#september newsletter
theofficersacademy · 22 days
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With our tenth lore event officially wrapped up, here’s to a new month and a new year for The Officers Academy! Thank you for continuing to accompany us on this journey!
Current Month in TOA: Great Tree Moon
Our 5th anniversary event, Happyland, has officially concluded! Once again, a reminder that with the plotline in the Officers Academy now deviating so much from canon, the academy will no longer be a one-year institute. Students can stay and study for as long as they wish, as long as they participate in their church-assigned missions every month. Of course, not everyone is expected to remain a student for life, so promotions to faculty are always available to you to continue your muses’ stories.
Please be sure to read the closing information for Happyland! It is no longer permitted to start new threads within the event setting, but you are more than welcome to have fun playing with any new friendships (or otherwise) upon your return to the academy proper.
Thank you to everyone who submitted and voted on our anniversary mission tasks! Our new mission board begins today, so check it out here!
We’re also proud to announce the new classes we’ll be adding to the rank chart! Our top three were Malig Knight (28 votes), Witch (27 votes), and Grandmaster (19 votes)! These classes and their masteries will be added to the rank chart shortly.
And our new rank chart items will be: Scrolls (Reason D through A), Berserk Staff (Faith B), Fistbreaker (Bow B). These will be added to the rank chart shortly.
If you missed it through all of the anniversary hype: Don't forget, the 2nd TOA Zine is now accepting submissions!
The feedback following a big event is some of the most important feedback we get. The more detailed you are, the better it helps us adjust and change things for future events and the group as a whole. Please take a moment to fill out this feedback form about Happyland.
Given the sheer number of claims anticipated with this monthly turnover, we’ve created a schedule to help keep them manageable for Rai. Claims that come outside of their allotted timeframe will be deleted, so please pay attention to the dates and groups:
9/1-9/2: Dedicated to regular claims. This is if you are ranking up in a skill after placing your August activity skill point into your stats page, mastering classes, etc. This does not include ranks from the Knowledge Gem, so please wait on those. 9/3-9/4: Team Rats participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/5-9/6: Team Sheep participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/7-9/8: Team Snakes participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/9-9/10: Team Weasels participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. After 9/10: Normal claims resume
Important Updates:
After some careful deliberation, the mod team is implementing a change to the rule concerning which supporting characters TOA will accept. Where before almost any named character could be applied for, we will now be requiring that characters have a canon appearance.
Muses that are already a part of TOA prior to this ruling will, for the time being, be grandfathered in.
As ever, with background characters, it is important we see what canon information is available in the application itself and, once accepted, the character should still not stray too far from this canon. TOA does not accept OCs.
September Mun Birthdays: Sekhmet (1st), Lailah (12th), Pat (15th), Eri (30th)
September Muse Birthdays: Gerome (1st), Azama (8th), Micaiah (10th), Veyle (12th), Griss (17th), Byleth (M) (20th), Byleth (F) (20th), Andrei (23rd), Morion (23rd), Marisa (28th), Dorothea (29th), Rafiel (29th), Ótr (30th)
1st year: Neku (13th), Queenie (16th)
2nd year: Emily (4th)
3rd year: Eri (23rd), Cody (27th)
4th year: none
5th year: Sam (16th)
1st year: Selena (FE8) (6th), Lianna (7th), Ewan (16th), Andrei (23rd)
2nd year: Sakura (4th), Hilda (4th)
3rd year: none
4th year: Kris (M) (28th)
5th year: Laslow (16th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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It’s time for the season of pumpkin spice and cinnamon confectionery— Autumn! Halloween preparation launches full-swing now that each dormitory has finalized their venue. Each student commits to a balancing act between exams, Halloween preparation, and their extracurriculars. It’s tough work, but the prevalent buzz of excitement for Halloween makes the labor worthwhile. 
Paranormal phenomena? Rumors of strange occurrences on campus trickle into everyday conversation; it’s all a bunch of hearsay. The month of Halloween brings forth an abundance of spooky stories and cheap frights. Tall tales of unfamiliar faces and midnight hauntings leave most students scratching their heads at the origins. It’s nothing to think much about, is the general consensus of the student body… until a candle altar makes an appearance in the courtyard. 
The points for the eight dormitories have been tallied! In the lead stands Ignihyde! Heartslabyul follows in second, and then Diasomnia thereafter. Octavinelle and Scarabia are tied, with only a two-point gap ahead from Savanaclaw. Ramshackle and NRU still follow in last place. 
There are no postings on the bulletin board this month except one tallying the final scores of each house’s Halloween venues. The list reads as follows:
Heartslabyul: 8 points Savanaclaw: 10 points Octavinelle: 10 points Scarabia: 10 points Pomefiore: 9 points Ignihyde: 10 points Diasomnia: 8 points
“After much deliberation, the Halloween judge panel has determined that the best and spookiest venue award this year goes to… Ignihyde!”
