#seriously sophie?
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 7 months ago
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Leverage S05E13 The Corkscrew Job.
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lotusishere · 3 months ago
Please please PLEASE don’t have Keefe’s middle name be Cassius. How badly do you want to project on your child that YOU DECIDE to name them after you?! HELLO?! GET THIS WAFFLE MUNCHER AWAY FROM KEEF-
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ladyhoneydarlinglove · 17 days ago
{one piece ficlet, zosan} chocolate
so uh. the ficlet i posted yesterday got WAY more engagement than i was expecting and i can't thank everyone enough for the likes, reblogs, and tag comments!! they definitely made my day, so have this little ditty that i threw together last night in honor of valentine's day! Rating: G Notes: pre-relationship
“Oi, mosshead,” Sanji said to Zoro as the swordsman entered the Merry’s galley, no doubt on the prowl for some post-nap booze. “Come here, I want you to try something.”
Zoro paused, eyes narrowing as he turned to look at Sanji. “Why me?”
“Because it’s for you, dipshit,” Sanji snapped. “And stop giving me that look. I’m not going to poison you.”
Zoro’s eyes remained narrowed as he approached the kitchen counter, clearly suspicious of Sanji’s invitation. Sanji bit back the urge to say anything, reminding himself that he needed Zoro to be complacent if this little scheme of his was going to work. So instead of spitting out some choice insults like he wanted to, Sanji slid a small plate with a few dark brown squares on it towards Zoro and said, “Here.”
As predicted, Zoro scowled deeply, first at the plate and then at Sanji. “Why are you trying to feed me this shit, cook?” he demanded. “I already told you that I don’t like chocolate.”
Actually, what Zoro had specifically said was that he didn’t like chocolate because it was ‘too sweet’, a statement which had thoroughly baffled Sanji because sure, some chocolate was sweet, but plenty of it wasn’t. Sanji himself vastly preferred dark chocolate over milk due to the complexity of flavor, but when he’d asked Zoro about dark chocolate, all Sanji had gotten was an eye roll and a scoffed, “Chocolate is chocolate, stupid cook. Doesn’t matter what color it is, it’s all too sweet.”
Which had led Sanji to the hypothesis he was currently testing.
“It’s not chocolate,” he lied smoothly. “It’s cacao.”
Zoro blinked. “Hah?” he said, head tilting in confusion.
“Cacao,” Sanji repeated. “It’s actually a bean that’s been fermented, roasted, and then processed into something called cacao liquor—“ (He had the suppress a snort at the way Zoro’s ears perked up at the word ‘liquor’) “—that’s then combined with a few other ingredients and left to solidify into bars for easy consumption.”
He gestured at the squares on the plate, which Zoro looked down at with a more thoughtful expression than before. 
“Beans that get roasted?” he said. “Isn’t that how you said coffee is made?”
“Uh, yeah,” Sanji replied, surprised that Zoro had remembered that. “That’s why I thought you might like this, actually. You like black coffee, and cacao has a similar flavor profile—slightly bitter, but complex. And the notes change depending on how it’s processed.”
“Huh.” Zoro picked up one of the squares, squinting at it curiously. “So are you supposed to drink it?”
“No, although there is a powdered form that you can add to liquids,” Sanji said. “But this one you just eat as is. It’s good for you, too, in small quantities. Lots of antioxidants.”
Zoro’s nose wrinkled. “The hell are antioxidants?”
Sanji waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry your mossy little head about it. Just think of them as another kind of nutrient.”
Zoro glared at the word ‘little’, but didn’t set down the square. He turned it over in his fingers a few times as if trying to gauge it for traps before he shrugged, apparently satisfied that he wasn’t about to consume anything nefarious. 
“Yeah alright. I’ll give it a shot.”
Sanji had to press his lips together to keep back a grin as Zoro took a bite from the square, growing ever more pleased with himself as the swordsman’s expression shifted from a curious frown to what on Zoro passed for wide-eyed wonder, which was a notable absence of his usual scowl and a slight raising of the eyebrows.
