#aurora fanfic
tesslinua · 5 months
Wrote a fanfic about Tynan instead of working today. Have a look! He sucks!
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the-mountain-flower · 2 months
APPARENTLY I never posted this on Tumblr, whoops
CW: blood, non-graphic depiction of serious injury, self-destructive behavior & semi-makeshift medical procedure
“I didn’t ask for your help, I don’t need it!”
“Yes, you do!”
Falst gets badly injured, and Dainix tries his best to get him to accept the help he needs.
“Are you going to use the ‘tactics’ card every time I get injured?”
“If I have to, yes.”
Falst groaned, but resigned himself to his fate. This wasn’t the first time Dainix had practically forced him to accept medical help, and given their luck, it probably wouldn’t be the last.
Dainix set him to lie down on a relatively flat, softer patch of land, and knelt in front of him. Falst held back a wince, as the shift in position caused the shrapnel still embedded in his side to move, and his ankle twinged painfully when it touched the ground. He moved his arms to try and bring himself to an upright position, but a firm hand from Dainix caused him to stop.
“Don’t you dare, you have to save your strength. Plus, it’ll make it harder to treat the wound.”
Falst scoffed. Under normal circumstances, he could've pushed him away with relative ease. “I just need to get this thing out and I’ll be fine, nothing too serious.”
Dainix didn’t dignify that with a response, just shot Falst a serious look before taking out the first aid supplies he had on him. Then he pulled back the fabric of Falst’s shirt, where the largest piece of shrapnel had pierced the skin, and cursed outloud when he saw how bad it was.
“Told you,” Falst said, “not so great if the weapon’s still in.”
In the ferin’s side was a large piece of sharp grey metal, and based on Dainix’s initial look at the wound during the fight compared to now, and the shape of the closed area, most of the metal was still inside the body. The wound was almost entirely closed over, so only a portion of the offending material was visible. In the attempt, skin had grown over the edges, uneven where the shrapnel impeded the process.
“I don’t suppose there’s a way to get this out without further cutting, huh?” Dainix asked reluctantly, but already reaching for his knife, knowing he couldn’t risk leaving it in much longer. Thanks to his father’s preparation, he had all the necessities and knew how to use them, and he knew well how to not let anxiety get the better of him in serious situations. Still, a fast-healing condition like Falst’s was something he hadn’t exactly accounted for back home, and he tried his best to make sure his worry didn’t show too much.
“Not really,” Falst responded, “unless you know something that I don’t.”
“And, I'm sorry, but I’m going to have to clean the wound-”
“Ugh! Please tell me you don’t mean that awful stuff you used last time.”
“Unfortunately. Brace your senses” Falst had detested the kitridine back in the caves, but he himself said that he couldn’t heal infection quickly. Dainix used a milder disinfectant to cover the blade of his knife. It wasn’t meant to be used this way, but it was their best option at the time. Then he took the vial of horrible-smelling liquid and prepared it onto its cloth. “You’re going to be okay, right?”
“Just get it over with. I won’t-” Falst paused, then turned his gaze away from the ignan. “I won’t scratch you this time.”
“Alright, remember to breathe.” Dainix took a deep breath himself, one hand prepped with the knife, and antiseptic in the other. “Three,” he started so that Falst could know when the action was coming, “two, one.”
Dainix quickly sliced open the skin over the shrapnel, then discarded the knife so he could extract the metal, which he tossed far away from either of them. Blood speckled the ground in its wake. The instant that was done, he pressed the cloth with the kitridine onto the wound.
During the first part, Falst just barely held back a shout of pain, instead practically hissing through gritted teeth. Once the cloth covered the wound and the kitridine made contact, he nearly screamed like the last time. The world around him blurred, and he could barely hear Dainix’s reassurances over the harsh sound of the antiseptic on flesh, and the searing feeling that accompanied it. His claws raked the ground in front of him and beside Dainix, dirt overturning grass faster than the blood was leaving his body (which wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, thanks to the damned pressure the ignan was applying).
“Breathe in, breathe out.” Dainix reminded.
“Fuck you.” Falst spat. He was going to regret that later, but he couldn’t focus on anything right now.
“I know, I know.” Dainix tried not to take offense, knowing that Falst was in pain. Despite the thrashing, he kept the cloth firmly over the wound, using both hands to do so. “I’ve got you, it’s going to be okay.”
A moment later, the worst of the effects had passed. Falst was breathing heavily, the ground in front of him completely torn apart, but he was hurting significantly less than before.
One hand still applying pressure to the wound, Dainix brought out a roll of bandages.
“Don’t need that,” Falst muttered, “It’ll close fast, remember?”
“We still want to prevent as much blood loss as possible, and this’ll make it less likely to reopen before it’s fully healed.”
Dainix finished up the bandaging process. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Aside from my pride? Falst thought bitterly. “Not really. Mostly some scratches that are already gone or weren't that deep in the first place.” He shrugged, lifting himself to sit upright again.
This time Dainix didn’t protest, though he wanted to- he knew Falst was too stubborn for it to make much of a difference. He tried to help steady him, but Falst pushed him away.
Dainix gave his friend a concerned look. He had gotten to know Falst pretty well in the time they'd spent together, and had gotten good at discerning when he was holding something back. “That's all?” he asked, hoping the ferin would open up about how bad it really was.
Falst gritted his teeth. He didn't want to admit it, but…
“Fine, I might've gotten an ankle injury from when it got hit earlier, but it's not a big deal.”
“Let me see.” Dainix insisted. Without waiting for a response, he moved to examine the joint in question. “Which one- oh, never mind.” He saw it almost immediately: Falst's right ankle was extremely swollen and bruised.
While Dainix was examining it to know exactly what got injured, Falst had to bite the inside of his mouth to prevent any audible reactions to the feeling. Thankfully Dainix looked to be paying full attention to the ankle, so he wouldn’t see his flinching.
Dainix grew more and more concerned the longer he examined the injury. For as much as his dad had taught him, this was a little outside his regular wheelhouse. What concerned him the most, was how non-reactive Falst seemed to be.
“How does it feel?” Dainix broke the silence to ask, looking up to gauge Falst’s reaction.
“What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said. Does it hurt a lot, and anywhere specific?”
Falst shrugged. Dainix sighed. Gods, getting this guy to open up was like pulling teeth.
He went back to trying to identify what exactly was wrong- almost certain something had happened to the bone or connective tissue, probably both.
Dainix quickly pulled back his hand when Falst cried out. Falst immediately regretted letting it happen, but the questioning had distracted him from biting it back.
“It’s fine” He tried to wave away Dainix’s concern. “Don’t worry.”
Dainix wasn’t buying it. Falst wasn’t being truthful about his symptoms, and that could only cause more harm if he didn’t open up about it.
“Falst, be honest with me. How badly does it hurt?”
“This is pointless.” Falst pushed Dainix away, trying get up. He was hindered by the wound, and the minute he tried to put weight on the injured limb he nearly crumpled to the ground. Dainix caught him before he fell, trying to get his friend to sit back down.
“Caliban help me,” Dainix muttered under his breath, then said out loud, “Falst, you are not putting weight on this, and if you’re not careful-”
“I can wait until we get back to the others. I’ll be fine.”
“And what if it gets worse before then? Or we encounter something else and you can’t defend yourself because you were too stubborn to accept help?”
Dainix stopped and took a deep, calming breath. He moved one arm so it was supporting Falst, and placed the other on his shoulder, so he could more clearly see his friend’s face.
“Look,” Dainix said, “this isn’t like the caves by Zuurith. As far as we know, our survival doesn’t depend on you being awake and able to fight. That doesn’t mean you can keep going when you need to rest.”
“I can. You seem to be forgetting that I heal fast. I can take it.” Falst’s voice rose in a defensive tone.
“You’re not invincible!” Dainix’s own voice rose in turn. “There are some things you can’t just walk off, in this case literally! I’m almost certain you broke or tore something, but I can’t tell because you won’t be honest with me about how bad it really is!”
“I didn’t ask for your help, I don’t need it!”
“Yes, you do! If I hadn’t noticed it, how long would it have taken until that wound in your side closed with the metal in it? Or if you tried to take it out yourself, how long until you died of blood loss, or an infection?”
Dainix’s voice caught, and Falst noticed for the first time that Dainix almost looked… scared.
“How long until this attitude gets you permanently injured in a way that was easily preventable if you’d just asked for help?! How long until it gets you KILLED?!”
Dainix stopped, finally realizing his eyes were beginning to well with tears, and he was gripping Falst’s shoulder like he was the ferin’s only lifeline.
Falst let himself slump back to the ground, forcing Dainix to let go. He sat next to him, not letting himself meet his friend’s gaze.
“I’m sorry,” Dainix said, “I shouldn’t have shouted like that.”
“Don’t be.”
A moment of silence passed, then Falst asked something in an uncharacteristically soft tone.
“Why do you care?”
This caught Dainix off-guard. “What?”
“It shouldn’t matter to you whether or not I get hurt. So why does it matter?”
Dainix laughed sadly. “You’re really not used to having friends.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Look,” Dainix said gently, “if it had been any of the others that were hurt, would you have done anything to make sure they were okay? Wouldn’t you try to make sure they didn’t get hurt in the first place?”
“Of course!” Falst insisted.
“Well, it goes both ways. I care about whether or not you get hurt, because I care about you.”
“But I can take-”
“I know you can. But so can Kendal, and Tess has natural armor, and Alinua and Erin are skilled life mages. Would you be okay with them doing what you’re doing right now? Do you value them by their usefulness or ability to take damage for others?”
“Then you shouldn’t treat yourself that way. Please, don’t put yourself through more pain just because you feel like you have to. Let me help you get better.”
A few moments of awkward silence later, Falst sighed. He supposed Dainix wouldn’t relent until he let him help. And… maybe he had a point.
Dainix gave him a gentle hug, careful to not aggravate the wound in Falst’s side. “Thank you.”
Falst didn’t push him away, He found himself content to let it happen, and was maybe a little disappointed when he pulled back.
Dainix went back to inspecting the ankle. “How does it feel, really?”
Falst pursed his lips, then answered, “Awful. It’s hard to move on purpose, any kind of pressure makes it hurt more- like a bruise- and, I think it’s gotten worse since it happened.”
A few moments of questioning and examination later, Dainix deduced that Falst had probably fractured a bone, and torn a ligament.
“Neither are completely broken, but with both of those in the same place it’ll take a while to heal without magical help. Have you ever torn a ligament before, especially this one?”
Falst was reluctant to admit it, but, “I don’t know. What’s a ligament?”
“They’re what connects the bones together.”
“Oh, then I don’t think so.”
Dainix nodded. That was good, even if it meant not knowing how long it’d take to heal on its own. He brought out a new roll of bandages.
“I thought you said it wasn’t completely broken? And the skin’s intact.”
Dainix held up the roll for Falst to see more clearly. “These are compression bandages, different kind than I used earlier. It’ll help with the swelling.”
This time, Falst didn’t bother to hide his reaction. When Dainix applied the bandages, he let himself tell him just how much he disliked it.
Soon, Falst was well enough that Dainix could help him up, and the two made their way to where they and their friends had agreed to meet up.
When they made it, Alinua, Kendal, Tess, and Erin were already there. Erin was making camp with stone magic, Tess and Alinua were getting a campfire started, and Kendal was keeping watch.
