becomehermione · 6 years
some of the best things:
waking up at the same time as the sun
when the light comes thru leaves in little floating spots
sunset (everything golden + highlighted)
walking just to walk
hearing ur favorite song 
sitting outside w/ good ppl 
feeling love
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becomehermione · 6 years
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first day of november, first day of nano, first coffee of the day *✧・゚
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becomehermione · 6 years
make your own ghibli moment !!! live life to its fullest !
bake a loaf of bread ! read a book & drink some tea ! plant some flowers ! return the life god’s head to its body and reset the entire world to its natural state ! learn something new !! go for a walk !!!!
make every moment special !!!!
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becomehermione · 6 years
reminder: you can start over at anytime. your day is not ruined. your world is not over. take a deep breath. start over.
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becomehermione · 6 years
day 0 // 20:00 // 13/05/2018
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here...again. Oops?
My second year of university is over, and whilst I’m glad about that, I still want to be productive over the four months until I go into my third year of my degree. To do this, I want to do the 100 days of productivity challenge so I can instil productive habits into my daily routine.
My 100 days will begin tomorrow. To keep myself accountable, I’ll try to post updates regularly - if not daily, then bi-weekly or weekly. I know myself and it’s possible I’ll fall behind some days, but I want to try my best with this challenge.
Here’s a quick list of the habits I’ll be trying to form!
is it cheating if I’ve been trying to do this for a little while now?
I do yoga most days, but some days I forget, and it leads to breaks in my habits. I want to try to do it every day without fail, if I can!
this really helps me to focus and calm down, but some nights I just forget to do this. I don’t want to forget about it any more, though!
learning japanese
I’ve wanted to do this for so long, and I’ve even started a tree on duolingo and I have a notebook for Japanese notes
the only problem is that whenever I miss a day, it breaks my habit completely. this is becoming a serial problem, you see
practising piano
I actually practice most days already, but I want my practises to become more constructive and less just playing my favourite pieces
going outside
I go stir crazy if I’m inside for too many days in a row. since I’ve been outside for walks for the past two days, I thought it might be good to make a habit of it!
I’m setting up a habit tracker to make sure these, as well as a couple other ongoing habits, always get completed.
Wish me luck!
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becomehermione · 6 years
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I’ve been posting a lot of my lecture notes lately so why not explain the process, you know?
basic stuff
I use a notebook, a black pen or pencil, and a colored pen for lecture notes. I use a notebook instead of loose-leaf because it keeps everything together and in one place, which makes it convenient for study purposes. 
I write the title at the top in black pen: basically just the chapter name + number in all-caps. Also, I try to write the date in the corner so I know what day my notes are from.
I don’t use a lot of colors because a. there isn’t a lot of time during lecture to switch between pens and b. it makes my notes a lot easier to look at and understand. Color coding doesn’t really work for me. Sometimes I’ll use a highlighter after lecture is over, to highlight important concepts / things i forget easily, but that’s about it.
I use tabs to separate chapters in my notebook so I can quickly access notes for any chapter.
If the teacher already gives us a powerpoint or a review sheet, I don’t copy them down during lecture because it’s a waste of time to copy down what you already have. 
Instead I focus on what the teacher is saying and write down their explanations / anything they mention multiple times / anything important that they write on the board / anything that they say is important or will be on the test.
For classes like anatomy and physiology / biology, teachers draw helpful diagrams and pictures on the board, which i copy down and label so i don’t forget what it was about.
For classes like math, teachers write up examples on the board, which I also copy down (woo hoo math :-/ who understands the struggle)
Sometimes I use symbols like numbers / bullet points to organize information and I draw arrows to connect concepts / extra information off to the corner. I also use the margin of the paper to add titles for different topics or to write down the #s of the powerpoint slides my teacher referred to during lecture.
Black pen / pencil - writing general body of the notes
Colored pen - for drawing arrows, marking important things, asterisks, etc.
