#serennedy ship week
sparkchemy · 1 year
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Serennedy week 2023 @serennedyshipweek23
For the prompt: Physical Touch/Handholding
Imagine Leon who's not used to gentle touch being treated like something precious and delicate by Luis. 😩💖
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kaz-zan19 · 1 year
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@serennedyshipweek23 Day 3: Orginal Serennedy Vs Remake Serennedy
Here’s my personal headcanon differences between the two versions.
I obviously had a lot more fun drawing their remake versions LOL
I feel like Orginal Serennedy have more of a professional/bromance type of relationship compared to their remake dynamic. Still love them! <3
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que-serra-serra · 1 year
[Serennedy] Second Chances
Written for @serennedyshipweek23 day 2: Protecting one another. I went for a rewrite of the elevator + Krauser scene, hope you enjoy <3 Rated T | 3.8k words | ao3 link
“What do you mean, you were researching the Plaga!?” Leon demanded.
“I’m not sure how there’s any room for misunderstanding in that statement,” Luis said with an infuriating smirk. “Do you not have research in America? See, it is when dashing scientists such as myself—”
“Why the hell were you working for them!?” Leon interrupted the attempt at deflecting. “For once in your life, fucking be straight with me!”
Luis laughed, a mocking sound without any humor. “Be straight with you? Oh, amigo, you should have considered that before you shoved your dick down my throat.”
“For fuck’s sake, Luis!” Leon slammed his fist on the wall above Luis’ head with a bang.
The noise startled both men, and they quieted as the old elevator rattled and shook, the noise echoing through the mines. Thankfully, the elevator car kept moving up.
Finally, Luis sighed. “Look, I don't know what to tell you. I came back to this village to get away from my past mistakes, and only got roped into another disaster instead. It's my fault that Las Plagas evolved this far. Is that what you want to hear?”
“Yes. No.” Leon groaned and pushed off the wall, away from Luis. “I don’t know.”
That was a lie: Leon knew exactly what he wanted to hear. He wanted Luis to laugh at the accusations and say that he had nothing to do with the parasite. That he regretted his time at Umbrella and had changed after it, and was now just an unfortunate bystander who hadn’t spent the last few days lying in Leon’s face.
Of course, Leon’s life was never that simple.
“You know, you aren’t making this very easy,” Luis said.
“You’re the one who lied to me,” Leon shot back. “If you wanted easy, you should’ve been honest from the start.”
Luis snorted. “You would not have hesitated to shoot me on sight if you knew the full extent of my actions.”
“Then why even tell me now?” Leon snapped.
When Luis’ reply didn’t come immediately, Leon turned back to look at the man and saw an uncharacteristically somber expression on his face.
“Maybe I'm tired of living a shitty life,” Luis simply said.
Leon knew he should push more. He should yell at Luis and probably arrest him for putting countless lives in danger; God knows Luis seemed to think he deserved it.
“Why did you leave Umbrella?” Leon asked instead.
“Oh, we are returning to sin number one?” Luis said, then sighed. “I was young and reckless and Umbrella had unlimited resources and no pesky ethical code to follow. And so, my team researched parasites: what could possibly go wrong, right?” Luis’ mouth quirked up in a self-deprecating smile. “After an entire city was infected with Umbrella's cannibal virus and a bioweapon I helped create was set loose to wreak havoc, well, let's just say burying my head in the sand was no longer an option.”
No. No no no no—
“Raccoon City,” Leon breathed. “That was you.”
Luis winced. “Not all of it, technically, but… yes. Some of that blood is on my hands.”
Leon’s head was spinning. One of the few friends he'd made in the years following the worst night of his life, someone he’d even started entertaining the thought of building something with once this was all over, also had a hand in the incident that broke Leon in the first place.
Leon really should have known as soon as Hunnigan said the words Umbrella scientist.
“But I thought…” Leon said, desperate to make sense of everything. “What about the Birkins?”
Luis looked up in surprise. “The Birkins' pet project was the G-strain, not the regular T-virus or NE-alpha parasite. But you sure know a lot of very classified information.”
“Because I was there,” Leon said. He swallowed. “My first and last day as a cop, at Raccoon City PD. Conveniently located right above a secret Umbrella research facility.”
