shift-shaping · 2 months
Very funny (sad) that a Lavellan who actually believes in the elven pantheon can't fucking win if she wants to date an elf. Sera breaks up with her if she's even lukewarm on her beliefs, and Solas is . Well you know
Poor girl's gonna have to hook up with fucking. Loranil. I guess.
God Merrill really should've been in this game
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er-gl · 2 months
Been readin a lot of undeserved hate to Sera now that the hype of DATV is reawakening old DAI discourse so as a Sera romancer (with a Lavellan inqui nonetheless), allow me to shout my take
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Look at it this way - Sera values freedom and reality. She sees Dalish culture (whom Solas also despise) as a shackle towards an unknown past that doesn't benefit anyone. She hates nobles partly because of how alienage are treated. She understand the reality that EVERYONE is equal on this maker-given earth of all kind, and decided to free herself from any shackles to liberate as many people as possible through deviant act againts rulers and, in extend, even gods.
In a way, Sera is an elf but refuse to be dictated by only her birth condition - her ears, her eye shape, her physical being. She wants to be her own autonomy. She is an elf but not elvhen. She sees all it as bullshit social dictation, construct, and contracts. Why should she be an elf just because she is born as an elf? She is, Sera. Tbh that's beautiful.
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pathcrier · 1 year
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Sera just holds a special place in my heart🌼🍪
[Click for better quality]
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feykrow · 11 months
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Shiloh doesn’t talk much, so it’s extra special.
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broodwolf221 · 5 months
Heya! How about "you... brought this here for me?" From the people who don't know how to be loved prompts for Delwyn and Sera? Happy writing \o/
oh this was sm fun i love themmmm. and i got to explore them being silly AND feelsy /u\ the ideal. thank you! @dadrunkwriting 969 words cws: none
She fussed with the wrapping, feeling foolish. Sera had been so happy when she’d told her about her efforts to figure out a good gift, about asking everyone… and it stung, a little. She was glad that Sera was happy, but she hated that it had come as a surprise.
Had she not done enough to make the other woman know she was serious? Maybe it had nothing to do with her. She tried to tell herself that, anyway. It was just part of Sera’s history, her expectations. But it still stung.
This was ridiculous. A gift would solve nothing. And it wasn’t even a good gift. But she had never known what to get Sera. What do you get for a woman who could take what she wanted, who got bored of new toys so fast, whose interests bounced around so rapidly? How many hobbies had Sera taken up and abandoned since she’d come here? How many unfinished projects were stuffed in corners of her little nest in the tavern?
She didn’t even know how to tie a ribbon right. She stared at it, picked at it, untied and retied it, and still it looked sad and limp. This whole thing was sad. And limp. Could a thing be limp? Sera would have a good joke about that. Delwyn just flicked the ribbon.
She leaned back in her chair and drummed her fingers on her thigh. This was so stupid. Part of her wanted to throw it out, forget the whole thing, but that felt even worse. So instead she sighed, stood, grabbed the box, and went to the tavern, trying to tuck it under her arm—with limited success. But she ignored everyone’s stares and made her way straight to Sera’s corner.
The door was ajar so she just pushed it open, popping her head around the corner to see Sera laying down and tossing a little thing in the air. She thought it was a ball at first, but it seemed squishy. Sera glanced at her, grinned, and tossed it her way. She caught it out of instinct more than intent, squeezing it a little. “What’s in this?”
“Rice,” Sera replied brightly. “It’s fun. Crinkle-squish.”
“Crinkle-squish,” Delwyn confirmed slowly, giving it another quick squeeze before tossing it back. Sera caught it adroitly and sat upright, legs spread and hands dangling between, eyebrow quirked as she noticed the package.
“What’s that?” She straightened a little as she tried to get a better look at it and Delwyn felt herself flushing, but she was here, she was committed. It had to happen.
“Got you something,” she said simply, stepping inside and closing the door behind her. Sera met her eyes with a quick frown.
“You already got me somethin’. A big something. A good, big something.” Her frown shifted as she shook her head. “Well— you know what I mean. Anyway. What’s with all the gifts?”
“It’s… what people do, right?”
“People-people, or elfy-people, or herald-people? Because the people I know sure don’t give so many gifts.” Despite her protests she looked intrigued, staring at the package. Delwyn rolled her eyes and tossed it towards her, watching Sera fumble the little ball in her effort to catch it. 
