#serial seducer <33
echo-echo31 · 7 months
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murdock + corruption
requested by @purplefyragon
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star4daisy · 9 months
hi lovely!! could you tell me about the ‘reformed’ serial killers please?!? <33
heey sweetie <3
soo Evan is a changed man, hasn't killed anyone in years/ever since he moved into this small town, until Barty comes into town and Evan sees him with a girl who goes missing on the other day, Evan starts investigating him and realises he's the one killing this girl's, Evan goes after him thinking Barty will be the last person he ever kills so he'll be able to go back to living his boring life there but Barty starts a game of trying to convice/seduce Evan to go back into killing with him hehehe
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Dark Knight: Why Heath Ledger’s Joker is Still Scary Today
It’s one of the great villain introductions in cinema history. Standing with a slight hunch at the center of a massive 70mm image, Heath Ledger’s interpretation of the Joker not so much dominates the frame as he commandeers it. He seduces the IMAX camera, which is still capturing vast amounts of Chicago’s cityscape around him, and draws it closer to his sphere of influence, and by extension us. Before this moment in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, the director’s Gotham City functioned with clocklike precision. Even its greatest villains were slaves to the need of rationalizing everything in cold, utilitarian logic.
Not the Joker.
Within our first breath next to Ledger’s clown, one senses a malevolent spirit has been summoned, and he’s chosen to manifest out of thin air at this exact moment, on this exact street corner. He’s come to claim Gotham’s collective soul, but he’ll settle for any individual with delusions of virtue who crosses his path—including you.
This is of course just a fleeting moment in The Dark Knight; a brisk tease before Ledger’s shown his makeup-encrusted face or uttered even a word. In fact, Nolan and the actor dole out the character with impressive restraint: first as a masked Mephistopheles who is primarily a sing-song-y voice until he unmasks at the end of a bravura bank robbery. Later he becomes an actual narrative presence when he shows up again more than 20 minutes into the film, demonstrating for Gotham’s criminal underworld how to perform a magic trick.
As an isolated performance, there’s an argument to be made that none has ever been finer in the realm of superhero movies. Sure, there’ve been showy turns before and since in comic book blockbusters; there have even been great interpretations of the Joker before and after Ledger. Yet what the actor was able to do in 2008 transfixed audiences because he, like the character, had the freedom to bend the film to his will—even as Nolan prevented the movie from simply becoming merely a showcase for the performance.
With the grungy strung out hair of an addict who hasn’t showered in three months, greasy self-applied pancake makeup, and a grisly Glasgow smile that’s as unnerving as it is uneven (suggesting perhaps half of it was self-inflicted to make a matching set of scars), Ledger’s anarchist supervillain was a long way from Jack Nicholson’s hammy version of the same character in 1989. For audiences, and even comic book fans baying for something darker than Nicholson, it was abrasive in its time—and electrifying, like a punk rocker leaping into the mosh pit. Indeed, Ledger reportedly based the character’s appearance in part on the Sex Pistols’ Johnny Rotten, and there is more than a hint of Tom Waits’ gravel in Ledger’s cadence whenever the clown growls.
But more than aesthetic culture shock, the enduring horror (and not-so-secret appeal) of Ledger’s Joker lies in the effect he has on the film, both in terms of its narrative storytelling and its enduring pop culture standing. Speaking strictly about this Joker as a character, the villain is off screen for far more of The Dark Knight’s running time than he’s on it. Appearing in only 33 minutes of The Dark Knight’s epic 152-minute running time, the average length of a Hollywood spectacle passes without the Joker on screen. Yet he’s omnipresent in the film, a shadow that hangs over each of Nolan’s three relatively equal protagonists: vigilante Batman (Christian Bale), police lieutenant James Gordon (Gary Oldman), and district attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart).
Nolan and his brother and co-screenwriter, Jonathan Nolan, have admitted the setup is somewhat inspired by another quintessential blockbuster, Steven Spielberg’s Jaws. In both films, three disparate, combative male authority figures band together for a mythic battle against a presence so malignant and evil, it transcends being simply a shark or a madman in makeup—or even a comic book supervillain. Like that beast, Joker has no arc, no psychological growth, he’s a force of primal evil unbounded. And as the heroes’ battle against him creeps on, it seems like the sanity of their entire community is being dragged into the abyss.
This framing allows Ledger’s Joker to functionally be a catch-all stand-in for many of the social anxieties that kept American audiences up at night during the Bush years. Some of them still do today. There are of course obvious implications to the Joker being the terrorist, the non-state actor who cannot be negotiated with, and who doesn’t play by preconceived rules or notions of fairness. There is also shading of the lone wolf, the usually male gunman who inexplicably pulls the trigger. Most of all though, the Joker represents the hole in which much of humanity’s irrational predilections toward violence is collectively stored and ignored by our cultural memory… until it can’t be.
As Michael Caine’s Alfred Pennyworth famously reasons, “Some men aren’t looking for anything logical like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.” That summation of staring into irrational, needless cruelty is what gives The Dark Knight bite. And what a sharp bite it is in moments like when Ledger’s Joker laughs manically at the Batman, our ostensible hero who’s resorted to pummeling (or torturing) the villain in an interrogation room. The clown gloats, “You have nothing to threaten me with, nothing to do with all your strength.”
This is why the Joker is such an effective villain for The Dark Knight’s parable about how best to use moral power in immoral (i.e. irrational) times—and perhaps why the thrill of Ledger’s performance was so strong on first glance that it powered him all the way to a posthumous Oscar in the Best Supporting Actor category seven months after the film’s release.
Still, Ledger’s Joker, more than any other movie villain in recent memory, continues to haunt well after that Oscar night. The mental image of the character slipping his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, like a cobra, and licking his scars—a tic Ledger invented to keep his prosthetics in place while upping the creep factor—has stayed with us like a subconscious boogeyman. Thirteen years on from The Dark Knight’s release, Ledger’s depiction of the Clown Prince of Crime has gone down in the annals of cinema alongside Anthony Hopkins’ Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs or, well, that shark in Jaws again. He’s an enigmatic and mysterious persona who is barely seen in his film, yet unmistakably casts a pall of evil over the whole proceeding.
We don’t know why Ledger’s Joker actually became the way he is, or what made him so obsessed with the Batman—to the point where he was inspired to put on “war paint” and declare his love for the Caped Crusader by saying, “You complete me!” The Joker gives multiple versions of his origin story in The Dark Knight, telling one mobster played by Michael Jai White that he’s a victim of an abusive father while later recounting to Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) that he scarred his own face to cheer up his similarly disfigured wife. Both tales are of course lies, transparent manipulations intended to prey upon perceived vulnerabilities in his victims. This touch was inspired by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland’s The Killing Joke where the comic book Joker provides the reader with a sob story flashback, and then confesses he probably made it up.
“If I’m going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice,” he says on the page.
Read more
Joker: 6 Actors Who Have Played the Clown Prince of Crime
By David Crow
The Dark Knight, The Joker, and Game Theory
By Ryan Lambie
The Nolan brothers understand the horror of this, and they keep the Joker a manipulative and inscrutable evil. Beyond obvious sociopathic tendencies, we know nothing about his inner-psychology and barely can ferret out his real motives beyond an odd devotion to maintaining Batman’s attention. He claims to be an agent of chaos who wants to “just do things,” yet his meticulously planned attacks belie this claim. In the end, he sees himself in a battle for “Gotham’s soul.” Like Amity Island’s Great White Leviathan, or the original incomprehensible nature of Thomas Harris’ cannibal serial killer in the earliest books, we never know the truth about why he is, and how he’s able to do what he does.
That mystery makes him live on in our own heads for years after the story ends and the credits roll.
It’s interesting to consider that effect now, after years of pop culture storytelling going in the completely opposite direction, particularly in comic book movies and other fanboy-driven media. Rather than find satisfaction in the inexplicability of evil, or standalone visions, we like to rationalize it and sympathize with it, even while glorifying it. Most of all, however, we insatiably seem to simply want more.
The need for endless content being generated by intellectual property has led to prequels, sequels, and even spinoffs that explore and too often redeem villains. Even the Joker himself is not wholly immune to this.
