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spaceorphan18 · 10 months ago
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Alright. So. This is a thing that happened....
I... maybe have written my first real X-Men - Rogue/Gambit fic. Inspired by an interview X-Men 97 Gambit Voice Actor did. And then, it got posted to Twitter. And then said Gambit Voice Actor reblogged it, READ IT, and commented.
I am so... shellshocked you guys. I cannot believe this happened. I just... I was shaking when I found out today. This is wild and amazing and I'm so flattered and wow. I just can't even believe it.
I have literally been smiling all day.
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ja3yun · 1 month ago
started writing a basis for an underground fighter!jay fic and accidently turned it into a series...
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haveihitanerve · 4 days ago
Priscilla's Final Petal
He said he loved her.
That was the thought ricocheting around in Cilla’s head as she wandered the empty halls of Saxony Manor, a glass of brandy cradled in one hand. She usually tended to opt for lighter drinks, but tonight called for something harsher. Something that burned. She needed the sharp sting of alcohol for the gloom of this eve.
Earl was out, going through a stroll through the garden, off to plant another one of his incessant buttercups at her grave.
Buttercups. Cilla shuddered, setting her half empty glass on the windowsill as she peered out into the ice chilled night. Frost had built up, crackling along the edges of the windowpane and she drew a lazy finger through it, tracing random shapes.
It had been four years now. Four. Why was he still…
Cilla withdrew, frustrated, heading off again down the hallway. She was already around the corner when she realized she’d left her drink behind. She halted for a moment, torn between her desire to pace, to move, to get away, and the need for the soothing burn of the liquor.
Before she could make her choice, a wail pierced the air. Cilla set off, relieved by the excuse not to have to make a decision, and rushed into the nursery.
They had released the nanny a few days ago, and while a few tasks that now fell to Cilla were… unpleasant, she much preferred the more intimate contact she got to spend with her daughter, rather than the nanny.
She knew it wasn't usual, for a woman of her standing, and the nanny had given her quite a few snide looks over the past few years, every time Cilla tried to hold her daughter, burp her, do any basic motherly things, but that could have also been do to… other reasons.
Cilla reached the nursery and rushed to her daughters bed.
“Shhhh.” She cooed, smiling gently as she wiped the few stray tears that had escaped her daughters eyes. “Shhhh, its alright Priscilla, I’m here. Mummy’s here.”
She slid her hands underneath Priscilla’s body, hefting her up and into her arms.
“Mummy.” Priscilla murmured, legs kicking fitfully as she buried her head into Cilla’s neck.
“Are you alright, my darling?” Cilla murmured, rocking slowly back and forth.
“Mm.” Priscilla hummed in response, pressing closer. “Had a nightmare.” She whispered, like it was a grave secret.
“Oh?” Cilla swallowed, tucking her daughter closer. “About the woman again?” She asked, trying to calm her pounding heart as much as she was her daughter.
“Mhm.” Priscilla nodded, tiny arms circling around Cilla’s neck. “I don't like her Mummy.” She whispered. “She’s scary.”
And as much as the words comforted Cilla, they were simultaneously like daggers to her heart. Twisting. Sharp. Jagged.
She tried her best, of course she did. She loved Priscilla, loved her like her own daughter. She was her own daughter, as far as Cilla and the public was concerned.
But she could never quite silence that whisper, that curling thread of guilt, that she was a horrible mother. That she didn't quite deserve the title. That one day it would all come crashing down.
But that was foolish. It wasn’t like Earl still visited Annabelle’s grave or anything. Even four years later. It wasn’t as though he still had Rumpled employed, while the rest of the staff was slowly being let go.
What if Annabelle, despite all her faults, was everything Cilla wasn't? Her arms tightened around Priscilla, already on her way back into dreamland in her arms.
Cilla felt tears choke her throat, the way they so often did when her thoughts turned like this. Which they did far too frequently.
She was trying. Trying so hard to do the dead woman justice in the only way she could.
She’d hated the woman, hated her with every breath of her being, but she was still trying to give her daughter everything. Trying to do her justice, one mother to another. But was it enough? Would it ever be enough?
Cilla rocked a little faster, clutching Priscilla in her arms. No one was taking her daughter from her. No one. Especially not a cold, dead woman.
Cilla turned sharply on one heel, heading back out into the hallway. Priscilla shifted, but stayed asleep, fully relaxed in her arms. Cilla wasn't quite certain of her destination, but she didn't want to set her daughter down. Leave her alone. Not tonight.
She found her glass on the windowsill where she’d left it, but pushed it aside. She didn't need the alcohol now, she’d found something much more soothing.
Dawn was beginning, she’d spent the whole night pacing restlessly through the house, and filtering glimpses of sunlight speared through the fog still blanketing the Saxony Estate.
She spotted him coming over the hilltop, a flower in his hand, hat planted firmly on his head. She knew the flower would remain in a vase on their dinner table for a week, at least, before he would give to Rumpled, who would dispose of it “the proper way” as the groundsman liked to say. Cilla rolled her eyes.
Earl spotted her, his hand lifting in a wave as he meandered his way towards the two way door.
Cilla ignored him, eyes shifting past to the place he emerged from. The mound of buttercups underneath the Olive Tree.
A chill snaked down her spine, but she refused to look away, not until Earl was inside, arms wrapped around her, his beard tickling her cheek as he pressed a kiss to their daughters head.
As long as he lived, Annabelle would haunt their every step. But Cilla would not let the demons of the past drag her down. Priscilla was her daughter. And as long as there was still breath in her lungs she would not let the tendrils of the past infect her daughter. Not until the final petal. 
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birdiebirdjay · 2 months ago
angsty little thing- thanks @percyweasleyapologist (og post here but maybe read that after this for maximum impact)
She was there, and then she wasn't.
That morning, Percy had woken up and thought, where's Penny?
He hadn't seen her since the night before last, when they'd patrolled together. They'd spoken, then, about Slytherin's heir and monster being on the loose. Penny thought it was targeting muggleborns. Percy had told her she was being paranoid. He was trying to reassure her, but truthfully, he couldn't be sure—what else did Colin Creevey, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Hermione Granger have in common?
He'd gotten out of bed, thinking that he would stop by the Transfiguration classroom to see if she was there. She was McGonagall's favorite; no doubt the professor would let her use the room, even on a Saturday.
It was a nice day, though. Sunny, and the flowers by the Great Lake were just starting to bloom. Maybe she was there.
He stepped out of his dorm and started down to the common room's exit, intending to pick a few for her. Maybe she'll make a flower crown, he thought to himself, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips at the thought.
The moment he walked outside, though, he found himself face-to-face with a pale, shaking Ginny. Her eyes were wide and watery, and she flinched at the sight of him. What—?
"Percy," she nearly sobs, her face draining of the little color it had left. "Penelope... Penelope Clearwater, she's..."
"Oh? You've seen her around, have you?" he asks, confused but more concerned about his sister's current state than about wherever Penny might be at the moment. "It's alright, I'll find her later. What's wrong, did the twins—?"
"No!" Ginny cries, reaching out and grabbing the front of his jumper. "Percy, she's— the monster, it—"
"What?" Percy's eyes go wide, and he shakes his head. Grabbing Ginny's wrists, he looks down at her, suddenly feeling nauseous. "Ginny, slow down. What happened?"
She just shakes her head, pressing her lips tight together and taking deep, shuddery breaths through her nose. "She's in the hospital wing," she says, reaching up to wipe her tears away. "I'm sorry, Percy. I'm so, so—"
Percy doesn't let her finish. Letting go of her, he sprints for the stairs, his heart starting to pound in his chest and tears already building in his eyes.
No, no, not Penny—
He's fairly certain he may have skipped at least four stairs at a time getting down to the hospital wing. Any other day, he would have sprained an ankle. He's fairly certain a professor had seen him, but he was too panicked to care now.
He throws the door of the infirmary open and freezes. On the bed closest to him—
A minute goes by, then another.
"Mister Weasley." Professor McGonagall stands up, her eyes red rimmed. Madam Pomfrey looks away from him, leaning down to brush a curl of hair from the motionless girl's forehead.
"No," he finds himself saying, slowly shaking his head. "No, no, no. Professor, she's not... petrified?" he asks, his fingers shaking.
