#serial killer obikin
palfriendpatine66 · 23 days
Hello there Pal 💜
This is probably no surprise but I would love to see a snippet from you amazing Serial killer fic 🔪🖤 and nr 7 🙏
Will write for asks! (So glad I could count on you to prompt for this fic that has so regrettably been on the backburner as of late)
Anakin’s stomach plummeted at some subtle signal and he found himself suddenly alert and scanning the cafe, not knowing what he was looking for, on edge until he identified the threat.
He didn't move, suppressing his surge of panic when he zeroed onto the dark curls that used to haunt his every waking moment as well as fill his dreams. He knew, instantly, that he couldn’t make the mistake of drawing Obi-Wan’s attention.
"Anakin?" Obi-Wan’s eyes flitted over him in concern and Anakin let the adrenaline that coursed through him redirect his focus. "I said: are you ready to order?"
"Maybe let's just get something to go," Anakin suggested casually. "The sooner we leave the sooner we can get back."
Obi-Wan hummed and dropped Anakin’s hand as he stepped forward, a small smile playing on his lips. "In a hurry, are you, dear one?"
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aberrantcreature · 6 months
Obikin Prompt .13
🔪- Unhinged Anakin Addition -🔪
Anakin was an orphan, losing his mother young and bounced around from awful foster home to awful foster home. He aged out, but continued to struggle on his own. He attended school, but no one tried to get to know him, and he was always too broken to keep up a friendship. Too unstable. Too volatile. Always getting into fights.
The only highlight in his life was his literature teacher/professor, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Needless to say, Anakin quickly became obsessed with the glimmer of light in his ever dark and horrid world and mind.
He heard that Kenobi was starting to pursue being an author on the side. Anakin made a few encouraging comments to him, genuinely wanting the man he quickly came to love to do what made him happy.
For some reason, maybe collage? Work? Anakin had to leave town, and Obi-Wan. In that time apart, his mental stability worsened, and Kenobis writing career took off. The man started to write very well done and well acclaimed murder mysteries.
Anakin, loving the work of his beloved, decides to move back, and to recreate Kenobis writing in real life. Every crime scene is as exact to the books as Anakin could get them, with the addition of little anonymous love letters for Obi-Wan.
((Or, I just love the idea of Anakin being murderously unhinged for Obi-Wan, it’s my guilty pleasure))
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tennessoui · 1 year
please write part two to the divorce attorney where they actually get together 😭 im dying, it has me in stitches and i NEED TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS XD
ok maybe i will soon write this (obligatory pause for groans from people who want me to stop finding new things and just finish my old things) but i was thinking about it today and honestly
they meet at a bar after obi-wan's long term girlfriend tells him she can't marry him and they should break up, and this is obi-wan's and anakin's first conversation that isn't in some professional capacity so at first honestly they don't know what to say to one another
but then anakin confesses that he wasn't sure obi-wan would recognize him without a wedding ring, and obi-wan scoffs and is like do you know how many other repeat customers i have?
and anakin is like no? and obi-wan is like just one other. he's been divorced three times. every time, it's been devastating for him.
and anakin is like (pensively) i've been divorced before.
and obi-wan is like uh i know. i'm your divorce lawyer. you've been divorced 29 times.
and anakin goes all quiet and picks at the label of his beer and then he shrugs and he's like. 30 i guess. and once when it mattered.
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tommywambs · 2 years
okay so now the pirates AND the vampires are allowed to kiss. pls let the businessmen be next
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tideswept · 11 months
trickrtreat! 🍬 (star wars!)
From this ask game |
🎃ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛʀᴇᴀᴛ ɪs…!🍬
🕯️Horror Obikin AU! 🕸
Obi-Wan is a priest assigned to a new parish. When he arrives, he notices to his surprise that the caretaker is a beautiful young man who avoids the townspeople like the plague.
Obi-Wan makes it his business to try to befriend Anakin. After all, they're the only ones around when services aren't being held. And Anakin seems so lonely despite his moody and sarcastic reactions.
Eventually, Obi-Wan grows concerned when he notices Anakin is looking ill. He already wears more layers and covers up more skin than even Obi-Wan, but now he's even more skittish. His skin is pale, and there's a strange odor of sickness to him.