Since 2008, there have been two big screen versions of the Joker. Jared Leto and Joaquin Phoenix both had the unenviable task of stepping into Ledger’s shadow, with at least one of them being dwarfed by it. Leto’s attempts at “method acting” stunts on the set of Suicide Squad shows what can go wrong when scenery-chewing is mistaken with Strasberg.
Phoenix obviously fared better in his own Joker movie two years ago, making the actor the second performer to win an Oscar for playing the comic book villain. However, his film’s interpretation is diametrically opposed to Ledger’s enigma. Instead Phoenix’s film attempts to rationalize everything about the character, depicting the Joker as a mentally ill sad sack whose motivations are borrowed from other iconic movie screen villains and anti-heroes like the mother-obsessed Norman Bates (Psycho) and ticking time bomb Travis Bickle (Taxi Driver).
It still makes for a fascinating (if unoriginal) portrait, but one divorced from the terror of the unknown. We understand who Phoenix’s Joker is and why he is. Society, man. Phoenix’s Joker even outright states it before murdering not-Johnny Carson (Robert De Niro). “What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? I’ll tell you what you get, you get what you fucking deserve!”
Technically, Phoenix’s Joker appears closer to our reality and our daily horrors. With clown makeup inspired by real-life serial killer John Wayne Gacy and preening self-pity parties resembling the manifestos of so many mass murderers, Phoenix’s Arthur Fleck is modeled as much off nightly news nightmares as comic book panels. Writer-director Todd Phillips is inelegantly blatant about it.
Nevertheless, whatever ugly truth there may be in that approach, it’s not as haunting, or exhilarating, to witness as what Ledger did in his own rock star interpretation of evil. Save for a blink-and-you-miss-it insert shot, we never see Ledger with the makeup off. And while he might indulge in mocking “society,” he is a character who says more by basking in the chaos of a city in terror, literally sticking his head out of a stolen police car like a dog with the wind in his hair and our horror on his face. It’s a more enduring image than a didactic conversation about insecurities with a father figure. Thirteen years later, Ledger’s version of the character continues to confound, horrify, and ultimately thrill. He still has the last laugh.
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The post The Dark Knight: Why Heath Ledger’s Joker is Still Scary Today appeared first on Den of Geek.
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fandomlit · 6 years
prompt list (old)
1. “don’t ignore me.” 2. “you’re kinda hot when you do that.” 3. “i don’t know whether to laugh or cry.” 4. “i’ll try to be nicer if you try to be smarter.” 5. “don’t make me mad and then tell me to calm down! that’s like stabbing someone and telling them not to bleed!” 6. “how long have you been standing there?” 7. “wanna know a secret?” 8. “make me.” 9. “are you blushing?” 10. “im not jealous.” 11. “if you’re talking about sick as in awesome, then yes, i am very sick.” 12. “i could kiss you right now!” 13. “what’s stopping you?” 14. “did i say that out loud?” 15. “don’t stop looking in my eyes.” 16. “keep it in your pants.” 17. “you say that like it’s a bad thing.” 18. “don’t look at me like that. it’s distracting.” 19. “why are you calling me at two in the morning?” 20. “please let me in.” 21. “where’s your sense of adventure?” 22. “shut up and kiss me already.” 23. “im pretty sure that’s illegal.” 24. “are you cold?” 25. “kinky.” 26. “sleep? never heard of her.” 27. “you’re way too cute to be so stupid.” 28. “you inspire my inner serial killer.” 29. “i can’t believe i fell for that.” 30. “what do you want me to say?”
31. “time can only do so much.” 32. “you saw nothing.” 33. “i need a hug.” 34. “this is new.” 35. “why can’t you look at me?” 36. “your hands are freezing.” 37. “i’ll always be here for you. no matter what.” 38. “i wouldn’t change anything about you.” 39. “i hate feeling this way.” 40. “i came as soon as i heard.” 41. “when’s the last time you slept?” 42. “do you have nightmares often?” 43. “wanna go for a walk?” “it’s midnight.” “so?” 44. “are you drunk?” 45. “im trying to focus.” 46. “where do you think you’re going?” 47. “i need some time.” 48. “is that my shirt?” 49. “i need a drink.” 50. “holy shit you’re bleeding.” 51. “why are you shaking?” 52. “im too sober for this.” 53. “you can’t ignore me forever.” 54. “i never thought i’d ever know what it felt like to look at someone and smile for no reason.” 55. “you’re holding back.” 56. “remember when we first met?” 57. “believe in me because i’ve never stopped believing in you.” 58. “like yourself so we have something in common.” 59. “where have you been?” 60. “have you always been this beautiful?” 61. “are you flirting with me?” 62. “if i didn’t know any better i’d say you were trying to seduce me.” 63. “if i die, im haunting you first.” 64. “you come here often?” “well i work here, so i think im obligated to say ‘yes’.” 65. “give me attention.” 66. “i need a fucking break.” 67. “i didn’t think you’d actually show up.” 68. “you owe me a kiss.” 69. “i am not playing truth or dare.” 70. “what are you doing?” “i lost a bet.” 71. “you wanted me to walk in on you.” 72. “you’re hot when you’re mad.” 73. “give it back!” 74. “bite me.” “if you insist.” 75. “we’re just friends.” “that’s not what it looks like.” 76. “i need you to be my fake date.” 77. “stop biting your lip. it’s distracting.” 78. “i can’t believe im carrying your child.” 79. “is that my bra?” 80. “i can’t stop thinking about you.” 81. “i think we’re stuck.” 82. “i wonder where that mistletoe came from.” 83. “i hate waiting.” 84. “i had a nightmare and... i just wanted to see if you were okay.” 85. “sleep in your office if you don’t like it.” 86. “the night’s still young.” 87. “get over it, pussy.” 88. “that’s never gonna happen.” 89. “they’re staring...” “well, let’s give them something to stare at.” 90. “we’re gonna get caught...” 91. “why didn’t you tell me?” 92. “come back to bed.” 93. “it’s not a double date. we’re just third and fourth wheeling.” 94. “do that again, and we won’t make it past the door.” 95. “please don’t tell me you forgot.” 96. “how could i forget?” 97. “i’ll kill him for you.” “...okay.” 98. “you have no power over me.” “you sure about that?” 99. “i hate you.” “why? im lovely.” 100. “(s)he’s mine. back off.”
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theluxemiss · 6 years
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Books to Manifest Prosperity, Confidence, and Wealthy Men (Part Two)
Law of Attraction, Manifestation, Wealth, and General Self-Improvement
♥ Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing
♥ As a Man Thinketh: 21st Century Edition (audio)
♥ Courage to Change: One Day at a Time
♥ Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life
♥ Dave Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money: The Handbook of Financial Peace University
♥ Dominating Money: Tapping into Gods Supernatural Economy
♥ Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life (audio)
♥ Driven by Eternity: Make Your Life Count Today and Forever
♥ Ego and Self: The Old Testament Prophets from Isaiah to Malachi
♥ Emotional Intelligence 2.0
♥ Focus: A simplicity Manifesto in the Age of Distraction (pdf)
♥ Fun Is Good: How to Create Joy and Passion in your Workplace and Career
♥ God is My Source
♥ God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours
♥ Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
♥ How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life (audio)
♥ Man's Search for Meaning (audio)
♥ MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
♥ Positive Thinking Every Day: An Inspiration for Each Day of the Year
♥ Rich Woman: A Book on Investing for Women, Take Charge of Your Money, Take Charge of Your Life
♥ Start With Why (audio)
♥ Successful Women Think Differently: 9 Habits to Make You Happier, Healthier, and More Resilient
♥ Super Rich: A Guide to Having It All
♥ Targets with Absolute Confidence and Certainty
♥ The 4-Hour Workweek (audio)
♥ The 80/20 Principle (Third Edition): The Secret to Achieving More with Less
♥  The Aladdin Factor (audio)
♥ The Alchemist (audio)
♥ The Art Of War (audio)
♥ The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success (audio)
♥ The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy
♥ The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)
♥ The Fred Factor: How Passion in Your Work and Life Can Turn the Ordinary into the Extraordinary
♥ The Magic of Thinking Big (audio)
♥ The Millionaire Next Door
♥ The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
♥ The Path to Success Is Paved with Positive Thinking
♥ The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage
♥ The Power of Focus (Tenth Anniversary Edition)
♥ The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
♥ The Procrastination Equation: How to Stop Putting Things Off and Start Getting Stuff Done
♥ The Richest Man in Babylon
♥ The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams (audio)
♥ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life
♥ The Success Principles (10th Anniversary Edition): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
♥ The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference
♥ The Ultimate Credit Repair Guide to Having Luxurious Credit
♥ The Wealth Choice: Success Secrets of Black Millionaires
♥ The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom: The Lessons That Made My Life Rich
♥ Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts – Becoming the Person You Want to Be
♥ Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
♥ What Keeps Me Standing: Letters from Black Grandmothers on Peace, Hope and Inspiration
♥ Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength
♥ Write It Down Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want and Getting It
♥ Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential
♥ Your Best Year Ever: A 5-Step Plan for Achieving Your Most Important Goals
♥ Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More
  Confidence, Seduction, Style, Etiquette, and Psychology of People
 ♥ 4,000 Questions for Getting to Know Anyone and Everyone
♥ A Guide to Elegance: For Every Woman Who Wants to Be Well and Properly Dressed on All Occasions
♥ Emily Post's Etiquette (19th Edition): Manners for Today
♥ Finishing Touches: A Guide to Being Poised, Polished, and Beautifully Prepared for Life
♥ Goodbye to Shy: 85 Shybusters That Work!