Highlighter - for marking important or easily forgotten things after lecture.
That’s a wrap. Feel free to try it out and see if it works for you! - hana from thoughtscholar
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becomehermione · 7 years
little goals for the new year
“one day or day one?” start learning a new language and try to stick with it. better to do less regularly than big study sessions once per week! 
buy yourself an art notebook and fill it during the year with doodles and drawings
meet with old friends and acquaintances who might become friends
keep a journal and regularly write about your day
appreciate the little things in life: the snow lying outside, the scent of flowers, the little smiles on people’s faces
make it a habit to start your assignment as soon as you get it; it saves you from so much stress!!
more cozy study dates in cafes
don’t buy too many books while still having to read all the ones you bought last time, otherwise, you’ll be overwhelmed soon enough
reach out to people online and make more friends, a lot of people on here are extremely nice and welcoming!!
look at the sky more often
don’t dwell on the past too much, what’s done is done, try to grow from it
buy more little things that make you happy, such as candles, bath bombs or stationery
go for a walk at least once a week, especially if you live in the city
accept that it’s okay to ask for help, in school and in personal matters!!
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becomehermione · 7 years
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16:06 // 12/01/2018
The week before starting a new semester feels, to me, a little like drifting with no clear path towards something unclear but familiar - the feeling of actually having a purpose. Hence, I’ve been trying to keep myself busy to prepare for that sudden event.
I read the first story in Birds of America by Lorrie Moore, which is a book of 12 short stories. I love the author’s writing style, and as you can see from my highlights, I had a lot to think about as I was reading.
Just today I finished Olive Kitteridge, a novel about family and connections with other people and the ways that everyone is connected, despite having their own individual struggles which sometimes make them feel more alone than they really are. It’s a heavy, heavy book but I can’t wait to discuss it in my creative writing workshop next week.
I also bought some new pens to use for my bullet journal and study journal. I’ve pictured my cover pages for 2018 in my bujo, as well as some brush pen practice I did.
Also, I got my results back for an essay I thought I’d flunked last semester, and I got some of the best grades I’ve received so far. Somehow, despite writing the entire 3,000 word disaster the day before, I exceeded all expectations. That at least is going to carry me through the first assignments of this semester - knowing that if I focus enough, I can do really well even without the hours I usually waste planning and overthinking every word.
This week is dedicated to small victories, and building up steam for the marathon ahead. Let’s all try our best to get through this semester!
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becomehermione · 7 years
30 questions about me
I was tagged by @karla-studies for the 30 questions meme that’s been floating around studyblr!! Thanks for tagging me, I’m looking forward to answering these questions and getting to know more people in the community ^^
Rules: Answer 30 questions and then tag 20 blogs to get to know them better.
Nickname: Leanne (I don’t really have a nickname!) Gender: female, probably Star sign: aries Height: 5'5, or 165cm Time: 19:40 Birthday: 15th April Favorite bands: Fall Out Boy, OLDCODEX,  Pearl and the Beard Favorite solo artists: dodie, Marina and the Diamonds Song stuck in my head: New Wall by [Alexandros] Last movie watched: A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong (with my parents at christmas) Last show watched: Welcome to the Ballroom When did I create my blog: 22nd December 2014, apparently! I didn’t realise it was so long ago! What do I post: my progress in getting back into studying regularly, at the moment! probably a lot of inspirational reblogs at least Last thing I Googled: “january 2018 calendar printable“ Do you have any other blogs: too many probably... my main is @randomwriter57, my writing blog is @randomactuallywrites-57 and i have a sideblog for the Tales Of games series @luzrof-rulay Do you get asks: nope! Why did you choose your URL: in this one post, one of the tips was “basically become Hermione????“ and for whatever reason that really inspired me! Following blogs: 26 Followers: 32 Favorite color: purple Avg hours of sleep: 8 Lucky number: 7 Instruments: piano and electronic keyboard, though i’m only self-taught in the former What am I wearing: black skinny jeans, a white top, and a dark blue jumper How many blankets do I sleep with: 1 very thick duvet Dream job: published author! Dream trip: a tour around Japan Favorite food:  Nationality: I’m from Scotland, in the UK Favorite song now: Avelanche by Walk the Moon
I’ve kind of been away from the community so long that I’m not sure who to tag ^^” So if you’ve not done it already, consider yourself tagged!
