rachel-archer · 26 days
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rachel-archer · 5 months
'cause karma is my boyfriend
Returning at Royal Rumble had been the goal, the dream, the only thing that made sense. Liv had been more than happy to show up and show out, with her new cry about it gimmick in full swing. She’d had an absolute banger of a showing, if she was honest - and being number thirty had been nice enough that she could skirt most of the stars she didn’t want to see or interact with. Namely Rhea Fucking Ripley.
Old wounds were a bitch to heal.
She’d been Rhea’s once, now Dominik Mysterio stood in her place - and honestly if Liv hadn’t worked with Raquel for months (both in the ring and on her own self-worth following Rhea breaking her like a fucking cracker and sprinkling her crumbs on the ground to grind her combat boots on to-) she would probably harbor some levels of hatred for the younger SuperStar. Instead she was worried about him, genuinely worried about him. She’d kept up with the backstage gossip while she’d been away healing, and had kept up with the storylines (both real and kayfabe) while she was out. Making sure that she was up to date for her impending return.
And what had she noticed?
Just how fucked up the Rhea&Dom situation was. 
The double standard of it all left Liv livid on Dom’s behalf. Countless times Rhea left him literally out to dry, or the other members of the Judgment Day had seemingly ‘forgotten’ about him in the hustle and bustle of attempting to win gold - and it had only gotten worse once they won gold. Dominik’s own belt was a cautionary story, and Rhea had issued an ultimatum (which had left another sour taste in Liv’s mouth, a hark back to another, “We win tonight or I swear to god, Gionna, you are going to regret it….”, and it had all been too much). 
Then Dom was expected to paint a smile on his otherwise adorable face and parade around with his stablemates like he wasn’t the butt of some long-running joke that didn’t have a punchline. All of it grated on Liv - but she had no way to get to the boy, she’d talked with Seth and Becky, hell she’d even reached out to Corbin when she saw that the pair were chummy on NXT, but there was a wall according to them all, a Rhea-shaped wall that seemed to paint a shadow over all his interactions with anyone outside the Judgment Day.
So, Liv resigned herself to watching him from the sidelines, careful not to be caught. 
Which was why, accidentally, she found herself hiding in the locker room (loosely termed, it was more like a office room, but whatever) beside the Judgment Day’s, hand over her mouth to keep herself quiet, as she pressed her ear to the wall and listened. The men’s Royal Rumble had just finished up, and all the Judgment Day men (R-Truth included) had made it back to have Rhea assess them. “...I mean you did at least cover for the fact that Brock wasn’t out there, but why were you in the corner so much, Dom Dom?”
Liv bit her lip - so Rhea did the sticky sweet accusatory tone with him, too. “Jey was hurt.” Dom defended, “He tweaked his arm, and I was checking on him-”
“For half you're time out there?” Damian’s voice sounded sharp, angry, pointed.
“I…” Dom seemed resigned, “I hit all my marks.” Is what he settled on, “I did everything I was scripted to do, everything I was supposed to do, I…” He trailed off, “What should I have done?”
There was a long beat of silence, “Well if you don’t know, then I guess it doesn’t matter.” Rhea’s tone was cutting. Liv heard the locker room door slam a couple times, she felt tears on her lashes for Dom, and for a memory of herself hearing those same words.
“Dom.” It was Finn’s voice, he sounded worried, “Don’t, ah, fuck, ‘mere kid.” There was shuffling then a soft hum and, “Don’t let them ruin your night, you were good out there, kid, so good.” Finn sounded soft, “Honest, you were in the longest of all of us, and you did good - checkin’ in on Jey and the others when they looked like they were hurt for real, got the makin’s of a legend in those bones, buddy.” There was a sniffle, “Rhea’s only hard on you because she cares, and Damian’s all tangled up in that briefcase right now, JD isn’t sure where he fits, and Truth, well he doesn’t know what planet he is on most of the time…” 
“I just wanna make her proud, Finn.” Dom sounded wrecked, and it made Liv shake with anger she couldn’t place. Rhea had no right to break apart a perfectly good boy, shake him down to his core, and mold him into a fragile little bird. Dominik Mysterio used to have a bite that matched his bark, he used to push himself, he used to grate on the nerves of older SuperStars just to get a shot at something more. 
“Dom, baby.” Finn sounded resigned, too, Liv realized, “Sometimes it’s not about making her proud, but making yourself proud. I’m proud of you every time we go out there.” Finn promised, “I’m going to keep being proud of you, even when the stable breaks up, even when I’m not tag team champions with Damian, even when we are on opposing sides, because Dominik… you’ve grown so much in the last year. You're more than you think, sweetheart.” 
Dom let out a whine, “Thank you.”
“Clean your face up, lad, I’m going to go meet the others, you come join us when you're ready for our pap walk to the car.” The door to the locker room slammed again, Liv thought about going to Dom then and there, but changed her mind, there were too many risk involved, too many people who might see her - she jumped as her phone chimed (internally she cursed herself for not cutting the volume off), it was Becky asking her where she was - they had plans. Liv waited until she heard the door to the room next to her slam again before she snuck out, only the retreating silhouette of Dom ahead of her. 
Finding Becky, Seth, and Bayley Liv settled into step with them. “Where have you been?” Seth asked, as he tossed one arm around Becky and the other around Liv, “Stalking someone?”
“No, yes, sort of?” She ventured, a pout on her lips.
Bayley blinked, “What are we doing?”
Becky snickered, “Liv is worried about the wee Mysterio.”
“That is one hundred percent not allowed.” Bayley objected, “Like beyond not allowed, like so not allowed that he’s practically wrapped in NDAs and government levels of red tape, Livvy, there is no way, no way, you should be anywhere near him.” She lowered her voice, “You were practically destroyed last time you even… last time she caught you alone, when Raquel first went out.” Liv rolled her eyes, Bayley was one of her longest friends, “Don’t do that, you can’t… you can’t save him, Liv, just like we couldn’t save you, you have to let him figure it out.” Bayley asserted.
Seth snorted, “He’s a good boy, misguided right now, but good. He’ll figure it out.” Becky looked at Liv, the pair quietly agreeing that Dominik Mysterio was a good boy but would not figure it out on his own, “Come on, let’s get that steak we talked about, I want Roux!” 
“Well it feels like ages since I’ve seen the cutest little nepo baby in the world!” Liv agreed, giggling. Becky shoved at her around Seth, who chuckled gleefully, even as Bayley caught Liv’s free arm and pressed closer to her side. “How are things with Damage Control?” Liv asked, “I can never get a read on Dakota.”
“Oh, uh, me either.” Bayley admitted, “Pretty sure they are going to throw me out sooner rather than later.”
Liv snorted, as they finally pushed out into the chilly air, ahead of them Dom was trailing along behind JD and Finn, clearly Rhea had left already (and with her Damian), Liv scanned the parking lot but couldn’t see Truth anywhere, so she sort of hovered closer to Bayley, eyes watching across the parking lot as Finn and JD both bundled Dominik up into a hug before they were hustling him - obviously still crying - into the rental they had.
Seth frowned, “Maybe he does need help.”
“Oh, for fucks sake.” Bayley hissed, “We… we aren’t really, this seems risky, like Rhea is on the cover of…”
Becky elbowed her, hard, “The lad needs a hand, Bayley.”
Bayley looked heavenward, “And what do you propose?”
Liv was silent for a moment, “I’m not sure, but I bet tomorrow is going to be a bitch.” 
“Oh, shit, are you back back?” Seth asked her, “Like on the road?”
“I will be, soon.” Liv assured him, “Have to do some wellness checks and get through the legal stuff in Florida.”
Monday Night RAW had been a rollercoaster, Liv wasn’t cleared enough to be on the show, per say, but she had been backstage. Liv had giggled for Dom when he, JD, Damian and Finn finally attacked R-Truth, only to have the Miz intervene, she honestly thought the boy was going to make it through the night without Dominik getting any sort of underhanded comment from Rhea in regards to Dom - then Rhea had to fuck around and find out with Nia.
Of fucking course Rhea got her ass beat by Nia, Liv was shaking with anger - when she heard the start of an argument backstage, “Where the fuck were you?” Rhea’s voice was almost shrill as it sounded, Liv immediately ducked to avoid being seen, “I just got… Do you not even care about me?” Rhea was posing questions that Dominik either didn’t have an answer for, or wasn’t being nearly as loud in response. “I always come to help you! I’ve never let you look like that big of a fucking idiot, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ALL?”
Dom quietly offered, “No one was with me when I lost my belt…” 
Liv felt her fist tighten, nails digging into her palm, “I WASN’T IN THE COUNTRY!” Rhea shouted, and really, that was enough to make Liv’s eyes burn, her heart in her throat. 
“Mami, please-” Dom suddenly sounded winded, and Liv had a good idea why. Rhea was a lot of things, she was harsh in her love, and had no problem being more physical - Liv had been on the receiving end of displeasure a couple of times before they’d even started to split. Liv ducked quickly, hiding more, as Rhea slammed by, her bag over her shoulder, trialed quickly by Damian.
“Dom, kid, I’m sorry.” Finn sounded desperate, “JD and I have to fly out, or I’d…”
“No, no, it’s… it’s ok, I’m ok.” There was a sniffle there, then Liv watched Finn and JD disappear down the hallway opposite the way Rhea and Damian had disappeared. Liv looked heavenward, sent a quick text to Bayley that read something along the lines of tempting fate, playing with fire, then shot into the locker room the other four had just vacated. She locked the door quickly, seizing the opportunity to be alone with Dom. 
At first Liv couldn’t see Dom, the locker room was admittedly wrecked. Most of the ‘staged’ furniture had been shoved around, Dom’s clothing had been tossed around all over the place (or at least Liv assumed it was Dom’s clothing), and in the far corner, curled up with his head on his knees and shoulders quaking, looking as small as he possibly could was Dominik Mysterio. He didn’t even flinch when she entered, didn’t look up as she made her way across the room, just let out a weak little, “Finn, that you?”
“Not exactly.” Liv offered, which had him jerking up hard enough his head hit the wall, his eyes were huge.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Dom said very seriously.
Liv sighed, “Probably not, you're right.” She agreed, but then sat down a few inches from him, “Look-”
“No.” Dom shook his head, “She’s my mami now, she loves me-”
“Love isn’t an excuse for her to hurt you, for her to be intentionally mean to you, or for her to withhold love and kindness, and basic human rights.” Liv assured him, “I’m not here to like… bad mouth her or anything. I know what it’s like to be loved by Rhea, to be the center of her universe, to hold all her attention. I just, I know how hard it can be to-” Her speech was interrupted by Dom’s phone sounding off, her’s vibrated in her pocket. The pair both looked at their phones - Rhea had thrown Dominik’s own words back at him on X (formerly Twitter).
Dom’s shoulders hunched downward, as he put his phone face down on the floor.
Liv tucked her own phone back into her hoodie pocket, then cleared her throat, “I’m here, if you want to talk.”
Dom was silent for a few moments, “Could you maybe just hug me?” Dom asked, softly, “I don’t get hugs when I…” He trailed off, “If I’m not good enough out there.” He added, a little sheepishly. Liv scooted forward, and opened her arms, Dominik dropped against her, letting his head fall onto Liv’s shoulder, sniffling as he did so. “I… I thought you were lucky, when you were Rhea’s.” Dom offered, quietly, “I thought you were the luckiest girl in the world.”
“I thought that about Nikki and Raquel, too.” Liv offered, softly. Liv rubbed his shoulders, and petted at his mullet, trying to comfort him, “I know you care about her, a lot.” She added, sweetly, “I just… I’m here if you need me, or if you want a friend outside of Rhea and the Judgment Day. I mean, I’m not scared of her.” 
Dom let out a dark chuckle, but wiggled closer to Liv, his head curled against her shoulder, arms around her loosely, as she cradled her head. They stayed like that for long enough that Bayley and Becky had both called Liv four times each, it was Seth who found them, hand knocking hard against the door. Liv untangled Dom, and opened the door, Seth raised his eyebrow, but took Dom’s tear streaked face in, before sighing, “How about you come back to the bus with us, Dom.” Set offered, “Roux is being a handful and I’ve got it on good authority that you are amazing with kids.” 
Dom bobbed his head, slowly. Seth and Liv helped him pack up his stuff and put the room back right. Seth led the pair to the bus where Becky, Bayley, Charlotte, and Andrade. Dom started to back off, redirect himself but Becky caught his wrist, “Come in, lad! We’ve got chinese, but got some chicken tenders for you and Roux.” 
Dom blushed but nodded, and let himself be corralled onto the travel bus, he was quickly hugged by Andrade, then Charlotte, then Becky, and Bayley, and finally he was allowed to sit with Roux. Liv watched him through the meal, he was quiet and downtrodden, but mostly he just looked like he wanted to disappear - everyone tried to pull him into conversation, but the only one other than Liv half-way successful was Andrade and they spoke mostly in stilted-silence. 
His phone ringing had Dom scurrying away from them and out of the travel trailer, one chicken tender in hand and half an apology on his lips. “Ok.” Bayley observed, “I see what you mean.” She looked pointedly at Liv, “Something is wrong there.”
Charlotte and Becky shared a look, while Seth frowned down at his plate, “I’m not sure we should meddle in this, we’ve tried in the past… Nikki, Raquel, Tegan, you…”
Becky frowned, “Its hard to love someone when you don’t love yourself proper.”
Andrade huffed, “Mysterio needs more than women worrying about him.”
Charlotte eyed him, “What do you think we do?”
“We do nothing,” The man offered, “He has to show her his anger, until then nothing we do matters.” 
That answer was not satisfactory for Liv, she leaned back in her seat, and frowned. If she couldn’t get through to Dominik, if she couldn’t make him understand his anger was valid and needed to be expressed, maybe the only voice of reason the Judgment Day seemed to have could help. Finn Balor owed her, after all, he’d betrayed her to be part of the Judgment Day’s stable in the first place. Admittedly she’d been planning to hold onto that favor for a bit, but this seemed more important.
TikTok was fun to slide through when she was otherwise bored. Hanging around NXT was always iffy, in Liv’s current opinion, but tonight she had wellness checks and physicals to get through, not to mention her legitimate legal team and her trainer worked out of the performance center, so… she was sort of tiered to the building until she was green-lit to move forward with her plans. It was on TikTok, a repost from Insta, that she found a video of Rhea, Dom, and JD obviously recorded at RAW the night before. 
Dom spilled water on the video, called out for Rhea, she ripped JD’s shirt, and used it to clean Dom off. 
Liv wondered idly if that was before Rhea got her ass mauled by Nia Jax?
Probably after. They all looked pretty happy in the video (except JD who looked so over being victimized by Rhea it wasn’t funny, which temporarily sent Liv on a Mean Girls side trip about how Rhea and Regina George would have probably gotten on like a house fire). Liv watched the video a few more times, contemplating. She wasn’t going to involve Rey Mysterio - the man thought his son was a lost cause, both in real life and kayfabe currently. She was limited in the people she immediately trusted, and didn’t need word getting back to Rhea, who could and would make her life a literal hell. 
