#seonghwa romance
jk97 · 8 months
Unprofessional Attraction | ONE
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♡ pairing - yunho x afab!reader ♡ word count - 13K ♡ series synopsis - There's no such thing as a coincidence, right? CollegeSenior!Reader (22) and linguistics teacher Yunho Jeong (27) indulge in an entanglement of inappropriate gravitation. It's risky and it's wrong, but listening to one's better judgment never leads to anything as intoxicating. When someone threatens this secret relationship with blackmail to expose the truth, things take a turn for the worse. Graduation can't seem to come fast enough. ♡ warnings for this chapter - fluff and explicit content (mdni), slight age gap, teacher/student relationship, other members are featured, pining, some obsessive behavior and manipulation (mainly from reader), drinking alcohol, inebriated driving (big no no frens!) perverted!yunho, bigdick!yunho, sprinkles of praise, fingering, cunnilingus, unprotected sex (mention of bc pill tho), porn with plot  ♡ A/N - part one is kinda tame, the next two parts will have more explicit scenes. I hope you enjoy, and please look forward to the rest! I haven't posted a fic on tumblr in many years so pls be kind ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Yeosang is too attentive, especially when it comes to his best friend.
That’s why he knows you well enough to call you out when he whispers, “You’re staring again.”
“I’m staring at the whiteboard, pretty sure that’s what you’re supposed to do in class,” you argue, not bothering to even glance at him. It’s quite obvious that your eyes are too busy soaking in things that don’t have to do with phonology.
Your linguistics teacher, Yunho Jeong, is dressed particularly charmingly today. Something about the tight-fitting white polo shirt and chocolate brown slacks he has on this class is too distracting. It doesn’t help that his hair is a little more messy than usual, you wonder if he was running late this morning. Linguistics has nothing to do with your major, however, for your final semester in college, you simply needed a filler class for your last few credits. Yeosang suggested joining him in this class so you could both support each other, but he never factored in the fact that you’d be too distracted by the teacher to do anything of use for him. There weren’t many younger teachers such as Yunho at your university; in fact, you were pretty sure this was only his second semester teaching in general. He was generally a mild-mannered and easygoing teacher, but he was also able to command a room when necessary.
A minute later, Yunho offers everyone a 10-minute break since the last section of his lecture lasted a little longer than he anticipated, and the class immediately breaks out into chatter.
“He’s single, you know,” Yeosang turns towards you and props up his head on his palm, “Or so I’ve heard.”
“Don’t tell me things like that, you’ll make me delusional.”
He doesn’t miss the goofy smile tugging at your lips as you stretch your tired limbs from too much sitting. The lectures for this class were two hours long, but they were only twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays, so you couldn’t complain too much.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“That I might have a chance with him,” you nudge him playfully.
“I’m not sure he’d want to date someone barely passing his own class,” Yeosang quips quickly, subsequently squeezing his eyes shut when you flick his forehead in response.
“Watch your mouth, I am not ‘barely passing’!” You return your eyes to the subject of your conversation, slowly taking in his form, “For the record, I could definitely pull him if I tried to. You think he likes younger women?”
“That is a terrible idea,” your best friend immediately shakes his head. “Absolutely not.”
“Surely I would be guaranteed to pass then though, no?” you offer instead, half-joking.
“You haven’t gotten laid in the last month and this is the first person that comes to your mind to fix that?” Yeosang scoffs incredulously.
“I wouldn’t just be in it for the sex,” you clarify. Your keen eyes watch his every move, from the way that his large hands flex as he thumbs at his phone to the way he purses his lips in curiosity at whatever he’s looking up. Like a lion stalking a gazelle before pouncing. “He’s quite literally perfect. Tall, smart, handsome, financially stable… the whole package. I deserve a man like that, right Yeo?”
You meet Yeosang’s eyes curiously, and he reminds you, “I think you’re forgetting he’s our teacher .”
“We graduate soon,” you whine, “Act now, worry later. I could graduate with a boyfriend already lined up the minute I get handed my degree.”
“You’re playing with fire, ____,” he holds his hands up in surrender. As your best friend, he knows you’re not joking, despite how much you might play it off later. He knows that once you set your mind on something, you generally don’t stop until it’s achieved, “Let’s see you try, though. It’ll be entertaining.”
When class resumes, you listen to the rest of his lecture with renewed cravings and an unusually optimistic disposition Yeosang has never seen you hold for this subject.
From that moment forward, every instance you “stumbled” across your teacher was planned. You figured out which parking lot he parked his car on during the day and bought a proper parking pass for that lot, now alternating between taking the shuttle and your car to the university. Your schedules crossed occasionally on your driving days, and you’d simply offer warm greetings or cheerful send-offs depending on the time of day. Yunho was a man of habit who visited the same campus restaurant nearly every day he worked during lunchtime in between his midday classes. It didn’t take much energy to stop by a couple of days a week and run into Yunho, giving you the ability to strike up a conversation or two when asking for recommendations on what you should order. These instances were simply to put you more on his radar, instead of just being a face in the sea of students in his class.
He seems to be good friends with two other teachers who are also around his age, teachers Seonghwa Park and San Choi. You wonder if getting in their good graces would somehow transfer to your teacher, by word of mouth. Luckily, you have a friend who has Mr. Park for a history seminar. On a Sunday night, you shoot a text to set the stage.
  [Y/N: Jongho!!!! It’s been so long since we’ve hung out :(( Can I swing by your class tomorrow and pick you up? Let’s get lunch!]
When 2 PM rolls around on Monday, you make the mistake of trusting the shuttle to come on time. It’s nearly 3 PM when you get to the necessary building, and you’re sure Jongho’s class ended close to half an hour ago. The plan to run across Mr. Park is thrown completely out of the window, you are only worried about Jongho being upset with you. You know he’d never, but still. Being late to something planned ahead of time always upsets you to no end. You curse at yourself over and over every stride down the hall, and it’s good that the hallways are virtually empty or else you’d probably look crazy. Eventually, you make it to your destination.
You’re just about to blindly call out an apology to Jongho but end up stopping dead in your tracks as soon as you enter the door; not only is Mr. Park in the room seated at his desk, but he’s also accompanied by Mr. Choi and Mr. Jeong. They’re huddled together, Yunho leaning against the whiteboard leisurely with a cup of coffee in his hand while intently listening to Seonghwa complain about the registrar’s office fucking up another one of his student’s enrollment for his class.
“There she is,” Jongho sighs this aloud as if his prayers have been answered.
He didn’t know if you were going to still make it and he’s dying of hunger from skipping breakfast. Immediately, all three men’s eyes turn towards the entrance. You pray to God that your face isn’t flushed with how hot you feel being the fixation of so many eyes. Or maybe it’s more so how handsome the men are that those eyes are coming from. This surely isn’t the time to have such a weakness for a strapping man in a button-up and crisp slacks.
“Hello, ____,” Yunho is the first of the three to speak. Subsequently, San amiably nods toward you in acknowledgment.
“Good afternoon all,” you greet everyone, bashfully adding, “I’m so sorry for interrupting.”
“Not interrupting at all,” Seonghwa waves his hands, dispelling those fears, “We were curious why Jongho was sticking back so late. He assured us a friend was coming to get him and we just chose not to leave him.”
Well, this is embarrassing. You nod hastily and glance toward Jongho, who is practically skipping down the lecture hall’s steps. Yunho wants to crack a joke about seeing you everywhere, about how you both must be magnets or something else silly, but he decides to keep that to himself. He doesn’t want it to seem like he’s keeping track of course, even if he is.
Instead, he affirms to the other men, “This is a student of mine.”
Admittedly, your ears had tuned every other word out except “mine”, and you nodded a little too enthusiastically. You haven’t been this discomposed in a long time, too bashful to look any of them in the eyes, and you pray it’s not showing too much elsewhere. Jongho’s friendly hand landing on your shoulder grounds you.
“You ready?”
“Absolutely,” you puff out.
“Don’t cause too much trouble for her, Jongho,” Seonghwa pokes a bit of fun at one of his top students, who replies by waving him away and scoffing. They seem to be relaxed with each other— this is something you desire to achieve with Yunho soon. You snatch up your friend’s hand and finally move to leave for lunch, if it could even be considered that now with how late it is.
“See you Wednesday, Mr. Jeong,” you look back and shoot him a wave, accompanied by a charming smile. He nods back, offering you his own as well.
Unbeknownst to you, San’s eyes follow you out the door with Jongho, especially surveying the plush of your thighs rubbing together as you walk. Such as yourself, skirts are surely a weakness of his.
“She’s a senior, right?” he murmurs, half-jokingly.
“Stop it,” Yunho promptly elbows San in the arm, earning a stifled laugh from Seonghwa.
Yunho has heard stories about San’s slight affinity with the pretty college women when he goes out to bars on the weekends. Nobody from his own classes, of course. Needless to say, Yunho would not let him even think about you that way. No way in hell.
“I was just asking, Jesus.”
Seonghwa stretches his limbs from his chair, “It’s never ‘just asking’ with you.”
“You buy a table of women drinks one time and your friends never let you hear the end of it,” he groans with a roll of his eyes, “God you guys are the worst.”
“Yeah, sure, that’s what it is,” Seonghwa concedes sarcastically.
“Just don’t make any unannounced visits to my classroom anytime soon, you buffoon,” Yunho chastises him while pressing his cup to his lips, “And I’m serious.”
“You got that,” San yields, “Wouldn’t wanna be a cock-block.”
Yunho nearly spits his coffee, “I beg your pardon?”
San nearly doubles over in laughter and, to Yunho’s surprise, Seonghwa has joined in. He doesn’t particularly enjoy the look they’re sharing and it makes the back of his neck burn with heat. Yunho doesn’t know why he’s so embarrassed but he steers the conversation away from discussing you any further. He ignores the feeling of indignation and possessiveness pooling in the pit of his stomach.
It doesn’t take long for you to decide you’ve done what needed to be done outside of the classroom; the cherry on top now was simply to get him alone more privately.
You didn’t have to try very hard for this to happen; your work on your paper outline was already sub-par at best. You did fairly well on the quizzes and packets he passed out once a week, but that final paper preparation was surely going to be a challenge. When you find enough courage in yourself to email him about seeing him during his office hours for extra academic help on formatting your paper and choosing a more concise topic, he replies quickly and enthusiastically. According to your syllabus, the topic should relate to what you’re studying for your degree, but the real meat and potatoes of the paper should incorporate an aspect of linguistics in relation to your career path. Yunho understands how something like this can be difficult to tackle, so he assures you not to worry and that you both will work on perfecting it in no time.
“Mr. Jeong, do you mind if I text you instead? It’s more convenient for me than to email,” you end up asking him at the end of class on a Friday.
Yunho doesn’t mind this and he says so; he's put his phone number on the syllabus for situations like this. Moreover, he doesn’t think anything of it when he receives a text from you the morning of your first session telling him good morning and saying that you’re excited to finally get some guidance. You follow up by asking how he likes his coffee, and if he prefers muffins or donuts. Even after this indicator, he’s still surprised that you show up at his office right on time at 10 AM on Monday with two fresh cups of coffee and a couple of things from the campus bakery.
His office is fairly small, but not enough to feel uncomfortable. He’s decorated it to his liking though to make it feel a little more homely on the days he has to stay late for one reason or another. He watches you marvel at his space before you set down everything in your hands and relieve yourself of your backpack.
“Good morning!”
“Good morning ____, welcome in,” Yunho smiles. “You’re very punctual.”
“Of course, I meant what I said about being excited,” you tell him honestly, settling into the seat in front of his desk, “The right one is yours, by the way.”
Yunho timidly thanks you before sliding it closer to himself. He’s never had a student do something for him like this, then again he hasn’t been teaching that long to begin with. Regardless, he appreciates it and the gesture goes straight to his heart. He takes a sip to emphasize this.
“I’m all ready when you are,” you proclaim, clasping your hands together.
With that, he begins to look through his folders for your class number and finds the topic idea and outlines you’ve submitted previously. He doesn’t even have to look for your name specifically, you always tend to write his name and your class section in a particular way on the top of your work that is very appealing and oddly unique.
“You have really pretty handwriting,” Yunho murmurs out absentmindedly when he finds it. When he lifts his head to see your intrigued eyes gazing back at him, he clears his throat and adds, “Mine looks like chicken scratch so I’m always fascinated by others.”
“As long as it’s legible, that’s all that matters,” you hum with a smile, “And I can read yours just fine, so you’re fine.”
Yunho’s not sure why that mild compliment, something that should probably be insignificant, steals his words from him for a moment. Instead, he offers a hum in place of thanks while quickly taking another sip of his coffee. He glances at his notes before speaking again.
“Okay, so when I reviewed your work, it seems like you generally have a solid topic,” he begins, “It’s definitely something that can be a bit more concise, but it’s fine. The problem is that you’re trying to incorporate too much into the paper as a whole.”
You nod in understanding, so he takes a sip of coffee and continues.
“That’s good and bad, for a couple of reasons. It’s good that you’re being ambitious and trying to give lots of information. This shows me that you’re planning on doing a lot of research and you’re going to be very knowledgeable about your topic,” Yunho cocks his head, “If you set yourself up like this, though, your paper will end up being over twenty pages easily. And we both don’t want that, right?”
He gives you a knowing look, and you can’t help the candid snort you let out at his frankness, “Definitely not, oh God. I’m so sorry.”
“Precisely. So, let’s work on cutting some of these sections out and conjoining some of these bullet points in others. Sound good?” He holds out his hand with a grin as if to make it a deal, and you grant him a firm shake.
After a considerable amount of time figuring out which parts of your paper to chop without losing the vision, Yunho feels his limbs tighten from sitting too long. He’s been in this chair since 9 AM, so he asks, “Can we take a quick break? I need to stretch a bit.”
“Of course!”
When he stands to full height and stretches his arms, your eyes inconspicuously survey the way the edge of the desk lines up right with his pelvis. Perfect height for extracurricular activities… You wonder if he’s the type of guy to be open to something like that, fucking his lover in his office. Surely this thing is sturdy enough to withstand it, you muse. The thought of him bending you over the desk just to prove how sturdy it is makes you rub your thighs together. You decide to chug the rest of your now-cold coffee to get your brain back on track. Yunho collapses back into his office chair gently and lets you know he’s ready to resume. The rest of the time is spent setting up a list of some things you could tweak when you go home on your own and prepare for him to view in a couple of days.
On Wednesday, for your second meeting, you both convene at his office directly after your class with him in the afternoon. You smell especially good today, a mix of jasmine, vanilla, and something else he can’t put his tongue on… but it’s got Yunho’s head a bit foggy. Still, the meeting is engaging and brimming with useful help just as the last. Leaning back in his chair, he takes a brief moment to review a printout of what you’ve implemented into your outline from your last meeting discussions. It’s definitely already an improvement, but there are still a few things that could be tweaked in terms of sectioning. He grabs his favorite pen and lays your papers out in front of you, leaning forward to mark things you should be mindful of. A circle here, a quick jotted note there—his soothing voice explains each eagerly, and you can tell just how much he loves this subject by his enthusiasm. You reply to all of his criticism and suggestions with just as much enthusiasm. Yunho finds himself leaning in a little closer than might be suitable for the circumstances, but his brain is still ensnared by your perfume. He doesn’t even realize what he’s doing, truthfully, but it doesn’t bother you a bit. In fact, you’re a little too enamored with watching his large hands grip his pen and flex while writing to notice he’s calling your name.
“____?” he calls for a second time, to which you finally meet his gaze while blinking bashfully. “You okay?”
“I’m sorry, I think I spaced out for a second,” you answer honestly. He is absolutely too close to you right now and the way you can see the details in his eyes is making your brain short-circuit. He finally sits back in his chair and chuckles warmly.
“We have been working for quite a while today, I’m sure it’s a lot of information. Maybe we should wrap up for the day and meet again next week? I’m a bit tied up on Friday,” he ponders. You can’t help the hint of disappointment that makes its way onto your face, and he notices. There’s this unusual feeling in his chest right now; why does he feel regret for his stupid schedule? He leans forward on his elbows and cocks his head, “You’re doing very well, you know that? We’ve made a lot of progress after only a couple of meetings. I’m very excited to see how this comes together at the end of the semester.”
“I’m very self-conscious about my writing, so I appreciate that, Mr. Jeong,” you confess with a sheepish smile.
“You have nothing to be stressed about, I love what I’ve seen so far,” he continues his praise, “And I’m very happy you’re in my class, ____.”
The smile he gives you after such a statement manifests dozens of butterflies in your stomach, and you can’t help but match it. These one-on-one sessions go on 2-3 days a week for about two more weeks, loosening him up to you. He successfully becomes much more casual and unfiltered in your presence before you decide to up the ante. The following Tuesday of the next week, you remain on campus fairly late after classes end for the day, seated on a bench near the parking lot you both share. It’s warm outside even with the sun gradually setting, and you spend the time mentally rehearsing exactly what you planned on saying when he arrives to leave for home. He should be here any minute now–
You spin around at the familiar voice calling out your name. It’s him, of course, coming from the staff meeting you found out was being held this evening. Finally , you think. He stops just short of where you’re perched on the bench.
“Oh, hello Mr. Jeong.”
“What are you doing out here so late?” He inquires quickly, and there’s a tinge of concern laced in his voice. However, he realizes that asking this might be out of the realm of things he should know, you’re a grown woman after all. So, he follows up with an excuse, “It’s getting pretty dark out.”
“It’s a bit embarrassing,” you mutter, glancing away from his gaze.
Yunho can’t deny, he’s a bit mesmerized by the way you look tonight. He’s never seen you with your make-up done up like this, or your hair styled so charmingly. When you glance back at him again with those long, fluttering lashes of yours, he feels the back of his neck turn hot.
“You can tell me anything, you already know,” he reminds you, “I won’t judge and I’m always available to listen.”
“Well… I have a reservation for dinner with someone at six… but it seems they stood me up,” you reveal while mindlessly fiddling with a frayed string on the skirt of your dress. Yunho glances down at his watch: it’s 5:48 PM. “They were supposed to pick me up a while ago. I was trying to hold out some hope, but… I’m just being stupid.”
Yunho furrows his brows; why would someone stand a girl like you up? You’re beautiful and exceptionally smart (despite any kind of trouble you may have had with your paper). You’re also one of the sweetest people he’s ever crossed paths with in life. Many of those paths having been crossed within the last month, of course. Still, he can’t fathom it.
“I’m so sorry to hear that, ____,” he tells you truthfully. Then, he thinks about how your car isn’t here, and how the shuttle won’t be around until 6:30 PM. He’s slightly apprehensive before offering, “Do you want a ride home?”
You give him a winsome smile that pierces into his heart with an invisible arrow, “You don’t have to do that. I appreciate the offer though.”
“No, really, I don’t mind at all,” he says with more confidence. The idea of him being your knight in shining armor, buried deep in the back of his head, is shouting at him. That’s when you decide it’s time to take your shot, for better or worse.
“Well, in that case, would you like to accompany me to the restaurant instead?” you inquire, glancing up at him curiously. “I already paid for the spot, so I wouldn’t want the reservation to go to waste.”
Normally, you’d follow up a statement like that with a: “But it’s okay if not.”  
Not tonight.
You didn’t want to give him an out to this proposal willingly. You can see the mild indecisiveness in his face anyway, all the way down to how Yunho’s hand tightens around the handle of his briefcase. You did get all dolled up for whoever you were supposed to be spending the evening with, and he’ll feel awfully bad letting you go back home to take it all off for no reason. It’s just a dinner, he tells himself.
“Sure,” Yunho finally says in an exhale, “Let me pull around my car.”
While he walks off into the parking lot towards his car, you bite down hard on your bottom lip to stop the dishonest smile that’s threatening to spread across your face. Was it all a bald-faced lie? Of course it was! But, sometimes it takes some white lies to get to what you want, and what you wanted was no longer that far out of reach if tonight was anything to go by.
When he finally pulls around to pick you up, you allow yourself to slip into the mode you usually go to on dates. It doesn’t hurt to pretend tonight, it’s like manifesting your reality. You thrum your fingers against your bare thighs, to no particular beat, while staring out of the car window at other passing cars during your brief trip on the highway.
“Is this a restaurant you’ve been to before? It looked really nice online,” Yunho eventually says into the silence, trying to make small talk. He had briefly skimmed the reviews while plugging the address in on his phone.
“I haven’t, actually,” you divulge, going further, “I’m a bit of a foodie, you know? I like to try new places occasionally.”
That conversation flows smoothly for the rest of the drive, and even smoother when you both are seated and eating dinner in a booth towards the back of the restaurant. It’s nice to see him in a more relaxed setting.
“Thank you for joining me tonight, Mr. Jeong.” You offer him some well-deserved gratitude as you wipe your mouth, signaling the end of your eating. “Makes things a lot less embarrassing tonight for sure.”
“No need to thank me, I enjoyed your company,” he smiles. He doesn’t even hesitate this time before adding, “That bastard doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”
The bubbly laugh and adorable smile you grant him the experience of witnessing enraptures him, the tips of his ears burning at the thought of how he wants to be able to produce that from you again and again. Yunho hasn’t been on a date in a while, so he’s sure this feeling is just because he’s attention-deprived. Still, it’s something he notes mentally. And, even though some might consider it inappropriate, you and your teacher both began having dinner occasionally, just like that. Platonically, of course.
  “We can go over my questions for my paper topic here rather than in that cramped office of yours, you know?”  
Surprisingly when you proposed this, he showed little resistance to the idea. Yunho enjoyed getting out of the house for the evenings he usually spent alone with a few beers and a Netflix series. He enjoyed having a pretty girl keep him company even more. He reminds himself every time he picks you up, though, that this is simply work and nothing more. Just some overtime—helping a student who enjoyed his class get better at the material. It’s not meant to be enjoyable.
But after the first few times of these “informational paper related” meetings, conversations involving anything to do with linguistics slowly molded into Yunho placing a nimble finger to his lips to say a silent shhh, followed by, “Let’s not talk about schoolwork tonight, okay?”
That moment, when you noticed that slight shift in Yunho’s energy, the atmosphere from there turned more informal. You become more conscious of those important invisible lines between student and teacher— or even more teacher and friend— that have begun to blur significantly. “Good evening Mr. Jeong,” became, “Le’me taste your food, Yunho?”
To which he never declines, naturally.
Tonight, on the 5th dinner, the climate between you both plows further into the downward spiral of informality, warm and fairly flirtatious. At least, that’s what you surmise by the way he keeps openly teasing you this evening. It’s all innocuous banter, but that doesn’t quell the adoration you hold for him in the pit of your stomach. It’s enough to make your thighs clench together underneath the table. You finally decide to shamelessly reciprocate, teasing him about the way his hair is going every which way tonight. You emphasize how the style is still very handsome despite him looking like he’s been through hell and back.
“I was having a pretty bad day today until I remembered where I was going tonight actually,” Yunho divulges, pushing the wrinkly sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows. He truly has been through hell and back today, between snooty older teachers and idiot freshmen both treating him like he’s a student just because of his age, “These kinds of nights with you always make my day, so it’s been saved.”
A playful smile tugs at your lips as you cock your head, “Is it the food or is it the company?”
He leans forward on his forearms with a prepossessing smile, one that makes your heart thump loudly in your ears.
“Both, of course,” he teases again, “I suppose the food is just a bonus, though.”
He takes notice of the way your cheeks are dusted in crimson as you shyly avert your eyes and locks that innocent image into a deep chamber of his mind along with all the others. He practically has a photo album saved mentally. It’s not too long until the food comes, and things become all about eating. A fair amount of time into your dinner, you decide to add a new element to your dynamic.
“Do you mind if I drink a little tonight?” you inquire quietly while your eyes skim the wine menu briefly. Not like you were going to care about his answer, but it was simply fun to ask. He chuckles.
“You’re an adult,” he points out instead. You smile to yourself before meeting his eyes from behind the menu. There’s something especially curious tonight behind those dark irises of his. The unfamiliar stare he gives you from behind his bangs is accompanied by a subtle smirk that makes your stomach tie into tight knots.
You turn away your eyes until you’re able to catch the attention of your waiter once more. In the process of requesting a glass of some Cabernet Sauvignon, you hesitate before saying the name of which brand because of the price tag for one glass, but most risks are pricey and tonight you felt like splurging for the reward in return: releasing your inhibitions. The waiter turns towards Yunho to confirm if he’d like to add anything before he leaves.
“Bring a bottle of that instead, please. We’ll share,” he requests alternatively. It takes all of your strength not to look at him like he’s crazy as the waiter nods and heads off to fetch it.
“It’s on me tonight,” Yunho beats you to the punch on declaring anything about his decisions.
“You don’t even know the price of it.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he quips back with a chuckle, “Are you suggesting I can’t afford it?”
“Don’t even give me that, ____.”
The way he blithely says your first name with a different warmth now always causes your heart to swell in your chest. All formality is truly gone between you two. You both share matching smiles in place of any further words about the matter.
When the waiter returns briefly with a freshly opened bottle of wine and two glasses, you both offer him words of gratitude before he slips away once more. Yunho wastes no time pouring you both a proper amount, sighing contently when finished. You lift your glass towards him and grin once more, “Cheers?”
Yunho surely got his money’s worth, because the bottle is gone between you both quickly, signaling the end of your dinner as well. You don’t feel the few glasses fully set in until Yunho is helping you out of the booth, your legs feeling akin to a newborn baby deer as you bashfully stumble into his arms. You suppose your food wasn’t as carb-heavy as usual tonight. You’re not drunk, but surely you’re not sober either. He doesn’t mind holding you steady on the way out of the restaurant, a guiding hand timidly pressed to the small of your back.
As much as you despise the thought of driving under the influence, it’s pouring an insane amount of rain upon exit of the restaurant and Yunho insists he’s fine enough to drive. The dilemma that arises is how your place is further than he has confidence in making it to in this storm while inebriated. You know just as well as he does that there’s no way he’s driving you home tonight.
“I have a spare bedroom,” he begins, and glances over at you, hoping you understand what he means because he’s not sober enough to come up with the words to ask you otherwise. The pouring water is making it hard for him to keep his eyes open but he doesn’t miss the feigning look of indecision in your eyes. He tries to ignore the way the rain has soaked through your dress enough to make it plaster your body. It accentuates every contour of your figure, from the rounds of your breasts down to your supple thighs. When the boom of thunder somewhere far off fills the silence after his proposal faster than you do, he panics slightly.
“I can get you an Uber if—”
“You already paid for an expensive bottle tonight, don’t waste more money on an Uber,” you grasp onto his arm fondly, sopping breasts squished into his bicep. Your lips curl into a soft smile at his attempt at chivalry though, “I’ll be fine. Let’s hurry though, okay? I’m cold.”
That statement is followed by a sharp shiver running down your back, and that’s enough for him to drag you along with him to his car with quick, but careful, steps.
Surprisingly, Yunho lives in a townhouse. You’re very thankful not to have to walk up the stairs of a condo. He thanks God there’s an empty parking space in front of his house, he hates when the tiny lot fills up before he gets home. You both prepare yourselves before rushing out of the car and to his front door.
Your hazy eyes train themselves on his pretty, slender fingers fiddling with the doorknob before he finally gets it open. Those same fingers grab your hand and pull you through his front door with him mindlessly. Another chill immediately runs down your spine at the cool AC blasting through his home, which he immediately runs off to turn down.
“Both bedrooms have bathrooms with showers,” Yunho sputters while quickly heading off to find you a towel and some spare clothes for which you could sleep in.
While you’re still peeling your drenched shoes and socks off, he settles on a fresh t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants since it’s still a bit chilly in the house. You try not to track too much water through his home while you journey through his living room and meet him halfway.
“I’ll shower in the guest room,” you tell him, taking the items.
He runs an anxious hand through the wet hair sticking to his forehead, “I can also dry your clothes if you leave them on the bed.”
“Fuck, that’s great,” you sigh with a smile, stepping past him but cocking your head back to add, “Wait about five minutes before you come grab them, I should be in the shower by then.”
Just as you requested, Yunho comes into the room a little over five minutes later when he hears the shower running. His eyes confirm that the bathroom door is closed for your privacy before grabbing your wet clothes and retreating to his laundry room down the hall. He chucks them all in his dryer and runs it on medium heat and maximum dryness. While that’s running, he busies himself with running to his bedroom and speedrunning his shower to ensure he’s out before you. He’s a man on a mission, pulling on clothes and towel-drying his hair before rushing to the laundry room to get your clothes.
Yunho pulls your garments from the dryer one by one, making sure there’s nothing left wet. He stops when he pulls something out that catches his eyes. Your underwear. He’s quite enticed by them, even if they were pastel pink with turtles... Hot, he thinks sarcastically. Yunho eyes the crotch curiously and remembers that technically he didn’t wash your clothes at all. It’s been a while since he’s had a girl over his home and that, on top of the thought of even holding your underwear, is taking a small toll on him. He gives in and puts them to his nose, breathing in deeply.
Oh God … Even after they've been soaked in rain, your scent is still heavy on the fabric. He groans, why did you have to smell so fucking good? He remembers that you are quite literally right down the hall while he's here sniffing your underwear like a pervert. It’s your fault, right? Yeah, it’s your fault for trusting him with such a sensitive piece of clothing by himself. It’s your fault for smelling so good and looking so pretty and—
He gives up on rationalizing it and presses the clothing fully onto his face again, inhaling heavily and feeling himself grow harder and harder by the second. His arousal grows worse and worse, precum dampening his underwear with every deep inhale and fluttering thought of what you probably taste like… He finds his hand mindlessly palming himself, and luckily his groans are muffled by the underwear bunched up in his face. That’s when he hears the water shut off.
Yunho whispers a handful of obscenities as he hurries to the room to place your dried clothes on the bed while you’re still in the bathroom, closing the door behind him softly. He’s long gone by the time you step out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
Normally, you’d stay in the shower until your fingertips are pruney, but you suppose being a good guest includes not using up all of his hot water. There were more pressing things to attend to anyway, like the tall attractive man patiently awaiting your presence outside of this room. So, when you tug on your now dry panties and his previously provided clothing, you quickly make your way out of the room and to the living room. You’re not exactly sure what you expected upon seeing him, but he’s indeed still exceptionally handsome freshly out of the shower. Those same curious eyes gaze at you behind his shaggy bangs, still in the process of drying. Clad in a simple white t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts, his biceps and strong thighs are fully on display as he lounges on the couch. The way his long legs are man-spread now that he’s comfortable in his own abode makes you swallow a little harder than usual. Still, you meander over and sit on the other side of the couch, not too far away.
“Your place is very nice,” you state absentmindedly, glancing around at the walls of his home. “Very fit for a bachelor.”
Without you noticing, Yunho’s eyes skillfully study the way you’re so casually in his clothing. You’re too busy glancing around at unnecessary things anyway; he wonders if you’re rambling about his decor because you’re nervous. He’s nervous too, but not for the right reasons. Regardless, seeing you in his clothing is taking an additional toll on his mental health. How did you both end up in this situation together… This is wrong, he thinks. He shakes his head to try and clear those corrupted thoughts from his mind. It isn’t until you realize he hasn’t replied to anything in a couple of minutes of you jabbering that you finally peer over at him. His eyes are trained on the short distance between the both of you, mindlessly chewing on the nail of his thumb.
“You okay?” you ask, finally catching his attention.
He nods hastily, “Definitely. Sorry, it’s been a long day. Mind is on empty.”
“You’re fine, no worries.”
It’s uncomfortably quiet for a moment as you both exchange stares. You’re seconds away from breaking the silence before Yunho steals the chance.
“I’m sure you’re tired, so we can head to bed,” he suddenly exhales, hands clasping his thighs, “The guest room is all yours for as long as you need it.”
You take the chance and lean forward toward him on your palms at this statement, slightly sinking into the couch while you gaze at him, “Is that what you really want, Yunho?”
There’s now an even longer moment of silence where you both stare each other in the eyes again and the room is unbearably quiet. Yunho finally breaks it after his Adam’s apple bobs uneasily.
“Of course,” he awkwardly chuckles with furrowed brows, “What do you mean, ____?”
Your heart deflates. For a second, you wonder if maybe you’ve been reading his body language incorrectly the entire night. There’s a flare of embarrassment that ignites on your cheeks as you immediately retract yourself.
“I suck at making jokes,” you match his chuckle nervously, “Don’t mind me.” He cocks his head at you curiously and you stand to your feet before he can catch the way your face is lighting on fire with every passing second. You avoid looking at him as you begin striding back to the guest room, “Goodnight Yunho, see you in the morning!”
Yunho is left alone to his own devices once he hears the sound of the door to the guest room closing down the hall. Sitting alone on a large bed in your teacher’s home feels surreal, and all too disappointing the same. You press your palms to your eyes to try and settle the embarrassment that keeps washing over you every time you think back to your impromptu attempt at making an advance toward him. God this fucking sucks…
After a few minutes of setting up some alarms on your phone for the next morning, you decide you need to go get some water and wash away tonight from your mind forever. Yunho Jeong doesn’t like you more than a friend, it’s time to accept your fate and that you failed at attracting him. To be fair, it all was a shot in the dark to begin with. You try not to be too hard on yourself and hope that he’s already in his room by now.
But, if that’s all truly the case, then why is Yunho standing in front of the guest room door when you open it? His arm is positioned as if he was about to knock. Yunho had been standing there for quite some minutes, debating his next actions in his head, overthinking as usual. Though, could it be considered overthinking if the consequences of his actions could lead to delinquency? Had you not opened the door to go get water, albeit unknowingly, he probably would’ve psyched himself out.
“Oh– Did you need something?” you mumble and look up inquisitively at him. His mouth lingers open for a few seconds before he learns how to speak again.
“Can we talk?”
“Of course.” You can’t help the hint of confusion gracing your face as you step aside and allow him inside the room, “Is everything okay?”
When you close the door and face him, he looks distraught. Everything was indeed not okay.
“Are you still drunk?” He asks first.
“I don’t really think I was ever drunk,” you tell him, “But no.”
“Neither am I.”
At first, it doesn’t click about why he’s confirming this. You also don’t notice the way he gradually takes tentative steps forward—or the way you’re equally taking steps back—until your back hits the bedroom door. He’s so close that you can smell the minty mouthwash still fresh on his breath unfurling over your face. Still, he looks hesitant about his actions.
“I’m sorry, I was just… nervous before,” he swallows. He watches your face shift from confusion to realization; he’s referring to his response when you shot your shot. You relax against the door.
“About?” Is all you can ask in a soft voice, left hand daringly reaching up and cupping his cheek.
“About drunken words,” he continues, his voice just above a whisper. You can see the stutter of his heart against his chest. “And my feelings.”
Your thumb brushes his bottom lip, “What are you feeling, Yunho?”
In a moment of fleeting courage, he gently grabs your right hand and leads it to settle below his groin, pressing it against him a bit for good measure.
“What does it feel like I’m feeling to you?”
Your cheeks heat up at the feeling of him in your palm; you didn’t expect him to be so forward about it out of nowhere. The overall anticipation of the situation is killing you, even though everything feels like it’s moving too slowly and too fast all at the same time. All of your effort was leading to this point and yet, somehow, you still don’t feel nearly as prepared as you thought you were to finally fuck him, to finally fuck your teacher. That doesn’t stop your cunt from clenching around nothing at all at his words alone, because this is definitely what you’ve wanted so badly for weeks.
You try to swallow even though your throat feels parched, mindlessly whispering, “Oh my God…”
Then, you give him an experimental squeeze which has his eyelids fluttering closed, and a deep grunt leaving his flared nostrils.
“Fuck …” he groans. It’s too natural, the way you subconsciously run your hand up and down the bulge, feeling it harden even further. Yunho is at his wit's end. “I need you to tell me exactly what you want ____,” he reminds you.
You get it, he’s covering his bases because of his relation to you outside of this bedroom. Consent is sexy regardless, so you grant that to him.
“I really, really want you to fuck me Yunho,” you purr as your hands creep up his chest until you can wrap your arms around his neck, “And I think you want the same, right?”
Yunho’s hands sneak under the t-shirt on you and he massages the flesh of your sides, fingertips ghosting up your skin until they reach your breasts. His thumbs brushing against your hard nipples involuntarily make you whimper his name, and this is all Yunho needs to hear to proceed without such caution. The moment he leans down and smashes his lips to yours, time stops.
It’s nasty, the way your tongues are dragging against each other, spreading trails of saliva everywhere.
It’s nasty, the way he can’t help but drag that same tongue down your neck, sullying your freshly washed skin with spit.
It’s even nastier, the way he moans out your name, shamelessly grinding his clothed boner into your crotch, searching for friction because he’s touch-starved.
“A-Ah—wait! Bed, please,” you let out a broken moan at the way he sucks and bites on your neck. Yunho grunts in agreement, spinning you around and forcefully guiding you back until you both reach the bed. You can’t help but giggle when you fall back on the mattress— he’s so hungry for it, for you. And you’re more than ready to give it to him.
“Can I take them off?” He still asks like a gentleman, though his fingers are impatiently already tugging at the bottom of your sweatpants. You nod with fervor.