From his position, Kendal was the first to see the remaining members of their party arriving. He called back to the others, “They’re back-” but stopped when he saw Falst’s blood-stained shirt and bandages, and wrapped ankle. “What happened?!”
“I’ll explain later.” Dainix said. While Alinua rushed up to meet them, he gave Falst a serious look.
Falst sighed. “Help me out?” he asked Alinua.
“Like you needed to ask.” The cloud elf’s hands were already glowing green, and as soon as she was close enough she began to command the soul energy around to help him out.
Falst looked up at Dainix as if to say, See? It’s fine.
Dainix smiled. It was a good start.
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mayosvoid · 1 year
Welcome to the first part of the Aurora Space AU! This is a concept I have been rotating in my brain for the past week and a half so I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 2 should be coming soon!
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aurorasulphur · 2 years
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sommornyte · 4 months
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‘ 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴… ’
(Kinda inspired by this post)
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forlorn-crows · 3 months
𝑺𝒐𝒊𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Rain/Dew, Swiss/Aurora Words: 2625 Tags: voyeurism, exposition, humiliation kink, vaginal fingering, anal sex, transmasc Rain, transfemme Aurora, cum eating, squirting, thigh fucking, oral sex, choking, vaginal penetration.
Summary: The multi ghoul’s next moan is sinful; it’s a zing of hot arousal right to his cunt, and Rain barely has time to sink down to his knees before a warm body presses against his back, the culprit wrapping an arm around his waist and slapping a hand over his mouth. 
Note: transfemme!Aurora (cock/dick used for her anatomy); transmasc!Rain (cock/dick/clit/cunt/folds used for his anatomy). beta'd by @miasmaghoul.
happy belated birthday, @st-danger!
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Read it on AO3, or below the cut:
He’s had his hand down his pants the minute he heard them kissing.
The scene that plays out before him is too electric, too good to resist. It’s late, but curiosity got the best of him. He had to get up. He had to look. And he can’t stop now, fully slick and throbbing between his fingers as he is. 
“Swiss . . . aah . . .fuck, baby . . .” Aurora’s voice carries across the hall as Swiss takes her from behind. Big hands wrapping tight around her hips and slamming her ass back on every thrust. 
Propped up on the outside of his own doorway, he can see straight through the crack into Swiss’ room. Instead of fucking on the bed, he’s got her bent over the desk perpendicular to the window—no doubt they’re hitting against the shared wall to Aeon’s room. Rain rubs himself a little faster at the thought of him also getting off to it, sleep pants pushed under his balls as he thrusts into his own fists. Maybe he’s hoping they don’t hear him. He bites back a moan at the mental image. 
“ . . . good for me . . .fuckin’ look at you . . . pretty taking my cock . . . '' Swiss' voice has that irresistible raspy tone to it and a lilt that never fails to make Rain’s knees wobble. He can hear how fast she’s pulling at her little cock, how fast Swiss pounds into her. Skin slapping harshly against skin. Through the tiny crack in the door, Rain can see the skirt of her lingerie hiked high on her hips, his sliver of view going from baby pink to ashen skin and back again.  
“Right there, fuck me, baby . . .” Aurora’s whines, high-pitched and giggly. Every night she’s with Swiss is a treat, and every sweet noise that he wrings out of her is a kick to Rain’s gut. A series of staccato ah-ah-ah’s punched from her throat each time Swiss’ hips meet her ass, decadent and reedy and as perfect as a porn star. 
The multi ghoul’s next moan is sinful; it’s a zing of hot arousal right to his cunt, and Rain barely has time to sink down to his knees before a warm body presses against his back, the culprit wrapping an arm around his waist and slapping a hand over his mouth. 
“Mmpf—” Rain staggers, hand faltering over his dick.
“What do we have here, starfish?” Dew purrs quietly into his ear. “Playin’ naughty voyeur tonight?” 
Rain tries to say something, play the game of defending himself, but it’s no use behind Dew’s firm hand. 
The fire ghoul laughs quietly. He peeks over Rain’s shoulder to see what he sees. “Jealous you’re not his princess tonight?”
Rain’s reminded of their positions onstage, the way Dew will hiss diabolical things into his ear with his hand around his neck, just to get him slick in his compression shorts. Far too often has he imagined him going further: unzipping his stage pants and slicing through his underlayers to expose him behind the body of his bass. Canting his hips against his ass so his clit would rub against the lacquered surface. He’d plea for him to stop, yet simultaneously lean into Dew’s fingers if they traveled down. It would be a lie to insist he wouldn’t love the rush of shame from being shown off—exposed—to thousands of people. 
The prospect of only two people seeing him is arousing enough.
He wriggles in Dew’s grasp now, barely containing a whimper and shaking his head in a poor excuse for a protest. 
“Get off on this, don’t you? Bet you’re dripping for it.” Rain shakes his head again, even though the wetness around his fingers agrees with him. Dew sucks his teeth and dips the arm around his middle lower down. “You sure about that?” Testing. Teasing. 
Dew meets his fingers between his folds, and Rain has to fight his eyes from rolling back at the touch of his hot fingers. 
“Hu–uh,” he mumbles behind his hand. 
“Shhhh. Wouldn’t want them to hear us, would you?” Dew’s breath makes his ear twitch. His little cock twitches too, right under Dew’s palm. His body always gives everything away. 
The fire ghoul huffs a laugh. “You’d love to get caught,” he whispers. His fingers start to move, dipping down to his entrance and back up again—slow, steady strokes that make Rain sigh heavily through his nose. “What would Swiss say if he caught you spying on him? Do you think he’d punish you? Make you watch him fuck Rora ‘til she screams?” 
As if on cue, Aurora cries out behind the door: “Faster—fuck, faster, baby . . .” The desk knocks louder against the wall, picking up speed. Rain digs his nails into Dew’s arm and groans. Not-so-silently begging him to go faster, too. His other hand hovers dumbly over his dick, fingers brushing against the back of Dew’s hand each time it comes up to stroke him. 
“Can feel how much you want it,” Dew breathes over his gills, causing a hard shudder to run all the way down to the tips of his toes. “Yeah? Tell me how bad.”
The fire ghoul removes his hand from his mouth, and Rain’s neck cranes back stiffly with how much effort it takes to stay quiet. Tendons ramrod straight and straining. Dew only lets him catch his breath for a few seconds before his hand drops down to his chest, kneading at one of his tits through his thin t-shirt. Making him breath a shaky sigh. Working it until the nipple pebbles and goosebumps run down his biceps. Rain gets lost in it—lost in the slide of Dew’s slick fingers over his dick and the heat over each of his tits. Lost in how Dew huffs against the webbing of his ear and presses himself to Rain’s back. Despite his smaller stature, he’s engulfed by his heat; so much so that his brain goes fuzzy and he nearly forgets where he is. A moan hovers behind his teeth, and he’s about to let it slip from his lips—like the saliva starting to escape from the corner of his mouth—when the sound of Swiss’ palm smacking Aurora’s ass pulls him from his stupor.  
Dew’s question dissolves from Rain’s mind, evaporating into the ether with the last of his self-control. 
His body language was certainly enough of an answer, but still Dew tuts. “Useless.”
“Gorgeous,” Swiss purrs instead. “That’s it, show it off for me . . .” He watches him grab the band of Aurora’s bra and push her chest down to the top of the desk, forcing her back into a sharp arch. Little tummy covered by the front of her skirt. Her hole is tight around his cock, cheeks red and raw where he spanked them. And behind her, Swiss is so big. Easily twice her width and making sure she knows it.
“Could look at that all day, couldn’t you?” Dew teases. “Wish it were you bent over that desk instead, so I could watch Swiss shove that big cock into this tight little hole.” 
“F-fuck,” Rain gasps. 
Dew hums, barely above a whisper. Takes the hand on his tit and slides it down his spine, dipping past the waistband of his boxers and slipping his fingers between his cheeks. He can’t help but clench at nothing as his fingers go down, down, down. Rain has to grip the doorframe when he finally presses against his hole, mouth dropping open in a silent cry. He’s wet there, too; he can’t help it. Dew knows more than anyone how fast he can soak through a garment, how slick he can keep anything he lets inside. Rain feels a gush of it dribble past both sets of digits, scenting the air around them with saltiness and desperation. 
“Fuck, could take you just like this,” the fire ghoul breathes. He may grind against the back of his own hand, but Rain can feel that he’s hard just by the heat that seeps through to his skin. “Turn you into the show.” 
It’s the first thing Dew says that gets a real sound out of him—high and quiet in the back of his throat, but a moan nonetheless. A victory for the fire ghoul, a surrender for himself.
It’s been a while since Dew’s had him like this: wet, whimpering, knees jelly-like at every word he utters. He’d be lying if he said he doesn’t like him pressed up against his back, touching him in all the right ways to get him to out himself to his unknowing audience. It’s the best part of watching for Rain anyway—the risk. The feeling that secretly, maybe the ones that he watches know he’s watching. Think he’s pathetic or pervy for looking when he’s not supposed to. Those nerves, that chance he’ll get a sick curl of embarrassment from being caught, are what gets him off. 
Now is no different; he thinks he catches Swiss’ eyes as he tosses his head back, and his stomach swoops. Shame and anxiety shoot straight to his cock, and his hips stutter against Dew’s hand. Knowing every movement brings him closer to echoing his pleasure down the hallway. 
And fuck, he wants it bad.
“Dew.” The water ghoul turns his head and breathes his name into his temple. Pleading. Dew tucks his face into the crook of his neck, proud nose pressed to the delicate gill fins. He hums into them so the vibrations go right down to his dick, then flicks across the head of it just to be a bastard. 
Across the hall, Swiss groans that he’s cumming. Fuck, Rora, take it, can’t stop. He buries himself in her body, grunting as he spasms through his release. 
“. . . baby, fill me up, yes!”
Dew circles his rim with the pad of his finger, simultaneously taking his cock in a loose grip between his fingers and jerking him in earnest. “Gonna spill too?” 
Rain bites back a curse. Bucks into his fingers. “Take—fff–fuck, take it out.” He can feel the smirk against his shoulder as Dew shakes his head. 
“What, this?” Dew takes his hand out of Rain’s boxers and replaces the pressure with the clothed ridge of his dick. Placing his palm over the water ghoul’s stomach and sandwiching their hips together. He grinds, and Rain can feel every inch of it. The arm around him keeps him from hitting the floor when his knees buckle.
“Want it,” he pleads dumbly. “Make—make me—”
Dew interrupts by shoving his and Rain’s shorts down, freeing his cock and promptly sticking it between his thighs. There’s hardly any friction as he does so, his slender length snuggling perfectly below the water ghoul’s own sex. Hot and hard against his cool and wet. When he looks down, he can just see the rosy head of it poking through his folds. Foreskin pulled back and a mix of pre and slick snuggled in the slit. 
Rain has to cover his own mouth then, whining through his nose as he watches Swiss pull out, drop to his knees, and lick his own load out of Aurora’s ass. His clever tongue wastes nothing of his own spend, and the little ghoulette twitches in delight. The shudder that runs through Rain nearly shakes them both, and his cunt clenches hard above Dew’s cock. 
“That’s it,” he grunts, grinding a little. “Cum over it. Want you to soak it before I fuck you.” 
Through the crack in the door, Rain watches Swiss smack Aurora’s ass and usher her to sit on the desk facing him. She’s so pretty in that two piece set. Now that she’s turned around, Rain can see the heart-shaped jewelry running through her nipples poking through the thin lace. Maybe they have jewels on them, too; Rain can’t tell, but they’re nice to look at. She daintily lifts the front of her skirt so the multi ghoul can dive in and swallow her down. Gripping her thighs and hollowing out his cheeks the way she likes. 