“Finn!” She said aloud, making Lyra look at her bothered, as the girl walked past her, “Nothing!” Liv promised, waving her off, Lyra had some sort of weird girlfriend problem, which Liv thought was hilarious, above her Roxanne’s music blared to life, Liv exited out of TikTok, and pulled up her messages (she had Finn saved as Irish Demon, don’t ask questions), she sent him a quick text.
To: Irish Demon - > Hello Fergal I need to talk to you, in private, in person.
From: Irish Demon - > To what do I owe this random texting bout, Gio.
To: Irish Demon - > Maybe I miss your weird ass.
From: Irish Demon - > I have me doubts, luv
To: Irish Demon - > Are you in Florida still?
From: Irish Demon - > Maybe
To: Irish Demon - > If you are want to grab a quick bite to eat, need to talk to you for real.
From: Irish Demon - > The Glass Knife, nine o’clock?
To: Irish Demon - > Ok, come alone, Fergal.
From: Irish Demon - > Color me intrigued Jersey!
It wasn’t until she put her phone away that she realized she’d essentially asked Finn on a super secret date, and demanded him to come alone (and in theory not tell his stablemates that he was sneaking out). “Oops.” She hummed to herself, then shrugged her shoulders. It was for the best, really, Dominik needed something - and Liv was starting to think maybe she could be the something, or at least the path to the something. Shaking the thought from her head, she watched Elektra walk past her, she gave her a bit of a wave, the other woman ignored her, and continued walking away. “Rude.”
“Do you always talk to yourself?” Ava Raine asked, Liv yelped as she turned to look at the youngest General Manager. “Shawn asked me to come get you for your health readings.” Ava added, a smile playing on her lips, “And I think it’s super cool that you talk to yourself, I do that and people make fun of me.”
Liv hopped off the crate she was sitting on, “Uh, I normally only talk to myself when my head is super loud.”
Ava grinned, “It helps you organize your thoughts, right?” Liv nodded, and let the younger woman link their arms together, “I’m so excited you're back, you're one of my favorites! I love watching you work, all that stuff you did with Rhea - I got goosebumps! She was practically my big sister when she was still down here in NXT with us peasants.” Ava offered, “Her work with Dom is so good…” And that was the point that Liv stopped listening, letting Ava ramble on endlessly about how ‘amazing’ Rhea was. 
Shawn didn’t clear her but he didn’t bar her from traveling either, just cautioned her to continue checking in with her lawyers and abiding by Florida state laws. Her follow up appointment for wellness was pretty quick, in no time she was sliding out the door, putting distance between herself and the Performance Center. She called for a driver to take her to The Glass Knife. 
Finn was already there, dressed like a normal member of society in a pink shirt and jeans, he had a beanie on and looked like he was doing his best to hide from cameras, “I already ordered us drinks, love.” Finn called to her as she slid into the booth across from him. “You still like the vanilla Affogato, yes?”
“Yes, thank you.” Liv took her seat, “What did you order?”
Finn shrugged, “Water.” 
“Weirdo.” Liv murmured, “Do you ever do anything normal?”
“Should ask you the same thing, Gio.” Finn mused, “Check the menu, gotta order soonish.” Even as he said it, their waitress was quickly approaching so Liv ordered a Roasted Turkey Club Sandwich and two Chocolate Onyx Pastries. Finn patiently waited, then ordered Avocado & Egg Toast and added an order of Chocolate Raspberry Tarts. “Got a sweet spot for chocolate.” Finn murmured, as Liv raised an eyebrow at him. “You like it too, ordered two massive chocolates.”
Liv blew out a raspberry, annoyed, then, “I want to talk about Dom.”
“Thought that might be it.” Finn murmured, “You forgot, love, that Bayley and I are best friends.”
“I didn’t forget, I just figured since she thought I was signing my death warrant that she wouldn’t bring it up.” 
Finn snorted a laugh, “The writing is on the wall, we won’t make it past Mania as a stable, there are too many unstable parts. I… I don’t know where Dom shakes out, I know he wants to have a promo with Rhea, soon, one where he can ask her about her… recent behaviors.”
Liv raised an eyebrow, “Tell me more.”
“He’s gone to Trips about it, and thinks that if he can do it backstage, it might not be the hardest thing to do. Apparently he has a new friend who told him that just because someone says they love him in any capacity that person isn’t allowed a free pass for bad behaviors or near-cheating episodes.” Finn was regarding her carefully, “Sounds familiar, since I’m pretty sure myself and AJ told you something along those lines once before.” 
Liv rolled her shoulders, “It stuck, yeah?” She ventured, “Now I know… being the center of Rhea’s attention its fucking addicting, the way she can look at you, and it feels like you are honestly the only thing she sees, but there is a flip to that-”
“Where being the only thing Rhea sees means she picks and pokes at your soft underbelly in a way that is borderline abusive?” Finn mused, “She doesn’t mean to be harsh, I don’t think.”
Liv barked out a laugh, “You’ve obviously never been in her bed.” 
Finn was silent for a moment, “Gio, what is it that you want to accomplish with this?”
“I want him to know I’m here for him, but to do that, he needs to be able to take plausible breaks, if or when he wants to escape, Fergal I want you to help him.” Liv gave him a pointed look, “I know the pressure of being Rhea’s, know how isolating the whole thing is, I know what it’s going to be like on the other side when he’s coming out of this. I just want you to let him know he’s safe with you, safe enough that if he needs to tap and come to me, that you’ll help him.” 
“The stable might be in trouble, Gio, but we aren’t dead yet.”
“I’m not asking you to betray anyone.” Liv countered.
Finn huffed, “You are asking an awful lot, Rhea is our leader.” 
“She’s a shit leader.” Liv snapped back, irritated, the waitress had returned and dropped off their food.
Finn shoved half of his first tart into his mouth and chewed violently, before, “Alright, love, I’ll help.” 
“Are you insane!” Bayley caught her arm and yanked her into a closet at the arena for Monday Night RAW, pushing her hard against the far wall, “Are you literally insane?” Bayley added, “I told you to stay away from him - he is like NDAs and red tape had a baby, so you went over me and went to Finn?”
Liv blinked, “What is happening?”
“It’s called an intervention, keep up.” Bayley hissed, “You shouldn’t have went to Finn.”
Liv sighed darkly, “I asked him for a little bit of leeway, Bayley, not to give me Dom on a silver platter.”
Bayley sputtered for a moment, “You actually are insane, Liv this has gone past you protecting him.”
“What, no-” Liv started.
“No it fucking has!” Bayley sassed back, “You want him, and not to protect him. Jesus, are you kidding me? Liv, this is… this is insane!” Bayley nearly shouted.
Liv narrowed her eyes, “Do you know a word other than insane?” She paused, then, “Ok, so maybe I want to be more than friends with Dom, but that’s on the back burner here, like… I just think we could be a good couple, both of us having survived… uh, let’s call it a stent in the school of Rhea’s affection.” Bayley gapped at her, “Its not insane, I have a teeny, tiny, very small, nearly invisible crush… I want to protect him.”
Bayley let out an aggravated snarl, “Insanity is not the only word I know, let’s see, deranged, lunacy, neurotic, mad, manic, psychotic, potentially suicidal…” Rolling her eyes, Liv pushed around her and shoved out the door, nearly falling on her face as she shoved around Bayley, and made her way down the hallway, “INSANITY!” Bayley shouted after her, loudly. 
Liv flipped her off over her shoulder, and hustled down the hallway, and promptly collided with a solid mass.
“Oft.” Dom caught her before she toppled backwards, “You ok, Liv?” Dom asked, sweetly.
Liv looked at him - really looked at him - he looked tired, he looked like he had been crying recently, his skin was a bit washed out which made her sad, and he looked like he was thinner than the previous week. “Uh, I am now.” She looked up at him, momentarily marveling over their height difference (she was a stunning five foot three of insanity, while Dom was six foot one), “Hey, are you ok?” She asked, softly.
Dom frowned, “I’m struggling with this promo I want to do tonight.” He admitted, sheepishly.
“Maybe I can help?” Liv suggested, eagerly. 
Dom looked at her, head cocked, adorably, “Uhm, ok?”
“Where do you want to work on it?” Liv asked, curiously.
Dom bit his lip, “I would normally do it in the Judgment Day Clubhouse…” Liv hummed, how long had they been calling it a clubhouse, she decided that wasn’t important, not when Dominik was looking so adorable and sad and obviously needed to be aggressively cuddled by her, “Uhm, think we can find an empty office or something?”
“Or something.” Liv agreed, “I know just the place.” She backtracked to the closet that Bayley had shoved her in earlier, opened the door and waited for Dom to step in, she followed, shutting the door behind them, and sitting down on the floor. After a second of confusion, Dominik joined them, sitting down across from her, their knees pressed together. “Ok, what are you working on?”
Dom bit his bottom lip, “I want to cut a promo about uh, about the thing that Rhea did.”
“Ok, babe gonna need you to be more specific.” Liv suggested.
Dom looked heavenward, “She used my own soundbite against me, when I lost the title and no one was there to support me. She put it on X, she made it a thing, fans are ripping me apart… are ripping the men of Judgment Day apart, and… and like, she’s always flirting with Jey Uso, Drew McIntyer, hell anyone she wants to, but if I did that the Universe would dissect me. There was no way for me to go out there and help her with Nia, it’s a bad form for us men to hit women, yeah I took a bump or ten with Beth Phoenix, but that was practiced, that was something both of us were comfortable with. Nia likes taking men and women alike out, but I’ve never actually worked with her, and like Damian and them weren’t rushing out there to help her either, but somehow I’m the only one in the doghouse, and-” 
Liv covered his mouth with her hand, it required her to nearly climb into his lap to do so, but he flushed pink and stopped talking altogether, as she gazed at him.“Ok, let’s… let’s start with a list.” Liv released his mouth, but didn’t back out of his space. 
“I’m such an asshole, she was your girlfriend before mine and I’m asking you for help-”
“It’s no big deal.” Liv lied through her teeth, it was a big deal - but she was thankfully far enough removed from her own broken heart that she could separate her messy feelings from Dom’s current very real, very valid, very loud feelings. “Honestly, just, let’s make a list and organize your thoughts.”
Liv bit her bottom lip as she watched the viewing screen. Dom’s promo was coming up at the top of the third hour, he had been anxious and worried as they wrapped up his actual speech, but she was confident in his abilities (and overjoyed that he’d given her his cell phone number, so she could send him a text, and he would have her number - for talking he’d stressed, but Liv could sense a change in him). 
The framing was awkward at best. There was no purple lighting behind Dom this time, only a soft yellowed hue, he wasn’t wearing his Judgment Day gear, instead he was in his hoodie and jeans, clearly ready to leave and quickly. His hair was smoothed down, and his eyes were wet with unshed tears. “I uh, I want to address the WWE Universe, The Judgement Day and my Mami.” Dom said evenly.
Liv tugged on the hem of her shirt, watching him as he licked his lips, “First, I want to say that I have always wanted to be by Rhea’s side, sometimes Mami doesn’t want me to go out to the ring with her, and I’ve always respected that, because out of all of us, she’s the one who has her shit together.” Dom exhaled, “Last Monday my Mami confronted Nia Jax, and it didn’t go favorably. There has been a lot of… rumbling about why myself, and the other Judgment Day boys didn’t rush out there to help her or save her. I can’t speak for the rest of the boys, but… I didn’t want to have a repeat of when I went against Beth Phoenix, Mami can’t focus on herself when she has to be worried about me, and I know I’ve made a lot of messes lately.” 
Liv’s heart broke a little as he took a deep sigh, “Both the times I lost my belt, I was alone. The first time Mami had asked Damian and Finn to accompany me to NXT, and for reasons I don’t know they chose not to follow me. The second time I’m not sure what happened, but I did say something when I was upset, on camera I called out my stable, demanding to know where they were. I know Mami was out of the country and she wasn't the ‘leader’ when it happened, so I’m not upset with her, in fact I’m not upset with Damian, Finn, or anyone for that.” Dom let out a nervous laugh, “I’m not even… I think I’m more… I’m hurt.”
Liv looked sidelong at Finn who had stepped into gorilla ahead of a match he and Damian had, his eyes were glued to the screen, “I’m hurt because I do everything for Mami, everything I can, anything she asks of me, and I never complain, because of how much she means to me, but… in the past, she’s, she’s, she flirted with Jey Uso around Fastlane even when it was clear he didn’t want to join the Judgment Day, she flirted with Drew McIntire, she… I understand that flirting is a way to get what Mami wants for the betterment of Judgment Day, but I… I’m not allowed to do that, I can’t flirt with boys or girls to get them to join our stable, if I so much as mention talking to someone else…” He paused, and inhaled, recentering himself, “I take it back, I’m pissed.”
Liv snorted under her breath, “I’m pissed because everything I do isn’t good enough, and the woman I love, my Mami, doesn’t love me enough not to flirt with men who by all standards in this industry are more attractive than me RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. Mami treats me like I’m her king when it’s convenient, for TikToks and other things where eyes are around, but I’m not, I’m some sort of joke, but everyone forgot the punchline.” He snarled, and Liv recoiled a bit, she hadn’t meant for him to use that, “I’d say that ends now, but we all know Mami knows best and she’s always on top, so… I’m pissed and I’m hurt, and I just want…” He faltered, “I want SOMEONE to look at me like I deserve to be put first, just once.” 
With that he flung the microphone and stalked off. Finn let out an exhale, Damian hadn’t joined them yet, so he stepped forward and whispered, “I think Liv you’ve started a war.” 
“I swear that was not my intention.” Liv deflated a little bit as Damian shoved into the room.
“Did you see what Dom-” He stopped short, then eyed Finn and Liv, “This is your fault.” He pointed at Liv.
“I didn’t do anything.” Liv defended, “Rhea’s the one flirting with everyone except Dominik!” 
“Stay away from him, Jersey.” Damian warned, “Rhea is going to destroy you for touching her toy.”
“He isn’t a toy!” Liv growled, “He’s a human with feelings and emotions-��� Liv stopped speaking as Rhea pushed into Gorilla, trialed by JD who looked a bit concerned. Liv steeled herself, narrowed her gaze at Rhea, “You deserve to be made responsible for the way you make other people feel. Dominik Mysterio is a human with feelings and emotions, not some toy you can play with when you feel like it and ignore when it please you.”
Rhea snarled, “Stay away from him, or I’ll put you on the shelf with another injury.”
Liv didn’t back down, “Maybe you should remember who you are talking to, sweetheart. I know all you're tells, and what he said, it got to you, because it’s true. And you are so scared, so fucking scared, of you're fans finding out what you can be like, when the cameras are off.” 
Rhea caught her by the front of her shirt and slammed her into a nearby wall, “I said what I said.”