"I'm sorry, Percy." Pomfrey shakes her head, wringing her hands out. "We found her last night. She's... she's gone, my dear. Gone."
uhh yeah i lowkey don't know how to end this sorry 😭😭 i got a bit carried away- also for the sake of this i'm saying hermione got petrified separately/earlier
also if anyone actually wants to write this as a full fic pls do!! i just couldnt get this out of my head djskhfskdhj
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imtheiliad · 9 months ago
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SLOWED-DOWN CLOCKS TETHERED...TO KEEP IT FOR YOU IN SWEETNESS [1.6k | Eddie Diaz & Christopher Diaz | post s7] {AO3}
Eddie’s first Father’s Day as a father he had barely registered the date let alone a holiday when he had woken up, not until his bunk mates had asked if he had scheduled time for a call. The other dads had been in the coms tent talking with their families through pixelated webcams, some kids holding signs or proudly showing off cards they had made at school or summer camp. Some others had cards come in the mail in the days leading up and following the actual holiday. Eddie felt ambivalent. He had left and had been a blurry blob and distant crackly voice to Christopher for a majority of his life. But he waited his turn with one of the computers, reached Shannon and Christopher, his father next to them on the couch, his mother puttering and fretting about in the background. The words wishing him a happy father’s day felt hollow. He didn’t really feel like a father. A provider to some degree, but not a father. 
Over the past few weeks Sundays are when he calls to check in, his mom texting him throughout the week about activities or if something urgent came up. But Sundays were always there was always a prick of hope in Eddie’s heart, to even hear Chris in the background. This Sunday he woke with more dread of the quiet of the house than he had every day of the past few weeks. The holiday taunting him everywhere he seemed to look. He goes to the kitchen and the “world's best dad” mug that Buck had helped Chris get him a few years ago, sat there in the cupboard nearly mocking him alongside the one from the zoo. At one time they had instilled in him the confidence that he was doing okay, at least in Christopher’s eyes. And that wasn’t true anymore. He slams the cupboard shut without grabbing a mug. It’s all too much. 
Eddie’s first father’s day stateside, the first one he held his son in his arms, he felt less than adequate. His son crying and not being able to comfort him. It felt fruitless. But how else were either of them going to learn. Eddie ached to learn, but was flying blind, no concrete example from his childhood to learn from. He had already tried that method of fatherhood, and it’s how he got here in the first place. So, he sat and held Christopher against his chest, humming a tune that is etched into his soul hoping that eventually Chris would calm. He doesn’t really even register when the crying softens to a whimper and then quiets into steady breathing in time with steady rocking, Eddie’s own breath evening too. 
His phone buzzes on the counter, the hope that lived in his chest flickering brighter. Evan said he would play basketball today if you want. From Tommy. I guess maybe that’s not as reassuring given what happened last time. Maybe time with the punching bag?  Buck had texted even before he had woken up, let me know if you want to do anything today. And if Eddie was honest with himself, he didn’t want to do anything. Going to the park to play a pick up game where they might see fathers and their kids doing countless activities made him slightly nauseous. Pummeling a bag felt useless, he had done it enough. And he wasn’t angry. It was too much energy to be angry.  He had already tried to be put on shift for today, but it had really been no use. Getting something you wanted was an impossible task at this point, even if it was to do something nice. So Eddie had decided to lock the doors and close the blinds and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist for today. 
Eddie’s first father’s day when he felt the most positive about being a father fell in June of 2018, they had just officially settled into their little house after having moved out of Pepa’s guest room last month. The academy was going great, their routine solidified. For today whatever mess that were his feelings about Shannon and her leaving were the last thing on his mind. He pushed Chris on the swings at the park, his son squealing with glee and begging to go higher. Chris had presented him with a hand drawn card when he came out of his room for breakfast. it really wasn’t all that different then their usual Sundays— it all just held a little more weight. He was providing a roof and love with Chris in his arms, breathing the same air. it was the most secure in his fatherhood Eddie had ever felt. That wasn’t saying a whole lot. But Chris only had him. And he wasn’t letting go again anytime soon. 
He does text Buck back, Not really feeling up for anything. Enjoy your day off with Tommy. Buck loved the message instantly, even without being in the house he was hovering. Not in a bad way. Just always there. And Eddie knows that this is not entirely easy for Buck either. But at least Chris was talking to him. He could see it in  Buck’s eyes anytime it came up. Another one of those things they dance around expertly. And there was a twinge of resentment and envy that Eddie wished would go away, and another part that told him he deserved this. Frank had said it was a normal reaction. Whatever that meant. Nothing felt normal. Not with the referral to a psychiatrist looming on his file. Frank had told him medication might really do him some good. And he can’t face it. That’s definitely not normal. But he does know he wants to try and get there. He knows it will help. Help him. Help him be a better father. And for yourself, Frank had dutifully reminded him when they had the conversation. But it was like actually making that call requires climbing a thousand foot brick wall. 
Time ticked by slowly, excruciatingly so as he waited for early hours of the evening, when they would be back at the house after whatever outing they had gone on today but before dinner. He waited, pacing his own living room, stopping along the mantle and end tables where pictures stood and he bites his lip while gazing at the smiley versions of himself, arms wrapped around Chris. He drags out the photo album he keeps tucked on the shelf, there are pictures from every stage of his life tucked in the plastic sleeves. He looks at himself, just a year or so older than Chris is now, awkwardly standing next to a tiny Shannon at their eighth grade graduation. Their prom pictures. Wedding pictures. Not that many pages later, the day he became a father. He barely recognizes the young man, baseball cap covering his head, his gaze fixed nowhere near the camera. Tucked in the pages, not in a sleeve, is a sonogram. A tiny little white splotch who became the embodiment of his entire heart. His heart that now was what felt like a million miles away, living and breathing without him. 
The clock ticked to the top of the hour, and the reminder popped up on his phone with a buzz. He wipes his face, and bites his lip harder, and with a shaky hand, he taps on his father’s contact, and the hope sparks brighter and the nerves wrap around his gut like usual. His leg bouncing, lip still rolling between his teeth. 
There’s shuffling on the other end of the line. 
The voice through the speaker isn’t his father, sounds impossibly older than the last time he heard it. The tears that had been threatening to spill all day finally broke free, he rubs a shaky hand over his face. His whole body shakes in relief. 
“Hey, Bud.” he can’t stop the waver in his voice. 
“Abuelo is in the bathroom, he’ll be right out. He said I should pick it up if I wanted.” 
It’s a quiet, hesitant admission. 
Eddie has thought about this moment since the second his son left his grasp but never let himself think about what he would say. He swallows past apologies and groveling. Those can come later. Right now his son is speaking to him. 
“What have you been up to?” he tries for casual and open ended, genuinely wanting to hear it in Chris’ words.   
“Today we went to the park for a picnic with lots of people. I met other teenagers who were cool, so that was fun.” Eddie swears he hears a voice crack, and he can barely bear it. 
“Glad you are making new friends.” 
The silence that draws out between them now is heavy, both of them knowing that now is not the time. Neither of them want it right now. Just breathing together again is enough. 
“I’m not ready to come back, or talk about it, but I…I miss you dad.” He could picture Chris sitting on his parent’s couch, his fingers tangling in the hem of his shirt, glasses balanced on the tip of his nose. 
It’s not what Eddie expected and fresh tears roll down his cheeks and the heartache that he has come to live with over the past few weeks intensifies for a moment. 
“I miss you too.” All the time. So much. More than you can ever know. He never wants this phone call to end. They might not be breathing the same air, but they were breathing together again. 
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eli-is-an-idiot · 5 months ago
i'm actually in love with the idea of andre beetroot hosting a 20 hour talk show where he interviews past sfth characters
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cloudy-em · 2 years ago
Bad Cop - Badass!Confident!reader x Soft!Shy!Spencer Reid
gender neutral reader!!
When Y/N first walked into the BAU, they had a chilled confidence surrounding them that made me nearly cower at my desk. Hotch had told the team we were getting a new member, but I expected some bright-eyed newly recruited agent to walk through our doors. Y/N held themself with such grace and confidence. They made eye contact with me, and I looked away immediately, flipping through a file on my desk and pretending to read it slowly. The next thing I knew, Y/N was in front of me, introducing themself before practically strutting away. They showed no signs of overexcitement or nervousness that every newcomer in the BAU holds. It was mildly intimidating that Y/N lacked that. 
It’s been 6 months, 13 days, and 44 minutes since Y/N first joined our team. They’ve been more helpful than I initially expected. They hold their PhD in human behavior studies and had previously worked in the Crimes Against Children Unit for 3 years before being sent up to the BAU. Y/N is very intelligent and always plays the “bad cop” role (incredibly effectively, might I add) whenever we have to interview suspects. They show no fear in the field, either, and they have not lost the confident energy surrounding their presence. I wish I could hang out with Y/N more often. I talk to them enough to do my job, but whenever drinks with the team or a game night comes up, I find myself stuttering out a lame excuse. It’s just that Y/N is cool and I don’t want to embarrass myself. I find my thoughts drifting to them often, even in the SUV as we’re on our way to an unsub’s warehouse, where he’s keeping a 15 year old girl prisoner. The SUV slows to a stop, hidden from view of the warehouse by tree cover and distance. We pile out of the cars, reviewing what we discussed at the local police station. 