“Fuck, yes, baby,” she moans. Her perfectly manicured hand grasps the back of his head, shoving him down even further as she crosses her legs behind his neck. “Suck this pretty cock.” Swiss hums around her, and she tosses her head back in pleasure.
And then. Aurora lifts her head back up. Lidded eyes fixed somewhere over Swiss’ shoulder. Her mouth drops open in a gasp, and then, perfectly through the crack in the door, her and Rain’s eyes meet for one heated, devastating moment. 
Her flushed face instantly lights up. She giggles and bites her lip, tucking the hem of her skirt into its waistband so he can see Swiss’ lips nestle into the neatly-trimmed hair at the base of her cock. 
Aurora winks.
Rain’s cumming before he has time to process it, biting his palm so hard he nearly draws blood from his fangs. Their gaze breaks when his eyes roll back, thighs squeezing around Dew’s cock as he curls in on himself, bucking against his fingers and grinding his ass back against the fire ghoul’s hips. 
“Fuckin’ hells, squeeze it—” the fire ghoul hisses. His hand comes up to his throat, squeezing hard on the arteries. “Come on, soak it—soak my cock.” As if he could stop the gush of slick and fluid that the contractions of his orgasm squeeze out, pouring over Dew’s shaft and soaking into his boxers. There’s enough of it that it runs down the backs of his thighs, heedless to his mental pleas for it to stay contained to his underwear. They’ll smell him now, no doubt. Dew thrusts through it messily. Sounds of Rain’s release and his garbled chokes overly loud and lewd in the silence of the hall. 
Aurora is quick to follow his crest of pleasure, thrusting her little hips against Swiss’ face as she moans so sweetly. The multi ghoul groans deeply as she shoots down his throat. Tiny toes curling into his locs and those sparkly nails digging into the edge of the desk. 
Dew yanks his hand away, and Rain sucks in air like he nearly just drowned.
“Bend over,” Dew pants. He tugs Rain’s hips backwards through the doorway, and the water ghoul has to grab both the door handle and its frame to keep from hitting the floor. “Yeah, like that, lean back—” Dew hinges him at the hips—shoulders in the middle of the doorway and ass into the bedroom—and makes him sink down low enough until his cunt is at a perfect height to stick it in. His legs will start to shake in no time, but Dew’s in charge. So Rain stays standing. 
The fire ghoul steps on the waistband of his boxers to bring them to the floor and expose his drenched cunt, rumbling appreciatively at the way his slick has left wet tracks down his legs. 
“Fuck, you made a mess,” he breathes, tapping his dick against Rain’s hole. “Bet they can smell you all the way over there. How long before they catch this fucked out little princess?” He doesn’t know one of them already has, but Dew slides his dick inside his wet heat before Rain can even think to answer. Hot hands gripping tight on his hips and pelvis slapping wetly against his twitching cheeks. He gives no mercy, thrusting into him hard and fast the first time he bottoms out. 
Rain hangs his head below his shoulders and takes it. He lets a full-body groan tumble from his lips, face growing hot as he’s powerless to resist exposing himself to the others. As if he could even try to hold anything back now. Dew laughs and fucks him, intending to make sure everyone hears his pathetic, embarrassed cries. 
Across the hall, Swiss chuckles.
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iamthecomet · 1 month
comet, oh comet, imagine big strong mounty running to little bitty aurora to be the one to break his (very rare, very sudden, and very intense) heat. he'd practically smother her trying to beg her to help him, and she'd be forced to quickly learn to adapt and provide.
*rubs palms together evilly*
thats it, love you. mwah
Oh Pink, I am imagining.
900 words of desperate, fast, rough, mount/rora under the cut
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His knees hit the floor hard, and at first Aurora is worried. Heart stuttering in her chest as she watches Mountain tumble. He collapses in front of her, at her feet. She pauses--nail polish bottle in hand. Half of her fingers painted a pretty pale lavender. She says his name, concern lacing through the syllables. She doesn’t smell it at first–she’ll blame the nail polish later. But when she does it’s enough to nearly knock her over. Strong, desperate. Mountain puts his big hands on her thighs and she realizes he’s about to beg. 
She doesn’t know what to do with that. Doesn’t know how to respond–doesn’t really know how to give him what he wants. What does he want? She’s woefully underprepared for this. 
“Mount,” she says, capping her nail polish, setting it aside. “I don’t–maybe Cirrus is around and–”
The noise Mountain makes breaks her heart. He shakes his head. “Doesn’t want Cirrus, wants you.” 
“Your heat?” she asks. She wants to touch him. Needs to. But doesn’t want to smudge her nails–or worse get polish in his hair. But the situation is too dire–she needs to. 
She presses her palm to his cheek. He’s burning up. Skin damp beneath her fingers. She strokes her thumb over his temple, under his eye, along the sharp ridge of his cheekbone. 
He nuzzles against her, just that little touch causing his eyes to flutter. 
“Please,” he whispers again. “Please, I need, please you have to–”
The begging sends a shot of unease through her–she has to get him to stop. In normal circumstances she loves it. Satanas she could make Swiss beg all day–but this? She feels some sort of undue pressure. He is placing his heat in her hands and she isn’t sure she’s capable of breaking it. 
He presses his lips to her palm, then pulls away enough that he can take two of her fingers into his mouth. Tongue rough against the pads of them, laving. Drooling. 
Warmth unspools in her gut as she watches him. 
“You have to talk to me Mount–have to tell me what you need from me so I can–”
He’s on her before she can finish the words. Pushing himself up from the floor to flatten her against the bed, slotting between her legs. She feels her tacky nails stick to the bedspread. There isn’t time to worry about it because Mountain’s tongue is in her mouth. She’s caged in by him, pinned. She’s never felt so small. 
Her stomach swoops. This isn’t always what she goes for–being manhandled, pinned, used. But maybe she should do it more often. She melts into it, lets Mountain ravage her mouth with his tongue, licking deep like he wants to crawl inside of her. 
Hands coming up to grasp her ribs, fingers digging in. Like he’s unable to do anything except hold on. 
Aurora lets him kiss her breathless for a while, enjoying it, letting him hump uselessly against her thigh. Feeling how hard and hot he is through his pants. She has to to take mercy on him eventually. Wiggling free enough to divest herself of her shirt. She tries to get to her sleep shorts—she can’t with the way Mountain has her pinned. And he’s past listening. Mouth dipping to latch onto one of her nipples. 
She arches into him. Mind fizzling out for a moment as his teeth graze over her. As he bites down just hard enough and pleasure and pain fuse together. 
It’s a whirlwind. She could probably get him to slow down–could probably wrest some of this control back. Shove him onto the bed. Ride him until he cries. But she finds she doesn’t want to. She wants this. Wants Mountain’s clumsy, heat-addled, hands all over her. Wants to be held down and fucked. 
He maneuvers her like it’s nothing. Has he always been this big? She’s on her stomach before she has a chance to react–her shorts ripped down, just enough to expose her cunt. She knows she’s dripping. Can feel the slick on her thighs. Mountain inhales sharply. He hesitates. 
She wonders what battle he’s fighting. The urge to bury his face between her thighs and have a taste? Or just bury himself inside. His own brain fighting with his heat. 
She knows which one will win–but she presses up onto her knees anyway, and wiggles her hips. She slips a hand down to roll her clit between her fingers. For show as much as for relief. She drops her head to the bed. Ass up, face down. 
The way Mountain growls at the sight sends a sharp spike of arousal through her. 
She’s going to cum so hard she’s going to black out–she already knows it. 
When Mountain’s heat wins–because of course he does–and he pushes the fat head of his cock into her cunt without warning, she keens. Shoving back against him, wanting all of it, needing it. She’ll be the one begging soon–begging for more. Begging for him to fuck her so hard she never thinks again. 
Mountain pins her down with a hand on the back of her neck and sets a pace that she knows will have them both cumming in a matter of minutes.
She digs her fingers into her pillow and watches as little smears of lavender appear from her nail polish. 
It’ll be a bitch to clean. 
She couldn’t care less. 
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her-satanic-wiles · 1 year
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Welcome to my masterlist!
Commissions are closed!
All my fics, unless stated otherwise, are 18+. So please proceed with caution, and minors do not interact.
If it has a red DF, it means it's dark fiction, and you should heed the trigger warnings. I would actually recommend to people 21+.
If it has a blue S, it means the work is sapphic.
If it has a purple A, it means the work is achillean.
If it has a green GN, it means the reader is gender neutral.
If it has a pink PS, it means the reader is plus size.
No bound copies, translations, or other derivative works of these fics may be created or distributed without express permission from the author, for monetary gain or public use.
Major thank you to @da-rulah for beta reading all of these!
If you like what you've been reading, why not consider supporting me over on Ko-fi?
Enjoy your stay!
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Coming soon...
One shots
Titfucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS “Earthly Delight” by @thew0man ART
Glory Hole, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Pregnancy, (Kinktober 2023)
Guess Who? PS
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Divine Desires [COMING SOON] PS
You grew up in the Catholic Church as the daughter of a very powerful Cardinal. However, in your early adulthood, the reigning Pope dies, and the title falls to your father. You learn, as the daughter of a Catholic official, that there are two sides to every story. This lesson is taught by your Satanic counterpart, who does his fair share of opening your eyes to the world around you.
One shots
Hate Sex, (Catholic!Reader) (Kinktober 2023) ⛧ Part 2
Public Sex, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Collaring, (Kinktober 2023)
Medical Play, (Kinktober 2023) GN
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Thigh Fucking, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Cardinal Copia) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Teratophilia, (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+) PS
Guess Who? PS
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Dawn Chorus ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
When you question the Almighty for a third time, you find yourself on the run and escaping a horde of wrathful angels ready to punish you for your insolence. Whose garden should you fall into than Cardinal Copia’s? And he has more nefarious plans for you.
Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Lost in Translation ⛧ Masterlist
As the newly appointed Cardinal Copia struggles with the weight of a looming prophecy, a resilient scholar challenges the narrative, uncovering a conspiracy that reaches beyond the walls of the Ministry. The emergence of a forbidden love ignites a rebellion against a power-hungry Sister, whose thirst for control threatens to reshape the very foundations of the Church. Will the revelation of those schemes lead to liberation or plunge the Ministry into chaos?
One shots
Pegging (Kinktober 2023) GN
Praise Kink, (Kinktober 2023) PS
Olfactophilia, (Kinktober 2023)
Double Penetration In Two Holes, (ft. Papa Emeritus III) (Kinktober 2023) A GN
Free Use, (Kinktober 2023)
Midnight Surveillance DF (21+)
Tulips and Daisies
Guess Who? PS
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Coming soon...
One shots
Dubcon, (Fan roleplay) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Orgasm Denial (Kinktober 2023)
Deepthroating & Face Sitting (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Mary "Piss Boy" Goore PS
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Era 3
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Coming soon...
One shots
Threesome or moresome, (+Era 3 Ghouls & Terzo) (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Eras 4 & 5
Coming soon...
One shots
Food Play (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sensory Deprivation (Kinktober 2023) S
Coming soon...
