of class with him, for the first time I'd felt the comfortable silence as I strode beside one another through the halls.
"Did you get contacts?" I blurted out, stopping in my tracks. I didn't know exactly why I asked, I didn't really think much about it until now. I could've sworn from the first glance that his eyes were a flat black color or maybe my mind had altered it to match his dark attitude at the time. But now, as I studied his features, they were much brighter, a completely different shade from before. It was almost as if they were golden.
He offered me a puzzled look on his face before responding with a blank, "No."
I continued on, "Your eyes were like this dark dark brown before, but now they're this golden topaz color, I don't think I've ever seen eyes that color before."
He shrugged off my response, shifting to a similar demeanor from the time that I had first met him. He muttered, "I'll see you tomorrow." Then he was off, hands clenched into fists, clearly frustrated about something.
next chapter
a/n: this is going super slow rn but i'm trying to add a mixture of both the book and the movie that r my fav and also some of my own stuff of course! i'm trying to refrain from copying and pasting straight from the script and book, but some of lines are a MUSTTT. i always thought it was super lame that bella hated the cold so much. i'm from california and i absolutely hate the heat 3 this is also unedited again i apologize, so if the pov's are messed up that's why... hehe the next chapter is one of my fav scenes WHEN HE SAVESSS HERRRR !!
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jeanvaljeancheri · 9 months
Here are some recs with the secret relationship trope! Most of them are andreil but the last one is jerejean :) i organized them by word count to make it easier.
The Enemy of My Friend is My Super Enemy 2k
Grace stands in solidarity with her teammate and friend Andrew Minyard.
Therefore, she hates that asshole Neil Josten.
don’t hate the player, hate the game 2k
Allison smirks suddenly. “At least I got an up close view of that ass.”
“Not a total loss then.” Nicky grins at her and they fist bump.
Kevin just sits there watching them, silently judging them and siping his vodka.
(neil is a hot stranger at the bar. people try and get with him. kevin drinks copious amounts of alcohol.)
Raven's Nest Burning 2k
While Andrew and the Foxes were in the stadium parking lot, next to the team bus, waiting for Wymack to appear, Evermore's East Tower exploded.
Pointless 3k
The Foxes have only ever known him as the vicious, vindictive Monster he’s portrayed himself as. Now, he’s a mystery no one knows how to solve; hard and violent for strangers, soft and gentle for this boy with the sharp smile.
5 times the Foxes accidentally spied on Andrew and his secret boyfriend and the 1 time they actually get to meet him.
Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 4k
Neil has one of the worst days and Andrew is able to make it a little bit better.
Welcome to my Professor Neil and Professional Exy Player Andrew world! This is probably going to be a series where I explore more of this little AU that I love dearly!
i'll keep you 4k
Aaron asked, “What’s your deal? What’s going on?”
Andrew had no choice. He stood up, walked to the bowl of freshly cut melon surrounded by pools of watermelon juice and an assortment of black seeds, and plucked a piece of the fruit. It was dark red and glistening and sweet on his tongue.
It tasted like ash. Like a dirty little secret. Like a mistake.
The Bet 5k
“I bet the monster will come alone again this year,” he says, his voice scratchy like the sound of a blender in the early hours of the morning.
“I’ll take that bet,” Aaron says, face a blank slate, anger cooling behind his eyes.
“Five hundred bucks,” Seth replies, eyes sparkling in amusement. He’s got the face of someone who thinks they’ve won.
“A thousand,” Aaron counters. Andrew’s eyebrow twitches up imperceptibly, a feeling like a laugh bubbling up his throat.
(In which Neil and Andrew are secretly married.)
it's disillusion, and confusion (this illusion of me) 5k
“Okay, kid. You can fend for yourself I’m sure, but you won’t be able to beat the guy whose car this is. He’s dangerous.” Ignoring the way Neil snorted, Matt barreled on. “Like, really dangerous.” He trailed off; Neil looked as though he was torn between amusement and anger.
or; 5 times the foxes were confused over neil and andrew's relationship and the 1 time andrew made it clear
 Not-So-Secret Someone 6k
Eight times the Foxes discover that Andrew is seeing someone and one time they meet Andrew’s elusive partner
about u 9k
Neil and Andrew have been friends since they were kids. Recently though, those feelings had turned into more. While they try to keep their relationship secret because they’re scared of their families’ reactions, they go on a family beach vacation. Chaos ensues.
Brother of Mine 12k
'Aaron should have known something was going on with Andrew when he had agreed to change their deal.
Thoughts of Katelyn, of not having to hide her anymore, took up all the space in Aaron’s mind and he never wondered why Andrew would have relented so easily.
Looking back, it should have been obvious what was going on.'
OR: 5 times Aaron should have realized Andrew had somebody, and the one time he met him.
Odd Eye 16k
Andrew spends most of his childhood thinking he is a psychopath. He is not. Andrew is, and always will be, just Andrew.
That Isn't Nothing 38k
A look into the lives of pro exy players Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten. The world says they hate each other, but when Andrew gets transferred to Neil's team, their teammates begin seeing something else between them.
Sixteen hours 120k
started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this (affectionate)
Jean and Jeremy secretly start dating in their final year at USC.
In my top three favourite jerejean fics of all time!
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rachel-archer · 8 months
'cause karma is my boyfriend
Returning at Royal Rumble had been the goal, the dream, the only thing that made sense. Liv had been more than happy to show up and show out, with her new cry about it gimmick in full swing. She’d had an absolute banger of a showing, if she was honest - and being number thirty had been nice enough that she could skirt most of the stars she didn’t want to see or interact with. Namely Rhea Fucking Ripley.
Old wounds were a bitch to heal.
She’d been Rhea’s once, now Dominik Mysterio stood in her place - and honestly if Liv hadn’t worked with Raquel for months (both in the ring and on her own self-worth following Rhea breaking her like a fucking cracker and sprinkling her crumbs on the ground to grind her combat boots on to-) she would probably harbor some levels of hatred for the younger SuperStar. Instead she was worried about him, genuinely worried about him. She’d kept up with the backstage gossip while she’d been away healing, and had kept up with the storylines (both real and kayfabe) while she was out. Making sure that she was up to date for her impending return.
And what had she noticed?
Just how fucked up the Rhea&Dom situation was. 
The double standard of it all left Liv livid on Dom’s behalf. Countless times Rhea left him literally out to dry, or the other members of the Judgment Day had seemingly ‘forgotten’ about him in the hustle and bustle of attempting to win gold - and it had only gotten worse once they won gold. Dominik’s own belt was a cautionary story, and Rhea had issued an ultimatum (which had left another sour taste in Liv’s mouth, a hark back to another, “We win tonight or I swear to god, Gionna, you are going to regret it….”, and it had all been too much). 
Then Dom was expected to paint a smile on his otherwise adorable face and parade around with his stablemates like he wasn’t the butt of some long-running joke that didn’t have a punchline. All of it grated on Liv - but she had no way to get to the boy, she’d talked with Seth and Becky, hell she’d even reached out to Corbin when she saw that the pair were chummy on NXT, but there was a wall according to them all, a Rhea-shaped wall that seemed to paint a shadow over all his interactions with anyone outside the Judgment Day.
So, Liv resigned herself to watching him from the sidelines, careful not to be caught. 
Which was why, accidentally, she found herself hiding in the locker room (loosely termed, it was more like a office room, but whatever) beside the Judgment Day’s, hand over her mouth to keep herself quiet, as she pressed her ear to the wall and listened. The men’s Royal Rumble had just finished up, and all the Judgment Day men (R-Truth included) had made it back to have Rhea assess them. “...I mean you did at least cover for the fact that Brock wasn’t out there, but why were you in the corner so much, Dom Dom?”
Liv bit her lip - so Rhea did the sticky sweet accusatory tone with him, too. “Jey was hurt.” Dom defended, “He tweaked his arm, and I was checking on him-”
“For half you're time out there?” Damian’s voice sounded sharp, angry, pointed.
“I…” Dom seemed resigned, “I hit all my marks.” Is what he settled on, “I did everything I was scripted to do, everything I was supposed to do, I…” He trailed off, “What should I have done?”
There was a long beat of silence, “Well if you don’t know, then I guess it doesn’t matter.” Rhea’s tone was cutting. Liv heard the locker room door slam a couple times, she felt tears on her lashes for Dom, and for a memory of herself hearing those same words.
“Dom.” It was Finn’s voice, he sounded worried, “Don’t, ah, fuck, ‘mere kid.” There was shuffling then a soft hum and, “Don’t let them ruin your night, you were good out there, kid, so good.” Finn sounded soft, “Honest, you were in the longest of all of us, and you did good - checkin’ in on Jey and the others when they looked like they were hurt for real, got the makin’s of a legend in those bones, buddy.” There was a sniffle, “Rhea’s only hard on you because she cares, and Damian’s all tangled up in that briefcase right now, JD isn’t sure where he fits, and Truth, well he doesn’t know what planet he is on most of the time…” 
“I just wanna make her proud, Finn.” Dom sounded wrecked, and it made Liv shake with anger she couldn’t place. Rhea had no right to break apart a perfectly good boy, shake him down to his core, and mold him into a fragile little bird. Dominik Mysterio used to have a bite that matched his bark, he used to push himself, he used to grate on the nerves of older SuperStars just to get a shot at something more. 
“Dom, baby.” Finn sounded resigned, too, Liv realized, “Sometimes it’s not about making her proud, but making yourself proud. I’m proud of you every time we go out there.” Finn promised, “I’m going to keep being proud of you, even when the stable breaks up, even when I’m not tag team champions with Damian, even when we are on opposing sides, because Dominik… you’ve grown so much in the last year. You're more than you think, sweetheart.” 
Dom let out a whine, “Thank you.”
“Clean your face up, lad, I’m going to go meet the others, you come join us when you're ready for our pap walk to the car.” The door to the locker room slammed again, Liv thought about going to Dom then and there, but changed her mind, there were too many risk involved, too many people who might see her - she jumped as her phone chimed (internally she cursed herself for not cutting the volume off), it was Becky asking her where she was - they had plans. Liv waited until she heard the door to the room next to her slam again before she snuck out, only the retreating silhouette of Dom ahead of her. 
Finding Becky, Seth, and Bayley Liv settled into step with them. “Where have you been?” Seth asked, as he tossed one arm around Becky and the other around Liv, “Stalking someone?”
“No, yes, sort of?” She ventured, a pout on her lips.
Bayley blinked, “What are we doing?”
Becky snickered, “Liv is worried about the wee Mysterio.”
