nmpositive · 11 hours
Tumblr Serendipity (Sexy Edition)
@fuzzyghost @fatmagic
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shitouttabuck · 10 months
screaming went to check something and
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serendipitoussydney · 1 month
"attachment issues" and its just someone wanting the bare minimum
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girlbugboy · 2 months
just let the first bug out of our new place.. a beautiful huge moth!!
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dndtreasury · 2 years
Serendipitous Satchel
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wutheringheights78 · 2 years
went to the library to get a rimbaud collection and then picked up a joan of arc book at random and there was a rimbaud quote on the first page
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galactic-potterhead · 2 years
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𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋮ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋮ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ┄ Harry Potter x Female Original Character (platonic), Draco Malfoy x Female Original Character ⋮ 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 ┄ Harry Potter
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
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Note || I don’t know what I just wrote but the tears wont stop. Im in love. (Not to be narcissistic or anything-) It Was In Me by Avril Lavigne was the vibe for this chapter. Please let me know if I missed any warnings because I will happily add them!
After facing the wrath of her mother, Avalon finds herself under the stars with the-boy-who-lived and their bond begins to form.
𝐂𝐖: This chapter will contain mentions of poverty, child abuse & neglect, character death, childhood trauma, fluffy Harry and Ava moments, anxiety.
Word count: 1.1K
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The night sky twinkled above like a hoard of fireflies, displaying every ounce of hope that filled Avalon. She adored the stars as much as Orpheus treasured Eurydice. To her, each star carried a dream belonging to every single person in the world, placed up in the sky to showcase that everyone has aspirations.
Avalon was definitely a dreamer. She was a wild spirit that carried her mother’s heart in every step. The subjects that she looked forward to most at Hogwarts, were Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures. Avalon loved hearing all about Charlie’s dragon reserve, and she kept every single one of her mother’s astronomy stories in the back of her mind.
If someone were to ask her to choose between the two, she’d probably short-circuit.
— Harry’s voice cut into her peaceful silence, and she couldn’t help but jump. “Avalon? What are you doing out here?”
She shifted her head in his direction, only to see that he was still dressed in his day clothes.
“I’ve been sneaking out to look up at the stars since I was five.” She claimed, smiling slightly at the memories of her childhood.
He didn’t say anything as his figure approached. Instead, he simply sat beside her and peered up at the sky. “Mum used to tell me that every star above is a lost soul sent to look after their loved ones.” She paused for a moment, sparing the curious boy a small glance. “I like to think that as long as those stars gleam, there is always hope.”
“I think that’s a wonderful way of thinking about them. Me personally, I can’t see the stars back with the Dursleys.” Harry says, glancing her way briefly.
“Can I ask you something, Harry?” She asked, shifting to face him, her side slightly inching from the grass scratching into her skin.
“Go on,” he encouraged, shifting to face her as well.
Her eyes beamed with a light that represented something he hadn’t felt since his first time arriving at Hogwarts.
“Does Hogwarts change you? I promised dad that I wouldn’t change.” Her words seemed to hit deep, because for a moment, he just stared at her.
She felt that anxiety from before slowly seep up from its hiding place, but refused to let it control her before he could answer.
“Yes. Hogwarts does change you. Sometimes, for the better. Other times. . .” He explored truthfully, his eyes softening with every word.
Avalon swallowed back the anxiety and nodded lightly. “I can choose whether it changes me for better or worse, right?” Her question was so innocent, and for the first time in years, it felt like someone understood her.
He smiled softly, turning back onto his spine. “Of course! Hogwarts is a place for opportunity. Only you can choose what to do with the changes being presented to you.”
His words calmed her heart, so she rolled onto her back and looked up at the stars, weight instantly lifted from her chest.
“Punch me if this is insensitive, but, do you remember anything about your parents?” She felt his body tense beside her, but the shooting star captured her attention.
“I see glimpses.” He mumbled, causing her head to roll in his direction, curiously sparking her.