“So?” Sanji asked as Zoro swallowed, barely able to contain his glee.
Zoro shrugged. 
“Not bad,” he said, and Sanji bit his tongue to keep himself from laughing in Zoro’s face. On the sliding scale of Zoro-ism’s, ‘not bad’ was equivalent to a normal person’s ’oh my god, that’s soooooo good!’.
“See?” he said, unable to quite keep the smugness from his tone. “Told you it wasn’t poison.”
Zoro rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he muttered. Then his gaze dropped to the two squares still sitting on the plate. “So can I take these?”
Sanji had to turn towards the sink so that Zoro wouldn’t see the triumphant grin he couldn’t hold back. Because yeah, Sanji could have just explained to Zoro that dark chocolate referred not to the color but to the higher percentage of cocoa-to-sugar ratio instead of tricking him into eating ‘cacao’.
“Sure, marimo. They’re all yours.”
—but where was the fun in that?
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 1 year ago
all I'm saying is that if Fitz treated Sophie the way she treated him while they were together in regards to Keefe, ya'll would have hung him
and I mean the emotional cheating with his best friend. The keeping secrets. The dodging questions. The lying. Secret missions. Keeping him a secret from friends. Letting said best friend's bodyguard insult him in front of the whole room and not coming to his defense. Secretly agreeing with the insults and denying it later. Letting his traitorous brother go without consulting him, even though it really mattered to him. Going and getting with the best friend like five seconds after the break up, after giving him the impression that she wanted to make it work with him.
listen- they're all messy as hell, and they make mistakes, but boy am I tired of acting like she was a saint in that situation.
He was unreasonable. I'm well aware.
But so was she.
she made him her first choice and then proceeded to treat him like her second.
Just bc she felt hurt by him in her POV doesn't mean she was automatically correct. And same goes for him (only difference is we never get his POV fully)
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ayanarts-01 · 2 years ago
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it’s clones all the way down
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isthataraccoon · 5 months ago
first time reading kotlc and just got to this part:
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absolutely no hate to fitzphie at all (seriously. none.) but alden, babe, they’re fifteen?? stop acting like this is set in stone because it’s absolutely not?? high school relationships rarely ever last and they also haven’t even started dating yet so literally anything could happen.like guilt tripping a teenage boy into not confessing his crush on a friend because she may potentially get into a relationship with your son is soo icky
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honeii-puff · 1 year ago
I have no idea how KOTLC was ever a middle grade book series.
Right of the bat of book one: Kidnapping and Torture of **twelve-year-olds.** Plus the mentioned fact that if Dex wasn't in the cave and taken that they'd have assumed she committed **suicide??**
Like wtf
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 day ago
Okay I'm back from a whirlwind zip through London and Florence, heart full of love and eyes full of Benophie so let’s make a breakdown of my errant unhinged thoughts on the season 4 sneak peek!
Benophie: They are somehow both my parents and my children 🥹
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Goobie hurts either his ears or his delicious slender fingies and then tries to play it off hoping no one saw
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Beneloise are going to continue to be the best, obviously
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Violet. VIOLET 🥵 Mama is ready to SLAY. Marcus better be disguised as a cat at this party because that man should be on all fours ready to lap up whatever treats she gives him.
Also: don't even get me started on Eloise of Arc there in the background and how the show dressed her in the coolest possible iteration of this costume. Holy shit, season 4, slow down. I’m starting to think this is a quality tv show…
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LOOK at the masquerade! LOOKADDITT!! This is not the cacophony of metallic technicolor vomit season 3 taught me to expect. This is not chintzy flowers and sequins. This is a reversion to season 1’s muted palette. This is dark fantasy. This is the masquerade in The Labyrinth. It’s spooky, it’s moody, and it’s better than I had ever hoped for from Jess Brownell. She said herself Bowie covers may make it onto the soundtrack. I’ll start to pray now.
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Uh, Jess Brownell...is that you?
