#sereni asks
Sereni, Rollyn's not lying to you. Her ex wiped her memory.
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"Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha" She laughs sarcastically. "Excuse me? That weird ass twink did what?"
The Jadeblood in front of you seems to go through a series of emotions. Processing this news like several stages of grief. She does remember something about him have voodoos, vaguely. Why would Sunset wipe Rollyn's memory of their relationship? He must have had something to hide. Secretive purpleblood mafia clown, mutant girlfriend. It does not take her long to extrapolate several less than pleasant guesses. Sereni gives a long, frustrated sigh. Extinguishing her cigerette on an ashtray on the coffee table.
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"Cool. Thanks for letting me know. He's dead." She promises, exiting the room. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."
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byrdstrolls · 3 months
Hey sereni? its been a second! How have you been? any updates on the whole rollyn sunset thing?
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"If... somebody knows something....... it sure as fuck isn't me" She is lounging around on the floor of some hotel someplace with a half empty bottle of wine.
"Matise added another night to every city on our tour, to punish me specificallyyyyyy for beating up an important mafia highblood who then stabbed him. so we've been doing shows thursday, friday, saturday and sunday every week for like two weeks now. And my brain has fried like an egg and my fingers may fall off and i wish I had more time to be making sure Rollyn is okay. But there is a reason most artists only do 2-3 nights in any given city when they are on tour it is more exhausting than you think."
"but its okayyyyy because Matise says if I do stupid shit drunk on television to cope it will 'give the tabloids something to talk about' besides Sunset stabbing Matise."
She says, bitterly and sarcastically.
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fizzigigsimmer · 4 months
WIP: All The Kings Men
I dusted off my WIP folder this weekend and realized that this draft has been sitting for over a year to the day and that's a shame. I really love this story. It was really nice to get back to this world and I want to keep at it. I am hoping to stay inspired.
Background: Prince!Steve X Pirate!Billy also, Prince!Steve x Siren!Billy because I absolutely will have my cake and eat it too.
Basically this is a dom/sub au in a fantasy world. Steve and Billy fell in love when they were kids, only to be separated. Years later Billy decided to come back and get his man and ran off with him. Now a war for the crown is brewing on the exterior while Steve and Billy fight an interior battle for dominance - and to the victor the spoils.
The sky was still a dark blanket hanging over the city of Ashae when two spots of light appeared, like stars burning bright. 
Within moments a deep groaning, like those of bullfrogs, filled the air as the eyes upon the watchtowers blew their conches to warn the city of the oncoming danger.  
“Min Primena!” the frantic voice of her serving woman called through the doors of the bedchamber in the old tongue, and then once more in the imperial standard. “My princess, you must wake!” 
But despite the earliness of the hour Princess Ingrid was already awake, dressed, and marching through the doors of her bedchamber before the shouting of her personal servant could even finish echoing down the stone corridor.   
She’d woken at the first blast of the warning shells. Their throbbing notes had vibrated in the stone beneath her feet as she leaped from her bed and reached for her dressing gown. Their sound filling her heart with dread. 
The bone men had come.  
It had been many years since anyone from the empire had been to the castle. Ships came from distant ports for trade but only as far as Korallö, the first of the northern islands. To maintain peace, delegates and diplomats had been sent to Teru as necessary, but neither the Bone King or any of his emissaries had set foot on Ashae or its citadel in going on a decade. And that was by design. 
Ingrid’s father the king was not well. 
“What has happened Nadia?” Ingrid asked her serving woman, tightening the ties on her dressing gown as she strode down the empty hall towards the center of the castle. Whether their unexpected guests had been brought to the throne room or the dungeon, the center of the castle was where they’d be. 
Nadia scurried to keep up with Ingrid’s purposeful stride, her large chest heaving under her gossamer top. She had not seen her stoic serving woman Nadia so ruffled, even on the day Ingrid’s father had collapsed. If not for the warning shells she would have feared it meant the Prime was dead. 
 “Primena, two airmen from the badlands have come.”  
“Ah, that explains how they had made it to the castle without being stopped.” Ingrid mused, frowning. 
There was no one who could challenge Noreda in battle by sea, but they were vulnerable by air. However, it did not explain entirely why they hadn’t had prior warning.  
The princess had made good use of her time as a captive in Teru. Her friends in Sereni were few but they were well placed, and loyal to her. Or more aptly they were loyal to the peace that was promised and the order of Divinas from whence the prophecy of the promised prince had come two hundred years before. Loyal enough even to risk their lives divulging court secrets to the enemy.  
Their silence now was troubling, but Ingrid pushed aside her lingering questions and focused her mind on the more important task at hand. She must protect her own secrets now. 
“Where is my father?” 
“The prime is secure below, min primena.” Nadia answered and Ingrid released a quiet breath of relief, some of the tension in her chest loosening. Thank The Father for small mercies. 
“Send word to Tal-Munson.” she instructed. “No one is to enter the southern gate until he hears it from me.” 
The serving woman bowed her head once in submission before hurrying off to do her mistress’s bidding. For she knew as well as Ingrid, that it would spell their ruin if the Bone King were to discover the truth behind their king’s ill health. Her father was more than ill he was depleted, robbed of the ancient power that had been at the heart of her family’s power since the day they’d risen from the sea. 
Without the power that had been passed down from prime to prime for thousands of years, Noreda was crippled and would not be able to withstand attack from their enemy in the south. 
But there was no evidence of weakness on Ingrid as the doors of the castle opened and she descended the great white steps, down to where the castle guard waited with the intruders: two men, sat atop giant feathered beasts with wicked yellow eyes. 
The airmen hailed from Egnill, home of the fyre lords, and were clothed in the distinctive dress of their people – long tunics with the symbol of the phoenix embroidered upon the chest. It was no doubt made from the flame resistant leathers that their ancestors had crafted for centuries and exported to other nations at a hefty cost. But it was to the green and gold bands around their throats that Ingrid’s eyes went, bands that established them as part of the Terun empire and under the Bone King’s heel.  
Her lips curled in a sneer. She would not be intimidated by a pair of collared dogs. 
The two men sat on the back of their fyrebirds surrounded by a circle of her father’s warriors, their deadly cortans drawn and open at their sides ready to slice through flesh and bone at the first provocation.  
The riders wisely refused to give up their only exit of escape by leaving their mounts. On their taloned feet their beasts stood nearly fifteen hands high. Although the massive plume of brightly colored feathers atop their heads made them appear taller.  
Piercing eyes tracked Ingrid like prey as she approached. The breeze tossed her golden hair and the gossamer robe fastened between her breasts until it floated around her pale legs as if she were in water. The pearls in her diadem glinted in the firelight from where they rested against her brow.  
Armored only with the power in her blood Ingrid strode to meet them and the alphas surrounding the airmen parted for her, lowering their eyes in submission. 
“Milady.” The braver of the two riders, a man with hair as russet as his beast’s tail feathers, cleared his throat and spoke a greeting in imperial standard. “I am Nathanial Cunningham, Captain of the wing-guard and I would see your king.” 
Ingrid smiled at the impertinence, showing her fangs. 