“I’m not scared of you.” Liv snarled back, “I deserve better than you, Nikki deserved better than you and she found it, Raquel deserved better than you and she found it, Tegan deserved better than you and she found it, verdict is out on you and Action Jackson he’s sort of a piece of shit, but bottom line? Dominik deserves so much better than you.” 
At that, mercifully, Bayley and Becky pushed into Gorilla as the music for the Judgment Day sounded. Rhea released Liv, snarled at the other two, and trailed out with Damian and Finn, JD offered Liv his fist, she bumped her knuckles to his and he sort of smiled at her, before he too ducked out of gorilla. “Insanity.” Bayley hissed, loudly, at Liv, before she caught her by her wrist and yanked her out of gorilla, with Becky bringing up the rear. 
The hotel after was a bit of a ghost town, but Liv still managed to find him from his vague text message of ‘alone’, she’d had to convince the hotel manager to release his room number to her, and give her a key card to get into his room. Arms loaded down with ice cream, a six pack of water, flavor packs for the water, pizza, swissmiss to make hot chocolate with, all the chocolate she could find at the 7/11 and a whole bottle of ranch she made her way to his room. She knocked on the door with her elbow, then froze when the door next to his room opened.
Finn emerged, eyeing her, “I’m going to distract Rhea for the next eight hours roughly. She, Damian, JD, Truth and I are going out on the town. Do whatever this mess is then, disappear until we break up, or I swear to god, Liv I will find a way to make this more difficult than you can imagine.” 
“Fair enough.” Liv growled, then managed to dig the ready-made key card out, and swipe it through the reader. She slid in, balancing all her provisions. Dom was in the center of the bed, in a puddle of blankets and tissues. “Hey, Dom.” She breathed out as she started to settle the food down, “What can I do?”
“Can we just binge on food and maybe cuddle?” Dom whispered, she nodded and set about diving up the food and using the microwave to make the hot chocolate, “I didn’t think you’d really come.” Dom whispered.
“Contrary to popular belief, I’ll always come when you call me.” Liv offered, “Because I want to be here, with you, right now.” She bit into one of her pizza slices, “I want to be sappy with you, and eat pizza with you, and maybe when all is said and done with the Judgment Day, I’d kind of like to help you turn face.” 
Dom just blinked, “No one wants me and after that promo, Rhea doesn't even want me.”
Liv wiggled into the blankets next to him, “She’s not one to quickly give up a toy she likes, Dom. As shitty as that is to say, I’m sure she’ll bow off her anger tonight then she’ll come back here and apologize and promise to do better, then she won’t, and you’ll be hurt, then the road to WrestleMania will get messier and messier, then what happens on the biggest stage in the world will happen, and then… then the Judgment Day eventually implodes.”
“Is it bad that I want the implosion to happen sooner rather than later?” Dom asked, as he grabbed his own slice of pizza, “I mean, that sounds bad.” 
“No, it doesn’t.” Liv promised him.
Dom gazed at her as he chewed thoughtfully, “I think I just… I don’t want to make things right with my dad yet, there is too much static there, and not enough like… actual compassion.” Dom dropped his pizza slice nad pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes, “I sound like such a fucking baby.”
“Dom, you are a baby, even if you are an eighteen year veteran.” Liv joked, trying to ease his mood, “I personally love how compassionate and sweet you are, you wear your heart on your sleeve, and no one does micro-expressions like you do.” Dom grabbed his slice and pulled the tub of oreo ice cream towards him. “What were you saying, Dom, before you thought you were being a baby.”
“I just want…” Dom exhaled harshly, “I want someone to see me. Like my dad used me as an extension of his legacy… like Rhea is using me as a convenient puppy-boyfriend type, who always forgives her, supports her unconditionally, and just makes her look like a real human.” He gasped at what he said, hand covering his mouth, shocked that he’d said as much as he did.
Liv sighed but wrapped her arms around him, ignoring her pizza, squeezing him around his middle, “Dom… you are the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful person I think I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching go from daddys good little boy to the biggest nuclear heel in all of WWE.”
“How many times have you watched that happen?” Dom asked, amused.
Liv snickered, “Ok, so once, but it’s un-top-able." That seemed to sooth Dom, the pair settled in to one another then, putting on Young Frankenstein, as they gorged themselves on the drinks and snacks, until Dominik was yawning and starting to curl himself into the blankets more. Liv kept up with the time, worried about getting caught and the trouble that could land Dominik in, they were getting ready to start watching Jeepers Creepers when Finn sent her a text warning that they were headed back. Liv showed the message to Dom, then stood to start gathering the trash up and putting her shoes back on.
“Goodnight, Dom.” Liv offered as she gave him a quick hug - he was more asleep than awake.
“Night, Gio.” He murmured into her hair, and twisted into his pillows more. Liv was almost out the door, when Dom cleared his throat, “So, when this is over…” Dom trailed off.
“When this is over, Dominik Mysterio, I’ll be waiting on you.” Liv promised, as she kissed his head, and made sure he was tucked in to his hotel bed, “No matter how long that takes, because you’ll need someone who survived it, and personally I want to be the one who mends you're heart.” He smiled softly at her as his eyes fluttered closed, “Good night, sweetheart.” She ducked down to kiss his forehead, “I’m only a call away, ok?”
“Thank you, baby.” Dominik whispered before sleep over took him. 
“Holy shit you are insane!” Charlotte snickered as Liv told her, Becky and Bayley about the hotel.
“I told you she was!” Bayley countered.
“I don’t know, seems kind of romantic to me.” Becky offered.
Seth who only caught the end of their conversation frowned, “Anyone know why Dominik looks like he’s the happiest four year old alive, also what was kind of romantic?”  The four women burst out in laughter, but Liv maybe the loudest - she could be a good girl and wait, she had nothing but time and even when Rhea grated on her patience in the coming months, she’d just remind herself that Dom and her hand plans, plans for after the Judgment Day.
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rachel-archer · 5 months
'cause karma is my boyfriend
Returning at Royal Rumble had been the goal, the dream, the only thing that made sense. Liv had been more than happy to show up and show out, with her new cry about it gimmick in full swing. She’d had an absolute banger of a showing, if she was honest - and being number thirty had been nice enough that she could skirt most of the stars she didn’t want to see or interact with. Namely Rhea Fucking Ripley.
Old wounds were a bitch to heal.
She’d been Rhea’s once, now Dominik Mysterio stood in her place - and honestly if Liv hadn’t worked with Raquel for months (both in the ring and on her own self-worth following Rhea breaking her like a fucking cracker and sprinkling her crumbs on the ground to grind her combat boots on to-) she would probably harbor some levels of hatred for the younger SuperStar. Instead she was worried about him, genuinely worried about him. She’d kept up with the backstage gossip while she’d been away healing, and had kept up with the storylines (both real and kayfabe) while she was out. Making sure that she was up to date for her impending return.
And what had she noticed?
Just how fucked up the Rhea&Dom situation was. 
The double standard of it all left Liv livid on Dom’s behalf. Countless times Rhea left him literally out to dry, or the other members of the Judgment Day had seemingly ‘forgotten’ about him in the hustle and bustle of attempting to win gold - and it had only gotten worse once they won gold. Dominik’s own belt was a cautionary story, and Rhea had issued an ultimatum (which had left another sour taste in Liv’s mouth, a hark back to another, “We win tonight or I swear to god, Gionna, you are going to regret it….”, and it had all been too much). 
Then Dom was expected to paint a smile on his otherwise adorable face and parade around with his stablemates like he wasn’t the butt of some long-running joke that didn’t have a punchline. All of it grated on Liv - but she had no way to get to the boy, she’d talked with Seth and Becky, hell she’d even reached out to Corbin when she saw that the pair were chummy on NXT, but there was a wall according to them all, a Rhea-shaped wall that seemed to paint a shadow over all his interactions with anyone outside the Judgment Day.
So, Liv resigned herself to watching him from the sidelines, careful not to be caught. 
Which was why, accidentally, she found herself hiding in the locker room (loosely termed, it was more like a office room, but whatever) beside the Judgment Day’s, hand over her mouth to keep herself quiet, as she pressed her ear to the wall and listened. The men’s Royal Rumble had just finished up, and all the Judgment Day men (R-Truth included) had made it back to have Rhea assess them. “...I mean you did at least cover for the fact that Brock wasn’t out there, but why were you in the corner so much, Dom Dom?”
Liv bit her lip - so Rhea did the sticky sweet accusatory tone with him, too. “Jey was hurt.” Dom defended, “He tweaked his arm, and I was checking on him-”
“For half you're time out there?” Damian’s voice sounded sharp, angry, pointed.
“I…” Dom seemed resigned, “I hit all my marks.” Is what he settled on, “I did everything I was scripted to do, everything I was supposed to do, I…” He trailed off, “What should I have done?”
There was a long beat of silence, “Well if you don’t know, then I guess it doesn’t matter.” Rhea’s tone was cutting. Liv heard the locker room door slam a couple times, she felt tears on her lashes for Dom, and for a memory of herself hearing those same words.
“Dom.” It was Finn’s voice, he sounded worried, “Don’t, ah, fuck, ‘mere kid.” There was shuffling then a soft hum and, “Don’t let them ruin your night, you were good out there, kid, so good.” Finn sounded soft, “Honest, you were in the longest of all of us, and you did good - checkin’ in on Jey and the others when they looked like they were hurt for real, got the makin’s of a legend in those bones, buddy.” There was a sniffle, “Rhea’s only hard on you because she cares, and Damian’s all tangled up in that briefcase right now, JD isn’t sure where he fits, and Truth, well he doesn’t know what planet he is on most of the time…” 
“I just wanna make her proud, Finn.” Dom sounded wrecked, and it made Liv shake with anger she couldn’t place. Rhea had no right to break apart a perfectly good boy, shake him down to his core, and mold him into a fragile little bird. Dominik Mysterio used to have a bite that matched his bark, he used to push himself, he used to grate on the nerves of older SuperStars just to get a shot at something more. 
“Dom, baby.” Finn sounded resigned, too, Liv realized, “Sometimes it’s not about making her proud, but making yourself proud. I’m proud of you every time we go out there.” Finn promised, “I’m going to keep being proud of you, even when the stable breaks up, even when I’m not tag team champions with Damian, even when we are on opposing sides, because Dominik… you’ve grown so much in the last year. You're more than you think, sweetheart.” 
Dom let out a whine, “Thank you.”
“Clean your face up, lad, I’m going to go meet the others, you come join us when you're ready for our pap walk to the car.” The door to the locker room slammed again, Liv thought about going to Dom then and there, but changed her mind, there were too many risk involved, too many people who might see her - she jumped as her phone chimed (internally she cursed herself for not cutting the volume off), it was Becky asking her where she was - they had plans. Liv waited until she heard the door to the room next to her slam again before she snuck out, only the retreating silhouette of Dom ahead of her. 
Finding Becky, Seth, and Bayley Liv settled into step with them. “Where have you been?” Seth asked, as he tossed one arm around Becky and the other around Liv, “Stalking someone?”
“No, yes, sort of?” She ventured, a pout on her lips.
Bayley blinked, “What are we doing?”
Becky snickered, “Liv is worried about the wee Mysterio.”
“That is one hundred percent not allowed.” Bayley objected, “Like beyond not allowed, like so not allowed that he’s practically wrapped in NDAs and government levels of red tape, Livvy, there is no way, no way, you should be anywhere near him.” She lowered her voice, “You were practically destroyed last time you even… last time she caught you alone, when Raquel first went out.” Liv rolled her eyes, Bayley was one of her longest friends, “Don’t do that, you can’t… you can’t save him, Liv, just like we couldn’t save you, you have to let him figure it out.” Bayley asserted.
Seth snorted, “He’s a good boy, misguided right now, but good. He’ll figure it out.” Becky looked at Liv, the pair quietly agreeing that Dominik Mysterio was a good boy but would not figure it out on his own, “Come on, let’s get that steak we talked about, I want Roux!” 
“Well it feels like ages since I’ve seen the cutest little nepo baby in the world!” Liv agreed, giggling. Becky shoved at her around Seth, who chuckled gleefully, even as Bayley caught Liv’s free arm and pressed closer to her side. “How are things with Damage Control?” Liv asked, “I can never get a read on Dakota.”
“Oh, uh, me either.” Bayley admitted, “Pretty sure they are going to throw me out sooner rather than later.”
Liv snorted, as they finally pushed out into the chilly air, ahead of them Dom was trailing along behind JD and Finn, clearly Rhea had left already (and with her Damian), Liv scanned the parking lot but couldn’t see Truth anywhere, so she sort of hovered closer to Bayley, eyes watching across the parking lot as Finn and JD both bundled Dominik up into a hug before they were hustling him - obviously still crying - into the rental they had.
Seth frowned, “Maybe he does need help.”
“Oh, for fucks sake.” Bayley hissed, “We… we aren’t really, this seems risky, like Rhea is on the cover of…”
Becky elbowed her, hard, “The lad needs a hand, Bayley.”
Bayley looked heavenward, “And what do you propose?”
Liv was silent for a moment, “I’m not sure, but I bet tomorrow is going to be a bitch.” 
“Oh, shit, are you back back?” Seth asked her, “Like on the road?”
“I will be, soon.” Liv assured him, “Have to do some wellness checks and get through the legal stuff in Florida.”
Monday Night RAW had been a rollercoaster, Liv wasn’t cleared enough to be on the show, per say, but she had been backstage. Liv had giggled for Dom when he, JD, Damian and Finn finally attacked R-Truth, only to have the Miz intervene, she honestly thought the boy was going to make it through the night without Dominik getting any sort of underhanded comment from Rhea in regards to Dom - then Rhea had to fuck around and find out with Nia.
Of fucking course Rhea got her ass beat by Nia, Liv was shaking with anger - when she heard the start of an argument backstage, “Where the fuck were you?” Rhea’s voice was almost shrill as it sounded, Liv immediately ducked to avoid being seen, “I just got… Do you not even care about me?” Rhea was posing questions that Dominik either didn’t have an answer for, or wasn’t being nearly as loud in response. “I always come to help you! I’ve never let you look like that big of a fucking idiot, WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ALL?”
Dom quietly offered, “No one was with me when I lost my belt…” 
Liv felt her fist tighten, nails digging into her palm, “I WASN’T IN THE COUNTRY!” Rhea shouted, and really, that was enough to make Liv’s eyes burn, her heart in her throat. 
“Mami, please-” Dom suddenly sounded winded, and Liv had a good idea why. Rhea was a lot of things, she was harsh in her love, and had no problem being more physical - Liv had been on the receiving end of displeasure a couple of times before they’d even started to split. Liv ducked quickly, hiding more, as Rhea slammed by, her bag over her shoulder, trialed quickly by Damian.
“Dom, kid, I’m sorry.” Finn sounded desperate, “JD and I have to fly out, or I’d…”
“No, no, it’s… it’s ok, I’m ok.” There was a sniffle there, then Liv watched Finn and JD disappear down the hallway opposite the way Rhea and Damian had disappeared. Liv looked heavenward, sent a quick text to Bayley that read something along the lines of tempting fate, playing with fire, then shot into the locker room the other four had just vacated. She locked the door quickly, seizing the opportunity to be alone with Dom. 
