#service auto
wetotalprobeauty · 5 months
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mg-aesthetic · 1 year
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life-spire · 2 years
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@ Isaac Garcia
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As multiple work stoppages continued across the United States, Democratic Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania on Thursday introduced legislation that would enable striking workers to qualify for federal food aid.
Called the Food Secure Strikers Act of 2023, Fetterman's bill would amend the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to ensure that striking workers aren't excluded from receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. In addition, the bill would preserve food stamp eligibility for public sector workers who are fired for striking and clarify that any income-eligible household is entitled to SNAP benefits even if a member of that household is on strike.
"Every union worker who is walking the picket line this summer needs to know that we have their back here in Washington," Fetterman said in a statement. "The union way of life is sacred. It's what built Pennsylvania and this nation. It is critical for us to protect workers' right to organize, and that includes making sure they and their families have the resources to support themselves while on strike."
"As chair of the Nutrition Subcommittee and an advocate for the union way of life, this bill is just plain common sense," he added. "I'm proud to introduce this bill that will eliminate the need for workers to choose between fighting for fair working conditions and putting food on the table for their families."
Workers typically forgo pay when they exercise their right to walk off the job in pursuit of higher wages and better conditions. Although union strike funds sometimes provide workers on the picket line with a stipend, it is less than their regular income.
Under existing law, striking workers and their households are ineligible to receive SNAP benefits unless they already qualified for food stamps prior to withholding their labor. This gives employers significant leverage over employees who can only endure economic hardship for so long. By repealing the current restriction on striking workers securing SNAP benefits, Fetterman's bill would help restore some balance to the struggle between capital and labor.
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"It's good to see lawmakers attempting to correct the wrongs of the past by reinstating a benefit for striking workers that never should have been taken away in the first place," said International Brotherhood of Teamsters president Sean O'Brien. "Congress should never pass laws that punish American workers and hopefully this amendment is a repudiation of that practice."
O'Brien spent the past several weeks preparing 340,000 United Parcel Service (UPS) warehouse workers and delivery drivers for what would have been the second-largest work stoppage at a single employer in U.S. history, trailing only a 1970 strike of 400,000 General Motors workers. Although a UPS strike has likely been averted after the logistics giant and the Teamsters reached a tentative five-year contract agreement on Tuesday, Fetterman's proposal comes amid a nationwide wave of ongoing and potential labor actions.
"The United Auto Workers have mirrored the Teamsters' militant stance, blasting CEOs ahead of their own contract negotiations slated for later this year," The Intercept reported Thursday. "And the truckers union has staged trainings in dozens of cities for a strike that could shut down shipping from coast to coast. In California, meanwhile, thousands of hotel workers organized with Unite Here are already on strike, along with tens of thousands of Hollywood writers and actors belonging to the Writers Guild and SAG-AFTRA, respectively."
The walkout of 160,000 writers and actors, who are fighting for improved remuneration and attempting to safeguard unionized jobs threatened by artificial intelligence-induced automation, is perhaps the most well-known of the current strikes.
Earlier this month, an anonymous studio executive admitted to Deadline that "the endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses," drawing widespread condemnation, including from star actor Ron Perlman.
The Food Secure Strikers Act is designed to counteract the delay tactics that bosses rely on to crush workers.
"Workers who make the difficult decision to go on strike are coming together to lift the standard of living and gain more respect for all working people," said Becky Pringle, president of the National Education Association (NEA). "They are prepared to make sacrifices—but going hungry should not be one of them. The Food Secure Strikers Act of 2023 will help ensure that when striking workers stand in solidarity for better working conditions and wages they can receive SNAP benefits so they don't put themselves and their families at risk."
The legislation is co-sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and 10 Senate Democrats, including Sherrod Brown (Ohio), Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), and Ron Wyden (Ore.). A companion bill was unveiled in the House by Democratic Reps. Alma Adams (N.C.) and Greg Casar (Texas).
It is also endorsed by numerous unions and anti-hunger organizations, including the Teamsters, NEA, the United Food and Commercial Workers, the Communications Workers of America, the Food Research Action Center, and Hunger-Free America.
"We need to get rid of the anti-union provisions in our code that starve striking workers," said Casar. "We're seeing workers exercise their rights across the country by going on strike to demand better wages and working conditions. That's why our bill, the Food Secure Strikers Act, is more important now than ever. We need to stop starving strikers, and ensure all working families are able to make ends meet."
