#seriously tho winter is too long
acearcane · 7 months
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They’re on their way back from the pool :)
(#2 of my Veekend drawings!! Check out @lunar-jewels amazing stuff for more cute Vee art!)
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foulphantomllama · 4 months
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
AESPA Winter x Male Reader (POV)
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Y/N is an abroad student from Europe. When he realizes he has feelings for his bully, Minjeong, their love-hate relationship made them push each others limits.
I will be releasing it in chapters. If you guys like it, i will make it as long as possible. And also I can take requests! Enjoy your reading.
The Exchange Student
It was always hard for me to go to school in the mornings. There were multiple reasons but the main one was my bully. Minjeong. But everybody was calling her Winter. Because she was stone cold, rude. Her attitude has a certain charm, I’m not going to lie. I guess this was the main reason I took the bullying for so long. I may be an exchange student but, i wasn’t really the type you expect to get bullied. After all, she was literally pocket size. I even can call her efforts cute. It was like taking a beating from a two year old. But little did I know that this cat has very sharp claws.
I had classes three days a week. So does she. She was not the brightest student, but she was always on time to classes. I don’t remember a single one that she missed. I, on the other hand, was pretty good at my grades and I knew my way around nearly all of the subjects. But still, she found something to make fun of me. But mainly me being a westerner. As time passed by, I get used to her attitude towards me. At some point I was addicted to her verbal abuse. She mocks my accent, my eating habits, the way I study. Everything. This toxic relationship started to grew inside me. It was just like I had found the motivation I needed to stop thinking about the choices I made with my life. And I was still getting pretty annoyed at some things she does but, overall, I started to fell for her.
Like I said, waking up in the morning always made me think about my choices. What the fuck I was doing in Korea tho? But I always ended up looking at myself at the mirror. Although my self-esteem was at its lowest, I was surprisingly pretty egoistic. Don’t ask me how that is possible. I don’t know either. Just like one of those mornings, I come to school, grab myself a freshly brewed americano and when I was on my way to the class, I saw Minjeong coming towards me. “Hi” she said with a soft, nice voice. Something I did not heard from her before. She got me. “Hi” I said back. “Look” she started to talk. I was nervous. Why I was nervous? “I’m so sorry for all my attitude towards you.” I was shocked. Did she just.. apologized to me? “Don’t worry about it. We’re adults after all, In fact I was starting to like it.” I answered. “Ha” she smirked at me. But that smirk was too evil and too inviting. She was fucking me up. Making me stand for everything I hated before. “So, can we just talk over there?” she said to me. I accepted. We started walking together.
After a little walk, we sat at a bench looking towards our building. She took my cofee off my hand and started drinking it. “Sorry, I’m so nervous.” She said. “I was probably never should have bullied you from the start.” She looked at me. Her face was to innocent to be guilty. But she was. I knew that but still, wanted to hear the rest. “Do you need something?” I asked. “How did you knew?” she answered back. “My father says If I don’t pass my classes this year It will be over for me.” “What will be over?” I answered. “School.” She said. “He says he will remove me from the school.” She put the coffee to the side. Something was seriously off. I could feel it. But I agreed to help anyway. She was so happy when I agreed to help her. Some of it felt insanely real. Was it real?
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undertheorangetree · 1 year
Pomegranate Seeds
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Summary- A retelling of the abduction of Persephone.
Warnings- MDNI 18+ NSFW. Female reader. Hades and Persephone AU. Star-crossed lovers vibes. Uncle/niece incest. Making out. Angst. Fluff. Titty sucking. Handjob. Cunnilingus. Vaginal fingering. Soft smut. Mild praise kink. Mildly OOC Aemond.
Author's Notes- Yeah I was a Percy Jackson/Greek mythology kid, thank you for noticing. I'm still playing incredibly fast and loose with the mythology tho so we're gonna have to make our peace with that. This is a beast btw, it's like 9.6K and you can find the rest on AO3 with the link below :)
divider created by @firefly-graphics
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It is moments like these, she thinks, that she loves most.
Alone in the meadow, surrounded by wildflowers, the babbling of the creek as it flows over the rocks. Everything green with the exception of the purple, white, and yellow flowerheads but lush and everbearing and alive, the sun little more than a hazy warm glow, not yet hot enough to be overbearing. It is peaceful here, so much more than she is used to. She had come to an agreement with her step sisters, Baela and Rhaena, that they allow her a few hours on her own in this meadow, undisturbed by anyone else. Though her mother much preferred to that she remain alongside her sisters whenever she is out of sight, she, Baela, and Rhaena had come to an agreement that what her mother didn’t know couldn’t hurt her. And besides, they were never too far away from her. Being water nymphs, they could be by her side in less than a moment if she really needed them, so long as she doe does not stray too far from the river. And she has never been more grateful for it than she is right now.
Stretching her arms high above her head, she stretches out along the grass, enjoying the feeling of every blade of grass, the sweet smell of the blooms wafting on the breeze. Admittedly, this meadow had not been quite so plentiful when they had found it, following along the winding river, but she is the goddess of spring. Flowers bloom at her word and sun shines with her will. It had not been too difficult to turn this meadow into her own personal paradise, away from the chaos often wrought by her mother and brothers and stepfather.
There is a sudden change in the wind that causes her to sit up. Colder than it had been before, something more akin to winter than spring. The ground seems to rumble beneath her, shaking as if the sudden cold has sent it to shiver. Curiously, she turns her head toward the tree line, where the birches and willows keep the meadow shielded from view, only to find a man standing among them. Dressed in all black- breeches, cloak, and the shred of his tunic she can see beneath it- his platinum hair is almost jarring in contrast. He is not a big man, long and lithe, but there is an air to him that feels dangerous, dangerous enough to give her pause. He has not noticed her yet, face turned away, but she can see the long, stern plains of his face from where she sits, looking incredibly serious. That seriousness is only exacerbated by the dark leather eyepatch covering the eye closest to her, a deep red scar carved beneath it.
She does not think she has ever seen anyone here before, not outside of Baela, Rhaena, and herself, and his presence here is almost incongruous. Still, there is an air about him, one that makes it clear that he is a god just as she is, and that alone should make his surprise appearance less shocking.
The sound of her voice seems to catch him off guard. Quickly, he turns toward her, shoulders tense, but they relax when he takes her in. She cannot imagine that she is intimidating, sitting flat in the grass all alone. “Hello.”
But it is that reminder of the grass that brings her pause. What is this man doing here? Where had he come from? It is not as if this meadow is easy to find, hidden amongst the trees as it is. She feels her brows furrow, head cocking in question. “How did you find this place?”
She had not put a glamour over this meadow, but she did not feel she had too. The forest, though light and airy, was a labyrinth of trees that seemed deterrent enough to keep any unwanted guests away. They were incredibly difficult to find your way through and she had been convinced it would be impossible to try- for God or mortal.
Near impossible, it seemed then.
His eye darts back to the treeline, taking half a step back. “If I am intruding, I can leave.”
“No.” She says it far too quickly and she can see the way his eyebrows raise in response to it, but she can’t find it in her to be ashamed. She is intrigued by this man, more so than she likely should be, and finds she wants to know more. To learn how he came to find this place. “Just because this place is unknown does not mean it is mine alone. You may stay. Beauty like this should be enjoyed.”
“Wise words,” he agrees, coming toward her. He hesitates at the end, torn on whether or not to truly join her, but it seems courtesy wins out as he lowers himself to the ground, joining her amongst the flowers. He looks entirely out of place, black against the blooms, but she says nothing, keeping her observation to herself.
They sit in absolute silence but she does not mind. He sits stiffly, as if uncomfortable, while she continues to take in all that is around her. From here, she can see the way the willows sway with the wind, the white puffy clouds floating by in the soft blue sky.
“I did not mean to,” he says. She looks at him, head tilted once again. “To find this place. It was not my intention. Though I admit I have never seen anything quite like it.”
She smiles, though he could not possibly know that he had complimented her. “It is a rare thing.”
“It feels almost as if it were from a painting,” he adds, looking around the meadow to take it in further.
She joins him in it, finding no shame in admiring her own work. It is a pretty place, though that had always been her intention. Olympus was beautiful in and of itself, but it was stark in that way. Ethereal and otherworldly, but cosmopolitan. Bright white marble, painted statues, stained glass. Everything beautiful, to be sure, but not in the untamed way that she seemed to crave. She preferred the beauty that was found in nature, in heavy branches filled with green leaves, tall grasses and wildflowers and crystalline waters.
“Do you know much about art?” she asks to fill the silence.
He seems caught off guard again from her question, but answers it anyway. “Not as much as I would like, but I can appreciate the beauty in something as well as any man. Though do not tell anyone. It would ruin my reputation.”
She laughs. “You needn’t worry. Your secret is safe with me. Which periods do you prefer?”
They talk for hours, the conversation unfurling as naturally as a bird’s wing. Art, history, philosophy. There is no subject they do not indulge in. He becomes less awkward with time as he grows more comfortable around her and she almost pulls a laugh from him not once, but twice. It seems quite the feat, for a man as serious as this one seems to be, though she does not let her pride get the better of her. When she asks him how she managed to find her well kept secret, he had simply said that one always finds the best things when you are not looking for them. A non answer, but that was alright. She was sure she could coax the answer from him eventually.
“Forgive me, I never asked you your name,” she says after what must have been hours, half appalled by her lack of manners.
He does not seem to mind, a good natured half smile making its way onto his face. “My friends call me Aemond. You may as well.”
It is not uncommon, for Gods to prefer more earthly names. She is often the same. There is power within a name and for such an innocent encounter, she does not feel the need to have him call her Persephone or Kore or any of those that strike some rumination of power and fear. So she gives him her common name, the one she feels is more true to who she is, and he smiles in response to it, repeating it back to her as if to test it. She likes the way it sounds when he says it, the way each letter seems to roll off him tongue, and somehow hearing him say the word alone is enough to make her flush.
She turns her head to hide it and only then notices that the sun has dipped below the trees, leaving the sky a hazy orange. Her mother will be expecting her home soon and there is no telling how poorly she will react if Rhaena and Baela return home without her. She doesn’t doubt that Rhaenyra will send her great serpent Syrax after her should she be even a moment late.
“I have to go,” she says, unable to keep the apologetic tone from her voice.
Reluctantly, she stands, brushing the dirt from her skirts. His lips had parted at her announcement, but now he ducks his head in an understanding nod. She smiles at him, not truly wanting to go yet, and makes her way toward the creek to call upon her sisters to come and fetch her. She does not make it two steps before he is calling after her.
“Can I see you again?”
She turns back to look at him. The insecurity on his face does not seem to match his features, looking almost out of place there. Still, she finds it entirely endearing and she realizes that she would absolutely like to see him again.
“Yes,” she agrees softly.
She does not bother to fight the smile itching its way onto her face. “Yes.”
He matches her smile then before standing. He comes forward and takes her hand, bringing her knuckles to his lips and placing a chaste kiss there. “Then I shall see you on the morrow, my lady.”
She can do nothing but hope he does not notice how hot her face has become.
“On the morrow.”
Read the rest here
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futurewdclandonorris · 9 months
Hello darling I have Lando x fem!reader’s request✨🥹
Sooo I HAVE THIS “You must need to be fast on track, but you can’t get me so fast” ON MY MIND
So the reader and Lando are pretty close and very touchy, she works for McLaren, maybe as a lawyer idk; so they spent some time together, especially in UK, but she always goes to Monaco. ANYWAY during a party (maybe after one of his podium) he gets very close to her, always a hand on her back, and at some he trying to express his feelings for her, idk he would do something very clingy soo she stopped him and said *that*.
So that night they come back together to his hotel room, kissing each other, but they finished cuddling. Because he wants to do the things seriously.
I'M BAAAACK!!! Don't know for how long tho, I had this sitting in my drafts for two weeks and felt like editing while Lando's stream played in the background. I thought I'd get so much more writing done once the winter break begins, but it looks like apparently I'm on a break too cause no matter how much I want to get things done, my brain is just like nope keep watching that show until the guilt of all the requests eats you away. So, my apologies to this anon for waiting for months and all the others that have sent requests, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just going through some difficult time currently, but hopefully it will get better soon. Not really satisfied with this, if I'm being honest, but really liked the idea which required a lot of research and banging my head against the wall to make it all work and fit, and really wanted to get it done. So I hope you enjoy! :) ♥
Trackside Temptations | Lando Norris⁴
The atmosphere in Silverstone was electric during the peak of racing season, filled with the aroma of success and bubbly champagne. Lando Norris, rising star in the world of Formula One, had just secured a spot on the podium, his heartbeat echoing in sync with the joyful cheers of the crowd, and was eager to join his team at the luxurious after party to celebrate their victory.
Navigating through the throngs of people, Lando couldn't ignore the rush of excitement mingled with a hint of anxiety. Though he prided himself on his unwavering confidence and determination behind the wheel, there was one individual in the room who could effortlessly rattle him – y/n, a sharp-witted lawyer whose support had been vital to Lando's success in his career.
As Lando made his way over to you, he couldn't help but feel the butterflies in his stomach begin to flutter. He had always admired you from afar, but tonight, he was determined to make a move.
You were dressed in a stunning red dress, your hair cascading in loose waves around your shoulders. You looked up as he approached, and he couldn't help but feel a jolt of electricity shoot through his body at the sight of your eyes.
"Congratulations, Lando!" you said, opening your arms for a hug. "You were incredible out there today."
Lando felt his heart skip a beat as he pulled you into a tight embrace, inhaling the intoxicating scent of your perfume and feeling the softness of your body pressed against his.
"Thanks, y/n," he said. "I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for always being there for me." he pulled back, his hands lingering on your arms.
"Of course, Lando. It's been an honor to support you through this journey." your voice was warm and sincere, and your smile reached your eyes, making them crinkle at the corners.
"Come on, let's join the others," Lando said, gesturing towards the rest of your team who were celebrating nearby.
You smiled and took Lando's hand, feeling a thrill run through your body at the touch of his skin against yours. As you made your way over to the group, Lando kept his hand firmly in yours, his fingers intertwining with yours in a silent show of possession.
