#serenity class drone
Honestly I understand why everyone in the classroom looks so scared of Uzi. Imagine if you will:
You are a worker drone you live everyday in constant fear of the murder robots outside of your city’s compound. The daughter of the most famous drone in your colony blows up your classroom. She already generally unlikable and standoffish and has taken over the sentience of one of your classmates already. Anyway you go home form school and a couple hours later she rushes in and fights in a 2v2 with a MURDER DRONE AND WINS! That railgun she brought actually does work and totally could have killed you earlier. Yay!
She banishes herself for ONE DAY and you see her at school somewhat more angsty than usual. At the same time, the prom court is disappearing. Then the most popular girl at school invites a murder bot into your school and two drones PLUS UZI fight off the OTHER most popular girl in school.
THEN- a couple weeks (?) later you go on a school trip that wasn’t supposed to be a school trip and the teacher leaves you in the care of the TWO MURDER ROBOTS AND ONE OF THEM SHOT SOMEBODY- AND WHOOPS UZI IS GOING FERAL AND EATING PEOPLE GUESS ILL GET ON THE BUS AND ACT LIKE THIS IS NORMAL AND HALF OF MY CLASS ISNT GONE-
And then- it’s quiet. Uzi’s not in class. Everything is calm for a while. Peace and serenity. And then the planet starts…pulsating??? SUDDENLY YOU ARE LAUNCHED INTO SPACE- GRAVITY IS ALL TYPES OF FUCKY WUCKY. YOU ARE BARLEY KEEPING IT TOGETHER.
And just when things start to go back to normal- GUESS WHOS BACK ITS UZI! She had the audacity to say “maybe we should have stayed behind the doors!”. And she tells you that every scary thing that has happened over the last couple weeks/months has been some scary ass psycho virus that may or may not still be in a good chunk of your classmates (and even if it is- Uzi’s the main admin. Don’t think she told anyone that tho). The murder bots are just CASUALLY in your classroom, SHE’S DATING ONE OF THEM!
And now she do this!
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
The Boy On My Rooftop
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SYNOPSIS Appearances are always deceiving, especially with someone like him.
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Pairing: Jungkook x gn!reader Genre: high school au, hurt/comfort, angst Warnings: Parental abuse (physical), domestic abuse (physical), swearing, implied depression, brief mention of bullying Word Count: 1.4k
P.S. ♡ If you like my work, please consider giving me feedback in the form of reblogs, comments, and asks! ♡
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Late at night, you sometimes feel like the world has come to a standstill. The chirping of the crickets is locked into a constant drone, the minuscule lettering of the words in your textbook don't register in your mind, and your one salvation, the air conditioning, has shut down, leaving you sweltering in the early September heat. 
Everyone else in your house is fast asleep, leaving you in your misery alone. The clock doesn’t seem to move, prolonging your torture. There are less than four hours before you’re supposed to be getting ready, but you’d rather stay awake now than have to be so rudely pulled out of your slumber and back into reality. School.
You’ve always been quiet, but it feels like your voice has been silenced even more than ever since you came to this town two months ago for your father’s job. Throughout the crowded halls of your new high school, you keep your head down and blend into the background, losing yourself in whatever book you can get your hands on. You sit in the back of class, diligently completing your work and fulfilling the role of a good student from afar, where others won’t question you. But you harbor your own queries, and they all concern him.
Jeon Jungkook. The most popular boy at school, the one who you’ve deemed tragically handsome. There’s a quality of sorrow associated with his looks, because that’s all people can seem to love, especially when you’ve personally observed a much more captivating aspect about him.
He’d calmly defended you from some pathetic bully looking for a bone to pick. After the offender had slunk off, you tried stuttering out your gratitude to Jungkook, but he interrupted you.
“It hurts me to see others unhappy. Take care of yourself.”
He merely shot you a small smile and walked away, back to class and away from your questions. After that, your wandering eyes had yearned to capture another one of his cryptic moments of weakness. 
The fact that he’s your neighbor pulls at you even further. Your two houses are separated by a great oak tree, both of your windows nearly connected by the ancient branches. Many times, you’ve inadvertently noticed him through his window that he doesn’t bother covering. These are the serene slices of his life that delicately pull you in, from the way he quietly finishes his homework without getting distracted, to the way he just sits by his window, gazing out with a forlorn look in his eyes. 
In the small rectangle of his window, illuminated yellow by the soft light of his bedroom, Jungkook lives peacefully in your vision. You keep trying to draw his dimensions, but fail when you see him laughing with his boisterous bunch during lunch or loudly complaining about school to his friends, when in fact, you know he’s been secretly passing all of his classes with flying colors. You know that there’s much more to him than the vapid facade he masquerades around in at school, but for now, he remains a static character. He may be kind, but no less shallow than all of the others.
However, he’s not your primary interest in this reserved suburban hell that’s masked by the enticement of the big city surrounding. For those restless nights, you found a way to climb out of your window and up through the beams on the side. You like to lay on the coarse rooftop and gaze up the moon, when it's not obscured by the wispy clouds.
That’s what you resolve to do on this particular hopeless night, unlocking your window and carefully scrambling up the side of your house, anticipating the midnight view. However, you lose your balance and catalyze your accidental descent that will surely end badly, startled by a dark figure sitting in your spot. 
But the intruder reacts quickly, their hand grasping yours and pulling you up in an admirable display of strength. You both topple back onto the rooftop, and before your unwelcome savior creeps off, you pull back the hood that obscures their face. Jungkook.
Your eyes widen in surprise, but you quickly recover, narrowing your eyes in suspicion instead. “What are you doing?”
He shakes his head, casting his eyes down in a display of apology. “I’m sorry. I watch you come up here a lot.”
“But why are you here?” You don’t mind his presence, sharing this sacred place with you. You don’t hate the idea of a companion. But you don’t understand why he of all people would need to come here.
“I used to come here all the time, before you moved in. Your roof has a better view, and I don’t know. I just needed to get away.”
“Get away from what?”
He chuckles dryly. “You ask a lot of questions.”
You just decide to answer truthfully, because you don’t see a point in the opposite. “That’s because I have a lot of them. About you.” 
“Oh, really?” Jungkook examines you closely, and you feel yourself heat up under his gaze. “Ask away, then. What do you want to know?”
You just gape at him for a moment, taken off guard with his invitation to satiate your curiosity. But then you focus on his lips, or rather, the small trickle of blood that runs from the corner of them. “Is that from when you pulled me up?”
Jungkook immediately raises his fingers to his mouth, swiping the red away. “It’s nothing.”
You stay quiet, just watching Jungkook. He reaches his arms back and rubs his back, wincing in discomfort. You let the minutes pass, before his incessant squirming becomes concerning.
“Seriously, what’s wrong?”
He looks up at you, and you’re surprised to see the tears glistening in them. His expression is nothing but exhausted, too broken to cover up and too pained to put off. “Fuck, I can't take it anymore. Can you please see if it’s still bleeding?”
“See wha-”
Jungkook cuts you off by pulling his heavy black sweatshirt up to his shoulder blades, angling himself so that his back directly faces you. And the sight is sickening, the way the individual lashes— obviously induced by some kind of a belt—pile on top of each other in a mishappen criss-cross pattern. Some are older, while others are fresh. The latest batch manifests in a raw, angry gash, tainting the pale skin of his back with the stickiness of the maroon liquid. Further down his spine bloom more bruises, in shades of purple and black.
You feel dizzy at what’s displayed in front of you, not because you can’t handle blood, but because of the repulsiveness that you feel for yourself. You hate yourself for criticizing Jungkook’s character, for deeming it banal and empty, when this is the struggle he had locked away from prying eyes like yours.
“You- there’s so much blood,” you sputter dumbly.
Jungkook sighs, pulling his sweatshirt down and turning back around. He has blinked away his unshed tears, only guilt remaining in his eyes. “I shouldn’t have shown you. I know it’s a lot.”
You shake your head in disbelief and at a loss for coherent words. “...How?”
“My dad. His main victim was my mom, and after she left, it became me.” Jungkook grimaces, fear written all over his expression. “Please don’t tell anyone. It’ll make everything worse.”
You want to, though. You want to call the goddamn police and scream at them for failing to do their jobs. You want to march over to the neighboring house and give that bastard a taste of his own medicine, to tear him apart like he’s done to Jungkook. But you don’t. You keep your mouth shut. 
Instead of everything you should be doing, you move closer to Jungkook and hug him tightly to your chest. He finally collapses into you in heaving sobs, taking comfort in a stranger’s embrace. You rub your hands down his body, carefully avoiding the wounds on his back. You stroke his soft hair, trying not to let your own tears escape your eyes. 
The moon shines its silvery sheen on you both, a reminder of the hope that you yearn to harbor right now. Tomorrow, you might go back to being strangers. Or maybe you’ll be friends. You hope for the latter option. The minutes ticking by hurt like hell, more than anything, but you both will still cherish them as a time of vulnerability and trust. You’ll remember this moment with the beautiful boy on your rooftop.
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©jisungsdaydreamer 2023 | All rights reserved. I do not condone translations or transfers of my work onto other platforms such as Wattpad, AO3, etc. Tumblr is my only platform. Acts of plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
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ominisstanforever · 2 years
It's my first fanfic so please be gentle, but this has been living in my head and it had to claw it's way out. There's 2 more chapters but I'll post them later. SLIGHT SPOILERS AHEAD if you haven't finished the game yet. I just love Ominis and want all the warmth and cuddles.
His Hands
Chapter 1
Every time you sat through another history lesson with Professor Binns you struggled to stay awake. Out of the corner of your eye you could tell that Ominis was struggling to do the same as his head dipped a little lower with every droning syllable that came out of your teachers mouth.
"Hey, wake up." You touch his arm to get his attention.
He shakes his head and starts to open his eyes as you lean in to whisper to him.
"We at least need to make it through the first half of the lecture this time."
Ominis angles his head closer to you and says
"If I have to hear about one more goblin uprising I might just slip into a coma."
Grateful that the sound of your snickering is drowned out by said goblin rebellion story.
A few more minutes pass by and you notice Ominis prop his head in his hand and drift off again. He has always looked so beautiful when he's sleeping. Something about when his eyes are closed and that small serene smile is plastered on his face makes butterflies dance around inside of you. His eyelashes are so long. Enjoying the rare opportunity to stare at his face you almost hate to wake him up again, but reluctantly you reach for his hand so he's forced to come back to reality.
As soon as you touch his skin it feels like tiny sparks of electricity are igniting the nerves on your fingertips. You lower you hands onto the table and the sensation facinates you, making it harder to let go. Willing yourself to isn't working either, and you begin to panic as his attention starts to drift over to you.
That smile appears on his lips again as if he's perfectly fine with your hand ghosting over his.
"We need to pay attention this time" your words are barely a whisper, with your heart threatening to beat out of your chest. You're positive he can hear it. You stare at the point where your fingers touch his skin and become mesmerized.
You've heard the exact same lecture 3 other times this year, so it's easy for you to split your concentration to the soft feel of his skin under yours. You settle your hand on top of his.
Tentatively you start exploring his hand with the lightest touch. Feathering a line with your middle finger right down the middle of his palm and back up again. You hear him exhale a little louder. The sound, like him, was absolutely captivating.
You'd never noticed how beautiful his hands truly were. Slender fingers that felt so soft as your fingertips traced the spaces in between his. You know you should stop but can't bring yourself to as the little sparks you felt earlier begin stoking the fire and it heats up your entire body.
Sweeping your fingertips from the tips of his fingers to the part where his wrist meets his palm, swirling little hearts and circles on his skin. You don't dare look up at his face, afraid of breaking the spell you both seem to be under.
Neither of you hear much of the lecture this time either. Anything in the background starts to fade when you finally rest your hand on his, just faintly, palm to palm. You expect he'll pull his hand away but he opens his fingers to lace them with yours instead.
You look up at him just as professor Binns tells the class to get up and take a stroll with him and notice the slight pink color on his cheeks. Ominis has his entire focus on you. The spell finally breaks when all your class mates get up and you realize you've just been caressing his hand almost the entire time. You swear he looks disappointed when you let go and move to quickly follow everyone out of class.
Trying one last half hearted effort to focus your thoughts on the class and the statue in front of you, a swarm of thoughts come barrelling their way through.
Were you really just playing with his hand for what was probably too long to be considered just a friendly gesture? That was very obviously NOT something you do with someone who's just a friend. Did you just nonverbally confess to Ominis in history class?! What on earth came over you to be that bold. Wait, he didn't pull his hand away, he actually held your hand back. Was he just being nice or could he maybe feel a similar way about you?
Swimming in your thoughts you see him walk over to you and it doesn't help to quiet the roaring in your ears when he says, "So do you want to talk about it?"
Your words start to catch in your throat as you desperately try to piece sounds together to form a response. You know too much time has passed to be normal and you feel the window start to close.
He speaks up again in a smaller voice you almost have to strain to hear, "We can pretend nothing happened, if that's what you want."
Dread fills your stomach at the thought of letting the chance quite literally slip between your fingers. You reach for his arm and gently grip his sleeve.
"No we should definitely talk about it."
The smile returns to his lips and your eyes start to drift to the curve on the side of his mouth. Oh no, you can't get too distracted again.
Taking a deep breath to calm the storm in your head you add, "I really want to."
He takes your hand in his again and tilts his head towards you and says, "Then meet me in the undercroft tonight at eight."
He lets go of your hand and goes to sit on the steps and wait for the lecture to end. Staring at your hand that was just in his, the remnants of his warmth slowly fading, it's all you can do to stop your eyes from drifting to the back of his head.
Eight o'clock seems like a lifetime away.
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psychic-refugee · 1 year
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Wenvier Bingo - Academia
Innsmouth University was a small private school and the only one Wednesday was willing to attend. Her initial plan was to forgo higher education as she didn’t think she needed it. She already knew what she wanted to do, which was write.
She could write without having to spend six figures for four years. Her craft would improve with practice, not by sitting in a classroom for hours to hear someone drone on and on.
Her parents, however, gave her an offer she couldn’t resist:
Attend Innsmouth for at least one year and give it an honest chance, if she hated it then they would buy her a secluded cabin in the Montana wilderness where she could write to her heart’s content in peace.
She wasn’t ignorant to the struggles of starving artists and was self-aware enough that she was a product of generational wealth and privilege. She did not have any lofty or romantic notions of poverty. She made the pragmatic decision and could tolerate at least one year of school.
She was pleasantly surprised at the dark, gothic aesthetic of campus. More so when it was not part of the campus culture to be loud, rude, and obnoxiously drunk through the weekend. The university specialized in the liberal arts, with plenty of classes the revolved around writing. She found many were of the same mind as she, they had a flair for the macabre.
There were a few annoying pendants, but they were far more tolerable than the willfully and proudly ignorant she had to deal with in high school.
Although she would not say it out loud, perhaps uni wasn’t the worst idea her parents ever had.
She had a favourite spot in the quad, under a gnarled oak tree, where she liked to take her notebook and write out her thoughts or outlines for her latest chapter for her most recent novel.
Wednesday was surprised to one day find a sketch book in her spot. She opened it to see if she could divine an owner and was impressed with the detailed and lifelike sketches. She was particularly enamored with the Black Widow. With the exquisite detailing, she could easily imagine the spider coming to life right off the page.
She raised an eyebrow when she came to a page of a sketch of herself, with her notorious pigtails that were hair clipped into a Dutch crown braid.
Most of the time, people were scared of her and would cross the street rather than cross her path. This sketch felt almost…reverent. It was of her reading under the oak, a serene and soft look on her face.
It warmed her cold, black, heart that someone saw her in such a way.