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iristhepng · 1 year
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i think about this image nearly every day and it has done more for me than anything else ever will (this is found in gtav when jimmy is on his laptop btw!)
best parts of this picture
- niko wishing roman happy birthday !!!!
- mallorie, jacob, and brucie listed under his friends
- niko is currently working as a driver for bellic cab services and lives in broker
- the picture he posted, crying actual tears he is so cute posting pics of the city
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scule-service-auto · 6 months
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monmuses · 1 month
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gonna put the "no fun allowed" sign right here in the front, but i gotta emphasize that my blog is 18+. i auto-block minors. this also includes personal blogs who follow or watch my content. i know there's a couple muses i write that are from generally kid-friendly media, but the other characters on here are not so much kid-friendly.
i don't block to be petty or anything here, it's just to set boundaries. just wanted to put this out there 'cause i had to block a few blogs that were under 18. thanks yall!
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Thanks Glemser Bros Auto Service we almost forgor
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manasurge · 2 months
Ogod, my schedule for the next two weeks are such ASS. wtf… I’m going to be SO FREAKING TIRED and so freaking depressed. I hate it I hate it I hate it.
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snarp · 4 months
Me, several times today, while the law was happening to and around me: "I have GOT to do more drugs"
Coworker (on the phone): "huh"
Coworker (using loud photocopier): "were you talking to me"
Dad (not wearing hearing aids): "what"
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hoodiedeer · 1 year
i feel like if youre selling access to videos like tutorials or something the captions on your video should probably at least ATTEMPT to meet the standard quality, accuracy, formatting and availability requirements for tv/film captioning.
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assarivanguard · 5 months
what is the actual point of censoring bad words in subtitles idgi, it seriously pisses me off. the point is to caption what is being said so the message is conveyed, even if that message is fourteen cusses in a row that get comically specific the further into the sentence
like youtube auto captions censor the entire sentence so whats the fucking point of subtitling at that point. what the fuck becomes [____] until it deigns it appropriate to subtitle again
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danalockhart411 · 6 months
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I'm fine.
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fizzigigsimmer · 8 months
I'm a little scared but could you tell us about the slave hurt/comfort caligator fic?
Haha, don’t be too scared. I am still working on the outline for this one. It takes place in an dystopian reality where there was a second civil war in America and the Coalition of Patriot States succeeded from the union. Technically the war is ongoing and the country is divided into two territories separated by a wall. But for the most part, the two halves are in a stalemate.
In the states governed by the Coalition (CS) slavery is constitutional but following the collapse of the African slave trade they reverted to a feudal/classist system. The idea being that everyone should do their part to build up society and no one can be a drain. People who the government stamp “deviant” in any fashion lose all of their rights and enter the slave class. The only way out of this class is to have the government remove the ‘D’ from your citizenship papers (which rarely happens) or of course to escape to the free states. It’s a tragic fact that even in countries where slavery isn’t legal wealthy people like to purchase slaves from the CS and bring them back as domestic “staff”. The CS basically has a whole trafficking system set up to make money to fund their military etc. But there are lots of hoops that foreigners have to jump through before they are allowed to be buyers which means there is a certain amount of time they have to reside in the CS rubbing elbows with the first class. So it’s super dangerous, because if they are found out they’ll be killed.
Max is part of an organization that works to extract slaves from the CS and reunite them with family members in the free states. Her client is Dot who escaped her husband Roy and the CS after Roy discarded Gator due to an injury that ended his football career. Due to the high cost of his medical bills he had Gator stamped in order to pay back his debt - an extraordinarily cruel thing to do to ones own child when they have the money to care for them. Gator has spent the last ten years as a slave in his own father’s household with the possibility of re-earning his citizenship dangled over his head like a carrot.
Billy’s no hero and he’s not trying to risk his life to be one, but Max ambushes him with Dot and he can’t hear her story without thinking of his mom and how things might have been even worse for him if he’d been born south of the wall.
So Billy’s under cover in the CS playing a dangerous game with Roy and the big whig officials, and he really can’t afford to make any mistakes like fall in love with Gator - but of course he does. 😆 Lots of danger, intrigue and of course hurty bits but lots of comfort too as Billy becomes Gator’s anchor and and slowly helps him find his pieces and remember that he is in fact a person, worthy of dignity and love.
@martyreasemymind @adelacreations
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iristhepng · 1 year
thinking about how during the timeline of gta 5, franklin’s cousin tavell is visiting liberty city and ends up posting a bunch of stuff about what it’s like there and these are some of the posts
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mt-nynj-queer · 2 months
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