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Vovan and Lexus Punk Head of OPCW Into Admitting Novichok That Allegedly Poisoned Skripals Could Have Been Manufactured in USA or Multiple Countries
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#Repost @slyngstad_cartoons: Trump has chosen to expel 60 Russian officials from the United States. However, this response to the Russian poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in England is a day late and a dollar short. This delayed and weak retaliation to Putin seems to be the signature of a feckless Trump administration. • #russia #putin #vladimirputin #putinspuppet #trumprussia #russianofficials #russiacollusion #russiainvestigation #specialcounsel #robertmueller #breakingnews #mueller #muellertime #obstructionofjustice #itsmuellertime #russiannestingdoll #sergeiskripal #salisbury
#putin#vladimirputin#russianofficials#obstructionofjustice#specialcounsel#salisbury#russiacollusion#muellertime#robertmueller#russia#itsmuellertime#russiannestingdoll#russiainvestigation#mueller#breakingnews#putinspuppet#trumprussia#sergeiskripal#repost#@slyngstad cartoons#editorial cartoon
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Starter bench. - - - #dailydrawing #dailypicture #dreardiarydigital2018 #dreardiarydaily #66 #6thMarch2018 #art #writing #artistlife #sergeiskripal #bench
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In retaliation, Russia has expelled 20 Czech diplomats Top News Aroundusinfo - top news latest news world news trending news
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Per il governo britannico il dossier “Perepilichny” deve rimanere segreto
Aleksandr Perepilichny e Sergei Skripal due spie nel mirino di Mosca Il giudice Aleksandr Perepilichny stabilito che il governo britannico ha il diritto di trattenere informazioni relative a presunti legami tra agenzie di spionaggio britanniche e un milionario russo morto in circostanze misteriose in Inghilterra. Aleksandr Perepilichny, un ricco e influente banchiere di investimenti, viveva a Mosca. Nel 2009, tuttavia, lascò la Russia dicendo che la sua vita era stata minacciata a seguito di un disaccordo d'affari. Trasferitosi nel Surrey, a sud di Londra, iniziò a collaborare con le autorità svizzere che stavano indagando su un progetto di riciclaggio di denaro da svariati milioni di dollari che coinvolgeva alti funzionari del governo russo. Descritto da alcuni come la più grande frode fiscale nella storia russa, si dice che il regime abbia defraudato il Tesoro russo di almeno $ 240 milioni. Il 10 novembre 2012, tornato nella sua lussuosa casa del Surrey da un viaggio di tre giorni in Francia, Perepilichny andò a correre. Fu trovato morto più tardi quella sera, dopo essere collassato nel mezzo di una strada laterale vicino a casa sua. Aveva 44 anni. Un esame post morte stabilì che Perepilichny era morto per cause naturali e indicava la forte possibilità di un infarto. Tuttavia, gli avvocati che rappresentano la famiglia del defunto, nel corso di un’udienza pre-inchiesta, dichiararono che lo stomaco di Perepilichny erano presenti trovato di gelsemium, una pianta simile ad arbusto che è una "nota sostanza letale utilizzata dai killer cinesi e russi". Il caso è stato rivisitato dopo il caso di Sergei Skripal, una ex spia russa fuggita in Inghilterra nel 2010. Negli ultimi mesi, sono state presentate istanze per un'inchiesta sulla misteriosa morte di Perepilichny, ma il governo britannico rispose che non avrebbe rivelato alcuna informazione relativa ai possibili contatti tra l'uomo d'affari russo e l'intelligence britannica. La questione è stata sollevata a giugno da avvocati che rappresentano la compagnia di assicurazioni sulla vita di Perepilichny sostenendo che se Perepilichny avesse avuto rapporti ravvicinati con l'intelligence britannica, avrebbe sollevato in modo significativo la minaccia alla sua vita. Ma il ministro dell'Interno britannico Sajid Javid ha sostenuto che il rilascio di documenti che implicano i servizi di intelligence con l'ultimo uomo d'affari russo metterebbe in pericolo la sicurezza nazionale. Lunedì il giudice che guidava l'inchiesta sulla morte di Perepilichny si è pronunciato a favore della posizione del governo britannico. Il giudice, Nicholas Hilliard, QC, ha un nulla osta di sicurezza ed è stato quindi in grado di rivedere le prove pertinenti a porte chiuse, durante una sessione segreta. Ha poi stabilito che "divulgare pubblicamente informazioni di intelligence, relative a Perepilichny, comporterebbe un rischio reale di gravi danni alla sicurezza nazionale". I critici però continuano a sostenere che il caso Skripal ha accresciuto l'interesse del pubblico per le attività segrete russe sul suolo britannico e che i cittadini hanno diritto di sapere se la morte di Perepilichny fosse in qualche modo collegata al regno dell'intelligence. Read the full article
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Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal discharged from hospital
Russian ex-spy #SergeiSkripal discharged from hospital
Sergei Skripal, the Russian former spy who was left in critical condition by a nerve agent attack in Britain more than two months ago, has been discharged from hospital, national health authorities said on Friday.