“Remember, he wants as much time with her as he can get, which is why he’s turned his warehouse into a maze. He doesn’t think he can outsmart us; he just needs to delay us so he can finish his ritual. We move quickly in pairs. Clear the rooms, but don’t spend long getting distracted or held up by his puzzles. Our goal is to get to Mariah as quickly as possible,” Hotch states, the team and additional police officers nod. 
“Prentiss, Morgan take the south entrance and move around the perimeter. Reid, L/N take the south entrance and move towards the center,” Hotch’s voice trails off as he continues giving assignments for the warehouse maze, but all I can focus on is the fact that Y/N and I are going to be partners for this. I can hold my own, sure, but Y/N? They could probably take out 10 people by themself! I don’t want them to see me as incapable, because I’m not. I’ve passed all of my tests, written and physical. But by comparison, I’m a mouse and Y/N is a falcon. 
I’m brought back into reality by Y/N. “You ready?” they ask genuinely. I’ve never had the pleasure of being partnered with Y/N, but I’ve heard Emily say they take partner work very seriously. They’re committed. I nod at them for fear my voice would crack due to how dry my throat is. They nod back before turning around and calling a “let’s go” over their shoulder. The team jogs towards our respective entrances, Morgan and Prentiss in front of Y/N and I. We arrive at our destination, the south entrance, and Morgan tries the rusted metal door. Emily and Y/N both have their firearms raised, ready to enter and clear when Derek opens the door. He nods at them and they nod back. They clear and Derek and I enter before splitting up to join our partners. 
“You guys go left, that will lead you around the perimeter and those rooms. L/N and I are gonna go right so we can work our way towards the center,” I say, my eidetic memory not failing me as I recall the warehouse map from earlier. The other three nod before we begin to move. Y/N and I are quiet as we walk down the concrete corridor, guns raised and clearing each room as we move. 
Y/N pauses and I glance at them, questioning the sudden stop. “I hear something,” they whisper to me. Sure enough, there’s a sound ahead. Y/N points down the corridor and we walk towards the sound, picking up our pace as the sound grows in volume. I whisper into my mic where we are, letting the rest of the team know we’re onto something. Before it can even register, Y/N runs to the end of the hall with their guns raised, bursting into the room.
“FBI, drop your weapon!” I hear them announce firmly, as I enter the room with my firearm at the ready as well, I see our unsub kneeled in front of Mariah. She’s chained to the wall and the unsub has a knife in his hand. 
“Did you not hear me, dumbass, I said drop it!” They shout this time. The male laughs and he brings the knife closer to Mariah slowly, like he’s teasing the idea of whether he should hurt her or not. Y/N doesn’t hesitate. 
They launch themself across the room and onto the unsub, gun sliding across the room, and their sudden weight forcing his body to the floor. They twist his arm, causing him to drop the knife. “I don’t give third chances,” Y/N says. “On your stomach!” they order. He doesn’t listen. Y/N forces him onto his stomach, cuffing him and patting him down. As they move to press on his shoulders and biceps, ensuring he has nothing hidden there, he moves his head down to bite their finger. 
“Motherfucker!” Y/N yells, reactively punching him. “Where’s the key for Mariah’s restraints, huh?” they ask. He’s silent. “Tell me or I’ll hit you again!” he sighs and mutters that the key is around his neck. They pull it off of him throwing it across the room for me to catch (I did!) and I approach Mariah, trying to be as gentle as I can with her as I unlock the cuffs from around her wrists. She thanks me, throwing herself onto me in a hug. I pat her back, helping her stand up so we can walk her out of the building to her family and the waiting EMTs. 
“Successful op, huh Reid?” I hear Y/N approach as I’m standing by the ambulance, waiting for the EMTs to finish checking on Mariah. I’m a bit surprised. “Oh, um, yeah, except for you I guess.” Y/N raises an eyebrow in question. “He bit you, that’s gotta hurt, right?” I ask. Y/N shrugs. 
“Not really. It bled, sure, but it’s okay,” they tell me. I suddenly feel myself worried over their well-being. I place my hand between their shoulder blades, a silent request for them to follow me to the SUV. 
“Sit, please,” I mutter, grabbing one of the first aid kits we keep in the glovebox. Y/N smiles at me, and I try to keep my blush as bay when I smile back. I use hand sanitizer to clean my own hands before rubbing some into Y/N’s hands. “We’ll wash them and reapply the bandage when we’re back at the station, but this is okay for now,” I tell them and they nod in response. I place a bandage and antibacterial ointment on the wound, wrapping their finger snugly. 
“Oh, thank you, Doctor! You’ve saved me!” Y/N says, laughing at their own antics. I smile back, ready to remind them for the nth time that I’m not a medical doctor, but I think better of it and opt with a simple, “you’re welcome”. I turn to walk away, to check in with the rest of the team before I hear Y/N call to me. 
“Wait! Doctor Reid!” I turn to face them again, wondering if something else is wrong. Instead of wearing a concerned facial expression, Y/N wears a smirk. “You gonna kiss it better?”
thank you for reading! next up in order for my writing:
lip gallagher x fem!reader fake relationship
emily prentiss x fem!reader smut
chef luca x fem!reader smut
feel free to send me any messages with requests or if you'd like to join my taglists!!
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idontplaytrack · 5 months ago
✧ Hit and go (home)
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: age regression, fluff, reader’s on her period, injury in gym class, implied messy home life
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You simply didn’t feel right from the second you woke up. You felt exhausted even after a full eight hours of sleep, nauseous and cranky. You knew you were due to get your period soon and weren’t looking forward to it because you’d always have terrible headaches and cramps, among other things. You made it to school with AJ without an issue, but once you got there, you had to use the restroom. So, you went while AJ waited for you in the cafeteria, chatting with Gabi and Stacey. 
Lo and behold, you had just started your period and the cramps immediately hit you like a twist of your insides. Thank god you’d put a pad on before leaving the house. You took a deep breath, flushed the toilet and washed your hands. 
AJ smooches you on the cheek, palm naturally caressing your lower back. She notices the furrow of your brows and asks, “You okay?” 
Do you tell her? Nah, not now.
“Mhm.” You nodded, kissing her too for good measure.
AJ walks you to your home room, Gabi and Stacey close behind. Gabi enters the classroom with you— you two had the same homeroom. Then, you two said bye to AJ and Stacey who were headed to theirs. Settling down at your usual desk, you were picking at your nails while staring at the clock on the wall. When the teacher came in with morning announcements and other administrative matters, you could barely focus as the ache you were feeling began to be more widespread. 
Every single minute you spent in that seat felt like the bottom of your spine was on fire. But you persevered, blinking profusely to refocus on your teacher in the front of the room. It worked, you made it through home room, then social studies, physics, American literature, and finally— gym class. That was where you were doubting yourself, you weren’t too sure if you’d make it through the class without bursting into tears. Dillon was staring at you, you could feel it. Then you saw his worried face and looked away to avoid the question. Taking one last sip of water, you began your laps around the gymnasium when the teacher’s whistle went off.
Lunch was next, so it couldn’t be too bad, right?
Nope. You tried, you really tried. But when Tim’s dodgeball slammed into your chest because you didn’t react fast enough , you immediately went down. “Oh, shit!” He froze, “I am so sorry, y/n.”
Dillon knew something wasn’t right when he saw you just fall down like that. He ran over to you from his spot on the other side of the gym and helped you up.
“Are you okay?” He asked, pulling you up.
You swallowed thickly and gave him a nod. Admitting defeat, you walked over to the benches to sit down. The teacher didn’t say anything, given what she’d just witnessed. “You good? You wanna go to the nurse?” Dillon followed you. 
“No.” You answered quietly.
“You should go to—”
“…’m okay.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, screwing your eyes shut.
“Dillon! You still playing or what?” 
“Coming back, coming back.” He answered, jogging back onto the court but not without taking one last glance at you. 