At first Liv couldn’t see Dom, the locker room was admittedly wrecked. Most of the ‘staged’ furniture had been shoved around, Dom’s clothing had been tossed around all over the place (or at least Liv assumed it was Dom’s clothing), and in the far corner, curled up with his head on his knees and shoulders quaking, looking as small as he possibly could was Dominik Mysterio. He didn’t even flinch when she entered, didn’t look up as she made her way across the room, just let out a weak little, “Finn, that you?”
“Not exactly.” Liv offered, which had him jerking up hard enough his head hit the wall, his eyes were huge.
“You shouldn’t be here.” Dom said very seriously.
Liv sighed, “Probably not, you're right.” She agreed, but then sat down a few inches from him, “Look-”
“No.” Dom shook his head, “She’s my mami now, she loves me-”
“Love isn’t an excuse for her to hurt you, for her to be intentionally mean to you, or for her to withhold love and kindness, and basic human rights.” Liv assured him, “I’m not here to like… bad mouth her or anything. I know what it’s like to be loved by Rhea, to be the center of her universe, to hold all her attention. I just, I know how hard it can be to-” Her speech was interrupted by Dom’s phone sounding off, her’s vibrated in her pocket. The pair both looked at their phones - Rhea had thrown Dominik’s own words back at him on X (formerly Twitter).
Dom’s shoulders hunched downward, as he put his phone face down on the floor.
Liv tucked her own phone back into her hoodie pocket, then cleared her throat, “I’m here, if you want to talk.”
Dom was silent for a few moments, “Could you maybe just hug me?” Dom asked, softly, “I don’t get hugs when I…” He trailed off, “If I’m not good enough out there.” He added, a little sheepishly. Liv scooted forward, and opened her arms, Dominik dropped against her, letting his head fall onto Liv’s shoulder, sniffling as he did so. “I… I thought you were lucky, when you were Rhea’s.” Dom offered, quietly, “I thought you were the luckiest girl in the world.”
“I thought that about Nikki and Raquel, too.” Liv offered, softly. Liv rubbed his shoulders, and petted at his mullet, trying to comfort him, “I know you care about her, a lot.” She added, sweetly, “I just… I’m here if you need me, or if you want a friend outside of Rhea and the Judgment Day. I mean, I’m not scared of her.” 
Dom let out a dark chuckle, but wiggled closer to Liv, his head curled against her shoulder, arms around her loosely, as she cradled her head. They stayed like that for long enough that Bayley and Becky had both called Liv four times each, it was Seth who found them, hand knocking hard against the door. Liv untangled Dom, and opened the door, Seth raised his eyebrow, but took Dom’s tear streaked face in, before sighing, “How about you come back to the bus with us, Dom.” Set offered, “Roux is being a handful and I’ve got it on good authority that you are amazing with kids.” 
Dom bobbed his head, slowly. Seth and Liv helped him pack up his stuff and put the room back right. Seth led the pair to the bus where Becky, Bayley, Charlotte, and Andrade. Dom started to back off, redirect himself but Becky caught his wrist, “Come in, lad! We’ve got chinese, but got some chicken tenders for you and Roux.” 
Dom blushed but nodded, and let himself be corralled onto the travel bus, he was quickly hugged by Andrade, then Charlotte, then Becky, and Bayley, and finally he was allowed to sit with Roux. Liv watched him through the meal, he was quiet and downtrodden, but mostly he just looked like he wanted to disappear - everyone tried to pull him into conversation, but the only one other than Liv half-way successful was Andrade and they spoke mostly in stilted-silence. 
His phone ringing had Dom scurrying away from them and out of the travel trailer, one chicken tender in hand and half an apology on his lips. “Ok.” Bayley observed, “I see what you mean.” She looked pointedly at Liv, “Something is wrong there.”
Charlotte and Becky shared a look, while Seth frowned down at his plate, “I’m not sure we should meddle in this, we’ve tried in the past… Nikki, Raquel, Tegan, you…”
Becky frowned, “Its hard to love someone when you don’t love yourself proper.”
Andrade huffed, “Mysterio needs more than women worrying about him.”
Charlotte eyed him, “What do you think we do?”
“We do nothing,” The man offered, “He has to show her his anger, until then nothing we do matters.” 
That answer was not satisfactory for Liv, she leaned back in her seat, and frowned. If she couldn’t get through to Dominik, if she couldn’t make him understand his anger was valid and needed to be expressed, maybe the only voice of reason the Judgment Day seemed to have could help. Finn Balor owed her, after all, he’d betrayed her to be part of the Judgment Day’s stable in the first place. Admittedly she’d been planning to hold onto that favor for a bit, but this seemed more important.
TikTok was fun to slide through when she was otherwise bored. Hanging around NXT was always iffy, in Liv’s current opinion, but tonight she had wellness checks and physicals to get through, not to mention her legitimate legal team and her trainer worked out of the performance center, so… she was sort of tiered to the building until she was green-lit to move forward with her plans. It was on TikTok, a repost from Insta, that she found a video of Rhea, Dom, and JD obviously recorded at RAW the night before. 
Dom spilled water on the video, called out for Rhea, she ripped JD’s shirt, and used it to clean Dom off. 
Liv wondered idly if that was before Rhea got her ass mauled by Nia Jax?
Probably after. They all looked pretty happy in the video (except JD who looked so over being victimized by Rhea it wasn’t funny, which temporarily sent Liv on a Mean Girls side trip about how Rhea and Regina George would have probably gotten on like a house fire). Liv watched the video a few more times, contemplating. She wasn’t going to involve Rey Mysterio - the man thought his son was a lost cause, both in real life and kayfabe currently. She was limited in the people she immediately trusted, and didn’t need word getting back to Rhea, who could and would make her life a literal hell. 
“Finn!” She said aloud, making Lyra look at her bothered, as the girl walked past her, “Nothing!” Liv promised, waving her off, Lyra had some sort of weird girlfriend problem, which Liv thought was hilarious, above her Roxanne’s music blared to life, Liv exited out of TikTok, and pulled up her messages (she had Finn saved as Irish Demon, don’t ask questions), she sent him a quick text.
To: Irish Demon - > Hello Fergal I need to talk to you, in private, in person.
From: Irish Demon - > To what do I owe this random texting bout, Gio.
To: Irish Demon - > Maybe I miss your weird ass.
From: Irish Demon - > I have me doubts, luv
To: Irish Demon - > Are you in Florida still?
From: Irish Demon - > Maybe
To: Irish Demon - > If you are want to grab a quick bite to eat, need to talk to you for real.
From: Irish Demon - > The Glass Knife, nine o’clock?
To: Irish Demon - > Ok, come alone, Fergal.
From: Irish Demon - > Color me intrigued Jersey!
It wasn’t until she put her phone away that she realized she’d essentially asked Finn on a super secret date, and demanded him to come alone (and in theory not tell his stablemates that he was sneaking out). “Oops.” She hummed to herself, then shrugged her shoulders. It was for the best, really, Dominik needed something - and Liv was starting to think maybe she could be the something, or at least the path to the something. Shaking the thought from her head, she watched Elektra walk past her, she gave her a bit of a wave, the other woman ignored her, and continued walking away. “Rude.”
“Do you always talk to yourself?” Ava Raine asked, Liv yelped as she turned to look at the youngest General Manager. “Shawn asked me to come get you for your health readings.” Ava added, a smile playing on her lips, “And I think it’s super cool that you talk to yourself, I do that and people make fun of me.”
Liv hopped off the crate she was sitting on, “Uh, I normally only talk to myself when my head is super loud.”
Ava grinned, “It helps you organize your thoughts, right?” Liv nodded, and let the younger woman link their arms together, “I’m so excited you're back, you're one of my favorites! I love watching you work, all that stuff you did with Rhea - I got goosebumps! She was practically my big sister when she was still down here in NXT with us peasants.” Ava offered, “Her work with Dom is so good…” And that was the point that Liv stopped listening, letting Ava ramble on endlessly about how ‘amazing’ Rhea was. 
Shawn didn’t clear her but he didn’t bar her from traveling either, just cautioned her to continue checking in with her lawyers and abiding by Florida state laws. Her follow up appointment for wellness was pretty quick, in no time she was sliding out the door, putting distance between herself and the Performance Center. She called for a driver to take her to The Glass Knife. 
Finn was already there, dressed like a normal member of society in a pink shirt and jeans, he had a beanie on and looked like he was doing his best to hide from cameras, “I already ordered us drinks, love.” Finn called to her as she slid into the booth across from him. “You still like the vanilla Affogato, yes?”
“Yes, thank you.” Liv took her seat, “What did you order?”
Finn shrugged, “Water.” 
“Weirdo.” Liv murmured, “Do you ever do anything normal?”
“Should ask you the same thing, Gio.” Finn mused, “Check the menu, gotta order soonish.” Even as he said it, their waitress was quickly approaching so Liv ordered a Roasted Turkey Club Sandwich and two Chocolate Onyx Pastries. Finn patiently waited, then ordered Avocado & Egg Toast and added an order of Chocolate Raspberry Tarts. “Got a sweet spot for chocolate.” Finn murmured, as Liv raised an eyebrow at him. “You like it too, ordered two massive chocolates.”
Liv blew out a raspberry, annoyed, then, “I want to talk about Dom.”
“Thought that might be it.” Finn murmured, “You forgot, love, that Bayley and I are best friends.”
“I didn’t forget, I just figured since she thought I was signing my death warrant that she wouldn’t bring it up.” 
Finn snorted a laugh, “The writing is on the wall, we won’t make it past Mania as a stable, there are too many unstable parts. I… I don’t know where Dom shakes out, I know he wants to have a promo with Rhea, soon, one where he can ask her about her… recent behaviors.”
Liv raised an eyebrow, “Tell me more.”
“He’s gone to Trips about it, and thinks that if he can do it backstage, it might not be the hardest thing to do. Apparently he has a new friend who told him that just because someone says they love him in any capacity that person isn’t allowed a free pass for bad behaviors or near-cheating episodes.” Finn was regarding her carefully, “Sounds familiar, since I’m pretty sure myself and AJ told you something along those lines once before.” 
Liv rolled her shoulders, “It stuck, yeah?” She ventured, “Now I know… being the center of Rhea’s attention its fucking addicting, the way she can look at you, and it feels like you are honestly the only thing she sees, but there is a flip to that-”
“Where being the only thing Rhea sees means she picks and pokes at your soft underbelly in a way that is borderline abusive?” Finn mused, “She doesn’t mean to be harsh, I don’t think.”
Liv barked out a laugh, “You’ve obviously never been in her bed.” 
Finn was silent for a moment, “Gio, what is it that you want to accomplish with this?”
“I want him to know I’m here for him, but to do that, he needs to be able to take plausible breaks, if or when he wants to escape, Fergal I want you to help him.” Liv gave him a pointed look, “I know the pressure of being Rhea’s, know how isolating the whole thing is, I know what it’s going to be like on the other side when he’s coming out of this. I just want you to let him know he’s safe with you, safe enough that if he needs to tap and come to me, that you’ll help him.” 
“The stable might be in trouble, Gio, but we aren’t dead yet.”
“I’m not asking you to betray anyone.” Liv countered.
Finn huffed, “You are asking an awful lot, Rhea is our leader.” 
“She’s a shit leader.” Liv snapped back, irritated, the waitress had returned and dropped off their food.
Finn shoved half of his first tart into his mouth and chewed violently, before, “Alright, love, I’ll help.” 
“Are you insane!” Bayley caught her arm and yanked her into a closet at the arena for Monday Night RAW, pushing her hard against the far wall, “Are you literally insane?” Bayley added, “I told you to stay away from him - he is like NDAs and red tape had a baby, so you went over me and went to Finn?”
Liv blinked, “What is happening?”
“It’s called an intervention, keep up.” Bayley hissed, “You shouldn’t have went to Finn.”
Liv sighed darkly, “I asked him for a little bit of leeway, Bayley, not to give me Dom on a silver platter.”
Bayley sputtered for a moment, “You actually are insane, Liv this has gone past you protecting him.”
“What, no-” Liv started.
“No it fucking has!” Bayley sassed back, “You want him, and not to protect him. Jesus, are you kidding me? Liv, this is… this is insane!” Bayley nearly shouted.
Liv narrowed her eyes, “Do you know a word other than insane?” She paused, then, “Ok, so maybe I want to be more than friends with Dom, but that’s on the back burner here, like… I just think we could be a good couple, both of us having survived… uh, let’s call it a stent in the school of Rhea’s affection.” Bayley gapped at her, “Its not insane, I have a teeny, tiny, very small, nearly invisible crush… I want to protect him.”
Bayley let out an aggravated snarl, “Insanity is not the only word I know, let’s see, deranged, lunacy, neurotic, mad, manic, psychotic, potentially suicidal…” Rolling her eyes, Liv pushed around her and shoved out the door, nearly falling on her face as she shoved around Bayley, and made her way down the hallway, “INSANITY!” Bayley shouted after her, loudly. 
Liv flipped her off over her shoulder, and hustled down the hallway, and promptly collided with a solid mass.
“Oft.” Dom caught her before she toppled backwards, “You ok, Liv?” Dom asked, sweetly.
Liv looked at him - really looked at him - he looked tired, he looked like he had been crying recently, his skin was a bit washed out which made her sad, and he looked like he was thinner than the previous week. “Uh, I am now.” She looked up at him, momentarily marveling over their height difference (she was a stunning five foot three of insanity, while Dom was six foot one), “Hey, are you ok?” She asked, softly.
Dom frowned, “I’m struggling with this promo I want to do tonight.” He admitted, sheepishly.
“Maybe I can help?” Liv suggested, eagerly. 
Dom looked at her, head cocked, adorably, “Uhm, ok?”
“Where do you want to work on it?” Liv asked, curiously.
Dom bit his lip, “I would normally do it in the Judgment Day Clubhouse…” Liv hummed, how long had they been calling it a clubhouse, she decided that wasn’t important, not when Dominik was looking so adorable and sad and obviously needed to be aggressively cuddled by her, “Uhm, think we can find an empty office or something?”
“Or something.” Liv agreed, “I know just the place.” She backtracked to the closet that Bayley had shoved her in earlier, opened the door and waited for Dom to step in, she followed, shutting the door behind them, and sitting down on the floor. After a second of confusion, Dominik joined them, sitting down across from her, their knees pressed together. “Ok, what are you working on?”
Dom bit his bottom lip, “I want to cut a promo about uh, about the thing that Rhea did.”
“Ok, babe gonna need you to be more specific.” Liv suggested.