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becomehermione · 7 years
11:45 // 07/01/2018
hey guys! ...it’s been a while
2017 was a huge mess for everyone, and i’m no exception. my studies drastically went downhill, especially at the end of the year, and i’m not going to stand by and let that continue to happen this year. hence, i’m turning over a new leaf and starting almost from scratch with my studyblr.
hi! my name is leanne. i’m a second year uni student trying to get back on track with studying.
tomorrow is the beginning of the semester, but we don’t actually have any classes until next week. it’s kind of annoying, because i’m super pumped to get started!!! hopefully the syllabuses will be out tomorrow for prep week.
i’m gonna have to read a lot of books this semester, since 3/4 of all my classes has a required reading of 15 books. at least it’ll get me closer to completing my goodreads challenge lol. besides, i’m actually looking forward to it; we’ll be studying jane austen’s sense and sensibility later this semester and hot damn am i looking forward to that. i love austen’s writing, so studying it is gonna be great.
also, this semester i finally have creative writing again!! since my degree is a joint honours, we only have one semester of creative writing a year, because the other semester is dedicated to journalism. i had journalism last semester (which was a nightmare) and in the second semester of 1st year, so i haven’t actually had a creative writing class since 2016...
that’s not to say i haven’t been writing, of course! i haven’t missed a day of writing since august 2016. i’m just excited to finally get feedback and to improve my writing as best i can!
my plans for prep week are:
make a study journal/book log
print off calendars to write term dates on
read the required reading (once i receive the books in the post)
get ahead in other life things (cooking, cleaning, writing, youtube)
get outside more!! exercise!!!
hopefully i can actually keep on top of all this lol. i’m super excited to get better!!!
have a lovely day/night, everyone! ~ ☆
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becomehermione · 8 years
10 Tips for Starting University
Consider getting a backpack if you’re gonna do a lot of walking / carrying a lot of stuff to and from uni
Bring all types of clothes. NB this does not mean bring all your clothes don’t do that. Bring clothes for professional stuff, going out, casual clothes, comfy clothes. Bring a bit of everything.
Stock up on easy but semi-healthy snacks. It prevents you from snacking on unhealthy thing, and they’re a+ if you have back-to-back lectures
Keep a plastic bag in your bag / backpack!!! This has saved my laptop and my books from getting ruined so many times when a downpour has snuck up on me, and I could just put my laptop and books in the plastic bag. 
Make a consistent sleep schedule for yourself, even if you don’t have a set time you have to get up every day. It’ll make you feel more organised and make you sleep better
Break down big projects / assignments into smaller tasks and start working on them early. You don’t want to be writing your 3,000 word essay the night before. 
Get a hobby or get involved. Find something that you enjoy doing outside of school, that isn’t watching Netflix. It can be absolutely anything.
Don’t go out or do anything if you really don’t want to, but try to keep an open mind and give things a shot. NB this is not an encouragement to do anything illegal don’t do that. Even if you don’t end up loving it, who knows what’ll happen or who you’ll meet.
Try your best not to eat junk 24/7. It’s hard to be super healthy in uni, but make sure to get some nutrition, or else you’re gonna feel like shit
You’re not going to have everything figured out straight away. Just go with it. Your organisation system doesn’t fit your module structures? Change it. You end up pulling an all nighter to finish your essay? Change your planning / organisation to prevent it happening again. Be flexible and adapt. 