(NOTE: There are no prompts this month in favor of Halloween mini-events.) 
Birthday celebrations are an honored tradition at Night Raven University. The following students and faculty have upcoming birthdays:
Student and Faculty Birthdays: Trey Clover (25th), Rove Bogge (31st)
Please give your peers your sincerest birthday greetings… and do be sure not to leave their respective dormitories and offices in a mess.
Halloween Committee & Preparation Event has ended!  The group chats will close on October 2nd, 12:00AM / 00:00 PST. Please wrap up all of your conversations or transfer them into a dash thread by then. 
A new Halloween event will begin on October 3rd! Stay tuned for details.
RULE UPDATE: The application for OCs now includes a segment for a backstory! With this new addition, we’re requiring all existing OCs to submit their backstories for the mod team’s housekeeping by October 7th.
Feedback survey for September is here! Please fill it out here.
Mun birthdays: Achilles (5th), Rose (15th)
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chloehazeljane · 11 months
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the-automators · 1 year
AutoHotkey Newsletter September 7th
Imagine you’re making your cup of morning coffee ☕. If you’re like my wife you like it with 2 sugars and 3 creams. However here is how you go about making it: You pour 2 ounces of coffee in your coffee cup You add 1 sugar You add 1 cream You pour 2 more ounces of coffee You add the 2nd sugar You add 2ndcream You pour 2 more ounces of coffee You add 3rd cream You pour 2 more ounces of…
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sindar-princeling · 2 days
today's a reading day!
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melien · 6 days
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I just hope we'll be together for 999 more years💜
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k-she-rambles · 1 year
Hobbits are not genre savvy
• sleeping in a stone circle?
• this monument in noonday sun is cold. Let's have a picnic!
• Tom TOLD them to stay on the godsward side of the barrows if they had to interact with one, and what do they do?
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today's a reading day!
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sdpubliclibrary · 14 days
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Burn All Books Newsletter
September 2024
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thefoolsprocession · 2 months
deltarune newsletter is out, it seems like the date of release is finally becoming more tangible
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mar64ds · 2 months
Seems like a lot of people don't believe chapters 3 and 4 will come out this year. Don't worry i will always be the insane person that believes it will come out each year so you don't have to
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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We’ve survived the month of August (though we can’t say the same for some of your muses)! Here’s to a new month and a new year for The Officers Academy!
Current Month in TOA: Great Tree Moon
Our 4th anniversary event, Sabbam Vitatham, has officially concluded! Once again, a reminder that with the plotline in the Officers Academy now deviating so much from canon, the academy will no longer be a one-year institute. Students can stay and study for as long as they wish, as long as they participate in their church-assigned missions every month. Of course, not everyone is expected to remain a student for life, so promotions to faculty are always available to you to continue your muses’ stories.
Please be sure to read the closing information for Sabbam Vitatham! While no new threads can be started using the event setting, you are welcome to create new epilogue threads about your characters returning to their homelands to make sure that everything truly was a dream.
Thank you to everyone who submitted and voted on our anniversary mission tasks! Our new mission board begins today, so check it out here!
If you haven't had a chance to look yet, take a peek at our recently expanded Rank Chart! Details of additions and changes can be found on August's newsletter.
Mentor signups are open! Please sign up if you’re interested in helping a newcomer get acclimated to the group. Of note: it is now a requirement to be 18+ in order to apply to be a mentor.
The feedback following a big event is some of the most important feedback we get. The more detailed you are, the better it helps us adjust and change things for future events and the group as a whole. Please take a moment to fill out this feedback form about Sabbam Vitatham.
Given the sheer number of claims anticipated with this monthly turnover, we’ve created a schedule to help keep them manageable for Rai. Claims that come outside of their allotted timeframe will be deleted, so please pay attention to the dates and groups:
9/1-9/2: Dedicated to regular claims. This is if you are ranking up in a skill after placing your August activity skill point into your stats page, mastering classes, etc. This does not include ranks from the Knowledge Gem, so please wait on those. 9/3-9/4: Team Ilia participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/5-9/6: Team Zofia participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/7-9/8: Team Nabata participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/9-9/10: Team Verdane participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/11-9/12: Team Rigel participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. 9/13-9/14: Team Aed participation, grand prize, knowledge gem ranks. After 9/14: Normal claims resume
Important Updates:
The mod team has swept through our rules page and updated it with information that has become implicit within the group. Please read the page over again and refresh yourself on our rules!
We would like to call attention to the following rule on our rules page: Please stay as faithful to canon as possible. Headcanons and creativity are definitely encouraged, but refrain from too much canon divergence, such as changing or erasing large aspects of what make them who they are. We have had a number of repeat offenders breaking this rule and will begin awarding warnings and possibly strikes for too much canon deviance.