One shots
Sex Toys (Kinktober 2023) S
Realm of Souls ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+) A
In the eerie moonlit forest, you are ensnared in a nightmarish game of hide and seek with the malevolent entity Dewdrop, whose demonic force has targeted you. The chilling objective is to survive until sunrise, seeking refuge in the Ministry’s cabin deep within the sinister woods. With the dawn as your only salvation, you must navigate the haunted forest, outwit the relentless demon, and reach safety before Dewdrop claims you as his prize. The race against time intensifies, making the night unforgiving as you strive to survive until sunrise in this twisted pursuit.
One shots
Stuck in Wall (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Swiss) SFW.
Coming soon...
One shots
Size Kink (Kinktober 2023) GN
Spanking (Ko-Fi exclusive drabble) GN
The Cardinal ⛧ Masterlist
You got a promotion, and a new promotion means a new uniform and your very own Ghoul-in-training! That Ghoul just so happens to be your closest friend, Phantom. However, your new uniform and position does something to Phantom that gets harder and harder to deny.
One shots
Coming soon...
Coming soon...
One shots
Rimming (Kinktober 2023) GN
Hellish Delights ⛧ Masterlist DF (21+)
After a ritual went wrong, you were left to deal with the consequences. Since that fateful night, your moral compass smashed to pieces and you began to feed into your deepest, darkest desires as you continue to come to terms with the traumatic night in question. With the help of two of the people closest to you, you take part in the ultimate sins of the flesh.
Coming soon...
One shots
Panties & Lingerie, (Kinktober 2023)
Breathplay, (Kinktober 2023)
Panic Attacks and Comfort (ft. Dewdrop) SFW.
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Papa Emeritus Nihil
Coming soon...
One shots
Breeding (Kinktober 2023) DF (21+)
Sister Imperator
Coming soon...
One shots
Coming soon...
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2023 2024
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aurora-starwars · 2 years
Hi!! Can I request a scenario of Jake Sully and Reader bonding with their kids and telling them a story of how they fell in love. Also maybe a bit of Reader bonding with Lo’ak who’s a mama’s boy?
Family Is One Of Nature's Masterpieces
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Pairing: Jake Sully x fem!reader
Summary: To get their energetic kids to bed, Reader and Jake tell them the story of how they fell in love
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: language
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting! I really liked this idea!!!! Please enjoy! <333
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The kids were hard to put to bed at this age. Always wanting to run around and play. It was a wonder that [Name] and Jake got anything done.
Lo’ak seemed to lead the chaos most of the time, Tuk encouraging his behaviour. This more often then not lead to Lo’ak doing or saying something dumb, usually causing him trouble from his parents. While Lo’ak always seemed to lead the shenanigans, Kiri was easily convinced to join although she pretends she wants nothing to do with them. And despite her ‘indifference’, she always seems to have the most fun. While Neteyam joins them every now and again, it’s more often that the three attempt at playing a prank on him.
Although that never seemed to work.
Once they tried replacing his drink with juice from a plant that was so smelly, that plants around it struggled to grow. But when Neteyam went to take a sip, he was pulled away for more training. Or when they tried to dye his loin cloth, the plant they used turned out to have no pigment when it dried.
These were small things that Jake and [Name] observed about their children. Small things that meant the world to them. Small moments like the one now while they run around the canopy in their Home tree. Although, the chaos can become loud and much too energetic for bed time.
Jake smiled at the kids running around playing a strange game of tag while he held [Name] snug in his arms. Looking down quickly, he found [Name] smiling at the kids as well. Jake could feel the vibrations of her laugh from under him as she reacted to something smart-ass Kiri said. The two could only feel a sense of pride as they watched their children. Jake laughed at Tuk sticking her tongue out at Lo’ak before she started to yawn.
“Alright! Time for bed!” Jake called, having apparently decided to call for bed time at the peak of their fun.
[Name] cringed to her self about the timing, the kids were not going to like this.
Sure enough, loud whining started from the kids. Well, mostly just Tuk and Lo’ak.
“It is not bed time yet! It’s barely even eclipse!” Tuk complained, pointing at where she thought the sun would be before slouching dramatically.
“Yeah! I was just about to beat Tuk! Again…” Lo’ak remarked, mumbling the last part with a grin.
“Come you two, your father is right,” [Name] started with an amused smile.
“As he usually is.” Jake added quietly, only to receive a small elbow in his stomach.
“We should all head to bed if we want to get a good night’s rest. We want to be ready to run faster for tomorrow, right Tuk?” [Name] smiled, watching as her youngest resist a smile at the chance of beating Lo’ak.
“Yeah… But I don’t wanna go to bed!” Tuk complained once again.
“Why don’t we tell you a story?” Jake suggested.
The kids were slowly closing in around them, finding interest in this idea. Tuk jumped right into [Name]’s arms, looking up expectantly at her parents. Neteyam and Lo’ak sat on either side of [Name] and Jake, facing the person promising a story. It wasn’t often that their parents would tell stories like this before bed.
Sure they had told stories of past and passed on information using this medium but a voluntary story before bed? Their parents saved the best stories for this time.
“Could you tell the story of how you fell in love?” Kiri asked softly, hoping that just they would hear as she moved to sit in front of her parents.
“How we fell in love?” Jake smirked, looking at [Name].
“Yeah we can do that.” [Name] looked at Jake, smirking back.
“Ewww. A love story. Of course you would pick that Kiri.” Lo’ak complained, rolling his eyes at Kiri.
“You are going to die sad and alone, Lo’ak.” Kiri stated, smacking his arm.
To which Lo’ak only pouted at, causing Neteyam to laugh.
“I think it is sweet, she can get ideas for her and Spider.” Neteyam teased, drawing out the ‘r’ in spider. Clearly having no such feelings as he laughed.
“You’re going to die alone too!” Kiri remarked, glaring at Neteyam which he only laughed harder at.
“Oh put it a rest you three.” [Name] rolled her eyes, finding not only Tuk laughing, but feeling Jake laugh from behind her as well.
When [Name] heard as close to silence as she was going to get, she began the story.
“Well, it started when your father wandered in this forest with his small crew of scientists.” [Name] began, watching as all of their faces morphed to those of great intrigue.
“After he was separated from the group, he was struggling to survive on his own.” [Name] spoke confidently.
“I wouldn’t say I was struggling.” Jake argued.
“You were struggling.” [Name] repeated with the same confidence.
Jake huffed as was met with the giggling of his children.
“When he was attacked by a pack of viperwolves.” [Name] said dramatically, all of the kids around her gasping.
“As he was struggling to fend them off-”
“What is with all of the ‘me struggling’?” Jake asked, cutting her off again.
“Well if you weren’t struggling then you wouldn’t have needed me to help.” [Name] smirked, knowing she won.
Jake only huffed again and rolled his eyes playfully.
“As he was struggling to fend them off, I jumped down and saved him, scaring all of the viperwolves off.” [Name] explained, a proud tone in her voice that Jake couldn’t help but smile at.
“As I went around accessing the damage he had caused, he dared to thank me.” [Name] shook her head.
Jake rolled his eyes, thinking about how it had been years and she still was not at peace with it. But then he saw he children, shaking their heads in agreement, to which he smiled, shake his head with disbelief at how similar they were to [Name]. Jake thought it was about time to take the story into his own hands.
“Then your mom looked at me, and it was love at first sight.” Jake smiled as he looked at [Name].
“She fell hopelessly in love with me.” Jake smirked, look around at his children who were equally entranced at his telling of the story.
“The only hopeless one here would have been you if I hadn’t helped you.” [Name] stated in a monotone voice, receiving another laugh from her kids.
“Regardless, from that day on, she couldn’t get enough of me.” Jake boasted with a smug smile.
“I then yelled at him for being a bumbling baby and how he should go back to his lab rats.” [Name] smiled with victorious glint in her eye.
“I was not bumbling!” Jake argued again, causing another wave of giggles.
“I don’t know, dad. Kinda sounded like you were a hopeless bumbling baby.” Lo’ak remarked, putting his hands in the air and looking away acting as if he were innocent.
“Nice one Lo’ak.” [Name] smiled, offering a fist to fist bump, which only mean Lo’ak beam with pride.
“Then he followed me to the root of the Hometree. Where I almost got rid of him. But then, like a miracle, the seeds of the tree fell on him, covering him completely.”
Several simultaneous ‘woah’s sounded from the kids.
“It’s actually funny, because if it weren’t for Eywa’s message, I would have shot him while he was prancing around with the viperwolves." [Name] giggled, clearly find that fact hilarious.
Jake did not so much.
“It wasn’t that funny.” Jake pouted, before continuing.
“She then was obviously obligated to bring me in front of the Olo'eyktan, seeing as I was the chosen one.”
“Chosen not to die…” Kiri remarked, [Name] smiled at her.
“Okay, why have we became a Jake Sully hate club today?” Jake asked rolling his eyes at the laughs he received from all of his family.
“Just continue the story, yawne.” beloved
“When we got their they told me that [Name] would teach me to be one of The People.” Jake boasted.
“After he told them he was an empty cup.” [Name] whispered to Tuk, but her voice was loud enough that everyone heard, resulting in another wave of laughter.
“Alright you four, now it’s really time for bed.” Jake stated, fed up with all of this slander.
[Name] kissed his cheek softly, causing Jakes face to move from a pout to a smile as complaints sound from the kids.
“He is right, it is now time for bed.”
[Name] smiled as they all got situated for sleep, when Lo’ak sat next to her, a timid look on his face.
“What’s wrong Lo’ak?” [Name] asked softly, concern written all over her face.
“Do you think I will ever find love?” Lo’ak asked quietly, no doubt trying to hide the question from his siblings.
“Of course you will, Lo’ak! You are a wonderful young man who is going to grow to be a wonderful man with a mate that Eywa has sent, just for you.” [Name] smiled at the boy.
“I have no doubt in my mind that you will meet someone who loves every bit of your wonderful self.” [Name] gazed softly at him.
Many saw much of Jake in Lo’ak but [Name] saw so much of herself in him as well. Lo’ak smiled back before hugging her tightly.
“Thanks mom.” Lo’ak smiled more confidently now, before yawning.
“You get to bed, little man.” [Name] laughed as Lo’ak made his was to where he was sleeping.
Jake walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around his mate.
“We did well with them.” Jake smiled, resting his chin on [Name]’s shoulder for a moment before kissing her neck quickly.
“We did.” [Name] smiled, leaning back to enjoy his arms around her.
“We really did.”
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! Please read the request guideline before requesting! It makes it easier for me! Thank you! <3333
Taglist: @nyotamalfoy
2K notes · View notes
fandoms--fluff · 12 days
Could write a dark Hope Mikaelson were she has fem yn as like her side kick instead of Lizzie
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Heretic female reader x no humanity Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: none?
A/n: This is probably not the most exact accuracy, but I haven't watched Legacies in a hot minute, and even then I've only seen it once. So I tried my best from what I do remember. I hope you like it!
Plus i may have made this a romantic ending. and maybe a bit more fluffy than it should be, but I didn't realize it in the moment i was writing it, so I hope you still enjoy it wither way.
Alright, how much longer is this going to take? We've been in this crummy motel for the past four days and have barely made progress on Aurora" You lean against the door way with your arms crossed.
It's been a boring couple of days and you need to get out of here, but of course Hope thinks otherwise, the closest you get to to 'leave' is going outside on the balcony. And even then, you're always accompanied by her as if you were to run away. Which would be a stupid decision on your part for even just thinking about it. The humanity-less tribrid is not a force you want to reckon with. Especially considering the sire bond between her and yourself.
