#aurora fanfic
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tesslinua · 5 months ago
Once upon a time, a little boy was born with the Chimeric Plague. His mother loved him very much.
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asymmetryestablished · 4 months ago
listen, it's not about panel six, I'm following instructions
if you tag Red on this post I'm blocking you btw, don't even think abt it
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the-mountain-flower · 7 months ago
APPARENTLY I never posted this on Tumblr, whoops
“I didn’t ask for your help, I don’t need it!”
“Yes, you do!”
Falst gets badly injured, and Dainix tries his best to get him to accept the help he needs.
Content warnings: blood, non-graphic depiction of serious injury, self-destructive behavior, & semi-makeshift medical procedure
“Are you going to use the ‘tactics’ card every time I get injured?”
“If I have to, yes.”
Falst groaned, but resigned himself to his fate. This wasn’t the first time Dainix had practically forced him to accept medical help, and given their luck, it probably wouldn’t be the last.
Dainix set him to lie down on a relatively flat, softer patch of land, and knelt in front of him. Falst held back a wince, as the shift in position caused the shrapnel still embedded in his side to move, and his ankle twinged painfully when it touched the ground. He moved his arms to try and bring himself to an upright position, but a firm hand from Dainix caused him to stop.
“Don’t you dare, you have to save your strength. Plus, it’ll make it harder to treat the wound.”
Falst scoffed. Under normal circumstances, he could've pushed him away with relative ease. “I just need to get this thing out and I’ll be fine, nothing too serious.”
Dainix didn’t dignify that with a response, just shot Falst a serious look before taking out the first aid supplies he had on him. Then he pulled back the fabric of Falst’s shirt, where the largest piece of shrapnel had pierced the skin, and cursed outloud when he saw how bad it was.
“Told you,” Falst said, “not so great if the weapon’s still in.”
In the ferin’s side was a large piece of sharp grey metal, and based on Dainix’s initial look at the wound during the fight compared to now, and the shape of the closed area, most of the metal was still inside the body. The wound was almost entirely closed over, so only a portion of the offending material was visible. In the attempt, skin had grown over the edges, uneven where the shrapnel impeded the process.
“I don’t suppose there’s a way to get this out without further cutting, huh?” Dainix asked reluctantly, but already reaching for his knife, knowing he couldn’t risk leaving it in much longer. Thanks to his father’s preparation, he had all the necessities and knew how to use them, and he knew well how to not let anxiety get the better of him in serious situations. Still, a fast-healing condition like Falst’s was something he hadn’t exactly accounted for back home, and he tried his best to make sure his worry didn’t show too much.
“Not really,” Falst responded, “unless you know something that I don’t.”
“And, I'm sorry, but I’m going to have to clean the wound-”
“Ugh! Please tell me you don’t mean that awful stuff you used last time.”
“Unfortunately. Brace your senses” Falst had detested the kitridine back in the caves, but he himself said that he couldn’t heal infection quickly. Dainix used a milder disinfectant to cover the blade of his knife. It wasn’t meant to be used this way, but it was their best option at the time. Then he took the vial of horrible-smelling liquid and prepared it onto its cloth. “You’re going to be okay, right?”
“Just get it over with. I won’t-” Falst paused, then turned his gaze away from the ignan. “I won’t scratch you this time.”
“Alright, remember to breathe.” Dainix took a deep breath himself, one hand prepped with the knife, and antiseptic in the other. “Three,” he started so that Falst could know when the action was coming, “two, one.”
Dainix quickly sliced open the skin over the shrapnel, then discarded the knife so he could extract the metal, which he tossed far away from either of them. Blood speckled the ground in its wake. The instant that was done, he pressed the cloth with the kitridine onto the wound.
During the first part, Falst just barely held back a shout of pain, instead practically hissing through gritted teeth. Once the cloth covered the wound and the kitridine made contact, he nearly screamed like the last time. The world around him blurred, and he could barely hear Dainix’s reassurances over the harsh sound of the antiseptic on flesh, and the searing feeling that accompanied it. His claws raked the ground in front of him and beside Dainix, dirt overturning grass faster than the blood was leaving his body (which wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, thanks to the damned pressure the ignan was applying).
“Breathe in, breathe out.” Dainix reminded.
“Fuck you.” Falst spat. He was going to regret that later, but he couldn’t focus on anything right now.
“I know, I know.” Dainix tried not to take offense, knowing that Falst was in pain. Despite the thrashing, he kept the cloth firmly over the wound, using both hands to do so. ���I’ve got you, it’s going to be okay.”
A moment later, the worst of the effects had passed. Falst was breathing heavily, the ground in front of him completely torn apart, but he was hurting significantly less than before.
One hand still applying pressure to the wound, Dainix brought out a roll of bandages.
“Don’t need that,” Falst muttered, “It’ll close fast, remember?”
“We still want to prevent as much blood loss as possible, and this’ll make it less likely to reopen before it’s fully healed.”
Dainix finished up the bandaging process. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
Aside from my pride? Falst thought bitterly. “Not really. Mostly some scratches that are already gone or weren't that deep in the first place.” He shrugged, lifting himself to sit upright again.
This time Dainix didn’t protest, though he wanted to- he knew Falst was too stubborn for it to make much of a difference. He tried to help steady him, but Falst pushed him away.
Dainix gave his friend a concerned look. He had gotten to know Falst pretty well in the time they'd spent together, and had gotten good at discerning when he was holding something back. “That's all?” he asked, hoping the ferin would open up about how bad it really was.
Falst gritted his teeth. He didn't want to admit it, but…
“Fine, I might've gotten an ankle injury from when it got hit earlier, but it's not a big deal.”
“Let me see.” Dainix insisted. Without waiting for a response, he moved to examine the joint in question. “Which one- oh, never mind.” He saw it almost immediately: Falst's right ankle was extremely swollen and bruised.
While Dainix was examining it to know exactly what got injured, Falst had to bite the inside of his mouth to prevent any audible reactions to the feeling. Thankfully Dainix looked to be paying full attention to the ankle, so he wouldn’t see his flinching.
Dainix grew more and more concerned the longer he examined the injury. For as much as his dad had taught him, this was a little outside his regular wheelhouse. What concerned him the most, was how non-reactive Falst seemed to be.
“How does it feel?” Dainix broke the silence to ask, looking up to gauge Falst’s reaction.
“What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said. Does it hurt a lot, and anywhere specific?”
Falst shrugged. Dainix sighed. Gods, getting this guy to open up was like pulling teeth.
He went back to trying to identify what exactly was wrong- almost certain something had happened to the bone or connective tissue, probably both.
Dainix quickly pulled back his hand when Falst cried out. Falst immediately regretted letting it happen, but the questioning had distracted him from biting it back.
“It’s fine” He tried to wave away Dainix’s concern. “Don’t worry.”
Dainix wasn’t buying it. Falst wasn’t being truthful about his symptoms, and that could only cause more harm if he didn’t open up about it.
“Falst, be honest with me. How badly does it hurt?”
“This is pointless.” Falst pushed Dainix away, trying get up. He was hindered by the wound, and the minute he tried to put weight on the injured limb he nearly crumpled to the ground. Dainix caught him before he fell, trying to get his friend to sit back down.
“Caliban help me,” Dainix muttered under his breath, then said out loud, “Falst, you are not putting weight on this, and if you’re not careful-”
“I can wait until we get back to the others. I’ll be fine.”
“And what if it gets worse before then? Or we encounter something else and you can’t defend yourself because you were too stubborn to accept help?”
Dainix stopped and took a deep, calming breath. He moved one arm so it was supporting Falst, and placed the other on his shoulder, so he could more clearly see his friend’s face.
“Look,” Dainix said, “this isn’t like the caves by Zuurith. As far as we know, our survival doesn’t depend on you being awake and able to fight. That doesn’t mean you can keep going when you need to rest.”
“I can. You seem to be forgetting that I heal fast. I can take it.” Falst’s voice rose in a defensive tone.
“You’re not invincible!” Dainix’s own voice rose in turn. “There are some things you can’t just walk off, in this case literally! I’m almost certain you broke or tore something, but I can’t tell because you won’t be honest with me about how bad it really is!”
“I didn’t ask for your help, I don’t need it!”
“Yes, you do! If I hadn’t noticed it, how long would it have taken until that wound in your side closed with the metal in it? Or if you tried to take it out yourself, how long until you died of blood loss, or an infection?”
Dainix’s voice caught, and Falst noticed for the first time that Dainix almost looked… scared.
“How long until this attitude gets you permanently injured in a way that was easily preventable if you’d just asked for help?! How long until it gets you KILLED?!”
Dainix stopped, finally realizing his eyes were beginning to well with tears, and he was gripping Falst’s shoulder like he was the ferin’s only lifeline.
Falst let himself slump back to the ground, forcing Dainix to let go. He sat next to him, not letting himself meet his friend’s gaze.
“I’m sorry,” Dainix said, “I shouldn’t have shouted like that.”
“Don’t be.”
A moment of silence passed, then Falst asked something in an uncharacteristically soft tone.
“Why do you care?”
This caught Dainix off-guard. “What?”
“It shouldn’t matter to you whether or not I get hurt. So why does it matter?”
Dainix laughed sadly. “You’re really not used to having friends.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Look,” Dainix said gently, “if it had been any of the others that were hurt, would you have done anything to make sure they were okay? Wouldn’t you try to make sure they didn’t get hurt in the first place?”
“Of course!” Falst insisted.
“Well, it goes both ways. I care about whether or not you get hurt, because I care about you.”
“But I can take-”
“I know you can. But so can Kendal, and Tess has natural armor, and Alinua and Erin are skilled life mages. Would you be okay with them doing what you’re doing right now? Do you value them by their usefulness or ability to take damage for others?”
“Then you shouldn’t treat yourself that way. Please, don’t put yourself through more pain just because you feel like you have to. Let me help you get better.”
A few moments of awkward silence later, Falst sighed. He supposed Dainix wouldn’t relent until he let him help. And… maybe he had a point.
Dainix gave him a gentle hug, careful to not aggravate the wound in Falst’s side. “Thank you.”
