#seriously the cutest person to grace this earth
hosyuub · 8 years
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The best hat Yoongi’s ever worn
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gojology · 4 years
Super cold this morning, figured I could write a cute one-shot (Yes, I learned a new term :D). Good morning everybody! 
   You sneezed, sniffling and coughing, throwing the tissue onto the growing mountain. Your nose was a bright red, and it hurt every time you touched it. Groaning, pulling the covers over you. The bed creaked as you turned over, counting the minutes on the wall before Gojo would return home to take care of you. 
   Your phone rang, instantly jolting up with a shiver down your back, another sneeze. Scanning over the contact, heart fluttering realizing that it was no one but Gojo Satoru himself. Well, granted, he facetimed you every day after work.
   “There’s my snufflekins! I know you weren’t feeling good this morning..” he pursed his glossy ass lips, “I got us some chicken soup for dinner, oh and don’t worry, I got you some medicine as well.” He snickered, hand messing with this wild white hair. “Oh man, you don’t look so good. Chicken soup was a good call. Want me to take care of you sugar?” 
   “That should be a given, dimwit.”  chortling, you turned to get another tissue before sneezing several times. 
   “Fuck my life.” you whined, laying down defeatedly. You turned over, phone in hand, Satoru laughing at you for the world to hear. You caught a glimpse of an old lady dropping her bag of apples. 
   “Your sneezes are so cute! Why don’t you get sick more often? It’s for me, you know, It’ll be worth it, pretty please?” 
   You let out a sigh, how was it that even when you were sick, Gojo was even more child-like than you? 
   “NO Satoru. I am NOT getting sick just for you. This is hell on Earth.” 
   He smiled, “That’s my brat. Not paying attention to my orders.”     You immediately stood up, was he.. Teasing you?     “Anyways! I’ll see you tonight okay? We can watch your favorite movie or something, my treat! NO sweets, we don’t want you getting even sicker.”    “I wasn’t even going to eat any sweets-”    “Oh shut up lovebug, let’s get you all fixed up. Anyways, I gotta get in the car now. Love you sweetcheeks, remember what I said, NO SWEETS!”     Before you could even answer back, the call hung up.    You sighed, now laying on your back. It’d be another 1 hour before he would come home, you could nap. Or you could surprise him by giving him a big hug, but wouldn’t he get sick too? Then you would both be sick together and-     Oh forget about it. You put your phone down, rubbing your eyes and yawning, you had wanted to nap even before the call anyways.    You woke up being shaken aggressively, groaning, instinctively realizing that it was probably Satoru and not a home invader. “Sugarplum~, Did you seriously fall asleep on me?”     Looking at his face, you gulped, “How long have you been fuckin standing there watching me sleep?” Did he even realize himself how creepy that was? He smiled, and you swear you could see the corner of his eyes crinkle, even behind the blindfold, when he smiled like that.        “Just for a couple of minutes.” he put his face near yours, you could smell his breath. A cool mint fanned over your face. “You know, even when you’re all sick and disheveled, you’re still the cutest person I’ve ever seen.”    “Satoru, shut up, I didn’t even wash my face today. You don’t need to flatter me.”    “I’m being honest, isn’t that what you learn in elementary school?”     He smiled, pushing a finger to your lips when you began to groan about how he was just being too nice. He strode over to the large cabinet, you scanned his body like you had done over hundreds of times. Impossibly long limbs, so tall that he had to duck under doorways. Large hands, gracing the cabinet. Sometimes you wish he touched you like that.         He yanked out a large sweater, one that you’ve seen him wear multiple times. A turtleneck, colored a yellowed white. “Here, wear this, smells just like me.” He stood over you, seemingly confused.     “Oh, well, I should probably put this onto you, shouldn’t I?”     Your breathing hitched, even though he had put his t-shirt on you many times after scandalous evenings, the feeling still was the same. You were so lucky.     He kneeled on the bed, stretching out the collar. Sticking his tongue out of his mouth, he shoved it right through your head, guiding your arms to the sleeves.     “You look so cute! Want me to carry you out of bed sugar?”     Suddenly shy, and a warm flush on your cheeks, you nodded. His strong, toned arms picked you up with ease. He softly hummed, “Look at you, I’m carrying you like my princess.”     You smiled sleepily, “Are you my knight in shining armor?”     “Always baby. I’ll warm up the chicken soup, you can choose the movie.”     He hummed again, swaddling you in the blankets that were placed hours before by a very thoughtful Satoru. “I’ll be back in just a second, baby.” He chirped, giving you a quick kiss before going to the kitchen.    You felt the cold wind from the windows left open on your face, looking at the large flat screen TV. Your boyfriend was next room, and you were comfy in a bunch of blankets.     Sometimes, even though they were hell and back, you loved colds.
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BTS Reaction| Your family members fight a lot and you’re stuck at home
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You went upstairs to your room as soon as you heard the raised voices and closed yourself in there. You were tired of having to listen to their arguing. So you put your headphones in and immediately called your best friend. He answered on the first ring as always. 
“Hello? Y/n? Is everything okay?”
“I mean no but, how did you know?”
“It’s nearly midnight. You usually never call me this late unless something is wrong.”  You glance at the clock and your eyes widen when you realize he’s right.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! Were you sleeping? Did I wake you?”
“Nope. I was just working on a new song.”
“Oh really? Can you tell me about it?” 
“You need a distraction?”
“Yes please.”
“Alright. Well it was probably one of the fastest times I have written a song. It got it done in just a few hours. I was feeling very... inspired.”
“Oh really? What inspired you?”
“Hmm a walk in the woods. I saw a leaf fall from a tree and the lyrics just started flowing from there.”
“Your brain amazes me, Namjoon.” He chuckles at that.
“Thank you. Do you want to hear it?”
“I’d love to!” He plays you the song and it immediately gives you a sense of comfort. You let yourself be lulled into a peaceful state by the gentle melody playing through your headphones. When the song is over you let out a happy sigh. “That was amazing.”
“Really? Do you think Army will like it?”
“They’ll love it. I know they will. It will make them feel just as comforted and happy as it did for me.” 
“Perfect. That’s what I was going for. Thanks for listening to me ramble on.”
“Oh no it’s exactly what I needed. Thank you, Namjoon.”
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You had a pillow over your head trying to drown out the raised voices, but it didn’t seem to be working. It was really starting to wear on your nerves so you did the one thing you knew would cheer you up, face time Jin. You hoped he was back at the hotel now and you weren’t bothering him. He answered almost immediately. You can’t see his face as his phone seems to be laying on the counter, the camera facing the ceiling. 
“There’s my adorable sweetheart of a best friend- Hey why do you have a pillow over your head?” A loud slam of a door across the hall makes you flinch. 
“Does that answer your question?”
“Your family is fighting again?”  You sigh. 
“Of course. Just a daily occurrence in the life of quarantine.  What are you doing?” The camera moves and you immediately giggle at the sight. He has on a face mask but there are black rings around the eyes and nose that make him look like a panda. You burst into laughter when you see his indignant expression. 
“Hey what’s so damn funny? There are no jokes about this beautiful, handsome face.” 
“What on earth- are you wearing?” 
“Hey! We’re on tour in a foreign country our face masks and beauty products are limited.” You try to stifle your laughter by bringing the pillow over your mouth instead. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t laugh, I just wasn’t expecting that.” 
“It’s okay. I do look quite silly. But yet I still somehow manage to pull it off huh?”
“Sure, if that’s what you want to believe.”
“Don’t make me come over there.” 
“Oh bring it on grandpa-nda.” Jin tries to hold back his laughter because he’s trying to be mad at you but soon his loud and boisterous laughter rings out into your room. 
“I can’t possibly be mad at a fellow appreciator of dad jokes and puns. Are you feeling better now?”
“Much. Thank you.”
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The moment your family started arguing you went into a different room and closed the door. You pulled out your phone to text him but as usual, he seemed to have some weird sixth sense with you and had sent you a message as you were typing yours. 
Hey, just wanted to check in and see how you were doing. 
Um, not great but I’ll manage. 
You see the three dots appear as he is typing back a message but soon they disappear and your phone is ringing. 
“Hey. Sorry I was going to just text but I figured a phone call would mean a little more. Is everything okay?”
“I mean it’s just my family again.” That’s all you have to say and he immediately knows. 
“I saw a really cute dog today.”
“You what now?”
“It was really cute. A little fluff ball. The cutest dog I think I have ever seen. I took a photo, you want to see?” Your phone chimes with a text message and you open it and look at the photo. He’s laying down on his side and has Holly in his arms. His eyes are crinkling at the corners and you can tell he’s smiling even though his mouth is covered.
“That’s Holly.”
“Yes. And he is the cutest dog in the universe. No other dog compares to my precious Holly.” You find yourself smiling hearing how fond Yoongi is of his dog. 
“Indeed he is. But his owner is even cuter.” You hear an odd choked off noise and even though you can’t see him you know he’s blushing. 
“Ah don’t say things like that. It’s not good for my heart.” 
“Sorry. I couldn’t resist. You look really happy in that photo though.” 
“Because I am. Being home with my family and getting to see Holly makes me happy. Um.. you know if your family is fighting a lot you are always more than welcome to come and stay with me.” 
“Of course. My family adores you. If it gets to be too much, you always have a home with me.” You feel tears well up in your eyes and quickly wipe them away.
“That means a lot to me. Thank you, Yoongi.” 
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If there was one thing that could cheer you up when your family was fighting it was your own personal sunshine, Hoseok. You texted him and asked him for a distraction and suddenly your phone was bombarded with adorable selfies of him pouting at the camera, smiling, holding up a finger heart, doing multiple different adorable poses.
Feeling better now?
Of course. How could I not when I get to see your smiling adorable face?
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Why do you have to say things like that you’re gonna make me blush in front of the guys and then they’re gonna make fun of me.
Sorry. I mean I just speak the truth. Nothing makes me feel better like your smile does. 
Y/n sttooop. 
Okay okay. I’m sorry. What are you guys doing?
Another picture comes through, they’re all in the photo now smiling in the practice mirror. 
Dance practice! 
Ah I’m sorry! I shouldn’t keep you then. 
Nonsense. We’re taking a break anyway. And even if we weren’t you know I’d drop everything just to cheer you up. I promised you whenever you needed me I’d be there remember? No matter what. 
You smile to yourself as you remember the day Hoseok came back to your house and was absolutely over the moon that he was going to debut. But one thing he made sure to promise you was that nothing would change between the two of you and that he would always make time for you. And he has made good on that promise without fail. 
Yes I know. And I appreciate you so much for that. No matter what time of day it is you always help me feel better. 
Good! Are you feeling okay now? Are your family still arguing?
Hmm I don’t think so. I don’t hear anything. And yes I am, much better. Thank you Hobi.
You’re welcome sunshine! I’ll call you later tonight after practice okay?
Okay. Love you, Hobi.
Love you too !! 💜💜💜
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Jimin, are you busy?
Hmm just practicing a new choreo! But I always have time for you, what’s up? 
You press the phone icon next to his name.
“Okay now you got me worried with how quickly you called me.”
“Just.. can you distract me please? Or just keep my mind off things? I just want to forget everything that is going on right now for a little bit.”
“That is a very open ended question y/n with many possibilities.” You can hear his smirk through the phone. 
“Not like that you pervert!”
“I wasn’t being serious oh my goodness. I just wanted to make you laugh. Sorry.” You giggle into the phone and hear him sigh into the other end as if he’s relieved he didn’t actually upset you. 
“I’m just messing with you, Jimin. But seriously. My family is fighting again and I just don’t want to deal with it right now.” 
“Ah I have the perfect idea to distract you then! Switch to video call.” You did and were blessed with the sight of a barefaced, casually clothed Park Jimin. 
“So what is your idea?”
“You can watch me dance! I know how much you like to. And you can tell me what you think of the new choreography for my solo. Is that okay?”
“That sounds perfect. Watching you dance is like an out of body experience I swear. Feels like my soul left my body and ascended into the heavens and I am watching an angel grace me with his presence.” 
“Ah y/n! You flatter me too much.”
“It’s true though!” He waves you off with his hand but you definitely don’t miss the way his adorable puffy cheeks have turned bright red. He walks over to the speakers and presses play to resume the music. It truly is like watching an angel. He moves like he has wings, feet barely touching the floor and movements so graceful even the most experienced prima ballerina would be jealous. You watch on in awe as he seemingly floats across the practice room. You don’t even realize you’re tearing up until he stops dancing and runs towards the phone with a look of alarm on his face.
“Did something happen? Or was I just that bad?”
“Shut up, Jimin you were perfect. Seriously. That’s why I am crying because that was the most beautiful thing I have seen in my life.” You wipe your eyes with the back of your sleeve and when you look back at the screen, Jimin is smiling. 
“Thanks, y/n. I’m glad you liked it.”
“Loved. I loved it.” He blushes again but doesn’t try to hide it this time, allowing you to see his eyes disappear as he smiles at you. “Dance for me again?” 
“Anytime you want y/n. All you have to do is ask.” 
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Taehyung had called you, like he did every night to check in and see how your day was. Unfortunately he called right when your family was in the middle of a world war III level screaming match. You answered and he immediately heard the yelling in the background.