Dom looked heavenward, “She used my own soundbite against me, when I lost the title and no one was there to support me. She put it on X, she made it a thing, fans are ripping me apart… are ripping the men of Judgment Day apart, and… and like, she’s always flirting with Jey Uso, Drew McIntyer, hell anyone she wants to, but if I did that the Universe would dissect me. There was no way for me to go out there and help her with Nia, it’s a bad form for us men to hit women, yeah I took a bump or ten with Beth Phoenix, but that was practiced, that was something both of us were comfortable with. Nia likes taking men and women alike out, but I’ve never actually worked with her, and like Damian and them weren’t rushing out there to help her either, but somehow I’m the only one in the doghouse, and-” 
Liv covered his mouth with her hand, it required her to nearly climb into his lap to do so, but he flushed pink and stopped talking altogether, as she gazed at him.“Ok, let’s… let’s start with a list.” Liv released his mouth, but didn’t back out of his space. 
“I’m such an asshole, she was your girlfriend before mine and I’m asking you for help-”
“It’s no big deal.” Liv lied through her teeth, it was a big deal - but she was thankfully far enough removed from her own broken heart that she could separate her messy feelings from Dom’s current very real, very valid, very loud feelings. “Honestly, just, let’s make a list and organize your thoughts.”
Liv bit her bottom lip as she watched the viewing screen. Dom’s promo was coming up at the top of the third hour, he had been anxious and worried as they wrapped up his actual speech, but she was confident in his abilities (and overjoyed that he’d given her his cell phone number, so she could send him a text, and he would have her number - for talking he’d stressed, but Liv could sense a change in him). 
The framing was awkward at best. There was no purple lighting behind Dom this time, only a soft yellowed hue, he wasn’t wearing his Judgment Day gear, instead he was in his hoodie and jeans, clearly ready to leave and quickly. His hair was smoothed down, and his eyes were wet with unshed tears. “I uh, I want to address the WWE Universe, The Judgement Day and my Mami.” Dom said evenly.
Liv tugged on the hem of her shirt, watching him as he licked his lips, “First, I want to say that I have always wanted to be by Rhea’s side, sometimes Mami doesn’t want me to go out to the ring with her, and I’ve always respected that, because out of all of us, she’s the one who has her shit together.” Dom exhaled, “Last Monday my Mami confronted Nia Jax, and it didn’t go favorably. There has been a lot of… rumbling about why myself, and the other Judgment Day boys didn’t rush out there to help her or save her. I can’t speak for the rest of the boys, but… I didn’t want to have a repeat of when I went against Beth Phoenix, Mami can’t focus on herself when she has to be worried about me, and I know I’ve made a lot of messes lately.” 
Liv’s heart broke a little as he took a deep sigh, “Both the times I lost my belt, I was alone. The first time Mami had asked Damian and Finn to accompany me to NXT, and for reasons I don’t know they chose not to follow me. The second time I’m not sure what happened, but I did say something when I was upset, on camera I called out my stable, demanding to know where they were. I know Mami was out of the country and she wasn't the ‘leader’ when it happened, so I’m not upset with her, in fact I’m not upset with Damian, Finn, or anyone for that.” Dom let out a nervous laugh, “I’m not even… I think I’m more… I’m hurt.”
Liv looked sidelong at Finn who had stepped into gorilla ahead of a match he and Damian had, his eyes were glued to the screen, “I’m hurt because I do everything for Mami, everything I can, anything she asks of me, and I never complain, because of how much she means to me, but… in the past, she’s, she’s, she flirted with Jey Uso around Fastlane even when it was clear he didn’t want to join the Judgment Day, she flirted with Drew McIntire, she… I understand that flirting is a way to get what Mami wants for the betterment of Judgment Day, but I… I’m not allowed to do that, I can’t flirt with boys or girls to get them to join our stable, if I so much as mention talking to someone else…” He paused, and inhaled, recentering himself, “I take it back, I’m pissed.”
Liv snorted under her breath, “I’m pissed because everything I do isn’t good enough, and the woman I love, my Mami, doesn’t love me enough not to flirt with men who by all standards in this industry are more attractive than me RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. Mami treats me like I’m her king when it’s convenient, for TikToks and other things where eyes are around, but I’m not, I’m some sort of joke, but everyone forgot the punchline.” He snarled, and Liv recoiled a bit, she hadn’t meant for him to use that, “I’d say that ends now, but we all know Mami knows best and she’s always on top, so… I’m pissed and I’m hurt, and I just want…” He faltered, “I want SOMEONE to look at me like I deserve to be put first, just once.” 
With that he flung the microphone and stalked off. Finn let out an exhale, Damian hadn’t joined them yet, so he stepped forward and whispered, “I think Liv you’ve started a war.” 
“I swear that was not my intention.” Liv deflated a little bit as Damian shoved into the room.
“Did you see what Dom-” He stopped short, then eyed Finn and Liv, “This is your fault.” He pointed at Liv.
“I didn’t do anything.” Liv defended, “Rhea’s the one flirting with everyone except Dominik!” 
“Stay away from him, Jersey.” Damian warned, “Rhea is going to destroy you for touching her toy.”
“He isn’t a toy!” Liv growled, “He’s a human with feelings and emotions-” Liv stopped speaking as Rhea pushed into Gorilla, trialed by JD who looked a bit concerned. Liv steeled herself, narrowed her gaze at Rhea, “You deserve to be made responsible for the way you make other people feel. Dominik Mysterio is a human with feelings and emotions, not some toy you can play with when you feel like it and ignore when it please you.”
Rhea snarled, “Stay away from him, or I’ll put you on the shelf with another injury.”
Liv didn’t back down, “Maybe you should remember who you are talking to, sweetheart. I know all you're tells, and what he said, it got to you, because it’s true. And you are so scared, so fucking scared, of you're fans finding out what you can be like, when the cameras are off.” 
Rhea caught her by the front of her shirt and slammed her into a nearby wall, “I said what I said.”
“I’m not scared of you.” Liv snarled back, “I deserve better than you, Nikki deserved better than you and she found it, Raquel deserved better than you and she found it, Tegan deserved better than you and she found it, verdict is out on you and Action Jackson he’s sort of a piece of shit, but bottom line? Dominik deserves so much better than you.” 
At that, mercifully, Bayley and Becky pushed into Gorilla as the music for the Judgment Day sounded. Rhea released Liv, snarled at the other two, and trailed out with Damian and Finn, JD offered Liv his fist, she bumped her knuckles to his and he sort of smiled at her, before he too ducked out of gorilla. “Insanity.” Bayley hissed, loudly, at Liv, before she caught her by her wrist and yanked her out of gorilla, with Becky bringing up the rear. 
The hotel after was a bit of a ghost town, but Liv still managed to find him from his vague text message of ‘alone’, she’d had to convince the hotel manager to release his room number to her, and give her a key card to get into his room. Arms loaded down with ice cream, a six pack of water, flavor packs for the water, pizza, swissmiss to make hot chocolate with, all the chocolate she could find at the 7/11 and a whole bottle of ranch she made her way to his room. She knocked on the door with her elbow, then froze when the door next to his room opened.
Finn emerged, eyeing her, “I’m going to distract Rhea for the next eight hours roughly. She, Damian, JD, Truth and I are going out on the town. Do whatever this mess is then, disappear until we break up, or I swear to god, Liv I will find a way to make this more difficult than you can imagine.” 
“Fair enough.” Liv growled, then managed to dig the ready-made key card out, and swipe it through the reader. She slid in, balancing all her provisions. Dom was in the center of the bed, in a puddle of blankets and tissues. “Hey, Dom.” She breathed out as she started to settle the food down, “What can I do?”
“Can we just binge on food and maybe cuddle?” Dom whispered, she nodded and set about diving up the food and using the microwave to make the hot chocolate, “I didn’t think you’d really come.” Dom whispered.
“Contrary to popular belief, I’ll always come when you call me.” Liv offered, “Because I want to be here, with you, right now.” She bit into one of her pizza slices, “I want to be sappy with you, and eat pizza with you, and maybe when all is said and done with the Judgment Day, I’d kind of like to help you turn face.” 
Dom just blinked, “No one wants me and after that promo, Rhea doesn't even want me.”
Liv wiggled into the blankets next to him, “She’s not one to quickly give up a toy she likes, Dom. As shitty as that is to say, I’m sure she’ll bow off her anger tonight then she’ll come back here and apologize and promise to do better, then she won’t, and you’ll be hurt, then the road to WrestleMania will get messier and messier, then what happens on the biggest stage in the world will happen, and then… then the Judgment Day eventually implodes.”
“Is it bad that I want the implosion to happen sooner rather than later?” Dom asked, as he grabbed his own slice of pizza, “I mean, that sounds bad.” 
“No, it doesn’t.” Liv promised him.
Dom gazed at her as he chewed thoughtfully, “I think I just… I don’t want to make things right with my dad yet, there is too much static there, and not enough like… actual compassion.” Dom dropped his pizza slice nad pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes, “I sound like such a fucking baby.”
“Dom, you are a baby, even if you are an eighteen year veteran.” Liv joked, trying to ease his mood, “I personally love how compassionate and sweet you are, you wear your heart on your sleeve, and no one does micro-expressions like you do.” Dom grabbed his slice and pulled the tub of oreo ice cream towards him. “What were you saying, Dom, before you thought you were being a baby.”
“I just want…” Dom exhaled harshly, “I want someone to see me. Like my dad used me as an extension of his legacy… like Rhea is using me as a convenient puppy-boyfriend type, who always forgives her, supports her unconditionally, and just makes her look like a real human.” He gasped at what he said, hand covering his mouth, shocked that he’d said as much as he did.
Liv sighed but wrapped her arms around him, ignoring her pizza, squeezing him around his middle, “Dom… you are the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful person I think I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching go from daddys good little boy to the biggest nuclear heel in all of WWE.”
“How many times have you watched that happen?” Dom asked, amused.
Liv snickered, “Ok, so once, but it’s un-top-able." That seemed to sooth Dom, the pair settled in to one another then, putting on Young Frankenstein, as they gorged themselves on the drinks and snacks, until Dominik was yawning and starting to curl himself into the blankets more. Liv kept up with the time, worried about getting caught and the trouble that could land Dominik in, they were getting ready to start watching Jeepers Creepers when Finn sent her a text warning that they were headed back. Liv showed the message to Dom, then stood to start gathering the trash up and putting her shoes back on.
“Goodnight, Dom.” Liv offered as she gave him a quick hug - he was more asleep than awake.
“Night, Gio.” He murmured into her hair, and twisted into his pillows more. Liv was almost out the door, when Dom cleared his throat, “So, when this is over…” Dom trailed off.
“When this is over, Dominik Mysterio, I’ll be waiting on you.” Liv promised, as she kissed his head, and made sure he was tucked in to his hotel bed, “No matter how long that takes, because you’ll need someone who survived it, and personally I want to be the one who mends you're heart.” He smiled softly at her as his eyes fluttered closed, “Good night, sweetheart.” She ducked down to kiss his forehead, “I’m only a call away, ok?”
“Thank you, baby.” Dominik whispered before sleep over took him. 
“Holy shit you are insane!” Charlotte snickered as Liv told her, Becky and Bayley about the hotel.
“I told you she was!” Bayley countered.
“I don’t know, seems kind of romantic to me.” Becky offered.
Seth who only caught the end of their conversation frowned, “Anyone know why Dominik looks like he’s the happiest four year old alive, also what was kind of romantic?”  The four women burst out in laughter, but Liv maybe the loudest - she could be a good girl and wait, she had nothing but time and even when Rhea grated on her patience in the coming months, she’d just remind herself that Dom and her hand plans, plans for after the Judgment Day.
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rachel-archer · 1 year
Puppy Heaven [All Doms Go To Heaven]
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Warnings: Puppy Play, if you squint it’s an orgy but not really?, subspace, anal, painting people with cum?, Roman and Damian are both doms?, awkward situations, Paul Heyman is a literal saint, and power play. 
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rachel-archer · 1 year
This isn’t judgement day related but can you possibly write a public sex involved scene for Roman Reigns x Rhea Ripley?
I know you requested public sex, my friend who wrote this (this page is made up of multiple peoples writing, with one person running the account) had ideas and just went with them. I hope you enjoy it. We are only taking requests for headcannons at this time but we still did this one because her sister demanded it. Warnings: violence for the sake of violence, face-fucking, face-sitting, rough sex, slight degradation (insults), fem-dom, responsible sex (never thought I would use that one), cheating ... (consensually?)
Fiends Not Friends
The arena should be empty by now - almost everyone is gone for the night, and most of the stage hands have started packing up the travel stages and pyro hooks. Rhea had meant to head out with Damian, Finn and Dominik - but she’d ended up stuck in a meeting with Charlotte about the upcoming transition - she was taking the belt off the older woman, which was more than fine with her, she’d earned it in her opinion, but it held a certain level of required notoriety which… as a heel she assumed would be fairly easy. She moved along the empty staging area toward the locker room when a series of crashes caught her attention. “At this point in the horror film the idiots check out the noise.” She reminded herself, before heading toward the noise in question. She half expected to find stage hands, but instead as she peaked into one of the should be empty locker rooms, she caught sight of Roman Reigns, not dressed for the ring, but in just black basketball shorts tossing anything within grabbing range around the room. For a moment she considered walking away, this was a whole lot of not her problem, but the irritating bastard was bleeding. 
“Hey, Chief.” She called, sounding a lot more sure than she felt. He whirled to snarl at her, “Your hand is bleeding, and you’ve already wrecked this room. If you're going for the whole rockstar thing, you should probably wreck a few more.” She suggested, as she moved to lean against the doorway, watching the man as he openly paced, he’d paused long enough to look down at his hand, a frown etched on his face - almost like he hadn’t realized he’d done it. “Look, I’m not trying to get into your… business, or whatever, but cuts aren’t good for business.” She ventured, nonplussed, “Do you want me to look at it, so you don’t have to go to medical? I mean I know they’d have to do some sort of write up…” Roman shot her a more than irritated look, “You know what, fuck it, I tried, you clearly have whatever this is, well in hand.” She pushed off the door and turned her back on him, intent to grab her shit and change.
“Ripley, wait.” He called, sounding just as shocked as she felt to hear him. “That, uh, that would be nice.” He decided after a moment, her eyes narrowed in on him, taking in the form of the biggest name in their business, he looked off like something was bothering him, but that pointedly wasn’t her business, either. “If you still wanted to look at my hand?” He held his left hand up, the palm bloody, head cocked slightly to the side. Rhea bemoaned the fact that every remotely attractive older man in her life was somehow both adorable puppy and complete dick in the same go. She hadn’t interacted much with Roman Reigns, outside of their legitimate lanes, they just weren’t written in the same vein. She nodded her head at him, and took a few steps toward him, casting her eyes around the room. Roman had more than wrecked it. It looked like every single emotion the man could fight out of him he had. 