♥ How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In
♥ How To Be Chic And Elegant: Tips From A French Woman
♥ How to Speak Like a Pro
♥ How To Win Friends and Influence People (audio)
♥ Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris
♥ Mastery
♥ Men Are Like Waffles – Women Are Like Spaghetti Devotional Study Guide
♥ Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time
♥ Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence
♥ Pitch Perfect: How to Say It Right the First Time, Every Time
♥ The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You (audio)
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♥ The Art of War for Women: Sun Tzu's Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning at Work
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♥ The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
♥ The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People's Gestures and Expressions
♥ The Gift of Fear
♥ The Greatest Salesman in the World (audio)
♥ The Little Dictionary of Fashion: A Guide to Dress Sense for Every Woman
♥ The Power of Who: You Already Know Everyone You Need to Know
♥ The Sensuous Woman
♥ The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success
♥ Three Steps to Yes: The Gentle Art of Getting Your Way
♥ What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent’s Guide to Speed-Reading People
♥ Worldwide Gestures: A Traveller's Introduction to Common International Gestures & Symbols
  Sugaring, Relationships, Love and Marrying Wealthy
 ♥ A GOAL Digger's Guide: How to Get What You Want Without Giving It Up
♥ Become Your Own Matchmaker: 8 Easy Steps for Attracting Your Perfect Mate
♥ Being a Woman: Fulfilling Your Femininity and Finding Love
♥ Getting to 'I Do': The Secret to Doing Relationships Right!
♥ Have Him at Hello: Confessions from 1,000 Guys About What Makes Them Fall in Love . . . Or Never Call Back
♥ How To Date Like a Courtesan: Attract, Seduce, and Manipulate Men for Love, Money, and Marriage
♥ How to Marry the Man of Your Choice
♥ How to Meet the Rich: For Business, Friendship, or Romance
♥ Lucrative Love: An Insider's Secrets to Marrying Millions!
♥ Marry by Choice, Not by Chance: Advice for Finding the Right One at the Right Time
♥ Mars and Venus in Love: Inspiring and Heartfelt Stories of Relationships
♥ Mars and Venus in the Bedroom: Guide to Lasting Romance and Passion
♥ Mars and Venus on a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship
♥ Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: Practical Guide for Improving Communication
♥ Pussy Power: How to Keep Him and YOU Happy
♥ Sex and the Single Girl
♥ Shanghai Girls: Uncensored & Unsentimental
♥ Simply Irresistible: Unleash Your Inner Siren and Mesmerize Any Man, with Help from the Most Famous – and Infamous – Women
♥ The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts
♥ The Power of a Praying Wife
♥ The Seduction Mystique
♥ The Vixen Manual: How to Find, Seduce & Keep the Man You Want
♥ Trophy Man: The Surprising Secrets of Black Women Who Marry Well
* Continue to check back for updates with links to audiobooks and PDFs.
* Read PART ONE here.
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vivarocksteady · 5 years
mindhunter fic master post
All on AO3. Please mind the tags there!
To Step Out of Your Cradle
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bill Tench/Holden Ford
Summary: What happens on the road stays on the road. Holden and his girlfriend have a different philosophy. How very progressive. Or, Holden tries to seduce Bill and gets more than he bargained for.
Status: Complete!
Your Mouth is Buttered with Lies
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bill Tench/Holden Ford
Summary: Manson Family AU. In 1967, 33-year-old Bill Tench is part of the FBI's organized crime unit, helping the LAPD infiltrate a notorious drug den. Everyone who meets the Family gets a warm welcome, and Bill's welcome comes in the form of a 19 year old boy.
Status: Complete!
Don’t Let Me Disappear
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bill Tench/Holden Ford
Summary: Killing Eve AU. Holden is a psychopath, a serial killer, and an assassin. And he's obsessed with Bill, the only person to ever get close to catching him.
Status: Complete!
Disappear Here
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bill Tench/Holden Ford
Summary: A sequel to “Don’t Let me Disappear,” that no longer has any connection to Killing Eve. A new world order has taken over the United States, and purged all federal agencies. Bill Tench was only allowed to live on the whims of operative Holden Ford. Now Bill is a prisoner in a gilded cage, a kept man, a sex slave-- and he's practicing for the day he can finally kill Holden.
Status: WIP! (Last updated in 2018... whoops...) 
The Lesser Key of Holden Ford
Rated: Explicit Pairing: Bill Tench/Holden Ford
Summary: An AU where everything is the same except Bill is a Templar Knight, and Holden is the pilgrim priest he has sworn to protect. And then a demon shows up.
Status: Complete! 
Who Composed Your Beauties
Rated: Teen and Up
Pairing: NO pairings this is a GEN fic!! But Bill Tench & Holden Ford is the main relationship. 
Summary: When Bill and Nancy adopted Brian, they also grudgingly agreed to foster a teenaged boy named Holden Ford.
Status: Complete! (Sequel coming soon!)
The Demon in Our Genes
Rated: Teen and Up
Pairing: technically none, Bill/Holden if you squint
Summary: Part of a Brooklyn 99 series where Jake tracks down his half-siblings. Unexpectedly, Jake learns about a long-lost uncle. (NBC finally gives me a way to make Holden Ford a long-lost Peralta.)
Status: Complete.
Whose Song is That Remembered
Rated: Teen and Up
Pairing: None, focuses on Bill and Holden. Wendy/Dana Scully in the background. 
Summary: After a bittersweet ending in Atlanta, Special Agent Holden Ford needs a real win. The discovery of decades-old remains linked to the infamous Cloth Heart murderer might give him that chance. All he needs to do is interview one of the FBI’s biggest disgraces and most intriguing mysteries: former Special Agent Fox Mulder.
(An AU where the X-Files takes place a few decades earlier, slightly pre-dating Mindhunter, and in the same universe. The mythology of the X-Files is just Mulder’s delusions. Or is it?)
Status: Complete.