The moment he tosses them away, the situation begins to feel a bit more real to you both. Maybe it’s because you’re sopping wet and semi-exposed, and he’s not, so you become bashful and self-conscious.
“Take yours off too?”
Yunho doesn’t hesitate to oblige you. He peels off his shirt and shoves his shorts away easily. There’s a brief second where he hesitates before also pulling his boxer briefs down and finally fully exposing himself to you in all his nude glory. Yunho hasn’t slept with a woman in a while, but he’s never had complaints about anything, and especially not his size. He can tell by how your eyes are drinking him in, that you won’t have any either.
“You’re so handsome, you know that?” you murmur, eyes hazy as they rake over him from his broad chest to his defined abs, then his defined hips to his heavy cock. There’s a cute hue of pink dusting his cheeks at the compliment.
Yunho doesn’t give you a chance to stare at him very much longer before he’s finally ridding you of your shirt, lips meeting yours again the moment it’s tossed. It’s not long before that naughty mouth of his indulges in your breasts, licking and sucking on your hardened nipples like they’re the only thing that will keep him grounded to earth. You’re a moaning mess underneath of him, hands carding through his tresses and lips struggling with telling him how much you love his mouth. He could suck on your beautiful breasts all day but there are more pressing matters at this time.
His eyes never leave yours as he kisses all the way down the expanse of your stomach to the waistband of your panties. Only then does he close his eyes to bury his face in your clothed cunt and take a deep breath, filling his lungs until they feel like they're about to burst. He’s so content that now he can do it knowing the real thing is right underneath. It gets him hard all the same as the laundry room. You watch him grind himself into the mattress for some relief just at the smell of you.
“I’ve never done something like this before,” he divulges, pressing heated kisses into the skin of your sensitive thighs.
“What, eating pussy?” you tease to ease his nerves. He stares pointedly at you from behind your mound.
“You know what I mean.”
Your hand reaches down to find a comforting purchase in his hair, “Neither have I, Yu.”
Yunho can feel himself falling apart faster and faster, and the nickname is not helping him keep it together at all. He hooks his fingers in your panties and gently tugs them down your legs, joining the rest of the discarded clothing on the floor. Your cheeks tingle with heat when his hands spread your legs wider, eyes seemingly mesmerized.
“Such a pretty pussy…” he whispers, marveling at the way your sticky lips tremble when you clench around nothing.
He solves that by pushing in two of those pretty fingers of his, all the way down to the last knuckles. The desperate moan that flies from your lips sends him into a depraved headspace. He immediately latches his mouth onto your throbbing clit and sets to work, thrusting into your squelching squeezing heat and sucking to his heart’s content. Yunho loves eating pussy, truly. There’s something truly cathartic to him about holding a woman’s legs down while she twitches and grinds against his face as he’s slurping up every bit of essence that seeps from her greedy hole. He even removes his fingers and opts for lapping at your heat like a starved man instead. Up and down, left and right… His tongue leaves no inch of your heat untouched. He loves the feeling of your slick coating his face when he pushes his tongue as deep as he can into your hole. He feels your hands yank him by his hair before he can even get to the fun part. He gazes up at you in confusion, mouth messy and eyes indubitably pussy-drunk.
“Please,” you beg, chest heaving, “I want you inside.”
Yunho licks his lips clean before crawling back up your body to fulfill your request. You’re right honestly, there’s only so much grinding he can do into the mattress to ease the ache of his hard cock. He leans over to grab a condom from the nightstand but you pull him back over, mumbling about how you’re on the pill and that it’s fine.
He’s so big, the way he’s engulfing your whole body with you caged between his arms like this. Gazing into your eyes, he drags the blunt tip of his cock back and forth through your dripping folds, occasionally pressing it hard against that clit that he’s taken such a liking to sucking on.
“Hey,” you mumble against his lips, catching the full attention of his blown-out irises. “I can tell you’re nervous. Just relax and lose control, for me. Okay?”
Yunho’s last rope of restraint snaps.
The moment you feel his tip finally breach your entrance, you squeeze your eyes shut and mewl at the feeling of his thick cock sliding into its rightful place. Yes, obviously he’s meant just for your cunt, because you fit like a glove when you're swallowing him in so badly the deeper he pushes. He doesn’t stop until he’s buried to the hilt, despite your squirming and twitching underneath him at the feeling of being so full.  
“I’m about to move,” he pants, adjusting to the feeling of your warm walls squeezing his cock, “Holy fuck.”
When you nod, he finally lets go of his inhibitions. He begins to roll his hips at a nice steady pace, large hands clasped to the backs of your thighs as he pushes them towards your torso. His mouth hangs open in ecstasy and his eyelids lower lazily at the way your walls suck in his cock so tightly and squeeze it like they’re begging to be filled to the brim. You reach up and latch onto his arms to ground yourself, head dizzy and overwhelmed at the feeling of him starting to snap his hips just a little faster now that you’re stretched out a bit more to accommodate him.
“Yunho, fuck, you’re so big,” you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders. Yunho grinds his pelvis into you at this remark, rubbing against your clit with his happy trail.
“And you’re taking me so well,” Yunho praises with a lopsided grin, “Feels good?”
“So fucking good.”
Yunho pushes your legs back even further as he leans in to capture your lips in a sloppy kiss. You’re so pretty with those glassy eyes and those flushed cheeks of yours, but there’s something about that that quivering bottom lip that makes him want to suck every sound from you himself. He finds himself bucking faster and faster, unable to maintain any kind of self-control.
He breaks away to catch his breath, eyes lazy as he groans, “Let me hear you. This is what you wanted, yeah?”
“Mhm, yes, yes,” you whine desperately, “I wanted it so bad. Wanted you so bad.”
You grant him a flurry of shameless bitten-off moans, egging him on further and further. Yunho buries his face into the crook of your neck, making your skin damp between his own warm gasps and grunting obscenities. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this aroused before; yes, he’s so painfully hard at the fleeting thoughts of how inappropriate everything is. He’s your linguistics teacher—he’s not supposed to be teaching your cunt how to mold to the shape of his cock. He’s not supposed to be massaging your clit and babbling nonsense about how he’s going to lick your pussy clean when you cum. How can he say that to a student? However, his eyes roll back at that thought.
“I’m going crazy,” he groans into your skin, mindlessly speaking his thoughts aloud. “I’m so close.”
You’d say the same if you could, but your mouth can’t form proper words with the way his long fingers are rubbing quick messy circles around your clit. Instead, you put your mouth on the shell of his ear and say his name in a filthy mewl. Your legs tense up and your toes curl; Yunho can feel you cum around his cock a beat later, encouraging your convulsing and whimpering. He can only manage to give you a few more rough thrusts before he pulls himself out and allows himself to empty his balls in quick spurts all over your torso, a mix of “fuck” and “____” leaking from his mouth at how filthy the action is, dirtying you like this. He’s a man of his word though, quickly hefting himself back down to your sopping cunt and diving face first to taste everything he missed tasting earlier. The groan of pure bliss he lets out into your sensitive cunt has you squirming away, much to his dismay. But he finds himself chuckling anyway—he got to taste your cum and, even if it was for only a few seconds, he’s satisfied.
Cleaning up and cuddling after is far from awkward, Yunho feels comfortable with his arms wrapped around you and head on your chest. You find yourself mindlessly scratching his scalp and playing with his messy hair, while his large hands massage the muscles of your thighs. It’s immensely intimate, and this scares Yunho deep inside. Unbeknownst to his stress, you’re settling into a mental state of bliss; you can’t wait to see where this night leads you after, even if it might be a little awkward back in the classroom at first. He tries not to dwell on such thoughts for too long, eventually falling asleep under your touch.
Yunho wakes up to a cold, empty bed. Glancing over at the clock on his nightstand, he catches some time he can’t be bothered with reading fully, nine-something-in-the-morning. He groans internally at the bittersweet arrival of the morning. After a few seconds of just lying there, bleary eyes staring at anything and everything, he remembers that he’s not supposed to be alone right now. The grimace that crosses his face is heavy.
He lugs himself up and out of bed to find his phone, which he’s left God knows where. After a bit of searching, he’s even more upset to see a lack of text from you about leaving. Leaving with no word after sex… Yunho has been in this position before and it makes him feel like shit. It feels even worse considering that this is not just some random woman, you are his student. He’s a chronic overthinker, he knows he is. Yet, he can’t stop his mind from filling with a plethora of miserable thoughts about what this could mean.
Did you simply want to fuck him and nothing more?
Did you regret sleeping with him and want to leave without confrontation?
Did you sleep with him to then leave and tell someone, maybe to humiliate him?
All of these thoughts scream at Yunho until he finds himself clenching his jaw, and tears are pricking at his eyes. He hates this feeling every time it happens; it makes him feel like he’s not good enough. In a moment of brief irrationality, Yunho debates if he should outright block you.
He’s impulsive like that when he’s worked up. However, after a few minutes of begging himself to calm down, he tossed his phone away and went on to make a cup of tea to ease his agitation. He knew this was a mistake from the start and he still did it.
He doesn’t get a text from you until after 11 AM.
  [Y/N: sorry for leaving without saying anything!! I forgot I had prior commitments this morning, didn’t wanna text you until I was sure you’d be up. hope you slept well :)]
Yunho doesn’t know what to think. Prior commitments? Surely this would’ve been something you would’ve mentioned before he drove you to his home last night. It is Saturday though, so it’s plausible. He opens the message and leaves you on read instead.
Earlier this morning, you were certain Yunho must have completely tired himself out after sleeping with you because he failed to wake up when your alarms went off. You make a mental note that it only takes him cumming once to make him go comatose (and maybe a little wine to boot). You had left his place with no ill intentions, and your message was truthful. So, when you get left on read by him, it ignites a small flame of insecurity in you. You’re never one to double-text a man, but considering this is something you put a great amount of effort into getting to happen, you put your pride aside when you don't get a reply by the next day.
  [Y/N: Wondering if you want to try a new restaurant after work tomorrow… Let me know if you’re interested!]
To your surprise, Yunho replies that he’s too busy. He doesn’t offer to reschedule for a better day, which isn’t like him. Instead of taking it too seriously and replying something disheartened, you let him know that you understand and to let you know if anything changes. He opens this message and doesn’t reply. You try again on Tuesday. This time, your inquiry is more succinct, no fluff.
  [Y/N: Are you free Wednesday?]
He answers this similarly to the last attempt, maintaining that he’s too busy to see you that day as well. However, this text is more curt than the last. When you cave in and ask him which days he’s not busy, he leaves you on read, again.
  [Y/N: Do you have a free moment to talk then?]
Yunho doesn’t open this text altogether, and the disgruntlement this stirs within you lingers in your system all day, even when you decide to go out with your friends to clear your mind.
Throughout his class with you the following day, you endure Yunho’s eyes practically boring into you at various points in time. It’s like an itch that can’t be scratched, nagging at your scalp while you keep your head downcast towards your laptop. Thoroughly, as distractions do, it keeps you on edge and unfocused throughout the whole lecture. It doesn’t help that Yeosang is out today, so you feel alone even surrounded by so many people.
At some point, during a quiet moment of everyone completing an individual assignment he had handed out, you glance up over the screen of your laptop and catch his attentive eyes gazing back. He gnaws on the nail of this thumb as he usually does when his brain is on overdrive, his eyes calmly lingering on the fixation of all his thoughts. Eventually, he turns them away and decides to focus on something else irrelevant involving his phone. Anything to take you off of his mind.
You quietly snicker to yourself and roll your eyes. So, he can play on his phone just fine during class but can’t find the time to text you and talk? Men will be men… If he just wanted to sleep with you and leave at that, he could at least tell you, you brood. You try not to let it get to you, but it’s hard to focus on anything for the last half hour of class. You don’t bother sticking around after and instead, preoccupy yourself by striking up a conversation with another acquaintance on the way out of the doors. Yunho notices the way you act like he doesn’t exist while leaving and it makes him a bit bitter. He knows it’s irrational, but you’ve really done a number on him, so he can’t help it.
On Thursday, you’re sick of the games altogether. Being the super sleuth you were at the beginning of this mess, you knew when Yunho typically went to his office in between classes to get grading done that he couldn’t do throughout the day. So, when you finish your mathematics class, you pack up your things quickly, knowing he should be roaming this same hall in very little time. There’s one thing–or person, you suppose–that you didn’t account for in this plan.
“You’re terrible at covering hickeys, you know,” Hongjoong chides, eyeing your messy job at applying makeup to your neck.
To be fair to yourself, you hadn’t realized Yunho had sucked one onto your skin the night you both slept together, and the dark blotch was too annoying to deal with every single day. You bruise too easily and they don’t go away fast enough. Admittedly, you had slacked off on the cover-up today. You chalk it up to secretly being in Fight Club, which you remind him, the number rule is to never talk about Fight Club! That, of course, was not a good enough reason for Hongjoong, and you regret that you didn’t acknowledge beforehand he would surely grill you endlessly about your recreational pastimes.
“Okay seriously, I just wore my choker too tight yesterday and it pinched my neck, that's all,” you explain as he quickly follows you out of the classroom. He squints at you with skeptical eyes, as if he is not believing any of the piping hot shit you’re serving him on a platter. Phase two was to gaze at him with winsome eyes, ones he was definitely familiar with. They always worked on Yeosang, but Hongjoong was harder to subdue.
“Joong, I’m telling you, there’s nothing more for me to answer here.”
You employ a small pout to boot.
“And you think I believe that?”
“I think you should believe it.”
He rolls his eyes in annoyance. Meanwhile, your eyes inconspicuously search for Yunho in the sea of classmates flooding the hallway; there was a very important conversation you had hyped yourself up to finally have with him. One that surely would not be done if it didn’t get done today, at this very moment. That would obviously fail to happen if Hongjoong kept pestering you with his concerns. Suddenly, your eyes spot the tail end of Yunho’s styled hair turning the corner and leaving the hallway. Goddammit!
“Joong, I really gotta go,” you say frantically and secure your backpack onto your back. His lips open slightly in puzzlement, but there’s nothing he can say before you’re already shoving people out of the way to make it through the hallway to follow him to his office.
You take the stairs while he takes the elevator to waste some time; hopefully, he'll be set up and comfortable by the time you get to his floor. When you make it to his office, he’s indeed already seated and filtering through sheets of work from students during the last class. You don’t bother knocking before entering; he hadn’t afforded you the comfort of manners lately, so neither would you.
Honestly, had anyone else burst into his office so unannounced like this, he might've cussed them out by accident. But before he can get any words out, you can see the physical shift from annoyance to puzzlement wash over his face as he realizes it’s you, then, genuine dread graces his face before downcasting his gaze.
“I need to talk to you,” you insist, “Now.”
He’s having a hard time even meeting your eyes when you’re speaking and it’s pissing you off tremendously.
“I’m a bit busy right now,” he sighs, now in the process of looking through his desk for a pen that works. “It’ll have to wait for another time.”
You ignore him entirely, “Why are you avoiding me, Yunho?”
“I’m not avoiding you,” Yunho quickly objects. “I’m just–”
“You’ve blown me off twice this week already,” you counter. “Now I can’t even come see you at your office?”
Yunho puts his head in his hands and tries to collect his thoughts. He’s too sensitive to handle this conversation with no preparation beforehand. Then again, the longer he keeps isolating, the longer he’s going to keep feeling like shit. He can hear the undertone of hurt in your words, but he’s only doing what’s best for you, right?
“The least you could do is give me a real reason,” you continue. He finally lifts his head and meets your frustrated eyes. “Just give me a real reason to and I’ll fuck-off all you want.”
“____, that night was a mistake,” he tells you simply. The look in his eyes says otherwise. You know he’s lying but it still feels like a punch in the gut.
“A mistake?”
“It’s something that shouldn’t have happened, and it was inappropriate of me to do that with you. Let’s just forget about it and move on, please.”
You furrow your brows in agitation, “You really feel that way?”
“I do,” he murmurs, eyes falling back to the papers in front of him. He visibly hesitates for the briefest moment before picking up his pen and resuming his grading. This feeling of rejection hurts a little more than usual. Why do you feel like a failure? Why do you feel like a fuck-up? Maybe it’s because of the effort you put into this man, unlike many others. You stand there in his doorway uncomfortably silent until you find it in yourself to offer some final words.
“We’re both adults, Yunho,” you remind him in a voice that airs on the more serious side of yourself. He’s never heard you sound such a way with him. “No one has to know what two grown adults do in their free time. And you don’t owe anyone any explanations.”
When he doesn’t look up from his paperwork anymore, you finally leave and gently close the door behind you.
Nearly a week after that day, your phone begins to ring while you’re out at a bar with friends. Yeosang’s nosy eyes catch the name on the screen and he gives you an incredulous look. His name still has a heart beside it and you haven’t updated him on anything regarding Yunho since telling him that you both were texting each other outside of class.
“What is he doing calling you at 9 PM, miss?” he teases as you move your phone to your lap, “Booty call?”
“Would you like to ask him yourself?” you snort.
“Boo, why can I never know anything–”
“Oh but when I mention the obvious hickey, I’m imagining things, huh?” Hongjoong interjects with narrowed eyes when he overhears you both bickering. “Who’s the mystery man?”
“It’s nobody,” both you and Yeosang say in unison.
Hongjoong quirks a brow at how you both are gazing at him with matching smiles, suspiciously. He lets it go quickly and instead butts into Mingi and his girlfriend’s conversation. By the time you glance at your phone, Yunho’s call has already gone fully unanswered. Subsequently, you chose not to return the call later when you’re done and home. You didn’t necessarily want to talk to someone who called such an intimate moment with you a mistake. And especially not intoxicated. If he wants to talk to me that bad, he’d just send whatever he needs to say in a text, you tell yourself. But, of course, those texts don’t come. Yunho doesn’t know how to express himself like that over message. However, after getting wasted, it takes everything within you not to text him first in a fit of overwhelming horniness. What’s the worst that could come from letting him know that you’re craving the feeling of that thick cock of his splitting you open, or how maybe this time you should test out your gag reflex? Yeosang knows you well enough to take your phone from you after a certain amount of shots, so you don’t get that opportunity anyway. God bless your best friend.
A couple of days later, you still find yourself unable to let things go. How can you when Yeosang brings it up any time you speak alone? For someone so sure you were making a huge mistake, he sure is desperate for the tea. It’s like he’s your frontline cheerleader (which he usually is anyway). If he found out you both fucked, surely he’d lose his mind.
“You can’t keep me in the dark, I’m still dying to know how much progress you’re making with Mr. Jeong after seeing him call you that night,” Yeosang pleads, “Have you both met up in private off of campus yet?”
“That’s classified info,” you state and try to stifle your subsequent laughter when you hear him grumble. You still hadn’t found it within yourself yet to tell him that your plan had failed. “You’ll know by if I pass this class or not.”
“Just a little hint, please? I’m on my knees.”
“Progress is being made, Yeo,” you disclose in a sing-song voice. Surely a little white lie wouldn’t hurt in the meantime, “He’s a very good conversationalist, you know. With that deep voice of his, and especially late at night.”
Yeosang groans in annoyance, “You’re killing me ____, I’m too curious! You didn’t entertain a single man at the bar, something juicy has to be happening.”
You debate on at least telling him about the extra study sessions you and Yunho had been having before things were soiled, the innocent stuff that he could gush and tease you over. But, just as you’re about to say something, he cuts you off unknowingly.
“Shit, Mingi’s calling. Le’me call you back,” Yeosang groans, and you offer a hum of affirmation before the line clicks. Maybe it’s for the best that you had been interrupted before you put your foot in your mouth.
You quickly fill the silence by shuffling one of your ‘Doing Chores’ playlists and focusing your mind on cooking the remainder of your dinner. A couple of minutes later, the chime of your phone interrupts your music. You continue to focus on stirring while your other hand carelessly presses the answer option.
“That was quick,” you giggle.
“Felt like forever to me,” a familiar, deep voice replies. You freeze and glance over to see Yunho’s name on the screen of your phone in place of your best friend’s.
“Good evening, Mr. Jeong,” you reply instead. “I thought you were someone else, my apologies.”
“Have we really already reverted back to the formalities?” he sighs and his voice already sounds a bit defeated.
You roll your eyes, “I’m a bit preoccupied right now. So unless you’d like to discuss my class work, I don’t have time to entertain this.”
“Just give me five minutes, please.”
You turn off the stove and snatch up your phone before ambling to your bedroom.
“Spit it out already, Yunho.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you ____,” he admits.
Hearing you say his first name makes him feel a smidge better, even if it’s in irritation. He wonders if you can feel his heart pounding through the speaker or the way it makes his fingers tremble while holding the phone. “I was just scared, you have to understand that at least. I told you I’ve never done that kind of thing before, ever.”
“Thought it was a mistake–”
“I only said that because you left without saying anything. I thought you regretted it!”
“I literally told you why I did that, you decided to not believe me apparently,” you counter, voice laced with the slightest bit of frustration as you sit on your bed. Then you add in a mutter, “Instead of talking with me like an adult.”
There’s a long moment of silence. He doesn’t hang up though, so neither do you. You stare at the timer under his name, continuing to count up seconds full of emptiness.
“I’m really sorry,” Yunho finally sighs. “I said a lot of things I didn’t mean. I was just scared.” You remain silent and it eats at his confidence slowly. He’s desperate and doesn’t really care if it shows at this point, so he goes on to fill the silence again, “You were right, we’re adults. It’s not anybody else’s business what happens outside of campus. That’s why I’m trying to fix things now. Please.”
You sigh heavily while stroking your temples. This conversation is not something you had prepared yourself for, but the desperation in his voice is hitting you right in the gut. You know he’s being sincere, but it’s just hard to make yourself that vulnerable as well. You both know the truth is that it’s not okay, none of this is. It’s all extremely inappropriate. What you are doing with each other could ruin both of your lives if found out before you graduate. It’s risky; and yet, you still find yourself saying a sentence you definitely shouldn’t be saying:
“Listen, I genuinely like you Yunho.”
“And I genuinely like you too, ____. So let me take you on a proper date,” he says a little too hastily, but he can’t stop himself from the excitement that bubbles inside of him, stemming solely from you even reciprocating his feelings, “And not just a dinner like usual, I mean something thoughtful.”
“Something thoughtful…” you repeat after him, accidentally punctuating it with a giggle at how foolish the whole situation seems. “Are you serious about that?”
“Absolutely,” he assures you, “Only if you want to, of course.”
You sigh and smile to yourself at how heartfelt he sounds. Sure, there are millions of ways this could go extremely wrong, but you decide to ignore those thoughts and take him up on his offer. If you were one to listen to the better part of your judgment, you wouldn’t have gotten yourself into this situation in the first place. It would be a shame to let that work you put in go to waste just because of a little hiccup in the road. Besides, Yunho was surely the best fuck you had received in quite some time. There was plenty of time through the rest of the semester to explore that side of him again as well. The conversation ends with you both agreeing to meet with each other in a few days, Yunho promising to make it enjoyable even though it’ll be discrete.
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♡ taglist for those who replied to my interest post: @yeos-bunny @sharksandminhos @sannieluvrr
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yeopoet · 8 days
hyung line! ateez x gn! reader ֶָ֢ genre: fluff. warnings: none. word count: 906. the one where you blush hard.
author's note: i wrote this based on this post.
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☆ ( kim hongjoong⠀ ) ... The biting wind makes your body shudder, despite the warmth of the jacket. You glance sideways at your coworker, Hongjoong, walking with his hands stuffed in his pockets, seemingly unbothered by his bare arms. It was your oversight to forget your coat back at the office, and though he had no duty to shield you from the cold, he had shrugged off his jacket for you.
“Are you sure you're not cold?” you ask again, and he clicks his tongue.
“My hands are a little chilly, but it's no big deal,” he replies with a grin. “Besides, the restaurant’s just around the corner. No need to fuss.”
“I do need to fuss.” You inhale deeply, still unconvinced by his words, and start to remove the jacket. He stops you before you can. “I can see the goosebumps on your arms—”
He slips his hand into yours, guiding them into the jacket pocket. You freeze in surprise, but Hongjoong doesn’t let go, pressing his cold fingers around your warm ones.
“Just warm me up. That’ll do,” he says, as heat floods your cheeks with embarrassment. You try to hide it, resuming your walk as if nothing happened. “Are you blushing?” He asks.
“I’m not blushing. It’s just the cold.”
“Yeah, sure.”
☆ ( park seonghwa⠀ ) ... His words reach your ears, but not your brain. You’re silently hoping he doesn’t ask you any questions because you wouldn’t know how to answer. Not because you’re uninterested, but because there are two fallen eyelashes resting on his cheek, and now that you’ve noticed, it’s all you can focus on.
Without meaning to, you let out a small sigh, which makes Seonghwa stop mid-sentence as he’s talking about the last few movies he watched and the ones he’d like to rewatch with you. “Am I boring you?” he asks, flashing a small smile. You shake your head quickly.
“You could never bore me!” The words come out a bit too eagerly, trying to make up for your reaction, and Seonghwa laughs, raising his eyebrows. “It’s just... those two eyelashes on your cheek are completely distracting me.” You raise your hand toward his face. “Can I take them off?”
“Go ahead, if it’ll help you focus on me again.”
You laugh softly, brushing the eyelashes off his face with care. But your long nails make the task trickier than expected, dragging it out longer than it should. You can feel Seonghwa’s eyes on you, and despite your efforts to stay calm, the warmth spreading across your face is becoming all too noticeable.
“Why are you blushing?” he teases.
“I should be the one embarrassed. You’re just making up this eyelash thing to have an excuse to touch me,” he jokes, rolling his eyes, and you playfully smack his shoulder.
“Shut up! I wasn’t lying.” You hold up your finger. “Look, here they are.”
☆ ( jeong yunho⠀ ) ... The idea to go ice skating was entirely yours, but seeing Yunho's look of panic as you sit there with an injured foot after falling flat on the ice makes you think he’s blaming himself a little. “It was just a scare! It doesn’t even hurt anymore,” you try to reassure him.
“Still, I should’ve held your hand.” He takes a deep breath, brow furrowed, kneeling on the ground as he gently presses your foot. “Does it hurt when I touch here?”
“No, because the fall was so silly, I didn’t even have time to get hurt.”
“No fall is silly.” He pouts as he starts pressing and examining your leg. “How about here? Does this hurt?”
There’s nothing inappropriate about his touch, yet you feel your whole face heat up as Yunho’s hands move up and down your leg. Your delayed response catches his attention, and he looks up at you with a frown before realizing what’s going on. “Why is your face all red? Did the crash affect your head too?” He teases.
“Shut up! Never seen anyone fall for your charm before?”
☆ ( kang yeosang⠀ ) ... He’d been your childhood friend for so long, and seeing him again after five years apart, with barely any contact in between, felt strange. You didn’t expect things to be exactly the same as they were before, but sitting there in front of the goofball you used to call your best friend, you realize that some things never change, no matter how much time passes.
Yeosang is messily devouring the chocolate cookies you brought him, completely unaware of the crumbs all over his face.
“How old are you? Five?” you ask, crossing your arms as he looks at you with a huge question mark on his face. “Your mouth, Yeo—it’s covered in crumbs.”
“Oh!” He laughs, quickly wiping his mouth with his fingers, but since he can’t see where the crumbs are, he doesn’t do a very good job. “Is it clean now?”
You sigh, shaking your head as you reach out to wipe the spots he missed. Yeosang just lets you do it, without a word or protest, and most importantly, without taking his eyes off you.
“You’re blushing,” you tease, trying not to laugh.
“So are you.”
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© yeopoet
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mybelovedwoo · 1 month
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a day of sunshine
seonghwa x f!reader
fluff, comfort, forbidden love/ wc: 1.3k
warnings: none really :)
note:this is just a short little drabble, but yet so comforting. seonghwa is so soft, i want him around when i feel sad! if you want to be tagged in any of my fics, you can apply here!
seonghwa masterlist - main masterlist
Seonghwa found himself thinking about Y/n more often than he liked to admit. Ever since that night he escorted her home after rescuing her from an obnoxious drunk at the bar, she had been occupying his thoughts. Her laughter, her smile, the way her eyes sparkled even when she was tipsy—all these memories lingered in his mind.
One afternoon, Seonghwa received a text from Yunho, Y/n's sister's boyfriend, also one of his best friends, mentioning that Y/n had failed one of her classes and was feeling pretty down. Yunho was worried but had to be out of town for the weekend and couldn't be there for her.
Seonghwa felt a pang of concern. He couldn't stand the thought of Y/n being sad and alone. He decided he would do everything in his power to cheer her up. With renewed determination, he gathered some gifts he knew she'd love: a cute plush toy, her favorite snacks, and a small Lego set themed around Star Wars. He also decided to bring over ingredients to make her favorite comfort food—mac and cheese.
As he approached Y/n's apartment building, he felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. He wanted to make her feel better, but he also hoped this would give him a chance to grow closer to her. He took a deep breath and knocked on her door.
The door opened slowly, revealing Y/n in sweats and an oversized hoodie. Her eyes were red from crying, and her usually bright smile was nowhere to be seen. But even in her vulnerable state, Seonghwa thought she looked beautiful.
"Seonghwa? What are you doing here?" she asked, surprised.
"Hey, Y/n. I heard you were having a tough time, so I thought I'd come by and try to cheer you up," he said, holding up the bags of goodies and flashing her a warm smile.
Her eyes softened, and she stepped aside to let him in. "You didn't have to do that, but thank you. Really."
Seonghwa entered the cozy apartment and placed the bags on the coffee table. "I brought some things I thought you might like. And I thought maybe we could build this Lego set together. It's a Star Wars one."
Y/n's eyes lit up a little at the sight of the Lego set. "You remembered I like Star Wars."
"Of course I did," Seonghwa said, his heart swelling at her reaction. "And I also brought stuff to make mac and cheese. Thought we could have a little comfort food while we hang out."
Y/n managed a small smile. "That sounds perfect."
They moved to the kitchen, and Seonghwa got to work preparing the mac and cheese. As he cooked, he kept up a light, cheerful conversation, sharing funny stories from his own college days and asking her about her classes. Gradually, Y/n began to open up, talking about the class she had failed and how it had been weighing on her.
"I just feel like such a failure," she admitted, her voice cracking slightly. "I studied so hard, but it wasn't enough."
Seonghwa paused and turned to face her, his expression serious yet gentle. "Y/n, you're not a failure. One class doesn't define you or your worth. You're smart, hardworking, and capable. Sometimes things don't go as planned, but that doesn't mean you're any less amazing."
Y/n looked at him, her eyes glistening with tears. "Thank you, Seonghwa. That means a lot coming from you."
He smiled softly and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Anytime, Y/n. We all have setbacks, but it's how we bounce back that matters."
With the mac and cheese ready, they settled on the couch, enjoying the creamy, comforting dish. Y/n's mood visibly lifted, and soon they were chatting and laughing like old friends. After finishing their meal, they cleared the table and moved to the coffee table to start building the Lego set.
As they sorted through the colorful pieces, their fingers occasionally brushed, sending little sparks of electricity between them. They talked about their favorite Star Wars movies and characters, debating the merits of different storylines and scenes. Seonghwa loved seeing Y/n's eyes light up with passion as she spoke about something she loved.
Time flew by, and before they knew it, they had completed the Lego set. They admired their handiwork, a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie settling between them.
"That was so much fun," Y/n said, her smile now genuine and bright. "I haven't felt this relaxed and happy in days."
"I'm glad," Seonghwa replied, his heart swelling with warmth. "You deserve to be happy, Y/n."
Y/n smiled, her face glowing with a newfound sense of contentment. Seonghwa, however, had another idea brewing in his mind. He remembered Yunho mentioning that Y/n hadn't left her apartment in days.
"How about we get some fresh air?" Seonghwa suggested, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
Y/n looked a bit hesitant. "I don't know, Seonghwa. I've just been feeling so down..."
"That's exactly why we should go out," he insisted gently. "A change of scenery could do wonders. How about we go to the Han River? We can ride a two-person bike. It'll be fun, I promise."
Y/n considered his suggestion, and after a moment, she nodded. "Okay, let's do it. Maybe a little fresh air will help."
Seonghwa's smile widened. "Great! Let's go."
They quickly got ready, and soon they were on their way to the Han River. The weather was perfect—sunny with a gentle breeze. The sight of the river sparkling under the sunlight and the vibrant greenery around it already began to lift Y/n's spirits.
At the bike rental stand, Seonghwa secured a two-person bike. They both laughed as they figured out how to coordinate their pedaling. Once they got the hang of it, they cycled along the scenic path, the wind in their hair and the sun warming their faces.
"This is really nice, Seonghwa," Y/n said, her voice filled with genuine happiness. "Thank you for bringing me here."
"I'm glad you like it," he replied, glancing at her with a smile. "It's important to take breaks and enjoy life, even when things get tough."
They continued to ride along the river, stopping occasionally to take in the beautiful views. At one point, they found a quiet spot to rest and sat down on the grass. Seonghwa pulled out a couple of bottles of water and some snacks from his backpack, and they enjoyed a small picnic together.
As they talked and laughed, Y/n felt the weight of her worries lifting. Seonghwa's presence was comforting and uplifting, and she realized how much she appreciated having him in her life.
"You know, Seonghwa, I've been feeling so isolated and down, but today has really helped me see things differently," Y/n said softly. "Thank you for being here for me."
Seonghwa reached out and gently took her hand. "You're welcome, Y/n. I care about you, and I want to see you happy. Anytime you need a friend, I'll be here."
Y/n squeezed his hand, feeling a warmth spread through her. "I'm really glad we're friends, Seonghwa. You've made a big difference in my life today."
They sat there, hand in hand, watching the river flow peacefully by. In that moment, they both felt a deep connection growing between them—a bond that went beyond friendship.
As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, they rode the bike back to the rental stand. The day had been filled with laughter, adventure, and heartfelt moments, leaving both of them feeling closer than ever.
Seonghwa walked Y/n back to her apartment, their steps unhurried as they continued to talk and enjoy each other's company. When they reached her door, Y/n turned to him, her eyes filled with gratitude and affection.
"Today was amazing, Seonghwa. Thank you for everything," she said, her voice sincere.
Seonghwa smiled, his heart full. "It was my pleasure, Y/n. I had a great time too."
They stood there for a moment, the world around them fading away as they shared a quiet, meaningful gaze. Then, with a warm hug, they said their goodbyes.
As Seonghwa walked away, he couldn't help but feel hopeful about the future. Today had shown him just how special Y/n was to him, and he looked forward to many more days of sunshine and happiness together.
And as Y/n closed her door, she felt a sense of peace and optimism she hadn't felt in a long time. Seonghwa had not only cheered her up but had also given her a reason to look forward to tomorrow.
taglist: @dinossaurz @soso59love-blog @tiredlittlevirgo @everythingboutkpop @engentiny @abibliolife @k-zuzu
127 notes · View notes
shownusgfayoooo · 1 year
the mafia boss’s wife
Pairing: Seonghwa x Y/N
Tropes: mafia husband au, arranged marriage (briefly mentioned), hurt/ comfort, danger, protective seonghwa
T/W: descriptions of a physical assault + subsequent injuries, cursing
Words: 2k
my masterlist
“Are you sure you’re done, Y/N?”
Startled from pushing the peas around on your plate, you looked up into Mingi’s eyes. Of course, everyone had noticed that you had only managed to take a few bites of your dinner, but only he would be bold enough to call you out on it.
You scrunched your nose. “Yea. I just feel kinda beat actually.” Work had been a lot lately, and you just wanted to snuggle under your covers and put an end to such a long week.
Seonghwa squeezed your thigh under the table in comfort. You turned to look at your mafia husband, a soft smile on your lips. He looked at you with worry in his eyes. Your heart softened at such an expression of concern from him; he was usually so stoic (with everyone else but you, that is). It had intimidated you so much at the beginning of your arranged marriage before you saw his deeply caring nature and kind heart.
You shook your head gently at his unspoken question before addressing the rest of the boys. “I’m just gonna head to bed. I’ll see ya when I see ya. Be safe.”
Jongho waved, Yeosang and San nodded at you emphatically, Wooyoung rolled his eyes “You worry too much, Y/N,” and Hongjoong and Yunho wished you a good night’s sleep.
Seonghwa kept a hold of your hand as you got up and walked you to the double doors of the massive dining room. “Do you want me to walk you up, my love?” 
You pushed his shoulder lightly. “No, you haven’t even finished dinner. Besides, I know you guys are hitting the South Bay tonight. Don’t think you can get anything past me, and I want you to go in as prepared as you can. I alsoo know you won’t discuss the details in front of me.”
He pressed his lips to your wrist, his eyes alight with mischief and danger. “My beautiful wife. You really do worry too much. We will be fine.”
You just looked at him and bit your lip, as your mind drew up all kinds of scenarios in which you lost him. He knew you well enough after 2 years of marriage though and pulled you out of your spiral before it could get too drastic.
“Hey, don’t do that.” He lifted your chin up for you to meet his eyes. “The job tonight is child’s play; we could do it blindfolded. And, you know that I will always always do everything in my power to come back home to you.” 