Falst didn’t push him away, He found himself content to let it happen, and was maybe a little disappointed when he pulled back.
Dainix went back to inspecting the ankle. “How does it feel, really?”
Falst pursed his lips, then answered, “Awful. It’s hard to move on purpose, any kind of pressure makes it hurt more- like a bruise- and, I think it’s gotten worse since it happened.”
A few moments of questioning and examination later, Dainix deduced that Falst had probably fractured a bone, and torn a ligament.
“Neither are completely broken, but with both of those in the same place it’ll take a while to heal without magical help. Have you ever torn a ligament before, especially this one?”
Falst was reluctant to admit it, but, “I don’t know. What’s a ligament?”
“They’re what connects the bones together.”
“Oh, then I don’t think so.”
Dainix nodded. That was good, even if it meant not knowing how long it’d take to heal on its own. He brought out a new roll of bandages.
“I thought you said it wasn’t completely broken? And the skin’s intact.”
Dainix held up the roll for Falst to see more clearly. “These are compression bandages, different kind than I used earlier. It’ll help with the swelling.”
This time, Falst didn’t bother to hide his reaction. When Dainix applied the bandages, he let himself tell him just how much he disliked it.
Soon, Falst was well enough that Dainix could help him up, and the two made their way to where they and their friends had agreed to meet up.
When they made it, Alinua, Kendal, Tess, and Erin were already there. Erin was making camp with stone magic, Tess and Alinua were getting a campfire started, and Kendal was keeping watch.
From his position, Kendal was the first to see the remaining members of their party arriving. He called back to the others, “They’re back-” but stopped when he saw Falst’s blood-stained shirt and bandages, and wrapped ankle. “What happened?!”
“I’ll explain later.” Dainix said. While Alinua rushed up to meet them, he gave Falst a serious look.
Falst sighed. “Help me out?” he asked Alinua.
“Like you needed to ask.” The cloud elf’s hands were already glowing green, and as soon as she was close enough she began to command the soul energy around to help him out.
Falst looked up at Dainix as if to say, See? It’s fine.
Dainix smiled. It was a good start.
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mayosvoid · 2 years ago
Welcome to the first part of the Aurora Space AU! This is a concept I have been rotating in my brain for the past week and a half so I hope you enjoy it. Chapter 2 should be coming soon!
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chrisstvrns · 1 month ago
𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦…
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warnings: head under the desk, head while live streaming, swallowing cum, hair grabbing and light tugging, no use of y/n, not proofread, lmk if i forgot anything!! 
word count: 811 
based off of this request!
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it had been nearly 3 hours since matt and chris started streaming. you had been napping for most of the stream, and you woke up an hour ago. and you woke up about 45 minutes ago. you were startled awake by matt screaming at chris for something, presumably something on the game they were playing, chained together. 
“okay, matt, im sick of this! can we play something else?” chris shouts, annoyed
“like what?” matt asks, groaning
“whats that game we used to play with justin? the escape room?” chris rambles, continuing on about how hes gonna text their older brother 
“okay, you get it set up, im getting water.” with that, matt turns his camera and microphone off, turning to you
you look at him with tired, sympathetic puppy eyes 
“you woke me up” you grumble, rubbing your eyes 
“im sorry baby” he whispers, walking over to the bed, wrapping you in a tight hug
“can i sit with you?” you murmur, clinging to your boyfriend 
“im playing the game, pretty. wanna sit near me?” 
thats when a smile crept up on your face, pulling away from the hug
“can i sit under the desk? its cozy down there, and im cold. the heaters right under your desk, matty.” 
“under the desk?” he questions, smiling “okay, sure. you can sit under the desk” 
you pull away from the hug, taking your blanket with you, crawling to sit under the desk. within a few minutes, matt comes back with 2 bottles of water, one for him and one for you. he turns the mic and camera back on, eventually joining the game with chris, going back to streaming and playing the online escape room. 
you rested your head on his thigh, your fingers gently toying with the strings of his sweatpants, periodically brushing your fingertips over where his dick would be. a few minutes later, you noticed a tent in his pants growing, and you smirked. 
you lift your head, repositioning your body on your knees, between his thighs. you stare up at him, smiling as you gently start undoing the strings of his sweatpants. 
as if on queue, he slams down on his keyboard, chris shouting
“matt! whered you go, what happened to your camera?” 
“uh, i dunno. must be something with your computer? i can still see me” he lies, looking down at you between his legs “can chat see me?” 
and immediately, chat floods with the answer: no. 
he smirks, his microphone still on as he gently lifts his hips, allowing you to pull down his sweatpants and boxers, his dick springing free and hitting your stomach. 
you smile, looking up at him as he continues to play the game. you take ahold of his cock, gently stroking him up and down, your eyes locked on his face as he clenches his jaw, still playing the game. 
you continue gently stroking him, periodically kitten licking his tip. each time, he slightly hisses, playing it off as doing something wrong in the game whenever chris asked. 
you stroke him a bit faster, his breathing getting more heavy and rapid, ending up in him shouting something out. 
“give me- give me head!” he shouts, his hand immediately flying to his mouth, eyes widening when he realizes he has the perfect opportunity to play it off. 
“chris, give me the statue head!” he states, looking down at you as you slowly wrap your lips around his tip, throwing his head back 
you begin to bob your head up and down, swirling your tongue around his swollen tip. 
he continues playing his game, one of his hands finding its way to your head, gathering your hair and clutching it, tightening his grip as you continue to bob your head, bringing him closer to his release. 
after some more bobs and gags, he nearly rips out your hair as he slams the microphone off, throwing his head back. 
“fuck, baby, m’so close. keep goin’.. yeahhh, just like that” he rambles, his eyes slammed shut 
“im cummin’, baby, fuck im cummin’” he mutters, his jaw slack as he shoots his warm release down your throat, bringing you to stop your movements. 
you smile, pulling off of him and swallow, wiping your bottom lip and staring at him. he reaches down, brushing his thumb over your cheek and gently pulling you up 
“youre fuckin’ gorgeous, baby. mine. my pretty girl.” he mutters, gently pecking your lips and pulling you onto his lap. 
you curl up into him, resting your head on his chest as he turns his microphone and camera back on 
“matt! there you are! whered you go?” chris shouts once his brother returns 
“sorry, man, something was happening with my system. technology shit, y’know?” he smiles, rubbing small circles into your thigh with his thumb as he holds the controller in the other hand.
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a/n: im tired im going to sleep and scheduling this to post int he morning goodnight i love you all thank you for reading
- aurora ᯓ✮⋆˙
likes and reblogs are always greatly appreciated! ੈ✩‧₊˚
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garciasgirl · 1 month ago
Secret Sunshine | spencer reid x reader 。𖦹°‧
genre: fluff!!
summary: spencer and reader were childhood best friends, until spencer had to leave. spencer left reader when he went to college and they haven’t spoken in over ten years. one might, at a some random local bar garcia dragged the BAU too, spencer finds someone he wasn’t expecting to ever see again. his sunshine.
content: sunshine!reader, use of y/n, awkward!spencer, but he starts to get more confident slowly? idk, lighthearted teasing, spencer left her, spencer and reader are childhood best friends, nervous!spencer, nervous!readet, bubbly!reader, lots of longing for each other, super fluffy and cute, spencer struggles with being affected by his job, baker!reader
notes: guys this is my first time writing like this please im so so sorry if it’s bad!! pls don’t be mean i will cry
word count: 2.8k
──── ୨୧ ──── ──── ୨୧ ────
spencer didn’t often entertain the teams schemes of bringing him out to a club or bar. however, their last case in particular got to him. the details still fresh and relentless in his mind. a case involving children. cases were hard enough, but when it involved children, that came with a different feeling. A stronger one.
Spencer hated how much his job affected him. Especially when he looked at his team members, they never seemed to have any issue. Sure, the pictures could be gruesome and disturbing, which the team were affected by. But Spencer, it wasn’t just the pictures. It was guilt that came along with it. maybe the only downside to an eidetic memory. He could never take his mind off of anything. The cases, the victims, the guilt. What if he could’ve done better? What if he figured things out faster? Would he have saved those victims? Was this his fault? It was eating at him too much, maybe that’s why he agreed to garcia’s team bonding event at a local bar.
“having fun, genius?” Morgan’s familiar teasing tone suddenly appeared. no, he was not. but Penelope was right there, and he wouldn’t hear the end of it if he said anything of the sort in front of her. he settled on “sure, a blast.” spencer wasn’t usually one for sarcasm, but an occasional snippy response happened here and there. “come on, spence..loosen up!! we all are in need of a break.” jj sat down next to him, her smile was warm and her voice kind. the teams teasing was playful and light, it always was. but spencer did not need any more stress, and this environment was starting to feel a lot more overwhelming than expected. too loud, music playing and people shouting over it, too bright, light for every corner yet it was so dark. and way too many people. he just needed a break, just a couple seconds.
“im going to get a drink.” spencer muttered, standing up and making his way to the bar. “uh, just, a sprite please.” he never liked alcohol, spencer liked control. and alcohol came with uncontrollable chaos. spencer lingered at the bar for a couple minutes, at first it was a bit calming. there weren’t many people surrounding him, and the music wasn’t as loud over here. that was until a swarm of people came over to the bar, shouting and practically pushing spencer out of the way. he sighed, a bit annoyed, and grabbed his drink. he returned to the table filled with his coworkers, and sat back down. jj said something to him, he doesn’t respond. he means to, but he just can’t.. his attention was somewhere else. on someone else.
her. those brown curls that bounced with every step. the dimples, you hadn’t changed much since he last saw you. which was, the summer when you both were thirteen. your tan skin glistened under the lights, and the smile stretched onto your face was so familiar, he almost felt pulled to you. he knew he couldn’t go over to you, what if you didn’t remember? but, he could just…look, right?