You exhaled shakily, your mind started to race and the pain your were feeling all over your body began to intensify to a point where you could barely keep it together. And so, you stared into space, daydreaming. To keep your mind off the pain. It didn’t last long, however. The shrill sound of Murray’s whistle jolted you out of your thoughts. Causing something like a switch to flip in your head. You were gone. There wasn’t a single thought in your head now that would help you. All you could feel was the need for a hug from AJ, you could no longer focus on anything. The pain that was bothering you disappeared into the void thanks to this switch. But it honestly wasn’t safe for you here either to be doing this.
You got permission to go to the bathroom, then you were gone from the gym. Pushing the heavy door, you found yourself in front of the sink and mirror, staring at your reflection. A wave of pain from the cramping hits you, causing you to cry out as you gripped onto the porcelain sink. Your heart rate picks up, causing your mouth to go dry. You feel your phone in your pocket. Fishing it out you struggled to text AJ, hands shaky.
You just realised you had no idea were she was. Big you would know, but your brain wasn’t allowing you to figure that out right this second. You managed to call her instead, she picks up. 
“Hey, are you alright, honey?” She answered pretty quickly, voice quiet.
“No.” You told her shakily, “No. I— feel weird.”
“Baby, we have lunch in three minutes. Do you think you can hold on and find me in the cafeteria or do you want me to come get you?” She asks, you hear her walking out of what you assume was her classroom. 
You thought hard about her answer, then you said, “I wait.”
“Yeah?” AJ said back, “Okay, my love. I’ll see you in a few minutes. Be careful.” 
“Okay.” You muttered then hung up, cautiously making your way back to the gymnasium to grab your bag right as the bell went off. You winded your way through the group of students and made a beeline for the cafeteria before you slipped even further. 
You hear hurried footsteps behind you, then a tap on your shoulder. You jumped, startled letting out a gasp. “Hey— sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
It was…Dillon.
“How are you feeling? You were gone awhile.”
Here’s the thing, you could hear him loud and clear but you couldn’t exactly understand him anymore. You were fighting the urge to slip into the headspace and it was becoming harder and harder as your pain got worse and worse. You shrug. He doesn’t leave you alone though, now walking next to you to the cafeteria. 
Nearing the cafeteria, you spot AJ at a round table setting her backpack down. So you ran up to her and immediately just hugged her from behind with your arms eventually resting on her shoulders. “Hey, you.” She turned to glance at you. You usually didn’t show affection this way in school, so that tipped her off. “I wanna go home.” You frowned, “Don’t feel good.” She grabs your hand and gave it a squeeze before she turned around and cups your cheek. Her gaze softens and was promptly filled with worry. Dillon went ahead to get his own lunch to give you two some space, he understood.
“You wanna go home?” She asks softly. You nodded, licking your lips.
“Okay.” Her thumb strokes your cheek, “Okay, honey. I’m gonna take you home right now, okay? You’re alright, I got you.” 
AJ grabs her bag and your own, one hand holding onto yours while the other was busy with her phone— trying to text her Mom to let her know that she’d left school early. 
“Everything okay?” Stacey asks when you and AJ were just about to exit the cafeteria.
“Yeah, she’s just not feeling too well so I’m taking her home. I won’t be coming back, but we’re fine.” AJ quickly explained.
“Alright.” Stacey nods, “Take care, babes. I hope you feel better soon.” 
“Car keys.” Gabi handed them over to her sister, “Here. Drive safe.”
AJ takes you to her place, knowing that you’d one hundred percent be safer here than at your own home. You were nearly caught while in a regressed state at home, and forced yourself to ‘snap out of it’. By the end of that night, you had ran out of the house and was sobbing on the phone to AJ for her to come pick you up. That was the first time she’s ever seen you that distraught and even unlike your usual self. But she had no problem talking you through it and calming you down. 
“Baby.” She called for you, to get your attention, “Wanna change into pjs?” 
You gulped uncomfortably, giving her a nod. She shut her bedroom door and locked it before heading over to her closet and looking through it. AJ pulled out two different sets of pyjamas for you to choose from. How she went about doing things depended on how you felt, and how you seemed overall. Today, a fixed set of choices was the way to go in order to not overwhelm you. 
“Here, pick one.” She held onto both sets for you to see. You reached for the set with shorts instead of the one with long pants. “Do you want me to help?” She bent down a little to catch your gaze, not entirely sure if you’d fully gone into the headspace. Sometimes you’d force yourself to ‘stay big’, and she didn’t want you to do that because when you’ve eventually stopped masking, you’d usually have a meltdown because you were trying so hard to suppress the urge and emotions.
You mumbled a no then proceeded to change into the pyjamas right in front of her. Obviously, this was the norm whether or not you were regressed. You clearly felt safe and secure in her presence. While you were changing, she set both backpacks aside and plugged in both her phones and yours to let them charge. “You want some lunch?” She took your hand. 
You weren’t too sure thanks to the bloat. So you shrugged. “Tummy doesn’t feel good?” She asks knowingly. You shook your head, lips slightly pouted. 
“Come on.” She leads you down to the kitchen after retrieving your favourite sippy cup from her closet, “We’ll get you something to help make you feel better, hm?” 
The Campos family kept their OTC meds in the bottom shelf of their pantry. So that’s where AJ was looking in order to find one suitable for you, “Here we go.” She pulled out two options, one was a liquid, the other was a chewable pain reliever. She took one look at you and knew you’d be likely to throw up the liquid variety so she put that away. “Take this, okay? Then I’ll open up a pudding cup for you?” AJ suggested, you stood leaning against the kitchen island as she spoke. She hands the little pill to you and you took it from her, popping it into your mouth. It didn’t taste too horrible so you were done with it quite quickly. AJ hands you your cup that she’d filled with some apple juice first then turned around to grab you a vanilla pudding cup from the fridge— and a spoon, of course. She handed a teaspoon to you knowing you preferred a smaller one right now. “Sit down, honey.” She urged quietly. 
You took the spoon and sat down on a barstool. AJ does the same, sitting opposite you. She peeled off the top of the cup and hands it to you without saying anything. AJ kept a close eye on you and noticed you had teary eyes. She hated this sight with a passion. AJ hated the fact that she was the one responsible for the consequences of your parents’ actions. They had hurt you so badly that you were forced to heal this way. Your regression was always involuntary, and always triggered by your parents fighting or worse…oh shit. That must’ve been what happened last night before school today. 
AJ was glad you were using this way to heal, it was healthier than what you could have ended up doing. It actually helped you. Don’t get her wrong, AJ loved you to death and would do anything for you. She just had a very strong hatred and disrespect for your parents because of how they were like. Because of how they treated you and how they were still treating you. The girl before you bit back a sigh, and you could still feel her eyes on you. You usually didn’t care, but in this state? You were easily upset. You cried so easily but yet you loved to fight it.
AJ was learning that your behaviour during your regression was a direct reflection of how you were like when you were actually at that age. And it hurt her heart, it really did. She wanted to change that for you…she wants you to heal. 
Neither of you have had lunch yet, but she wants to make sure that you ate before she did. “Do you want some more?” She asks. You shook your head no before eating another spoonful. You didn’t feel like you could eat anymore, you felt full but you weren’t. 
“Okay.” She gave in anyway, knowing you were likely feeling very uncomfortable with today being day one of your period. Yeah, she figured that out too. 
“Wanna head back to bed, honey?” She leans closer to ask, also noting that you were done eating. 
“Okay.” You sniffed. AJ handed you your favourite blanket and stuffed toy, then you were quickly snuggled under your blanket with the toy in your arm. You were eager to block out the world, but also a bit more at ease now that the pain medicine was beginning to take effect. AJ was hungry, but she also knew you’d rather have her stay with you— at least till you fell asleep. So, that’s what she did. She sat right next to you, palm rubbing your back in a comforting motion or patting it in order to lull you to sleep. It was a simple tactic, but it always worked since you tended to be sleepier than usual in times like this. 
“I love you, baby.” She hums. 
You didn’t respond, obviously being so groggy but she knew you heard it because your body relaxed. 
A year ago, AJ had a complete breakdown over academics and the stress her Dad had put her through. Ever since then, he’d very thankfully stopped being so hard on her, and was grateful for AJ just doing the best she could— no matter what the grade was, or what the outcome was of a meet. Those few weeks were distressing for you, but she eventually worked through it, they talked everything out and have finally reached a mutual understanding after years and years of a strained relationship. You stuck by her side though— found it sweet and really appreciated it, especially since she knew the situation was a potential trigger. 
Anyway, so while her parents didn’t initially know that you had the tendency to age regress, her mother was very worried about you one day and talked to AJ about it.  Then it came out that you were actually regressed which was why you were so exceptionally clingy — you were right next to her holding on to her arm when she told her mother. Even if she didn’t say it, it was raising suspicion for sure. Once AJ had settled you down in her bed for a bit with cartoons and animal crackers, she sat down with her mom to explain everything. All while keeping the details as vague as she could to keep it private.