“That is one hundred percent not allowed.” Bayley objected, “Like beyond not allowed, like so not allowed that he’s practically wrapped in NDAs and government levels of red tape, Livvy, there is no way, no way, you should be anywhere near him.” She lowered her voice, “You were practically destroyed last time you even… last time she caught you alone, when Raquel first went out.” Liv rolled her eyes, Bayley was one of her longest friends, “Don’t do that, you can’t… you can’t save him, Liv, just like we couldn’t save you, you have to let him figure it out.” Bayley asserted.
Seth snorted, “He’s a good boy, misguided right now, but good. He’ll figure it out.” Becky looked at Liv, the pair quietly agreeing that Dominik Mysterio was a good boy but would not figure it out on his own, “Come on, let’s get that steak we talked about, I want Roux!” 
“Well it feels like ages since I’ve seen the cutest little nepo baby in the world!” Liv agreed, giggling. Becky shoved at her around Seth, who chuckled gleefully, even as Bayley caught Liv’s free arm and pressed closer to her side. “How are things with Damage Control?” Liv asked, “I can never get a read on Dakota.”
“Oh, uh, me either.” Bayley admitted, “Pretty sure they are going to throw me out sooner rather than later.”
Liv snorted, as they finally pushed out into the chilly air, ahead of them Dom was trailing along behind JD and Finn, clearly Rhea had left already (and with her Damian), Liv scanned the parking lot but couldn’t see Truth anywhere, so she sort of hovered closer to Bayley, eyes watching across the parking lot as Finn and JD both bundled Dominik up into a hug before they were hustling him - obviously still crying - into the rental they had.
Seth frowned, “Maybe he does need help.”
“Oh, for fucks sake.” Bayley hissed, “We… we aren’t really, this seems risky, like Rhea is on the cover of…”
Becky elbowed her, hard, “The lad needs a hand, Bayley.”
Bayley looked heavenward, “And what do you propose?”
Liv was silent for a moment, “I’m not sure, but I bet tomorrow is going to be a bitch.” 
“Oh, shit, are you back back?” Seth asked her, “Like on the road?”
“I will be, soon.” Liv assured him, “Have to do some wellness checks and get through the legal stuff in Florida.”
Monday Night RAW had been a rollercoaster, Liv wasn’t cleared enough to be on the show, per say, but she had been backstage. Liv had giggled for Dom when he, JD, Damian and Finn finally attacked R-Truth, only to have the Miz intervene, she honestly thought the boy was going to make it through the night without Dominik getting any sort of underhanded comment from Rhea in regards to Dom - then Rhea had to fuck around and find out with Nia.
Of fucking course Rhea got her ass beat by Nia, Liv was shaking with anger - when she heard the start of an argument backstage, “Where the fuck were you?” Rhea’s voice was almost shrill as it sounded, Liv immediately ducked to avoid being seen, “I just got… Do you not even care about me?” Rhea was posing questions that Dominik either didn’t have an answer for, or wasn’t being nearly as loud in response. “I always come to help you! I’ve never let you look like that big of a fucking idiot, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ALL?”
Dom quietly offered, “No one was with me when I lost my belt…” 
Liv felt her fist tighten, nails digging into her palm, “I WASN’T IN THE COUNTRY!” Rhea shouted, and really, that was enough to make Liv’s eyes burn, her heart in her throat. 
“Mami, please-” Dom suddenly sounded winded, and Liv had a good idea why. Rhea was a lot of things, she was harsh in her love, and had no problem being more physical - Liv had been on the receiving end of displeasure a couple of times before they’d even started to split. Liv ducked quickly, hiding more, as Rhea slammed by, her bag over her shoulder, trialed quickly by Damian.
“Dom, kid, I’m sorry.” Finn sounded desperate, “JD and I have to fly out, or I’d…”
“No, no, it’s… it’s ok, I’m ok.” There was a sniffle there, then Liv watched Finn and JD disappear down the hallway opposite the way Rhea and Damian had disappeared. Liv looked heavenward, sent a quick text to Bayley that read something along the lines of tempting fate, playing with fire, then shot into the locker room the other four had just vacated. She locked the door quickly, seizing the opportunity to be alone with Dom. 
At first Liv couldn’t see Dom, the locker room was admittedly wrecked. Most of the ‘staged’ furniture had been shoved around, Dom’s clothing had been tossed around all over the place (or at least Liv assumed it was Dom’s clothing), and in the far corner, curled up with his head on his knees and shoulders quaking, looking as small as he possibly could was Dominik Mysterio. He didn’t even flinch when she entered, didn’t look up as she made her way across the room, just let out a weak little, “Finn, that you?”
“Not exactly.” Liv offered, which had him jerking up hard enough his head hit the wall, his eyes were huge.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Dom said very seriously.
Liv sighed, “Probably not, you're right.” She agreed, but then sat down a few inches from him, “Look-”
“No.” Dom shook his head, “She’s my mami now, she loves me-”
“Love isn’t an excuse for her to hurt you, for her to be intentionally mean to you, or for her to withhold love and kindness, and basic human rights.” Liv assured him, “I’m not here to like… bad mouth her or anything. I know what it’s like to be loved by Rhea, to be the center of her universe, to hold all her attention. I just, I know how hard it can be to-” Her speech was interrupted by Dom’s phone sounding off, her’s vibrated in her pocket. The pair both looked at their phones - Rhea had thrown Dominik’s own words back at him on X (formerly Twitter).
Dom’s shoulders hunched downward, as he put his phone face down on the floor.
Liv tucked her own phone back into her hoodie pocket, then cleared her throat, “I’m here, if you want to talk.”
Dom was silent for a few moments, “Could you maybe just hug me?” Dom asked, softly, “I don’t get hugs when I…” He trailed off, “If I’m not good enough out there.” He added, a little sheepishly. Liv scooted forward, and opened her arms, Dominik dropped against her, letting his head fall onto Liv’s shoulder, sniffling as he did so. “I… I thought you were lucky, when you were Rhea’s.” Dom offered, quietly, “I thought you were the luckiest girl in the world.”
“I thought that about Nikki and Raquel, too.” Liv offered, softly. Liv rubbed his shoulders, and petted at his mullet, trying to comfort him, “I know you care about her, a lot.” She added, sweetly, “I just… I’m here if you need me, or if you want a friend outside of Rhea and the Judgment Day. I mean, I’m not scared of her.” 
Dom let out a dark chuckle, but wiggled closer to Liv, his head curled against her shoulder, arms around her loosely, as she cradled her head. They stayed like that for long enough that Bayley and Becky had both called Liv four times each, it was Seth who found them, hand knocking hard against the door. Liv untangled Dom, and opened the door, Seth raised his eyebrow, but took Dom’s tear streaked face in, before sighing, “How about you come back to the bus with us, Dom.” Set offered, “Roux is being a handful and I’ve got it on good authority that you are amazing with kids.” 
Dom bobbed his head, slowly. Seth and Liv helped him pack up his stuff and put the room back right. Seth led the pair to the bus where Becky, Bayley, Charlotte, and Andrade. Dom started to back off, redirect himself but Becky caught his wrist, “Come in, lad! We’ve got chinese, but got some chicken tenders for you and Roux.” 
Dom blushed but nodded, and let himself be corralled onto the travel bus, he was quickly hugged by Andrade, then Charlotte, then Becky, and Bayley, and finally he was allowed to sit with Roux. Liv watched him through the meal, he was quiet and downtrodden, but mostly he just looked like he wanted to disappear - everyone tried to pull him into conversation, but the only one other than Liv half-way successful was Andrade and they spoke mostly in stilted-silence. 
His phone ringing had Dom scurrying away from them and out of the travel trailer, one chicken tender in hand and half an apology on his lips. “Ok.” Bayley observed, “I see what you mean.” She looked pointedly at Liv, “Something is wrong there.”
Charlotte and Becky shared a look, while Seth frowned down at his plate, “I’m not sure we should meddle in this, we’ve tried in the past… Nikki, Raquel, Tegan, you…”
Becky frowned, “Its hard to love someone when you don’t love yourself proper.”
Andrade huffed, “Mysterio needs more than women worrying about him.”
Charlotte eyed him, “What do you think we do?”
“We do nothing,” The man offered, “He has to show her his anger, until then nothing we do matters.” 
That answer was not satisfactory for Liv, she leaned back in her seat, and frowned. If she couldn’t get through to Dominik, if she couldn’t make him understand his anger was valid and needed to be expressed, maybe the only voice of reason the Judgment Day seemed to have could help. Finn Balor owed her, after all, he’d betrayed her to be part of the Judgment Day’s stable in the first place. Admittedly she’d been planning to hold onto that favor for a bit, but this seemed more important.
TikTok was fun to slide through when she was otherwise bored. Hanging around NXT was always iffy, in Liv’s current opinion, but tonight she had wellness checks and physicals to get through, not to mention her legitimate legal team and her trainer worked out of the performance center, so… she was sort of tiered to the building until she was green-lit to move forward with her plans. It was on TikTok, a repost from Insta, that she found a video of Rhea, Dom, and JD obviously recorded at RAW the night before. 
Dom spilled water on the video, called out for Rhea, she ripped JD’s shirt, and used it to clean Dom off. 
Liv wondered idly if that was before Rhea got her ass mauled by Nia Jax?
Probably after. They all looked pretty happy in the video (except JD who looked so over being victimized by Rhea it wasn’t funny, which temporarily sent Liv on a Mean Girls side trip about how Rhea and Regina George would have probably gotten on like a house fire). Liv watched the video a few more times, contemplating. She wasn’t going to involve Rey Mysterio - the man thought his son was a lost cause, both in real life and kayfabe currently. She was limited in the people she immediately trusted, and didn’t need word getting back to Rhea, who could and would make her life a literal hell. 
“Finn!” She said aloud, making Lyra look at her bothered, as the girl walked past her, “Nothing!” Liv promised, waving her off, Lyra had some sort of weird girlfriend problem, which Liv thought was hilarious, above her Roxanne’s music blared to life, Liv exited out of TikTok, and pulled up her messages (she had Finn saved as Irish Demon, don’t ask questions), she sent him a quick text.
To: Irish Demon - > Hello Fergal I need to talk to you, in private, in person.
From: Irish Demon - > To what do I owe this random texting bout, Gio.
To: Irish Demon - > Maybe I miss your weird ass.
From: Irish Demon - > I have me doubts, luv
To: Irish Demon - > Are you in Florida still?
From: Irish Demon - > Maybe
To: Irish Demon - > If you are want to grab a quick bite to eat, need to talk to you for real.