“Reid? Hello…pretty boy?” Morgan snapped his fingers in Spencer’s face. Spencer shook his head slightly “huh..?” He muttered, not turning his attention away from you. he took a quick glance at morgan, his attention springing back to you almost instantly. Derek laughed at him, “welcome back man, what were you..”
he trails off, following Spencer’s eyes. a low whistle followed by some deep laughter. “well, look at that, pretty boys’s got himself a crush.” Spencer shook himself slightly and cleared his throat. Taking a sip from his drink. “Shut up morgan, I uh..” emily shook her head at him “don’t even try Reid, he is never letting this go.” She was right; but Spencer couldn’t bring himself to care much in that moment. You were in the center of his brain, and you were hard to shake.
He thought this couldn’t get any worse, any more awkward. the moment he noticed you, he felt overwhelmed with nostalgia. Even though he was scared that you would notice him, and how you would respond. he still felt a longing for you. a longing for the person he had considered his home, and the person that he was forced to leave when college came around. the shock from seeing you and the embarrassment from his team, which he knew was coming, was all to much. just enough to make his hand twitch and sweat, which in result, the drink in his hand spilled. not all the way, but just enough to cover the part of the table in front of him. as he scrambled to clean it up, his ears turning pink from his teams teasing, he heard that voice.
you weren’t even talking to him yet, you had walked in the bar with some unfamiliar faces. friends of yours, he assumed. the feelings of embarrassment and nostalgia were pushed down. and the pain of guilt flooded through his system. spencer didn’t mean to leave you. you were, well, everything to him. but college was important to him, and even more important to his mom. he couldn’t say no. losing you was heartbreaking, but you encouraging him to go, that buried him deep into the ground. you were just so kind, so caring. even though Spencer was the only person you ever truly trusted, you told him to move across the country because you wanted him to chase his dreams. he still felt guilty, he still felt like an absolute idiot. maybe it was the creepy staring from both spencer. Or maybe it was the equally creepy staring from his team. but eventually you turned around, and you had noticed him. you had seen Spencer. The man you have been dying to see again since the moment he left. you walked over to him, not meaning to leave your friends behind, but doing it anyway.
“Spencer Reid? that cannot be you!” A warm voice flooded the area Spencer and his team were currently occupying. “y/n, uh..hi..!” He mumbled awkwardly, the teams glance stuck on Spencer, except for morgan, of course. Who was busy ogling over y/n. He did that with every pretty girl, but, y/n was different. Spencer didn’t understand the feelings arising, but he knew he didn’t want morgan looking at you like that for any longer.
laughter, soft and feminine broke out. “Spence, really? We’ve known each other for what? Over ten years? Don’t be so awkward!!” y/n spoke directly towards Spencer, not even acknowledging the rest of his team yet. Morgan nudged Spencer with his shoulder. “Pretty boy, ten years!! You’ve known this gorgeous lady for over ten years and you’re acting like a high school boy?”
“Shut up- morgan! I, I just didn’t expect to see her, okay?” Spencer responded, his voice unsure, which wasn’t common. “You didn’t expect to see me? Seriously spence, am I that forgettable?” You teased lightly. Not in a mean way, but in the childish way you had done all those years ago. “Wait, years? Oh you have some explaining to do!!” Garcias chirpy voice sounded out. The rest of the team, agreeing in hums and yeahs.
“right..” he cleared his throat, again. “Guys, this is y/n, she is, was, a good friend of mine.” despite the sting from his words, y/n smiled politely at everyone, “hi, it’s so nice to meet you all!” you were ushered to sit, by penelope, and you complied, taking the seat next to Spencer. you, feeling uneasy about all of the new faces, stared down at your feet. Spencer watched you, his eyes not ever leaving you. Not even for a second. His eyes were trained on you confidently, but spencer was nervous. His face was flushed, even though it was barely noticeable under the fluorescent bar lights. The team all watched the two of you with knowing eyes, their reactions pleasant to seeing their genius yet awkward Dr. Spencer Reid having such a connection. Morgan seemed the most amused, giving Spencer a playful slap on the back “my man!!” He joked before walking off with penelope.
Spencer had laughed at Derek slightly, but stopped when his eyes finally lingered over you again. he looked at you deeply, his eyes caressing over your features, he couldn’t believed how different you looked. but in a way, you looked the exact same. your hair was just as curly, your eyes bright with that same spark you held when you were young. even though you looked a little different, you still felt the same to spencer. like warmth, like home. spencer must’ve been staring for too long because you had noticed, giving him a small smile, biting her lip hesitatingly before saying.
“hi..sorry for, intruding.” you whispered, a soft, but apologetic smile on your face. for the first time during this entire conversation, spencer smiled. This was a good sign, you believed. At first, when you had sat down, you felt the nerves rush over you. It had been a long time, and even though Spencer was the one who had left. You felt worried that maybe, he wasn’t as fond that you returned as he made it seem. You wanted him to still care about you, and you were worried that the love he had for you may have faded over the years.
“hey, don’t be sorry. im glad to see you.” you had calmed down slightly at his words, spencer wasn’t one to lie unless completely necessary. So you trusted he was being truthful with his words. Even if he wasn’t, to hear them was so enticing, you just wanted him to talk on and on. About whatever, his voice and his words were all you wanted to hear anyway.
Spencer hadn’t realized how much he missed that, the simplicity of it. When life had been so cruel, you had been his escape, a source of light in a house full of shadows. ‘Sunshine,’ he used to call you, but now it felt more like a warning. Maybe, just maybe, you were the one thing that could make him feel like himself again.
And that voice, spencer swears he could hear that voice forever and never get bored. he would dream about you, often. your appearance was vivid, but as the years passed, the familiarity of your voice started to fade. when he finally heard it again, it was like heaven. you always spoke so beautifully. it was purely angelic. everything about you was an angelic. and was spencer glad that you were finally back in front of him, and not just in his dreams.
the smile on your face turned brighter, you took a sip out of your drink. “so..it’s been a while.” You comment, not sure how to start a conversation when the two of you haven’t talk for over 10 years. “sure has, sunshine.”
sunshine. that nickname, spencer used to call you that all the time. he said you were like his own personal piece of sunshine. quite poetic for a thirteen year old boy, but then again, it was spencer. warmth flooded into your cheeks, a soft look of joy and nostalgia filling her eyes.
spencer looked different, his hair was longer, and he looked a lot more mature. even though his outward appearance had changed, spencer was still spencer, and you liked that. when the rest of the team, who had been lingering, dispersed amongst the bar, spencer calmed down.
“what are you doing here anyway, not that im not happy you’re here, but..” you laughed softly and shook your head. “I just started working a new job here, speaking of jobs, you’re finally the fbi agent you dreamed of being!!” you said accidentally, putting a gentle hand on his arm. “im proud of you, spence.” his eyes softened, his other hand placed on top of yours. he gave it a quick squeeze. “thank you, sunshine.” the quick squeeze, the comfort that came with it was almost breaktaking. you hadn’t felt the calmness that spencer’s touch brought in years. feeling it, was almost overwhelming. even though spencer was the one who had initiated the sudden touch, he still felt the warmth flood through him. your hand, even just the simplest connection had almost knocked the wind out of him.
spencer wasn’t sure why he felt so comfortable. After all, you two haven’t seen each other in years. and, as cliche as it might sound, it feels like you two never parted ways. you were always his comfort, a home, in a way. between his absent father, schizophrenic mother, and the torment he suffered in school from his peers, you were always the person he went to. you were his little piece of sunshine. and now that he’s an fbi agent dealing with his own personal demons, maybe that sunshine is just what he needs?
Spencer shakes himself from this thoughts, turning to face you more. he hasn’t take his hand off of yours, and you haven’t made any move to retract your hand. so he keeps it there, resting gently on top of yours. it’s relaxing. Spencer realizes he hasn’t said much so he makes small talk. “new job, you said? what kind of job?” he asks, looking at you. his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. you smile, brightly. a sense of pride shining through. “a bakery!! you know I used to talk about owning one all time!!” spencer does know. you were an amazing baker, and the way you gushed and smiled over your job, almost made spencer feel giddy inside. he grins, a boyish and familiar sight.
“y/n, that’s amazing!! you truly are the best baker I’ve ever known.” you laugh, giving him a serious nod. “oh you bet I am!! so, back to you. big shot fbi agent, hm?” spencer dulls just slightly. but, of course, you notice. you’re about to spill out a string of apologies for even bringing it up but Spencer stops you before you even get the words out. “don’t apologize, it’s just hard. all the..victims, and cases. I used to think I was helping people. But now, it’s almost like im just losing myself more and more.”
your eyes get sad, a sympathetic look on your face. you know Spencer hates being pitied, but you couldn’t help it. “you are helping people. you always have spencer, that’s just the kind of you person you are! but trust me, we all get overwhelmed and we all get lost in things we don’t want to. im here, yeah?” you comfort him with your words, it was always something you were perfect at. you could always solve all of his problems, even for just a moment, with your words.
spencer looks deep in your eyes, for just a moment. “you haven’t changed at all, you know that, sunshine?” he mutters, his voice deep and gravely. you shiver at his tone. you couldn’t say the same for him. “you are completely different, did you know that?” he chuckles, his loose hold on your hand becoming just a bit firmer, his thumb rubbing lazily against the back of your hand. teenage spencer was your everything, but this new, more mature side of him? oh, you could get used to it.
you stir your drink with the straw, looking at him, lingering a bit too long. he was captivating, you felt drawn in by his presence. You weren’t sure if it was the slight buzz from the alcohol, or the adrenaline from seeing him, but you could not take your eyes off of him. obviously, Spencer had noticed. he laughed, the deep noise rumbling in your ears. “Careful there, sunshine. you keep looking at me like that..I might just start thinking im interesting.”
you laugh, Spencer always made you laugh. In every situation, every scenario. “Well we can’t have you grow an ego can we?” You nudge his chest playfully with your hand. Spencer is slightly stunned by the sudden and unexpected touch, but he raises an eyebrow and gives a slow nod.
“I don’t think I can help it..” you mutter.
“Help what?” He questions, looking down at you, his voice low.
“Staring at you.” You say, playing with you drink, a ghost of a smile playing on your lips.