“Me-people.” And elfy-people. But she hoped… well, it wasn’t like she was asking Sera to be Dalish. Shit. This was going to go so bad—
Sera pulled the ribbon off and opened the box, eyes widening—
“It’s, um.” She shifted her weight. “A Dalish thing. It’s just… something we give to people. Dalish or not. It’s a promise.”
“A promise?” Sera asked, pulling out the delicately woven bracelet and staring at it.
“Yeah. It’s a promise. It’s saying that… you matter to us. Well, to me. It doesn’t make you Dalish. Doesn’t mean you have to convert. Nothing like that.”
“I— wait, so—”
“You matter to me, Sera,” she interrupted, the words coming in a rush. “It’s not a, um, proposal or anything. Shit. I’m sorry, this is all messed up, I should’ve planned this better—” Suddenly Sera was standing, grabbing her face, and kissing her protests away. 
“You brought this here?” Sera pulled back just enough to ask, looking strangely vulnerable. “For me?”
“Well, no. I, um. Made it for you. It’s—” she was interrupted by another kiss, Sera’s arms winding around her waist, her smile pressed against Delwyn’s lips. 
“Crafty girl,” she breathed, their lips still brushing as she spoke. “You really made it? For me?”
“Yeah. I— yeah,” Delwyn managed, a little breathily. She gave Sera a quick kiss, then another, relief flooding her. “It’s um. Okay. So the thread—it’s about how we met. Right? Sometimes it’s about where people physically meet, the plants in that spot. Other times it’s more representative.” Sera tilted her head before looking down at the bracelet, thumbing across its surface. “It’s Vandal Aria.” Sera snorted and looked back up at her.
“Because I’m a vandal? C’mon, now—” but Delwyn was already shaking her head.
“No, no. It’s because… Vandal Aria is a desert rose. Well, not a rose, but… look. It’s beautiful, unexpected, and tenacious. It just… reminded me of you. Besides,” she made a face, “I wasn’t going to use elfroot. That’s a bit on the nose, don’t you think?” Sera snorted, nodding.
“I… really like this.” She was staring down at the bracelet again, slipping it onto her slim wrist. “I mean, I really like this. It’s a bit of you. Or how you think of me, or… something. I just like it.” She drew her forefinger across the surface, then glanced back up at Delwyn. “You did good, Inky,” she crooned, wrapping her arms around Delwyn’s neck and drawing her in for another deep kiss.
And another.
She wasn’t going to be leaving this little room anytime soon.
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dariumarneus · 2 years
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amidst the dusty books
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solsthiems · 1 year
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I think I was obligated to hop on this one
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pappadu · 2 years
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world cold, boob warm
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inversetwilight · 11 months
I'm back on my Dragon Age: Inquisition nonsense again and I was thinking about editing/reposting my (very old) Sera and Lavellan fic and trying to write more chapters for it. Are any of my Dragon Age followers still around to read it?
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the-cryptographer · 3 months
I wrote a thing!
12k words of Sera/Lavellan and the Exaulted Plains and the Unadin Grotto and the Dalish Encampment and Loranil and so many ugly unresolved feelings about cultural alienation and heteronormativity. So many of them.
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drawingsphopho · 1 year
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synelven · 2 years
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what is she pelting the patrons of herald’s rest with? you decide
happy dragon age day :)
Inquisitor Lavellan So Sick And Tired Of Having Miscellaneous Harmless Objects Thrown At Her By Her Beloved Wife (read more on page 12)
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bluewren · 2 years
Happy Friday Wren! Maybe "your hands are warm" for pre-relationship Tal/Sera? 👀
Pre-relationship Sera & Tali lets me explore some Fade trauma!! 👀
@dadrunkwriting WC: 627
“Are you ready to talk about your nightmares?”
Sera wiggles her legs in place, scrunching herself to feel as small as she possibly can be. Not now, she still rather not have to the Fade. Not even remember, how can she remember? All she saw was nothing.
Taliesen’s eyes widen as she watched Sera’s back hit the window of her little room. Jumpy when she lands, as if she didn’t realize the glass was always there.
“I’ll take that as a no.” She lets a sigh, Sera shook her head. “How’s your little friend been doing, has she been enjoy herself after we took her came back with us?”