 At the absolute certainty in his voice, the knot in your chest released a little. You put your head against his chest. “Wake me up when you’re back.”
“Y/N..” His pout really was too adorable.
You looked up at him seriously. “I’m serious. I need to know you’re safe, as soon as possible.”
He sighed. “Alright, alright. You know I can never say no to you. Torture me, sure. Make me disturb your rest when you look like an angel, I’d love to.”
You chuckled at his antics and pushed him back to the table.
“Be safe. I love you.”
“Goodnight, baby!”
You smiled to yourself as you walked up the three flights of stairs and across the landing to your wing of the house. 
As you entered your room, something felt off. You looked around, trying to convince your overactive mind that you were imagining the negative energy. You made to take a step towards your bathroom, when your eyes strayed back to the curtain fluttering in the wind. You never left the window open. Before you could scream, you felt a hand wrap around your mouth. 
“Let’s keep this simple. You come with us quietly. And we let you live. You make a sound. You die a slow death when we get to where we need to go. Got it?”
You froze, and fear coursed through your body. Keep your head. Stay calm. Before you were a mafia boss’s wife, you were a mafia boss’s daughter. You were trained for situations like these. 
You struggled to the right. As expected, the assailant’s grip tightened. He clearly had not expected a fight and was trying to adjust his footing to manage. But you had managed your goal. You grabbed the nail file from the dresser you had stumbled into and jammed it backwards, hoping it would hit his eye. From his sudden release, it had. Falling forward, you rushed toward where the panic button was on the other side of the room. You were almost there when a hand grabbed you around the ankle and pulled you down. Your head slammed down on the floor. Your lip felt warm where you had bit it on impact. As you began to be dragged backwards, you used the momentum to twist around and kick your other foot in his face. You noticed a scar across his eye. The one second it took to break the hold was all you needed. You crawled forward that last inch and pressed the button. 
The immediacy left you. Help was on the way. Seonghwa would be here soon. In the meantime, there was nothing around you to use as a weapon, and this guy had a foot and a half on you. He was already up before you could form a game plan. He grabbed you around the throat and slammed you back into the wall. 
“You’re gonna pay for that, you little bitch.” At least he wasn’t going to kidnap you immediately. That gave the guys a chance to get to your room in time. You tried to hold on as black spots danced around your vision.
No sooner had the thought crossed your mind when you distantly heard the door slam open and a cacophony of voices. 
The pressure around your throat released. You sank down to the ground, trying to recover and remain alert enough to help in the fight. Hands immediately grabbed you and started to carry you across your room back to the door. The heat of a body in front of you and behind you. You gulped the air down. 
“Y/N, Y/N, can you breathe? Are you ok?”
Yunho set you down at the threshold of the door but kept his arms around you until Wooyoung stepped back to keep a hold of you. Yeosang rushed past the both of you, yelling back that he was getting the first aid kit.
As your vision cleared, you finally took in the state of the fight. San and Jongho were checking all the entrances and exits, presumably for other attackers. Hongjoong was simultaneously piling up all the attacker’s weapons and yelling at someone on the phone. Mingi and Yunho, being the tallest, were trying their best to hold Seonghwa back. He was moving so fast, he looked like a blur. The intruder wasn’t even moving anymore, and his face was already just a smear of red. 
A shaky breath left you. The danger was over. You needed Seonghwa now. 
Jongho joined you and Wooyoung. Your knees gave out beneath you. They shared a look of alarm, but they understood immediately. You were strong enough for the fight, but now that the fight was done, you needed just one thing. San saw you collapse and rushed over to you.
“Ya, hyung!” You don’t know who called to him, but he didn’t listen. 
You had never seen Seonghwa in such a rage. On the few occasions where the guys had let you witness some of the action, he took on the role of taunting the target, toying with them until he got what he needed or beating up the victims almost lazily. Now he was focused and lethal. He moved with such precision; it was almost beautiful. You didn’t think he would ever stop. 
At this point, Hongjoong was also trying to restrain Seonghwa . “Y/N needs you!”
He slowed down at the mention of your name but didn’t stop.
Your voice was just a broken whisper. “Seonghwa.”
He stilled. It took one second. And then he was rushing towards you. His hands cradled your face. The look on his face was one you would never forget. 
He said nothing; his eyes anguished.
“We need to treat her injuries, hyung.”
He closed his eyes briefly before they opened again, and he nodded. His hands slipped down to hold you up, and Yeosang led the way to the next room. You sat down on the couch, but Seonghwa’s hold never loosened. All you could do was look at each other while Yeosang prepared some gauze. 
You watched him with gratitude. You were alive. You had not laid your eyes on him for the last time. He was here. You were here. You had time, hopefully a whole lifetime together- it had not been cut short tonight. The aches and pains suddenly left you, and you almost let loose as hysterical giggle at how happy you were. 
As joyful as you were, it quickly gave way to concern as you took in the look in his eyes. Eyes that swirled with pain and guilt. Sighing, you recognized immediately what was eating at him.
“Seonghwa, I’m fine.”
Anger blazed in them now. “You are not fine.”
“It’s just a few bruises. I’m okay.”
He turned to Yeosang, who quickly jumped into a status report. “From what I could see so far, she has superficial bruises on her throat, ankle, and wrists. The bleeding on her face is just from her lip but has already stopped bleeding. If I’m right, then he probably grabbed you, you fell, and that’s how you busted your lip. If that’s true, I wanna make sure you don’t have a concussion from hitting your head when that happened. Otherwise, some painkillers, a lot of rest, and she will be fine, hyung.”
The thunderous expression on his face did not waver, however. 
You sighed and looked back at Yeosang and lifted your eyebrows. He took the hint and left. You could hear whispers commence outside and were touched at the guys’ concern for you, but it would have to wait. Seonghwa had opened his mouth angrily to protest, but you turned in his arms before he could.
“Thank you for saving me.” A few tears slipped out as you recalled how close it had been. His fury morphed into worry, and he wiped your tears as he held you gently.
“I know you’re concerned about me-”
“That doesn’t even begin to cover it.” His voice was full of angst.
Your hands came up to either side of his face.
“I promise you- I am okay. This is nothing compared to how bad it could have been- what he promised to do. I know it hurts you when I’m hurt. I’m sorry.” You pressed your forehead against his.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N. It’s me who should be apologizing. I promised you the day I married you that I would never ever let anything hurt you. I.. I can’t even begin to start apologizing for that- I can’t live with myself. I couldn’t if something happened to you-”
“Sh, sh. Nothing happened to me. You got to me in time. You protected me. You can’t control everything. You did your best. I feel safest with you. Now, please stop this and just hold me.” Something in his eyes gave a little. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve had kind of a tiring night.”
He chuckled weakly at your attempt at levity. “I’m all yours. Anything you need. Forever.”
You smiled enthusiastically. 
“After you get patched up and take some pain meds.” 
You huffed at him but stuck your pinky out. “Deal.” 
Everyone outside was probably eavesdropping, because no sooner had he said that the guys started filing in, crying out in concern and settling around you and Seonghwa.
You smiled at everyone, rolled your eyes against Seonghwa’s indignation and hovering behavior when WooSan barely jostled you, and nestled against him anyways. Your ear to his heart.
“I figured out a way for you to live with yourself by the way.” 
His hands stroked through your hair. “Oh? What’s that?”
A mean little smile to copy his. “Revenge.”
His laugh was hearty. You were lulled to sleep.
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aestheteasteria · 5 months
Men with long hair are my religion
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atinycafe · 1 year
thinking about the members noticing their s/o has to hold something to fall asleep (like a billow or something) I have this habit and I wondered what they would think of it
pairing: ateez x fem!reader genre: fluff, some light angst (hurt 2 comfort for joong and sanni's parts) wrd cnt: 3.4k author's note: that was such a cute ask, thank you for requesting it babe <3 THANK YOU SO MUCH BABY I LOVE YOU TOO!! mixed it up with this ask. (ノ´ з `)ノ taglist: @hyukssunflower @cqndiedcherries masterlist
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  ○˳      hongjoong
hongjoong always comes home late, working tirelessly on producing, songwriting, and juggling many other tasks throughout his days and nights. so, you've taken it upon yourself to find comfort in a big teddy bear, craving the warmth of someone beside you to cuddle up with. this time though, you two had a massive fight, and he's gone all silent on you. no more arguing, he had decided. instead, he'd channel all that frustration into crafting some new beats, pouring his anger into his creations, so the cuddling with the bear just hits harder.
as he enters your private room, the first thing he does is check on you before even taking off his clothes or washing up. his eyes soften at the sight of you nestled with the large plushie, and his heart squeezes with guilt. you look so tiny and delicate in the vast bed, almost overshadowed by the bear's size. he tenderly runs his fingers from your wrist to your elbow, noticing your firm grip on the stuffed animal, and he closes his eyes, allowing his thoughts to roam freely as he scolds himself for being selfish and leaving you so lonely that you resorted to such measures to feel embraced.
your voice startles him from his thoughts, and hongjoong turns to you, gently hushing you, coaxing you back to sleep. "shh, baby, go back to sleep. let me just get out of these jeans, and i'll be right there, pretty girl."
you pay no attention to his words, sitting up and rubbing your eyes with one hand while the other tosses the bear out of the bed, pulling him closer by his suit vest. who wears a suit vest with jeans? probably your fashion-fanatic boyfriend, but you're too tired to imagine how uncomfortable that must be to lie down wearing it. you embrace him tightly, burying your face in his chest, taking in the scent of his cologne before drifting back to sleep, completely forgetting about how you guys were fighting just earlier in the day. regardless of how scratchy those designer jeans he's wearing are or how wrinkled his dress shirt might get tomorrow, nothing could make hongjoong budge away from you right now. he's getting all cozy, listening to your soft snores, and holding you tighter as he starts to doze off, but just before he actually falls asleep he whispers in the silent room.
"i'll get us a mattress in the studio so you can sleep in a same room where i'm there, i don't wanna ever leave you alone baby."
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  ○˳      seonghwa
when seonghwa sleeps, he becomes unnaturally warm, tossing and turning, pulling the sheets off his body only to tug them back afterwards. yep, he's like a living furnace—basically uncuddable. so, one day when you bring a big plushie (san's idea, by the way) to bed, seonghwa is perplexed. he doesn't say anything as he watches you place it next to you.
you turn to him, all smiles, and seonghwa can't help but reciprocate, smiling back down at you. you plant a soft peck on his lips, once, twice, and a third time because you just love him so much. then, you clap your hands twice, letting the automatic system turn off the lights for you. you fall asleep in seonghwa's arms just like usual, but as the night goes on, the heat radiating from his body makes you push him away. you grab your plushie instead and cuddle with it, moving as far away as you can from seonghwa. ah, finally, you can rest without feeling like you're trapped in a sauna.
"what… the.. fuck?" seonghwa groans, his speech slow and laced with sleep, waking up three hours later with no one in his arms. he props himself up on his elbows, looking around confusedly for your form. once his eyes adjust to the darkness, he finds you sleeping far away from him, cuddling with something that isn't him.
feeling betrayed, he grabs you by the waist, your back facing him, and he pulls you to be flush with him. you're awakened by the harsh motion, momentarily stunned before you start whining, trying to get away. but he just holds you closer, briefly letting go of your waist to grab the plushie and toss it behind him. impressive, considering the weight of that thing, but right now, the focus is on the issue at hand—his body temperature. "hwaa nooo, too hot."
"shut up you promised you'd stay through sickness and health, so just suffer with me." he croaks against your hair and you turn to him, a "boy what the hell are you talking about" look on your face.
"what promise? we're not even married?" you retort, your voice matching his, as you can barely make out the words from your dry throat.
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  ○˳      yunho
"i'll just grab the popcorn real quick, alright? you can start the movie without me, princess, no worries."
you nod quietly, reaching for the remote on the table as he plants a sweet kiss on your head when you settle back on the sofa. you press play, and the new spiderman movie starts rolling, but you're too exhausted to fully engage. work has really drained you, and all you crave is some rest. so, you pick up the cylindrical pillow beside you and hug it close.
by the time yunho returns with the snacks, you've already drifted off, and miles morales is on the screen, facing his mom's wrath. yunho doesn't notice right away, plopping down beside you and fixating his gaze on the tv. he laughs at a funny scene, but when he doesn't hear your laughter, he glances at you curiously from under his bangs. his eyes soften as he witnesses your adorable cuddling with the pillow. he can't help but be mesmerized, allowing the movie to play in the background while he admires every little detail of your face.
as he notices a droplet of spit forming on your parted lips, he can't help but chuckle, totally captivated by everything about you. gently, he wipes it away with his thumb and then lowers the volume using the remote. he softly takes the pillow from your arms and pulls you closer to him. he tries to hide his face with his hand as you snugly wrap your arms around his waist, finding comfort in his embrace. if mingi saw how completely giddy sleepy you can make him, he'd surely tease him endlessly.
"my princess' so cute, isn't she hmm?" he murmurs in the silence, running his fingers through the back of your neck. as you snuggle closer, he embraces you tightly, planting gentle kisses on your hair, causing you to twitch awake.
"huh? did the movie end? shit, sorry, i dozed off," you mumble groggily against his chest, trying to shift position. he places a hand over your eyes, momentarily blocking your vision.
"shh, go back to sleep, we'll watch it tomorrow," yunho chuckles, coaxing you to return to slumber on his chest. you comply happily, sneakily sliding your hands under his shirt to softly trace your nails on his skin.
"'ight, just promise not to watch it without me," you say playfully.
"deal, but only if you promise not to cuddle a pillow instead of me," he retorts with a teasing grin, "baby?"
"princess? do you promise?"
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  ○˳      yeosang
presently, you're watching yeosang flex his biceps in the mirror. he looks handsome, and his biceps have definitely gotten bigger. but you're feeling tired and all you really want is to cuddle with him. he's such a boy, ugh.
you pout and turn on the bed, making sure to steal his pillow to cuddle with. after ogling his body for a while, he takes off his tank top to flex his stomach and then goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth. once he's done with his routine, he returns to bed, only to notice his missing pillow.
he's about to fuss and whine, but when he sees you cuddling it, looking so cute, he can't help but stop. he lets his head fall back, gazing at the ceiling as he contemplates his options. should he steal back his pillow or just let you have it, because you look so comfy? he decides on the latter.
yeosang slips into bed, resting his cheek on his arm, elbow against the mattress, and turns toward you. your eyebrows are scrunched as if you're upset it's not him you're cuddling. he presses his thumb gently at the middle of your eyebrows, soothing the skin until your expression becomes more neutral. his fingers don't leave your face, though. they trail over, outlining your eyebrows, then gently feeling your eyelashes with his fingertips, before moving over the slope of your nose and settling on your puffy lips. he lightly pinches the flesh of your bottom lip between his fingers, tugging at it ever so softly. gosh, you're cute. and that habit of yours, hugging things when you sleep, just makes him melt even more for you. his heartbeat quickens the more he thinks about it. it's just so adorable!! now his eyebrows meet because he has to make do with sleeping without a pillow, all because you're so cute. sure, he could get up and find another pillow somewhere in the apartment, but he just can't seem to take his eyes off you, as if you'd vanish the moment he steps out of the room.
"gosh it's disgusting how much i love you."
the next morning, you wake up to the sight of yeosang sleeping next to you, with his head propped up on the mattress. you can't help but smile at the sight and decide to wake him up with small kisses to his lips.
"hey sleepy head."
"i think i have a cramp in my neck."
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  ○˳      san
"baby i'm sorr—"
you slam the door of your bedroom in his face, seething with anger. you're so furious that you could wreck the entire room right now. it's unbelievable that his ex showed up at the party he attended. fine, he only responded out of politeness when she talked to him, but it hurts you. what really stings is that wooyoung had to tell you about it before he did. you don't want to think about being understanding right now; you just need some time alone.
you make a beeline for the bed, falling onto it and getting tangled in the sheets. you silently kick the air like a child who's been denied a playdate. you know you're being childish, but it's too late to call him back. he's probably already on the couch, trying to sleep off the night. you'll talk about it in the morning like you always do, but for now, you'll settle for cuddling with one of his many plushies. grabbing the bigger one, you press your face against it and quickly doze off, exhausted from the fight.
not even two hours later, san sneaks back into the room. he makes sure you're asleep before taking another step. he just wanted to grab his phone from the nightstand, bored out of his mind and unable to sleep without you in his arms.
standing in front of the bed, he hesitates. you're there, cuddling with a bigger version of the shiber plushie you got him for his birthday, and he can't help but pout because he wants to be the one in your arms. maybe he could just slide in beside you—no, he shouldn't. but what if he lays down next to you without touching you—no, he shouldn't. what if he takes daddy shiber's place, then wakes up earlier to slip back onto the couch—no, he shouldn't. but you just look so adorable holding that plushie; it should be him!! lost in his thoughts, he doesn't notice you opening your eyes, having woken up the moment he entered the room. you really need to oil that door; it creaks so loudly.
"sanni," you whisper, and he lets out a small scream, so startled that he drops his phone. he cusses and quickly grabs it, apologizing and stuttering as he backs away. but he stops when you call his name again.
"yes?" his voice is small, and you sigh, rubbing your face. finally, you push the plushie away. "come here."
he practically jumps into the bed, pulling you close and hugging you tightly. "baby, i'm sorry. i didn't tell you because it honestly slipped my mind. she's so unimportant; i didn't even realize. i completely forgot about her—"
"san, not now. let's talk about it tomorrow morning. just hug me, please."
"yes ma'am."
"love you."
"... love you too."
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  ○˳      mingi
mingi is playing basketball with yunho in your backyard when you finally arrive home from work. you slip off your heels, keeping your eyes fixed on your boyfriend's agile movements through the sliding glass doors of the living room, which offer a clear view of the action in the garden. a soft smile forms on your lips as you watch him playfully push yunho aside, causing the taller boy to burst into laughter.
you push open the sliding doors and wave at the boys as they notice you. mingi playfully throws you a flying kiss, and you can't help but chuckle at his antics. taking a seat on one of the comfy couches you and mingi placed on the open veranda, you settle in to enjoy the scene.
"this shot's for you, babe!" mingi exclaims, dramatically pointing at you as he readies himself to shoot a 3-pointer. he releases the ball into the air but embarrassingly misses, leading to more laughter from yunho, who goes to retrieve the ball from the grass. mingi scratches the back of his head awkwardly and jogs over to you. "you didn't see anything."
you close your eyes, playing along, and feel a soft kiss on your cheek, followed by a sweet "welcome home, tiny" that warms your heart. mingi plants another kiss on your nose before returning to his match with yunho. the rhythmic sound of the bouncing ball lulls you into a peaceful sleep, and you instinctively grab a pillow to support your chin.
mingi doesn't notice that you've fallen asleep until he finishes his game. he and yunho approach your sleeping form, and both of them quiet down. mingi's breath catches in his throat at the sight – you look so adorable!! he can't help but let his thoughts run wild about how cute his princess is until yunho interrupts.
"bro, your girl's cute," yunho remarks, and mingi immediately turns to him, pushing him and throwing a couple of curses his way.
"get your own, you're not allowed to look!" mingi whines, using his body to shield you from yunho's view, pointing towards the living room to shoo him away. yunho chuckles but goes inside, knowing his own house is just down the street.
with yunho gone, mingi turns back to your sleeping form, crossing his arms in front of him as he shakes his head from side to side. "what am i gonna do with you, tiny? you can't let these guys see you like that."
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  ○˳      wooyoung
you watch wooyoung's graceful movements in the long mirror as he dances to a song from his album. a soft smile plays on your lips as you observe his focused expression, a sharp contrast to your naturally goofy boyfriend. the bass of the music reverberates through the floor, and for a moment, you close your eyes, allowing the sound to lull you into a sense of calm, almost drifting to sleep.
but your position on the floor isn't the most comfortable, sitting cross-legged. your eyes scan the room until you spot wooyoung's bag. with a mischievous smirk, you grab it and place it between your face and your thighs, hugging it to support your nap. soon, you doze off with a contented smile on your face.
wooyoung notices right away. his eyes are always on you just as much as yours are on him, and he stops dancing for a moment to disconnect his phone from the bluetooth stereo and switches to his airpods so as not to disturb your rest. he's eager to finish practice, knowing that the sooner he does, the sooner he can take you home.
after an hour of dancing, he's left with only the sound of his own heavy breathing. he puts the earphones back in his pocket and walks over to you, trying not to wake you up. he takes a seat beside you, grabbing a water bottle that was nearby.
as he sips from the bottle, his eyes remain fixated on your form. he just stares at you, wanting to memorize every detail, wishing he could imprint your image at the back of his eyelids. you're smiling in your sleep, and he bites his bottom lip, his gaze drifting to how you're hugging his bag. you're cute, you're so pretty, almost ethereal, and he feels like he's floating on a cloud. he considers himself the luckiest man alive. it's as if you sense his stare even in your sleep, and you wake up slowly, your eyelids fluttering open as you look around in confusion. the nap was so good that you momentarily forgot where you were.
when your eyes meet wooyoung's, his expression gives nothing away, although his mind is filled with enamored thoughts of you. you instinctively shrink in on yourself, hugging the bag tighter.
"… what?" you ask softly, feeling perplexed by the way he was looking at you.
he doesn't say anything; instead, he bends down and gives you a long kiss on the lips, catching you off guard. "woo, wha— what was that for?" you mumble.
"what was what for? since when do i need a reason to kiss you?" wooyoung replies, the affection in his words hidden behind a playful scoff.
"you don't, just don't look at me like a psychopath before you do it…"
"okay, i won't look at you anymore."
"wait, no, i was joking. look at me!!"
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  ○˳      jongho
you and jongho are cuddling together on the couch, him engrossed in a video game while you lazily watch the screen. sleep starts to tug at you, so you reach for the nearby pillow to get more comfortable.
the moment jongho sees you grabbing the pillow, he pulls the mic of his headphones up, briefly muting himself. "nah, drop that right now."
"jjong, what are you talking about?" you look up at him, surprised and confused, dropping a disbelieving scoff. he glances quickly at the screen, shooting a random guy in the game, and then focuses back on you.
"drop the pillow. you're not hugging that to sleep," he says, noticing your small habit and not liking it one bit. he scowls while trying to grab the pillow with one hand, still holding the controller with the other. however, you playfully pull back, laughing at his quirky antics.
"not until you tell me why," you laugh even harder, seeing him struggling to divide his attention between you and the game. but he only pouts, not wanting to reveal his true feelings. you snicker, now leaning against the armrest, and you playfully tap him with your feet, giggling when he sends you a death glare. "come on, tell meee."
"why would you hug a pillow to sleep when i'm right here?" he finally groans, pulling at his bangs to cover his face in embarrassment.
"no way, choi jongho, are you being serious right now?" you giggle even harder into the pillow, kicking your feet excitedly. the maknae is finally acting like a maknae, and you can't help but adore it. he doesn't say anything, rolling his eyes, but the slight blush spreading from his cheeks to his ears betrays him. he pulls the mic back down, hushing you with his finger, as if the fact that his mic is on can stop you from laughing at him. you toss the pillow to the floor and snuggle into his arms, making sure not to obstruct his view of the tv.
you mouth the words "i love you" before pulling him into a hug. jongho can't help but smile, momentarily forgetting that his mic is still on as he cheekily asks, "get your ass up here and give me a kiss."
a barrage of screams can be heard through the headset, so loud that even you can hear them.
"what the fuck jongho."
"bro what."
"hold on pause."
"aye man, what the fuck are you talking about."
"come here, teddy bear, i'll kiss you," jongho recoils at wooyoung's attempt at a fake high-pitched voice, trying to sound cute, but it only results in even more exaggerated disgusted screams from his the boys in the call.
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maximura · 10 months
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walnutspi3 · 1 month
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SERIES WARNINGS - smut, unprotected sex, degradation, heavy use of foul language, certain amount of kinks(?), alcohol, mentions of some trigger warnings. Other sorts of tw will be given in each part.
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This is a college au. Pairings - Park Seonghwa x Reader The entire series is written in 3rd person pov.
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While trying to get through the semesters of the almost never-ending bachelors' degree, falling in love wasn't on the L/N Y/N's to-do list at all.
That too with the so-called fuckboy of the prestigious University of Seoul, The Park Seonghwa.
A man who seems like; he is sculpted by the bare hands of god himself, a man with an alluring charisma that just creates a confident ambiance around him. A man with a mysterious stand and a man with a gaze so enchanting as if he is a siren calling out to his prey.
With a never-ending line of stunning sultry girls falling at his feet and yet he felt drawn to her.
Drawn to the closed-off Y/N, a superficial plain-looking girl in the prestigious University of Seoul. The typical "good girl" whose assignments are always submitted a week before the due date, whose H/C hair is always tied in a low loose ponytail, whose glasses are always sitting atop the bridge of her nose. A girl who nobody knows about how she is aside from her college life.
And that's how the dear Park Seonghwa had always been so interested in her, although he never made any move on her. Though his temptations always wanted to but he resisted the urge.
But during a certain incident, the two are fated to meet. Not knowing how their lives are about to turn upside down. Not knowing where their destiny is going to lead them and certainly not knowing how their stories are going to end.
A tale of time is all that can decide and maybe a kiss full of lies?
"What is that one thing you're afraid of the most?" He asked as his eyes glimpsed deep into hers. Eyes waiting in anticipation, even though he knew the answer to his question he wanted to hear the endearing words from her petite mouth.
Her glassy eyes gazed at him, their breaths fanned across their faces. She opened her mouth to speak but the words were caught in her throat.
The single word that she wanted to say so badly yet she couldn't.
The way she wanted to scream his name into his face and yet she couldn't.
She slowly took a deep breath and caressed his face oh-so lightly as if he were a porcelain doll that would break with a mere touch. She slowly whispered into his ear.
"You, Park Seonghwa. You're my prettiest misery of all."
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Coming - 2nd september 2024.
click [here] for series masterlist
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minjithekang · 9 months
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Thanks for reading, lovelies
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silver-hwaberry · 2 months
TWENTY-ONE: shooting stars
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Warnings: anxiety, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, safe word set but not used, spanking, swearing
Word count: 11.3K
Summary: KCON day has arrived and Luna is there for a member who is struggling. While another member has planned a night for just the two of them under the stars in LA.
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From the moment Jongho woke up in his hotel room in LA, he felt off. Something wasn’t right and he couldn’t figure out what. He presumed at first it was maybe the long flight the day before with a full day at kcon ahead of them. So he did his usual routine for when they were away for work of getting up early and going down to the gym. To his surprise, Luna and Yeosang were in there. Luna was running on the treadmill while Yeosang was doing weight lifting.
"Hey Jongho!" Luna greets with a smile, increasing her pace on the treadmill.
Jongho returns the smile, feeling a bit more awake now that he has seen her. "Morning, Luna." he replies, making his way over to the weights area where Yeosang was focused on his reps.
As Jongho began his workout, he found himself stealing glances at Luna's intense treadmill session. The rhythmic thumping of her strides against the machine echoed in the gym, providing a steady beat to their morning routine. After a while, Luna slows down, her breaths becoming more laboured.
"Oh my god, I am so done now!" she exclaimed, stopping the treadmill and wiping sweat from her face.
“You did well.” Yeosang replies placing the weights down
“That is a lie, but I’ll take the compliment anyway.” she laughs walking over to him
Jongho watches as she wipes some sweat from Yeosangs forehead with her towel before pulling him in for a kiss. As Yeosang wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her back Jongho quickly averts his gaze, feeling like he is intruding on a private moment between them. When they break apart Yeosang goes over to the water machine to refill his water bottle. Luna notices Jonghos quiet demeanor.
"Hey, Jongho, you're awfully quiet over there. Everything okay?" Luna asks softly
Jongho forces a smile. "Yeah, I'm good." he replies nonchalantly, not wanting to burden her with his concerns as he puts the weight he was lifting onto the floor and stretches his arms
"Jjong, you know you can talk to me, right? I’m here for you, if you need anything." she reassures him, her voice soft and comforting.
Feeling her genuine care and support for him, he considers telling her but he couldn’t pinpoint himself exactly why he was feeling this way. “Honestly, I’m just tired. From the flight yesterday and having a full day ahead of us at kcon.” he says, “I’ll be fine once I’ve had my workout and breakfast.” he adds
Luna looks at him, not quite believing him but not wanting to push him either. She reaches over and holds onto one of his hands. “Okay.” she nods, “Remember that I am always here though.”
Feeling the warmth of her hand in his, Jongho laces their fingers and gives her a small smile. “I know, thank you sweetheart.”
Yeosang comes back over to them, gulping down the cool water. He notices their entwined hands and smiles to himself at seeing Jongho allowing himself to be open with someone.
“Anyway, I better go get my stinky ass in the shower. I’ll see you guys later on when we get picked up.” she says giving Jonghos hand a tiny squeeze before kissing Yeosangs cheek and leaving
Jongho and Yeosang continued their workout in a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The gym gradually filled up as the morning wore on, the quiet atmosphere replaced by the hum of activity. As they finished their workout, Jongho felt his energy levels have increased but the unease was still there.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you two so early.” Jongho says, “Thought I’d have the gym to myself at such an early hour.”
“Wasn’t planning to come down this early to be honest but I couldn’t really sleep so got up and I found Luna waiting for the elevator.” Yeosang replies, “Wasn’t expecting to see her either.”
“How was she this morning?” Jongho asks
As they all gathered in Hongjoong's room for dinner the night before, not a single one of them spoke of the panic attack that had occurred on the plane. It was an agreement the 8 of them made before Yunho arrived with her, that they would only speak about it if she brought it up first. While mostly everyone was asleep on the plane Luna had spoken to Seonghwa privately, telling him how embarrassed she was by what happened and although he had reassured her she had nothing to be embarrassed about, she said she still felt self-conscious about it. So not wanting to make her uncomfortable, they made the decision not to talk about it.
“Her usual happy and bright self. I think she got a good nights sleep.” Yeosang answers as Jongho nods. Little did they know she didn’t get as much sleep as the others did and neither did Yunho who’s room she’d spent the night in after the dinner.
After Jongho and Yeosang cleaned up they went back to their rooms but the feeling inside of Jongho was still there. He had hoped the workout would have settled it so he continued with his morning routine of having a shower and ordering breakfast to his room before going to the conference room that had been set up for hair and make up.
“Where is Luna?” San asks, scanning the room as he enters
“She’ll be coming down soon.” Hongjoong answers as Chaeyoung runs a brush through his hair
“I don’t get why Luna is always around!” Chaeyoung blurts out.
“Luna is our translator.” Hongjoong answers in a monotone voice, “She’ll always be with us, that’s her job.”
He had picked up on the looks Chaeyoung would give Luna when she was around and how Luna kept her distance from her. It didn’t surprise him though as most of the staff did the exact same because of Chaeyoungs attitude and her little mean girl gang. Hongjoong knew how outspoken Luna was too and had assumed she was keeping herself away so as not to say anything. Either way Hongjoong didn’t like Chaeyoung but he tolerated her because she excelled at her job and in order to keep her away from the other guys after the incident with Yunho, he volunteered himself.
“I get that, Joongie,” she sighs. “But does she really need to be in hair and makeup? Or hanging around when she isn’t needed?”
“Yes, because we’re about to attend a predominantly English-speaking event in 30 minutes. We need to be prepared,” he replies curtly. “And it’s Hongjoong to you,” he adds, feeling a hot sensation of irritation at hearing her use the nickname that made his heart flutter and a reason to smile when Luna said it. From Chaeyoung’s mouth, it made his stomach turn. He felt it to be incredibly unprofessional as well when they were coworkers only, they had no form of friendship outside of her styling his hair.
“I..I’m sorry…I’m..” she stammers, her eyes wide as she looks at him through the mirror
“Lets just focus on work.” he interrupts
She nods and continues styling his hair. At that moment, Luna enters the room and the others greet her politely. Hongjoong notices the eye roll from Chaeyoung through the mirror in front of him.
As Luna takes her seat in the corner of the room, Wooyoung glances over at her and asks, "How are you feeling today, Luna? Did you sleep well?"
Luna smiles warmly and replies, "I'm feeling great, thank you. I slept…. good.” she glances over at Yunho briefly who gives her a discreet smile in return,
“That’s good!” Wooyoung smiles, “Ready for a busy day ahead?”
“I am excited for the event and fully ready to help out however I can."
Hongjoong nods in approval before turning his attention back to Chaeyoung. Sensing a tense atmosphere with Chaeyoung staring at Luna through the mirror, he decides to break the silence by saying, "Let's make sure everything is perfect today. We need to show our best selves at this event."
Chaeyoung, still feeling uneasy after her slip-up earlier, chimes in nervously, "Yeah, of course. I'll make sure everything is ready for you guys. Sorry again for earlier."
“Lets just focus on our individual jobs and not what other people are doing.” he states firmly as she can only nod in response.
Nearly everyone is ready to leave now. The stylists with the outfits had already gone ahead to set up the changing room at the venue. Most of the hair and makeup was done, and cars were arranged for transport. Luna looks around the room, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves bubble inside her. This was her first English-speaking event with the team—a chance to prove herself to both the company and the guys as the right choice for the job.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
So far the day has gone well, they have done a couple of interviews and handled the English perfectly. Luna hadn’t needed to help translate anything but was there to support them if they needed, and her constant presence nearby them bolstered their confidence.
As the concert's start near, Ateez prepare to open the show. Everyone is gathered in their designated changing area, stylists putting finishing touches to outfits, ensuring micpacks are secure and hidden, etc. Jongho sits in a corner, hands trembling as he mentally rehearses the choreography for the kcon signature song. Luna notices his tense demeanour and shaking hands. She has never seen him this nervous before and felt a pang of worry. Approaching him, she glances at the staff finalising outfits and hair for the others, making sure no one was watching her. "Hey, it's going to be okay," she says soothingly.
Jongho looks up at her with wide eyes, his bottom lip trembling. "But what if I mess up? What if I let everyone down?" he whispers, his voice cracking.
Luna takes another look around, she knows they aren’t due on stage for another 20 minutes. “Come with me.” she says
Jongho rises from his seat, following her into a cramped room attached to their preparation area. The space is cluttered with racks of outfits and boxes piled high, but they are alone. She closes the door behind them, shutting out the chatter and bustle of the main room. Turning to face him, she sees his clammy cheeks and her heart clenches. Stepping closer, she takes his hands in hers, offering a gesture of comfort in front of him.
“Talk to me.” she urges softly. Jongho remains silent, his gaze fixed on the ground, “It is just us two here. You can tell me anything you want to and I promise, it won’t leave this room.”
Jongho's eyes flicker nervously as they meet hers. Even though she stands a couple of feet away, he can feel the warmth radiating from her and it instantly calms his racing heart. He hates being vulnerable in front of others, always afraid of judgement or rejection. Throughout his life, he has never known how to respond when people tried to help him, often pushing them away instead.
But standing here with Luna, her small soft hands in his, he feels something shift inside him. As he looks down at her, her full attention solely on him, he feels his walls begin to crumble. It scares him and enthrals him all at once. He takes a deep breath, his bottom lip trembling as he finally voices his fears. "But what if I mess up? What if I let everyone down?" he whispers.
Luna smiles softly, one of her hands leaves his and touches his face, her fingers gently touch his cheek. "You won't mess up, and you will never let anyone down."
Jongho's chest rises and falls in rapid breaths as he struggles to control his emotions. Luna knows that words alone wouldn't be enough to ease his anxiety, so without hesitation, she did what she always does when someone she cares about needs comfort – enveloping him in a warm embrace.
She understands the risk of crossing this physical boundary with him, but she can’t see him this way and not try to provide him with a bit of solace. Her arms wrap around his sturdy frame, pulling him close to her, careful not to disturb his hair or make up. She could feel his tense muscles slowly relaxing against her, his head finding a comfortable spot on her shoulder. They stay like this for a few moments, breathing in sync. Jongho's self-doubt and nerves fade away as he holds onto her tightly.
"Thank you," Jongho mumbles into her shoulder, his voice muffled.
Luna pulls away slightly but still keeping him in her arms, looking at him with a soft smile. "Anytime, Jongho."
"I woke up this morning feeling off, and it only got worse as the day went on," he explains.
"I know that feeling," she responds, gazing into his eyes.
"Learning the choreography for the kcon song in just 6 hours and then rehearsing for the tour on top of that...it's all blending together," he continues. "I'm struggling with the new dances for the tour. Yunho is working hard to teach us, Mingi and Wooyoung has been helping him. I've been watching BBT's videos over and over again in my room at night." He sighs. "Normally, I don't have trouble with choreo but this time it's really getting to me and I don't understand why."
Luna nods and lets him express his emotions, hoping it will ease his stress. She understands the power of verbalising worries.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t be unloading to you like this.” he says looking away
"It's perfectly fine and you definitely should be," she replies, gently turning his gaze back to her with her hand on his cheek. "If talking helps you, always come to me. I'm a good listener." Her hand moves to his shoulder as she looks into his eyes. "Jjong, you are amazing. You have more talent in your pinkie finger than most of us have in our entire bodies. I know you'll get on that stage and blow everyone away, like you always do!"