Carefully she took his hand, the cut wasn’t deep but it did need to be cleaned off, “No stitches.” She observed, “Sit down, there should be a first aid kit in your bathroom.” She shoved on his shoulder, momentarily forgetting this wasn’t Damian, Dom or Finn - this man didn’t like to be touched as far as she knew. He flinched away from her, but took the seat she motioned to all the same. She moved around him, checking his face over to make sure he was one going to stay put and two not going to pull anything that might be considered stupid. Digging through the bathroom - which mercifully hadn’t been attacked by the Tribal Chief - she snagged the kit and headed back to find him sitting where she had left him, only now he was cradling his injured hand in his right hand, head downcast, his long hair falling forward to cover his actual face. 
When she first came up from NXT she’d thought he was beautiful, in an abstract and chaotic sort of way. He’d terrified her in the good ways, she wanted to be powerful like him and struggled for a handful of months trying to figure out if she wanted to be with him, or wanted to be him. She’d ultimately decided she wanted to be better than him - and had set herself on the path to do so, but now, now, he looked alone. What was it that her grandmother used to tell her? Ah, it’s lonely at the top. “I’m back.” She declared when his head didn’t rise at her approach, “You know, Chief, I run around with a quasi-rockstar, and when he wrecks rooms he somehow manages not to break his own flesh.” Roman muttered something under his breath, “I didn’t catch that.” Rhea grumbled even as she deposited the first aid kit on his lap, and moved to ruffle through it to get to the alcohol wipes. 
“I hit the locker door.” Roman sounded defeated and he wouldn't meet her gaze. She wasn’t in the mood to ask him about his personal problems, so she set about cleaning his cut and bandaging it. “You know, I don't know how you four do it.” He offered, lamely, “The whole, found family thing, with no real leader, you look like you're having fun.”
Rhea shifted to sit beside him on the hard bench, first aid kit between them, the couch that had been in the room was flipped on its side, and the cushions missing from her immediate vantage. “We are having fun.” She offered, “Four friends who get to be absolute villains and do pretty much whatever we want, while also interacting with Superstars we might not have otherwise?” She rolled her shoulders, “We are having fun. But sometimes it’s hard, cause like all of us are different people in our own rights, I think it would be hard…” She admitted, “If any of us were the leader, since you know, we all kind of share that role and responsibility, so it’s not so heavy on our shoulders.”
He grunted, “I didn’t want Sami to leave.” He said evenly, “Creative took him away, and yeah, he’s still my friend, but I wanted the story to last longer, and I think they are rushing it. The twins are… eager to be back on their own, and Solo just wants… Well, he wants to be me.”
Rhea laughed, “Everyone wants to be you to a point.” Roman let out another grunt of sorts, but Rhea wasn’t listening to him anymore, she’d figured out the problem, “Everyone wants to be at the top, not everyone is strong enough to do it for almost three years, you have to be tired.”
“I’m not tired.” He snapped, and rocked up to his feet, giving her a rough glare.
Rhea rolled her eyes as she stood, “Yeah, and I bet you're not lonely either.” She shot back at him, before pushing around him, no longer worried about making him uncomfortable by touching him, “I don’t acknowledge you or you're kingdom of bullshit, lie to yourself if you want, but… you look like shit, and this room looks like you threw a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat.” Roman made a move to grab at her but she dodged him, “Fuck off, I’m sorry I even tried to help you.” She shoved the rest of the way out of the room and headed back to the room the Judgment Day had been using earlier in the night, muttering under her breath about ungrateful bastards the whole time. She made quick work of her showering and changing, not wanting to loiter around any longer than necessary, after she packed up her gear she checked her phone, there were messages from her boys, all asking where she was. 
She shot a quick text back letting them know she was leaving the arena soon, reminding them she’d had a quick meeting with Hunter and Creative, as she stood to grab her stuff a knock sounded on the doorway. She turned sharp, alarmed that she’d overstayed some sort of welcome, and ready to apologize to whatever staff member or arena worker she’d held after their allotted work hours by staying in the arena too long. Instead, it was Reigns, again. He was at least dressed now, with his own travel bag over his shoulder, “I was an asshole.” He said evenly, “I am lonely and tired, and I miss my family.” He offered, “Can I… look, it’s late and I’m wired, and you look like you aren’t going to rest anytime soon, so would you maybe consider the gym or coffee? I’m alone more than I’d like to admit.”
Rhea cocked her head to the side and studied him. This was a unique opportunity. As much as she loved the Judgment Day, she and Dom would eventually need some sort of backup plan, as much as Damian was the older brother she’d never really had, she couldn’t always live in his shadows, as much as Finn elevated her and Dominik by his sheer amount of ring awareness and knowledge, even the best teachers didn’t know everything. The Bloodline was… powerful in different ways than the Judgment Day, their legacy would last longer, and their family would always be on top in the entertainment world. “That’s fine.” She offered, “You can pick.” She added, evenly, “I don’t have any plans, just need to check in with the boys.”
“The boys?” Roman sounded amused.
“My boys.” She countered, before shooting off a text to them that she was going to run some late night errands to get her energy worn down, and to remind Dominik not to latch the door lock at the hotel, since then her key wouldn’t work. She grabbed her gear bag and made a motion for Roman to lead the way, he shot her a raised eyebrow, before he turned and headed down the hallway, she trailed along after him, most of the arena lights were off now, and most of the stage crew had disappeared. The dark colored SUV was a signature she at least knew he would have, as she tossed her bag into the backseat and climbed into the passenger seat, and odd silence settled over them, “Look, I shouldn’t have overst-”
“I’m sorry for being a dick.” They spoke at the same time, cutting one another off.
“Well, this shouldn’t be this awkward.” Rhea muttered, irritated at her apparent social awkwardness when it came to Roman. He snorted, harshly. “What I said earlier about everyone wanting to be you, when I first came up to RAW I wasn’t sure if I wanted to be you or somehow wanted to be with you, it’s just… who you are.” She shrugged, “I decided I wanted to be bigger than you, somehow.”
“You're on your way.” Roman offered, as he started the SUV and headed them out of the parking lot, “I assume we are all at the same hotel?” They quickly confirmed the location, with Rhea double checking her phone - Dominik had promised not to lock her out, both Damian and Finn had encouraged her to get some sleep and not spend all night in the gym. “Those boys of yours, they really love you, you can tell, in the ring and backstage. Sometimes it makes me miss the Shield.” He ventured, as he turned them toward the hotel, “The hotel gym is nice, and at this point everyone should be in bed-”
“Damian and Finn are working out, if you want to just talk to me, the hotel isn’t going to work.” Rhea had already started looking for other gyms nearby that were open all night, which is how twenty minutes and a county over, they ended up in a Gold’s Gym. The only other occupants of the gym were the bored man behind the counter who was watching Netflix and a woman happily riding an exercise bike toward the left. Roman immediately headed them toward the sparring room, Rhea followed, more than curious about how this was going to go - Roman was stacked and while she was strong and could destroy men in bursts or flares of energy… she didn’t know if she really could take him or Solo. “Are we sparing?”
“Nah.” Roman dropped his duffle on the first mat, toed his shoes off and promptly laid down on the floor, looking up at the ceiling of the sparring room. He stretched his arms over his head, before tucking both hands into his hair, nad exhaling, “Do you ever just get so fucking mad at the world you need to break something, make something bleed?” Rhea dropped her duffle, toed off her own shoes and joined him with a noncommittal hum. “I’m just, so fucking pissed. I’ve got all these… extra things to worry about.” Rhea realized how carefully he was using his words, there were no doubt secrets that he had to keep for the brand. By and large most of the worst kept secrets in the WWE were in relation to Roman and his cousin. Rhea contemplated what to say, but was stopped by Roman hitting his fist against the sparring mat with enough force that it vibrated under her body. A reminder of his sheer power. Roman shouted then, a loud thundering explosion of emotion that reminded Rhea of what Damian did when he was losing a match.
Rhea waited for him to get the burst of noise out, “You need a healthy outlet of some sort.” 
“I hit people for a living, that should be the outlet.”
“You aren’t in the ring week to week anymore, you need something else. Don’t the twins or Solo spar with you?” Rhea asked, now a bit worried about his mental health, their kind - the ones who sought violence for the sake of violence - didn’t do well being asked not to talk with their fist, or to sit back and let others take care of their problems. 
Rhea let the silence fill the room for a long stretch, there was something both eerie and nice about laying in silence with a sort-of-enemy, she decided, something that was markedly different than laying in contemplative silence with battle-ready brothers. “We could spar.”
Roman let out an impatient rumble, “I don’t hit women.”
“Maybe you should.” She ventured, and chose her next move very, very carefully. She had always been quick, even with her semi-shitty knee, she sat up and rolled her whole body toward Roman, swiftly straddling him, he looked posed to throw her off or say something, when she punched him hard in the cheek, “Fuck, you're bones are ridiculously hard.” She shook her hand, wiggled her fingers, the hit had jarred her wrist. Roman’s nose had flared, and his eyes narrowed, “Not too different from me, huh?” She observed, as she hauled off and hit him again, this time with her other fist, he didn’t stop her, instead she managed to land two more solid punches before he caught her wrist and snarled low at her. 
“What are you doing?” He snapped, as his hold on her wrist turned painful, her bones aching in protest, Rhea however only glowered down at him, and with her free hand, slapped him hard across the cheek, “Ripley.” His voice had changed, his pupils expanded, and his whole body seemed to electrify, Rhea knew she was playing a dangerous game, Damian was always warning her about getting burnt, this time she might as well have doused herself in gasoline. “What. The. Fuck.” Now that he had both her wrists in the tight hold, he looked almost pissed again, like when she’d first stumbled upon him.
“You don’t want to spar with me.” Rhea stated calmly, “You don’t have anyone to spar with, you don’t like the idea of hitting a woman, so I thought why not hit you.” She tilted, using his hold on her, to pitch herself forward, looming over him, “There are other ways to get your anxious energy out, Mr. Tribal Chief. Violence for the sake of violence can happen in the ring or the bedroom.”
He made a sharp noise of complete irritation, “Learn that from Priest?”
“I’ve learned a lot from him.” She gave him a flirtatious wink, “His tips and tricks are endless.” She added, “Would you like to learn some of them?” Roman frowned at her, his brow knitting together like he was in deep, deep thought. “Or not.” She acted like she was going to stand, using his hold on her wrist to push herself away from him, but his hold tightened if possible, and he refused to let her move far away. “No one takes care of you, huh?” She purred, “They want you to take care of them, and that leaves absolutely no time for you to just relax.” Rhea might also rather enjoy having power over Roman, not that she would use it for evil or anything, Damina might though, once she told the boys about this. He was after all the sadist who planned most of their big game plans. “No one lets you be babied, huh?” She squeezed her knees in tight, hugging his ribs, where she was still straddling him. He looked confused, a bit alarmed, but his pupils were still blown and he didn’t seem like he was going to push her away, “Can I take care of you, Chief?” She asked, with a bit of a purr, Dom was going to be jealous, but he’d get over it.
“What uh, what does that mean?” Roman asked after a beat.
Rhea laughed, “You like being in charge, being the top dog, right? Well, let me be in charge, let me call the shots.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him, “Let me help you release your violence.” Roman frowned, Rhea watched him work somethings out in what she was going to graciously call his big beautiful brain. Slowly, carefully, he released his grip on her wrist, and nodded his head. “Words, Rome.” Rhea ordered, sharply. He looked confused, “Don’t tell me no one has ever called you Rome, it’s literally in your name, low hanging fruit.” She grumbled the last, while rubbing her wrist, “Words, you need to tell me yes or no outloud.”
“Rhea…” He tried her name out, and honestly she didn’t think she’d ever heard him refer to her as anything other than Ripley or Brutality, “Help me release my violence.” He sounded so small, and fragile, and like he’d rather be asking her literally anything else. It brought a smile to her lips, she liked turning big powerful men into her own little pets. Not that she thought she’d get to keep Roman, realistically whatever this was, would fall into the category of a one-off. “Please?”
She realized she’d been admiring him for a bit too long, “Don’t worry, Rome, I’m going to help.” She cast her gaze around the sparring room, “We can’t do this here, though.” A frown pulled at her lips, “Are you in a single hotel room?” He nodded, “Cool, let’s go.” She shuffled off of him, then helped him stand, “Grab my bag, too, give me the keys.” Roman took well to being bossed around, she grinned as he did what she asked, “Rule number one,” She pushed the door open that led to the main floor of Gold’s Gym, “Violence is allowed, and welcomed, I asked that you don’t hit my face, due to recent injury.” She waved goodbye to the desk clerk (who had wide eyes and had not so subtly been watching the sparring room camera she would hazard to guess), as she pushed open the exit, “Two, you have to communicate with me if you like something or if you don’t.”
“I understand one and two.” Roman grumbled, “Normally I’m the one making rules.” 
“I know.” She shot him a wink over her shoulder, “That’s why it’s so fun, let me have control.” She headed for the driver's door and wrenched it open to climb into the driver's seat as he loaded both their bags into the back, “What room number are you in?”
“892. Why?” Roman demanded as he climbed into the passenger side. Rhea didn’t bother to answer, choosing instead to text Damian that she needed a couple things out of her and Dom’s room, and to let the younger boy know that she would not be coming to their room tonight, she paused long enough to hear back from Damian with an affirmative. “Rhea?”
“I need some things from my room.” She said evenly, “Now you do not get to freak out when we get back to the hotel.” She started the SUV and pointedly drove them quickly and efficiently back to the shared hotel - WWE preferred they all be in the same location accommodation-wise. Roman, blessedly, did not talk when they arrived at his room, with Damian in just tight black boxers leaning against the door, scratches down his chest, and a red travel sized bag in his hands, it looked small, but that was largely due to how big Damian was, “Thank you.” Rhea offered, when she took the bag from him, Damian looked pointedly at Roman, before he ducked closer and kissed Rhea’s neck, “Go away, Priest, I’ve got someone to fuck with tonight that isn’t one of you three.” 
Damian laughed, hard, then cast Roman another dubious look, before he headed for the elevator, he paused to call back, “Dominik is gonna want details in the morning, Rips.” With that he climbed onto the elevator, and headed down - their set of rooms was located on the sixth floor. 
“What the fuck?” Roman muttered, clearly confused.
“Don’t be judgy.” Rhea pushed his side, “In the room we go.” She made a motion to get him to open the door, he did as she asked, “There is absolutely no way in hell you’ve never just causally fucked you're friends, like I’ve seen you, it’s impossible.” She muttered mostly under her breath as she followed him in. He dropped both their bags, as she tossed the red bag at the bed, without warning (and really she was going to have to think Finn for teaching her the subtle art of sneak attacks) she slammed into Roman from behind, knocking him half into the wall, before they both crashed into the floor between the wall and the bed, this time instead of straddling his hips, she straddled his chest, “This ok?” He nodded, a bit wide eyed, “Been a while since someone knocked you on your ass huh?” He shrugged, she grinned wildly, bright like a Cheshire cat, before she moved so her nose was about an inch away from his.