After what should be normal bickering turns into an actual fight after a funeral is held, Obi-Wan is more alarmed than ever, and decides to watch over the caretaker's cottage from a distance. If anything should happen to Anakin, who would know?
What he sees stuns him. Anakin creeps out of his home and returns to the fresh grave to dig it up. In the moonlight, Obi-Wan watches as Anakin devours the corpse, bones and all, and then hides the evidence. Obi-Wan prays for guidance, but by the next day he has no answers. And the thing is... Anakin is back to normal. Like a feral cat in the process of being tamed, he mumbles an apology, and Obi-Wan knows he should tell someone, this isn't right, Anakin is sick somehow, disturbed.
But he stays silent. And over the following months, he notices that every so often Anakin's health worsens--coinciding between how long it is between new graves added to the cemetery. Anakin, he deduces, somehow needs to eat corpses to survive.
And he's not wrong, but as he discovers the night that someone tries to steal from the church, it isn't only the dead that Anakin will feed on.
(long story short: Anakin is a demonic undead. If he goes too long without eating, his skin, his limbs, all of it rots away. He's much older than he looks, and he used to eat living people--which is much better "food" for him--and he's the reason behind local serial killer/monster in the wood legends all around the country. When he can find somewhere quiet to settle down for a few years, he's fine with living off corpses as long as they're not too old.
Obi-Wan has to ultimately decide whether he loves a monster enough to be complicit, or turn Anakin over to the church.)
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himilce-persephoniea · 11 months
Writing update
Yeah! I’m still here and I’m still writing. I’ve discovered I cool featuring on my Ipad that helps me to plan my fics. I’m planning to use it on every one of them.
So, news 🤗
- Tuesday I’m going to update Winter Royalty. I’ve worked a lot on this one. I’ve all the fic planned and it's going to be longer than originally planned 🥲 sorry for those who wait until it's done. I’m going to update the chapter. It's an estimation.
- I’m 1.5 K in the next chapter of Arching Hearts. I haven’t planned the who fic yet. I need to do it because it’s still on vibe…
- I’m at chapter 13/25 the correction of The light of your beloved face. I’m really slower now because I’m integrating here all the changes I wanted to do in the fic. I’m more satisfied now. The next chapters are going to be also challenging for the same reason.
- The Secret Project is on his third chapter. It has slowed down. 😭 Life! But as you’re the only ones who know about it, when it’s going to be out, I’ll tell you.
- I’m beginning to plan a Serial Killer Obikin. With my new tool I’m having fun planing the past and the present of the fic. Then I’d have to write the actual fic, would I be able to? We’ll see.
And those are the news 🥰
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notebookishtype · 5 months
Yay! Hi Emi! Thanks for the Writer’s Truth or Dare asks 😘
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
The most top of mind author rec is how_long_must_we_live. I love their writing, but they helped me learn to read, write and appreciate fic outside of my preferred ships. They have some heart rending Obikin, and I also recommend their Star Wars rare pairs.
Shout out to Negotiation by Glare, and the related fic by Kurenaino because this Obikin Serial Killer AU has lived in my mind rent free since I read it.
“What, no lukeleia or hanlukeleia?” Adding a fic rec list to my fannish to do list 😅
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Well, after reading the above Serial Killer AU, I discovered there weren’t many of these in Star Wars, and like none for my faves. So that’s a thing I’m attempting that has required research, and is by default the weirdest.
There have been a few one shots where I did unnecessarily deep Wookieepedia dives. For one fic I looked up all of the Alderaanian food pages, picked out the ones I could figure out the real counterparts for, then looked up food writing for those real foods. Way too much work for a paragraph or two 😭
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
It’s so cheesy. I didn’t want to use the same name I used in high school, but I still wanted it to feel connected? I constantly wrote in notebooks in middle and high school. My friends and I would write, swap notebooks, leave comments and swap back. I’m also a reader when the ADHD permits, and I clearly thought I was being clever or funny.
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subskywalker · 6 years
Inspired by @glare-gryphon fic Negotiation, brought you by an episode of Criminal Minds and Hannibal bc I was rewatching them today. Also inspired by the song I Found by Amber Run.