Jongho looks down at her as their surroundings fade away, leaving just the two of them in the world. He smiles, enfolding her in another embrace, relief washing over him at her uplifting words of encouragement and support, and also that he has conquered the barrier of hugging Luna. Though she initiated it, and he's thankful she did.
As they gaze into each other's eyes, the world falls silent and time seems to stop. Jongho leans in, gently brushing his lips against Luna's cheek. When she responds favourably, nestling closer to his touch, he continues trailing soft kisses along her face until he reaches her lips. Looking into her eyes once more, he nods almost subtly as if seeking permission to finally do what they've both been longing for. She smiles her consent. Just as they are about to share their first kiss, the sound of the door opening shatters the moment.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Sans voice says causing Jongho to pull his head back but he keeps a hold of her in his arms, “I didn’t mean to.. interrupt you both.”
“It is fine.” Jongho says looking over at him, Luna feels his hand subtly rub her back and it feels nice, “Is everything okay?”
“Yes, um...” Sans stumbles over his words, clearly flustered by catching them in a private moment. “Hongjoong was looking for you. We need to head to the stage area now.” He nervously scratches the back of his neck. “Sorry again!” With that, he closes the door and leaves them alone once more.
Jongho's gaze stays on the door through which San has just left, a hint of frustration crossing his features. "We never seem to get a moment alone," he murmurs, more to himself than to Luna.
Luna tightens her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "We both know that always going to be hectic and chaotic, there will always be someone floating nearby but we'll find our moments together, where it is just us two." she reassures him.
Jongho turns to Luna, placing his forehead against hers. "I'm holding onto that hope," he whispers, his gaze softening as he takes comfort in her presence. “I really want to kiss you... but not like this. Not in a hurry and not when I have to leave for the stage without being able to see you again until much later tonight because we'll both be busy working all day. I'm not foolish enough to expect the perfect first kiss, but I also don't want it to be rushed."
"Jongho," Luna whispers, "our cafe date is just a couple of days away. I can't wait to have you all to myself, to share our first kiss and whenever that may be, it will be perfect because it will be ours." She smiles at him tenderly, her eyes conveying all the affection she feels for him. “Now lets get back before I get into trouble from Hongjoong for stealing you away!”
As Jongho wraps his arms around her waist, he feels a surge of happiness wash over him. “Our first kiss will be magical and perfect, just like you.” He whispers, pressing a tender kiss against her forehead. A rosy blush spreads across Luna's cheeks at Jongho's gesture, a wave of warmth coursing through her body. “And I’ll handle Hongjoong, I won’t let him scold my little sweetheart!” he adds
She gazes up at him with a sheepish smile, completely caught up in the moment and loving every second of it, she returns the gesture by kissing the back of his hand so as not to ruin his make up. As they lock eyes, their faces flush with an innocent charm reminiscent of besotted teenagers. Jongho smiles widely at her, his signature gummy smile on show and crescent moon eyes.
“Lets go.” she says finally pulling apart from him
She follows him over to the door, seeing that Jongho is carrying himself more confidently and he has gone from being closed off to open and she finds herself smiling as they walk back into the changing area.
“Luna, there you are!” Wooyoung calls out to her in English, walking towards her as Jongho heads over to a stylist to put on his jacket.
Luna is surprised by Wooyoung's sudden use of English, but also feels proud of him. “Hey, what's going on?” she responds in English.
“We want you to watch us from the side of the stage instead of staying back here.” he says quietly, switching back to Korean
“Are you sure? I don’t want to get in the way or distract anyone.” she asks
“Of course we’re sure. We love having you there when we perform and this is a special show for us. We’re opening the show, performing the signature song and it is also your home country.” he replies, “Plus, you know we always want you by our sides.”
Luna feels her heart swell with emotion as she looks at Wooyoung and the rest of the group making their final preparations.
“So will you come?” Wooyoung asks, his voice soft
"Do you even have to ask? I'll always be there for you guys," Luna responds with a light laugh. "I wouldn't miss it for anything."
“Let’s go!” Myeonjin shouts over the noise, signalling that it’s time to head out.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Their performance was an energetic and seamless display of talent and passion. The audience, already brimming with anticipation, were immediately swept up in the music as soon as the group stepped onto the stage. This only fuelled the band members to give their all, pouring their hearts into each note and dance move. Luna watched from the sidelines, her eyes sparkling with joy as her boyfriends performed. Unable to contain her excitement, she danced and sang along with the music, joined by Hyunshik. The two of them danced freely at the edge of the stage, not caring who could see them as they enjoyed each other's company.
During "Hala Hala," Hongjoong spotted them, his heart swelling at Luna's carefree happiness with her friend. Between songs, Luna watched intently, pride surging as they flawlessly delivered their rehearsed English speeches amidst their hectic schedules. As the music resumed, she and Hyunshik resumed their playful dancing.
After the final note faded, they hurried back to the waiting area to prepare for the meet-and-greet session and other events. Luna stood ready to assist with translations. Though their stage time was over until the grand finale, their day was far from done. The air buzzed with anticipation for what lay ahead.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
After the show concluded, everyone retreated to the hotel. The guys had already arranged to do a live on YouTube while they ate dinner so Luna went back to her room where she immediately got changed into a pair of black sweatpants, a loose fitting cropped t-shirt and an oversized knitted cardigan, ordered her own dinner while she watched the live. Knowing most of the group would either go out to enjoy their rare free time in LA or head straight to bed, she prepared for a quiet night alone.
Once the live session ended and her food trays were placed outside her door, Luna settled on top of her bed with a book she had planned to read on the plane but hadn’t touched. She had spent that flight sleeping and watching a movie with Yeosang, their hands secretly intertwined under blankets.
Ten minutes later, her phone buzzed, pulling her from the pages. Seeing Hongjoong’s name on the screen made her heart flutter.
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Luna feels a little bubble of excitement in her tummy as she puts her phone on the bed and jumps off it, quickly makes her way over to the bathroom to freshen up for him. Apart from their lunch in his studio a few weeks ago this was the first time he’s asked to do something with her that wasn’t at the company building. With the long hours Hongjoong works in his studio, they rarely see one another in the apartment either so opportunities to be alone have been slim to zero.
As she brushes her hair she hears a small knock at her hotel room door, she places the brush back on the dressing table and opens the door to see Hongjoong smiling at her. His heart flutters as he sees her; despite being together all day at work, he yearned for time alone with her in private. Away from work.
“Hey Joongie!” she smiles happily
“Are you ready?” he asks
“I just need to grab my phone and put my sneakers on.” she says, “Come in.”
He follows her inside, taking in her surroundings. Her suitcase lays open in a corner, clothes jumbled inside—clearly not planning to unpack. Her work laptop sat on the desk, screen dark. Her usual Kuromi comfort blanket draped over the bed caught his eye, along with an open book beside it.
"Nice book," he remarks, picking it up gently without losing her place. "Have you had much chance to read it?" He glanced at the cover: The Letters of Vincent Van Gogh.
Luna chuckles, finishing tying her shoelaces. "Only just started it. I got it for the plane ride but ended up sleeping most of it. Maybe I'll get to it on the flight home."
“Do you like to read?” he asks
“Oh yeah! My mom is an English teacher, so I grew up with books. If I wasn’t studying languages, I had my nose stuck in a book.” she answers
“And Van Gogh I see, you like reading art books?” he asks carefully putting it back in the exact position he found it
“I love all books! From trashy romance novels to art history.” she laughs standing up from the seat in the corner and fixing the waistband of her sweats. “In my old job at the hotel I didn’t have any time for reading but now I do, which I absolutely love!” she picks up her phone and slides it into her pocket "Shall we go?" she asks, flashing a bright smile.
"Of course," he says returning her smile, holding the door open for her. They leave the room together and instead of heading to the elevator lobby on their floor Hongjoong walks in the opposite direction with Luna following rather clueless.
"So, where are we headed?" Luna asks curiously as they arrive at the end of the corridor at a smaller looking elevator door.
He looks down at her with a playful glint in his eyes. "It's a surprise," he teases as he presses the button.
Entering the elevator Hongjoong presses the button for the top floor before putting a 4 digit code into the keypad. Luna looks at him with a look of intrigue in her eyes. “Well now I am even more curious!” she giggles
With a charming smile, Hongjoong puts an arm around her shoulders and pulls her towards him. Luna smiles as she cuddles into the side of his body, her head resting on his shoulder. As the lift carries them upwards to their destination, he holds her close, savouring the feeling of her warmth against the side of his body.
The doors open to reveal a breathtaking sight. As they step out onto the rooftop garden, Luna's breath catches in her throat. The sky is dark, but the stars were shining brightly, twinkling like diamonds in the sky. Her eyes widen, taking in the breathtaking sight before her. There are sun loungers dotted around the space. In the corner of the rooftop stands a cute gazebo adorned with beautiful flowers and delicate fairy lights spiralled around the flowers and pillars. There is also strings of lights hanging around the rooftop too and it makes her heart swell at how romantic it all feels. She wasn’t expecting this from him at all.
Hongjoong keeps his eyes fixed on her, a smile creeping onto his face as he looks at her looking around in complete awe. Her big brown eyes sparking under the fairy lights surrounding them.
“Joongie…” she gasps, “This is so beautiful.”
"I thought you might like it," Hongjoong says, smiling at her.
Luna turns to him, a questioning look in her eyes. "But why did you bring me up here?"
Gently taking her hand, Hongjoong pulls her close and wraps his arms around her waist as she snakes hers around his shoulders. "I wanted time alone, just us, away from work and the company. The hotel room didn't seem special enough and I didn’t want to take you out anywhere with other people around. But I remembered how incredible the rooftop was on our last trip here, with complete privacy and I knew it was perfect for us." He presses his lips to hers in a tender kiss. Luna's heart flutters at his gesture, and she couldn't help but feel a warmth in her chest.
As they sit on one of the double sun loungers, Hongjoong pulls a small bag that was hidden underneath it. He opens it to reveal some snacks and drinks. “Strawberries!” she giggles as she hands the container to her
“Not just strawberries.” he grins putting his hand back into the bag.
Luna's eyes widen in surprise as Hongjoong shows her the tub of cream. "Oh, you really went all out, didn't you?" she chuckles, playfully nudging him as he pulls out more snacks and drinks for them both.
"I wanted to make sure we have all the essentials for a perfect evening under the stars," he replies smoothly, scooping out a dollop of cream onto a strawberry and offering it to Luna.
She accepts the strawberry, her lips curling into a smile as she takes a bite. "Mmm, delicious," she remarks, enjoying the sweet combination of fruit and cream.
Beneath the glittering night sky, they share an impromptu picnic on the rooftop. All stress and responsibilities fade away as they sink into complete relaxation, alone together. Conversation flows effortlessly, touching on anything and everything, relishing this rare opportunity to connect without distractions.
"This is amazing, Joongie," she murmurs, looking at him with gratitude and affection in her eyes. "Thank you for this special evening."
Hongjoong's expression softens as he meets her gaze. "I'm just happy to see you smile," he says sincerely, reaching over to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Come here.”
He gathers their empty food containers and drink bottles, placing them back into the bag before pulling her to sit between his legs, her back against his chest. As she settles happily into his embrace, he pulls out a blanket, covering them both.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much for you.” he whispers in her ear
“You don’t need to apologise.” she replies, “I know you are busy with work.”
“But still, I should be making more time for you.” he adds
“Do I wish you were home more often? Of course I do. Do I hate when you sleep at the studio instead of in your own bed? You bet I do! But it’s because I want to see you taking an actual break and resting. Of course, I want to see you too, but I'm more concerned about your health and well-being.” Luna says
Hongjoong swallows hard, her concern piercing through his defenses. He reflects on the countless hours spent in the studio, unaware of how much she worried for him while he was locked away.
Tightening his hold around her, he presses a kiss to the top of her head. "I promise to make more time for us, to create moments like this—just you and me, no distractions or worries. And I promise to come home more too."
Luna turns her head to look up at Hongjoong. "I appreciate your promise, Joongie," she says softly, her voice filled with warmth. "But, I also understand your passion for music and how hard you work for it. I just want us all to find that balance where we can support each other fully."
Feeling the sincerity in her words, Hongjoong tightens his arms around her, a soft chuckle escaping him. "I'm grateful to have you by my side, Luna. Your understanding and support means everything to me, to all of us."
As they lay there under the vast expanse of stars, Luna felt blessed. She had found acceptance in the most unexpected place. These 8 men opening her eyes to a new world where intimacy wasn't confined to one person but could take many forms and still be beautiful.
Hongjoong looks down at her, his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. Luna turns her head slightly and looks back at him. “Are you okay, my love?” he asks softly
Luna's eyes shimmer with emotion as she meets Hongjoong's gaze, feeling a rush of warmth at his term of endearment. "I'm more than okay, Joongie," she nods, reaching her hand back to touch his cheek, "I'm happy... truly happy." she adds leaning her head back against his chest.
“I’m glad.” he replies softly. He tenderly presses his lips against her hand, savouring the intimate moment they are experiencing. It's a rare luxury for them, with their busy schedules and the pressure to maintain a professional demeanour in public. Their physical displays of affection have been limited to quick stolen kisses and brief hugs. But now, he caresses her stomach with gentle strokes while she traces her fingers along his jawline, both basking in the warmth and comfort of one another. Luna leans back into him with a soft happy sigh.
Suddenly, a shooting star streaks across the night sky, drawing gasps from both Luna and Hongjoong. “oh my god, did you just see that?!” Luna asks excitedly looking back at him with big sparkling eyes
“I did!” Hongjoong grins, kissing her cheek before putting his lips to her ear whispering, “Make a wish, my love.”
A smile crosses her face as she closes her eyes tight and make a silent wish deep in her heart. When she opens them again she sees him looking at her with a look of adoration in his face.
“What did you wish for?” he asks softly
“I can’t tell you that,” she replies turning her head to kiss him, “It won’t come true if I do.”
Hongjoong chuckles softly, pulling her closer and placing a kiss on the side of her head. “That’s true.” he says resting his head against hers as they look back up the star strewn across night sky. Hongjoong knew he’d picked the right night to do this with Luna. The sky was clear, the air wasn’t too cold, it was a tranquil night for just the two of them after a hectic couple of weeks for them both.
“Joongie?” Luna’s voice is barely a whisper.
“Yes, my love?” he responds, his tone tender.
Luna’s stomach churns with nerves as she finally voices her fear. “Why... why do you guys want me? You’re idols; you could have anyone. Why me? I’m just... nobody.” Her voice tightens, revealing her anxiety.
Hongjoong can see the insecurity in her eyes and he moves to turn her around, sitting her on his lap so they are facing each other. He cups her cheek gently with his hand causing her to look into his eyes. "Luna," he begins, "you’re far from 'nobody' to us. From the moment we met you, we all felt a strong connection to you. There was something about you that we couldn't quite put into words, or even figure out fully what was drawing us all to you. As we got to know you, it became clear to all of us why." He leans in closer, his warm breath brushing against her skin as he continues, "You bring a light into our lives that we didn't even know was missing. Your kindness, strength, uniqueness - your entire being captivates us in ways we never thought possible. We don't want just anyone, Luna. We want you." His words hang in the air between them, heavy with sincerity and a depth of emotion that leaves Luna speechless.
Luna's big, doe-like brown eyes widen in surprise and a flurry of emotions. She searches his deep, warm gaze for any hint of deceit or insincerity, but all she finds is honesty and adoration reflecting back at her. The way his gaze holds hers makes her heart skip a beat, like they are the only two people in the world at that moment. A soft smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she leans in placing a soft kiss on his lips.
“How are you doing with our situation?” he asks, looking into her eyes seriously
“It’s... good,” she smiles, her hands sliding up his arms to circle his shoulders. “It was strange at first. I second-guessed everything—what I said, did, even wore—wondering what you all thought about me being in a relationship with eight men.” She pauses, recalling moments of doubt and uncertainty.
Hongjoong reads the conflict on her face and gently squeezes her hips reassuringly.
“But then,” she continues “I realised that you guys were just as nervous and unsure about things as I was and it made me relax.” she smiles softly at him, her fingers play with the ends of his fluffy hair
“We definitely were!” he chuckles, his hands holding onto her hips, “A poly relationship is hard to navigate and I understand that it is harder for you than for us. 8 of us and 1 of you, many of us vying for your attention and wanting to spend time with you plus you need your alone time too.”
Luna nods in understanding, feeling gratitude wash over her. She leans closer, resting her head against his chest and taking a deep breath that brings calm.
“You’ve all been so patient with me,” she whispers softly, her voice muffled against his shirt. “And you look after me as well. More than you should have to with your own busy lives.”
Hongjoong wraps his arms around her tightly. “Of course, Luna. We care deeply about your comfort and happiness.”
She looks up at him, her eyes glistening with emotion. “I never imagined I could feel this way about multiple people at once.”
Hongjoong smiles tenderly, brushing a stray strand of hair away from her face. “We’re all learning and growing together, Luna. Your presence in our lives has brought us closer and made us stronger as a unit too.” He leans forward and kisses her.
Luna gasps as Hongjoong’s lips meet hers in a passionate kiss, his hands gripping her hips firmly. Their bodies press together; she feels his arousal growing between them. Her breath hitches as she moans into the kiss, tasting the lingering sweetness of earlier snacks on his lips. His fingers trace slow circles on the bare skin of her lower back beneath her loose cardigan, igniting a fire within them both that has nothing to do with the balmy weather outside—a spark of heat that sends shivers up her spine.
She responds to his gentle ministrations by delicately tracing the contours of his face with her fingertips, each stroke igniting their shared skin with an intense need. Her fingers dance lightly over the faint hint of stubble on his chin, drawing a deep, rumbling groan from some hidden part of him that vibrates pleasantly against her own heated flesh.
Luna’s breath hitches as Hongjoong trails kisses down her neck, following the curve with a slow, languid pace. "Joongie," she moans lightly, dropping her head back as he pulls her hips over his, a spark of pleasure hitting her core as it rubs against his hard on. She clings onto him tighter, her nails digging into his back through the fabric of his shirt.
"God, Luna," he breaths against the hollow of her throat, "you're so fucking sexy on top of me like this." Suddenly he grabs her hips and rolls them over so she is lying on the sun-lounger and positions himself above her. His eyes darken with desire as he looks at her sprawled beneath him. He groans, taking her lips in a passionate and deep kiss, tongues dancing as their bodies move against each other. His hands roam her body, feeling every curve and soft places, before running down to cup her ass, pulling her closer to his hardening cock. She moans into the kiss, feeling the heat between them growing stronger as her fingers tug at his hair. Hongjoong can feel himself getting lost in the moment, his hand inching closer and closer to sliding into her sweatpants.
"Fuck, Luna..." he rasps against her mouth, "We...we should stop."
Luna quickly untangles her legs from around his waist and tries to move away. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…”
"No, no," he pants, dragging her back against him, "I only meant we should retreat somewhere more private if we want to continue this." His hand glides down her taut stomach, toying with the waistband of her sweats. "It's a bit...exposed out here, even if we're alone." He bites his lower lip, voice husky with want.
“Oh shit!” she covers her mouth giggling, “I wasn’t even thinking straight.” Her eyes lock with his again. “So… your room or mine?”
“Mine is closer.” he replies briskly
“Someones a bit impatient.” she teases with a smirk
"Can you blame me?" With a smooth motion, he pushes himself off of her and helps her to stand. Without hesitation, he pulls her towards the elevator door and they move quickly, almost running. Time seems to slow down as they wait for the doors to open, every second feeling like an eternity. But once inside, Hongjoong becomes bold, pressing her firmly against the wall as his hands eagerly explore her body. They are caught up in a frenzy of desire, their lips crashing together in a hungry kiss as the doors close behind them, sealing them in their own private world. Lost in throes of desire, their bodies melt together, hands grasping and caressing.
"Joongie..." Luna mutters, placing her hands on his chest. He stills immediately.
"Am I moving too fast?" he asks, searching her eyes for any signs of hesitation.
"Oh no, not at all!" she giggles. "Just, the cameras..." She nods towards the device in the corner.
"Don't worry, this is a private elevator and our security controls the cameras here tonight, in here and on our floor." he assures her. "No one will ever see the footage. We have complete privacy."
"You really have thought of everything," she marvels.
"I wanted us to be able to be carefree tonight, like a regular couple" he says with a smile. “And no, I didn’t plan for this to be on the cards tonight before you say.” he adds kissing her softly
“I wasn’t going to.” she chuckles kissing him back, “But it is pretty damn perfect.” she adds with a playful grin causing him to blush lightly
The elevator doors glide open with a soft hiss, revealing their floor. Hongjoong reaches for Luna's hand, lacing their fingers as he quickly leads her down the plush carpeted hallway to his room. Giggling, she hurries to match his eager pace until they reach the door. Fingers fumbling in haste, he inserts the keycard and they tumble inside in a fit of playful laughter.
With a soft click, the door swings shut behind them, shutting out the world and leaving Luna and Hongjoong alone in the room. Luna wastes no time, quickly kicking off her sneakers as he does the same, desire in her eyes as she looks at him. His pulse races as she nimbly removes her cardigan, letting it slide down her arms and drop to the floor. Her cropped tee follows suit along with her sweatpants, the clothes falling away to reveal her smooth skin and delicate curves that steal his breath.
"Are you completely certain about this?" he asks softly.
Luna nods emphatically, moving closer until her body is a hairsbreadth from his. Her hands encircle his neck, pulling him into a passionate, spine-tingling kiss as their bodies melt together. A low groan rumbles in his chest and she pushes him against the wall, grinding her hips against his stiff arousal. Lunas hands move down to pull at his sweatpants as he kicks them off. His hands caress her silky skin, tracing her curvy waist before grasping her hips. She tastes of sweet strawberries, inflaming his passion. Scooping her into his arms, he carries her to the expansive bed, their lips still joined in fiery bliss.
Luna gasps as Hongjoong climbs on top of the bed and drops her onto the middle of it, his body hovering over hers. She gazes up at him, her large doe-like eyes full of longing and desire, her lower lip lightly biting into as she tries to contain her emotions. Hands moving to his t-shirt she pulls it over his head revealing his toned chest and abs. Her fingers delicately run over his chest, each touch leaving a lingering trail of fire that spreads throughout his body. Luna wraps her arms around his shoulder, pulling him closer as their lips meet in another passionate kiss.
Hongjoong can't get enough of her, his hands exploring her skin, feeling the softness beneath his touch. He can't get enough of her, can't get close enough. He needs to feel every inch of her, to make her his own for tonight. "You drive me fucking insane!" he moans, his breath hot against her neck. She gasps as he nips at her collarbone, his teeth grazing her sensitive flesh.
Hongjoong's lips continue a trail of fiery kisses down Luna's body, starting from her neck and making their way down to her stomach. With practised ease, he unclasps her bra and tosses it onto the floor. His feast upon the sight of her bare breasts, rising and falling with each ragged breath she takes. The intensity of his gaze and the way his eyes darken further, Luna suddenly feels shy. On instinct her hands cover herself causing Hongjoongs features to instantly soften and look at her. He sees the shyness in her face, her eyebrows lowered, the blush on her cheeks forming as she avoids his gaze.
With a gentle touch, Hongjoong caresses Luna's cheek. "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, my love," he says softly, his other hand holding her waist gently. "I want to make you feel good," he continues, "but your comfort is more important to me. If anything feels wrong or you want me to slow down, say 'yellow' and I will stop immediately."
Hongjoong's words instantly soothes Luna's nerves as she slowly lowers her hands, allowing him to gaze upon her fully but his eyes stay fixed on hers.
“I just got shy for a second, but I am fine now.” she smiles threading her fingers in his hair
“Still… remember the word and say it if you need to.” he says, Luna nods in response, “Promise me!” he urges gently, wanting to hear her say the words
“I trust you and I promise,” she says pulling his head down to kiss him. Hongjoongs stomach flips at hearing her say she trusts him causing him to smile into the kiss. “Now, can you please continue what you were doing?” she adds with a mischievous grin on her face
As Hongjoong's lips meet her neck once more, Luna gasps, her body arching into his, the sensation of his kiss setting off a shiver down her spine. With a soft moan, Hongjoong takes one pert nipple into his mouth, delicately sucking on it before tracing his tongue in slow circles around it. Luna moans and arches her back, electricity coursing through her at the sensation. His other hand stroking along her side and hip until it reaches the elastic waistband of her underwear. With agonising slowness, he slides them down over her hips and thighs, revealing the delicate skin beneath.
Hongjoong watches, his breath hitching as he sees Luna spread her legs wide, revealing her pink, swollen folds. Groaning at how wet she is for him already, his cock twitches in anticipation, desperate to be inside her. He reaches up and trails kisses down her stomach, exploring the soft skin of her tummy before moving lower to tease her mound.
Without warning, his tongue plunges into her slick folds – eliciting a shocked gasp from Luna as a surge of pleasure courses through her body. Long, slow licks soon follow before Hongjoong's skilled tongue dances over her swollen clit – teasing and tormenting the sensitive bud until soft moans escape her lips. His strong hands clasp onto her hips and guide them downwards, greedily devouring her.
As he continues to lavish attention on Luna's quivering core, Hongjoong feels his own need grow more insistent with each feverish lick and nibble. Her intoxicating taste and aroma fill his senses, driving him to the brink of madness as he sinks deeper into her. Luna's fingers weave through his hair, tugging gently at the strands as his voracious tongue explores her depths – their connection only growing more powerful with each passing moment.
Eager to bring her to the edge of pleasure, Hongjoong delicately pushes 2 fingers into her entrance - curling them upwards in search of that elusive sweet spot. Luna lets out a loud groan, her legs almost clamping shut around his head as Hongjoong feels a soft spongy area inside of her and he knows instantly he’s found it. He pumps his fingers in and out of her, the wet squelching noises only adding to the eroticism of the moment.
"Joongie," she gasps, her fingers tightening in his hair. "Please."
"Please what?" he asks, his voice low and seductive. He knows exactly what she wants, but he wants to hear her say it.
“Please make me come,” Luna whines, her cheeks flushed with desire
Hongjoong smiles against her skin, relishing the feeling of her body responding to his touch. "Beg for it," he murmurs, his breath hot against her sensitive flesh.
Luna's eyes flutter open, and she looks at him with a mixture of desire and frustration. "Please, Hongjoong," she pleads. "I need to come. I need you."
Hongjoong groans at her words, his control slipping. He pumps his fingers into her harder and faster, his tongue continuing to dance over her clit.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Luna cries out, her body shaking as she reaches her peak. Hongjoong feels her muscles clenching around his fingers, and he knows he's brought her to the brink of pleasure. He continues to lavish attention on her quivering core, drawing out her orgasm until she’s limp and satisfied.
As the waves of pleasure subside, Luna opens her eyes to find Hongjoong watching her with an intense gaze. He slowly removes his fingers, sucking them clean before leaning down to capture her lips in a soft and loving kiss. A soft moan escapes Luna as she tastes herself on his lips.
After a moment of basking in the afterglow, Hongjoong pulls back and gently disentangles Luna's fingers that are still gripping onto his hair. He can tell she is still in a haze from her high so shifts his position, moving to lie next to her on the bed. Their bodies are still close, their bare skin touching in a comforting manner. His eyes never leave her face as he watches her slowly return from the euphoric state he had brought her to.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly as she turns her head to look at him
"Joongie," she whispers, letting out a breathy laugh. "That was amazing. You’re really, really good at that!”
Hongjoong smiles shyly at her reaction. "I loved hearing you moan my name like that," he admits, his voice low and filled with desire.
Luna's eyes soften as she gazes at him. "I want you," she whispers, her fingers trailing lightly over his chest. "I can't get enough of you."
A low, guttural sound escapes him as he leans in closer, brushing his lips against hers in a tender yet urgent kiss. "You have me, my love," he murmurs between kisses. "I've wanted you for so long."
Her hands roam over his chest, feeling the heat of his skin under her palms. "Show me, Joongie," she breathes out, barely audible. "Show me how much you want me."
“I will.” Hongjoong smirks against her lips
His heart races at knowing she wants him just as much as he wants her in this moment. Feeling her fingernails lightly dragging along his back, he pauses for a moment, breaking their kiss. He looks into her eyes, seeing the desire mirrored in his own. But before they go any further, there's something important he needs to address.
Remembering that she sat down with everyone a few nights ago to tell them that she’d had a sexual health check done, her tests had all came back clean. Mentioning to being on birth control as well and giving consent for them to take things further without condoms if they so desired. He couldn't help but admire her openness and trust in their relationship to do this. However he needed to hear her say the words before they go any further.
“Are you 100% sure you are fine without a condom?” he asks, his face going serious, “I have the latex free ones in my bag if you want to use them.”
“You sure you didn’t plan tonight to go this way?” she chuckles lightly, her hands running up his arms
“I swear I didn’t! I’ve just been very prepared,” he laughs back shyly. “For quite a while actually.”
“Well I do like a man who is prepared for any and all situations.” she replies pulling his head down to kiss him, “However, like I said the other day to all of you, I am on birth control. I have been since before I even met you guys to help with my periods and my tests are clean, so whatever you guys want to do is fine with me.”
“I just want to make sure you are definitely okay with it.” he replies
“I am…” she smiles back at him, “Now please Joongie, can you just have sex with me before I combust!”
He chuckles lowly against her skin, a rumble that sends a shiver down her spine before he pulls down the fabric of his black boxer shorts, freeing his painfully erect cock. Luna watches intently as it springs free, biting her lower lip feeling herself grow wetter with anticipation. Hongjoong grins at her reaction and positions himself between her legs. Her eyes move to his face as he licks his lips, a slow smirk spreading across his face. The same one he gets on stage when performing, the one that causes her to get weak in the knees and it hits harder now he is situated between her legs naked, the tip of his cock nudging against her core. "Are you ready for me, Luna?" His husky voice sends a jolt of desire straight through her
She nods eagerly, opening her legs wider for him as he leans down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.
"You are so beautiful, my love." he whispers as he slides into her in one smooth motion, groaning as how tight she feels around him. Luna's breath hitches as she feels him fill her up, her body stretching to accommodate him. She wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him closer as he begins to move inside of her.
“F-feels so good.” Luna whines, her walls tight around him
"You are so tight," he groans. Her hands run over his back and grip tightly onto him as he thrusts into her deeply causing her toes to curl and more loud moans spilling from her mouth. Feeling her body respond to his, Hongjoong quickens his pace, each thrust more powerful than the last.
"Joongie…" she shudders as his teeth gently nip at her skin.
“Yes, my love?” he murmurs
"Turn me over...please!" Luna begs with desperation in her eyes.
Hongjoong captures her lips in a long, deep kiss before nibbling playfully on her earlobe. "As you wish," he whispers against her ear.
In one fluid motion, Hongjoong withdraws and flips Luna onto her stomach, eliciting a sharp gasp. He props a pillow under her hips and positions himself between her legs, his eyes drinking in the sight before him. His hands glide over her backside before entering her again, a tentative slap landing on her ass.
"Oh god," Luna moans loudly as he begins a steady rhythm
“Do you like that?” he smirks, “Does my pretty baby like being spanked?”
Luna gasps, arching her back and burying her face into the bed sheets as he pounds into her from behind. His thrusts are deep and hard, each one sending waves of pleasure through her body. “Y-yes!” Her fingers claw at the sheets, her hips bucking up to meet his forceful strokes with matching urgency. The tight clench of her walls around him draws a growling groan from his throat. His hand collides with her ass again, harder this time, prompting another clench around him.
Hongjoong leans forward, kissing up her back until his lips reach her neck. "You feel so good, Luna," he pants into her ear. "I could stay inside you forever."
"Don't stop, please don't stop," she begs.
Hongjoong chuckles darkly. "Oh trust me, I won't stop until you're completely satisfied, my love."
“Oh fuck! Joongie!” Luna's cry echo around the room as she clutches onto the sheets tighter. "S-sorry, I can’t… hold on."
“Don’t hold back.” he grunts, nibbling at her earlobe while grinding his hips against hers. He feels her body tease with impending pleasure. “Let go, my love,” he whispers, his free hand reaching around to delicately hold her neck.
Luna’s back arches as she surrenders to the overwhelming sensations coursing through her body. She cries out his name as the orgasm washes over her, her inner walls clenching around his length in waves of pleasure.
Hongjoong groans in response, slowing his movements to prevent himself from coming. His hand around her neck squeezing gently while his other arm wraps around her waist, holding her close to him as she trembles uncontrollably, little whimpers coming out her mouth.
“It’s okay, my love.” he whispers softly into her ear, stopping his hips completely “I’ve got you.”
As her tremors subside, Hongjoong gently releases his hold on her neck, his hand now tracing soothing circles on her damp skin. He pulls his upper body back, allowing Luna the space to breathe, his own breaths coming out in ragged pants as he tries hard not to thrust back into her.
“Joongie…” she mumbles as she relaxes, “You didn’t come.” She glances back at him.
He leans down and places a soft kiss on her lips as he pulls out of her.
“Because I wanted to make you come first and then make you come again on my cock.” he smirks adjusting their position
“You better!” she grins back allowing him to pull her body up onto her knees, her back flush with his chest as he lines himself back up with her entrance again
“Is this okay?” he asks, his voice has switched to soft and caring as he rubs her hips, “This isn’t sore on your knees, is it?”
“It’s fine, Joongie,” she smiles, reaching back to hold his head before capturing his lips and playfully biting his lower lip. “Please, fuck me again!”
"Whatever my baby want, my baby gets," he whispers, pulling her closer against him and positioning her so they are both sitting up on their knees, her back flush with his chest
Hongjoong's lips tease the side of her neck with tiny kisses and gentle bites as he slowly thrusts into her rhythmically eliciting small moans from Lunas mouth. Luna's body quivers with each thrust that sends new ripples of pleasure through her. His strokes become erratic in response to her rapidly increasing moans; the force behind each thrust rattles the bed frame beneath them. A powerful wave builds within Luna again with each solid pound into her.
Hongjoong's hand slides from her hip to between her legs, fingers finding and circling her sensitive clit in rhythm with his thrusts. The combination sends Luna spiralling toward her third orgasm of the night. His deep voice rumbles in pleasure-laden tones next to her ear. "You like that, don't you, baby?" he moans.
"Yes, Joongie, yes," her voice is higher pitched than usual, “Please, don’t stop!”
Hongjoong's pace quickens, his movements becoming more intense and primal as he edges closer to release. The tension between them builds, and Luna trembles in his firm hold. Her knees and thighs ache, her balance swaying as she clings to his arms for support. Sensing her struggle, he places both arms around her waist, slows his movements and delicately leans forward with her so is lying on her stomach once more.
“Do you want to lie down properly on your back?” Hongjoong asks gently, kissing her cheek
"Yes, please," Luna replies breathlessly, grateful for his care. He pulls out and helps her turn over, positioning her legs on his shoulders. His eyes meet her flushed face as he leans down, kissing her deeply as he pushes back inside.
“Is this more comfortable for you?” he whispers against her lips
"Mhm," she moans, already lost in pleasure. Her fingers run through his sweat soaked hair. "You feel incredible, Joongie," she says, eyes fluttering shut.
Hongjoong responds by increasing his pace, his hips slapping against Luna’s thighs as he drives deeper inside her. “You’re so tight and warm,” he groans.
Luna gasps, eyes as he hits a particularly sensitive spot, her fingers tightening on his arms. "Oh God, Joongie, right there," she pleads.
"Like this?" He adjusts his angle, hitting it again and again.
"Yes, yes, just like that," Luna moans, nails digging into his arms
Hongjoong continues to thrust into her, their bodies moving together in a smooth rhythm. "Luna, I'm getting close," he warns, his voice strained.
"Me too," she whines
"God, you feel incredible," Hongjoong praises as he feels Luna tighten around him. “Can I come inside you?”
Luna's eyes widen at his request, a mix of surprise and desire swirling in them. She nods eagerly, her voice barely a whisper. "Yes, Joongie!"
Hongjoong's pulse races at her words and the way she is now looking at him. The intensity of their connection grows as he picks up the pace, each thrust bringing them closer to the edge. "Hold onto me," he commands softly, moving her legs from his shoulders to his waist.
Luna complies, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him closer to her. “Kiss me, please.”
Hongjoong smiles sweetly before leaning down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss, their tongues dancing together as they move in perfect rhythm. "You drive me crazy, Luna," he mumbles against her lips.
Luna gasps, her nails digging into Hongjoong's back. "Don't stop, Joongie. I'm almost there."
Hongjoong's moans grow deeper as he nears release. He thrusts harder and faster as control slips away. Luna's walls clench around him, urging him on. With a final, desperate groan, he releases inside of her. His cock throbs and pulses, filling her with his hot release. Her walls contract around him, her own climax crashing over her in waves. He relentlessly pounds into her, prolonging their ecstasy, until finally collapsing onto her in a satisfied haze.
Hongjoong feels Lunas heart racing against his chest, her breath hot and heavy against his neck. He delicately holds her head, keeping her close, as they both come down from the high, placing soft kisses on her shoulder. The room is filled with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the sweet scent of sweat and sex. Hongjoong's cock twitches inside of her, still hard and throbbing.