A shadow covered her and the book and she looked up to see a nervous young man that towered over her with dark bronze hair and eyes as green as the oak leaves.
Xavier had run from across the quad when he realized his sketch book was missing and the last place he had been. He almost passed out when he saw the beautiful girl he couldn’t get out of his mind looking at the very page he did not want her looking at.
“I…” he desperately wanted some excuse that didn’t make him look like a creepy stalker, but he lost his words as he got lost in her dark agate eyes. “It’s just that I always see you here…under the oak. You get lost in the words, I think it’s the only time I get to see the real you…” he had no idea where he was going, but his words were honest.
Unfortunately, he felt like everything he said was the opposite of trying to seem non-creepy.
His heart skipped a beat when she did a small smile for him.
What he worried was creepy and obsessive, she saw as endearing. As a mystery novel writer and self-proclaimed detective, she knew a thing or two about being obsessive. She didn’t see a problem with it, especially when she saw his raw talent and handsome features.
She wanted to know everything about him, she would know everything about him.
“I’m Wednesday,” she introduced herself.
“I’m Xavier,” he smiled shyly back, relieved she didn’t try running the opposite direction.
She couldn’t help the wolfish smile that grew big on her face as she decided he was hers.
It didn’t take long for the entire school to know Xavier and Wednesday were off limits to anyone else. They were caught kissing in the Innsmouth Museum of Art. Every few months, both men and women had turned up dead in the woods. If anyone noticed the last thing they had done was flirt with either Xavier or Wednesday, no one said so out loud.
They graduated and went on to get their masters. Wednesday became a worldwide acclaimed novelist while Xavier was featured in all the most wanted art studios. He had done all the artwork for her most popular series, The Viper de la Muerte Mysteries.
When it was time for their daughter, Belladonna, to attend Innsmouth they showed her where they had met. She thought it was terribly romantic but was a little embarrassed when they stayed on campus to read and draw under that same oak tree after they dropped her off, with Wednesday cuddled between Xavier’s legs, leaning back into his embrace.
“OMG, mom, dad, go home,” Belladonna begged.
Wednesday could only sigh, she knew her mother, Morticia, would be tickled to learn her once wayward daughter who couldn’t bare the thought of attending University had a hard time leaving.
Card under cut
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shadowmaat · 1 year
Personal Preference
Amena took a deep breath and counted to ten, exhaling slowly. She should have known this would happen, but seriously, ugh. She looked at Durstan and did her best to channel her second mom’s frostiest expression.
There were others at the study table, too, and they all looked just as eager and expectant as Durstan, but he’d been the one to ask the question. “So, can it, like, have sex?”
It didn’t help that she knew there were a couple of its drones hovering nearby. Not that anyone ever bothered to look, of course. Ugh.
“Well,” she said. “Can you?”
Nervous giggles broke out around the table and Durstan turned a few shades darker.
“Uh, yeah,” he said, with a nervous glance at his audience.
“And do you?” She couldn’t quite manage the single-brow arch of her second mom, but it was close enough.
“Um.” Durstan turned even darker, stammering to come up with an answer.
“It’s kind of an invasive question, isn’t it?” she continued, once she figured he’d suffered enough.
“Yeah, but I just- I was wondering, I mean-”
“We were wondering what it was like,” Leski interrupted, flicking back an artfully loose lock of hair. “You can’t blame us for wondering.”
She could, actually, and she was, but she kept that thought locked behind her teeth; she still had in-person labs with these people and needed to be on good terms with them. For now.
“If you want to know, you’ll have to ask it.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, Amena regretted them. Not because she was worried about any of them actually asking it, but because she could almost see Murderbot having a full-on meltdown, wherever it was.
“Maybe I will.” 
There was a challenging glint in their eyes, but Amena wasn’t overly concerned. Even if they did work up the nerve to ask it something so deeply personal, it would probably just freeze up and say something like “you aren’t authorized for that information” in that stilted auto-response voice it got sometimes.
She shoved her things into her pack and stood. “I gotta go. See you in lab!”
Shouldering her pack, she walked away at a sedate pace that wasn’t a run and didn’t indicate how angry she was. It was tempting to send a message to Second Mom to let her know what had happened, but that would only cause more problems and probably get her labeled a scrape. Classes were tough enough without adding that.
“Sorry about that.” She kept her voice low; nothing should be around that could record her, other than its drones.
She’d developed the habit of talking to her second mom’s SecUnit when she was alone and needed to vent or work things out in her head. It used to bother her to know it was watching her all the time, but after recent events it felt almost… comforting. It wasn’t like it ever actually paid attention to her or anything, and she knew it wouldn’t waste space saving recordings of her when it could download more episodes of that dumb show it liked. But she also knew if anything did go wrong it would probably blast holes through walls and people to get to her. Well, maybe not people, unless they were trying to stop it, but still.
“They’re still ruled more by hormones than brain cells.” Unlike me, she didn’t add. “Last semester Leski kept harassing a new transfer even after she admitted she was ace. ‘Well, how do you know you don’t like sex if you’ve never had it?’” She mimicked Leski’s condescending tone and rolled her eyes.
“They got sent to admin and had to write a five page essay about respecting other peoples’ boundaries and choices. Obviously it didn’t stick.”
Amena detoured through the gardens, slowing her pace a bit as she tried to drag in serenity from her surroundings.
“Your choices are yours,” she said, glancing aside at one of the drones. “You don’t owe anyone any explanations. Not even yourself.” She smiled. And yes, she was totally still talking to Murderbot and not reassuring herself at all. That was a mess best left untouched.
“I’m almost home,” she announced, as if it didn’t know that already. “Try not to murder anyone, unless they deserve it.”
She turned the next corner, feeling the weight of stress and frustration slide away. Yeah, sometimes talking to Murderbot- or at least its drones- had a way of making things a little less bad. Sometimes.
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demxniic · 10 months
Upon entering the Opera Epiclese a single word enters the mind; Classy. The architecture was refined and could only be described as the very height of technology, maintaining an ornate picture whilst avoiding dipping into ostentatious territory . A breath of fresh air considering the rest of the nation's frankly ridiculous attire and odd customs. Perhaps one would assume that a creature who works in providing pleasure and the fulfillment of desire would prefer something more gaudy, but that is not so.
Sebastian had originally been planning to avoid Fontaine in its entirety. The area reeked of a stuffy upper class, an over abundance of dogs, and an air of deep insecurity and imposter syndrome held by nearly every citizen. While the last of the list could be useful to a Contractual Demon, the other two were enough repellant to keep him far away.
That was until he heard of an interesting tale; the Chief Justice of the nation was supposedly not even mortal; let alone human. Apparently there were some frivolous rumors that Monsieur Neuvillette was the only male melusine in existence due to his fondness for them and such baseless drivel was laughable ( was Sebastian a cat due to his fondness for felines ? ). However, the other claim was certainly worthy of investigation. Sebastian's own research yielded that there had only ever been one individual who held the status of Chief Justice since the position's inception; and that person has continued to hold it for far longer than any normal lifespan would allow.
And that simply could not be ignored.
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And so the Raven made his way to the origin of all waters and found himself taking a seat near the back of the court-opera house ( to remain as inconspicuous as possible, of course ). The people say to witness a trial in Fontaine is to not only see a grand display, but also see both the Chief Justice and the Archon in action. While Sebastian would prefer a private meeting, those are seldom with quite the waiting list. Even a creature such as he has limits to his influence, and with a much easier opportunity to be had, why bend over backwards?
Thus the demon kept good posture in his seat, a serene expression on his face as Fontanians poured in for the trial. A flurry of thoughts and desires filled the air, nothing worth pursuing; there were no high quality contract prospects here. This disappointment was quickly disregarded as the Chief Justice: Monsieur Neuvillette, entered to take his seat at the apex of the stage. Sebastian's eyes widened, he felt his body lean slightly closer to the stage, as if to get a better view.
Ethereal beauty does not begin to cover the sight before him, but aesthetics aside, there is something far more delicious to behold. This would be the entertainment Sebastian had been craving, finally something worth holding his interest. From empty, droning, dullness in his mind came a flood of questions, each more fervent than the last. What was the Chief Justice? Certainly not human, no, a light-touched being of some kind, or perhaps even greater.
At the very least, of this Sebastian was certain; Monsieur Neuvilette was no male-melusine.
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notmuchtoconceal · 2 years
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( . | . ) realhankmccoy
The alphas / yr big bros want you to act straight. Sure, you think the alpha and big bro is you -- just like every beta does. That's what makes a beta a beta. Some gamma and delta also consider themselves the big bro.
Just don't look femme or the American manbaby will go nuts and scream at you, as is his wont.
'Merica is such a silly place, and trolling it is about all you can do... as the world does.
;3( o )3; notmuchtoconceal
bro, it's awful there're so many pre-programmed attack drones out there who wanna come at families who look different.
when @flyoverkushtaka was visiting me in chicago last summer, on our last night together we were taking the red line back to our hotel at 3 AM and he fell asleep to the gentle rocking of the train and let his head glide down and rest on my big strong chest as i put my arm around him to keep him stable and supported.
must've ridden for about 5, 10 minutes just lookin at how precious he was before the gentleman across from us looked at me and said, "you keepin him safe. i like that."
gosh. it's possible he did think we were straight.
that he thought we were two straight dudes --
who liked to cuddle in public.
wouldn't be surprised. straight men long to express physical affection with one another openly. lotta straight men are prisoners of their own expectations. lotta straight men would wanna cuddle with each other in public if they thought they could get away with it.
they'd prolly wanna cuddle with gay boys in public too, if they weren't trained to see gay boys as their manufactured shadow class.
maybe he did know we were gay. maybe he didn't care. maybe he had to sorta think it over -- like the ambiguity of the situation made him decide it was best to play it safe.
maybe it's cause when i was holdin my lil bro, knowin my love for him was right, as men, as unconventional men, as human beings, something in my body language communicated the bliss and serenity of the moment and he found himself seduced by us.
maybe he was into it the whole time.
more and more i find the best way to combat the cancer of heteronormativity is to recognize it, then not think much of it.
identifying with your masculinity can be tricky if most of your role models have been shitty straight men. it can give you weird ideas like masculinity being inherently hetero and gay being inherently femme, but it's something that can be overcome with enough knowledge of yourself, your environment, higher ethics, aesthetics, tact and nerve.
to be a brother to another man is to support him and nurture him and regard him as an equal. the alpha/beta erotic roleplay shit is about recognizing who's naturally inclined to support the other in the active or receptive role, and reveling in the ecstasy of not needing to conform to social pretenses for awhile.
your identity is not a power totem.
your identity is who you are.
when you recognize who you are and act in accordance with your individual nature, you will be empowered as a consequence.
don't try to make yourself something you're not to appease frightened wrecks who lack the inclination to be themselves.
when i was ridin with lil bro back to o'hare the following day, the car we were in was packed, and i had my arm around him the whole time. he was leanin into me. wide-awake this time.
every once in awhile it occured to me this might look atypical.
it wasn't worth dwelling on.
coulda been months before i got to put my arms around my lil bro again and i didn't wanna let him go.
remember, kids at home. your oppressors want you afraid. they want you broken, needy and fixated on them so you're always half-wondering if their propagandistic distortions are true. they want you fighting amongst yourselves cause if you can keep each other down for em, you'll lose faith not only in the ones who should be your allies, but the basic decency of human beings as a whole.
you don't have to hesitate to act.
you don't have to comply half-consciously.
if you can deprogram yourself of your trauma-based conservative fear brainwashing, you can lead your body into a state of alignment with your beliefs and project something outward that commands respect, and respect translates to not getting attacked.
men have a type of power. women have a type of power. the gays have a type of power.
some gay men are men and some are girls.
some straight men are men and some are girls.
a mature and charismatic person naturally develops a degree of psychological androgyny.
just cause everyone around you is thinking in cliches, that doesn't make them true --
though you needn't point out every cliche has a grain of truth, moreso that there are countless more exceptions.
people hear one story on TV, but they can look at you and see another. you can rewrite people's expectations daily with your every action if you detach from the hype and assert your right to think your own thoughts. if you were denied your masculinity, you have every right to reclaim it just like if you were shit on for being femme, you have every right to own it.
it's not fuckin hard, kids. everyone's an individual who is also part of the group. you need to know basic self-defense to live in a world that's hostile to your existence, but if you prioritize understanding and respecting other people over covertly jockeying for position, you got a better chance of living a good and harmonious life, in part because you'll be putting yourself in better company.
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jovialevents12 · 3 months
From Henna Nights to Aerial Drones Modern UAE Wedding Extravaganzas
Jovial Events
Website: https://www.jovialevents.com/
Phone: +971 50 108 8607
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From Henna Nights to Aerial Drones Modern UAE Wedding Extravaganzas
Introduction The UAE is renowned for its grand and luxurious weddings, where tradition meets modern innovation. From timeless Henna Nights to the latest in aerial drone technology, these weddings are a true celebration of love, heritage, and opulence.
The Significance of Tradition Weddings in the UAE are deeply rooted in cultural heritage, symbolizing the union of two families and the continuity of traditions. While modern elements have been embraced, the essence of Emirati customs remains integral to these celebrations.
Henna Nights: A Timeless Tradition The Henna Night, or KınaGecesi, is a cherished pre-wedding tradition. This event is dedicated to the bride, where intricate henna designs are applied to her hands and feet, symbolizing joy, beauty, and good luck. The Henna Night is a festive occasion, filled with music, dance, and traditional attire, celebrating the bride’s transition to married life.
Grand Venues: Blending Heritage with ModernityLuxury Hotels and Resorts Venues like Burj Al Arab, Emirates Palace, and Atlantis The Palm offer a blend of opulence and traditional Emirati hospitality. These luxury hotels provide breathtaking settings and world-class service, ensuring a grand celebration.
Desert Settings Desert resorts such as Qasr Al Sarab and Bab Al Shams offer a unique wedding experience amidst the serene and majestic desert landscape. These venues combine natural beauty with luxurious accommodations, creating an unforgettable backdrop for weddings.
High-Tech Venues Modern venues equipped with state-of-the-art technology are increasingly popular. These venues offer advanced lighting, sound systems, and interactive displays, elevating the wedding experience to new heights.
Exquisite Bridal and Groom Attire Traditional bridal attire in the UAE includes stunning gowns adorned with intricate embroidery and jewels, complemented by beautiful henna designs. Modern trends see a fusion of contemporary styles with traditional elements. Grooms typically wear elegant dishdashas or suits, reflecting both traditional and modern influences. Renowned designers play a significant role in shaping wedding fashion, offering bespoke creations for the bride and groom.
Innovative Decor and Themes UAE weddings are known for their extravagant decorations and elaborate themes. Popular themes include Royal, Fairy Tale, Arabian Nights, and Modern Chic, each bringing a unique flair to the celebration. Decor elements such as crystal chandeliers, flower walls, and bespoke stage designs create a breathtaking ambiance, with personal and cultural touches adding special significance.
Gourmet Cuisine: Tradition Meets Innovation The culinary experience at UAE weddings is nothing short of spectacular. Gourmet menus feature a fusion of traditional Emirati dishes and international cuisines, crafted by top chefs to delight the palate. Guests are treated to a lavish spread that reflects the rich culinary heritage of the region, from meze appetizers to decadent desserts like baklava and Umm Ali. Innovative dining experiences, such as live cooking stations and molecular gastronomy, add a modern twist to the traditional feast.
Music and Entertainment: A Modern Twist Music and dance are integral to the celebratory atmosphere of UAE weddings. Traditional performances such as Al Ayala and Al Razfa are complemented by contemporary entertainment options, including international DJs, live bands, and even celebrity performances. Innovative technology, such as drones, light shows, and holographic displays, adds a modern touch to the festivities.