“You are nothing.” She corrected softly. “And I would see you dead for trespassing on these lands.”  
She enjoyed watching the way the foreigners faces paled, the scent of their fear souring the air. The brave one’s eyes narrowed speculatively on her however, before turning and sharing a meaningful look with his partner. He had drawn all the correct conclusions from her presence there and the absence of her father she was sure. There would have been no reason for the king to bother with them or for her to show her face at all, had he still had the full power of poseidon behind him. 
Ingrid sought out the highest ranking of the guard and locked eyes with him, giving the alpha a subtle nod.  
“Are you Lady Harg-” Captain Cunningham’s companion did not get a chance to finish before the sharp end of an arrow grazed across his cheek, slicing through the flesh before embedding itself into the sandstone a few paces beyond. 
The captain drew his sword as his second let out a cry – more from shock than pain. The feathered beasts they rode puffed out their breast and flared their wings, the captain’s mount opening its large slightly curved beak to screech a furious warning.  
Ingrid tensed, painfully aware of her own vulnerability, but no flame appeared from the creature’s mouth. More arrows rained down from the open arches of the castle, and the captain leaned over in his saddle to reach across and grab the reins of his companion’s mount delivering firm commands for it to settle. 
When the beast had calmed and its rider had regained control, Captain Cunningham turned burning eyes toward Ingrid, full of fury and hatred. Ingrid’s smile stayed exactly as it was. She raised her hand and the volley of arrows ceased.  
“I am Princess Ingrid, daughter of The Tuninri.” She corrected the man again, lifting her head with pride. “And you bore me. Deliver your message and be gone.” 
“You speak of trespassing when you have invaded our capital and made off with the king’s blood?” Captain Cunningham seethed, all pretenses at civility abandoned. He resembled his feather pet as his eyes pierced her. It was a struggle for Ingrid to keep her face still, at the revelation that the capital had been invaded, though she was sure a practiced eye would have noticed the twitch of shock she quickly suppressed.  
To hear that Sereni had been attacked was shock enough. That anyone would dare risk harming one of the kings own blood was almost unfathomable.  
“Is the Bone King dead?” she asked the only thing she cared to know and watched the captain’s face as he answered. 
“He is secure and in good health.” The young captain’s face betrayed nothing but his scent was bitter. He was lying. But about which part? 
“We are glad to hear it. But why do you blame Noreda for this?” 
His lips curling in a snarl, Captain Cunningham reached inside the satchel hanging at his side and tossed something swaddled in stained rags down onto the ground. As the object rolled to a stop near Ingrid’s bare feet it came unraveled, revealing the severed head of a Gorgan warrior. An icy fear speared Ingrids chest at the sight of it.  
“I see.”  
This was Creel’s doing, but she could not say so and risk revealing to the enemy the extent to which her father had lost control over the Gorgan tribes. She raised her eyes from the bloodied head and back to Captain Cunningham.  
“My Father knows nothing of this attack. We shall have it investigated.” 
“Of course. And I suppose it was merely a coincidence that on the very same day, Billy the bastard betrayed his liege and disappeared with the king’s ship?” the captain sneered in reply and Ingrid’s breath shook. 
Her heart squeezed in her chest, thinking of the child she’d left behind in Teru. The Divinas had promised her he was on his way home to his people at long last. She’d believed, but to hear it echoed so plainly from her enemy’s lips made it suddenly more real.   
“I have not seen William since he was a boy. Are you searching for him?” she asked calmly.  
She would not let them leave if they were. Two fyrebirds could bring down a ship in a matter of minutes. 
“Our search is for Prince Steven, and the message from our king is this: we will find him.” Captain Cunningham warned darkly. “And when we do, we will build our homes upon their ruined halls, and drink the blood of those who dared to test the strength of Teru.” 
A terrifying promise to be sure, but Ingrid did not wince. Little terrified her after the years she’d spent shackled to her terun husband, a brute of a man and far from the worst of his kind. Her suffering had only hardened her resolve. There was no pain she couldn’t weather and no indignity she couldn’t face when she knew that all of it would be to the glory of Noreda. 
“You will not find your prince here. Begone now.” Ingrid smirked, before she turned her back to them, confident in the strength of her father’s men. She spoke over her shoulder as she walked away, making a promise of her own. 
 “If you return uninvited as you did today, we will drag you into the sea and it shall be our children who suck succor from your bones.” 
‘I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls…’ 
Steve glanced back at the mouth of the cave where a ring of daylight illuminated the sand disappearing beneath the encroaching waves. The tide was coming in and Jonathan was not a strong swimmer. The butcher’s apprentice hung back, pacing at the opening, his fretful calls nearly becoming lost within the cavernous space as his voice bounced along the walls. Steve did not need to hear Jon clearly to know what he was saying. Come back. The tide is rising. It isn’t safe. 
But Steve pressed on into the darkness, away from the light, venturing into the back of the cave. He was not afraid of the dark, or of the strange music only he could seem to hear. It swelled louder with each step he took as if to assure him he was taking the right path. Even if the cave had not been discovered by anyone else for a hundred years or more, they were still in Hawks Landing. This was his home. 
‘I had riches all too great to count.’ 
He kept a hand pressed to the wall to guide his steps as the carven narrowed into a tunnel, the ground beneath his feet slanting downward. He paused when the rock beneath his hand became less rough edged, smoothing out until it felt polished. He ran his hand along the cool surface, wondering at it, pausing again when his fingers encountered something protruding from the wall. As his fingers grazed it, he felt a subtle vibration - a gentle hum. The shell, for Steve could see it now where it was embedded in the wall, began to give off a soft light bathing Steve and the walls around it in a golden glow. 
The light glimmered upon the surface of a wide pool of water resting just a few steps from where he stood. Had he kept going in the dark he would have fallen right into it. It was here the cave ended in a rounded chamber, not caused by the passage of time and erosion but chiseled with tools. Tiny colorful shells like the one he’d accidentally touched were embedded into the walls along with polished stones of differing sizes. They formed a mosaic he realized, as more of the shells began to pulse with light until the rendering of waves spanning the curvature of the chamber appeared to move. 
The music was all around him now. He could hear the plucking of a harp strings and the low throbbing notes of a fluted instrument for which he had no name for, and there were voices too. They rose up from the water as he drew closer. 
The pool was deep and black. He could not see a bottom to it, and yet it seemed to beckon him. Those voices were so beautiful, singing in a language he’d never heard spoken outside of his own mind, but that he knew was real. And ancient. 
‘But what I dreamt which pleased me most, twas that you loved me still the same.’ 
Steve wanted to follow those voices. They understood what no one else could. They would make the pain go away… 
Steve woke gently to the sound of his name. Unlike the frantic way Jonathan had called him all those summers ago, Billy’s voice was calm and steady as it drew him from sleep. He blinked his eyes open. It was growing dark within the cabin. The sun outside the open window already sunk halfway bellow the horizon. It bathed the room in hues of bronze. How long had he slept?  