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becomehermione · 8 years
100 Reasons to Study:
I never expected this “reasons to study” thing to get so many submissions, and as it takes me so long to post them all, I decided to do a bulk post of some so here they are:
(If I haven’t included a url, it was submitted by an anon).
To prove people that “bad” students can become excellent students too.
To expand your knowledge of the world.
To look back on your success in ten years time. (Submitted byadxlastudies)
To not let my mental illness define my grades. (Submitted bymusicandmaths)
I study because I am privileged enough to have the opportunity. I study because I have no one getting in my way telling me I can’t. I study because I want to do some real good in this world. I study because I live in a country where being female has no significant disadvantage; and so, I take this opportunity so that I may make future opportunities for those who don’t have them. (Submitted by crimson-voltaire)
My reason for studying is how I’ll get to where I want to be in my life which is successful, comfortable, and happy.
I study to make my mum happy and proud.
I study to prove my anxiety wrong!
I study because I want to save lives.
I study because my grandpa, orphaned during WWII when he was 8, worked 4 days a week in a mine to learn for 2 days. He’s retired after 40 years of working in diplomacy, for the last 5 years as an ambassador. He’s my role model. And I love him so much.
I study because my primary school teacher from when I was 6 replied “Well who would think that?” when my mother informed her I was going to university. I study so I can tell her “Why would you not think that?”
I study because I want to give myself the best future I possibly can as a black woman. (Submitted by n-marlzz)
I study because my dreams are improbable. But not impossible. I will achieve them. (Submitted by redheadbecool)
I study because even though I can’t imagine having a future, I want one. (Submitted by stxdys)
I study so that I can be surrounded by the right people at school, at home, at work, and on Tumblr. You can only walk the path that you choose for yourself, so choose wisely. Pave your path with bricks, not straw.
I study because last year I was in a mental hospital for young people and I discovered that I want my death to mean something.
I study because diseases have haunted my family for long enough, and cancer deserves to be taken down once for all.
I study because my father left school at age 13 to work to provide for his family and he has been working ridiculously hard ever since so I can have an education.
I study to be self reliant and to get more answers. The concept of being independent is attractive to me, and if i study hard enough, i will be able to live freely without relying on my parents. The thought of getting answers is a huge satisfaction.
I study because I told my ex, “Watch me go to Harvard”. So oops.
Because I want to have a well paying job which means I can eventually travel the world one day.
I study because I love to be productive really just in love with the feeling of it being noon and already have gotten everything done that I needed for that day. (Submitted by revision-babe)
I want and I like to study because I believe that we as humans have the responsibility of maintain and grow the knowledge people developed in the past. How could we waist all those efforts to try know this wonderful world a little better?  (Submitted by mochilunar-universe​)
I study because my Dad went through a lot of work to get to this country so that I could have a good life and a good education, and I’m not going to waste all his good efforts and take him and my education for granted.
Because I believe I can do it and I won’t let their words stop me. (Submitted by truly-written-by-me)
I study for my own sense of achievement! I’m also really motivated by my boyfriend who is very clever and works really hard. I want to get a first in my masters this year and I will!  (Submitted by @orchidbeam)
I study for Nicki Minaj, she would be proud of me, and all the other women in the world. I hope that my degree will put me in the position to make a better world for all my sisters out there and the little ones.
I study because my family isn’t as rich as our family friends, and other families always make fun about what my dad does for a living. I want to change that and make sure the only thing others talk about is how amazing we turned out and what a good career I’m going into.
I study to make my parent’s hardships (moving to America, to provide a better life for my siblings and I) worth it.
My reason to study is to show myself and everyone I am stronger than my mental illness and to prove everyone who said it would stop me from getting anywhere wrong.
I study so I can change the world for the better.
I study because I want to help my family, to fulfil my dreams and save lives.
To be a champion.
I want to study in order to prove myself and people that being dyslexic and dysorthographic doesn’t mean being stupid.  (Submitted bybritannicusmyfav)
I love to learn,and I want to know about all the things I missed because of school system. (Submitted by @seshet)
I study because I want to be the first sibling to go straight into uni without transferring from a community college.
