#seriously screw that man
bcbdrums · 2 months
Okay lol mild spoiler for Soul Eater NOT but what if Stein’s screw was just a headband like the prank he pulls on the girls and that’s why his hair is so shaggy is to hide this
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rakkuntoast · 1 year
my thoughts have been rampant lately but honestly screw whoever is pissed about quackity lying about will coming back, that was so clever from his part both decieving the creators AND audience, genuenly still shocked how the threw the hook and we all bit the bait
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sincericida · 11 months
in this sequence of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2".
"Seriously one of the best character scenes in "TASM2", just two friends talking but everyone likes to ignore this".
No but seriously, I hate as much as Sony’s interference in Mark Webb’s work ended up hurting the progress of the film and its final result... Ughhhh!
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agabus · 3 months
the patch i want for bg3 is to be able to manipulate these men. i don't even want ethical polyamory i want to be a piece of shit
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aethershroud · 1 year
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Splatfests are fun, honest.
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
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Excuse me as my heart shatters in a million pieces.
MC, give this man EVERY ounce of love he’s never had and deserves.
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cosmic-walkers · 2 months
i kinda need stephen/thomas and thomas/henry like thomas dates both of them.
i think henry would be highkey jealous that thomas is with someone else while they're together, that just so happens to be henry's bastard cousin, and thomas would actually kill any other man stephen gets with that's not him so that's kinda weird.
the idea is post execution, stephen and thomas put their hate aside after being stuck together, gets together, henry is in the picture and this is their setup.
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leconcombrerit · 1 year
It's finally dawned on me that I probably won't be able to get back to making art anytime soon.
I'd been trying to make redraws in a vague and a little desparate attempt to do just that ; after all, I'd been wanting to draw stuff lately and even had a few new ideas. They just refused to translate to anything when I actually got in front of my computer -hence the redraws. It had worked quite well until now and given me the boost I needed to start new stuff.
Except even those had started to feel terrible. Understand "boring, ugly, plain, uninteresting or fastidious". Yet looking at the old and new versions side by side, it's obviously much better now. Take those Roman and Virgil ones for example. I did get better. It's not even ugly, even though it's low effort. I've been proud of worse.
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My brain just makes a shortcut from "I'm bored and uninterested and frustrated" to "I'm bored and uninterested and frustrated because this is boring, uninteresting and therefore frustrating". It's like it's finding itself excuses not to draw, or do crochet, or sculpt, or make origami, or read, or watch videos, or talk to people (that includes answering most messages with less than three weeks intervals). Apparently it's "nothing concerning" according to my shrink, since I can still wake up and go to work. But I'm freaking bored.
Also I always get very depresso in September, worsens in January, peaks in February, gets better in April, rinse and repeat. Thank god for Only Friends airing now, my little brother's existence and immaculate taste in music, and my growing interest in tanks. Dunno what I'd do without those guys.
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when it comes to nani vs sokka in the eldest sibling tournament i’m sorry i’ve got to vote for nani..
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Sometimes when I'm reminded of the Yashahime manga's continued existence, I need to bury myself in as much Inukagmor family fics (where they're not separated 'cause fuck that shit) as I can so I can purge the anger and urge to rip someone's throat out from existence.
That being said, any inukagmor family fic recs?
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strongfuck · 1 year
Nerd. Idiot. Loser. I am kissing him with my mind.
But fr tho? Even though he's a major capitalist I definitely feel like he'd be a cryptobros (derogatory) least favorite guy, in the best way possible. I know little to nothing about borderlands but I trust your Rhys.
from this meme.
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this is the FUNNIEST description i have ever read for my rhys but you're not wrong! you're not wrong!!! i think as a cyborg who downloads and uploads information to the ECHOnet on a daily basis, the idea of NFTs being presented to him as an investment will just make him cackle
and then they'll explain digital scarcity to him and he'll cackle harder
"DIGITAL SCARCITY? DIGITAL SCARCITY????? i've seen real scarcity and JPEGs are NOT IT"
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hawkflight427 · 11 months
Would anyone possibly be interested in the lore of the Jerry's side of the family's Blood Cult? I've got a whole document written out, so if anyone's interested, I'd be happy to post it for people to read!
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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(ʘ‿ʘ) victim blaming isn’t cool. don’t be a hiyoko. (ʘ‿ʘ)
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
just for cathartic reasons: I'm extremely disappointed in everyone who shared and read the ML bible leaks. The lack of self-restraint astonishes me, especially considering so much of the fandom are grown adults.
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
Luz when she finally knows the whole story of the wittebane brothers, and that Philip Wittebane did all those awful horrific things with the grimwalkers(to Hunter!) was because he couldn't handle his big brother Caleb falling in love with a witch and wanting his own life:
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sergeantjessi · 2 years
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this honestly just made it 300% harder not to buy it
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