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magioftheseas · 4 years ago
Unpopular opinion, Saihara is super hard to ship with anyone. Like, I know he is the main character, but even Naegi is more shippable than he is. This is also why Kaede should have been the true protag, because SHE is shippable with everyone, and that's a fact.
Absolutely agree. Part of why I disliked the FTEs in v3 is that they felt super forced, like can YOU buy Saihara going out of his way to talk to people? I sure as shit don’t, which is probably why characters come to you in that game. Like, Saihara’s super antisocial and comes across as the kind of guy who only gives a damn about people who take the initative for him. It says a lot that both Kaede and Kaito are super assertive and social butterflies. Hell, even Maki practically forces him into hanging out with her. I get that both Naegi and Hinata in previous games were also approached but like...both Naegi and Hinata also took on the role of investigator without the role being pressured into it because...detective. Saihara’s character is more about being dragged into shit and not really making his own decisions and this extends to his relationships.
Again, makes most of them feel super fucking forced. Kaito’s the only exception since there’s at least some nuance as to how Kaito feels about him. Everyone else though just has the same general opinion of Saihara. That’s pretty fucking dull imo, especially since Saihara’s just kind of a passive-aggressive prick at worst and a doormat at best, lacking a lot of the compassion that the other protags have. And him being shocked at the antics of the other v3 characters is also kinda stupid when his idiot ass got the Ultimate Detective label through some pretty unbelievable contrivance. So, he’s attempt at pretending he’s the normal one makes me resent him.
But fuck yeah Kaede’s way more charismatic. She’s also more dominant which was a really fun change of pace...and then we ended up with Saihara... Urgh. Thinking about it makes me want to drown him in a puddle.
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dingdongrumba · 4 years ago
@serahne-is-here replied to your post “@kanrakiddler replied to your post  “Ok I finally took a more proper...”
Np ! Also since you didn't check any non-explicit fics, please check out Kimium's fics ! They are such prolific author, and always deliver quality content ^^
For example Waking Up In Pieces is long ? And they only put a T rating on it, but it was pretty mature in the themes from what I remember ^^
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Holy fuck
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thewildwilds · 5 years ago
Did you watch Last Christmas ? Because holy hell this Guardian Angel AU makes me think of it, big time :D
I haven’t, I’ll have to check it out, it sounds interesting, thank you!
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midorimochi · 5 years ago
I'd love a Sayaka moodboard ! :D
Okie-dokie~ thank you for the request ^^ would you like to be tagged when it's done?
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kimmysfandomblog · 5 years ago
Oooookay so 3, 10, 11, 12, 17, 32, 38, 39, 42 and that should be enough lol
Oh man XD Thanks so much, Chloe! I think I quite agree, it’s enough :P
I answered 3, 17, and 32 here! And 39 here!
10. Which was your favorite trial from THH?
I think that the 5/6th trial is an obvious one!It was something built up throughout the game (and it gets a bit ridiculoushow many times we hear about “MukuroIkusaba, the 16th student, hidden somewhere in this school. The one theycall the "ultimate despair."” It put’s Naegi’s and Kirigiri’slives on the line, with Naegi ultimately getting chopped off because he got soclose to the truth that the trial was a farce. And then saved, because of luck?He did a good deed and Alter Ego saved him for it? I guess Kirigiri’s optionwas more of a dream ending than anything canon, anyways, so it doesn’t matter.I remember how hyped I was, because for once no one was actually technicallyblackened… no one actually killed anyone since Sakura’s dying wish moved themthat much. I’m still not really fond of some things, like Hagakure thinkingKirigiri was a ghost in the 5th trial? And I have a few otherthings, like how they all decide Naegi was guilty in the first place. Kirigiriwas pushing them to that conclusion so she could show the trial was a farce inthe first place, and she wasn’t expecting the mastermind to cut the trial shortand lie about who killed Mukuro. I still kind of feel pretty bad about thatpart in particular, although she’s clearly super angry it turned out that way,she really didn’t want Naegi to be voted the blackened. The 6thtrial, though, I really liked the reveal of Junko, not even being the “Junko”they met, and how her face was covered in every picture… As a person whostarted off with the anime, I didn’t exactly have time to catch that particulardetail (I should rewatch it sometime honestly, see how much info was reallyleft out). The world being in an apocalypse… a little bit less exciting I guessthan the Junko reveal. And Naegi being proclaimed the Ultimate Hope was cheesy,but kind of expected and in that moment, it was empowering!