“Murray will be ringing the bell for supper,” Billy answered, reading the question in his expression. Steve turned his head slightly to look over at him, his breath catching as his gaze wandered over miles of golden skin and the firm wall of Billy’s chest. In the dappled glow that filled the cabin he made Steve think of the marble statues of past kings that decorated Sereni. He used to look up at them when he was a boy and marvel at their greatness: the size of their arms and legs, the breadth of their shoulders, the superior way with which they held their heads, frozen in poses of dominance. 
I will prove my blood. I will be great, and all of Teru will know it. He used to vow whenever he looked upon the likenesses of his ancestors, doubling down on his efforts to rise above his royal cousins. And after he’d earned his sword and had been knighted, bent inside from an invisible injury but not broken, he had added: One day, he shall beg for mercy at my feet. 
Steve smiled to himself before masking it with a tired groan.  
“Never did I think I would come to dread supper.” 
Billy huffed in his ear, more amused than annoyed. 
“I forgot what a princess you are. You of all people, has no right to complain.” He reminded Steve with an arched eyebrow. His frown was stern, but there was a certain glint in his eye that Steve knew. Loved, if he were being honest. 
“I am the king’s blood. I define what is right.” he replied as haughtily as he could manage without having to laugh at himself. “And what of you? You move heaven and earth to get a prince in your bed and then act surprised when he believes himself faultless.”  
He’d hoped to draw a laugh from Billy with his teasing, but Hargrove only continued to stare at him, his expression growing more pensive.  
“Billy, what’s wrong?” Steve finally questioned, beginning to worry a little. 
“What were you dreaming about?” 
Instead of answering, Billy asked a question of his own. Steve hesitated, wondering why Billy was suddenly interested in his dreams. Not that he minded - it gave Steve a thrill, not knowing what pieces were on the board and what Billy’s next move might be. He’d missed this. Nobody ever played the game the same way or gave him the challenge that Billy did.  
He was happy, feeling the evidence of Hargrove’s strength pressed against his body, knowing it wouldn’t save him. Steve would be his undoing, and there was no more powerful feeling than that. 
“If I said I was dreaming of hearing you beg for mercy, what would you say?” Steve asked, his eyes searching out the bite he’d left on Billy’s shoulder. His heart quickened just at he sight of it, a spark of heat lighting deep in his belly. There was an answering spark of desire in Billy’s eyes before he answered. 
“I’d say that’s an admirable dream.” Billy’s lashes lowered as his own eyes found the bite he’d left on Steve’s throat. “But unless you forget, it was you who begged for my cock only hours ago. Intend to hear that sound every day for the rest of my life. ” 
“Strange. I remember you swearing to fulfill my every want only hours ago. But if you’ve decided not to keep your vow…” Steve huffed and began turning his body away, but Billy grabbed him around the middle before he could complete the motion and hauled him back in until they were chest to chest. Steve glared, but Billy just smiled. 
“You don’t want me dead. And you don’t want to test my patience either, omega.” He warned. 
Steve’s chest filled with warmth at hearing Billy call him his omega again, a quiet sound of pleasure chittering in his throat. It felt right. Their bond was stronger, and Steve felt stronger for it, and yet he was unalarmed by it. He ran his tongue over his teeth and wondered if it had something to do with the bites they’d exchanged.  
“I was dreaming of home,” Steve answered truthfully this time. “The time I explored the coast with my friend Jonathan. Why do you ask?” 
Instead of answering Billy lifted a hand to Steve’s cheek and rubbed the pads of his fingers over the surface. An achingly soft touch that sang through Steve’s starved skin like a reward. He leaned into it, curling into Billy’s body until his warmth was pressed all along his skin and Steve could feel the rise and fall of every breath he took. The itch and ache of yearning that he’d lived with while Billy had been avoiding him, refusing to touch him, might feel like a distant memory in the afterglow of sex and sub care, but it wasn’t. Not to either of them. 
“There were scales on your skin. You were glowing, here...” Billy’s hand  drifted down to Steve’s neck  and pressed gently against the side of his throat. “And here.” 
His voice was steady but Steve clocked the tension in him through his tightly controlled breaths.  
Steve considered it slowly, shivering a little. It wasn’t the first time he’d dreamed about finding the cave, but it couldn’t be coincidence that he’d been dreaming about that when he grew scales and started to glow.  
“My teeth grew sharp earlier, like yours do.” Steve admitted though it would have been hard for Billy not to notice when he’d bitten into him like a flesh eating eel. What he really wanted to know was, “Billy, do you ever hear voices?” 
“Voices?” Billy’s had gone tight. He had his answer but Steve pressed on for more detail. 
“The ones in the water.” Steve nodded his head toward the open window, confessing. “My room at home faced the sea. At night I could hear them singing in a language I’d never heard, but I understood every word.”  
He waited, unsure how Billy would answer. He could not be sure that Billy would be truthful when that truth made him vulnerable, but it was not just himself anymore that Billy had to worry about. Steve was tangled up in the secrets locked within Billy’s blood. 
‘There is no weakness like loving someone. Never forget that’. Steve’s father used to say, but it was Billy who had taught him the lesson. 
“Now and again.” The admission was gruff and quiet. Steve laid his head on Billy’s shoulder, smiling to himself as the alpha’s arms tightened around him. “And when I do I have the helmsman change course.” 
“Why?” Billy looked at him askance and Steve grinned. “I understand why you would fear for your men, but when you are alone, why not go to meet them?” 
“They are sirens Steve. They lure sailors to their death.” 
“But you are no ordinary sailor. Perhaps they only want to greet their prince.” 
Billy’s face darkened, predictably, his scent souring. 
“I am no prince. And I don’t care what it is they want.”  
“Bollocks. You’re scared.” Billy’s glare turned sharp and Steve tilted his chin up in defiance. 
“Are you calling me a coward Harrington?” 
The red glow around his pupils was warning enough, how stupid Steve would be to say another word that wasn’t a denial. 
“A fortnight ago, definitely. Tonight?” Steve paused, bringing his hand up to graze Billy’s bared shoulder, just above the mark his teeth had left. Billy’s gaze followed the movement of his hand, his throat moved as he swallowed, before he lifted his gaze back to Steve’s, penetrating. 
 “Tonight, I find myself feeling very human.” Steve continued, hushed. “Despite all indications that I am not. You cannot hide from who you are Billy, any more than I can hide from who you’ve made me.”  
It was silent for a long drawn-out moment with neither of them speaking. Billy breathed in tandem with the slapping of waves against the sides of the ship.  
When he finally spoke, his grip around Steve changed with the command that entered his tone. “If you hear them again Steve, you’re to tell me. And you are never to answer their call.” 
This was as far as Steve could safely push Billy tonight, Steve knew it even though he could tell that Billy was expecting resistance. Which was good because if he had expected anything else Steve would have been insulted.  
“I would not want to follow them anyway.” Steve answered with an easy shrug and took private delight in the wary confusion that furrowed Billy’s expression. “I am no prince of the sea or child of the gods. I like my chances better on land.” 
Slowly the confusion cleared from Billy’s face, replaced by a small hopeful smile. 
“That is a very petulant way to say yes alpha.” 
“That’s not what I said at all.” 
“Isn’t it?” 