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invisiblekira-blog · 5 years
1. I love animals more than humans
2. I am a crazy cat lady
3. I stays inside of my house all the time. So, if you found me outside, just say hi or treat me with foods. :)) Lel
4. I can literally eat everything. I'm not picky when it comes to food! XD
5. I love ice cream and chocolates! <3
6. Watching documentary about serial killers is my past time.
7. I love solving puzzles, mind games and brainstorming
8. My dream as kid was to become a cop
9. My world has been shattered when I reached 9, my mom left me
10. I am very honest person and terrible of telling lies
11. I hate school because of fucking system!
12. I am passionate about learning when I have interest in the subject
13. I love reading random things in internet
14. Dark humors, suicidal jokes are my coping mechanism
15. I'm very bad with flirting! *used memes to seduce my boyfriend*
16. You can easily make me laugh. :)) I either clap my hands or hit you hard when I'm super happy XD
17. I appeared cold and mean for those people who don't know me
18. I am combination of savage and sensitive
19. I love black 🖤
20. I am disorganized, lazy and always procrastinate T.T
21. You cook and me in the dishes is the deal
22. I listen to any kinds of music depends on my mood
23. Death Note is my favorite anime
24. Japan is my dream country
25. I love kawaii "cute" and cool stuffs
26. I am so ticklish and sensitive with touch
27. I suck in Math
28. I'm too naive sometimes
29. I have a bad memory. I easily forget things, a name, or a numbers
30. I sing in the shower
31. I sketch or doodle when I'm bored
32. Rain + Jazz music + Coffee = PERFECT!
33. I hate crying in front of people
34. I am not good of expressing my feelings through words
35. I'm not good of comforting people when they are crying
36. I love giving an advice or solutions to my friends when they have a problem
37. I am comfortable of talking with strangers in internet than in real life
38. I hate gossips and backstabber people
39. I have fun playing with my nieces and nephews, observing them doing funny stupid things
40. I also love being around people with a good sense of humor and dry wit
41. I don't talk much unless I find someone with same interests
42. I love sakura 🌸 in Japan
43. I love looking at the sky
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12-3amproductions · 6 years
Sudden Death Syndrome (SADS)
Sudden Death Syndrome is an umbrella term used for the many different causes of cardiac arrest in young people. Usually, they are caused by abnormal heart rhythms called arrhythmias. The most common life-threatening arrhythmia is ventricular fibrillation, disorganized firing of impulses from the ventricles (the heart’s lower chambers). In today’s article, we will be discussing a similar case that happened in Singapore, as well as a story regarding this.
Case description:  Elise Fitzpatrick, 24, was found dead in September last year (2016), with the dental nurse student perfectly healthy before her unexpected death.
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Her family has now spoken out about the struggle to come to terms with Elise's death, remembering her as a "kind and caring" young woman who "lived her 24 years to the full".
Mum Kirsty told The Sun Online: "There was nothing physically wrong at all with her, she was perfectly healthy.
"She did the normal things a 24-year-old did."
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Mum Kirsty said she usually heard from Elise the morning after her daughter had gone out, but on the morning of September 3 last year, quickly realised something was wrong.
She said: "She always texted me in the morning to let me know she was OK.”
"I hadn't heard from her by 10am, which was fine, but I texted her through the day and still didn't hear back."
The worried mum raced to Elise's groundfloor flat, with dad Sean quickly realising something "wasn't right."
Kirsty said: "I jumped in the window and we found her on the sofa. She had just gone to sleep and didn't wake up."
Paramedics and police arrived at the flat soon after but it took weeks for the family to be told what had caused their daughter's death - "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome".
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But Kirsty said: "To me, that's still not a reason, is it.”
"You have someone fit, healthy and living their life to the maximum and then for some reason, that's it.
"It still to me doesn't make any sense whatsoever."
Since Elise's death, Kirsty herself has been diagnosed with Brugada Syndrome, which sees an increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest.
While doctors are still looking into whether Elise had a link to the syndrome, Kirsty said the other family members including younger siblings, Macie, 11, Tilly, 8, Isla, 5, and Connor, 17, will be tested.
She said it was not clear what caused her daughter's death, saying: "There was nothing physically wrong with her heart. It just stopped.
"Now, it's like a ticking time bomb for our family.
"I just want as many people as possible to be aware of this - people are aware of cot death but we just don't know enough about this.
"It's a silent killer."
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The family, of Rayne, Essex, is now working to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young charity, taking part in a bridge walk next month to keep their daughter's memory alive.
Admins: Rest in peace Elise. Life is short so do cherish what is around us before it is long gone....
Case description: A total of 235 cases of sudden unexpected death syndrome (SUDS) among apparently healthy male Thai migrant workers in Singapore were reported between 1982 and 1990. Most of the deaths occurred during sleep and 13% were not sleep-related.
The median age at the time of death was 33 years and the median interval between arrival and death was 8 months. These deaths occurred singly and sporadically throughout the year. Post-mortem examination revealed few abnormal findings except for hemorrhagic congestion or oedema of the lungs. There were moderate to severe intra-alveolar haemorrhages with some evidence of myocarditis or pneumonitis.
Preliminary findings of serial sections of the hearts indicate evidence of anomalies in the cardiac conduction system. Epidemiological investigations showed that a family history of similar deaths and serological evidence of current or recent infection with Pseudomonas Pseudomallei were significantly associated with SUDS. Extensive biochemical and toxicological investigations were inconclusive. There was no evidence of chronic deficiency in thiamine or potassium among the healthy Thai workers living and working in the same conditions as the cases, and no significant abnormalities were detected on electrocardiographic examination. As these migrant workers experienced various psychosocial problems which could stem from maladjustment to an urban environment, separation from the family, burden of debts and long hours of work, stress could be a precipitating factor for SUDS.
Which really means that they don’t know what is going on. However the Thais have a theory which will be explain in this story.
Site supervisor, male, 52
I’ve been working with Thai construction workers for some time and I’m friendly with some of them. There’s a story that’s going around about one Thersak which terrifies them. Thersak apparently woke up just before daybreak to the feeling of soft feminine hands all over his body. He became excited and stretched out his arms to embrace his “lover”. It was still dark and though none of his fellow workers sleeping nearby had woken up, they could hear loud grunts and groans. They thought he was merely dreaming. A few hours later, however, he lay dead.
This is one of many horror stories spreading like wildfire among Thai workers. In 1990, many Thai workers in Singapore died in their sleep from no obvious illness. Terrified of the phenomenon, the Thais have taken to uttering a silent prayer before going to bed. They claim that more than five thousand young Thai men have died since 1993 and there’s no way of knowing who will be next.
Various theories to explain the deaths have been put forward: the use of PVC pipes for cooking glutinous rice(a Thai staple), genetic factors,stress from work, unsanitary living conditions, an over starchy diet, vitamin B deficiency, even a tropical soil disease. But the most popular reason offered is “ghosts”. My friends are convinced a female ghost is stalking virile Thai men.
Thai folklore tells of a sex-starved ghost which is said to seduce males and sap them of their energy. That would explain why there’s no sign of disease or foul play, why they die only when asleep. Most Thais here come from northeastern Thailand where the ghost is said to originate from - the Khorat Plateau region with its blood-red soil.
One workers claims he managed to fight off the ghost. Pretending to be asleep one night, he saw a misty shape with a beautiful woman’s face forming above him. When it floated downwards almost touching his body, he yelled. The spirit vanished.
It is stories like this that caused widespread panic in the community. In May, there was a report that up to seventy percent of Thai workers threatened to leave. They said a monk from Bangkok had to be sent down to hand out amulets and pray for their lives. Some of them, however, have turned to witchcraft to protect themselves. You can find phallic charms made of wood, painted bright red, hanging in their doorways and some Thai men even sleep in women’s nightgowns and stockings, and paint their fingernails in bold colours to mislead the ghost into thinking that they are women.
That is the end of the personal story. We will be posting our conclusion here and before we do that, we would like to mention that SADS does not happen only among Thai workers. It does happen among other regions as well. Can this happen again? Definitely. It might not be to a mass number. It can even happen in individuals and even some of us! Reason being, people do pass out and die for no apparent reasons, and with medical reports that do not state any forms of abnormalities. We believe that a supernatural cause could happen in a form of black magic. Dirt or soil are widely used by witches or in any magic spells either to bless or harm people. Whatever insider stories the Thai workers have, we suspect that it is an art of evil from the story of ‘Blood-red Soil’. It could be during the time when there were about to travel to Singapore and needed to do a blood test beforehand. Blood collected then was probably not properly disposed and were used for black magic purposes, causing the supernatural phenomenon. It is also possible that the medical research was not advanced during that point of time and doctors couldn’t rule out any possible health issues.
Couldn’t it be coincidence that it happened to the Thais only? Despite having other foreigners from different countries staying together as well? One thing for sure, death is definitely inevitable.
Thank you for all the support! We hope you enjoy the case and we wish you all the best ahead. Till the next time, goodbye!
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#no that makes their thoughts perfectly clear yeah. to make it feel like their ‘mission’ so to speak was entirely finished they had to just
My Top Posts in 2021
Each time I think of the finale I find a new reason to be pissed... I mean they couldn’t even let us have the straight couple we wanted ??? Like why tf wasn’t Eileen brought back when Jack brought everyone back ??? Why did Sam marry some rando ??? It was so clearly set up theyd end up together, why do the writers insist on breaking all of their narrative promises ???