It goes like this:
There's coffee stains on the crime reports in his hand as he looks theough the glass window. Heart beating loudly in chest, and thinks 5 years, it had been 5 years since he last saw him.
Sitting there, handcuffed to the table is Kenobi, calm and not giving anything away.
His hair and beard are longer, he notes absentmindedly.
He sees him like this and he wonders how he hadn't seen it.
He remembers the scar he gave him with the knife, he had always preferred knives as his weapons-it was more intimate that way, and the whispered apology against his cheek. He remembers the sound of a gun be shot and Obi-Wan getting hit. He remembers the conversation they once had,
'Would I still love you if you killed someone?'
'You would.'
And it continues like this:
Its a game they play sometimes, wondering about all the different ways they might have met. They're laying on the couch, Anakin's back pressed against Obi-Wan's chest and tv on in the background as the crime scenes photos lay on the coffee table.
"Have you ever thought about all the ways we could have met?"
Obi-Wan traces a finger along Anakin's cheek, it's slow, gentle-sharp contrast of what he usually isn't. He's still and his heartbeat is steady and Obi-Wan wonders what Anakin would do if he knew that the same hands touching him were the ones of a killer.
"Sometimes, do you?"
He humms and says, "Yeah," and he leans back with eyes closed, "I'm glad I got to meet you here."
Obi-Wan buries his face in his hair.
"I think you'd love me in any and in every universe we were in."
He gets up a goes to the kitchen and asks, "Would I love you if you were a killer?"
And he considers it, "I think, you would hate me, but you would still love me."
And the thing is, Anakin would hate him. He looks at the grotesque photos lying on the coffee table and he looks back at Anakin whose making himse another pot of coffee.
He'd still love him.
And he smiles at him as he talks about what happened with Padme and Bail at the statiom. Not for the first time Obi-Wan thinks to himself, 'You'd understand, you'd forgive me.'
Because the thing about Anakin is that he's always been a little bit half in love with killer he's chasing. Because the thing about Obi-Wan is he's been a little bit half in love with the detective chasing him.
It's a game they play as Anakin and Obi-Wan, and it's also a game they play as detective and killer.
Its like this:
It's a question that's been in the back of his mind since he got released from the hospital. Since he testified against him at his trial. It's one he asks himself every time he sees his scar in the mirror.
"Why didn't you kill me?" He asks before he has time to bury the question.
Obi-Wan looks up at him and there's something in his eyes that Anakin can't place. He smiles at him and raises an eyebrow.
"Would you have liked me to?"
Yes. No. Maybe. There were different answers he thought of and he still didn't which one he would have preferred. It wouldn't have made a difference either way, he thinks.
"Dear one, there isn't a universe where I could ever bring myself to kill you."
Anakin looks aways from and he can hear the smirk in his voice.
"I think I would hurt you though," He looks Anakin in the eye, gaze calculating like he knows every single he's ever tried to hide. Anakin looks down at the pictures of the crime scene and he looks back Kenobi brought back as he says, "Would you have preferred that?"
"I would have preferred not meeting you at all, Kenobi."
It was a lie and they both knew it.
'Would I still love you if you killed someone?'
'You would.'
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palfriendpatine66 · 5 months
Make me write update: criminal minds
Today I wrote for over 90min of the promised 70 min promised via wip poll results and added about 1k words. I need to do some editing but barring any unforeseen changes the next chapter should be ready to post tomorrow.
A little taste of what was written today:
You want to know, and yet so clearly dread hearing the answer. Your eyes were so open, your face so vulnerable. I could almost smell the anxiety rolling off you when you asked: Why me?
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aberrantcreature · 7 months
Obikin Prompt .4
Anakin Skywalker has had one hell of a fucked up life. Even before his mothers death, but after her loss, the one good thing he had, Anakin began to spiral downward. He was oddly calm about his….hobby. It was the only thing in life that made him feel anything.
That was, until he somehow met murder mystery writer Obi-Wan Kenobi, who has been morbidly inspired by the local serial killer.