Extravagant Wedding Gifts The exchange of luxurious gifts is a significant aspect of UAE weddings. Jewelry, luxury cars, and real estate are among the extravagant gifts given to the bride and groom. The dowry remains an important tradition, symbolizing the union and commitment between the families.
Sustainability in Extravagant Celebrations As awareness of environmental sustainability grows, more couples are opting for eco-friendly weddings. Practices such as digital invitations, sustainable decor, and minimizing food waste are becoming increasingly popular, allowing for extravagant celebrations that are also environmentally conscious.
Personalization and Customization Personalization is key to making each wedding unique. Couples incorporate their love stories, custom vows, and personalized favors into the celebrations, blending cultural traditions with modern preferences to create a truly memorable event.
Technology and Innovation: Elevating the Wedding Experience Technology plays a significant role in enhancing the wedding experience. Interactive photo booths, virtual reality experiences, and live streaming of the ceremony allow guests to be part of the celebration, regardless of their physical location.
Unforgettable Moments Every UAE wedding is filled with unforgettable moments. Stories of unique and heartwarming experiences, as shared by brides, grooms, and wedding planners, highlight the magic and grandeur of these celebrations.
Conclusion UAE weddings are a testament to the region’s rich cultural heritage and modern luxury. They blend tradition with contemporary elegance, creating celebrations that are both timeless and extraordinary. Whether you dream of a grand wedding in a luxury hotel or a serene ceremony in the desert, UAE weddings offer a truly unique and unforgettable experience.
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jeezanblogs · 6 months
Delivering Excellence: Unveiling the Secrets of Cargo & Courier Services
In a world progressively dependent on the quick development of merchandise, freight and dispatch administrations assume a vital part in guaranteeing the consistent progression of items across boundaries and mainlands. From little bundles to huge shipments, these administrations have changed worldwide exchange and business. Be that as it may, what are the mysteries behind their prosperity? How would they reliably convey greatness? In this complete investigation, we dig into the complexities of freight and messenger administrations, revealing the procedures, advances, and rules that drive their activities.
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Figuring out the Fundamentals:
Prior to diving into the insider facts of freight and dispatch benefits, getting a handle on the basics of their operations is fundamental. At its center, these administrations include the transportation of merchandise starting with one area then onto the next, frequently across huge distances. While freight benefits principally manage bigger shipments moved by means of air, ocean, or land, dispatch administrations spend significant time in conveying more modest bundles rapidly and effectively, frequently using expedited service strategies.
Key Parts of Greatness:
Effective Planned operations The board:
At the core of each and every fruitful freight and dispatch administration lies a hearty planned operations the executives framework. This includes careful preparation, booking, and coordination to upgrade courses, limit travel times, and lessen costs. High level programming arrangements and prescient examination assist with smoothing out activities, empowering organizations to adjust to changing business sector requests and unanticipated interruptions really.
Best in class Innovation:
From robotized arranging frameworks to ongoing following stages, innovation assumes a significant part in improving the productivity and dependability of freight and messenger administrations. Scanner tag checking, GPS following, and RFID (Radio Recurrence Distinguishing proof) labeling empower constant observing of shipments, furnishing clients with straightforwardness and genuine serenity. Also, advancements, for example, drone conveyance and independent vehicles vow to additionally upset the business before long.
Vital Associations:
Cooperation is key in the realm of freight and messenger administrations. Laying out essential associations with aircrafts, delivering organizations, and nearby wholesalers extends network reach, further develop administration inclusion, and improve consumer loyalty. By utilizing each other's assets and assets, organizations can conquer strategic difficulties and convey excellent outcomes on a worldwide scale.
Center around Client Experience:
In a time characterized by shopper strengthening, conveying an extraordinary client experience is non-debatable. Freight and messenger administrations put resources into easy to use interfaces, responsive client service, and adaptable conveyance choices to meet the advancing requirements of their clients. Personalization and customization further upgrade the client venture, encouraging dedication and driving recurrent business.
Ceaseless Improvement Culture:
The quest for greatness is an excursion, not an objective. Driving freight and dispatch administrations develop a culture of consistent improvement, embracing input, information driven bits of knowledge, and advancement to remain on the ball. By encouraging a culture of learning and transformation, organizations can explore industry challenges, immediately jump all over new chances, and keep up with their strategic advantage in a quickly developing scene.
Contextual analyses in Greatness:
FedEx: Spearheading Development:
With its obligation to mechanical development and functional greatness, FedEx has arisen as a worldwide forerunner in the messenger and coordinated operations industry. From presenting the principal short-term conveyance administration to spearheading progressions in bundle following and mechanization, FedEx keeps on increasing current standards for effectiveness and dependability in the conveyance of products around the world.
Maersk Line: Heading out for Progress:
As the world's biggest compartment delivering organization, Maersk Line epitomizes greatness in oceanic planned operations. By putting resources into a cutting edge armada, improving vessel limit, and embracing digitalization, Maersk Line has changed the development of products across seas while lessening natural effect. Its unfaltering spotlight on effectiveness, supportability, and consumer loyalty has cemented its situation as an industry force to be reckoned with.
UPS: Conveying What's in store:
Through its persistent quest for advancement and functional greatness, UPS has become inseparable from solid messenger and planned operations administrations. From executing front line steering calculations to investigating elective fuel advances, UPS is focused on conveying practical answers for what's in store. Its client driven approach and unflinching obligation to greatness keep on driving development and outcome in a consistently evolving commercial center.
In the powerful universe of freight and dispatch administrations, greatness isn't just an objective however a lifestyle. By focusing on productive coordinated operations the board, utilizing cutting edge innovation, sustaining vital organizations, zeroing in on client experience, and cultivating a culture of persistent improvement, organizations can open the subtle strategies in this high speed industry. As the worldwide economy advances and new difficulties arise, the individuals who embrace development, versatility, and cooperation will keep on driving the way, conveying greatness to clients all over the planet.
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mysgprop-cstee · 7 months
Sceneca Residence @Tanah Merah
Sceneca Residence @Tanah Merah
Rare Mixed Development with Direct Linked to MRT ✔ By Reputable Developer MCC Land  ✔ Direct sheltered linked to Tanah Merah MRT Interchange ✔ 1 train station from Changi Business Park and Bedok MRT Town Centre. ✔ 1 station to Singapore 4th university, the SUTD (Singapore University of Technology & Design). ✔ 2 stations to Tampines Regional Centre & Jewel, and to Changi International Airport. ✔ Mixed Development with Commercial on the Ground Floor ✔ Established Residential Area and Limited supply of vacant development land near the MRT ✔ Located near to major employment centres including Changi Business Park, Pasir Ris Wafer Fab Park, Loyang Industrial Park, Tampines Industrial Park, and Paya Lebar Central and could have great tenant pool ✨Showflat Closing Soon✨ ❣️1BR/ 2BR 463sqft Full Sold ❣️3BR Classic 904-1055sqft From $1,888,000 - Last 2 ❣️3BR Deluxe 1044sqft From $2,158,000 - Last 12 ❣️3BR Grande 1119-1292sqft From $2,358,000 ❣️3BR Premium 1163-1367sqft From $2,358,000 ❣️4BR Luxury 1518sqft From $3,048,000 ❣️4BR Penthouse 2400-2756sqft From $5,168,000 - Last 3 https://youtu.be/_yKjhPMpD3U https://youtu.be/80kp0laV4BE https://youtu.be/-UrFREQtBRI "Your Way of Living" Sceneca Residence @Tanah MerahFact Sheet Unique Selling Points Locations in Details360 DRONE VIEW Site PlanUnit Mixes & Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours: Download Brochures/ Floor Plan Latest Price Guide for Sceneca FAQsWhat's the land price for Sceneca Residence? Where is the showflat of Sceneca Residence? Sceneca Residence is a 99 years leasehold New Launch Condo located at Tanah Merah Kechil Link in District 16. It will be a mixed-use development comprising commercial space of about 21,528 sq ft on the ground floor and about 265 residential units. At its enviable address between, Sceneca Residence is located in the serene neighbourhood of Tanah Merah, with plenty of food and shopping options at Singapore Expo, Changi City Point and the world-class Jewel Changi Airport. Sceneca Residence will offer accessibility and connectivity, with Tanah Merah MRT station right in front of the development. Tanah Merah station serves as a cross-platform interchange between the mainline East West Line and the Changi Airport Branch line, which presently utilizes the middle track. For Pasir Ris-bound services, a fourth track and third platform will be extended to the Northside of the station after extension construction is finished in 2024. The Changi Airport Branch line will have an extra middle platform, allowing trains to run more often.  Bordered by Bedok, Tampines and Tanjong Katong Enclave, this exclusive address is reserved for the few discerning homeowners. International Travel is a breeze with 2 MRT stops to the airport and Jewel Mall. Directly connected to the Tanah Merah MRT Station, rain or shine, all is fine. Conveniently located between 3 major shop-play-eat clusters. Be spoilt for choice choosing between Bedok Mall, Tampines Mall, Tampines One, Century Square and Tanjong Katong!
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The future holds even more exciting plans for Sceneca Residence. Under the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s Master Plan 2019, the Changi Region looks set to be a thriving economic powerhouse with upcoming developments such as the future Terminal 5, Changi East Industrial Zone and Changi East Urban District.  The present Changi Airport Branch line will be transformed to part of the Thomson-East Coast Line by 2040, according to the Land Transport Master Plan 2040. (estimated). It will be connected to the TEL’s Sungei Bedok-Changi Airport Terminal 5 expansion. Tanah Merah would thereafter become the Thomson-East Coast Line’s eventual terminal. Taken together, all these attributes make the Tanah Merah Kechil Link site very attractive, not only as a highly liveable locale but one that poses lots of possibilities in the years to come. This probably explains why there was such an intense bidding for the plot during the GLS tender. Fact Sheet TypeDescriptionsProject NameSceneca ResidenceDeveloper NameMCC LandLocation24 Tanah Merah Kechil Link, Singapore 468456 (District 16)Tenure of Land99 years lease from November 2020Expected Date of Completion (T.O.P.)31 May 2027 Site areaApprox. 8,880 sqm / 24,864 sqftTotal No. of UnitsResidential: 268 residential units (1-4 BR & PH) in 2 towers of 14 & 15 storey Commercial Space: 21,528 sq ft (Approx. 2,000 sqm (1,000 sqm supermarket + 1,000 sqm retail & F&B) Car Parks214 Lots (4 Readiness provision for EV Charging Stations) + 3 Accessible Lots, 68 Bicycle Lots Updated Fact Sheet for Sceneca Residence at Tanah Merah Unique Selling Points ✅ By Reputable Developer MCC Land ✅ Next to Tanah Merah MRT Station and enjoys easy access to the East Coast Parkway (ECP) and the Pan Island Expressway (PIE) ✅ Mixed Use Development with Commercial on the Ground Floor ✅ Established Residential Area and Limited supply of vacant development land near the MRT ✅ Exclusivity with only about 265 Residential units  ✅ Located near to major employment centres including Changi Business Park, Pasir Ris Wafer Fab Park, Loyang Industrial Park, Tampines Industrial Park, and Paya Lebar Central and could have great rental potential ✅ Proximity to shopping and dining amenities in Changi City Point, Bedok and Simei Town Centres ✅ Close to reputable educational institutions including Temasek Primary School, Temasek Junior College and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) ✅ Great emphasis on the well-beings of the residents. A pleathora of facilities available within the development as well as a large central landscape space for residents to relax and mingle
Locations in Details
Sceneca Residence is well situated between the New Upper Changi Road and Tanah Merah Kechil Road with excellent connectivity and proximity to Tanah Merah MRT Station. This station serves as an interchange between the East-West Line (EWL) and the Changi Airport Line (CGL). A new platform and viaducts currently undergoing upgrading at the Tanah Merah MRT station will be ready by 2024. This will lead to shorter waiting times for commuters and greater access to Expo, Changi Business Park, Changi Airport and other places like Paya Lebar, and Tampines. Other than Tanah Merah MRT Station is an interchange, the other nearest interchange station is just one-stop away at the Expo MRT Station which connects to the Downtown Line (DTL) as well as the upcoming Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL) in 2024, thereby enhancing connectivity to the city centre and the northern parts of Singapore. Several shopping malls are nearby Sceneca Residence at Tanah Merah. Driving for 10 minutes can bring you to Changi City Point, Bedok Point, or Eastpoint Mall. Not forgetting that Sceneca Residence has its own commercial podium. Getting tired of shopping centre food? Head to East Coast Park to access a food haven. Dine at one of Singapore’s premier hawker centres in East Coast Lagoon Food Village, or a plethora of seafood restaurants. No matter the budget or cuisine, East Coast Park has it covered.  There are also many education institutions in the vicinity of the Tanah Merah site, thus shortening the commute to schools – which could mean some extra time in bed or to grab a quick breakfast. These schools include St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary and Secondary, Bedok Green Primary and Secondary, Anglican High School, Bedok View Secondary School, Bedok South Secondary School, Temasek Secondary School, Temasek Junior College, ITE College East, Singapore University of Technology and Design 360 DRONE VIEW Trains (MRT) • Tanah Merah MRT 0m Groceries/ Shopping • Sceneca Square (U/C) 0m • East Village 6 min (429 m) • Bedok Market Place 7 min (479 m) • FairPrice – New Upper Changi 617 m Schools • Bedok View Secondary School 468m • Anglican High School 533m • Bedok South Secondary School 662m • Haig Girls’ School 870m • St. Anthony’s Canossian Primary/ Sec 900m
Site Plan
Each facility has been thoughtfully designed with the modern urbanite in mind. A full facility gym and zen pavilions for the fitness & health-conscious resident. The versatile layouts and community workspaces to suit the busy lifestyle of a go-getter professional. Lush gardens and pavilions for quality bonding amongst closely-knitted family members. There is something for everyone! Site Plan Ground Typical Units Site Plan Penthouse Units Site Plan To implement the minimalist interpretation of modern convenience at Sceneca Residence, we craft spaces that can in turn shape the way we live. Every home comes with a practical layout, as well as smart and safe features to make everyday living a pleasure. Sceneca Residence brings the future of smart living.  Experience ease and convenience in controlling your private sanctuary with ease. Enter a new level of convenience, both outside and within your home. Unit Mixes & Diagrammatic Chart Unit Mixes Diagrammatic Chart Floor Plan & Virtual Tours: Show Unit Types Virtual Tour of Scale Model 1-Bedroom-Type-A1 463sf 1-Bedroom-Type-A1A 463sf 1-BedroomStudy-Type-A2S 538sf 2-Bedroom-Type-B1 678sf 2-Bedroom-Type-B1A 689sf 2-BedroomStudy-Type-B2S 753sf 2-BedroomStudy-Type-B2SA 753sf 2-BedroomStudy-Type-B3S 764sf 3-Bedroom-Classic-Type-C1 904sf 3-Bedroom-Classic-Type-C1A 904sf 3-Bedroom-Deluxe-Type-C2 1044sf 3-Bedroom-Grande-Type-C3 1119sf 3-Bedroom-Premium-Type-C4 1163sf 3-Bedroom-Premium-Type-C4A 1163sf 4-Bedroom-Luxury-Type-D1 1518sf 4-Bedroom-Penthouse-Type-PH 12400sf 4-Bedroom-Penthouse-Type-PH 22756sf 景乐苑(Sceneca Residence)外观 Commercial Podium Plaza Plaza BBQ pits Clubhouse 1 Clubhouse 2 Lap Pool Penthouse Luxurious Bedroom
Download Brochures/ Floor Plan
E-brochure & Floor Plan
Latest Price Guide for Sceneca
❣️1BR/ 2BR 463sqft Full Sold ❣️3BR Classic 904-1055sqft From $1,888,000 - Last 2 ❣️3BR Deluxe 1044sqft From $2,158,000 - Last 12 ❣️3BR Grande 1119-1292sqft From $2,358,000 ❣️3BR Premium 1163-1367sqft From $2,358,000 ❣️4BR Luxury 1518sqft From $3,048,000 ❣️4BR Penthouse 2400-2756sqft From $5,168,000 - Last 3 Please Contact Us at +65.84188689 It is important to only engage the Official Direct Developer Sales Team to assist you to enjoy the best possible direct developer price. There is no commission required to be paid.