I want to study so that I can transfer out from a community college to a really good university so that people won’t think the decision I made to go to community college was bad. Also to make my DAD super proud!
I study because I want to be the best version of myself.
I study to make those who have taken care of me proud, to show them they did a good job. I also study for myself, to prove that I can fulfil my goals and that everyone who has ever made fun of me just pushed me forward instead of putting the boot in. Getting a good job to live with my boyfriend would be a great plus! We all need motivation, and what’s better to motivate oneself than dreams to fulfil! Here are mine. (~Submitted bystudy-littleidlegirl)
I study because I never want to stop learning about myself and the world we live in.
I study so I’m educated enough to take down the haters in an articulate way so I feel accomplished when leaving the situation.
I study to ensure that when I’m actively in politics, only weak minded people will be able to scorn me due to my ethnic background or religion (or something stupid along those lines) instead of the immaculate policies and work I am carrying out.
I study to become successful in my future and because I have a passion for learning. (Submitted by baklavugh)
I study because I don’t have anything else to do. I guess it keeps me so busy that I don’t have time to think how lonely I am.
Because it makes me happy to see my hard work paid off and also ensures a better future than I would have if I didn’t study well. (Submitted by h4rshitaa)
I study to be able to pursue the career I want. For the thrill of knowledge, the security of understanding. For the way it shapes how I interpret the world. I study not because it is something I must do, but because it is something that is a part of who I am.  (Submitted by @audesapare)
I study to improve my mind so I can understand deeply the things people thought I was not capable of understanding. I study so I can live the most fulfilled life possible. I take every second of this life as a chance to learn and improve myself.
Because I’m going to prove girls are useful for more then just looks and a sex object.
I study to open doors of opportunity. I study to improve my and others lives. I study to feel good when I go to sleep. I study to feel confident with my ability. I study to prove to myself what I can do.
Because I want to show to my child that everything needed effort and passion. Also I want to show how important knowledge is, as a mom and as a housewife. (Submitted by studymamapartiallyhousewife)
I study because it makes me happy to know I am in control of my future.
I study because I am curious.
So that I won’t have to struggle like my parents are financially.  (Submitted by study-sugar)
I study because I want my single mother who has worked so hard for my education to live a better life when she’s older. I want her to look at me in the future, sitting in my office in a law firm and telling herself “it was all worth it”.
I study so that I can be proud of the person that I am.
I study because I want independence. After my bachelor’s degree I plan to be able to continue into further study such as an MA and support myself. I am an only child which has always led my family to be over protective and education will always be my way in holding my own in the world.
I study so I can have the freedom to leave where I am now and actually be happy for a change. Without studying I wouldn’t be able to get the job nor satisfaction in life I know I deserve.
I study because it’s the one thing I can decide for myself.
I study because knowledge is power and I never want to feel inferior to anyone or have any regrets. I don’t want anything to hold me back from achieving my dreams. (Submitted by shreestudies)
I study so I’m not so nervous for tests. Also to improve myself and my learning.
I study because I have a huge thirst for knowledge. I love to learn and allow that to change me as a person for the better. I love being able to understand the world around me and contribute my opinions that have been developed from what I’ve learned. (Submitted bymymindssecretpalace)
I want to be a successful person in life. I can use my intelligence to help those in need. Besides, people won’t belittle or pick on my appearance! ✌
I study because I want to help others and make people aware that how important it is to be literate. (Submitted by anashiv)
I study to show that I have potential. I study to show my learning disabilities and adhd is not me. I study because I want to grow. I study to be the person I know I can be, the person I know I am.
I’m so tired of not passing my tests, of feeling like I don’t know the material. I have testing anxiety which prevents me from doing well. I want to study enough that I feel so comfortable with the material and the anxiety goes away. I want to study so I can begin feeling proud of myself and all my accomplishments.