(Although it was hard not to say Sakura’s trial for thisquestion, simply because gosh I LOVE Sakura)
11. Which was your favorite trial from SDR2?
I flipflop between trials five and six, honestly XD I’llchoose the 5th Trial though for now! Trial 5 had my top threecharacters playing really important roles, and it made me appreciate Komaedaand Nanami. I was touched Nanami wasn’t really fighting the fact she wasblackened and there was a mystery to her and Komaeda that is unresolved, andeverything about the trial was a rollercoaster of emotions XD This is great forHinata’s character, as well, as he actually is able to understand Komaeda’splan. The trial breaks my heart in how cruel it was to all of the characters,Komaeda dying horrifically through a plan he made himself, and Nanami, a personso against the killing game, ended up killing someone unknowingly… and Hinatahad been so close to Nanami, and probably the closest person to Komaeda on theisland, that it’s hard not to feel bad for him, too, for his losses. Not to saythe others who died were less, just that they weren’t as close to him. And thenof ourse, the actual plan was chaoticgenius. That was a really wild ride of a trial!
12. Which was your favorite trial from V3?
The only one that really held my interest in a more positiveway was probably the fourth one! Because the rules of the virtual world meantthe creators didn’t have to defy actual laws of physics and, well, commonsense, it actually makes sense.Mostly. The one thing that I guess doesn’t is where Kokichi got the flashbacklight? Anything to do with Kokichi leads to plotholes in the story, I swear… Thatand Miu’s partnership with him is ??? Still, I found it to be an emotionaltrial because… it was really not Gonta’s fault even when it was… I really likedhim, he was really sweet.
But yeah, this trial is the only one that I’d say was a goodmurder case in V3, with the others kind of just working through chance? Pureluck? Idk, they were just so weird…
38. Which character doyou feel is too popular amongst the fans, in your opinion?
Ouma… and look, I really don’t hate him at all, but thereasons people say they like him don’tmatch up. “He’s a complex character!” No, he really isn’t… the creators of thegame explained next to nothing about him and his past. Any bit of complexity isprojected thoughts on his character. My prime example is when someone who knowsJapanese had said that Spike Chunsoft had gave a hint that Ouma hatesmurder/killing, which the translators of the game “removed,” when it waseventually proven by native Japanese speakers that there was no suchcomplicated connotation. So everyone to this day keeps spreading this rumoraround that Ouma hates murder/killing as if it was an integral part of his character.
And my honest thoughts on why people like Ouma is… becausehe likes guys and is dismissed by his classmates. He has a crush on Saihara,clearly, and might have had crushes on Rantarou and Momota. His continueddismissal by Saihara and the others serve as the base for people to project their story on Ouma, with them addingmeaning to him to make him out to be a more complex character. They willed him to be important. They ignoredthe plotholes he creates by having knowledge of things we don’t know why heknows, or having a flashback light from a room a keycard opened, which we nevergo to see where that was, or writing a complete script for Momota for the trialin the three hours he had left to live… This isn’t a complex character- this isthe creators of the game making a decision not to explain important details becausethey can get away with it, as he is a liar. The problem with a liar is that younever really know him at all. You canonly guess.
What I dislike about Ouma is the fact that people arepolicing that he is a complex character based on, well, not that much. He doesn’tgive that much, so they make up things to make him seem more complex than heis. The reasons to like him should be his personality, how silly he is, thefact that he’s a great actor… and it can be that you think you can relate tohim. But just in general, I just don’t like the hype around Ouma and peopleputting their noses up at others who have differentinterpretations of Ouma.