Luis stared at him wide-eyed. “And that's why they have you working for the government. Anyone who had seen the events would need to be kept under control, especially if they knew about the lab.”
Leon blinked; he knew Luis was a scientist, but it still caught him off guard how quickly he’d deduced the right conclusion.
Luis' face fell as the realization set in. ”That's what's wrong with you. You wanted to be a policeman to help people, yet you were forced into being a killing machine. They didn't give you an option, eh?”
That's what's wrong with you. The words cut deep, at the dark place inside Leon that he thought he’d buried six years ago.
“Is death an option?” Leon weakly joked.
“Oh, mi amor—ehm, amigo,” Luis quickly corrected himself.
But Leon had caught the slip-up, and it was like the metaphorical knife lodged deep inside twisted in the wound. He hadn’t known how much he'd miss the ridiculous Spanish pet names before they were taken away from him. 
“I know you probably won't believe me, but I am sorry,” Luis said. “If not directly responsible, I still played a part in the two worst events of your life.”
Leon nodded. He wondered what it said about him that his first instinct—after wanting to throw a predictable punch—was to say you're also one of the best things to happen in my life, so it evens out.
The elevator ground to a halt, then, their destination reached. They were finally close to the surface, yet Leon still felt like he was suffocating—not from the stale air of the mines, but from the thick tension between them.
“I wish you’d told me all this before we…” Leon trailed off.
Luis smiled that sad smile again. “I'll add it to my long list of regrets.”
Leon watched Luis sigh and walk out of the elevator, straightening his shoulders and forcing a spring into his step. 
“No matter, we have a princess to rescue!” Luis said, his voice that familiar mix of humor and teasing, like he was happy to pretend their conversation never happened.
Luckily for him, Leon didn’t like leaving things unfinished.
“Luis, wait.”
Before Luis could react, Leon grabbed him by the shoulders and shoved him against a wall of crates next to the elevator. For a heartbeat, they simply stared at each other, the tension crackling between them.
And then, when Luis didn’t protest, Leon leaned in and unceremoniously shoved his tongue down Luis’ throat.
Luis immediately moaned into the kiss and grabbed Leon’s shoulder straps to pull him closer, and that reassured Leon more than any empty promises could. After everything that had happened, Luis still trusted him with this; he let Leon manhandle him against the splintering crates and allowed Leon’s lips and tongue to take whatever he wanted.
Even if everything else had been a lie, there was no faking the attraction between them: the way Luis melted under his touch, the way Leon’s heart beat frantically in his chest, and the way they desperately clung to each other was all so very real. 
Luis’ hands slid up to wrap around Leon’s neck and a teasing tongue caressed Leon’s own, coaxing a deep groan out of the agent. Impatient hands pulled Leon closer and when he obliged, Luis sighed happily into the kiss, like there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
And that was the gist of it, wasn’t it? Luis had had plenty of opportunities to escape the cult while Leon mowed down ganados with gunfire and explosives. Yet he’d stayed right by Leon’s side, adamant on helping him and Ashley escape this rotten village.
Conflicting emotions raged within Leon and he stamped them down in favor of slanting his mouth against Luis' to deepen the kiss further, hands moving down from Luis’ shoulders to grip his narrow waist over the leather jacket. When Luis hummed in approval and arched into him, Leon wanted nothing more than to rut against him until they both forgot what they’d even been arguing about in the first place.
Unfortunately, they had more important things to get to than making out while Leon suffered an internal moral dilemma. When Leon reluctantly pulled away from the kiss, both men were panting for breath and Luis was blinking rapidly, like he could scarcely believe that had happened.
“I have to say, that was not what I was expecting,” Luis said.
Leon hesitated; there was so much he still wanted to talk about, but this was neither the time nor the place. The Plaga was raging inside Leon, slowly killing him, and Ashley couldn't be faring any better.
“I don't know what you expect me to do with all that information,” Leon said. “I’m… still pretty pissed off—”
“But I don't hate you. Even though I probably should.” Leon sighed. “I just… I've lost too many people.” He gripped Luis' jacket tight over his waist, hopefully conveying the meaning of I can't lose you too.