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Real Estate Developer MCC Land has been in the real estate development business for many decades starting out in China. As one of the Republic of China’s first 16 state-owned pioneers in the building and construction business, real estate construction is among MCC Group’s primary trade. As the regional extension of MCC Group in Southeast Asia, it is a new unit to be considered. In Singapore’s real estate sector, MCC Land (Singapore) Read the full article
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elavoria · 3 years
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My favorite creatures and things from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes! I fell in love with the concept, story, and setting of this game. It was certainly an interesting choice for a second go at Metroid game ever, but even though it was very frustrating at times, I’m glad I persevered because there’s so much to love in it. <3
[please click to embiggen!]
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The Birds & The Bees (S.R. | Pt. 3)
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Summary: Reader earns her nickname, and Spencer sinks to a new level of sin. A/N: Here, take your first dose of smut 💊 ✨ Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader Category: Slow Burn (NSFW, 18+) Content Warning: Drinking, alcohol, masturbation (male) Word Count: 5.3k
MASTERLIST | Series Masterlist
If I had to pick my favorite thing about working for Spencer Reid, it would probably be something that most people wouldn’t expect. Sure, it was nice to be able to work with a human encyclopedia, and he was definitely very nice to look at, but neither of those things contributed to my love for my job.
It was the sense of belonging. An overwhelming feeling of serenity that existed, flowing freely beneath the surface like a network of roots twined together. I never felt out of place when I was with Spencer — which couldn’t be said for basically any other time. Especially not now.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because it’s just absurd. You harass your neighbors while dressed in a costume and they reward you with something sweet (or, in some cases, change). As I’ve grown older, not much has changed aside from the creativity and length of the costumes.
... and the sweet treats being replaced by the bitter sting of alcohol.
“You do realize that guy was hitting on you in there, right?” my friend shouted from less than a foot to my right.
“He was just being nice.”
“Yeah... in a bar,” another girl chimed in, “On Halloween.”
I tried to remember the face of the man they were talking about, but my memory of his eyes blended into the flashing lights of the club. Even if I wasn’t drunk, I knew it would have been hard to remember him. Because the truth was that he wasn’t the person I wanted to see when I closed my eyes.  
“Leave her alone. She’s trying to stay pure for her professor,” my friend snickered.
Despite the treachery, I still caught her before she almost pushed us both straight off the curb in her drunken state. But it wasn’t her opinion I was worried about, because at that point, I was certain she would remember none of it by the time class rolled around come Monday. It was our other acquaintance that I responded to, with a very squeaky and unreliable, “I am not doing that!”
“Yeah, what she wants isn’t pure at all,” the mess on my shoulder droned. That was enough of a reason for me to drop her, although it really resulted in both of us barely staying on our feet on the somewhat crowded sidewalk.
“Stop! It’s not like that!”
“Sure it’s not.”
Then, something else caught her attention. Knowing her, I figured that it was either a man in a scandalous costume, or it was a two for one drink deal plastered in front of a bar. I assumed it was the latter, because as soon as she finished talking, she grabbed hold of our hands and yanked us against the brick wall of the next bar.
“So you wouldn’t mind if, theoretically, Professor Reid saw you in your costume?” she asked.
I like to think that I am a relatively smart girl. After all, I had made my way to graduate school, and Spencer seemed to think that I wasn’t a complete hopeless idiot. But in that moment, I couldn’t understand why on earth she would ever think to ask me that.
Running my hands over the fuzzy pink bodysuit I was wearing, I tried to picture his reaction. As soon as I tried to look down, however, the two floppy bunny ears affixed to the hood dropped over my eyes.
“I-I mean, I guess not…?” I mumbled, my face growing hot from something other than the alcohol, “I’m wearing it in public, so...”
But then she said it — the most terrifying two words I’d ever heard in my life.
“Okay ­– good.”
My eyes shot up immediately, trying to follow her eyes through the crowd of drunk, costumed people. By the time that I spotted him, somewhat thankfully dressed in normal clothes, I was powerless to stop it.
“Dr. Reid!” My friend’s voice rang out into the night, “Dr. Reid, come over here!”
The moment our eyes met, I knew I was fucked. Totally, completely, and utterly fucked. A clever little grin filled his cheeks as he quickly spotted me trying to hide under my hood.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” I shrieked, but he was already on his way over.
“You said you didn’t mind!”
In a panicked whisper, I bit back, “I didn’t say call him over here!”
When he grew closer, though, I corrected myself. Because it was not just Spencer who was walking over. There was someone else with him. Another man, just as tall and just as beautiful as Spencer, but with a dark complexion and an even more wicked smile.
As for my company, they had already scattered into the bar behind me, leaving me with a wordless, dumbstruck look on my face that was very poorly hidden behind bunny ears.
“H-hey Prof— Dr. Reid,” I managed to get out.  
“Hey,” he answered in a tone I’d never heard before. A slightly guarded, very entertained but mostly awkward stretch of the vowel.
The man beside him, however, was quick to question.
“Who’s this?”
As I said before, I like to consider myself a relatively bright person. But the alcohol that night had been both free and strong. So, when I was asked by a handsome man who I was on the Devil’s night, I answered honestly.
“I’m a bunny!” I cried, bringing my hands together over my chest and turning to present the small pink pompom affixed to my lower back.
“I can see that,” the stranger replied through a genuine chuckle. But while the action was amusing to at least two of us in the conversation, Spencer looked mortified. It wasn’t necessarily negative, though.
I couldn’t be sure, of course, considering that I had already consumed more liquor that night than I had in the past month, but something told me that Spencer was less humiliated by me, and more worried about how blatant his response to my answer was. Because when he spoke, he did so through a smile.
“She’s uh... my teaching assistant.”
“Teaching assistant, huh?” his friend repeated, clearly amused.
There was almost a challenge to the title. Something about the way he said it setting my heart into overdrive. Unable to control my own treacherous tongue, I continued to dig myself a wonderfully sized hole to jump in to.
“I’m also very good at hopping,” I said.  
Once again, the better company of the two laughed. Spencer, however, covered his smile with a hand that brought attention to just how red his face had grown over the course of a few seconds. I was so distracted by it, lost in the way I could still see upturned lips just from his eye shape alone, that I failed to acknowledge the other man for a suspicious length of time.
“Well hey, don’t let me get in the way of you two catching up. Reid, I’ll go tell the hostess we’re here, so the others know where to go.”
With a firm pat on the shoulder, the man almost turned to walk away. But before he could, I drew him back again.
“Ooh, is there a party?”
Spencer, finally able to speak again, rushed his reply.
“No, it’s nothing.”
It was obviously not nothing, though. Judging by the toothy grin that his friend flashed, it was a very big not-nothing.
“Did he not tell you?” he asked with an incredulous, mischievous tone, “It’s his birthday.”
And it was, by far, the most insulting, scandalous news I’d heard that night. Enough to elicit a sharp gasp and hand reaching out to grab his wrist in a way I knew I shouldn’t have.
“You didn’t tell me it’s your birthday!”
My mind was racing, kicking myself for having not figured it out sooner. I was trying to recall the monthly staff newsletter, but then quickly remembered that I usually relied on Spencer to summarize them for me.
“It’s not my birthday,” he explained with a sigh, “It was a few days ago.”
His friend seemed pleased by my response, although he clearly saw it dwindling. My heels had already dropped back down with my hands that fell away, signaling a very different emotion than the excitement from seconds prior.
“We’re meeting up with some people for drinks and dinner. You want to come?” he asked, trying to convince me before it was too late.
But the moment had passed, replaced by loud, insecure ranting that insisted that Spencer wouldn’t have avoided telling me his birthday unless he didn’t want me to know. That meant he either didn’t enjoy making a fuss out of his birthday, or he didn’t want me to, specifically.
“Don’t answer that,” Spencer cut in, swiftly raising a hand to dismiss the other man whose name I finally learned. “Thanks Derek, I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Suit yourself,” he mumbled back. But Derek, in all of his disappointment, didn’t fail to draw out one more flustered laugh from the two of us who remained as he gave a tiny half-wave and sang, “Goodbye, Bunny.”
Spencer’s neck craned back, never once leaving his friend until he had safely entered the restaurant. Once he was sure that he was safe from ridicule, or at least observation, his entire demeanor changed.
“I’m sorry about that,” he offered, but I couldn’t accept. If anyone had been a bother here, it was me (and my friends).
“No, I’m sorry I bothered you!” I rushed.
The silence stretched between us, an unsettling reminder that we rarely interacted outside of work. That he’d never known me to party, and I’d never thought of him doing something as routine and normal as celebrating a birthday. It shouldn’t have been strange, but it was.
Perhaps that feeling was what drove me to continue, proudly stating, “I promise that I will have all your work ready first thing in the morning.”
It wasn’t until Spencer’s eyebrows furrowed and his mouth opened in a strange, lopsided grin that I’d realized I made a mistake.
“Um...” he spoke through laughter, “Tomorrow is Saturday.”
“I’m very motivated?”
Thankfully, he saw the humiliation and was happy to offer me a graceful escape from my humiliation. “How about I give you until Tuesday, instead?”
“Yeah, that’s probably for the best, huh?”
I gladly took it, staring down at my heels as I tried to find anything else to focus on. Anything that wasn’t his eyes that seemed even more powerful after dark. But true to the magnetism I always experienced in his vicinity, I was drawn back into golden irises full of an emotion that made my heart beat twice as hard.
“Where did your friends go?” he asked. I didn’t trust myself to answer, so I just threw my thumb over my shoulder and towards the bar behind me. I didn’t turn away from him then, too scared to acknowledge that I would be leaving him soon. That we would go our separate ways again and I would have to wait until Tuesday to drown in the honey of his eyes again.  
Sure enough, Spencer gave a solemn nod and cleared his throat before mumbling, “Right. You should probably go find them, so they don’t get worried.”
But I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay with him, the rest of the world be damned. I wanted to feel his eyes on me longer, especially when they started to wander my figure that I’d secretly hoped he would see.
I could pretend to hate my friend for calling him over all I wanted, but when I slipped into the costume hours earlier, I’d wondered what he would do if he saw me like this. And now that the answer was in front of me, torn between the exposed skin of my thighs and chest, I wanted to experience it for as long as possible.
With my fingers on the zipper to try and calm my heart, the inebriation manifested in soft giggles as I replied, “I think I’m pretty safe with you, Professor.”  
Spencer didn’t need to vocalize his disagreement. I saw his contention in the form of wayward eyes falling to my hands that fiddled with the tiny piece of plastic keeping me covered. When they trailed back up the zipper teeth to meet my eyes again, they were filled with a hunger that took my breath away.
Unfortunately for us, though, our smitten haze wasn’t shared by anyone else in the vicinity. Especially not the drunk pack of men who passed, completely unaware of the amount of space they took up on the sidewalk. I don’t even remember one of them running into me, but I definitely remembered what followed in extreme, vivid detail.
Spencer caught me, quickly and more gracefully than I thought him capable of moving. His arms were locked around me, not only preventing me from face planting on the concrete but causing me to press my face directly against him.
Before he had a chance to say or do much of anything else, I placed my hands on his chest and tore myself away from the warmth of his embrace. Because I was already drunk enough on the alcohol — I didn’t need to be any more inebriated from him.
“S-See? You caught me!” I squeaked.
I didn’t miss the fact his hands stayed on my waist even with the added distance, his fingers subtly digging into and stroking the plush fabric. I didn’t try to stop them, either.
“Are you going to be okay? Should I take you home?”
I knew it wasn’t how he’d meant it, but my inner voice still pleaded, Yes, God, please, yes! My outer voice, however, clung to reason and respectability.
“No! Don’t miss your birthday dinner!” I insisted, but he didn’t look convinced. “I’m fine, seriously. I just suck at walking in heels.”
Any part of me that would have normally been offended by his insistence that I couldn’t handle myself while drinking was quelled by my desire to keep his hands on me as long as possible. Although there was enough space for my arms between our chests, I swore I felt his fluttering heartbeat against my fingers. I thought of hummingbirds.
Resigned to my stubbornness, Spencer took a moment longer to stroke patterns through the pink fabric wrapped around my waist before he sighed, “If you say so.”
“I do!” I giggled, leaning closer like I might convince him not to leave at all, “So you better listen up, mister Professor man.”
The look he gave me was sweet, honeyed bliss. But even that seemed minuscule in comparison to the way his hands slid over my sides, making their way over my shoulders and gently brushing the errant bunny ears back out of my face. He left them there, too, with a barely-there caress of my face.
“You look cute,” he said, like it wouldn’t break my heart.  
Shier than he’d ever seen me before, I somehow managed to still look him in the eye as I answered, “So do you.”
It was a good thing I’d been paying attention, too. If I hadn’t been staring into his eyes, I would have missed the flash of chaotic playfulness that appeared just as he glanced down at the space between our chests.
I wouldn’t have been prepared at all when he dropped one of his hands from my face to the zipper of my costume. Not to say that anything could have prepared me for the way it felt to have his knuckle brush against the skin just below the lace bralette that had been meant to protect my modesty.
Before I could even comprehend the delicious friction of our skin, it was gone. Spencer pulled the zipper up to my chin, releasing the plastic in favor of grabbing hold of my chin once more.
“Be careful with that zipper,” he instructed, “I don’t need you getting hypothermia this early in the semester.”
Unsure of how else to respond, my body responded on instinct as it stammered, “I-I promise.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked again, and my autopilot continued.
“Double promise. Promise squared.”
“Okay. You have my number so... call me if you need anything.”
I absently nodded, but Spencer accurately concluded that I hadn’t actually processed what he’d said. When he let go of me, he took the time to smooth out the bunched up fabric over my shoulders. I tried to convince myself that he was just interested in the soft fluff, but it was hard to ignore the hunger that’d only grown stronger. The darkness that rivaled the moonless hallow’s eve.
“I don’t mind giving you a ride home if it means you get back safe,” he said with a deathly seriousness strongly contrasted by the flippancy that followed. “Otherwise I’ll have more work for Tuesday.”
I was grateful for the shift, because it made the loss of his hands hurt less. My chest filled with laughter that quickly burst from me with frantic, messy words.
“Of course! The work. For Tuesday. Okay! Thank you!”
“For what?” he also said through laughter.
“I— don’t know.”
Spencer turned away from me, looking behind him at the obligations that would tear us apart. I wondered if he, too, was busy contemplating how well it suited just how different we were. How two establishments side by side could house such different things. How we were frequenting opposite ends of the spectrum.
Whatever he was thinking about, however, it didn’t break his spirits too badly. Because before he sent me on my merry way, he flashed me the goofiest little bouncing peace sign before he sang, “Hop along, little bunny.”
So I did, turning back to my life and letting him return to his. But I couldn’t shake the feeling of his eyes following me until the darkness of the bar swallowed the space between us.
Still, I didn’t need him to be there to remember how it felt for his hands to roam my body like familiar territory. I saw that look in his eyes every time that I closed my own and remembered how it made my legs shake like weak stems bending to the wind.