“Oh, sweetheart I am so sorry.” You sniffle and try to collect yourself so he won’t worry.
“It’s fine. I’m used to it by now.” Your voice cracks and reveals to him just how upset you are. 
“Stay right there. I’m coming over.” 
“What? No, Tae it’s late don’t- Hello? Taehyung?” You pull the phone away from your face and see that he has already hung up. You sigh and set it down on your bed, pulling the pillow against your ears and trying to drown out the sound. Without realizing it you end up drifting off to sleep, only to be woken up by a heavy body flopping next to you on the bed. You throw the pillow off of you and sit up feeling startled. Looking to your left you see piles of snacks and drinks from the convenience store, and a very sheepish looking Taehyung. 
“I didn’t know which snacks you’d want so I bought one of everything.” You stare at him for a moment before a megawatt smile is displayed on your face. You jump over all the bags of snacks and tackle him in a hug. 
“You’re the best. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.” 
“Of course! Anything to make you smile and cheer you up.” He opens a bag of chips and takes one out and holds it to your lips. “Open!” You do and he pops the chip into your mouth, it’s your favorite which just makes you even more happy that he remembers these little details about you. You are both in your own little world, eating snacks and happily chatting before you hear more shouting from downstairs and the frown is immediately back on your face. Taehyung pulls headphones out of one of the bags and places it over your head. They’re noise cancelling so you can’t hear anything except Winter Bear playing through them. You feel yourself immediately relax, and sway to the beat. You close your eyes and focus on his voice as he gently tugs you to your feet, and slow dances with you around the room. You have completely forgotten about why you were upset in the first place, the only thing you are focusing on is him. His voice, his hands around your waist, and the soft feeling of his lips against your forehead. 
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Jungkook was a sweetheart, to put it lightly. He was an angel. And today was certainly no exception. You two had been texting back and forth and when your family started arguing you stopped answering him back, opting to put your headphones in and listen to music to block everything out. He got worried when you just suddenly stopped responding so he called you. 
“Y/n? Sorry were you sleeping or something? I just was a little worried when you stopped answering.” 
“Ah, sorry just..”
“Your family again?”
“What were you doing?”
“Listening to music.” 
“Hmm.. were you listening to your favorite group by any chance?” You know what he’s hinting at but you couldn’t help but tease him a little bit.
“Indeed I was. Got7′s song always cheer me up and put me in a good mood.”
“O-oh. Okay. Yeah I see why you like them. They do make good music. And they’re handsome and funny. Yugyeom is one of my best friends so if you want to meet him someday I can introduce you-”
“I’m just messing with you. I love Got7 but when I am upset it’s your voice I want to hear.” He gets quiet for a moment and you can picture how flustered he is, you almost laugh but hold it in. 
“You know if you want to hear the real thing all you have to do is ask. If my voice helps you feel better I will sing a thousand songs if that’s what it takes.”
“Yes, of course.”
“Okay then. Sing for me.” He clears his throat.
“Annyeonghaseyo jeoneun Bangtan Sonyeondan-”
“Jungkook!” You immediately burst out laughing and hear his giggles soon joining yours. 
“Sorry. Just wanted to make you laugh for a second. But for real now, okay?”
“Okay.” You settle back into your pillows and bring the blanket up to your chin, getting cozy and waiting for the surely ethereal vocals to fill your ears.
“Neoneun nae salme dashi tteun haetbit.” His voice sounds beautiful. It’s unlike anything you’ve heard before. It’s like comfy fuzzy blankets, a warm fire after being outside in the snow, a hand to hold when you’re feeling down. It’s comforting. It’s warm. And it’s everything you need right now.  Without even realizing, you’ve started to drift off to sleep. But Jungkook keeps singing even though you’ve fallen asleep. He wants to make sure you stay asleep, and don’t have to listen to anymore unpleasant sounds, he wants your dreams to be filled with bright colors and happiness. And if the way your breaths are even and unstrained are any indiction, he knows he’s accomplished his goal. 
“Sleep well, angel.” 
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lveclouds · 4 years
Mutual appreciation day!Tell me something about your mutuals 💜
  i love showering my moots in love hehe 
@yongjaes: cara is the sun to my stars, the san to my hwa,my favorite yong stan, and the loveliest and sweetest angel ever and i literally adore her with my entire being and she makes the prettiest mbs :(((( her blog themes are always so gorgeous and i love each and every single one of our interactions, they always make my day💖💖
@kunhangs: dee is the loveliest and most gorgeous angel to ever grace this earth and she’s a phenomenal writer!! her fics are TOP TIER and she’s my favorite yeo (yeosang) stan and is an absolute sweetheart!! i am so glad to call her one of my friends and she deserves the entire world💜💜
@taemaknae: nicole makes the most stunning graphics and gifs!! she seriously needs to teach me how to be as talented as her!! she’s so lovely and kind and she has my entire heart!! her heart is warm and full of love and she is quite literally one of my favorite people ever 💙💙
@softguks: laur is the cutest angel and she has the biggest heart and is always checking up on her friends/moots. she is so lovely and the epitome of kindness and beauty (LAUR IS A STUNNER I WILL TAKE NO OTHER OPINIONS THANKS) she’s such a talented writer and her fics are always so cute and soft and tug at my heartstrings 🥺🥺🥺🥺💙💙i literally adore her so much 
@sketchguk: teresa is so lovely and sweet, and she is such an easy person to talk to!! she makes you feel so comfortable and at ease and is so kind and patient and an absolute angel!! her blog themes are always so soft and cute!! her fics are AMAZING and she creates WORKS OF ART like someone put teresa’s fics in a museum 💙💙
@honeylovecult: tess :((( the hobi to my jimin:(((( i literally love her so much like she’s so kind and exudes love???? like her heart is just made of sunshine and glitter and gold and i just adore her???? so much???? her mbs are literally so gorgeous and they always take my breath away!! she’s so lovely and sweet and talking to her always makes my day!! she’s a ray of sunshine and spreads positivity, which we all need, especially in these difficult times.💛💛
@flowerseok: minny is the funniest person ever she cracks me up!! she’s also so sweet and our conversations are so random but i love them!! we have become so close since we met and i am forever grateful for kpop, as i would have never met her if i never got into it!! i fucking adore her and she deserves the entire world 💜💜
@taeramisu: issy is my sister and one of the literal lomls???? like???? she’s so gorgeous and kind and funny and so talented??? like HAVE YALL READ HER FICS???? THEY’RE MASTERPIECES??? (pride and prejudice is still one of my favorite fics of hers to this day) i miss talking to her and i hope she’s doing well!! i literally adore you so much angel and i am sending you all the hugs from afar!!! 🧡🧡
@onherwings: jo is one of my favorite people ever like she’s so gorgeous and kind and literally one of the most talented writers????? like YALL HER UPCOMING FIC?????? ITS GONNA BE A MASTERPIECE I JUST KNOW IT) i am so glad that we have met through the hfb net, and she has my entire heart and i hope she knows how much i love her:((( 💕💕
@ppersonna: lindy is so fucking gorgeous like i stg she’s secretly a model or something im convinced and she’s one of the kindest angels ever and her fics???? SO ICONIC!!! i wanna shower her in loveeeeeeeeeeeee and she deserves nothing but the best💚💚
(there are so many angels that have my entire heart, pls know that i love all of you so so so so so so so so much!!!) 
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The following post contains spoilers for the new musical, Black Friday, by Team Starkid. Continue reading at your own risk. 
**These points will be brought up in another post (involving the Hatchetfield Universe theories)
The ENTIRETY of the Wiggly jingle at the beginning
Jaime saying “his belly’s so squishy!” while jumping up and down
The tights
“Uncle Wiley, where does Wiggly come from?”
James Tolbert (Team Starkid choreographer-turned-actor) STOLE the show
Curt Mega’s dancing in that song killed me
**Paul still doesn’t like musicals? (I have a theory of where this show takes place in the Hatchetfield Universe but that’s for another post)
The way Paul looks at Emma when she’s on her Cabbage Patch Kid rant!
“I’m Paul. I’m Emma’s...boyfriend.”//“Well, we haven’t put a label on it yet.”//“But we are intimate.” (Bonus: Emma’s glare)
Paul is still awkward I love him.
“I do not get flashbacks. I remember bad things vividly.”
“Thank you for your service.”//“I didn’t do it for you.”
“Ski-ball sucks.” (I wholeheartedly disagree but whatever)
Grace Chastity is Tom’s babysitter for Tim confirmed
Okay. Okay. Okay. OKAY. 
 “Excuse me, miss. Do you think it’s okay for me to park here?”//“Yeah, it says ‘no parking at any time’ but I’m sure the loading trucks can just park across the street. Does that work for you?”
“If I won’t support my drinking habit, who will?”
“Hark, the herald angels sing. Glory to a newborn king. A fuckin’ furry little monster’s gonna make me a pile of cash.”
“Tell me, Lex. Do you know why they call it Black Friday?”//“Because it comes after Thursday?”
“Well, friend-o. I have a feeling that these little babies are going to take you so far into the black that you ain’t never comin’ back.” *long uncomfortable pause*
“Oh, you’re gonna make a killin’. That’s an Uncle Wiley’s Toys guarantee!”
“Hark, the herald angels sing. Glory to a newborn king. Peace on Earth, and lots of money. MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEY just for ME.”
“mALL security we got a shoplifter. Drop that doll!” (His voice crack killed me oh my God)
HIS OUTFIT (The first time I saw him I went “Oh my God he’s emo”)
“Where’s my sister?”// “Oh no.” *stares dramatically* “Hannah?” *even more dramatic* “Is that what you’ve been telling me every day for the past four weeks? To pick up your kid sister?” *grabbing Lex* “Oh, I must’ve forgot because I’m so stupid.” Ethan needs to take up drama
“Do I gotta put a leash on you like a dog, or my cousin Oliver?” 
“Don’t pull her.”//*voice crack* “I’m nOt.”
“Alright banana split.” i’m not crying 
“You see this hat? This was gifted to me by a great warrior.” *Lex laughs*/*Ethan turns around slowly* “Don’t you fuckin’ laugh.”
“I’d make a great dad, I’m just sayin’.” (Ethan isn’t a horrible person he’s just misguided)
“My mom’s a bitch!”
Honestly the way Ethan looks at Lex
*in the middle of singing* “That’s not how cameras work, babe.”
Hannah’s dancing
ROBERT’S WIGGLES DURING “We’re missing in action.”
“Dear mom, it’s been real."
“I’d say you did your best, but I’m not a liar.”//“Oh, L-I-E-R, babe.”//“We get it Ethan, you’re a good speller.”
“PS: Get yourself a new trailer, because this one? Is BROKE AS SHIT!”
Robert in skinny jeans. Can Robert wear skinny jeans more often please?
Hannah doing the “smoking” thing with her hands.
“Hannah! What the fuck is this [imitating it]?That better be fucking FLOSS.”
“That’s called a bribe, sir, and it’s illegal...or it should be.”
“I have four boys. Four beautiful, blond, boys.”
“Do you really think your children are better than everyone else’s.”// “In so many words, YES.”
“I hope you don’t get a Wiggly. I hope you fucking die.”
“Well, my children were accidents.”
“Stop crying, Gerald. I wasn’t talking to you.”
The way Tom and Becky looked at each other when they met again ugh.
Whatever that song is called when the Hatchetfield citizens were gossiping about it like I think it’s called “What Do You Say?” or something?
“Tom’s put on some weight.”
“I heard Tom is seeing things.”
Jon is serving looks.
The dance they did when they said “all the years that had fun” killed me
Curt Mega is a treasure
“It’s cold out.”//“Nothing really.”//“How are things?”//“Haven’t seen it.”
“Oh my, God, it’s a train-wreck.”//“My favorite.”//“Give me my tub of popcorn.”//“Just skip to the fucking.”//“She’d never--.”//“Either way this is torture porn.”
“I think I’ll step in and save her.”// “You don’t have half of a chance, bitch.”
“THERE, she looked at his crotch.”//“He looked at her boobs.”
“I like dolls. I’m just kidding. I don’t like dolls. At least, not like that.”// “I missed you.” *everyone freaks out*
The dance that looks like a beating heart around them I love.
“Did you know if you spend money, your kids will love you maybe.”
“Give us your fucking money. Give us your fucking cash.”
“Do we have any morality.”
“What’s a grown man going to do with 85 dolls?”// “Well, one will stay in the box for posterity. One will be used exclusively for bath time.”
“If you’re going to make with the hysterics, TAKE IT TO MACY’S.”// “How dare you. Are you hearing this, Gerald? Yes, call my attorney.”
“I’ll tickle one doll, and one doll will tickle me.”
The bidding war.
“Get your hands off her.”// “Fuck YOU.”
The lighting slowly gets red when they start bidding.
“$800.”//“$3.”//“Can I use these coupons?”
“Well, if you’re not going to sell me that doll, I guess I’ll just gonna have to take it.”
“If he gets one, I’m getting four.” *Linda climbs the counter like Draco*
So the lighting during “Feast or Famine” is just???? The green and red??? Like holiday colors but at the same time it’s representative of greed and rage???? 