“So she just acts like a kid?”
“Well, it’s not that she’s acting like a kid. When regression happens, she believes that she’s actually that age. She’s reverted back to a time where she feels safer and happier. And knowing what she’s been through and is still going through, I really really get it.” 
Her mom gave her an apologetic look for how direct that question came across.
“How long has this been going on?” 
“I don’t know. But we’ve been together two years and I only found out about this eight months ago. It’s been very hard for her to talk to me about this so I really want to make sure you understand this. It’s okay if you don’t like it, you don’t have to be involved in caring for her in any way — but I just want her to have somewhere safe to heal. I won’t let her be in common areas if that’s what you want me to do. She’ll just be in my room.” 
“Why would I not want her in common areas?” 
“I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Mija, I’m a mom. I’m simply worried about someone’s child. If that’s all it is…she needs some time where she can snuggle with you, play with toys, watch cartoons and colour books and pages. I am so glad she’s doing all that and not harming herself or starving herself. She can feel free to do so, I need to understand this better, but she clearly feels safe here, she feels safe with you. So while I do that, you just focus on yourself and on her. Just be careful around your papi. You know he’s not too open-minded.”
“I know, mama. I just— you know I love her. And I love you, I never planned to keep things to myself but we just didn’t know if we told you, you’d be okay with it or not.”
“Don’t worry about it. I understand why, but now that I’m aware, if she needs anything, don’t hesitate to let me know, too.” 
AJ’s mom came home from work when AJ was in the kitchen eating. “How’s everything?”
“She’s napping now but was in some pain. Got her period this morning but something else set her off.” 
“Did she eat?” AJ’s mom set down her bag on the counter.
“Like, one pudding cup and some juice. She’s bloated and I don’t want to force it because otherwise there’d be a huge chance of her puking. Which she hates, then she’ll cry and I’ll cry so, I just let her sleep after taking the chewable pill.”
“Why are you home so early?”
“It’s not busy at the restaurant now, so I thought I’d come back to check on you girls for a little bit before going back there soon. It only gets busy once schools in the area let out for the day.” 
“Oh, okay.” AJ nods while munching on some fries.
“Do you want me to cook her anything? Soup? Congee?” 
“It’s okay, I’ll just ask her what she wants to eat later if she feels up for it.” 
Her mom agrees, “Alright. You doing okay?”
“I’m fine, just waiting on Gabi to be back so I can get started on my homework that she’s helping me bring home.” 
After finishing her lunch, AJ washed the dishes and did some chores. Her mom still made soup anyway, just to have it on ‘standby’. “Mama, you don’t—”
“It’s easy, it’s fine. I have time.” 
“Thank you.” AJ pressed a kiss to her mom’s cheek. 
“You’re welcome.” 
“I’ll cook some rice too.” AJ decided, “it’ll be easy on her stomach but be filling enough if she decides she wants some.” 
“That’s a good idea.” 
After putting all the ingredients into the pot, AJ’s mom let the soup simmer. Then, she got read y to head back to the restaurant. “I’ll get going, okay? Don’t hesitate to call or text if anything, yeah, mamita?” 
“I know, mama. Thank you, have a good rest of your shift.” 
With a kiss to the teen’s head, she was out the door. AJ eventually sits at the counter scrolling through her phone until she heard movement from her room that made her get on her feet. She put her phone down and went upstairs. “Hey, you’re up.” She stood in the doorway. It hasn’t even been an hour since you fell asleep. 
“I don’t feel good.” You said, holding your arms out for a hug. 
“I know, bubs. I know.” She sat down next to you and wrapped her arms around you instantly, “It’s just for a few days, okay? I promise. I’ll take good care of you in the meantime.” Resting your chin on her shoulder and inhaling the scent of her coconut water shampoo, your eyes shut when you felt that twist in your lower abdomen again. When you pulled away, she holds your face in her hand then brushes the hair out of your eyes. 
“Whyyyy.” You sulked. 
“Sometimes it just has to happen.” She strokes cheek. AJ wasn’t about to explain periods to you when you were in the headspace of a five year old. “But the fun thing is, you get all the snuggles you want. And play whatever you want.” 
You whined, obviously still in some discomfort despite the pain meds. “Why, what’s wrong?” She asks.
“It still hurts.” You groaned softly.
Maybe a heat pack will do you some good, she thought. 
“I’m gonna go get you something and we’ll see if it helps, kay? I’ll just be a sec.” You refused to let go of her, she chuckles, “Honey, if you don’t wanna let me go, I can’t get the heat pack for you from downstairs.” 
“Okay.” You gave in and put your arms down.
She smooches you on the cheek, “Good girl. I’ll be right back.” 
Right before she steps out of her room, you stopped her. So she turned around, “Yeah? What ya need, honey?”
“I’m…kinda hungry.”
“I got you.” She smiled. 
You pulled your blanket up again and grabbed your cup for a drink since you were thirsty. Staring into space, you only got pulled back into reality when you heard AJ enter the room again with the heat pack and a bowl of soup for you. “I’ll feed you.” She sits right by you, “After we put this on your tummy.” 
You nodded wordlessly, letting her help you with it. Once the warm weighted heat pack came into contact with your shirt, the heat spread to your skin, providing you with much needed relief soon after. “Is that good?” She asked, watching your face for any sign of discomfort. 
“Yeah.” You assured.
“Do you feel like you have to throw up, baby?” AJ asks while grabbing the bowl and spoon from your nightstand.
“No.” You murmured, “…’m okay.”
“That’s really good, baby. That’s so good.” She smiled softly, scooping a spoonful of the soup and rice and holding it up to your lips, “Have a little bit. No rush.” 
Finally, you felt okay enough to eat something. It was great, seeing that it was 3:20 in the afternoon and all you had today was a bowl of cereal and a pudding cup. Having something so warm and comforting was amazing. 
“Hey, I’m home!” A voice called out from downstairs. You got startled. 
“You’re good, you’re good. It’s just Gabi.” She shushed, plopping the spoon back in the bowl.
You’d knocked your toy off her bed in the process so AJ quickly picked it back up for you. “You’re okay, just focus on the cartoons— here.” AJ set up the iPad for you with one hand and let you watch your favourite cartoon to keep your mind hopefully off everything else.
You relaxed soon enough, and so did AJ, which allowed her to finish feeding you the entire bowl of chicken soup and rice. Gabi could be heard in her room next door, putting down her bag, washing up and her closet opening and closing. “Hey, guys.” 
“Gabs, hey.” AJ smiled back while getting up from the bed to put the bowl in the sink.
“Your homework.” Gabi held up the stack, “And hers. I’ll just leave it on your desk.” She walks in, placing the homework on the desk. “How’s she feeling?” 
“Eh, still a little suckish but we’re making do.” AJ answered, noticing a prompt shift in your demeanour once her sister walked in. She squeezes your hand. 
There had been enough going on for Gabi to notice over time, but she’s never once said anything because it wasn’t any of her business. “Anyway, mom made chicken soup so go eat if you haven’t.”
“I will.” Gabi quirked a brow, “You want me to bring that bowl downstairs? She seems pretty comfortable.”
AJ laughs, stroking your hair and noticing that you had your head in her lap. “That…would be great. Thanks, Gabs.” 
“No problem.” Gabi allowed herself to chuckle. 
Gabi left you and AJ alone quickly, remaining in the dining room to eat while AJ hung around with you up here. There was one little detail she couldn’t help but notice: you had your hand on your chest or clutching at your shirt there, a lot. Almost constantly in fact. “Bubs, what’s the matter? Why do you keep blocking your chest?” She finally asked.
You shook your head.
“Baby, come on.” She fought the urge to sigh, “Let me take a look.” 
Blinking the forming tears away, you bit your lip nervously but your hand loosens its grip. AJ lifted up to check what was going on. Her eyes widened, “Did this happen in gym?”
You nodded to answer her question, “Tim threw it, then it hit me.”
She knew it was the doing of a dodgeball, that was the current sport for her class too. It didn’t look too bad, just a small bruise and some redness. Damn, Tim really put all his might into the throw. AJ’s never seen an injury like this one before because of dodgeball. 
 Well then you had to use the restroom so you went, and she went with you. And she knew you’d need her there because you got scared seeing the bleeding. You forgot you were on your period. 
“Honey. Honey, breathe. You’re okay, everything’s okay.” She shut the bathroom door, “I’ll help you with it.” 