Skripal, 66, a former colonel in Russia’s military intelligence who betrayed dozens of agents to Britain, and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious on a bench in the southern…
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The ex-Kremlin spy apparently poisoned in Britain had links to the man who wrote the explosive Trump Russia dossier #SergeiSkripal https://t.co/KNNViJbjja https://t.co/7ASi0yPNiY
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The #UK appears to be pursuing a policy of “#destroyingevidence” in the case of the poisoning of former double agent #SergeiSkripal, the #Russian envoy to the UK said during a press conference on Friday. The #UK appears to be pursuing a policy of “#destroyingevidence” in the case of the poisoning of former double agent #SergeiSkripal, the #Russian envoy to the UK said during a press conference on Friday.
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Hey! Checkout blog post on eSteem! esteem://steemit/@qanon1111/the-trade-off-sergeiskripal-for-operationghoststories-released-10-realdonaldtrump-7bda5c59815c5
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False Flags, Fake News, Regime Change In Washington Exposed As Made In London
Russia Charges Yulia Skripal Being Held Hostage in U.K., Subjected to ‘Psychological Manipulation’
April 18, 2018 (EIRNS)—Speaking at today’s meeting of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Russian Ambassador Alexander Shulgin charged that Yulia Skripal, daughter of former Russian GRU colonel turned British double agent Sergei Skripal, is being held hostage by British authorities. She is being hidden from the media and the public, “her whereabouts are unknown,” and neither Russian authorities nor her relatives can see her. Nor, Shulgin said, is Miss Skripal—a Russian citizen who had come from Russia to visit her father in England when the March 4 poisoning took place—being allowed to return to Russia to undergo medical examination and treatment, TASS reported him as saying.
The only conclusion to be drawn is that Yulia Skripal is a hostage, being “held by force on the territory of the United Kingdom, subjected to psychological manipulations.”
Members of the Russian delegation to the meeting also charged that it’s likely that British medical workers put both Sergei and Yulia Skripal into an “induced coma deliberately, which gave them the opportunity to collect biological material and manipulate the state of their health, even without consulting them.”
The British Empire Can No Longer Hide Its Crimes On every front of the U.K.'s panicked effort to stop President Trump's intention to bring the U.S. into friendly relations with Russia and China, the lies can no longer be covered up. This is true in the Russiagate hoax launched by MI6 operative Christopher Steele; the Skripal hoax run by the same MI6 circle; and the Douma chemical attack hoax created by the British funded and controlled White Helmet terrorists. Across the U.S., Europe, and around the world, leading figures and governments are telling the bloody British Empire that it is wearing no clothes.
Even in the U.K. itself, the stench of the imperial lies can no longer be tolerated. Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford, who has been an outspoken opponent of the war on Syria, has now gone on Fox News in the U.S., with Tucker Carlson, reporting that the chemical attack in Douma never happened, and that President Trump's advisors "have served him extremely badly" by not informing him that the White Helmets are simply part of the terrorist operation. Back in London, the Empire's The Times has discovered, to its horror, that the former head of the Special Air Services (SAS), Maj. Gen. John Holmes, who led the SAS during the first Gulf war, has now joined the British Syria Society, headed by Ambassador Ford, and is demanding dialogue with Assad. This past Monday, Lord West, the former First Sea Lord, Admiral and Chief of British Defense Intelligence, went on BBC to debunk the idea that Assad used chemical weapons, pointing to the absurdity of doing so upon purely military grounds, since he was winning and it served only the terrorists interests.
China's foremost journalist, Yang Rui, this week stepped beyond the usually-reserved Chinese commentary on world strategic affairs to equate the claim of a chemical attack to justify the allied bombing of Syria to the Nazi stunts used to launch invasions and atrocities, emphasizing that the White Helmets are killers, and that China and Russia will stand firmly together against this and any further criminal wars. He warned that the human race must reverse the collapse into a "post-truth world."