Steve heaved a great put upon sigh and began talking to himself, not bothering to lower his voice. 
“He’s got a magnificent cock, yes, but if he’s a mad man is the fare really worth the price of – Ah!” Steve laughed as Billy growled and rolled on top of him, driving the breath from him as he wedged his thigh between Steve’s legs. Laughter melted into a moan as the pressure against his cock made Steve stiffen. 
He grabbed onto both Billy’s shoulders holding on, but Billy held himself still. He stared down at Steve with such a smirk, Steve wanted to smack it off him. And then kiss him. Suck those soft lips between his teeth until he whimpered and moaned. I hate him so much. Steve tightened his grip on Billy’s shoulders. 
Billy laughed, smug as he rocked into Steve too slow and infuriatingly easy. Bastard. I love him so much. 
I obviously haven't updated in a while but you can read up to this part on AO3
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chuurroez · 1 year
This is rigged..!!
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✧˚ · . pairing: Zhang Hao x gn!reader
✧˚ · . summary: spending over $20 trying to win a hello kitty plush in a claw machine was not part of the plan that you and hao had in mind but whatever i guess, you won hello kitty though! that's the most important thing, right?
✧˚ · . genre: fluff! set in non-idol verse ^^
✧˚ · . warnings: I say ass only like 1 time here but none other than that ^^
✧˚ · . notes: i haven't posted in a few days so here's a little something for u guys while I work on the angst fic! I might not finish it tomorrow so so maybe in about 2-3 days it'll be done? thank u guys for voting!
✧˚ · . word count: 890
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The weekends were one of the best things to ever happen! you could be with your boyfriend, completely free from the stress and tiredness your work had to give you. the both of you decided to go on a date together at the mall! you guys spent the day eating out, buying some snacks you saw on tiktok that looked good, and getting new clothes! you both saw a flea market not far from the mall so you guys decided to check it out! there was so much to explore, there were pretty tees, pants, shirts, and jewelry! You almost lost Hao because of how intrigued you were with all of the little trinkets, items, and clothes they had! After a good 2 hours in the flea market, you both decided to go back to the mall to relax before going home. ''Do you wanna get some milk tea?" you asked your boyfriend; his eyes lighten upon hearing your questioon, "sure! really craving something cold after all this heat'' Hao replies. You both walked together back to the mall and went to your go-to milk tea shop. "Hello! Welcome to Sereni-tea! What would you like?" the cashier greeted the both of you, "Hi! I'd like a (favorite milk tea flavor)!" you asked, "And I'll get a strawberry flavored one please, thank you!" Hao asked too, "Okay, that'll be $7 dollars, please!" the cashier asked, "Baobei, i'll pay. You already bought a lot of items from the market! I haven't paid anything for you throughout this day!" your sweet boyfriend pleaded, "But you've been busy and stressed over your work this week! I don't want you to worry over me'' you said with a little frown, Hao kissed you on your forehead and said not to worry much because he needed this more than anything. You finally gave up and let him pay and you both got your drinks and decided to roam around the mall once again and you saw the arcade! You immediately run towards it almost leaving your boyfriend behind. "Baobei, wait!" Hao pleaded but it was no use you went inside the arcade and saw all kinds of prizes, claw machines, and games! Once he caught up with you, you asked him if the both of you could try to win some prizes in the claw machine, "Are you sure? the last time we were here, you almost spent $30 dollars trying to win the big bunny plush!" you boyfriend asks you, "of course i am! and for your information, the original price of the bunny was $50 dollars so it was a $20 dollar discount!" you reassured Hao. "Fine, but if you don't win anything don't blame me!" Hao tells you, "Okay, okay! come one let's go!!" you enthusiastically say as you saw a hello kitty plushie and decided to try your best to get it!
-TRY 6-
"ugh! this stupid plushie won't budge!" You said, tone sounding annoyed. "I told you! But while we're here now, try to win it, okay?" Hao tells you, giving you a kiss on your forehead as a good luck charm.
-TRY 13-
"NOO!! i was so close! Stupid stupid claw machine!" you said once again, more angry than annoyed than the last time. "Baobei..Why not let me do it? I have good experience with claw machines, you know?" Your boyfriend asks you in order for you to not try to break the machine. "No! I can do this, I am y/n l/n, I will prove to the claw machine gods that I will get hello kitty!" you say with a little chuckle escaping your boyfriend's mouth.
-TRY 21-
"Baobei, I might need more good luck kisses, This is so rigged!!" You ask your boyfriend to which your boyfriend gives you 5 quick pecks on your cheeks, nose, and forehead as he chuckles a bit more to your cute annoyed expression. "Baobei..Let me try it out! You never know maybe I'll win it for you?'' Hao says to which you said you wanted a few more tries!
-TRY 28-
"Okay baobei, can you do it for me now? I'm so mad at this rigged ass claw machine!! It's impossible to win!" you asked Hao, "Told ya so baobei, don't worry, your amazing boyfriend will win it for you!" your boyfriend says as you scoffed happily since he's gonna probably win it more than you.
-TRY 33-
"Yes! Baobei! I got it! I finally won hello kitty!" Hao enthusiastically says, "omg! yes! baobei, how are you so good???'' you say finally happy knowing that Hao got it after about a good 10 minutes after your failed attempts in the arcade. "I told you I'd win it for you!" your boyfriend says giving you a kiss on the lips and giving you the toy after. You quickly kissed him back and gave him a hug as a thank you gift for winning you the plushie and for one of the best days ever! The both of you went home afterwards and the first thing you did once you both got there was put the hello kitty toy besides the big bunny toy you won the last time you were at the arcade. You 'won' hello kitty after all after spending more than $20 and that's the most important thing, right?
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likes, reblogs, comments, and feedback are greatly appreciated! <3
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the-mountain-flower · 5 months
It’s Mothers' Day where I live, so to celebrate I brought y’all some angst (I didn’t cry while writing this… not even a little… nope not me…) (Don’t worry, my mom got an actual gift lol)
Title: lyrics from the song “Lose You Now” by Lindsey Stirling and Mako
CW: family member death (flashbacks)
Falst didn't realize today was the Feast of Serenis, and misses his mom.
Falst didn’t usually keep track of the dates, but if he was near a town or city, it was usually obvious when it was a feast day. If possible, it was a good time to blend in among the crowds and grab some food at any public festivities.
That was the case when he snuck out of a city with a ragged cloak, a few foodstuffs in his pockets, and fighting tears from his eyes. He hadn’t realized it was the Feast of Serenis.
He’d been caught off guard by the focus of the festivities. Practically speaking, it meant he stood out more as a lone figure in a sea of people who surrounded themselves with friends and family. Which Falst had none of. He really, really wished he could hate it. Today always managed to make him feel so much more alone than usual.
But he couldn’t hate it, because his mother had loved this feast day.
Falst disappeared into a small forest near the city; one that gave just enough cover for him to hide in the trees, but it wasn’t large or dense enough for its own god so people rarely came, especially on days like today.
He climbed up a large, wide tree with sturdy branches and decent cover. It was where he’d been hiding out, until he was inevitably found and was driven away, just like everywhere else. It was one of the more uncomfortable places he’d stayed, but it suited his needs just fine.