The British Grand Prix after party was in full swing, and amidst the cacophony of laughter and clinking glasses, Lando and you found yourselves standing by a makeshift stage, watching your colleagues perform an impromptu karaoke session. The sight of your usually serious team members belting out pop classics with reckless abandon brought a smile to both your faces.
"Never thought I'd see the day when our chief engineer would sing Spice Girls," you remarked, your eyes sparkling with amusement.
"Neither did I," Lando replied, chuckling. "I bet they'll never live this down."
As you shared a laugh, Lando felt grateful for the easy camaraderie he had with you. You could always find something to laugh about, even in the most stressful situations. It was a testament to the trust you had built over the years, and it only seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.
"Seriously though, y/n," Lando said, his tone shifting to one of sincerity. "I just wanted to extend my gratitude again for everything you've done for me. You've been a true ally, both on and off the track."
Your cheeks flushed slightly at the heartfelt praise, but you brushed it off with a playful grin. "Well, someone has to keep you in line, Lando. You're lucky I'm so good at it."
"Indeed, I am," Lando agreed, smiling warmly. "But truly, your guidance and support have made all the difference in my career. I can't imagine where I'd be without you."
"Probably still driving go-karts," you teased, eliciting another laugh from Lando. Despite your jest, you appreciated the sentiment behind his words. Your bond was special, and it wasn't something either of you took for granted.
"Hey, don't knock go-karts," Lando retorted, feigning offense. "They're where it all began, after all."
"True," you conceded, your smile softening. "But we both know you were destined for much greater things, Lando. And I'm proud to have been a part of your journey."
"Thank you, y/n," Lando said, his voice warm and sincere. "Here's to many more victories together."
"Cheers to that," you replied, clinking your glass against his.
As the night progressed and the party continued, Lando found himself drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Every time you laughed, his heart skipped a beat. Every time you touched him, he felt a jolt of electricity course through his veins.
The music pulsed through the air, a rhythmic heartbeat that fueled the euphoria rippling through the crowd. McLaren team members and fellow racers moved with infectious energy, their laughter and conversation melding into an intoxicating symphony. Amidst it all, Lando and you swayed in unison to the beat, your eyes locked and smiles mirroring each other's elation.
"Hey, champ," called out a familiar voice, momentarily tearing Lando's gaze away from you. It was Carlos Sainz, a fellow racer and close friend, passing by with a wide grin. "Fantastic race today! You really showed them who's boss."
"Thanks, Carlos," Lando replied, his chest swelling with pride. "Couldn't have done it without everyone's support."
"Especially mine, right?" you chimed in playfully, a mischievous glint in your eyes.
"Of course!" Carlos exclaimed, laughing. "You're the true mastermind behind this achievement!"
As Carlos continued on, Lando gave you a knowing look, warmth radiating between you. You both knew the truth in the jest – that you had been instrumental in bringing him to this point.
"Shall we dance?" Lando asked, extending his hand with a cheeky grin. You nodded, accepting the invitation as you danced like no one was watching. The room around you seemed to blur, leaving just the two of you amidst the swirl of colors and sounds.
You found yourselves gravitating towards each other, your bodies moving in perfect sync as you danced to the pulsing beat of the music. Lando couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he watched you move. There was something about the way you moved – confident and sensual, yet somehow innocent at the same time – that made his heart race.
"I can't believe I'm dancing with you," he said, his voice low and intimate.
"Why not?" you replied, your smile teasing. "I'm just a lawyer, remember?"
He shook his head, his eyes darkening. "You're so much more than that, y/n. You're the reason I'm here, the reason I'm successful. You're the one who's always had my back, even when things were tough."
"And you're the reason I have a job," you teased, but there was a flicker of something more serious in your eyes. "You've made my work here worthwhile, Lando. You've given me purpose."
Lando's eyes searched yours, and he saw the truth in them. You weren't just colleagues or friends – there was something deeper between you both, something that had been simmering beneath the surface for years.
"Congratulations again, Lando," murmured a team member as he passed, patting him on the back and interrupting the moment between you. "You've made us all proud."
"Seriously, man, you were on fire today!" another added, clapping Lando's shoulder enthusiastically.
"Thank you, guys," Lando responded, his voice filled with gratitude. As he looked at you, he couldn't help but feel that part of it belonged to you as well.
"Can I just say," you began, your voice barely audible over the thumping music, leaning in and resting your arms on his shoulders "how incredibly proud I am of you?"
Lando's eyes flickered with a hint of surprise and pleasure, his heart racing as he gazed into your eyes. The dim lighting of the party accentuated the curve of your lips and the sparkle in your eyes, making him feel like he was gazing upon a work of art.
"Thank you, y/n," he said, his voice hoarse.
Your eyes met his, and in that moment, Lando knew that he had to have you. He didn't care about the risks or the consequences – he needed you more than anything.
The attraction between the two of you had always been undeniable, but up until now, Lando had resisted the urge to act on it. He had been so focused on his career and his goals that he had never allowed himself to explore the possibility of something more with you.
But as the night wore on and the champagne flowed freely, Lando found his resolve slipping. When he saw you dancing with one of the other drivers, a pang of jealousy burned in his chest. He wanted to be the one holding you close, he wanted to be the one making you laugh, he wanted to be the one kissing you senseless.
Without thinking, he made his way towards you, his heart racing with anticipation. As soon as he was close enough, he slid his arm around your waist and pulled you near, swaying in time with the music.
"Come with me," he whispered, his voice low and seductive.
Your eyes widened, but you didn't protest. You simply followed him as he led you away from the crowded dance floor and onto the terrace.
Once outside, Lando pulled you closer to him, letting his fingers caress your cheek as he looked into your eyes. His expression was a mixture of emotion - desire, longing and something more that neither of you could put into words.
"Remember when we first met?" Lando asked, his gaze fixed on you. "I was just some rookie driver signing a contract, and you were this intimidating lawyer."
You chuckled, recalling the memory fondly. "You've come a long way since then."
"And so have you," Lando replied, glancing over at you. "Your legal support has been invaluable, you know," Lando continued, his voice filled with gratitude. "All those contracts and negotiations... I couldn't do it without you."
"Hey, that's what I'm here for," you responded, a hint of pride in your tone. As a top-notch lawyer, you had played a significant role in helping Lando navigate the world of Formula One. From ironing out sponsorship deals to ensuring his rights were protected, you had been a force to be reckoned with.
"Sometimes I think about how different things would be if we hadn't crossed paths," Lando mused, his thoughts drifting. "I'm grateful every day that I have you by my side, both professionally and personally."
"Me too," you agreed, your gaze softening. You reached out, gently squeezing his hand in a show of solidarity. "We make a great team, Lando. But you didn't bring me out here to talk about contracts and negotiations," you said, your voice low and sultry as you leaned in closer to him. "What did you bring me out here for, Lando?"
Lando's breath hitched as he felt your hot breath against his neck. "No," he admitted. "I was... I just... I saw you dancing with George and I just couldn't stand there and watch any longer."
You grinned, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over you. You had known for a long time that Lando had harbored feelings for you, but you had never expected him to act on them so boldly. "Is that so?"
Lando nodded, his eyes darkening with desire as he reached up to brush a stray strand of hair out of your face. "I want you, y/n," he said, his voice low and intimate. "I've wanted you for a long time, but I've been too scared to say anything. But tonight... I just can't resist anymore."
Your heart was pounding so hard you could feel it in your chest. You had never seen Lando like this before. The way his eyes bore into yours, the way his breath mingled with yours, it was all so intense. And you wanted him too, more than anything.
Without another word, Lando cupped your face with his hands and lowered his lips to yours. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but it quickly escalated. His tongue swept into your mouth, exploring every inch, and you moaned into the kiss.
The terrace was dimly lit, but it felt like you were the only two people in the world. Lando's hands roamed over your body, pulling you close as he deepened the kiss. You could feel him pressing against you, and you couldn't help but grind against him.
"Lando," you gasped when the kiss finally broke, your lips swollen from the heat of it.
"Come back to my room with me," he murmured against your lips as he nipped at them. "I want to show you how much I appreciate everything you've done for me."
"Woah there, champ," you said, pulling back slightly. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's take this slow."
"How slow?" Lando asked, his voice a bit impatient.
"I know you're used to fast things," you said, a coy smile playing on your lips, "and you must need to be fast on track, but you can't get me so fast."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..." Lando began, your words slapping him back to reality.
"I'm just teasing," you said, placing a finger on his lips to silence him. "I know you didn't. And I'm not ready for that either, yet. But I want you to know I feel the same way about us." you whispered, tiptoeing to plant a soft kiss on his lips. "I just want to take this slow."
"I know, y/n," Lando replied, his voice deep and rumbly. "I want to take it slow too."
"Alright," you said  finally. "Let's go back inside. We can head back to your room after everyone goes home..."
Lando's grin widened. "Are you sure you don't want to go now? It's pretty late."
"I'd love to," you said, titling your head and looking up at him through your eyelashes. "But I want to give everyone a chance to congratulate you first." You giggled, looping your arm around his. "Then we can go back to your place and... celebrate."
"I like the sound of that," Lando said, pulling you in close and placing a lingering kiss against your lips. "Come on," Lando said, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the heart of the festivities.
You allowed yourself to be swept up in the excitement, unable to suppress the grin spreading across your face. As you weaved through the jubilant crowd, the warmth of Lando's hand in yours was like an anchor, keeping you grounded amidst the whirlwind of sensations.
"Oi! Norris!" a voice called out, cutting through the noise. "That was some race you had today! You've got to teach me your tricks!"
"Maybe next time, mate," Lando laughed, giving the fellow racer a friendly pat on the back before continuing on.
"Hey, y/n," another voice chimed in, one of your colleagues from the McLaren team. "You're doing a fantastic job with all the legal stuff. Keep it up!"
"Thanks," you replied, a blush creeping up her neck. "I'm just doing my part for the team."
As you reached the center of the celebration, Lando pulled you into a spontaneous twirl, eliciting a delighted giggle from you.
"Are you having fun?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.
"Definitely!" you felt a warmth spreading through your chest. That moment, the joy of victory and the intoxicating atmosphere, was something you knew you'd cherish forever.
"Good," Lando said softly, his gaze never leaving her eyes. "You deserve it, y/n."
Finally, everyone said their goodbyes and the two of you were left alone in the open air. The night sky was alight with stars, and the city below twinkled in the distance. Without a word, the two of you made your way to Lando's hotel room. He opened the door and stepped inside, pulling you with him. As soon as he closed the door, his hands were around your waist and he pulled you into a tight embrace.
You both sank down onto his bed without breaking contact. Lando enveloped you in his arms as he kissed your neck and shoulders hungrily. You felt so safe in his embrace, as if nothing else mattered in that moment but him holding you close. The intensity of it all was overwhelming, but comforting at the same time.
"Can you believe it?" Lando asked, his breath hot on your skin. "All those years, all that work, and here we are."
You looked up at him, a soft smile playing on your lips. "It's been quite a journey, hasn't it?"
"Definitely," Lando agreed, his eyes reflecting the pride he felt.
The two of you entwined in each other's arms until the early morning hours, savoring every moment together. His kisses sent shivers down your spine and his hands explored every inch of your body hungrily. Every touch was tender but passionate, as if he wanted to show you how much he cared for you. He cuddled up against you, whispering sweet words of affection into your ear.
It was clear that Lando wanted more than just physical pleasure from this encounter, and you felt the same way about him. You both wanted something real and lasting--something that went beyond the heat of the moment.
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princesssmars · 11 months
hazel falling in love with her childhood family friend is rotting my brain actually.
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wc : 1383
sfw and slight nsfw? fem reader. thanking emma and rachel for making hazel rich because i love writing rich people stuff. i’d say maybe a good mix of cocky!hazel and loser!hazel because i love both so bad.
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so for the first six years of her life she spends her winter holidays at a beautiful chalet in aspen with her parents, spending the days having snowball fights with her dad and falling asleep by the fireplace with her mom.
just like. she's rich, and her mom seems like one of thos wealthy women who loves to go on vacation to show off her perfect life and her perfect friends, so she or her husband definitely had a vacation house they'd visit every year.
when she turns seven they finally let her start skiing on the bunny slope, figuring it’s better than the little evil genius thing she does with the pots and the tiny snowmen. for a little kid she's pretty good at the sport already, if not taking the pizza and french fry tip a little too seriously.
about an hour in though, she's taking her umpteenth trip down the hill when a four foot mass slams into her right side, going at way above whatever speed limit was allowed in this area. she's lying flat on the ground, her right arm aching and her hound pounding and she's about ten seconds from crying when she looks over to see you, face planted in the snow and your shoulders shaking as you laugh like you're insane.
both sets of your parents rush over to make sure that the both of you are ok, and after you manage to calm down a bit and give hazel a very formal sounding apology that your mom whispered in your ear, you ask hazel if she can help you learn to control your speed on the slopes.
so after an hour of driving her crazy as she tries to teach you how to control your speed, your moms sit at a table watching over the both of you while sipping on their drinks and becoming fast friends.
ever since then, each winter was spent together. whether it was spending time in the snow, (hazel continued to excel at skiing, eventually giving up on trying to teach you), sharing stories of your normal lives over cups of cocoa at the cafe in the ski lodge, and helping each other decorate your christmas trees that you both had to beg your parents to buy.
whenever she went back home the days following new years, she’d count the days until she could see you again. to compensate for the time apart your parents let you send a horde of letters and e-mails to each other, letting the two of you share long phone calls on their phones when you were still to young to have your own.
hazels secret favorite hobby became photography. you couldn’t go twenty minutes without her shoving her polaroid camera in your face. she’ll tell you it’s because she’s using the vacation time to explore and try new things, and not that she constantly looks back over the photos of you with a big smile and a flush to her face.