I decided then that it wasn’t the worst thing in the world that he’d seen me in my costume. In fact, I think he quite liked it.
 There are few things more relentless than Derek Morgan. Death and taxes, perhaps. When it came to mocking me, there wasn’t a single missed opportunity. Even at the darkest hour, I trusted him to be consistent and predictable.
That was precisely why it made no sense that I had made it through an entire dinner and drinks outing with the team without him mentioning what had happened. Not even once. I almost let myself be relieved. Perhaps time spent with a child that can talk back did him some good, I thought. But when the time finally came for us to take our leave, I realized my mistake. He wasn’t holding back out of the kindness of his heart.
No, Derek wanted to wait until there was no escape route. He wanted to have me trapped in a car hurtling down a highway before he spoke the words that he’d been waiting to say all night.
“So... Bunny.”
“Her name is (y/n),” I quickly corrected. Unfortunately, Derek wasn’t in a merciful mood. Although there was a notable smirk on his face, his next words were uttered with a hefty dose of skepticism. A warning that it was a subject that ought to be approached with a critical sincerity.
“Her name is Trouble. That’s what her name is,” he said, shaking his head.  
“She’s just my teaching assistant,” I said like I might actually convince myself, though we both knew that I wasn’t going to convince him. “It’s fine.”
“Is that what they’re calling it nowadays?”
But that time, it was me who issued the warning.
“Stop,” I ordered, meeting his eyes to find him hiding his genuine concern under jokes that weren’t really jokes at all. “I respect her. She’s very bright and she earned her position.”
“I never said she didn’t. I know she’s probably smart, but I also saw the way you looked at her.”
The words felt like a blow to the stomach — yet another reminder that my affections for her were so thinly veiled they might as well be scrawled across my skin. He didn’t need to be a profiler to notice that I was fond of the girl, but it certainly made it worse.
Because he knew that I was lying when I muttered, “You don’t need to worry about it.”
He knew that I was lying, but he still asked, “Why’s that?”
“She’s...” I started, pausing while the word tried to form on my tongue. The word that had haunted me ever since those damned girls mentioned it. That short, simple little noun that had taken a cursory affection and turned it into full blown lust.
“She’s a virgin.”
Derek’s brows jumped up his face, his jaw dropping the same way mine had when I first heard the news. Then, just as I had, he put the pieces together and realized that it should have been a foregone conclusion.
“Trouble with a capital everything,” he half laughed.
But this wasn’t a joking matter, and I really wished that I could make him believe that. That definitely wouldn’t happen, though. Not when he looked up to see me hiding behind my hands, sinking into my seat like it would get me out of the conversation.
“Don’t be ridiculous. She’s obviously waiting.”
It was the wrong thing to say. I should have seen his response coming from a mile away. But I didn’t, and so I was forced to listen to his childish giggles that were followed with an even more lighthearted crooning.
“Yeah, waiting for the right professor to come teach her the lesson on the birds and the bees.”
“Cut it out.”
Without even looking, he astutely observed, “Kid, you’re blushing.”  
“Yeah, because you’re talking about me fuc–”
The word never made it out, getting caught between my teeth as I bit down on my tongue damn near hard enough to make it bleed. I wished it would. I wanted the iron to drown me and rid me of the sinful things it sought to do, instead. Opting for a more… distinguished explanation, I eventually stammered the rest of the thought.
“You’re talking about me... deflowering my significantly younger employee!”
“You can say fuck, Reid,” he deadpanned, “I think you’re old enough now.”
“I don’t want to. It sounds too... crude.”
I didn’t expect him to understand. How could he? He’d only seen her when she was at her most provocative… by far. Part of me envied him, to be able to sequester her innocence and view her as just another girl.
But she wasn’t like anyone else. She was an untouched bloom, a magnolia of unearthly shades. A beautiful blossom that had broken through the concrete walls I’d maintained for so many years. A tantalizing taste of the life outside that I refused to let in.
A fucking tease.
“Too crude for little miss innocent bunny?” Derek cooed, and it was so uncomfortably close to my thoughts that I couldn’t help the way I snapped back.
“Are you done?”
As we pulled into my parking lot, Derek just waved off my hostility, recognizing it as nothing but misfired shame and anguish at the thing I wanted being out of my reach.
“Yeah, I’m done. I hope you had fun, even with the teasing.”
I chose not to dignify the second half of the statement, climbing out of the car like I couldn’t step away from the conversation fast enough. But of course, I knew that only made my guilt more apparent. My culpability was clear and conclusive. There was no argument to be made.
“You know I’m right!” he shouted just before the door shut. A final reminder, one last cautionary call for the beast inside of me to keep itself hidden lest I allow myself to sink my teeth into something pure.
Few things changed when I reached the confines of my apartment walls. Fantasies had only devolved into a vividness that was borderline frightening. How easily I could get lost in visions of her, only promising my return in exchange for my imagination agreeing to become a reality that I would get a chance to experience.
But that wasn’t fair to her. She was just a girl doing her job with an astounding amount of patience and understanding for her hopeless romantic of a boss. For a moment, the guilt became so overwhelming that I let it win. I managed to swallow my newly acquired memories well enough to navigate my nightly routine without wishing she was there every step of the way.
Wishing that she would call me. That she would grant me the excuse to return to her, to touch her as freely as I had earlier. I imagined a world where, upon arriving to her destination, she invited me in.
As I collapsed on my bed, I wondered if she would have preferred the privacy of my home. A place far enough away from other students and academics to finally see me as something more than a superior. Something attainable in a way she never seemed to be.
Just as I closed my eyes to give in to the dreams, my phone buzzed. The sound set off every nerve in my body, all of them very poorly coordinating to allow me to grab the device and turn it on to reveal her name.
“Hey Professor! I just wanted to let you know that I got home…”
I’d never opened a notification so quickly, but I should have waited. I should have paused and taken the time to notice that what I was opening wasn’t just a collection of letters and symbols.
It was a set of pictures.
Pictures of her.
“Safe and sound and zippered up. No hypothermia for this bunny tonight,” she tagged onto the end, “Sweet dreams!”
How could I ever dream of anything but her? How was I meant to turn off my phone now, knowing that she was there; her drunken, lustful stare on display? I only tore my eyes away from her face long enough to notice her surroundings. I took extensive, painstaking notes on the color of the sheets on her bed and the way the zipper I’d tugged at to control myself from taking her had fallen away again.
I could feel the softness of her skin against my knuckle again. I heard the way her breath nearly broke at the force with which she sucked in air at the feeling of me touching her. How hard she pressed herself against me, how her back arched when I held her and how she never even tried to stop my hands from finding new places to rest.
They worked diligently now, too, trying to keep her awake and with me for as long as I could, but also wanting to free myself of obligations so that she wouldn’t notice how long I’d stared at the pictures she’d sent.
“Goodnight, little bunny,” I sent before adding, “I’ll be counting rabbits instead of sheep tonight.”
As if to reward my efforts, another picture flooded my screen. Her face was scrunched up in an adorable innocence, half covered with her hand but still effortlessly beautiful.
I stopped myself from responding again. I forced myself to stop, to prevent treacherous hands from calling her and begging her to let me come to her. It wasn’t fair — it was manipulative, downright evil, even — to take advantage of her inebriated state to hoard any insight she might provide.
But she’d already sent these… So, would it be so wrong to indulge in her? By touching my own body to the thought of her, would I taint her? Did I care even if it did? Maybe it was for the best to plant the seed of impurity now, to strip her of her power over me.
But deep down, I knew that I would still want her. I would still wish that the hand that sneaked beneath the sheets belonged to her. I could almost feel it as my hand traversed familiar territory. It would be new for her, and it would be new for me to feel the delicate, unmarred skin of her palm slowly sliding down my stomach. Her fingers bashfully brushing through soft curls at the base of me, still too nervous to hold me the way I needed her to.
Her face would be buried in my shoulder, with dew from her breath wetting my neck and raising the hairs on my arms. I would take her hand in mine and guide her to wrap her trembling hand around my cock.
Just like I was doing to myself now, with my other hand still holding the phone displaying the image of innocence. My hand wasn’t as soft or inexperienced as hers would be, but as long as my eyes stayed on her half-lidded gaze staring back at me, I could pretend.
I could hear her panting my name— my real name, Spencer— in my ear, praising the feel of silky skin beneath her fingertips. She would whisper about how she wanted to feel it elsewhere, too. She would beg for me to replace a hand for her most precious place.
That damned angelic girl showing her hand on the zipper would beg me to steal away her innocence. She would unveil herself slowly, knowing that I needed the time to memorize every inch of her skin as it was seen by another for the first time. Seen by me, and only me. The vision would be for my consumption and indulgence.
I wanted it. I wanted her.
My stomach tensed as I pictured the girl staring back at me straddling my hips. I stroked myself harder, faster, letting my thumb trace down her body on my screen.
If I stole it from her, would it be mine?
Would she be trapped as I was, only able to feel anything when I was with her? Would she dream of me? Would she cherish each and every memory of my touch and play it back in her mind? When she felt the urge to break and burn, would she picture my hands lighting the match?
If I ruined her, would she be mine?
I pictured the girl on the screen with tears in her eyes, her mouth stuck open in a silent scream and her hands clutching desperately to mine. I imagined how tightly her body would grip me as I fucked her. How hard it would fight the intrusion of my sinful touch. How I would hold her down despite the resistance until she gave in to me. Until I broke her, thoroughly and irreparably.
She would be mine.
That was the thought that took me over the edge, all energy that was not delegated to my hand feverishly stroking my cock remained with my other hand to hold her picture in front of me. It never even wavered, never once shaking and risking losing any clarity. Even my eyes refused to close all the way.
She would be mine.
The warm, sticky mess of my desire coated my hand and stomach, but all I could think was how it would feel to mark her as mine. To feel the excess drip back down my cock as she collapsed against my body. To know that she would never be the same, never be wholly herself again. That she’d let me inside of her soul and that when I left, I hadn’t left empty handed.
She was already mine.
| Part Four |
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shes-a-gryffindor · 3 years
Of Apples and Psychological Lapses
A @jilytoberfest submission. Prompt #12 - One overhearing something they're not supposed to.
That day, on an otherwise uneventful morning, it started with an apple, of all things.
James Potter sat straddling the bench at the Gryffindor table, poring over what Lily supposed was a textbook, elbow on a knee with an apple in his hand.
Only half listening to Mary’s recitation of the ingredients for the Draught of Living Death that they were supposed to be brewing later that day, she chanced upon another look at him…. the muscles in his jaw jumped as he bit into his apple, and as she watched him laugh at something she couldn’t hear, Lily found herself wondering whether he’d always had that dimple in his cheek… before she’d had the chance to mentally scold herself for her apparent loss of self-control, James caught her eye; grinning roguishly, he winked at her before taking another bite…
“You’re doing it again,” said Mary,
Lily’s neck snapped so quickly away from James she thought she might have whiplash, “doing what?”
“Making love eyes at Potter” she sniggered.
“Don’t be daft,” responded Lily dismissively, “I was not giving him love eyes” she added, silently cursing the blush now creeping up her neck, “…anyway, the ingredients…for today, you were reading them…” a lame attempt at a change in subject.
Mary smirked at her for a moment before returning to her textbook; relieved that she’d been let off the hook, Lily focused intently on Mary’s recitation, despite already knowing the ingredients from memory, she was determined not to look over again at the group of boys sitting only a few feet away from them.
Thinking they’d get a head start on the swarm of students that would soon be filing out of the hall, they packed their books and downed the last of their pumpkin juice. As she stood, Lily glanced quickly over at James again, he was in animated conversation with Sirius, the apple hanging loosely from his fingers at his side… and a ridiculous idea crossed her mind.
Deliberating over it in the seconds it took them to reach the spot where he was sitting, before she’d even really decided upon it, she’d snatched the apple out from his hand, twisting her head round to wink back at him, before taking a bite of what was now her apple.
“Shut up,” she smirked at Mary, who was looking at her with raised eyebrows.
The rest of the day continued in a similar fashion; she felt his eyes burning into the back of her head during Transfiguration, then found herself loitering after class, trying to chance perhaps walking out at the same time as him… before realising she was behaving like an idiot and walking quickly out alone.
History of Magic was, in particular, a challenge. It was, as usual, rather impossible to focus on the monotony that was Professor Binns' lesson.
Serenely unaware that no one seemed the least bit interested in his thorough breakdown of wand legends through time, he droned on… “The Death Stick, The Wand of Destiny…” and by the time the lesson was over Lily and James had shared several silent exchanges across the classroom.
Potions that afternoon was perhaps, although short-lived, her only reprieve. Lily was quite comfortable in her element, happily brewing her Draught of Living Death. Having already reached the ideal halfway stage, she smiled contentedly down at the smooth, black currant-colored liquid in her cauldron.
Just as she was about to start chopping her roots, she caught James, brow furrowed, curiously observing her potion, before looking back at his own - which appeared to be eliciting a sort of blue-ish haze, not horrible but certainly not what it should have been doing by that point… better, if nothing else, than Peter’s… who was looking more distressed by the minute at the now foul smelling, brown concoction bubbling in his cauldron.
“Care to share your expertise, Evans?” Asked James, grinning over at her. With his sleeves rolled up over his elbows, his forearms were tense as he shifted his body weight onto them, leaning over the table toward her… and Lily thought quietly, that the dimple in his cheek was obviously not the only thing she’d failed to notice.
“Afraid not, Potter,” she responded, “see If I told you, I’d have to kill you… although, could be doing myself a favour there,” she added, smirking at him.
“Better not then, otherwise you might actually get some peace and quiet… can’t have that,” he said seriously.
“Merlin forbid,” she mumbled, in mock exasperation.
“Merlin forbid,” began Sirius, “all this terrible flirting makes me throw up in my cauldron.”
Mary and Peter burst into a fit of giggles, even Remus, it seemed, found it amusing, while James just grinned down at his cauldron.
“Your potion can’t get any worse than it already is Black… I say try it,” Lily mocked.
Sirius, however, had cast his attention elsewhere.
From the corner of the next table over, having apparently overheard the entire exchange, Severus was looking darkly over at them. His eyes flickered briefly between James and Lily before returning to his potion. She knew she’d been shamelessly flirting with him, for days, weeks really… what she hadn’t realised was how blatantly obvious it was becoming, to everyone even beyond their friends; blushing furiously and feeling rather sheepish, she scowled at Sirius, who was still grinning smugly over at Severus, before returning to her own potion.
As she made the last of her rounds that evening, her mind once again wandered to what was fast becoming something, or rather, someone, she thought about much too often. He’d looked a little too smug after catching her at dinner - watching, as a Hufflepuff in the year below them asked for his help with a Transfiguration essay that weekend… in addition to self-control, she was now apparently also losing her common sense… it was perfectly acceptable that he help another student with an essay, why should this bother her…? But honestly an essay over the weekend, she thought… ask the bloke out and be done with it, what a stupid excuse… Surely he knew the girl fancied him.
The sinking feeling in her stomach at the thought of them, tucked away in a quiet corner of the library poring over an essay together, was extremely disconcerting, this sudden interest in who he was spending time with… He’d made his existence impossible to ignore for the better part of six years, perhaps now that he wasn’t asking her out at every turn her mind was playing that stupid game, the one where you only want something because it’s not as easy to get anymore, not because you genuinely want it… some psychological lapse in judgement… yes that must be it; so trying to force her thoughts back into some semblance of order, Lily resolved to get a grip.
She met Remus in the dungeons and together they checked the last of the corridors before heading back up to the common room, chatting about weekend plans, their upcoming exams and whether they had anything planned for the summer holidays before their seventh year.