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tennessoui · 2 years
Imagine a prison au for obikin but also reverse au. So baby obiwan gets sent to prison for something or other and meets big bag anakin aka vader. Spoiler alert their cell mates. Anakin takes a shine to him for whatever reason and decides to make him hsi
oh ho ho i can do more than just imagine......
i have a prison au that's reverse (-ish, but I'll be honest I don't remember if it's reverse or same age), where anakin is a serial killer who falls in love/obsession with obi-wan and then corrupts him and makes him codependent and THEN he gets caught for a kill and goes to prison for life and obi-wan doesn't remember how to live without him so he commits some heinous crime in order to be sentenced as well so they can be together <3
but the idea of them just meeting in prison and anakin sinking claws into him......also delicious. i can imagine that obi-wan is like. dating this dude and tells him about some stuff that his father did and the dude kills his father but then can't actually suffer the consequences when the crime is discovered and blames it on obi-wan who is convicted for the murder. vaderkin, his cellmate, slowly convinces him that he really did kill him. maybe not with his hands, but he convinced his boyfriend to murder for him didn't he?
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gaily-daily-musings · 2 years
Watching The Patient on Hulu and now I'm thinking about serial killer Anakin kidnapping his therapist Obi-Wan.
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unspuncreature · 3 years
FOR Fanfic writer appreciation day surely you know your monumental importance within all four of us writing wlw obikin though also I wanted to say one of my favorite fics of all time from you is Capitulation providing the incredibly important serial killer au and absolutely haunting story and imagery I think this fandom needs more than ever but also EVERYTHING you write really captures me and sticks with me #forever 💕💕💝
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HEY OKAY HOLD THE PHONE I didn't even realize that was a thing or that it was today??? you're seriously so kind and I know I wouldn't be here writing my little fics without ever having read your wonderful works too. all four of us are out here holding down the fort and I am proud to be one of the posts keeping this wlw obikin house together. also TYSM!!!! I have a capitulation sequel that I've been tinkering with forever and ever because I just love that little AU so much. I let anakin be immoral and a little batshit as a treat :)
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soltoc · 4 years
Hannibal Obikin AU???? Hannibal Obi-Wan 👀👀👀 Will Anakin 👀👀👀👀👀 the new sith and Jedi AU y'all.
Competent serial killer Obi Wan gets smitten with serial killer hunter Anakin
"you like him" "you're wrong" Obi Wan says as he strokes Anakin's face and whispers in his ear like he wants to eat him (not actually though, just maybe)
Makes exceptions for Anakin and Anakin only
Obi Wan likes his meat
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lucyskywalker · 4 years
I believe it is a bit difficult to believe, but after seeming so many posts about "you ship JonRya/Jonsa, you probably wanna sleep with your brother"
This is uwwww. Wrong.
I've seen tons of shows and movies, and actually, I believe of all the ships I have ever had(and it is really a lot), just two were actually incestuos.
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YuMe(Vampire Knight Manga/Anime)
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All the other fandoms, I don't ship incest because everything I see is pure platonic love? No chemistry at all? Includding Supernatural with the called "Wincest". I don't like it, and by all the logic of why I love JonRya /one dying for one another, the longing, co-dependence, a bit of non-healthy obcession/, I should also ship Dean and Sam. But no. They are brothers for me, and for me, they will always be brothers. Destiel have my whole heart and soul. Even being in JonRya fam for so long, I was truly surprised that there were people that shipped Wincest. Kind of: Nop. Nop. That is gross and not for. Creepy. (IK it is a bit hypocrite, but I truly don't care. It is the way I feel.)
Another incest(Pevensie x Pevensie) I was traumatized after seeing this tag on ao3, and accidently reading on ff.net believing was just a sister-brother bond fluff. Really traumatized.
(Fanfiction.net should really improve their filters.)
Because the pevensies are siblings. S I B L I N G S, and no matter what those people say I cannot see them other way.
Anakin x Ahsoka? I actually got nauseus after seeing this, because even not being related, they loved one another as siblings too, and they never showned anything else. Anakin was like Ahsoka's big brother. Also guys, AniDala is life and tragedy, and I really have drawned with this ship. (All the tears, omg.)
Homecest? 🤢🤮
Obikin? For me, both Anakin and Obi Wan would be ashamed seeing those, because Obi Wan was basically a father figure in Anakin's life, and Obi Wan called him brother.
