emilyatuniversity · 5 years
gradblrchallenge intro post! 
super excited to participate in the #gradblrchallenge this year! - hopefully it means I’m more productive! 
name or nickname: Emily
location: Oxford, UK
areas of study: Classical Archaeology focusing on Roman archaeology specifically Roman funerary art
level of study: heading into the second year of my two-year MPhil 
a word on your thesis/dissertation: right now the working title is ‘representations of infants and children in Roman funerary art’ aka I am interested in how infants (babies) and children are depicted on tombstones and sarcophagi and how these depictions might relate to age at death, ideas about childhood, the impact of a high childhood mortality rate etc - but it is still early days
do you have any other blogs? my main blog is @servivirmorir ! hence all my replies will be from that account! I’m also on Instagram where I mostly post photos of Oxford and share my favourite songs in my stories - emilyrosesherriff
what has been your experience with graduate school/university thus far? Oxford is big and scary and intimidating but I love it! I’ve been able to explore my areas of interest in new and interesting ways which has been really interesting and cool!
is this your first #gradblrchallenge? yep!
what do you hope to accomplish with this challenge? I am currently working six days a week and would love to dedicate more time after work to do thesis readings and research - I also want to work on a phd proposal!
where do you see yourself in five years? I am hoping to apply for a Phd  this year so either working as a recently graduated archaeologist or working in public engagement/outreach at a museum or similar site
meaning behind your url: my name is Emily and I’m at university - v simple
a random fact about you: My childhood dream job was archaeologist and now here I am!
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wanderlust-studies · 8 years
servivirmorir replied to your post:any good tv series that you guys recommend? I’m...
stranger things and sense8 on Netflix are very good!
I looooooved sense8 so much, will check out stranger things.
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ardiente-oscuridad · 9 years
Rules: Answer in a new post and tag as many followers as you want that you would like to get to know better. I was tagged by @servivirmorir
Name: Megan Nick name: Maggie, Meggie (though I much prefer Maggie), Meg, Moogoon (blame Sarah), Menage (also blame Sarah), Mengy (Again, blame Sarah) Sign: Taurus, though a lot of people mistake me for a Gemini Gender: Female Height: 5′5 Favourite Colour: Red Time Right Now: 17:04  Average Hours of Sleep: fuck if I know Lucky Numbers:  Last Thing I Googled: Modcloth Stylish Surprise  Number of Blankets I Sleep With: well, one duvet, with a velvet throw on top....sometimes throw in a knitted blanket or two if the heating hasn’t been on Favourite Fictional Characters: uh where do I begin....though I really identify with Leslie Knope. She reminds me so much of myself, and my friends have said she reminds them of me and vice versa Favorite Book: This is really hard to answer. Probably a toss up between Wuthering Heights, The Master and Margarita and Beloved. All wildly different books, I know. Though shout out to Emily, I did my AH English dissertation on The Bell Jar :)  Favourite Bands: I listen to a lot more soloists than bands, so I’ll just put down a mix of the two: Kate and Anna McGarrigle, Jeff Buckley, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Sonic Youth, Martha Wainwright, Kate Bush, David Bowie (RIP), Bjork, Pink Martini, The Cocteau Twins, This Mortal Coil, etc. (I listen to so much it’s hard to know where to begin tbh)  Dream Job: Relief worker/humanitarian aid where I can use my language skills in a way that will allow me to help people more directly too.   What Are You Wearing Right Now: A purple velvet skirt, a white sleeveless blouse with roses sewn on to it and tights When Did You Create Your Blog: 2011 Amount of Followers: 200  What Do You Post About: Anything that takes my fancy, really Do You Have Any Other Blogs: I don’t have any, though I’m planning on creating a few more soon :)  When Did Your Blog Reach its peak: idk tbh Your Most Active Follower: again, same answer as above What Made You Decide To Get A Tumblr: Fairly sure my friends Astrid and Annasya persuaded me Do You Get Asks On A Daily Basis: monthly Why Did You Choose Your URL: because I’m pretentious and even more so in Spanish *directly copying Emily’s answer here tbh*
I tag @softpancake , @mybody-is-a-nicolascage, @permanentbeershoe. @freekitten666 and anyone who else that wants to partake in this extravagant event ;)
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abandoned-but-loved · 12 years
How do you find the places to explore? I want to go to more places but I can't find any.
