Barbara Secret Files
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 months ago
The Mandalorian
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I know I'm too late at the party but The Mandalorian is a really great show. Just finished watching 3 seasons (and Book of Boba Fett). I love Din and Grogu's dynamics very much. Their father and son tandem makes the show great. RIP to all cool weapons Din lost: Razer Crest, Dark Saber, his riffle and his jetpack. But all is well since he finally have a home in the end. Hopefully, there's a fourth season!!!! So excited for the movie!!!!
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barbarasecretfiles · 5 months ago
Agatha All Along
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Probably one of the best shows I've watched in a long time. I certainly love Wandavision and I love this show even more. My fave episodes would be episode 7(Lilia's trial) and episode 8. I will probably rewatch this again to gather more hidden clues. The show just lacks post credit scene!
I love being a witch!!
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 years ago
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 years ago
I like the original flashback
Lelouch last Flashback in Original Anime and in AU Movies
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This is Lelouch's last Flashback from the Anime; This one led to a lot of talk during the anime airing cause those were seemingly a best of of Lelouch's memories, from his most recent to his first;
Notice how despite those being chronological, Shirley's memory happens at the very beginning, out of chronological order while this scene happenned a while ago. Notice as well how there are three pauses (yeah, they were even minuted through video program lol ) in Lelouch's wave of memories before his final memory of happiness that was his childhood with Nunnally and Suzaku ?
Shirley and her smile, Kallen's kiss, and a moment with Rollo. While it pissed some people (Kallen and Rollo I mean) I always thought it was pretty telling (and the fact the pause were minuted and that even some notorious LuluC shippers acknowledged them (while refusing to give a meaning to them lmao) Lelouch ended up considering Rollo as his brother, despite everything which happenned, despite him killing Shirley he acknowledged that the moments they shared were real, and him pausing on this within his huge ammount of memories is quite telling.
For Kallen's kiss, we got a pause as well (while one of C.C.'s kiss and Shirley's kisses are also within this flashback, but have no pause), and just like with Rollo, I think that's pretty telling, If I wanted to push the analysis I'd say (especially given all of the side stuff that came out about this kiss being mutual, about Kallen understanding his feelings and seemingly ascerting within her side material that he spared her because their feelings matched) If we go by those pause we have his deepest regret, Shirley's loss, the loss of a friend/star crossed lover, first of his last memories because of how much this impacted him, a romantic moment with a woman he loved, a brotherly moment with his little brother and of course his childhood with Nunnally and Suzaku.
Had they wanted to show Kallen differently, as a subordinate, or a friend, they had plenty of stuff to show, but not only did they show her kiss, but they paused on it, unlike the other kisses.
(Keep in mind this flashback is really not much aside to her side material, but it's already nice for her fans, I think. Always a +)
Now if we look at the Alternate movie version (daily reminder that the Movie AU cut most of Lelouch's relationship with Kallen and Shirley, changed C.C.'s character so that she could become this one dimensional being orbitating around Lelouch and being Moe about that, changed some character fates, and to summarize it by Taniguchi's words, changed characters motivations and relationship (that's why for example, in the epilogue, Kallen who went from a main character to a supportive one, doesn't have any picture of Lelouch's face on her board, just a picture of his back lol. Even her feelings for him were altered when it was such a big part of her in the original.)
Anyway if you want to summarize the change in Code Geass, just share both flashback gifs. In the canon one you have a meaning, with important moments (being rushed but still being there) and meaningful pauses; While in the AU one...
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There is just much more green, everything is rushed and even super rushed), no more chronological order, no pauses, nothing. Even though they went to Moe CC route on this one I thought it was super disappointing to not have at least a good editing for what was supposed to be Lelouch's last thoughts; Even if they had done it and replaced others pause with C.C. eating pizza pause, or C.C. being jealous pause, that would have been much better but this one can't even be analyzed lol it's just a bunch of fast forward moment, with C.C.'s kiss and Lelouch killing Euphemia being more present.