He settled down on one of the top branches, and took from his pocket one of the foods he’d filched from a rich-looking merchant when they weren’t paying attention. It was a frosted bun, encased in a delicate wrapping that stuck to it a little and smeared the icing when Falst took it off, a side effect from being stuffed in his pocket with everything else. If he had the option, which he usually didn’t, Falst tried to go for heartier, more filling foods. Still, he had a fondness for sweets, and would never pass up the opportunity to grab something tasty. Plus, he needed something to make him feel better.
While he ate the bun, he was reminded the treats his mom had gotten on her last Feast of Serenis. Falst was still a young child back then and didn’t quite remember the details like he used to, but he desperately clung to what he did recall. Still a little overwhelmed by all of the activity from before, he didn’t have the mental energy to try and stop the memories… not that he wanted to.
He remembered his mom’s excitement at showing him the sweets she got for them from the market. His dad was out of town that day (typical of him to be gone for the Feast of Serenis), so it was just the two of them. He remembered practically stuffing his face with the sugary treats, and sitting in her lap as she read him a story from a childrens’ book. He couldn’t remember which story it was. Falst asked if she could draw something for him, and they ended up drawing each other. He wanted to remember what hers had looked like, but there was no chance he could find it, if it even existed anymore.
His finger hit a knot on the branch, and he realized one of his claws was scratching the tree bark. He looked down to see a half-finished depiction of the letters he’d found on his mom’s tombstone. He hadn’t fully realized he was doing it at first, but he finished the name anyway. It was rough and uneven on the bark, especially the first half since he hadn’t been paying attention, but it was clearly there.
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That was another thing he wished he could remember: her name. He’d only known her as “Mom”, and for some reason, the only writing he had of it was this.
For the millionth time, he wondered why her tombstone had been marked with Ancient runes. He wondered bitterly if his dad did it on purpose, just so that Falst couldn’t know what it meant. It was so unlikely, but Falst was almost upset enough to entertain the idea.
Falst inhaled heavily and tucked one knee to his chest. He wrapped his tail around himself, similar to how he would with his mom when they were sitting together. He brought out another piece of food from the festival- this one healthier and more filling- and got himself to take another bite. He reminded himself that food was to alleviate hunger, not grief. Nothing could heal a broken heart, but he could at least make sure his kept beating.
“Happy Feast of Serenis.” Falst whispered to the runes beside him. “I miss you.”
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tinyarmedtrex · 3 months
💙 and Narlie please 🥰
Thank you!
Serenity (I got this a few times, so I took some creative measures with this prompt)
"Sereni-tea?" Charlie frowned as he read the name out loud. "This is the shop that sells the best tea in the city?"
"Will you go inside already?" Elle said, shoving him slightly. "Just because the name is a pun doesn't mean it's not good!" 
He frowned but pushed the door opening, stepping inside the small shop. Elle immediately disappeared, darting to the loose-leaf teas while Charlie wandered up to the counter, looking at the options. 
"Serene Selection?" He read out loud. There was no description after it, only blue and yellow heart.
"It means you let me choose the blend." Someone called. A moment later the speaker appeared, carrying so many boxed tea kettles that Charlie couldn't even see his face. "Interested?"
"Uh-" He couldn't speak. Every word had fled from his mind as he stared at the speaker. He was gorgeous, with floppy blond hair and a bright smile that was directed at Charlie. 
'You okay mate?" He asked with a hint of worry when Charlie didn't reply. 
"Yes." He finally said. From a corner of the shop, he could hear Elle giggling. He was going to kill her for this.
"Yes you're alright or yes to the tea?"
"Er- both." 
"Brilliant." The man slipped behind the counter and pulled on an apron. Charlie could see the name 'Nick' embroidered on it. "Tell me a bit about what you like. Caffeine, or no? Spicy or creamy? Do you take milk?"
"Definetely caffeinated. Spicy. And yes."
The grin returned as he nodded. "'I've got just the thing. Just got one of these in yesterday and I've been waiting for the right person to try it out on."
"So I'm an experiment?"
"The tea is an experiment, you're the experimen-tea." He joked. as turned and started grabbing small boxes of leaves, taking a pinch from one and a spoonful of another. Charlie smirked then watched, fascinated, as he filled an infuser and set a timer.
"What sort of training do you need to work here?" He asked. It seemed very involved and complicated.
"Ah," Nick pushed a piece of fringe out of his face. "Not sure. I'm the owner. Can't say I've properly trained anyone yet."
"Oh." Hot and an entrepreneur. Charlie was done for. The man rung him up as Charlie tried to think of more questions, something more subtle than 'are you single and into men?' but the tea timer went off before he could. 
Nick poured the tea into a to-go cup and added a cube of sugar and a bit of cream. "Here, tell me if you need more cream."
Charlie accepted the cup, treasuring how their fingers touched for an instant. Then he sipped the tea. It was an explosion of rich flavor. "This is delicious. What's in it?"
He beamed at the compliment. "Cinnamon, Orange peel, black tea and a hint of chocolate." 
Elle chose that moment to make her appearance, carrying half a dozen boxes of tea. "Nick, I brought your chai to work, and it disappeared within a day. Do you sell bigger boxes?"
"No but for my best customer I can special order some." 
The trio chatted as Nick rang up Elle's purchases. Charlie learned more about Nick and each fact was more endearing than the last. He was a year older than Charlie, had opened the shop after retiring from rugby, normally his dogs came with him, but they hadn't wanted to leave the couch today, and he was single (that one had taken some creative questioning).
"I think I found my expensive new habit." Charlie said nearly an hour later as he and Elle left the shop. "I don't know if I should thank you or be upset."
"You just bought a months' worth of tea." Elle said, pointing to the bag he was carrying. "You don't need to go back for ages."
"But how else will I get the cute shop keep to fall for me so I can finally live out my queer romance story?"
Elle bounced with excitement. "I knew you two would get on." 
"If only I knew that Nick felt the same." He lamented.
"Oh, I think he does."
Charlie looked at her, wide eyed. "How do you know?" 
She tapped his cup, right under the cursive script of the shop name. Charlie turned it and saw that it had a phone number followed by 'text me? -Nick'
The tea may have been serene, but Charlie felt anything but calm as he added Nick's number to his phone and opened a new text thread.
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alongdefeat · 2 months
Gitta Sereny Interviews a Former SS Member on Hitler's Euthanasia Program
'I made a special point of asking Theo Hupfauer and his wife what they had known about euthanasia, for in February 1941 Hupfauer was named Commandant of the Ordensburg Sonthofen, an elite college for political education, on whose curriculum "hereditary health" and racial purity must have figured prominently. "I was only the Commandant", he answered evasively. "I didn't know about euthanasia. But let me add right away_I'm not against it. As you can see, it is now being discussed more and more.....You can see that the whole world is slowly moving in that direction now...The only question is how and to what degree. Is there really such a difference", he asked, "between the early-pregnancy tests done as a matter of routine with the idea of termination if the fetus is is abnormal, not to mention the number of abortions now being performed for all sorts of reasons, and what was done here forty years ago?"