(she also won’t mention that she’s addicted to the feeling she gets when pj and josie come over to her house and pj goes ona ten minute rant about how impossible it is that a girl that pretty could spend time with hazel without being insane. she ignores the insult because she’s hung up on the fact oh called you pretty.)
now i think hazel was pretty much always aware of the fact that she liked girls, if not because she realized that being obsessed with a certain scene from cruel intentions and always volunteering to play the husband when one of her friends wanted to play house on the playground was, in fact, not straight.
but at this point she’s maybe fifteen, she’s starting to grow into her looks and she’s definitely not ready to admit she might has a crush on you. at this point you both have had your own phones for a while, and she couldn’t even count the amount of times she had fallen asleep with you over facetime.
over the course of that year she often found herself wondering what your sexuality was. dumb ass stereotypes had her believing there was no way you, pretty and popular and preppy you could possibly be gay. and if you were a lesbian there was no chance that you'd like her back.
it was just made all the more confusing when once she had complained about how she hadn't had a girlfriend, let alone a first kiss yet and she was nearly halfway through high school with no experience for the hundredth time that you told her you had a solution for her on your next shared trip.
so you can imagine her shock when three days after landing in aspen you pull her into your room in your lodge and sit her on your bed before telling her you knew the perfect way to get more experience was to experiment with you.
"your first few times kissing and stuff can be pretty awkward, so why not just do it with me? i can show you the ropes and stuff.”
now on the outside she seemed normal, agreeing with an easy smile on her face, but on the inside her brain was playing the loudest tornado siren known to man.
it starts tame, the first few days consisting of you just telling her about your past experiences with girls and how to take it slow and everything. she knows its important but it honestly feels like torture. every time you talk to her she's wondering about what you'll do to start the physical lesson, if you'll set her down on her plush bed and softly touch her, or if you'll finally get fed up with the waiting like she is and press her and take her against a wall.
if you had known you would have prepared, but hazel was a freak in disguise and had decided that she was ready to take things into her own hands. you had invited her to sleep over at yours and drink hot cocoa while watching christmas movies and she had accepted in a heartbeat. what she didn't expect was for you to be wearing really cute pajamas, your legs covered in little hello kitty's and christmas trees with a plain red top and geez she could see you weren't wearing a bra.
hazel was a ticking time bomb, and when the two of you were sitting on the couch and she watched the reds and whites and golds dance across your face and you looked ovver at her with a 'what's wrong, hazie?' she exploded, smushing her lips onto yours in a mess of limbs and teeth.
she can feel your giggles in her mouth as she presses you down into the plush of the couch, her excited hands gripping your cheeks before brushing over your chest and gripping your waist, grinding her hips into yours and groaning when your giggle turned into high pitched moans.
it feels like she kisses you for hours before you reluctantly stop, your hands going to press into her shoulders when her head follows yours to resume making out. "hazel, as much as i'm enjoying this we were supposed to be taking this slowly. since when did you know how to...do that?"
"i dont know i just," she sighs as she tries to catch her breath, starting to get embarrassed about what a virginal mess she must look and be acting like. but you seem to like it, so she starts to not care all that much. "i just really want you. i wanna do everything with you."
you smile and hold her cheek in your hand, her eyes fluttering shut at your touch. you look at the gentle expression on her face, the slowing of her breath, and how her hips still occasionally stutter downward looking for yours, and you cant find it in your heart to deny her. you never really could.
"ok, hazie. we can do whatever you want-"
you're cut off before you can finish, the girl quickly rejoining your lips together and groping at your body once again.
when she gets back from vacation, hazel is less single, less unexperienced, and more than ready to throw this in pj's face.
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i kinda lost inspo for this can you tell :,(((( but i thought the idea was cute so take this thing. bye.
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wifeofsnowbaird · 8 months
can you do a Tom Blyth x reader where they are filming like a romcom or something and they fall in love over the course of filming? i was thinking fluff but i would not be upset if it somehow ended up with some smut in their trailer ;) , just follow your heart!! lots of love ❤️
ofc! I’m absolutely shitty at smut tho i might try with this one but idk so fluff it is❤️ it’s gonna have 3 parts bc it’s definitely gonna need more than a short post!
this first part isnt really when they're filming i just wanted Tom to have a slight crush after seeing ur story and wanted a small scene with Rachel and Josh!
So long I've been out in the rain and snow.
But the winter's come and gone, and a little bird told me so.
Part 1/Part 2/
(Tom Blyth x actress!reader)
summary: you and Tom meet for the first time while Josh is in the middle of the livestream. It's become the new famous ship of the internet.
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You were one of the newest actresses in Hollywood and luckily you managed to grab a role with one of the most famous actors right now, Tom Blyth.
Ever since he starred in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, people have been thirsting for him like he was water.
You wouldn't lie, you were one of them, but you two were supposed to meet in a coffee shop, reciting your lines and you were late.
" Oh you're [Name] [Last name], nice to meet you! Sorry, my friends decided to follow me here. "
Tom grinned, blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight, an apology gleaming in his pupils.
"No worries, it's fine! I'm so sorry I'm late, it was just traffic!"
" Don't worry, I'm just glad you made it!"
You took in a deep breath and extended your arm for a handshake. Surprisingly, he hugged you instead. You met the two 'friends' who are actually fucking Josh Rivera and Rachel Zegler who were seemingly livestreaming on Instagram.
" And here is the new couple! Say hi, you two love birds!"
Tom rolled his eyes before letting you go to tell Josh off.
" We aren't dating, we actually just met."
Josh turned, confused for a second before gazing at Tom's phone that was left on his chair.
"Wait, seriously? Didn't you see a post of her being your new co-star in that rom-com you're doing and started bragging a lot to Rachel and me? What's it?"
He thought for a minute before his eyes lit up and he smiled brightly.
"Oh, yeah! Sweet truth, where a girl had a bunch of exes tell lies and cheat but then finds a man who tells her nothing but the truth?"
Tom hissed and shut Josh up by covering his mouth, before he noticed Rachel leaning toward confused you, beginning to tell you the whole story.
His panicked face turned red.
" So it was a couple weeks ago, we were just calmly hanging out after reshooting some Ballad scenes when Tom showed us your Insta where you were like, I don't know, talking about the movie you're gonna be in! He was literally obsessed, I am not kidding."
She shrugged as Tom glared at her for spilling his secret.
"I'm sorry, I mean you're beautiful and I-"
He cleared his throat, unable to continue because of his embarrassment.
You giggled, shrugging.
" It's cool, I mean I think you're hot-I mean handsome too."
Inside you were literally screaming at yourself for exposing the fact that he's your celebrity crush.
" Uh, guys, I hope this isn't method acting because I'd be really disappointed in you, Tom" Josh snickered, sharing a mischievous glance with Rachel.
Tom rolled his eyes, smiling at you before beckoning to the chair beside him.
" Let's, uh, practice...?"
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saturnniidae · 3 months
you say you have disabled hiccup headcanons? :3 *ears get really reall big. how are they doing that. why*
id love to hear them :D
Yes! Okay you've opened the floodgates my friend, I've been waiting to talk about this for so long.
He's autistic and has adhd! Obviously.
stims by tapping his fingers against things, waving his hands around, quickly taking apart and putting back together trinkets he's made, mimicking dragon noises (tho over time he's realized their vague meaning and stopped doing it randomly bc it was confusing them), running his hands over toothless' head to feel the texture of his scales and (when he was younger) petting his fur vest
His 'obsession' with things (trying to one up viggo, and when he was working on his sword) is literally just him Hyperfocusing on things
Easily loses track of time when he's locked in (Hyperfocused) working on inventions
Has that random 'I need to info dump NOW' thing and wakes Astrid up in the middle of the night like to randomly talk about abnormal behavioral patterns in a new terror flock on berk and Astrids just like 'babe I love you but it's three am'
Dyspraxic. When he was a kid he spent so much time practicing coordination for things like learning to write then later working in the smithy, and almost gave up more than once before continuing out of spite.
immunocompromised. Like seriously Hiccup has a weak ass immune system and would get sick every winter as a little kid, to the point of it being fatal. The villagers would always talk in hushed tones (bc of stoick caught them they'd get yelled at) and wonder if that years gonna be the one where he doesn't make it but he always ended up pulling through (also out of spite)
After meeting Toothless he developed tinnitus. Didn't think much of the ringing in his ears at first bc. Yknow, dragon roared at full volume directly into his ear. Then it didn't go away and he was like 'huh maybe this is an issue' then it just got worse as he continued to be in close proximity to loud noises like, even more roaring, and explosions etc.
Despite this he's got that weird "I enjoy loud noises like dragons roaring and the sound the wind makes when you're flying at like 40 mph, but if I hear the noise of lots of overlapping voices all having different conversations in a large room I need to die."
Chronic pain. The obvious, phantom pains in his leg of course, but fun fact! The human body really doesn't like it when you've broken bones repeatedly especially in the same area, and with how much this kid gets thrown around in rtte it's safe to say he's broken, fractured, and dislocated a lot of things.
When he comes home/gets back to the edge after a long day of traumatic or ridiculous events, first thing he does is take Toothless' saddle and prosthetic tail fin off, then he tries to crash in his bed, but either Toothless doesn't let him sleep until he's taken his prosthesis off (I hate that he sleeps with it on in canon looking at it makes my body hurt imaging how uncomfortable that'd be), or Astrid comes in to make sure he does (and also to make sure he eats bc he forgets to wayyy too often).
Asthma. No explanation. I just know he has it
I hope not all of these came off as super angsty, they aren't meant to completely. Like sure it sucks but he's allowed to not be miserable constantly (disabled people are allowed to not be miserable constantly, it doesn't make our pain any less valid. We're allowed to be happy).
I just love when characters are permanently, physically, changed by their story. Tbh if it weren't for rampant ableism, I think a lot of characters in action/adventure stories would be disabled, but people aren't ready for that discussion yet. Ty for the ask I had so much fun answering and writing these!!!
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totaldramaweb · 20 days
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• he tans weekly on the family's tanning machine (in a speedo, yes). twice a week on winter since he gets paler on cold.
• he always smells like cologne. even sweating, he stills smells very dense. he's always re-applying deodorant/perfume.
• used to shave his whole body with laser at the spa. after the volcano incident, he didn't grow body hair for a long time, so when It grew back he just let himself become hairy (only bodily).
• had a lot of hiperfixations growing up. he didn't quite have any friends so he used most of his time obsessed on a certain activity until he reached perfection, then dropped it to hop on another.
• he prefers reptiles over dogs or cats. but he likes dogs tho, he claims they are loyal and follow blindly.
• José lost one of his pets, never had any other due fear, yet he dreams of having a snake.
• he is a terrible joker. he can do a lot of things but joking is not one of them. he only remembers some jokes of his dad's comedy book he readed back on his childhood.
• he's a great cooker. he always made his mom company when she cooked dinner, he learnt from her.
• he has a guilty pleasure on writting, mainly poetry, and he's great at it. he actually takes It seriously and treat other themes beyond romance or clichés, perhaps even has a diary of his writings.
• he doesnt like movies because he claims he "doesnt have time for them" (canon on his tdwt blog introduction) but this actually raised among his dad telling him that, claiming he should use his time for better like studying or getting better at something. plus, everytime he wanted to see one, José would push him from the TV and take It for himself.
• he actually rarely has genuine fun. the only fun he gets is usually from his recreational activities, and even so, he concentrates more on being perfect on them rather than enjoy. and he does a lot, maybe to avoid being alone with his thoughts for too long before they overwhelm him.
• has photographic memory, and it's very good at remembering faces and places.
• he did just judge his babysitters until tears only to get some attention from his parents. he didn't want to be taken care of, he wanted to prove he's able to take care of himself, like José who didn't need one. he also just wanted to be looked at by them, to spend time with his parents instead of old ladies and annoying teens.
• they speak full spanish at home, he took english lessons since his first years, but didn't really used it until he moved to Canada.
• due his dad being a diplomat, he lived his first years on Spain before finding himself moving from country to country. Like Peru, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Japan, and many more until Canada. His dad worked at the embajadas of Spain in many countrys doing comercy deals between countrys and etc, he had to stay for long times in such countrys and his kids and wife following along wherever the head of the family went. Alejandro had a hard time doing friends on his new schools, eventually all the changes and the mindset he grew leaded him to be who he is, remaining friends is still a hard duty for him. He learnt that everyone leaves and due that he could at least get what he wants from them and It wouldn't be that wrong, he always dissappear from peoples lives and it's something he can't control. Hello, Drama Machine...
- 🕯️
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
I wanna know what each of the gang would do in a dress
Pony would probably be PISSED. Y’know in A Christmas Stroy when Ralphie was in the bunny costume? (Idk if any of you have seen this movie-) but yeah. He was like that. He would probably hate it. He feels like a sissy and “not tuff”, and he honestly doesn’t look too hot in it. Cream is his color tho.
Soda doesn’t give a shit. He would probably be a bit uncomfortable at first but pretty soon he’s flaunting around in it. He doesn’t care what he’s wearing, as long as he looks pretty, he’s happy. He looks best in purple ones honestly
You will never, EVER catch Darry in a dress. Darry takes his reputation and masculinity VERY seriously and if you managed to convince him even for a MINUTE to wear it, you’re going to have him sprinting to his room to change, blushing like nobody’s business. He looks best in light blue
Johnny is like Pony. He takes looking tuff VERY seriously and hates anything but. He would honestly not put a dress on if he was stripped naked in the dead of winter. But if you somehow get Pony in, you’ll get Johnny in. He hates every minute of it though. He looks best in dark red.
Catch a blow to the head before you catch Dallas Winston in a dress. Even if you strap him down he under no circumstances will wear a dress. Ever. He would look good in a white one tho honestly. But it’s Two Bits sister who wants him to do it and he will never EVER admit it but he has a soft spot for her. So he does it for a second but he threatens her by saying if she “tells anyone, she’s dead meat 😡”
Two-Bit plays dress up with his sister all the time. His sister dresses him up as a fairy, a princess, whatever she can. He’s such a good big brother tho that he doesn’t care. (she probably made them all play dress up with her which is why they’re all in this mess) and Two Bit looks awesome in cyan. He flaunts around because he’s either drunk or he’s just like that in general (he doesn’t play with his sister when he’s drunk tho)
Steve and Soda are two peas in a pod. Steve was like “No. Aboslutely not. Don’t give me the puppy eyes, kid-no, don’t start with the tears-DONT GET TWO BIT INVOLVED” but in the end it was Soda who convinced him. He’s kinda grumpy throughout the whole thing but Soda is happy so he is too. Soda plays a bit too into the role tho and he jokingly called Steve pretty. He let it get to his head and flaunted around after that. He looks best in dark blue.