Despite being exhausted and sensitive he can’t help but subtly move his hips. Luna lets out a small moan, moving her legs around his waist again, pulling them higher, urging him to continue.
“Again?” he whispers, looking at her through hooded lids
“Please.” she replies softly
He slowly moves his hips, thrusting into her gently as their lips connect. The instant pleasure of the gentle movements contrasts sharply with their previous rough activity but feels more intimate. Luna moans softly against his lips as he intertwines their fingers, continuing with slow yet precise movements.
Their bodies move in a harmonious rhythm, each thrust more languid than the last but still providing an intense pleasure to them both. The room, once filled with their passionate cries and noisy groans, now echoes with soft whispers and quiet moans. Their connection deepens, transcending into an emotional bond that neither of them had anticipated. Hongjoong can already feel himself on the edge but is holding back with all his might. Too embarrassed to admit he is ready to come from this slow encounter.
“Joongie…” she lightly whines, her small fingers grip tightly onto his hand, their intertwined fingers forming a bond that signifies their unity in this moment. “I-i’m close.”
“I’m close too, my love,” he smiles, relieved she is on the edge as well.
Luna arches her back in ecstasy, surrendering herself completely to the pleasure he is giving, her 4th and final orgasm of the night washing over her. “oh god, oh god, oh god.” Her quiet moans become soft cries of pleasure, echoing throughout the room as their passion reaches its climax. Hongjoong empties himself into her again. Once more relishing the sensation and intimacy of having no barrier between them.
In that final moment of utter bliss, they hold onto each other tightly, as if afraid to let go of this intoxicating connection. Their heavy breathing slowly subsides as they come down from the euphoric highs they've reached together.
Hongjoong can feel Luna's body relaxing beneath him, her grip on his body finally loosening. He finally pulls out slowly, wincing at the sensitivity of it all. His eyes catch sight of his cum leaking out of her.
“Shit,” he mumbles, grabbing his discarded boxers from the floor to gently clean the fluid from her.
After cleaning her up he throws his boxers aside and lies back down next to Luna. She instantly curls her body into his as he puts an arm around her. The silence in the room is comfortable, their bodies intertwined. Hongjoong's fingers trace lazy circles on Luna's skin, his touch gentle and soothing. His eyes watch her as she takes a deep breath, starting to come around. Her fingers begin to move gently against his bare chest.
"Wow," Luna finally says, her voice filled with wonder and satisfaction. "That was fucking incredible." a breathy laugh escapes her mouth
Hongjoong smiles down at her. "You're incredible," he corrects her, brushing a sweat soaked lock of hair from her forehead placing an affectionate kiss on her lips, “Was.. it okay for me to come inside you like I did?” he asks nervously
Luna giggles softly, trailing her fingers gently down Hongjoong's damp chest. "It felt amazing, Joongie," she reassures him with twinkling eyes. “Both times!”
“I should have asked beforehand, not in the moment like that.” he says
“If I didn’t want you to I would have said. In the heat of the moment or not, I still know what I want and what I don’t.” she smiles at him “And I knew the second you asked that I wanted you to. I trust you completely Hongjoong.”
Hongjoong exhales a relieved sigh, his concern fading as he gazes into Luna's eyes. "I treasure your trust, Luna. I just want to make sure you're comfortable and happy."
Leaning closer, Luna brushes her lips against his cheek, leaving a trail of feather-light kisses. "I am so happy with you," she whispers sincerely. “And with the others too.”
“I am glad.” he replies kissing her forehead and feeling a joy in his chest he hadn’t felt for a long time.
After a few more moments of comfortable silence, Hongjoong breaks the quietude with a soft question. "Do you want me to order us some food from room service?"
“I’m not hungry, I ate way too much for dinner plus the snacks on the rooftop.” she answers, “But if you are, go ahead and order something!” she adds
"I'm not hungry either, just thought you might be." He pauses, then adds, "We'll cuddle for a bit longer, but then you're drinking some water. You need to hydrate after all that!"
“You take such good care of me!” Luna smiles nuzzling her head further into his chest.
"Then it's a shower before coming back to bed. We have another full day tomorrow with the fansign and other schedules, so we need a proper sleep together." he says
"You want me to stay the night?" she asks, slightly surprised.
“Of course I do!” Hongjoong says looking down at her, “Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know. I guess I took you for a wanting to sleep alone kinda person.” she admits, feelings her cheeks warm
“You are always welcome in my bed anytime you want.” he smiles kissing her forehead
“For cuddling and sleeping… or other stuff?” she grins playfully
“For whatever you want, my love but if you want ‘other stuff’ then I’ll be kicking Seonghwa out!” he laughs “He can bunk with San!”
Luna laughs softly as she cuddles into him again, her heart overflowing with feelings for him, for all of them. She smiles at all the memories she is making and the cherished memories yet to come. But she knows the night she has just spent with Hongjoong, and how insanely intimate it became at the end and the newly formed bond they’ve created will forever be etched into her soul.
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Taglist: @kiwibaekie @fudgeflyssworld @kodzukein @khjcoo @pepperony-7 @ateez-babygirl @starillusion13 @truthbehindthereflection @livingdeadlisa @stayteezdreams @atinyapple1117
47 notes · View notes
unholywriters · 5 months
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Tigers Prey
Warnings/kinda: degrading, harddomhongjoong, mentions of blood, names {whore, cumsleeve, cumtoy}
Summary: y/n is known for being a trickster within their sector and ran into general Hongjoong, who started to get curious of them and ending up cornered him into a deal, but of course, it wouldn’t;t be this long if y/n won.
Word count: 11.7k words
This one is a very long one and I feel like i have missed a lot of things when it comes to warnings or tags and if so please to tell me and I will dit it and make sure everything is up to date. I wanted to make this long because I enjoy writing long and descriptive pieces of writing but I do get too off tracked and end up writing more then needed and feeling like I either started to rush or I was writing to much of a scene that I felt the need to hurry and get to the other scene before it was just more then needed to be or just less. But overall I hope you guys do enjoy it and want to read more while I try to figure out how to work tumblr and make my account fitting to my linking and reflective of my writing!
Who doesn’t love a little good menace in their sector every now and then hm? Someone who can make you laugh and feel slightly better about all of the situations that are happening around the place you have to call home, right? Well, welcome to sector 8, one of the furthest sectors from the dune empire. Where the most ruthless were known to be created here and if they ever got out of those crimson red walls it was over for everyone who was in their line of sight. During the day, it was said that the emperor would send out some generals to look over the sectors. Mainly just to come back with a daily report and see if anyone needed to be in prisoned for their actions or harsh statements against the royal house. Something not a lot of people would walk away without having a scar to tell the story, if they ever got t walk away at all. But since no one truly seems to mess with sector 8, their left alone to do as they pleased, slightly having a lot more fun than the others simply due to the fact that it takes a long time to get down here. Having to walk through the quiet yet busy streets of the first 3 sectors, then walking through sector five where all of the clothings are made by hand per request, it’s always so busy there no matter what time you go. Sector 6 is more so if hunting per says, where the spears and arrows are made, sometimes the Royal guards will come down there to get their own weapons made and crafted.
“Your getting old their old man! Come on we’re not even halfway through the sector yet!” His voice cheered as he ran with a small bag of treats. It was just some corn that he would hold over a fire in order to make popcorn at home. But that was it, something that only costed around 2 coins, 2 for a small bag and 4 for a large bag. The vendor was an old-time friend of y/n’s someone they could always joke with, and people would know it by now and never saw a problem with it. So why would anyone go out of their way in order to make it worse? “And you’re jumping around in order to move somewhere else!” The man yelled back in a Happy yet playfully annoyed the while watching y/n jump around on the dirt.
His smile was enough to make even the most stubborn of me and women smile and feel joyful. To lose that would be like losing the sun after so long of enjoying its warmth. But today was no regular day, there was no warning for it either so no one could prepare for this. But there was a. Dangerous jingle slowly getting closer to the sector, one that brought fear and made many people hold their heads down. And when the post watchers saw the man in the blood red kimono, they knew what they had to do in order to keep everyone safe. One of the smaller watchers had run to a bell, listening to the music be loud as people were banging on the drums and rang the bell, looking like it was part of the music before it was all slowly coming to a stop. Leaving the lively and busy streets to be quiet and with people holding their heads down and the large wooden gates slowly moved opened.
Showing the man with a scar over his left eye that had a whole story behind it. The tiger general, a man who looked short enough to be so king and cheerful, someone who would lend you a hand if you asked for it. Was someone who could cut you in two before you could ever begin to beg for help. His hair was was long silky black, it almost moved like water with each step he took. Being held high in a ponytail yet it still reached to his lower waist. His clothes were always clean without a speck of dust of them. Sewed to fight his body in a way that looked so tight, yet he was able to move with such ease and grace it didn’t look like a tiger but a swan. He didn’t have much of anything on him but his sword. They saw there was enough blood from his battles to make his own sword, making it the first sword made out of blood.
The sound of the bell had reached everywhere, making y/n’s smile fade before hiding with the corn vendor, yeosang. The two were around the same age. With yeosang only being a couple years older than y/n, but also more protective of him. Yeosang knew how scary the general could be and never wanted y/n to meet that fate. The vendor was towards the edge where the forest laid bare and untouched by many people. The wooden vendor looking beaten and old, but it did the job it needed to do and that was enough for yeosang. He made sure Y/N was hiding in a spot close to under it since he didn’t have a back side. There were a little hole people could hide if they weren’t supposed to be out. A spot yeosang dug up first before ever making his little vendor. “Yeosang…why- “y/n started, wanting to pout and whine before looking at the shush tester on yeosang face before letting the old rug cover up the hole underneath his feet. Everyone could hear the sound of his men behind him. The sound of the armor clanging together was enough to make everyone return back to their jobs lookin scared and worried.
“Now now why is everyone so tense? I was just hearing that amazing music and joy from back there.” The general started, showing a twisted little grin while looking at each vendor, seeing how everyone was more tensed. Shoulders were raised and they were more focused on their jobs then before. After all some had to skin the fish, some had to take out the bones, some had to peel the corn and peas, cleaning the shows and making the instruments to create such beautiful music that rang loud. But not loud enough for the royal court to hear from their home. People always used to say that the most innocent and colors are the most dangerous and poisonous to be around. One touch and smell and you’ll be dead before you can even realize it.
“Now now proud people of Dune, I won’t bite you... without a reason.” He stated, watching how some kids were staring at him, but their mothers and fathers were trying to hide them without looking fearful, some kids were still playing with a ball made out of bamboo in order to entertain themselves. “I’m just here for my daily check up, come now.” Watching his guards check the vendors, even the corn one but found nothing, just like always, right? Y/N was there, listening to his endless taunts that always had some remains of fear control with each step he took. Making a crunching sound that sounded like the bones he broke and grinned. “Sir, there is nothing strange here.” One of the guards' states, listening to the general do. A taunting clap, it was slow, yet hard and powerful. “Good for them, maybe they can get some of the leftovers too from the palace. Oh, they would love that now, wouldn’t they? He taunted, knowing that he would give them almost next to nothing. Not to be rude, but just to see who would take it in the most brutal way possible. Who was willing to kill for their next meal?
“Anyways, let’s get going, we still have people to check on, don’t we boys?” Laughing at the end of his sentence, he turned on his black heels before marching his way back home. Yeosang looked down and slowly helped y/n get out of the hole, dusting them off but still trying to keep them hidden. But the general could smell someone new here, someone who didn’t have that scent of fear but knew causing a scene was not his style, at least not in the denser sectors. But of course, what’s the fun in confronting them when everyone can see you, hear and even feel you? He has to do this in his own way, hiding his face so no one can see him and try to give up covers. But for now, he needed to head back, the tiger general simply walking back home. He preferred it more then getting on his horse and letting everyone just see him.
Plus, it helps him learn about people, he can read them better this way and even now. With those trying to hurry and get out of his way so his path is clear, he can see those with fear, lust and even excitement in their eyes. Something he grew used to after so long of being here with everyone, and having to learn about people in order to find out who’s who and what could they have possibly done in order to get on his radar in a bad way. “Yunho, when we get home, take me to San unless something happened to where the emperor needs me, alright?” looking over his shoulder with his head tilted back, looking up at the taller male.
Yunho was a man of few words when out in public, his posture was straight and stern with eyes that had no life in them. No color, no emotions in them whatsoever. His hair was kept long per the general's orders. It was kept in a long ponytail as well, the hair was always frizzy whenever he went out, some say it acts like a cat's fur or when all of the hairs stand up on your body and point to a direction. His lips were almost always in a line whenever he was out f the walls of his only home. His clothes were sewed by hand with a color as bright as the sun, with different colors like red, and a difficult orange color to get ahold of when the sheep were cold or there wasn’t enough to feed them. His sword was always kept within its obi sash. With a bright yellow tie on the handle of it. He was one of the very first that the general took in under his own rule when he was invading another kingdom years ago.
But returning back to y/n, they were sitting on the vendor table, flipping a golden coin while kicking their dirt covered feet. Watching yeosang close for the night. It was clear he was on edge, yet y/n was more so carefree, after all the generals didn’t see them so why should they be worried about him? “You’re getting yourself tensed up, it’s gonna give you away you know?” y/N started, trying to lighten the mood as they always try to do but it was clear that yeosang was more worried this Time. The guards were looking around so closely and intense that it was enough to shake him. If it was any other day he would be just fine, trying to joke around and see who can smile and just feel more relaxed as the sun started to set. “Y/N… he had Yunho with him, that alone is enough to make people want to bow to their knees and hope they don’t get dragged away for public humiliation.” Yeosang stated, letting out a stressful sigh, knowing y/n just wanted to make things better, less tense filled and more relaxed before anyone went to sleep. But it just wasn’t working.
“I know you mean well, I truly know that you do, and it makes me happy to see.” He started, looking over to his friend who had a bittersweet expression on their face, it was hard to remained positive when the threat was constantly looking at you in the eyes. With nothing more then blood lust in them in a way that would make anyone shake if they could, not even just shake but tremble even. Setting the copper coin on the table, y/n had jumped down since yeosang had blew out of the candle, it was one of the last ones on the street that was still lit. They still had to walk down the furthest side, the upper parts of the electors were for the shops and materials for those to see and to buy. The very back was where the living sections were. It was hard to be there when everyone was almost just stacked on top of each other, all squished in the three houses it took since there wasn’t enough wood t make more. Sure, they were surrounded by the forest, but if anyone were to cut from it without a Royal order, they were killed.
y/n would walk yeosang over to his bed since they were further apart, everyone had assigned beds and spaces and to switch or move without permission resulted in a slap on the back. “Get some rest and please, if you sneak out don’t you date go to far out understand? I keep hearing someone walk when I try hard enough and-“ “Yeosang you’re stressing yourself out and then you won’t be able to sleep an then you’ll be cranky in the morning before you get to close. I’ll be alright.” Yeosang could only look at his friend, something felt wrong, too wrong for him t comfortably be able to sit down and rest the way he needs to before the morning comes. Holding his blankets he watched y/n skip to the robe, since everyone was still resting or trying to fall asleep. But y/n is a night owl, why fall asleep this soon when there’s still time to kill?
Walking passed the last sector house, there stood nothing in their way. It wasn’t like they would go dar, they were simply just there, enjoying the cold and crispy air around them before taking another crunchy step forward into the think grass. The moon was covered by the clouds, yet it always made for one of the more exciting nights. Walking passed some of the taller trees, y/n was simply walking down the stone made path they made simply by leaving stone rocks so they could make their way back to the pot before it was too late, after all everyone needs to have their own little rest now, don’t they? It wouldn’t be any fun if he was just as tired as everyone else now, would it? There wasn’t much to swing from sadly and since it was dark there was no telling if anything or anyone was in the trees just watching them or if there were any traps still set by the guards. But that’s part of the thrill, isn’t it? Not knowing who or what’s out here and if anything could kill you or injure you in a way that it would take a while for anyone to see or hear you? Let alone find you. “Hm… I could’ve sworn the lake was as lot closer, why does it feel so far away now?”
Looking around and trying to listen the sounds of little water ripples, there was nothing close that could make any sound. There was only silence, too quiet. Yet there was just a pair of eyes that burned like a predator watching their prey in the dark night. Watching how helpless they look, knowing that there’s something, just someone there watching them and their every move yet trying to find their predator was the hard part. Because where are they? Are they on the ground with them? In the trees watching them like a bird would. Maybe if y/n didn’t move then no one would be able to find them, right? After all, if you stay still, they’ll hav do to look for something else if you can hide good enough, right?
This was making the person smirk watching y/n look around, it was like the moon was out and this person could see every move y/n was making. How their shirt hair was moving around in a slightly frantic manner, their eyes darting around while they simply just stood there in their torn up and dirt covered clothes. It wasn’t that far, but y/n had to get back, and so they started to walk before it turned into a jog. There was someone moving after them, making quick running sounds to sound like a tiger chasing their prey finally after waiting for what felt like hours. But just before Y/N could make it, seeing yeosang holding up a candle to try and bring them over, yeosang’s eyes filled with horror after seeing who was behind y/n/ But he couldn’t scream. Because just as y/n was tackled to the hard ground, his mouth being covered by a cloth and his body being held and squished by someone else. Someone had covered yeosang’s mouth, letting the candle fall onto the ground before they stomped on the ground. The only sounds were their muffled struggles and muffled cries as the two struggled to get free from their captors. Who could they be? Who could be here this late just waiting for something horrible to happen? For the time to strike and take them away.
Y/N was lifted up over a shoulder, his legs were tired and so were his arms, but yeosang was freer. “Try to fight and your friend will get hurt too, understand?” The guard said in yeosang’s ear, feeling the wet tears fall on his hand before yeosang quickly nodded his head, being dragged along the sides of the crimson red walls. Yeosang was panicking, he couldn’t see but this man sounded cold and serious and whoever had y/n was more ahead while he could see his body thrashing around. It was a sight he never wanted to see in his life. But why was he taken? Why wasn’t he just threatened to keep his mouth shut or he would be killed in front of y/n as a punishment for them to understand.
“Please…Please what is-“ “You wait. To speak.” The guard said, making his grip tighter around yeosang before they were walking through more sectors. People were asleep and even then, those who were awake were keeping their eyes closed. Yeosang could only whimper in the painful way, feeling his side while his lungs gasp for air. But y/n is stubborn and refuses to go without a fight, this isn’t the first time they’ve been tied up, but they can get out. It just takes time and trying to not alter the man, it could only be one, but y/n is willing to take chances, after all why give up so early and easily when there’s so much more fun to have? By the time had reached sector 4, y/n had managed to break free before jumping on the sides to jump on the wall, getting on top before looking down with adrenaline and fear in hi eyes. He looked down to see the general, with a burning passion in his eyes that would make even the scariest kids sit down and never look him in the eyes again.
The look was screaming murder, but his grin was showing interest. But he also saw yeosang under the circle shaped lantern. He was scared but he was also being dragged by a guard. Someone who was more buff then the actual general himself. His eyes were filled with tears while his body was shaking. The guard had very short hair, he was new and was able to keep his hair as short or long as he wanted to until he’s been with the general for a year, then he would have to keep it long and learn to fight with it. The guard's eyes were filled with something unlike the others. He was trying to make his eyes stone cold like the others he’s around, but it wasn’t guilt in his eyes either. His clothes were black, they had to be the training clothes that most of them had to wear. But it wasn’t the time to be staring. Yeosang was trying to shake his head, telling y/n not to do this, it’ll only make things worse for the two of them and that’s something he didn’t want for him. “Take your choice home, I get to have some fun it seems. If tell the emperor I’m playing with my prey.” He said, watching the guard not before having to throw yeosang over his shoulder before walking back.
Yeosang wanted to scream, telling y/n to stop but the grip only made him gasp for air in pain before y/n started to run along the walls. Listening to the sounds of the general getting faster and faster, but so was he. If he kept going, he would be caught in no time, having to struggling more against someone who would make it harder to move and harder to do anything in that way. So just before the arms wrapped around y/n, he had jumped down into the water. The running was fast, but it was also said to do so, by the time the general had climbed up on the wall he was already running. It was tiring but the adrenaline was pushing them through. Staying in the water and trying to hide the water bubbles, it was too dark in the night to see anyone or anything, but they needed to go. “Smart move to be under the water. I can’t see you since this water is still murky.” The general teased, walking around some before jumping down t the shallow end, slowly moving his shoes while listening and looking around.
“But someone as such as you aren’t ready for water like this. It burns your eyes awhile your lungs just…scream for air. Yet if you come up too fast for air the water will give it away before your gasp for air. You’re at a loss here, little cub.” He taunted, letting himself have a nice chuckle before walking around more, almost disappearing while walking in the water, not even making a sound. y/n’s eyes were burning, they were floating but couldn’t come out for water, not without giving up, but they were close. Feeling the dirt get closer before slowly crawling out. There weren’t any sounds coming from the water, not a drop, not a little trickle before taking off in the woods. He had to leave yeosang even If he never wanted to. But there was not getting caught today, not now and not ever. Running through the woods, yet then finally hearing the faint sounds of someone running after them. It was almost in a taunting type of way, chasing directions ever so slightly in a way that was to throw y/n off before they were tripped over a rock.
Rolling down the hill before hitting a tree, letting out a painful cry of pain before slowly opening his eyes only to see the general standing above them, not even out of breath or tired to say the slightest. If anything, all he did was a simple head tilt before crossing his arms. “I enjoy these types of people. You know how to make it fun, you almost got away from me, twice.” HE started, watching y/n try to move away, but where could they go? “Tell you what, little cub, since it’s clear you’ll just keep trying to run and get away from this, why not make a deal with me, hm?” He started, leaning down closely but not so far as to where they would tip over the edge and fall over to join them, but even then, the general is a gentleman, he sticks to his word. “Why in the hell would I trust you! You took away yeosang who literally has never done anything wrong in his own life!” y/n yelled, watching the man let out a little chuckle that sounded like a man who’s lost his own mind only to have rebuild it again.
“Well, yeosang was wanted by someone for a while but he won’t be hurt, not by hand that is. Now back to you, stalling will just make me change my mind ruin you in ways n one would live through.” He stated, softly titling his head to the side some before holding up one hand. “If you could make it back to the sector within 2 days, it would’ve been three if you waited. Then you will be let off and able to visit yeosang as you please. But if I catch you before then, you have to come with me with no fights. You’ll be my bride.” He finished, he could see the horror written all over his face, either one sounds horrible, but what would be the point if y/n was caught? Being stuck in a room like a dog waiting for someone to come and feed them water? “If I win, I get to see yeosang and the sector gets treated better!” “Say that and I’ll make it one more day when the sun rises. Do we have a deal?”
It took a while before y/n could respond, it was obvious anything but a yes or a no would lead to less time, soon y/n wouldn’t have much of a choice in the matter. “One…Two…” hearing that countdown made y/n start to run, stumbling some while getting further away, only taking a left turn to hopefully throw him off, after all he still needed to get somewhere safe to rest. He only has about one day, but even then, so much can happen during that time. And that’s something the general was hoping for. After all who doesn’t enjoy a good game of cat and mouse. Running as fast as they could for a a while it was clear how far they were from home. The woods were denser, yet it was still quiet, but the sun was rising. There’s no way it could already be daytime this quick right? It was just dark, and everyone was resting!
But the day was hard, it was like every move was the last before getting caught by the general. From walking further to the trees to trying quiet, slowly moving around to find some water. Y/N was out of breath and tired, you could see some scars from falls and some bruises from the falls and crumbles, with the hopes that the general didn’t find him. But he still had to make it home, make it before anyone else could find him and take him a way. He knew the way, he just needed to turn around and make a run for it. That’s all he needed to do, and he was free from this mans twisted game. So, there he was, trying the withering piece of cloth around his waist before running through t he tall grass. Knowing he was close to home, he had to be right? He didn’t go that far like he thought he did.
His feet were burning from bleeding and all the rocks and sticks that poked him, his lungs were burning, and his stomach was growling so loud it felt like he was giving himself away it the man who was never too far but also never too close. The sky was still bright like it was just early morning, it felt like forever when not being home, not messing around with everyone and not even being with his best friend, it all was coming to and end and hopefully y/n was winning. But they couldn’t make too much noise when running, but one thing they weren’t used to, was the weight if everything crashing on them. “No…No please… I’m almost there…”
Y/N gasped, seeing everything get blurry and dizzy but he could see the sector. Where the guards were waiting and so was yeosang, who looked fearful yet almost broken. He was shaking as he saw his friend trying to emerge from the forest, but they were losing. “No…. Y/N YOUR THERE! BEHIND YOU!” He cried out before feeling the hand on his shoulders squeeze them harshly. Ignoring the people watching them since no one was allowed to help him get free, he had to get there before the general did. But he failed, and the last thing he saw was yeosang fall to his knees in pain before everything around him went dark. His body hitting the itchy grass while his feet were covered in more blood while everyone was watching. Hopping Y/N would get up and give out one last push, but there he was.
Walking behind y/n wit his hands behind his back yet that same large grin on his face while swaying side to side in a teasing way. “Oh, so close yet so far, it’s hard to run when your feet are bleeding oh that’s not good for your friend now is it, yeosang kang. Or should we change it to Choi?” The general taunted, picking up y/n like they weighed nothing and kept walking closer to the guards, all of them being men he has trained himself, all six of them. He was humming while rubbing y/n’s back in a slow manner, almost like he was waiting to dig his claws into it and tear into some of the flesh just to leave the perfect kind of marking. “After a deal is a deal and when they wake. They will be in my chambers, and I will be there to watch him. You, however, have your studies to attend to, Choi.” The general let out a twisted little chuckle once again before walking through the old village. Watching people hang their heads down with their hairs hiding their faces.
They lost two people today, one of them being someone who caused them laughter and someone who was either shy or sassy, sometimes even both. The youngest guard was holding yeosang’s hand and making them walk besides him. No one could look, but only in that sector. Once they made it passed the others of course people were staring, after all they started to think he had caught two criminals, and they were being taken a way from their sentencing. Which would be the case if the general wasn’t so interested. “Please… his feet are turning blue...” Yeosang whispered as they made it to the second sector. “Jong-ho did the little kang say something” The general asked, titling his head over while walking up the stairs leading to the crimson red doors. Jong-ho, the youngest general had looked over to yeosang, watching the older man trying to keep his shoulders high but it was hard when the stare was so…empty yet dark. Maybe it was only an act around the others, right?
“I’m not sure, did you?” he asked, looking down to the older male. “The more we stand here the more he’ll bleed, now we can’t have that now, can we?” The general was enjoying his taunts, seeing the look of fear, confusion and anger written all over yeosang’s face before walking up the stairs, allowing some of the blood to trickle down to the stairs before reaching the tall red doors. There were so many gold dots on the doors in order to make every animal that each of the 7 generals presented with the dragon above them, symbolizing the emperor. Watching the doors slowly open, the general walked inside before looking in the red eyes of the emperor. The emperor of the lakes, and the blood that runs in them. Seonghwa Park. He stood there close to the entrance, the sun slightly lighting up his honey tanned skin along with his long purple hair that seemed to only get longer as the years went. They saw so much blood was spilled on his eyes during all of the fights. His clothes were always the best, of course. A rare blue made from the closest sector, with white clothes and his favorite light blue robe to make him stand out.
“I see you’ve finally returned, Hongjoong. Nurse, attend to the…” “Bride or cup, emperor park.” Hongjoong, the general answered while letting the silent nurse slowly take the man and quickly walk over to the emergency med tent. Leaving the men to their own conversation while yeosang kept his head down, after all without permission. He wasn’t allowed to look at the powerful man in front of him, he could only listen to his chilling, yet soothing voice speak through the walls around them. “Clearly their a bride. You never play with your pretty this badly unless you want them alive under your terror.” The emperor said, watching Hongjoong walk closer to him till they were walking side by side with jong-ho tailing along, waiting for his dismissal. “Why of course, someone the people are willing to hide from me? How could I grow curious of a feisty cub who thought running form me was the smart answer?” he questioned, watching the older man smirk in approval.
“I taught you well it seems, now what about little jog-ho? You let him keep a prize?” “Oh, you know, he grew curious to know who was hiding them and had a feeling the little corn stand was a little more…loose then the others and decided to ask me a question. If he was right about the stand, he could keep the owner, and if he was wrong, I was free to punish him. Good thing he was right, hm?” Jong-ho could only nod his head in agreement, something yeosang never knew about. He was a target from the start of it all whenever they had their last visit, which was around months ago, and even when he thought he was being careful he was wrong. Maybe it’s true that none of them are human or yeosang wasn’t as smart as he thought he was. Yeosang could only look over before they stopped walking, they were inside the locked doors of the red palace, or blood palace as most call it out of the ears of those inside.
The infamous red color was everywhere, with each hall being dedicated to each member, with the largest being only for the emperor, of course. Leading to his main house where his living quarters where along with any concubine he picked. Both male and females, no one was safe from his eyes once he picked you. Hongjoong was next to his, somewhat, the tiger was painted above the hallway with eyes brighter than his own. “Jong-ho, you’re dismissed. Hongjoong, the boy has been taken to your room, you’re lucky they aren’t sick.” Hongjoong gave a deep bow before walking down the dark hallway, enjoying his to be dark and barely lit before entering his room. It was a grand room for anyone to be able to enter with his rather large circular bed in the middle.
The sheets were as white as snow, opposite of how he is rather with red covers and pillow covers to match it. After all, like this he could hear everything from every corner that there was around him. It was easier this way sine it also never messed with the wooden floors he had. To the right was a door to his bathroom that was slightly opened, he had given his maids permission to clean him, well the butlers rather. He never let the girls see what was his to see under all of those clothes. After all, why would they? His bathroom was almost as large as his own room. With a matching ceiling and floor to his own room. The tub was sunken into the floor with buckets there to let out all of the water and simply use it for the plants within the garden, after all water can never truly be wasted if someone is careful enough. There mirror was slightly large in frame, but it was there, along with wooden carved cabinets with the freshest towels for cleaning and for drying. In the hot filled water was y/n, still asleep but getting cleaned in ways he never was before.
His hair was even cleaned and picked of anything that was still left in there, like bugs, dirt, any lice if possible. He was getting scrubbed so hard anyone would find it uncomfortable, but it needed to be done, the water itself was so dirty but there was progress being made. Even his teeth were being brushed yet he was still asleep, it was estimated h would be asleep for a couple of hours, enough for everyone to get things done without a fight and having to witness the brutality of the general, something no one liked to have dealt with anymore. “We’ve cleaned him as best as we could general, this will help with his recovery.” One of the butlers said, looking over to the general's feet while scrubbing y/n back still, hearing his slow claps of approval which made everyone slow down. “Wrap him in a towel and let me dry and dress him. Afterwards someone will take his measurements and make the clothes for him, along with the dress, he will be wedded to me within this week or the next, whenever the dress is done and the flowers are ready, understood?” He said titling his head to the side and watching everyone nod while doing their request fast and the way he liked.
Soon y/n was back in his arms, still limp like a rag doll, but they were alone once more with no one to hear them, or really no one to stop them. Hongjoong was gentle with the drying part, caressing every body part and making sure it was all dry before getting them dressed in a rather large shirt, it was all he had. Letting the male rest on the round bed while he simply stared at him. To think someone like this had caught his eye after so long of not being interested in anyone, no matter who tried wit their own creative way no one was able to. Yet here he is, looking over his prey like it was too perfect to eat, but not perfect enough to spare the torture.
“So... I had lost the bet then, haven’t I?” Y/N asked one of the maids, watching them take the measurements as needed before slowly nodding her head. It was all she could say, after all what could she do? Hongjoong had ears and was on the move, listening to every word somehow being spilled among people in ways some would say is the world of a demon. “He brought you here 2 days ago to be exact.” “Two days ago? I was out that’s long?” “Your body was extremely weak due to all of the sudden movements and possible high nerves and tension. You never had the time to rest and calm down the way you needed to, when you passed out it was the only way your body was able to recover from the stress and fear of it all. Now, what color would you like the dress?” She held up a wooden board with the strings attached to it all stretched out, not giving y/n much time to recover from the shock of it all.
It was clear she had to hurry, not because she was scared but because she knew that the general would send her out if she wasn’t fast enough to get the information she needed. She had all the measurements, all the numbers needed and now she just needed the color. Which wasn’t much there could be made with the little amount of time. “Does it truly matter what color it is? Won’t he just make it a different one?” “He said this is among the few things you have control over sir. The ones on here are the ones we have enough to make the dress with.” There was blue, red, gold and purple, white was used too much for some weddings if possible and Hongjoong wasn’t going to allow such a basic color, he needed something bold, something fierce and show to show his own marking without even tainting the actual body. “Then I guess… purple will do.” y/N answered, trying to swallow the pride in his own throat while standing tall.
He lost the bet fair and square and even then, this is the home of the emperor, running away would end in death before anything could get out of those walls alive, even with a limb attached correctly still. The maid simply bowed before holding her items and leaving the room, allowing y/n to look around at the place. The windows were always uncovered to show the sky and the moon when it rose, along with the best view of the garden, well one of the best views of the garden. There was a wooden stand with Hongjoong armor on it with one of his many swords attached to it. The closet was small since he never wore much, but he had one made for y/n to be another large extension since he had an extra room, he never saw the purpose of.
“Ah, I see you’ve accepted the deal terms and didn’t put a fight. Good, good, little Choi was so worried about you. It almost made me pity you.” Hearing that voice was like a low roar brushing against someone’s ear before realizing who it was. The two met eyes and it was like a wave of dread washed over the room with y/n trying to remain unafraid, something that would only unfold in ways he never knew were possible. “A deal is a deal and I lost fair and square, what could I have done to make a difference?” “Steal a pair of shoes.” He added, walking into the room and allowing the doors to close with a loud bang as always. Watching y/n try so hard to be brave in front of him, like it will make a difference in it all. “I don’t steal from other sectors. I would’ve been taken much too early.” “And we would’ve had this part over with, don’t you think?”
His smirk was annoying, taunting at the most with a pleasure for this, he could see the anger trying to boil out, the rage of a cub trying to take on the bigger tiger to make a stand, but the cub knew better then to do so. It would mean death without fail. Hongjoong had walked closer, talking long strides over while watching y/n’s shoulders only get tenser and tender with each passing step. Till he was at their level, trying not to flinch as the general pushed some of the hair away from their eyes to be able to stare more directly into y/n’s eyes. “You have a sharp t tongue, something that can be toned to make people listen. But you don’t know when to let the venom sink in, you get too heated and tense, it’s almost like teasing a predator with their food. You give in too easily.” Hongjoong said, in a tone that was almost caring and gentle, something no one hears in public.
“But, as my partner, you’ll be able to learn when to let the drops of poison fall into the preys hands and watch them fight to survive. After all, you hav to learn how to survive me. And that’s never easy. Don’t you agree?” His eyes showed interest for once, but it was twisted, his hand was slowly wrapping around y/n’s neck and squeezing it, not enough to choke him but enough to make him gasp for air while still having a smaller airway to it. “I’ll break you so perfectly no one can put you back together, not even Choi can. You’re mine to ruin, mine to paint and mine to do as I please till, I know you’re ready. You’ll learn just like your friend will have to.”
“You’re insane general. You’re so twisted you think this will make me break? I will never.” Y/N spat back, trying to seem like he had some kind of control of the situation, but it was working, it will never work against someone like this. “Oh, but you already have my dear, you’re trying to get the high ground from me, trying to dig those baby fangs into my neck and let out venom but it’s nothing more then a tingle, a little feeling that fades away. Let me teach you.” He mentioned in a tone that no one could ever be certain was genuine, like eh would actually teach him how to be like him. Like yn would ever allow themselves to ever sink down to their level in such a way. “Now that your awake and well, we can finally start to plan things, who knows maybe even little yeosang can finally see you after having to wait so long to make sure you’re safe and sound, somewhat.”
“Y/N…” slowly turning around the two finally met after what felt like a week durning this time. Y/N was standing outside of the red gates, the look in their eyes was a mixture of dim bravery yet defeat at the same time. Wearing a simply red dressed stitched with gold jewels and bells that rang with each movement, the dress was made to fit and hug yeosang’s every curse and highlight every part that was visible for the public eyes to see, even yeosang’s birthmark under his right eye was shown for those to see but not to touch with their own hands. He was the only person allowed to visit y/n before the start of the wedding. This was the first time the two of them were meeting after so long of not ever being able to see each other due the situation. Y/N’s tired eyes reached yeosang’s own tired eyes. The bags were slightly hidden due to the blush and makeup from everywhere else. The dress was the color they requested, knitted by hand with purple with golden beads sewed into it, the front and back parts had traces of tiger claws in the designs with the gold shoulder pieces.
“We can run ourselves out of this situation, can we yeosang.” Y/N asked, seeing the look on his face answer the whole question without having to say a single word. “Y/N… of course we can’t. This isn’t out territory anymore. This is something not even I can help hide you from.” With hints of soft crackles in his voice, yeosang could only give you an air hug, since touching would mess with the dress and the jewels, and there is almost no time to fix them the way it needed to be fixed. “I have permission to walk and give you away, since we don’t have parents. But, it’s time to go. I hear the drums.” Yeosang stated, watching y/m slowly stand up straight and take a deep breath while facing the doors, watching them slowly open to revel a handful of people, the entire open yard was filled with people. Each section had a few people from every sector to witness this, and those from their sector were closer to the stairs, watching the two of them slowly walk closer and closer to the stairs.