“Good, I didn’t want you to stop anyway.” He plays along, getting bolder as the minutes pass.
you blushed at his words, spencer used to be a shy and awkward boy, and some of that old personality had shown through tonight. but right now, when it was just you and him. spencer was confident, and it was different. a good different. it made you never want to leave him again.
but It was staring to get late, and even though you both didn’t want to. You knew that this was going to have to end soon. But Spencer was determined, he wasn’t letting you go. Not again, not ever. He wouldn’t let it happen.
As the night began to wind down, you glanced at your phone, realizing how late it had gotten. You stood, your chair scraping softly against the floor. “I should probably head out,” you said, a hint of reluctance in your voice.
Spencer stood with you, his hands fidgeting in his pockets. He didn’t want the night to end, not yet.
As you reached for your bag, Spencer hesitated for a moment before stepping closer, his hand brushing lightly against yours. The contact made you pause, your eyes meeting his.
“Y/N…” His voice was quiet but firm, his usual nervousness softened by something deeper. “I don’t want to wait another ten years to see you again.”
The sincerity in his words made your chest tighten. You smiled, warmth flooding your features as you reached up and gently pushed a strand of his longer hair out of his face. “You won’t have to, Spence,” you said softly.
For a moment, it was just the two of you, the noise of the bar fading into the background. Spencer’s lips curled into a rare, boyish grin, the kind you hadn’t seen in years, as you slipped your hand into his.
It wasn’t a grand gesture, but it didn’t need to be. As the two of you walked toward the exit together, his hand still resting in yours, it felt like the first step toward something you’d both been waiting for, even if neither of you realized it until now.
And for Spencer, for the first time in years, the world felt just a little brighter.
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auroras-zenith · 3 months ago
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what doesn't kill you // part 1
you had your whole life planned out for you; start an agency with your best friend, scale the charts and make japan your bitch. but when a tragic accident leaves you incapacitated and out of a job, you find you just need to start fresh. you cut ties–and for two years, you've all but disappeared. until they need you again and come knocking at your door.
bakugo x retiredpro!reader
previous ✧ next
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The winds howled with a fury matched only by that lit within Katsuki Bakugo as he propelled himself forward at reckless speeds. The explosions emanating from his hands only aggravated the sky in its tantrum further. Fluorescent red and blue lights lit the night sky into day–a warning written into each flashing color.
It was a hard night to be a hero.
The villain had disappeared without a trace at some point during the fight–a cowardly move–but it was already far too late. The damage was done–spanning far across the expanse of several city blocks. Every hero in Japan was out, managing collapsing apartment buildings in the hundreds. The world waited with bated breath to see how things would pan out.
“South stairwell has fallen!”  The words were panicked and rushed, each staticky syllable striking a new bout of fear into the hero’s already erratic heart.  
“Deku! Civilians on the seventeenth floor! I can’t get them down without breaking the building!”
"We need backup!"
“Creati is down! We need to fall back!”
The blonde man felt his heart sinking. The heroes were spread too thin. They were losing ground. He had to call it at some point–had to cut his losses and count the bodies.
But how could they just leave? Even if the casualty count rose no higher, 182 loved ones would not return home to their families tonight–from this sector alone. He hovered midair for a moment, torn.
"Dynamight, we've got to go! The buildings structurally unsound!"
"You all get out! I'm not done yet. I'll leave when the building is clear!" You shouted, refusing to back down as you sprinted through the maze of debris.
“Tch! Cordelia! Rendezvous point! Now!” He made up his mind, shouting above the sound of the gales that threatened to knock him right out of the air. He changed course, guiding himself back toward where the rest were undoubtedly gathering.
"I've already told you! I'm not done till that whole building is empty, end of story. You go!"
"Cordelia, I'm not fucking with you, you hear me?!" He seethed. "Cordelia, do you copy! Don't start some self-sacrificing bullshit! Get your ass out, we're going!"
The silence that stretched through the night was fine at first–but then it was a second too long. And then several seconds too long. The eerie absence of sound chilled him to the bone, freezing him in his tracks. “Cordelia! Where the fuck are you at?”
He felt the blood in his veins turn to ice as he was met with the only sound worse than silence.
A blood curdling scream ripped through the comms, the crackly sound carrying evident agony.
“Crap!” He hissed, making an immediate 180. His annoyance was nothing more than a disguise–a clever mask that he could hide behind to feign confidence. In reality, he could feel his world shaking and crumbling to pieces around him. “I NEED EYES ON CORDELIA NOW! RED! SHE WAS WITH YOU LAST!” 
“She left with Chargebolt to the east quadrant!” 
“Chargebolt was taken out of the field for injuries!” 
“FUCK!” He shot through the sky, a comet of fear as unspoken worries and doubts flashed through his mind faster than he could shoot them down. He wasn’t supposed to fear–he was supposed to be feared. But you always had been his greatest strength–or perhaps you were his only weakness.
"FUCK THAT, DEKU! I'M COMING!" The terror in his voice was practically contagious.
Midoriya felt the walls of the building crumbling apart around him–or maybe that was his world. The hit wasn’t looking good–clean through your spine. He slid to the floor, narrowly dodging a falling chunk of concrete.
“Cordelia! Cordelia, I need you to stay with me!” He demanded wildly as he willed his legs faster.
He had seen terrors of all shapes and sizes. Natural disasters that left everything in shambles, monsters that shook the earth with each step, but this…
He worked as he spoke, adrenaline working overtime as he rushed to lift you, sprinting as he navigated them both through the collapsing rubble as if you weighed nothing.
“Cordelia!” He felt his heart leap out of his chest as he saw your eyes threatening to close. “Cordelia! CORDELIA! Y/n! Y/n, please! He can’t lose you. I can’t lose you, Y/n!” He begged.
Your silence save for your labored and erratic breathing spurred his steps faster. A large piece of rubble fell from the roof, blocking the only exit.
“Shoto! I need a way out! Northeast stairwell’s compromised!” He shouted into his earpiece, heart beating louder than the sound of the building coming apart.
“DON’T MOVE, DEKU!” The world shook harder.
How could this be happening? Cordelia? His partner? The cofounder of the Dynadelia agency?
The wall in front of Deku and you shook, splintering into thousands of tiny rocks. The green haired hero moved to shield you with his body, his larger frame absorbing all the impact. He handed you off to the explosion hero without another word.
The blonde jumped without another word, using his explosions to slow his descent as he cradled you safely in one arm. Deku followed suit, using his quirk to slow his fall as well.
It didn't take a genius to see he was losing them. He was losing two of his closest friends. One to the giant metal rod sticking through her abdomen, and the other to the deathly fear pounding through his head.
The world was silent tonight as the men plummeted to the floor, praying for Japan's fourth hero.
The hero world, praying for Y/n L/n.
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a/n: goal is to not randomly ghost this cus i HATE when that happens to me
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taglist: @floverisland @biancatomlinson @rosaryia
permanent tags: @phtmmsqrde
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tinyluvs · 3 months ago
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thinking about oral fixation!phantom who loves having his mouth filled, needs it, goes crazy for it. whimpers and whines until someone gives into him but he’s so cute and doe eyed that no one has ever said no to him, finding ways to keep his mouth busy in one way or another until he’s truly satisfied
oral fixation!phantom who sits patiently between mountains legs, drooling all over the earth ghouls cock, staying so very still, eager to please and keep him warm while mountain reads his book, barely even paying attention to the ghoul sucking him down and soaking his length and balls with spit (and tears)
oral fixation!phantom who has cumulus pushing her shirt up so he can get his mouth on her huge tits, sucking and circling his tongue around her nipples for hours until they’re swollen and sore and have bruises littering them and still he doesn’t stop, often falling asleep right there, face pressed into her chest
oral fixation!phantom who gets given little blue raspberry heart shaped suckers from swiss and very proudly shows off his very purple tongue when he’s done, sticking it out and whimpering when swiss presses his fingers down, pushes his tongue back into his mouth and simply tells him to be a good boy and suck
oral fixation!phantom who sits aurora on his face and goes to town, licking, sucking, biting, letting her fuck herself on his tongue until she’s whimpering, her thighs shaking while she cums, almost suffocating the ghoul underneath her but never once has he ever told her to get off, only stopping when she’s squirting into his mouth and sliding off of him, overstimulated
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𖤐 more oral fixation!phantom thoughts 𖤐 ghouls masterlist
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fucked-the-ship-and-train · 15 days ago
On this blessed Fuck You and Fuck Your Train Friday and Fuck the Ship (I Do) Friday, aligning with Valentine's Day, I wish you all an extra special Friday.
You all go fuck those trains and ships. BE FREE, MY MACHINE-LOVING DISCIPLES.
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tesslinua · 11 months ago
Wrote a fanfic about Tynan instead of working today. Have a look! He sucks!
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reasonsmandy · 7 months ago
this is so real, I'm not even kidding
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the-mountain-flower · 10 months ago
It’s Mothers' Day where I live, so to celebrate I brought y’all some angst (I didn’t cry while writing this… not even a little… nope not me…) (Don’t worry, my mom got an actual gift lol)
Title: lyrics from the song “Lose You Now” by Lindsey Stirling and Mako
CW: family member death (flashbacks)
Falst didn't realize today was the Feast of Serenis, and misses his mom.
Content warnings: grief, past family member death, hunger/malnutrition/trying to avoid starvation, past family member death, loneliness
Falst didn’t usually keep track of the dates, but if he was near a town or city, it was usually obvious when it was a feast day. If possible, it was a good time to blend in among the crowds and grab some food at any public festivities.
That was the case when he snuck out of a city with a ragged cloak, a few foodstuffs in his pockets, and fighting tears from his eyes. He hadn’t realized it was the Feast of Serenis.
He’d been caught off guard by the focus of the festivities. Practically speaking, it meant he stood out more as a lone figure in a sea of people who surrounded themselves with friends and family. Which Falst had none of. He really, really wished he could hate it. Today always managed to make him feel so much more alone than usual.
But he couldn’t hate it, because his mother had loved this feast day.
Falst disappeared into a small forest near the city; one that gave just enough cover for him to hide in the trees, but it wasn’t large or dense enough for its own god so people rarely came, especially on days like today.