These two people had not changed. In 1940-41 they had believed in racial purity, and, I was sure, had not only known about the Euthanasia Program, but agreed with it. And now, with ever increasing arguments for some_though less extreme_ kind of legalized euthanasia, they feel that the world is catching up with Hitler's ideas.' - Albert Speer: His Battle With Truth (Sereny 1995), p. 201-02.
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honeybeewhereartthee · 6 months
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Players have chosen: 05 with 20 difficulty
Current players: @nadam18 @valeriele3
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When he look back he felt he gaze upon his own reflection yet unlike him who's wearing a mask the other is wearing none and giving him a evil look.
Before he can run away he found himself frozen in place, inside a crystalize ice and he panic as the other created a mask similar to his and wearing it over his face.
Yet he watch one of those fiend take his place and the light inside of him slowly burn down from the cold of the ice, slowly his unconsciouse fade away yet worry in his eyes when that person wave at him and follows where you and his friends went yet each footsteps cause the beautiful field to turn into frozen land.
The moment guide saw the new fellow and in worry he tried to ask what's up with him but he too was frozen in place.
In your current location, your friend have made a flower crown to put on top of your head while the other plays a piano. Enjoying such sereny atmosphere. Yet ...
The second friend of yours stood up in alarm as he look at what's behind you before he takes out the long staff he have behind him, pointing at the direction of... Your savior(???)
His hair seems to turn all purple from edge to the root of his hair, nor there's a mask that is covering his face. His smile seems odd as he look at everyone and then to you. He seems to offer his hand toward you, beckoning you to come to him.
'he seems different...'
As you thought of that, you felt soft breeze of cold winter wind. That left frost bite with each breeze.
you heard your friend keep beeping and making noises as they felt the Shire cold that's weakening their lights. Yet the one in front of you stood firmly, wanting to protect you from this danger.
And then you notice how the green grass field of flowers and grass turn into snow white frost of winter. One step onto it, it can shutter into fine Ice dust. The danger now have Red eyes staring at you all from where he stood. Watching your move, what type of play you'll set for him.
You heard a giggle from the danger, seeing how the sight before him is quite amusing to watch. Snapping his hand many ice spear appear and with a wave he flow it down towards you all. Raining shards of sharp ice that could lead you to your end.
You felt weak, cold and hopeless. Unable to think of what to do in that fast moment but you heard a sound of night bird before a tall spirit have run to grab you three and run away as the butterflies around you create divergent and the brive friend of yours even through his in the shoulder blade of the tall spirit.
he bravely pointed his firework staff at the enemy and colorful lights balls appear beneath the enemy and it exploded into a beautiful fireworks.
Yet as you three and the tall spirit friend of the moment guide runned to the safety of the caves of the birds. You saw that person stood there, unharmed. With a sinister smile that left you shivering in fear, he disappear in the distance.
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The enemy
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milkybonya · 1 year
Teume Cafe: Yedam ending: Sereni-tea
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written by milky ^_^
you spend every single day of your finals studying at the Teume café, and you swear it's not on purpose, but you always find yourself there when Yedam is working.. what a coincidence!
he always brings you a new drink to try, always with a saucer so you don't spill your drinks over your notes.
"i think you'll like this one. based on your reviews of all the drinks i've given you this past few days, this time of flavour seems to match your taste. it's a flavoured tea latte this time!" he tells you one day as he sets another drink down.
his grin makes you dizzy and you smile awkwardly at him as you take a sip.
"it's really good," you say.
you watch Yedam try to hold in his laughter. his eyes gloss over as he tears up while doing so.
"huh?" you ask.
"you've got foam on your lips..." he says quietly, right away wiping it off with his thumb. he slips the thumb into his mouth, and the way he does everything so naturally gives you butterflies.
at this point, you have no more doubts. Yedam is definitely flirting with you.
at first, you thought he was just some kind of playboy, but you've noticed he only acts this way with you. while he throws brief smiles and speaks warmly to other customers, his winks, grins, and him literally touching your lips are not things he does with other people.
you even talked about it with Haruto the other day. yes, Haruto! you finally got to meet the café's pretty boy, and he's actually a great listener.
he told you that, just between you and Haruto, Yedam definitely feels some type of way about you.
"he knows what time you'll come in so he always makes sure the spot you usually sit at is clean, and that your favourite songs are playing. nothing is by chance when you walk into the café anymore. he does everything for you."
thinking about Haruto's words makes you shiver, not in a bad way but because you're so overwhelmed with Yedam'a attention to detail.. and again, overwhelmed in a good way.
"are you cold? should i lower the ac?" Yedam asks immediately, worry flooding his face.
"no, no!" you say, trying to explain that your shiver didn't mean anything.
yet, before you know it, Yedam's jacket is hanging on your shoulders.
"oh.." you say.
"don't catch a cold while you study, y/n," Yedam tells you, going back behind the counter.
you manage to get some studying done despite being lost in your thoughts about Yedam and his flirting. once you decide you should take a study break, you lean back in your chair and stretch, then standing up to talk to Yedam for a bit to pass the time.
"how's it going?" he asks while wiping the counter.
"pretty good! i've been getting a lot done.. i actually feel ready for my exams!"
Yedam smiles and it feels like the sun is shining.
"i'm so glad.. you've been working so hard!" he says.
suddenly, he stops wiping and his expression turns more serious. he looks at the counrer as he tells you, "after your exams are done, will you agree to do something with me?"
"do what?" you ask.
"go on a date," Yedam replies, shyly for someone who's been nonstop flirting with you.
"oh.. i'd actually like that!" you say.
Yedam smiles, a blush coating his cheeks.
"just tell me when your last exam is. i can pick you up and we'll go eat something good together," he says.
Taglist: @memilimey8 , @tangylemonade , @reydsworld
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txttletale · 2 years
4 and 6 for the book ask!
4: what sections of a bookstore do you browse?
if it's a chain bookstore, i'll take a quick look at the SFF and classics sections, and if they have a dedicated queer/LGBT section (as i see more and more often) i'll have a looksee at that. in an indie/used bookstore, though, you have to pry me out of the history/politics/general nonfiction section like a fuckin barnacle
6: what books have you read in the last month?
nobilis 3e by jenna moran, cries unheard: why children kill by gitta sereny, vicious games: capitalism and gambling by rebecca cassidy, and socialism: utopian and scientific by friedrich engels. the latter of these was a reread for a bookclub but the others i read for the first time. nobilis 3e is a fucking delightful book that's as much art object and microfiction compilation as it is ttrpg rulebook--the other two are pretty harrowing nonfiction books that radicalized me even More against true crime and the gambling/gacha industry respectively. looking at this list is making me realize that i gotta read some more fiction in december. tbh
[ask meme]
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isn't that like, child labor?
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"Did you guys not know" She says, "That Matise sucks??"
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"Remember when Matise would draw eye shadows beneath Nyghte's eye's for interviews because 'she didn't look mentally ill enough' and that was 'part of her brand'"
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"Remember when Matise tried to use essential oils to cure Rollyn's asthma because he thought it wasn't sexy to pageant judges"
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"Remember when Matise fired that makeup artist for giving you a package of gummy bears because it wasn't on our approved diet."