From: Irish Demon - > The Glass Knife, nine o’clock?
To: Irish Demon - > Ok, come alone, Fergal.
From: Irish Demon - > Color me intrigued Jersey!
It wasn’t until she put her phone away that she realized she’d essentially asked Finn on a super secret date, and demanded him to come alone (and in theory not tell his stablemates that he was sneaking out). “Oops.” She hummed to herself, then shrugged her shoulders. It was for the best, really, Dominik needed something - and Liv was starting to think maybe she could be the something, or at least the path to the something. Shaking the thought from her head, she watched Elektra walk past her, she gave her a bit of a wave, the other woman ignored her, and continued walking away. “Rude.”
“Do you always talk to yourself?” Ava Raine asked, Liv yelped as she turned to look at the youngest General Manager. “Shawn asked me to come get you for your health readings.” Ava added, a smile playing on her lips, “And I think it’s super cool that you talk to yourself, I do that and people make fun of me.”
Liv hopped off the crate she was sitting on, “Uh, I normally only talk to myself when my head is super loud.”
Ava grinned, “It helps you organize your thoughts, right?” Liv nodded, and let the younger woman link their arms together, “I’m so excited you're back, you're one of my favorites! I love watching you work, all that stuff you did with Rhea - I got goosebumps! She was practically my big sister when she was still down here in NXT with us peasants.” Ava offered, “Her work with Dom is so good…” And that was the point that Liv stopped listening, letting Ava ramble on endlessly about how ‘amazing’ Rhea was. 
Shawn didn’t clear her but he didn’t bar her from traveling either, just cautioned her to continue checking in with her lawyers and abiding by Florida state laws. Her follow up appointment for wellness was pretty quick, in no time she was sliding out the door, putting distance between herself and the Performance Center. She called for a driver to take her to The Glass Knife. 
Finn was already there, dressed like a normal member of society in a pink shirt and jeans, he had a beanie on and looked like he was doing his best to hide from cameras, “I already ordered us drinks, love.” Finn called to her as she slid into the booth across from him. “You still like the vanilla Affogato, yes?”
“Yes, thank you.” Liv took her seat, “What did you order?”
Finn shrugged, “Water.” 
“Weirdo.” Liv murmured, “Do you ever do anything normal?”
“Should ask you the same thing, Gio.” Finn mused, “Check the menu, gotta order soonish.” Even as he said it, their waitress was quickly approaching so Liv ordered a Roasted Turkey Club Sandwich and two Chocolate Onyx Pastries. Finn patiently waited, then ordered Avocado & Egg Toast and added an order of Chocolate Raspberry Tarts. “Got a sweet spot for chocolate.” Finn murmured, as Liv raised an eyebrow at him. “You like it too, ordered two massive chocolates.”
Liv blew out a raspberry, annoyed, then, “I want to talk about Dom.”
“Thought that might be it.” Finn murmured, “You forgot, love, that Bayley and I are best friends.”
“I didn’t forget, I just figured since she thought I was signing my death warrant that she wouldn’t bring it up.” 
Finn snorted a laugh, “The writing is on the wall, we won’t make it past Mania as a stable, there are too many unstable parts. I… I don’t know where Dom shakes out, I know he wants to have a promo with Rhea, soon, one where he can ask her about her… recent behaviors.”
Liv raised an eyebrow, “Tell me more.”
“He’s gone to Trips about it, and thinks that if he can do it backstage, it might not be the hardest thing to do. Apparently he has a new friend who told him that just because someone says they love him in any capacity that person isn’t allowed a free pass for bad behaviors or near-cheating episodes.” Finn was regarding her carefully, “Sounds familiar, since I’m pretty sure myself and AJ told you something along those lines once before.” 
Liv rolled her shoulders, “It stuck, yeah?” She ventured, “Now I know… being the center of Rhea’s attention its fucking addicting, the way she can look at you, and it feels like you are honestly the only thing she sees, but there is a flip to that-”
“Where being the only thing Rhea sees means she picks and pokes at your soft underbelly in a way that is borderline abusive?” Finn mused, “She doesn’t mean to be harsh, I don’t think.”
Liv barked out a laugh, “You’ve obviously never been in her bed.” 
Finn was silent for a moment, “Gio, what is it that you want to accomplish with this?”
“I want him to know I’m here for him, but to do that, he needs to be able to take plausible breaks, if or when he wants to escape, Fergal I want you to help him.” Liv gave him a pointed look, “I know the pressure of being Rhea’s, know how isolating the whole thing is, I know what it’s going to be like on the other side when he’s coming out of this. I just want you to let him know he’s safe with you, safe enough that if he needs to tap and come to me, that you’ll help him.” 
“The stable might be in trouble, Gio, but we aren’t dead yet.”
“I’m not asking you to betray anyone.” Liv countered.
Finn huffed, “You are asking an awful lot, Rhea is our leader.” 
“She’s a shit leader.” Liv snapped back, irritated, the waitress had returned and dropped off their food.
Finn shoved half of his first tart into his mouth and chewed violently, before, “Alright, love, I’ll help.” 
“Are you insane!” Bayley caught her arm and yanked her into a closet at the arena for Monday Night RAW, pushing her hard against the far wall, “Are you literally insane?” Bayley added, “I told you to stay away from him - he is like NDAs and red tape had a baby, so you went over me and went to Finn?”
Liv blinked, “What is happening?”
“It’s called an intervention, keep up.” Bayley hissed, “You shouldn’t have went to Finn.”
Liv sighed darkly, “I asked him for a little bit of leeway, Bayley, not to give me Dom on a silver platter.”
Bayley sputtered for a moment, “You actually are insane, Liv this has gone past you protecting him.”
“What, no-” Liv started.
“No it fucking has!” Bayley sassed back, “You want him, and not to protect him. Jesus, are you kidding me? Liv, this is… this is insane!” Bayley nearly shouted.
Liv narrowed her eyes, “Do you know a word other than insane?” She paused, then, “Ok, so maybe I want to be more than friends with Dom, but that’s on the back burner here, like… I just think we could be a good couple, both of us having survived… uh, let’s call it a stent in the school of Rhea’s affection.” Bayley gapped at her, “Its not insane, I have a teeny, tiny, very small, nearly invisible crush… I want to protect him.”
Bayley let out an aggravated snarl, “Insanity is not the only word I know, let’s see, deranged, lunacy, neurotic, mad, manic, psychotic, potentially suicidal…” Rolling her eyes, Liv pushed around her and shoved out the door, nearly falling on her face as she shoved around Bayley, and made her way down the hallway, “INSANITY!” Bayley shouted after her, loudly. 
Liv flipped her off over her shoulder, and hustled down the hallway, and promptly collided with a solid mass.
“Oft.” Dom caught her before she toppled backwards, “You ok, Liv?” Dom asked, sweetly.
Liv looked at him - really looked at him - he looked tired, he looked like he had been crying recently, his skin was a bit washed out which made her sad, and he looked like he was thinner than the previous week. “Uh, I am now.” She looked up at him, momentarily marveling over their height difference (she was a stunning five foot three of insanity, while Dom was six foot one), “Hey, are you ok?” She asked, softly.
Dom frowned, “I’m struggling with this promo I want to do tonight.” He admitted, sheepishly.
“Maybe I can help?” Liv suggested, eagerly. 
Dom looked at her, head cocked, adorably, “Uhm, ok?”
“Where do you want to work on it?” Liv asked, curiously.
Dom bit his lip, “I would normally do it in the Judgment Day Clubhouse…” Liv hummed, how long had they been calling it a clubhouse, she decided that wasn’t important, not when Dominik was looking so adorable and sad and obviously needed to be aggressively cuddled by her, “Uhm, think we can find an empty office or something?”
“Or something.” Liv agreed, “I know just the place.” She backtracked to the closet that Bayley had shoved her in earlier, opened the door and waited for Dom to step in, she followed, shutting the door behind them, and sitting down on the floor. After a second of confusion, Dominik joined them, sitting down across from her, their knees pressed together. “Ok, what are you working on?”
Dom bit his bottom lip, “I want to cut a promo about uh, about the thing that Rhea did.”
“Ok, babe gonna need you to be more specific.” Liv suggested.
Dom looked heavenward, “She used my own soundbite against me, when I lost the title and no one was there to support me. She put it on X, she made it a thing, fans are ripping me apart… are ripping the men of Judgment Day apart, and… and like, she’s always flirting with Jey Uso, Drew McIntyer, hell anyone she wants to, but if I did that the Universe would dissect me. There was no way for me to go out there and help her with Nia, it’s a bad form for us men to hit women, yeah I took a bump or ten with Beth Phoenix, but that was practiced, that was something both of us were comfortable with. Nia likes taking men and women alike out, but I’ve never actually worked with her, and like Damian and them weren’t rushing out there to help her either, but somehow I’m the only one in the doghouse, and-” 
Liv covered his mouth with her hand, it required her to nearly climb into his lap to do so, but he flushed pink and stopped talking altogether, as she gazed at him.“Ok, let’s… let’s start with a list.” Liv released his mouth, but didn’t back out of his space. 
“I’m such an asshole, she was your girlfriend before mine and I’m asking you for help-”
“It’s no big deal.” Liv lied through her teeth, it was a big deal - but she was thankfully far enough removed from her own broken heart that she could separate her messy feelings from Dom’s current very real, very valid, very loud feelings. “Honestly, just, let’s make a list and organize your thoughts.”
Liv bit her bottom lip as she watched the viewing screen. Dom’s promo was coming up at the top of the third hour, he had been anxious and worried as they wrapped up his actual speech, but she was confident in his abilities (and overjoyed that he’d given her his cell phone number, so she could send him a text, and he would have her number - for talking he’d stressed, but Liv could sense a change in him). 
The framing was awkward at best. There was no purple lighting behind Dom this time, only a soft yellowed hue, he wasn’t wearing his Judgment Day gear, instead he was in his hoodie and jeans, clearly ready to leave and quickly. His hair was smoothed down, and his eyes were wet with unshed tears. “I uh, I want to address the WWE Universe, The Judgement Day and my Mami.” Dom said evenly.
Liv tugged on the hem of her shirt, watching him as he licked his lips, “First, I want to say that I have always wanted to be by Rhea’s side, sometimes Mami doesn’t want me to go out to the ring with her, and I’ve always respected that, because out of all of us, she’s the one who has her shit together.” Dom exhaled, “Last Monday my Mami confronted Nia Jax, and it didn’t go favorably. There has been a lot of… rumbling about why myself, and the other Judgment Day boys didn’t rush out there to help her or save her. I can’t speak for the rest of the boys, but… I didn’t want to have a repeat of when I went against Beth Phoenix, Mami can’t focus on herself when she has to be worried about me, and I know I’ve made a lot of messes lately.” 