42.  How do you feel about the Danganronpafandom as a whole?
The Danganronpa fandom as a whole… it’s done me a lot ofgood, even with all the bad it’s done, too. Through this fandom, I came out ofmy shell. I’ve never been confident enough to write for a fandom and post it. Ihad, once, when I was in middle school, but with a fandom as large as Naruto,the work got drowned out and it wasn’t all that good, honestly, so I nevertried again XD I absolutely would never have created fanart for the fandom,either XD It was rough in the beginning, but I found my artstyle!
But most importantly of all, I’ve met some really incrediblepeople! It’s because of these friendships I’ve made that I got the courage todo more. I could write, I could draw, I could create pixel art, I couldanimate, I could run events and participate in them, I could become a part of azine, and I could mod a zine… All ofthese things I never would have had the courage to do alone. And even outsideof fandom, they would support me, validate my frustrations, congratulate me onmy victories, listen to me, laugh with me…
I met some important people who I’ll never forget. I havefriends who I hope will stick around for long past the fandom. And well, I foundsomeone I actually really love through this fandom as well ^^ (he runs eventswith me on the Hinaegi blog
I’ll admit, my active participationin the fandom is pretty weak these days with me getting sucked into playingPokemon in my free time instead… but Danganronpa’s left its mark. Even with allthe bad of fandom “discourse,” fandom drama, and some really rude people onsome rare occasions, it was worth it to have found the confidence and supportthat I did!
The fandom is far from dead, rude people may still exist,but at least at the moment, I’m pretty comfortable where I am in it with the otherpeople that have made my stay a welcome one!
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mikami · 5 years ago
I actually like Mikami - thanks to you - but I have some issue with the way he is introduced. He is a plot-device that is given an entire backstory in way that I feel... forced, for a DN character. It honestly borders on the 'show, don't tell rule', the way the manga/anime is like 'let's interrupt the story to tell you everything you need to know about this character'. What do you think ?
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That’s definitely a valid thing to take issue with. Flashbacks like Mikami’s are incredibly common in most every anime and manga - and I don’t think they’re inherently bad at all. They do a lot to solidly introduce a side character who you otherwise wouldn’t get to invest a lot of time into exploring - Mikami’s flashback is especially dense in meaning and character implications. It’s one of the main reasons I find his character so compelling - I can recreate his mentality through his whole life with a lot of canon accuracy, based on only a few pages.
His character introduction is really well-done in how much substance it gives.
But it’s not…. written like literally anything else in Death Note.
And I do think it makes sense to find this disruptive.
Ohba said that he included Mikami’s flashback to make clear to the reader that he is an extraordinary person who can stand equal to Light. I’m not entirely sure how he’d have been able to achieve any of these goals in a way other than a flashback to be honest. Mikami would not be nearly as compelling without them. But maybe it’d have been less disruptive and tonally off had the flashbacks been interspersed with the plot rather than being inserted in a single chunk right after his character introduction. It does feel a little like you switched series for sure.
As for ‘show don’t tell’…. considering nobody actually understands Mikami at all, I’m gonna go ahead and say that in practice it did not end up being ‘tell’, haha.
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meshitsukai · 6 years ago
Ishimondo with 16 if you're up for some angst :)
16. Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?
I'M NOT SURE... but i think mondo would keep his relationship with ishimaru a secret because of him being a gang leader (i think other gangs might target ishimaru) & so a break-up (temporary? or just fake-break-up?) would work. in ishimaru's case im not too sure...
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komahinasecretexchange · 5 years ago
Title: The one where Komaeda is the producer for a terrible movie, Enoshima is the worst kind of celebrity, and Hinata is just a stuntman for Kamukura.
Author: @serahne-is-here
For: @ask-the-sakamaki
Rating/Warnings: Some swearing, but that’s it
Prompt: AU ! ( I picked a ‘Actors AU’ even if technically neither Komaeda nor Hinata are actors )
Author’s notes: I didn’t write in english in ages, so I really hope you enjoy it <3
“And… cut !” declared Director Kirigiri, holding firmly her bullhorn with two hands.