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"Remember when Matise pressured me and Sereni into getting an expensive and dangerous separation surgery from being conjoined. And we both died. They took a knife to me and carved deep down through the layers of masks and masks and masks in the hopes there was a heart at a bottom only to find it was facade all the way through. It was so quiet when we died. When we are alive there is so much noise. I feel like I've been dancing so long there was never a 'me' before the stage and the lights and the never ending show. Everyone on Alternia owns a part of me but myself. He literally staked our lives on that alter. Theres nothing else I could possibly give after that. After I gave my whole life. Yet nothing has changed. I woke up and it was all the same. I just have to keep dancing. Except now I have to do it alone."
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"Remember when we were like three and Matise would ask to film videos of us pretending to fall down so he could submit them to Alternia's funniest home videos" Rollyn says, suddenly anxious to fill the silence that has overtaken the room.
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"Okay that was a little funny"
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ruknowhere · 2 years
[American Journal]
Robert Hayden - 1913-1980
here among them the americans this baffling
multi people extremes and variegations their
noise restlessness their almost frightening
energy how best describe these aliens in my
reports to The Counselors
disguise myself in order to study them unobserved
adapting their varied pigmentations white black
red brown yellow the imprecise and strangering
distinctions by which they live by which they
justify their cruelties to one another
charming savages enlightened primitives brash
new comers lately sprung up in our galaxy how
describe them do they indeed know what or who
they are do not seem to yet no other beings
in the universe make more extravagant claims
for their importance and identity
like us they have created a veritable populace
of machines that serve and soothe and pamper
and entertain we have seen their flags and
foot prints on the moon also the intricate
rubbish left behind a wastefully ingenious
people many it appears worship the Unknowable
Essence the same for them as for us but are
more faithful to their machine made gods
technologists their shamans
oceans deserts mountains grain fields canyons
forests variousness of landscapes weathers
sun light moon light as at home much here is
beautiful dream like vistas reminding me of
home item have seen the rock place known
as garden of the gods and sacred to the first
indigenes red monoliths of home despite
the tensions i breathe in i am attracted to
the vigorous americans disturbing sensuous
appeal of so many never to be admitted
something they call the american dream sure
we still believe in it i guess an earth man
in the tavern said irregardless of the some
times night mare facts we always try to double
talk our way around and its okay the dreams
okay and means whats good could be a damn sight
better means every body in the good old u s a
should have the chance to get ahead or at least
should have three squares a day as for myself
i do okay not crying hunger with a loaf of
bread tucked under my arm you understand i
fear one does not clearly follow i replied
notice you got a funny accent pal like where
you from he asked far from here i mumbled
he stared hard i left
must be more careful item learn to use okay
their pass word okay
crowds gathering in the streets today for some
reason obscure to me noise and violent motion
repulsive physical contact sentinels pigs
i heard them called with flailing clubs rage
and bleeding and frenzy and screaming machines
wailing unbearable decibels i fled lest
vibrations of the brutal scene do further harm
to my metabolism already over taxed
The Counselors would never permit such barbarous
confusion they know what is best for our sereni
ty we are an ancient race and have outgrown
illusions cherished here item their vaunted
liberty no body pushes me around i have heard
them say land of the free they sing what do
they fear mistrust betray more than the freedom
they boast of in their ignorant pride have seen
the squalid ghettoes in their violent cities
paradox on paradox how have the americans
managed to survive
parades fireworks displays video spectacles
much grandiloquence much buying and selling
they are celebrating their history earth men
in antique uniforms play at the carnage whereby
the americans achieved identity we too recall
that struggle as enterprise of suffering and
faith uniquely theirs blonde miss teen age
america waving from a red white and blue flower
float as the goddess of liberty a divided
people seeking reassurance from a past few under
stand and many scorn why should we sanction
old hypocrisies thus dissenters The Counse
lors would silence them
a decadent people The Counselors believe i
do not find them decadent a refutation not
permitted me but for all their knowledge
power and inventiveness not yet more than raw
crude neophytes like earthlings everywhere
though i have easily passed for an american in
bankers grey afro and dashiki long hair and jeans
hard hat yarmulka mini skirt describe in some
detail for the amusement of The Counselors and
though my skill in mimicry is impeccable as
indeed The Counselors are aware some thing
eludes me some constant amid the variables
defies analysis and imitation will i be judged
america as much a problem in metaphysics as
it is a nation earthly entity an iota in our
galaxy an organism that changes even as i
examine it fact and fantasy never twice the
same so many variables
exert greater caution twice have aroused
suspicion returned to the ship until rumors
of humanoids from outer space so their scoff
ing media voices termed us had been laughed
away my crew and i laughed too of course
confess i am curiously drawn unmentionable to
the americans doubt i could exist among them for
long however psychic demands far too severe
much violence much that repels i am attracted
none the less their variousness their ingenuity
their elan vital and that some thing essence
quiddity i cannot penetrate or name
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colalighter77 · 2 years
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/nadjasayej/2019/10/20/a-new-photo-book-traces-audrey-hepburns-glory-years/amp/ - the original article!!
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British photographer Terry O'Neill’s photos are in the book, too, and claims that shooting stars like Hepburn was an iconic time in history—so much that it has prevented him from taking photos of the younger generation today. “I was so lucky to have been there, at the right age, at the start of that decade, young people were really given a chance to do something,” he recalls of the 1960s. “There’s no one I want to take a photo of, they just don’t make them like they used to – Paul Newman, Frank Sinatra, Audrey Hepburn – those were movie stars. I really can’t imagine anyone asking that I’d say yes to.”
It isn’t all male photographers, however, as the Hungarian-born filmmaker and photographer Eva Sereny was also fortunate enough to capture the star in her life. Sereny was also the special photographer on Audrey Hepburn’s final film, Spielberg’s Always, from 1989. “You’re correct that there is a human connection, through my lens, to my subject,” she once said. “I’ve been told that I get to the soul of the person I’m shooting.”