Luis laughed, the sound fake and ugly. “Oh amigo, there is no future for me. Even if I somehow make it out of this shithole, there are now two governments who want me out of the picture. And I doubt anyone will believe that I only wanted to help people, since not even you—"
Luis closed his eyes and took a breath and Leon resisted the urge to shake him, to force the whole story out of Luis and beg him to at least try to make Leon understand his past decisions.
When Luis opened his eyes and looked at Leon, his gaze was hollow. Leon had seen that look many times before; like a soldier who knew he would not be returning from the war, but who wanted to make every bullet count nonetheless.
"My story is one of hubris, and it does not have a happy ending," Luis said with bone-chilling certainty. "Best case scenario, I'll be behind bars for the rest of my life. Worst case—”
“No,” Leon said, hands balling into fists by Luis’ sides. “I won't let that happen. I'll get you out, you and Ashley, and—and I'll vouch for you, and the president…”
“Ha!” A bark of laughter came from behind them and Leon startled and stepped back. “Oh rookie, just as dumb as the day they brought you in.”
Leon recognized that voice, but there was no way…
"Who's there!?" Leon called, positioning himself in front of Luis. "Show yourself!"
In a blur of movement, none other than Major Krauser, Leon's mentor of four years and presumed dead for two, jumped down from a support beam overhead and landed neatly on his feet.
“You really think the government cares about one soldier? Or even a dozen?” Krauser said. “We’re expendable to them. You think good ol' POTUS would ever care what you have to say? Don’t make me laugh.”
For a brief moment, Leon considered that he was dreaming or having some sort of Plaga-induced hallucination. Even if Krauser was somehow miraculously alive, there was no reason for him to be here, in some rural Spanish village and crashing Leon’s solo mission.
“Cat got your tongue, rookie?” Krauser grinned, showing teeth. “Or did you lose it down your whore's throat?”
“Oye, rude,” Luis muttered. “This whore has a name, you know.”
Luis’ voice pulled Leon back to the present. Clearly this wasn't a hallucination if the Spaniard was sassing Krauser back.
“Major,” Leon said as levelly as he could manage. “What's going on? You were declared KIA two years ago."
“Fucking hell, you really are clueless,” Krauser sneered. “Four years of training with the best and you're still just a blue-eyed little kid. I should've offed you when I had the chance; would've been easy to make it look like an accident.”
The puzzle pieces started clicking into place in Leon’s head: blacked-out documents and the fact that Krauser's body had never been found. Modern military weapons scattered around an old Spanish village. Ashley’s kidnapping under the nose of some of the best agents in the world.
It had all been Krauser.
“I’m doing you a favor, really.” Krauser grinned, shifting his posture in an all-too familiar way. “Putting a weak, useless animal out of its misery.”
Just as Krauser surged forward, Leon reached for his gun—only he was too slow. In one lightning-quick move, Krauser’s knife was pressed to Leon’s throat and an arm restrained him from behind.
“Leon!” Luis yelled, pulling his pistol.
“Rookie mistake,'' Krauser ground out in Leon's ear, backing up and using him as a human shield. “A knife is always faster.”
“Luis, run!” Leon grit out, struggling against the hold. “I’ve got this!”
“I wouldn't do that,” Krauser said, now addressing Luis. “Unless you wanna see the pretty boy's throat slit.”
Leon felt the tip of the knife break skin and a drop of blood run down his throat. Luis’ grip faltered on his pistol, but he was making no move to escape.
“What are you doing? Go! Get the hell out of here!” Leon yelled.
After the conversation they'd just had, there was no telling what Luis would do. Men prepared to be sent to the gallows rarely made rational decisions, especially when the lives of their friends were concerned.
“What do you want, yanqui?” Luis' voice was surprisingly calm as he addressed Krauser.
“Just recovering stolen goods,” Krauser spat. “Hand over the amber.”
“Major, you don't have to do this!” Leon tried. “Snap out of it! If it's the parasite—”
“Shut up, brat!” Krauser elbowed Leon sharply in the spine and he bit back a pained grunt.
“Okay!” Luis said. He reached into his jacket and held something in his hand: a test tube glimmering with orange. “You want this, yes? I give it to you, and he goes unharmed.”