Just all of “Feast or Famine”
“What’s shaking banana, you okay?” I’M HAVING FEELINGS UGH
“What’s up with that grammar. Even I know it’s ‘more badder’.” Ethan no
“Give me that fucking doll I’m in a hurry.” Okay, Jeff you freaking gremlin man
WHO BRINGS A KNIFE SHOPPING?? Unless he stole that, too.
“Do you see him? Do you see him? Do you see him?”//“YES, I fucking see him!”
James as “Obama” I’m crying
“I’ll hold onto the little...uh...whippersnapper.”
“While you three devise a strategy, I’ll hold on to the little friend.”// “Shut the fuck up!”
“You’re nothing more than a Harvard Law School community organizing prick!” I’M SCREAMING
“Take one step closer to my fwendy-wend and I’ll rip your fucking throat out with my own teeth.”
“No, he’s mine! Back off or I will send a laser-guided ballistic missile to your house in Denver. You’ll be scraping off what’s left of your kids off the FUCKING pavement.”
“I’ll bite your dick off!”
*Obama voice* “Oh, I’m gonna vomit.”
“I hope you don’t mind if I let myself in.”// “Into the oval office?”
“Monsters and Men” IS A BOP
*yeets the Wiggly off stage*
I would 100% watch “Santa Claus is Going to High School” unironically
“Jingle! Jangle! If anyone sees two elves in my locker, I’ll get expelled for sure.”
The dancing UGH
Lauren is the cutest elf ever
“What the fuck am I watching?”
Becky talking about her ex-husband breaks my heart. I would die for her.
“You say you killed your family. I hope I killed mine.” My heart is breaking help me
Becky and Tom are freaking CUTE
“Take Me Back” is the cutest song ever
All of the times the characters mention other dimensions and stuff??? Each has a different context, but Joey’s character did say that Hatchetfield was a special town earlier in the show so????
All of the making out I’m done
Becky’s leg
“I knew you weren’t Santa.”//“A red tricycle.”//“SANTA!” *starts making out*
“This is the best movie ever!”
Robert has to make out with two people every day.
**PEIP deals with Paranormal, Extraterrestrial, and Interdimensional stuff, so if TGWDLM was Extraterrestrial, and BF is Interdemensional, will Nerdy Prudes Must Die be Paranormal? Will we see PEIP again? [I’M GOING TO MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT THE THEORIES WITHIN THE UNIVERSE]
**“There are many dimensions, sir.”
“You want to send me into the fucking Twilight Zone to have a sit-down with the devil?”
“They will build him his birth canal.” Ew
Sherman Young is so freaking creepy
“Wiggly is good. Wiggly is just.”
“Bring forth the infidels.”
*as Linda walks onto the stage* “MOTHER MOTHER MOTHER”
“I dislike that word, Gerald. Cult. No, it’s a new, exciting religion that I started.”
“I’ve met God, He had nothing nice to say about you.”
“Adore Me” is a BOP
“You’ll kneel before me. Kiss my toe.”
“I will destroy everything, and then I will destroy everything. I guarantee I’ll destroy everything in my path. Unless I get what I--shit, Gerald.”
The followers repeating “I get what I shit.”
“I want you to know what I mean when I say my evil shit, ‘kay?”
“What’s shaking banana?” DON’T DO THIS TO ME
Evil Ethan hurts me
Hannah doesn’t deserve this
“I’m in the Black and White now. It’s just like California. It never ends.”
“I swear on my own grave.” I’M
Hannah calling Wiggly out on his bullshit
“Well, Webby is a stupid bitch.” JON UGH
“I’m going to eat you riiiight the fuuuuck nowwwww.” This scene just makes me want to give Hannah a hug
“Tom, how could you? You let her get away!”
Dylan jumping at an audience member
I know people think that Ethan’s magic hat thing was bullshit but like the syringe missed Hannah so like?? 
“You think that in the Netherlands they care about some toy? Hah! Nah, they’re too busy enjoying their free vacations and free health care.”
Made In America is A BOP
I feel like Made in America won’t have the same punch on the soundtrack.
Joey’s falsetto
R.I.P. General John McNamara
“Uh, oh, Mr. Prezy-wez. It seems you’ve misplaced your bomby-womb. Don’t worry. I’m sure it will turn up somewhere.”
“We’ve lost Moscow, sir.”
“He baited us into World War Three.”//*Wiggly giggles* “That tickles.”
“Is this what I live for? To be choked in a toy store?”
“Black Friday” is such a beautiful song though
“Did I need her more than she needed me?” I’m crying please stop
“I’m authorizing you to use my firearm.”
“Monsters and Men” reprise is PERFECT
“Kids don’t want that piece of shit.”//“What?”//“They’re all into Fortnight, dude!”
“I mean, you’re like 40! You probably think your life is over!”
“Everyone is dying, and that includes me, too.” Jeff is a lyrical genius but he needs to back off of whatever angsty juice he’s drinking.
“If I fail you one more time, the punishment won’t match the crime, cause there’s no pain that could ever explain how I let you down.”
“I failed you once, and I will fail again.” I cried when I watched this the first time
“If I Fail You” is such an emotional song
“Alright, let’s go.”//“Fuck, yeah! Should I move these boxes first?”//“Fuck, yeah.”
Charlotte? Where did you come from???
“The only man that’ll have her now is Jack Daniels.”
“And you, you little shit.” Says Draco, the little shit.
“A magic hat? That’s ridiculous. Only dolls are magic.”
“Is this some kind of a joOoOoOoke?”
“Answer me, or I’ll cut your mouth open with my FUCKING KNIFE.”
“You’re a fucking moron.”// “Then you’ve been out-fucked by a fucking moron.”
Lauren’s wiggles during “He will wigglewigglewigglewigglewiggle his way into life.”
“Wiggle” is such a silly song but the harmonies and choreography????? Iconic.
The crying when Becky shot Linda.
“Gerald? It’s Gary. Yep, we need to talk about the will. Goldstein!”
The red light that symbolized Wiggly being on fire.
The followers deciding to burn with Wiggly.
“I have this cooky, reclusive Biology professor.” *audience loses their shit*
“What am I supposed to do without my iPhone?”//“Wear a watch?”
“What If Tomorrow Comes” is such a haunting song
Kendall’s voice is so GOOD!
The dabbing
Hannah and Lex hugging
Paul hugging Emma and Bill
The Hot Chocolate Boy and the Cinema Kid holding hands honestly adorable and I lowkey ship
A little bit of instrumentals from “Not Your Seed” in the end-credit music?? (From the lyric “Look what happened, nightmare time.”)
That’s it. It’s very long, but those were either my favorite parts or small things I noticed. Mostly just my thoughts.
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cabinofimagines · 5 years
This (Infinity) -Connor xReader.
A/N: My best friend loves Connor. That’s it, that’s the post -Danny. P.S. Tumblr won’t let me separate the text like I want so I’m trying something new, hope it works. <3
This is a Song-Fic! which in case you didn’t know, are my favorite thing to do, even if I’ve never actually done it lmaoo but I thought it was good to start with this one. The song is Infinity by AJR and you should check it out cause it’s the cutest.
Request: Yo, guys! I actually don't know how to ask this lmao. First of all, I am a big fan of all of you, and I love your work but I would adore you for forever if you wrote anything about Connor Stoll... A fic, imagine, head canon WHATEVER. This fandom always focuses a lot on the 7, Nico, Reyna and Will but there are sooooo many other characters to explore and this boy (Connor) needs love. It obvsly doesn't have to be rn, but pleaaaaaaase 😭❤️
Words: 1,213
Warnings: Nothing but it might be cheesy, sorry I got carried away blame the song for that. Blame me for the mistakes tho, I did not proofread or will I ever proofread these things, sorry-not-sorry.
Was it all in my head? In an empty bed And I told you that I need you Baby, can't you see I'm alone? Oh, oh
He just... gets you. There’s no way to put it into words, Connor has that and that’s it. If you’re angry he’ll give you space; if you’re upset he’ll give you comfort. Happy? He’ll make sure you stay that way as long as you can. Also, the feeling of trust between you two is the strongest of all. Which is ironic considering how much of a tricky little shit he tends to be. Not with you though. With you is like he’s still that kid you met when you had just arrived at camp. 
It was stressing (to say the least) to date someone as problematic as Connor Stoll. Fair enough, you aren’t perfect. But at least you weren’t exploding things at the speed of light just for laughs, or stealing other people’s stuff, or playing pranks on Ares’ children... Why did you like him again?
I was lost in my feet On an empty street So I save your seat, infinity Forever figures 5 and 3 You know, oh oh
“Y/N” Connor hopped right next to you, he wasn’t exactly a touchy person but he was fidgety, so he’d always have a way to feel like he’s in contact with you even if he’s not exactly touching your body. Sometimes he’ll grace his fingertips on yours, or play with the laces on your hoodies, it was sort of endearing.
“Connor” You replied in the same tone, giving him a side-eye look, “What are you up to?” 
“So... I’m starting college once this summer ends” He started, but you didn’t want to hear the rest.
You weren’t ready for this. You’ve been together since you were sixteen and now, What? Probably you’ll end up breaking up because having a relationship so far from the other will bring nothing but trouble. He was leaving to New Rome, for once deciding to be in a different school than his brother and thinking it’d had a whole new bunch of fascinating possibilities. It also had plenty of new people as well. And you. Just. Weren’t. Ready.
He had found a way around your heart and became vital to it, you’ve felt so alone before; like you were the third wheel of everything. Connor was the only person that made you feel like maybe, you weren’t meant to live your life like that, that you were worthy of having all the love and more.
So it was supposed to be you and him for a long, long time, not just a few years. 
“Oh?” You mumbled, looking down at your feet. If this was it, you just waited for everything to end soon.
“Right. I just need to make sure of this, Y/N/N” Connor shifted in his place so he could face you, “and I know you still have one year left before you have to go too but, uh, Would you rather live close to school or downtown? Cause I could do both but I’d prefer if you tell me know so I can get a place you like and we don’t have to move later next year-”
“What?” You cut him off.
Cross my heart and hope to die Stick a needle in my eye My mama says to pick the best And you are it
“A place? To live together once you go to New Rome?” He insisted, then got strangely pale, hit by a sudden thought, “Oh gods, unless I misunderstood your plans for the future and weren’t trying to go to Camp Jupiter once you get old enough, oh shit. I’m so stupid, ignore that I said all that-”
“No, Connor that’s not what I meant,” You quickly tried to correct him, “I was trying to ask- uh well actually not an ask, well it is but- ugh, this is awkward”
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” Connor messed with his hair in concern, “I wasn’t trying to pressure you into choosing today! I thought- It’s just that the other day you mentioned how cool it looked the University and how you were dreaming to study there so I thought you wanted to live with me too? Now that I say it out loud it makes no sense, wow, I’m an idiot...”
You let him ramble not because you thought he was right and needed an explanation but because you felt speechless. He wanted you there. Connor had seen his future and for him, it wasn’t over after all, it was still both of you, growing as tall and strong as before.
Was it hard to believe? Wear your heart on my sleeve And I'll hold you when you're lonely When you're cold cause you're the only girl for me
“So you’re not going to break up with me?”
That question was all it took for Connor to stop his speech and look at you like he couldn’t believe what you were saying.
“Breaking up? Why the Hades would I break up with you?”
“Heard long-distance relationships never last, all this time I took it to enjoy my last few days with you before it was over for us, cause you’re finally moving on...”
“Oh, Y/N” Connor huffed, “you’ve always been so dramatic.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” You asked in disbelief.
“Why would I break up with you?” He repeated, “no but seriously, why? You’re the coolest demigod on earth. When I was little I was terrified of being separated from my brother y’know? And once we started dating I didn’t have a single nightmare about that anymore. You got my back and I take care of you too”
This. This is exactly why you love him. Blind trust and nothing but honesty on his voice. Sweet, loving words that revolved around you and held you away from the cold it gave you that lonely feeling from years back. 
“I like you so much,” You were reaching for his hand, beaming.
“I love you,” His eyes turned gentle and the smirk changed into a soft expression, nothing but the vulnerability that he showed to no one but you, “you’re the only one for me.”
Cross my heart and hope to die Since you came into my life My mama says to pick the best And you are it
“So are you,” You replied, holding his hand firmly, tight against yours, “life is so much easier when you date a Hermes child, they can come in handy much more often than you’d think”
Connor laughed, pushing your shoulder with his teasingly.
“Oh, no, stop it!” He pretended to blush, “or you’ll make me believe you actually like to have me around”
“Gods forbid, no” You frowned, “my mom is very strict about what kind of boys I’m allowed to take home. Only the top of the top, best in their kind” You then leaned as if you were about to tell him a secret, “I think you’re it.” 
Oh, Hey All our trouble's gone Like when we were young Take me back to where we all began Here we are again, like we should've been
“And what if Mom doesn’t think that way?” Connor followed the joke, always in for a laugh.
“Well if I can’t take you to her home it won’t make much difference, cause I’ll be living with you by then, close to the school so we can sleep five more minutes  every morning before starting the day.”
“I‘d like that,” He closed the distance between you two, brushing your nose with his, “I’m gonna miss you for that whole first year though, gonna have to pay you a visit during the holidays...”