As soon as the magic word was spoken, relief flooded the studio, as everyone on set felt allowed to relax, if only for just a little while. It was a stressful - and yet, pretty normal - day in Hope’s Peak Studio : one scene down, two to go.
“Sonia, it was your best take, we keep it. Izuru, stunning as usual,” offered Kirigiri off-handedly, before standing up and starting to stretch, arms behind her back. “Let’s take a thirty minute break, and then we move on to the Waterfalls. Please tell the stuntmen they need to go get dressed, we miraculously managed to be on time for today, let’s try to keep it that way.”
Everyone in the studio mumbled in agreement, before they dispersed themselves around the room, in a chaotic, yet very organized fashion. From where he was standing, just a few feets behind the camera crew, Hinata was perfectly well-placed to admire how everyone in this creative hive was buzzing around, in a dance that they all knew by heart. It was, after all, their sixt day of filming Dreams of Future, and they knew their roles and lines as well as the actors did.
Koizumi, Kirigiri’s assistant, bounced toward Sonia and started praising her, at such speed that Hinata couldn’t understand half of it. Kamukura looked around, his eternal bored expression carved in his face at this point, before he disappeared inside his lodge. Slowly, as would a heavy animal migrating for winter, cameras and micros started to move to the Waterfalls set.
Hinata was about to go and get dressed - Kirigiri had been really adamant stuntmen shouldn’t be late, and he wasn’t about to make a bad impression to the studio owner’s daughter - when, from behind him, came a voice he only knew too well.
“What did you think of the show, Hinata ? Absolutely splendid, was it not ?”
Hinata turned around, frowning, and his eyes immediately found the voice’s owner : Nagito Komaeda, main producer for the movie, and all around one of the most unpleasant person he had ever met. Which wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t also one of the most attractive person he had ever met.
Both of these things sent mixed messages to Hinata’s brain, and it tended to just shortcut whenever Komaeda was nearby.
“I guess,” he replied, making sure that his eyes didn’t linger too long on the other - over his dead body would he be caught staring at Komaeda. “Sonia is really talented. Her role might be small, but she is nailing it.”
She really was. Sonia Nevermind was an european actress, looking to make herself a name in Japan. Beyond her eccentric personality, typical of foreigners, she was also incredibly sweet, humble, and hard-working, which was more than could be said for most actors than Hinata had worked with.
Komaeda huffed at Hinata’s reply, a sound that made him both incredibly adorable and punchable at the same time. As he said : mixed signals.
“Only Miss Nevermind ?” he noticed, amused. “I see that your jealousy over Kamukura’s incredible success is alive and well. How awful of you.”
“I’m not jealous of Kamukura,” said Hinata, gritting his teeth. “Why would I be ? He has the emotional range of a vacuum cleaner. A four-year old emote more in a minute than he does in a year.”
Komaeda hummed quietly. “That might be so. But we both know you couldn’t care less about anyone’s acting skill. Actually, if you truly think so low of his skills, his popularity must be even more insufferable to you, right ?”
“Will you shut up ?” Hinata mumbled back, 
Hinata shook his head. Kamukura’s success in the filming industry was the most bewildering thing for him. The guy didn’t act. He wasn’t even bad at it, he just didn't try. All he did was wearing the same bored, vaguely annoyed expression, movie after movie. And for some reasons, critics loved him, praised him for his ‘original take’ on his roles, and promised him a glorious career.
This was ridiculous.
“Don’t be so bitter, Hinata,” the white-haired man calmly smiled at him. “The truth is, even if Kamukura wasn’t as talented as he is, it wouldn’t make you more popular. These studios are full of nobodies thinking they can become somebody. This is admirable, but useless, for most of them. In a way, I think you should be proud of your achievement : at your own level, you are helping our stars to shine, in their creative processes. A wonderful stepping stone for the glorious people blessed with talent.”
Hinata narrowed his eyes. Back when he first met Komaeda, this kind of insult would have made his skin crawl, and he would have breathlessly argued with the other. But he had eventually realized that no amount of arguing would change his mind. And he had to be on set in twenty-two minutes.