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The unicorn-head lady is absolutely sending me 🤣🤣
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My sweet, beloved, beautiful John all returned from Scotland and having fun 😭😭😭 why do you do this to me
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So clearly costuming decided both to grant mercy to Penelope and bypass her Leprechaun-ification (presumably problematic given Nic is Irish) and give Pirate Colin his Behemoth-Hatted Pirate Wife, Penelope the Blonde. I think Pen has just become Nicola at this point. It's...a lewk and I'm here for it. But who exactly wants to speak to Mrs. Bridgerton now that she's a known mole for the Queen is beyond me.
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There she is, the people's princess, absolutely radiant 🥹🩶
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Benedict being a smart ass: "Please enter my mother's domicile to begin your tenure of servitude while I begrudgingly permit you to have free will, all the while intending to grabass you in the halls and woo you into being mine forever."
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Cinderella era, here we gooooooo
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God, they already look like bitches. I'm going to love to hate them.
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*screaming, crying, throwing up* as he holds her like she's made of glass; like she's a dream that will evaporate if he looks away, as he touches her for the first time and teaches her to dance ��� The way I have DREAMED of this for YEARS 💙
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EX-FUCKING SCUSE ME, WHO INVITED CLIVE OWEN ONTO THE SET? I legitimately had to pause to realize this was him because I saw both Clive Owen and EDMUND first and now I'm remembering how a critic ages ago described the similarity to Clive and also how good the casting is that he looks just like his father and I fucking CAN'T and he's not the only thing that's soaking wet and heaving 😰 giving her those fuck me eyes right from the get
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Apparently because his disguise is so shit, his masquerade tekkers is to whip out his gravely Batman voice. Okay, Bruce Bridgerton, calm down. You won't tell your mother? I recall this was also your concern three seasons ago. Always sneaking behind Violet's back, aye? Just kidding, baritone daddy. Let's keep our dirty gazebo secrets together uwu
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They did it. They fucking did it. They gave him the phaeton.
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So, in summary...
Season 4 already looks waaaaaay better than I had dared to hope for. The palette. The vibes. The obvious book accuracy. I have...no notes, other than to squeal in barely-contained excitement for *checks watch* about 18 months. Here's hoping it ultimately does satisfy. I'm at least grateful for the very juicy crumbs we're getting in the meantime 💙
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 1 year ago
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Leverage S04E03 The 15 Minutes Job.
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chirpingfromthebox · 2 months ago
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[ID: A tweet from Heather Rule from 1/6/2025. Picture shows Sophie Jaques on the ice wearing a yellow practice jersey.
Text reads: LTIR updates: Sophie Jaques (yellow jersey) is rehabbing well, per GM Melissa Caruso, and participated in practice without restrictions today. The first game she's eligible to return is Jan. 12 against Montreal. Dominique Petrie (upper body) was not on the ice. /. End ID]
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strangedreamings · 10 months ago
When Sophie Beckett's casting is announced, I swear to God, the Benophie fans on this site better support her. There was a fuckton of racist bullshit when they announced Simone Ashley would be playing Kate, we don't need more of that.
Whoever she is, whatever her skin color is, you will support her. If she's not your first choice, it's okay to be disappointed but it's not okay to take that disappointment out on her.
The actress was cast because she is the best person to play Sophie.
That's all you need to know.
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camelspit · 1 year ago
the current debates on sokeefe/sophitz and alden rn are so funny i feel like i was forcefully put in a time machine and blasted to a few years ago
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myfairkatiecat · 1 year ago
Why do they have Sophie take linguistics in the silver tower with lady cadence again?? Because theoretically that’s basically what she has instead of a Polyglot Class. But……..there’s lots of kids who manifest as polyglots?? So why does Sophie need to go to the silver tower???
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elderscrolls4 · 1 year ago
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Triple freaking idiot
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somethingsketchy3 · 8 months ago
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it’s too soon to tell, but i will hold onto this huge piece of hope for as long as i can.
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 year ago
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listen i 100% understand what Edaline’s saying but also. yes I laugh a little every time
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