“Let’s make sure you get enough of me to take with you during the semester then...”
Wrapping your arms around his neck you kissed him and it was like going back to the beginning when you were kids falling in love for the first time, this was how it was supposed to be since then, like you should’ve been and were about to, for the rest of infinity.
Cross my heart and hope to die Since you came into my life My mama says to pick the best And you are it
-Danny :) 
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dreamlanddoll · 5 years
Step by Step
You’re nervous about having to dance for your welcoming ball, Cedric helps you out (you replace Sofia in this AU- making you the new princess).
this idea was given to me by @omgselinabeckendorf !  A wonderful friend of mine who has the cutest ideas :)
“Mr. Cedric... could you maybe... teach me how to dance?”
Your request initially shocked the sorcerer, blinking his eyes rapidly and shaking his head a little to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Realizing that made him look foolish, he crossed his arms and arched an eyebrow. “And what makes you think I know how to dance?” He attempted to keep his cold demeanor.
You shrugged, pressing your lips together in a smile. “I dunno.. you just seem like the type.”
Cedric’s brows furrowed- what on earth did you mean by that? What were you trying to do? Tease him? He was already getting fed up with this. There was no time for dancing when he had a Kingdom to take over! “Why don’t I just give you a spell to help you dance, yeah? Then you won’t have to waste my- I-I mean.. your time.” he chuckled.
You sighed, getting a little frustrated. You only had a few hours left before the ball! “No! If I use a spell to dance then I’ll never really learn! Plus.. I’d feel like I’m cheating..” you twiddled with your fingers, looking down at your gown hem.
Cedric internally scoffed. Cheating? You’d feel like you’re cheating? At what? Never in his life had he met anyone who was as much of a goody-two shoes as you. It was insufferably adorable. He needed you to leave immediately. Cedric was about to roll his eyes and shoo you out of his lair- but stopped when you looked up at him with big pleading eyes and an ever so slight- never the less effective- pout.
He felt a heat creep up into his pale cheeks and he sighed, dropping his shoulders and throwing his head back. “Fine. I will give you one dance lesson but that’s it!” He said, holding his index finger in the air to emphasize that you get one try, and only one. Or.. so he thought for now. Using his wand, with one simple flick he was able to conjure a classical waltzing tune that filled his workshop. You looked around in awe for a second before thanking him as Cedric took your hand in his and put the other one on your waist. He didn’t really give it much mind at first but once he held you- he immediately felt his heart beat at a concerning rapid pace. He gulped, trying to scramble around his mind to recall what his ballroom dancing class at Hexley Hall had taught him... though, it was hard for Cedric to concentrate with your hand resting on his shoulder. “A-all right, now when dancing, you must allow the man to lead.”
You looked at him, puzzled- and honestly a little annoyed. Ready to hear some old, traditional, misogynistic bull, you raised an eyebrow and asked, “Why?”
Cedric opened his mouth to answer, but nothing but a slight chocking on his words came out. He puzzled as well. “I’m.. not sure. No matter though, just follow me for now.”
You looked to the side- fair- you thought. You didn’t even know what you were doing after all. You saw that Cedric had put a foot backwards, so you followed suit with the opposite foot. Getting used to following him, he began leading you in a simple box-step, telling you to count the steps in your head- 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3. You weren’t quite ready for the next one however, despite Cedric saying, “And now we separate and I twirl you, are you ready?”
You nodded, faking confidence with a look on your face that said “yeah I’m ready!! I can do this!!” And as he guided you into a twirl, your arm raised over your head and you spun a few times- making your dress flare out beautifully as the ruffles swished and swirled underneath your over-skirt. Cedric internally swooned at how graceful you looked. He was quite impressed actually. You faced back to him and smiled- excitement bubbling inside you from landing the twirl perfectly. You were about to walk back to him with an elegant stride, but you felt your ankle block your other foot from progressing- causing you to gasp and stumble forward. In a panic, Cedric lunched forward to steady you using the little strength he had- but it was just enough for you. The music, though softly, continued to play.
“Are you alright?” He asked with genuine concern, which you weren’t really used to hearing from him out of the few weeks you’ve known the tower-dwelling wizard.
You looked up at him with breathy laughter escaping your lips. “Yeah.. um...” you stood up with his assistance and soothed out the crinkles in your bodice. “I guess my lesson’s over then?” You shrugged, recalling he said you got to have one and only one try.
Cedric hummed, he did say that you only get one try. Scratching the back of his neck and eyeing his main door- he started to feel a little bad. Offering his hand to you, he attempted to hide his smile. “Nonsense, my dear. You aren’t going to get good at this unless you practice! And as my father always said- slow and steady does the trick.”
You blushed, surprised by his sudden gumption. But of course you weren’t going to pass up his offer. Taking his hand you stepped in closer to him. “Thank you, Mr. Cedric.”
Cedric tried not to stare at you too much as you both danced around his workshop- but good heavens, you were gorgeous. Cedric couldn’t help it if his eyes lingered on your soft lips, or your sparkling eyes, or your h/c hair that was cascading down your shoulders for too long. Not that he had feelings for you. Of course not! He just... had eyes, and he wasn’t stupid- well- that may have been up for debate. But he couldn’t let himself get distracted from his main goal- your amulet, and then the Kingdom. Yes. Back on track, that was all that mattered. Not your radiant smile, or kind heart, or outgoing personality...
But here he was, going out of his way to teach you how to dance. He loathed giving into his kindly impulses, but not wanting to upset the person with the one thing that was the key to his success, he offered you kindly smiles every once in a while when you two made eye-contact.
You meanwhile, were looking nervously at your moving feet- making sure you were getting the steps right to not make a fool of yourself again. In all honesty a little nervous in making Cedric think you were some silly, clumsy, wide-eyed child. You weren’t a child, at least that’s what you wanted to prove to people- you were 25. A young, confident woman with the ability to break men’s hearts. Yes, that sounded more like it.
“I think I’m getting the hang of this...” you slowly trailed your eyes back up to him, a small smile gracing your lips.
Cedric returned your glance, too nervous to respond- but happy you were catching on so quickly. The song as he recalled was nearing an end, and he greatly contemplated if he’d be so bold as to dip you or not... loosing himself in his panicked thoughts, he felt your weight begin to shift in his arms.
Confused, he let out a small hum before noticing you were practically letting yourself fall, his eyes widened- and before he could react you stumbled to the ground- taking Cedric along with you- the both of you letting out two different kinds of screams.
A hard thud followed, along with a groan coming from him as he rubbed his head and flipped himself over on his back. Trying not to sound too annoyed, he grimaced. “What in Merlin’s name did you do that for?”
You sat up quickly, holding onto your arm, looking at him a bit flushed and embarrassed you reverted into your tensed up shoulders. “I-I thought.. you were supposed to dip me at the end! You know, like in the books?” You blushed, tucking some hair behind your ear.
Cedric blinked at you, but then scoffed and shook his head when he realized what you meant. “Those are romance books my dear- you can’t believe everything you read!”
You bit your lip, feeling bad for frustrating him. “Um.. sorry.” you looked down, your lashes covering your irises. Oh god, you didn’t think you’ve ever been so embarrassed in your whole life. “You must think I’m pretty silly, huh?” you laughed, trying to maybe, just a little, lighten the mood.
Cedric sighed, letting his hand fall to the floor. The last thing he wanted to do right now was upset you, seeing as you were already in pain enough. “No no no, it’s alright.” He waved his hand, dismissing the upset as you stood back up. After you dusted off your skirts you offered your hand to him, which he took- feeling a strange wave of feelings go through him as he did- you stood him back up. Sighing, he looked at you, thinking for a moment and pressing his lips together, dare he even ask? Well, you already tried to yourself, so he supposed why not. “Why don’t we take it from the top and try that again, hm?”
“Huh?” you looked at him with wide, glimmering eyes. You then looked down at his hand, which was out for you to place your hand in. You did so, smiling from relief as the enchanted music started up again.
Going through the motions again, his hand on your waist yours on his shoulder, a minute of twirls and box-steps later, you had one final round before the song came to an end. Carefully now, you slowly lowered yourself back- but not too much this time to avoid anything over the top. Cedric let you relax in his arm, trying to feign a little extra strength for you as he leaned over you slightly, the song coming to a stop.
Admittedly he was a tad entranced by you right now- the look you were giving him.. he wasn’t sure you were aware of it but if you were he seriously needed an explanation. Because no princess has ever given him so much as a second glance let along the gaze you were currently bestowing upon him. He suddenly felt weak in his knees, not from the action of holding you like this but the feeling of it, Cedric felt his mind wander to the possibility of him holding you like this again in the future.. perhaps- if it was even possible- where you two were together...
“Mr. Cedric, are you okay?”
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts- just then did he notice his whole face was as hot as a stove. He blinked a couple of times, his mouth dropped open as he tried to speak but the only sounds emitting were “um”s and “uh”s.
You giggled, you had to admit that Cedric was quite adorable when he was flustered. You hated to be like this, but you wondered if there was anything else you could do to get a rise out of him without being too forward... you tried to see by slowly running your fingers up his shoulder and into the hair scruff of his neck.
Cedric felt his whole body tense up once you did this- what were you trying to do? Kill him?! You were doing exactly that by the looks of it as you leaned up closer to him, saying in a hushed voice- “Thanks for the dance lesson~” you patted his cheek the hand that was previously buried in his hair and you stood back up.
“Uh.. I..” he felt the cheek you touched, rubbing his thumb along his jaw.
You were nearly out the door before he knew it, waving and giving him a goodbye wink you said, “See you at the ball tonight, Mr. Cedric!” With that, the door shut, leaving the poor sorcerer in his workshop utterly baffled and weak.
“Y-you’re w-welcome.” he said to the empty space before him. Regaining his senses he groaned- frustratingly tugging on his bangs in his clenched up fists and then throwing his hands his sides. It was then Wormwood had flown off his perch and onto Cedric’s shoulder to comfort him. He looked at his bird with a tiredness in his eyes. “If I don’t get her amulet soon, I’m going to loose it.” The sooner he stole your amulet and took over the Kingdom, the sooner he could avoid any potentially growing... ugh, feelings, for you.