Across Europe, the EU is splintering in the face of British lies. The EU Foreign Ministers on Monday failed miserably in an effort to pass a resolution supporting the British-French-US attack on Syria, with eight countries refusing to support it, including Italy, Belgium, And Austria.
In the U.S., eleven Republican Congressmen forwarded a criminal complaint to the Department of Justice for "investigation of potential violation of federal statutes" by the primary assets of the British MI6 coup attemt against Trump: the disgraced former FBI chief James Comey and his equally disgraced deputy Andrew McCabe; Hillary Clinton (for disguising her financing of the infamous Steele dossier); Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch; and two current FBI agents Strzok and Page who plotted to peddle the British lies against Trump.
The Empire is badly bruised, but is not yet destroyed. The moment of opportunity to crush it, once and for all, is at hand — but their desperation can not be ignored. The post-World War II order established through the United Nations, to prevent another world war, is to be abolished in a new "East vs. West" military confrontation under British control. Prime Minister Theresa May last November called for a new "Global Britain,", and, leaving nothing to the imagination, said, "the task for global Britain is clear.... To defend the rules-based international order against irresponsible states that seek to erode it..., chief among those... is, of course, Russia.... I have a very simple message for Russia: we know what you are doing. And you will not succeed."
Gen. Sir Nick Carter, whom May appointed as the new Chief of the Defense Staff in March, has declared Russia to be the "arch-exponent" of "exploiting the seams between peace and war... [practicing] corrupt business practices, cyber-attacks, assassination, fake news, propaganda and indeed military intimidation."
But the dying British Empire is indeed naked without the U.S. functioning as their "dumb giant," as was the case with Obama and Bush in the White House, waging wars of mass destruction across the Mideast and bankrupting the Western financial system through speculation and wars. Trump can and must be persuaded to act on his best impulses — to befriend Russia, and to join fully in China's New Silk Road. To that end, the LaRouche Political Action Committee this week will reprint an updated version of the mass circulation pamphlet "America's Future on the New Silk Road — LaRouche's Four Laws: The Physical Economic Principles for the Recovery of the United States."
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche said today: "This is the most important moment in history. If the British Empire is destroyed, the human race can breath again and create a new society."
#Skripals#SKRIPAL#YuliaSkripal#SergeiSkripal#LaRouchePAC#LaRouchePub.com#SchillerInstitute#HelgaZeppLaRouche#OPCW#Douma#Syria#ChemicalFalseFlags#BritishEmpire#MI6#JamesComey#AndrewMcCabe#McCabe#Comey#AGLorettaLynch#loretta lynch#FalseFlags#Salisbury#SyriaWar#TrumpAdministration#PresidentTrump#Xi#Putin#China#RussiaChina#Russians
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Vladimir Putin: Sergei Skripal is a traitor to the motherland
Vladimir Putin has again denied any involvement of his secret services in the poisoning of former Russian agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, despite accusations from London. The Russian president also denounced the acts of the former spy on British soil. "Your fellow journalists suggest that Mr. Skripal is a kind of human rights activist, he's just a spy, a traitor to his homeland, it's really something to be a traitor to the homeland. It's all junk, that's all I have to say, but there's a whole press campaign trying to make him look like a hero, and we've asked our British colleagues several times to we documents. We will conduct an investigation, "said the Russian president. Sergei Skripal, a former military intelligence colonel, was found guilty of handing over state secrets to Britain and sentenced to 13 years in prison in 2006 before being pardoned. He and his daughter had been poisoned at Novichok in the English city of Salisbury in March. Read the full article
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Laurie Bristow convocato dal ministero degli Esteri russo
Secondo quanto reso noto da agenzie i stampa russe, il ministero degli Esteri russo ha convocato l'ambasciatore britannico nel paese, Laurie Bristow, per un incontro urgente. La Russia è pronta ad espellere i diplomatici britannici in rappresaglia per la decisione del primo ministro Theresa May di espellere 23 russi. La portavoce del ministero degli Esteri russo Maria Zakharova ha detto oggi che Mosca ha già deciso misure di ritorsione e che la Gran Bretagna sarà presto informata. Dopo l’uso offensivo di un agente nervino in Europa, primo caso noto dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la Gran Bretagna ha puntato il dito contro il presidente Vladimir Putin e giovedì scorso ha dato a 23 cittadini russi, che secondo le fonti britanniche, lavorano sotto copertura diplomatica all'ambasciata di Londra - una settimana per la lasciare il paese. Mosca ha negato qualsiasi coinvolgimento nel tentato omicidio dell'ex doppio agente russo Sergei Skripal e sua figlia giudicando la Gran Bretagna come una potenza post-coloniale sconvolta dalla sua imminente uscita dall'Unione Europea, e ha perfino ipotizzato che Londra abbia inventato l'attacco per scatenare l'isteria antirussa. Read the full article