“Smart boy.” Krauser was smirking. “See, Leon? Smart boys know when they're outmatched.”
“Respectfully, Major, fuck you!” Leon kicked at Krauser, but only managed to hit his knee pad.
“Then here,” Luis said. He rolled over the tube, until it stopped at Krauser’s combat boots.
Without warning, Leon was thrown across the room and made impact with the cliff wall next to the elevator they’d just arrived in. He cursed as his shoulder took the brunt of the hit but quickly scrambled to right himself on the rocky floor.
“That's it, alright,” Krauser said, clinking his knife against the test tube now in his hands. Then he grinned, in a pure sadistic glee that made the hairs on Leon’s neck stand up. “Good thing our deal was only for his life.”
In one fluid move Leon had seen countless times before, Krauser threw his knife with impossible speed, and Leon only needed to see a shimmer of metal to know that it was heading straight for Luis' jugular.
Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. The knife sailed through the air, too fast for Leon to warn Luis or throw himself in the way, and soon it would land in Luis' throat with a sickening squelch—
A shot rang out and with a clang of metal meeting metal, the knife embedded itself into a nearby crate instead.
Stunned silent, Leon stared at Luis: still with his pistol in hand, eyes wide in shock. Abruptly, Leon remembered their time at the shooting gallery and how good of a shot Luis actually was. Since he’d already had his pistol drawn, he must have acted purely on reflex to deflect the knife.
Leon looked back at Krauser while reaching for his own combat knife, anticipating a follow-up attack, but the former Major was already gone.
Knowing the immediate danger was over, Leon allowed himself to sag back against the cave wall in relief.
“Well, that was something,” Luis said, walking closer while glancing over his shoulder, pistol still in hand. “Are you alright, cariño?”
The casual endearment was like a warm caress after being dunked in ice water. Leon barked out a somewhat hysterical laugh, giddy with adrenaline and the pure absurdity of the situation,
“Yeah,” Leon said once he'd composed himself, meeting Luis' quizzical gaze. “I'm okay.”
Luis raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you didn't hit your head too hard on the stone?"
"I'm sure," Leon said. “Just processing all the shit that went down."
“Fair enough.” Luis sat himself down next to Leon, then turned to him with a grin. “Did you see that shot!?”
Luis gestured at Krauser’s knife with a trembling hand and his smile had a manic edge to it. It looked like Leon wasn't the only one dealing with adrenaline jitters.
Leon smiled. “It was a nice shot.”
“Oh, a compliment? And a smile?” Luis teased. “I'll never let you live this down, Prince Charming.”
Leon huffed a dry chuckle, reveling in the familiar banter. “Don't get too used to it.”
“I, ehm.” Instead of a witty retort, Luis took a few pointed breaths, making Leon snap back to attention. “I actually think that you pulling me back to kiss me stupid just saved me from certain death,” Luis eventually said.
He had a point: Krauser had clearly been lying in ambush for them. He could have easily killed Leon had he wanted to, yet it was obvious that Luis and the tube—the amber?—had been his target.
“I need a smoke,” Luis announced.
Leon watched Luis’ trembling fingers procure a cigarette and then fumble with the lighter, dropping it on the ground with a soft curse.
Leon grabbed the lighter before Luis could. Even if he didn’t normally approve of smoking, a near-death encounter surely warranted an exception.
“Let me,” Leon murmured.
Luis nodded and leaned in. Leon flicked the lighter and held the flame steady, and soon Luis was dragging his first shaky inhale of nicotine.
“That’s better,” Luis said. “Much better.”
Leon placed the lighter back in Luis' still trembling hand and closed his fingers around it. He stamped down on the worry over seeing the man so obviously rattled: Luis being shaky with adrenaline was infinitely better than his throat gurgling as he choked on his own blood.
“I’m glad you're okay,” Leon said.
Luis grinned around his cigarette. “Come now, I can't leave my Sancho to save the princess alone. That would make a terrible story.”
Despite his attempted nonchalance, Luis intertwined their fingers around the lighter and squeezed, hard enough to almost hurt. Leon squeezed back; a silent I'm here. We're alright.
“The story needs its Don Quixote,” Leon agreed.
Luis laughed, and even if it was a little forced, it seemed like he was returning to himself. 