To help those struggling with different mental illnesses and help them see a better light.
Because I want to build that building.
I study because I want to prove all my male teachers and friends, that not only boys are learning the best, and if I want to, I can beat them all!
I want to study to make my parents proud after all the sacrifices they made for me and to succeed so my family and I can live a better life.
I study because I love to learn new things. (Submitted by ki-soonal)
I study to find a solution to stop the passing on of the genes for hereditary diseases. As in to reduce risk of young children being diagnosed with hereditary diseases.
To get that dream job and slay everyone who said it was too difficult for me.
Because education is awesome.
So I can change the world.
To give my mom and dad the life they deserve! (Submitted by samiya-malik)
Because everything is a competition and I must be best. (Submitted by letustudy)
To prove to myself and others that I can do anything I set my mind to. (Submitted by studiousstudying)
So when you are taking a test/exam your anxiety and stress levels are lower. (Submitted by introvertedturtlequeen)
I study because I want to know I’ve earned everything I achieve.
The biggest reason I study is that all of my friends are incredibly smart and when I was younger I wanted to prove to them that I could keep up, but now that I’ve decided that I don’t need to compete, I study just because it makes me feel good. (Submitted by queen-elbow)
I study because the world is an interesting place, and I want to know it as deeply as possible. (Submitted by matchamonstr)
I study because I am so sick and tired of seeing my mom struggle, all because she didn’t have a good education. I don’t want to wake up to a job I absolutely dread, and be paid minimum wage. I want to say “thanks mom, I can take care of you now.”
I study to grow big enough to reach my high hopes. (Submitted by seriousstudygirl)
To see the look on my mum and dad’s face when they see my results. (Submitted by seizethesaturday)
I study because I love to crush my enemies. I like to see the looks on their faces when they see me succeed. (Submitted by dirtylaundry-emptystyrofoam)
I study because I feel the need to prove to the world that I am more than a child prodigy that burnt out one day. I need to prove to myself that I’m just as good, if not better than I used to be. That I’ve got places to go and people to prove wrong.
I study because I love to teach and I want to know everything that I can so that I can more clearly convey things to others, and to be able to make connections across topics to make things personal and interesting to them. (Submitted by the-homework-fandom)
My dream as a little girl was “to be the most smartest person ever” and I still don’t know what else to do. (Submitted by polaroceanographer)
To create room for the real me in the future.
My reason for studying is so I can get into the university I want, and not have to travel away to one. (Submitted by iggythedragonslayer)
To get a well paid job so my children can have the best possible life.
My reason to study is to prove to my parents and myself that I can achieve my goals without the help of others. My reason to study is to gain valuable knowledge, NOT just for a grade.  (Submitted by barbstudies)
To prove to myself that I am strong and can reach my goals. (Submitted by scared-robot
I study so I have a chance of getting into the United States Air Force academy… 
I study so I am offered to meet interesting people that are also studying the same field as I am. (Submitted by ghostsname)
I’ll study so I can live relaxed as a cat in Hokkaido.
*Shia LaBoeuf voice* JUST DO IT
So I can prove myself that I am, indeed, intelligent and not just some bimbo with a hollow head. (Submitted by study-guerassimovna)
Because learning new things and having a more informed view of the world is beautiful. (Submitted by studism)
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becomehermione · 8 years
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan (via z-inspiration)
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becomehermione · 9 years
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becomehermione · 9 years
Does anyone else get those random rushes of motivation like, “I’m gonna be so fucking successful dammit, watch me”
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becomehermione · 9 years
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School is hard! And it’s even harder to make yourself pick up those books and start studying.. So this is how I get ready to revise:
Get Comfy!
wearing uncomfortable clothes will ruin your concentration
who wants to wear jeans all day anyway????
so put on those sweatpants and get cozy!!
my fav outfit: fleece-lined leggings, a tunic sweater, and fuzzy socks!
in the summer I love athletic shorts and a t-shirt 
also put your hair up!