Please feel free to submit headcanons or something!! I’d be more than happy to listen or comply!!!
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yesiknowimshort · 1 year
this is how i imagine… TIM DRAKE
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the bitch is back…. i mean me not tim, but tim is also a bitch.
thank you so much to my followers (i love each and everyone of you <3) for waiting so patiently for me to get myself together (still shaky, so again, posts might be scattered but i will be posting!!).
i wanna start a series where i do these long form character headcanons for the batboys (and maybe girls one day, i’ve just not thought about it aha) and so i obviously had to start with my favourite character of all tjme; tim drake.
obvisouly i’ve already done a suuuuper long analysis of his actual character which you can read here, but i want to do a more theoretical one that’s not necessarily wholly “canonical” but still in character.
a lot of this is also canon/inspired by canon - however, these are still my headcanons.
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- to start off with: fuck the uwu-fication of tim drake. he’s a badass who happens to also appear soft sometimes but that does not equal wimp. you can have anxiety and depression and not be a an uwu baby.
- absolutely obsessed with star wars.
- has forced everyone to individually binge the series with him at least once.
- but also love island (he won’t watch the winter season tho) and the real housewives are definitely his guilty pleasures.
- overworks himself on such little sleep that his body giving up and him fainting is a scarily regular occurrence.
- but it’s not for want of trying. oh no. forgot to eat because he was distracted so his limbs are barley holding him up when he runs? ignores it. keeps going.
- he stands up too quickly, collapses, and gets right up and walks it off like he wasn’t just on the floor (p.e teachers would love him).
- absolutely insane martial artist -which people (like most things he can do/does) completely overlook or just don’t care about. this is also canon btw.
- my boy’s only scraping average height -he’s gotta have something to back him up that’s doesn’t rely on being massive n buff.
- he can easily knock anyone to the ground in a second, yet because of his small build and mmmm relatively unhealthy state, it goes unnoticed and sometimes unused -depending on the situation’s needs.
- people always overlook him because of his public persona (and in real life online it’s usually because of uwu tim), but he would be so cruel sometimes.
- seriously -please remember and use his pettiness!
- like he’d punch jason out cold for picking up his stuff and holding it over his head… put itching powder in dick’s boxers and bed for hiding the cases he was working on… roofy damian’s nightly hot chocolate so he’d miss family movie night because damian was pissing him off… true slytherin.
- but just like a lot of the things he does, it goes unnoticed/un-delt-with most of the time so he gets away with it. middle child tings.
- not to mention he literally stalked batman and would run around solving murders and dropping off the evidence to gordon before even being a robin.
- he was on the CIA’s watch list for crying out loud!
- doesn’t break the unassuming facade often, but if he went off the deep end, he’d be gone, and wouldn’t stop until he’s satisfied -or restrained (but that would be near impossible).
- scarily persuasive -some would say manipulative, i would say ambitious. i mean he did wiggle his way into the position of robin with sheer willpower.
- i think one of the reasons i love tim so much and am so fascinated by him is because of his capacity to be a villain so easily if he wanted.
- the guy has considered murder way too often.
- clint barton’s “i could do it!... no one would know!... but i won’t” quip about quicksilver is literally tim’s relationship with villiany.
- like if he decided one day to turn on everyone… in an instant he has control of a multimillion dollar company, can easily gain control the police, has dirt on every single person, and access to anything he decides he wants: and yet he chooses to do good.
- remember -he chose to be a hero. and he repeats this fact a lot.
- he could easily have the world on their knees, and yet people still decide to fuck with him because of their naivety.
- villain tim would be terrifying.
- his childhood and a openly loving and attentive family setting was stolen from him. he was always made out to be “mature for his age” and “quiet and sensible” when in reality he was just neglected and bored.
- being a gifted child always comes with its downfalls. like being so unstimulated by his schooling and classmates that he acts out a little bit out of boredom and a craving for attention from his parents; not to mention the social rejection because he’s too far past his peer's antics.
- he’d be super socially unaware for his age group as a child (kind of like damian i guess). being an only child surrounded by adults (yet forever alone and isolated) would’ve prevented him from ever connecting with fellow kids and their interests.
- (anyone else relate to not ever finding kiddy humour funny in primary school?)
- so now he likes doing a lot of random “childish” things like skating down the halls in the manor, having a gamer chair as his office chair, playing his nintendo switch in his wayne ent. office with his feet rested on the desk when he’s bored, having bento box lunches filled with sugary cereal and roll-ups, having a mini fridge in his office exclusively filled with yakults, iced coffee cartons and redbull, being fully versed in gen z lingo (which he uses correctly don’t worry) that he uses to talk to people he works with and interacts with at galas etc etc.
- likes to leave little notes in library books for the next person to find; often mildly threatening like “i know what you did”, for no other reason other than to have a little gremlin cackle to himself when he thinks about it.
- definitely has nearsightedness, though he hardly ever wears his glasses “because they’re impractical and contacts are torture devices” (bruce practically has to strap him down to get the camera contacts in for patrol).
- when he’s not drinking coffee, he’s chewing gum or mints to counteract the coffee.
- ambidextrous, but favours his left hand meaning his already inconceivably messy quick notes are also smudged by his hand.
- hands are always cold and numb (leading everyone to believe he probably has rayynaud’s syndrome).
- he gets really nervous and tries to avoid people being able to touch his hands, like when they’re handing something to him, or makes sure handshakes are firm and quick -but still respectful- etc (but he loves hand holding, he just worries no one would want to).
- really good at taking in information and his surroundings quickly.
- often points things out to people that would otherwise go unnoticed like “your eyes look really pretty today” or “your freckles have darkened from the sun” or “they ordered two sugars with their coffee… they always order three” etc.
- he doesn’t constantly say the things he’s thinking, but they come out a lot more when he’s losing his filter from fatigue.
- he’s always apologising offhandedly for pointing out things (more annoyed at himself than anything) bc he thinks they’ll think he’s weird or become uncomfortable.
- tim is allergic to almost all nuts except for almonds (wog runs through my veins, i refuse to believe he can’t eat almonds).
- he’s not like epipen allergic, all he needs is some cetirizine.
- bc of this “relatively low risk” (as he would say), if he accidentally eats a nut he’ll usually just not tell anyone while his throat is closing over and his mouth feels like it’s been attacked by mosquitoes.
- he’ll just silently slip away to buy some cetirizine or get some from his pocket/bag.
- this sweet old lady at a charity bake sale once offered tim to try a free slice of her baklava, which of course, has walnuts in it.
- and he was too anxious to refuse so he took it and finished the whole thing in front of her.
- it took him about 20 minutes and to the point where he was crying and his lips looked like they had fillers that he whispered to bruce he was having a reaction.
- bruce was hysterical.
- like- national news “funny internet clip report” hysterical.
- he always carries cetirizine on him now just in case tim does that again.
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
hi i loved part 1 of the morning after,and wondered if you could do a part two including winters,gene,toye and liedgott,and if you want to add any one else feel free,and on another note i feel like liebgott would feel so smug the morning after and lord have mercy i could only imagine toye morning voice,either way thanks for doing my first request xx
thank you for the request! Honestly you’re one of my biggest supporters so I want to thank you for filling my inbox, it always keeps me so motivated and excited to write!! Also I can’t believe I missed out so many of the boys in part 1 wtf?!?!?!?
Anyway, on with the headcanons, this will include some swearing and mentions of sex, but nothing too graphic, it’s mainly just fluff and a bit of flirting :)
Easy Boys the morning after Part 2.
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Dick Winters:
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Ugh, like Shifty he’s just soooo respectful isn’t he??
I think he’d be quite shy? Like he’d 100% be blushing the day after, and when you wake up and let out a soft groan but cuddle further into his chest omg he’s so soft for you.
he’d run a hand over your back, and when you’re awake enough he’d ask if you wanted a hot drink or something.
Probably gets in the bath with you and you both relax together, maybe you go for a round 2 in there? Idk but for now let’s keep it fluffy, it’s just soooo sweet and gentle and omg he’s so in love with you after.
Eugene Roe:
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He’s sooo happy when he wakes up omg he’s smiling immediately remembering what happened the night before.
He really wants a cuddle and he’s feeling cheeky so even tho you’re asleep he’s sneaking a hand under you to pull your sleepy self onto his chest.
pulls the blankets over your naked chest just so you don’t feel exposed or weird when you wake up.
blushes when he sees your skimpy little underwear, like have you never seen a pair of knickers before Eugene? It’s been a really long time for him okay-
Sleepy kisses when you finally wake up.
he’d ask you if you’re okay, and later he’d probably double check he didn’t hurt you or anything?
genuinely cares about you and your comfort so so much, so if you were to go for round 2 he’d insist on pleasuring you, such a gentleman in bed seriously.
afterwards he’d probably do something really cute like wrap you in his army uniform and he can’t decide if it’s the hottest or cutest thing he’s ever seen.
Joe Liebgott:
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How did I miss out Lieb in part 1 seriously?
I feel like yes, Lieb probably would have a little smug smile on his face because the sex the night before was realllll good and he’s super impressed and over the moon.
Like Jheeze, how is he with somebody so perfect? Like your all his and he’s super happy.
but then I feel like as soon as you wake up slightly a softness completely melts his heart and all the smugness kinda vanishes.
his eyes go all hazy and he’s shuffling further under the covers with you, running a hand over your bare arm and he’s all like, “hey stranger, you awake now?”
ahhhh he’d bring you in for a gentle cuddle and his real soft side comes out omfg he’s so gentle and I think you’d genuinely see a new side of Liebgott that makes you even more attached to him.
If things got a little rough the night before, he’s double checking you’re okay and making sure he didn’t go too hard or anything.
I think Joe genuinely would feel enchanted by you, like he’s seriously asking if you’ve put some kinda spell on him. Nah, he’s just deep in loveeeeee.
Joe Toye:
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Why do I feel like he’d be trying to charm you all over again? Like I agree his raspy morning voice would be soooo sexy omg it’s hard to resist.
I feel like the two of you would be friends? Up until the point of last night (obviously) but you both finally cave into the tension between you both and it’s so good.
like even Joe would wake up with MF butterflies.
it’s all so romantic and sexy omfg- until Luz comes BARGING IN AND WOCOEMMFOEOW.
“Luz get the fuck outta here!!!!” Yeah the moments ruined but… Joe’s still down for cuddles and deffo would ask if you wanted to get breakfast with him?
George Luz:
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Speaking of Luz…
I feel the night before would be so fun, like seriously a rollercoaster of emotions- only the good kind.
yeah he’s a massive goofball but he’s a huge softie, I have absolutely 0 doubts. Like he’d be so attentive.
so when you both wake up the next morning he’d be so happy and giggly, maybe even a little shy? Like he’d literally say out loud ‘how did I get so lucky with you, huh?’
would be a master of making you blush.
he’d then point out that you’re blushing and make you even more flustered ahhh.
but nah he just wants to make you smile and loves seeing you happy, especially the morning after, he feels like the two of you have really bonded and I think sex is important for George in fully sealing your relationship.
it would probably be a confidence boost for him as well and 1000% lingers on his mind for days after omfg.
Carwood Lipton:
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Ahhhh omg such a handsome man. Waking up next to him would be a dream.
He’d be awake long before you, enjoying to wake up early and make the most of life, especially now he’s got you.
as soon as he sees your awake, he climbs back into bed with you. He’d be so chilled out and gentle, like he wouldn’t wanna embarrass you by bringing up how amazing last night was, so he just keeps it casual but he can’t hide the smile covering his face.
deep down getting laid makes Lip super frickin’ happy, but he’s so respectful, he’d never admit it out loud cos he’s just happy to be with you 😏.
he’s always cautious of squashing or hurting you, so the morning after he’s handing you a bottle of water and I think he’d 100% play with your hair because it’s so soothing.
Lingering, gentle kisses that are a reminder of the night before omg.
his hands remain a little too respectful, so if you want round 2 the morning after, just give his hands a little nudge in whatever direction and he’ll gain the confidence to take charge.
Bill Guarnere:
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He’s good in bed and he knows it.
but he’s too mature to be cocky about it, instead he’d like to tease and joke with you about the night before.
he isn’t afraid to bring it up and ask how you enjoyed it??? Like he’s confident but also wants to ensure you’ve thoroughly enjoyed yourself, like it’s important for Bill to know you gained pleasure out of the sex too, if not more than he did!
Would call you his Angel and I swear to god I think he’d love to take the position as your personal slave for the day.
you want a bath running? He’s got it. You want a drink? He’ll bring 5 different ones for you to choose from.
He loves you so much, and no matter how much he’d teases and jokes with you, he’d legit worship the ground you walk on.
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captain-mj · 1 year
WEREBEAR KÖNIG ANON HERE, I'VE BEEN MEANING TO SCREAM ABOUT HOW MUCH I LOVE PART 2. Thank you so much for writing it! Of course I am here to request a part 3 too, maybe even for horror night (no pressure to get it in in for that tho, I am already excited for any of the monster/horror stuff coming out that night) I need them to go running in the woods together, fuck, them intuitively helping each other out in their own way can be so soft and so personal. KÖNIG GIVING HIM HIS FUCKING HOOD. I love the dynamic you started building here, Ghost needs and deserves a pack and people he can trust and rely outside of himself. Seriously, man, thank you for this.
Yes Yes Yes!! Part 1 and Part 2
Also I told myself I should post more and then I checked and although I post a little less, everything is like twice as long as it usually is and I feel less bad
König had gotten his hood back the next day, washed and dried. At first, he had worried that Ghost had put it through a machine and it had been shrunk but upon further inspection, he could see it had been hand washed and air dried. He brought it to his face and breathed in the smell of the soap. It wasn't his. It smelled like the one Ghost used on his clothes. Something about the thought made König's thoughts spiral. 
It was close to winter, meaning König was getting tired. Part of his body wanted to eat more and get stocked up for the winter, but he doubted Ghost would let him just take up real estate in the bedroom like that. He'd also need to ask for the time off and extra rations and dozens of other little things. It was hard to explain this to his instincts, but he was a human at the end of the day and he could just ignore them. Well, most of them. 
