#sera myu cosplay
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thelastblackmoon · 5 months ago
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My Sailor Star Healer Cosplay 💚✨
Although Fighter was my number one for the longest time, Healer came in and stole my heart after seeing the Sailor Moon Cosmos Movies. I thought their personality shined the most and loved the sass. That, combined with going back to the 90's version and fully appreciating their ✨attitude✨ made .e super excited to finally cosplay them.
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As I mentioned in my post breaking down my Sailor Star Fighter cosplay, these costumes took a lot of inspiration from the Sera Myu versions. They offered a lot more support and coverage which was far more functional than any other version.
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I left out a few details like the Golden belt on the shorts and the way the top had a black backing of sorts for modesty/support. I opted to go with the more 90's style shorts and add slits, and then simply have a thicker band on the top.
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Sera Myu influenced my suit quite a bit, but I also leaned into the 90's version as well as suited my own design ideas.
I break down how I made my Sailor Star Yell prop in another post, so I'll leave it at that for this Sailor Star Healer showcase.
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You can find my Sailor Star Fighter behind the scenes post here:
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leafnincosplay · 17 days ago
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Last on my Sailor list is Jupiter!
Made like the other two and adjusted for a petite figure. Hidden zipper and snaps on the back. Rhinestone collar stripes with plastic covering. String pearls on the waist. Furniture foam puffs! And I can't get over how perfect this hot pink fabric is!
Now that all 3 bases are done, time to add all the accessories, fluff, and of course, more shinies!
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hoshirosethorncosplay · 2 months ago
Update on Builds
Active Builds
Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Super Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Sailor ChibiMoon (Sera Myu)
Blank Period Temari (Naruto)
Shinobu Kochou (KnY/Demon Slayer)
Witch Rosalina (Mario Franchise)
Cyprine (Sailor Moon)
Cam (Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons)
Back burner (no deadline) Builds
Ino Yamanaka - either Shippuden or Blank Period (Naruto)
Ivy (Fire Emblem Engage)
Ingrid Galatea - Time Skip (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Zoicite (Sailor Moon)
Yona - REBUILD (AkaYona/Yona of the Dawn)
Wind’s Embrace Lyn (Fire Emblem Heroes)
Chizuru Yukimura (Hakuouki)
Momo Ayase (Dandadan)
Rukia Kuchiki (BLEACH)
Builds planned for Competitions
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howmanyheartaches · 2 years ago
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Huch, seit ich die 500 Followis gefeiert habe, sind es ja doch einige mehr geworden! Servus, ich bin die Simone und ich bin Autorin, Journalistin und Moderatorin aus Leidenschaft. In wenigen Tagen nehme ich euch mit in mein Herzensland Japan! Zuletzt ist meine lesbische Lovestory “Hinterm Großstadtdschungel links” im Butze Verlag als eBook, Taschenbuch und Hörbuch erschienen. Neugierde ist mein Antrieb - und am liebsten stelle ich Fragen für unser Projekt (Instagram: @diekunstkulturzumachen). Bald kann ich euch außerdem meine Beiträge für die Koneko Anime Classics III zeigen und für die L’Officiel Liechtenstein Voyage! Demnächst könnt ihr aber auch eine Comicrezension von mir im neuen ALFONZ lesen, ich habe für die MISSY und ZEITjUNG Artikel in petto - oder meine Wiesn-Tipps für 22places, denn nach der Wiesn ist vor der Wiesn! Mit meiner Partnerin spreche ich zudem in regelmäßigen Abständen über "Sailor Moon" in unserem Spotify-Podcast "Sailor Ship! Teaching My Girlfriend About Sailor Moon!". Neben "Sailor Moon" bin ich ein "Hamilton"-Girlie und Swiftie! Ich freue mich sehr, euch mit auf die Reise zu nehmen! Und noch einmal vielen lieben Dank für die vielen lieben Kommentare auf meinen Auftritt bei "Shopping Queen”, die mich gestern erreicht haben - vor allem die aus der Sera-Myu-Ecke
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oswaldears · 2 years ago
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🌙When your cat gives you a hard time for being boy crazy even though she literally snuck onto a flight to Titusville, Florida chasing after a human guy🌙
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miniaturephantomprincess · 7 years ago
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Is it time to rule the galaxy yet?
