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loveyou-x3000 · 4 years
People were starting to be jackasses to each other, so I deleted my post about the possible mother of the twins.
However, the possibility of SessBoku should be immortalized forever, so here:
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inuykago · 4 years
Jaken’s Day, part 1
inuyasha pride month 2020 :: 
day 6 - ace
my good friend @stubbornhalfbreed and i teamed up to do this needed au <3 : 
“I saved your life and now you won’t leave me alone and damn you’re annoying but I’ll save you again cause your my annoyance now” by dailyau
also, s/o to @theinuyashareader for inspiring me to write this 😂
{sesshomaru/jaken. modern au. 1,201 words. my ff.net/ao3.}
for reference! Jaken inspo :: sesshomaru inspo. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Jaken was a boring man.
His alarm blares at 6 a.m. every weekday. Rubbing his eyes, he rolls out of the same ol’ bed, reaching to shut off the same ol’ noise, in his same ol’ clothes.
He drags his feet across the wooden floors, yawning as he makes his way to the bathroom to get ready for another same ol’ day.
His routine went something like this:
6:10 a.m.
He brushes his teeth -- up and down, back to front -- as his brown pajama hat lays lopsided on his head. The lone chirps of birds outside his window is the only thing cutting through the silence.
6:15 a.m.
He doesn’t take that long to shower; soap glides all over his body, shampoo is scrubbed into his hair as the steam fogs up the bathroom mirror.
He hums elevator-type-music (something he hears all the time heading up to his office) a bit to himself, but that’s about all you’ll be hearing from him.
Droplets of water hit the floor as he steps out and wraps a plain white towel around his waist. Walking back to his room, you would think you’d at least hear him wonder, “What should I wear today?”
But that question isn’t necessary because he pulls out the same dark brown button-down long sleeve, black tie, belt, and pants and dark brown shoes every. single. time.
And it’s not that he wears the same exact clothes, he just has the same ones in multiple quantities (think that scene in the 2002 Powerpuff girls movie where they all question “What to wear?” and it’s one large collection of their same outfits).
6:30 a.m. (or something like that)
Heading to the same ol’ kitchen, he makes the same ol’ oatmeal for breakfast. Jaken places the bowl full of oatmeal on his kitchen table.
He waddles back to the coffee maker to make his one cup of coffee. He only ever adds milk.
7:00 a.m.
Jaken heads out the door to the bus stop.
He waits with his black satchel slinged on his shoulder. Other people -- a mom carrying her child, a teenager blowing (obnoxious) bubble gum bubbles, and a university student in uniform -- join him at the stop.
The baby looks no more than 10 months old and is swaddled in his mother’s arms. The baby glances up at Jaken, giggling with a small smile, but he doesn’t respond.
Yeah, the guy doesn’t show much emotion.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Walking into the doors at work, he can barely push the glass doors open.
He ignores the hello from the receptionist as he heads straight to the elevator, opening as if expecting him. Jaken heads in spinning to press his floor number.
The elevator slowly rose to his work floor.
He sits down at his cubicle in the accounting section. He was one out of three accountants.
“Good morning, Jaken!” said a woman he had forgotten the name of.
“Oh,” he turned his head. “Morning.”
The lady blushed, leaning on the short wall that divided the two. She had short black hair, glasses, and had the first two buttons of her blouse undone -- features Jaken didn’t care much about.
She continued staring at him even though he already looked away to continue work on his thin-screened computer. “How are you today?”
Jaken shrugged, still looking at his screen, “Oh you know, same ol’ day.”
“Haha!” she laughed trying to add emotion. “I know what you mean.” She fiddled with the stack of papers tucked in her arms before asking:
“Wanna grab a cup of coffee together after work?”
“Ah, sorry,” the man mumbled as he actually made some eye contact. “I got a lot of work to do today.” He barely cracked his signature this-is-me-politely-turning-you-down smile.
And that was his third time using that excuse. On a third different woman.
Well, aside from that, not much else happened at work, or at least not much Jaken paid mind to.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The clock struck 4. 
“Quitting time,” Jaken thought as he saved his excel sheets and went to shut off his computer. Walking towards the elevator leaving with the rest of his coworkers in a herd.