As much as he appreciated the gesture, Ghost had made the hood almost unbearable to wear. Everytime he breathed, it smelled like Ghost. He’d need to rewash it because this was hell. People kept trying to talk to him and all he could think about was his Lieutenant and what he was doing and how he was feeling. 
Then, the question reappeared. How long had it been since Ghost had shifted? It had been vaguely explained to him that Ghost was rather wild while shifted. Dangerous and lethal. It’s why he was usually put on missions where it wasn’t needed to shift at all or where his nature could be used. Seeing how he went for the killing bite with no hesitation, even with the small rapport they had between them, König had no doubt it was true. The soft look in Ghost’s eyes when he shifted back showed he desperately needed to shift more. It wasn’t particularly healthy to stay locked in as a human all the time. 
This led to a rabbit hole of thoughts though. If Ghost shifted, he’d need someone nearby to help him. It would have to be König of course. And that meant König would be near him. Both undressed. 
His face turned so red he was worried people would see through the mask somehow. Ghost had been so pretty when he had seen him. He wanted to see more. So much more. 
König made the decision without really thinking about it. He knew if he kept thinking about it, he wouldn’t do it so he had to ask as soon as possible. 
“Yes, König?” Ghost looked up from where he was practicing his sniping. He had such light eyelashes. 
“Do you want to go out tonight?”
Ghost paused his movements on the gun and moved so he was laying on his back and looking directly up at König. “What?”
“Tonight. Do you want to go to the woods?”
König shrugged, anxiety creeping in. “To shift. Blow off steam, ja?”
Ghost continued to stare at him for a few minutes before nodded. “Yeah. Okay.”
“Ask me again and I’ll change my mind.”
König quickly just nodded before grabbing a gun and sitting next to him. They were both excellent at hitting the targets, but König twitched occasionally. He’d bounce his leg or shake his arm like he had something on it. Ghost watched him do these things, thinking of how it was clear why they wouldn’t let him be a sniper, but also finding the need to move rather amusing. 
“Sorry…” König sounded sheepish. 
“It’s fine.” Ghost blew the head off of one of the dummies. “Ah. They really need to improve the quality of these. They’re rather bad.” He got up and stretched, joints popping as he did. He offered König his hand and he gladly accepted, letting him pull him up. They went their separate ways and it wasn’t until after dinner they met up again. 
“So how do you usually leave base?” Ghost appeared next to König who luckily did not jump. 
König hummed. “Usually just walk out the back door.” 
Ghost nodded. “Fair. Doubt anyone would try to stop a big guy like you.” He meant it as a compliment. König didn’t know how to feel about it but he nodded. 
Ghost followed König, looking around nervously. It was odd, being switched like this. König walked around confidently. Ghost blamed everything he was feeling on the fact that he’d be shifted. 
He’d be shifted. 
Ghost hadn’t thought this through. 
König led him to his favorite spot, a thickly wooded area that had a few paths that made it easier walk around when he was a bear. He, again refusing to think, started to undress. 
Ghost stared and he let his eyes roam over König’s back. Thick scars from claws wrapped around his sides, most likely from grappling with other animals. A few bites here and there. And then once the hood and mask was removed, he saw the thick scars again. Now that he could take a good look, even with the moonlight making it hard, it was clear that it was from a collar. Ghost slowly took off his gloves and then his jacket. His hands shook when he went to remove more clothing. 
“Stay turned around. I’m not out here to let you ogle me.” Ghost grumbled at him. 
König put his hands behind his back and stayed at attention. 
Ghost pulled off his shirt and then his boots. He kicked off his pants and shifted. 
König heard the thump of paws and subsequent growling and took that as a cue to shift as soon as possible. They looked at each other and König tensed, just in case the wolf decided to brawl. He was a bear so it wouldn’t be the most intelligent thing to do, but cornered dogs and all.
Ghost jumped at him, slamming their heads together before jumping back again and barking. He slammed his paws down and König was bewildered. Maybe he should’ve read up on wolf mannerisms before doing this. 
Ghost barked loudly to get his attention before trotting around dramatically. His tail wagged and König realized he was trying to play. There were so many thoughts in his brain but he ignored them all to lumber after Ghost. He had to be careful. Ghost was big, but he was still bigger and he really didn’t want to accidentally hurt him and ruin the first time he had shifted for fun in a while. 
Ghost ran off and König chased after him. He couldn’t do sharp turns too well but when Ghost noticed, he did them less, trying to keep them in pace with each other instead of running off. König eventually managed to trick him and pin him down. 
Ghost’s tail wagged harder but he bit König’s limb to make it clear he did not want to be pinned. He rolled in the grass and looked… happy. 
König rolled next to him and wiggled so the grass would scratch his back a little. The stars were pretty. 
Pretty soon, Ghost was up and at ‘em again, trying to tussle with him.
Their playfighting was a little awkward but they were having fun. König noticed Ghost letting him win rather easily and wondered why. He stretched and yawned. Ghost jumped back and his ears went down, staring at König. He calmed down as soon as König closed his mouth again. Something about his teeth… Too big. 
Despite how much fun they were having, they couldn’t stay out there all night. They still had things to do in the morning, so regretfully, they had to shift back. 
Ghost’s body popped as he shifted back. He groaned and twisted to make the rest of his back pop, still lying on the ground. 
König felt awful. Horrible. Ghost was vulnerable. The soft look on his face. 
But they were shifted and they were right next to each other and then König’s lips were on Ghost’s. It was soft. Sweet. Ghost’s eyes fluttered closed and he didn’t move just yet. 
König pulled away, already ready to apologize when he saw how cold Ghost’s eyes were. How blank the expression was. But he was yanked down before he could think about it. Their lips met again and König gasped into it. Ghost’s mouth moved against his own, tongue pushing past his lips to map him out. 
König slowly put his hands on Ghost’s body, gently touching him like he’d shatter or snap. Ghost had no such reservations as he bit König’s lip and then ran his hands down his back. He yanked him away by his hair, feeling such a rush at seeing the bigger man let him. 
“I want you. Right now.”
König blushed bright red. “We don’t have lube. Or protection.” 
Ghost flipped them over and grabbed his coat. “Vaseline works right? I’m clean. Get checked every six months and I haven’t slept with anyone sense.” He forced König’s legs open, glad he hadn’t let him get dressed yet. König
König nodded, covering his eyes. His whole body had turned as red as strawberry and Ghost got the urge to bite him like one. So he did. He made pretty indents of his own teeth. 
König squirmed and panted as he worked him open, not going easy on him. Ghost growled at him. “You’re too tight. Relax.” 
König panted softly and tried, but it was a bit difficult. He clenched around Ghost’s fingers in a death grip and Ghost slowed down. He made circles on König’s hips with his thumb and moved his fingers steadily instead. Once he found his prostate, he brushed it gently, watching König shiver and arch his back. König bit his lip hard and he tried to press back against him. Ghost didn’t let him do more than brush against it, working him open a lot easier now that König had a goal in mind. When he pulled out, he thought König would start crying. 
More vaseline and then he was carefully lining up with him. König grabbed his hand tight and his legs wrapped around his waist. Ghost pushed in slowly and had to pause to catch his breath. 
König was gorgeous. All littered with scars and freckles and muscle. His tummy was a little soft, perfect to grab and his waist was definitely… what did they call it? Slutty little waist? 
But he was also deathly tight. It was almost painful but König whimpered and Ghost needed to hear more of those. He slid in a little more and König let out a shuddering breath, looking anywhere but Ghost. 
“So big…” His accent had thickened and the words were barely comprehensible. 
“That all you can take?” Ghost meant it genuinely. He wasn’t exactly small and he didn’t want to hurt König. 
König only heard it as a challenge. “No.” He pulled him closer and Ghost grunted as he bottomed out. Those damned whimpers. It took too much self control to not start rocking his hips into him. Self control Ghost didn’t have. 
König’s hands gripped Ghost’s hips and at first, he thought he was trying to make him stop but he just held on to him. He brushed his sweet spot again and König moaned and then buried his face in Ghost’s shoulder to hide. Ghost learned from the prep and moved slowly, now hitting it dead on and being steady. 
König was breathing pretty hard and kept clenching desperately. He clearly wanted more, but Ghost was going to make him ask for it. Took longer than he was expecting, but König was anxious at the best of times. 
“Please, Simon.” 
Ghost slammed into him and König bit him in retaliation. He refused to make any more noises besides the whimpers he couldn’t choke down. Ghost’s arms wrapped around his waist as they held on to each other, being more feral than they should be. More feral than they had the excuse to be. König’s raked his nails down Ghost’s back, noting the scent of blood but ignoring it. Ghost moaned when he did and nuzzled against him encouragingly. They found each other’s rhythm, slotting together like puzzle pieces. 
König pushed one of Ghost’s hands to his cock and it was embarrassing how little he needed to finish. Ghost pulled out and finished on his thighs. He hadn’t asked to cum inside and he didn’t feel like asking now. They panted for a bit and Ghost shook his head. 
“I shouldn’t… If I cro-” König yanked him down to kiss him. Words didn’t seem to work well with Ghost so he was trying this instead. 
Worked perfectly.
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"You don't know my name, do you? Will you ever?"
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Summery: beomgyu keeps his promises--he walks you from and sometimes to work, hangs out there with you. its all very comfortable and usual for the both of you. he even orders the same thing every time he comes in: your wonderful hot chocolate you make him. noting is new, its all been done before a thousand times between the two of you. why? you and Beomgyu have been friends for ever. that's great. You and him have also become a sort of... intertwined. more than just being together; youve grown together. also great. but what happens when you do something out of the ordinary? or rather, maybe the two of you stop keeping your promises and let the feelings youve pushed down so hard you feel like youre about to combust bubble up? also great.
a/n: long hair gyuuuuuu based on 'you don’t know my name'!!!!! its one of my favorite (if not my singular favorite) song by her. and besides... come on y'all, its beomgyu so I had to lol. yerin and I talked about this during he 300 subs special (even though SHE doesn't seem to remember it lmao) so here I am holding up my end of the deal and making my fic based on this song. if you liked it please leave some love such as commenting and or reblogging!
warnings/info: slow burn I guess, kissing, reader and Beomgyu go to a party, mentions of people fucking, Beomgyu gets in an extremely heated argument with a complete stranger at said party, I feel like I ranted a bit too much with the fic, a little poem-ish at times I think, reader and gyu are scared to go into uncharted territory with thier friendship, lots and lots and lots of talk of reader and beomgyu needing to control themselves around each other, cursing, beomgyu being sweet and them slow dancing cause that's a warning in itself, one joke about beomgyu and reader fucking? idk its not said explicitly tho this was way too self indulgent I apologize, friends to lovers, reader is gn.
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in now way meant to be taken as an actual or real representation of anyone~
A sharp, wind chime sounding ping makes you spring out of your thoughts to look at the door. Your smile. Huh right on the dot. Your eyes are met with the handsome fetures of your most frequent customer: beomgyu. Hair touching the nape of his neck and eyes bright as ever despite the mugginess outside. though its not all bad-- it makes him remember how one time last winter on your usual walk-from-your-work-with-him, he had stood behind you and wrapped you in his coat, bringing you flush with his clothed chest. it was oversized on him and noting, he thinks, could have prepared him for how you melted into him.
you noticed his wandering eyes and raise you voice to snap him out of it.
“why do you look like that?” you ask. it’s slow at work right now and you say that because you don’t want him to notice your heart pounding. You know if you don’t distract him he’ll do so. He pays enough attention and knows you all too well to hide it. “oh I dunno I just went for a run. No! It’s because it’s raining buckets out there!” “Yeah YOU running? That didn’t sound right” his mouth hangs open a little "um excuse you." he puffs his chest out. "I-I run." the way he's shaking his head while speaking gives him away if you already didn't know him so well. maybe a little too well. but, you tried not to think about that too much. how you
“I’ll have the hot chocolate” he says, although you know what would fall out of his lips just the Same as last time, and the time before that. And many roles before. You know how he likes it (extra sweet. “Just like you” he says. Before you squeeze you nose) but seriously you don’t think you’ve ever known someone who liked such a sugary thing. It nearly tasting like straight candy
“not many people order hot chocolate in the summer. You sure you want that?” “Yeah, it’s a comforting drink ya know.” Something he always used to drink as a kid. Before he met you. Before he didn’t have to watch what he said around someone like you because of half giddy and half eyes to the floor bashfulness he’ll feel if he slips up and gets a little too flirty. Says something a little too strong to you. Not that you’d mind. No, not at all. But he doesn’t need to know you feel that way.
"Yeah but with everything?" you ask, still making it but wondering anyways. He leans further in, putting his hands on the table. "How come you're just asking me this now? we've been doing this for such a long time and now is when it pops into your mind that it's weird to have it with breakfast, lunch, and dinner?" you roll your eyes at him. but really, you weren't annoyed at all. the truth was you awaited the never-the-same times he'd come in and order that same, warm and comforting drink. (it depend on his classes, and or what he had to do inbetween) It had gotten on the point where one of the other workers there would tap your shoulder and let you know that he was there when you didn't notice.
"your guy is here." one of the workers there would tell you. In a moment of weakness, beomgyu would pop into your mind and your eyes would go wide as you looked for him. "he's not my guy." you'd try and cover your tracks but with the knowing smile on your work friends face as they walked away, you knew it wasn't any use.