Lily was careful to steer the conversation in another direction anytime it got a little too close to James, so she wasn’t exactly thrilled (maybe a little bit) when they stepped through the portrait hole to find James, Sirius and Peter sitting alone in the common room. With a warm smile, Remus bid her goodnight and went to join his friends in front of the fire.
“All right, Evans?” Asked James, grinning that lone-dimpled grin as she walked past.
Shooting him a quick tight lipped smile, she trudged up the staircase to her dormitory with an infuriatingly pink face; she had just reached the top of the staircase, however, when she heard Sirius snigger -
“Reckon she might actually prefer you to the giant squid now.”
Failing in her resolve to get a grip before she’d even begun, and apparently not above eavesdropping now either, Lily stopped and stood there at the top of the staircase, dead silent, craning her neck to listen to them.
“What?” Asked James, “What makes you say that?” In his voice, Lily heard a hint of what she thought sounded like hope.
“Are you daft? Or do you just want to hear it all back?”
“A bit of both I think,” chuckled Remus.
“Did you not see Snivelly’s face in potions? Even he can tell she fancies you mate,” said Sirius, dryly.
“Looked a bit put out, didn’t he?” Chuckled James.
“A bit? Looked like he didn’t know whether to cry or hex you,” chortled Peter, “d’you reckon him and Evans… you know-”
“What? Asked James, cutting him off, “went out?”
“Nah,” answered Sirius quickly, “who’d want to go out with that? Didn’t they know each other from before school, or something?”
“Yeah… they were friends,” said James, with finality in his voice.
“‘Till he showed his true colours,” scoffed Sirius, “…bit naive of her though, don’t you think? To think that he’d be anything but the slimy git he is.”
Lily had half a mind to go down and give Sirius a piece of her mind, until…
“Nah,” said James, “I reckon she knew who he was the whole time… she just chooses to see the good in everyone, y’know? Even a slimy git like Snivellus.” When no one said anything, he added, “Personally, I don’t think she should change that about herself.”
There was silence… and then someone made a dry-retching sound like they were throwing up, followed by scuffling and a series of thuds, “gerrof!” Came Sirius’s muffled voice, over Peter and Remus’s laughter.
Deciding she’d heard enough, Lily tiptoed quietly into her dorm; and as she pulled the scarlet hangings of her four-poster around her that night, she thought perhaps her interest in James Potter wasn’t a psychological lapse in judgment at all.
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siriusmydeer · 3 years
my pretty witch
james potter x fem!reader
summary: james shows you how beautiful your body is.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: soft dom!james, sub!reader, fingering, fem!receiving oral, body insecurities, self doubt, missionary, penetration, marking, daddy kink, kissing, praise, mentions of sickness, wolfstar mention <3
note; requested.
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the birds were singing, the sun was glowing, it was the most memorable saturday of the spring season.
students were speaking amongst themselves as the birds were increasingly chirping and the glinting sun that was only visible hanging planet in the sky that was emitting shimmering rays upon the two girls sitting amongst themselves. the faint gust of wind peering as subtle background noise whilst the rest of the courtyard was trifling around on the weekend.
“'m not sure lils, i just feel— it’s hard to explain.” you began to explain with an expression of embarrassment starting to linger on your face, a simple yet prying conversation amongst the ginger whilst you both sat upon the fresh-cut grass upon the millions of acres that belonged to hogwarts.
students of hogwarts were fairly spaced out upon the yard, as well as corridors and the library with madame pince no doubt hurrying them away to keep the tranquility rather in unbroken, as it was one of the first warm days for weather since the scotland air was filled with ivory flecks that completely covered the viridescent grounds.
almost no gryffindor peers around only the two of you insight. james, remus, peter, and sirius had all made their way closer to the quidditch pitch the minute they left breakfast; mainly so james could practice alongside sirius, and they could prance around the pitch on their brooms like first years who had just learned how to fly, as remus and peter watched. mainly peter, remus had cracked open his most latest read as soon as he sat upon the stands whilst faintly blushing from time to time at sirius’ winks and irritatingly pleasant wolf whistles.
what you hadn’t known was james leaving his mates with each other slightly earlier than expected in a quest for his girlfriend.
he had a glistering grin formed on his lips after catching sight of you speaking amongst lily. he was ready to parade over to you and boast about his newest quidditch tricks he had learned whilst sitting upon your lap ruining the serene aura that swarmed around your conversation with the ginger.
the deviant sun flickered delicate rays over your figure, to james you were effortlessly gleaming in the golden hues that radiated upon your skin.
his girl.
how could someone be so utterly beautiful?
the only thing diminishing his smile from the apex of his lips was when he was close enough to catch wind of your conversation with the gryffindor.
“i don't want him to think ‘m disgusting or anything! i just— i have stretch marks and stuff. i don't wanna be unappealing or something.” you whined following a groan whilst tilting your head back, covering your eyes at the slowly sinking sun radiating into your irises.
lily gaped at you befuddled before speaking, “but i mean, you’ve had sex before—” she spoke rather boisterously, you rapidly took the palm of your hand, clutching it over her mouth before she removed it and continued speaking, “and he's never been ‘disgusted’ or anything prior.” she finished in a whisper at your widen eyes; your face contorting into fear, afraid someone had heard what she said.
“’m just nervous that just because he doesn't express anything, doesn't mean he doesn't think it.” you chewed heavily at the skin of your peeling lips before applying a fresh layer of chapstick to the chapped cushions.
the awareness of your pending stress began to become overwhelming in your veins as you expressed your concerns to lily.
the bespectacled boy less than ten feet away from you tremendously creased his features in bewilderment, his face almost permanently contorting into a grueling grimace. did he ever do anything to make you think you were undesirable to him? you were quite literally an angelic essence that roamed the acres of hogwart’s at every waking moment of the day, it was like he had won the lottery, (something muggle-like you had mentioned to him) when you had agreed to go on a date with him.
and now you suspected something he couldn't even imagine in a nightmare.
he stayed a moment longer, listening to you drone on upon the fact he might've found you horrid or repelling. his psyche opting to trudge back to the gryffindor towers where he had originally planned to meet with you after your meet-up with lily.
what decision could've reveled in your mind to decide that he might've thought grueling thoughts on the certain aspects of your psychical appearance that he particularly found beautiful. your personality was captivating, of course. but that didn't mean he wouldn't bore his eyes into your figure trying to memorize every micro-detail of you and your features. any juncture of time he had with you he would spend adorning every aspect of you, when you happen to be separated he would spend his mind fulfilling images of you.
there wasn't one moment where he wasn't thinking of you.
and there wasn't one singular nanosecond he didn't think you weren't a goddess walking the earth.
even before you had brushed your teeth on particularly rough mornings before classes when the mangled tuffs of your hair that clung to your roots before brushing it, even when you were blowing your nose and heaving the tissues onto the ground when you were adamantly sick and you couldn't even whiff the most pungent scents; you were angelic.
so how in merlins name would you think so negatively of yourself?
james proceeded to haul his legs in pacing motions across the floor whilst he awaited your presence in the vermillion stricken common room. his thoughts overwhelming him on the mere thought of you and your psyche negatively impacting every nook and cranny of your mind-- which he would opt to remove any moment he got the chance to.
at the tumble of his limbs moving around the common room he heard a similar pair of footsteps enter the common room, “you alright, love?” you inquired gently, your figure tremendously slouched and drowsy after being in overwhelming embarrassment, the quick spin of his figure catching your attention.
“should i not have—” you initiated to speak again, your words almost completely disorganized, speaking first rather than overthinking your words at his slight apprehensive behaviors since you had arrived mere seconds ago.
“i love you,” he began, now walking over to your tense figure, “and you're my person,” said james in a rapid pace, the words of his tongue rolling off haphazardly. you began to crease your eyebrows confusedly at his confession, his hands deciding to sit on both sides of your fragile jaw that began to clench in the encasement of his palms.
you were adamantly confused at where his arbitrary confession had sprouted from, and the intentions behind it.
“’m quite aware, yes?” you sighed in the duration of your sentence recalling the conversation over your appearance with lily just a few minutes ago, now defiantly looking at your shoes before speaking again. “why the sudden confession, james?” you inquired again, this time sorrowfully.
“’m not an eavesdropper or anything,” he began to defend himself, seeing your eyes hastily peer ascent to him along with the widening of your eyes, “but, i— i heard what you said to lily.” he finished his sentence wistfully. you respired heavily for a moment, your hands now clutching onto his that remained laid onto your complexion.
“just, i dunno. ignore my thoughts, they’re stupid.”
his eyes proceeded to widen at your request. his reaction to being adamantly confused was contorted in the features of his face like he had been peering over the defense against the dark arts section on an O.W.L.S exam after not studying for a week.
“i could never just ignore you. i care about what you think, m’love.” he dragged the pad of his thumb against the dermis of your cheek, feeling the broad flush of your skin begin to warm the velvet palms of hands. “i just— i can't explain it.”
there was a detrimental feeling pooling in your mind at the feeling of embarrassment beginning to tinge your cheeks. you felt as if you were in the middle of a school audition and suddenly forgot all of your lines, the insistent feeling of unworthiness popping up in your mind every couple of minutes like a menace throughout your life.
“c’mon, darling,” he whispered whilst beckoning you, removing his hands that were clutched onto the apple of your cheeks now sliding his digits through your own. the balmy feeling of his palm radiating into yours was the only steady grasp you had while he had led you into his empty dormitory.
his emotions continued to display as unknown whilst he sat upon the vermillion knit comforter that laid quite messily upon his bed. his legs began to open whilst he brought your body between them. his palms making a heavy grip upon the curvature of your waist, and his thumb now stroking the cotton material that adorned your figure. his thumb gliding down to the hem, suddenly feeling the warm flush of your skin melding into his own.
“let me make you feel good.” james began to plead, his face quirking into a mild pout. your mind reflecting on your insecurities for a moment, the ripples in your skin, the vergetures tissue that was rooted upon your flesh, but as of right now that was now to be the least of your concerns that ventured in your mind.
the pads of his calloused palm lingered to the planes of your lower back to the swell of your bottom, his hands palming at the denim material while he awaited your answer; you merely nodded your head, his grin increasingly growing whilst his grip managed to maneuver you hurriedly onto the middle of his bed. your legs slightly fumbling before your spine was adjacent to his mattress.
his lip was now faintly tucked under the cushion of his lip while his athletic form began to hover over your body. the ivory white top you were dressed in was now being pulled down to the point of the exposure of your brassiere, and the dewy kisses emitting from his lips were now faintly pressed against the mantle of your skin.
his fingers feebly started to grasp at the flimsy material of your top before raising it over the undulating form of your body, his hand flinging the pallid fabric onto the mahogany wood of his dormitory. james had now buried his head between your supple mounds that laid gracefully on your chest, his swirling tendrils of brunet tickled at the planes of your jugular.
he felt the slight respire hitching in your chest while lips suckled at the skin that guarded your sternum, the slight blossoming hue rested in the juncture of your chest whilst his lips proceeded to move around your midriff.
the silk tresses of his brunet tuffs faintly titillated at your abdomen as the sponges of his kisses landed directly on the lower regions of your abdomen. his lips continuing to suction recurrent markings till the fluorescent blooms of umber and vermillion spilled delicately onto the searing flesh of your midriff.
his cerulean eyes peeled off of the buckle from your jeans, his eyes now sauntering out your face, and your arms now balancing yourself so you can gape into his eyes. he tilted his head in question, emitting a second nod of confirmation from you. taking it upon himself to rid of your clothing from your legs, leaving his hand traveling into the flimsy sheet of scarlet lace you had been clad in.
his finger swirled upon the swollen button once, releasing an enclosed gasp from your lungs that had been held in your trachea. his hands grasping upon the tight material and removing it from your body before looking at the sopping folds of your cunt.
once, twice, three times, he glided his fingers through your arousal effortlessly before attaching his lips to the swelled nub, proceeding to suckle like a babe. his tongue exploring your cunt whilst your wavering moans were transferring through the air. he began to maneuver your legs to balance on the bend of his shoulders whilst your pending moans lay enticingly in the air; your feeble digits feeling the strain of his tuffs in the clutch of your fingers at his arousing stimulation.
his ring and middle finger began to prod at your entrance before sliding into the depths of your aching cunt nimbly. his tongue stretched upon the crevices of your cunt while it collected your sickly nectar on the tip of his tongue, his face now buried in your cunt.
the unyielding quiver in your legs around his head was only steely increasing as he etched you closer and closer upon release. the bubbling moans exuding from your throat only increasing his current pride at your pleasureful noises making him grin into your cunt until you were pleading out to him, rather desperately.
“daddy, please. can i cum?”
“since you asked so nicely.” he retorted to your question enticingly. removing his mouth as his fingers recurrently impelled in the silken encasement of your cunt until your legs were trembling over his shoulders, and your mind had finally bleared out from the explosive butterflies that now lingered in your belly.
he caught sight of a few unwavering mauve lines that retracted in the inside flesh of your thighs, pressing a few absentminded kisses to them before his body began to hover over your own.
the bespectacled boy had now removed the indigo shirt from his body, his abdomen and rippling muscles were now in desolate from your slightly fatigued eyes. his body now recurrently hovering over your heaving one. his thumb swiped against your cheek once before his eyes came in the direct view of your churning abdomen.
he lowered his face till his nose was slightly smeared against your rib cage and his lips came in direct contact with the mauve and pallid lines you had been so doggedly insecure about.
his hands now placed on the curvature of your waist, admiring the stripes that now defined your midsection. tracing the small lines on the left, on the right, then craning his neck under your thighs so he could press a few absentminded kisses to the swell of your bum.
when he had returned from your underside, now catching your lips in a kiss. the hues of orange and red now bleeding into the atmosphere of the room, the sun slowly setting in the underworld amongst the other planets whilst he removed the remaining articles of clothing that had lingered on your figures.
“you’re so beautiful,” he murmured, pressing a kiss into the junction of your neck, landing directly on your pulse point that had been unwaveringly erratic. “astonishingly beautiful, my angel.” he crooned into the curvature of your neck whilst his lips moved to the crease of your jaw.
his hands delicately were fixed on the apex of your thighs, the limbs hanging closely on the burly muscles of his waist. “please, daddy. need you so bad.” you began to mewl while his cock had nudged faintly at your thigh.
at your words, james leisurely filled you to the brim with his cock until the happy trail sprouted ascent his lower abdomen was now pressed against your hips in a minuscule grinding-like motion.
his forearms now embedding into the mattress beside your hair that was cascading around your face similar to a halo that an angel wore proudly, his hips continuously grinding against your hips whilst your ankles were brought into a tight lock on the lower curvature of his spine.
“my pretty girl.”
the motions of his thrusts were steady and protracted. the movements drawing out your orgasms substantially, rather than the feeling of intense euphoric elation, it’s rather prolonged and comforting in the small snap of a coil that trembled in your belly.
the searing flush of your skin colliding with one another whilst his mouth had now been placed upon your own once more. your arms now resting on the nape of his neck, the minuscule scratch, and tug of your fingers bringing him to center of the actions he was trying to exhibit towards you.
his love, his adoration, his appreciation.
the small kisses he left on your hairline whilst he was etched closer, and closer upon his release until the splintering clench in his belly had profusely slackened . “you’re so captivating.” he crooned amid your kiss after separating his lips from yours for a moment.
the meld of his skin against your own was enticing and inviting. his tongue swept into your mouth to envelop the feeling of you just a little more before the ropes of his release had seeped into the depths of your cunt; only deepening the liplock whilst his prick had remained inside of you.
it wasn't a long duration of time before james quickly scrambled away to dress you in his freshly cleaned vermillion and umber quidditch jumper and a pair of his boxer shorts, quickly cuddling close to your side whilst placing a few last kisses to your forehead before he had changed into a pair of sweatpants himself and beckoned you to lay on his chest.