“Great talk, but I have to go and get in costume. And them I guess I’ll throw myself from the top of the Waterfalls, if Enoshima acts her usual self.”
“That sounds lovely !” Komaeda clapped his hands, excitedly. “I wish I could come with you, but alas, I have to talk to Kirigiri before the next scene begins. Though I won’t leave without saying goodbye, of course.”
Hinata sighed, a smile working his way up to his lips, despite his annoyance.
“Sounds good.”
Stunts weren’t Hinata’s first choice of career, of course. He had always dreamed of being an actor, ever since he was a starry-eyed kid, whose nonsensical babbling wasn’t taken seriously by the adults around him. This dream had stuck with him, up until adulthood, when he had finally found out how impossible it was to get roles when one didn’t have any contact in the industry.
One year ago, when Hope’s Peak Studios had called him, telling them that he had the ‘perfect body type’ to play Izuru Kamukura’s double, the offer has been too tempting to refuse. It was finally his chance to meet people who could help him grow as a true actor.
That hasn’t been the case, so far. His work was spotless, and he was regularly called back by the Studios - who was even ready to discuss his fees from movie to movie - but always as a stuntman, and most of the time for Kamukura. It wasn’t the worst job in the world, he was being paid more than most people working in the Studios - he was putting his body on the line, after all - but… if anything, being so close to his dream, without being able to live it was his own personal hell.
Something was missing. And maybe Komaeda was right, and it was the popularity, and the spotlight, and the journalists begging you for interview, and the expensive gifts, and all this superficial stuff that society told him to adore and reject, all at once. But, Hinata knew, it was more than that. It wouldn’t have hurt that much if it was only that.
He did want to be an actor, and a part of him had always thought he would end up being one. As a child, he had wanted to be a samurai, a cowboy, a wizard, an adventurer, an astronaut, and has soon realized that only one job would allow him to be all that - and even more - at once.
Being an actor was to live a thousand lives. And maybe it was worth wasting the only one he had over it.
It was four hours later, and nothing was going well. Everyone was on the Waterfall set, which was pretty awful in itself - everything looked really fake, and Hinata knew everything would be corrected in post-production but still it was barely better than a green screen at that point.
Everyone was exhausted, Kirigiri was on her four coffee cup, and Kamukura seemed almost in a dissociative state with how much he seemed to care about his surroundings.
Of course, it was all Enoshima’s fault. She was objectively one of the biggest star in Japan, and everyone knew that her being in the movie would guarantee some kind of success. She was also a terrible human being, who enjoyed nothing more than to reduce to tears her assistants.
“This is what you call a macchiato ?” She spat to the poor girl’s face, who was already quivering in fear. “I could piss in a cup and it would taste better than that. Are you trying to poison me ?”
“I can’t believe you accepted to hire her,” Hinata mumbled to Komaeda’s attention, as they were both looking at the scene with consternation. “She is not a bad actress, but she is not worth the hassle. Sonia could play her part just as well.”
Komaeda looked at Hinata, all wide-eyed and pink-cheeked, and it was really infuriating how pretty he looked after so many hours of being stuck in the Waterfall set with the entire film crew. Hinata was sure that he looked like a mess, even after he took off the heavy wig he wore when he incarnated Kamukura.
Seeing how things were going, he wouldn’t have to save Junko’s ass from a well-deserved fall to death before ten o’clock, anyway. And only if Kirigiri didn’t give up and call it a day until then.
“I’m not taking any creative decision,” Komaeda replied with a shrug. “I wasn’t the one who asked for Enoshima. I’m not sure who did, to be completely honest.”
“Someone who doesn’t have to spend hours with her everyday,” guessed Hinata, grimacing when he saw Enoshima’s assistant run away, probably in order to get another coffee. “I never thought she was that good of an actress. Did you ?”
Komaeda hummed noncommittally but didn’t add anything, which, considering his habit to wax poetry about every actor in the Studios, definitely meant he was agreeing with him. Hinata weirdly felt vindicated by that.
“She will attract a different audience,” explained Komaeda. “She is very popular with teenage girls, and straight males. Since I’m neither I might not be the best person to judge of her appeal.”