“Are we gonna kiss now?” Roman sneered, Rhea lunged, biting his bottom lip hard enough to bring blood, immediately Roman attempted to toss her off, only for her to fight back, “I don’t want to hurt you-” He stopped when she headbutted him, “You know what-” He moved to push her off, his hands going to her ribs, and gripping tight, she countered by softly kissing his now bleeding lip, he let out a whiney sort of ‘omph’ before returning the kiss, admittedly with a bit of hesitation, like he was afraid of being bitten again, Rhea made a mental note not to bite him as hard the next time. Rhea tugged on his shirt, which seemed to give him the idea, it was a flurry of movement, ripping and pulling at each other in a way that echoed Roman’s need for control and Rhea’s need to be brutal, the undress isn’t her favorite part of this anyway, so the pile of shredded clothes they leave by the bedside table is absolutely nothing for her. 
It’s in their genetic makeup, she swears, for them to tossel and grapple like they are in the ring - almost like a no disqualification match. It only takes her nails raking up either side of his spine and a softer but still sharp bite to his stomach for him to react. The first streak of pain that lights up her neurons comes from his grip on the back of her neck, his thumb and fingers digging in deliciously as he yanked her away from his stomach, his chest heaving minutely as he shot her a glare before turning the tables and flipping them, Rhea let out a tapered moan as he smashed her back into the headboard and bit at her neck and collarbone. His bites, while tentative, are different. It’s difficult for her to conceptualize, but her body knows Damian’s teeth, knows the slap of Finns’s hand, knows the heat of Dominik’s talented tongue - Roman is new, uncharted territory as his bite melts to kisses, his hands loosening on her shoulders to grip harshly at her sides. From his low grunts and harsh exhales she could tell he was thinking about something, the resounding slap to her right hip wasn’t what she thought, but she arched back into it, letting out a filthy little pur all her own. 
Whoever Roman is - and she is sure this isn’t even remotely his normal behavior pattern - he underestimated his strength. She fights him for dominance, but it’s a futile effort, until he allows her to roll them again. Sharp and bright she smiled at him before she bit at his Adams apple. “Tell me…” Roman started as she licked and kissed and scratched and bit her way down his frankly ridiculous chest. “Do they hurt you?” It’s a loaded question, one that Rhea had absolutely no patience for. Instead of answering him she licked at his hip bone and tugged harshly at his happy trail, it was his turn to arch his back and let out a series of curses before he fisted a hand in her hair and tugged, “They do and you like it.” The darkness in his gaze was predatory to a point but tonight wasn’t about him getting her to release a demon or two. No, Rhea was going to give the Chief what he needed for the betterment of the whole company. She pulled away from him, eyes looking over him as she sat between his spread legs. He and Damian were built differently with muscle mass and weight distributions. Roman if possible had aspects of all three of her boys bodies, he wasn’t as big as Damian in the duck department, his chest wasn’t as hard as Finn’s, and what little baby fat rested around his midsection wasn’t nearly as cute as Dominik’s but all in all - she could work with it. 
“We hurt each other.” She finally offered as she grabbed the red travel case that Damian had brought. She plopped it down on his stomach and watched him frown at how deceptively heavy it was. She dug out what she wanted - flavored lube and a condom, dropping both on the bed by Roman’s hip, he was hard, achingly so already and just from a little bit of play. She wondered what it would be like to really take her time with him. Maybe someday she will get that chance. Tonight, however, wasn’t that. “I’m going to let you fuck my face.” She explained, “Then I’m going to sit on yours until I’ve cum at least twice.” His eyes widened, “If you do a good job with you're tongue I’ll let you fuck me, but I want it hard, fast and painful.” 
“If I don’t make you cum twice,” Roman rubbed at his chest, where Rhea had left behind long scratches. “What happens?”
“Obviously then I teach you how you should eat a partner out and I fuck you.” She tilted the red travel case forward to show off one of the smaller dildos that always traveled with her, about five inches long and maybe an inch thick. It wasn’t something she used often, but it was always good to have around. He gave her a snarl but nodded his head, “Words, Rome.” She pinched his nipple, hard enough he swatted at her, “See you're learning.”
“I agree, now I believe you said something about me fucking you're face?” Leave it to Roman Reigns to be a cocky bastard, she shot him a heated look before she grabbed the lube, without warning it up in her hands she poured the cold coconut flavored lube over his cock making him wince. “God you're a bit-“ his insult was cut off by her fisting his cock and pumping her hand up and down his length twice to spread the lube down his shaft. His hand shot to tangle back in her hair, yanking her forward by her dark locks. She let him guide her mouth to the tip of his cock, before she pinched his inner thigh, hard. He bucked up, pushing his cock head against her lips, she rubbed her closed lips over his head, making him snarl low in frustration. 
Roman pushed her short hair out of her face with his other hand, before he tugged again, this time Rhea opened her mouth, letting him slide the head of his dick into her mouth, she eagerly slurped her tongue around the sensitive head. She’d been choaking on dicks for as long as she and Damian had been fucking around, and personally she loved the moment cocks hit the back of her throat, she loved rough thrust, she loved the dizzing lack of oxygen - now if only she could come up with a way to convey that to Roman. She tucked her hands under his thighs, pressing up until she could grip his ass cheeks, then pushed her mouth down, the harsh hold he had on her hair only serving to make her wetter, as she also pushed his ass upwards. He let out a string of jumbled words and sharp cries, as she swallowed around his meat, taking him as far down her throat as possible, inhaling proudly as her nose was as tickled by his dark curly public hair. His grip on her head changed, to almost soft before he was tugging her back up and thrusting his hips up to chase the wet tight warmth of her throat. 
She’s sloppy at it, always letting spit dribble from the corners of her mouth, it’s easy for Rhea to get lost in the sensations, in the delicious drag of cock past the back of her throat and down, of the explosion of salty precum against her taste buds, of the punishing tangle of hair pulling and her lack of oxygen when her partner gets overzealous and holds her head down, forcing her nose against dark curls. She has to remind herself that as much as she is enjoying the rough throat fucking that Roman is providing her, this isn’t about her. She’s generously helping the leader of the Bloodline relax. His grip while punishing, is honestly the one thing grounding her, as he pulls her completely ip and off his cock, her saliva leaving a spit trail, “Fuck you're a goddamn slut.” Roman sounded like she felt so, insult aside, she licked her lips and opened her mouth again, sticking her tongue out. He wasted no time dragging her back down, “Bet you fucking love taking cock, fuck men up at ringside all the time when all you want is to be fucked like the little whore-“ she pressed her teeth in just a little near the base of his cock, his hips shuddered, oh he liked that. She sunk her nails into his asscheeks and resumed sucking his cock like the little slut he apparently thought she was. Even though he doesn’t let her breathe as often as she would like, he starts a rhythm of ducking into her mouth while also moving her head so that her mouth and throat are angled to where he wants them. By the time he’s exploding down her neck, thick cum and tasting saltier than her boys, his hands were cradling the base of her skull and he’d planted his feet on the bed to properly thrust down her throat. She deployed what she could, then pulled off as his hands fell away, she let her mouth stay open so some of his unswallowed cum could run down her chin and drop on his cock. 
“Seems like you like slutty little whores, Rome.” She countered as she climbed up him, he was still panting as she crawled up the the head of the bed, and turned on her knees, before looking down at him, “I’m so fucking wet from you throat fucking me, Chief.” With that she sat down on his face, smiling as his hands immediately flew to her hips and she felt the first exhale against her pussy lips. She was being nice, if it were Dominik or Finn beneath her she’d have smashed her pussy directly onto his face with no regard for his need to breathe, but. She shivered as he just breathed for a moment. 
“Fuck you smell good.” His voice sounded wrecked, but before she could check on him for real, his tongue slid between her outer lips and dipped into her core. She rocked her hips just a little, trying to encourage him to tonge fuck her, instead he gave her what amounted to kitten licks before he used his grip on her hips to shift her enough he could get at both her swollen clit and her slit. She gasped as his eager tongue went to work, his sharp teeth scraping against her clit when he got too excited chasing a taste, her moans only seemed to push him to work harder to get more and more of the creamy goodness out of her. He alternated between fucking his tongue in and out of her slit, and harshly sucking on her clit or scraping his sharp teeth over her swollen clit. She rocked her hips to get his tongue and teeth where she wanted them, her first orgasim sneaking up on her, she clamped her thighs hard around his head, letting out a long groan of her own, before stretching out down the front of Roman’s body, her head resting against his hip bone, as she exhaled and inhaled, Roman seemed to understand that she was a bit sensitive, occasionally the monster that led the Bloodline would tease her with an exhale that ghosted over her sensitive clit. 
“You gonna be able to handle a second one, Nightmare?” Roman sounded smug.
Rhea didn’t give him a chance to be smug for long, she pushed herself back up and resigned herself to treat him like Dominik and Finn, rutting against Roman’s face, not sure if he could breathe or not, she gave him a break to breathe, then went back to rubbing her cunt against his face, hoping to soak him down with her cum. “I can handle more than you could even begin to think about.” She groaned, as Roman worked to lick and nip at her, as she took what she wanted from him, chasing a second orgasim. Her second orgasm was rushed, which was fine for her, the hectic need of something more, something bigger was racing up her spine. Panting, and loose limbed, she climbed off of him, and sprawled out on the bed, both of them were sweaty in a way that working out never seemed to get them. Roman had pressed up from the prone position he’d been laying in, to manhandle her to where he wanted - with Rhea’s head in the center of the bed, and her butt barely on the bed. 
“My turn, right?” He roughly rolled her onto her stomach, and forced her to bend her knees. 
“That’s right.” Rhea laughed, “Fuck the worries away.” She shot him a smile over her shoulder.
He dipped to kiss her lips, biting at her lips, and forcing his tongue into her mouth, even as he moved one of the nearby pillows to rest under her lower stomach, raising her hips of the bed just enough that with him standing upright behind her he wouldn’t have to bend his knees too much to fuck into her. She allowed him to force her legs apart so he could settle between them, she heard the rip of the condom foil, and the hiss of Roman’s discomfort at rolling it on, then the snick of the lube cap opening, she wiggled a bit to get more comfortable, as she crossed her arms to rest her head on, he re-gripped her hips. “Are you sure?”
“You're going to ask that after we made each other cum?” Rhea gave him a rude look, “Just fuck-” She yelped as he did exactly what he asked, slamming his hips forward, and sinking his cock into her, balls deep, in one swift thrust. “Oh my fucking…” Rhea trailed off as she shifted, to move her hips so he could piston in and out of her the way he wanted.
Roman’s thrust were powerful, enough so they rocked Rhea forward slightly, he sunk in as deep as he could, and reached for her hands, pulling her arms back, and ordering, “Hold you're ass.” Rhea did as he asked, spreading her asscheeks apart, so he could watch himself fuck in and out of her, Roman moved his hands to her wrist, securing her hands, his grip made her bones ache in the perfect way, as he savagely started pistoning in and out of her, again, his hipbones hitting her hard enough she was sure he was going to bruise her, the thrill of it only served to make her hotter. Roman’s thrust drove him deep enough into Rhea, she swore she saw stars, the delicious drag of his cock against her inner walls sent ripples through her whole body, Rhea was sure she was making the unholy noises that drove her boys crazy, as Roman continued his assault. Roman released his hold on her left wrist, to drape himself over her body, and force his pointer and middle finger into her mouth, the position change forced his dick to strike her g-spot, on thrust in, she wasn’t sure what she was even trying to saying (since Roman’s fingers curled against her cheek and pulling harshly limited her ability to form actual words) but it had Roman chuckling darkly, as he not only speed up his thrust, but angled them to perfectly line up and strike her g-spot over and over again, she felt the tears start, as Roman yanked on her cheek, his fingers pressing against her tongue. 
She could feel the presure building, and tried, aimlessly to swat at Roman to let him know, but he didn’t slow down even as she clinched around him hard, new tears starting on her lashes, as he shifted yet again, and released her right wrist, to force his right index and middle finger into her mouth as well, he couldn’t thrust as deep or as harshly with this new position, but he was still striking her g-spot, and rubbing everything inside her just fucking right, even as Roman seemed hellbent on stretching her mouth open as much as he could, sniffling, Rhea moved her hands to hold Roman’s wrists, as his hips stuttered, and he let out a long, loud, “Rheeea.” He pulled his fingers free of her mouth, and pretty much collapsed on her, she wiggled her hips and let out a little growl - he was heavy, she was overstimulated, and coated in sweat. 
It took a good twenty minutes before Roman was ready to move significantly, he’d mercifully pulled out of her, and rolled onto the bed beside her, allowing her to climb onto the bed, and attempt to get comfortable. “Do you feel better?” Rhea asked, face down in the comforter they hadn’t bothered to take off the bed before fucking around.
“Actually, yes.” Roman laughed, “But now I feel disgusting.” He admitted.
“Best way to fix that,” Rhea shakily sat up, her legs tucked under her body, “Is to carry me to the bathroom so we can both shower…” Roman, who had been covering his eyes with his left forearm, moved his arm to shoot her an amused look, “You're the beastly man, I’m the dainty woman, do the thing.”
“Nothing about you, Rhea Ripley, is dainty.” Roman smarted, but he did as she’d asked, standing on his own shaking legs, to haul her up and over his shoulder, to the bathroom - the clock on the bedside table read almost four in the morning, Rhea shook her head amused, the pair showered together, and after a bit of pushing and shoving, agreed to crash out together, in the large king size bed (Rhea didn’t want to risk waking up Dominik, he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep). “Good night, you little nightmare.” Roman muttered, just as sleep started to pull her under, she swatted at him, instead of responding.
Rhea had thought about slipping out of the hotel room unnoticed, but the near-pounding at just after nine in the morning woke not only her but Roman. The pair shared a look of pure terror, as Rhea attempted to grab her discarded clothes and Roman wrapped himself up in a blanket, he tossed the door open - Rhea grinned as her boys pushed their way in, Dominik holding a tray of food that obviously was not from catering, Finn had clean clothes for Rhea in his arms, and Damian was bringing up the rear with a gallon a orange juice under one arm and a six-pack of gatorade dangling from his free hand, “Morning, Mami.” Dominik skipped over to kiss her lips, quickly, “Damo said you needed breakfast, and that we should bring the Tribal Chief something, too.”
Roman glanced around them, eyes wide, as Damian kicked the door shut, “Morning, Reigns, Gatorade or orange juice?” Roman gave Rhea a wide eyed look, as Finn kissed her quickly on the cheek, and Damian moved to settle breakfast down on the bed, “Man, Dominik got some of the best breakfast, there was a little diner over by Gold’s Gym…” Rhea smiled to herself as her boys rattled off their nighttime and morning activities, slowly Roman moved to join them, Dominik passed him a fork, and nudged a bit of eggs toward him.
“Mami was good to you, right?” Dominik asked, as he snagged a piece of bacon.
Roman choked on the eggs he’d just shoved into his mouth, Finn let out a sharp whistle, “Dom, you can’t just ask people how well Mami fucked them.” Rhea couldn’t help but laugh, as Roman looked mortified, “Just fucking with you, Chief, we know how great she is in bed.” Roman cast his eyes back toward Rhea, who shrugged.