23 notes • Posted 2021-01-04 07:09:40 GMT
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Serial Killer Dean Winchester, Stalker Castiel (Supernatural), Light Masochism, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Shower Sex, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester
Summary: Dean Winchester is mostly known for his kill streak, but Castiel wants to know him a bit more intimately.
27 notes • Posted 2021-01-04 19:44:33 GMT
How am I supposed to work when it’s the destiel anniversary today ??? I mean sure I like biology but there are traditions to maintain…
27 notes • Posted 2021-11-05 08:07:31 GMT
So it’s like the middle of the night but last thought before bed: Abigail deserved better. I mean sure Hannibal is a girlboss, but he didn’t need to attack another girlboss in becoming, even if it was to get back at his bf... Will has like one living brain cell at that point, with the encephalitis and all, they could have staged something then brought her back for good... they could have been such a badass family... sad.
34 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 00:09:10 GMT
Hannibal really just is a show about two mentally unstable bisexual dudes trying to one up and seduce eachother through more and more elaborately fucked up murders... but with really artsy shots and tons of homoerotic subtext... so of course I was going to love it.
34 notes • Posted 2021-02-27 14:41:43 GMT
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icannott · 7 years
prompts + requests
hey friends!!!
let’s get this clear: im always open for requests unless i say otherwise
i will in fact ship you w/ a character if you send a description of your personality to me
so all you have to do is message me a request, or send it to my inbox
i am not too comfortable w writing smut/nsfw, but i will write implications of it, and i will write anything else
without further ado, my prompt list:
1. “Stop.” “Stop what?” “Stop doing things that make me want to kiss you.”
2. “Pay attention. This is serious." "Yeah, seriously lame."
3. “No one hates me more than I already hate myself.”
4. "Why?” “Fuck you, that’s why.”
5. "Relax. The spider is smaller than you." "Yeah, so is a grenade.”
6. "Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason."
7. "I don't know whether to laugh or cry."
8. “Use your words like a fucking adult!"
9. “Like yourself so we have something in common."
10. "Don't make me mad and then tell me to calm down. That's like stabbing someone and telling them not to bleed."
11. "I’ll try to be nicer if you try to be smarter.”
12. "You're on the verge of exceeding the limits of my medication."
13. “Get your mind out of the gutter!"
14. "I can't believe you just said that."
15. “The problem with love is that you can love whoever you want. Unfortunately, so can they."
16. "I'll admit, you didn't catch my eye right away, but when you did, I swear I couldn't look away."
17. "People are staring..."
18. "Prove it."
19. “How long have you been standing there?"
20. “This plan fucking blows."
21. "Wanna know a secret?"
22. "You're the only one I trust to do this with."
23. “You're kinda hot when you do that."
24. "I think I'm emotionally constipated. I haven't given a shit in days."
25. "If you tell me one more time to calm down, I will have an actual stroke!"
26. I hate cute people. They make life so difficult."
27. "Don't ignore me."
28. “Make me."
29. “I'll just keep hurting you."
30. "I'm trying to save your life, asshole!"
31. "I was hoping for a battle of wits, but you appear to be unarmed."
32. “What do you want?”
33. "You're cute, I'm ugly. Opposites attract. I don't make the rules."
34. “Are you blushing?" "Please shut the fuck up."
35. "Believe in me because I've never stopped believing in you."
36. Did you just flirt with me?"
37. “Jealous? Me? You're drunk."
38. "I'm not jealous."
39. "If you're talking about the sick that means awesome, then yes, I am very sick."
40. "I get that you're a hero and you save everyone, but at the end of the day, who saves you?”
41. "I could kiss you right now!"
42. “What's stopping you?"
43. “This isn't happening."
44. "Did I say that out loud?"
45. "If I wanted to kill myself, I'd jump from your ego to your IQ."
46. "You think I’m hot when I’m angry? Well you’re about to get one hell of a boner.”
47. "Are you crying?”
48. "Don't stop looking in my eyes."
49. “You... weren't supposed to hear that."
50. "It's not what it looks like!"
51. "It's a damn shame no one asked for your opinion."
52. "Keep it in your pants, Romeo."
53. "You say that like it's a bad thing."
54. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to seduce me."
55. “Seduction is my middle name." "Your parents must hate you."
56. "I'm too sober for this."
57. "Don't look at me like that. It's distracting."
58. “Why are you calling me at two in the morning?"
59. “This isn't funny!" "You're right... It's hilarious!!!"
60. “Please let me in."
61. "I'm pretty sure this is illegal."
62. “Holy shit, you’re bleeding."
63. “I can't sleep..."
64. "Sleep? Never heard of her."
65. “Shut up and kiss me already."
66. “You’re going to be fine.”
67. "Go to Hell!" "Been there, done that."
68. "I heard you're a player. Nice to meet you, I'm the coach."
69. “Is that my shirt?"
70. "Is that new perfume?"
71. “Are you cold?”
72. "The only sport I partake in is running away from my problems."
73. "I regret nothing."
74. “You're way too cute to be so stupid."
75. "How are you an actual person?"
76. "Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw!"
77. “Kinky."
78. "What do you want me to say?"
79. “I can't believe I fell for that."
80. "This is new."
81. “I need a hug."
82. “You inspire my inner serial killer."
83. “You light a fire in me.”
84. "Your crush is really lucky."
85. "If you insist."
86. “Time can only do so much.”
87. “Do you ever think about how it used to be?”
88. “Jealousy is an ugly shade on you.”
89. “I’m jealous because I’m afraid that someone will make you happier than I do.”
90. “You saw nothing.”
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rechief · 8 years
Queenie McMason (Carolina) Character Questionnaire
1. What color is your character’s hair?
The color of spun gold.
2. What color are your character’s eyes?
Bright blue.
3. What color is your character’s skin?
Queenie has a light tan from hosting backyard parties, tubing, and doing all manner of wholesome Southern activities.
4. What special aesthetic characteristics does your character have?
Queenie has a six-inch scar on her stomach from a defensive wound she received early on in her “career” -- before she was an accomplished serial murderess. Because going to a hospital could have led to her being caught, she sutured the wound herself using a sewing needle and thread, pouring bourbon onto it as a makeshift antiseptic.
During beauty pageants, she covers the scar up with makeup.
5. Does your character have any piercings? Tattoos?
Queenie’s ears are pierced.
6. What’s the sexiest physical characteristic of your character?
Queenie is the, well, queen of sultry, eyelash-batting stares.
7. What’s the ugliest physical characteristic of your character?
Probably the aforementioned scar.
BONUS: What element of their appearance is your character most insecure about?
Queenie is pretty confident about her physical appearance -- she’s attractive and she knows it.
8. What does your character wear?
Queenie’s outfits are many and varied to suit the situation -- an evening gown for cotillion, a sundress for a backyard barbecue, a button-down and jeans for muddin’. The possibilities are endless!
9. When your character smiles, what does their smile look like?
Queenie’s smiles are dainty and sincere on first glance, but they never quite reach her cold, blue eyes.
10. What does your character’s laugh sound like?
Queenie’s laugh is more of an elegant titter most of the time; it becomes rather more maniacal when her true personality is revealed.
BONUS: What sort of things would make your character laugh?
Queenie fake-laughs at lots of things, but only genuinely laughs when she’s reveling in a devious and deadly scheme.
11. What is your character’s normal style of speech?
Queenie speaks in a soft and sultry sort of tone that always seems to have a note of self-amusement to it. When she’s on the hunt, her voice becomes noticeably more sinister.
BONUS: What are some memorable things your character has said that showcase their unique voice?
"I’m votin’ Hope -- and you just try and kill me.”
12. How does your character express/handle anger?
The maxim, “Revenge is a dish best served cold,” hasn’t applied to anyone better since Julius Caesar.
13. Does your character cry?
Queenie fake-cries often enough, especially when she’s won some competition or another, but she genuinely cries very rarely.
BONUS: What sorts of things would make them cry?
If something were to happen to Fujita, Queenie would be very upset.