“Sometimes in my dreams, I see her green eyes, her cooking apron, and even her red hair. She was beautiful. I didn’t need a photo album to know that.” He says, a warm smile stretching across his face.
Harry’s loving smile caused a chain reaction, setting off a smile of her own. “I’m sure she was,” she commented.
“And with my dad, I saw his glasses. There was always a part of me that felt like I resembled him. A photograph proved my theory to be correct.” Harry continued, shifting one of his arms under his head to get comfortable.
“Even the dishevelled black hair?” She asked, playfully, receiving a small laugh in return which told her all she needed to know.
“What subject are you looking forward to at Hogwarts?” He asked, after a moment of silence.
“Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures. Though, I reckon Potions wouldn’t be too bad either.” She responded, yawning quietly.
“I wouldn’t count on enjoyment being part of potions. The potions master has some vendetta against children. A total muppet, that one.” He snorted, causing her brows to furrow.
“Really? That’s a shame. He probably has deep-seated family issues.” She commented, sympathy for a man she hardly knows immediately filled her.
“He has deep-seated issues alright…” Harry muttered, exhaling deeply.
There were more moments of peaceful silence, until Harry caught sight of something on her temple. “Hey, how’d you get that?” He asked, aiming a figure at the scar she acquired years ago.
“Oh, I hit my head on a rock after getting swept by the river current. Charlie, — who im sure, Ron has told you about, — wanted to teach me how to swim.” She began, her nimble fingers picking at her sleeves. “He hadn’t anticipated the river to be as wild as it was, and his back was turned, only for a moment.”
“How old were you?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Six. Mum nearly croaked when Charlie brought me home, his shirt pressed against my head.” She says, a simper pulling the corners of her lips.
“I used to tell the other kids in school that I got my scar from an actual lightning bolt.” Harry ventured with a small chuckle.
An overly amused grin spread out over her face. “There’s no bloody way they believed that!” She exclaimed lightly, disbelief overwhelming her senses.
Harry laughed, nodding frantically. “No! They actually did! Even claimed that I’d have super powers because of it.”
The pair broke out in fits of laughter, unable to stop. It was as if all the worries had been suctioned from the atmosphere.
And if they had eyes in the back of their heads, they would have seen a dishevelled, Molly Weasley, standing in the centre of the kitchen. Her worry slipping away at the sight of the two.
The scene in front of her was truly a heartwarming moment and she planned on cherishing it for the rest of her life. With one last smile, the mother left the two children under the stars and returned to her sleeping quarters.
For the next few weeks, Harry and Avalon laid under the stars, talking about anything and everything under the sun. It became the new normal for them; a tradition, if you will.
One that Avalon hoped to continue until every star crumbled into stardust.
Because Avalon could count on Harry being there to collect each speck in order to fabricate stars of their own.
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surrealthotz · 2 years
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I took a photo of my hot chocolate cuz there was a heart in the middle. The universe speaking out to me. Always when I need it :)
Serendipitous photography.
More on my instagram page @surreal_lens and @surreal__thoughtz
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ezamevolni · 2 years
Random coincidences
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I was browsing Spotify through my followed artists and suddenly came upon this song called Moon, 12:04am which immediately triggered all bells.
Because Moon...12:04...the album title is Boy. 1204 being Jin's birthday, Moon the title of his solo song on MOTS:7 and Boy...em I guess he is one. He acts like one.
Usually at this time, you’re asleep But right now,  You are walking with me It won’t be a dream right, no it’s not We’re together, be with me today
While we look at the moon that is in the sky We swam through countless amount of nights Our heartbeats are too loud The birds that were sleeping have flown away
I feel like I’m flying over the moon Moon moon Sing this song with me oh oh Like woo like ah
The moon in the sky is like my heart Our love Sparkles like the fireworks in the sky
The moon in the sky is like my heart Our love Sparkles like the fireworks in the sky
translated by @colde0channel
And this being such a light and romantic song, I'm squealing at this gem! How his love is finally by his side tonight and he's feeling over the moon? Dear god man, you are killing me with the feels.