He climbed up a large, wide tree with sturdy branches and decent cover. It was where he’d been hiding out, until he was inevitably found and was driven away, just like everywhere else. It was one of the more uncomfortable places he’d stayed, but it suited his needs just fine.
He settled down on one of the top branches, and took from his pocket one of the foods he’d filched from a rich-looking merchant when they weren’t paying attention. It was a frosted bun, encased in a delicate wrapping that stuck to it a little and smeared the icing when Falst took it off, a side effect from being stuffed in his pocket with everything else. If he had the option, which he usually didn’t, Falst tried to go for heartier, more filling foods. Still, he had a fondness for sweets, and would never pass up the opportunity to grab something tasty. Plus, he needed something to make him feel better.
While he ate the bun, he was reminded the treats his mom had gotten on her last Feast of Serenis. Falst was still a young child back then and didn’t quite remember the details like he used to, but he desperately clung to what he did recall. Still a little overwhelmed by all of the activity from before, he didn’t have the mental energy to try and stop the memories… not that he wanted to.
He remembered his mom’s excitement at showing him the sweets she got for them from the market. His dad was out of town that day (typical of him to be gone for the Feast of Serenis), so it was just the two of them. He remembered practically stuffing his face with the sugary treats, and sitting in her lap as she read him a story from a childrens’ book. He couldn’t remember which story it was. Falst asked if she could draw something for him, and they ended up drawing each other. He wanted to remember what hers had looked like, but there was no chance he could find it, if it even existed anymore.
His finger hit a knot on the branch, and he realized one of his claws was scratching the tree bark. He looked down to see a half-finished depiction of the letters he’d found on his mom’s tombstone. He hadn’t fully realized he was doing it at first, but he finished the name anyway. It was rough and uneven on the bark, especially the first half since he hadn’t been paying attention, but it was clearly there.
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That was another thing he wished he could remember: her name. He’d only known her as “Mom”, and for some reason, the only writing he had of it was this.
For the millionth time, he wondered why her tombstone had been marked with Ancient runes. He wondered bitterly if his dad did it on purpose, just so that Falst couldn’t know what it meant. It was so unlikely, but Falst was almost upset enough to entertain the idea.
Falst inhaled heavily and tucked one knee to his chest. He wrapped his tail around himself, similar to how he would with his mom when they were sitting together. He brought out another piece of food from the festival- this one healthier and more filling- and got himself to take another bite. He reminded himself that food was to alleviate hunger, not grief. Nothing could heal a broken heart, but he could at least make sure his kept beating.
“Happy Feast of Serenis.” Falst whispered to the runes beside him. “I miss you.”
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fandoms--fluff · 6 months ago
Could write a dark Hope Mikaelson were she has fem yn as like her side kick instead of Lizzie
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Heretic female reader x no humanity Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: none?
A/n: This is probably not the most exact accuracy, but I haven't watched Legacies in a hot minute, and even then I've only seen it once. So I tried my best from what I do remember. I hope you like it!
Plus i may have made this a romantic ending. and maybe a bit more fluffy than it should be, but I didn't realize it in the moment i was writing it, so I hope you still enjoy it wither way.
Alright, how much longer is this going to take? We've been in this crummy motel for the past four days and have barely made progress on Aurora" You lean against the door way with your arms crossed.
It's been a boring couple of days and you need to get out of here, but of course Hope thinks otherwise, the closest you get to to 'leave' is going outside on the balcony. And even then, you're always accompanied by her as if you were to run away. Which would be a stupid decision on your part for even just thinking about it. The humanity-less tribrid is not a force you want to reckon with. Especially considering the sire bond between her and yourself.
It's not even that you're hungry or anything to do with your new vampire side colliding with your siphoner witch side. It's more like you're so sick of staying in the same place with no room to breathe or have any time to yourself. Even when you're in the shower, you can tell Hope is close by the door, listening. Which is in your mind just plain creepy, but you never bring it up, not wanting to make the tribrid mad.
Hope looks up from the desk where she has a contraption of some sorts that looks half put together. "I thought I told you to stay with Aurora in case she tries something." Hope blatantly says, ignoring your question.
You test your luck, "Well, she's been passed for the last three hours and I started to feel a bit creepy just staring at her. And it feels stuffy, can't we do something other than this. Even for just a little while. You seem like you could use a break." You tell her.
She sighs. That's all she does before she gets up, the contraption grasped in her hand and walks past you into the other room where Aurora is chained to the wooden chair.
Before you can even ask what she's doing, Hope plunges it into Aurora's chest. The redhead screams in agony as the contraption sinks deeper in and then causes her to pass out again, her body withering in pain.
Hope turns back to you as if looking for a compliment on what she just did. "What? What do you want me to say? Yay, good job for torturing the red head bitch?" You ask, exasperated.
"Come on," is all she says, nodding to the door as an order to follow her. You glance back at Aurora once more before following her outside the run down motel door.
"What's going on?" You ask as she closes the door and puts a spell on it to make sure no one can go in or leave the room.
"Well, you've been pestering me for how long to get out of here? So, that's what we're going to do, we're going to go to the carnival in town. To test your abilities and to train them" She states while walking down the old creaky steps that lead to the parking lot.
You furrow your eyebrows in suspicion but follow her nonetheless. Climbing into the passenger seat of the car, you do up your seat belt before turning to her. "Should I be worried or turned on about your newfound creepiness?" You smirk.
That gets her to pause, and slowly turn to you, hands still placed on the wheel. "Just do as I say" she finally answers before backing out of the parking spot and going onto the road.
You smile to yourself, proud how even with the sire bond, you could get under her skin...Well to an extent. You don't want to cross a line.
It's quiet on the whole way to the carnival, its quite unnerving. You audibly sigh when you guys finally get there and climb out of the car. Hope pays no mind to it as she leads you guys through the entrance past excited, screaming, and running kids.
"So, when is training going to commence?" You couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence between the both of you.
"Now" She answers, stopping in front of the test your strength game. "Strength is great in a fight, but can also be your downfall in everyday life" She turns to you, and leans in close to your, "Well, un-life." She pulls away and faces the worker in charge of the game.
One second you were watching them talking, the man scoffing at her, and the next, Hope bent down and tapped the surface. The metal piece shot up and hit the highest mark gracefully before plummeting back down.
'"How?.." The man was gobsmacked at what just happened.
The tribrid turns back to you. "Your turn. Try and control your strength to tap the bell and not blow it off" She moves to the side, making way for you to go to the front of the game.
"Okay" You breath out and shake the nervousness out of your hands. You crouch down slowly before reaching out your hand and tapping the surface ever so lightly. So lightly in fact, you barely felt the hard rubber grazing your finger tip.
You watched, breath held, as the piece of metal shoots up the markers and finally clangs against the bell before shooting right back down.
You let out a big sigh of relief at doing something right and not breaking the game. "Did you see that? I think I have pretty good control, don't ya think" You turn back to Hope, a smile lighting up your face.
"Maybe so" She nods, a hint of a smile twitching at the corners of her own lips.
She leads you guys away from the wide eyed man who's practically frozen on the spot, passing all the rides. "Hey, why don't we go on some? You know, instead of testing we could have some fun, maybe bond?" You ask, wanting to have a bit of fun. You haven't been to a carnival since you we're a little kid and you're starting to feel the adrenaline rush of what it feels like being at one.
"And before you say 'no', just think about it. I doubt you've ever been to a carnival before, and they can be so fun if you remove that glare from your face" you point out in the middle of her opening her mouth.
There's a long pause. "...Fine" She basically grumbles. You're right, she's never been to a carnival before.
And that's how you guys find yourselves on the ferris wheel. You're stopped at the top, the view being amazing. "Look at how tiny everyone else is" You say. "Mhm" she says, not really paying attention You gaze down and then turn to Hope. Only to notice that she in fact was not looking at the view and instead her eyes are locked on you.
"Hey! Earth to Hope. You good?" You ask, waving your hand in front of her face. Her eyes snap up to yours which immediately makes you pull your hand away, smile fading from your face.
"Wait a second, are you starting to warm up to me, Mrs. Mikaelson" You smirk, jokingly, hoping that it wont backfire. All you want to do is get her into a good mood. She's been all doom and loom recently.
And even though she has no humanity and killed you, you still care for her and notice when she seems not the 'healthy' amount of careless.
All she does is scoff, but her eyes have different ideas when travelling down to your lips. She can't help herself from leaning in and pressing her lips against your soft ones.
It takes you a moment before snapping out of the shock before kissing her back. The kiss lasts longer than anyone would think between a newly turned heretic and a humanity-less tribrid.
"Not a word of this. To anyone" She says, as if some of her humanity was slipping through. She pulls away from the kiss, surprised at herself for letting her damn 'emotions' getting in the way of her revenge plan.
"Nah, you definitely like me. Even with your cold, no humanity heart. i have proof" You taunt, smiling and tap your finger against her chest overtop her heart. Hope roles her eyes before pulling you back in for a kiss.
A pretty good way to shut you up, might you add.
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chrisstvrns · 1 month ago
𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐦𝐞: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 | 𝐜.𝐬.
