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trueshame · 7 months ago
Man forced to strip naked and laughed at by robbers (movie clip)
Location: Spain 🇪🇸 Year: 2008 Genre: Stripped Naked, Walk of Shame
This is a clip from spanish TV series Serrallonga. We can see a man who is forced to strip naked at gunpoint and is being laughed at while taking his clothes in front of other men, then he walks away naked.
The Naked Man (NM)
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Name: David Selvas (Antic) Age: 52 (36 during the scene) Nationality: Spanish (actor)
David plays the character named Antic, a rival to the other man - Joan, later known as spanish bandit legend Serrallonga. Antic was taken out as the thug leader and forced to strip naked, then walk away in shame while other men were histerically laughing at him. His stripping scene became iconic to the ENM community, as it contains everything necessary: single man nudity next to the clothed group, laughing, humiliation, walking away degraded.
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This is a speechless scene where no word is said. Just one guy stripping naked and the group of other men constantly laughing at him for about 30 seconds. Notice how he tries to keep a dignified face and avoid eye contact with other men.
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After removing all of his clothes, the actor walks away and the laughter becomes even more histerical as the man's bare ass is slowly vanishing on the horizon.
The Clothed Men (CM)
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Name: Isak Ferriz (Serrallonga) Age: 44 (28 during the scene) Nationality: Spanish (actor)
We can count a group of total 7 clothed men watching the other one stripping. But there is a leader: Joan Serra, later called Serrallonga. He is the one looking with pitiness how his rival, the former group leader is taken down and humiliated in front of the comrades.
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useless-catalanfacts · 1 year ago
Are there any Catalan (historical) dramas/series a diaspora like me could watch?
I tant! S'han fet moltes pel·lícules històriques, molts telefilms són biografies de personatges històrics. A més, ara TV3 ha fet que 3cat (plataforma gratis que es pot posar a la tele, tablet, mòbil, ordinador, etc) sigui accessible des de tot el món, així que és molt còmode.
A 3cat: Arnau (5 episodis).
A YouTube: aquesta és una docu-sèrie (part narrada com a documental i part dramatitzada) però està molt ben feta, sens dubte del millor que s'ha fet en català en matèria de realisme històric: Comtes, l'origen de Catalunya (4 episodis).
A A Punt: L'alqueria blanca (més de 400 episodis ja).
A IB3: Hotel Bellavista (2 temporades de 6 i 7 capítols cadascuna).
Mini-sèries (2 episodis)
Descalç sobre la terra vermella
Olor de colònia
Vida privada
Les veus del Pamano
Barcelona ciutat neutral
Andorra. Entre el torb i la Gestapo
Les meves preferides són Salvador (Puig Antich) i La vampira de Barcelona, totes dues a Filmin. Aviso que la de la vampira és bastant dura.
A 3cat:
La mort de Guillem (també a Filmin i A Punt a la carta)
Sis nits d'agost
L'enigma Verdaguer
La Xirgu
El metralla
Terra Baixa
Frederica Montseny, la dona que parla
Pau, la força d'un silenci
La llum d'Elna
Berenàveu a les fosques
Cançó per a tu
Ebre, del bressol a la batalla
Vicenç Ferrer
13 dies d'octubre
Quico Sabaté. Sense destí
Prim, l'assassinat del carrer del Turco
El cafè de la Marina
Un berenar a Ginebra
14 d'abril, Macià contra Companys
Jo, Ramon Llull
La dona del segle
Espero que en trobis que t'interessin!
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girlwikipedia · 2 years ago
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nedsecondline · 7 days ago
La fórmula de la belleza – Santiago Galicia Rojon Serrallonga
Derechos reservados conforme a la ley/ Copyright El secreto de la belleza consiste en su naturalidad y en su sencillez. No necesita, para resplandecer y cautivar, decoraciones artificiales ni disfraces innecesarios de maniquíes yertos e indiferentes que lucen modas pasajeras. Es natural. La belleza es magistral y plena cuando un hombre o una mujer abren las ventanas de su interior con el objetivo…
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anadelacalle · 9 months ago
¿Tan poco vale el arte de las letras? por Santiago Galicia Rojón Serrallonga.
¿Tan poco vale el arte de las letras?
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flaviatomaello · 10 months ago
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Tal vez si pudiéramos hablar tête-à-tête con Indiana Jones sin conocerlo y le pidiéramos que nos cuente quién es, diría de sí que es “un primate domesticado por la cultura. Un nómada en constante busca del pasado”. Ese es el modo en el que a su solías español le gusta autodefinirse. Es que la madre patria tiene su propio Indi. Jordi Serrallonga nació en 1969 en Barcelona. Es el único arqueólogo español afecto a usar sombrero fedora y pipa y que se ha obsesionado en seguir los pasos de Darwin, aunque considera a Tanzania su segundo hogar y ha sido adoptado por una tribu local.
Con él converso para @lanacionline en el suple #Conversaciones del pasado #domingo.