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suhoerections · 5 years
Tumblr media
also shout out to all my followers i’m not mutuals with but enjoy my content and reblog/like my work, I really appreciate yall, keep up the good work you’re all beautiful
okay this isn’t in any particular order i’m just going off who i remember and i’m trying to not miss anyone so if i do feel free to call me out and also i’m sorry if i don’t write as much for some people asdfjkhasd
okay look,,, you’re literally such an amazing person and the reason why i didn’t straight up deactivate in january like you helped me so much during that time and also through so much other stuff and I’m so thankful for you,, you’re one of the most realist and most amazing people I’ve ever met. I love you so much you’re literally the best mother i could have ever asked for like i want to squeeze the life out of you god. I seriously cannot express how much i love and appreciate you like?? I’m tearing up writing this because you’re literally one of the most amazing people to walk this Earth like??? and even though i’m a shit head and i spam you with ‘ayla’ 20 times just to tell you i did a good shit,,, you still love me?? also like you’re literally the reason i write???? that sounds so dumb but you’re seriously my muse,, i genuinely look upto you as a person because you’re so strong, wonderful, amazing, genuine, beautiful, sweet, caring, kind and that’s all i can think of off the top of my head. I love you so much and I have to cut this short cause i’m gonna feel bad cause i wrote so much asdkjfh but you’re amazing and i swear if you say otherwise i’ll eat all the lactose in the world (i cried writing this stfu) also you are nini’s cheek spreader :>> 
You’re like?? my literal best friend?? and probably one of the best people i’ve met on this hell site,, i really don’t regret randomly messaging you “hey i need aussie friends” asdkjfh but fr i love you so much and you’ve been with me through thick and thin and i really appreciate it so much like you’re so amazing and kind and your art is actually so beautiful like you’re such an amazing person you don’t even know the start of it you dummy. I love how we can be ourselves around each other even though we haven’t known each other the longest but still, you’re my favorite soondongie and i love you so much man,, like we talk so much you’ve literally just become the older sister i never had and i really appreciate that like man idek what to write cause i just really appreciate you,, you’re just amazing and i love you very much and i hope we can meet one day cause you’re not that far away from me and i really love you ehehe 
KUKI MY FREAKING CHILD I LOVE YOU AND HELL YOU’RE SO AMAZING OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG idek kuks you’re just the best and you’re like the first mutual i made on this hellsite and damn you’re also like the best?? like i love how hyperactive you are you dummy you keep me on my toes and i love talking with you even if it takes me days to reply on instagram (sorry i’m barely active there askdjfh) but fr i love you very much and i really appreciate you and you’re so freaking BEAUTIFUL and i’ll bop you on the head if you say otherwise you dummy i love you
FUY MY GOD like i pray to you everyday smh i love you,,, like you’re amazing and cute and like you’re so NICE jesus christ i want to hug the shit out of you,, you’re sweet as fuck and istg you’re just great?? and i love that i can talk to you about sucking Jungkook’s dick cause like almost all my mutuals don’t stan bts so its nice to have an army friend,, i also really appreciate you and the support you’ve shown me and i always try and send you asks but i never know if they get through because my tumblr likes to fuck up but bottom line is i think you’re literally one of the most amazing people akjsdfha
OH BOY HERE COMES A TRAIN WRECK,, dia,, my child,, i love you very much and you always make me DIE with those freaking things where you just cut the conversation short and go “hey junmyeon would fuck you in a change room” LIKE JESUS CHRIST LET ME BREATHE but at the same time i sorta just drop like ksoo bombs as well so aksjdfhkj i guess its fair hehe but seriously!!! i love sharing ideas with you cause you’re literally so creative and you’re so amazing and have such a way with words like your writing is so magnificent no one can compare like you’re a poet with words akjsdfhkajs and you’re such a sweetheart too?? like i could write a whole ass page filled with positive words to describe you because you’re so beautiful and sweet and kind like gosH you’re such an amazing person i love you very much <33
well howdy partner welcome to ram ranch askdfjhds gosh the horniest cowboy ever, 10/10 commentary, you’re amazing to converse with cause you’re just greaT and like idk you’re just super fun to talk to?? like i always laugh my ass off when we converse cause you’re a comedic genIUS i swear and you’re also the horniest chanyeol stan i’ve ever met oh god asdkfhasdkj but you’re jsut a really fun person and you’re also so amazing in general like fr fr your cowboy hat should have a label on it that says “i’m the best cowboy fuck all you bitches” like ugH i love you you’re so cool and just so chill i hope you have a fun time at ram ranch with your cowboys
LAURE LOOK NOT TO PLAY FAVORITES BUT YOU’RE MY FAVORITE MUTUAL I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ASDKFJHAS like idek how to describe it but i could write so much about how much of an amazing person you are like you’re so cute and sweet and you always tag me in stuff (i need to tag you in more bbh adkjfh) but you’re such an artist like your work is so amazing!! i always feel so inspired by your work and it never fails to make me write!! you’re also the sweetest person on this site and your tags make me  c r y   like Laure you’re just so beautiful and sweet and i just combust because you’re so adorable,,, i want to hug you you’re so amazing and you’re so sweet ugh i could go on forever about this because you’re such a cutie i swear and you’re so fun to talk to as well like i really like discussing my fic ideas with you, especially the bbh series i’m writing askdjfh anyways i better stop before i take up a whole thing of why i love you so much you’re adorable <333
ugh my number 1 nini stan !!!! i love writing nini stuff for you because you’re just so amazing and i love your tags they always make me smile,, you’re also adorable and funny to talk with and you’re also super beautiful ??? like i think its illegal how beautiful you are btw like its just the law,,, you’re under arrest for being too beautiful, sweet and kind. Like ugh Pauline you’re so sweet i want to hug you bc you’re so sweet but then again you’re so chaotic it makes me laugh adskfjhas like idek how to describe it but its so funny but fr fr you’re so sweet and you deserve everything <33
SIENNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY OTHER MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!! gosh what a hoe i love you akdsfjhasjk you’re also too sweet like >:(( call me cute again i dare you like YOU’RE the cute one in this relationship smh,,, pcy agrees kdfak but ugh you’re just so nice i swear to the lord above god was making you in his little bowl and accidentally dropped all the sweetness in your mix cause you’re just so sweet omg,, like Enna you’re so amazing and your writing!!!! *chef kiss* exquisite just like you. You’re also hella funny??? like you’re sweet AND funny like that’s not fair, you’ve gotta have something else bad about you but no! cause guess what! YOU’RE ALSO SO BEAUTIFUL WTH!?!?! so you’re beautiful, literally the sweetest person alive, funny as and am an amazing author,,, like you’re too perfect for this world,,, you’re such an amazing person i hope you get everything you ever want <33
GRACE AKJDSFHKSJ i remember the first time we talked was such a mess jesus christ you’re so chaotic i love it and gosh you’re also so beautiful, funny and amazing?? like you’re gonna look at this and go ‘no i’m not’ but you are just saying asdkjf you’re so sweet and like a genuinely good person??????? like how can you be both that and super freaking beautfiul??? my tiny brain can’t comprehend your amazing-ness,, you deserve the whole freaking world you sweetheart asdfhkdh 
Hope, my fellow weeb,,, we don’t talk as much but i do miss it! you’re funny and a great friend and i really miss all the times we’d say dumb shit with grace in the group chat aksjdfhak you’re also really funny and like?? idk you’re just great in general?? like your writing,,, god tier,,, your personality,,,, amazing,,, your looks,,,,, beautiful,,,, like Hope, you’re the full package man ugh and I HOPE you have a great time hehehe (sorry i couldn’t help myself) akdsjfhas but i’m still writing that yoongi fluff for you its just buried under all my other wips but i will get around to it adsfkjah
all i have to say is you’re the kindest person to ever exist and we haven’t talked much so i can’t really say a lot sorry but you’re just so kind and sweet?? like you’re the literal definition of a sweetheart and you’re the cutest person i’ve ever witnessed <33 I hope you have an amazing day because i really appreciate you and you’re just so amazing and beautiful and i have no idea how long you’ve been following me but you’ve been there for ages and i appreciate it 
@abunnycotton @khelmatic @yayitsjay @k-pop-trashx 
OKAY so i’ve never talked to any of yall but like !!!!! i see yalll in my activity a lot and i just want you to know that i really love and appreciate you all because you’re all beautiful sweethearts who deserve the world, thank you
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Who are your biases from each group , what made you like them and who’s the closest to your ideal type ?
You ask the hard questions, Anon! Now, I have a rule with myself not to have any true biases because I love everyone equally, but in an alternate universe where I did have biases... This is who they’d be. (´・ω・`)
WARNING NOTE: This does not include all the groups that I’m a fan of, because then the list would be very, very long. I included the ones I could list directly off the top of my head without thinking too hard about it, so don’t be offended if your favorite group isn’t on here. Also, I won’t be counting NCT U, because their line-up changes every comeback. With that being said, enjoy!
Bias: Min Yoongi (Suga)
Reason for biasing:
I see a lot of myself in Yoongi, so I find it easy to connect with him. We have similar ways of thinking and reacting to situations, and I feel like I understand him well. That gives me hope that he’d understand me, too.
Member closet to ideal type:
Hobi. I like someone that knows how to be gentleman but will also make me laugh endlessly. If our hope/sunshine won’t do that, who will?! Seriously, when I look at him, I smile so incredibly bright- it’s insane. I think it’s important to share similar senses of humor and even though Jungkook and Jin share my overall sense of humor, I think Hobi would give me opportunities to find out new ways to make jokes that fit his style. And/or, he might adopt my style! 
Bias: Lee Keonhee 
Reason for biasing:
This is gonna sound weird, but I’m seriously such a sucker for lisps... As I said! It sounds weird! But, yeah... There ya go. I’m also someone who’s really sensitive to tone in other people, so when I hear someone with a particular type of voice, I’m drawn to it. Keonhee has that type of voice for me. It’s very smooth, higher-pitched and honey-like, so it draws me in. It carries over into his singing voice, and I think that makes him ten times more “bias material” for me. No matter what he’s doing, I can feel at ease hearing his voice.  
Member closet to ideal type:
Son Dongju (Xion). We have really similar personality traits and I think we’d get on well. We both have cold appearances and fist impressions, but once you get to know us, we’ve got fluffy hearts and fun-loving natures! I think we’d get each other in a spiritual way that was just like, “Oh, hello there”, you know? Like instant wonder and curiosity. Plus! I’ve got long eyelashes too, boi. You know that we’d be having contests to see who could stack the most toothpicks on them.  
Bias: Son Dongmyeong
Reason for biasing:
He’s my child, okay? I watched him on The Unit and Produce 101 and I appreciated his hardworking attitude, chirpy voice and steadfast talent. I look at him and I don’t want to date him, I just want to protect him. I want to give him a kiss on the forehead when he’s feeling down, I want to feed him plate-fulls of confidence and pride, I want to tell him he’s doing well and I want to be a friend to him. I want to share my smile with him, like he’s shared his. It’s funny, though. He’s my bias in ONEWE, and his twin’s my ideal type in ONEUS.  
Member closest to ideal type:
Lee Giwook (Cya). I appreciate a man who can sing AND rap, okay? I think it’s really attractive to have that contrast. I feel like he has that vibe of someone that sings really loudly in the car and let’s just say... I can get behind that. I can get behind that BIG TIME. I need someone who will belt in the car with me, whether it sounds terrible or beautiful, and I think Giwook would fit the bill. 
The Rose
Bias: Kim Woosung (Sammy)
Reason for biasing:
Once again, it’s mainly a tone thing. He sounds like he’s shattering, and I want to protect and encourage that. I feel the urge to show him that his voice isn’t just a voice; it’s an emotional time-capsule. He has a really upbeat but down-to-earth attitude and I feel like he cherishes the right things in life. I also think it’s really sweet how much he loves cats, even though he’s allergic. He also knows how to take a joke, which is very important, ‘cause I tease a lot. If you’re wondering why I phrased it like this...
Member closest to ideal type:
Kim Woosung (Sammy)....now you know. My bias and ideal type are the same.
Bias: Jae Park (Jae)
Reason for biasing: 
We have a really similar sense of humor, you feel me? Very memey and sarcastic. I think he drew my attention because he has so many layers. On the surface, he seems a little rude, in a way, but as you get to know him more, he says things. Certain things that make you realize, “He feels more than he’s letting on. He has fears and reservations, and he’s not 100% okay all the time”. I think that Jae has a lot of hidden insecurities that he hides behind a wall of humor (which sometimes goes too far, and can be hurtful), but I understand why he does it, and I see it in myself, so I can’t hate him for it. If I did, I’d hate a part of myself. That’s how I see Jae. A part of my own soul. 
Member closest to ideal type:
I don’t really think I would be compatible with anyone from DAY6. I’d butt heads with Brian (Young K) and Jae, because all three of us are very opinionated. I’d intimidate Dowoon and Wonpil (because they’re soft boys and deserve gentle affection) and Sungjin and I would kind of just be mutual bros. Like- that kind of relationship where you keep meeting someone on accident and you’re like, “Eyyy! I know you! Wanna get some bubble tea?”; that kind of feeling. So, I don’t think I’d mesh romantically with any of them, really, but closest bet is either Jae or Dowoon. Not because I would crush on them, particularly, but because they would crush on me. Jae because my physical appearance is similar to his ideal type, and Dowoon because I’m closer to his age and mama-bear-protective, so I think he’d appreciate someone having his back when he gets teased or pranked.  
Bias: Lee Daehwi
Reason for biasing:
I have mad respect for this dude, okay? He’s basically revolutionized one of the most basic rules for k-pop groups—just after recently debuting! He tossed aside the stigma that idols shouldn’t date by outright telling his fans, “I will dedicate 5 years to my craft, but then I would appreciate it if you gave me your blessing to date.” So, not only did he phrase it in an eloquent and respectful way (I did paraphrase, by the way), but he was also firm in his plans and intentions. He wants to get married. He has to, because he’s an only child and he has to keep his family line going. He also told people (in a respectful way) not to call him Wanna One’s Daehwi anymore. He’s AB6IX’s Daehwi now, and he’d like people to support that. That takes bravery and kindness.  
Member closest to my ideal type:
..is this a surprise to anyone? It’s Daehwi. I think we have similar views (especially as far as the dating stigma goes) and opinions, so we’d be able to agree on a lot. And even if we didn’t, I think we’d be able to have debates in a fun, understanding and safe way. It wouldn’t lead to consternation, is what I mean. I also think we have similar humor and we’d be able to play off of each other well. Like, he’s a fashion king. I’m not a fashion queen. Maybe he’d tease me about that, but I could tease him right back. Maybe he gets scared of something and I’m perfectly chill. I can laugh my ass off at him and I don’t think he’d be upset with me. I think we’d have a very easy relationship that didn’t involve a lot of angst.  
Bias: Park Jinwoo (JinJin)
Reason for biasing:
He steals my heart every time I look at him. He has a really sweet smile that just melts me (and he reminds me of a mouse) and his unique tone and rapping style really gets me into a groove. Also, he’s an amazing dancer, but I feel like he doesn’t look like someone who’d be good at dancing! Take a look at Rocky, for example. He kind of has this elegant vibe about him, but Jinwoo’s almost a little clumsy. Yet, when he dances, he exudes this level of grace and power that’s almost overwhelming. Plus! SHORT BROS UNITE! 
Member closest to ideal type:
Once again, uniting with a short bro, Kim Myungjun (MJ)! He’s a Smile Engine/Happy Virus, so I know he’d be able to hype me up when I wasn’t feeling very excited. I tend to do that a lot. If I’m not completely confident or sure about something, I power down. I distance myself in a way that seems like I don’t care about things, and I think he’d give me a type of energy that would make me into a better person. Another reason; he talks a lot, I listen a lot. BUT! When it’s my turn to get a word in? Oh-ho-ho, you better grab the popcorn, ‘cause you’re gonna be there a long time! I think we’d be able to be very talkative together and we wouldn’t be annoyed by each other. Plus, he’s really dorky and mischievous, and I find that attractive. ALSO- WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY, SO IT’S FATE. 