Piling into the elevator him and his coworkers glided down to the lobby of the building.
Jaken walks through the lobby.
Jaken turned back to see his boss, and he almost let out sigh but he kept his demeanor professional.
“Did you happen to get the bank reconciliation for March finished?” Jaken boss asked
“Yes, they should be in your inbox, I submitted them at noon.” Jaken stated.
Jaken’s boss took out his phone and tapped it a couple times, “Ah, so it is.” he stated “Thanks for getting those done Jaken. Have a good one. ”
Jaken nodded and then turned around. If he didn’t get to the bus by 4:20, he would be late to get home.
Jaken was never late.  
Once getting out of the lobby of his building. He scanned his usual walk and knew even running he would still be 15 minutes away from his bus stop. Then he saw it. A short cut. Perfect.  
Jaken cut down the alley without a second thought. The shadow from the buildings covered the alley to make it darker. Jaken making his way through the alley did not keep an eye on his usual surroundings.
Jaken turned around to look at three thugs, one holding a gun pointing at Jaken.  
Jaken put his hands up before the thugs could say anything.
“Give us the wallet.” the thug holding the gun says.
Jaken reaches into his pants to grab his wallet but before he can throw it on the ground they are interrupted by a cold voice.
“Move.” the man ordered from behind the thugs. The man had white hair, short hair and a suit to match, one hand was in his pocket as he stared blankly straight ahead.  
“You want to die old man?” The thug on the left of the one with the gun yelled as he turned around.
“I said, move.” The man in white ordered again, removing his hand from his pocket.
This time all the thugs turned around ready to take the man on. The thug with the gun goes to shoot. But before he can pull the trigger, the man in white disarms him with a quick move and elbows in face. The two other thugs yell and go to attack in protest. The man dodges them expertly making them attack each other instead of him.
Jaken stands there in shock watching the fight unfold in front of him. Watching the man in white move as if these three thugs were nothing to him.
Once all the thugs were knocked out, the man in white straightened his sports coat and kept walking.
“Oh thank you. Thank you!” Jaken proclaimed in awe, almost bowing.  
The man did not answer as he kept on walking and passed Jaken without even looking at him.
Jaken followed him, completely forgetting about his goal to get to the bus stop on time.  
“Can I ask, what is your name?” Jaken asked.  
“Sesshomaru,” The man states without looking back.
a/n: I hope you enjoyed as much as we did writing!!! PART 2 WILL BE UP ON @stubbornhalfbreed‘S PAGE! <3
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singsilver · 3 years
Still not an inuyasha blog, but we all need some laughs. Here's a list of popular Sesshoumaru pairings and why I think they're great.
Context: Sesshoumaru has always been my fav character. However, I ended up becoming a multishipper because I AM SO DESPERATE FOR A SHRED OF EMOTION out of that fucking plank, that literally any other character having any sort of romance or interaction with him was a slippery slope. These are in no particular order cause they are all, for the most part, great.
Sesskag: my O.G O.T.P! I always saw Sesshoumaru as a more mature Inuyasha (I say that lightly cause they're both dense), and I always felt kagome was too good for inuyasha 😆 (I mean she still is, but I'm good with inukag cause now we have moroha). This pair is a good balance of demon vs priestess. I mostly blame @youkaiyume for her beautiful art and storytelling. She had me hook, line and sinker. Will ship this until I die.
SessMir: also a good balance, similar to sesskag. These men could learn alot from each other, and it could have been oh so tender. Also its hot and has dope fan art 🤷‍♀️
SessSan: This pairing is dope because of the juxtapositions of demon vs slayer. Extra saucy, physically strong characters, and has great fan art.
SessNar: I actually dont like this pairing, but I'd be lying if I said I couldnt see why it's a thing. I just dont like naraku, honestly. Theyd probably go to sephora alot together, though.
SessKagu: the waaaaayyy better version of SessNar. Also kagura was so underrated. Rumiko did her dirty. This pairing could have been so beautifully toxic together, but it would be dope if it wasn't, too (they found d healing together or something). Not enough fan art of this, but some really good gems out there. I would have loved to see this become canon, and will ship it till I die.