Where jong-ho was waiting to walk the pair of them up further. The outfit Jongho wore was still black from the last time the two of them met. Since he still had to earn his own claws before getting his own suit of his choice. But he had his sword in its oba sha, tied with the golden thread before standing to the side, he had to walk behind the pair before he was allowed to do anything else for that manner. Each step was like a cracking echo within the silence that could never be drowned out no matter how many screams were heard trying to cover it. The only other sound was the drums and calls of a singer. Hongjoong had a grin no one could wipe of his face. Wearing a mixture of blue and red to match, showing the swirls of the colors that were chosen.
“Brave and prideful like a swan, yet as colorful as a poisonous creature, it’s beautiful.” With his infamous head tilt, he was enjoying this, letting his touch burn like fire while standing before those who can’t do anything about it knowing it would lead to their deaths within the hour, not even within the hour but within the seconds, no hesitation. Just a swift and quick execution for everyone to see. The vows were simply, after all, all they had to do was repeat after the emperor before it was time for the celebration between the two of them with a promise of yeosang and jongho maybe being the next ones to be wed, after a longer time period of course. Allowing the pair to be newlyweds just for a while longer and allow everyone to witness the transformation of someone they wanted to protect slowly turn into someone who grew claws and developed a taste for venom.
The celebration was grand with some trying to enjoy it, dancing to the music and quietly enjoying the food around them enough to try it forget why this was even happening within the first place. Yeosang and y/n were able to sneak away, not outside but just a place for themselves and not feeling the dead eyes of the ones who caught them in the first place. “You know, for a bastard that enjoys taunting he knows some good food choices for this.” Y/N mentioned while try eat the chicken, yeosang wanting to smack them but knew it was not the place to do so. Can’t have any watchful eyes trying to ruin their fun already. “What- you love chicken try it. I’m surprised you’re not trying to steal my piece of chicken just yet.” Yeosang could only roll his eyes before trying to take a bite. Letting the soft crunch ring in his mouth before giving y/n a light smack on the back, letting the two of them chuckle like before whenever they were teases to each other.
“I hate that you’re right and that you know I like chicken this much. You still owe me a piece of yours I hope you know that.” “Hey, you waited to late it’s almost gone!” “And I’m older than you let me have a piece!” The two kept trying not to laugh so much, this was one of the only ways they could still hav fun with each other and not feel like one of the others is slowly going insane without the other. It was hard to hide given their attire but if they could get the chance then why waste it? They needed up sharing some of the food with each other. Hanging over whatever piece of chicken had ripped off the bone and gave it to each other. “Gonna tell me if mister bear cub is vicious as he’s trying to live up to?” Curiously was getting the better of him. After all, everywhere he went, yeosang was following after and almost looked ashamed of it,
But it was like a secret, watching yeosang look around to see If either of them was around or looking for the two of them before speaking in a low voice. “You wouldn’t believe me when I tell you he doesn’t even allow himself to sleep in the same bed as me, let alone actually facing me whenever the maids get me dressed, he never looks if I don’t say anything. He still doesn’t!” it was like watching a pair of friends gossip and giggle about a crush that one of them have on someone. But of course, since yeosang doesn’t know what is true or what is an act is going to be fearful of what could happen within the walls between the two but of course this was still leaving y/n to be alone with someone who could tear them in two without any recourse whatsoever and still enjoy the screams of mercy and for help around him.
“Mister Choi and Mister Kim, the generals are waiting for you, it’s time to go.” One of the guards said, one that neither of them had much of a pleasure to meet, Choi San. Some believe that he was the older brother of jongho before learning that the two are actually from different families and different sectors. San being form sector 6, and jongho being from 5. Both with very different experiences when it came to certain things around them, but it was still fun to mess with people in public sometimes. SAN’s choice of clothes was different form most, he was known for wearing nothing more then a long black coat, showing off the ink markings he had written all over his body, not entirely but still enough to show. His chin was sharp, some say it was sharp enough to break a sword before it could kill him and that twisted look of pleasure in his dark brown eyes were strong enough for everyone to see and enjoy better then most.
“And who are you, exactly?” It slipped out of yn’s mouth, raising an eyebrow simply out of habit, watching a smirk appear on san’s face before standing up strength. “General of the west Choi San, some say I’m the shadow general. Now we can’t keep the bride and jongho waiting now, can we? You still have a duty to fulfill tonight, and he doesn’t like to wait much longer for it.” He answered, enjoying the realization hitting their faces at once leaning who they were talking to. Yeosang looking more embarrassed and looking away while standing up while San shook his head. “Now now don’t be embarrassed you two haven’t met me before. I was out of the walls and sending a message to one of the uprising empires, making sure they know who not to mess with, don’t you agree?” He still ha the smirk on his face before walking the two over to their respected partners. San didn’t have anyone to be with before bowing at the two of them and leaving, going to enjoy more drinks.
“How do you always manage to get the attention from those in stronger power when you’re being sassy?” Yeosang whispered, trying not to laugh when seeing y/n’’s face, the look of his lips and the look in his eyes, making yeosang look away while trying to make sure that nothing else was going to happen here. But it was safe for now. After all the two of them had made it to their parents and were able to stand there, feeling somewhat less tense since everyone was still here, giving a false sense of sec I try. “Now what has you grinning so much San? Already having fun with your drinks of choice?” Hongjoong asked, crossing his arms while San hummed, walking over to grab another drink of juice while shrugging his shoulders, making yn start to make another face while yeosang was trying to pinch their back. It was like two classmates looking at each other and trying not to laugh at something when the teacher is being serious about something.
“Just enjoying the night, after all we all know how the tonight will end with you two and to be quite fair, captain. I rather not be hearing that when trying to rest, we all I know it’s going to be a long while before any of us a can get some rest. Well, of course the emperor will be able to rest like nothing is happening, but the others aren’t a s lucky.” Hongjoong gaze slowly turned over to y/m who was trying to remain serious and not giving up. But their face was slowly turning into something when hearing how the night will go. It was the realization back to the real world and the current time. Once those two get into that room and their clothes are off there will be no resting for a while, only the sounds of the two newlyweds. “Goodnight captain, mister Kim.” San had given each of them their respected bows before Hongjoong slowly held y/n’s waist, guiding them back up the stairs to their own shared hallway that was soon to be changed to symbolize the two of them, and no longer just one being the general.
“You seemed to have enjoyed your time with yeosang, we couldn’t find you two for a while, I thought you tried to run again, dishonoring the deal now, were you?” It was a taunt, but also and honest question. After all the two of them were supposed to enjoy a dance before spilling, but as soon as Hongjoong let him go, y/n was nowhere to be seen. It wasn’t until he sent San to go and find the two that they were able to find them. Seeing them smiling and trying to hide more facial expressions with their friend yeosang but other then that, there was nothing that the two of them were doing. “I am a lot of things, but I can honor a deal. Besides, all we did was sit together and talk.” “What about, hm?” Opening the door, Hongjoong walked them walk in and instantly be surrounded by the butlers who helped y/n get dressed slowly start to undress his bride in front of him. Slowly starting with the jewels and hairpins before just slowly going down to the ears, the neck, the wrist, the waist and the ankles. Before very carefully and slowly raking off the dress. It was weird to y/n. He wasn’t allowed to wear a suit which is something he was used to and even envisioned for his own special day. But it was today where he was in a dress instead, something he was able to pull off better than he ever thought he could.
“Why does it matter to you? Need something to tear into my before you make me unable to leave this room?” Y/N was trying to be his old self while the dress was slowly being removed to revel what was under, which was just a loose white shirt with white jeans. It was a lot to have under something so delicately made but it also needed to be taken care of. It seemed those couple of days leading up to know was wearing off on them, or y/n was prepared for what was about to come, Turing over to see that Hongjoong was getting undress while the others were closing the windows. Locking them tight before leaving with the clothes, simply leaving them by themselves before the door was locked for the outside. All it took was that slight head tilt from the general, showing his sharp teeth with a wicked grin.
“Now now where’s that mouth now? You were so busy being sassy that you forgot your place? You’re my fucking cumsleeve from now on and I will fuck and fill every hole you have.” Hongjoong groaned out, keeping one of his hands tight on y/n hair while bucking his hips with no mercy. Looking down and seeing the tears building up in the males' eyes while he struggled to breathe. Gagging with each movement with sloppy sounds being muffled Because of the length that was inside of his mouth. Hongjoong was not small, despite his height and he wasn’t thin either. He was long, and he was thick. All he could listen to be the gags and muffled cries of the male below him before deciding it was time to yank the male's hair back. Listening to the gasp for airs from the male, the coughing and the cries along with the spit coming down their Jaw. His body was bare with no clothes whatsoever, they were thrown close to the door and would be left there. His shoulders and neck were almost covered in purple and red marks with some teeth marks here and there scattered across their shaking body.
Their eyes were getting red and filled with tears, were they tears of pain? Tears of pleasure? No one would know, because Hongjoong had pushed his dick right back inside of y/n’s sore and swollen mouth. He was redder than a cherry, at least his length was, his face was dripping with sweat, not a lot but it was getting there. His eyes were filled with lust and hunger and the smirk on his face was filled with pleasure. But of course, he wasn’t going to end the night here, no he wasn’t even letting himself release the way he wanted to. “Use your fucking hands you. I want to hear you gasping for hair while trying to breathe.” Yanking them back off and watching them get to work. Y/n used both their hands and was quick to jerk off Hongjoong, watching the burning red tip twitch while their face was covered in tears while they were panting simply trying to breathe before their eyes were closed, feeling the white strings jump t their face and hearing the loud groans.
“Please…Fuck…Please.” Y/N whispered not caring if Hongjoong could before just sucking on the tip of it, jerking off the rest with their eyes closed and broken moans while feeling Hongjoongs hands run through their hair before pulling them back on his lap. Watching them gasp and look down before leaning their head up t let Hongjoong suck on their neck, leaving more purple hickey’s. His hands were being rough while squeezing whatever he could grab while listening to the moans coming from above. It was like watching the yarn come undone from someone using it to sew something.
Y/N’s hops were moving on his own above the tip, pulling his neck away and looking down at the man. His eyes being filled with pleasure and want, meeting Hongjoong’s eyes filled with hunger and desire. “Oh? You want to be used little fucktoy? Is that all you can think of now is my dick inside of there with no prep? No nothing but my dick going inside of your tight fucking hole?” Hongjoong started, watching y/n quickly move their head but knew that he needed permission, and if he rushed he wasn’t getting it. “Then beg for it. Let me hear you crumble for it and you’ll be used the way you it.” It was the last push he wanted to give, something to hear y/n say before he was going to fully make them not only be a dangerous person but also someone who crumbles under his touch whenever they want, and wherever he wanted to have it.
“Sir please…please use this fucktoy that you clearly wanted so bad that you were willing to chase for. Fuck I’m so empty I just want to fill it- oh fuck sir!” Y/n cried, shaking more whilst being thrown on the bed, their head being forced down into the sweat covered sheets, his hips were being held up in the air before he felt the pain of something going inside of their ass. The look in their eyes, it was like watching their eyes go cross eyed while their knuckles were turning white while their head was being forced up by the man behind him, listening to the sound of their hips slapping against each other while hongjoongs groans were as loud as y/n’s moans pleads. “Gods if I could you pregnant I’d have so many children the others would have to prey me off of you and even then I will fill you up till I’m done. Understand me?” Hongjoong said, feeling his release come but his hips never stopped, even when he watched y/n’s body was crumbling and shaking more, trembling so much and yet the liquid was being spilled onto the sheets and close to the floor.
It was a beautiful sight that no one could ever see, capture of even mention and it made Hongjoong simply give a sloppy kiss to him. Their tongues were being entangled into each other with drool coming down their chins with the sweat being stuck to each other, letting the slapping sounds get louder, letting the thrust get faster and harder. Leaving y/n’s bum only to get redder and redder before the pair ended up coming undone once against. Both of their body’s shaking against each other before Hongjoong leaned up straight and watched some of the juices slowly pour out before he slowly pulled out, watching the rest slowly come out while y/n was twitching. His eyes were closed yet his tired and shaking hands was slowly keeping his ass apart.
“You got filled twice and you still want this dick?” Hongjoong answered, panting but pushing himself back inside before hearing the weak sound of a broken moan, pulling out and flipping y/n on their wet back before going back inside. Holding their legs by their thighs before folding them up to their shoulders. Making sure y/n was watching Hongjoong fucking them, watching their dick go inside and out with the wet sounds and some of the juices still going around while y/n was holding his ankles. Looking from the show before to the look in hongjoongs eyes, both of their eyes were filled wit lust and want before another wet and messy kiss was being taken place. It was driving them crazy before the two had released once again, but both of their bodies were tired, drained and not being able to even move. Y.N’s body had completely fallen against the bed while Hongjoong fell on top of him. The two of them were panting, covered in sweat and cum and wanting to rest. They can shower and clean up in the morning, but Hongjoong was still inside and ended up falling asleep just the way he was. After all, why would he leave this?
The woods were quiet, nothing else was being heard and it was quiet anyone would’ve thought someone, or something had died, and this was the way of the forest to mourn the death of it. “You’re going well dear, but you need to keep your eyes dim, the more you have emotion in them, which gives you away.” Hongjoong answered, leaning against he trees while cutting an ample before hearing the sounds f the bushes rustling before looking back to see a bunny. Confused, but then looking up to see y/n kneeling down with a smile on his face. His clothes were black now, but they were still baggy, but it was comfortable and able to be silent better within the area. His hair was long to his waist, and it was still blacker than the night sky. Watching Hongjoong give a proud yet small smirk on his face before taking a bite of the apple, putting away his dagger before keeping his arms out. Watching y/n fall down into their arms and wrapping his leg around hongjoongs waist.
“I did it! I get to choose tonight’s feast, don’t I?” They asked, watching Hongjoong grieve a playful thinking look while carrying them back the walls. “Yes dear, you do. And no, it can’t be chicken just so you and yeosang can fight over the biggest piece.” Hongjoong added, watching y’n’s smile turn somewhat dark but still happy even. “Oh, don’t worried, it won’t only be fried chicken.” “Y/N Kim, I will fuck you against one of the tresses.” “Oh, that’s a treat!” Hongjoong only rolled his eyes before looking around, they were still far from the palace before giving y/n that look. Watching their eyes lit up before getting down and turning around, holding not a tree, their clothes were always made with a little cut in the back for Hongjoong to use whenever he saw fit. Hongjoong got closer and untied his ribbon some so his pants were slightly hanging down but enough for his length to pop out before pushing in from behind.
Watching Y/N’s eyes flutter close with a quiet moan leaving their mouth while listening to the soft sounds of their hips slapping, but it was also muffled because of the clothes. “Gods you're such a whore for my dick even out in the woods.” “You made me into the best cumsleeves you ever met now, didn’t you? Ooh, sir please just right there.” Biting their lip with their eyes still closed while Hongjoong smirked with a lip bite. The two of them were known for their sex drive, the two of them would even have little quickies like this before meetings and not caring if others heard or knew about it. “Fill me up the way you like!” The cried out a little louder before letting out a pleased sigh coming from the both of them. Feeling the cum slip inside and even trickling down y/n’s thighs before the two stood up. Smiling before enjoying a heated kiss, with only tongues being used while still trying to figure out what to eat.
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jk97 · 4 months
Unprofessional Attraction | THREE
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♡ pairing - yunho x afab!reader ♡ word count - 23.6K ♡ warnings for this chapter - fluff, ANGST, and explicit content (mdni), teacher/student relationship, some other members are featured, drinking alcohol, bigdick!yunho, pet names (angel, pretty, sweetheart, etc.), possessive/obsessive/toxic behavior, cunnilingus, hickeys, fingering, praise, unprotected sex, creampie(s), jealousy, blackmail ♡ A/N - I’m soooo sorry this took me forever to write (it’s so many words ahhh 🫠) but hopefully this is worth the wait. The next part will be the finale of this series. This also isn't beta read so I apologize for mistakes ahhh. I love ya’ll, thank you for your patience friends, STREAM GOLDEN HOUR ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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“You could at least try a little harder to pretend you want to be here with me, ____.”
Wooyoung’s antsy fingers pinch at the straw of his drink while he watches you thumb away at your phone. Going back and forth with your friends in the group chat about Jongho’s upcoming recital is the only thing calming your nerves this afternoon. When you had agreed to his ruse, you didn’t realize you were signing up for public humiliation. Those two words might be a bit dramatic, but sitting together in the dead center of the campus food court has you immensely anxious either way. This is entirely way too public…
You don’t mean to offend him with your embarrassment. It’s not like Wooyoung isn’t handsome; in fact, that might make things worse. It helps draw in too much unnecessary attention from other women, and it feels as though there might as well be a spotlight circling your table. Luckily, Yunho has a lecture through the next hour today, so you’re not too concerned on that front. Regardless, your first fake date with him is starting to be nothing short of awkward. 
“You can’t even look me in the eyes?” He inquires further.
“I’m sorry,” you find it within yourself to apologize, placing your phone face down on the table and sliding it away. To offset your anxiety, you put new effort into inspecting your food and preparing to finally eat it. Anything to just keep busy. “This is just a little out of my comfort zone.”
“Pretend I’m Mr. Jeong if that makes it easier,” he suggests, but his tone hangs on the edge of condescension. It’s not all that intentional, but he’s poking the bear. “I have access to the grade book all the same, you know.”
With narrowed eyes, you try to let his wisecrack roll off your shoulder, “That’s not a very funny joke.”
Continuing to avoid his eyes, Wooyoung watches you put all your attention into eating the meal he’s bought you so that you both can pretend to be on this lunch date. He was gracious enough to offer to pay for any meals you share moving forward, as long as it would make things easier on you while being a part of his plan. That’s what a real boyfriend would do anyway, right? Though, right now you’re not treating him like a boyfriend— you’re treating him like some kind of dirtbag with an open wallet. He can feel his own appetite slipping away slowly but surely.
“What are you both anyway, fuck buddies?” He asks a little too bluntly.
It might be a bit muffled, as your mouth is stuffed with food, but you still manage to retort, “That’s none of your business, actually.”
His increasing annoyance is evident by the deep exhale he tries (and fails) to suppress. Wooyoung doesn’t want things to be so tense, but you’re not exactly making it easy. He supposes you might gain some sympathy for him if he explains his troubles. You seem like a genuine person despite any contempt you might hold for him right now, so he figures you’ll be understanding. He needs to make conversation in some kind of way, anyway.
“How about I tell you a bit about my situation then?” He finally offers. You hum to let him know you’re listening, so he continues, “She and I were together for the last three years, but then she broke up with me a few months ago. And over something so stupid, really.”
“Go on,” you encourage, swallowing the bulk of food in your throat.
“Well, I need a master's degree to get the specific job I want… After telling her, one of her friends got in her ear about how me staying in school might hold her back after we graduate next year.” Wooyoung tries to sound indifferent to her friend’s heavy influence on her decisions, but the look behind his eyes, as he glances around to see if she’s in the area, says otherwise. It’s full of bitterness and hurt. “She wants to travel for a year before getting a job, and they told her I’d stress her out too much with a long-distance relationship. She took that to heart, for whatever reason.”
Would it be a lie if you said you didn’t support a tiny bit of actual pity towards Wooyoung? Probably. Knowing what you know now, you ponder more about the tight situation between you. He’s an intelligent guy, and you’re sure he knows exactly what Yunho is to you with the way you get touchy about his name even being mentioned. That’s why he’s using someone else’s happiness to retrieve his own once more. While that’s not exactly just, you’re aware that love makes people do crazy things. Moreover, you know you in particular can’t judge anyone after doing what you’ve done to achieve Yunho’s attention.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” is all you can reply, but it’s genuine.
Before you can process what’s happening, Wooyoung suddenly reaches across the table and links his fingers with your free hand in an act of endearment. Your cheeks prickle with heat, not from being charmed, but from more humiliation. This is embarrassing, suddenly having to do public displays of affection with someone you don’t even like in front of whoever is looking hard enough to notice.
“Don’t turn around, she’s here with a friend,” he mumbles, and then an affectionate smile tugs at his lips. It looks fairly genuine… He is much too good at looking charming on the drop of a dime. “Do you think it’d be too corny if we wore some matching outfits a couple times?”
You hesitate for the briefest second before squeezing his hand with false affection and leaning forward on your elbows to seem more interested.
Nobody is close enough to hear you reply, “Are you trying to win her back or get her to block you? Because I honestly can’t tell.”
“It’s just a little joke. Laugh a little, I beg,” Wooyoung pouts. 
He leads your connected hand to fondle his cheek, trying to inconspicuously guide you through the motions. If Wooyoung didn’t know any better, he would assume you’ve never been on a date in your life. His hopes were much higher than this, as you’re much too pretty to be this stiff when it comes to showing affection. It almost has him second-guessing whether he’s right about you and Yunho being involved more than just sexually. Much to his surprise, your hand finally relaxes against his face, and he revels in the way you even stroke his skin with your thumb. The timing couldn’t be more ideal, truly. He can sense the attention of his intended audience, and the corners of his mouth curl into a subtle smirk of approval. 
“That’s perfect. Keep going.” 
“Don’t push it, please.”
For the rest of that week, Wooyoung insisted on repeating these kinds of daily rendezvous. This request also accompanied another for walking each other to class when applicable. He knew he couldn’t always time it right for when she’d be present, but he had his workarounds. He was fairly knowledgeable about a few of her friends’ class schedules, and he made it a point to walk with you on paths that would often intersect with those who he knew would inform her of his behavior instead. Occasionally, he would ask you to show up to school a little more fetching than usual, with prettier clothes and makeup. Wooyoung also made a point of concealing her identity from you, for reasons unbeknownst to you. He failed to tell you any more details about her after your first date, and that included basics as simple as her name. Several possibilities were considered when you finally identified this as a problem. The rational explanation would be that he doesn’t want you approaching her on your own time and taking things into your own hands. A particular irrational explanation starts infiltrating your thoughts with the more days that pass by bearing no evidence of progress:
“I’m starting to believe this ex of yours doesn’t exist.”
Your snide remark about his secrecy started as a joke. 
“I have nothing to gain from lying to you.”
His terse reply didn’t necessarily extinguish the conspiracy behind your jest. After consistently being told not to look in certain directions for nearly two weeks, and no updates on her position, it became harder to believe his words. Despite everything, you do as you’re told and pray that his ex breaks through sooner rather than later.
I’m sorry.
It seems as though those two words haven’t stopped coming out of your mouth ever since you stepped foot in Yunho’s home this evening. 
It begins with apologizing profusely for asking to come over on such short notice. Your complex’s Wi-Fi went out due to the wintery mix storm slamming the town tonight. Wooyoung’s been trying to lay it on thick the last few days and make your presence more than known to his ex, anywhere and every way that he can. Consequently, with a lot of your free time being taken away by him, you found little time to put towards important assignments due at the end of this week. The lack of Wi-Fi is the absolute last thing you need to happen right now. 
Yunho doesn’t care about your abrupt presence at his door or even the way you track slush past his doorstep. He's more concerned about how you drove in the middle of a huge storm so late into the evening with no care for your safety. Over and over, you find new things to apologize for that make no sense to him. Another set of frazzled apologies comes from your mouth for keeping him up late after an hour or two passes. Yunho can’t help but genuinely laugh at this one.
“You do realize what day it is, right?” He inquires. The clueless look on your face makes him sit up, “It’s Saturday, ____. The day you typically come over and spend the night. I actually texted you about it earlier today, I didn’t know if you still wanted to or not since you were so busy last Saturday.”
This epiphany makes you immensely bashful and draws many more apologies out of you for your poor memory and lack of communication. How could I have lost time so badly that I forgot to reply to him about something we do so routinely? Under your stressful circumstances lately, your days are running together, and there’s just too much on your plate to appease everyone. Yunho visibly sees the shame blanket you from head to toe, and he hopes he didn’t come across as if he was upset with your behavior. In fact, he’s more concerned than anything.
Your lover can hear you type much faster after this brief exchange and he scoffs. Surely you don’t believe he’d willingly let you make haste of your work so you can disappear for another week or two… he groans internally when he realizes that’s exactly what you’re doing. He doesn’t understand why you’re so self-conscious and sheepish tonight, but he’s not going to press it. Instead, he rises from his spot on his couch and creeps over to where you’re seated at his table. His hands find the slopes of your shoulders and thumbs rub comforting circles into your muscles.
“You know you’re not going home tonight, right?” He questions after a moment of being nosey and peeking at your screen.
“And why not?”
The abrupt feeling of Yunho’s large palm skating up the skin of your throat before pushing your chin up to meet his gaze above you makes a chill run up your spine. His eyes are warm and concerned, yet stern.
“Because I said so,” he says point-blank.
Whether it be because of the terrible storm still slapping at his windows, or maybe even the fact that he hasn’t seen you outside of a classroom in quite some time, he knows this succinct answer suffices just as well those do. The subsequent pout on your lips to him is seen simply as an invitation to kiss them, and he does just that. You don’t even try to argue any further. It may not be your best work this semester, but it’s not too much longer after that when you finally submit everything due before its midnight deadline.
After briefly disappearing to his room to rummage through his dresser and change into something more comfortable, you eventually join him on the couch. Tonight’s position of choice has your head using his thighs as a pillow, cheek squished against his soft sweatpants as he spends endless minutes massaging the tense muscles of your back and shoulders with his fingers. He smells so good… that lavender and musk mix has you closing your eyes every handful of seconds just to breathe him in. Even if he can’t see your face, it’s obvious that you’re not paying attention to the movie he has on the TV, so he suggests that maybe you both should move to the bedroom so you can be more comfortable. You assure him that you’re more than comfortable right where you’re at, and that’s the truth.
Despite laying so peacefully with him, in what should be a moment of sedating intimacy, your mind is still reeling with things that need to be accomplished in the next few weeks. Every time you mentally check off something on your list, there are several more things added after, such as your three final exams, Yunho’s final paper, returning your textbook rentals, finally figuring out your ceremony dress, picking up your guests’ ceremony tickets–
“Are you going to attend my ceremony?” 
Yunho hears you mumble this randomly after a while of sitting in comfortable silence. You’re sure he doesn’t need a ticket as a teacher, but the thought of having to get them brings you back to earth and reminds you of his presence.
“That was the plan,” he confirms, but hesitantly adds, “Unless you don’t want me there. I don’t want to make things awkward.”
The way you’re acting lately has him questioning things like this, now that he thinks about it. You immediately dispel his apprehension with a displeased grunt.
“No, I… really need you there.”
Yunho’s hand falters slightly in its kneading. He’s grateful that you’re unable to see his face with how you’re lying because the apples of his cheeks are taut from the overjoyed smile threatening to break through his lips. It’s one thing to be admired or adored by someone, but it’s another thing to be needed. He doesn’t hear that word often, if at all, but hearing it come from your mouth makes it even more monumental to him. That’s something he could get used to. Yunho hums in understanding, wordlessly confirming that he’ll be present. Following along the topic of graduation, he decides to ask something present on his mind recently.
“Have you thought about what you want to do after graduation?” 
“Career-wise or celebration-wise?”
“Whichever… or both.”
You close your eyes to think. Nothing immediately comes to mind in terms of celebrating, but you’re sure your friends will be holding parties to attend. Putting that aside, you turn over and decide to open up a bit about your impending employment.
“I had a great internship last semester that I put my all into,” you divulge, “They wanted to bring me on full-time, so I asked if they could hold the position and wait for me to finish my degree this semester. Lucky me, they agreed.”
“Already set up for success right after you leave that stage… You’re amazing,” Yunho marvels. “I suppose I’m just as lucky too, huh? I get to watch you shine, front row.”
There’s a brief moment where you peer up and match his fond smile that’s already beaming right back down at you. When you reach up to caress his cheek, Yunho leans into your touch as if it’s second nature. The further you both dive into this relationship, it feels as though maybe you’ve finally found an additional frontline cheerleader.
“Mhm, something like that,” you tease. When he turns to kiss your palm in his form of congratulations, you sigh. Your hands have been tainted by someone else’s touch, and here he is blindly showing them genuine affection. Before you can help it, another apology comes out, “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy lately, Yu.”
“Why do you keep apologizing tonight for things you can’t control?” The gentle, unsuspecting laugh he lets out makes the guilt sitting in your chest about Wooyoung just a little bit heavier. “It’s finals season, I know how it goes.”
When your hand returns to your chest, your gaze falls just the same. He’s right, albeit unknowingly. With those words, you can finally accept that you have no control over your current situation at all. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that you’re guiding this blackmail ship forward, you’re just not. In any case, you still feel like you’re doing what’s best for Yunho's future. Tonight’s tornado of apologies have all been unconscious overcompensation. As much as you feel like you need to, you know you shouldn’t have to apologize for your shortcomings when they result from such unmanageable circumstances. You’re doing your best, even if your best isn’t enough just yet. 
Yunho can’t figure out what it is about tonight, but you seem like your head is a bit more in the clouds than usual. You’re here with him physically, but he can tell you’re somewhere else mentally. However, he acknowledges that he could be reading into things too much since it’s been a while since you both have spent time privately.
“Hey, stargazer, everything okay?” he finally asks in a soft voice, gently tugging on your cheek to bring you back to the present.
“Sorry—yeah, everything’s alright,” you reassure him. There’s something behind those soft eyes you’re giving him that makes him question your answer, but he keeps those concerns to himself and simply nods. “Thank you for being so understanding. I’ll make it up to you when this is all over with, I promise.”
You’re no longer talking about school with those words. He’ll probably never truly understand how much weight that sentence holds, but that’s okay. For the rest of your time with him tonight, you pretend that none of your problems exist outside his home. He deserves your unwavering attention tonight, at the very least. 
On the first day of the following week, Wooyoung requests your presence in front of some familiar dormitories. It’s been quite some time now since you’ve been on this side of campus, considering you moved into your current apartment around the end of your junior year. The nostalgic feeling you get when meandering your way to your meeting place doesn’t do much to alleviate the anxiety you regularly get every time Wooyoung brings you somewhere so populated.
“What are we doing here again?”
“I heard she’s swinging by here today to drop something off for a mutual friend,” he explains while his eyes still scope the area for her presence, as usual. 
You busy yourself with playing on your phone, keeping your head down and yourself hidden for as long as you can manage. This place, while technically not as densely populated as the dining space you frequent, has too many opportunities for lurking gazes. This particular set of dormitories sits on the side of campus that encompasses a good amount of academic halls and the largest campus library. There are plenty of teachers and students walking to classes or accessing the library, and even more lingering outside within the surrounding courtyard despite the frigid weather. Wooyoung had insisted on holding you by your waist for the time being as well, citing something about how “normal couples warm each other up”. You just want this to be over with as quickly as possible before too many people can see you both standing so close together. 
“Hey, ____,” Wooyoung hums after a while, catching your attention quickly.
Before you can even fully look up from your phone, Wooyoung’s head dips down and seeks out your lips. Shock is an understatement; the feeling of your heart seizing in unison with your limbs makes you feel like you might as well be flatlining. This cannot be—
“Relax,” he whispers before deepening this kiss, interrupting your thought as his tongue enters your mouth. 
Reluctantly, you do as he says and try your best to relax while kissing him back. Over and over, you remind yourself this is supposed to be putting on a show in front of his ex. You try to allow yourself to fully slip into the role you have been forced to play. Your hands find purchase on his jacket, albeit uneasily. For someone who’s making your life so much more difficult, you can’t deny he’s at least a decent kisser. This moment feels like it lasts entirely too long, but eventually, Wooyoung pulls away and you watch his eyes dart around somewhere behind you. 
“She’s gone now,” he sighs, “Pretty sure she saw that though. Nice job.”
“Don’t ever do that without warning me beforehand again,” you scold him in a voice low enough for his ears to hear only. Wooyoung rolls his eyes, though he follows up with an apology. Even though it seems genuine, it does nothing to quell the immediate guilt that washes over you the moment you go to swipe saliva off of your lips with your thumb. The nauseous feeling stirring in your stomach over simply kissing someone else other than Yunho begins to build up and feel unbearable, “Can I go now? I’m supposed to meet with a teacher during their office hours soon.”
Despite the tremor of uneasiness in your voice, Wooyoung believes your lie without question. That uneasiness doesn’t depart your system for the remainder of the day even after removing his presence, and you decide to call it quits early instead of attending your final class. This feeling of guilt, almost as if you cheated while in a relationship, has you more saddened than frustrated tonight. To make things easier to deal with, you repeat the same phrase about you and Yunho in your head over and over.
It’s okay, we’re not together yet.
While you cook yourself dinner–
It’s okay, we’re not together yet.
While working on your final paper–
It’s okay, we’re not together yet.
Yunho’s failure to text you back that evening before going to bed makes that fact easier to swallow. It’s the truth, so it shouldn’t be so hard to digest, right?
Yeosang does not expect much when he asks you out of the blue the next day to come and spend time with him after school. His roommate is gone for the week to visit family and he’s all by his lonesome. For the majority of the month, he’s become used to you declining in favor of completing overdue work. He’s not used to you being so behind on your work, and it doesn’t quite make sense to him when other times you say you’re even busier throughout the day. You look a bit more drained than usual when he Facetimes you that afternoon to suggest it, but he figures he wouldn’t be that upset to hear another no if you need the rest. 
The answer was yes, for the first time in a while. 
As luck would have it, the imaginary shackles on you had been released for the day, and having time to yourself for an entire weekday almost felt strange. Your personified migraine had texted you early in the morning informing you he’d be out of town for the day to attend some seminar that you didn’t care enough to remember the details of. Yeosang doesn’t do a good enough job concealing his shock the moment confirmation comes from your mouth, and you feign offense.
“I'm being punked, right?”
You scoff, “I don’t like the way you’re acting like this is bizarre, loser.”
You both know that’s a fairly accurate word considering your disappearances these last couple of weeks. His broad smile at your usual banter makes you feel cherished and missed, and it’s comforting for him to know you still have such a sense of humor even through your fatigue. He’s secretly been concerned for your well-being, but he didn’t want to seem meddlesome. Eventually, you go from two faces on a screen to you perched at his kitchen table. Yeosang insisted he cook you a nice homecooked meal when you mentioned to him in passing how much you miss eating his food. His back might be turned away, but he’s still actively engaging in discussion with you over the controversial love triangle taking place on the dating reality show he has you catching up on with him tonight. Toward the end of an episode, it takes you a few minutes of rambling to realize your best friend has grown silent while he cooks. Behind your back, he’s busy ruminating over thoughts of love triangles when he decides to finally uncork the bottle he’s been keeping closed in an attempt to have a peaceful evening.
“Can I ask you a question?” Yeosang calls out suddenly over the sound of oil popping in his pan.
Your eyes stay glued to the television, but you hum in consent, “What’s up?”
“Is it true that you’re dating Wooyoung?”
His name is a burden to you these days; the syllables of it only bring you discomfort. Hearing it mentioned on a day when you almost felt like you could get away from him draws a long beat of silence from you, though Yeosang doesn’t turn around to confront such silence. He allows you the time to answer however you’d like to if you would even provide one. Even though he was somewhat putting you on the spot with such a question, Yeosang is still your best friend at the end of the day. He’s not the kind of person to pressure you or give you a hard time about your private business, despite the times he rags on you in jest. 
The truthful answer is right on the tip of your tongue, begging to be shouted, but you don’t have the strength to say such a thing yet. Instead, you inquire, “Who did you hear that from?” 
You don’t mean to, but you sound a bit miffed when asking. Until this point, you had hoped your fake relationship with Wooyoung wasn’t too obvious to those who don’t pay close enough attention, but the feeling of failure is now pooling in the depths of your stomach. You should’ve known better. 
“When someone begins getting close to the TA who’s in charge of their grades, I guess it’s understandable that there would be some rumors… Some people in our class are saying you’re together now,” Yeosang explains, voice as calm as ever while he continues to push around the meat in the pan. “I overheard those speculations and I didn’t really believe any of it at all. Unlike them, I know you’re already seeing Mr. Jeong.”
Yeosang pauses to allow you a chance to say any words you wish to insert if anything. Being amongst speculations of wooing someone to raise your grades is the least of your worries, and you honestly couldn’t care less if people believed such silly things in the last semester of your college career. At this moment, you are much more concerned about Yunho catching light of such rumors, or really anything regarding you and Wooyoung in the same sentence reaching his ears. It didn’t seem that way when you were both in each other’s presence a few days ago talking about your future, and you’re sure that he would’ve confronted you about such things if he could. Still…
“I’m not dating Wooyoung, nor would I even think of doing that for my grades. You know me, Yeo.”
You’re sure Yeosang can feel your eyes gazing over at him now, boring anxious holes through his back. You know he can hear the uneasiness plaguing you, making your words waver.