I like a braid or my signature study bun
but a ponytail will do
Get Moving!
exercising can help you retain information! 
as seen here
make sure to keep it light not so much that you’re sweating
do 15 jumping jacks, 10 sit-ups, and 5 push-ups!
or take a quick walk around the house
trust me, it will make your day ten times better
Snack Time!
make it healthy
too much sugar will make you feel crummy 
go with something that has more vitamins, fiber, and protein!
make some on the weekends to avoid wasting time
some of my favorites
blueberry banana smoothie bowl <– it just says smoothie but add less milk to make it a bowl
banana nut muffins (you can add chocolate chips if you want)
baby carrots and sweet peppers
trail mix (homemade is the best)
pretzels dipped in cashew butter
tell me if you have more!!
Clear the Area
keep your desk clean
here are some cute organizers! X X X 
try not to keep extra supplies on the top of your desk
it can get cluttered really quick!
keep all books, stationery, notes, etc. close at hand
open your windows and let natural light in!
Get Relaxed & Pumped!!
save a few motivating quotes and read them
turn off your phone!!!
take 2 minutes to breathe and listen
drink some water!!
do one easy assignment
like a worksheet
then move on to something creative
write part of an essay or work on a project
now, do your hardest assignment
and Finish It!!!!
do something simpler
do another worksheet
revise and condense from today’s lesson!
work on things you have to memorize
use flashcards or other methods like summary foldables (one of my favs thanks sareena! @studyign​)
After Studying
time to relax!
clean up your space
go on tumblr (you’ve earned it)
watch netflix or youtube
paint your nails
spend some time on your hobbies
get some SLEEP
all the pre-studying shouldn’t take more then half an hour
don’t procrastinate!
take breaks when studying (I suggest the pomodoro method)
most of all, HAVE FUN STUDYING
Much Love!
Elise @studysystem​
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becomehermione · 9 years
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Sometimes things are great! Sometimes… they’re really, really not. This is my personal plan for fixing everything when I don’t know what to do, and I thought other people might find it helpful. If you identify with this sentiment, but don’t think this is the right way for you to work on the problems you’re facing, that’s totally fine, and sometimes these aren’t things to work through by yourself.
This is what works for me, but really consider what your goals are and consider this as less of a how-to and more of possible framework to figure out where you want to go. A lot of this also refers to managing things within my apartment that aren’t super applicable if you aren’t the one responsible for your own groceries say. Use what’s useful and skip what’s not. You’ve got this.
Step One: Breathe, baby. This probably feels awful, whatever’s going on. Icky maybe. And that’s something that should change, but before the visible problems can shift, take a look at how you’re taking care of yourself right now. This step is the reset button - just a beginner’s step in areas that are central and maybe stressing you out. Stop the cycle of whatever was throwing you off.
I like to start with the executive function stuff. There might be a lot you feel like you have a lot to do - it’s been a while since things have been good about notes on all those readings, right? But unless there’s something absolutely 100% immediate and pressing, this first:
Drink some water. Wash your water bottle or a cup you like to drink from. Just one dish. The rest of them can wait just a little bit longer. Keep remembering to drink water. You’ll feel better.
How’s your room? Can you do some laundry? Get some things in the trash? Make your bed? Start with a single task that will get some things off the floor, but doesn’t feel scary. Leave the rest of it. You can fix it later.
When was the last time you ate something? Has it been a while? If there’s something at home, good. Eat that. If there isn’t, go pick something up from somewhere you feel safe. Worry about vegetables later. Eat anything right now.
Find somewhere you feel comfortable. Pick something acheivable. Do that thing. Whatever you’re ready for. Nothing scary. Nothing heavy. Spend some doing enough work that you feel like you’re being productive again; like you’ve finished something because you have! Then come back. Do you feel better?
In the interest of space, the rest is under the cut. :)
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