“you m’dear, are, completely, and irrevocably bewitching. my pretty witch.”
taglist: @miss-starkov @ronbrokemyheart @aricela @inglourious-imagines @moonyinthelight @bikinibottomspeach @myalo-vasano-psixis @i-love-scott-mccall @kirascottage @five-cups-of-coffee @myloveforluna @abbott27 @hufflepuffsfordraco @slytherclawbitch @ggmniy @90steaology
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wonderlustlucas · 4 years
home - hwang hyunjin
⇢ prompt “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure.” ⇢ pairing hyunjin x female reader ⇢ word count 2.7k ⇢ genre fluff, kind of angsty? ⇢ warnings insinuated that this takes place during covid & that reader has some case of depression/anxiety i literally wrote her as me so like ⇢ summary In which Hyunjin shows you just how special you are.—college!au ⇢ a/n happy birthday to my love, my comfort, my home
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What am I doing here?
Unfortunately, there is no one else to blame but herself for being left without plans on this Friday night. Regretfully so, she instead finds herself alone on the upper level of the business building. Scratch that, the whole building, probably – she’s been here since four, and the few students that were once alongside her left hours ago. Initially here to work on an essay, she now occupies her time bouncing between YouTube, Twitch, and Crunchyroll, watching whatever she is feeling at the moment despite Monday’s deadline looming over her.
Sighing, she looks away from a boring page of YouTube recommendations, stretches her neck, and reaches for her hot chocolate. Well, not hot anymore, she realizes with a wince after taking a sip, struggling to swallow the now cold drink. Gaze flicking to the time on the corner of her laptop, she frowns. 9:43. She considers walking home once it hits ten, the unstirred silence of the building starting to prick up her spine like needles. Home, she thinks with an amused exhale from her nose. A too small, overheated double dorm room that technically is a single now that her roommate has gone online for the rest of the semester. Home.
She wonders, briefly, if anyone were to miss her if she were to go home home. If anyone would even notice, anyway.
She wouldn’t expect them to, honestly. It’s not as if she goes out of her way to hang out with anyone, usually opting to cozy up in her room and pretend she does not see the groupchat blowing up with plans to meet at the dining hall, a study session at the library, a trip to the mall. She loves her friends, really, but can rarely find it in herself to actually participate in said friend activities. Sure, there are some nights she actually leaves the confines of her room to join them, but to be quite frank, she’s glad they have learned to simply stop inviting her. Makes the whole looking for an excuse problem a lot easier.
Besides, who would want to go out on a night like this, anyway?
Just as she has flipped to page fifty-three of The Old Man and the Sea, she looks away in boredom, instead opting to gaze out the window. Focusing past her reflection on the tall glass pane, a warm feeling she can only describe as peace seems to settle over her, watching the snow fall like moonlit glitter across campus. The snowstorm had started light when she first arrived, soft enough she could manage with her hood down, dotting her with only miniature droplets of water. Now, though, the flakes are so large she can focus on one at a time as they fly past, covering the ground with a solid two or three inches at this point. In the distance, she can spot snowplows making their rounds to clear the pathways, the route to the business building already turned slushy blue as salt melts the continuous snow.
She sighs, eyes wide like a child as she represses the urge to go outside and grab a handful of it, maybe fall onto one of the lawns and make a snow angel, stick her tongue out and try to catch one of the large flakes. Tomorrow, maybe, she thinks, looking at her grey sweatpants and deciding walking back with soaked pants in this weather would not be the best idea.
So late into March, she cannot help but chuckle at the number of students complaining about the snow and cold temperature on SnapChat, even her friends having to change their plans. She, on the other hand, finds such last chance snowstorm beautiful; sure, she was ready for spring and eventually a break from school, but watching the snow dancing under the streetlights, choreographed by the gentle wind, she thinks it’s something to hold on to, keep her grounded to reality that albeit the stress and monotony of college, such moments like these still exist.
She jumps at the sound of the front entrance slamming closed.
Who the hell? She frowns, annoyed at whoever decided now was a good time to come inside, subsequently ruining her little moment of serenity. Turning red at the thought of some raunchy couple thinking to spice things up in the presumably empty building, she considers packing her bag and heading out. But no matter which exit, they would still see her, and that would be painstakingly awkward. Maybe she could escape into one of the smaller reservation rooms, or at least make some exaggerated noise so they at least know they’re not alone.
Could just be a janitor, or maybe someone else deciding to shelter somewhere other than their dorm to buckle down and do some work, she thinks. No matter who it is and what their intentions are, her leg is already bouncing a mile a minute having gotten used to having the space to herself.
So caught up on how or when she should take her leave, she does not hear the footsteps coming up the stairs until they’re right behind her. Tensing up, she watches in the window’s reflection as the business building’s second occupant steps up onto the platform and… heads towards her. Panic setting in, she tries to decipher who it is through the blurry reflection but to no avail, heart racing at the thought of a stranger approaching her, one of her friends finding her here on a Friday night, a janitor going to ask her to leave.
She turns her head as soon as they stop beside her.
“Hyunjin?” She blurts, taken aback. This was the last person she expected to be here. Somewhat relieved but heart still beating in her throat, she blinks up at the tall boy to make sure it’s really him, brows furrowed in confusion. “What are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you the same thing,” he returns, pulling his mask down below his chin and smiling cheekily at her. “I went to go pick up my food and saw you in the window,” Hyunjin explains, tugging the beanie off his head and shaking his hair out, showering her in the tiny droplets. Wrinkling her nose, she takes notice of the Chipotle bag in his hand and how soaked his coat is.
“Here,” she offers, reaching for the bag. Passing it to her with a grateful smile, Hyunjin unzips his coat and sets it over a chair beside her alongside his beanie, wipes the melted snow and sweat from his eyes, and tries to fix his now mused bangs. “So, what are you doing here?” He asks while doing this, regarding her with an amused glint in his eyes.
“Work,” she sighs. Then, glancing to the screen of her laptop and realizing it’s still the home page of YouTube, she grimaces. “Trying to do work. Not really. Just watching the snow.”
“It’s a lot prettier when you’re inside,” Hyunjin comments, following her gaze to watch the frenzy of snow before taking the bag from her and offering a quiet thanks. “But I meant more why are you here?”
She isn’t quite sure what her relationship with Hyunjin is. Having been one of the many acquaintances she barely made at freshman orientation, he did not seem like the kind of person she expected to still be in her life. She wouldn’t exactly say they were close, but she considers Hyunjin a friend, she thinks. After a good month or two forgetting he existed, she randomly bumped into him at the dining hall, recognizing that unfairly attractive face of his in line for chicken nuggets and immediately falling into conversation. Turns out, he was mutual friends with her lab partner, Kim Seungmin.
She does not see Hyunjin as much as she wishes she did. She had not shared any classes with him in the past three years, and even if her friend group and his overlapped in the slightest, it was not always a given that they both would be able to hang out as much as their closer friends do. Still, there always seems to be a random occasion, such as now, where they bump into one another. Each time is a pleasant surprise, of course, and not just because of his pretty face and wide shoulders, but because he has always seemed to care for her in a way no one else does, and that in itself is enough to have her heart racing every time he comes close.
Not that she has a crush on him or anything, but it definitely is hard trying not to fall in love every time he even so much as smiles at her.
Face heating up in embarrassment at his question, she avoids looking him in the eyes and randomly minimizes the Chrome tab on her laptop. “You know,” she drones on, “just taking it easy for the night.”
Hyunjin hums in agreement, opening the lid of his burrito bowl and stabbing a fork into the layers. Even her mouth waters. “I feel like I never see you,” he contemplates, finally taking a bite. His words surprise her. “Uh, yeah,” she coughs, forcing herself to look away before she gets too enraptured over how beautiful he looks even after trekking through a snowstorm, long hair messy but falling over his face in a way that has her fingers twitching to tuck away. “I usually don’t go out with everyone. Not my scene.”
“Aw,” he coos, “I get that. Sometimes I’m the same way, I just want to relax on the weekends after working so much all week.”
Thank you!, she almost shouts, but bites her tongue. She agrees, but even she does not know why she can’t find it in herself to go out and party with everyone else. She’s just lazy, to put it simply. Nevertheless, his words put her at ease, no longer worried that he might think she’s a loser for staying in every weekend.
“Exactly,” she agrees, “parties are fun, sometimes. But I just prefer laying low. I don’t think my friends like that, though.”
Gaze finding his, her heart does somersaults at the smile he offers. “Nah,” Hyunjin says, confident, “no one thinks that. Everyone has their way of having fun. Honestly, all I’ve ever heard is your friends complaining how they miss you and that you would make going out more fun since you’re so funny.”
“Which is true, by the way,” he adds.
She feels as if she is going to combust. “Oh,” she croaks, throat dry, “um, thank you. That’s sweet of them. And you. I guess I didn’t consider that they miss me when they go out.”
Hyunjin scoffs, raising a brow but finishes chewing before speaking again. “Are you nuts? You’re so fun to be around, of course they’re going to miss you.”
“Okay, stop that,” she laughs, burning from the inside out at his compliments. “Just being honest,” he laughs, opening the bag of his tortilla chips. “Want any?”
She looks at him with wide eyes. “Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure.”
“Okay,” she huffs out an airy laugh, rolling her chair closer to his. Miscalculating that he was going to move, too, she quite literally feels her blood pressure skyrocket as her knees bump into his. And he doesn’t move. “Here,” moving the bag closer to the edge of the table, Hyunjin glances at her for only a split second before focusing on his bowl again.
Reaching into the bag, she feels emboldened not only by his previous flattery, but his proximity as well, and scrambles to continue the conversation. “Why are you eating Chipotle so late?”
“Pre-birthday celebration. Also, DoorDash took forever,” Hyunjin laughs.
“When’s your birthday?” She asks, munching on a chip.
“In,” he pauses, tapping his phone, “two hours.”
Oh. “What?” She gasps, blinking at him. “What? Why aren’t you out? It’s your birthday weekend and you’re here eating Chipotle?”
“Woah, okay Miss I-Prefer-Laying-Low. Maybe I wanted to chill tonight, since tomorrow I’m going out? Hm?” Hyunjin chuckles at her scowl, pursing his lips. “Okay, yeah, I guess but—”
“No but’s,” he interrupts, the amused glint in his eyes disappearing, “I’m here now, and that’s what matters, right? I’m lucky I saw you in the window.”
“I guess,” she mutters, realizing her heart has not stopped its staccato frenzy since moving closer, “you scared me, by the way. I’ve been here alone for hours and suddenly someone is walking up to me, I think I shit my pants.”
Hyunjin bellows out a laugh, and such an airy sound momentarily leaves her awestruck. Oh, god, she’s in deep. It’s over.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he giggles, battling her hand to reach for a chip. Even the touch of his long fingers against hers has the entire butterfly population roaring to life in her gut. “Look, I made up for it by gifting you chips.”
“True,” she hums, licking residue salt off her fingers before leaning back in her chair to catch a breather. Too much physical contact and emotion for one night.
“What are you doing next weekend?” Hyunjin asks, taking her by surprise. Again. She thinks she is going to faint if she isn’t able to wrap herself around him within the next fifteen seconds.
“Um,” she starts, then remembers her previous idea of going home after this week was over. “I was probably going to go home next Friday.”
“Oh,” is all Hyunjin says, seemingly disappointed. “Why?”
She grits her teeth. Why? Really? “I don’t know,” she shrugs, not even convinced herself, “I’m bored and lonely here. I love everyone here but I miss my friends at home. I might as well be slightly less bored at home.” Hyunjin frowns.
“Okay, what about this,” he starts, leaning close enough she can count his individual eyelashes and nearly smell the flavor of his lip balm, “you go out with us tomorrow night and if you have fun, you hang out with us next weekend, too. Oh, and whenever you want some company, you text me and we’ll come here or somewhere else and do homework together or just chill. How does that sound?”
All she can do is blink at him. Her initial thought is how dare he try negotiating whether I go home or not? But, there it is, again, she realizes. That extra step he takes, the genuine care he shows her, acting like her well-being is his responsibility. “You don’t have to do that, Hyunjin. I don’t want to bother you every time I feel lonely. I’ll be fine.”
“Christ, you’re dense,” rolling his eyes, Hyunjin sets his fork down, wipes his hands on his thighs, and suddenly leans in to hold her face with both hands, “I wouldn’t offer to sit around and do homework with you when you’re in need of a friend if I didn’t want to.”
Her heart is racing so fast she fears he may be able to hear the thud of it against her chest. What he’s saying is starting to sound a lot more than some friend-to-friend comfort, and it’s making her head hurt, especially with his thumbs ever so slightly swiping against her cheeks. At her silence, he starts again.
“Y/N,” he says, voice dropping an octave, “don’t go home. This is your home, too, you just don’t want it to be.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, she thinks she is going to say something, but nothing comes out. There is nothing to say. Hyunjin is right, he has read her like an open book, and he’s here to offer his shoulder to lean on. “Okay,” she whispers, “I’ll go out with everyone tomorrow. And I’ll try and stay here for the rest of the semester.”
“That’s my girl,” Hyunjin smiles, leaning closer and pressing a featherlight kiss to her lips. At first, it takes her by surprise. But then it all starts to make sense. The snow makes sense. Her essay makes sense. Being here makes sense. Hyunjin makes sense. His birthday makes sense. She makes sense.
Outside the glass windows, the wind starts to howl, blowing the composed ballet of snow to its final act, covering the pathways and the streetlights and the roof of the business building in perfect white glitter. Inside these windows, she realizes they would notice if she were to go home.
Why would she ever do that when her second home is right here in front of her?
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Fuck. I’m Gay.
I’ve been reading a lot of ml salt fics lately (mainly @unmaskedagain which is a literal goldmine of saltiness). And getting into the Damienette ship. Marinette really does deserves better (Fuck Canon) but so does Adrien. He is not a “sidekick”. Chat Noir and Ladybug are partners = equals. So I decided why not write a fic where Adrien gets his own happy ending in the form of a grumpy assassin-turned-vigilante that loves animals more than people. 
Somewhat of a crack writing where creative liberties were definitely taken. 
Lila Rossi is a bitch and everyone knew it. Well, by everyone, Adrien means himself, his good-amazing-make-pastries-for-him friend Marinette, his maybe-not-really-sure friend Chloe and his-not-that-close-really-classmate Nathaniel. 
Yeah. It was a small number. 
But Lila is still a bitch. 
Anyway, Lila’s lies and manipulations have disturbed the status quo and not in a good way. She ended up making the majority of the class fawn over her like she was a perfect goddess and not a pompous-temperamental-hormonal teenager. Teenagers were prone to be gullible; he can understand his classmates being inclined to believe her. But this was utterly ridiculous (man, Chloe is rubbing off on him). No. You know what’s even more ridiculous? Ms. Bustier letting Lila get away with it. She doesn’t even stop the class mistreating Marinette who claimed she was a bully just because of you know who - Fucking Lila Rossi. The audacity of that bitch and her bitchy followers, am I right? 
Growing up he watched the tv shows and the animes. High schools always had their drama but he thought that was to get some plot going on. He didn’t think it was an actual thing that happens in real life. But he was proven wrong. Françoise Dupont High School had their drama and it was way worse than what he watched on screen. 