“I understand, I do. It’s just…” Yeosang pauses once more to find the right words that don’t sound so accusatory, “Hongjoong told me he saw you both on each other on his way to class the other day. I figured I’d simply ask you about that before I come to any conclusions, that’s all.”
Several beats of silence pass before you feel like you’ve finally drowned deep in this ocean of stress you’ve been trying to keep afloat in.
“Yeosang, I’m in over my head and I can’t handle this anymore.”
Yeosang finally ceases his stirring and peers over at you the moment the last syllable leaves your lips. This is the first time you’ve both met each other’s eyes since he began cooking and his gaze is undeniably the most concerned you’ve seen him give you in years. He can’t help it when he can so clearly hear the hurt in your voice. He knows you’re a bit more reserved these days when talking about your relationship with your teacher, and he understands that it could be out of respect for his privacy. This moment doesn’t seem like a situation where that’s applicable anymore.
Navigating this situation all by yourself is draining. 
These last months in college are supposed to be nerve-wracking in an exciting way, finishing finals and prepping yourself to walk across the stage for your diploma. You’re supposed to be anxious about what to wear and how to do your makeup for your ceremony, about how you should smile when the ceremony’s photographer tells you where to look as you grab that fake symbolic roll of paper. Instead, you’ve been running yourself dry trying to appease a man who’s threatening to ruin one of the best things to happen to you thus far in life. You just want to be happy. Yeosang was right in warning you about playing with fire when pursuing Yunho, but it all still hurts so fucking badly.
“I want to help you ____, but you have to be honest with me,” he stresses, “I’m concerned about you. Tell me what’s wrong, please.”
You’re uncomfortably silent for a moment, eyes glued to his while contemplating his words. At last, you decide to broach the subject of all your mental stress. If you trusted anyone to help you navigate this situation, it was going to be him. This was no longer something you could handle on your own. 
“I’m being blackmailed by Wooyoung.”
The words don’t even sound real coming out of your mouth when you finally betray the promise of silence you made to Wooyoung.
Yeosang’s brows draw together even closer in concern, “What?”
“Wooyoung found out that Yunho and I are together,” you confess further, words running out as quickly as you can think to say them, “And now he’s forcing me to date him to make his ex jealous. He wouldn’t stay quiet otherwise, and it’s all my fault, Yeosang. It’s all my fault.”
Your best friend pushes his pan away from the eye of the stove and makes haste over to where you’re sitting. He knows you better than you know yourself sometimes, already sensing you crumbling before you can realize that you’re finally breaking down. All of the pent-up stress over the last couple of weeks was finally taking its toll. 
“I thought it would be over quickly, but it doesn’t seem like we’re making any progress,” you sputter, putting your head in your hands and pressing your palms to your eyes. The last thing you want to do is cry over a man who doesn’t deserve your tears. “He won’t even tell me who she is. I can’t handle this anymore, I just can’t.”
Yeosang’s arms wrap around you to ground you before you can allow yourself to descend further into your breakdown. Very few times has he seen your foundation be shaken so badly by something. You’re one of the strongest people he knows, and it takes a lot to disintegrate the fortitude you hold. He knows he can help you build it back later, he’s your best friend for a reason. For right now, though, he’ll let you get everything out that you’ve been holding in and dealing with by yourself. He knows you probably had your reasons to keep such things inside and away from him.
“He kissed me yesterday and I felt so guilty for the rest of the day, like I betrayed Yunho,” you tell him, and before you realize it tears are finally brimming in your eyes.
“Be kind to yourself, ____,” Yeosang hums while he holds your face in his hands. “You didn’t do that because you wanted to, it’s okay. You don’t have to deal with this alone anymore, okay?”
Hearing those words for the first time since this all began allows a veil of peace to cover you and you nod, finally accepting your need for help. Yeosang promises you that he will do whatever he can to find out who Wooyoung has his sights set so heavy on without interfering enough to throw things out of kilter. His help could be the only chance you had at getting this charade to end faster, even if it meant riskily trying to nudge things along behind Wooyoung’s back. You were no longer satisfied with being patient, and you now realize you don’t have to settle for that anymore.
While you might’ve gained some peace that night, around 2 AM that morning, there is no peace to be found in the home of your lover.
Yunho’s been staring at his ceiling for the last hour, unable to sleep even though he knows he needs to be up in a handful of hours for work. He had tried to push this situation plaguing his thoughts out of his mind all day yesterday, but his brain does its worst on nights when he’s left to his own devices and his thoughts spiral. At least tonight it’s not for self-sabotaging reasons like he’s prone to. 
He allows himself to close his eyes and relive the moment when he saw you and his assistant kissing on his way to a multi-department meeting at the library. The moment he recalls the way your hands were clutching Wooyoung’s chest, he grimaces with unadulterated resentment. For the entirety of yesterday, he felt numb. He went through the day simply going through the motions, lacking any of his usual charisma and cordiality amongst most people he crossed paths with throughout the day. He was able to put on a mask for his students at the very least. How is one supposed to act when they see their girlfriend kissing another man? That’s when he has to remind himself:
She’s not my girlfriend.
At least, he doesn’t know if you are or not, since you haven’t said it out of your mouth yet. This is exactly the kind of bothersome bullshit he was so worried about weeks ago when he realized the severity of his feelings for you. He should’ve had the conversation with you earlier to see where your head was at, but he put it off for so long under the excuse of being afraid of scaring you off. He wonders if maybe you think he’s not serious about you enough since he’s never brought it up first. And sure, he knows you both aren’t technically together right now, but you could’ve at least let him know that you’re seeing more people than him, right? It hurts a little more that it’s also his assistant of all people.
He turns onto his side in a huff and buries himself deeper under his blanket. Yunho wishes he hadn’t fallen for you so hard. It’s hard enough to deal with his feelings as things are now, especially with the circumstances, but the introduction of competition might just drive him insane. She’s a grown woman and she’s allowed to do whatever she wants, he reminds himself reluctantly while closing his eyes once more, but again—a heads-up would’ve been nice. He doesn’t even know how to approach this situation moving forward. How is he supposed to look you in the eyes today during class?
The answer is that he doesn’t. 
If he can help it, he actively avoids those engaged eyes of yours while he goes on for an hour about pragmatics. He doesn’t even look over at your side of the room. It’s not until the mid-class break that he takes multiple swift glances over at you chatting with Yeosang about something that’s got you enthusiastic. That smile on your face while excitement physically pours out of you makes his eyes soften. He wonders if you’re discussing graduation, as it is coming up in some weeks now. Then, he remembers that he wanted to take you away or do something relaxing to celebrate since you seemed to not have existing plans. Would that sway you back over to his side, if he planned something nice and spoiled the surprise early? Before he can even finish that train of thought, he finds himself finally meeting your eyes while you briefly let yours wander around in the middle of a sentence. The sneaky flirtatious wink you send his way makes him clear his throat bashfully and adjust his tie.
Yunho spends the remainder of class discussing the final paper and offering to read any final drafts that people would like feedback on, as long as they’re submitted by a specific date. He knows he’s probably shooting himself in the foot by putting that kind of work on his plate so close to the deadline, but he genuinely wants people to do well on his final and he knows there are quite a few seniors in this particular class section. The least he can do is make sure those of you end your college careers with a satisfactory grade to finish off your transcripts. He did very well with his midterm evaluations as well, so he wants to do the same for his finals. 
When class ends, Yunho finally takes notice of how Wooyoung has been leaving as early as everyone else lately. He could’ve sworn Wooyoung used to stick around to ask him questions, and often times he even departed after Yunho had already departed. He also notices that you are nowhere to be found now even though Yeosang is still present, seemingly already having fled the room for one reason or another. He doesn’t want to think about if he’s been so oblivious to these kinds of things up until this point, but the thought of you and Wooyoung rushing to meet up after his classes sticks with him for the rest of the day.
Yunho can admit he’s a bit toxic sometimes. 
It happens in moments of weakness where he lets his selfishness outweigh anything else. He reasons to himself that this isn’t one of those situations as he stands in front of your apartment door late into the evening of that same day. He had called you and asked if he could come see you at your place, which rarely happens. While it caught you by surprise, and you were in the midst of work, you were still as welcoming as ever. He knows you’d never say no. He’d never admit it aloud, but he’s not solely here just to see you—he’s here to be a bit nosy. 
It’s freezing outside, so when you finally open the door he’s scrambling to get inside.
“That was fast,” you marvel. 
When you wrap your arms around him and pull him into a hug, your shivers and giggles are like white noise in his ears as his eyes sweep the room. He doesn’t notice anything out of place, nothing that would make it seem like anybody other than you had been present here anytime soon anyway. His cold hands slide up the slope of your back to cup the sides of your face, and he offers you a sweet closed-mouth smile before briefly pressing his lips to yours in greeting.
“Yeah, traffic was pretty non-existent,” he hums.
“I made soup since it’s so frosty,” you glance towards the kitchen as your hands go to unzip his jacket for him, “Are you hungry?”
“If you’re cooking, always.”
Tonight, Yunho takes things slow. 
From graciously eating your cooking to cuddling on your couch, he builds up the intimacy minute by minute. It’s something he’s been craving from you lately, that feeling of intimacy and domestication. He’s more than willing to indulge you when grow aroused by something as innocent as him mindlessly drawing shapes on your thighs with his fingers, slowly shifting them inside your pajama shorts when you whisper, “I want you to touch me.”
“I’m already touching you, baby.”
You push his hand just a smidge lower, whining, “You know what I mean.”
When things finally move to the bedroom, Yunho fucks you nice and slow, and it feels much more intimate than any of your previous times together. Slow, steady rolls of his hips into yours like he’s intent on showing you every ounce of love he holds for you in his body if he’s unable to say it outright himself. Nothing inherently strikes you as odd about the way his demeanor is different tonight. In fact, this kind of pure intimacy is something you’d been curious to experience from him. It almost makes you feel like you’re officially together. Sure, sex is naturally intimate, but this? This feels different. 
His hands go from holding yours beside your head so affectionately to passionately gripping and kneading the plush skin of your sides and thighs like they’re fresh dough. It’s like he’s trying to solidify that this is reality, that you’re truly here in his hands and not someone else's. Grip strong enough to dig deep into the tissue and make you moan, but gentle enough not to leave bruising marks. Truth be told, he’d rather leave marks of where he’s been in less covert places. That’s why his mouth subconsciously finds its way to your neck before you feel the gentle drag of his teeth on your skin. It’s too quick to even be considered a warning.
“Yu, wait–”
You begin to tell him he can’t leave hickeys in such open places, but Yunho quiets you by sucking your skin anyway. The first one is on the tender skin just under your jaw, right where he can feel the pulse of how fast your heart is beating with his tongue. The desperate whine you let out when he finally lets up with a quiet pop! of his lips off your skin encourages him to put another on the column of your throat. You’ll probably throw a fit later when you see how bad these are and complain about the trouble of covering them up, but he really couldn’t care less. 
When he finishes off the second hickey, he kisses his way up to your lips so sweetly as if he didn’t do something so obviously possessive. As if he didnt do something so mischievous which’ll draw questions from your friends and get you flustered trying to explain. These marks are warnings as much as they are bites of love. You throw your arms around his neck and arch your back, itching for more than what he’s offering. It doesn’t matter that it still feels euphoric, those long drags of his cock against your walls just to fill you up again—it’s too slow. The breathy laugh he lets out against your lips draws a pout from your own. 
“What’s wrong pretty girl, don’t I make you feel good?” Yunho asks in a whisper, deep chocolate eyes holding your gaze while he continues to roll his hips at his leisure. He doesn’t like that he needs a bit of reassurance right now, but he wants to hear it so badly. When you nod with fervor, it’s just not good enough for him, “Tell me, angel. Tell me how good I make you feel.”
“You’re everything I crave, Yu,” you oblige him breathlessly, hands scratching at the sensitive nape of his neck while you arch again. For the first time this evening, Yunho’s hips falter in their steady rhythm. He’s quite caught off guard by your choice of words; it’s as if you know exactly what he needs to hear more than he does himself. “Nobody could ever make me feel like you do.”
“Yeah? This pretty pussy needs me, huh?��
There’s that word that he now loves so much: need.
“More than you know,” you gasp when he pushes his hips into yours as deep as he can manage, obscenities bubbling from within your chest.
Even though you both have had sex many times since this all began, this part still feels fresh. The way he manages to reach new depths inside of you and stretch you out to his heart’s content feels fresh every single time. Yunho’s thrusts begin picking up some speed finally and whines claw at his throat.
“My sweet, needy baby… You’re the only one who gets this, ____,” he admits, voice trembly while he drags his lips against the sensitive skin of your jaw, kissing his previous artwork, “It’s all yours, okay?”
In a perfect world, he’d love to hear you say the same back to him, but he’s snapping his hips too roughly now to allow for words. The way you begin begging for him to give you more of himself makes up for it. Bitten-off moans tumble from your lips as the coil in your stomach grows tighter and tighter, and it makes his cock throb and ache for release. The way you’re chanting his name has his eyes fluttering up in bliss. There’s no doubt in his mind that you want him, mentally and carnally, but the real question is if he’s not enough to satisfy that want. Yunho doesn’t have time to let his mind wander off into that kind of insecure territory. His brain becomes fuzzy as he becomes eager to feel you cum stuffed full of his cock, and then see his own paint your sweaty skin. Those familiar heavy pants he lets out against your lips make you simper.
“Getting close?”
“So close,” he nods, hissing when he feels you clench at his answer, “H-hah, oh fuck.”
“Wanna cum inside?” You offer this so shyly against his lips that he nearly doesn’t hear you talking altogether. When he offers you an absentminded ‘huh’ in response, you giggle and move to speak directly in his ear, “Want you to cum inside.”
Something behind Yunho’s eyes changes when you pull back—those blown-out pupils of his with little hearts swimming in them zero in on yours with a look you can’t quite put your tongue on. You cross your ankles behind his back to emphasize your words, to show him you’re serious.
“Really want me to fill you up, pretty?” he rasps. When you bite your bottom lip and nod, he offers you a lopsided grin, “Use those fingers and catch up, then.”
You don’t need to be told twice, one hand moving from being around his neck down to your clit to rub quick circles that’ll push you over the edge together. He’s never cum in you ever since you both started having sex, but he’s feeling overwhelmingly possessive today and it might just subside if he sees his cum leaking from your cunt onto your sheets. It’s now the only thought screaming at him in that fucked-out head of his. Your mouths connecting in a messy, sensuous kiss is the final push he needs.
Yunho’s fingers wind deep into your sheets with as much strength as he can muster while he buries himself inside you, pelvis to pelvis, pushing you deeper into your mattress. The throb of his cock and the broken moan he lets out while he finally cums trigger your own orgasm. The moment you lock your legs around him to keep him in place, your walls flutter and squeeze his cock to help milk him dry. He makes a note somewhere in the lusty haze of his mind that he just has to get you both to cum at the same time like this again at another point in time because the way you’re practically squeezing every last drop from him while you fall apart is nearly making him whimper repentance for how sinful it feels. When your legs let up on their grip, he gives you a few shallow thrusts before finally pulling out. Focusing on catching your breath is hard when he’s gazing so heavily at the mess he’s made of you. 
“Don’t stare...” Yunho doesn’t even realize he’s been fascinated with watching the way his seed spills from your heat until you poorly block it with a self-conscious hand. Only then does he finally look up and find you flustered, the pout on your face growing more prominent by the second, “It’s embarrassing...”
“God, you’re so fine,” he coos. The jolt your body produces when he takes his fingers and pushes what’s been wasted back into your sensitive hole makes him laugh. “Even prettier like this too. Let’s get you cleaned up, pretty baby.”
Yunho hadn’t originally planned on sleeping over—it is a weekday after all, and he has work tomorrow morning. After showering, though, his willpower is tested. He loses nearly all his self-discipline to leave like a responsible man when you use this irresistible voice the moment he steps foot back into the room, humming honeyed words while holding his briefs behind your back to keep him from getting dressed.
“Can’t you just wake up early to swing by your house and get ready?” You eventually pout up at him when he looks as if he might change his mind. With the way your gaze is focused on his attentive eyes, you can’t see the way his cock is already twitching back to life again at your pleading eyes, the same ones you use on your knees between his thighs. He’s so thankful for that. “This is why I said you should leave some outfits over here just in case.”
“I know, I know. I should listen to you more. Can I please have my underwear back now?”
“Are you gonna stay? Please?”
He chuckles before finally conceding, “I can’t say no when you ask me so nicely, can I?” 
You nearly fall apart at the way he pulls your face up by your cheeks with firm fingers before planting a kiss of surrender on your lips. Yunho doesn’t even remember why he’s over your house anymore, now only focused on getting his underwear back from your hands before you can see him getting hard all over again. He has enough sense to know that a second round will surely be much longer than the previous one, and you both need to sleep soon if he wants to wake up early enough. Lucky for him, you’re much too tired from a full day to stay up too much longer anyway.
It’s 8 AM when Yunho’s phone starts chiming with an annoying tone he set specifically to force his awakening. That grating sound is also your punishment for persuading him to spend the night. He’s slow to turn it off specifically for that reason, and a lazy smile stretches across his face when he hears you groan. Success.
“You’re so annoying,” you murmur. You instinctively search for your phone on your nightstand to glance at how early your lover has you suffering, then slowly slide yourself out of bed to go blindly search for a bottle of water. 
Yunho screws his eyes shut and open a few times to regain his vision before flipping over and patiently awaiting your arrival. He gave himself a fairly decent buffer on the off chance you decide to stay awake and eat breakfast with him. At least, that was the plan until something happened that immediately changed his brain chemistry. Yunho’s eyes swivel towards your phone when it vibrates a couple of times on the nightstand. It really wouldn’t have been a problem had he not seen and recognized the name on the screen. Against his better judgment, he picks it up gently. He sees two older notifications from the prior night and the two new ones now piquing his interest. 
[Wooyoung: Don’t forget lunch tomorrow]
[Wooyoung: Usual place]
[Wooyoung: Good morning]
[Wooyoung: If you get on campus by 10 let's do breakfast instead, they’ll be there. lmk]
His eyes constrict to slits almost instantaneously. 
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me… 
He doesn’t care that it's petty, he swipes each of the message notifications and deletes them with a pool of satisfaction boiling in the deepest pit of his stomach. You were too busy with him last night to notice his other messages anyway. If he could delete those messages permanently, he would. Realistically, there was no way he could keep you from eventually meeting up again with Wooyoung, but maybe distracting you enough to be late could be worth being a bit late to his own obligations. He’s extra needy on purpose this morning, immediately seeking out your attention the moment you groggily slip back into bed after chugging water. Feeling his warm hands grope your butt just makes you groan in that special kind of annoyance that naturally comes with waking earlier than need-be. When his fingers travel to fiddle with the elastic of your panties, an indirect request of sorts, you muster enough energy to nudge him weakly.
“S’too early, Yu,” you pout without even opening your eyes and bury your cheek deeper into your pillow.
“I know, I know. I have to leave soon,” he acknowledges. Still, his hand dances its way into the fabric. He watches you shudder when his middle finger pushes against your clit experimentally. His brow lifts when you open your legs. He licks his lips eagerly before murmuring, “You don’t even have to do anything, I’ll take good care of you. Go ahead and rest, okay?”
The hum you let out, signaling him to do as he pleases, has him gently working your panties down your legs and tossing them on the floor. He spends all the time he can, all the way until the last few minutes before he has to leave, with his face buried between your tired thighs. Always a starved man when it comes to your greedy cunt, the one that he confirmed last night needs him oh so much, he french-kisses his way into a sore tongue and a stiff jaw. 
“Mhm, that’s it,” he talks directly to your heat, holding open your lips with his thumbs while watching the way slick, cum, and spit seep out to sully your sheets, “Gimme another one.”
Sleepy whines and garbled whimpers of his name have him rutting his hips against your bed. He would touch himself if he could, but his hands are too busy massaging your tense thighs in rhythm with his aching tongue lapping at your clit. The friction isn’t enough. He supposes his poor underwear will just have to suffer from precum leaking out his deprived cock, drenching the fabric the more he gets aroused. Each orgasm he’s able to pull from you drains your body of its energy more and more until you’re a meek puddle of fatigue splayed out on your mattress.
Yunho doesn’t remember what number orgasm his mouth finally parts from your core, but at some point, he finally reminds himself that he’s a man with responsibilities who still has to go home and change into his work clothes. He also needs to take care of this painful hard-on quickly when he gets somewhere private. Self-admittedly, this all was as rewarding to himself in fulfilling it as it was to you receiving. Seeing you absolutely spent and on the verge of (hopefully) deep sleep puts a shameless smile on his face. 
He’s still a gentleman above anything else, taking the extra time to clean your skin and the mess he’s made of your cunt with a wet cloth before lovingly redressing you in your undies. He doesn’t even know if you can hear him after a certain point, but he still tucks you back in and whispers sweet nothings that he’ll overthink about later when he’s in his office after remembering why he was here in the first place. He even apologizes for ruining your sheets, again. The timid, fleeting kiss he leaves on your temple is followed by him carelessly saying, “Love you.”
The moment those two words tumble from his lips his eyes grow wide, and he waits with bated breath to see if you are even the slightest bit awake to hear his blunder. When you show no signs of stirring, Yunho releases all air caged within his chest and decides it’s best to leave quickly before he can make a fool of himself any further. You don’t hear from him for the rest of the day.
“I see… so she does exist,” you mutter sarcastically.
At the end of the week, following your shared linguistics lecture, you and your best friend convene at a table deep in the back of the library. Yeosang had spent a good amount of his time in the last few days covertly asking questions about Wooyoung to random acquaintances in hopes of getting bits of useful information about him or his ex. He was finally able to give you her name and class year, but he came up short otherwise.
“I wasn’t able to get any of her socials, I didn’t want to seem like I was pursuing her. However, I do have another idea,” he says, hands motioning for you to hear him out after he sees your spirits drop, “I was told she’s in Hongjoong’s capstone class and–”
“Oh brother,” you groan and sink further into your seat. 
If Yeosang’s words days ago were anything to go by, Hongjoong was already convinced you were dating Wooyoung, so asking him for his ex-girlfriend’s number is surely just going to cause prying questions. You’re fully convinced that he probably won’t even consider giving it to you because he might think it’ll lead to drama. 
“I know. Just hear me out,” Yeosang leans forward and lowers his voice, “I honestly don’t think it would be hard to get him to tell you. If you can come up with a plausible reason why you would need to reach out, I think he wouldn’t hesitate too much.”
“Which would be?”
“Well, I don’t know anything about her other than that she’s in a sorority. You can figure something out from that, right?”
You couldn’t deny that this was definitely a useful piece of information. Yeosang watches you purse your lips while you toss around some of the logistics in your head before nodding with some renewed optimism.
“Which app do you think I should start on?”
“I’m sure the majority of our sororities have IG pages to promote their activities. That’s probably your best bet,” he recommends, “I can help you search in between finals prep–”
“You’ve done enough, I can definitely handle that part,” you interject with a reassuring smile, “Thank you for even getting this info. I appreciate it, Yeo.”
While things definitely looked more positive from this conversation, there was an odd feeling lingering in your stomach over the next few days. From his time at your home through the weekend, Yunho’s communication and presence were lacking a bit more than usual. While it made things easier for you to see Wooyoung when requested without fear, it didn’t make things any less disappointing. Knowing he’s still there for you even through all of this mess was the only thing keeping you afloat, so it’s troubling when that disappears out of nowhere. Nevertheless, the end of the semester was creeping up faster than even you realized, so it makes sense that his schedule is being affected. Moreover, his job is what you’re doing this all for anyway, right? Even without his presence, you’d silently root for him in the shadows if it meant that December ended with you both together. 
In the meantime, you push these feelings to the back of your mind and give yourself a break from being so worrisome. With this charade moving deeper into its timeline, it’s time-sensitive and imperative to ask for his ex’s phone number from Hongjoong in an effort to contact her. Wooyoung might be intent on keeping you from meeting her, but he’s severely underestimated the fire in your belly when it comes to getting what you want. You’ve played along with his shenanigans long enough.
Hongjoong’s brows furrow while he shoves a few of the fries in his mouth from a meal you asked to treat him to this particular Monday afternoon.
“I should’ve known you wanted to see me for ulterior motives,” he takes a swigger of his soda with pursed lips, “Buttering me up with free food for my connections, huh?”
“I didn’t remember until just now, I promise,” you lie, trying to remain composed. You’re not exactly the best at lying to your close friends and this time is no different. “If I knew about anyone else having her number I would’ve asked them. I wouldn’t lie to you, Joong.”
His eyes examine your body language keenly before scoffing, “I’m still caught up on how you didn’t tell me that your mystery man was Wooyoung all this time. That was a lie by omission.”
“I am not dating Wooyoung, I already told you this.”
“Then why do you suddenly want his ex’s number?”
You swallow the nervous lump in your throat and offer him an easygoing smile that you had practiced a plethora of times before even leaving to meet him.
“I’m reaching out on behalf of a mutual friend about possibly being commissioned to make the graduation stoles for their sorority. That’s all.”
Yes, through hours of snooping and finally finding her Instagram, you discovered that she is a die-hard sorority girl for one of the smaller sororities on your campus. You had almost talked yourself into simply contacting her there, but as luck would have it, her messages were turned off for strangers that she doesn’t follow back. There was no doubt in your mind that she would never follow you back if you tried that route.
“You sure you’re not trying to stir the pot?” Hongjoong inquires playfully, eyeing you with an elvish grin. You groan in annoyance. “I’m all for a little mess sometimes, but I don’t like being the gateway.”
“Come on Joong, it’s nothing like that at all. I didn’t think you would be so difficult to ask about this… You’re supposed to be my rock—”
Your heart is threatening to break out of your chest when he holds up his free hand to quiet you with a roll of his eyes. Then, with his other hand, he finally scrolls through his phone to find said information.
“I’ve heard enough, please stop being so dramatic,” he sighs. His thumb stops swiping as soon as he sees what he’s looking for in his class’ group chat, and he hands you the phone reluctantly. “Under no circumstances do you tell her who gave this to you.”
“You know I love you the most, right? Even more than Yeosang!” You smile and he matches it sarcastically.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you liar. I love you too.”
While Yunho’s impromptu visit might have subdued his anxiety briefly, he knew it wouldn’t be a permanent fix. He spent some time away from you under the excuse of helping other people prepare more for the final paper deadline approaching, but that only made things worse. The longing he feels these days is stronger when he realizes you could be spending the valuable time he’s avoiding you by seeing Wooyoung instead. It’s embarrassing really, being so envious of someone younger than him. He shouldn’t be letting some university student get under his skin so easily, but there’s too much he’s given of himself to you to just be calm and collected about things. 
These things swirl about in his head while he’s seated alone at the bar’s counter, patiently waiting for his friends to finish playing Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide who pays the tab tonight. It was fairly evident that it had been a rough start to the month for Yunho from his mood, so his best friends were intent on treating him tonight. Today and the next were the university-designated study days for finals. Seonghwa personally coaxed him out of hiding by stopping by his home and offering to drive. He knows Yunho has a hard time saying no when confronted directly. As karma would have it, it was looking to be an expensive night for Seonghwa unfortunately, marked by the heavy groan Yunho can hear come from behind him when the two finish.
When he finally joins Yunho at the counter, he searches through his wallet for his credit card while asking, “Which beer do you want?” 
“I need something stronger tonight,” Yunho states before flagging the bartender down himself.
Nowadays, he’s more favorable to something light and bubbly like beer because it’s easy on his body and the buzz is manageable over a longer period of time. He can’t remember the last time he drank pure liquor… It had to have been New Year’s Eve or some other holiday that’s usually burdened by alcohol. Yunho’s not remarkably sensitive to liquor and he’s by no means a lightweight, but tonight he’s truly done a number on himself. Three Long Island Iced Teas and a few extra shots of rum have him loose and on stage in front of many eyes doing what he does best: singing. Singing karaoke duets with Seonghwa always makes him feel like a college student again, bringing him back to the days of their music classes.
When the next hour comes around and several more shots enter his system, the second phase of his inebriation hits: heartache and depression. Distractions are wonderful until they’re not, and his throat hurts from doing too much falsetto. He keeps thinking about how he’s supposed to show you this side of himself eventually, serenading you like a cheesy romcom just to hear your pretty giggles telling him that he actually sounds like an angel, and those thoughts make him sad. On top of that, his social battery is depleted entirely and now all he can think about is going home. Distancing himself for the last several days is finally coming to an end, as you’re the only person he can think of to call since he doesn’t want to ruin his friends’ time by asking Seonghwa to take him back home. While booking an Uber ride would’ve been the smarter idea, Yunho’s too lovesick to pass up on a moment to hear your voice right now.
So, while Seonghwa is busy using the bathroom and San is distracted by an attractive woman who’s gone out of her way to challenge him to a game of pool, his hazy eyes manage to find your contact card in his favorites before calling you. You take a bit longer to answer than usual, but the moment he hears that familiarly sweet ‘hello there, handsome~’ come across his speaker, he physically melts into a heap on the counter. You can overhear the loud music coming through the speaker clear as day and figure he must be at the bar tonight with other teachers since they’re all essentially off tomorrow. Calling you of all people while with his friends is risky, but you understand why he’s being so reckless the moment he opens his mouth.
“I need to see you, please,” Yunho drawls, his free palm pressed to his forehead to ground himself, “Drank too much, wanna go home.”
“Where are you, Yu?”
Yunho’s heart feels like it’s ready to take flight at the way you ask this with no hesitation and how he can hear you already shuffling to grab clothes. Maybe your feelings are as strong as his afterall.
“At that dumb bar near campus. Hwa drove me,” he sighs, and you can practically hear the drunken pout stuck on his lips. “I’ll just send my location… Can you come, baby? Please?”
“Of course, I’ll come take you home. Sit tight, I’m leaving now.”
When you do finally arrive, Yunho lets his friends know that he ordered an Uber to go home, and successfully convinces Seonghwa not to walk with him outside even though his steps feel leadened. 
“Go back to karaoke,” he waves him off with an anxious smile, “I’ll let y’know when I get home.”
Parking so close to the entrance might’ve been a bit daring on your part, but you expected Yunho to have some trouble walking too far with too much distance. To offset the risk, you’re donning a black face mask with the hood of your jacket pulled over your head, and you figure that should conceal any particulars about you enough for any lurking eyes. Yunho’s surely more operational than he sounded over the phone, and even though his feet are slow on his way over, he slides in easily enough and even buckles himself in. From there, you focus on leaving the area before either of his friends gets curious enough to look outside.
The drive is comfortably silent. You keep the music low and drive a bit slower than usual to make sure he doesn’t feel too dizzy during the trip. Yes, you care for the man dearly, but the last thing you need is his vomit in your passenger seat. With his head resting idly on the cool glass of your window, he tries to relax his mind and settle the stuttering of his heart. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous to be around you right now.
“Overdid it tonight, huh?” You ask him after a while to make sure he’s still conscious. 
“I don’t ever drink this much,” he replies with his eyes still closed, “M’so sorry for bothering you so late.”
“You didn’t bother me at all. Go ahead and relax, we’re almost home.”
His call was perfect timing actually, as you were just wrapping up exam prep for the day. Usually, you don’t take study days seriously, but with this being your last semester you figure giving your all includes taking advantage of the academic liberties that are offered by your university in exchange for not having to go to class. He was on your mind tonight as he always is, and even though the moment is unconventional, you appreciate him finally calling you at all. That’s all you can think about for the remainder of the drive to his home.
This is so embarrassing, he mopes internally. Yunho feels extremely vulnerable with every lug of his feet up his steps to his door. He’s not sure he ever wanted you to see him in such a state either—liquored up and liable to say anything lingering in his chest without inhibition—but it’s too late to worry about those things now. 
“Thank you for coming,” Yunho sighs upon entering his abode, shrugging off his coat and kicking his shoes off to a place he probably won’t remember tomorrow. 
His throat is dry and itching for something else, anything other than liquor. You know better than anyone that he needs to be drinking water right now and flushing his system as well. Closing his front door, you follow suit with your shoes and jacket.
“You don’t have to thank me, sweetheart,” you assure him with a smile, “I’ll go get you some water.”
However, before you can slip past him, Yunho’s warm hands gently clasp around your cheeks. Your back hits the door as his sticky liquored lips squish against yours in an affectionate kiss. Much to his dismay, after only a few seconds of gratification you manage to pull back enough to talk.
“Water first, kissing later. Okay?” You chide with a giggle. 
Yunho makes a whiny noise in the back of his throat in place of a ‘no’ before stealing your lips once more. This time, his arms fall to wrap around your torso. There’s something desperate about the way his arms squeeze the air out of you as if he loosens them even in the slightest bit you might slip right from his grasp. That’s how he’s felt for some time recently like you’re slipping away right into someone else’s arms. Somewhere deep down in his intoxicated subconscious, he’s able to acknowledge the feeling of his heart slamming against his chest from pent-up anxiety of seeing you again, touching you again… and maybe lack of oxygen. Yeah, perhaps that’s what this intense feeling is building in his chest is, a blatant lack of oxygen. Breathing is just not something present in Yunho’s impaired mind. 
You, you, you, you, you!
All he wants to do is think about how he loves you more than you know.
He feels like he’s suffocating, but his brain won’t let his limbs move to breathe, lost in the thoughts and desperation of just needing to be connected to you. Just then, when he feels like he’s about to nearly pass out, you find the strength within yourself to push him from you hastily. The way you gasp for air lets him know that he was inadvertently suffocating you as well. His arms finally release their intense grip and a flurry of apologies tumble from his lips.
“M’so sorry,” he offers one last time, words running together, “I just missed you so much.”
Yunho’s head falls and rests in the crook of your neck while embarrassment floods his cheeks. 
“It’s okay, really. I missed you too,” you tell him, lungs settling while you card your fingers through his hair soothingly. He’s so fragile at this moment and seeing this side of him makes your heart melt. You could never be mad at something like a little stolen oxygen. “Let’s get you settled in first though, okay?”
“Please le’me stay like this for a couple minutes…”
He’s a bit dizzy, and your fingers lovingly massaging his scalp are making his heart feel ready to burst out of his chest. It doesn’t matter that he’s older than you, or that technically he’s an authoritative figure in your life. You’re always so soft with him, so attentive to his needs, and tender in your touch. You even came and picked him up while he was a mess, with no hesitation. For some reason, in Yunho’s inebriated mind, he’s so sure that a positive answer to this next question will finally solidify your loyalty and how you truly feel about him. 
“Can you stay with me tonight?”
There’s a moment of silence where you’re unusually still, and Yunho can practically hear your answer before you even open your mouth. Mentally, you’re battling with yourself because of premade morning plans with Wooyoung interfering with his request. Normally, you’d never decline to spend some extra time with him, but you’re not sure if blowing off Wooyoung last minute will have some consequences. Yunho’s the most important thing to you, but which choice proves that the most? 
“I have some important obligations in the morning, Yu,” you mumble a moment later, unable to outright say no. It’s hard, but you figure the best way to show him his importance to you is to put his career first, ahead of your feelings. 
In the crook of your neck you can feel him inhale, and for a second, he’s so still that you could’ve believed that he’d passed out. You’re just about to call his name when you feel him begin to tremble and snivel, and alarm bells begin blaring in your head. Lifting his head with your hands gently, you gaze up at him in panic.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” You comfort him softly, thumbs on either side of his face wiping away fat tears that begin spilling down his rosy cheeks. “I’ll stay, I will. I’m so sorry baby.”
“I can’t do this anymore, ____.”
You’re no longer worried about the warm tears spilling onto your fingers as you are the immediate tightness in your chest at such simple words. Simple, but hurtful. The last time you heard that kind of sentence, it was followed by a breakup. The pang in your chest at the realization that this is what’s probably happening makes you feel sick. Nevertheless, you wouldn’t blame him if your behavior over the last few weeks ended up being the final straw for him, and if leaving him alone drunk was the cherry on top. Your diminished communication and sudden lack of availability with obligations you could not explain… and who knows what he’s heard about your increasing closeness with his TA, if anything. You ponder if maybe that’s why he has been acting differently recently, how perhaps the rumors had finally gotten back to him. It’s hard to meet his eyes while you try to prepare yourself for words you figured you hear eventually but still never built your confidence up enough for.
“Look at me, please,” he requests. It takes a moment, but you find it in yourself to do as asked. The way Yunho’s glazed-over eyes only hold dejection when you meet them lets you know something is seriously wrong. You’ve hurt him, you just know it. You’re not sure what to expect, but it surely isn’t him following up with, “I love you so much, it’s beginning to hurt, ____.”
Yunho didn’t expect this genuine divulgence that he had finally found within himself to reveal to be met with annoyance of all things. The way your brows crease and the corners of your mouth downturn throw him for a loop.
“I know you’re drunk but you really shouldn’t say a serious word like that so easily,” you chastise him in a soft voice. 
The gentleness of your tone doesn’t change the fact that you mean that statement wholeheartedly; he’s never used that word with you when sober, so why now? You don’t want to be made a fool of when these drunken words get taken back when he’s in his right mind tomorrow. Being drunk doesn’t excuse playing around with your feelings like that.