Stray Kids
Bias: Lee Felix
Reason for biasing:
I catch myself feeling like a proud parent whenever I look at him. I want to hype him up for all of his skills, ESPECIALLY his singing! Like, believe me, I love his deep-ass rapping, but when he hits me with that slightly wavering tone and honey vocals? I melt entirely. I’m reduced to mush in a second flat. I want to give him a lot of confidence in the things he’s not so confident in and I just want to be a shoulder to lean on. Also, I think he’s the biggest idiot, but in the cutest way. (No, Felix. Batman’s sidekick is not “Robin Hood”.) Not to mention, freckle buddies!! Yeah, that’s right, your girl’s covered in ‘em. Also, I’m a sucker for Aussie accents, so oops there.  
Member closest to ideal type:
Han Jisung (Han). There’s not a particularly huge reason for this, I just think we’d compliment each other well. He has a style that I like very much, and he gives me a whirlwind of different emotions every time I look at him. I think I understand his humor better than others, so when he makes a joke and no one laughs, I’m over in the corner having an aneurysm. I like to think that means he’d get my humor, too. I think he knows when to be soft and when to be... *tiny text* hot, so that keeps things interesting; I enjoy a spontaneous man. In summary, I think we’d balance each other out well. I’m chill, he’s a little nuts (squirrel pun not intended) and I think we’d just... Meld. 
Bias: Huang Renjun
Reason for biasing:
Renjun is basically my twin, but slightly more superstitious. He’s like my brother from another mother and I enjoy that because it makes me feel like, “Wow! If he’s like me and he’s that cool, maybe I can be that cool, too!” I like Renjun for very childish reasons. 
Member closest to ideal type:
Park Jisung. I feel like I’d genuinely intimidate and terrify him when we first met, but I’m pretty sure we’d make a quick bond after that. I have a lot of guy-friends with similar personalities as him, and it started out the same way. Them = terrified. Me = confused. A few weeks past, us = buddies. So! I think it would be similar with Jisung, but also amplified to the point of dating. Not because we’ve very similar, but because we’re very opposite. I think we’d influence each other in positive ways. Also, hand-holding is my favorite skin-ship, and he has beautiful hands. Admit it.  
NCT 127
Bias: Mark Lee
Reason for biasing:
It doesn’t take a genius to know how incredibly soft I am for this boy. From everything to his awkward laughs, his inability to make conversation with the opposite gender, his “um”s and “like”s, his sudden bursts of loudness and his caring attitude, he makes me so soft on the inside. He reminds me of the kids I babysit, in a way. In fact, when he does something whoa (you know what I mean), I’m almost scandalized and I feel like he’s growing up too fast. I love how he is passionate in a gentle way and how he chooses to push through the things that scare him in order to secure a better future for himself and his teammates. It’s very admirable. 
Member closest to ideal type:
Johnny Suh. At first, Johnny may seem like he’d be a little annoying, but once you really look at him, you can easily tell that he’s loud and mischief-maker, but he also knows when to turn that part of himself off. He’s very prudent in that way. He feels like the type of guy that would smile at me from across the rooms and give me random piggyback rides, and I just... I want that, you know? I want that, and I feel like he could provide well. Plus! We have similar ways of showing affection (insert: headlocks) and similar sense of humor (insert: “What the flute!”).
Bias: Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (I will never not laugh at that name, so please, let’s call him Ten)
Reason for biasing:
We have similar senses of humor, so I find him really funny, and his dancing never ceases to amaze and bewitch me. The fact that he knows so many languages makes me jealous in a good way. I know two languages (English and Korean), and the fact that he knows so many gives me a lot of drive and determination to try harder, learn more and do better. Overall, he’s a really good motivator for me. He makes me want to dance better, sing better, speak better, etc. That’s a good thing to have in a bias, I think.  
Member closest to ideal type:
Liu YangYang. Anyone who’s favorite word is “mellifluous” is a big, fat YES in my book! We actually have pretty similar personalities, too. Quiet when you first meet; loud, playful and talkative when you’ve known us for a while. Also, massive connection with his German-ness ‘cause... Ya girl is from German heritage. Makes me want to re-learn German, just because I feel like (on the off-chance I meet him one day) I’d really want to impress him. I learned it years ago, but I forgot it all, except how to say “it’s nice to meet you” and “it’s nice to meet you, too”. Can’t even introduce myself! Pathetic really, but oh well. Also, he says his eyesight’s really good... I need that. I’m practically blind without my glasses, so YangYang! Be my seeing-eye-dog! And the fact that he likes to be called “Xiao Yang” (little sheep) is also pretty coincidental, because that’s what my name means.
Bias: Xu Minghao (The8) 
Reason for biasing:
He’s the modern gentleman. He takes care of himself, he takes care of others, he’s hardworking. Tell me, what’s not to love? He has a great sense of balance in his livelihood, and I feel like he’s someone you learn something new from every time you see him. It’s never the same thing; like he’s forever evolving and... infinite. He’s infinite. Plus! That cute giggle, though... You cannot tell me you don’t smile every time you hear it. And if you do tell me that, you’re soulless. 
Member closest to ideal type: 
A part of me wants to say Lee Chan (Dino) because I think our personalities are overall the most compatible, but even if I was really into that, I don’t think I’m what he needs. We’re more bro material. I think—in the end—Boo Seungkwan and I are the most compatible. I think we would always be singing loudly together (which I adore), I would be able to calm him down and let him know it’s okay to be insecure, he would hype me up and help me get over my insecurities. I think we both need a “low-effort” (for lack of a better term) relationship. One that feels like you’re truly friends with each other and being yourself is enough. You don’t have to go out of your way to impress, and I think that’s really important. With Chan, I would feel myself being pushed to be... More, I suppose. But with Seungkwan, I feel like we’d both have the sense of equality. Like, “Neither of us is better than the other, but we both have different skills we can use to help and better each other”; that kind of feeling.  
Bias: Kim Hongjoong
Reason for biasing:
He has this energy about him that just makes me beam every time I see or hear him. It’s like, I know he’s imperfect, as all people are, but because he handles his imperfects so well, so freely, it’s like they don’t exist at all. He’s made himself perfect with all his imperfections, because he knows how to work through and around them. His energy is addictive and I will never not feel warmth in my chest when I look at him. He’s like a first love. Faultless in my eyes, no matter how flawed. 
Member closest to ideal type: Choi San
We mesh, okay? We just do. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like we share one brain-cell. I’ll do or say something before he does and then he does it and I’m like, “wAIT A SECOND- HOLD UP”. Seriously, we’ve got some soulmate-like crap goin’ on here. Also, I feel like he’s someone who appreciates the stars. I appreciate them a lot. Plus! I collect plushies, too... I share that with you very hesitantly.  
Bias: Lee Taemin
Reason for biasing:
As a person who’s not very big into the whole sexy/sensual vibe, I bet you would think his music wouldn’t really be my style, right? Wrong. His music is very, very much my style. He takes something (sexuality), which can be pretty gross and off-putting to some people, and he turns it into something elegant and beautiful. He doesn’t make it seem like tongue and sweat and need; he makes it seem like passion, love and care. Mutual respect, even. He doesn’t make you feel preyed upon, he makes you feel desired, which is an amazing feeling. Plus, I’ll never get over the stark contrast between his one-stage image and his true personality. To be honest, he’s a bit of an air-headed dork, and that’s what I love about him. 
Member closest to ideal type: 
Much like DAY6, no one really fits the bill for me, I don’t think. Like, sign me up to be bros with all of them, please! But also... Don’t expect us to date. But closest is probably Kibum (Key). 
Bias: Kim Minseok (Xiumin)
Reason for biasing:
I appreciate the fact that he’s the eldest, but he hasn’t lost his childish spark. He’s good at making the others feel appreciated and he’s very mature in his own way without sacrificing his ability to have a good time. I think I admire that a lot. I think when I first got into EXO, everyone stood out to me in different ways (as it should be with a group), but Minseok just stood out in a way that made me feel calm and hyped up all at the same time, so I think that’s my reason. Plus! Those eyes, dude. Those eyes. Fire and passion lives inside of them.
Member closest to my ideal type:
Once again, I don’t think I’d really romantically vibe with anyone in EXO. It would range from me butting heads with them because of being too opinionated to having to be like a parent to them instead of a lover. And it’s like... I’m a babysitter. If you act like a child, I’ll fall right into mama-mode. Especially with Baekhyun or Chanyeol, I see myself treating them more like younger brothers and being treated more like an older sister or a mom than a girlfriend, and I’m not down with that. Like, I want to take care of you, but I need you to care for me too, yeah? It can’t all be on me. 
Monsta X
Bias: Im Changkyun (I.M.)
Reason for biasing:
He’s very humble, chill and down-to-earth. He doesn’t seem like someone who makes a big fuss about much, and I like that a lot. He seems like someone with a kind of “you do you” attitude. He has his opinions, you have yours. Why should it matter what we think? Let’s just look into personalities. Plus, I love his tonality.  
Member closest to ideal type:
...it’s Im Changkyun himself. We fit well together as far as personality goes, and he’s someone who makes me feel at ease very easily, so I would appreciate that a lot. I would also enjoy the stay-at-home dates, because I feel like he’s that type of person. 
The Boyz
Bias: Kevin Moon
Reason for biasing:
It’s the humor, my dude. It’s always the humor. When I meet someone I meld with humorously—I know we’re gonna be comedy gold and it’s gonna be awesome. Also, he’s extremely talented. Every time he plays an instrument or sings, I feel like it’s more than that. It’s a story, and I admire that so much. I can look at him and know, “Hm. Yup. I’m gonna feel something. Prepare the emotional chamber!”  
Member closest to ideal type:
I feel like this is another group I don’t romantically mesh with. If you think otherwise, lemme know, but as far as I see it, we’re all just really supportive, loving friends. Family! 
Tomorrow X Together
Bias: Choi Beomgyu
Reason for biasing:
I find myself hyping him up every time I see him—how can it not be him? And again, the lisp... I told you I have a thing for it. It makes me mushy inside and I can’t stop it. He’s a really sweet guy, he has a lot of power while dancing and he has a very delicate tone while singing, and I appreciate him so, so much. I think his positive energy is a real joy. 
Member closest to ideal type:
I’m really not sure. I feel like I have another family-like relationship with TXT. Though, even though he’s childish, maybe Kai? I feel like I might draw out the maturity in him and he would help me loosen up a little when I get too uptight. I don’t know, though. 
Well! That happened. That was looooong. Dunno why you wanted to know that, but it was a very interesting case study! 
Also, thank you for 100(+) followers! It’s such a huge milestone for me and I can’t thank you enough. 
Hope you enjoyed!  
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twodaysintojune · 6 years
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Supernatural, Debriel, Warnings-None
Find me at AO3
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If Dean had an equivalent of Sam’s Halloween hate, more often than not that hated event was Christmas.
And to be fair, growing up listening to joyous songs of peace on earth right after cleaning your father's wounds from a salt and burn, watching movies of people sharing gifts under a massive Christmas tree in a dingy motel room whose only pristine asset was the sink he had just cleaned himself and then growing up trying to make it up for Sam and give him some sort of celebratory feeling…
Yeah, that could definitely make Christmas a detested event for anyone.
Which is why he thought it was kind of stupid to be out here on December 23rd in the mild Kansas cold, waiting for Sam and Jack to finally pick up a tree. Not that he complained about it, with time he had learnt to tone his feelings down and go along everything his people said. He was watching them, hands in his pockets, listening to the jarring Alvin and the Chipmunks styled carols booming out of a speaker that he was sure he would utterly destroy if he had the chance to get anywhere near it when he felt more than saw Gabriel approach him.
“You look like you're having as much fun as a man picking up his last meal.”
Dean snorted, count on Gabriel to be able to tell his mood swings. He had become even better than Sam on it and that was saying something.
“Naw, I was just thinking how on earth I'm gonna tie that monster to Baby without giving her a scratch.”
Cas had joined the other two with an assistant of the lot to help them wrap the tree up. After some struggling by all of them, Jack approached Dean beaming.
“All set?”
“Well then, let's go kid.”
The trip to the bunker had been good, changing the background music to the good ol’ Zep definitely did wonders to his mood so when he helped everyone get the tree and all the other decorations they had bought into the bunker’s library, Dean was smiling once more. Still, he managed to leave everyone there to hide in the kitchen and prepare some mulled wine for the first time ever.
Doing a new recipe helped him focus his attention on anything else than more bitter than sweet memories but first he had to open the bottles and pour the wine into a pot. After finishing the first task, he saw a sachet of spices he had been about to prepare appear out of nowhere on his hand.
“Thanks Gabe.”
He dropped the sachet and proceeded to add less cups of sugar than what the recipe claimed, knowing that it was easier to add on than to take away. Gabriel, who was suddenly by his side, moved to turn on the oven while Dean cleaned the few instruments he had used and then went to the counter to finish preparing the turkey that was already lying on a cooking pan. Curious, Dean glanced over him and took a look at the humongous bird he definitely didn’t recall buying.
“Where did you even get that from?”
“I may not have much grace but I can spare a bit for the good stuff.”