The big eared fox crawls up into Tali’s open arms. Twinkle Toes lets the elf push back the ears and wiggle her cheeks, resting in the comfort and bliss of their little room.
Sera giggles when she hears her pet’s joyous squeaks. “Don’t spoil that weasel, she’s already begging for fatty tuna dinners.”
“But how could I not?” Taliesen pouts. “Something this cute, deserves fatty tuna for every meal.”
She closes her arms around the fox’s torso, ruffling the soft fur with her hair.
“You can tell Cabot to stock lots of tuna for little fox, if you want to.”
“Oh no! I’m not explaining that request to Cabot. Your fox, you ask.”
“Why not? You’re Inky, who’s going to tell you no?”
Tali chuckles. “That’s not the point, nobody will take me seriously if I use my power on a request that silly.”
“Pfft. What’s the point of power if you’re not going to abuse it, a little?”
Tali shrugs.
“Somehow always knew I’d like you.” Sera replies with a grin.
She picks up her fox from Inky’s arms, rubbing her thumb over the fox’s long neck until she sees those large beady eyes close for a nap. Inky has a point, this thing is definitely deserves to be spoiled.
“How are you never scared?” Sera finally asks.
“Who said I wasn’t?” Tali raises a brow.
Sometimes when Sera looks at the Inquisitor, all she sees is that blinding beam of light. That arcane sword coming from the top of her bow. That shining blade was the one thing that Sera saw clearly in the Fade, and the first thing that she saw when she got her vision back from the Nightmare Demon. She was saved at that moment.
“Don’t know! It just looks like that.” Sera whispers, swallowing a knot in her throat.
“I do get scared.” Tali asserts, running her hand over the fox’s spine. “Leading groups of more than five isn’t a skill taught to you in Dalish school.” She snorts, feeling an itch in her own throat. “Negotiating, only came to me by trading with humans. Most clans don’t do that.” She sighs. “The secret is that I force myself to smile, or else I’ll make things become much worse for everyone.”
“Hmph.” Sera nods, one of the few times she lacks the words.
Her eyes follow the circular motion of Inky’s hand. Up over Twinkle Toes’ front paws then down towards her stomach, then repeats. She keeps wrangling for excuses to just grab it, always wanting to get closer to the heart inked on top. She probably shouldn’t, Inky is already closer than Sera wants her too be, she already thinks about their leader too much.
Sera reaches for the hand, suddenly her thumb now feels the need to rub the heart inked there.
She smiles, admiring the intricate curves of Inky’s vallaslin. “You’re hands are so warm.”
“That’s why I don’t sleep in a room where half the walls are windows.” Tali throws back a cheeky smirk.
“Shut up. You!” Sera squeezes Tali’s hand tighter, her lungs filling up with laugher.
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coleheinous · 3 days
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broodwolf221 · 8 months
Welcome to DADWC! 🥰 For Delwyn x Sera: "Casks and bottles of ale exploding because they’ve frozen" from Winter is Coming prompts! Good luck!
oh this was fun. less shippy and more silly, and seriously so fun. thank you!
922 words
Oh, it was bitter out. Skyhold was never warm, but as winter approached she was experiencing a kind of cold she’d never felt before - suddenly the hearths in each room were only useful for keeping the cold at bay, not for warming. Last week Cullen had finally agreed that it was too dangerous to continue training maneuvers outside. By the same token, Inquisition operations were entirely halted, aside from what little her advisors could do via bird. Leliana had spread her spies far and wide before the snow had sealed Skyhold in, so they at least still had eyes and ears in many places, but otherwise it was just them.
Bearing the Anchor didn’t mean shit when she was trapped on a mountain. If she could get it to flare, maybe it could function as a light...
She shook her head, frustrated with herself. She’d never been indoors for so long before and she felt like she’d be crawling up the walls soon. It didn’t help that everyone was now crammed into the keep itself. It was crowded. But if they didn’t have to sustain as many fires, their supply of wood would last longer.
Rushes and rugs were spread across the great hall, anything that might limit the amount of cold seeping into the room from the stone. The windows were covered with great swathes of fabric, plunging the keep into darkness that was only mitigated by the hearths and eerie veilfire - or magelights. She wasn’t an expert, and one magic light looked a lot like any other magic light to her. They provided excellent illumination, but no heat.