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callmehabie · 7 years ago
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If I can’t find trim that looks like this, I’ll have to make it myself. The pearl and rose gold are for the flower shape on the bow. The crystal are for the sleeves. Time to get beading. 💚🌹💚🌹
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levistillalive · 7 years ago
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I've made a Sera Myu master post with all the links I've gathered so far for all the materials (fabric, trim, beads, gems etc.) Link in bio There's still a lot of stuff to find 😭... I really needed something organized like this instead of just bookmarking everything on chrome 😱 I plan to add eternal, cosmos & chibimoon eventually! I'm not sure about super but I can have our super send me links to add to this. I'll make a seperate post with all the reference photos I've gathered as well eventually . alcassiopeia.blogspot.com . . . . . . #cosplay #cosplayer #sailormoon #sailormooncosplay #seramyu #seramyucosplay #sailormoonmusical #sailormoonmusicalcosplay #lemouvementfinal #eternalsailormooncosplay #supersailormooncosplay #sailorcosmoscosplay
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landofanimes · 5 years ago
Yume Musical & SailorMoonGerman - 25 years of Sera Myu (2018)
An impressive and charming fan tribute to Sailor Moon Musicals ^^ 
Open the video on youtube to see the time stamps of each song!
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years ago
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A highlight of Sailor Moon the Super Live were these adorable little cosplayers! I can’t believe I saw a Sailor Luna!
I didn’t get any names, but if anyone sees themselves or their kids here and wants their name added, let me know!
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severalsunlitmornings · 6 years ago
I can’t believe it actually happened still! Our Sera Myu group won best in show at Wondercon 2019! The amount of time and effort each of these girls put into all of our costumes is astounding, and our Venus Lunar Lyn is to thank for it all! What a ride the last year has been! I’m kinda melancholy it’s over 😭❤️
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thelastblackmoon · 1 year ago
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My Handmade Sailor Star Fighter Cosplay!!
This design is a mashup of the Classic 90's anime, the Sailor Moon Musical Sera Myu, and a little bit of Cosmos/the manga thrown in! I felt like taking a bit from each would make it an awesome representation of all versions. It also helped me conceptualize a design that I felt would be more beautiful irl and on my own figure.
The colored tiara and hair tie calls back to Cosmos, and the ear piece with the star mic is also more manga accurate:
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Most of the costume is based on the Sera Myu version since it offered the most support as well as a level of coverage I was comfortable with. I opted for thicker holographic straps and higher waisted shorts that both looked more flattering and made the suit feel more battle ready:
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I used the coloring from the 90's Anime, leaning towards an ultra shiny black rather than a dark blue/navy. The entire look was based on the holographic effect that the fabric I used had, so each piece incorporated that flare. I also wanted to keep the original v shaped design on the shorts, and while the gold belt that the Musical version featured worked to break up the fabric, I opted to avoid it and instead put in slits to offer more mobility while helping the bottoms flare & look smaller.
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I stayed pretty classic for all the props, using a 3D rendering designed by @digitalauge-de as a reference alongside official artwork and proplicas I have:
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The Sailor Star Yell prop features remote operated color changing LED lights inside. I'll do a separate post breaking down the Sailor Star Yell prop, earpiece, and brooch later!
I'll also do a more in-depth breakdown of drafting & constructing the costume itself at some point, but there's so much behind the scenes material to go through it'll take a hot second to organize it into one post.
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leafnincosplay · 3 months ago
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It's not exactly a secret I love anime musicals, and I convinced my sister and my friend to join me for a small group. This one is based on the 2024 musicals! Since my sister was visiting last week (yay!) I got to start this early. (Easier to fit on a body instead of a dress form)
So far, the outfit is made of spandex and taffeta. The collar stripes area covered with thin clear vinyl fabric to prevent catching. There's an invisible zipper up the back and snaps on the back bow. The sleeve and waist puffs are furniture foam covered in spandex.
I'm gonna go back to Wedding Peach for a bit then it's time to get musical!
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howmanyheartaches · 2 years ago
Happy Birthday Michiru Kaioh 💚🌊🐚 I interpreted one of her manga looks for the "The Starry Heavens" choreography (from "Kaguya-hime no Koibito") as Michiru loves to wear dark, sexy clothes in it! I used my very first wig as her manga hair as to me is very distinctive longer then her anime wavy head. Naoko described this even: in the manga, all her shall look like in great motion with the wind! Happy Moonie Monday!
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misshotaru · 7 years ago
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Eternal Sailor Moon coser:   小圣 on bcy
Tuxedo Mask coser: 公子青桑 on bcy
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miniaturephantomprincess · 7 years ago
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Sneak peak 2 ⭐️🌙
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