The spoilers ban for Fire Emblem Engage and its DLC has been lifted. You will no longer be required to spoiler tag story-related art or text
September Mun Birthdays: Sekhmet (1st), Pat (15th), Aria (21st)
September Muse Birthdays: Azama (8th), Micaiah (10th), Lugh (10th), Veyle (12th), Phila (13th), Griss (17th), F!Byleth (20th), Nanna (20th), Dorothea (29th)
First-year mun anniversaries this month: Emily (4th), Arianna (4th)
Second-year mun anniversaries this month: Cody (28th)
Fourth-year mun anniversaries this month: Elf (6th), Sam (16th)
First-year muse anniversaries this month: Hilda (4th), Sakura (4th), Colm (4th), Rhea (14th)
Third-year muse anniversaries this month: M!Kris (28th)
Fourth-year muse anniversaries this month: Laslow (16th)
Muses who have been in the group for a solid year will also be granted an Academy Brooch to put in their inventory. It doesn’t do anything. It just lets others know your character has been around the block. These characters are also granted a new opportunity to change houses if they wish to do so.
- The House Leaders
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aegissi · 2 years
im literally so busy this month I feel like bella hadid during fashion week except jobless and poorer so nothing like bella hadid actually
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Month of Libra from 09.22 to 10.23 in the monthly delivery of the public, free and online Newsletter by Tres Mancias.
It includes a few introductory words, Tarot cards of the sign, I Ching hexagrams for the new season, Libra's influence in other signs' developments, Karmic Astrology for new born babies, Moons of the month and eclipse on October, two articles quite related to the sign of the scales, flourishing tree spirits according to Celtic tradition, and Hephaestus and Ares narrations related to the sign in Greek myths.
Fortune-telling in I Ching's double ones
Art & Mancias in I Ching in T'ai Chi Chuan
If you want to receive an email announcing every delivery, subscribe for free to the exclusive version.
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sindar-princeling · 14 hours
today's a reading day!
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SEPTEMBER Newsletter
Yes/No/Maybe So…
Pick a number between 1 - 39
***Add the numbers together for the answer IF more than one digit add the numbers until you get a singular number UNLESS ending in 0 or repeating numbers***
odd number
even number
0 or repeating numbers
Q1: Where’s the energy this month?
Q2: What things can be done to maintain a positive attitude?
A1: Four of Wands (UR )
This month is all about getting yourself together and stabilizing yourself. You might even be invited to events or there might be an event that you’ve been wanting to go too. Or perhaps there is something in your life you’ve been meaning to do. Cleaning out your closet? Finishing that painting? Need to clean up your room? Don’t worry this moment you will have moments to do so. This month you will be able to truly focus.
A2: Knave (Page) of Swords (UR) explained by Strength (R )
Maintain this positivity by staying on your toes because we are our own worst enemy. Be careful not to get caught up in yourself. Be alert to changes within yourself and keep yourself at a steady pace. Don’t be afraid to be good to yourself. Allow yourself to do things for yourself so you may be able to sustain what you have already have.
🐹🐰🐶From our Familiars/Pets🦢🦜🦋🐱
Familiars: Are high ranking members inside the family dynamic meant to assist or aid a family member or members.
Pets: Is not meant to assist other family members, however still a high ranking member within the household.
Q1: Current energy from a feathered, furry, or hairless loved one.
Q2: How can we maintain a positive energy?
A1: The Star (R ) explained by The Magician ( R) . King of Wands ( R)
The current energy I can tell is already at a low start. There may be a time where they do feel very upset at something. There is something that is causing them to feel all these emotions ranging. There is something in their life that is just causing them unhappiness. It reminds me of a dog who’s been outside too long yet they know what it’s like to be within four walls. Sheltered from the elements. There is something that can range from not having enough/old enrichments, having to wear a cone, change in their food, etc.
A2: King of Cups (UR) explained by Ten of Cups (R )
This one I feel may be a little bit contradictory which can be confusing. I register this as you might be able to cause a little havoc for their greater good, or if you have the opportunity to enrich their life! Either by doing that mentally, physically, etc. I can see to maintain happiness this may need to be done.
UR = Up Right
R = Reverse
Q = Question
A = Answer
Even number: I do free magick work Temperance (UR) = Maybe
Odd number: I do give free readings
4 of cups (R ) = Maybe
0 or Repeating number: Remember to touch grass
The Tower (R ) = Maybe/No
*Up to you to decide*
Interested in other magick work, just ask! I might have something for you.
I reserve the right to say no at any point in time.
Tips are appreciated and 100% recycled back into my craft.
CASH APP: $loveANDwar0021
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