Dean just snickered while he moved to take the eggs and milk out of the fridge and add another big pot on the stove for the eggnog, nudging Gabriel to leave some space on the counter for him. It was odd, this homely feeling he was getting dancing around the kitchen with Gabriel. It was almost like this was the way things were always meant to be. It took Dean a while to notice Gabriel was humming ‘Hark! The Herald Angels Sing’ but when it finally hit him he couldn’t help but laugh a bit.
“Were you ever even jealous of your half brother?”
Gabriel turned to look at Dean a bit startled and stopped his turkey filling task for a moment.
“Not really... I was kind of curious and a bit upset you know, since dad had forbidden us to bang with them and then he shows up and tells me I gotta give this girl Mary the news ‘cause he was being too much of a coward to show up himself after she told him she was not gonna give up on Joseph...” Gabriel paused for a long enough time fiddling with the spoon in his hands “...that should have been a dead giveaway about what he would do after Lucifer’s fall”
Dean moved to place his hand on the archangel’s shoulder.
“Hey, it wasn’t your fault that he left.”
If he didn’t know better, Dean could have sworn he had seen Gabriel’s eyes glisten for a second.
“Anyway, all that stopped after JJ was born, he really was a cute baby… Too bad he had to grow up.”
Dean laughed heartily.
“Yeah, I get you on that. Sammy was the cutest when he was a kid. If you think his puppy eyes can kill you now you should have seen him then.”
The rest of the day went by with the bunker filling itself with the delicious scent of baked goods that Gabriel naturally did for Dean’s delight and the mulled wine. Despite not feeling like it, Dean had helped hang out the leftover garlands and was preparing some of the open bedrooms for Jody and the girls, who were invited for the celebration by Sam when he stepped into the library with some dusty rags at the same time as Gabriel, who was bringing snacks for everyone.
They halted when Jack placed his hand in front against them.
“You’re under the mistletoe! You have to kiss!”
Both men looked upwards to find that, indeed, there was a small bundle of mistletoe hanging from a decorated red ribbon right over them. Still confused for the abrupt interruption of their activities, they turned to each other before going back to Jack.
“Uhm, I don’t think this is the way that works kiddo.”
“No, you have to do it! Sam and Castiel already have.”
Dean and Gabriel groaned while glancing their respective brothers, who were now sheepishly hiding behind some of the tree’s branches. Dean could have sworn Sam’s ears were three shades redder than what they should’ve been.
“Seriously? You had to go there now? On Christmas of all times!?”
“We had to! It was the mistletoe!”
Both Gabriel and Dean looked at them in judgemental disbelief for just a second. Then Gabriel sighed and placed the tray with sandwiches and beer on the table before turning towards Dean.
“Don’t worry Dean-o, this ain’t gonna hurt a bit.”
Dean was about to retort when Gabriel’s hands found his neck and pulled his face closer. He felt Gabriel’s lips closing on his with a softness he never would have expected of the guy. Dean knew little about love but he was certain that there had been something more caring in that brief connection than what the occasion would have required.
Gabriel parted almost as fast as he had approached him.
“There, happy now?”
Jack just beamed at his uncle, like he had done tons of awesome things to make the world a better place. Swiftly, both men made way to keep on with their own tasks. When the night arrived and Sam had disappeared with Cas in his bedroom, Dean gave a last round on the library, where he found Jack sitting in front of the tree on the carpet and a bunch of floor pillows he suspected Gabriel had magicked looking in awe at how the lights turned on and off in random patterns.
“You gonna stay here all night?”
Jack turned to Dean with eyes shining in glee. Dean just sighed and went to grab one of the comfy lap blankets, throwing it on Jack’s shoulders.
“If you go back to your room remember to turn off the lights.”
“I will.” The kid stared a second at the man “Dean...? I love you.”
Dean smiled gently and made way to fuss Jack’s hair.
“Love ya too kid. Good night.”
“Good night.”
On his way to his bedroom he was joined by Gabriel.
“Sooo… I got this xxx-mas video right here, you wanna watch it at my room?”
Dean grabbed the case of the video, a latina, an asian and a redhead posing with the mandatory red sheer babydolls trimmed in white faux fur and santa hats. It was funny how even after watching the same shit again and again he always came back to them.
“Sure, why the heck not?”
They played the video after throwing themselves on Gabriel’s bed, filled with multiple silk cushions. Dean had to give it to Kali for teaching her man how to decorate in opulence. He accepted gratefully the whisky he was handled and went to focus on the video. There were no guys in the video, it was just the girls, opening presents that held dildos and vibrators inside and playing with each other. After a while, Dean just sighed frustrated.
“What’s wrong?”
Dean chuckled “I was kinda hoping for an idiot dressed as Santa I guess.”
Gabriel looked at Dean for the longest time and paused the video.
“Not that, Dean, something’s wrong with you today, all these days since Sam pitched in on doing Christmas.”
Dean turned to look at the archangel feeling clearly betrayed for being called out by the only person he would have expected never to be confronted about anything considering how well he was known for running away from facing stuff. And the worst was that he was unable to give a single pretext to get away from the interrogation. He tried, he knew he had tried his best to get around the issue but Gabriel had pressed on and on until Dean spilled it all out. All about the winter days spent in a room without heating, holding Sam closely wrapped in a blanket, the gift giving watched from outside a living room, all the Holidays his father had been out doing only god knows which hunt. He didn’t know when he had started crying in the middle of his rant. Why was he even talking? Why was he allowing anyone besides himself listen to all of this? It’s not like Gabriel would actually care. Heck, it’s not like he still cared about it so why on earth was he tearing this way?
“I’m sorry, Gabe, you don’t even need to listen to this.” Dean grunted softly in the middle of his frustration, looking down onto his already empty glass. Gabriel went to level his sight up by pulling Dean’s chin upwards softly.
“Maybe I don’t need to but I want to.”
Dean looked at him shocked for a second. Who on earth would actually want to listen to him rant about his past? Gabriel moved closer to Dean, overcoming the mountains and valleys of coloured fabric and laying by his side.
“You don’t believe me.” Before Dean could even admit or deny the fact, Gabriel magicked out a small giftwrapped box, the size of a kid’s toy and gave it to Dean. Dean looked the object curiously but didn’t make a move to open it.
“Shouldn’t you have waited until tomorrow?”
“I didn’t get to be your Secret Santa.”
Dean eyed his friend suspiciously but relented and began to tear down the paper. He would never admit it but he actually gasped when he finally found out the small Chevy ‘67 Impala model in front of him. It was just like his Baby, all the way up to its original license plate. It was a silly gift, really, nothing too awesome to think about, and yet he clearly remembered he had been wanting this particular model ever since he had seen it at a mall, ages ago. His father obviously not buying it because there was no reason for Dean to have it knowing they already were riding a real one. Deep down, Dean knew it had never been about the car.
It had been about his father doing something only for him.  
“I know I shouldn’t be peering on your thoughts but you’ve been sending away this image strongly all these past days, I thought it was something you really wanted.”
And now, after so many years there was someone paying attention to him, maybe cheating a little bit but hey, nothing was perfect in this world. Dean could feel more tears welling up, he had to talk before his voice was stolen.
“Thanks Gabe”
The archangel smiled at Dean warmly. There was a myriad of things going through his amber eyes, lighting them like he was able to hold galaxies inside.
“Don’t sweat it kiddo”
Dean snickered softly “I gotta admit I always thought of you as a conceited brat”
Gabriel just raised his eyebrows and smiled as well. “Well, I cannot deny that I have been quite the hedonist my entire life”
“Then what happened?”
Dean turned towards the archangel in shock, clearly he must have listened wrong but Gabriel was just there looking at him in earnest. After what Dean thought of as an eternity in silence, Gabriel broke it one more time.
“I know you only see me as a friend. That’s alright. I’m good with the way things are… but I’m not glad if you’re not glad, so if something goes around your head; I’ll be there to listen. Okay?”
Jody and the girls arrived the following day around five, making everything more chaotic and fun. They had dinner after seven and then watched a silly Christmas movie. Dean found it funny that none of them even imagined for a second that Gabriel was indeed the Gabriel, archangel, messenger of God. They all assumed he was a fellow hunter and Gabriel, well, he didn’t really mind clearing that particular misunderstanding.
Well past midnight they did the Secret Santa swap. Dean had somehow found a plush for Castiel online that according to him was called ‘Sammy Moose’ so it was perfect for him. Sam bickered about it but Cas didn’t put the plush down for any reason other than hold the real Sam close. Gabriel had received from Claire three pairs of silly Christmas socks with googly eyed elves that he immediately wore and some chocolates and Dean received in awe a guitar from Jody who only said she had traded from a colleague that never stuck with any hobby. By the end of it all, they were all singing Christmas carols and finishing all the dessert they could.
Maybe he was being hopeful, or maybe he had had a bit too much spiked eggnog but Dean finally felt like this was a holiday he could actually enjoy.
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oddlyprincess · 6 years
Valentines day is today and:
Warning: very cheesy text bc I’m 1) dumb 2) a pisces: I just wanted to say that hi I’m Mai, and I love love so bad :(. Love is a beautiful thing, a dangerous thing too, but dangerously beautiful. And love makes people soft, and love makes people do good things!! And I have so much valentines today like: B aka @callmesatan201 my dearest friend, I freaking love her because she’s always there for me and because we know each other for so long, with all the rise and falls we’re still friends at all (it ryhmed). She’s the FUNNIEST bitch I ever know, and I really love calling her just for playing random games even if shes always mocking me for having what she calls ‘‘a bottom voice’‘. And I value our friendship a lot, and it’s such a nice and warm thing! She’s funny, shes beauty, she’s grace, and she deserves everything and I’m proud of being her friend!! @dragup-mylife valen valen valen valen!!! I LOVE THEM TOO, we know each other for like less than a month I guess, but they are so FUNNY, relatable, and such a good friend. They’re always there for me and I appreciate that, very much. And they send me cute anime pics bc they know im a soft bitch and they do everything to make me happy. We have the same text style so texting them is always v fun :( @chantelonhel mY INTERNET MOM, I luv her. She’s like one of the few adults who don’t judge me bc of my age at all and I APPRECIATE THAT because i like to think I’m a bit more mature than my actual age even tho I act like a fucker sometimes, idk man (but like social aspect wise, pedos go fucking away lol choke and die) SHE ACTUALLY TAKES ME SERIOUSLY. She supports my fics and that’s so freaking pure????? And she always motivates me to write, and IM V PROUD OF BEING HER INTERNET DAUGHTER  @artificialmillie We don’t talk anymore tbh, but i rlly love them and I really appreciate them as a friend bc they were there for me in one of the hardest moments of my life. And when I think abt recover I remember of them being there making me smile on the farraja chat even not knowing i was feeling like literal shit! And they’re so funny, and bubbly, their personality??? Their looks????? Their talent???? AMAZING :( n i hope life is treating them well  A special shoutout to my two best friends sam and felipe even if they wont read it: I love them so much, they both are one of the people i most love on earth, with all the letters. We’re friends for 3 years, and I’d not know who tf would I be if I never meet them, they changed my life and change it every day. They’re talented and very sweet, and of course we fight, thats what bffs do, but they never fail being there for me, even Sam that is v quiet (they hug me in silence when im s*d its v pure). And to all my other mutuals I couldn’t list here, I LOVE EVERY SINGLE OF YOU @tropicaldepressionkatya you’re amazing and sweet @boybotboybotboybot ur the cutest and the funniest legend thanks for being such a good friend to me @chachkisalpaca i love you you’re valid and beautiful and you deserve all the happiness in this world @artificial-catrina @elsaara @adin-a-nida @obsidian---black wish we talked more but i lov yall @pianowired we dont talk much but i admire you so much and I value every single of our conversations you’re so WISE and beautiful never change And if you ever were there for me, or made me smile, or made me laugh until my stomach hurt, or even made my day a little bit better, you’re very important for me, and I love you. Happy valentines day!!!!!!