“And here I thought my references were flying right over your head,” Luis teased.
“Maybe there's more to me than just the trauma,” Leon said.
Luis smiled fondly. “Mi vida, you are so much more than a handsome face and great ass…kicking skills.” 
Luis winked and Leon huffed a laugh before getting to his feet.
“Come on,” Leon said, extending a hand. “Smoke break's over.”
Luis sighed but took the offered hand and let Leon pull him up. “Mierda, I nearly died and two minutes is all the break I get? You wound me, querido.”
Leon hesitated. “You could wait with the merchant—”
“Psht, I was only joking." Luis waved off the concern. “I have to protect my squire from the giants.”
The sentiment made Leon smile. Luis arched an eyebrow in response, before pointedly snuffing out his cigarette on the rock and looking up through his lashes. 
Not able to resist the obvious invitation, Leon leaned in—
And his communicator rang. Fantastic.
“Leon,” Ada's voice came through. “Still in one piece? Good.”
Of course she'd cracked his comms frequency. Of course she was checking in now, when Leon had fought through hell and back and been double-crossed more times than he cared to remember.
“What the hell, Ada!?” Leon snapped. 
Both Luis startling next to him and the tense silence from the other end spoke volumes of how uncharacteristic it was for Leon to lose his temper like this. At least with her.
“You're working with Krauser!? He's delusional, Ada—whatever your employer's claiming, he's fucking lost it. He even tried to kill Luis!” Leon said.
Ada was silent for a beat, then calmly asked, “What?”
Luis' chin came to rest on Leon's shoulder, speaking into the earpiece. “Holá, bonita,” Luis said. “A little bump in the road: the former Major just tried to murder me, but he settled for the Plaga sample. Since he has the amber, I assume this means our deal is over.”
“Murder—” Ada said. “Leon, put Serra on the line.”
Leon obediently handed his earpiece over, trying to ignore how easily he was going along with her request.
Luis put some distance between them and listened to Ada while nodding along whatever she was saying. Then, “Do not yell at me!” Luis exclaimed, gesticulating wildly even though Ada couldn't see him. “He would have killed us both! And trust me, I am very interested in curing our prince, but I can't do that while dead, hm?”
With that, Luis held the communicator out to Leon with a sardonic smile. “It's for you.”
"A bump in the road, huh?” Leon said, placing the device in his ear.
"Krauser is nothing but a means to an end that forgot his place," Ada said even more icily than usual, and Leon could hear the distinct cock of a gun. "Your girl is being held at the clocktower."
With that, the line cut out as Ada disappeared in her typical fashion. At least she'd provided them with new intel.
Luis nudged Leon's side and smirked. “Women, eh?”
Leon snorted. “Don't let her hear you say that.”
“She seems awfully fond of you,” Luis said. “For a heartless mercenary, anyway.”
“Yeah, well, jury says I've got shitty taste in women.” Leon paused, then added, “And men, apparently.”
Luis' smile widened into a grin, not seeming to take any offense. “And boy, does that work in my favor.” He clapped a hand on Leon’s shoulder. “Now come, Sancho, the princess awaits!”
“Not so fast,” Leon said, brushing off the hand. “You can tell me all about your little deal with Ada while we walk.”
“Ah, mierda.” Luis scratched his neck, smiling sheepishly. “You see, when I was planning my escape and had no idea that I would find a very strong, very beautiful American agent to protect me—”
Leon rolled his eyes and nudged Luis to make him start walking, already strapping in for a long and needlessly complicated story.
And if Leon stayed much closer to Luis than before and silently vowed to protect him better, well, that was nobody's business but his own.
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residenceevil · 1 year
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@serennedyshipweek23 May 2nd: Original Serennedy Vs Remake Serennedy
Thank you capcom for making them gayer and cooler than ever <3
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Hello everyone! @residenceevil here to announce the first serennedy ship week!!
This event will go from April 30th to May 6th, 2023!
Here are the prompts for the week!