They both fell silent, looking at Kirigiri and Enoshima’s argument about a specific line that Enoshima wanted to change in the script, and Hinata took the time to file the information he had just received from Komaeda, just in case. 
“You could fire her,” Hinata suggested. “You’re putting the money, you get to decide, right ?”
Komaeda chuckled. “I’d rather leave the creative process to talented people, that’s better for everyone.”
“Wait,” Hinata replied. “You are talking as if you didn’t take any decision for the movies you are funding. That makes no sense.”
“That’s the case,” Komaeda shrugs. “I just give the money, and the Studios does the rest.”
“But this is ridiculous ! All your movies were success. All of them. Including the one that is entirely made in sign language. You have to… I don’t know.. influence some creative choices, right ?”
“Nope !” Komeada said, laughing. “You are confusing any kind of skill with pure luck, Hinata. I’m no different from someone who son the lottery.”
“Who won the lottery five times,” Hinata corrected. “You produced five movies. Six with this one, which will probably be an incredible success. I don’t know why because Kamukura can’t act, Enoshima is the worst, the script is terrible, and the set looks like it’s made in cardbox,” Hinata argued.
Komaeda fell silent, and looked away from Hinata.
“This is what you think ? Interesting.”
He didn’t have the time to say more, Kirigiri was calling him for his scene, and he had to put on his stupid, smelly wig and save Junko Enoshima from her death.
Sometimes his life sounded like a joke.
“And… cut !”
Hinata almost cried in relief, throwing his wig on the floor - almost hoped it would fall in the water, but since the waterfall wasn’t really one, it wouldn’t make this horrendous thing disappear. It was finally over. The crew was given a day off, and the express command to rest during that day, as everyone looked dead on their feet. Every scene with Enoshima had been filmed though, so the rest would probably be a piece of cake.
He was surprised to see Komaeda still lounging around, as exhausted as the rest of them were.
“You’re still there ?” Hinata asked him. “How surprising.”
“It really is,” Komaeda yawned, hand in front of his mouth. He was always so proper. “I just wanted to ask you something.”
“Shoot,” Hinata replied
“Let’s walk.”
Komaeda started to drift away from the crowd, getting closer to the waterfall.
“Uh, sure ?” Hinata said, following him, a few steps behind. “I kinda want to go home, at some point ? And, you know, sleep until friday morning, or until I’m dead may-”
“Why didn’t you ask me to star in one of my movies ?” Komaeda cut him off, very seriously.
“What ?” Hinata asked, caught off-guard. “Where the hell does that come from ?”
“Komaeda tilted his head on the side, curious. “You seem to think that I have some sort of curse, that makes all the movies I’m producing highly-successful. You are wrong, as I was only lucky, but if that is what you think, and if you truly want to become an actor in the future, why didn’t you ask for a part in one of my movies ?”
Hinata blinked. Truth was, he didn’t consider Komaeda as a ‘contact in the industry’. He was unpleasant, rude at the time, unwillingly hilarious, and Hinata enjoyed spending time with him, more than he would admit it. He didn’t want to… use his relationship ( whatever it was ) with Komaeda to further his career
God, he was never going to be an actor at this rate, right ?
“I didn’t want to owe you anything.” He settled for something that sounded vaguely honest.
“Well, aren’t you a prideful nobody,” Komaeda huffed.
But he was smiling too. And Hinata felt like he had done something right, in this whole mess. Without thinking, he took a few steps in the other’s direction, until he was so close he could see every nuance of green inside Komaeda’s eyes, and noticed how the other’s eyes fell on his lips. They were… as alone as they had ever been.
“I…” started Hinata, without any idea what he was going to say.
But he didn’t have to rack his brain for anything, as suddenly, previsibly, a chunk of the so-cheap-it-was-probably-carbox set cracked under Komaeda’s feet. Hinata saw his eyes widen comically, his mouth open in a silent scream of surprise, and the next instant, he was plunging toward the ground, five meters under them.