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And it's the seventh track with 7 mil listens currently. Coincidences.
I haven't listened to the full album but now I'm going to. Previously, I liked offonoff's Overthinking, in the car and Dance. Seems like offonoff was a duo project which haven't released any new music since this album in 2017. Luckily, I see that the singer of the duo is now releasing now songs as soloist Colde, a name which sounds really familiar too. I have new music to explore now, yay!
Seems like the coincidences don't just end at Jin. I read this interview Colde did last year on 11.11 on their official (?) tumblr.
His love for dawn,
“I would say I lived the day waiting for the dawn. I would watch the world go around as I took a walk, and returning home, I’d put it into music. Most of the songs I have released until now were inspired from this time of the day.” cr. @colde0channel
Which immediately made me think of 4 O'Clock by RM and V. Seems like waiting for the dawn gave both Colde and V similar feelings, and inspired them to make music based on the atmosphere of that time of the day.
And another superficial-ish connection: Colde expressed that he would like to work with TXT, and how he resonates with how they tell a story through their music.
Colde, Sir if you would, I highly recommend looking for user thv or jungkook.97 for your next collab. For some reason, I sense something amazing there.
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bigpornoking · 17 hours
Okay September 19th
My new phone was supposed to get here on Monday but disappeared in the mail then they just found it I guess because the tracking just pop up as out for delivery this morning and I got it at noon. Lot of stuff happening today huh.
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moondevoured · 14 days
@serendpitous — you have to trust me on this. (brooke)
nesta doesn't trust many people, and those she does trust are forced to earn it day by day. but there is something about the effervescent woman before her... already she can tell that brooke davis' confidence is infectious; her passion almost a tangible being in the room. most importantly honesty shines in her bright eyes. she finds herself WANTING to trust her.
"like i said, i'm a dancer. or was a dancer. not a model, and definitely not a spokesperson. frankly, i'm not very good at being told what to say." she has her moments; can be very diplomatic when it suits her, but more often than not her instinct tells her to do and say the opposite of what's asked of her. still, the words of her pr manager are fresh in her mind. find a positive. "but i do like the message of your campaign. inner strength is everything."
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snazzyruin · 18 days
I'm on mobile, sorry, but...look at this.
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sunshine-gumdrop · 23 days
don’t wanna out myself but imagine my surprise going into the Caps tag and seeing myself & my friends in the background of your gifs of Ovi throwing Timmins over the boards. what a cool shot. thanks for your work!
Haha, that's amazing! Small world, right? I'm so glad you liked the gif, and what a cool coincidence that you guys were in the background! Thanks for the kind words, and shoutout to Ovi for providing such gif-worthy moments!
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galactic-potterhead · 2 years
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𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋮ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ⋮ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ┄ Harry Potter x Female Original Character (platonic), Draco Malfoy x Female Original Character ⋮ 𝐅𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 ┄ Harry Potter
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐌𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲
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Note || Hey, this is a shorter one because I’ve had a a rough 2023 but don’t worry, the chapters will get better! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. Let me know if there are any errors and what you think of it, I really enjoy feedback!
Avalon and her brothers successfully saved Harry from the Dursleys, but soon have to face the wraith of Molly Weasley.
𝐂𝐖: This chapter will contain mentions of poverty, child abuse & neglect, child labor (but not really).
Word count: 1.5k
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“Touchdown!” Fred called out as a slight bump indicated that they hit the ground.
Ava grumbled bitterly upon the rude wake-up, but sat up to rub her sleepy eyes. She saw that Fred had lowered the car next to the garage in their small yard, and Harry looked out for the first time at the house.
Ron had always told her that It looked as though it had once been a large stone pigpen, but extra rooms had been added here and there until it was several stories high and so crooked it looked as though it were held up by magic (which, it probably was). Four or five chimneys were perched on top of the red roof. A lopsided sign stuck in the ground near the entrance read, THE BURROW.