April 30th: First Interactions (ex: modern/non re4 aus first dates, chain scene from either re4make or og)
May 1st: Protecting One Another (ex: Cabin segment, Minecart segment, Castle area)
May 2nd: Original Serennedy Vs Remake Serennedy
May 3rd: Events After Re4
May 4th: Outfit Swap/Dress Up/Alt Outfits
May 5th: Wedding/Proposal
May 6th: Physical Touch/Handholding
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Feel free to send an ask or DM if you have any questions about any of the prompts or how ship weeks work!
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starishsky · 1 year
free day / the moon will sing
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troublemakergalaxy · 3 months
i wrote a fic for the first time in too long. im not uber proud of it but go gay people we love serrennedy in this household
@wisecrackingeric-2 :3 hi here's my day 1 contribution i decided to participate LOL
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yippetbh · 1 year
⛓️ I'm like 99 percent sure I accidentally tagged the wrong account so uh. Sorry. Anyways, as I was saying, some late Serennedy week stuff.
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The veins on Leon were supposed to suggest it being Day 3 / Plagas but I guess it could also be considered Day 4 / Angst if you squint hard enough. Up to interpretation??
@serennedyweek <3
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serennedyweek2024 · 9 months
Hey do you think since your event is Valentine's themed you could change your handle/tag to be SerennedyValentinesWeek or something like that instead so we could have the serennedyweek2024 handle/tag? No pressure, not forcing, just wanted to ask nicely 😊
Thank you for asking, the answer is no. I honestly thought of many different ways to word the tag/handle to be valentine's day specific and there's just no way to do it succinctly without causing unnecessary confusion (ie: adding "vd" to the tag would be very confusing in a gross, but comical, way). You're welcome to use the tag after this event is over, and there are many ways to differently spell the handle so there's no confusion! I have no idea who the "we" is here, but ship events are not corporate nor are they owned by one person and, respectfully, I won't change how this account's event operates just to appease other people who wish to do the same kind of event after I already established mine. There's plenty to go around! I'm not getting in your way by doing my own thing.
And while I'm not deleting this account when the event is over just to preserve it, I'm more than happy to share the tag!
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year
The fact that I haven’t drawn more Chreon is S O criminal. I LOVE old men kissing I love those two I need to get onto that
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Serennedy Pride Week hosted by @wisecrackingeric-2 !!
From June 23rd - June 30th, I will be hosting a Pride-Themed Serennedy Week under the tag: #serennedyprideweek !!
Any and all questions you may have can be found in the FAQ section, as well as the Rules section! And of course, all prompts are listed in the photo below as well as in the Prompts section!!
I am hosting this event by myself exclusively here on Tumblr with the help of some friends behind the scenes, so any similar events that pop up are not me!!! I am not associated with any previous serennedy ship week events or organisers!
Feel free to spread the word of this around to your friends- any and all support is greatly appreciated! Have a happy coming Pride, and have fun if you choose to join!!
If accessibility options need to be added for anything, please let me know!
If you are in urgent need of contacting me, please do so on my main blog @wisecrackingeric-2 , as this account does not allow Messages!
|AO3 Collection|
Intro post for this blog
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Reblogs are very appreciated, thank you!!
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past31bvnn · 3 months
bunn’s serennedy pride week comp. !!!
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i made this blog 8 days ago. i had so much love for this franchise and this ship specifically with no where to put it. i was scrolling and came across @wisecrackingeric-2 ‘s post abt serennedy week and discovered it hadn’t happened yet and i still had a chance to get involved. :,) this event gave me an opportunity to meet so many awesome people and share my own art, and i’m so grateful. thank you eric for such an awesome week and everyone else who made it possible by participating and supporting my art <333
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kaz-zan19 · 1 year
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@serennedyshipweek23 day 1: First Interactions
Fashionably Late on this one lol, but I wanted to draw the scene when Leon finds Luis tied up 😭
It honestly could be much better but I ran out of time lmao and I’m still trying to get used to drawing them so their design in my style changes a lot. Thank you @residenceevil for creating this fun project!
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sirrentxt · 2 months
something to clear up and solidify a later bit of the timeline i've weaved luis into in the pet project. a little monologue, implied serennedy.
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He starts it over breakfast one day, dizzying grey light pouring through a dirty apartment window.