No questions asked, she peeled off the used sanitary napkin and got rid of it before putting on a new one for you. Usually, she’d guide you to do it yourself but right now you were as good as frozen so she assisted, otherwise you’d be sitting on the toilet for ages. 
Anyway, crisis averted. After washing her hands, she made sure you did too and took you back to her bed. “Alright— what do you wanna do now, bubs? How about a puzzle? Or should we do some colouring?” 
You thought about it, then answered, “Puzzle, please.” 
After fixing two puzzles, you decided you’ve had enough fun and wanted to lay on AJ and just let her hug you. Well, the girl absolutely loved doing that so she immediately pulled you onto herself. You kind of straddled her, with your cheek squished against her chest. “Are you tired?”
“No.” You shook your head, murmuring.
“So you just want my hugs then?” She grins.
You nodded, “Uh-huh.” 
“Well, lucky you.” She combs her fingers through your hair, planting a kiss to the top of your head. “Do you want anything for your chest? Does it hurt a lot?” 
“Nope, I want cuddles. Just feels a little weird.”
“Are you sure?” She looked you in the eye, “Does it hurt when you breathe, honey? Maybe you should lay down on your side instead.”
“No…” You whined, “I want cuddles.” 
“Okay.” AJ exhaled, rubbing your back, “Okay, you’re gonna get all the cuddles you want, bubs. I promise.” 
You giggled, “Yay.” 
“You’re silly.” She teased.
“No, you are.” You responded airily.
Meanwhile downstairs, AJ’s mom was home. “Mami, hi!” Gabi greeted, “Oh, they’re up in AJ’s room.”
Then footsteps, up the stairs, towards AJ’s room. “Hi, girls.” 
“Hi, Ana.” You looked back at the lady. AJ gasped, “Baby, what—”
“It’s okay.” Her mom bites back a laugh. “How are you feeling, sweetie?”
“No good.” You pouted.
“Well I’m sorry about that. But I got you a little something, maybe it’ll cheer you up?” Ana walked closer.
“Mom—” AJ squinted.
“Ay, es solo una cosita!” Ana chuckles.
“What did you— oh no way.”
“Look at her, she loves it!” Ana gushed.
“Where did you get it?” AJ arched a brow, “This blanket has been out of stock in the area for like— the last few weeks.” 
“I know you’ve been looking for it to get her one, so I decided to pop in to one of the stores near work to check. They just restocked.” Ana explained, “She’s not feeling too well so I figured it would be nice to get her a little pick me up.” 
“Thanks, mama.” AJ smiled brightly, “I’ll pay you back—”
“Ay, no. Don’t do that. Let me get her something every now and then, si? We can afford it, don’t worry.” 
“Say thank you, baby.” AJ nudged.
“Thaaank you.” You told Ana, beaming.
“You are very welcome, cariño.” Ana replied with a smile plastered on her face, “Gabi’s getting dinner started, I will be in the shower. Not to worry, your Dad went on his little trip with his guys. Feel free to do whatever, wherever.” 
“Okay, love you, mama.” 
Giving AJ a little kiss on the cheek and you one on your head, “Yo te quiero mas.” 
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Uh…so, I got a little carried away and this fic became 4.8k words😭 enjoy this fic that no one asked for🙂 (excuse my rusty Spanish)
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d-lanx · 8 months ago
i've been thinking about punklee and AJs book and how much of a fucking fanfiction it all is. Punk was most likely smitten with her before the storyline, they did the whole on-screen pretend romance. He was living out his dreams, and then in the final kiss, when he knew it would be the last time he'd get to do it under the guise of a storyline, he decided to make the most of it, and that was what made her start falling in love.
Punklee is a real life fake dating AU 🥺
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mangocurist · 3 days ago
i saw a new champwatt comic from @phfobiaa drop on twitter and i got shot in the chest thirty times
@reddoonsn1fan this is for you. your champwatt propaganda infected me
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.
It’s late at night when Seawatt poses the question, sitting just a few inches away from AJ as they stare out into the dark sky of the Master layer. The stars are almost just as bright as they were the night that the Old Man’s decree was passed, the night that his life was turned upside down and broken into pieces.
“Hey, AJ.” The sound of his own voice pierces the calm lull of silence between them, and Seawatt almost curses himself for disturbing the tranquility of their night. AJ, though, doesn’t seem to care (or perhaps he just doesn’t notice— Seawatt wouldn’t be the least bit surprised), turning to him with a quiet attentiveness he hardly ever possesses.
“Go on?” The other man nudges him when it becomes clear that Seawatt won’t speak on his own, his tongue lodged in his own throat and caught up in knots. “You didn’t want to just say ‘hi’, did you? If that was it, I expected some sort of monologue to come along with it.”
At that, Seawatt laughs despite himself, a rare ease that only ever possesses him around AJ settling around his shoulders. “No. No, that’s… you’re stupid. I wanted to know… if you were the Champion, what would you do?”
AJ tilts his head back, looking up at the stars surrounding them as he ponders over the question. Those small, glittering dots in the sky twinkle in time as the gleaming constellations covering AJ’s body do, and Seawatt finds himself thinking that he wouldn’t mind waiting forever for the other man’s answer.
It doesn’t take forever, though. 
“I would… banish the Old Man and make sure that he could never rank up,” AJ said, conviction coating his every word. 
The corner of Seawatt’s mouth quirked up; a little amused by the man’s confidence. It was what he had originally approached AJ for, sure… the man’s parkour prowess was undeniable, and if there was anyone who could defeat the Old Man and avenge Seawatt’s parents, it would be the only other citizen of Parkour Civilization who despised the Old Man just as much as Seawatt did… but getting to know AJ so closely and see him up close was something far different from studying the man’s moves from afar and wondering if there was finally someone else in his corner.
That’s why, when AJ opens his mouth to speak once more, Seawatt isn’t the least bit prepared to hear what he says next.
“Then… once I become Champion, and I get to change Parkour Civilization however I want… I’ll restore your layer.” AJ says, and Seawatt’s head snaps up to look at him.
“...Really?” He asks quietly, almost unsure of whether or not to believe the other man’s words. AJ isn’t looking at him, head still turned up toward the sky— but if Seawatt squints just a little, he thinks he can see a dark flush on the other’s face, drowning out the twinkling stars dotting his companion’s face.
It reminds him of the nebulae visible from home, on the fighter layer of Parkour Civilization. Seawatt doesn’t know how that makes him feel.
“Well. Duh.” AJ finally gets out, his foot kicking the side of the Master Apartment lazily. “We… you know. Of course I’d do that for you.”
Seawatt looks down at his lap, playing with his hands as his gaze softens.
“That’s… thank you.” He says, almost whispering. A tear wells up in the corner of his eye, and he blinks it away quickly, returning his gaze to the sky that looks so, so different from the one he remembers, and wonders what it will be like to find his way back home.
A hand comes to rest on his, and Seawatt gently grasps it, squeezing AJ’s fingers gently as a way of saying thank you without using any words.
He has a feeling he’ll be doing that a lot in the future, and for some reason, it brings another soft smile to his face instead of angry indignation.
Of course, AJ takes that as the perfect time to drop in a snarky remark.
“After that, I think I’d go and get all the men and women to date me,” he says, yelping when Seawatt reaches over and pinches him.
“You’re so stupid,” Seawatt tells him, but he’s still smiling, and AJ can tell, continuing on his stupid suggestion with a goofy grin only slightly obscured by his clanky helmet. “Y’know, my charm is already irresistible— but with Champion status? I mean, that’s gotta be at least ten bonus points, right?”
“I’m going home,” Seawatt tells him, but he makes no move to get up and leave.
Instead, he moves a little closer, and AJ just wraps a hand around his shoulders, both of them looking back up at the sky again.
In due time, they’ll have their shot at climbing past that boundless sky and up into the Old Man’s bloodied shoes. 
Right now, though, they just watch the stars in each other’s company.
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thlayli-ra · 4 months ago
Hey hey, le me again, I figured I’d do a fluff ficlet request as well since you said the more the merrier!
I really liked “Getting them something from the store when they only mentioned it in passing”, I adore cute little gestures like that and I think it would be really good with AJPunk, either way would work, I don’t have a preference for who’s going to the store, I know I’ll love it either way. I hope you’re not getting too swamped right now, this offer is just too good to pass up.
Are you kidding me???? First you give me Dick Rick/Mox whump and now MY OTP???? Three words... Hell Fucking YEAH!!!!!!!