Hinata reacted in half-a-second, and caught Komaeda’s wrist as a reflex, and didn’t let go even when he heard the characteristic crack of a broken bone. He almost let go, though, when he heard Komaeda laugh breathlessly.
“See, Hinata ?” His laugh was borderline hysterical. “Am I not the luckiest person alive ?”
“You broke your fucking wrist, Komaeda,” he replied.
As predicted, Dream of Future was a huge success. It might or not have been because Enoshima created a huge scandal by pretending being pregnant with Kirigiri’s husband’s child, and then claiming that she would kill herself if he didn’t recognize the baby. Sure, critics tore the movie appart, as it was objectively a pile of burning trash, but everyone wanted a taste of the scandal, as short-lived as it was.
All in all, Hinata was happy to only be a stuntman in this whole affair.
Maybe not wanting to be in one of Komaeda’s movie wasn’t that stupid of an idea.
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moro-nokimi · 4 years ago
at great personal risk of starting up #mattcourse again, THIS
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(from @/serahne-is-here)
[ID: a picture of tags that says “’this author is sexist’ isn’t an excuse to throw under the bus the female characters thank you [...] matt has 0 character and is literally considered like a main character by the fandom”. /ID]
is horrifying. even if it’s hyperbole (grimacing emoji) it does illustrate a good point re: fandom sexism. idk i cringe a little thinking ab how the fandom will woobify misa, who rejoices in her ability to murder, and develop matt into a fully fledged character. she only gets to be a Baby who must be Protected At All Costs and he gets to be mello’s smoker bf. ugh.
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kimmyplush · 6 years ago
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Kimmy's Talentswap Event!!!
Ultimate Princess, Sayaka Maizono
Suggested by @serahne-is-here
(Very overdue final request sorry!!)
The reason it took so long is mostly because I didn't have a Sayaka plushie at the time! Even when I finally did, I was swept up in sooo many projects! Still, I hope you didn't completely give up on me 💦
Sayaka is a tough one, especially since pop stars, while they have princess outfits at times, it isn't really any different from normal dresses, aside from maybe being cut a bit shorter and more glitz and glamour. Eventually, I decided that I would rather draw more traditional clothing on her, anyways.
This Sayaka Maizono is the Princess of Japan. She was born into royalty, though the royal family is more of a symbol, rather than having any real political power. However, she takes her duty as a symbol very seriously! People care for her and her opinions on matters, giving her voice power. She tries her best to give her country hope, making visits to make people smile. She also sometimes sings, something she is naturally talented at. The one thing she wants, more than anything else, is to make the citizens of Japan happy.
Her father, as Emperor, is very busy, as well. He often leaves to make appearances at various events across the nation and even sometimes abroad.
So, as a child and up until now, she's only ever had private tutors. She is taught to speak various languages fluently, plays piano and sings, and out of concern for her people's welfare, requested more political and historical lessons. She's a great public speaker. Having given a particularly famous speech at the age of fourteen on Japan's education programs, she's now got the world watching what she can do.
While life as a princess has it's own rewards, it is undeniable that Sayaka is lonely. Her father tries to be there for her birthday and some major holidays, but she lacks other social bonds, save for her servants.
It was, however, expected that Sayaka get invited to Hope's Peak Academy. She looked forward to the day she'd finally be able to attend school as a student and connect with other people more as equals.
And so it was that Hope's Peak Academy sent her a letter, requesting the Princess of Japan, Sayaka Maizono, attend class 78 as the Ultimate Princess.
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magioftheseas · 4 years ago
Unpopular opinion ( is it unpopular ) : Everyone only likes DR:AE because of Tokomaru ( which is valid ). Beyond that, the game is really dumb, and put so many holes into the world building of DR that I just can't accept it as canon ( The 'Elementary' Hope's Peak ? GHOSTS ??? )
I’m half-and-half on this because on one hand I agree, but on the other, Komaeda gets leashed and bullied by children for several hours and I can’t act like that wasn’t everything I ever wanted from it short of him and Naegi actually interacting. I will say that while narratively, the Hope’s Peak Elementary School shit is very fucking dumb, the Warriors of Hope are still good characters with backstories that inform them well enough. It’s just that Hope’s Peak was a stand-in for Japanese education in general and they’re still critical of it at this time.