And of course since Shirley is alive, she totally disappeared from Lelouch's last thoughts lmao (same as all of his ashford friends, who were there in the previous one.)
Anyway I think those two flashback gifs are a fast way to summarize the difference between the Original anime canon and the AU version.
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 years ago
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1x16 | 2x25
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 years ago
Enola Holmes 2
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This movie is better than the first one and much more enjoyable.  I like Enola's chemistry with Tewkesbury, and I pretty much enjoyed whenever the Holmes siblings are together. Wish there are more scenes of them together and just investigating crimes. They have great dynamics together.  Some parts of the plot are predictable like the cause of the disease that kills the match girls, Cecily being Sarah (and wanting help from Tewkesbury), and even the fan message of Tewkesbury. The only thing that surprised me is the identity of Moriarty. Like, I know the minister's secretary (or assistant) is kind of suspicious, but I didn't know she has that big character hiding in her shoulders. Pretty sure we will see more of her in the future (third movie please!!!).
All in all, I pretty much enjoyed this movie.
P.S. The poster above kinda give away the plot. Why I’m just realizing it now? 😭
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 years ago
They could be the next F4
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barbarasecretfiles · 2 years ago
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Guesting for House on wheels 4
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I love them so much I think I’m gonna cry. 
Extraordinary You
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Kim Hye Yoon as Eun Dan Oh Rowoon as Haru Lee Jae Wook as Baek Kyung Kim Young Dae as Oh Nam Joo Lee Na Eun as Yeo Joo Da Jung Gun Joo as Lee Do Hwa Lee Tae Ri as Jinmichae Kim Ji In as Shin Sae Mi
Warning: Spoilers Alert
So this story is about Eun Dan Oh, an 18 year old highschool student with heart problems. One day, she became aware of herself and found out that she was just a character in a comic book. What’s worst is that she’s not the female lead but just an extra with a set-up. Her role is to be the bridge between the two main leads and the fiancée of Baek Kyung who she have unrequited love for 10 years. She decided to escape what the writer intends for her future and to create her own fate. In the end she found out that her number 13 classmate can change her stage. In stage, that’s where happens what the writer wants to show in the story, while the shadow is like the behind the scenes. Only those characters who are aware of theirselves can remember what happened on the shadow. When Dan Oh saw the storyboard that she would be on an accident, she immediately decided to change it. She tried to put helmets and some sort of protection, but, she was a character with set - up. So the when the stage happens, all of her prepared measures are gone and she cannot move on her own. Luckily her 13th classmate was there to save her. Eventually, she named him Haru. From Haru’s perspective, he didn’t know where he begin. All he know is that his eyes is all on Dan Oh. Like he was always prepared to protect her. His first word was her name. He didn’t even know his own name. Haru is a namesless extra so he can freely move on his own. He can move on the stage since the writer is not “seeing” him. Dan Oh tried a lot of things to change her fate so she would have not died in the end.
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In this drama, there was two manhwas that was involve. First, they show the “Secret” where Joo Da and Namjoo is the lead and Do Hwa is the supporting character. This is where the whole story currently set - up. The “Secret” here is that Namjoo loves Joo Da.
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Second is the “Trumpet Creeper” which sets on a historical time. The main lead on this story is Dan Oh, Haru and Baek Kyung.
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The drama actually became more interesting when they showed this manhwa on the storyline. Everything on this part is so great!!! The costume, the storyline and the plot twist! Hope they made a mini drama centering the “Trumpet Creeper”. I love how they put the flashbacks of this story. And at first, I though only Haru was aware of himself. It’s good to think that Dan Oh was also aware of herself and she truly loves Haru. Sadly, they are the main characters. They cannot escape what the writer wants.  I cried so much when Dan Oh was stabbed and Haru keep on calling her “my lady” then her name before she died.  AND THE PROMISE HARU MADE AT THE LAST PART. Their story parallel with “Secret” because the writer reused their characters but it feels like they are reincarnated as highschool students. IT WAS GREAT. Haru will always find Dan Oh and they are each other’s beginning and fate.