Treat - 'Getting them something only mentioned in passing'
Characters - AJ Lee, CM Punk, Larry
Rating - Teen and up
Warnings - None apply
AJ knew that Punk's road to recovery would be tough but today was a particularly bad day. Not nearly as bad as his broken foot a couple years back, at least, that had been two and a half months of living hell! Probably because he had to remain in bed and couldn't do even the most basic of things like taking Larry out for a walk to get some fresh air. Punk was the same as AJ; a human hummingbird. He had to keep busy, keep moving or else he'd die.
'You mean sharks,' he'd said to her when she'd made the mistake of telling him the analogy once. 'Sharks have to keep moving or else they'll die.'
'Mmmm, nah, I think it's hummingbirds.'
'I'm telling you Ape, it's sharks. Hummingbirds perch all the damn time. Anyway,' he muttered under his breath, 'sharks are way cooler.'
She'd admitted defeat on that occasion, one of the incredibly rare times she did so. Mainly because she had an inkling she was wrong but that was beside the point. Punk was out injured, depressed and needed a win.
Today was another such day. She eyed his right arm strapped firmly in the hinged brace, almost identical to the one he'd worn on his other arm the year before. That injury had almost been something of a relief, a valid excuse to keep him away from a toxic environment that had been growing more poisonous by the week until Punk could no longer tell which of the greetings shot his way were friendly or chimpanzee smiles, hissing at him through clenched teeth. It had all blown up catastrophically and Punk was in no rush to return, nor did he have to thanks to his torn tricep.
(And the suspension too, of course.)
But now, with this injury, his third is almost as many years, it was a different story. He had just returned to WWE, the stars had finally aligned and the brightest among them that he had chased his entire career (re; his entire adult life) was finally within his grasp. He was going to headline Wrestlemania, finally take his place among the spotlight of the immortals.
However, the ground crumpled out from beneath him and instead of walking out of the Royal Rumble victorious, he hobbled out clutching his arm. An accident, more to do with the way he took the fall rather than the way Drew McIntyre executed the move, but Punk was still bitter about it. He had every right to be.
Particularly today, the day of Elimination Chamber. He was being uncharacteristically quiet and AJ found him on the couch flicking through all his colleagues posts on his phone. 'I should be there, Ape,' he sighed dejectedly. 'I was gonna win the thing and go on to challenge Seth for his title at Wrestlemania. Instead I'm sitting on my ass, squeezing a fucking foam ball every few minutes.'
'I know, baby,' AJ tried to offer what comfort she could, brushing his hair off his brow and planting a kiss on his temple. 'I'm sorry. Is there anything I can get you?'
'Nah, I'm good.'
'Not even a coffee.'
'No, thanks.'
Holy shit! Things were really bad if he was refusing a coffee. He was low, as low as she'd seen him in a long time and she needed to do something to help. Something big!
It was then that she remembered the moment shortly after he'd woken up from surgery a few weeks ago. She was there at his bedside, like she always was, when Punk, dozy from the anaesthetic, turned to her. 'Ape,' he'd said, his face as serious as the grave, half-lidded hazel eyes boring into her dark browns, 'I would destroy this entire building and everybody in it to get my hands on some Dr Crankenstein's Peanut-Butter Stuffed Goober-Heads right now!'
She'd blinked back at him for a moment. 'Ok, good to know,' she replied. 'I saw a vending machine outside, you want me to go buy you some-'
'AJ, AJ, AJ, Ape, Ape, Ape,' he whittled, wobbling his head from side-to-side. 'You sweet, beautiful creature, you' (Punk was extra affectionate when he was drugged up to his eyeballs, ironically) 'you can't just go buy them, they're not in season. They only bring 'em out for my birthday. And, you know, Halloween. Hence... hence' (she didn't know why he felt the need to say it twice), 'why I said I would destroy every brick in this fucking building and every man, woman and child in it to get my hands on them.'
'Oh...' Damn, he was lucky he was high as a kite right now or else she'd be a little concerned. 'Ok then, sweetie.'
'Except for you,' he added, clutching at his wife's hand. 'You're way too beautiful and amazing. I could never destroy you.'
'Ok. Good to know. Thanks.'
Inspiration struck! (She was a fucking genius!)
She would find those Gooby-watcha-thingies, even though it was only February, and she would present them to Punk to help him out of his depression. She imagined his face when she handed them over, how it would light up and his eyes fill with tears and his lips tremble as he uttered out 'how...' and she'd just shake back her hair and go 'because I am the best in the world'.'
No wait, that was his catchphrase. Damn... she'd think of line later.
Sneaking off to the back door, AJ pulled on her jacket and laced up her Chucks then popped Larry into his stroller.
'Larry,' she said, snapping on a pair of dark shades. 'Let's roll!'
The first place she tried was a short walk down the block. She found nothing in the candy aisle and tracked down a poor, unsuspecting employee to help her. 'Hey,' she said to the guy who looked to be in his early twenties and really didn't want to be here today, let alone serve some crazy lady pushing her tiny werewolf around like a baby. 'I was wondering if you happen to sell any Goober-Heads?'
'Any what?'
'Goober-Heads. You know, those things with peanut butter in them, made by uh, something-stein, um doctor or professor... Funkenstein or...'
'Dr Crankenstein?' The guy asked with a raised eyebrow.
'That's the guy!' AJ cheered. 'You got any of those?'
'Lady, this is February. They only come out in October around Halloween.'
'Yeah, I know that, but you might, I dunno, have one or two just lying around? Like in the back or something?'
'You think we have a secret stash of months-old candy in the back? In like, a super-secret closet? The same one we keep the Ark of the Covenant in?'
AJ knew she was being mocked. But also, kinda didn't care. She was on a mission from God. 'Do you?'
'No, lady!'
Hmm, worth a shot.
Being polite didn't work so in the next store she tried being flirty. 'Excuse me, kind sir?' she asked an older employee, pulling her shades down enough for her enormous chocolate eyes to look over them alluringly. 'Do you mind helping lil ol' me out?' Oh, so we're going for Southern Belle are we? Interesting...
'Of course, how can I help?' Oh dear, he sounded very professional and she suddenly spotted the word 'manager' on his name tag but she carried on in spite of the warning signs.
'You see, I'm having such a terrible time of it lately, you have no idea-'
'I'm sorry to hear that, m'am.'
'Oh, you're too kind. Why, firstly I was jilted by the man I loved with all my heart then I married another out of spite, a soldier who went off to fight then up and died from the measles-' And now, we're just reeling off the plot of Gone with the Wind. Great! '..and here I am, a widow in mourning with a child to raise by myself and all's I long for is my stolen youth.'
'I... see,' the manager said, sounding so very concerned and supremely confused. 'I am really, very sorry to-'
'But, you know what would make all this hurt and pain in my heart disappear?' AJ took a step in closer and whispered huskily 'every packet of Mister Crookenstein's Peanut-Butter Filled Cooker-Heads you have.'
The sudden change in tone broke every wire in the poor guy's brain. 'W-what?'
'If you'd be so kind?'
'Do you mean... Dr Crankenstein's Peanut-Butter Stuffed Goober-Heads?'
'Yes, those.'
'Um, M'am, I am terribly sorry for the loss of your husband and your, um... youth, but we don't currently have any Dr Crankenstein's Goober-Heads in stock. It's February.'
'Not even in the back? Like a secret stash in some kind of super-secret closet?'
The manager stared back at her blankly.
'I'll just show lil ol' me out, then.'
Next store, she channelled her inner Karen (she had to reach deep, deep down inside of her) 'You!' she screeched at the closest employee, her shrill voice making Larry jump inside his stroller. 'I want to speak to a manager!'
'That would be me, m'am,' a woman stepped out from behind the till, with a neatly pressed polo shirt and a 'don't-fuck-with-me' look on her face. AJ gulped and considered bolting for the door but then thought of her husband at home, scrolling mournfully through his phone and the vision was so tragic she kept her ground.
'Oh, good! I want every single one of your Dr Pepperstein's Peanut-Butter Crammed Goober-Heads this second cause I know you have some in the back and I won't be leaving without any.'
The manager took in a deep breath to keep herself good and calm. 'M'am, they only release Goober-Heads in October for-'
'I don't care. I am a paying customer and the customer is always right. Have one of your staff search the back and find me some Glooper-Heads-
'Uh, yes, Goober-Heads or else!'
The manager drew in another breath, staring daggers at AJ while she plucked her radio off her belt. 'Mack? This is Samira. Can you please search the back for any Dr Crankenstein's Peanut-Butter Stuffed Goober-Heads.'
'Goober-Heads? But this is Feb-'
'Just do it, jackass.'