Liv’s heart broke a little as he took a deep sigh, “Both the times I lost my belt, I was alone. The first time Mami had asked Damian and Finn to accompany me to NXT, and for reasons I don’t know they chose not to follow me. The second time I’m not sure what happened, but I did say something when I was upset, on camera I called out my stable, demanding to know where they were. I know Mami was out of the country and she wasn't the ‘leader’ when it happened, so I’m not upset with her, in fact I’m not upset with Damian, Finn, or anyone for that.” Dom let out a nervous laugh, “I’m not even… I think I’m more… I’m hurt.”
Liv looked sidelong at Finn who had stepped into gorilla ahead of a match he and Damian had, his eyes were glued to the screen, “I’m hurt because I do everything for Mami, everything I can, anything she asks of me, and I never complain, because of how much she means to me, but… in the past, she’s, she’s, she flirted with Jey Uso around Fastlane even when it was clear he didn’t want to join the Judgment Day, she flirted with Drew McIntire, she… I understand that flirting is a way to get what Mami wants for the betterment of Judgment Day, but I… I’m not allowed to do that, I can’t flirt with boys or girls to get them to join our stable, if I so much as mention talking to someone else…” He paused, and inhaled, recentering himself, “I take it back, I’m pissed.”
Liv snorted under her breath, “I’m pissed because everything I do isn’t good enough, and the woman I love, my Mami, doesn’t love me enough not to flirt with men who by all standards in this industry are more attractive than me RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. Mami treats me like I’m her king when it’s convenient, for TikToks and other things where eyes are around, but I’m not, I’m some sort of joke, but everyone forgot the punchline.” He snarled, and Liv recoiled a bit, she hadn’t meant for him to use that, “I’d say that ends now, but we all know Mami knows best and she’s always on top, so… I’m pissed and I’m hurt, and I just want…” He faltered, “I want SOMEONE to look at me like I deserve to be put first, just once.” 
With that he flung the microphone and stalked off. Finn let out an exhale, Damian hadn’t joined them yet, so he stepped forward and whispered, “I think Liv you’ve started a war.” 
“I swear that was not my intention.” Liv deflated a little bit as Damian shoved into the room.
“Did you see what Dom-” He stopped short, then eyed Finn and Liv, “This is your fault.” He pointed at Liv.
“I didn’t do anything.” Liv defended, “Rhea’s the one flirting with everyone except Dominik!” 
“Stay away from him, Jersey.” Damian warned, “Rhea is going to destroy you for touching her toy.”
“He isn’t a toy!” Liv growled, “He’s a human with feelings and emotions-” Liv stopped speaking as Rhea pushed into Gorilla, trialed by JD who looked a bit concerned. Liv steeled herself, narrowed her gaze at Rhea, “You deserve to be made responsible for the way you make other people feel. Dominik Mysterio is a human with feelings and emotions, not some toy you can play with when you feel like it and ignore when it please you.”
Rhea snarled, “Stay away from him, or I’ll put you on the shelf with another injury.”
Liv didn’t back down, “Maybe you should remember who you are talking to, sweetheart. I know all you're tells, and what he said, it got to you, because it’s true. And you are so scared, so fucking scared, of you're fans finding out what you can be like, when the cameras are off.” 
Rhea caught her by the front of her shirt and slammed her into a nearby wall, “I said what I said.”
“I’m not scared of you.” Liv snarled back, “I deserve better than you, Nikki deserved better than you and she found it, Raquel deserved better than you and she found it, Tegan deserved better than you and she found it, verdict is out on you and Action Jackson he’s sort of a piece of shit, but bottom line? Dominik deserves so much better than you.” 
At that, mercifully, Bayley and Becky pushed into Gorilla as the music for the Judgment Day sounded. Rhea released Liv, snarled at the other two, and trailed out with Damian and Finn, JD offered Liv his fist, she bumped her knuckles to his and he sort of smiled at her, before he too ducked out of gorilla. “Insanity.” Bayley hissed, loudly, at Liv, before she caught her by her wrist and yanked her out of gorilla, with Becky bringing up the rear. 
The hotel after was a bit of a ghost town, but Liv still managed to find him from his vague text message of ‘alone’, she’d had to convince the hotel manager to release his room number to her, and give her a key card to get into his room. Arms loaded down with ice cream, a six pack of water, flavor packs for the water, pizza, swissmiss to make hot chocolate with, all the chocolate she could find at the 7/11 and a whole bottle of ranch she made her way to his room. She knocked on the door with her elbow, then froze when the door next to his room opened.
Finn emerged, eyeing her, “I’m going to distract Rhea for the next eight hours roughly. She, Damian, JD, Truth and I are going out on the town. Do whatever this mess is then, disappear until we break up, or I swear to god, Liv I will find a way to make this more difficult than you can imagine.” 
“Fair enough.” Liv growled, then managed to dig the ready-made key card out, and swipe it through the reader. She slid in, balancing all her provisions. Dom was in the center of the bed, in a puddle of blankets and tissues. “Hey, Dom.” She breathed out as she started to settle the food down, “What can I do?”
“Can we just binge on food and maybe cuddle?” Dom whispered, she nodded and set about diving up the food and using the microwave to make the hot chocolate, “I didn’t think you’d really come.” Dom whispered.
“Contrary to popular belief, I’ll always come when you call me.” Liv offered, “Because I want to be here, with you, right now.” She bit into one of her pizza slices, “I want to be sappy with you, and eat pizza with you, and maybe when all is said and done with the Judgment Day, I’d kind of like to help you turn face.” 
Dom just blinked, “No one wants me and after that promo, Rhea doesn't even want me.”
Liv wiggled into the blankets next to him, “She’s not one to quickly give up a toy she likes, Dom. As shitty as that is to say, I’m sure she’ll bow off her anger tonight then she’ll come back here and apologize and promise to do better, then she won’t, and you’ll be hurt, then the road to WrestleMania will get messier and messier, then what happens on the biggest stage in the world will happen, and then… then the Judgment Day eventually implodes.”
“Is it bad that I want the implosion to happen sooner rather than later?” Dom asked, as he grabbed his own slice of pizza, “I mean, that sounds bad.” 
“No, it doesn’t.” Liv promised him.
Dom gazed at her as he chewed thoughtfully, “I think I just… I don’t want to make things right with my dad yet, there is too much static there, and not enough like… actual compassion.” Dom dropped his pizza slice nad pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes, “I sound like such a fucking baby.”
“Dom, you are a baby, even if you are an eighteen year veteran.” Liv joked, trying to ease his mood, “I personally love how compassionate and sweet you are, you wear your heart on your sleeve, and no one does micro-expressions like you do.” Dom grabbed his slice and pulled the tub of oreo ice cream towards him. “What were you saying, Dom, before you thought you were being a baby.”
“I just want…” Dom exhaled harshly, “I want someone to see me. Like my dad used me as an extension of his legacy… like Rhea is using me as a convenient puppy-boyfriend type, who always forgives her, supports her unconditionally, and just makes her look like a real human.” He gasped at what he said, hand covering his mouth, shocked that he’d said as much as he did.
Liv sighed but wrapped her arms around him, ignoring her pizza, squeezing him around his middle, “Dom… you are the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful person I think I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching go from daddys good little boy to the biggest nuclear heel in all of WWE.”
“How many times have you watched that happen?” Dom asked, amused.
Liv snickered, “Ok, so once, but it’s un-top-able." That seemed to sooth Dom, the pair settled in to one another then, putting on Young Frankenstein, as they gorged themselves on the drinks and snacks, until Dominik was yawning and starting to curl himself into the blankets more. Liv kept up with the time, worried about getting caught and the trouble that could land Dominik in, they were getting ready to start watching Jeepers Creepers when Finn sent her a text warning that they were headed back. Liv showed the message to Dom, then stood to start gathering the trash up and putting her shoes back on.
“Goodnight, Dom.” Liv offered as she gave him a quick hug - he was more asleep than awake.
“Night, Gio.” He murmured into her hair, and twisted into his pillows more. Liv was almost out the door, when Dom cleared his throat, “So, when this is over…” Dom trailed off.
“When this is over, Dominik Mysterio, I’ll be waiting on you.” Liv promised, as she kissed his head, and made sure he was tucked in to his hotel bed, “No matter how long that takes, because you’ll need someone who survived it, and personally I want to be the one who mends you're heart.” He smiled softly at her as his eyes fluttered closed, “Good night, sweetheart.” She ducked down to kiss his forehead, “I’m only a call away, ok?”
“Thank you, baby.” Dominik whispered before sleep over took him. 
“Holy shit you are insane!” Charlotte snickered as Liv told her, Becky and Bayley about the hotel.
“I told you she was!” Bayley countered.
“I don’t know, seems kind of romantic to me.” Becky offered.
Seth who only caught the end of their conversation frowned, “Anyone know why Dominik looks like he’s the happiest four year old alive, also what was kind of romantic?”  The four women burst out in laughter, but Liv maybe the loudest - she could be a good girl and wait, she had nothing but time and even when Rhea grated on her patience in the coming months, she’d just remind herself that Dom and her hand plans, plans for after the Judgment Day.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 3: new school year
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“First day of school, time to get up” i said gently waking Owen up. He groaned and rolled over on his stomach. “I don't want to go to school” he said as the pillow muffled his voice.
“Get up buddy, chop, chop!” I said as I started flickering the lights. Owen squinted his eyes and sighed. “Okay, im up…im up”
I smiled and dashed into my room to get changed. I didn’t do anything too special, just some ripped jeans and an Elvis shirt then my leather jacket. After I looked presentable for society I jogged down stairs where the other two were. Bella was quietly eating an apple and Owen was sitting on the counter eating lucky charms straight from the box.
“Good morning guys, where’s Charlie?” I asked.
“char-Dad already left for work” Bella stuttered. I nodded, grabbing a cereal bar and putting it in my pocket.
“So..you want a ride to school? We have to drop Owen off first but-”
“N-no thanks…um Billy and Jacob Black got me a truck” she said trying not to sound rude. I nodded at her slowly thinking she’s a lot stranger than I remembered.
“ain't she a pleasure in the morning” Owen said eating a hand full of just lucky charm marshmallows. I rolled my eyes and shoved my text books in my bag. “we should probably get going” Owen threw his backpack over his shoulder and quickly grabbed the box of cereal before heading for my impala.
