#serendpitous: diana.
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doomdays · 5 months ago
@serendpitous said, "i think i like you better than anyone i know."
there it is again:   that familiar feeling she gets in the pit of her stomach every time diana smiles at her—   or when she says something like that,   something that seems to easy to say yet pippa wouldn’t expect it from even those she thinks she’s closest with.    she does love her friends, but when she's around diana, it's not lost on her that there's so much about her that they can't even begin to understand. it's not like pippa's trying to open up, either; having friends at all is still new to her, which is what she tries to remind herself when diana is the one making her feel so nervous yet so giddy. that's normal, right?
❝ you’re,  like,  one of the most well-liked people i know….   ❞     she points out,  her words trailing off because that's so different than anything she's ever known herself. she noticed it as soon as she met diana —  she was popular for good reason, adored because she deserved it; from where pippa's standing, she assumes diana doesn't have to fake her way through it the way she has. but the person she's gotten to know recently is still different than the person she once assumed she was, based solely off the company she keeps and her part in her friend's suffering. but pippa knows better than that; she knows not to trust the way stephen twists everything around him. she starts to smile, a soft laugh falling from her lips as she shakes her head, trying to act casual about it. ❝  i think i like you better than anyone i know, too, ❞ she realizes it in real time that her words are true, that she's never felt like this around anyone else. not her friends, not wrigley, just her. it's not just happy, it's safe. ❝  guess that means we kind of belong together, right? ❞ she asks, her tone joking yet hopeful at the same time.
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softersinned · 2 years ago
I like having exclusives and mains! I think it’s a nice way to build a coherent canon for my character, and to let dynamics develop extensively.
If you’re interested in becoming exclusives or mains with Astoria, please feel free to message me! If I’m already exclusive with a particular portrayal, please do not approach me to write with other versions of these characters on this blog. Please also know that I’m unlikely to drop exclusivity for any reason besides extensive inactivity, or breaking mutuals. Threads which ignore or disrespect my exclusivity will be dropped. 
Aleksander Morozova | Grishaverse — tmiina.
Arthur Pruitt (Pendragon) | Arthuriana — valiantsword.  
Baldwin Montclair | All Souls — balldwin.
Daemon Targaryen | House of the Dragon — dralgon. 
Dane Whitman | Marvel — endlight.
Dracula | Dracula — dracui.
Ellis Cousland | Dragon Age (M!Cousland) — xfindingtrouble.
Harry "Opie" Winston | Sons of Anarchy — reaperlost.
Harvey Dent | DC — acidcaught.
Hope Mikaelson | The Originals / Legacies — serendpitous.
Jax Teller | Sons of Anarchy — gaveldefy.
Jess Mariano | Gilmore Girls — literarist.
Marcel Gerard | The Originals — lovemaim.
Marcus Whitmore | All Souls — mortedoc.
Pamela Isley | DC — ecopoison.
Percival de Rolo | Critical Role — xfindingtrouble.
Rhaenyra Targaryen | House of the Dragon — queenborn.
Robert Langdon | Robert Langdon series — sumbolus.
Rory Gilmore | Gilmore Girls — gilmor.
Rosalie Hale | Twilight — denieddeath.
Steve Rogers | Marvel — shieldrevive.
Talia al Ghul | DC — pitborn.
Alina Starkov | Grishaverse — serendpitous.
Ben Callahan | Original — corpatrem.
Desiderius Mathieu | Original — aeternals.
Diana Bishop | All Souls — sheswoven.
Hale Ashwood | Original — aeternals.
Matthew Clairmont | All Souls — cllairmont.
Matthew Murdock | Marvel — murdcck.
Peter Parker | Marvel — boywebbed.
Shay Sadler | Original — aeternals.
Solas | Dragon Age — arsuledin.