I usually find my places by talking to other Urbexers, searching the internet (Ukurbex.com is always good for it, also, it's where I put my photos) or just by seeing them and yelling 'OHH!' in the middle of public transport by accident, ahah!
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ardiente-oscuridad · 9 years
servivirmorir said: I love your hair!!
omg thank you! I cut it myself :D
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Vilnius, Vienna, Sarajevo, Podgorica and London :)
Vilnius (Would you change your nationality if you had the chance?): You know, this is something I’ve been thinking about. My answer may kinda hit the tangent, but I wish I could redo my life and be born in a Nordic country, if not in a German-speaking country.
Vienna (Choose a song to define your life and explain it.): Muse’s Starlight is the song that I think best defines my life. I feel that I’m always trying to be someone/make people proud, so the lyrics really resonate with me. For that reason, it’s one of the songs I go to when I’m feeling down or need some motivation
Sarajevo (How far would you go for the ones you love?): I would go as far as I needed to to care for those I love. “For those I love, I will sacrifice for.”
Podgorica (Would you die for what you believe?): I would think so. However, application and theory may be completely different things; I’m a wimp, I know.
London (More sense or more sensibility?): I’d like to say more sense, given how I believe this is asking if I have more sense or possess more sensibility than others.
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Conan's Tumblr fans power rankings to start July
1. Kwasi (kterkper-sixty-six)
2. Emily (servivirmorir)
3. Devorah (citrusginger)
4. Jessica (apineappleincident)
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servivirmorir replied to your post“That's it: I finished my undergrad career”
Exciting stuff!
Thanks! I'm both happy and excited to be done with my four years of university. Hopefully I can get into grad school as well!
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servivirmorir replied to your post“Conan's Tumblr fans power rankings for 3/23”
At least I'm winning something!
You briefly fell to second, but you've regained the top spot
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servivirmorir · 11 years
tagged by the lovely http://letthesuninside.tumblr.com/
Rule 1: Always post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked, and come up with 11 new ones Rule 3: Tag 12 people and link them to the post Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them
1. What are you listening to right now?
The new Bombay Bicycle Album, So Long See You Tomorrow. My favourite song so far is probably Eyes Off You although I love the start of Feel.
2. Thoughts on Valentine’s Day? (you can be my Valentine if you want)
Thank you! I'm honestly not that bothered by Valentines Day because it feels like a normal day most years.
3. How old are you?
18, although it's only three months till I'm nineteen.
4. What’s your favorite season?
It's a toss up between Spring and Autumn, because I'm not a fan of hot weather or cold weather. Not that it ever gets too hot here in Scotland!
5. Spend a day with anyone living or dead, who is it and what would you do?
I honestly don't know but maybe someone like Nelson Mandela or another of my idols who I can't think of right now. It would be pretty cool to spend a day with Andy Warhol though, and like go to the factory and meet all his celebrity friends and go and buy bulk loads of soup with him.
6. Top 5 favorite animals ever
Cats, wombats, alpaca, foxes and tigers. 
7. Pick one food to eat the rest of your life—only that food and nothing else for.ev.er.
Pizza. Always pizza.
8. Can you do a handstand?
I wouldn't like to try but I'll say yes. I used to be able to walk on my hands so I hope some of that has stayed.
9. Who’s the last person you told that you love?
My mum about ten minutes ago when she phoned.
10. How was your day?
I got woken up at 5am by my cats and then slept in until 2pm. Woke up again with a raging headache that has not been helped even by the most powerful prescribed medication. I'm going to have chicken for dinner and probably watch Raising Hope since that's all I've watched this past week. And then fall asleep at like 8pm and wake up every half an hour because of my headache. 
11. Opinion on any current event?
This isn't even really a current event worldwide, I've not really seen a lot about it on tumblr but I'm pretty interested in Scottish Independence. There's been a lot of stuff on the news lately about  what the Scottish currency would be if we were independent because the Westminster government is saying that we're not allowed to use the pound. So we could either join the Euro (which is a bad idea) or make our own currency, which I think would be really cool. Interesting I know.
I can't think of questions or who to tag so I'll probably do that later in the week (or not at all)
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servivirmorir · 12 years
the fact that I have a video of hoppípolla live on my phone makes everything seem so much brighter and happier
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