14. How easy is it for other people to read your character’s emotions?
Queenie is pretty good at putting up a false front.
15. Is your character religious?
Queenie is an atheist who pretends to be a Southern Baptist.
16. How does your character view those of other faiths?
Queenie finds genuine religious belief to be rather foolish. After all, what kind of merciful and just God would create her?
17. What are your character’s core values?
Queenie believes that the end always justifies the means -- or at least she did in the beginning.
18. How willing is your character to fight for those values?
Queenie has committed murder, dozens of times, to prove her point.
19. What is your character’s favorite food?
Even though she is an accomplished and excellent cook of all kinds of fancy Southern cuisine, Queenie’s favorite comfort food is a hearty spoonful of pimento cheese slathered between two thickly-sliced hunks of bread.
20. What is your character’s favorite color?
21. What are your character’s sleeping preferences?
Queenie is one of those rare people who can wake up, fully-rested, after four hours of sleep.
BONUS: What position does your character typically sleep in?
Irrespective of how Queenie sleeps, she always looks graceful doing it.
22. What is your character’s sexual identity?
Queenie is cisgendered.
23. What are your character’s sexual preferences?
Queenie is bisexual, but outwardly, she pretends to be straight.
BONUS: What sexual experiences or choices does your character feel especially good or bad about?
Queenie once seduced a straight girl (good), but then she had to kill her to preserve her wholesome image (bad).
24. What type of music does your character like?
Queenie is fond of classical music.
BONUS: Does your character have a song that is “their song”?
Ravel’s La Valse.
25. What is your character’s birthday?
November 23rd -- the Thanksgiving Day of the year she was born.
BONUS: Does their astrological sign seem to fit them?
Queenie is a Sagittarius -- while this sign suits her outward personality rather well, it doesn’t suit her true self in the slightest.
26. What family structure did your character have growing up?
Queenie grew up in an upper-class home. She is the only child of two doting, caring parents.
27. How well did your character get along with their family?
Queenie has a lot of genuine affection for her parents, who both have no idea that she could be the encyclopedia entry for “bad seed”.
28. What is the worst thing your character has ever done?
Queenie has murdered literally dozens of people.
29. What is the best thing your character has ever done?
Queenie helped create a reality in which the American Tragedy never happened.
30. What is the most significant romantic encounter of your character’s past?
Queenie had a “boyfriend” for a good six months with whom she pretended to be very loving and affectionate for the sake of publicity, but she never actually had feelings for him. She broke things off when it became clear that the public’s interest in her relationship had waned, and she’d get more media coverage for being available. He was crushed.
31. Has your character ever been in love?
Yes, with Fujita.
32. Has your character ever been in lust?
Yes, with Fujita.
33. What is your character’s level of sexual experience?
In spite of her purity ring token, Queenie has about as much sexual experience as your average, warm-blooded American eighteen-year-old.
34. What is your character’s most embarrassing moment?
Being vigilante-murdered by Fujita.
35. What is your character’s biggest goal in life?
To succeed at whatever she wants, whatever the cost.
36. What does your character believe is their greatest virtue?
Even though much of her outward personality is fake, Queenie genuinely enjoys providing for others -- feeding them, making them comfortable, taking care of them.
37. What does your character believe is their greatest vice?
Even though Queenie is undoubtedly a serial murderer, and she absolutely enjoys serial murdering, she is cognizant of the fact that it’s wrong and is aware of the pain she’s caused multitudinous families. If she could push a button and rid herself of her compulsion to kill, she would.
38. What motivates your character most?
A desire to come out on top.
39. Is your character objective-oriented?
Absolutely. Everything Queenie does is carefully and meticulously planned out.
40. Would your character rather be a great person or a good person?
Queenie would rather be a great person than a good person.
41. Would your character rather be hated for being who they are or loved for pretending to be someone else?
Queenie would rather be loved for pretending to be someone else -- it is, after all, what she does every day.
42. Is your character an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
Queenie is very extroverted.
43. Is your character creatively expressive?
To a degree, yes. She doesn’t paint or write or compose music, but she does carefully consider how to plate and set out food when she makes dinner, she often sews her own clothes by hand, and she’s been decorating her parents’ plantation home since she knew what decorating was.
44. What’s your character’s disorder?
Queenie is a sociopath, but she’s awfully good at hiding it.
45. What is your character’s standard emotional state?
Outwardly, Queenie displays a myriad emotions, but inwardly, her brain is constantly in apex predator mode -- sizing people up, figuring out who she could overpower in a struggle, scanning the room for potential weapons, seeking out escape routes and places to hide if things go sour. When she’s alone with a potential victim, fighting the urge to make use of all those advantages and opportunities is very difficult.
46. Is your character materialistic?
Not especially. She covets attention more than material goods.
BONUS: What are some of your character’s prized possessions?
See above.
47. What is your character’s major learning style?
Queenie is sharp as a tack, and capable of learning via a variety of methods.
48. What question isn’t on this questionnaire that your character is just burning to answer?
Nothing is coming to mind right now. Maybe I’ll answer this one later!
49. I am a _________. How would your character complete that sentence?
“I am a belle.”
50. Life is an act of _________ing. What verb would your character use to complete that sentence?
“Life is an act of aggressively grasping at any opportunity that comes your way, sinking in your fangs, and never letting go -- just kidding! Ahaha. Want some biscuits? I just made ‘em.”
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marcusssanderson · 5 years
Bill Gates Quotes About Life, Business and Love
Our latest collection of Bill Gates quotes to inspire you to success!
Each quote has a net worth 20.2 million so read each one with care! LOL! Enjoy!
William Henry “Bill” Gates, III is a business magnate, mega philanthropist, serial investor, and computer program developer.
Bill Gates is known for being the Chief Executive and Chairman of Microsoft, the world’s largest and most popular personal-computer software company. Bill Gates leads the world in both net worth and charitable donations.
While reading through this collection of Bill Gates quotes, ask yourself the following questions.
How does this idea apply into my life?
How could this idea impact my performance in the work place?
What is Bill trying to say about our own unique voice, journey and self?
What can I do to become more successful?
What ideas do I need to let go of?
Below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and thought-provoking Bill Gates quotes and sayings, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Enjoy these awesome Bill gates quotes!
Bill Gates Quotes About What Successful People Do
1.) Be nice to nerds. Chances are you’ll end up working for one. – Bill Gates
2.) It’s fine to celebrate success, but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. – Bill Gates
3.) Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. – Bill Gates
4.) Television is not real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs. – Bill Gates
5.) We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Don’t let yourself be lulled into inaction. – Bill Gates
6.) If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good. – Bill Gates
7.) Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off, and very few employers are interested in helping you. Find yourself. – Bill Gates
8.) Before you were born, your parents weren’t as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent’s generation, try delousing the closet in your own room. – Bill Gates
9.) I’m a big believer that as much as possible, and there’s obviously political limitations, freedom of migration is a good thing. – Bill Gates
10.) Of my mental cycles, I devote maybe 10% to business thinking. Business isn’t that complicated – Bill Gates
Bill Gates Quotes that will inspire you to change the world
11.) I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act. – Bill Gates
12.) Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important. – Bill Gates
13.) Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. – Bill Gates
14.) We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve. – Bill Gates
15.) I’m a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they’re interested in. – Bill Gates
16.) As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others. – Bill Gates
17.) If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 MPG. – Bill Gates
18.) I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts. – Bill Gates
19.) Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player. – Bill Gates
20.) I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot. – Bill Gates
Bill Gates Quotes to enrich your life
21.) Expectations are a form of first-class truth: If people believe it, it’s true. – Bill Gates
22.) The general idea of the rich helping the poor, I think, is important. – Bill Gates
23.) This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world, because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50. – Bill Gates
24.) Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.  – Bill Gates
25.) If you can’t make it good, at least make it look good. – Bill Gates
26.) Until we’re educating every kid in a fantastic way, until ever inner city is cleaned up, there is no shortage of things to do. – Bill Gates
27.) If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesn’t have tenure. – Bill Gates
28.) If I’d had some set idea of a finish line, don’t you think I would have crossed it years ago? – Bill Gates
29.) We’ve got to put a lot of money into changing behavior. – Bill Gates
30.) I do think this next century, hopefully, will be about a more global view. Where you don’t just think, ‘Yes, my country is doing well,’ but you think about the world at large. – Bill Gates
Bill Gates Quotes on Leadership
31.) There is a certain responsibility that accrued to me when I got to this unexpected position. – Bill Gates
32.) You see, antiquated ideas of kindness and generosity are simply bugs that must be programmed out of our world. And these cold, unfeeling machines show us the way.  – Bill Gates
33.) The most amazing philanthropists are people who are actually making a significant sacrifice. – Bill Gates
34.) I have been struck again and again by how important measurement is to improving the human condition. – Bill Gates
35.) I was lucky to be involved and get to contribute to something that was important, which is empowering people with software. – Bill Gates
36.) I believe the returns on investment in the poor are just as exciting as successes achieved in the business arena, and they are even more meaningful! – Bill Gates
37.) Whether I’m at the office, at home, or on the road, I always have a stack of books I’m looking forward to reading. – Bill Gates
38.) Who decides what’s in Windows? The customers who buy it. – Bill Gates
39.) The best teacher is very interactive. – Bill Gates
40.) In business, the idea of measuring what you are doing, picking the measurements that count like customer satisfaction and performance… you thrive on that. – Bill Gates
Bill Gates Quotes on Success
41.) Effective philanthropy requires a lot of time and creativity – the same kind of focus and skills that building a business requires. – Bill Gates
42.) We make the future sustainable when we invest in the poor, not when we insist on their suffering. – Bill Gates
43.) Americans want students to get the best education possible. We want schools to prepare children to become good citizens and members of a prosperous American economy. – Bill Gates
44.) The way to be successful in the software world is to come up with breakthrough software, and so whether it’s Microsoft Office or Windows, its pushing that forward. New ideas, surprising the marketplace, so good engineering and good business are one in the same.