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kangrena · 7 years
Hello! I want to get into pristin but I don't know much about their personality. If you could can you please give me a small summary of how they are. I know about nayoung. Thank you!
leader aka the mom
looks out for the group’s image 110% of the time
is considerate
also the cutest
all of pristin love her with their entire souls and would probably die for her
her nickname is “na-na” and the little ones call her that all the time
97line pt 1
hella gay for kyungwon/yuha
“eyes that captivate you, roa”
is mature with nayoung and then everything goes to hell with the little ones
iljin princess
looks the prettiest when she sleeps
food is love food is life
golden girl
golden proportions golden visuals she’s made of gold
gag line pt1
loves roa
is REALLY GOOD at piano
don’t be fooled by her chic exterior she’s a complete dork with the most aegyo you’ll see
loves her dog kang kong (which means bean)
athletic style
(the jacket in her debut teaser was actually her own jacket pledis didn’t rent the jacket for her)
the biggest meme
my dear dear love pls watch your facial movements
loves kyulkyung
“i am a woman of many tears, so i cried for 3 hours”
loves jessica jung with her entire existence
gag line pt 2
spoiler fairy
was punished for spoiling the debut song in a vlive
food is love food is life pt2
also a composer bless this talented lil fluffball
speaks english fluently! was the top of her class in grade school
loves nayoung so much would probably die for her
also loves roa
also tony stark fangirl
smoll and fierce
can play the drums
also super stable in live stages omg
composed black widow which should be the fandom anthem it’s lit
also a meme
loves the little ones protects them with her life
nayoung enthusiast
when will nayoung notice her
super excited and hyped up all the time
has something against grey socks? idk
plays the pipa! recorded the pipa part for orange caramel’s the day you went away
is a dancer but is a super stable vocalist as well
has made friends with all of the currently promoting rookie girl groups 
seriously she has so many friends
natural aegyo the way she talks is cute
chronically confused
smoll and gentle
dancer and vocalist and then she raps in black widow???
a kind soul pls love her
the most athletically inclined on the team
the fandom’s daughter
an actual musical genius
composed/wrote lyrics for basically the entire debut album
actually a dolphin in disguise
“mariah carey auntie is shaking”
wrote her mom a song for mothers day when she was in third grade???
plays guitar v well
it’s a joke in the fandom that when sungyeon speaks english it’s like the appearance of a wild pokemon or something
gets flustered when speaking english even tho she went to school in america
every s in this paxxage will be a x
becauxe itx edgy like xiyeon
jk i have no energy to turn off autocorrect
the ceo’s favourite daughter
trained for 9 years? started training when she was like 8
can do everything and anything
flirts with everything and anything
“have you kissed all the members?” “yes. chu
MCyeon bc she’s the resident mc
can be super responsible with the older unnies and then becomes a meme with the little ones
the responsible maknae
possible the only sane one (with nayoung)
she’s so soft and sweet god bless
a cool baby
“why are you wearing your hood?” “can’t deal with my bangs today.”
“why are you so pretty? your parents?” “yeah genetics”
his name is luke massie and he interacts with the fans a lot online
goes hard with rapping
queen kyla dominate
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Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 18
***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
Whether the Won Hwa story line should be better explained
Whether Han Sung’s death was necessary
Whether they realized that they only had 2 episodes left and was scrambling to tie up loose ends by introducing so many developments in this episode
Whether Han Sung, as a character, was poorly written
The Rule(s):
Yes. It is super confusing and there has been no explanation as to what their specific role is.
Yes. In a way.
Yes. *scrambles*
RedRosette J: So, having watched this episode, I am immediately regretting switching to the regular episode post format. This episode was just terrible and I had to struggle to think of problems in it (that were not going to be as repetitive as 17). At this point, I’m totally convinced that this drama has just become a shitty makjang drama. The biggest difference in this episode was the Taehyung was on screen probably the most since he’s been on the whole drama because they had to kill him off. *eyeroll* The cutest part of this drama was Ban Ryu and Soo Yeon getting back together (again, it looks like Ban Ryu’s internal drama was resolved off screen in the last episode, which is such a pity because Do Ji Han such a good actor and could have really brought some substance to this shit show at this point). I honestly have no real thoughts about this episode because at this point I have completely given up. This show should have been 16 episodes. I’m so glad next week is the finale week. I don’t know if I can take more of this. -.-
Jubiemon J: I think there were actually too many big picture problems that all fell under issue three which we’ve listed. I can’t believe that this drama was pre-produced. The writing should have been better in that case and . . . I’m surprised to learn that this is from the same network that pre-produced Descendants. Anyway, this episode clearly focused on Hansung and as we all probably know, he dies in this episode. (I’m starting to suspect that they had to kill him off b/c of his idol commitments. I’m trying to rationalize the reason for his character’s death because that whole conflict with his grandpa being faced with issues from Banryu’s evil uncle or whatever came out of nowhere.) We’re close to the end, yet we also haven’t seen Yeowool’s story. The actor playing Yeowool does a great job with what he has, but it’s a shame that we can’t learn more about Yeowool. It also seems like JiDwi gave up on Aro out of nowhere? I wished that they had some emotional talk where she rejected him firmly and properly.
Issue 1:  Whether the Won Hwa story line should be better explained?
RedRosette J: Okay. This show is not sophisticated enough to have no exposition for the viewers. It’s not some superbly written masterpiece which doesn’t infantlize the viewers and expects them to keep up. No. This is a very badly written script and in a badly written script, when there is no exposition, the viewers get left behind and have no idea what the hell is going on! So please, if you’re going to introduce a new concept, begin by explaining what on earth it is! [My bad if they did explain and somehow it got mistranslated and I missed it. If so, disregard this issue] Even if they’ve been mentioned the Won Hwa for a few episodes, it hasn’t really been a huge part of the plot until now so it might have been useful to have a nice refresher  of what it actually means. The Queen keep saying that she is going to turn the women into Won Hwa or whatever and that they will be the ones to lead Hwarang and that they get tossed aside (read: killed) when the Royal Family is done with them. That’s all fine. That just makes it sound like a job posting with a badly written job description but without the actual job title being listed. I keep thinking that they are Super Concubines or something because logically, it stands to reason that if they are to lead Hwarang, they need to be like trained in combat and what not, and then given the flashback to Sun Woo’s mom (*gasp* spoiler) being pregnant with the Prince’s baby aka Sun Woo (*gasp* double spoiler), it seems like she might have also been a concubine. I don’t know. I’m just guessing because they won’t tell us what it is! You need to tell the viewers what their exact role is!
Jubiemon J: I got SO confused with Won Hwa that I had to do a bit of Googling. The drama like RedRosette hadn’t explained Won Hwa properly. Plus that term came out of nowhere. I don’t recall Won Hwa being an issue or a thing during the previous episodes. I really think bringing back the Won Hwa wouldn’t do much at all? The Queen really is on her crazy mode where she wants a female and a male harem.
RedRosette J Aside: Okay fine Jubiemon googled it and the wiki page says that they are actually warriors led by two women, and then one of them murdered someone and the Won Hwa was disbanded and gave way to the Hwarang. Still. The Won Hwa plot line could have been introduced better!
Neither do we!!!!
Is this the job?
Okay but how?
Is this job related too??
Issue 2: Whether Han Sung’s death was necessary
RedRosette J: Okay who else knew that this was coming? (There were spoilers/rumours when the show first started that Taehyung’s character might die) The issue is that it was written so poorly, that the whole thing just felt so comical and fell drastically short of the emotional impact that it should have had. To be honest, even though I knew that Han Sung was going to die, I totally didn’t expect them to introduce the death plot line the way they did. It just felt forced and there was absolutely no build up to it at all. It was so sudden and just really wasn’t cohesive in the grand scheme of the plot.
The only saving grace was that the boys’ actual bromance (which exists off screen) kicked in as they mourned his death which wasn’t awful to watch. Taehyung, to his credit, did an adequate job as Han Sung. I might add though, that the death scene was so cringey and super ridiculous that I was actually laughing. Out loud. Which I doubt was the intended viewer reaction. Taehyung’s acting was not close to being anything great, but even as a total noob, he was leagues better than Baekhyun in Scarlet Heart Ryeo. But, sweetie, so back to acting class. Really. I love his goofy, weirdo personality with the other Bangtan guys and I think that’s what saved his acting and his character for me, because I kept seeing Taehyung as himself in it. Essentially, Han Sung had to die to bring the guys together and stand on their own and stop being led by their dads and moms and grandpas. Hopefully this lets them become a force of their own, but realistically, Han Sung’s death could have been written and acted much, much better.
Jubiemon J: I also think this death was written very poorly. We never saw Han Sung fanboying over Sunwoo this hard until this episode. (I really think Han Sung was in love with Sunwoo for this episode.)  I didn’t get emotional over his death because I just thought how idiotic it was for him to die. We never had news of Hansung’s grandfather facing problems and then bam . . .this episode he was like a slave to Banryu’s evil uncle/father. Sure his sacrifice was supposed to make Sunwoo/Ji Dwi be more determined to be King and set things straight, but I just don’t think Hansung’s death made such an impact. I think it should have been Aro who was sacrificed instead to affect the two of them. Hansung barely had any screen time to show that he was really, really close with the boys. Heck, he didn’t even dorm with the guys till far, far later. Sure, Aro did an arrow to her heart, but she’ll live . . . so . . . meh. Finally, did Sunwoo really have to carry Hansung’s dead body . . . to a class full of students? He should have called for help immediately. That scene was just so . . . ugh.
Oh come on! Really?!?!
Poor Han Sungie!!
Ok but why would you bring him to your classroom?!?
Damn straight!
RedRosette J Aside: Although I will miss these two:
Issue 3: Whether they realized that they only had 2 episodes left and was scrambling to tie up loose ends by introducing so many developments in this episode
RedRosette J: They definitely did. All of a sudden, all the leftover issues were just crammed into one episode and the viewers were expected to just deal with it. We got a paternity reveal, birth mom reveal, secret history reveal, death reveal, and a King reveal. That’s a lot of reveals to take in in 60 minutes. It just felt way too sloppy and the production was bad too. *sigh* I can only hope that next week, when it crashes and burns in the finale, it does so with only a small bang.
Jubiemon J: For sure, they decided to put everything together. How easy is it for Sunwoo to find his father all of a sudden? Plus wasn’t his father supposed to be banished or at least in hiding, yet he can just come in and out of the palace so easily? And that whole dialogue totally reminded me of Star Wars: “Luke, I am your father.” I think Luke had it worse though. Then we had that Wonhwa thing going on just so that Aro can be in danger again. Trust me that girl is always placed in the most bizarre scenes where she has to be rescued somehow. She never does the rescuing and just has to suffer from the Damsel in Distress syndrome. In all honesty, what evil character aka the Queen would just tell one of the good guys all of her plans? I’m talking about that scene where the Queen warned Aro that she’d kill Aro once her use as a Wonhwa was over. I seriously laughed at that dialogue. It’s just ridiculous. If you wanted the Queen to be super evil, you might as well started her plotting far, far earlier and made her much smarter. Then the writer took the easy way out and decided to kill of Hansung to explain why Sunwo/Ji Dwi would step up to their game. *Rolls eyes*
Reveal 1
Reveal 2
Reveal 3
Issue 4: Whether Hansung, as a character, was poorly written
Jubiemon J: Hansung, as a character, was poorly written and probably used only as a marketing ploy. When I watched the interviews with the cast, they all suggested that Hansung was a very important character. I assumed that he’d have more scenes and more character development. Surprisingly, Banryu and Sooho had more air time. I did like those two characters and enjoyed their character development and bond. However, I expected Hansung and Yeowool to have had a similar level of development. The writer tried to portray Hansung as an innocent, sweet kid, and we did see that coming from Taehyung.
The writer also failed to show Hansung as someone who struggled with his role and his relationship with his brother. There were a few choppy scenes that hinted that perhaps Hansung had an inferior complex towards his brother and felt out of place or burdened with his responsibilities. However, those weren’t explored well at all.
Unfortunately, the writer made Taehyung’s job as a first-time actor harder with a poor character. Having a poor character probably means that the bulk of the work must lie on the actor alongside the director to try to give more depth to the character. Taehyung is not as experienced as an actor as Do Jihan or Jo Yoonwo to be able to show hints of frustration or burden. Taehyung does a wonderful job playing the happy-go-lucky, cute character because that is how he is like as a BTS member. However, I’ve found that he does struggle with more emotionally charged, deeper scenes which is likely due to his inexperience.
Jo Yoonwo as Yeowool has minimal scenes, but throughout the drama I was convinced of his bond with Hansung. Thus I only felt sad when I saw Yeowool’s reaction to Hansung’s death. Do Jihan, on the other hand, doesn’t have that many scenes either, but I was convinced with his character’s conflict between doing what he thinks is right and maintaining his family’s reputation. Do Jihan is great at expressing through his eyes or other little actions like making his face all tense when his character has to force himself to stay calm.
I also didn’t like how Hansung, as a character, seemed to be written as stupid. Being innocent does not mean that one is stupid. Hansung’s death was totally preventable. I found it hard to believe that Hansung had seen the “must kill” message addressed to his brother and didn’t even think it was sketchy. He didn’t even question his brother when he passed that gift to him. During the few scenes that Hansung is in, he often asks a lot of questions or at least has some inquisitive nature (ie ep 17 at the cafeteria where Sunwoo joins Hansung and Yeowool for lunch). Then it was only after he saw his brother fighting with Sunwoo did it all click to him? Seriously? No. That just made him seem so stupid and took away the sadness of his character’s death.
Conclusion: Appeal Dismissed.
Rating: 2 = Yell At Everyone -.-
File No: Hwan: POET-WARRIOR-Youth-Ep-18 Appearing before the Dramacourt: Hwarang: Poet Warrior Youth Ep 18 ***If this is your first time browsing The Drama Files, please read The Rules section first for our reviewing and rating system***
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chenbox · 7 years
👑 what is the reason your bias is your bias?
if you didn’t already know, my bias is none other than jongdae! I think I just fell in love w his voice and personality first :~(( like seriously, I can never get tired of his singing. and of course I think he’s literally the cutest person to ever grace this ugly earth
🎵most played exo song?
idk why this is so surprising to me but apparently it’s overdose? I haven’t listened to it recently, but it was one of the first exo songs I listened to, so probably destroyed that replay button lmao
🎄you get to give ONE christmas gift to all nine members, what do you give them?
an extended break to do whatever they want bc they deserve it >:~(((
thank you sososo much for the ask !! 
leave me an exo emoji in my ask !
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