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warnings: REUNION REUNION REUNION! kinda angsty but calm reunion, accepting parenthood/coparenting, one mention of pregnancy stretch marks, please let me know if i missed anything! 
word count: 4,198
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six
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it had been six months since you last saw chris. you hadnt seen him since the day he broke up with you. that night, when you got home, you tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail. he blocked you. 
eventually, you got yourself together again. you scheduled a doctors appointment to further confirm your pregnancy, you got a nursery set up, and started telling your family and close friends. now? you were sitting up in your bedroom of your childhood home, your living room filled with your family and your mothers friends, all there to see your child. 
two weeks ago, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, with big, blue eyes that looked identical to her fathers. everytime you looked down at the little bundle in your arms, all you saw was chris looking back at you. 
there were little things in your pregnancy that constantly reminded you of chris. you were emotional, and you brushed it off as hormones, but everywhere you went, you saw him. the biggest thing being that one of the most obvious stretch marks on your stomach was in the shape of the letter ‘c’. 
the biggest help in your pregnancy, besides your parents, was nick and matt. at least once a week, anytime they were in boston, they came to your house to check up on you, and they kept their promise to not tell chris. 
it hadn’t been easy, but nick and matt had stepped up in ways you never expected. despite their complicated feelings about keeping the truth from chris, they’d thrown themselves into being there for you and the baby. they showed up with groceries, helped you assemble furniture for the nursery, and even accompanied you to a few doctor’s appointments when your mom or dad couldn’t.  
it was almost surreal having them around so much- two pieces of chris in your life, while the biggest piece stayed missing. sometimes, when nick made a certain joke or matt gave you one of his signature serious-but-caring looks, it felt like chris was in the room, just out of reach. and every time, it brought that familiar ache back to your chest.  
but now, as you sat in your childhood bedroom, rocking your baby girl in your arms, the ache was dulled by the overwhelming love you felt for her. her soft coos and the way her tiny fingers wrapped around yours were enough to make the world feel okay again, even if just for a moment.  
there was a knock at your door, pulling you from your thoughts. “hey, can i come in?” nick’s voice was quiet, careful not to wake the baby.  
“yeah,” you said softly, adjusting your grip on her as the door opened. nick stepped inside, holding a cup of tea in one hand and a soft blanket in the other.  
“thought you might need this,” he said, placing the tea on your bedside table before draping the blanket over your lap.  
“thanks,” you murmured, smiling up at him. nick sat down on the edge of your bed, his eyes immediately falling to the baby in your arms.  
“she’s so perfect,” he said, his voice full of awe. “looks just like...” he trailed off, and you both knew what he was going to say.  
“just like chris,” you finished for him, your voice barely above a whisper. nick nodded, his jaw tightening.  
“yeah,” he said. “but she’s got your nose.”  
you let out a soft laugh, the sound surprising even yourself. “maybe a little,” you admitted, brushing a finger gently across her tiny button nose.  
nick hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “matt and i were talking earlier,” he began, his tone careful. “and... we just want to make sure you’re okay. really okay.”  
you looked up at him, your smile fading slightly. “i’m managing,” you said honestly. “some days are harder than others, but... madi makes it worth it.”  
he nodded, but there was something else in his eyes—something he wasn’t saying. “you know,” he started, “you don’t have to do this alone forever. when you’re ready… if you’re ever ready… we could talk to chris. you don’t have to, but-”  
“nick,” you interrupted gently, shaking your head. “we’ve been through this. i don’t want him to know. not now. maybe not ever. he made it clear where we stand, and i’m not going to force him into something he doesn’t want. if he finds out, sure. he deserves to know about his daughter. but i dont know if im ready for him to know.”  
nick sighed, running a hand through his hair. “i know. i just… i see the way she looks at you, and i can’t help but think about how much he’s missing out on. but it’s your call. it always has been.”  
“and it always will be,” you said firmly, though your voice softened as you glanced back down at your daughter. “she’s my priority now. no one else.”  
nick reached over, resting a hand on your shoulder. “we’re here for you. whatever you need, whenever you need it.”  
“i know,” you said, your voice thick with emotion. “and i’m so grateful for you and matt. i don’t know what i would’ve done without you both.”  
nick gave you a small smile before leaning down to brush a finger gently against the baby’s cheek. “she’s gonna grow up surrounded by so much love, you know that? even if chris isn’t in the picture, she’s got you, your parents, and me and matt. and that’s more than enough.”  
you nodded, tears welling up in your eyes. “yeah,” you whispered, holding your baby a little closer. “it’s more than enough.”  
“is he.. is he here?” you mutter, your heart clenching. 
nick lets out a deep breath, about to speak when theres another knock on the door. matt pokes his head in, looking at you and nick as he gently speak. “can i come in?” 
you nod, shifting on the bed. he takes a seat next to you, eyes locked on your baby as he smiles, gently whispering 
“gimme my niece” he jokingly mutters, reaching for her
you pass her to him with ease, her little, soft coos filling the room. 
nick looks at you sympathetically, like he knew something you didnt. 
“hes downstairs” nick mutters, awkwardly fiddling with his thumbs 
you take a deep breath, your heart about to jump out of your chest as you nod. “okay.. does he know about her? like, this is a party for her, so how much does he know?” 
“i dont think he knows. theres nothing down there that indicates that theres a baby, unless someone says something.” 
nick and matt exchange a quick, meaningful glance before nick finally says, “we didn’t tell him. he thinks this is just some get together, barbecue thing your parents are throwing. theres so many other people down there, and your parents technically invited our parents, we just tagged along. and, we figured it wasn’t our place to say anything... but he’s bound to find out now that he’s here.”  
your heart pounds harder at his words. chris is downstairs. chris, who you haven’t seen in six months. chris, who left without looking back. chris, who slammed the door in your face. chris, who doesn’t know he has a daughter upstairs.  
you glance at your daughter in matt’s arms, her little hands waving in the air as she coos softly. she has no idea what’s happening, no idea that her father is in the same house.  
nick leans forward, his voice quiet but firm. “we can handle this however you want. if you don’t want to see him, matt and i can say we need to refilm something for the channel to get him to leave. but if you’re ready to talk to him… we’ll be right here.”  
you take a deep, shaky breath, trying to steady yourself. part of you wants to hide, to keep the walls you’ve built around yourself firmly in place. but another part of you knows this moment was inevitable.  
“he deserves to know,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.  
nick raises an eyebrow. “you sure?”  
you nod, even though you’re not sure at all. “yeah. i think so. but, i need a minute. can you keep him down there for now?”  
matt stands up, cradling madison gently in his arms. “we’ve got you,” he says, his voice steady and reassuring. “take as long as you need.”  
nick gets up as well, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze before the two of them leave the room.  
as soon as the door clicks shut, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. you stand up and pace the room, your thoughts racing. how are you supposed to face him? what are you supposed to say?  
a few moments later, a knock at the door startles you, but it’s just matt again. “she’s asleep,” he says softly, holding up the baby monitor. “we put her in the crib in your moms office downstairs, away from everyone. nick’s keeping an eye on chris.”  
you nod, your chest tightening. “thanks.”  
“you okay?” he asks, leaning against the doorframe.  
“no,” you admit, your voice cracking. “but i don’t think i ever will be.”  
matt gives you a small, sad smile. “you don’t have to do this alone, you know. you’ve got us.”  
“i know,” you whisper. “but this? this is something i have to do on my own.”  
matt hesitates but nods, stepping aside as you make your way to the door. you pause for a moment, your hand on the doorknob, before opening it and stepping into the hallway.  
the sound of voices and laughter drifts up from downstairs, but all you can focus on is the fact that chris is down there. you walk slowly, your heart pounding with every step, until you reach the top of the stairs.  
there he is. standing by the kitchen, a drink in his hand, looking as effortlessly handsome as ever. your breath catches in your throat. he hasn’t seen you yet, but the sight of him brings back a flood of memories- both good and bad.  
nick spots you first, his eyes widening slightly as he gives you a subtle nod. matt, standing nearby, follows nick’s gaze and tenses slightly, as if preparing for the worst.  
and then chris looks up. his eyes meet yours, and for a moment, everything else fades away.  
the room goes silent, or at least it feels that way. chris sets his drink down, his expression shifting from confusion to something unreadable. he takes a few steps toward the stairs, and suddenly, you’re face-to-face with the man who broke your heart.  
“hey,” he says softly, his voice carrying that familiar warmth that once felt like home.  
you swallow hard, your fingers gripping the railing of the staircase. “hey.”  
for a moment, neither of you says anything. then chris glances around, his brow furrowing slightly. “what’s going on? nick and matt wouldn’t really tell me. is this some kind of surprise party?”  
you take a deep breath, your heart pounding in your chest. “not exactly,” you say, your voice trembling.  
chris looks at you, his blue eyes searching yours. “then what is it?”  
before you can answer, a soft cry comes from the monitor in matt’s hand, who was standing a few feet away. chris glances at it, then back at you, his confusion deepening.  
“whose baby is that?” he asks, his voice cautious.  
you take another deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage you have. “she’s mine,” you say quietly.  
chris stares at you, his jaw tightening. “yours?”  
you nod, your throat tightening. “and... yours.”  
you refuse to look up at him, as his breath hitches, and for a moment, he just stands there, frozen, as if trying to process what you just said. his face pales, and his hand grips the back of a nearby chair as if he needs something to hold onto.  
“wait... are you saying...?” he trails off, his voice wavering, eyes flickering between you and the baby monitor.  
you nod, barely able to meet his gaze. “yes. she’s yours.”  
the silence between you both stretches, thick and suffocating. chris’s face changes from shock to disbelief, his lips parting as if he’s trying to find the right words but nothing comes out.  
finally, he finds his voice, though it’s barely above a whisper. “why didn’t you tell me?”  
the question feels like a punch to the gut, and you instinctively glance at the room where your baby is, with nick. you want to say something, anything, to make this feel less like a bombshell, but all that comes out is a shaky breath.  
“can we go somewhere else? theres alot of people here..” you mutter, glancing around at your parents friends 
he nods, motioning for you to lead the way to wherever. the only place you can think to go is your moms office, not feeling comfortable enough to give him the privilege of being in your bedroom again. not yet, anyways. 
you creak open the office door, your eyes landing on nick watching your daughter in her bassinet. you hear his breath hitch in his throat at the sight, and you sit in a chair next to chris as nick takes it as a sign to leave the two of you alone, going out in the hallway with matt. 
you see him wipe his face, taking a seat on the couch. 