“Okay then…see ya at school then” I yelled out to Bella as we walked out the door.
“she's not very talkative, is she?” Owen chuckled as he clicked his seatbelt in.
“just let her get used to us again” I mumbled as we started our trip to our schools.
Owen went to the middle school on the reservation with Seth Clearwater so it was a little ways away from Forks High, but I didn't mind.
--------( ....... )--------
“you must be the new girl” a voice said as I shut my locker making me jump. “umm y-yeah I'm Y/n” I looked at the boy he was taller than me with dark hair. He looked friendly but I wasn't sure.
“hay I'm Eric... Hay isn't there supposed to be another one of you?” he asked
I looked around the halls as I adjusted my backpack strap. "yeah, my cousin isabella, I don't know where she is” I wanted to avoid her at all costs this year. She wasn't all that bad but I felt like I should get through my last two years of school by myself.
“well I'm the eyes and ears of this school.. Help you out any way I can” he said with a big smile. I looked around slightly overwhelmed by his kindness. It was nice that he didn't look at me with pitty and he didn't feel forced to be nice to me.
“come on Eric give the girl some breathing room” another male voice said. I looked up and smiled at the familiar dark skin and chocolate brown eyes. I immediately passed Eric and gave Tyler a big hug.
“hay Ty” I smiled at my old friend.
“good to see ya kid” the three of us continued down the hallway. I would be lying if I said in didn't like the two guy's company. Eric on my left than Tyler on my right the three of us just talked. We found out we had most of our classes together and I was lucky enough to get a locker next to Tyler.
“so it looks like you have Geometry first" Tyler said reading my schedule as I grabbed the essential things for my classes. “that sucks, I don't have that class”
He handed me back my schedule. “but we have English together next hour” he smiled. I nodded adjusting my books in my arms.
“alright, well I'll see you guys later” I wayed good bye to the two boys and headed the opposite direction. I travled down the crowed hallway and read each door trying to find English-3. I wondered a little longer then made a sharp turn which lead me to coiled with something that felt rock solid. I fell on my butt as my books scadered.
“oh, I'm sorry” I soft voice mumbled as he helped me gather all my books. I stood up first and saw a boy about my age with reddish-brown hair and golden eyes. His eyes were kind and soft but his face was brooding and hard.
As he stood up the reached smell of vampire engulfed my senses. I wanted to scrunch my nose or cover... Something but I didn't want to be rude. From his expression my smell didn't exactly appeal to him either.
He looked down at the book he grabed. “this is amazing... You got a great eye” he said looking at my sketch book.
“thanks...” he softly smiled and hand me the sketch book. “umm... You know where Geometry 2 is?”
The Boy nodded and motioned for me to follow. “I'm y/n Swan by the way”
“Edward Cullen, pleasure to meet you...” he nodded.
"he seems nice... I hope he doesn't care I'm Shifter"
Edward chuckled. “no I don't particularly care at the moment” he said. I raised an eye brow at him wondering where that came from. I'm pretty sure I just thought it.
“and I think your nice too” he said opening the door to our class. I nodded thinking this Vampire was a total nut job.
As we walked in a younger teacher looked up and smiled. He was a bit small for his age and had platinum blonde hair. “good morning, you must be Y/n Swan, right? I'm Mr. Booth”
I nodded and shyly smiled. “I am... Nice to meet you” he smiled back as I set down in the back with Edward. I looked over at Edward and felt content and I didn't know why. He was a simple guy and he seemed like someone I could be friends with.
“thanks for showing me around... You didn't half too” I mumbled softly knowing he could hear me loud and clear. Edward shrugged and took out one of his note books.
“I know about the treaty... If you don't want to hang around me I understand” I mumbled as I watched Mr. Booth scribble a equation on the white board.
“you don't live on the reservation... And as long as we're not on each other's lands I don't particularly care if you hang around me or not” he said back.
I nodded feeling like he was forced to say that. And I particularly didn't want a friend that was just there when we're in a classroom. And what we are or what part of the supernatural spectrum we're on shouldn't justify who we hang around or like.
I didn't saying to him the rest of the class and when the bell rang I didn't waist anytime exiting the class room to meet up with Tyler and Eric so we could go to English-3
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fumikomiyasaki · 4 days
Officer Daffodils integration in the story
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Here Profile is here
-Along With Chapter 2 intermission where Zhu Yuan and Qingyi are introduced… Daffodil could be teased, maybe talking with the two as one of the last cutscenes, reporting she made some interesting discoveries last time in a hollow before stopping to report her seeings when Wise and Belle come, saying her goodbyes and letting them talk alone
-Once the episode with Seth and Jane starts of course she is at the meeting too and she is the one the most worried about this whole plan… she would want to join Seth, Zhu Yuan and Qingyi when they confront Jane but gets pulled back cause they know if she is there the plan with Seth would not suceed so instead she has to wait and has other missions… however there could be after this a segment of her Character story how she felt that time with being nervous given her Colleague was trapped there but N,E.P.S gave her many missions to distract her
-In those missions she would often think back to when she started to become and officer.. how she was not taken seriously… how people thought she was too soft back then… how people didn't trust her with things… which is why she was pissed when this missions not only they didn't let her be the bait instead of Seth and dragged him into this but also cause again… she wants to protect someone and can't
-One part of her character story is the reason why she became an officer in the first place… as a kid she had many friends that were however also way too curious… but even back then… nobody took her very serious… cause she didn't really have much authority and as her besties went into a hollow unauthorized… sure they got saved by N.E.P.S but… some of her friends didn't make it….
-In the end she comes back to see mission was a success and hugs Seth for being back… at least she is glad he didn't get harmed…. however she is after her mission more determined than ever to become and officer to be taken seriously, to be relied on and to not only get driven by her emotion… sure she would have maybe done something reckless but she needs to learn when its her time to help where she can…
-The Proxy meets Daffodil wanting to get a movie about Interrogations and bows with a smile… she has a bit more of a calmer expression… hoping to grow character wise to more than just the worrywart deer
And for another small fun facts: -Her favourite Noodles are actually Fried BBQ Noodles personally… she adores them but also can go secondly for Green pepper ones -She does not like people touching her horns without permissions… if you ask its fine she can prepare mentally -But she does for small events like Halloween or Christmas decorate them to give a bit of Cheer to her workplace (maybe also another reason she is not taken that serious at times) -She does collect stickers and puts them on her notebook at times…. also has stickers to give out to kids who did well too as a cheer up gift -She does like Bangboos too, often headpatting some
Daffodil and Seths relationships: -The Irony is they have in common that out of the officers… they can be at times the ones others don't take that seriously… Seth messing up with Honesty and Daffodil with just trying hard to do a good job but not being able to fully fullfill it… although Daffodil still does better recently and is more respected now… but that is also why Seth feels a bit like he wants to catch up, they encourage another -Its not like he doesn't like her affections just, not in front of the others… he gets a bit red about it. But also he does like that she listens if he has something to talk about compared to some others that would dissmiss him -When it comes to combat they definetly work well, Daffodil freezing the enemies and Seth bashing shield first through them… however at times he also wants to just protect her even more to the point she gets flattered -Janes is the kinda tension in this cause… her teasing Seth and Daffodil being protective does lead to a lot of banter but also to Daffodil being more obvious about her crush and Jealousy… and this blockhead still doesn't see it and is just waiting till the girlies are done -In the end I feel if Daffodil would one day come out directly and upfront with him about it… maybe during a mission they had together… or when they grabbed noodles together… and they be that wholesome police couple who can be quite sucessfull detaining other criminals -However its also Seth really not getting Daffodils hints and nudges for sure. She still rub his ears, kiss him on the forehead, hug him tight to her and it be fine
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
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pairing: justin foley x gn!reader
a/n: another from my old wattpad account. this went from being just a 100 words on there... to this. also, warnings are under the cut
warnings: established relationship, use of "babe/baby", food mentions, mouldy food, justin not taking care of himself, mentions of seth + parental neglect, season 1 justin, it's maybe implied that the reader has more money than justin- but i wouldn't say rich/wealthy (not sure- you decide)
Justin unlocks his front door and holds it open to let you in ahead of him. The simple, sweet gesture has you smiling, until you quickly remember where you are and who lives here. "Uh, is Seth around today, because I don't wanna be here if—?"
"I know." He shakes his head. "We're good. He been gone a few days, probably won't be back for a while."
"Come on, sit down."
Justin gestures to the tattered, old couch. You put your bag down next to the seat, then sink down into it. Justin kicks the door closed behind him, then opens the freezer and mumbles about how hungry he his. He rummages around for a while, then holds up a box and shakes it.
"This'll do. Hey, there's two of them if you want one."
You turn to read the box he's holding. 'Ready To Eat Roast Dinner.'
"Um, no, thank you. Not hungry."
"Suit yourself." Justin replies, and then you hear him poking holes, rather too harshly, into the plastic film covering his dinner.
He quite literally throws the container into the microwave, taps a few buttons and then grabs a stool while he waits for a beep.
However, like most things in Justin's mom's house, sadly, the microwave is broken. Instead of making that tell-tale beeping sound, it just doesn't stop. It keeps cooking, and after what feels like too long, you have to remind Justin to check his food, before it burns.
"S'okay, looks fine. Thanks for reminding me, though. That thing's a piece of shit."
Justin drops into the space next to you, placing his dinner on the table and digging in. You try not to grimace at the meal he seems to be enjoying, but the smell of it makes your face scrunch, as you cover your mouth with your hand.
"Justin, what is that?"
"Beef... I think." He shrugs. "Who the fuck cares? I'm starving."
"It just... doesn't smell right."
"What d'you mean?" Justin frowns, taking another bite.
"Well, it smells... bad. Like, out of date bad." You stand up and head to the kitchen counter. "Did you check the expiration date?"
"It's fine." Justin repeats.
You glance over the box, flipping it around to find the date, and grimacing when you do. "Justin, this is almost 5 months past!"
Justin looks over at you and just shrugs again. Then he shovels another bite into his mouth, which causes a bubble of anger to rise within you.
"Babe! Stop eating!" You go back to the couch, grab Justin's fork out of his hand and push the meal away. "You can't eat that!"
With a mouth still full, he yells. "I'm fucking hungry! I don't care."
He tries to reach for his food, so you pick it up and throw it into the trash before he can eat anymore.
"What the fuck?" He throws himself against the back of the couch dramatically. "That was fucking rude."
"No. It wasn't. You can eat that mouldy, rotten crap, Justin. You'll get sick." You join him once more, sitting down close enough to him that your legs are pressed together. "Baby, I don't want you to get sick."