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Parallel of Secret and Trumpet Creeper:
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I would like to express my love to this lovely trio: The Three Musketeer who wants to change their stage and fate.
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Sadly, since Haru keep on changing the stage, and he was just a nameless extra, he was deleted first when the writer was about to wrapped up the whole story. He was not on the last stage. The last stage was them graduating. Dan Oh put Haru’s name on her diploma like she’s remembering him. She wrote a letter on his desk just like what he did on hers. And in the end, Dan Oh decieded to visit the 300 years old oak tree. She found the last gift from Haru. Drawings of them together. Then cut.
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The drama moves on the last part. It was another manhwa that sets in college. Dan Oh is just a nameless extra here and it seems that Saemi is the female lead. The gangsters and bitches in the Secret manhwa is now the nerds and the nerds is now the gangsters. Namjoo is now the worst dresser and opposite on Secret where he was love by everyone, here, they don’t like him. But, Namjoo still like strawberries. I read somewhere that Baek Kyung, Joo Da and Do Hwa is not part of this manhwa because they already know the Secret. That’s why the writer put them on sleep.
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Then, when Dan Oh was in the library, they keep on showing the back of a man that was look like Haru. But him and Dan Oh keep on avoiding each other. Then, Dan Oh pass by to a wall with frames of artwork. There, Haru’s drawing was hung. Then, she heard Saemis and her friends saying about the 300th birthday of the tree (same line in Secret). So, Dan Oh went to the tree. When she was walking on the stairs, Haru pass by. But she didn’t see him. A blackhole appeared and it seems like the blackhole connects the different manhwas. When Dan Oh reached the tree she waited there. But nothing comes up so she just left. While walking, she suddenly remembered her memories of Haru so she came back again to the tree. She found Haru there but it seems like Haru doesn’t remember her so she just walk away. But Haru followed her and back hug her. Finally, they are together!!! And they are both nameless character so now they are free and can do whatever what they want.
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The amulet connects the Trumpet Creeper and Secret while the drawing of Haru was the connection between Secret and the new manhwa.
Both Haru and Dan Oh remembered what happened in Trumpet Creeper because the both lose their self awareness and became aware of it again in Secret. Kyung only remembered that he killed Dan Oh.
Haru probably the one who buried the amulet in Dan Oh’s quarters when she died in Trumpet Creeper. It is the same place where Dan Oh and Haru found the amulet in Secret.
The amulet’s string became black in Secret while it is green in Trumpet Creeper. It’s because it was already covered with Dan Oh’s blood.
There’s a korean folklore about the Trumpet Creeper. It’s about the court lady who loves the king but the king did not return her love. When she passed away, vines creep into her quarters signifying that she’s waiting for the king. The court lady’s name in Sohwa. (I though at first that it is the same name as Dried Squid Fairy’s gf).
This drama was aired last 2019 and has 32 episodes-30mins each. And honestly, I don’t know what I’m doing that time and why I did not watch this drama. THIS IS SO GOOD!!!!! I love every bit of it and it seems like it will took me long before I can finally move on. Rowoon and Hye Yoon is now on both historical drama. And I keep on thinking of Haru and Dan Oh. :<
This drama is 9/10
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Some pictures I found on the internet. I searched for Extraordinary You contents but its difficult because the drama was aired last 2019.  
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
New chapter?
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「コードギアス 復活のルルーシュ」 - 第11話その2
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
They should've go with their first plan with the number of episodes. They cut out a lot and made it into picture and audio drama which is crucial to the characterization of the characters. Especially to Lelouch and Suzaku's friendship. Because its deeper that what we thought. Also, Lelouch and Milly's friendship doesn't shown in the anime. That audio drama really emphasize their friendship.
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I rewatched Code Geass and I loved it more than I thought before. Maybe I was too young at that time so I don’t really understand but I do now. The emotion hit me like a truck 🥲 wanna make Code Geass merch so bad, maybe keychain or smt
Oh and the most important thing is I love Suzaku, i luv him, i luv him, I LUV HIM !!!!!!!!!!