Around the front door lay the jumble of rubber boots, that no one ever bothered to pick up, and a very rusty cauldron. Several fat brown chickens were pecking their way around the yard, and Ava knew that her mum had to of let them out, which wasn’t a good sign.
“It’s not much,” said Ron, sheepishly.
“It’s wonderful,” said Harry happily, making Ava smile tiredly.
They got out of the car, Ava immediately climbing George’s body like a jungle gym in order to rest on his back. She had no energy to walk upstairs and he didn’t seem to mind, he simply hooked his hands under her knees to stabilise her weight.
“Now, we’ll go upstairs really quietly,” said Fred, “and wait for Mum to call us for breakfast. Then, Ron, you come bounding downstairs going, ‘Mum, look who turned up in the night!’ and she’ll be all pleased to see Harry and no one need ever know we flew the car.”
“Right,” said Ron. “Come on, Harry, I sleep at the — at the top —” Ron had gone a nasty greenish colour, his eyes fixed on the house.
The other three wheeled around, while Ava just hid her face in George’s neck. She didn’t have to look up to know that their mum was probably marching across the yard toward them. Ava could hear the chickens scattering.
“Ah,” Fred whimpered. “Oh, dear,” gasped George.
Avalon finally looked up to see their mum coming to a halt in front of them, her hands on her hips, staring from one guilty face to the next. She was wearing a flowered apron with a wand sticking out of the pocket. “So,” she said.
“It was all Ava’s idea! She insisted that we go rescue Harry from the muggles. Right, Ava?” Fred claimed, pointing to the sleepy girl.
“It was my idea. Hi, mummy.” Ava yawned out, giving a small wave that softened their mum’s stern glare.
“Morning, Mum,” said George, in what he clearly thought was a jaunty, winning voice.
“Have you any idea how worried I’ve been?” Their mum reprimanded, in a deadly whisper.
“Sorry, Mum, but see, we had to —” All three Ava’s brothers were taller than their mum was, but they cowered as her rage broke over them. “Beds empty! No note! Car gone — could have crashed — out of my mind with worry — did you care? — Your sister could have gotten hurt — never, as long as I’ve lived — you wait until your father gets home, we never had trouble like this from Bill or Charlie or Percy —”
“Perfect Percy,” muttered Fred, sourly. “YOU COULD DO WITH TAKING A LEAF OUT OF PERCY’S BOOK!” Their mother yelled, prodding a finger in Fred’s chest, making Ava flinch but George drew circles on her knew to bring her comfort. “You could have died, you could have been seen, you could have lost your father his job —” It seemed to go on for hours.
Their mum had shouted herself hoarse before she turned on Harry, who backed away. “I’m very pleased to see you, Harry, dear,” she said, much more friendly. “Come in and have some breakfast.” She turned and walked back into the house and Harry, after a nervous glance at Ron, who nodded encouragingly, followed her.
The kitchen was small and rather cramped, as per usual. There was a scrubbed wooden table and chairs in the middle, and Harry sat down on the edge of his seat, looking around. He must have never been in a wizard house before, Ava thought to herself.
The clock on the wall opposite him had only one hand and no numbers at all. Written around the edge were things like Time to make tea, Time to feed the chickens, and You’re late. Books were stacked three deep on the mantelpiece, books with titles like Charm Your Own Cheese, Enchantment in Baking, and One Minute Feasts — It’s Magic!
Avalon could hear her mum’s radio, which had been next to the sink, announce that coming up was “Witching Hour, with the popular singing sorceress, Celestina Warbeck.” She almost smiled because it was one of her favourite songs.