It's not even that you're hungry or anything to do with your new vampire side colliding with your siphoner witch side. It's more like you're so sick of staying in the same place with no room to breathe or have any time to yourself. Even when you're in the shower, you can tell Hope is close by the door, listening. Which is in your mind just plain creepy, but you never bring it up, not wanting to make the tribrid mad.
Hope looks up from the desk where she has a contraption of some sorts that looks half put together. "I thought I told you to stay with Aurora in case she tries something." Hope blatantly says, ignoring your question.
You test your luck, "Well, she's been passed for the last three hours and I started to feel a bit creepy just staring at her. And it feels stuffy, can't we do something other than this. Even for just a little while. You seem like you could use a break." You tell her.
She sighs. That's all she does before she gets up, the contraption grasped in her hand and walks past you into the other room where Aurora is chained to the wooden chair.
Before you can even ask what she's doing, Hope plunges it into Aurora's chest. The redhead screams in agony as the contraption sinks deeper in and then causes her to pass out again, her body withering in pain.
Hope turns back to you as if looking for a compliment on what she just did. "What? What do you want me to say? Yay, good job for torturing the red head bitch?" You ask, exasperated.
"Come on," is all she says, nodding to the door as an order to follow her. You glance back at Aurora once more before following her outside the run down motel door.
"What's going on?" You ask as she closes the door and puts a spell on it to make sure no one can go in or leave the room.
"Well, you've been pestering me for how long to get out of here? So, that's what we're going to do, we're going to go to the carnival in town. To test your abilities and to train them" She states while walking down the old creaky steps that lead to the parking lot.
You furrow your eyebrows in suspicion but follow her nonetheless. Climbing into the passenger seat of the car, you do up your seat belt before turning to her. "Should I be worried or turned on about your newfound creepiness?" You smirk.
That gets her to pause, and slowly turn to you, hands still placed on the wheel. "Just do as I say" she finally answers before backing out of the parking spot and going onto the road.
You smile to yourself, proud how even with the sire bond, you could get under her skin...Well to an extent. You don't want to cross a line.
It's quiet on the whole way to the carnival, its quite unnerving. You audibly sigh when you guys finally get there and climb out of the car. Hope pays no mind to it as she leads you guys through the entrance past excited, screaming, and running kids.
"So, when is training going to commence?" You couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence between the both of you.
"Now" She answers, stopping in front of the test your strength game. "Strength is great in a fight, but can also be your downfall in everyday life" She turns to you, and leans in close to your, "Well, un-life." She pulls away and faces the worker in charge of the game.
One second you were watching them talking, the man scoffing at her, and the next, Hope bent down and tapped the surface. The metal piece shot up and hit the highest mark gracefully before plummeting back down.
'"How?.." The man was gobsmacked at what just happened.
The tribrid turns back to you. "Your turn. Try and control your strength to tap the bell and not blow it off" She moves to the side, making way for you to go to the front of the game.
"Okay" You breath out and shake the nervousness out of your hands. You crouch down slowly before reaching out your hand and tapping the surface ever so lightly. So lightly in fact, you barely felt the hard rubber grazing your finger tip.
You watched, breath held, as the piece of metal shoots up the markers and finally clangs against the bell before shooting right back down.
You let out a big sigh of relief at doing something right and not breaking the game. "Did you see that? I think I have pretty good control, don't ya think" You turn back to Hope, a smile lighting up your face.
"Maybe so" She nods, a hint of a smile twitching at the corners of her own lips.
She leads you guys away from the wide eyed man who's practically frozen on the spot, passing all the rides. "Hey, why don't we go on some? You know, instead of testing we could have some fun, maybe bond?" You ask, wanting to have a bit of fun. You haven't been to a carnival since you we're a little kid and you're starting to feel the adrenaline rush of what it feels like being at one.
"And before you say 'no', just think about it. I doubt you've ever been to a carnival before, and they can be so fun if you remove that glare from your face" you point out in the middle of her opening her mouth.
There's a long pause. "...Fine" She basically grumbles. You're right, she's never been to a carnival before.
And that's how you guys find yourselves on the ferris wheel. You're stopped at the top, the view being amazing. "Look at how tiny everyone else is" You say. "Mhm" she says, not really paying attention You gaze down and then turn to Hope. Only to notice that she in fact was not looking at the view and instead her eyes are locked on you.
"Hey! Earth to Hope. You good?" You ask, waving your hand in front of her face. Her eyes snap up to yours which immediately makes you pull your hand away, smile fading from your face.
"Wait a second, are you starting to warm up to me, Mrs. Mikaelson" You smirk, jokingly, hoping that it wont backfire. All you want to do is get her into a good mood. She's been all doom and loom recently.
And even though she has no humanity and killed you, you still care for her and notice when she seems not the 'healthy' amount of careless.
All she does is scoff, but her eyes have different ideas when travelling down to your lips. She can't help herself from leaning in and pressing her lips against your soft ones.
It takes you a moment before snapping out of the shock before kissing her back. The kiss lasts longer than anyone would think between a newly turned heretic and a humanity-less tribrid.
"Not a word of this. To anyone" She says, as if some of her humanity was slipping through. She pulls away from the kiss, surprised at herself for letting her damn 'emotions' getting in the way of her revenge plan.
"Nah, you definitely like me. Even with your cold, no humanity heart. i have proof" You taunt, smiling and tap your finger against her chest overtop her heart. Hope roles her eyes before pulling you back in for a kiss.
A pretty good way to shut you up, might you add.
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the-mountain-flower · 4 months
It’s Mothers' Day where I live, so to celebrate I brought y’all some angst (I didn’t cry while writing this… not even a little… nope not me…) (Don’t worry, my mom got an actual gift lol)
Title: lyrics from the song “Lose You Now” by Lindsey Stirling and Mako
CW: family member death (flashbacks)
Falst didn't realize today was the Feast of Serenis, and misses his mom.
Falst didn’t usually keep track of the dates, but if he was near a town or city, it was usually obvious when it was a feast day. If possible, it was a good time to blend in among the crowds and grab some food at any public festivities.
That was the case when he snuck out of a city with a ragged cloak, a few foodstuffs in his pockets, and fighting tears from his eyes. He hadn’t realized it was the Feast of Serenis.
He’d been caught off guard by the focus of the festivities. Practically speaking, it meant he stood out more as a lone figure in a sea of people who surrounded themselves with friends and family. Which Falst had none of. He really, really wished he could hate it. Today always managed to make him feel so much more alone than usual.
But he couldn’t hate it, because his mother had loved this feast day.
Falst disappeared into a small forest near the city; one that gave just enough cover for him to hide in the trees, but it wasn’t large or dense enough for its own god so people rarely came, especially on days like today.
He climbed up a large, wide tree with sturdy branches and decent cover. It was where he’d been hiding out, until he was inevitably found and was driven away, just like everywhere else. It was one of the more uncomfortable places he’d stayed, but it suited his needs just fine.
He settled down on one of the top branches, and took from his pocket one of the foods he’d filched from a rich-looking merchant when they weren’t paying attention. It was a frosted bun, encased in a delicate wrapping that stuck to it a little and smeared the icing when Falst took it off, a side effect from being stuffed in his pocket with everything else. If he had the option, which he usually didn’t, Falst tried to go for heartier, more filling foods. Still, he had a fondness for sweets, and would never pass up the opportunity to grab something tasty. Plus, he needed something to make him feel better.
While he ate the bun, he was reminded the treats his mom had gotten on her last Feast of Serenis. Falst was still a young child back then and didn’t quite remember the details like he used to, but he desperately clung to what he did recall. Still a little overwhelmed by all of the activity from before, he didn’t have the mental energy to try and stop the memories… not that he wanted to.
He remembered his mom’s excitement at showing him the sweets she got for them from the market. His dad was out of town that day (typical of him to be gone for the Feast of Serenis), so it was just the two of them. He remembered practically stuffing his face with the sugary treats, and sitting in her lap as she read him a story from a childrens’ book. He couldn’t remember which story it was. Falst asked if she could draw something for him, and they ended up drawing each other. He wanted to remember what hers had looked like, but there was no chance he could find it, if it even existed anymore.
His finger hit a knot on the branch, and he realized one of his claws was scratching the tree bark. He looked down to see a half-finished depiction of the letters he’d found on his mom’s tombstone. He hadn’t fully realized he was doing it at first, but he finished the name anyway. It was rough and uneven on the bark, especially the first half since he hadn’t been paying attention, but it was clearly there.
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That was another thing he wished he could remember: her name. He’d only known her as “Mom”, and for some reason, the only writing he had of it was this.
For the millionth time, he wondered why her tombstone had been marked with Ancient runes. He wondered bitterly if his dad did it on purpose, just so that Falst couldn’t know what it meant. It was so unlikely, but Falst was almost upset enough to entertain the idea.
Falst inhaled heavily and tucked one knee to his chest. He wrapped his tail around himself, similar to how he would with his mom when they were sitting together. He brought out another piece of food from the festival- this one healthier and more filling- and got himself to take another bite. He reminded himself that food was to alleviate hunger, not grief. Nothing could heal a broken heart, but he could at least make sure his kept beating.
“Happy Feast of Serenis.” Falst whispered to the runes beside him. “I miss you.”
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nastylittleghouls · 2 months
M! Would you tell us about Aether wearing these around the Abbey?
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First of all, Jim, I appreciate you so much 💜 Second of all, we all know Aether's magnificent behind would see a lot of action when he wears those pants around the Abbey. From Siblings and Ghouls and Papa's alike. Most of all from Copia. We know just how much he loves Aether's ass. And Aether? He'd use it as a response and invitation for almost everything and at the end of the day he'd be filthy and sore in so many ways.
So I scribbled a lil thing.  5+1 moments where Aether got his "patch(es) kissed". There's mildly spicy entertainment under the cut. No Papa's included this time (they might get their own someday) and no refunds of your time if it actually isn't entertaining and my brain fog suffering med addled self was lying to me.
CW: Implied consensual free use, somnophilia. Unbeta'ed.
Divider by @wrathofrats - AO3 for the so inclined
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Booty calls (He sure hopes it does)
It‘s cathartic. Being alone and singing his heart out, that is. Letting himself sink into someone else's happiness without having personal ties to them. It’s something he needs more than he cares to admit. To himself and even less to the pack. He thrives on being social and being connected so deeply, don‘t get him wrong, but it‘s draining. Feeling other beings alongside his own all the time. The many unfortunate souls that seek shelter here. Chewed up and spit out by a society that produces loneliness en masse. Crushed souls and shattered minds hopeful for a new beginning and….
He sings even louder, over the dark cloud threatening to form in his mind, and shimmies with a pile of clothes in his arms through the room. His tail swishing and bopping, used as a makeshift microphone when he gets carried away by the vibes.
He bends over to stuff the washing machine full, ass still wriggling to the tune on the radio, when a pair of hands still his swaying hips and warm lips burn right through the layers of fabric, pulling a startled chuckle out of Aether. First on the patch, following its invitation to kiss it, then right on the seam between his cheeks. Further down on the banana, followed by a bite that has his breath hitching in anticipation. He knows what the sight of him doing so mundane, so humanly domestic things like laundry does to Dewdrop. 
He feels the same when Dewdrop is in his element, showing his magic in the kitchen. A natural in combining flavors and textures and bringing Aether to his knees for a taste.