"Ugh!" He shakes his head, annoyed, but when he looks at you again, his eyes are soft. "I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just hungry, and there's nothing else to eat."
"Nothing? At all?"
"Believe it or not... Seth's number one priority isn't feeding the dumbass kid he got stuck with after meeting my mom." Justin's eyes are sad, though his voice sounds like how he talks when he's telling a joke. "He rarely fills the fridge, unless it's with booze."
You blink rapidly, fighting off your emotions as you heart shatters. Clearing your throat, you pick up your bag and stand up, offering Justin your hand. He grabs it and you pull him up. "Well, fine then, let's go."
"Where exactly?"
"I'm gonna get us some takeout..." You open front door, throwing a look at the dirty, torn up couch. "...and then we'll eat at my place."
Justin's hand slips from yours, making you pause halfway out of the house. "Wait. Just— fuck sake!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"You already bought me a new backpack... a fucking winter jacket, even my school books. Just– you can't keep, like, buying me things."
"Why can't I?"
"Because! I– we're– it's– I don't know! It's just... it makes me feel like I owe you, all the time. And I have nothing to give you."
Dropping your bag to the floor, you reach for Justin's face, hold it, and force him to look at you. "Justin... baby, I love you, okay? And that means I love taking care of you, and taking care of you is making sure you have everything you need and deserve. 'Cos you do deserve it... even the very basic things that your mom and Seth don't buy for you. Like school books, and clothes... and food that doesn't smell like crap."
"Okay?" You shake his head a little. "And one day when we're older and both successful, you'll owe me back then. For now, though, being with you is enough in return."
Justin's mouth moves just barely, opening and closing as he tries to find what to say.
You know that he's never been the best at accepting help. He's never been one to ask for it either, and he definitely doesn't know how to react when you, or any of your friends tell him he's worth being cared for.
After a few moments, Justin replies with a simple, yet raw and heartfelt – judging by the raspy tone of his voice –, "Love you, too."
You peck his lips and smile. Then, you slide one of your hands up to his forehead.
"What're you doing?"
"Checking for if you feel hot. Do you? You ate quite a few bites of that crap."
Justin shakes his head. "I feel okay."
"Alright. Just tell me if you get a stomach ache or anything, 'kay?"
You take his hand, swing your bag over your shoulder, and then lead him out of the house. "So... pizza?"
"Ooh, yes." Justin grins, and you're more than delighted to see him happy once more. "I absolutely could go for pizza."
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Taglist: @mockerycrow @wqxianwriting
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aealrizen · 3 months
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It was common for the nearby kids to push open the cathedral doors, sandals slapping the tile as they hurried upstairs to peek in the rooms. Little self designated heroes who had decided it was their job to make sure Midas wasn’t lonely, small hands hanging on the door handle as they asked their repeated question of the day. “Hi, can Midas come out and play today?”
The oldest of them was eight years younger than Midas, but he didn’t mind. On the days he could go with them he did enjoy being able to amuse them, and indulge in their mutual quest to keep him entertained. It was how he’d ended up learning to shoot pistols. The kids had found parts in the scrap dropped off from the other cities before, and after Midas had fixed them up they insisted on setting up a shooting range for him to show off in. He had learned that he was good at it too, when his hands didn’t shake from bone deep pain. The weapons were only toys now, deliberately rigged to only shoot enough plasma to knock the cans and bottles with a soft thump that would only bruise the most tender of skin. The kids loved it, especially since they liked to be the ones throwing the different targets into the air.
They didn’t always play with the pistols though. Another favorite pastime was to just push Midas around in a wheelchair and explore the overgrown city. The last place in their world that had plants that grew freely. It was unable to support much human life alongside the greenery though, so most of the ruins still remained. Endless playgrounds for unoccupied minds.
It was during one such excursion that the kids had decided to take a break in a more open clearing. Dusty stone with patches of moss and other plants crawling over the remains of life from before the cyborg war. Midas was just sitting where they had pushed him, watching as the four kids ranging from four years old to eight explored the area.
“Look! A slide!” Millie, the second oldest by only a few days, declared from the crumbling yet long settled second floor as she held up a battered old sign that was just slightly bigger than her. Midas could only chuckle as she dropped the sign on the top of one of the sloping stones and immediately flopped on top of it to slide down the rubble. It was clever, and Midas was pleased to see shy little Meri’s interest get piqued after seeing Millie reach the end safely. As she hefted the sign up again and rushed off to make the trek back up the stairs Meri joined her, plush bear forever held in her arms.
“See how far you can go at the end,” Midas called to them, giving them a goal to focus on as they played. He could hear the two boys, Conor and Seth, banging on various debris to see what sounds it would make. A crashing melody of obnoxious music and laughter. These kinds of days were usually exhausting, but Midas cherished them. Time outside his room with energy being spent that wasn’t his.
Even this day, which ended less than pleasant, was still important enough for him to remember above others.
The kids had no idea, and Midas could never blame them since none of them could know. He was just thankful that he could recognize the sound of pressurized air hissing moments before it popped the container it was in. Conor’s metal pipe had clanged against something hollow, the ringing causing him to laugh and smack the half buried canister again, unaware of Midas lurching from his chair and forcing his horrible limbs to run towards him.
Midas’s voice was accented by his thin frame bodily slamming into the child, only managing to knock him more than a meter away because of their height difference. Midas would have apologized for being so rough, but he didn’t think he would have been able to carry Conor away before the canister burst.
And burst it did. The tiny hiss of air that cut off with the second bang became a shrieking pop as the metal burst outward in ugly peeled shards. Midas barely felt something collide with the bottom of his jaw, his mind more focused on keeping himself from bashing his head on the concrete as he was knocked away by the impact. He caught himself on his arms, and immediately noted the splatter of blood coloring the grey stone below him.
Only Meri was too shocked to shout, and Midas mentally assessed his own situation as well as theirs without moving. None of them were crying out of pain, so they shouldn’t be hurt. And when he blinked both eyes they seemed blurred from tears, but otherwise undamaged.
He was lucky.
If one could consider having half their face sliced open from jaw to forehead, lucky. It stung horribly, and Midas was afraid to raise his head and have the blood spilling from the bridge of his nose end up in his mouth or down his throat instead. He was also afraid of traumatizing the kids if they saw it, so he had double motivation to keep his face hidden and low.
“I’m alright,” Midas assured as calmly as he could, hand hovering near his face. “Millie, please take Seth and Meri back to the center square with the rest of the adults. Conor, go fetch my dad,” he directed without looking up at them.
“B’but-,” Conor began to protest, and Midas could hear feet getting closer to him.
“Now please,” Midas cut off, putting a little firmness into his tone to hopefully leave no room for discussion.
There was only a moment more before he heard Millie shuffling to grab Meri and Seth’s hands, quickly dragging them away. “... Okay,” Conor relented, having the others’ movements be enough motivation for him to comply. “I’ll be right back!” he promised quickly, turning to run after the other three.
It took less than ten minutes for others to return. The exploding metal had been loud enough to cause people to investigate, but Midas had still managed to pull the loose hospital shirt over his head and use it to put pressure on his bleeding face as best he could.
“Midas?!” Hesopher was borderline panicked when he got there, collapsing to his knees next to his son as Midas sat up a little more straight and gave him a half hidden grin.
“Hey dad,” he greeted, trying to ignore the taste of blood in his mouth and hoping he didn’t look too creepy with it dripping down his chin. It couldn’t be that bad. Head wounds always bled more than necessary.
It turned out to be worse than Midas had thought. Hesopher had taken only one peek under the makeshift bandage before he’d scooped Midas up and started running back home. He didn’t bother asking what had happened, knowing neither of them would have the breath to speak until they were home.
And finally get to learn how he got that giant scar on his face X'DD a complete accident, wooo
also a bit on where Midas knows Meri from XD
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 4 months
I saw the camping date and I loved it but what about a the campers au auron and rook go on date but the kids pull it off.
Like the campers do team work and all together they make a nice nature date for there favorite camp counselor rook and get auron to get out of his office
( bonus points for a kid to try and sing a romantic song only to fail and angel just puts on jazz)
Help from some Cherubs and Cupids.
Au was made by @thetopichot all credits go to my moot.
Auron already knew the kids and counselors were going to try something today. Charlie didn't look him in the eye when he asked the blonde if the others were planning something. So before he could poke a bit Casper popped out of no where saying the kids wanted to see him for a second.
Confused the older man out of the boys walked to the children's cabins where they all were sitting. Some of the little girls ran up to him and started to bombard him with questions about his relationship. Feeling a smile creep up on his face he asked the kids bluntly about the reason behind this.
"Yes, me and counselor Rook are together. Why do you ask children?" Looking down att eh kids they gave each other a cheeky grin.
"Have you gone on a date yet?" A brown haired kid asked, Josh, Auron recalled his name. The red head shook his head at the question. There wasn't a lot of time to go on a date this summer because if the Camp.
"But you have to go on a date! It's a rule when your in a relationship!" A ginger kid said giving Auron a serious look. Causing him to chuckle and cross his arms at the kiss who agree with Shelby, the ginger kid. Why are these kids to interested in his love life? Did Rook say something?
"Well I can't have dates because I need to look after all of you. Now go on its time for your activities to start. Be good for the other counselors okay?" The kids protested but with a soft stern look went to go do the activities. The first one being art's and crafts with Rook, if they can't get information out of him they'll have to do.
"Hey kiddos! Ready to paint pretty ro-" The partner of Auron was suprised when every small eyes snapped on them. They were flooded with questions about dates and if Auron ever took them on one. Rook sighed as the kids weren't listening so they decided to do something about it.
"If you hear me clap once!" They clapped a few followed, "If you hear me clap twice!" There was more this time, "If you hear me clap three times!" All of them clapped in unison with Rook. Now that was out of the way Rook told them all to sit down to paint the rocks.
"Now, I'm going to let SOME of you ask me a question so who ever I pick ask me a good one okay?" There was groans of protest but Rook gave a 'behave' look. There was one kid who decided to shoot one at them.
"Would you have a date in the forest here? Since you can't go to the city and have one?" Catching all attention the curiosity grew as little eyes locked on Rook again. Blinking the adult was confused on the question and before they could speak another counselor came by.
"Are y'all givin Rook here a hard time?" Asking Seth, the brown haired man looked at the kids. He was told by Auron to check on Rook since it seems the kids were rowdy today. Seth was wondering why but after hearing the question his thoughts were answered.