“Thank you, Rhea.” He offered, with an almost-blush on his cheeks, “Uh, does this make us friends?” He asked the group at large.
Collectively the four members of the Judgment Day answered, honestly, “Nope.” 
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rachel-archer · 1 year
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lesbians love and support our trans sisters 💖💖
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rachel-archer · 1 year
Join us on the metaphorical dark side :)))
So my good friends are embarking on an ambitious fanfic serial featuring the Judgment Day and the Bloodline. It will be hosted on @all-risejd . Read about it here:
The On the Other Side server fueled this undertaking (and zaniness) of the course of a few voice chats and discussions. If you’d like to take a peak at the loving craziness that fueled this endeavor, please join us on the server!
We do talk about much more than fanfic, and regularly stream Raw, Smackdown, and PLEs:
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rachel-archer · 1 year
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rachel-archer · 1 year
Reblog if it's okay to befriend you, ask questions, ask for advice, rant, vent, let something off your chest, or just have a nice chat.
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rachel-archer · 1 year
I have started the intro to a short one-shot for this. It might be a couple more days before I can really flush it out, but it’s coming!! :)
Hi! new reader here, can you possibly do a Top!Dom x Sub!Rhea ff? :D
Here is a list of headcanons/ maybe a drabble kind of. My friend is going to write a quick fic about it tomorrow. If you want to be tagged you can either ask in the comments or send another ask. This was out of our comfort zone and really fun so I wanted to post this as well as the fic.
Dom is a dramatic dom he lets Rhea appear to be the dominant because he knows it upsets people (especially his more traditional father and he’s trying to outgrow his father's crazy legendary status)
So everything is pre-planned and is part of her being a good sub (example when Rhea brutalizes him in RAW and carries him out to be seen by Rey). (he encourages her the entire time she is doing it.)
Dom is amazing at aftercare. 
What do you think he does?
There are snack packs / care packs premade (like fifteen at a time) that he keeps in his go-bag. They started for the gym but he modified them. So like water, soft snacks, maybe Gatorade. 
Extreme cuddling to the point of suffocating her with affection after. Sometimes he becomes a human starfish and literally smashes her with his weight, like a weighted blanket of warmth and cuddles. 
Words of affirmation and affection - like pulling out pointed small compliments just for her. 
Probably helping her redress or get into something comfortable for sleeping. 
Rhea is devotedly obedient (Dom makes her feel like the most precious thing in the whole universe). Sometimes too obedient but Dom’s always there to make sure she’s not going too far with his request or in any danger. 
They got into this relationship because she was insecure about her body and would be mean to others because of it. Dom realized this because it is the same way he acted when people would make fun of his weight as a teenager. Dom coincidentally starts working out at the same time as her.
Gradually he starts bringing things he’s noticed she forgets - water, workout towels, protein snacks, and sometimes even a change of clothes because once Rhea is in the zone, she’s got tunnel vision.
Rhea calls him out on it - she and whomever she’s maybe dating (Buddy, dick) are having problems, and she slowly starts talking to Dom about those problems as they work out.
Dom eventually manages to convince her he’s some sort of lost cause when it comes to travel (points out how frequently he misses flights, and his inability to keep a schedule - which are things he knows Rhea is good at), so she agrees to be his road partner.
The more they travel together, the more Dom learns the little things that make Rhea who she is, pretty soon he’s with her almost 24/7 and gently (but sternly) reminding her to take care of herself.
The inevitable break up with Buddy (dick) is what leads to Rhea begging to sleep in Dom’s room, which turns out to be a blessing in disguise because she’s even more perfect in his clothes and in his bed - so he ups the game when it comes to taking care of her.
Dom is super protective of Rhea, even though he knows she can take care of herself (she doesn’t always realize that). 
Rhea totally has a cute collar with Mami or Rhea on it. Dealers choice. Maybe with cute little charms. Possibly little spikes that dangle? Cause she’s dangerous. 
One hundred percent certain Dom is the kind of Dom to leave her horny for spite. Also, he probably likes to play with toys, and test new things out in Rhea who he knows can take a bit of brutality (see what I did there?)
Rhea likes bruises and scratches and even the blood - Dom isn’t so big on blood but he has no problem marking her up as his. Even if it means they get fined for a couple marks. They are the worst kept secret in the locker room. 
When they spar or practice it’s pretty much no holds barred. They go hard and it’s practically foreplay but Dom’s the one calling the shots (example: if they are sparing Dom designs the workout, if they are running he decides how long, if they are doing something domestic it’s for both of them). 
He does ask Rhea for input in all of this. She is the gym rat between them and he knows she has to work out at a certain level to retain what she has muscle wise. 
Rental car torture - I mean sex - is pretty common. 
As are quick scenes in arenas after tappings. The thrill of getting caught is too good - and Dom is super proud of his Rhea.
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rachel-archer · 1 year
Judgment Day Masterlist
These are taken from After Shine on Wattpad, Quotev, and AO3.
Rhea x Dom
Room 674
Rhea x OC
In Which No Dresses Were Harmed… 
Ok Mami
Damian x OC
Only Treats 
Judgment day x OC
Who Needs a Bedroom
Top Dom x Sub Rhea
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rachel-archer · 1 year
Honestly lowkey love how it seems like lately Damian dresses more to the 9s compared to the rest of The Judgement Day. It gives "yeah I'll get into our edgelord gang shenanigans, but I also have a business meeting later. The rights to still use The Other Side as a theme to spite Edge don't pay for themselves. Might even be able to squeeze in a formal date."
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rachel-archer · 1 year
OK Mami
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Taken from After Shine. Will soon be posting this in the regular stories, if we haven’t already - this is Rhea/OC. Warnings for accidentally dropping a sub in public, and kissing someone who isn’t your significant other. :)
This is from a kid fic so the kids mentioned are from that.
Keep reading
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rachel-archer · 1 year
After Shine
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rachel-archer · 1 year
After Shine
Found in Dominik Mysterio’s phone. 
From: bebé mamá >> Can you introduce me to Bianca, I wanna cook with her <3 <3 <3
From: bebé mamá >> The A-Academy is super annoying.
From: bebé mamá >> The price of snacks in this venue are over the top, send me $$
To: bebé mamá >> Maybe Bianca, Gable is an Olympian, && you have my debit card
Danika --  “I might even miss you.” She admitted, after a long moment.
Dominik -- Summer Slam in 2020 might have been the proverbial start to Dominik Mysterio’s career in the WWE, but it had also been the end of his semi-normal private life.
This is a slowbuild, but it's a goth-poly-cule found family fic.
Want more chaotic text? Check out the story (on AO3) here. 
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rachel-archer · 1 year
This is the start of the story that I’ve been titling Curious/After Shine
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rachel-archer · 1 year
Curious II
Alright, working title: After Shine, I haven’t started the post to AO3 yet, but I thought I’d give you guys a little bit more since I’m not sure about posting it yet...
June 16, 2018 - Dallas, Texas
She’d been back from Japan maybe five days, and was riding the uplifting high of being close enough to California she swore she could smell her momma's cooking. Tonight was going to be amazing, she could feel it in her bones, she wasn’t exactly sure why Cage had sent her on the road with his talent, when a group of them decided to work Ring of Honor, but she’d spent the last year touring with some of the most irritating bastards she’d ever met (she sort of loved it though). The move to New York almost two summers ago, alone and in the big city, had been disarming. She swore looking back she’d spent most of the first two months crying herself to sleep.
Danny Cage had been a friend of her fathers, sort of, and he’d ‘taken her in’ out of respect for how famous her dad really was. He hadn’t actually known what to do with an almost eighteen-year old girl who wasn’t at all interested in the limelight of the ring. It’s how she became an Influencer, she supposed, they traveled constantly, so she started a blog, and back then she could make little short stories with some of Cage’s younger talent. There was one man, Martinez, that she tended to stick close to. He was large and big, and just this side of dangerous, but he’d saved her ass more than once in Japan - she’d never forget the night he punched some handsy Englishman for copping a feel of her, when she’d come to collect them from a bar. 
The thing about Martinez was he didn’t want her around, not really. But she was always underfoot. She wanted him to win, he had the power and the drive, and fuck the charisma once he got stared in the ring - he was damn hard not to look at. The thing was, he was mean. And more often than not she suffered for her attempts at helping him, but there were days (sometimes even two in a row) where he would talk with her in Spanish about his home, about his familia, about who he wanted to be, and in turn she told him stories of her familia, of being adopted by a huge Latino family, and how lucky she was. Then there were rushed mornings, where she was tossing women (sometimes multiple) out of his hotel room, and running around doing last minute checks to see if he had anything, before corralling the still intoxicated, angry bull of a man toward the taxi.
“Hey, kid, you're dad’s on the phone!” Cage shouted, and motioned to his cell phone - her’s was dead.
“Thanks, Mr. Cage.” She hurried to him, around the pool, side stepping the large man in question who was drinking before ten in the morning, stretched out over a lounger, he shot her a smile, which made her blush. “Papi?” She said into the phone, a grin pulling at her face as the familiar noise of home sounded behind her.
“Hola, Danika, we are going to come tonight to the matches, Dominik wants to see you.” She smiled warmly, Cage was just going to love hosting the Mysterio familia. “How was Japan?” She launched into telling him all about the customs and their version of wrestling, and how she’d met Chris Jericho, and boy was he protective of her, she talked about the fashion and all the gifts she’d brought back for them, but mostly she asked about her younger sister Lainey, who Dominik had been visiting with while she’d been out of the country (six months in Japan was longer than she’d anticipated). 
“We are actually going to bring her with us tonight.” Danika’s heart soared damn near out of her chest. “And Cage has agreed, you need a vacation, so while we have custody of Delainey and are waiting to figure out what’s going to happen with your mom, you're coming home tonight.” She couldn’t help but grin even wider, after they talked a bit more, and she got off the phone, she wandered back to the pool, settling onto the lounge next to Martinez.
“¿Qué te tiene tan feliz, pequeña?”
She shot Martinez a look, she knew he knew English, probably more than he let on, she responded in kind, “Mi familia is coming to the show tonight, and I’m going home for a while afterward.” The man lowered his sunglasses to look her over, he shot her a toothy grin, it both unsettled her and made her want to vibrate out of her skin, “I might even miss you.” She admitted, after a long moment. 
Summer Slam in 2020 might have been the proverbial start to Dominik Mysterio’s career in the WWE, but it had also been the end of his semi-normal private life. His high school sweetheart had left him shortly after because his time on the road was ‘too much’ too hard for her, and for a brief stint he’d fallen into sleeping with his best friend, Danika. He and Danika shared a set of twins, named Delarosa Analucia Raquel (they call her Rosa) and Domenico Andrés Felipe (they call him Nico), but they’d kept that largely underwraps for his career. For the first time in months Danika was at a show tonight, with both almost eighteen month olds (wearing noise canceling earphones) in her arms. He picked her out easily in the crowd, from the backroom when the camera spanned the crowd a second and third time, the babies were rocking little Mysterio onesies, with his and Rey’s logo on the chest, if they were facing forward, she was standing with Aalyah and his mom. 
Angie hadn’t been so understanding about him and Danika’s questionable relationship, Danika was almost two years younger than him, and she was probably a little less understanding now, considering Danika was pregnant again. Not that Dominik minded, he liked being a dad. Danika had skipped two grades and the pair had met in middle school, she’d supported him and his dreams from the moment they met, never once had she questioned who his real father was, nor had she asked him about Rey’s legendary matches. She was one of the few people who saw him for him. Angie had been livid, when the twins were born, that Danika and Dominik refused to get married. On the flip of that, his mother was not foaming at the mouth for Aalyah and Buddy Matthews (known as Buddy Murphy or just Murphy), there was an age gap, and they’d had a rollercoaster relationship since they got together in 2020 (although their relationship had started as kayfabe). They’d broken up for a couple of months over the summer, and Buddy had been linked to Rhea Ripley, briefly before he and Aalyah reconciled. 
Tonight - well, it was rumored to be the start of legitimate hell for him. It’s the fourth of July, they had barely made it through one of the biggest pay per views of the year - Money in the Bank, and he was already on edge because he hated that they dropped the titles after only sixty some days as champions, it was a little irritating, but as far as creative cared to explain, it was the beginning of a massive storyline for him. He caught the sweet smile of Danika on the big screen. He loved his best friend, and positively adored her. She might be the only person who openly accepted Aalyah’s odd relationship with Murphy, although he was pretty sure she’d told him off for leading Rhea on (or something along those lines). Danika wasn’t interested in the WWE or their storylines, or participating, Angie had warned her that sometimes there wasn’t an option.
Last year, he could remember taking the twins to see fireworks in whatever town they were in on the road. Danika is lucky that she can travel with them year round, she’s a tiktoker and an influencer. She’s been beyond careful of sharing too much about the twins with the world - instead she had made it a going mystery. Tonight the twins were at their first real WWE show (Danika had come most of her pregnancy, and had shown up for events a few times after that when Angie or Aalyah could watch the twins). He wasn’t looking forward to facing Judgement Day tonight. He still was a bit confused about how he and Rey had become targets for the Judgement Day, but he chalked it up to the fact that his dad and Edge (Uncle Adam) were such close legends. 
“You ok, Dom?” Rey asked from where they were watching the matches in the backroom - Austin Theory had just interrupted Bobby Lashley, and honestly Dominik sort of wanted to see them wail on each other. He gazed at his dad, watched as Rey looked around the room, obviously checking for anyone who might be bilingual before he switched languages, “Tu madre tiene buenas intenciones cuando se trata de Danika, sabes que los ama a ambos. Tal vez deberías pensar en lo que significa tener otro hijo.”
“I know she means well, and we have thought about it, right now neither of us are even remotely interested in casarse solo para apoyar la tradición.” He looked around to make sure no one had heard him, “And a third isn’t going to break the bank account, currently she makes more money than me.” Dominik murmured unbothered, he wasn’t going to marry Danika just because tradition strongly suggested it, he wasn’t going to marry her just because his mom wanted him to. Sure, there was probably honor in doing that, but Danika was more than vocal on the fact that she wanted to marry for love not obligation. Dominik watched as his father seemed to think that over, “Mamá no está exigiendo que Aalyah y Buddy se casen.” 
“That is different, I think your mom still expects him to dip.” Rey hummed, as Austin started yelling about something in the ring, his right and youth or something. Dominik pulled his phone free of his shorts pocket, he tended to wear shorts and a t-shirt over his ring gear until they were ready to go out. “What are you doing?”
“Checking on Danika.” He offered, slowly, because Damian and Finn had entered the room flanked by Rhea who wasn’t medically cleared to be back, and had arrived with street clothes on - she looked adorable in the skinny jeans and oversized black t-shirt. With no cameras on the trio they looked over friendly with one another, joking and laughing. He caught Rhea’s gaze, the woman sent him a wink, he snickered a little bit to himself. They had to hurry out of the room for an interview, so Dominik pushed his phone away, and scurried out of his over shorts.
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