"we've been doing this forever." his words rung in your ears. he was right. you had been. you'd both been seeing each other so much and resisting the bubbling urge to kiss the shit out of each other. You'd been inching dangerously close to him, but never as close as you really wanted and craved, the warmth of his heart ghosting your skin... forever. he'd been avoiding your gaze-- the one that made him feel like all the four seasons were swirling up inside him and somehow all their wonder landing in you, seeping out in all the little things you did... forever. To be honestly, neither of you knew how long you could keep this up.
but here you are, thinking of and loving noting more than seeing his eyes fill with excitement as you hand him the mug. he cups it with both his hands even though it isn't cold inside so it wasn't like he needed to warm his hands. "You know, you should just keep your own mug here." you comment. he looks up at you, about to take a sip and obviously not very happy you interrupted his almost-bliss. though, in his mind, it wasn't that different-- no, it could not compare to the feeling he got around you. "Or maybe I should just bring one with me." he jokes, lips pursing to blow the steam off the surface of the delicious smelling drink. "Yeah," you nod, "and bring a plate while you're at it-- you know what," you lean on the counter in front of him, knuckles going under your chin and fingertips folded enough to touch the beginning of your palm. And he'd rather not look at you through the fog emanating from the porcelain mug so he puts it down, leaning in for dramatic effect. "Better yet, take it with you when you leave so I don't have to wash it!" you eyes go wide and you throw your hands up like you just had the best idea of the century-- better than sliced bread.
he puts a hand to his chest, leans back with his mouth hung wide open, and then gets up with his hands to his head pulling at his hair like he just had an epiphany. you laugh freely as he walks around in a circle. once he's back at the counter he slams his hands down on the edge of it and looks all serious. "You've got it, y/n! this is gonna make history!" he exclaims. You take a bow just for kicks and when you come back up his expression has suddenly changed. its gone much... softer, a smile is tugging at his lips and he can't help it but to let it free once he sees your smiling face again... smiling because of him, too. because of the joy you two make together. its unmatched, really. His fingertips feel flushed like his face, and aren't holding on so tightly to the cold metal edge of the counter. he's leaning in now, for what reason he doesn't really know. damn, he wants and fucking needs to be closer to you. he feels it in his core.
Then, he makes the mistake of looking into your eyes and in an instant you send him on a whirlwind. usually he distracts himself and looks at something else but he just couldn't bring himself to this time. He wants to set up an easel and capture your entire expression right here but your eyes... your eyes he's sure made his plan he's trying to stick to of not getting caught in your gaze. or, better yet, not getting caught gazing at you. but, for someone he knows so well and for so long, it wasn't easy. because, every time you speak, every time he looks at you, every time he even thinks of you, his mind starts to cloud with all the goodness he sees inside you. every inch of your mind he knows and all the other filled up spaced he wants to adventure into.
How could he stop his mind from getting tied up in the wonder of a human that was you? He sure couldn't, and nobody in their right mind would be able to. He snaps himself out of his thinking before you can think to do it yourself. Lord knows if you caught him spacing out at a time like this you'd give him one of your infamous smacks on the ears and he'd shriek so loud out of surprise people outside would hear him. "You're making me waste valuable time on drinking this." he chuckled, holding a finger up to you to signal: one minute, as he takes a few big gulps. he puts the cup down and leans back.
"one of your best, y/n." he complements.
you raise an eyebrow. "Oh? so there's a hierarchy and competition for best of y/ns hot chocolate now? if I would've known I would've made it look all cute." you said, getting back to work behind the counter. the place was pretty dead at the moment but there was still a few things needing tone done. "Come to think of it, I should deduct points for not putting a cinnamon heart on the surface." he wonders aloud. "Oh so just a heart would suffice? noting else?" you ask him. "well why not?" he nearly giggles, "Thought you loved me." You simply smile and roll your eyes at him, not really having the opurtunity to have any type of conversation like that here. although you wanted to. and it didn't really have to go the way you intended it. but if he-- or the both of you for that matter, were gonna go there, then you might as well and a full on sit down talk about it. again not that you didn't want to at all-- in fact, you'd thought about how it'd go down plenty more times then truly necessary. And what better place to have it in than where you two had met?
maybe it was just you making excuses for yourself; for putting it off just one more day. one more week. one more month. or basically one more eternity of longing stares and cut of sentences where, you wanna say more but ultimately fail to. the conversation now seemingly over, he shrugs and finishes his drink.
He stays and orders another extra extra sweet, practically caffeinated, slap you in the face to jolt you into operating at top speed crack drink that was his or your signature hot chocolate. this is a habit of his-- one he'd likely have to break soon if this floating feeling of his keeps up and un-in check. but a habit the both of you cherish-- where he comes in and stays until you have to leave. most of the time you don't even get to talk much. but the comfort that comes right along with your presence around each other makes up for it. thats another habit with the two of you: just being in the same room and doing different things. it was pure comfort just being around each other. maybe looking over and smiling at the other or striking up a conversation that could last a minute or the rest of time he was there or in other situations, the rest of time you'd were together-- however long you both wanted it, really. and it was never awkward, either. the silence never aching.
that's how it was when you first started walking back to your respective places after your shift. another habit of his, one you hope, along with the others, would never die. him staying for a while, talking a bit... or a lot with you, then walking together. usually it was him walking you home but others it'd just be whatever you two wanted that day. His hands are shoved in the pockets of his acid washed jeans when you look over at him.
"Did you grow or something?" you question.
"maybe you shrunk, hm?" he countered.
you narrowed your eyes at him. he turns to you and does the same. "Very adult of you." You scoff. "You started--" then, realizing that continuing to say was he was going to wasn't going to help his case in the slightest. It barely falls silent for a second before he, in a moment of either weakness or some extreme courage he doesnt know, he slows down a little, gently puts his hands onto your waist, finger finding place scrunched in your shirt, and stills you. though, with the rapid beating of your heart you didn't need any help to do so. He gently moves you to the inside of the sidewalk. he doesn't know why. it's kinda stupid really. he doesn't even have a reason expect that's how you two are usually walking. but it isn't ever really intentional. Usually he just gets out the door of the diner first and you follow soon after. but he liked it that way. it felt warm and comfortable.
he clears his throat. "So, you were saying?" you look back up at him, not too stunned to speak or anything just....thinking. time still in its frozen capsule like it was a moment ago with his hands on your waist. "I feel like you've grown." you say simply, verbally shrugging. he takes a look at his own arms as if that would give him an idea as to what you're talking about. "I know you haven't but," you sigh, unsure of where you're even going with this, "I dunno you seem different." the both of you are still facing forward, not having looked at each other since a minute ago. "Is that a good thing or a bed thing?" You smile. "good. definitely good." "that's good that it's good." he laughs.
"oh piss off!" You chuckle at him, shaking you head. a second later you don't hear his steps anymore and turn around to see him saying "gladly." and start to walk in the other direction. You yell at him to get his ass back here and he turns on his heel, trotting back to you with a smile on his face, eyes hidden by his hair as he looks down. "But yeah," you say once he's back to walking beside you, "You've defiantly grown. not in height, but how you are as a person now." he hums. "I guess I can see that. you have too, you know?" you quirk and eyebrow.
"like--" he takes a breath, "You've grown... not like you act completely different now, but you've just--" you get what he's trying to say. "Blossomed?" He nods, but before he can start talking again you're already opening your mouth. "So have you. Not like you weren't someone I wanted to spend a lot of time with when were first met but you've grown into this person who-who has so much depth to them. like sure, you look a little different and youve changed your hair countless times, but I think you've bloomed in a way. And I love that you have; that you've made yourself out to be who you are right now." he purses his lips together.
"hey, it's not all me, ya know? Ive only been able to grow the way you said I have because I've got you by my side. actually, no, more than that, I've got you coaching me and trying to help. And have you taken a look In the mirror? its not just me that's grown internally since we've both met. I feel like... You're more you know than you were before. or at least not as afraid to show who you are." "that's cause I have you cheering me on, beom." he smiles at the nickname, something you've had for him forever. just like how you've been learning each other inside and out forever. But he also smiles at himself. he was your personal hype man, as you'd say, wasn't he? "And im really proud of you for flourishing like you have." he says. "Im proud of us." you counter, "for both becoming more than we were before."
all that was missing was two glasses to toast. "Yeah, and we're achieving that together, too. we have been forever. and I know that's why its unfolding so beautifully-- it takes the two of us to pull something so great off like that." you try not to get all fluttery inside by the prospect of him thinking that you're "great." cause there isn't much to it, really. plain and simple. he thinks you're great... or the journey youve taken with him so far is great or whatever... it should stop there for you. but that's the thing: with him, it never does.
It kinda hits the both of you right in the face at that moment. and you realize all you need to know about how the other person feels the same way when your caught looking at each other and saying more or less the same thing of: "wow, I think our lives are intwined now and I love that."
as the minutes go on, you both talk about some of the ways youve seen this with each other-- growing internally as youve both said. You bring up something, then him, it goes on like this until you both have a realization. "...But seriously, though." you cause, "Im glad that we're like this." "Im happy we can be like this too. and to be honest, I don't just want to be a better person, I wanna be a better person with you." he quickly cocks his head to the side, almost like he was punctuating his sentence. "I was just about to say that! I like growing with you. it's amazing. and you make me want to be better. not in a competitive way though. I just wanna move along with life with you next to me."
He puts a hand to his chest, hopping it would distract him from how fast his heart was beating. It had the opposite affect, though, drawing his attention to it under his palm. "Im glad youve been in my life for so long." he says, wondering jut how far he was going to take all this confessing how wonderful it was to have you by his side. wouldn't this make more of an impact on he both of you than just making you smile? or was he making it more than it was? he probably was to be honest; friends tell each other how much they value each other all the time. just... probably the ones who's heart feels like its about to lift him up and fly him away to the moon, stay away from it.
"And I am glad we're in each others lives to often that we can brighten each others days whenever the other needs it." he nods in agreement, not trusting himself to talk more because he'll surely say all that he thinks of you... and us. the rest of the walk is spent back in the comfortable, fireplace like silence like the first couple minutes of it. Once you get to your front door and your back is turned, he draws in a breath. "It is wonderful to have you in my life, y/n. I don't think you can understand how great it is and how much I love it." you're about to swing open your door but you turn around to look in the eye. "Me too. I love how it feels to have you by my side." you really wish you had something more to say but it seems like its enough for him. cause a second later and he's nearly skipping away from your door. You shake you head at him and go inside.
He scratches the back of his neck, thinking entirely too much about what you had said to him. There was a thousand ways you could have meant hit but for some reason he only wanted to think of it as one. the one where you actually secretly wanted to kiss him every time you hugged goodbye. One where you'd invite him into your place for hot chocolate and he'd stay, and long, long while; only really going back to his home for clothes cause fuck, if he had you like that he wouldn't dream of letting you go or leaving you for as long as he could.
God, It was almost uncanny how, you knew what to call him, but his name? that was something else entirely it felt like now.HIs own name had come to be you. that was how much you were written on his heart; written like law on stone. so engraved in his mind that he felt like you were with him all his life... except with this it was more like someone who knew him his entire life but suddenly stoped paying attention for a very important mile marker, then suddenly started up paying attention again, completely glossing over something that was so important to him. Like his name: but now youve replaced it with your own an the wasn't mad about it. and you didn't know, did you? would you ever know his name?
and, in the middle of all his swirling like a hurricane that brought peace instead of distruction, he wondered if you were ever feeling the same thing. did you think of him the way he thought of you?
He knew everything about you, as did you, he, you thought as you slipped off your shoes at the door. But you figured that, since friends need to be honest as much as they can, that wasn't entirely true. cute there was this one, not so small thing youve never shared with him. something that was such a big part of you it might as well be your name. The way you felt when he was near, when you thought of him, fuck, even when someone mentioned him. at this point, him-- and feeling this was about him was such a bug thing that it had become a part of you. he had become a part of you. and just like a name it was something you wanted and needed to tell the whole world. including him.
but there was the problem, you couldn't just scream it out for everyone to hear. that's why youve been waiting. Even though it was takin g a long time for him to figure out that big giant part of you that thad become as second nature as a name. Beomgyu was smart, but apparently he was stupid when it came to this. but seriously, with all the slip ups youve been having recently, you're starting to wonder if he's deliberately not understanding you and your feelings. Like is he that dense or does he just not want you?
You shoot him a message none the less; telling him to text when he got home unless you'll start to worry.
The next time you talk was on the phone on your way to work. He likes to walk you there, too. but today just happened to be one of those days where it couldn't happen. But you missed his presence on the street that reminded you of the talk you had yesterday so the next best thing was to call him. "Hey, it's the server from the diner." You say. "yeah, I know." It was a throwback to when he'd given his number to the place so he could get a free delivery. Though he was hoping you'd pick up on it and call him. and you did. you were the one who had to call to let him know his order had arrived and was currently getting cold outside his door. you had ended the call with him apologizing profusely.
One thing lead to another and you made a follow up call on how the food tasted. you heard him smiling from the other end of the phone as he says, "great as always." You barely thought he would even pick up so you didn't know what to say after that. "especially the hot chocolate." he aded then. And now you're the one smiling uncontrollably. After a few minutes on the phone that day your heart is leaping with excitement. so the next time he comes in, you talk with each other more freely. and now you had his number so when he doesn't come in for a few days you remembered mustering up the courage to text him. "I really wanted to come over there. hot chocolate would probably help cure whatever I have." you felt stupid. duh of course he was just sick, why were you so worried?
within the hour, hot chocolate was delivered to his door free of cost.
and that's when the friendship began; with him texting you an entire paragraph just to say thanks for the gesture and you two talking back and forth, heart seemingly on the edge of its seat, about hot chocolate and hot drinks in general.
"You know... our manager is always telling us to use water," you repeat now what you said all that time ago, "But I always use milk and cream for you." He's snapped back to the present, with you on the other end of the phone, wind whipping in the mic. "aww you really do care, don't cha?" he laughs, smug smile gracing his lips.he can practically hear you roll your eyes from the other end of the phone. "your welcome." you drawled. "I sincerely thank you for your sacrifice of cream and milk." he said, and it sounds like a joke, but still he's smiling in gratitude none the less. youre about to joke about how he needs to repay you... somehow. but he beats you to it. though... with the way he starts off, it doesn't sound like fully a joke. but just enough of one where he knows you'll listen.