"No! Are we Mx. Rook?" Puppy dog eyes looked at Rook. And the adult sighed giving Seth a head shake, to not feed into it.
"Their fine, but they do need to start on their activity before they have to go to the next one." This caused the kids that did want to paint rocks go into gear. Hopefully the next patch of kids can get answers out of Rook.
Meanwhile in the canteen Boo was asked about how to make goods for a date. The baker cocked a eyebrow at the children lookin up at them.
"With love of course." Answering bluntly Boo asked one of them to pass them a whisk to stir their bowl with. One kid gave them a 'are you serious' look and Boo laughed at it. Sighing they decided to give a question in return.
"Why? Is there someone you wanna impress?" Smelling mischief in the sugary goodness they were making Boo gave a cheeky grin at the kids. Who looked at each other having. A silent conversation before getting Boo involved.
"We wanna help Mr. Auron and Mx. Rook have a date!" Roxanne answered a lil girl with pigtails exclaiming happily. But then gave a droopy look at she added to her statement. "But we don't know how to bake things. Also we don't know how to set one up too!" Feeling their heart soften for the kids Boo looked at one of the boys.
"Go get counselor Alphonse for me 'kay?" The black haired boy nodded and sprinted off. "If you kids wanted to do that y'all coulda just asked!" Placing a batch of cookies in the oven Boo yelled in the back to Lucien who was making lunch for the kids.
"OI BIG RED!" A head popped out looking at them.
"HUH?" Shouting back the taller man was confused.
"WERE HELPING THE KIDS GET RED HEAD AND MONARCH A DATE! COOK UP SOME FOOD FOR THEM WOULD YA?" The kids cheered at the words. Then ran off to go get the other adults in on it, why did they think of this before?
Word spread fast between the camp, the adults were pitching in when they could. Angel and Alphonse distracted Rook with helping them with the kids asking questions. Charlie and Casper was in charge of watching Auron, who didn't hear the commotion because if the paper work he needed to finish.
Boo and Lucien made the food for the date, Angel helped with the music, and Seth with Scout was able to find a clearing in the woods. Jack, Finn, Sunflower, and Buddy decorated the set up while the kids helped too. Star was picking out an outfit for Rook to change into and Faust was doing the same for Auron. Everyone was doing their part, but before everyone could finish Auron was suspicious of how quiet it was.
Seeing Auron come out of his cabin Charlie rushed to the others. Casper decided to try and stall their boss, so in a effort they decided to make up a lie.
"Auron I think the toilets clogged again." Pointing to one of the farthest bathrooms. Auron groaned at that didn't he JUST get them fixed last week? Grumbling he followed Casper who was behind him with keys. Meanwhile Charlie kicked everyone in overdrive with saying how Auron was on his way.
Some kids rushed off to where Casper was to help them, and the rest focused on making the clearing look perfect. Rook was cleaning up during all of this wondering where everyone went. But Star ended up running to them, causing a paint cup to spill all over their uniform. Glaring at the other counselor Star apologized.
"Here come to the cabin I have something you can wear!" Happy that their plan worked out Star dragged Rook into their cabin. Rook was confused on why they were getting into a dress but decided why not. When this was happening Auron was locked in the bathroom, a but annoyed he interrogated Casper.
"Casper, why the hell are you doing this? Unlock this door right now." Casper was twirling the keys and blew a raspberry at the door.
"Hhmm no! Not yet at least." Looking around they spotted the bluenette with a suit in his hands. Waving they ignored Auron hitting the bathroom door. When Faust finally reached the bathrooms they unlocked it and the younger brother chucked the cloths at him.
"Put that on or I'll tell Rook about your diary." Grinning Faust loved the surprised look he was given. Casper giggling before closing the door and Faust yelled through it. "Hurry up too Rook's waiting for you!" Grumbling was heard behind the door as Auron changed.
Rook being dragged by Star wondered why they were going into the woods. But gasped at the fairy lights and decorations they saw as they walked more into the trees. There was the kids all in fancy-ish clothing looking at Rook with wide eyes and smiles.
"Awe did our kiddos turn into Cherubs? This is so beautiful you guys!" Looking around Rook touched one of the flowers cascading down a tree. Then looking at the adults who gave them smiles and thumbs up. Before they could speak again a familiar voice was hear.
"-lock me in a BATHROOM then make me walk out of here in a suit? Why are we even....oh." Scolding turned into surprise as Auron looked at everything. Then seeing Rook in a outfit that suited them well, smiling at his partner he turn to the kids.
"So, that's why there was a lot of questions today huh?" The kids looked at him sheepishly. But one if them started to sing, it was Anna, a girl who wanted to become a singer.
"So this is love! Hmm hmm hmm so this is what makes life divine!" Humming out the other kids started to join. Giggling Rook walked to Auron and held their hand out. The red head got the hint, bowing slightly he gave a charming smile.
"May I have this dance?" Love filled his words as he brought Rook close to him. Both spinned around slowly as they danced to the song the kids sang. But then one coughed loudly, falling to the ground hacking up a lung.
"OH ARE YOU OKAY JOHN?" Rook asked panicked letting go of Auron to rush to the kid. He was a little boy around seven that had asthma, which caused the other adults to panic a bit.
"I'm...I'm fine I think I shallowed a fly! Eeewww!" Grossed out he spit on the ground, the other kids gagged at the thought. Angel quickly got their radio out of a bush and to fix the mood played a song from one of the stations. The couple after being told that really he was okay slipped back into their romantic aura again.
After dancing and holding each other the other adults ushered the kids away. It was turning into night time, and the kids have a set bedtime to adhear too. There was complains of 'I'm not sleepy!' And 'But I wanna see more!' All ended up in yawns as the kids tried to rub sleep from their eyes.
"Their good kid's aren't they?" Acknowledging Rook laid their head on Auron's shoulder. They felt a kiss on their forehead as they were guided to the small table with the food.
"They really are. Our own Cherubs, it's sweet they did this for us. I don't remember the last time we had alone time." Pulling out Rook's chair Auron pushed them in for the table. Then going to his side and sitting down, then both held each other's hands. It was nice, they finally had their own time away from the camp.
The night continued of Auron and Rook chatting, even enjoying the food Lucien and Boo made for them. Then Rook asked about the bathroom thing he was scolding Casper about before coming here. It was funny to hear after being annoyed that the plumbing might be fucking up again he got locked into he farthest bathroom from this clearing.
Rook laughed and Auron rolled his eyes, but he couldn't take his off of his partner. They look amazing, it made getting locked in a bathroom worth it, just so he can see them like this.
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tellywoodtrash · 2 months
My dad's been in hospital since last one month, we went through literal hell n only now things are looking a bit better TT, thus I thought of you sis..how are and how's your cat doing??any new fav itv drama?or are you still in love with Thai bls(as an AO3 reader I TOTALLY understand you)??I watched only one Pak drama named 'rah-e-junoon' recently only cause of The beautiful Danish Taimoor😍 it's not bad specially he with his love n obsession makes me wana SIGHHHHH😩😩😩 dreamily..also HAVE YOU SEEN JUNAID KHAN IN 'MAHARAJ' (not the Sethupati one) MOVIE??his n Sarvari's reels are everywhere and they are so Wattpad coded... reminding me of those period couples in novels😍😍 he's so dreamy..6'2" tall, nerdy, kinda awkward and has this soft boy vibes going on and did I tell you he kinda looks like Henry Cavill??and Rami Malek??😩😩 life hell ho jaye par tharak na jaye🤤 now tell me how everything is going on your end✨
Hi Darling,
I hope your dad is feeling better, and you are taking care of yourself too, friend! (Caretaker burnout is reallllllll and I am sending you all the strength and healing vibes 🤗🤗🤗)
ITV seems to be a closed chapter for me; the rapidly progressing degeneration of that genre is just notttttt inspiring any confidence (or interest.) The wholeass industry needs a major major shakeup. Same with Bollywood, nothing's really pulling me anymore. Laapataa Ladies (which I still haven't watched yet) is LITERALLY THE ONLY MOVIE calling my name in all of the 2024 releases. Junaid seems like a promising nepo kid; the Cavill vibes are definitely there. Let's hope that he picks good scripts and doesn't fall down the usual wormhole.
Things that I have been watching and enjoying in the past few weeks:
The Acolyte: I literally know/care nothing about the Star Wars universe, but Manny Jacinto. Enough said. I need to rewatch coz god his character has me going awooooooooga like a fuckin' cartoon wolf. I am obsessed.
Abbott Elementary: Giving B99-ish (but much more mellow.)
Modern Family: Just a rewatch (during my mealtimes)
Late Night with Seth Meyers/Last Week Tonight/The Daily Show for US election shitshow in palatable doses
Meet You at the Blossom: A chinese BL which is fulllllllllllly delivering on the toxic romance from the Tellywood of yore
This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans: A thai BL that is again, giving v Tellywood romcom vibes (Gul Khan types), with not one, BUT TWO WHOLE ENEMIES TO LOVERS couples. Noice.
Love Sea: Ridiculously high heat/good chemistry; one half of couple is the greenest fuckin flag in the history of human existence.
My Love Mix Up (Thailand): My cutest lil kuchupuchu babies. I wanna put them in my pocket and squishhhhhhhh them allllll like a goddamn stress ball. Wholesome wholesome lil show that makes me feel warm and sunshiney inside.
4 Minutes: No real idea what's really going on here with the time skips and background crimes and shit, plus this show feels like an anxiety attack in audiovisual form, BUT I'm here for Bible Wichapas giving me morally-grey himbo with hilarious (to me) gay panic.
So yeah...... That's what I've been up to! Hope you and yours keep well, lovely. <33333333 And yes, keep that tharak flag flying high!!!!!!!!
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whumpbug · 3 months
i accidentally clicked unfollow in my tumblr dash and I felt so bad I immediately ran here to give you more prompts for your sillies. your boys.
FIRST OF ALL we talked about my guys and your guys meeting but What About Your Guys Meeting Your Guys. what do Cassidy and Gene think of Simon and Archie??? vice versa???
also THIS OR THATS because it's so fun to think about:
For Simon, cat person or dog person? (or secret third answer?)
For Archie, big city or beach day?
For Gene, teleportation or flight powers?
For Cassidy, past, present or future?
anyway i wait with bated breath so excited to see your stuff!!!! every fill you enter is so good. i'm so hyped!!!!