„It says kiss it not eat me alive“
He feels, more than he hears, Dewdrop's low laugh when the water pump signals the starting washing cycle. The old thing’s too loud when it gets going but the vibrations do wonderful things to him, as Dewdrop hooks his fingers into and drags the waistband down to bare Aether to his hungry gaze.
 „Let me kiss it properly then“ is all he hears before Dewdrop spreads his cheeks and seals his lips over his hole, making out with it until Aether’s knees buckle and he has to grip the edge of the machine to keep himself upright. 
 Aether doesn‘t get around to folding the dry laundry waiting for him.
After breakfast, Aurora and Sunshine make it a game to follow him around making loud obnoxious kissing noises when he turns his back to them. Aether pretends to ignore them until, in one careless second, they get too close and he gets his hands on them. He contemplates just sitting on them until they cry for mercy but decides to dump them unceremoniously into the lake and let the water ghoul conference deal with those brats.
Around midday, he helps Ivy maintain his namesake on the Ghoul Wing walls. He’s standing on a stepstool, sweating as the sun beats down on him, gently removing some stray vines from the wooden window frames and hooking them into the growth support on the walls. It’s necessary work, otherwise they’ll infiltrate the whole building.  A gaggle of siblings has been hiding behind the columns for a while now, dissolving into helpless giggles every time he looks over at them, talking to each other in hushed, excited voices. 
„I can‘t just go up to him and….“ 
Aether can practically hear the wild hand gesturing.
„it‘s obviously an invitation!“ 
“What what in the B…”
Someone snickers. A smacking sound follows. 
“He’s so big, just imagine….”
He laughs to himself at that, amused. He can smell the faint arousal mixed with a dash of fear. Can feel it in the aura surrounding them. Some of them are new and haven’t had the time to experience what a ghoul can and would do to them. Just dared to let their minds wander. Most of them think the masks are infused with a containment spell, making them harmless servants of the church. And, in Aether’s opinion, that’s half of the fun of the whole cat-and-mouse game. 
One sibling, clearly more shy than the others from what he’s observed today, finally breaks away from the group and leaves their hideout behind the stones. They walk straight, seemingly confident. A closer look reveals that their hands are shaking and that the fine line their lips are forming doesn’t stem from determination. 
They stop behind him, eyes firmly trained on the patch on his ass. A minute ticks by and just in time, he turns his head to see them raise their hand to their mouth. An exaggerated smooching sound follows and two fingertips press firmly against the patch. Aether wriggles his ass a little and cheers erupt behind him. 
They finally look up at him and he sends a wink their way.
“I appreciate someone that can follow instructions like that”
They smile in response before their eyes widen in realization and they almost fall over their own feet to run back to their friends. 
Yet, they linger. When Ivy makes him take a break it‘s the patch stuffed into their mouth, muffling the pleasured chants of his name.
During a nap on the couch in the common room, it‘s Swiss that follows his patch‘s invitation. Lips firm, nose pressed so far into the swell of his butt that Aether could swear he can feel his teeth. Swiss does it once, twice. A third time. Aether smiles sleepily, about to comment if it wasn’t on for the fourth,  where Swiss just keeps his face buried there and starts snoring. He ruffles the other Ghoul's hair affectionately before he closes his eyes and follows Swiss back into dreamland.  
He wakes to Swiss’ sliding the hard ridge of his cock against the letters on his ass, forcing Aether‘s hips into the couch over and over until they both come. 
„Messy kisses are the best“  Swiss smirks as he watches his cum seep in. 
5. In the evening, Aether goes to fetch some firewood from behind the greenhouse. 
Mountain steps in front of him when he’s about to leave.
„Road toll. You shall not pass without paying up“ 
The look on Mountain‘s face is almost unbearably cheesy and Aether can‘t help but play along. 
„And what, dear sir, can I offer you to let me through?“
Now, Mountain's eyes start to glint mischievously and he takes the wood from Aether, dropping it unceremoniously on the ground next to them. Then he steps closer and draws Aether up against himself with a firm grip on his ass, fingers digging deep into the patch on the inside of Aether’s thigh. It forces the Quint onto his tiptoes.  
“I have a craving for banana and cream”.
When Aether faceplants into his nest after his shift in the infirmary the next morning, only clad in boxer shorts, it doesn’t take long for Dewdrop to crawl between his legs and drop another kiss onto his ass where the patch had been sitting for too long in his opinion; giving Aether’s body freely away. It feels like a nod to the events in the laundry room yesterday when he was sending him off as he’s now welcomed back. 
“I missed you, starlight”  The words come sometime in between bouts of scenting him. In a narrow time frame when he pauses and starts anew. More of a breath than a sentence.
“Missed you too, firefly” 
Aether says and sinks into the feeling, lets the emotions that well up thrum through their bond, and accepts Dew’s in return. It’s easy when it’s him. A being so deeply interwoven with his own for so long.  A part of him wishes it would never end, the other wishes Dew would let him roll over and reciprocate sooner than later.  
Finally, after giving himself a moment to playfully nip into Aether’s thighs where Mountain left his mark earlier, he nuzzles and kisses his way up Aether‘s back. Aether inhales -  sharply -  then exhales - slowly -  with a laugh and reaches behind him blindly to tangle his fingers in Dew’s hair, craving more contact.
“Easy, easy. I’m here. All yours again”
Dew settles around him like warm summer rain. Calming, warm. The need to reclaim swinging along like an afterthought. 
“Want to mark you inside. Let me?” 
It’s a demand, packaged in a whispered question, to a star who would never say no to being consumed by fire. 
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asaprora · 27 days
my absolute favorite thing ever is to fuck with those “chris” or “matt” accounts when they roleplay as them and just spam their inbox with nonsense
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madangel19 · 2 months
Idea: the ghouls all collectively deciding that Copia is too stressed and has been overworking himself, so they clear his schedule behind his back and force him to relax and take time for himself. Maybe with a cuddle pile at the end. :)
This is a perfect idea! Copia deserves some time off with his beloved ghouls and they will pamper the fuck out of him! He just needs a lot of convincing
Content: Weed use and some slightly spicy stuff in the end, but nothing too explicit :3 Also, some spoilers for Rite Here Rite Now
Word Count: 1856 (it turned out a lot longer than it should lol)
“Hey, Papa. Wake up. I need to show you something,” Mountain said, walking into Copia’s bedroom early one morning. 
Copia was barely awake, groaning as the ghoul opened the curtains, letting in the morning light. It was way too early.
“It’s so early, Mountain. Also, it’s Frater now. No need to call me…Papa. Let me sleep…,” he groaned, burying his face in the pillows. He didn’t want to be up. He had so much to do with his new role as head of the clergy and he wasn’t ready to face the day yet.
“You’re still Papa to us. Please, it’s important,” Mountain said, standing at the side of his bed and looming over him. Copia opened one eye, looking up at his ghoul before letting out a tired sigh.
“Just…un momento. Five minutes please,” he said, holding up four fingers. 
“Okay, Papa. I’ll wake you up soon,” Mountain said, stepping away from the bed with a knowing smile on his lips. Copia didn’t question it as he went back to sleep. 
Whatever the ghoul had planned could wait until later. He was going to have a long morning of paperwork once he had breakfast. No, he could just skip breakfast and get the work done early so he could make time for the many meetings in his schedule. 
Copia drifted in and out of consciousness until he was certain he had slept more than five minutes. He was getting a suspicious amount of sleep, but he was just so comfy and relaxed and he didn’t want to move. Too relaxed and comfortable…
“Cazzo! Mountain! How long has it been?” He exclaimed, opening his eyes and sitting upright in bed. 
The ghoul sat near the bed, scrolling away on his phone when Copia woke up. He simply smiled back at him, not looking concerned in the slightest.
“It’s been two hours, Papa. You needed the rest. Now, you get dressed in something comfortable and you can come with me,” the earth ghoul said, gesturing to his sweats that were laid out neatly next to him. 
Copia felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest with how fast it was beating. He had too many things to do and his ghoul let him sleep in of all days? This was outrageous.
“What’s the meaning of this, Mountain? Why haven't any clergy members come in asking for me?” He questioned, still not moving from the bed.
“Because you need a day off, Papa,” a voice said from next to him. 
Copia turned his head and let out an unmanly scream when he saw Swiss sitting next to him on the bed, grinning like an idiot. 
“Santa merda! When did you get here, Swiss?” He cried out, his hand going to his chest. The multi ghoul always had a habit of scaring him like that.
“I’ve been here this whole time, Papa. Gotta make sure you get some good sleep,” Swiss chimed, holding up two fingers. His eyes glowed a dark purple and Copia felt his comforting quintessence fill his mind.
He shook his head, his thoughts going to all the work he had to do now. His ghouls usually never were like this. What was going on?
“I gotta get to work,” he grumbled, getting up from the bed.
“No you’re not. We cleared your whole schedule for the day, Papa. You’re going to relax with all of us,” Swiss crowed.
Copia froze, looking from Swiss and then to Mountain who gave him a simple nod. This couldn’t be. He didn’t have time for a day off now. There was much to be done and so little time to do it. Was the rest of the ministry notified? That was all he really needed to know before accepting such an outrageous offer from his ghouls.
“Does…the rest of the clergy know that I will be taking the day off?” He asked.
“Of course! It took a lot of talking and some help from us quint users, but we managed to clear your schedule. Mountain also took care of your rats while you were asleep,” Swiss said.
Copia raised a brow at the mention of the quintessence being used on the clergy, but if they agreed to it, then it couldn’t be that bad. He sighed, looking over at his comfortable sweats. It had felt like an eternity since he last relaxed in those clothes. 
“I…guess…I will allow this once. What do you ghouls have planned?” He asked.
“Just get dressed and come with us, Papa,” Mountain said, his smile beaming.
Once Copia was dressed, his ghouls led him out of his room, through the church, and to the bath house. Copia had nearly forgotten the last time he went to the bathhouse. Most of the time, it was used by the siblings and the ghouls. 
Upon opening the bathhouse doors, excited voices filled the air when he saw his ghouls running to and fro with blankets and a huge assortment of sweet-smelling soaps and bath salts. The main bath was already ready, lavender steam rising into the air. 
The ghouls all froze when Copia stepped in, staring at him with wide eyes before they all smiled. Aurora was the first one to rush forward, giggling while holding a flower crown made from honeysuckle and lilies.
“You finally made it. Mountain said you slept in, but that gave us plenty of time to get everything ready. I made this for you, Papa,” the ghoulette chimed, standing on her tiptoes to place the flower crown on Copia’s head. He smiled and bowed his head for her, letting her place the sweet smelling crown on him.
“Thank you, mia cara. I appreciate it,” he said, turning his attention to the others who now surrounded him. Aurora chittered and rushed over to Swiss’s side who nodded at her before tousling her hair. 
“How long have you guys been planning this?” Copia questioned.
“I think it’s been over two weeks now. It was kinda hard with you being in charge and all, but we’ve seen how much you’ve been working and we wanted you to have a nice day off,” Cirrus explained, gesturing to the giant pool of water behind her. 
“So, you want me to bathe all day?” Copia chuckled. 
“Of course not, Papa. We have more planned for you once you’re done here,” Cumulus giggled.
“And are you going to tell me what you have planned?”
The ghouls chittered amongst themselves briefly before shaking their heads. Copia sighed, turning his attention to the bath. It looked incredibly inviting. It had felt like years since he took a relaxing bath like this. 