“They'd sent an american gentleman who didn't speak a word of Spanish and understood very little.” He leans against the kitchen counter, wipes his hands on a rag, his lips but a thin line. “I was young, I had just graduated, and he told me that they've had eyes on me for some time. That they could use a mind like mine. Said he was with Umbrella and, Leon—back then, that was no small deal.”
Luis keeps his eyes down. Leon looks at him with caution, puzzled, but doesn't say anything. He doesn't feel like it's his place to interrupt.
“I was overjoyed, really. An opportunity like this, coming right to my door—I took it, of course I did. They've set me up in one of their labs in Barcelona, so there I went.”
He wipes the counter, absent-minded.
“And a few months in, before I even settled in properly, the man came again. Said they have a project they could use my eyes on. I almost refused before he told me the pay.”
He goes quiet for a moment. Leon pushes his plate away, laces his fingers together and looks at Luis' hands fidgeting with the kitchen rag. Anxiety seems to be rolling off of him with every move. He doesn't know what to expect, even though he knows, now, what the story is about.
“They've shipped me off to a lab somewhere far out; I couldn't tell you where even if I wanted to. Top secret facility. And the moment I walked in, the money became irrelevant.” His eyes catch Leon's own and hold his gaze. “They were working on developing what was effectively mind control. And they were using the Plaga to do it.”
Under every microscope, in every seethrough cabinet, in the specimen tanks and industrial fridges, hanged up on hooks, enclosed in terrariums—locked away, monitored, forms of the Plaga that he didn't know existed, mutations, imitations, abominations. And Wegener, a young man who was overjoyed to introduce himself, and immediately launched into a talk about their latest development.
“All those years of dedication, all those years of study, and now I was staring down a microscope and looking at the very thing that killed my grandfather. And, Leon, what a sight it was.”
He huffs, almost chuckles, brushes back his hair. His smile is dimmed, though. His eyes indifferent. He doesn't notice that Leon has frozen in place and is now looking at him, concerned.
“It's the single most interesting creature I've ever seen, and the most incredible thing I had the pleasure to study for myself. And study I did. I lost myself in it, so completely devoted to cracking the works of this little parasite that even if I thought about what this research would be used for, I didn't care.”
Leon shifts in his chair. He wants to say something, but he can sense Luis isn't done. Now they're both tense.
“They didn't push for human testing until the mid-nineties.”
Something changes in Luis' face along with his voice. It's grim. Disappointed. Regretful. Pained.
“I wasn't interested in implementing the parasite we'd engineered by that point. Studying the intricacies of the Plaga was enough for me. But... Umbrella pushed, and we complied.”
He pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Leon stops himself from telling him to not smoke inside. Not this time. Not the right time.
“We kept hitting walls on every turn, all our ideas amounting to nothing. Eventually, I grew so frustrated with the work that one of my colleagues suggested I take two weeks off for a conference, back in Madrid. And I thought it a good idea.”
A click of the lighter, a flick of the flame. A sizzle so quiet only Luis could hear it as he took a drag.
“It gave me just enough time to think about things. A human body couldn't hold this thing we'd made, back in the lab. It was pointless for me to watch the subjects disfigure and die, time and time again.”
He falls silent for a moment.
“So I never went back. The last day of the conference, I got on a different plane than I was supposed to. I made my way back home. Found it entirely different than it was when I left it. Made a place for myself there, to study the Plaga like I wanted.”
He puts the cigarette out on the kitchen sink.
“I hadn't heard about Raccoon City until I started working for Saddler. I hadn't known it was us that made it possible until the man reached out to me again, offering data from the accident. I was just a pawn, and it took me too long to realize—Umbrella was never about world peace. Saddler was never about world peace. It was always just. People trying to play God.” His gaze locks on the window, aimless, glassy. “I opened my eyes and I fell out of love with the subject of my research of so many years so fast, Leon. But I don't miss it.”
He smiles, and it's mellow, a sorrowful sort of happiness creased into his lips.
“That's when you found me.”
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pet project offshoot: a luis lives AU // recounting
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residenceevil · 1 year
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@serennedyshipweek23 May 5th: wedding/proposal!
I got a bit lazy w this one but I liked the new hairstyles I did for Leon nd Luis :-)!! I personally hc that they got married in 2008!!
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Everyone get hyped!!! Serennedy ship week is only 3 days away!!
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