"And as a formal expression of my forever debt to you, I invite you to attend a party with me." You figured you'd play along, his tone not serious enough for you to spend the brain power to actually think of an answer. "yeah, sure, Beom." It was about as real to you as the both of you staying completely quiet during a movie so you played along. at least, you thought you were playing. beomgyu puts his speaker of his phone up to his mouth, nearly making your ears bleed as he yells into it: "no take backs!" then promptly hangs up.
you roll your eyes at him, a little concerned for future you and him but cracking up none the less. The surprised expression on your face when he comes by later to quote "take the both of you shopping for the party the next day." was so priceless he wished he had whipped out his phone quick enough. "I keep my promises." he reminds you as he sits down at his usual bar stool. And he sure does, like the one he's been keeping, weighing on his heart for so long he feels like its going to crack it n a million pieces impossible to pick up, about just how much he feels for you. he made that promise to you to stick by you as friends for as long as you'd have him there long enough to be forgotten. but now him. he remembers it like it was yesterday and he intends to keep his word, especially to you. who knows which way it would take you if he didn't. and the last thing he needs is for you two to be torn apart.
he slumps on the counter and gives you puppy dog eyes. you sigh "No one told me you were serious. that was coercion; I did not understand the phrasing of the question, therefore--" oh, you wanted court of law? he'd give you court of law. "uh uh" he wriggles his finger in your face. "was this under a false pretense? maybe. but did that initially give you the right to call back and or ask further questions? yes. so for that reason youre guilty!" he slams an imaginary gavel down on the white counter. you turn around to take a breath. he kicks his feat. "come on, y/n! I think it'll be fun. and if not then we'll leave right away and go to my place to watch tv. and we'll get a cute outfit out of it either way!" you think about it for a moment. "I need deodorant anyways!"
well it is important not to have a stench.....
he can tell youre thinking about it and he perks up at the sight of your wheels turning behind your eyes. it was one of this favorite things-- watching you think, weigh your options and all. It wasn't like you completely didn't want to go. there was a part of you, one that was soon going to get bigger youre sure. but a part of you right now none the less. so what was stopping you? you wanted to be close to him. you loved being close to him and that meant doing things together. but in an environment like this.... it might pose a problem to lips kept tightly shut and secrets you held behind your back.
You take one last look at him, and if it's a regular response between friends or in a slip up you don't know, but you agree. he nearly jumps up out of his seat in celebration. Why did he suggest this? who knows. was this a good idea? who. the fuck. knows. maybe because he wanted to do something with you. but it was probably something more than that it the back of his mind that made him call you and ask. but he knows full well what almost happened the last time you two went to a party together. a bunch of "aww youre so cute together!" made it seem all a little too real after a while and as the night went on with him eventually stopping himself from telling the truth to these people and him getting seemingly eaten from the inside when he stopped just reviling in the fantasy and remembered that no, youre not together. The night ended somehow with you two coming dangerously close to kissing.
maybe he really just wanted to spend time with you; a sort of do-over. he could control himself this time. or maybe that's what it was... he wanted to test the waters again-- challenge himself and see if he really could have self control. or maybe, just maybe, in the back of his mind he wanted to test the waters another way. maybe he wanted to know if it'd happen again. of course he wouldn't do anything about it; he wanted to keep his promise to you but something felt like it was knocking at the back of his mind.
once your shift is done, he's got a spring in his step as he opens the door for the both of you and bouncing on his heels with a smile on his face telling you to hurry up. and no, you don't just go shopping for deodorant... but instead spend two full hours shopping around. two full hours that consisted of trying on clothes and the both of you having to bite your tongues. because fucking hell, why'd he have to have such a good style? you perk up as he steps out the dressing room for the third time, already preparing yourself for you heart seemingly about to beat out of your chest. "what do you think?" "I think..." his face sinks.... "oh--" he pouts, "no no! it looks great! its just, its white."
he quirks and eyebrow at you. "I have eyes, ya know? I did pick it out." he reminds you, nose and mouth scrunching up in that classic Beomgyu disgusted face. "spillage." you simply say. his eyebrows got up into his hairline. "youre right." the next out fit he comes out with, a little more spillage proof, is what he decides on. he takes another look in the mirror, sighing. "you really think it looks good?" he questions. "I have eyes, ya know?" you echo him. he spins around into the dressing room, away from you as quickly as possible so you didn't have to see the smile on his face and the rosy tint to his cheeks.
When it comes to you and picking out your outfits, while youre walking ahead of him to the dressing rooms, he closes his eyes, leaning his head against the wall so he can think for a moment. or... more stop himself form thinking so much than anything. he knows what he's getting himself into. but How you reacted each time he'd first appear out the dressing rooms door with that wistful glassy look in your eyes, almost like you yourself were trying to stop your gears turning.... Times like that gave him hope that maybe yeah, you felt the same way about him as he did you. because just for a short moment he saw the same look in his eyes that they had on him now; trying so hard to stop thinking about you. you, you, you, you.
"I think a round of applause is in order!" you say.-- twenty minutes in. twenty minutes of him bouncing his leg. twenty minutes of you hiding the way his complements make you feel. twenty minutes of the second you shut the door behind you him screaming internally into his palms and twenty minutes of you doing the same. he smiles at you when you come out. "I know. we have good taste." his cheeks seem to be nearly kissing at his lashes as he smiles and he's driving you crazy. "We do, don't we?" you take another look in the mirror.
"You really think it's--" Youre starting to stress over if the outfit really is worth the buy. you like it a lot. but now youre starting to wonder if its a little too little here or too much there and-- "I have eyes, don't I?" he repeats, you turn around and lock eyes with him for just a second too long not to do anything to the both of your heart rates.
fast forward to the next night and youre swinging your door open to see him turned the other way. he spins around as soon as he hears the door. You press your lips together and he unconsciously mimics you. "you look really beautiful!" he beams. he's just being your personal hype man as always, and youre not afraid to say that you love it. "Aw you look really beautiful too."
the words slipped past both of your lips like water through fingers. though, unlike water, the words were thick, with feelings long left in the dark hiding behind them. "Oh? so just beautiful? not really--" You step out toward him, closing the door behind you, making you step just a little bit too close to him than usual. "really really beautiful." you clarified. and this time, he doesn't move his head. "thank you." he whispers, voice softer than his hair. and the both of you are unable to move from your doorstep-- frozen in time and space, with the only thing moving being your rapid heart beats and rising chests.
he looks at you beside him and can feel your gears turning inside your head, a sight he so badly wants to get lost in but knows he can't. realizing it'd be bad enough with the gorgeous outfit you were wearing and how he was sure at least someone was going to try and hit on you... he'd rather not start getting himself tangled with you now. but he can't seem to move his neck any other way than craned to his left to look at you.
its was just.... as much as he wants an needs to kiss you so badly.... your so Important to him, he thinks as he lags behind a bit, watching you walk ahead. and your friendship is so important to him that they never want to break it, even if that meant shutting his mouth and staying further away, cause in the end that's really what he wanted: to be and stay friends with you. the reason he stayed never has been and never will be just about what he felt for you. your friendship will always be the most important thing to him and heeds never want to jeopardize that and loose you. he'd rather your friendship stay strong than anything.
Your turn around, beckoning him to come closer. he skips to you, so happy you don't know what to do with yourself. "You know--" "no, I don't. I was hoping you'd tell me." you scoff. "I was going to say that im glad you invited me. Im ready to go be extroverts together now and experience all the bad smells and all the loud noises a party has to offer." he laughs, but he knows youre half serious. and he's fully serious when he says he's happy you came.
the noise thumps in your ears, nearing making them ring. the lights are dimmer than you thought needed but it-- along with noise and people constantly bumping into each other, sufficed in making the atmosphere very party-like. cause well, it was a party after all. He follows you, both trying to scout out where the kitchen was. you'd planned to stick together, tighter than you did last time, tighter than when the both of you were bombarded with people asking you about each other, and stick together you did.
even when you two went upstairs, trying to find the bathroom, and stumbled upon a couple people fucking and practically biting each others faces off in the room you thought was the bathroom. Beomgyu shuts the door immediately, any longer and you'd both be traumatized. "get your own room!" you hear from behind the heavy door." He looks at you and you back at him before bursting into laughter. "I mean, did you want to orrrr?" you phrase it as a joke, and though he thinks he hears something in the back of your tone, he only rolls his eyes at you. though his brows go up higher than youve ever seen.
The second he's done in the bathroom you lead in downstairs to where the music was the loudest. "I heard it too." he pants, "I was trying to hurry up." you really couldn't believe they were playing this here. it was almost too perfect, you thought. with his body so close to yours, dancing and enjoying the song you both liked. And suddenly, it didn't feel like you were in a crowded room. and for a moment all you could see, and feel, and smell, was him. him and his fingers now reaching for yours, spinning you around, laughing without a care in the world. like it didnt matter that your heart was about to beat out of your chest, making you float on the floor you were dancing on.
Everyone else-- the entire room was blurred. It was just you, and him. him, and you. just as it should be. this didn't happen all the time-- rather, you didn't let it happen all the time. but when it did... you swore youve never felt anything so natural. so--so right and beautiful. You smile and ease him into a dip, now youre both laughing. when he comes up, somehow both his hands ended up in yours and now he's pulled flush against your body. he feels like you both are taking up so much and too little space at the same time--like the whole floor is yours and yours only. he swallows thickly, neither of you making a move to step away. you know it sounds stupid but for a second you can feel as life your hearts are beating as one. and for a seance he feels like maybe this is really real. that it won't end any second and that he isn't having another day dream about slow dancing with you in one of your living rooms; all comfy and--
"I have to go get some water." you say so low that only he hears over the music. you really shouldnt let it goony further than this. at least not here. and as much as you wanted to keep ignoring everyone around you cause with him, were they even there in the first place? you knew you shouldn't, couldn't keep it up for much longer cause being this close to him only made you wanna kiss the shit out of him. "y-youre not--" you look at the next to no gap between you still, hands still closes around each others tightly. you blink to free yourself from the perfect daze youre caught in. the song was barely even slow enough to slow dance to. what you you doing? "moving? I know." and before he could even ask if you to stay longer, youre already pushing yourself off his chest and out of his grasp.
"You sure you don't want me to just go with you?" he nearly stumbles after you. "beom, its just for a second." You whip around to face him, arms crossed defensibly. "but a lot can happen in a second." yeah, I can see that, you say to yourself, thinking about just a moment before where dancing to a song you both liked turned quickly into something that was going to make you stumble. beom, the name echoed in his mind over and over until it flowed into his heart where all the other times youve laughed or called him by that nickname laid. "listen I know youre just trying to uphold our agreement, but seriously, im fine."
he knows he's probably being too worried for you, but he just can't. epically after you'd done that. with your hands clasping his against his chest. god, he never wanted it to end. little did he know neither did you. you did actually need water, being so close to him like that had a track record of making your throat go dry and fingers go numb. it also had a track record of making you get lost in his glazed over eyes. you find a cup and rinse in out before anything cause who knew where its been. a moment later youre about to refill your cup when you hear the unmistakable sound of Beomgyus shriek. followed by someone yelling at him.
oh god what did he get himself into now?
You run to where you last saw him and, finding him not there you rush to where you saw a few people gathered by the stairs. those people who were now making way for beomgyu flying down them. someone hot with anger and hot on his tale. Your brows furrowed as he zooms past you. "im sorry!" you hear him say, "I probably shouldn't have gotten involved but it looked like a pretty heated argument!" oh god? that was what this was about? "Yah!" the person yells behind him. "that's why you shouldve stayed out of it!" then and Beomgyu are both on opposite ends of the sofa, both waiting for the other to make a move. when the person inches right, beomgyu tips to the left. when beomgyu goes the other way, the person follows his movements.
two of the three people move off the sofa to get out the way. god, he really was fucked, wasn't he? you didn't know what to do, really. you left for five minutes and here he was getting screamed profanities at by some random person. You wanted to help, but as beomgyu brings up to the person how the person they were talking with looked hurt, and how they themself looked hurt as well, you leaned against the door frame and just watched.
it was another one of these situations, huh? they didn't look mad enough to really do much of a number on him anyways, and youd step in to stop them any minute now if beomgyu doesn't leave the argument first. And step in a minute later after beomgyu and the person going back and forth tore you apart from the inside out to one, see him so worried like this, and two, hearing them yell next to you with the loud ass music was starting to make your ears bleed you didn't need to do after all. Beomgyu was backing up with his hands in front of him defensively. it didn't feel like you needed to collect him or keep him out of trouble or anything cause he was intentionally trying to start a fight, but you could tell no one was going to get anywhere with this. or at least beomgyu wasn't going to get what he was looking for from the person. So you figured it best to tell it that you two should leave. you grab him by the shoulders and lead him out the door. you were kinda done with the party anyways, having been there quite enough time already.
"im sorry! I ruined our night, didn't I?" he begs. "but they were saying some pretty shitty things about someone and it looked like it was about to turn physical." he practically pleads with you as the night air nips at whatever wasn't covered on you. you stay silent the whole way back to you place. "What have I told you?" you tell more than ask sternly once he's plopped down on his sofa. he hands his head low. "Not to get in the middle of other peoples problems..." he echoes what you say every time something like this happens-- he thinks he can be be everyones knight In shinning armor, protecter and helper to all by getting himself involved. it usually doesn't have such... strong repercussions. most of the time its when he hers whispers of someone talking about their troubles with someone else and he tries to console them. which is fine on its own, but then comes the part where he's getting all caught up in it and he's getting hurt along with them.
and as much as you are shaking your head and rolling your eyes at the situation he got himself into... you purse your lips and try not to catch his eyes from across the sofa. you lean back. "But im not surprised. And it's not because you never learn or that youre stupid or anything, ok? so don't even go there. but that's just who you are, how youve always been since I met you-- caring so much for people, even people you don't know that you'll end up like this trying to help them sometimes. that's one of the things about you that haven't changed one bit since I've met you." he inches closer as if you hear you better, legs folded criss cross on the cushions and hands on his knees.