#FlaviaTomaello #arqueología #reportaje #periodismo #IndianaJones
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musictomyremember · 5 years ago
LILDAMI - Serrallonga (amb OQUES GRASSES)
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jordiausio · 4 years ago
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Disfrutada màxima avui! Ruta pistera però amb algun corriol molt 🔝!! 🤪🐗💪🏼 #guilleries #sau #susqueda #serrallonga #osona #catalunya #btt #mtb #mtblife #bttlife #cyclinglife #singletrack #funnyday #mountainbike #strava #komoot #catalunyaexperience #paisatgesdecatalunya #instaosona #igersosona #osoning https://www.instagram.com/p/CNh3yzvBVhX/?igshid=1mim9hf83lt9f
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aliguesdecatalunya · 5 years ago
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#Repost @aligadevilafranca • • • • • • Vilafranca Repost @davidfdezsays ——— Moments del final de la Festa Major #FMVila #FMVila19 #FestaMajor #FMVilafranca #Processó #SantFèlix #Vilafranca #Penedès #Balls #Drac #Diables #Àliga #Serrallonga #PenedèsExperience #PenedèsGrafies #IgersPenedès #ComelPenedèsnohihaRes #VilafrancadelPenedès #CatalunyaExperience #DescobreixCatalunya __________________________ #AligaDeVilafrancaDelPenedes #AligaDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCatalunya #AliguesDeCat #Aliga #FiguresZoomorfiques #ImatgeriaFestiva #CulturaPopular #BestiariFestiu (en Vilafranca del Penedes) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_jk4XPoIaU/?igshid=1f9gggnmmsu4l
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diyeipetea · 3 years ago
INSTANTZZ: Suite de Lucía -concert homenatge a Paco de Lucía- (Festival Ciutat Flamenco 2021/ Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius -C.A.T.-, Barcelona. 2021-10-22) (VI/VI) [Flamencura AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Joan Cortès
INSTANTZZ: Suite de Lucía -concert homenatge a Paco de Lucía- (Festival Ciutat Flamenco 2021/ Centre Artesà Tradicionàrius -C.A.T.-, Barcelona. 2021-10-22) (VI/VI) [Flamencura AKA Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Joan Cortès
Festival Ciutat Flamenco 2021 Fecha: viernes, 22 de octubre de 2021 Lugar: L’Auditori, Sala 2-Oriol Martorell (Barcelona) Formación: Suite de Lucía Joan Albert Amargós, dirección, orquestación, arreglos y transcripción Elena Rodríguez, violín Paula Del Río, violín María Avilés, violín Hugo Gracia, violín Laura Nicolás, violín Ana Fernández, violín Helena Gilabert, violín Carmen Pascual,…
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divulgadormisterios · 3 years ago
El arqueólogo, naturalista y explorador Jordi Serrallonga presenta en ‘La rosa de los vientos’  Dioses con pies de barro, el libro donde reflexiona sobre la situación de la especie humana en un planeta donde la evolución biológica es imparable. 💾
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memoriastoica · 7 years ago
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La morte negli occhi del gatto (1973)
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useless-catalanfacts · 4 years ago
hi i was wondering who is serrallonga (is it written like this?) ive heard him being mentioned here and there in songs and stuff
Serrallonga is a famous Catalan bandit from the 1600s who stole from the rich nobles and the king’s tax collectors and gave the money to the poor. He was persecuted by the monarchy (obviously) but survived for a long time because he was so loved that people voluntarily hid him in their homes. In the end, he was captured and got tortured and killed, but he is still remembered and admired nowadays.
To sum up you could say he’s like the Catalan version of Robin Hood.
The most famous song about him is this:
The lyrics translate to this:
“From the heart of the Guilleries [mountain range where Serrallonga was from], a great crash will sound which will bring echoes of war to the walls of Tavertet. From Sau to La Cellera, from el Far to the Matagalls, Serrallonga’s blunderbuss will return to the hiding places. Come back, come back, Serrallonga, for they will burn down the holm oak, they will pull out our stones, they will steal our land.”
(Note: Catalan people have a very strong sense of identification with the land, you can see that for example in the fact that the cry for independence is visca la terra, which means “long live the land”, or how so many organizations that fought for the rights of Catalan people had the concept “of the land” in their name, like the Movement in Defense of the Land (MDT). That’s why the cry that “they will burn down the holm oak tree, pull out the stone, and steal the land” is especially terrifying, even more knowing what it is referring to getting invaded and all of that that actually happened).
The band Ebri Knight recently made a song inspired by that too which is pretty cool too in my opinion (you can activate English subtitles in this one):
As you see, this one doesn’t say Serrallonga’s name, so to someone who doesn’t have the context and only reads a translation that could get lost. But everyone here will get the reference, especially because they cite some verses from the song above.
Another song I can think of rn is the one called “Serrallonga” by the trap singer Lildami ft. Oques Grasses:
So yes, as you said he is often brought up and referenced in songs!
His story is also told through traditional dances in some areas of Catalonia:
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(Don’t worry the blunderbusses they carry only shoot fireworks)
In Catalonia we have a kind of traditional dances we do on the streets during the local festivities called “spoken dances”, where the characters explain a story through dance and reciting verses. Serrallonga’s dance (ball d’en Serrallonga) is one of these. Groups of people dress up as Serrallonga, his lover Joana de Torrelles, their son, and the rest of the bandits from his gang.
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Needless to say, this dance was forbidden during Franco’s fascist dictatorship of Spain. And in 2015 the Spanish government barred it in Vilafranca del Penedès, but it was so ridiculous that they had to allow it again the following year. And
If you want to read more about Serrallonga’s life, you can check out this post I made a long time ago.
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sesiondemadrugada · 8 years ago
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Per qualche dollaro in più (Sergio Leone, 1965).
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nedsecondline · 14 days ago
Las plagas de la campiña y los parásitos del jardín
SANTIAGO GALICIA ROJON SERRALLONGA Derechos reservados conforme a la ley/ Copyright Hace algunos años, todavía era posible distinguir, en las …Las plagas de la campiña y los parásitos del jardín
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anadelacalle · 2 years ago
A cualquier hora
Santiago Galicia Rojón Serrallonga. Escritor y periodista. Añado yo un gran poeta. Leed por favor este breve poema en prosa, o como gustéis llamarlo. Elegancia en el decir!!!!
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