Of course, the tavern might have been abandoned but the ale had not been - casks were brought into the keep. The horses were also brought into the keep, which... hadn’t exactly been pleasant, but she tried hard to ignore the smells. It was that or lose all of them to the cold, and, amazingly, they had sufficient room in the lower levels. But it had meant that things of lesser value - like the ale - had been relegated to distant corners.
She heard a commotion downstairs, heard Sera’s voice, and rushed down. She was less concerned about her partner being hurt than she was about her getting into a fight - neither of them did well all locked in like this. But the scene she came upon was... surprising.
To say the least.
The horses in the long hall lent everything an extremely surreal quality, even though they actually made good sense. But the far corner was chaotic, with a number of people all crowded together, the smell of ale mixing unpleasantly with the smell of horse. “Do I even want to know,” Delwyn asked the nearest horse, who whickered at her. She nodded. “Yeah, I didn’t think so, either.” She stroked its nose before steeling herself to move towards the crowd, the smell of ale growing stronger.
“It’s bloody everywhere!”
“We can see that!”
“Didn’t you realize this would happen?”
“Of course not!”
The bickering continued, Sera chiming in at intervals, sounded just as frustrated as the rest. Delwyn had just opened her mouth to ask what happened when a sudden loud crack interrupted her and everyone shouted. She was startled, but the rest of them sounded angry.
“Can we please move the rest?!” This from Sera, gesturing hotly towards the small room that had become something of a storage chamber. Namely for the weird bottles Delwyn kept finding. She was rather proud of her extremely odd collection, and it had felt appropriate to keep the rest of the ale in there as well.
“It’s obviously unstable!”
“Okay!” She finally shouted, all of them turning to face her. Sera alone looked relieved - the rest of them looked terrified. “Okay,” she said, softer this time, hands held out in a gesture of supplication. “Can someone please tell me what’s going on down here?”
“It’s the casks, Inquisitor,” one of the men said. She thought he might be the barkeep. She should really know her people better by now, but she was rarely in the tavern except to see Sera. She nodded, hoping he’d continue. “The cold got in ‘em. Iced over. After a while they burst.”
“Which is why I think we should bring the rest in!” Sera again, and Delwyn sighed, rubbing at her face.
“You said they’re unstable...?”
“Aye, Inquisitor. It’s the ice. It expands. I’m worried if we touch them, they’ll all go.”
“Is there an alternative...?” That met with silence, a few shrugs. “It’s going to get colder before it gets warmer. Are we just going to leave them all here to explode?” More silence.
“Some might not be as full,” this from a young woman. “They should be able to make it if we just leave them alone.”
“Okay, so we get to keep some ale to thaw in spring, I guess.” Delwyn tried hard to keep her frustration out of her voice, but the way the woman winced was proof enough that she didn’t go a good job of it. “That part’s good. The rest... shit, I don’t know.”
Mythal. Maker. Anyone. Just... fuck. Why was this her job?
She grabbed Sera’s hand and squeezed, the other elf tilting her head slightly. “C’mon, let’s go back up. The rest of you, close that door and come get warm. We’ll see if anyone has any better ideas.”
They did as she said and when they got halfway through the room, another cask exploded.
“Fuck,” Delwyn muttered.
“Shit,” Sera snapped.
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yappacadaver · 1 year
got tag memed YIPPEE
Three ships: Besides Rayumi I haven't been shipping much of anything lately O_O but tobikaka/obikaka is a ship of all time I cannot lie! also seravellan (but only with my lavellan LOL)
First Ship Ever: girl i dont even remember... my first media obsession was mario but i dont think i was shipping any of them. Honestly my first ship fanart i ever remember making was obikaka fanart in like 7th grade LOL
Last Song: Impeach God by Dethklok
Last Movie: Whatever the last spiderman movie was called
Currently Reading: I'm being so fr right now when i say i am just reading random excerpts of The Hobbit in no particular order as it lays next to my keyboard.
Currently Watching: I don't watch TV shows u_u
Currently Consuming: As much quality mortuary assistant content as I can find, and I do be scouring for it!! (If any of you ppl who see this post have ever made a video on this game, link me and I'll give it a look)
Currently Craving: a sense of community, barring that a big sugary drink would be so nice rn
TY for the tag @average-dragon-enjoyer :D I tag @himbolicious @psychowerewolf @full---ofstarlight
as always feel free to do or ignore at your leisure :D i love u ♥
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