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[ad_1] A penthouse on the deliberate Shore Membership challenge in Miami Seaside is reportedly in contract for greater than $120 million, a sale that may set a document worth for condos in Miami-Dade County — if and when it closes. Witkoff and Monroe Capital are creating the Shore Membership Non-public Assortment, an Auberge Resorts Assortment-branded rental and resort challenge at 1901 Collins Avenue. Douglas Elliman is dealing with gross sales and advertising and marketing of the 49-unit improvement. World Mansion reported that the unit is beneath contract to an unknown purchaser. The sale would shut as soon as the event is accomplished, which is predicted in 2026. If it sells for not less than $120 million, the ten,500-square-foot penthouse can have traded for greater than $11,000 per sq. foot, additionally a document in Miami-Dade and certain statewide. The penthouse can have about 7,500 sq. ft of terraces and its personal rooftop pool. Witkoff and Monroe in 2021 unveiled redevelopment plans for the Shore Membership, a historic Artwork Deco resort. Robert AM Stern Architects is working with the architect of document, Kobi Karp Structure & Inside Design, on the challenge. The redevelopment of the Shore Membership and the Cromwell Lodge, constructed within the Thirties, may also embody a brand new 200-foot-tall tower. Costs ranged from $6 million to about $40 million when gross sales launched greater than a 12 months in the past. Witkoff and Elliman declined to remark. Monroe Capital didn't instantly reply to a request for remark. Monroe took over the property because the lender for the earlier developer, the now-defunct HFZ Capital Group. HFZ deliberate a Fasano-branded rental and resort, however canceled the challenge and returned patrons' deposits in 2017. Elliman additionally led gross sales of that improvement. The gross sales staff for the most recent challenge consists of Elliman brokers Invoice Hernandez, Bryan Sereny, Norma-Jean Callahan and Fredrik Eklund of the Eklund-Gomes staff. Eklund in contract to purchase a unit for himself on the Shore Membership. The present worth document for condos is held by a 2015 sale at Faena Home in Miami Seaside. Billionaire hedge fund supervisor Ken Griffin paid $60 million for 2 items, though it was reported on the time that it was one duplex unit. Griffin, who offered the condos at a loss for a whole of $46 million, by no means mixed them. Griffin has since set different data in South Florida, together with his buy in 2022 of Adrienne Arsht's former Coconut Grove property for about $107 million. That sale set a document for single-family residence gross sales in Miami-Dade County. Learn extra Apartment pricing for brand new developments has soared throughout South Florida's shoreline, with builders and brokerages boasting of data that might be set as soon as their tasks are accomplished. A penthouse on the deliberate Raleigh redevelopment close to the Shore Membership is asking $150 million. Michael Shvo is creating the Raleigh challenge along with his companions. Within the fall, Shvo stated patrons at his challenge had been paying $4,000 to $12,000 per sq. foot for items. —Katherine Kallergis [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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snapdragons-sunshine · 8 months
"Maybe we could use this as a brand new start."
Elsie reached up and caught her staff from the air. The polished verdis wood caught the fading light of the sun as it fell and it glinted,a  flash in the dappled canopy of the forest. With it in her hand she looked more powerful than she ever had before, but this time Nikolaus wasn’t wary of her - not like he had been once. “I’d think I’d like that,” she said, and turned her face to him, the ragged tips of her haircut brushing her cheeks.
Nikolaus felt self-conscious - he couldn’t help it. “I’d like that, too,” he found himself replying. Not quite sure where to put his feet, he leaned back on the rotted log, the moss soft and squishy under his bare feet. “I’d like to do a lot of things with you.
“I’m sorry,” he added a second later, clapping a hand over his mouth. Sweet Serenis strike him down on the spot, he thought he was past these embarrassing blunders. Maybe Kay would do him a mercy as well and cast an ice spell on him. “I, I didn’t mean it like that -”
Nikolaus froze. Slowly, he lifted his hand from his mouth, stunned as a tree nymph in a garden of wolf-flowers. “You -” he began, a hesitant whisper, and then stopped.
The reason for his bewilderment was right in front of him and she had light blonde hair and a green cape and she went by the name Elisabeth Klaus. Right there in front of him Elsie had smiled, and laughed - a real laugh too, showing her crooked teeth and all. In all the years he’d known her, from two apprentices to Dark Magic Masters to a solitary mage and the woman who’d bought her way in to be his mercenary guide, to a real mercenary who’d sold him and his friends out to the Dragon Empress Samandris under the mountain, he’d never once seen her laugh - her true laugh. It pulled on the scar on her cheek and it was warm and real and he felt as if he’d lain eyes on something he shouldn’t, something far too intimate.
And yet, all Nikolaus could think at that moment was that he wanted to see more of her laugh, her smile with crooked teeth again and again and again. 
‘You're always saying foolish things like that,” Elsie swatted his shoulder with a gloved hand. “Didn’t anyone even teach you that all words have meaning when you’re practicing magic? And you call yourself a mage?”
“You know very well what Master Hermann taught me. You were there with me. Slane made you his student for a reason.”
She was silent, then, tilting her head back to the canopy of leaves, cast in dark green shadow from the light above. “And yet Old Man Slane is gonna build up a whole magic school from the ground. A whole bunch of students to replace me, his star pupil, and he doesn’t even care enough to ask how I’m doing.” she laughed again, and her voice was light and airy as the sunlight or the soft gentle springtime in the woods. “And you know what, Nik?”
“What?” Nikolaus asked, hesitantly.
“I’m not even bitter,” Elsie still had her face to the sky, so he couldn’t see her face, but she stepped forward on the ground, one foot in front of the other, so that she was walking in a straight, smooth line forward on the troll-stones littering the forest floor. Her slippers made a soft shhh with each step she took. “I’m not even bitter, because I have everything I need. I’m not his apprentice anymore. I don’t owe Samandris anything anymore, not even my soul, and Kay and Gerda don’t expect me to be their dark mage anymore, because now they have you for that. I think I might be free, Nik. I think I might actually be free now.”
Sometimes he’d felt like the Elsie he’d known wasn’t the Elsie he wanted to know, and right now Nikolaus felt the opposite - like the Elsie Klaus he wanted to know wasn’t the one he’d gotten to know, or the Elsie Klaus that he was getting to know again, right now. Loss carved a hole in him like a canyon eroded by a river at the realization, and he accepted it, because he couldn’t dream of anything more painful, or less brilliant than this. “And does that mean you’d like to finally come with me to my grandmother’s house?”
“Perhaps.” Elsie gave him a predator’s smile over her shoulder, the kind that hunted children in narrow caves of mountains. That smile had promised jjim a lot in the past, but not anymore. This time, it was his smile that promised something to her, and it spread across his face like the rising sun. “And what if I change my mind, Nik? What if I want to go someplace else? Will you follow me then?”
Nikolaus covered his hands with his red sleeves and took his first step toward her. “Always,” he said. “I told you once, Elsie. You’ll always be the Piper to me, and I’ll always follow you to the ends of the Earth. And I always keep my promises.”
‘And you always keep your promises.” Elsie repeated. The space between their feet on the green and red ground grew smaller and disappeared, and he slipped his hand into hers. Her fingers were strong and warm - the hands of a musician, and the voice of a charmer. 
“I was thinking we could go to my grandmother’s house and celebrate Christmas with her, help her paint the gargoyles on her gateposts, prank the local mage Guild, all the stuff neither of us ever got to properly do.”
Elsie grinned. “I like the sound of that. I’d like to prank the Guild with you, Nik. I’d like to see them old folk squeal like piggies.”
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entrambe, abbiamo parlato per pochissimo, e quel tuo mix di acidità ti rendeva una persona interessante, ma poi hai iniziato ad ignorarmi, anche con altri profili non mi hai mai risposto, cosi come a vari ask anonimi, quindi penso non sia una cosa personale verso di me o almeno lo spero
Ahahaha no mi spiace, grazie per la persona interessante ma non credo di esserlo. E no fidati non è una cosa personale verso di te, ma le persone in generale non mi piacciono molto. Quindi puoi dormire sogni sereni non ignoro solo te ma la maggior parte delle persone che mi scrivono
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