“so.. why didnt you-” he starts
“you left,” you say softly, your voice cracking. “you made it clear you didn’t want anything to do with me. you slammed the door in my face.”  
chris’s face softens, his brow furrowing in regret. “i never wanted that. i didn’t mean to hurt you... i thought i was doing the right thing. i didn’t want to see you continuously getting hurt because of my fans.”  
you take a deep breath, finally looking him in the eyes, the weight of the months of silence between you both heavy in the air. “you didn’t know because you didn’t want to know. i tried to reach out, chris. but you cut me off. you blocked my phone number, and on social media. you left me with no choice.”  
chris’s face falls, and he runs a hand through his hair, his shoulders slumping. "i... i messed up, didn’t i?" his voice is shaky, the anger and frustration that used to define him replaced with a quiet vulnerability that you hadn’t expected. "i never wanted to hurt you. i just... i didn’t know how to deal with everything. i thought i was protecting you by walking away, but now... now i see how much i fucked up."
you stare at him, the pain in your chest still raw, but there’s something else there too—a flicker of relief. you were angry. you were hurt. but hearing him admit his mistakes, finally, felt like a sliver of justice, even if it couldn’t undo the past.
"i never wanted you to walk away," you whisper, your voice trembling. "i never wanted to go through this alone. you didn’t have to protect me from your fans or from anything. we could’ve figured it out together. but you left. and now, we’re here. and you missed so much."
chris swallows hard, his eyes darting to the baby in the bassinet, his brother still sitting next to it as he takes in the weight of your words. "i... i didn’t think you’d ever forgive me," he admits, looking down at his hands, as if he couldn’t bear to look at you. "i didn’t think i deserved it."
you shake your head slowly, the tears still stinging your eyes. "it’s not about forgiveness right now," you whisper. "it’s about her. she deserves to know her father, whether you think you deserve it or not."
he looks up at you, his eyes brimming with emotion. "i don’t even know where to start. i’m so sorry. i... i can’t believe this is real. i can’t believe i have a daughter."
you nod slowly, fighting the urge to cry. "i didn’t want this for her," you say, your voice small. "i didn’t want her to grow up with one parent and never knowing the other. i wanted to protect her from the pain of not having you in her life. but i can't do that anymore. she deserves better."
chris stands up abruptly, pacing across the room, his hand gripping the back of a chair. "im so sorry.. i.. shouldve let you explain, but i just shut you out. i just left you, i slammed the door in your face. god, im so sorry.. she’s... she’s my daughter."
you watch him, your heart heavy with the weight of the past few months. it’s hard to accept that the man who walked away so easily is the same person standing here now, remorse in his eyes.
"but it’s not just about you anymore, chris," you say, your voice gaining strength. "it’s about her. and i need to know you’re ready for that responsibility. i need to know you’re ready to be her father, whether that means stepping up now or stepping aside. but if you’re going to be a part of her life, you can’t just show up when it’s convenient for you."
his face tightens, and he turns to face you, his eyes serious. "i don’t want to step aside. i want to be there for her, for you. i want to be the man i should’ve been six months ago. i know i don’t deserve your trust, but i’ll spend the rest of my life earning it, if that’s what it takes."
you nod slowly, your breath catching as the reality of the situation settles in. "we’ll see. one step at a time, okay?"
he gives a small, shaky nod in response. and as you both stand there, the tension between you is palpable, but there’s also a flicker of hope—however small it may be—that maybe, just maybe, things can start to heal. for you, for chris, and most of all, for your daughter.
after a moment of silence, he speaks up again, his voice soft and caring. “whats her name?” 
“madison. madison nicolette sturniolo.” you mutter, glancing at your sleeping baby in the bassinet 
“madison...” he repeats to himself, staring at the baby ““can i hold her?” chris asks hesitantly, his voice barely above a whisper.
you pause, your protective instincts kicking in. it feels monumental—this moment where he meets his daughter for the first time. but you nod, your voice steady despite the nerves swirling in your chest. "yeah. just be gentle."
matt stands, giving you a supportive nod as he steps aside, watching as you lift her from the bassinet, cradling the baby carefully before transferring her into chris’s waiting arms. chris’s hands tremble slightly as he holds his daughter for the first time.
his breath catches as he looks down at her peaceful face, her tiny features soft and perfect. "she’s beautiful," he murmurs, awe and disbelief coating his voice.
"she is," you agree softly, watching his expression shift as the weight of it all sinks in.
chris’s lips part as he whispers, "hi, madison," his voice cracking. "i’m your.. im your dad."
your throat tightens at the tenderness in his tone. the man who had once shut you out now stood before you, humbled by the reality of what he’d lost and what he now had the chance to gain.
madison stirs slightly in his arms, letting out a soft coo, and chris lets out a breathless laugh, blinking back tears. "she looks so much like you," he says hoarsely, though his eyes flicker back to hers. "but those eyes... god, they’re mine."
you let out a faint laugh despite yourself. "yeah. she makes it hard to forget." there’s a long, quiet pause before chris speaks again. "thank you... for keeping her safe. for doing everything i should’ve been there to help with."
"you weren’t there," you admit honestly, but your voice is softer now. "but nick and matt were. they stepped up when i needed someone."
chris flinches at the truth but nods. "i’m glad they did." he looks at you, sincerity etched across his face. "but i’m here now. and i want to be here- for you and her. no more running. i promise."
there’s doubt lingering in your chest, but for the first time in months, there’s also the faintest glimmer of hope.
"one step at a time," you remind him firmly, needing to protect not just yourself, but madison too. "we’ll figure it out."
chris nods, holding madison a little closer as if silently vowing never to let go again. "yeah," he agrees. "we will." 
in that small, cluttered office, surrounded by lingering pain and tentative hope, the first step toward healing is taken. for madison. for you. and maybe, just maybe, for chris too.
“chris?” you whisper, a tear spilling from your eye
without taking his eyes off of madi, he hums in response. 
“we need to talk. about.. us..” 
before you can get another word out, he cuts you off as he mutters, yet its clear enough for you to hear “i still love you.” 
your breath hitches in your throat, staring at him. 
“and i know, before you say anything, i know i left you. but i thought that would be best. i couldnt stand watching you get hurt by the fans everyday. i wanted to call you, and i wanted to explain. i just couldnt. i didnt know if youd believe me, if youd want to talk to me.. nick and matt told me to just keep giving you space.. and now i know why..” he glances up at you, a tear falling from his eyes as you stare at him, your lips slightly parted, your eyes watering with tears 
“i wanted you to come back.” you whisper, honestly. “i wouldve taken nick or matts phone and called you and begged you to come back. i just.. i didnt want you know about madi. i didnt want to force you to stick around if you didnt want to. i didnt.. i didnt want trap you.” 
“god, baby dont say that. dont say you didnt want to trap me. you wouldnt have. i wouldve- i shouldve- never broken up with you. i wouldve stayed, been there through the pregnancy, been there to hold your hand when you were giving birth, i..” he trails off, tears falling from his eyes. “i love you. i always have. and i always will. nothing is ever going to change that.” 
you clench your jaw as tears fall from your eyes, chris gently taking a few steps closer to you. he carefully holds madi in one arm, his other reaching down to cup your cheek. 
“come back to me. please. let me be a dad to madi. let me.. let me be your boyfriend again. and maybe.. maybe eventually youll let me be your husband. we can raise madi. together. be our own little family. because i love you, and now i love madi. please, baby.” 
you nearly sob at his words as he wipes tears from your face, eyes locked on yours. 
“let me come back.” he whispers yet again, followed by you gently nodding, a soft smile appearing on your face
“i love you.” you whisper
“i love you too.” he responds, his eyes locked on yours 
“always have...” you trail off, waiting for him to finish the promise you made to each other when you were younger
“always will.” he finishes, resting his forehead against yours as the both of you close your eyes, finally okay again. 
you let out a soft laugh, placing a hand on his neck, opening your eyes to see your daughter, being held in her fathers arms for the first time. he softly pulls away, carefully placing madison in the bassinet, his arms immediately wrapping around your waist. you stare up at him, smiling. you wrap your arms around his neck, looking into the eyes of the love of your life. 
he gently tilts his head down, tilting it as he connects his lips to yours, passionately kissing you for the first time in six months. 
you melt into the kiss, tightening your grip around his neck as tears stream down your face. after a few more seconds, you pull away from the kiss as the two of you tightly hug each other. 
“i love you. so much. and im not going anywhere. i promise you that.” you mutters, placing a kiss to your temple. 
“i love you too, chris. i know youll be a great dad to madi.” you whisper, burying your face in the crook of his neck 
he places one final kiss to your temple, taking your hand in his, glancing down at your sleeping daughter. 
“come on,” he whispers, reaching down to lift madison. “lets go back out to the party.” 
and you knew that this was it. chris was back. for you, and for madi. you were going to be a family. 
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a/n: IM GONNA CRY i had so much fun writing this series there MIGHT be a part 5 but idk yet???
- aurora ᯓ✮⋆˙
find other parts of this series here
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madangel19 · 1 month ago
Golden Eyes
Finally got around to writing a little fic about @pomidaea's fantastic Swiss design! He's so pretty ya'll and I was inspired to write about him and Phantom! Their Phantom is also amazing and I love the buggy boi so much I had to include him in this fic as well!
Links are here and here for their designs :D
Summary: Phantom is on the search for a midnight snack but he's not alone...
Contains: Dubious use of quintessence
Word Count: 1177
Settling into the church had gone by fairly smoothly for Phantom. Everything was so new and wonderful and getting to know his new pack members was so exciting. Having to be told about all the rules and expectations was somewhat daunting, but Phantom quickly learned that he liked following most of the rules.
One rule did stand out to the young ghoul though. While Copia was talking about how his ghouls would eagerly take him in, he informed Phantom and Aurora not to look directly in Swiss’s eyes. When Aurora asked further questions, Copia appeared nervous and continued telling them more about the church. 
Swiss was an exquisite ghoul in Phantom’s eyes. He had never seen a ghoul so handsome and mysterious before. His eyes were always covered by his thick locs and no matter how much he moved around, Phantom could never get a good look at his eyes. He would have investigated further about Swiss’s eyes, but there were other things to admire about the older ghoul who always smiled down at him warmly with those perfectly sharp teeth of his. Phantom quickly noticed some bells that were tied to his tail and when he asked Copia about it, he told him that the bells were used to let others know that Swiss was near since he was very quiet and often scared the poor old man. 