The worst part was that he couldn’t get away from Lila. Or he’ll be pulled from school (Fuck you Dad). He had to sit next to that bitch and listen to her drone on and on about things they both knew she didn’t do, about things she promised to do for her ever gullible followers friends. And couldn’t say anything against it if he wanted to stay in school. But even his discreet questioning didn’t do that much. It got some of the class to think something’s possibly fishy with her stories but not enough to think Lila was evil. So he just gave up. Because what was even the point? 
He was distancing himself from Alya and Nino. He couldn’t really be friends with people who thought Lila held the sun and moon. They didn’t hang out as much as they used to and he made excuses when they did invite him to stuff. Lately, he was making outrageous excuses - like he had to take his cat to the vet even though he didn’t have a cat - to see if they caught on. They didn’t. It was fun but he didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad about that. But feeling sad-depressed-pain over it was a bitch so he decided to take his victories as they come. 
Chloe had left the school earlier on. Her mom wanted to spend one-on-one time with her daughter (Yeah, Audrey is better at being a mother here). She was completely out of this drama mess. And Nathaniel kept his head down to not paint a target on himself. 
His only consolation and ally in this whole mess was Marinette. His darling angel. His sunshine incarnate. His own goddess (not like that bitch Lila let’s get one thing straight). 
When he was feeling overwhelmed (which was a lot), he spent it at her house. They spent it discussing fashion, trash talking Liar-la and the sheep class, playing video games, and making/eating the best baked goods in all of Paris. If he wasn’t at his photo shoots or at school, he was at her house. And with how often they spent time with each other, it wasn’t long before they accidentally revealed their alter egos to each other. 
(The class’ Everyday Ladybug was actually Ladybug. How amazing is that! Isn’t Marinette the absolute coolest?!) 
Since they outed themselves to each other, they had to give up their miraculous. And new heroes had to be chosen. As the guardian, Marinette decided to give the Ladybug miraculous to herself and the Cat one to Adrien. And make them the superheros of Paris. 
(Just when he thought that Marinette couldn’t get any cooler) 
They both collectively decided that being friends were for the best and put away their obsession crush over the other far far away. Now they were best friends-almost siblings. Oh who was he kidding? He was an honorary Dupain-Cheng. Marinette and her parents said so. And who was he to deny the goddess? 
All was well. 
Until he met this gorgeous boy with raven black hair and piercing green eyes that made him question everything in life. 
Like fuck. His life wasn’t hard enough already? 
It was a slow patrol. Just stopped a few petty crimes. No akuma tonight. He wasn’t really expecting much to happen.
Mari said patrolling regularly gives citizens a sense of security and it helps if one of them were on scene if an akuma does appear. 
He didn’t mind. He loved running on the rooftops and feeling the wind in his face. After some time, he stopped and stood on top of one of the tallest buildings. Just soaking the view. The peace and serenity of it all. Seeing the glowing lights of his beloved city. Seeing the Eiffel Tower standing tall and proud. 
(Forget school. Forget Liar-la and her hoard of bitches) 
This was his city. This was why he fights Hawk Moth with Ladybug. They had something precious to protect. 
He was done patrolling the regular routes and all his schoolwork was already finished. He could go to sleep but he didn’t feel that tired. And he really didn’t want to go back home. Mari shared her theory on his dad being Hawk Moth. She had really good reasons and a plethora of proof. If they could switch miraculous, why couldn’t he and Mayura - most likely Nathalie? Which would explain how Gabriel got akumatized.
After all her support with dealing with Lila, he was way more inclined to believe her even without the evidence. But those things just made him more wary of his dad. And he wasn’t too stoked on spending more time than what he can get away with with the guy. Because his dad being Hawk Moth explains why he wants Lila (his strongest supporter - Chameleon and Oni-chan, anyone?) close and makes Adrien play nice with her. And anyone who enables Lila’s bitchiness is on his enemy list. 
Anyway, he was out here to enjoy the good mood not think about evil bitches and evil dads. So he sat himself down and enjoyed the sights. It was more calming than you would think. 
He heard cars blaring and even a dog barking. The slight breeze felt nice. The moon was pretty bright tonight. The stars too. There was a lone couple walking through the park. There was also another teen in black running on rooftops a few buildings away. 
He blinked and looked again. Huh, there was another teen in black running on rooftops. And it was not a hallucination. 
What the actual fuck?
He was instantly on his feet, baton already in hand as he raced across the roof to reach said stranger. 
But because he was the lucky owner of the unlucky miraculous, the moment he said that, the guy was about to jump off a building to presumably roll onto the next one like Chat was watching him do beforehand. But his call made him lose focus and Chat watched horrified as the guy slipped and started falling into the alley. 
Oh fuck! Mari was going to fucking kill this dumbass kitty!
He hoped to everything that Mari thinks is holy that he makes it in time. Extending his baton, he used it as a huge Pogo stick to basically catapult himself towards the stranger and wrapped his arms around him as he braced himself for the full weight of hitting the gravel at this height and speed. But he wasn’t that that concerned. His suit protected him from the majority of the injuries that would’ve occurred if he wasn’t wearing it. It hurt but it isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. Remember earlier? He takes his victories as they come. 
This was not the smartest of ideas, he’ll admit. Mari had the brains to be honest. But it wasn’t bad if he say so. And he does say so. 
He rolled over and immediately looked over the stranger that was remarkably unharmed in this whole mess. 
And oh.
The stranger was taller than he was with a lithe and lean frame. He had raven black hair that complimented his tanned skin and gorgeous green eyes that pierced through him, making his heart do funny things. 
He was not expecting him to look as hot as he did. He wore a simply black t-shirt and jeans but he looked like a fucking Adonis, what the fuck.  Even the moon shone down on him, highlighting his handsome features even more.  
He shook himself of those thoughts and focused on what was more important. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright?” 
He was rudely pushed away, but he didn’t take offense. He did cause the guy to fall after all. 
“Do not touch me.” (What kind of accent is that?) “I’m fine. You are truly a moronic imbecile of the highest accord to yell like that. And what are you even supposed to be? Some kind of knock-off Catwoman?” 
At that, Chat looked at Hot-And-Sexy weird. “Are you new here? I’m the superhero Chat Noir. I protect Paris with Ladybug.”
“You’re joking.”
“I know I come off as the goofy hero because I make purr-fect puns all the time but I’m not joking about this.” 
He took out his phone to show the foreign (since he’s obviously not a Parisian) stranger the akuma attacks and Ladybug and Chat Noir being a dynamic duo, saving Paris and beating Hawk Moth. Ok, he showed the stranger a lot of stuff. Sue him. He gets to brag about his Princess. And himself too.
“I never heard about this before.” Hot-And-Sexy (he has got to come up with a better name) said afterward. “3 years this has been going on? Why didn’t you ask for help from the Justice League or other superheros?” 
Chat shrugged. “We tried. But they said we’re obviously pulling a prank and making this all up. So we stopped asking for help.”
For some reason this made Hot-And-Sexy angry. “They ignored your plea for help and left you to fight for yourselves?”
“Pretty much, yea.” 
“You and Ladybug are children.” 
“Excuse me? Are you doubting our ability to protect our city?" He was not apologetic at the sharp edge his voice took. Forget looking hot. How dare he? The audacity really. 
Hot-And-Sexy shook his head. “I’m not. I know some child superheroes who are adequate at their jobs and a few who are remarkable like Robin in Gotham. But the majority of them had adult mentors to guide them. From what you’ve shown me, you and Ladybug had no one. You were left alone to fend for yourself with essentially no help.” 
He never thought of it that way. But hearing it like that made him think: Fuck Adults Who Chose Children to Fight Their War For Them and Fuck Hawk Moth For Putting Them In This Position In The First Place. 
You know what. Just to clear all his bases - Fuck Everyone But The Dupain-Chengs. 
Chat couldn’t help but shrug, not quite knowing what to say to that. “Life is a bitch, I’ve come to find out. But enough of that. Why were you running on rooftops anyway?”
“It calms me down.”
“Is...Is your tail moving?” 
“Huh?” He looked behind him to see his tail was indeed moving lazily. “Yeah. I’m called Chat Noir for a reason.”
“May I touch them?” Chat was used to people (usually kids) pulling on his tail to see if it was real (It was). And it really hurts because they usually rough. Not that he blames them. Kids don’t know any better. Still, he usually says no when people ask. 
But Hot-And-Sexy had such a sincere expression that he said yes. To his surprise and delight, Hot-And-Sexy was extremely gentle (Can this guy be anymore perfect?) and it felt nice to be petted like that. Curse his touch-starvation (again Fuck you Dad).
Hot-And-Sexy was apparently fascinated by his ears and tail. 
“Are you a meta?” He noticed how Hot-And-Sexy’s voice turned softer and fonder (or was he imagining that?).
“Nah. I’m fully human. I just got powers to transform into this.” He looked down at his phone seeing that the time was nearing 2 am.
“Have you suffered any injuries from your stupid stunt?” 
“Hmm?” Chat looked back at him before gesturing to his body. “Don’t worry. I may not look like it but I can take it.”
He can practically feel Hot-And-Sexy rolling his eyes. “What an utter dolt.” 
But there wasn’t any heat behind it so he didn’t take it to heart. 
“Thanks, babe.” 
“That was an insult.”
“And I’m taking it like a compliment.”
Chat stood up and stretched his limbs. Hot-And-Sexy doing the same but dusting off his clothes instead.
“So, uh, need any help getting home?”
“I am perfectly capable of finding my own way, thanks.” 
“Ok. Have a nice night.” He was about to leave when he was caught off guard by Hot-And-Sexy staring at him for a good few seconds, making his limbs freeze in place at the heavy attention.
Before he said. “You should try contacting the Batfamily in Gotham about Hawk Moth. They’re used to dealing with weird things. I’m sure they won’t turn you or Ladybug away.” 
Chat was a bit distracted by how intensely those green eyes focused on him, making his heart beat faster and his cheeks turn a vibrant red. 
He was so screwed. 
He used his baton to shoot himself up so he can run on rooftops, hurrying to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. 
“Mari! I think I’m gay!”
“It’s 2 in the morning, Chaton. Go to sleep and we’ll talk about it in the morning.” 
After a good night’s rest (and thank everything that was right in the world that today was a weekend), Adrien told Mari all about Hot-And-Sexy. And yes, he did call the stranger that out loud. His everything-that-actually-matters sister simply took it in stride after giggling a bit. They spent the majority of the day discussing emotions and everything that came with that bundle. 
Before he finally came to a conclusion. 
He is definitely gay (He liked girls but not like like them). And most definitely had a crush on Hot-And-Sexy with the pretty green eyes. 
Good news: He is no longer having a sexuality crisis. 
Bad news: He is going through an emotional crisis. 
Like dealing with these feelings that is making his stomach flip flop over and over again? The only one he ever had to deal with was the one he had on Ladybug and that (he talked with Mari about it months before. She was amazing with these emotional matters) was more of a hero-worship crush than anything really romantic. 
And his crush on Hot-And-Sexy was so much more. 
So it’s been about 2 weeks since he encountered Hot-And-Sexy. And he still haven’t figured out what else to call him. But the nickname was growing on him. 
(He also told Mari about asking the Batfam for help but she was a bit apprehensive after the disastrous attempts of convincing the Justice League. He shrugged, trusting her opinion and left it at that) 
Anyway, Lila was being her usual bitchy self. Father was being non-existent like always. Mari was his only source of sanity at school. And Hawk Moth was being a bitch. 
Because of course, the day before they have a huge test, he decides to akumatize someone (in this case, a businessman who was really unhappy with getting fired) and cut in on study time. And this akuma took a while to defeat. Guess he drew a lot of strength from his burning hatred of the failings of the corporate world. 
And just yesterday, a teenager who was upset at being grounded got akumatized and terrorized the city for 3 hours before Ladybug could purify her. It did however confirmed her fears. Hawk Moth was getting stronger. It took longer to defeat his monsters. They needed to find him and ended this fast. 
Adrien landed on Mari’s balcony and slipped in her room, crashing on her big comfy bed, de-transforming on the spot. Plagg sleepily floating and laying next to him on the pillow. He was so tired. And photo shoots and school drama were not helping things.
For the record, he was not at all expecting to see Hot-And-Sexy in a bookstore of all places. 
He was so engrossed in looking through the latest Boku no Hero Academia manga (can’t wait until Season 5 comes out) that when someone touched his shoulder, he was not proud to admit he squeaked a bit.
He turned around and his eyes widened his surprise. 
It was indeed the Adonis Adrien had a huge crush on. Today he was wearing a white t-shirt paired with a blue denim jacket and black ripped jeans. Wow. He really can make anything look hot.
No. Bad Adrien. Don’t let him know you actually have a crush on him.
And oh fuck. Hot-And-Sexy was staring at the blonde and Adrien tried not to let himself get flustered. He has a very intense stare. For all he knew, Hot-And-Sexy stares at everyone like that.
Calm the fuck down, heart. You too brain.
He raised a handsome eyebrow in amusement. “Excuse me?”
Adrien felt himself burn with embarrassment, his face turning bright scarlet. No wonder he was fit for the unlucky miraculous or was this just a side-effect? Note to self, ask Mari about this later. 
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t get your name last time. And I just started calling you that in my head. Cause you’re really hot and you have pretty eyes.”
Fuck mouth! Why won’t you stop talking! Please for the love of everything that makes Mari a BAMF stop. Stop digging further into the hole of embarrassment! Abort mission! Abort!
“When did we meet?”
At that, he blink a few times. Oh fuck. He was not Superhero Chat Noir. He was Civilian Adrien Agreste. Mari was definitely murdering his dumbass tonight. Lightning please strike him down right now. Where was an unlucky lightning strike when you need it?
After a few seconds of his horrified silence, Hot-And-Sexy chuckled (he had such a nice laugh). “You are extremely lucky I already figured out your alter ego beforehand, Chaton.”
Before Adrien could even unwrap that statement, he held out a hand and had a dangerously sexy smirk on his face. “My name is Damian Wayne. Would you care to get a cup of coffee with me?”
And Adrien nodded his head, not trusting himself to speak. He can deal with the superhero thing later when he can think straight (hah!) and is not distracted by Damian’s beautiful smile and alluring green eyes and perfect everything.
Guess what?
Ya Boi got game.
(At least, he likes to think he does)
After a successful coffee date (was it a date? Please let it be a date), they exchanged numbers (cue internal squealing) and met up a few times afterward to hang out.
Apparently, Dami was here on business to deal with something for Wayne Enterprises.
“Aren’t you 17?”
“Father believes in preparing us when we’re young.”
Dami was amazingly sweet. Arrogant and pretentious with a stick up his ass but sweet. He treats stray animals with such reverence that Adrien’s heart melt every time he sees it.
It was an added bonus when Damian scorned Lila with cruel words and disgusted looks when she tried to cut in Adrien and Dami’s date(?)/meetup(?)/spending-time-together event.
She cried and whined afterwards and Adrien has to endure his father’s lecture. But it was totally worth it.
Oh yeah. Mari was not pleased that he accidentally outed himself to a civilian. But nothing that a couple of sad kitty eyes can’t fix.
“You are so lucky you’re cute, kitty-cat.” Mari grumbled but she was smiling. “I just need to have a good talk with him on the importance of secrecy.”
That day Damian Wayne learned to fear a certain Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
It was 2 weeks later when Adrien woke up to a package next to his futon in Mari’s room. When he opened it, he saw the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous inside.
There was a card beneath it. And in beautiful cursive script read: 
I dearly hope you enjoy my courting gift, mon amour. Allow me the honor to formally ask you out on a date. I look forward to hearing favorably from you soon.
- Damian Wayne
He couldn’t believe it.
“Mari! Damian likes me back!”
“Chaton, I swear. It is 2 in the morning.”
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