"don't make me out to be such a hero." he shakes his head. and this time you move a little closer. "Not saying you are just," you pause, knowing what you want to say but wondering if this really was the right time for it. It felt right in your bones and besides when were you going to get another chance like this one? when just a bit ago his hands fit perfectly in yours and you could feel his raging heartbeat under your palms? It was now or never, right? but really, you werent too sure you'd be able to stop yourself now. you might've been in too deep, but with him, never over your head. "just, youre the kindest person ive ever met. n' I just worry you'll get hurt more than youve already gotten in the past-- like youve gotten in the past when you get invested like this."
youre breathing all heavy for some reason, and he's getting that same glassy look in his eyes as earlier in the night. it reminds you of a sugar honey glaze on sweet fruit or a dessert and you can't help but stare int them. "glad to see you care." he shrugs. only his lips move thankfully just in your field of vision, eyes staying locked on yours. "I thought you knew I did. he's unconsciously leaning forward to you, his body following the magnetic pull that was you. though he's only following what seemed natural. "Thought you knew that I did?" you put your face in your palm, elbow balanced on your knee. "Yeah, but..." he trails off, the both of you now impossibly close.
and closer, and closer, and closer until your lips join in a searing kiss. you both sigh in relief into it, having waited so, so long. now your heart was really beating out of your chest, your fingertips no longer numb but boiling with feeling. his hands go from his knees to your hands, grasping them firmly, but gently just like you did to him at the party. he felt like he was floating, like he was suddenly sitting on a cloud and wasn't afraid of falling. god, he's wanted this for so long; for fucking ever. how could he stop now? you pull apart, and now youre thinking how in the world you felt out this long. ".... now the way I want you to." he continues, "not the way I do." you smile, leaning in again to kiss him. it was meant to be a quick peck, but instead it turned into you leaning your body into his and his hands on your arms, running up and down them, making you sink further into him and the seat in warmth.
Now, for a second time, you pull away. "Does that help answering how much I care?" he's smiling like a mad man at your words. "so I guess I didn't ruin our night?" he says, more to get his Brian working properly more than anything. "The opposite. I wanted to leave with you anyways." and now he's nearly jumping out of his seat to to do a little happy dance. he couldnt help it, though. especially when you were pulling him back in by his shirt balls dup in your fist and smashing your lips together.
when you pull apart though, instead of smiling in each others faces, the both of you shoot up. oh god... oh god! what did you just do? it wasn't suppose to go like this, he thinks as you rush to put your shoes on at the door. No words were exchanged between the two of you, though. except: "Hey... I--" "no no!" you say a little too loudly, "no, its fine. we don't ever need to speak of this again, sound good?" his lips form a line at your words. he shoots you a thumbs up. "...yeah." it wasn't what he wanted, that's of for user. but what other choice did he have? didn't look like you were ready for it to happen, so my default, now he wasn't either.
it wasn't like you two avoided each other at all costs in the week after the incident. no, not at all. you were friends above anything and everything, and such close friends that being like that to each other would've killed the both of you. and it wasnt like you were mad at each other... but now the silence on your walks together felt.... uncomfortable; unnatural and weird. like you needed to fill it with pointless talking to distract you from how there was this... air in the midst of you two-- like you knew what the other wanted, craved and needed but were too scared to do something about it.
that's why he knew he had to do something about it. so here he was, barging into the diner you worked past closing time. You quickly run to the door to unlock it for him. not like you were doing anything better anyways, watching the raindrops slide down one of the many windows as you wiped down each table. he was later than he usually was, but it looked like he was here for more than just to pick you up. the look in his eyes said it all. You turn around as soon as you pull the door open for him. "we're closed, Beom." the nickname slipped off your tongue so easily it was like you had forgotten the incident the week before, and how you promised yourself you'd back away even more than you had to keep it from happening again.
it wasn't like you didnt want it to. god was it the opposite. it was just... new, and scary. you knew that wasn't the best excuse but it was all you had. he was, in a way all you had. You didn't really know what moving along that road would mean. you knew it'd be good. but again, it was new and scary.
"I can't loose you." he pants behind you. for once he it was raining and for once he did run here. he spreads his arms wide, his long hair dripping on his shoulders. "And I can't-- I can't believe we let this come between us. and I don't want to let the wedge be driven any further." when you still don't respond, back still turned he gets more desperate, running a worried hand through his hair. "Come on, y/n! we're best friends!" you slam your towel down on the counter. "yeah, well maybe that's why this should've never fuckin happened." your words make the room go silent. you didn't yell it, you didnt exclaim it, you basically whispered it, but it boomed like a bomb going off none the less.
he was too important-- your relationship, whatever it may be, was too important to let go; you knew that. he knew that. he didnt say a word, realizing that he might say something to make the situation worse. he knew he was staying after hours, then again, it reminded him of how it would be between the two of you a week ago when you'd still talk the same. he'd come in, you'd make him the best hot chocolate he'd ever tasted next to his moms, and then he'd sit at the same bar stool and you'd talk for hours, barely making a move to actually go home. but eventually, after helping you with cleaning, he'd walk you home.
but for watts its worth, neither of you wanted to go back to those times, even after everything quite liking how the experience of the incident felt. You invite him to go to your place to talk it out some more. having the same idea, he agrees readily.
"I haven't been completely honest with you." you say, youve been talking for a little over a hour now, somehow slipping into how it was about a week ago along the way back to your place, and you don't think youve felt something so good-- so reliving, in a very long time. "I haven't been telling the whole truth either." no other words are uttered between the two of you, opting to lean ever so frustratingly and tantalizingly slow into each other,. his hand coming to rest on your thigh, folded underneath you at the knee on his sofa. you place your hand on top of his has your lips connect, a long awaited satisfied sigh is breathed into each others face, the air tickling you. youre rubbing circles on the back of his hand as his mind races. it was a kiss you poured all your feelings into. one where you spilled into it how you needed him with you so so so bad. how you wanted him beside you even more than he already was. how you were sorry it took you so long, and how you couldn't wait to keep being beside each other. you could feel him pour all that and more into his side of it and you reviled in the feeling, settling into it like it was second nature.
you blink a couple times when you pull apart, glad that you took your talk someplace else now. and well, I guess the both of you know now. youve now pulled out of the dark that beautiful little thing you two were hiding.
Now you both know just that one more, not so little thing you needed-- what was on each of your hearts the most.
Can’t believe never written a solely beomgyu fic before anyways as I’ve said if you liked it please comment and or reblog since tumble works on that system and liking it only bookmarks it for you :) I hope you enjoyed!!!
©️2023copyrightofshutupheathersorryheatherr do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works even if you give me credit
taglist: @itz-yerin
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tears-of-amber · 9 months
Crystals For The 4 Seasons:
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(This is a season of rebirth, transformation, and gentle growth)
-Carnelian (it embodies warmth that’s returning to the land, and it’s transformational energy is super powerful)
-Red Garnet (it’s a rich earthy stone that is rejuvenating and grounding)
-Pyrite (this stone shines like the sun, and is super healing and protective as we experience growth).
-Pistachio Calcite (a very loving and gentle stone, this is also known as green calcite, and its main lesson is patience)
-Selenite aka Satin Spar (a very cleansing and clearing crystal, for all your spring cleaning needs)
(This is a season of lively celebrations, beautiful vacations of the mind and body, as well as adventures).
-Aquamarine (soft and gentle go with the flow energy, so you are flexible with your summer plans and find clarity and peace).
-Citrine (bright a joyful in its energy, so you can embrace your fun plans, or simply see the beauty in the small things in life).
-Red Jasper (strong grounding yet adventurous energy, with a fiery kind of protective aura).
-Rose Quartz (self care and compassion in a crystal form, very good for those moments to yourself, or dealing with summertime sadness. SEE A LICENSED THERAPIST THO IF YOURE REALLY DEPRESSED)
-Amber (healing sap of warm sun energy, this will help you connect to nature, especially trees, and heal your past wounds).
(This is a season of reminiscing about days long gone, and unlocking the secret gifts of the darker parts of your very self).
-Black Obsidian (severing ties with energies that no longer serve you, and protecting yourself from negativity).
-Lapis Lazuli (for self reflection and unlocking your inner spiritual truths).
-Honey Calcite (for incorporating brightness into your inner life even as the light fades in the outer world).
-White Opal Precious or tumble quality is equally fine (for encouraging gratitude and generosity in oneself).
-Moss Agate (for understanding how far you’ve come, and honoring your growth as a human being).
(This is a season of reflection, peaceful moments, and merriment).
-Howlite (associated with dreams and connections with ancestors, very peaceful and calming).
-Rainbow Fluorite (for organization and clarity of thought, an essential asset whilst planning holiday gatherings, and events in general).
-Strawberry Quartz (the perfect stone for merriment and enjoying the present moment without getting caught up in the past or future).
-Iolite (for navigating tough decisions, and quieting the mind so you can listen to your inner guide instead of your fears).
-Rhodonite (for tough feelings of being left out, lonely, or isolated, this stone helps you to be caring towards yourself and accepting the current situation without wallowing too long in the bad aspects of it. AGAIN, SEE A LICENSED MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL IF YOU ARE REALLY SERIOUSLY DEPRESSED. A crystal isn’t going to fix everything).
Thanks for reading!
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Frodo had been kind enough to let Antonio and Mirabel stay in the extra beds of Bags End until they either learned why they were truly brought to this land, or found a way home.
Mirabel sang at the pub, worked as a waitress at night and helped look after little ones during the day to help pay their way and for their things. Antonio got to run around and play with the other children.
And then...Then Gandalf was back in the night. And he looked afraid and half mad.
Mirabel had started packing supplies as soon as she saw his face. She made sure her mithril dress from Thorin was on properly with some regular clothing on top of it. And her enchanted shoes were on her feet, unfortunately she did not have a sword yet but she could use some knives until then.
Antonio was sleepy as he waited in a chair, trying not to doze off. She had put her old metal armor on him, it fit him rather well since he was about the same size she had been when she first came to Middle Earth if a bit taller. He too had no weapon.
Once Gandalf told them the gravity of the situation and that they must make haste at once Antonio and Mirabel helped Frodo and the roped in Samwise Gamgee pack supplies before they set out with a pony.
It was agreed that Antonio would ride stop the pony until he awoke properly and then they could take turns.
"I will meet you at the Inn of the Prancing Pony. I must seek out Sauroman. He is both wise and powerful." Gandalf said and Mirabel narrowed her eyes.
"Just be careful Gandalf I do not trust him. What should we do if you are not there when we arrive?" Mirabel asked as they continued to walk.
"...I shall be wary. If I am not there when you get there leave a message for me. And then take them to Rivendale Mirabel. Go to see Elrond. But be careful. The enemy has many spies. Birds. Beasts...if you see a Ranger named Strider then trust him. He will help you to safety." Mirabel nodded at the information.
"if the ring becomes too heavy Frodo then give it to Mirabel. She is more than what she appears and will do anything to keep you all safe." Gandalf said to the Hobbit who nodded but looked worried. After all he wasn't sure he wanted to endanger a young lass not even twenty winters who had a baby of not even five winters relying on her.
But...if Gandalf and Bilbo were right about her...
Well he saw her use the shoe on Merry and Pippin and on more than one drunken lot getting too into his drink.
Shoutout to Frodo for letting them stay⁉️⁉️ And shoutout to Mirabel for getting that bag 🤞🏾
YOOOOOO she’s so real for not touching Saruman tho. Like be so Fr, he was creepy even in the Hobbit 😭 I remember seeing him when I watch the movie for the first time as a little kid and. Being weirded out by his freakishly long nails. Seriously, cut those things or sumn 😭
Poor Antonio <3
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deviousfatestudio · 8 months
hi it's me with the copy and paste comment i realize i could of just copy and paste “BroZones talent in a bottle” part. anyway, i have questions so heres 6.
are the bros just evil or do they have guilt and stuff?
did the bros do something to grandma to you know keep branch?
will the bros ever break out of the crazy mindset the perfect harmony put them in?
i know you mention due to branch being so young when they manage to hit the perfect harmony, he not crazy, however come he not crazy like the bros in the future did they no use it at all during Thos 20 years?
does poppy make an appearance in this at all or is it just the bros?
how long was branch trapped in the bottle was it a few months like floyd was or years?
i have more but i cant think of anything.
You can just call it Bottle Branch au or bottle I’ll understand 😙
1) full fledged fuckers. Under the family stability rating they’re at -45% which means the brothers are not allowed anywhere NEAR their branch or any other. (Maybe…)
2) grandma is the reason branch knows of other trolls and becomes friends with them! She managed to get away with branch for a bit and that’s how he knows of poppy and the others. Creek is who tattles to the brothers about it. (Fuck creek. All my homies hate creek)
Grandma doesn’t make it through the winter. Branch blames himself
3) so by crazy mindset I mean they kinda act like canon!velvet. They go mad with fame and power and want more and they do not. At least how I have it currently. In the multiverse fic I have in mind they’re actually the main villains.
4) branch isn’t crazy because to him he just wanted to sing with his brothers. I’m realizing now what I meant was a bit misleading
More so- the perfect family harmony really pushes emotions to a high. The brothers were all thinking different things and different emotions. JD with perfection, Floyd with wanting to be famous, clay wanting to be taken seriously, and Spruce wanting to be cared for. The family harmony kinda made those go haywire but isn’t controlling them. It just pushed them over the edge they created for themselves. Think of it like drugs… kinda
Branch however was only thinking of playing with his brothers. This is one of the main reasons that even after nearly dying he still believes his brothers mean him no harm. That boy needs so much therapy.
More family harmony means more pushing those emotions and just making them sink deeper and deeper into that hole. Branch, by the time he’s the age of canon branch, quite literally obeys his brothers every command. Spruce has actually broken his arm on multiple occasions and branch apologizes to him.
5) she does! Grandma rosie puff would bring a young branch over to play. She warned poppy to not let branch’s brothers know. Poppy didn’t understand until she saw the brothers pick up branch. Branch was bruised.
6) it’s over the course of 10 years on and off. They plan to build up stock since they know too much all at once will kill branch. They also know that branch learning from other trolls boosts the talent he gives so they have him travel around. This is where some of the other trolls we know and love start noticing some shit. Especially 4 trolls branch had been super close with. (Kismet found family is a HILL I WILL FUCKING DIE ON)
By the end of it when veneer and velvet manage to save branch with the aid of p much every other troll branch is in bad shape. All the other branch’s tend to go visit him instead of him traveling around.
Branch came to full crystallization ( but reversed back like Floyd as the brothers knew how to time it) multiple times over the course of those 10 years and THAT led to a lot of damage. He usually feels cold and tired. His energy drains quickly and his singing voice, while still beautiful, is very weak. He can barely participate in dancing and singing. Most times he can walk but there are times he can’t at all. It’s bad and the slow realization his brothers actually did mean him harm makes him lose his colors possibly. Still working it out.
Kinda thinking of having viva be the whistle blower?? Or she could be fucked up like them. Not sure.
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