SessRin: Oh the controversy. Personally? I never saw romance between them in the show or Manga (mostly because there never was anything beyond platonic interactions- in fact, I always assumed sess saw rin as more of a pet in an ironic twist of species?), but I did figure they'd end up together simply because of Rins influence over Sesshoumaru's character arch...which is all I ever wanted, really. Something. Just a little emotion that wasn't anger. I don't love the age difference (mostly because it's a low hanging fruit for people who dont like the ship), but despite some peoples claims, there really is no tangible toxicity in this relationship that we as fan actually witness. In fact, we only ever really see a mutual love, respect and dependability for one another, which is just plain lovely, and again, everything I wanted out of sesshoumaru's character. Also, rin being sassy and roasting Jaken often brings me great joy. Has great fanart. Will ship this until I die (now, more than ever, out of spite lol).
SessJak: I dont blame anyone for this. All the evidence is there, low key. "Beautiful Master" 😏
Sesskik: a very aesthetically pleasing pair, although emotionally speaking, it's like stacking bricks. Has great fan art.
SessInu: I mean...I've never actually been a fan, but they were always on each others ass, so...🤷‍♀️
SessKae: Pure Hilarity and underrated. Best age based pairing of all. No one appreciates kaede enough, and honestly? I'm not sure she can even die. Perfect for an immortal demon lord 😂
SessKog: This one is just hot 🤷‍♀️. Not as good as SessMir, better than SessNar. They'd probably kill each other because communication skills are lacking on both ends here. They're both dumb though, so who knows. Not enough fanart, but a handful of gems.
Sess x no one: now, the whole point of this post is self-serving ships, but sesshoumaru with no one is also very believable! I could totally see him has never learning how to be in a relationship, or never NEEDING to be in one. I dont believe being in a relationship was the only way we could've gotten emotion from him, but that would require better writing, so it was never gonna happen that way, unfortunately.
I hope over the next few weeks, despite all the commotion, the fans can at least just enjoy the show for what it's meant to be: a shitty anime sequal that is our only renewed outlet for nostalgia. If not, stop watching it and find inner peace 💖 life is hard enough these days.
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lacyjaybird · 7 years
Salty ask 3, 8, 9, 14, and 1 ☕️ 🐸
Ohh hello bby~ 
I reblog A LOT of crap so i had to do some significant scrolling to find this. so feel loved. 
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Not over an opinion. I have blocked people due to their aggression over their opinions tho. 
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Negative. All the hate I’ve ever gotten (surprisingly very little) has been out right. I did get an anon once that accused me of supporting Trump. I think i was most offended by that. 
9.Most disliked character(s)? Why?
I’m assuming you’re asking about the Inuyasha fandom. (no duh, Lace. of course she is.) And in that case, I have a 2 part answer. 
As a child I DESPISED Kikyo. My young mind couldn’t fathom the characters complexity at the time. All I saw was *insert Ana-chan’s bridge troll voice* “Meh meh meh Kikyo is such a home wrecker meh meh meh. Just stay dead you jealous bitch meh meh meh.” I couldn’t understand her character and thus I hated her.
But as an adult, I can say i don’t hate any characters, per say. I would say that my most disliked character would probably be Hakudoshi... that smug little shit. 
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I think it’s a couple of small things. Like the SEVERE ooc view of Inuyasha. Like, I know some fic writers that essentially only use his likeness and that’s it. They use no true character traits except that he’s hot-headed and likes to curse. Other than that he is nothing but a sex-crazed, lying, two-timing idiot. And that upsets me. 
Also the incest and inappropriate Sessrin. 
aaaand 1.What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
InuSess SessKag SessJak (shivers) and InuSot (Inuyasha and SOTA. I’ve seen it only once and i promise you I noped out so quickly that my computer glitched) also KagMir... I just, i know Miroku is a “horn dog”. Really. I do. But I just think that they have no sexual chemistry at all. They are more a BroTP than anything.
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mirsan · 7 years
Shay ur f*ckin cancelled 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮
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loveyou-x3000 · 4 years
I haven’t watched yashahime yet but I personally vote for jaken because, as you said, why not
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