(also i'm sorry this took so long i got busy but i am NO LONGER)
long post incoming as always:
OKAY i wasn't totally sure how to break this down but i'm going to go Guy by Guy and hopefeully this makes sense. we'll start with this freak.
about gene: hes apprehensive about him at first, as he is with anyone who Talks to archie, but i think he comes to really like him. gene just oozes respectable older brother energy and i think simon is drawn to that. much like jj, something about gene makes him feel like a kid again, in the sense that someone else, someone older and more mature can Deal with things and simon can just kind of breathe.
about cassidy: he does not like this man. naturally, of course. cassidy is an outlaw, he's killed and robbed and hurt and simon doesn't care waht kind of "moral code" he's following, he doesn't want him in his home. still, i feel like simon can sense that a lot of cassidy's demeanor is a front. he sees all the PTSD signs and trauma responses. he knows cassidy has gone through awful things, but that doesn't make him less dangerous. if anything, it makes him more unpredictable.
about gene: BIG BROTHER!!! i think the consensus about gene to everyone is just. gene is their responsible big brother. archie thinks he's really cool and he likes calliope too. i think gene is intimidating at first, but archie sees right through it. growing up how he did, he's learned to clock when people are actually malicious and he never got that from gene. he always knew he was kind and soft under his exterior
about cassidy: he thinks cassidy is so fun. like with gene, he doesn't sense any malice in him. archie knows full well what kind of things cassidy has done, but his intuition tells him theres more to it. archie is a very forgiving person (maybe to a fault) but he knows cassidy isn't a bad person. i think he and cassidy would have a lot of fun. he would take horse riding lessons and ask all about his jewelry and overall just make cassidy feel more like a Person. archie tends to have that effect on people.
about simon: right away, he clocks that simon works way too hard for someone his age. he's surprised he doesnt have gray hairs at the ripe age of 23. still, he appreciates what he does. he knows what it's like to have someone close to you constantly throwing themselves into dangerous situations for the sake of others and he sympathizes with the toll it takes on simon. if he's able to bear just a little bit of that burden, he'd be more than happy to.
about archie: his unrelenting enthusiasm is. sometimes unnerving. but still, he thinks he's a really cool kid regardless. he likes what archie does-- working behind the scenes to keep people safe. even if it's technically illegal, gene finds it admirable. he just. he loves how pure archie's heart is. it triggers something almost parental in him. he understands why simon is so deeply protective of him. archie is not the kind of person you come across often.
about simon: at first, he sees simon like a mini gene. cold, calculated, and cautious and of course, he understands it. he's a criminal, after all. hell, he doesn't trust himself! but after spending some more time with simon, i feel like he comes to appreciate what he does like most people do. and i also feel like he can sense simon reading him like a book and that makes him Deeply Uncomfortable. for both of their sakes, he repects him from a healthy distance. he would be lying if he said simon's disdain for him didn't hurt a little bit, though.
about archie: if gene is the responsible older brother, cassidy is the crazy fun one. he loves archie's energy and loves to get into trouble with him (and prank gene of course) and it just makes him feel so free. he didn't have a very good childhood so being with archie almost feels like a remedy for that where he can just have fun without worrying when montana is going to find out and berate him for it. and, again, he feels especially protective of archie. he sees his innocence and pure heart. he wants to do anything he can to preserve it, since he wasn't able to do that for himself.
for simon: cat or dog person?
see, you'd think cat person. because simon is cat-coded. BUT NO! he actually prefers dogs because of how loyal and energetic they are. he had a big great dane when he was a kid and he LOVESSS big dogs. the only reason he doesn't have one is because he lives in a tiny apartment BUT. one day he will. he shall get his dog.
for archie: big city or beach day?
similar to the stars vs sun question, archie LOVES the sun. it's gotta be the beach. he also LOVES to swim and will literally just spend hours in the ocean floating in the waves and looking for cool shells (to bring back to simon, who is calmly reading under an umbrella, of course). he already spends day and night in the city, the beach is a welcome change of pace
for gene: teleportation or flight powers?
hmmm. for this one i'm going to say teleportation. gene is a busy man, and he has most definitely thought of what it would be like to be able to be everywhere at once. plus, it would make it a hell of a lot easier to catch criminals (cough cassidy cough) and would honestly just be kind of fun. one could argue that all of the above applies to flying too, BUT i think the thought of being so high up in the air with no structure beneath him makes him... uncomfy.
for cassidy: past, present, or future?
it has to be present. 100% present.
the past is something cassidy thinks about the least amount possible. he deeply DEEPLY regrets things he's done, not to mention the copious amounts of trauma this man has gone through. if he pretends none of it happens, it makes living with it just a little easier. (no cassidy. don't do that.)
the future also deeply frightens him. in his line of work, there isn't exactly a good track record for,, being Alive. he's lost many friends in shootouts and to the gallows, and every day he lives in fear that he won't make it to the next.
the present is just the happy middle. he takes life one step at a time. if he doesn't, he isn't sure how he could go on. he finds value in focusing on the now, not on what did and could happen. is it healthy? no. but is it something he does to survive? absolutely.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS SETH THESE WERRE ESPECIALLY FUN TO ANSWER!!!! i'm sorry if my responses are a bit convoluted, i'm a bit Frazzled right now but these were too good to wait on so here you go!!!! always a pleasure to see you in my ask box!!!!
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rjschoicesstuff · 3 months
Wanted to make a post about Ripley's mum because Terri is honestly one of my fave characters idk I rlly like her
I like when parents and their kids are actually very similar even like expression wise and stuff, like she really rubbed off on Ripley regarding interests and stuff.
Like always I'll put more info and art under the cut
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She was born 5 years before Cas and Gabe, so that's Weird but in a funny way imo lol. She had Ripley when she was 36 years old. She chose to be a single mom, there was never a father in the picture (she isn't even attracted to men), Ripley knows the donor, who's a good friend of Terri. Ripley knows she's related to him and considers him more of an uncle, she calls Terri's friends aunties and uncles in general.
She and Ripley have always been very close and Ripley's grandparents also helped look after Ripley a lot when she was little. In the present time both of Ripely's grandparents passed away a few years ago.
She's always been a bit of an outcast with small, but close friendgroups. She enjoys horror movies and novels and is also really interested in the supernatural, just like Ripley. When she was younger she used to DIY most of her clothes and always had really cool and creative looks, she taught Ripley how to sew + customize clothes too tho she's definitely better at it than Ripley. She didn't really care how Ripley would turn out, as long as she's happy but I guess in a way she is really happy that they have a lot in common. She's always been very supportive of Ripley and letting her express herself however she wanted.
I think at times she maybe tries too hard to be a friend to Ripley instead of acting like a mom, if that makes sense? Though a positive outcome of that is that Ripley normally always feels like she can confide in her with everything and doesn't keep secrets at all. Which made her very suspicious and worried after they moved to Crimson Beech and she noticed a change in Ripley's behaviour and could tell she was hiding stuff.
Due to what happened at the Autumn festival, for a while she really doesn't like Gabriela and it's So Funny because Gabriela really tries so hard to be liked by Terri and Terri just thinks she's a bit of a suck-up and the whole acting polite thing is just an act. Meanwhile she initially is wary of Cas but kinda just likes him more because at least he doesn't really try to seem better than he is or whatever 😭 I think she just has a soft spot for alt kids lol. And Cas really has to rub it in every time they interact with them and it's so much clearer that she's more cold towards Gabriela. And I feel like she'd keep making kinda passive agressive references to when Gabe told her Ripley would be home by 9:50 and that didn't happen lmao. Once she knows about vampires her opinion on Gabriela changes and she apologizes to her.
(for context, in my version her memory doesn't get wiped)
Though after Ripley almost dies and they turn her into a vampire she's angry with both of them for letting Ripley do what she did, she wishes she could've done it in her place because she also understands it was the only option in that moment. She tries not to keep resenting them for what they did, and keeps her thoughts about it to herself because she can tell that it was a complicated situation. But it's hard because she can see how Ripley has such a hard time with everything after becoming a vampire. She's very scared for Ripley because she knows that the vampires have been giving her a hard time and literally tried to kill them both. And she feels very powerless in the whole situation. So she Tries to trust in Cas and Gabe and hopes they will always keep Ripley safe and also THEMSELVES because she knows Ripley sacrificed herself for them once and would do it again. And also because she just doesn't want them to get hurt lol. She hopes their lives will be very boring and uneventful 👍
She also has a soft spot for Seth after he kept her safe after she and Ripley almost got executed. I feel like especially Cas and Gabe just half live with them after a while, and just come over even if Ripley isn't at home (and will also keep her company during the period where Ripley stays at the Nexus) but I think Seth would be too shy and has to be like explicitly invited over lol. I think Cas and Gabe both sort of see her as a mother figure after a while, Cas because he never really got to have that in the first place and Gabe because she still misses her own mom (tho Terri is nothing like her lol).
Bonus art of her with little Ripley + Ripley as a kid
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awildtei · 2 months
would love to know about the nicky vent
Ah yes the nicky vent aka "atei had a rough day and made it nicky's problem". CW for heavy homophobia and angst about being gay!!
"You are ten. Your mom says Christianity is about charity, about love, about compassion. Your mom says, “In college, I had a Philosophy professor who said he wished we could line up all gay men and stone them to death. I hated the mental image of it, the unnecessary violence. But I agree with the sentiment.” She says this as she peels potatoes for dinner. You can’t remember what the conversation was about.
You are thirteen. At school, your friends call anything bad or disgusting or unlikeable ‘gay’. They are good kids. When a senior gets outed, they don’t talk about hurting him. They shake their heads and mutter about how he’s going to get hurt, poor guy, it’s inevitable. People like him either get killed or kill themselves. You love them. You are never quite done swallowing the bitter aftertaste of their certainty.
You are fifteen. It is a mistake to come out to your dad. You know this, and you do it anyway, because either he will kill you or the words lodged in your throat will. The things he says to you are things you have heard before, more times than you can count. They shouldn’t hurt as much as they do. He doesn’t kill you, but he does.
You are sixteen. 'Christian camp' is a chilling euphemism, and so is everything they say there. The counselors talk about purification, about redemption. Pretty words that all mean fire. You want to be good. All you’ve ever wanted was to be good. They say you still can, despite what you are. You can burn and let the fire change you. They say you don’t have to be who you are. You want them to be right. You fear they’re wrong."
"It’s Seth, it’s Aaron, it’s Jack, it’s Raven fans and Foxes fans alike. None of them invoke God’s name when they spit their barbed wire words in your face. That is the worst truth you have discovered: that it was never about religion. It is this innate part of you that unites people of all beliefs into contempt, into bloodlust. Your mere existence makes you soft flesh begging for the knife. God may not hate you, but the world does. There is no place for you. Not at church, not outside of it."
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