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Sergei Skripal is no longer in critical condition after nerve agent attack
#SergeiSkripal is no longer in critical condition after nerve agent attack
Sergei Skripal is “responding well to treatment, improving rapidly and is no longer in a critical condition”, according to doctors. The former Russian spy and his daughter Yulia were left fighting for their lives after being poisoned with the nerve agent novichok in Salisbury on 4 March. Sergei’s improvement was announced by Salisbury District Hospital following reports that Yulia had revealed…
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No nukes. A stunning offer from #NorthKorea to the #US. Too good to be true? Plus, gauging the probability #Russia was behind the poisoning of a former #spy - On #TheDay dw.com/theday #SergeiSkripal #Salisbury #dancoats #trump (at Berlin, Germany)
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#BREAKING #Moscow says will not accept conclusions of #OPCW chemical arms watchdog over former spy poisoning #SergeiSkripal
#BREAKING #Moscow says will not accept conclusions of #OPCW chemical arms watchdog over former spy poisoning #SergeiSkripal
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As China Retaliates for and Mocks Trump Tariffs, Eurasian Consolidation Accelerates
At the United Nations, that support echoed in Moscow's envoy bluntly accusing the British of lying through their teeth and inventing an absurd story to defame Russia. In a half hour speech, Vassily Nebenzia, the successor the late Vitaly Churkin, excoriated the UK's theory that the Russian state poisoned the Skripals as revenge for his betrayal of the country and as a message to would be defectors, asking rhetorically why Moscow let Skripal leave in a spy swap with Great Britain after eight years in prison.
Why, Nebenzia mockingly asked, would the Russians poison ex-GRU agent Sergei Skripal and accept the blowback days before a presidential election in Russia and months ahead of the World Cup? Nebenzia asked why if Moscow wanted Skripal dead, it would resort to a such an absurdly toxic and risky assassination weapon, and why British government sources have offered multiple versions of how and where the Skripals came into contact with the poison: at their door, inside Sergei's BMW sedan, or hidden inside breakfast kasha or bay leaf Yulia brought in her luggage from Moscow (British pundits and supposed experts having ridiculed multiple versions of the crime mentioned in Russian media as a replay of the 'conspiracy theories' Moscow offered to disavow its alleged involvement in the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014, without mentioning the multiplicity of Skripal poisoning theories anonymous UK government sources have presented to their own press). In an appeal to states less inclined to be under Washington's thumb at the UNSC, Nebenzia repeated Moscow's willingness to join in a genuine joint investigation into the Skripal case, which the British have rejected both at the UN and at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
According to Nebenzia's boss, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, speaking at a joint press conference in Ankara with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, at least 20 countries in the world are capable of manufacturing 'novichoks', the nerve agents said to have been used to poison the Skripals:
Trump White House and John Bolton-led National Security Council's Plans to Reimpose Some Iran Sanctions, Even on a Delayed Basis, Likely to Exacerbate U.S./EU Tensions
The Iranians also criticized the Americans at the Moscow Security Conference, with Defense Minister Amir Hatami declaring, "They spare no effort to hinder the creation of the Central Asian security system, because they believe that any consolidation in the security sphere runs counter to the interests of retaining the strength of America’s power, standing and dominance in the world". From Syria to the South China Sea, everywhere it seems the Eurasians have had enough of the flailing, failing petrodollar empire's games and lies. And Trump, to the chagrin of the failed bipartisan Washington foreign policy establishment, is making the U.S. position weaker, not stronger vis a vis the Eurasians and pivotal U.S. trade partners in Europe, led by Germany.
Trump's threat to tear up the nuclear energy deal with Iran is bound to further alienate Paris and Berlin whose industries have signed lucrative contracts with the Iranians and do not need the uncertainty of facing reimposed American sanctions in retaliation for agreements already signed with Tehran. It's noteworthy that Germany, while going along with the expulsion of a few Russian diplomats at the end of March, did not succumb to the pressure from Capitol Hill and the State Department to drop the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline to be constructed beneath the Baltic Sea. The appointment of longtime neocon fanatic John Bolton as National Security Adviser nonetheless signals that the Trump Administration is very likely to go forward with at least a partial withdrawal from the Iran agreement, which included representatives of the EU, Russia and China, with predictable negative consequences for relations between Washington and Berlin. In this respect, the Atlanticist orientation of former Stasi informant and mass refugee exodus welcoming Chancellor Angela Merkel, herself barely able to form a compromise government, hardly matters anymore. Now in her fourth term, the childless former scientist turned great and greatly loathed frau Bundeskanzler is an irrelevant lame duck.