45.) To win big, you sometimes have to take big risks. – Bill Gates
46.) Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself. – Bill Gates
47.) The best way to prepare [to be a programmer] is to write programs, and to study great programs that other people have written. In my case, I went to the garbage cans at the Computer Science Center and fished out listings of their operating system. – Bill Gates
Bill and Melinda Gates on TED: Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we’ve done
What other Bill Gates quotes would you add to the list?
Bill Gates is a great business man, a great inspiration, and a great hard worker. He is a hero to many people because of all his accomplishments and because he worked hard to rich where he is.
We hope his words will help you succeed and never forget to be kind to others.
Which of these Bill Gates quotes was your favorite? Do you have any other inspirational quotes to add to the list? Tell us in the comment section below!
The post Bill Gates Quotes About Life, Business and Love appeared first on Everyday Power.
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whatchareadingbri · 7 years
Books I Read in 2017
So this year sucked ass for virtually all of us, including me, buuuuuuuuuut I read some good books! And some bad books. And some books I didn’t quite Get. So there’s that. Full list below the cut.
1. A Tale For The Time Being - Ruth Ozeki
2. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - Anne Bronte
3. Nor Iron Bars A Cage - Kaje Harper
4. Seducing Stephen - Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon
5. House of Mirrors - Bonnie Dee and Summer Devon
6. American Elsewhere - Robert Jackson Bennett
7. Mean Mothers - Peg Streep
8. The Bird’s Nest - Shirley Jackson
9. An Unseen Attraction - K. J. Charles
10. A Closed and Common Orbit - Becky Chambers
11. Ninefox Gambit - Yoon Ha Lee
12. This Census Taker - China Mieville
13. The Ballad of Black Tom - Victor Lavalle
14. The Dream Quest of Vellitt Boe - Kij Johnson
15. Cotillion - Georgette Heyer
16. Whose Body?  - Dorothy Sayers
17. What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours - Helen Oyeyemi
18. Spectred Isle - K. J. Charles
19. The Gift of Fear - Gavin DeBecker
20. Security - Gina Wohlsdorf
21. The Magician’s Nephew - C. S. Lewis (reread, obviously)
22. If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler - Italo Calvino
23. Emma - Kaoru Mori
24. The Last Battle - C. S. Lewis
25. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C. S. Lewis
26. An Unsuitable Heir - K. J. Charles
27. Provenance - Ann Leckie
28. The Cloud Roads - Martha Wells
29. The Serpent Sea - Martha Wells
30. The Siren Depths - Martha Wells
31. Dark Matter - Michelle Paver
32. The Haunting of Hill House - Shirley Jackson
33. Drawing Blood - Poppy Z. Brite
34. Black Sheep - Georgette Heyer
35. 7 Brief Lessons On Physics - Carlo Rovelli
36. The Grand Sophy - Georgette Heyer
37. The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie - Jaclyn Moriarty
38. All Systems Red - Martha Wells
39. The Raven Strategem - Yoon Ha Leee
40. Serial Killers: The Method and the Madness - Peter Vronsky
41. The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax - Dorothy Gilman
42. The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax - Dorothy Gilman
43. The Edge of Worlds - Martha Wells
44. Harbors of the Sun - Martha Wells
45. The Strange Library - Haruki Murakami
46. Burning Your Boats - Angela Carter
47. Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood
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marienela · 7 years
On the heels of 2015’s Furious 7, one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time: The Fate of the Furious.
As evidenced by last December’s trailer debut of the film—which currently ranks as the biggest ever, with more than 139 million views in the 24 hours after its unveiling in Times Square—audiences’ appetite for tales from the Fast & Furious saga has never been bigger, and the franchise has never been more popular or more global.
Although this group has experienced much on the road that has brought them here—as they shot cars out of planes, through skyscrapers and down mountains—the core idea that drives them has never wavered: family.
Now that Dom and Letty are married and Brian and Mia have retired from the game—and the rest of the crew has been exonerated—the globetrotting team has found a semblance of a normal life. But when a mysterious woman (Oscar winner CHARLIZE THERON) seduces Dom into the world of crime he can’t seem to escape and a betrayal of those closest to him, they will face trials that will test them as never before.
From the shores of Cuba and the streets of New York City to the icy plains off the arctic Barents Sea, our elite force will crisscross the globe to stop an anarchist from unleashing chaos on the world’s stage…and to bring home the man who made them a family.
For The Fate of the Furious, the first chapter of Universal Pictures’ record-smashing homegrown franchise’s final trilogy, VIN DIESEL as the newly rogue Dominic Toretto is joined by a returning all-star cast…as well as a star-studded array of newcomers to this world.
The players include DWAYNE JOHNSON as Hobbs, the DSS agent who must now rally his people to reboot Dom and prevent global annihilation; MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ as Letty, the streetwise second-in-command whose most personal mission to date is to bring her husband back from the brink; TYRESE GIBSON as Roman, the fast-talking ladies man who’s never met a situation he can’t charm his way out of; CHRIS “LUDACRIS” BRIDGES as Tej, brilliant tech-tactician and automotive mechanic extraordinaire; JASON STATHAM as Deckard Shaw, a Black Ops assassin now sharing more in common with enemy Dom’s crew than he could have imagined from his super-max prison cell; KURT RUSSELL as Mr. Nobody, the square-jawed fed who operates quid pro quo and outside the law; NATHALIE EMMANUEL as Ramsey, a genius hacker whose invention is wanted by every government and terrorist cell on Earth; and ELSA PATAKY as Elena, a former Rio cop and current DSS agent who must make an impossible choice to save the ones she loves.
In addition to Theron as the enigmatic operative known only as Cipher, the world’s most notorious cyber-terrorist and current Dom romantic interest, the series welcomes SCOTT EASTWOOD as Eric Reisner, Mr. Nobody’s protégé, aka Little Nobody, and Oscar® winner HELEN MIRREN as a woman as mysterious as any Dom has met in his global missions.