Phantom laid in bed, unable to sleep. Aurora slept next to him, her arms around his middle as she purred softly. His thoughts were racing as he thought of ways to fall asleep. He could recall from one of his lessons about life on earth that having a midnight night snack could help him with falling asleep. That sounded like a perfect idea.
He looked over at his clock and saw that it was midnight. It was time. With a little bit of wiggling, Phantom slipped out of Aurora’s tight grip and he got out of the bed with ease. The small ghoulette frowned in her sleep, reaching around blindly for him. Phantom grabbed a nearby plush moth stuffy that Cumulus got for her and pushed it into her arms. Aurora pulled it closer to her chest, that sweet smile of hers returning as she snuggled the moth. Phantom smiled at his work before turning to leave the room. 
The ghoul den was dark as Phantom made his way to the shared kitchen. He could hear faint sounds coming from some of the rooms, but he paid no attention to them as he went to the fridge and rummaged around for something to eat. Nothing looked appetizing to him.
“Guess I’ll go up to the big kitchen,” Phantom murmured as he closed the fridge door with a tired sigh. He then made his way out of the ghoul den and up a staircase that led to the church. 
Everything felt too quiet when Phantom found himself in a candle-lit hallway. His ears twitched to and fro and his nose twitched as he turned his head to get a good look at his surroundings with his good eye. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary and he couldn’t sense anything on his blind side. He was in the clear. 
“Now, where is that kitchen?” He whispered to himself as he tried to remember where the big kitchen was located. He would find it sooner or later. He just had to keep walking around. 
As he walked, he continued sniffing the air until he caught the faint scent of something delicious and his stomach growled.
“There you are,” he purred as he followed the scent.
He stopped in his tracks upon hearing the sound, his ears twitching. He knew that sound. Swiss was nearby, but where? 
He had overheard siblings whispering amongst themselves about running into Swiss in the halls late at night and giving them a fright. Some said that he would snatch them away to the closest room where they would have some naughty fun and others said that Swiss would eat siblings that were out late at night and the last thing they would hear is the bell. What happened to ghouls that were caught by Swiss? 
Surely, the older ghoul wouldn’t bother him in his quest for a late night snack. Phantom would be fine and if he came across Swiss, then they would just share a snack together. 
Phantom took a deep breath and stepped forward, focusing on his late night snack. 
Jingle Jingle
There it was again. It sounded closer now. 
“Swiss? You there?” Phantom called out, scanning the dark in front of him. Why did the hallway look darker now? 
Closer. It was too quiet now. The only sound Phantom could hear was his racing heartbeat. What was Swiss trying to pull? This had to be some kind of sick prank of his. It had to be…unless Swiss was hunting him down. No, that wasn’t possible. The older ghoul had been so nice to him. Phantom never sensed any hostility from him or the others. 
“This isn’t funny, Swiss!” Phantom exclaimed, his hands balled up into fists as he whipped his head around to see if the older ghoul was behind him. Nothing.
“What’s not funny, Buggy?”
A chill ran through Phantom’s body as he looked down and saw two glowing golden eyes staring back at him in the darkness. He couldn’t move as the darkness smiled a familiar toothy smile at him as Swiss climbed out of the shadows and stood over him. His locs went back to hiding most of his face, but Phantom could still see that beautiful yellow glow that held him in place. He opened and closed his mouth, unable to find his words. 
Swiss chuckled darkly and leaned forward, pushing his locs from his face and revealing his eyes again. Phantom had never seen something so beautiful before. 
“Aw, what’s wrong? Cat got your tongue, Buggy?” The older ghoul cooed, reaching forward and cupping his face. 
Phantom tried to think of a way to get away and find his snack, but his thoughts quickly melted away. He just wanted to look at Swiss. 
“S…Swiss…,” he murmured, blinking slowly at the ghoul and giggling drunkenly at him. 
“Are ya hungry, Buggy? I got some snacks back in my room if you’re hungry. No need to be walking around the halls late at night. It’s dangerous for new members like you. You could get snatched up,” Swiss purred, caressing his now flushed cheek with his warm thumb. 
“Yeah,” Phantom said, never taking his eyes off of Swiss whose smile stretched across his whole face, showing every sharp tooth he had. 
Jingle Jingle Jingle
Swiss’s tail was wagging excitedly behind him now, the bell jingling nonstop. It was such a beautiful sound. 
“Do ya wanna spend the night with me, Buggy? I gotta keep you safe from getting snatched up,” Swiss said, moving so that he was just inches from Phantom’s face. He could smell his lavender aphrodisiac on his breath. There was no escaping him now. 
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auroras-zenith · 3 months ago
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what doesn't kill you // prologue
you had your whole life planned out for you; start an agency with your best friend, scale the charts and make japan your bitch. but when a tragic accident leaves you incapacitated and out of a job, you find you just need to start fresh. you cut ties–and for two years, you've all but disappeared. until they need you again and come knocking at your door.
bakugo x retiredpro!reader
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It didn't make sense, the way you and Bakugo worked.
See, for everyone else in his life, he seemed to gravitate towards people opposite his nature.
Take Kirishima, for example–the blonde's best friend and wingman since high school. It was obvious how they clicked. The red heads steady, calming tendencies serving as the anchor to Bakugo's ship, lost in the storm of his brash, reckless ways.
The same could be said about nearly every other person in his life.
All but one.
"Yeah? Try me." He hissed, teeth gritted and eyes narrowed. The telltale scent of burnt caramel had already begun to propagate through the street.
"Dynamight- stop! Don't engage with the villain! Detain without injur–"
"Shut the fuck up, Deku!" Bakugo spat, ripping his comm off and tossing it to the side. "This extra wants to go, so let's go!"
"Hell yeah!" You grinned cockily, appearing at his side.
Where the world served to calm Bakugo Katsuki, you were the opposite. You were the oil, and he the flame. It shouldn't have worked.
But it did.
The world could say what it pleased about the two of you. At the end of the day, it was undeniable that you were an effective pairing on the battlefield.
"Start an agency with me." He demanded that foggy high school day, staring at you with such intensity anyone else would've confused it for a glare.
"Why should I?"
"Who else could keep your dumbass in check?"
You hadn't spoken for a week after that. He had spent those seven days sulking around–temper even shorter than usual, Kirishima tailing him, apologizing on his behalf.
"Because I can't do it without you."
"Sorry?" You asked, looking up snootily. You had heard him–he wasn't exactly a quiet person after all–and he knew it. The small quirk upwards in the corner of your lips gave you away.
Still, he humored you, rolling his eyes. "I can't do it without you." He huffed, louder this time. "I can't start an agency without you by my side."
Two of Japan's up and coming heroes–and boy were they coming in hot. Dynamight and Cordelia. Two wildly talented people on the battlefield, fearsome as they were reckless.
"Congrats, L/n." Kirishima smiled proudly, raising a glass.
You smirked fondly, lifting your own to meet his.
He was here for Bakugo, but it was nice to see him nonetheless. It was odd; despite the individual bonds you both shared with Bakugo, the two of you had never built a close friendship of your own. You simply enjoyed your respective time with the blonde, each holding respect for the other's unique relationship with the hot head.
"Thanks, Kiri." You grinned, taking a sip from your glass.
"To the Dynadelia agency!" A voice shouted over the chatter, a glass seen lifted over the sea of people.
The crowd erupted into noises of approval–hundreds of drinks lifted into the air.
"That's for us." Hot breath tickled the back of your ear.
You scoffed playfully, grinning wildly as you turned to face the voice. "Really? Couldn't tell."
"I'm serious, N/n. That's us. We did it."
You softened. "Yeah. Yeah, Kat. We did."
There was no stopping the two of you after that. The Dynadelia agency quickly rose to the first ranked agency in Japan, fourth in the world, each of you easily securing spots number two and four on the Japanese hero charts.
You didn't spend all your time together. You were both far too chaotic for that. Instead, you often found yourself allied with Deku and Shoto, and he with Redriot.
But when the two of you met on the field, boy were you unstoppable. Each a raging storm, fueling the other as both charged head on into danger.
"And another victory for pro hero Dynamight and the Dynadelia agency. As we hurtle into a dangerous, villain filled world, we thank our heroes for all..."
You hummed as you brewed yourself a pot of coffee, the news playing in the background as it covered your partner's latest tussle with a villain.
The finished mug was warm between your hands as you moved to sit on the couch.
You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to appreciate the slow day. It was warm inside despite the rain that could be heard pelting the floor just outside the window.
There was something so soothing about your cozy apartment on days like these. The plants that hung from the ceilings, the skylights overhead, and the mantle where you had placed old photographs of your high school days.
It was so authentically you.
"Could Cordelia and Dynamight be more than just partners on the battlefield?"
You paused your thoughts to tune back into the news, giggling as you heard the speculation. It was nothing new. The whole civilian and media world assumed the two of you were together–and even amongst those who knew you well, your friends and family all joked about the same.
It was obvious to the world that the two of you liked the other; and had since high school.
Maybe one day you'd settle down together. Retire and raise a family. But for now, you were both far too deep into your careers for anything as serious as that–and you were quite happy being his best friend.
You felt a buzzing in your pocket and set down the cup of warm coffee in your hand. Speak of the devil. You grinned as you answered.
"I just got home. You missing me already?"
"Fuckin' Deku's getting his ass kicked. Shoto too. Get over here."
You could hear sirens blaring in the background as he breathed heavily into the mic. It wasn't every day that someone could take on Japan's top three heroes and live to tell the tale, let alone leave them scrambling for more support.
"Tell them I'm on my way. Are you with them?" You were already up, coffee long since forgotten as you grabbed your costume, comm and phone.
"Shitty hair and I are about to take over while they handle evac."
"Be there in five."
You barely heard his affirmative before he hung up, screaming orders. It wasn't unusual for calls like this to occur, but something felt different about this one. Worse, somehow.
You sprinted out the door, whispering a thank you to the heavens as you stepped into the heavy rain.
The ground lowered away almost immediately, quirk like second nature as the water around you propelled you level with the clouds.
"Cordelia," they called you; heart of the sea.
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a/n: been on my mind for a while so why not hehe
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