Ava watched her mum clattering around, cooking breakfast a little haphazardly, throwing dirty looks at her sons as she threw sausages into the frying pan. Every now and then she muttered things like “don’t know what you were thinking of,” and “never would have believed it.” “I don’t blame you, dear,” she assured Harry, tipping eight or nine sausages onto his plate. “Arthur and I have been worried about you, too. Just last night we were saying we’d come and get you ourselves if you hadn’t written back to Ron by Friday. But really,” (she was now adding three fried eggs to his plate) “flying an illegal car halfway across the country — anyone could have seen you —” She flicked her wand casually at the dishes in the sink, which began to clean themselves, clinking gently in the background.
The boys sat down in their normal spots but Ava merely curled up on George’s lap, closing her eyes once more in hopes of her dreamworld making a return.
“It was cloudy, Mum!” Fred protested, mouth full of food.
“You keep your mouth closed while you’re eating!” Their mum snapped, scolding the boy for his manners.
“They were starving him, Mum!” George cried out, considerately quieter than usual to accommodate his sleepy sister.
“And you!” Their mum snapped, but she softened when Ava sat up, wide awake.
At that moment there was a diversion. Ginny, who still wore her long nightdress, appeared in the kitchen. She met Harry’s curious gaze and gave a small squeal, before ran out again. “Ginny,” informed Ron, in an undertone to Harry. “My other sister. She’s been talking about you all summer.”
“Yeah, she’ll be wanting your autograph, Harry,” Fred said with a grin, but he caught their mother’s eye and bent his face over his plate without another word.
“Shut your trap, Ronald. Or else I’ll tell Harry all your secrets.” Ava muttered, reluctantly moving into her chair to eat.
Ron glared at her but she couldn’t care less. “You can’t-…”
“Spill anymore confidential information and I won’t hesitate.” Ava responded, bluntly and while stabbing her fork into a strawberry.
Nothing more was said until all four plates were clean, which took a surprisingly short time. Avalon was the first to finish because she was a vegetarian, much to their family’s dismay.
“Blimey, I’m tired,” yawned Fred, setting down his knife and fork at last. “I think I’ll go to bed and —”
“You will not,” her mum barked. “It’s your own fault you’ve been up all night. You’re going to de-gnome the garden for me; they’re getting completely out of hand again —”
“Oh, Mum —” “And you two,” she said, glaring at Ron and Fred. “You can go up to bed, dear,” she added to Harry. “You as well, Ava. You didn’t ask them to fly that wretched car —”
But Harry, who seemingly looked wide awake, said quickly, “I’ll help Ron. I’ve never seen a de-gnoming —”
“That’s very sweet of you, dear, but it’s dull work,” said their mum. “Now, let’s see what Lockhart’s got to say on the subject —” And she pulled a heavy book from the stack on the mantelpiece.
George groaned. “Mum, we know how to de-gnome a garden —”
The cover of mum’s book had fancy gold letters with the words Gilderoy Lockhart’s Guide to Household Pests written across it. There was a big photograph on the front of Gilderoy Lockhart, who had wavy blond hair and bright blue eyes. As always in the wizarding world, the photograph was moving; Lockhart kept winking cheekily up at them all, causing Ava to make a face at it.
Her mum beamed down at him like he was an angel. “Oh, he is marvellous,” she said. “He knows his household pests, all right, it’s a wonderful book...”
“Mum fancies him,” said Fred, in a very audible whisper.
“Don’t be so ridiculous, Fred,” said their mum, her cheeks rather pink. “All right, if you think you know better than Lockhart, you can go and get on with it, and woe betide you if there’s a single gnome in that garden when I come out to inspect it.”
Yawning and grumbling, her brothers slouched outside with Harry behind them. While Ava finished up her cup of tea at the table.
“Go on up to bed, dear. Ginny will wake you up for lunch.” Her mum insisted, pressing a soft kiss to her head.
Ava yawned, nodding in acceptance before stumbling upstairs to the room she shared with Ginny.
After all the excitement, Avalon just wanted to sleep.
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learningfromlosing · 2 months
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This really didn't need to make me cry like it did
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