An idea soon came to him and he turned back to his ghouls who all stood at attention, eager to do whatever he pleased.
“Care to join your Papa?” He asked, taking his red hoodie off. 
“Of course! How else are we going to wash you, massage you, and take care of you?” Cirrus crowed as the rest of the pack began stripping off. 
Copia couldn’t help but stare at his magnificent ghouls, his cheeks growing warm. He grunted and tried to focus on undressing himself and once he had stripped, he stepped into the wonderfully warm bath. 
“Oh, that’s nice,” he murmured, easing into the bath and sitting down. His ghouls soon joined them. Rain was the first to get into the bath, the water ghoul completely submerging himself in a deeper part of the bath before swimming over to cuddle into his right side. 
“I picked out the best soaps just for you,” the water ghoul purred.
“And you made an excellent choice,” Copia cooed, brushing a thumb along the ghoul’s neck and lightly touching his gills. The water ghoul shivered under his touch and wrapped his cool arms around his middle. 
“And I picked out the bath salts, Papa,” Aurora chimed, sitting by his left and clinging to his arm. Copia turned his attention to the ghoulette who looked absolutely adorable holding his arm to her chest. 
“I have some snacks here for you. I’m sorry you missed out on breakfast, but we’ll be fixing something real good for you soon,” Cumulus cooed, bringing over a plate of pastries and fruits to him. Copia’s stomach grumbled at the sight of such a delicious treat.
“And I made sure the water was hot enough for all of us,” Dewdrop said, sitting by the edge of the pool and dipping his glowing hands into the water and making more steam. Copia sighed in content, relaxing into the bath more and thinking of how nice the fire ghoul’s hands would feel on his back. 
“You wanna get high now or later, Papa?” Swiss asked, wading over to sit next to Cumulus. Phantom was by his side, already taking a long drag off of a joint and looking like he was already on another planet. Copia sniffed the air and caught a whiff of the weed mixed in with the sweet smelling soaps. 
“Now,” he said.
Phantom nodded and lit the joint before handing it over to him.
“Grazie,” he said before taking a long drag of the joint. Copia’s eyes nearly rolled back in his head when the drug quickly took a hold of him. He hadn’t felt this good in such a long time. He leaned his head back and breathed out the smoke through his nose, watching it float around him before disappearing into the steam. 
“How do you feel, Papa? Good right?” Phantom asked.
“Amazing. Thank you all for…letting me have a day off,” he sighed, looking at each of his ghouls with a drunken smile. He was incredibly lucky to have such loyal ghouls there for him. 
“You know, since you’re in charge, you can take days off whenever you want and the ministry will listen. Just remember that, Papa. No one is gonna be mad at you,” Aurora said, pecking him on the cheek. She was right, but it was going to take a while to adjust to his new role. 
“And if anyone gives you shit, then we can eat them. Just give us the command,” Swiss purred, plucking a purple grape from Cumulus’s plate of snacks and squishing it between his claws before popping it into his mouth. 
“You’re absolutely right. I’m the big man now,” Copia said, spotting an apple slice and taking it.
“You sure are,” Rain crowed, his gaze going from the apple slice and then down. Copia noticed where he was looking and smirked as he took a bit of the apple. Knowing his ghouls, they wouldn’t be leaving him alone all day and night. He looked forward to all the attention they would be giving him. 
“Is there anything else you need, Papa?” Aurora asked, wrapping her tail around his soft thigh, a playful smile on her pretty lips as she leaned in and nuzzled his chest. Rain did the same, purring loudly. Copia swallowed the rest of his apple, suddenly aware of how close his ghouls were to him.
“Ehh, I can think of a few things,” he said with a nervous chuckle.
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iamthecomet · 9 months
mounty/rora size difff!!!!! im insane!!!!
like imagine they’re in the kitchen and roras tryna grab somethin high up and mount comes up behind and just. engulfs her. idk if i were her i would lose it.
also dom mountain? maybe? calling her his “little princess” and making her take him all at once?
(maybe some really light cnc like hes “making” her take it no matter what she wants)
idk i love them
I got SO carried away with this. I am NOT SORRY. 2.3k words of MountRora under the cut. Despite the CNC mention in the ask everything in the ficlet is enthusiastically consented to on screen. Though, Mountain does have a few thoughts (before anything actually happens) that could make things seem dubious. So keep that in mind before you read. I absolutely took some inspiration for their normal dynamic from this post by @miasmaghoul because her brain is gigantic.
The new ghoulette makes Mountain feel like he’s losing his mind. He hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off of her since they were introduced. Her miniscule frame tucked under one of Copia’s arms as he gave her and Aeon a tour of the ghoul wing. 
He knows her better now. Enough that when he lays in bed at night with one hand on his cock and her on his mind he doesn’t feel quite as bad as he did that first night. Face down on his pillows, knuckles wedged between his teeth so that when he came in hot spurts he didn’t accidentally whimper the name of the freshly summoned ghoulette in the next room. 
Now, a few months in, the thoughts are no less impure but he knows they’re welcome. Knows she thinks the same things. Finds her at his door in the middle of the night, barely clothed and already soaked for him. Slipping into his lap with ease and grinding against him until she cums–until he does too. Splattering cum over his stomach as she works him through it with her tongue in his mouth. 
It’s not enough. 
Mountain watches her from the couch as she stretches up onto her toes and tries to reach something on the very top shelf of the game cabinet. Spine stretching, fingers waggling as she tries to reach. Almost hopping on her toes in a futile attempt to bump whatever game she’s hoping for close enough to grab. 
Mountain delights in watching her. In looking at the little sliver of skin that shows as her shirt rides up. On the way her ass looks in her leggings. Eyes tracing the dip in her waist, knowing he can touch his fingers around it when he holds her. 
He’ll get up and help her–of course he will. Though, she’ll never ask. Determined to do it herself. But he’s going to let her struggle for another minute and enjoy the view. 
He pushes himself off the couch when she starts to show signs of planning to climb the cabinet. He presses right up against her. Ducks his head to press his chin to the crown of her head, right between brutally sharp opalescent horns. 
“Which one?” he rumbles. Curling one arm around her waist, palm flat against her belly. That warm strip of skin under his calloused palm. She growls, high and playful. And he pulls her tighter, presses her body right up against his until he knows she can feel how hard he’s gotten pressed right against her spine. 
“Monopoly,” she says, pressing back against him. Standing on her toes in an attempt to grind her ass back against him. “Why do you put it so high?” “Big boxes go on the top shelf.” 
“Nothing should go on the top shelf.” She huffs as he pulls it down and presses it into her waiting hands. 
“Who are you playing with?” 
“Aeon and Swiss, do you want to come too?” 
Mountain shakes his head. He digs his fingers into her stomach just a little and then releases her. She turns in his grip, box held between them. “I don’t like monopoly. Too competitive. And Swiss always cheats.” 
She frowns. “He promised he wouldn’t–”
“He’s a liar.” He kisses her between the horns. “Will you come see me after?” 
She looks up at him. Violet blush darkening her cheeks and the tips of her ears. She smiles, slow and easy as she nods. “As soon as we’re done.” 
“That a promise?” Mountain teases. 
She licks her lips, nods again, short and curt this time. “Yes, sir.”
His cock kicks in his pants, drools pre into the dark gray fabric. Aurora grins at him, and then slips away, out of the door. Mountain sags back into the couch. He palms at himself–not enough to really get anywhere. Just a little pressure, a little relief as he thinks about her. About what he wants to do–no–what he’s going to do to her. She wants it too--he knows it.
The grinding is all well and good, but he wants to be inside. Wants to press deep and feel the way her body changes as he fucks into her. To reach places no one else ever has or ever will again. He closes his eyes, tips his head back against the back of the couch and tries not to blow it just over the thought of her. 
⛧ Mountain keeps himself as busy as he can stand. Takes a trip to the greenhouse and tries to think about deadheading flowers instead of pinning Aurora down on his bed and fucking her senseless. 
He works on dinner, and somehow doesn’t burn anything despite doing the entire thing on auto pilot–much to Dew’s disappointment. 
The fire ghoul kicks him out mid-way through with a frustrated grimace. 
“I’m trying to help, Dew,” Mountain says in protest as Dew bullies him from the kitchen. 
“Then help, by being literally anywhere else. I can smell how hard you are. Go jerk off or something.” 
Mountain retreats to his room. There’s a knock on the door three minutes later–not that he was counting. 
Aurora doesn’t wait to be let in, she’s pushing past him as soon as he opens the door. Shucking her shirt off and throwing it to the side before Mountain has even locked them in. And then she’s on him. Coming up on her toes as he bends to meet her. Lips sealing together as her clever fingers slid under his t-shirt and up to roll already pebbled nipples between deft fingers. He growls, hauls her close. Nearly off her feet in his attempt to pull her into his skin with him. Tongue delving deep into her mouth–less about pleasure and more about claiming. 
“Who won?” he asks as he pulls away long enough to pull of his shirt. She wiggles out of her leggings and underwear in one go and Mountain feels the last of his coherent brain cells die when she bends over to pull them off of her ankles. Exposing her soft pink cunt to his hungry gaze. She’s wet already, folds glistening as she shifts from one foot to the other. 
“Swiss,” Aurora says as she finally untangles herself. “He cheated.” 
“Told you.” 
Aurora is right up on him again, his back against the door. Her hand slipping down his pants to curl her fingers around his cock. He shoves at his waistband. Desperate to get them off so he can see. So he can watch the way her fingers don’t meet when she holds him. She stands on her toes and nips at his jaw. Stroking from root to tip as he finally frees himself. Fire licking up his spine as she tightens her grip to milk a pearl of pre from the tip. 
“‘Rora,” Mountain whispers, pressing his forehead to the top of her head, both of them looking down. Watching the way she strokes him. The head flushed and shiny. Her fingers looking so small–so impossibly dainty around him. “Wanna try something.” 
“Let me fuck you.”  Not a question. A demand. A need. No room for argument in it. Aurora pulls her head back so they can really see each other, she tips her head, lip pinned by a razor sharp fang. 
“It’s too big. Won’t fit.” 
Mountain steps closer, she goes back. Doesn’t let go of him, doesn’t stop dragging her thumb over that spot under the head that makes him twitch. He crowds her back until she’s forced to sit on his bed. Forced to crane her neck to look up at him. He reaches down, strokes her hair out of her face, tucks one strand behind her ear. 
“I’ll make it fit.” 
He watches her throat work as she swallows. Watches the way her pupils go just that much wider. She’s moon-eyed and slack jawed as she looks up at him. Thighs clamped together, shifting just ever so slightly in search of friction. 
She nods. Eyes never leaving his. Cheeks dark, breath shallow. When he pushes her back to lay on the bed, she falls like a rag doll. Easy. Chest heaving as he climbs above her. Mouthing at her jaw, and lower. Over sharp collarbones, and rosey nipples. Pressing the flat of his tongue to each bud as he sucks them into his mouth. Assualting them with just enough teeth to make her gasp and arch up into him. 
He leaves a trail of open mouth kisses down her stomach, over her hip bones, down to her cunt. Pressing his lips over her clit. He drags his tongue through her folds. Gathering slick. Letting the taste of her white out every other thought. 
He presses one finger inside of her as he pulls back. Watching as her eyes flutter closed, one hand toying with one of her nipples, the other sunk deep into the mess of her own hair. She whines, hips rolling down to meet his hand as he presses as deep as he can. “Gonna make you take it,” Mountain says, bending down to suck her clit into his mouth as he gives her another finger. 