Petroyuan Introduction Makes China More Confident in Declaring Support for Russia in Cold War 2, Slapping Down U.S. Moves in Trump's Failing Trade War
Compared to the impact from accelerated de-dollarization and use of euros or perhaps yuan in Iranian trade with Europe, Trump's waffling on withdrawing U.S. troops from eastern Syria is geo-economically irrelevant. The main action as London Paul states on the RogueMoney Radio and X22 Report programs is happening with the petroyuan and how it is drawing more economies into the orbit of an increasingly confident China. The Chinese are still willing to negotiate with Washington, but it's clear with their retaliation targeting $50 billion in soybeans, automobiles and other exports grown and manufactured in Trump voting red states that they've had enough. That in turn is prompting several U.S. Senators, some of whom like Ben Sasse were never enthusiastic in their support of Trump to begin with, to denounce the President's policies as counterproductive and harmful to American farmers:
Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, said Mr. Trump was “threatening to light American agriculture on fire.”
“Hopefully the president is just blowing off steam again, but if he’s even half-serious, this is nuts,” Mr. Sasse said. “Let’s absolutely take on Chinese bad behavior, but with a plan that punishes them instead of us. This is the dumbest possible way to do this.”
Even in a country of nearly 1.4 billion people, the recent downgrading by Dagong Global the Chinese rating agency (which competes with the discredited Standard and Poors and other Western outlets which touted mortgage backed securities as 'AA or AAA' before the 2008 financial meltdown) can hardly be coincidental with Beijing threatening to dump U.S. Treasuries. The fact that China has already spent the last decade quietly converting its vast holdings of USTs into gold, OBOR infrastructure in developing countries and hard assets abroad is well known to RogueMoney and Dr. Jim Willie the Golden Jackass listeners. But the 'official' figures regarding China's UST holdings as of January 2018 remained in excess of a trillion dollars, giving Beijing greater leverage if the great Trump trade war escalates.
Xi Cleverly Uses North Korea Talks to Make Trump Look More Presidential While It Defeats His Initiatives in the Trade War -- Owing to Decades of U.S. Manufacturing Outsourcing to China
With the visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to Beijing, Xi has also demonstrated that China holds all the cards in deescalating the North Korea nuclear standoff and promoting reunification oriented projects like a Russian gas pipeline linking the North to South Korea. Kim has gotten the message with the expansion of highways and People's Liberation Army presence on the Chinese side of the North Korean border that he is not personally indispensable to Beijing, but his stated willingness to meet directly with President Trump puts this White House in Xi's debt. Those chips at the trans-Pacific bargaining table will be cashed in as we shall see in the coming weeks. Bringing Kim Jong Un to direct negotiations, while denounced as legitimating the North Korean dictator, is the one feather in Trump's 4-D chess cap he can present to supporters as proof that his brilliant plan is working.
For now, while Trump is flailing away at the Chinese and being denounced across the legacy media spectrum from so-called liberal Democrats to Never Trump-er neocon and globalist Republicans, the Washington Establishment cannot muster a coherent set of alternatives. The Swamp can only demand that U.S. troops remain in Syria forever, European allies who've already quietly bought into China's New Silk Road be brought back into line, and Russia be denounced in ever more shrill language. Like the Duke brothers at the end of the 1983 movie Trading Places, all the dollar dependent globalists can do is bellow who they are and demand that the machines be turned back on. Or applaud speeches from the soon to be former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster at the Atlantic Council on his way out the door before getting a job at one of their irrelevant non-think(ing) tanks.
The Russian Analyst expects severe economic pain ahead for Americans, with our country much closer to the dollar collapse then when we started writing for RogueMoney over three and a half years ago. As former RM guest Peter Schiff said recently, the incentive for the 'deep state' to crash the monetary hypoxia suffering paper markets Trump has foolishly staked a great deal of his reputation as a doer and economic genius to trigger a 'blue wave' bloodbath in the 2018 midterms is strong. However, the World War III scenario many of the 'black pilled' among us like my Swiss White Russian friend The Saker have worried about, appears to be off. If for no other reason than Uncle Sam and many of its partners are soon going to be too broke to pay for a global conflict, and China and Russia have demonstrated their unity in preparation for any desperate military moves the imploding Anglo-American empire could possibly make.
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