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
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suzaku giving lelouch That Look™ 
[code geass: lelouch of the rebellion s1e1 // code geass: lelouch of the re;surrection]
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
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Well this is accurate summary.
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
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Ahn Hyo Seop as Cha Min
Park Bo Young as Go Se Yeon
Han So Hee as Jang Hee jin
Kwon Soo Hyun as Seo Ji Wook
Seo In Guk as Grim reaper
Kim Sarang as Go Se Yeon
Jung So min
Lee Si Eon as Park Dong Cheol
Abyss is a perfect combination of crime related drama, romance and comedy. The combination of actors is so good as well. I think the drama first aired in 2019? I heard of it but I never watch it till now because of Hyoseop. Abyss have no boring episodes because one moment you are laughing then another you are wondering what's happening. I really like the concept of Abyss where they can reborn again with the magical orb and solve crimes. Although there are parts that are confusing, the drama ended well. I just don't like some cgi parts of animated parts(like the orb thing) but it will do. Park Bo Young, as always, so great in her roles. Such versatile actress. Han So Hee is also good in here and I kinda like her acting here.
Abyss version of Hyoseop looks more cute and feels like a college heartthrob. And his hair in this looks so good on him. I also like his role because he's funny and sweet. Very different in his role in Business Proposal. I wish he will get more comedy roles but I feel like he's already done in it and now venturing on more mature roles. Business Proposal Hyoseop looks more mature plus he gained weight and muscles which is a very good thing because back then when he's thin, he resembles Nam Joo Hyuk. Now people can recognize him on his looks alone. I watched Abyss while waiting for episode 11 and 12 of Business Proposal and mind you, I feel like Cha Min and Tae Mu is played by 2 different actors. Hyoseop is so good at differentiating his characters. Hope to see more of him in different genre. He's so versatile.
All in all I really like the drama.
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
Ohhh~ So when Kang Taemu said:
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This is what he meant:
The aired scene really failed to show us the context. The answer can be found on the behind-the-scenes ㅋ
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
Feel na feel ni Hyoseop doon sa 6th na gif 😭
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
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A Business Proposal | Episode 11
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barbarasecretfiles · 3 years ago
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Kim Sejeong as Shin Hari Ahn Hyo Seop as Kang Tae mu Seol Inah as Jin Young Seo Kim MIn Kyu as Cha Seung Hun Choi Byung Chan as Shin Ha Min Song Won Seok as Lee Minwoo Lee Deok Hwa as Chairman Kang
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Its been a while that I watched such light hearted drama. A lot of dramas nowadays are heavy and full of angst. Business Proposal is such an unexpected game changer. You know its cliché but the drama delivered it in a good way. I'm not really expecting anything on this at first. I thought it was just a typical nugu drama(sorry for that!). Thankfully, I saw that tweet that says Sejeong looks like the Korean Emma Stone with the vid of Sejeong's Samantha and Rachel. That tweet made me rethink and watch this drama. I was hook~ I never thought it would be this good. Additionally, the lead actors have a great chemistry with each other as friends or a couple. Its rare to find actors to have such chemistry nowadays. I'm even more hook because of that Marie Claire photoshoot of Sejeong and Ahn Hyo Seop. The ost is also perfect. The three version of Love, Maybe is great!!!!!!! I never watched any Sejeong and Hyo Seop's drama in the past but I think I need to start searching for their dramas. I already start watching Abyss because of Hyo Seop and I will watch next the Uncanny Counter for my lovely Sejeong. AND!!! A special appreciation for Shin Geum Hi who gave the best looks for Sejeong. Her style, make up and overall never disappoints. My only concern for this drama is that why is it only 12 episodes? It has the potential if it is 16 episodes. But I really love it!!!!! Hope we can see them together again but Sejeong and Hyo Seop already have new drama on the way. Hopefully, Inah and Mingue will have another project where they are the lead couple.
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Some of the behind the scenes photos:
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