She nods dumbly, tucking her chin into her chest to watch him. Their eyes meeting over the soft plain of her body. “Yeah. Yeah. Make me take it. Ruin me.” 
His cock kicks and spits against the comforter as he fingers her. Adding a third. Unable to think about anything else except the musk of her on his tongue and the way these velvet walls will feel clamped around his cock. How it will feel when she cums on it. 
Mountain doesn’t have the patience to wait anymore. Not with the way she’s fluttering around his fingers. Not with how her clit pulses against his tongue.
He slips his fingers from her body, and allows himself a moment to admire her as he pulls away. To watch as she clenches around nothing. To see the way she drips onto the bed. 
He shuffles forward, tucks her legs around his hips. He drags the blunt head of his cock over her swollen clit and revels in the way she mewls beneath him. Hands twisting in the sheets, hips twitching closer. “Look at you,” he says. Dragging his cock through her folds, watches the way she opens for him. He lines himself up, just barely touching her. It would take nothing to split her open on it. He should go slow–should take his time.  
“C’mon,” she insists. “Put it in. Stop teasing and–”
Mountain surges forward. He bottoms out in one thrust. His hips flush with hers. She wails. Eyes rolling up in her head, body clamping down hard on him. Her heel digs into his ass, just above his tail. He grabs her as she arches, both big hands on her waist, thumbs almost touching just under her belly button. 
The next thrust makes her tear up. Wetness clinging to delicate lashes as she clamps her eyes closed and keens. Mountain gives up on slow and steady almost immediately. Leaning forward to bend her in half and pound in. Over and over again. Each slick slide a new revelation.  Each noise she makes dragging him closer and closer to the end. He sets his thumb to her clit. She opens her mouth and nothing comes out, just a ragged pleasured breath as she takes every inch he gives her. 
She cums with a cry. Clamping down so hard on him he’s almost forced out. Eyes rolling back, body going taught as her toes curl against his back and she pulses around him. He fucks her through it, keeps his thumb rolling over her clit until she bats his hand away. 
“So fucking tight, Rora. fucking perfect. All mine.” Moutain’s babbling now. White hot pleasure coiling deep in his gut. She’s boneless beneath him. Fucked dumb and breathless. She reaches up to press her hand over his heart, to drag her thumb over a nipple. Each thrust forcing the breath from her, along with little startled noises as he goes just a little harder, a little deeper. 
“Gonna–fuck–can I? Let me cum inside?” 
Aurora nods, lips parted, drool gathering at the corners. “Yeah. Yeah. Do it. Make it sloppy.” 
Mountain gets one more thrust in, shoving in as deep as he can before he starts to shoot, vision whiting as the hot clutch of her drags him under. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. “Thank youthankyou.” 
She reaches up, tangling fingers in the sweat damp hair at the base of his neck and pulling him down to kiss him. Fangs nipping as his lip as she does. 
A sharp knock at the door pulls Mountain away from her with a start. 
“You’d better be done fucking now,” Dew’s voice carries through the door. “Dinner’s getting cold.” 
“Coming!” Aurora calls. 
“Yeah,” Dew mutters just loud enough for them to hear, sarcasm biting through his words. “I bet you are.” 
Mountain pulls out of Aurora with a hiss. He wants a few more minutes. Time to admire the way his cum drools out of her. Time to bury his face back between her legs and clean her up–to lick his mess out of her until she’s crying and shaking beneath him. 
Instead, he stands up and starts to get dressed. Heart still hammering in his chest, nerves still alight with pleasure. Aurora stretches, arms above her head, body on full display, until something in her spine pops and she sighs, satisfied. 
“After dinner, we go again,” she says, pushing herself out of bed to stand on wobbly legs. 
“Yeah?” Mountain asks, not daring to allow any real hope to filter into his voice, He doesn’t want her to feel obligated. Doesn’t want her to do too much because she wants to make him happy. He’ll be happy just eating her out. Letting her grind. Curling her into his arms and fucking her thighs. She grins, standing on her toes to pull him into a kiss that is more fang than tongue. “I told you to ruin me didn’t I?” 
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wolftoken · 2 months
4am adventure • mountain x reader x aurora
a/n: @gravehags hiiiii i shortcircuited about 5 times trying to write today lol but part 2 will be posted at some point :3 who knows when definitely not me
word count: 1602 • tags: fem reader, threesome, oral (m and f receiving), praise, mentions of exhibitionism
• masterlist •
Every now and then, sleep just seems to evade you for a night or two. No matter how long you stay in bed, staring at the ceiling, your body won’t let itself rest enough to fall asleep. So instead, you start to wander. The ministry halls are beautiful in the moonlight, although slightly spooky as well.
You figured you might as well head to the ghoul’s den, there were bound to be some of them up at this hour of the night.
The doors were tall and heavy, carved with beautiful patterns in the old wood. You had to reach pretty high for the handle, as ghouls were generally a lot taller than your average human. Once you nudged the door open enough to step inside the den, you scanned the room. Cushions and blankets were strewn about the floor, a sure sign that a ghoul pile had occurred earlier. Although there were no signs of said ghouls. The silence made you nervous but you continued on further into the room, moving down to pick up the mess the ghouls had left.
After fluffing the pillows and folding the blankets you glanced at the clock on the wall. Almost four in the morning. May as well stay up until breakfast time, at this point. There’s a TV you can occupy yourself with, and movies in the cabinet beneath it. You’re looking through their romance selection when you hear the door swinging open and the quiet chatter of two familiar voices.
You see his horns first, tall and curved and forming a beautiful silhouette in the low light. Fangs glisten as he opens his mouth to laugh at the smaller ghoul by his side. Her horns are shorter but more menacing. Their expressions turn excited when they see you on the couch.
“Hey, pretty girl! What’re you doing here at this time of night?” Aurora asks, practically bouncing over to you and tackling you back into the couch cushions. You’re giggling underneath her as she softly nuzzles your jaw, and Mountain saunters over with an affectionate smile on his face. Your head ends up in his lap as he sits down beside you and strokes a hand through your hair.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I went for a walk and ended up here. Why are you two sneaking around so late?”
“Papa wanted some late night tasks done and we were the only two still awake. You wanna come to bed with us and get some sleep?” Mountain replies, but with the weight of Aurora in your lap, sleep is the last thing on your mind.
The shift in your mood is easily picked up by the two ghouls, and they share a look as the smaller one bites her lip.
“I think we’ll take that as a ‘no’ on the sleep, huh? What else do you have in mind, pretty girl?” Mountain asks, peering down into your eyes. His glow a beautiful dark green in the shadowy room and they seem to pierce your soul in the moment. You can see his mouth is moving but you’re too lost in his pretty eyes that you can’t hear him speak. All you know is the feeling of clawed hands snaking up under your shirt and how good it feels to have the weight of a ghoul on top of you.
“Aww, she’s already too worked up to speak and we haven’t even done anything! you’re such a cutie, but we wanna hear you. Do you wanna have some fun with us?” Aurora asks, snapping you out of your daze. Looking up at her, you felt her claws eagerly prodding at your skin and a pleasant shiver made its way down your body.
“Yeah- please, wanna have fun,” you breathed desperately, and both ghouls let out quiet laughs at your tone. Aurora made quick work of your belt buckle and zipper while Mountain lifted his shirt over his head. You were so busy admiring his toned body you didn’t even realise the smaller ghoul had began to tease her fingers over your thighs to play with the hem of your panties. Whining quietly with frustration you only have for yourself, you don’t know who to focus on. It’s too much in the best way but you only wished you could look at two places at one time.
“Aww, pretty girl can’t even focus. Why don’t you lay back and let us do the thinking, okay? You don’t have to worry about a thing, baby.” Aurora mutters into your skin. It’s a pretty good idea, judging by the way your pussy clenches at the thought of letting two infernal creatures take control of your pleasure and body.
“You look so cute down there in my lap; how about you get me nice and hard while Rora uses her tongue on you?” Mountain asks with a sweet smile. The question makes your face heat up but you’re nodding vehemently in spite of it. You lean up to let Mountain strip off the rest of his clothes, and you turn your gaze to Aurora. She’s laying down over you, elbows propped up on either side of your hips with her head in her hands and her pretty fangs on display as she grins at you. Giggling at you in anticipation, she watches as Mountain guides you back down so your face is level with his half-hard cock.
It’s a bit of an awkward angle to be sucking dick but you’ll make it work. Anything can work when you have two beautiful ghouls on either end of you ready to rock your world.
Your underwear is dragged down your thighs and discarded on the floor somewhere so that Aurora can access your wetness. She wastes no time in delving into your pussy, making you yelp at the sensation. Mountain takes the opportunity to push his thumb into your open mouth to get you to look up at him. You don’t even need to be asked because you’re already nodding with the need to feel his cock in your mouth.
He’s always gentle when you’re with him like this, mindful of his size and strength. But fuck if it isn’t hard not to just grab your hair and fuck your face until he’s cumming down your throat - but he’s a gentleman. He’ll ask before he wrecks you.
However, Aurora will wreck you as she pleases. It’s evident by the way her tongue dives between your folds with fervour and determination to make you see stars. Her claws gently poke at the skin of your hips and it makes everything feel so deliciously intense. You moan loudly and with your mouth hanging open, Mountain can’t resist the change to shove his cock past your lips and feel the vibrations that your sounds cause. You’re both shuddering and you swear you feel the smaller ghoul smile into your pussy because she knows she’s got the both of you in the palm of her hand.
She’s unforgiving in the way she’s relentlessly eating you like you’re the last meal she’ll ever have. It’s a stark contrast to Mountain who’s ever so gently moving you along his dick, giving you soft smiles despite his urge to pick up his pace. Every time you moan he can feel it reverberate through him and it makes his mouth hang open in silent praise.
It’s not long before Aurora can tell that the both of you are close. You’re squirming in her grip and Mountain’s thighs are shuddering beneath you, and you desperately want to feel him release down your throat. Running on pure determination, you push your head forward to take more of his cock into your mouth and oh, did your reward not disappoint. Ropes of cum painted the inside of your mouth and throat, filling you with the taste of him. You swallowed as best you could with him still in your mouth, although now softening.
As Mountain caught his breath again, he pulled your mouth off of him and placed a gentle hand on your cheek, rubbing away the spit and cum that remained on your chin and lips. Aurora decided to persist her ministrations after you had got your own breath back, only for her to steal it away again as you felt her fangs ever so slightly graze your sensitive skin. Reaching your hand down to her, you held one of her horns in your fist and squeezed slightly, which made the ghoulette growl into your pussy, burying her tongue even deeper inside of you. Relinquishing control of your body to her, you let your moans fly out without the urge to stop them.
“Oh honey, you might wake up the other ghouls if you keep up that noise. You want them to catch us like this? I bet they’d like it, watching Rora all pussy-drunk for you and your hands around her pretty horns. They’d be so jealous - you know how bad they wanna fuck you, don’t you?”
Crying out in pleasure, the combination of Mountain’s filthy words and Aurora’s devilish tongue working you sent you over the edge. Both of your hands were in her hair and your legs tightened around her head. Her hands stroked up your body as you arched your back off the couch cushions, holding you in place so you didn’t vibrate onto the floor.
“You keep stroking my horns like that it’ll be long past sunrise before we’re done with you, pretty girl,” the ghoulette commented with a slight purr to her voice. Sleep be damned with these two demons by your side.
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