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doomdays · 2 months ago
@serendpitous said, "hot. you're hot."
usually,  she’s so good at playing the role she’s crafted for herself that she wouldn’t hesitate to respond with a confident, forced-nonchalant ‘i know,’   but it doesn’t come as easily for her now—   not when it’s her who’s complimenting her.  it’s not even just about her newfound feelings for diana, though;   it’s about who she is and who pippa is when she’s around her.   it’s the closest she’s ever felt to being who she actually is — the person she’s hidden since the moment she stepped foot on this campus,  desperate to create a more intriguing perception of herself than what the reality was.   she never had friends, boyfriends… girlfriends.   she has friends now, but they don’t know her.   sometimes it feels like diana does though,  that she actually cares about the person she is beyond the masks— and more than that,  that she actually believes there is more to her than what she gives her other friends.  pippa never realized how much she actually wanted that.
she can feel herself blushing, and she wants to joke it off, like she normally would,  but it’s hard not to grin bashfully back at her,  head quickly tilting back down and away from her and the mirror.  ❝  well—  i couldn’t have done it without you,  ❞   she mutters,  peaking back up at the mirror and her freshly-dyed blonde hair,  much cleaner now with the assistant from diana.  ❝  my hero,  ❞   she says in a playful tone, letting out a small laugh.  finally, she looks back to her,  her grin growing across her warm features.  it dawns on her now that she doesn’t know why pippa came to her room suddenly—  but she also doesn’t want to ask,  afraid to ruin how natural it feels.  ❝  thank you.  wasn’t really ready to give up the blonde—  haven’t had all the fun i was promised yet,  ❞   she teases.
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doomdays · 1 month ago
pippa’s jaw clenches,  a guilty look washing over her face as she glances back to diana,  then down again.  she hasn’t exactly been diana’s biggest fan.  all through freshman year,  there was a certain curiously pippa had for the woman that she never allowed herself to read into.   too nice to belong with someone like stephen demarco, she thought, until she heard about what happened at the end of the year party,  and then she was left thinking about that all summer.  she assumed she just had to be wrong about her,  but now that she’s actually gotten the chance to really talk to her,  she knows her first instinct was right—   this woman is just as beautiful, just as smart, and just as charismatic as she’d originally thought,  and pippa finds that intoxicating.
❝  well,  i’ve been public enemy number one long enough.  i’m done caring what people i don’t care about think.  ❞   she says it with a confidence that she does not possess—  pippa is always going to care about what people think of her,   deep down she knows that,  and she doesn’t know how to break free from it no matter how hard she works in moments like this.  she can say she doesn’t care, she can brush people off to prove it, but it never leaves her feeling any less hollow in the end.  she does know that whatever diana’s opinion of her matters a hell of a lot more than anyone else’s right now, though. 
her entire body fills with warmth the moment she feels diana nudge her—  it gives her a rush, and yet it also feels natural, bringing a warm smile from pippa in response.  ❝  uh—  yeah, i always have plans,  ❞    she says in a forced-casual tone,  but she shrugs her shoulders,  attempting to be cool about it.  ❝  but… not any that sound that appealing.  ❞   her nose scrunches and she looks over diana,  her heart beating faster at the idea of the two of them alone — no random bump in, no check ups, just the two of them spending time together because they want to.  ❝  you’re in luck.   a night out is just what i need.  i’m all yours.  ❞
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when all she's known for so long is ice, it's difficult not to want to bask in pippa's rays for as long as she's allowed. pippa is warmth while stephen is all frost. pippa is comfort while stephen provides her with anything but these days. she's got a plan though, an exit route all mapped out neatly. the thing is, she might mess it all up if she's too busy being distracted. it's dangerous to let herself have this one indulgence when everything in her life needs to be so carefully crafted. but she deserves this one little thing for herself. she's earned it.
" not as well-liked as you think, " diana counters with a waggle of her brows, trying her best to keep things light and breezy. it's easy to be liked when you're all smiles and positivity, but less so when there's a storm brewing beneath the surface that you keep somewhere in a steel trap, hidden away lest anyone see you as less than perfect. diana has been carefully crafted, has created a version of herself that she, up until recently, has believed to be something real and authentic. she's not so certain of that anymore.
" yeah, " diana nods, pippa's words hitting her a little too hard. guess that mean we belong together. there's a part of her that so desperately wishes for that to be true, in whatever way pippa might allow it. she wants to hold on, just a little longer, and let her mind wander to what the reality of that statement might look like. right now, she can't. there's a big brick wall in her way that looks a hell of a lot like stephen demarco. and beyond that wall lies another that's built of the hopes and dreams and expectations her family has of her.
tonight, she'll ignore the fact that she doesn't have what it takes to scale those walls.
" maybe we do. " she nudges pippa ever so slightly, her grin a bit too big. " tell me you don't have plans tonight. " diana did, but she was willing to ditch them. " i could kind of use a night in. "
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