@kterkper-sixty-six replied to your post “@strippereureka replied to your post “Getting asked “are you a girl or...”
that's fucking rude...
I agree :/ 
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onewithspectacles · 10 years
I Got Tagged!
Tag game: characters who share the same personality type as you. (You can find your personality type using this test or figure it our for yourself like I did using this page. I always get weird results with the tests.)
I was tagged by real life fae: pixiidust
Rules: Find out what characters share the same personality type as you here (more like find which of the four points “Guardians/Artisans/Idealists/Rationals” has 2 letters in common with your result, click and then find your exact type) and list the characters that you find relevant below. Then tag five friends and let them know you tagged them!
I am INFJ, or the Counselor Some INFJs are: 
Yue and Roku from Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rufus from Bill & Ted
Amélie Poulain from Amélie
Britta Perry from Community
Bruce Wayne from The Dark Knight
Shepherd Book from Firefly
Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby 
Will Graham from Hannibal
Vincent Crabbe, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter
Moneypenny from James Bond
Mako from The Legend of Korra
Phil Coulson and Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Trinity from The Matrix
Jean Valjean from Les Misérables
Daenerys Targaryen from A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones
Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars
I tag: kterkper-sixty-six, batcheese, camillewithlove, kidgotyourtongue and spookyfitzzsimmons. 
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Conan's Tumblr fans power rankings to start July
1. Kwasi (kterkper-sixty-six)
2. Emily (servivirmorir)
3. Devorah (citrusginger)
4. Jessica (apineappleincident)
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vulpezvulpez · 10 years
multiples of ten!
Oh boy here goes
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - i think that would be Georgeanne
20. Do you like your neighbors? - i don’t really know my neighbors lol
30. Do you ever want to get married? - eh probably. preferably to someone rich.
40. What do you want to do after school? - well… I’d like to travel. other than that I don’t really know.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - purple
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - i can’t think of anything. :|
70. Names of your best friends - Allison, Evy, Quinn, Henry and a handful of people at school 
80. What color pants? - currently I’m wearing navy blue shorts.
90. Name a person you love - my mom
100. How are you feeling? - …done
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - lol
120. Are you afraid of the dark? - not really, no. 
130. Do you like subway - yes!
140. Summer or winter? - summer all the way. winter is never a good time for me, although I forced myself to find things i liked about it last winter
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? - well I have several books close to me because I’m sitting right by my book shelf so I’ll pick one at random. “She did not stir when Michael knocked her stick down with a clatter, reaching over her for a log to put on the fire, or when Michael, looking down into Sophie’s open mouth, remarked to the fireplace, “She’s got all her teeth. She’s not the Witch of the Waste, is she?” (that’s from Howl’s Moving Castle so I guess it wasn’t so random :P )
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valeroyeaux · 11 years
yooooo my 300th follower is my big and i think that is pretty cool. :D
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hashtagloveloses · 11 years
WEEWOOWEEWOO *pulls you over* Excuse me ma'am, do you realize how fast you were reblogging?
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@kterkper-sixty-six replied to your post “I keep finding out more and more to the extent that my ex cheated on...”
wtf?!?! that's some fucked up shit, yo...
And you know what else bothers me? 
I think a lot of our friends 'chose' him over me
I never wanted anyone to choose sides but
I literally did nothing but get cheated on and get lied to and get my heart broken 
and everyone still hangs out with him
but a few of our friends from high school seem to not want to have anything to do with me anymore
and its like
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onewithspectacles · 10 years
kterkper-sixty-six replied to your post: HANS YOU SHOWERBAG OH MY GOSH STOP IT&...
lol showerbag
Oh my gosh I didn't notice you responded to this until four days later. Stupid tumblr notifications...
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For my TEFL homework, I get to come up with Homonyms, and I'm sure Kwasi would be proud of me
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vulpezvulpez · 10 years
kterkper-sixty-six replied to your post:Reminders - Always make a point to tell people...
Dude this is perfection.
:3 thanks Kwasi
i try to be of help
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Conan's Tumblr fan power rankings for 5/30
1. Amanda (oppen-heimer-style), who is firmly in first place
2. Ford (fordtorney)
3. Kwasi (kterkper-sixty-six)
4. Devorah (citrusginger)
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Conan's Tumblr fans power rankings for May 1st
1. Tasha (where-your-treasure-is)
2. Kwasi (kterkper-sixty-six)
3. Amanda (oppen-heimer,style)
4. Ford (fordtorney)
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Conan's Tumblr Fan Power Rankings for 4/12/14
1. Anna (annamated.tumblr.com)
2. Kwasi (kterkper-sixty-six.tumblr.com)
3. Devorah (citrusginger.tumblr.com)
4. Katie (girl-in-the-pearls.tumblr.com)
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Jackie asked me this
Always post the rules

Answer the questions of the person who tagged you
write 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people and link them.
Let them know that they are tagged.
1. What’s your favorite scent? The scent of the freshly Zambonied hockey rink 2. What do you like most about each of the seasons? The different smells and sights. There's something beautiful about seeing all the leaves on the ground as well as the virgin snow. Plus, spring and summer have awesome weather, and you can't beat that. 3. If you could learn one thing overnight, what would you learn? The secret to getting one's dream job. Because really, I'm going to graduate in a semester and this is one of my burning concerns. 4. Have you ever had an out of body experience? Um, not that I'm aware of, for better or worse 5. What do you usually order from Starbucks? A small mocha. Not a big coffee guy by any means, but it's my rare treat. 6. What would be the perfect meal? I dunno, I feel like it changes based upon what you're feeling like. I'm a bum and thus will say Five Guys burgers and fries. I'm always content after a meal from there. Cheap, I know, but it's the one place I really love. 7. What do you spend money on the most? Hockey/hockey gear. I've blown several hundred dollars on jerseys, if not equipment; my skates alone cost $400. 8. What does your favorite outfit look like? Jeans and a shirt. I'm a guy-I don't really have a particularly nice outfit that I wear in and out. 9. Are your dreams usually realistic, or ridiculously fanciful? Both at times. Case in point: the time where I dreamt I married Ren. 10. Is it easy for you to fall in love? You know, I feel like I easily develop attractions for people, but I don't really fall in love that easily 11. Do you mark up your favorite books or try to keep them in perfect condition? I try to keep them in good condition just so I can keep them in my possession for longer, but as well as know, sometimes they just get bent, marked up, etc.
Questions for you all:
1. If you had the chance to go back in time and fix one situation, what would it be?
2. What has been your single greatest moment to date?
3. What is your guilty pleasure?
4. Out of all the dreams you've had, what was the weirdest?
5. Ultimate fantasy?
6. Least favorite season?
7. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
8. If someone you that you were cute and awesome, how would you react?
9. Favorite guilty pleasure?
10. Show or movie that you think is totally overrated?
11. Do you adhere to a daily routine?
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