Dom (VIN DIESEL) is recruited by Cipher (CHARLIZE THERON) in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
Cipher (CHARLIZE THERON) recruits Dom (VIN DIESEL) in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
CHARLIZE THERON stars as Cipher in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
CHARLIZE THERON and director F. GARY GRAY on the set of “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ stars as Letty in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
SCOTT EASTWOOD as Little Nobody in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
Deckard Shaw (JASON STATHAM) destroys an enemy of the team in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
TYRESE GIBSON as Roman in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
(L to R) Roman (TYRESE GIBSON), Tej (CHRIS “LUDACRIS” BRIDGES), Little Nobody (SCOTT EASTWOOD), Hobbs (DWAYNE JOHNSON), Ramsey (NATHALIE EMMANUEL) and Letty (MICHELLE RODRIGUEZ) realize Dom’s gone rogue in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
KURT RUSSELL stars as Mr. Nobody in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
VIN DIESEL stars as Dom in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
DWAYNE JOHNSON stars as Hobbs in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
VIN DIESEL stars as Dom in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
NATHALIE EMMANUEL as Ramsey in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
(L to R) Mr. Nobody (KURT RUSSELL) and Little Nobody (SCOTT EASTWOOD) try and convince Hobbs (DWAYNE JOHNSON) to go along with their plan in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
VIN DIESEL stars as Dom in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
JASON STATHAM stars as Deckard Shaw in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
CHARLIZE THERON stars as Cipher in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
VIN DIESEL stars as Dom in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
CHRIS “LUDACRIS” BRIDGES as Tej in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
DWAYNE JOHNSON stars as Hobbs in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide in box-office history and the sixth-biggest global title of all time, comes “The Fate of the Furious:” the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide in box-office history and the sixth-biggest global title of all time, comes “The Fate of the Furious:” the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
TYRESE GIBSON as Roman in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide in box-office history and the sixth-biggest global title of all time, comes “The Fate of the Furious:” the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
CHRIS “LUDACRIS” BRIDGES as Tej in “The Fate of the Furious.” On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
On the heels of 2015’s “Furious 7,” one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide in box-office history and the sixth-biggest global title of all time, comes “The Fate of the Furious:” the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time.
Another Look at the Fate of the Furious On the heels of 2015’s Furious 7, one of the fastest movies to reach $1 billion worldwide and the sixth-biggest global title in box-office history, comes the newest chapter in one of the most popular and enduring motion-picture serials of all time: The Fate of the Furious.
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tialovestelevision · 8 years
Lonely Hearts
Back over to Angel, which has had a much stronger season so far than Buffy has, to see the show continue to try to establish itself. 1. It’s an angel, Angel. But the joke’s funny. 2. Vision time for Doyle Wow, that looks painful. 3. And now Angel,Cordy, and Doyle are going to an 80s bar. Where we see a lonely blonde who is about to get hit on. 4. The blonde’s name is Sharon. The guy hitting on her is Kevin. 5. Sharon and Kevin are still flirting as Angel, Cordy, and Doyle arrive. They’re going to pass out business cards. 6. Sharon and Kevin just left together while Cordy was teaching Doyle about people. 7. Angel is doing badly. 8. Angel just met someone too. She’s stumbling over words but concerned about him. Her name is Kate. 9. “I prefer those cool bars that are hard to get into, but I can’t get into them.” 10. “I’m not very good at this… talking.” 11. “International House of Posers.” I love Kate. 12. “It’s either this or sit at home alone in the dark.” You and Angel could brood together. 13. Angel is a vet, he says. He’s a bad liar, when he’s not a great liar. 14. “If that was my gift, I’d return it.” 15. And Doyle and Cordy are about to get in a fight with an asshole. 16. “Place like this, nobody’s going to come up and show you who they really are.” Cordy and Doyle beg to differ; there’s an asshole talking to them showing exactly who he is. 17. “I’m a self-flagellating hypocrite slut.” That’s… kind of a fascinating line. Kate beats herself up a lot, but does so in a way that shows that she’s someone who’s immensely aware of her own vices and less so of her virtues. I’ve seen that in people. People who that’s true of tend to be decent people, but frustrating to be close to. 18. Kate is hitting on Angel. Angel took a while to notice it, then turned her down because he’s trying to save people. 19. And now they’re in a fight. 20. The bartender knows the guys who started the fight started the fight. 21. Kate thinks Angel is hitting on someone else. Angel is trying to find out what evil is going on. 22. Here’s Sharon and Kevin again, post-sex. 23. “I was young once. Used to go to bars.” “You used to go to taverns.” 24. So Cordy just basically said that “moment of true happiness” means orgasm. I’d love that meme to die. 25. Wow, Kevin is very, very dead, and Sharon is leaving his house with all kinds of calm. 26. “I’m in the news group search engine.” Has anyone who writes television ever SEEN a computer by 2000? 27. Now they know a demon is eviscerating people. Angel is going back to the bar. He meets Kate and is trying to keep her out of the bar. 28. He did a bad job at that. 29. “I can go wherever I want, and you can go to Hell.” “Been there. Done that.” 30. Kate meets Sharon. Sharon is hitting on a guy. Sharon is also very different from the night before. 31. Angel is pretty sure Kevin is dead. He wants to know who Kevin left with last night. 32. “Demons! Is there anything more disgusting?” Poor Doyle. 33. Now Angel has Sharon’s last name. Sharon left with an early 90s TV reference. 34. Saved by the Bell was an NBC show. Angel was a WB show. 35. And a demon just ate its way from Sharon’s body into the Screech’s. Ewww. 36. Angel entered Sharon’s house without invitation. So Sharon is dead, and he knew that. 37. Angel saw the demon finish inhabiting the Screech. The demon is looking for “the right one.” A body it can keep. 38. Looks like they may have already reverted to the vampire makeup from Buffy. Good move. 39. Wow, the demon makes its vessels strong. 40. And Angel is under arrest. Kate is a cop. 41. Angel doesn’t have a private investigator license. They’re not hard to get - a few hours’ training. 42. Angel is very under arrest. Except he just escaped. The demon has also escaped, though. 43. Now Doyle sees Cordy’s bad apartment. 44. Angel needs an invitation to Cordy’s apartment. Now he has one. 45. “‘Cause that’s what lonely people do.” There’s the whole show in a nutshell. 46. Kate is at Angel’s house now. She found his blood. He’s at bars looking for the demon. The demon has jumped to a new host. 47. She thinks he’s a serial killer, and he asks her to trust him. 48. And the bartender kocks Kate out. The demon’s possessing him and wants to jump to Kate. But Angel knocked him out instead. It didn’t last long; now he’s fighting the bartender. 49. Now the bartender has thrown Kate at Angel. Kate knows Angel isn’t the killer now, but the bartender’s forehead is broken and he has to seduce someone. 50. Angel is basically Batman, except in a world where material strength matters. 51. Bartender’s whole face is failing structural integrity. So he’s resorting to attempted kidnapping. 52. And getting tossed around by Angel. 53. And now he’s on fire. And getting shot by Kate. A lot. 54. Well, that’s one less immortal eviscerating burrowing demon in the world. 55. “I think you should know I searched your place. Illegally. No warrant.” “Why are you telling me?” “I don’t know. So we could start fresh.” He’s an unlicensed private investigator and you yourself saw him at a murder scene. A search warrant would not have been hard. 56. “What is this, a lobster?” Then Angel Batmans out of there. 57. Everyone wants to brood! Overall: That was much better than its companion Buffy episode. Like, a lot. It does continue the franchise’s overall sex negativity (seriously, the only liason we’ve known about that hasn’t been punished by the story or marked as evil by the people involved so far in either TV show is Willow sleeping with Oz in Graduation Day), but apart from that, and sex negativity is pretty much a given in 90s TV, this was really great. Kate is a wonderful character and a good local voice to ground the show in Los Angeles, and Doyle and Cordy got some good development. The mystery was interesting and the demon truly horrifying. Most of all, though, it established what Angel is about. The big city, where you can be surrounded by people and completely alone. Adulthood, when you’re suddenly in a space where your most natural social situations are explicitly designed to prevent deep, lasting connections and opportunities for sex with equal vigor. Los Angeles, a sea of people and buildings and ideas so vast you can live there your whole life and not see even a fraction of it. I really enjoyed this.
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echo-echo31 · 7 months
Uh- first kiss, reader and Murdock. Stinky man. The stinkus.
That first kiss. It's harsh, euphoric. As if every ounce of control is suddenly ripped off like a band aid.
His body surrounds you. You feel his hands everywhere. There's a leg that you're helpless to stop from slotting between your thighs. Like a drug, one taste and you're addicted. Just like he planned.
Send me an ask and I'll write a 50 word tidbit
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