So, like, the finer details aren’t bad but some of the world-building and storytelling are just...ehhhhhh at points. There’s things I like, things I don’t. Komaru getting possessed by a ghost was so fucking weird and random especially since it’s not like we didn’t have Haiji who could just...tell us this shit... Or hell, even Monaka. No, we need ghosts now. Ghost. Just one ghost.
Because ghosts never showed up again. Not even in dr3. Yes, I stand by that. Hinata’s hallucinated Nanami is not a fucking ghost because it literally makes no goddamn sense for zhen Nanami to talk like that. Where would we be if ghosts were a thing again?
I don’t know. I almost fear.
I like drae but I would never reccommend it. Sdr2 is of similarly debatable quality and I’d still rec it. Take from that what you will.
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dingdongrumba · 5 years ago
'What is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?' ( In DR, but in general too :P )
Honestly? Can I say p much all the het ships? dskfjdKSDFJDKF fandom in general tends to focus only on M/M and I think F/F and M/F ships deserve a lot more love as well!!! Like Hinanami? A lot of people like it but I think there should be more content for it!! Also rarepairs like Hinaegi, Kamuegi, Komanami, Hinadam, Kaimaki (or whatever the ship name for KaitoxMaki is dkgjfdkgdf) hhhhhh there are just a lot of ships I’m probably missing the most underrated one lmao
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xiil3gendaryzetsubou · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
We have our starters for the Pokémon giveaway! We need to wait for some funds to clear before we ship, but they should go out within the next two weeks!! @serahne-is-here @soaphest @goldstarzzz
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kimmysfandomblog · 6 years ago
Peko and Rantaro ~
Thanks, Serahne!! ✨💖
From here!
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Why are, like, all the DR girls so pretty... Peko is certainly no different!
She’s tall, with those striking red eyes, and silver hair, and her color palette screams serious and cool, and she wields a sword
... but underneath that calm and cool is a sweet girl that wants to pet animals! I have a soft spot for those types of characters that look tough, but are super sweet inside XD
As nice as the braids are, I would love to see her with her hair down or in a pony tail once in a while (although I think we got two seconds of her with her hair down in the very beginning of Future Arc, huh?)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I mean, he’s just really pretty XD His really calm and gentle smile, and that almost laid-back nature of his is, well, calming. I like his style, and I can see how he’d be connected to ships and things, though you’d first think of it as just a trendy style or something. It’s kin of interesting how chill he is, but then he’s harboring a lot of conflict within him.
No, he can get pretty creepy at times, and I don’t want to imagine what it would be like if he found his sisters dead or in terrible condition and knew who did it, but overall he’s only got the best in mind, even if he finds himself unsure of who to trust. I honestly wish he wasn’t killed off, he’d have been great to have for later parts of the game.
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mikami · 6 years ago
So... are you saying that Look What You Made Me Do isn't a Light song but a Mello song ? 👀
Actually, yeah. It’s definitely got thrice as much Mello vibes as it has Light ones.
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meshitsukai · 6 years ago
11 and 14 for DR ?
11) Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
i think i'd have to go with the other... not-junko masterminds (minus tengan bc dr3 was overall. bad) i think tsumugi is an interesting mastermind, even if she's not the best (junko) & it really makes me wonder whether she really wanted to be one or didn't. too bad ndrv3 didn't elaborate.
about monaka, i love monaka too. people always exclude her from the warriors of hope but i think she's an interesting character & i think that she herself had her share of suffering, so seeing people hate her for that, even though she did some questionable stuff, makes me sad. not to mention that drae is basically "kids aren't monsters, it's bad adults who turn them into ones" so i don't know why even with knowing monaka's backstory people still think that she's unforgivable (also hate that kodaka intended her to be the most hated antagonist :/ )
14) Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
not sure... the dr fandom just needs to chill sometimes. also ship wars are annoying calm down guys
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