Leia x Luke? Meh. Nop. Never. Ever. In. My. Life. Luke x Mara and Han x Leia is everything.
There are contless anothers, but those ones I'm focusing now are because they are the ones I'm more into the fandom recently.
I truly believe all the incest ships, actually needs a background to start being shipped wildly or actually, that we start shipping at all.
In ASoIaF for exemple, there are countless Incest relationships, and not just in the Targaryen family(there are in the Lannisters, not being only Cercei x Jaime, it is in the Stark family as well, but not between siblings, probaly with the Arryns, Tyrrels, Martells and Tullys too, but Im not sure) and it is an open thesis through out the whole saga, what makes the readers more open to the idea of something happening between relatives than in any other fandom.
Like Jonarya, Jonerys and the worst: Jonsa.
I believe that with being a part of the fictional world where the characters live and it is all the time being showned on paper, we just put aside the familiar bond, and start just looking if a future relationship would be "healthy" or "toxic" with the same standards we analyse other couples that are not related and the characters toughts about anothers can become much more than just familiar.
Exemple: "Beneath all this furr she could be as skinny as Arya"
It is a question of enviroment of the world building, how our brains deal with the information and with wich couple we are more syntonized, that atracts us more. Like: From Childhood friends to lovers being truly sweets, protectives towards one another, or the enemies to lovers of great leaders joining to one another for a greater cause becoming an incredible power couple, or just... Well... The hot guy with the hot girl kind of thing.
This why I feel that is really dumb to actually criticize pointing problems for someone else's real life just because they enjoy something in fiction.
Do you judge someone who actually stan the Joker, for exemple? Batman? Dark stories? Someone that enjoys horror movies? Shooting games? Do you believe those people will actually take a blade and snipers and become serial killers, vigilants, just because they enjoy fiction?
There are studies of psychology about it, and is really something interesting to study.
Im just talking and talking and I believe this is getting confusing, but is just a theory.
Anyway, bye.
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himilce-persephoniea · 11 months
49 and 50 for the fic asks!
Ok, thank you for the ask 🤗
49: What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
So, I’m currently working on the 5th chapter of my time travel Vaderwan Winter Royalty. I’m, in fact, very proud of this last update because I could put all the idea together and I’m sure of the big lines of this fic (=> it's not a vibes only fic anymore, I have plot!). I’m almost finishing it, so, it would be an updated very soon 🤗
At the same time I’m working on: the ext chapter of my Senator!Omega Anakin, trying to get all the plot of the redeemed Vader, write a little on a little project I’ve, and planing the plot of a fic spooky fic for next season and the one of serial Killer Obikin inspired in the fic ‘Negotiator’ (without the kidnapping). 🫠 I’ve 1h from home to work and it shows…
Lines (not edited):
Obi-Wan took his face and forced him to look at him, again. “I’ve told you, you’re mine. Nobody else. I’m tired of giving everything. Of sacrificing. I want what’s mine. I would give my life, but the Clones, YOU? You are not allowed to be to somebody’s else. You’re mine and would be forever at my side protected.”
Vader took Obi-Wan’s chin. “May I remind you that your life is not yours to give it away? It’s mine.”
He kissed him, devouring his mouth. Obi-Wan answered his want. They were starving for each other, they had found a common ground and wanted to explore every surface of each other’s body. And they responded to the other’s need with the same despair.
(possessive Ben Kenobi and Vader my beloved 🤭)
50: Talk about anything you want
I just wanted to talk about the amazing people I met in fandom. Yes, sometimes there is drama and horror, and you look at some messages asking yourself “you’re grown up, act like one!”. But others… others you meet amazing people! People that makes your experience in fandom absolutely amazing!! From writers, to artists, to others fans. Those are the people that really matters. Those are the people I love to meet, for a few days or years. There are incredible and make the experience of loving something together unforgettable.
To all those people I’d love to say: thank you!
I entered the fanfic world in the middle of the pandemic and I met incredible people. Some we still love the same, we some are still friends, some we drifted away and I don't know where they are (I hope you are fine), but every meeting was amazing and show that people that share the love of the same thing can be so great!
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