She flicked off her radio and the two women stared one another down for ten long, long minutes until the radio crackled and Mack informed them that he had hunted high and low but found nothing.
'Yeah, but did he try the super-secret-'
'Get out of my store!'
'Fine.' Letting out a huff, AJ turned around. 'But you'll be getting a very firmly-worded e-mail from me about this!'
The following stores all followed the same pattern;
'In February?'
'I'm sorry, m'am, they're not in season.'
'They only release them around Halloween.'
'No, miss, we don't have any "lying around" in the back.'
'What do you mean "secret stash"?'
'I've said it once and I'll say it again, there's no such thing as a super-secret closet.'
Until AJ had to admit defeat and began the long, slow march home. Larry must have sensed her melancholy as he gave her hand a comforting lick. 'Thank you,' she smiled sadly when all of a sudden the little dog made a strange noise and began to pad his feet impatiently. She followed his gaze as he gave out a yip and gasped.
There on the corner, was a store she'd never seen before. An odd, little shop that looked dark inside but the red fluorescent light said it was 'open' so she took the chance and steered the stroller towards it.
The interior smelled of incense and had way too many curtains but there was a cash register in one corner, a fridge stuffed full of bargain basement soda brands buzzing in the other and an ancient coffee machine looming ghoulishly over her, suggesting it was indeed a convenient store. She wouldn't have been surprised, however, to find this place sold mogwais.
AJ spotted an old-fashioned reception bell on the counter so she went over and dinged it and waited for a reply. A head suddenly popped up from behind one of the shelving units, greeting her with a 'yes, how can I help you?'
'AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!' Clutching at her heaving chest, AJ tried to compose herself. 'I... um, do you... do you have any...' Only now, after everything she'd done that day, did it finally hit her how dumb she sounded. She hung her head. 'You know what, forget it.'
Turning Larry around, she began to head for the door when the shop assistant stepped out from behind the unit and eyed her. 'You've been searching for something, haven't you?'
AJ blinked rapidly at him. 'How did you-?'
'You have the steely look of determination and the stench of fatigue that comes with a formidable quest.' AJ scrunched up her nose at that, feeling insulted and more than a little tempted to lift up her arm and check. 'Tell me, young lady, what do you seek?'
'Um... Dr Crankenstein's Peanut-Butter Stuffed Goober-Heads?'
'In February?'
Her heart sank. 'I know, I know. They're out of season.'
The shop assistant glanced around him, shuffling over to the blinds at the window and peered out. 'Can you be trusted?'
'Uh... yeah?'
'Do you swear to take this secret with you to the grave?'
A bit dramatic for a packet of candy but, yeah, sure, whatever. 'I swear.'
The strange man lingered at the window a moment more than made a dash for counter. 'Follow me.' He lifted up one of the many curtains for her and Larry to enter through and AJ found herself in the storage area at the back, piled high with boxes and crates. But the man carried on, walking over to a huge, ornate closet made of dark wood and carved with intricate markings. It was pad-locked. He used a key on a chain around his neck to unlock it.
'Now, remember,' he said to her as he grasped the burnished metal handles, 'never breath a word of what you have witnessed today.'
She gave a firm nod. The doors were flung open, and a great light blinded her for a moment. As she blinked back into reality, what she saw was... beautiful! 'The Super-Secret Closet...' she hushed out under her breath.
'Here,' the shop assistant said, pressing a plastic packet into her hand. Angels sang in her skull when she spied those infamous words printed in black, loopy letters. Dr Crankenstein's Peanut-Butter Stuffed Goober-Heads. 'That'll be twenty dollars.'
It was a fucking rip-off! They only cost like five bucks.
She bought ten.
Then dashed home, her glorious treasure carefully stashed in the basket under Larry's stroller, both members of the triumphant fellowship holding their heads up high. Her feet were light as a feather, walking on air as she skipped up her driveway, unlocked the door and booped it open with the side of her butt and-
'Hey, you're back!' She jumped a mile when Punk manifested in the doorway behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. 'I missed you both so much.' Placing his lips against her neck, he peppered her with kisses, making her eyelids flutter and she swooned back against his strong chest.
'You seem happier?' she noted, looking up at him. Soft, hazel eyes glistened back at her.
'I am. Now that you're here.'
The corner of his lips curled and she was putty, melting under the influence of a blowtorch. 'You always brighten my day, no matter how low I feel. You always make it right, just by being you. I love you, Ape.'
In that moment, her mission dulled in importance and she walked away, leaving her precious bounty behind. Right now, what her husband needed... was her. So she sat with him and watched tv, cuddled into his side while Larry sprawled over both of them and snoozed with his little pink tongue sticking out between his distinctive fangs. They ate junk food and ordered take-out and laughed and kissed and talked about anything other than the PLE unfolding in Australia.
Later on, when Punk went to take Larry out for his evening walk he felt something large in his jacket pocket. To his utter amazement, he pulled out an unopened packet of Dr Crankenstein's Peanut-Butter Stuffed Goober-Heads!
'What the fuck?!'
From the living area, AJ lifted her head up lazily from her book and glanced over. 'Everything ok, baby?'
'Did you get these?' He waved the bag at her.
She made a face and shook her head. 'Never seen them before in my life.'
'They're like, my favourite candy of all time! But they're impossible to find this time of year.'
'Maybe you had them in your pocket this whole time and just forgot about them?'
'Yeah... maybe...'
AJ returned to her book, a small, sly smile on her lips when warm arms engulfed her shoulders and lips nuzzled into her hair, kissing her passionately. 'I fucking love you, April Jeanette Mendez!'
Her cheeks began to turn pink and she beamed back bashfully.
'I love you too!'
*I am never writing Dr Crankenstein's Peanut-Butter Stuffed Goober-Heads ever again!!!
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aj-lenoire · 1 year ago
because of the netflix live action show being released, the summit now has 2500 kudos holy shit 😭
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voltstone · 11 months ago
I love the fourth season. It does so many things right. But also. …it's kinda a mess.
Like a very pretty mess. But a mess. And I could write a wholeass essay on it. Don't feel like it right now.
I will say this one thing now though: it has always confused me how of all the seasons, S2 is the one that really explores being a kid in an apocalypse without really an adults to guide said kid, and not…S4?
Sure, there's adults in S2, but Clementine is stuck in this weird grey zone where she can't really rely on them, and has to be her own adult. And this does include Kenny, depending on what people choose to do, and what they interpret. Because he was easily just as bad given the specific scenes. Better, given other scenes, but the bad was…really bad.
But then there's S4. And like, yeah sure, the schoolkids are there to represent a healthy but struggling community—in that there's things to work through, but they genuinely care for each other, and they do whatever it takes to survive, regardless of what they think a "liability" is.
But like. The season never really explored the extent of what being abandoned by adults really would imply??
Like why is S2 the only one where exploring substances as a kid is a thing? Clementine can smoke and drink there, and that's with adult influence. Whereas with S4, nothing. Even though the fishing shack looks like it's a hotspot for booze.
I dunno if I'm making sense. This is why I generally write essays and not splurge on a post. Lol. But. I just. I just wish S4 really explored what the adults leaving did to those kids, man. Beyond what the season did.
S4 in this regard just felt like they knew what being a troubled kid implied, but they actually never wanted to depict kids doing more adult things, other than survival, even though Clementine 1) could've smoked and drank before because…the adults around her were…hmph, and 2) she is literally raising a child on her own. Like it beats around the bush but in a weird and obscure way that I don't have the energy to pick apart.
I just.
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alcego · 2 years ago
rated T for teens Kandreil 5.9k
Andrew is a line cook. he is also being bullied by a seagull
✨ read it here ✨
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imtheiliad · 2 years ago
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maddie and eddie texting coda [1/?] 6x12
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hippolotamus · 8 months ago
🐝🐝🐝(if it’s not too late) 😘
It's never too late for you, my dear. (She says as she answers a week and a half later...) Bridgerton sentences for you! 💖
“Evan!” His parents shout in unison, and if looks could kill he’d be dead a thousand times over. Maddie steps closer, resting her hand on his forearm as a reassurance. “Evan.” A soft antidote to the poisonous way his name was spat out only moments before. “It’s okay.” He turns to face his sister, ignoring that they aren’t alone. He can feel his voice breaking before he manages any words. “Maddie. How can you say that? It’s not. Not after-”  He swipes away the tears threatening to fall, unable to voice what he wants to but knowing she understands him just the same. In a single fluid movement, her hands come together around one of his and she locks their pinkies together.  “It’s okay, Evan,” she murmurs.
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