“I mean it. I do love you, so much. Not gonna pretend to be so casual about things anymore,” he retorts. While his voice still has that intoxicated twang in it, it’s now alarmingly firm.
That sudden tone and the way his face remains determined to make you understand him make your heart stutter. In the context of romance, ‘love’ is a word you haven’t heard from someone in a long time. To be fair, it’s a word you haven’t offered to anyone you’ve dated in a long time either. How long has it been since you met someone worthy of a word that powerful… You’re at a loss for words. The increasing tightness in your chest with the more you take in the situation won’t let up, and you wonder if he can feel your anxiety through the trembling of your hands still caressing his wet cheeks. 
Yunho doesn’t mind that you don’t say it back, he may be intoxicated but he still knows he’s coming on very strong right now. Instead, he adds, “You don’t have to say it back, but I can’t handle not knowing what I am to you anymore. I can’t tell how you really see me.”
The way your face immediately only offers confusion at that final statement is involuntary—his complete obliviousness to how you feel about him, about everything you’ve done till this point, is just baffling. Despite any impending consequences of being involved with your teacher, you’ve given this man so much of your time, your adoration, your body—what is there to question? When you finally take your hands back and place them on your temples, Yunho senses your frustration. He begins to feel bad when he realizes too much liquid courage may have made him go a bit too far.
“Yunho, I thought it was pretty obvious that I want to be with you. I’m just waiting for graduation to say it officially,” you explain. “I– We’ve been dating for 3 months, for Christ’s sake.”
You try to remind yourself that he’s intoxicated and that maybe you should treat this situation with a bit more grace. The next question he throws out completely shatters that mindset.
“Then why did you kiss him?”
The immediate mortification you feel at that string of words hits you like a sledgehammer, and the silence that consumes the room following this question is deafening. Yunho’s eyes hold your shameful stare before you finally become physically uncomfortable, and you avert your gaze sheepishly. Yes, you had considered he might catch you in the act sooner or later, but did it have to be the stupid unwanted kiss of all things? This is not something you had readied yourself enough to be confronted about. It’s something you wish you could’ve taken to the grave if possible.
The lack of an immediate reply to such a simple question has him pressing his palms to his eyes because he feels himself needing to cry again. He’d do anything to turn off those leaky faucets behind his eyes for good right now if he could. Crying over someone he had no business falling for in the first place is exasperating because he knew better. He’s sure he’d be able to compose himself more than this if he wasn’t so drunk as well, but it’s too late for those kinds of thoughts now. Everything is out in the open, all the way down to the intensity of his feelings for you, and there’s no turning back.
“It’s not what you think, Yunho,” you finally offer after taking some seconds to sort out your thoughts. The thing is, there is no other viable option at this point: it’s either tell him the truth or lie and break his heart further. You would never consider doing the latter. “I want to explain, but this isn’t the best time—”
“You can be honest, I promise I can handle it,” Yunho interjects. He runs his hands through his messy hair, trying to mellow himself out and prove that statement, but his insecurities start to get the best of him. Words begin spilling out of his mouth without much thought, “Is it because we can’t go out like normal couples? Am I not giving you enough attention? I know it’s tough right now but—”
“No, no, of course not! None of that matters to me in the slightest.” 
“What is it about him, then? If it’s something I can fix or do better, I will. I promise,” he tells you earnestly, but his face already looks defeated. He still can’t even say his name. Seeing him so distraught and broken like this over your actions is like a stiff punch in the gut. The last thing you ever wanted to do was make Yunho feel like he’s not enough.
Instead of answering, you ask him, “Do you trust me?” 
As much as he should be inclined to say no with everything he’s seen, or the way you won’t give him straight answers, he just can’t say no.
“Of course I do.”
“Then I’d really love for us to have this conversation in the morning when you’re sober,” you insist, hands seeking out his for comfort and reassurance, “Please, Yunho.”
“And what happens if I wake up alone again?”
There it is. The hint of pessimism screaming at him in the back of his mind slipped through. He remembers the last time you left with no word and how it sent him irrationally spiraling. He just needs that final bit of reassurance.
“I’d never do that to you again, okay? I love you too much to hurt you like that. I promise.”
Yunho's left mute at this reply, damp lashes blinking repeatedly as his brain struggles to compute that you just said three very pivotal words he’s never heard from anyone else he’s ever dated. After not immediately reciprocating his sentiments earlier, he didn’t really ever expect them to come from your mouth anytime soon. 
It happens way too fast, the wave of nausea that consumes him with how overwhelmed he begins to feel. Pulling his fingers away from yours, he clasps a clammy hand over his mouth and stumbles off toward his hallway bathroom in haste. This, of course, is not the ideal response you’d like to get back after fully confessing your feelings to a man. You try not to take it to heart and finally go to grab some water for him while he’s emptying his stomach in the bathroom.
The night comes to a close not too long later with you both burrowed in the blankets of Yunho’s bed, and he falls asleep against your chest faster than your brain will allow you to join. How lucky he is to have alcohol easily lull him to sleep after such a mess, you muse. You suppose this is as good of a time as ever to sort your thoughts and words for your explanation tomorrow. That and the possible consequences following you finally revealing the truth. While Yunho might seem mild-mannered and easygoing on a day-to-day basis, you are now aware of just how sensitive he is as a person inside. He feels with his whole heart, and he keeps certain things locked inside of him. You want him to feel comfortable enough to share those things with you as a partner. You want him to trust you wholly with his entire heart, but you suppose that begins with being entirely honest with him first. He’s more than enough, and you want him to believe that. Before you can let your mind wander too deep into the territory of that subject, your eyes finally feel unbearably heavy, and you fall asleep with your fingers curled around his own a little more securely than usual.
One thing Yunho prides himself in is not being prone to heavy hangovers, and this morning is no different. From his first couple years in college, he had learned that lots of water, sleeping in, and a good meal was the cheat code to his body’s ability to survive a night of binge drinking. This was partially thanks to his first roommate who was a Nutrition Major, because if he couldn’t discourage him from drinking he could at least aid him in recovering from it. Aside from you forcing him to drink a few water bottles before he could sleep, throwing up the prior night and purging most of it helped a lot as well, of course.
You’re not in bed when he stirs awake, but he can hear miscellaneous noise coming from another part of his home and smell the third element of his cheat code in progress. When he finally ambles out of his room and into his kitchen after chugging the bottle of water left on his nightstand, he finds you cooking something with what little groceries he has stocked in his fridge. The sound of him pulling out a chair at his table tears your attention away from the stove.
“Good morning,” you hum. He seems fully coherent, which makes things much easier on you. “How’s your stomach?”
Yunho rubs his bleary eyes with the back of his hand while yawning, “Much better… What time is it?”
“Around eleven, I think.”
“I thought you had something to do?”
“I canceled,” you tell him, “You’re more important.”
Earlier, while Yunho was still passed out, you found some time to slip away and call Wooyoung to raincheck. You’re not entirely sure if he believed the performance you put on about coming down with something last minute, but it didn’t matter. The least he can do is give you a day off of this charade. You move the food you’ve been working on off of the stove’s eye and turn off the heat before snatching up his mug of coffee and joining him at the table. 
You look different this morning, the way your eyes lack any of their usual whimsy or humor, and how you sit yourself to his left with body language more reserved than normal. Your stress is palpable, and that doesn’t help settle the sad feeling beginning to manifest in his stomach when he realizes the conversation that’s about to begin. Nonetheless, he decides to prepare himself for the worst.
“I promised you an explanation,” you sigh, “So let’s talk.”
Messily relaying this story to Yeosang first helped you a lot with finding the confidence to make things more concise if a moment like this were ever to happen. You were able to tell Yunho the full extent of Wooyoung’s actions without getting as emotional as the last time. Even though you were trying to be truthful, you ultimately decided not to tell him about trying to connect with Wooyoung’s ex behind the scenes, as you didn’t want to give him any false hope if things happened to fall through. When you finish spilling anything left lingering in your guts about the entire situation, there’s an unbearable silence that settles over the whole room. Yunho’s eyes are trained on his coffee, finger circling the rim of his mug while he lets his mind run wild. The guilty feeling that washes over you feels heavier and heavier with every passing second of him not replying.
“I’m really sorry,” you finally break the silence with a final apology. “It’s my fault for being so pushy in your office that day. This wouldn’t have happened if I had just taken no for an answer.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, ____,” Yunho tails your sentence quickly. The tension in your chest finally dissolves when he speaks, and hearing his caring voice is really all you can ask for right now. He reaches a gentle hand over the table to cover yours for some well-needed comfort, before offering you a soft, sober smile, “I don’t want you beating yourself up for decisions we made together. I’m a grown man who makes my own choices, don’t forget that.”
When Yunho dares to ask how far Wooyoung has made you go for him physically, you assure him the worst has only been that kiss. 
“I’m not going to pretend like this doesn’t fucking suck,” he groans, brows furrowing at the thought of being so stuck between a rock and a hard place, “I would remove him from class if I could. Seeing his face is going to piss me off even more than before.”
“I understand. The semester ends in a couple of weeks though… I know it might be a lot to ask for from you to deal with, but it won’t be too much longer,” you offer resignedly, though it’s not much of a consolation. Optimism is the only thing you have worth giving him at this point. You’re only optimistic yourself while banking on his ex wanting to meet with you. When he goes from frustratedly rubbing his eyes to running a hand through his hair, you feel the need to add, “I’d understand if you don’t want to deal with that though.” Yunho turns to you, his expression one of sheer incredulity.
“You really believe I would willingly let someone like him end our relationship?” The teasing lilt in his voice is refreshing to hear, even if it is a serious question underneath. He reaches his hand over and holds your chin while assuring you, “You can’t get rid of me that easily, okay?”
“That sounds more like a threat than a promise,” you chuckle.
“Maybe he should take it that way, then.”
For the remainder of the week, Yunho tries to bear through the new knowledge that Wooyoung is somewhere on campus turning you into a puppet for his own gain. It hits harder on the days when he texts you in an effort to check in on things but is met with radio silence. He was made aware that Wooyoung preferred you off of your phone when with him, but goddamn was it annoying. For your sake, he tries to keep these kinds of grievances to himself. He knows he needs to be supportive if he can help it. During this time frame, you also secretly began your effort to contact Wooyoung’s ex-girlfriend. Getting left on read with your first message was to be expected. It took her a full day before she entertained you by replying back, even if it was a little snippy. Regardless, her replying at all was a step in the right direction. She opened the door and you planned to slip your way in as best you could. Between Yeosang asking for updates, his ex contacting you sporadically throughout the days, and Yunho checking in occasionally to make sure his assistant isn’t causing you problems that he’s more than happy to fix, you decide it’s best to keep your phone face down and away from Wooyoung when you’re together this week. Even if you want to keep up with your friends to pass the time, it’s just too risky.
“You haven’t told him anything, correct?” 
Wooyoung asks this out of the blue when you both convene for breakfast on Friday. You find it funny how neither of them can say each other’s name, but you suppose Wooyoung is a bit more cautious these days to keep you from getting an attitude. You’re much too tired to even entertain such a question, but you don’t want to cause any suspicion by choosing not to answer.
You yawn after muttering, “No, why?”
“He looks at me differently these days,” he muses, pushing his fork into the plush of his lips, “It’s giving me bad vibes.”
“He has a lot on his plate with finals that you can’t help him with. I’m sure the stress is overwhelming. Cut him some slack.”
Picturing Yunho trying to give Wooyoung the evil eye when they cross paths everyday has you turning your head away, suppressing a smile to keep from laughing at the end of your sentence.
“You know better than I do,” he acknowledges with a nod and leaves the conversation at that.
Yunho begins losing a bit more of his resolve that same day when he catches Wooyoung rushing to meet you out the door after class, calling out your name right in front of his face. He doesn’t particularly care for the carefree tone of his voice, and he feels like doing something so openly is too cocky for his liking. His fingernails rake at the material of his slacks irritably from behind his podium as he opens his mouth.
“Wooyoung,” Yunho calls out before he can consult his better judgment. 
When his assistant spins to face him, Yunho finds himself at a loss for words. He didn’t really think this part through. His eyes flicker to you, who’s waiting patiently by the door for your puppetmaster to join you, then back to Wooyoung. That’s when he makes the executive decision to steal him away from you for the next hour or so. He deserves that satisfaction at least. 
“I wanted to discuss some things about my schedule regarding final papers next week, and then submitting final grades,” Yunho exhales while clasping his hands together. 
He throws in a free and easy smile to twist the knife because his assistant loses all joy in his face at his words. The brief glance you exchange with your teacher as Wooyoung reluctantly ambles back to his station holds a world of emotions, conveying everything words cannot. The gratification he receives from simply seeing you nod and smile while departing alone for the day gives him everything he needs to complete his day with renewed composure.
Mondays generally suck for Yunho, but this final one of the semester is absolutely atrocious.
Today, he’s had the worst technical difficulties in both of his morning lectures with no valuable help from the University’s IT department. One of his biggest pet peeves is not being taken seriously when he’s working, especially as a younger teacher, and it seems that they put his issues on the back burner all morning since he’s not one of the elderly professors. Regardless, he made things work even through the giggles of some students. It’s his final class before exam week begins, the least he can do is end his spiel of encouragement towards the final paper deadline on a good note.
If things had ended there, then he would’ve had a decent rest of his day. Spilling hot coffee all over his white button-up that he rarely ever even wears puts a permanent grimace on his face for the remainder of the morning. He tries his best to dab it out with water when he gets a free moment during his lunch break, but he’s one hundred percent sure he made the liquid spread much worse. Coupled with him not even being able to put his tie back on properly in an attempt to fashion it in a way that hides the stain, he’s exactly three seconds away from deciding to go home for the rest of the day. 
He decides to work through lunch in his office instead so he can end the day early once he’s finished. At least this way nobody could see how much of a mess he is today. But, after a while of Yunho holing up in his office and hiding from the rest of the world as long as he can manage, his phone vibrates with an unexpected call from San. He presses the answer option reluctantly and puts it on speaker.
Before he can even say hello, San’s voice is already excitedly asking, “You on lunch?”
“Something like that,” he chuckles weakly, and San can hear the clicks of his mouse in the background. When he hears San ‘tsk!’ in disapproval of him working, he sighs, “You know me, work’s never done. Shouldn’t you be teaching a class right now?”
“Bathroom breaks are important for everybody.”
“And you decided to call me during yours why?”
“Listen, I know you told me not to make any unannounced visits to your classroom but,” San pauses to laugh at the foolishness of what he’s about to say. “But, it seems that your student has done this to me today instead. I suppose that means today is fair game, right?”
Yunho’s hands pause their movements as he filters through his mind what exactly his friend might be referring to. When he finally recalls that line from their conversation on the day his friends briefly met you, his face pales. San adds that you seem to be dressed oh-so-pretty today and Yunho’s brows crease, not only in irritation at him talking so liberally about you but in confusion. Yunho’s prolonged silence at what should be insignificant information is duly noted in San’s mind. 
Truth be told, San did not call Yunho just for shits and giggles. A few days ago, during a shared lunch break, Seonghwa had come to him secretly about Yunho’s recent behaviors:
“You can’t be serious Seonghwa,” San laughs wholeheartedly at his friend’s implications. “Yunho is a bit desperate these days, but he’s not that desperate.” 
“You can’t say I’m being delusional.”
“That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m just saying that it probably isn’t what it seems like.”
Seonghwa rolls his eyes so far back that it almost hurts, “Enlighten me on why he’s being so secretive when I ask then.”
“You asked him about her directly?”
“Not exactly… but I asked him about dating someone,” Seonghwa leans back in his chair and sighs, “He told me nothing. Barely even got a peep about where he met the woman. A Tinder match has got him so quiet? It just doesn’t make sense.”
“And you think it’s his student because of what exactly?”
“I didn’t say anything at the time but I saw a glimpse of his phone a month or so ago,” Seonghwa snaps his fingers while he tries to remember the details, “That night we went to that fancy lounge uptown, remember?”
“When he was using the bathroom, he left his phone face up on the couch. I didn’t mean to pay too much attention to it, but it lit up with a text and I recognized the name.”
San pushes the food around in his Tupperware with pursed lips while he tries to rationalize this revelation. Seonghwa does have a point… Why in the world would you have been texting him at 10 PM? San’s a pretty laid-back teacher himself, but none of his students have his personal number. All teachers do things differently though, he knows this. Still…
San lowers his voice to ask, “What did the message say?”
“I didn’t see that part,” his friend continues, the disappointment in his voice making San snicker, “He came back too quickly. I mentioned it in passing though, and he said they text occasionally about her schoolwork.”
Seonghwa uses his fingers to put air quotations around that last word; as if he’d ever believe a student is texting their teacher close to midnight about “schoolwork”. He’s slightly offended that Yunho thinks he’s that much of a fool.
“That’s not that implausible—”
“I’m calling bullshit. She’s at the very least got a crush on him and he’s playing into it,” Seonghwa states plainly. 
San resumes eating his lukewarm leftovers, humming, “I really don’t think he would risk getting fired over hooking up with his student. We barely even see him flirt with people outside of work… Anything beyond that just isn’t him. You know this.”
The conversation didn’t last much longer than that, and San had effectively convinced Seonghwa to simply mind his business at the time. He ponders for a second if he should have a serious talk with Yunho about the repercussions that could come to him if Seonghwa’s speculations were true, as he obviously doesn’t want to see one of his best friends lose their job. San may joke around a lot about these kinds of things, and he’s overly flirtatious with a numerous amount of people that may or may not include younger women, but he knows he’d never cross the line and put his job in jeopardy like that. 
It’s always been complicated. Yunho is an exceptionally loyal person and a hopeless romantic, but very few people get to see that side of him. San has seen plenty of women attempt to pursue him with both good and bad intentions, and Yunho has difficulty deciphering sometimes. That being said, when his friend is head over heels for someone, there is nothing he won’t do. There have been plenty of times when Yunho has done some stupid things because of stupid impulses when it comes to women he falls hard for. Don’t get him started about when he had to talk him out of getting a tattoo just because a girl he fell for told him she preferred “bad boys” when turning him down. He feels with all of his heart, and that’s honestly something San admires about his friend. 
He supposes while he has him on the phone, he should push the boundaries to see how he replies. 
“She’s been outside of my class for nearly half an hour,” San continues in a nonchalant voice, stoking the fire, “I was wondering if I should invite her to join in on the lecture, maybe chat—”
Unfortunately for San, Yunho’s already having a bad enough day, and he doesn’t need his friend joking about trying to pick up his woman. 
“Do not bother her,” Yunho interrupts him in a voice with a steely edge that makes the instruction come out slightly more bitter than he intends it to. He immediately regrets letting that kind of emotion slip through and becomes bashful, quickly sputtering a playful jab at his friend instead, “Getting a girl’s attention without buying her a drink first? That would be an amazing feat from you anyway.”
“Getting a girl’s attention at all recently would be an amazing feat for you too,” San quips back with a laugh, but he makes a mental note of this peculiar reaction. It surely doesn’t help extinguish Seonghwa’s conspiracies planted in his head. “Anyway, my class ends in half an hour, so I’m sure she’s just waiting for a friend to come out.”
At that suggestion, a thought crosses Yunho’s mind that makes his stomach churn. 
“San, tell me something. Do you have a student named Wooyoung Jung in your class?”
“I do indeed, how did you know?”
I’ve got to be losing my mind… 
That’s the only explanation Yunho can come up with as to why he’s speed-walking from his building in the middle of campus to the one that hosts San’s class a handful of minutes away. It’s brisk out, evident by the sharp chill of early December running down his back with every quick stride, but it’s a perfect excuse for why his cheeks are so red. He’s not flustered, he’s just cold… of course.
The moment he spots you rocking back and forth on your feet in front of San’s lecture hall, patiently thumbing away at your phone, his chest aches. You’re dolled up today just like San alluded to, wearing a pretty dress that he’s never even seen you in before. Coupled with some makeup and your hair done charmingly, he gets flashbacks to when you both went on your very first dinner together. This doesn’t fare well with Yunho’s mood.
The tap he does on your shoulder startles you enough to elicit a squeal, and that shock doesn’t change even when you realize it’s Yunho beckoning for your attention. 
“I– What are you doing here?”
When Yunho’s brows furrow in offense at your question, you wince. You don’t mean to sound like the last thing you want to do is see him right now, but this is not the best time for him to be showing himself. The last thing you need is for him and Wooyoung to cross paths outside of the classroom with you directly in the middle. Nevertheless, you don’t even get an answer to that query. The moment your arm is snatched and your feet drag while your captor hauls you away from your waiting spot, you internally scold yourself about how you’re probably the easiest kidnapping victim ever. To be fair, he’s a lot stronger than he looks.
“Wait, I have a date with Wooyoung–” 
“I do not care,” he snaps back.
He doesn’t bother responding to any more of your attempts of chiding him, eyes too busy following the signs that guide him to where the nearest restroom is. When he stumbles upon an unoccupied handicapped restroom, he sighs in relief and pulls you in before closing and locking the door. 
“What is wrong with you?” You sputter in a dumbfounded, hushed voice. 
Yunho’s face is splotchy, and he’s visibly agitated while his eyes dodge between your outfit and your face, “Why do you look like that?”
What a silly question, truly. 
In his mind, the problem lies within who you’re looking so beautiful for, and not the fact that you look beautiful at all. Yunho rarely gets to see you as it is, but this prick’s got you dressing up for him? Surely this isn’t necessary, because you’re beautiful enough to make anyone jealous as you already are. In his eyes, anyway.
“I just told you I have a date and I needed to look nicer,” you argue. Before he can muster up another pointless question, you fold your arms across your chest, “Right now is really not the time to be jealous.”
“I’m not jealous, I’m annoyed.”
“Then why are we here, Yunho?” His eyes finally shy away from yours when you motion to your surroundings. He hates it when you use his first name like this because he knows that often accompanies the tone of displeasure. The last thing he wants to do is upset you. You sigh, “Can’t you hold out just a little longer?”
“Dressing up so pretty for him doesn’t help me feel any better.”
“Making a scene about it doesn’t necessarily help anything either, does it?”
You’d snicker at the shameful silence that follows that statement if the situation wasn’t so genuinely distressing to him. He’s genuinely upset, you get it. You’d never admit it out loud, but a piece of you likes seeing him like this: wound-up, needy, and protective. The roles were reversed not too long ago about Wooyoung particularly, so seeing him show that same yearning and agitation when the tables are turned, even if it’s in terrible circumstances, makes you feel validated. Still, you do what you can to ease his mind for now.
“You’re too handsome to be this envious, love,” you murmur sweet nothings. He remains silent, letting those words swirl around in his head while you reach out to fiddle with the kink in his tie until it’s fixed. His lip juts out when you chuckle at the stain sullying his shirt underneath. Your eyes gaze up at his fondly before you add, “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m yours and yours only before you start believing it?” 
Yunho soaks in every syllable of that soothing voice of yours while his eyes settle on your glossy lips when they talk. Anything not to look at those eyes that could surely make him get on his knees and apologize profusely for causing a scene. He’s so predictable sometimes, you muse. You’re sure a kiss or two to help settle his jealousy before you have to leave won’t hurt anyway.
Just as you predicted, he can’t help himself, and the feeling of his impatient hands grabbing at your waist and his lips slotting over yours ignites this fire inside the pit of your stomach. Your butt hits against the counter of the bathroom sink and your hands try to find purchase on his blazer.
“Reminders never hurt, right?” he breaks briefly to mumble before slipping his tongue into your mouth. You indulge him, falling victim to that sinful mouth of his as you always do.
And, sure, maybe kissing you should be enough to quell such intense feelings inside of him, but it’s just not. The thought that Wooyoung also has the ability to kiss you whenever he wants to enhance whatever convoluted plan he has going on makes it almost insignificant. Instead, his hands haphazardly drift under the hem of your dress, because he’s the only one allowed to touch you like this. He hopes so, anyway. 
His warm fingers drag up the soft skin of your inner thighs with no hesitation, and your hands grapple onto his blazer tightly when he reaches the apex to stop briefly at your clothed cunt. Yunho swallows the surprised yelp you let out into his mouth when he begins to rub up and down, pressing on your clit through the cotton and feeling how damp you already are just from kissing him. God, it never gets old, the way he turns you on so easily. You shudder when he tugs your panties to the side and drags his lips in wet kisses from your lips to your ear.
“I’m gonna be late, Yu…” you complain, voice airy and whiny when his thumb rubs at your clit.
“I’m really sorry,” he murmurs while kissing the shell of your ear, “I’m just really pissed off today. You understand, right, angel?”
He punctuates that statement by finally slipping two fingers into your sopping cunt.
Yunho’s a mess. 
He stares at himself in the mirror behind you while his fingers busy themselves with pushing in and out of your cunt. How did he get to such a point, experiencing so many intense emotions over someone he never should’ve fallen in love with in good conscience? How did he end up in this bathroom with his fingers evoking such sloppy noises from between your legs? He stares at how flushed he is in the cheeks with your glittery lipgloss smeared all over his lips and beyond. This is beyond silly…
Yunho swears he’s not actually such a jealous person, he swears, but the current circumstances are doing a number on his mental health. He deliberately curls his fingers up against that plushy spot he loves to find within you and watches tremors travel through your back. Aside from some tiny gasps and whimpers that are barely audible unless you’re close enough to hear them, you’ve learned your lesson on being quiet in these situations, and you keep your lips pressed together tightly. The way your knees are buckling and your hands are clutching onto him for dear life—yes, this is just what he needs. He’s never felt such an intense need to see someone cum in his life.
“Do you want more?” Yunho suddenly breathes against your ear, pressing a loving kiss on your warm skin before pulling back to look you in the eyes, “I’ll do whatever you want me to, even if you just want me to stop.”
As God is his witness, he means every word. He’ll get down on his knees and suck an orgasm from you if you want him to. He’ll hold you against the wall and fuck any word other than his name out of your head if you want him to. To be honest, deep down he just wants to see if you’d blow off your date with this nuisance—even for just a few minutes—to let him satisfy you. Those shiny eyes of yours innocently blinking at his inquiry could make him melt on the spot. You don’t know how much time has passed since you got dragged in here, or how much time there is left of Wooyoung’s class, but your hands move faster than your brain when considering these things as a problem. 
His fingers slip out of your core and into his mouth the moment your hands drop to fumble with his belt hurriedly. There are no words spoken, and the only sounds filling the quiet air of the bathroom are Yunho’s belt buckle coming undone and clattering against the floor tiles once his pants are shoved down. He pushes down his underwear and quickly fists his cock while you turn to bend over the sink. It doesn’t take much to get him hard because seeing you so wet and ready for him to stretch you out with no care for anything else turns him on to the highest degree. 
After tugging your panties down what he deems is enough, he doesn’t even bother teasing and prods at your hole so eagerly that it’s almost embarrassing. The soft gasp you both share when Yunho’s tip fully slips into your cunt by accident makes your stomach manifest butterflies. 
Your hands grip the edges of the counter while he continues pushing forward, mouth agape and brows drawn together while watching the way the tight skin stretches around him and sucks him in greedily. When you finally feel his thighs meet yours, you release a deep breath you didn’t even know you were holding heavy in your lungs. 
“You’re so wet, slipped in so easily,” he huffs, giving you an experimental thrust to see all your arousal coat his cock again before he bunches your dress around your waist in his hands. “Gonna be good for me and stay quiet, right?”
“I should ask you the same,” you whisper, giving him a coy gaze through the mirror. 
The smirk tugging at his lips in place of laughing is followed by a knowing nod, and you close your eyes when he finally begins moving his hips. Yunho has no intention of purposefully rushing things to get you back to your obligations any quicker than him bringing you here. Even so, he isn’t going slow or taking his time like he treated you the last time you had sex. No, this is an exceptionally needy fuck today, with hasty, desperate thrusts that make his eyes flutter closed and chest feel heavy with noises of arousal just begging to creep out. He just can’t help himself; Yunho swears your cunt was perfectly crafted just for him. 
When he feels your knees buckle after one particular angled thrust, he groans lowly, “Right there, angel?” 
With a nod of your head, Yunho's hands move from your dress to your hips, fingertips digging deep into the plush skin while he reciprocates that previous thrust over and over and over until you’re gripping the sink spout to maintain some of your sanity. 
“I need more Yu, please,” you beg him in a whisper, cock-drunk eyes meeting his own in the mirror, “More, more—please—harder.”
You want nothing more than for him to just grab a fist full of your hair and make a mess of your sopping cunt—to ruin your makeup and send you back out to Wooyoung looking like a mess. You crave that pure and raw act of Yunho showing him who you truly belong to. Knowing your lover, he wouldn’t decline the opportunity to assert his dominance in this situation, but you have enough self-control to keep those desires to yourself. He’s giving you enough to handle anyway, firmly pressing your stomach to this counter with strong hands and settling on a brutal pace to satisfy your request. The sounds of skin slapping skin echo amongst desperate pants and gasps from you both every time he bottoms out just as fast as he pulls back.
The steamy air of the bathroom is interrupted when your phone begins ringing on the counter. You know it’s probably Wooyoung finally out of class and wondering where you are. You can’t blame him, as you had explicitly told him you’d be waiting for him outside the classroom. 
Even so, you can’t seem to care enough to remove your focus from Yunho, your unwavering eyes still locked on his own through the mirror as he continues snapping his hips into you quickly. Yunho would be lying if he said this attention didn’t go straight to his head. He knows you shouldn’t ever have to prove it, but the reassurance he feels from seeing your devotion to him in real time makes his chest tight with adoration. The way nobody else matters to you right now, and how he’s the center of your attention, chips away at every inch of jealousy he was feeling earlier. 
Yunho’s hands abruptly pull you off the sink by your arms and up against him. This new position with your back arched and you on your toes has you seeing constellations, and you know you probably aren’t going to last much longer with the way he’s also heaving just behind your ear. When one hand of his moves down to rub sticky circles on your clit, you presume he’s close as well. Yunho feels like he’s going crazy, mind spinning with thoughts of if you keep squeezing him like this, he might just accidentally cum—
“Inside,” you whimper, “Please.”
He finds himself groaning against your skin, teasing you by breathing, “Going on a date with another man’s cum in you’s kinda rude, no?”
“Don’t care, please, please.”
As usual, how can he say no when you beg so cutely? He did say he’d do whatever you want, after all. Your eyes flutter closed and you focus on the final sounds of Yunho’s soft grunts and your shaky exhales mingling in the air while he ruts up into you quickly. It always seems like he knows your body better than you know yourself these days because his hand covers your mouth before he gives the last few sharp thrusts that precede him finally spilling into you, and he successfully stifles the desperate moan you would’ve let fly out once you fall apart in his arms. 
“Quiet– Oh fuck, that’s it,” Yunho hisses, letting out a soft moan at the way you struggle to stand while your legs tremble and your cunt milks him for all he’s worth. He’s dangerously too addicted to this feeling already; you should’ve never introduced something so heavenly to him. He can’t stop his hips from beginning to buck again in messy strokes, intent on fucking you through your orgasm even if he’s sensitive himself. Watching the way you bite down on your lip to keep quiet as told, he whispers well-deserved praises in between kissing your skin, “Taking it so well, sweet girl. You really were made for me. Shhh, I’ve got you.”
Yunho only stops himself when your body becomes pliant in his arms, fully surrendering to fatigue and overstimulation. He waits patiently until you can put your weight back onto your feet before finally releasing his grip. When he finally pulls himself out, he’s not quick enough to step away, and his seed spills from you onto his pants still pooled around his ankles. The handful of curses spilling from his mouth at his fuck-up has you shushing him in between breathless laughs. 
“I’m an idiot,” he groans.
“Yes, and that’s exactly what you get for dragging me in here.”
Yunho spends a handful of minutes using wet napkins to make his pants look a little more presentable while you do the same with the mess you’ve both made soiling the insides of your thighs. He doesn’t even try to hide the satisfied smirk tugging at his lips while inconspicuously watching you try your best to get his cum to stop seeping out of your core. There’s just not enough to properly clean up, and he finds this just as gratifying as getting you here in the first place. To be fair, you were the one who told him that you didn’t care. On that note, he goes to grab your discarded phone and ushers it your way eagerly. 
“You should call your date and let him know you’ll be wherever very soon,” he insists, “I’m sure he’s waiting patiently.”
“Rushing me out after throwing such a fit is crazy,” you mutter while pulling your panties back up. You’re sure he’s just obsessed with the thought of his cum making a cameo on your date.
“A man can’t change his mind?”
As you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, quickly dabbing at your neck with napkins to clean any smeared lip gloss, Yunho leans against the bathroom wall and tries to decide how long he should wait in the bathroom before leaving after you. Between watching the way you apply a fresh coat to your lips and entering post-nut clarity, he’s a bit too scatterbrained to think about this critically, but he’s brought back to the moment when you finally spin around with a sigh.
“Do I look okay?”
There’s a bit of anxiety hidden in that question, evoked by the fear of looking disheveled or being perfumed with the smell of sex, but those thoughts are quickly extinguished when he gives you those eyes that look as though he’s falling in love with you all over again. Maybe it’s that special afterglow that sex grants, but to him, in this moment you look even better than when you enter this bathroom with him. You’re exceptionally beautiful at all times, and he doesn’t even have to answer that question for you to know his thoughts. After planting a quick peck of farewell on his cheek, Yunho stays hidden away against the wall out of view of the door so you can finally leave and call Wooyoung. He’ll hold off on teasing you about the little limp in your walk until you see each other again in private.
The following day, you find yourself seated alone at the familiar table tucked away in the back of the library, the very spot where you and Yeosang often retreated for private discussions. Wooyoung’s ex was supposed to be seated in front of you 10 minutes ago. I’m giving her 5 more minutes before I leave. She was the one who finally asked you to meet with her after a bit of cordial back and forth, so being late to her own plans didn’t necessarily make you as sympathetic to her situation as before. You suppose you should give her a little more grace, considering this is your only opportunity to try and put an end to the madness of Wooyoung’s chasing. Still, you’re a busy woman who needs to prepare for your first exam tomorrow.
A soft voice emerges from behind you that has you craning your head to seek out its owner.
“Hello,” you greet her, and your eyes follow her as she ambles around the table to set down her bag to settle in across from you. “Didn’t know if you were still going to show up.”
“I apologize for being late,” she sighs, embarrassment blossoming on her cheeks. With her first question, she wastes no time delving into the purpose of your meeting, “So, how long have you and Woo been dating?”
Due to her Instagram page being locked down, you hadn’t seen very many pictures of her before this meeting. You were only able to get glimpses of her in a scarce amount of posts on her sorority’s page that included all sisters. In person, she’s exceptionally beautiful, and you expected nothing less of someone being so heavily pursued. Your blatant staring and lack of reply to her question have her glancing at you quizzically.
It’s a bit surreal at first, but it finally sinks in that sitting in front of you is the very person of Wooyoung’s desires. An involuntary giggle escapes you at how silly this situation is, as you were never really prepared to be confronted by the very girl Wooyoung kept you from knowing this whole time. She was merely a faceless hindrance to your life, to the point of even doubting her existence at one point. Your reaction doesn’t fare well with her, and she’s noticeably bothered at being laughed at. 
“I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” you offer a genuine apology before leaning onto the table on your elbows and admitting truthfully, “Not too long at all, just about a month.” 
Still, way too long, you’d like to add. Even though she visibly relaxes at this revelation, you can see a conflicting look flicker behind her eyes.
“I still don’t really understand why you contacted me,” she sighs, but the look in her eyes just doesn’t correspond. 
You’re sure she knows exactly why you reached out and exactly what you want to say; surely she already knows she is all Wooyoung wants. During this conversation, you had planned to tell a series of half-truths. She didn’t need to know how you got wrapped up in this mess, but you figured it’d be helpful to admit that Wooyoung only thinks of her when he’s with you. Maybe you’d give her some empathetic spiel about how you “think” he hasn’t moved on from his feelings for her, and make it a bit emotional on your end. Despite those words dancing on the tip of your tongue, ready to give your best performance, you realize that she looks as if she wants to do your job for you. So, you play into it and let her take the wheel.
“You look like you want to ask me something,” you observe, “I’m all ears.”
Sitting up a bit more erect in her chair, she meets your eyes head-on.
“I’d like to ask you if…” But, her voice falters before she can get to the tail of her request. 
You wonder if it’s a pride thing that’s keeping her from being honest with herself. She wants him back, you’re sure of it, but she’s the one who broke things off initially. Maybe she’s embarrassed, you muse. You suppose you could gently guide the conversation, posing the question she hesitates to voice herself.
“Do you want me to break up with him?” You ask forthrightly.
“I do,” she finally confesses, “I was hesitant about rekindling our relationship, but you reaching out to me made me feel more confident that I should ask. I’m so sorry.”
Feigning indecision is easy, and pretending to fight your feelings about the situation is the cherry on top. It wouldn’t be believable if you gave up too easily, so the uncomfortable silence is more than necessary. The false front is believable enough because she cuts into the tense silence before you can even respond.
“I made a mistake and I would just like a second chance with him. I know I’m asking for a lot from you, and I want him to be happy, but I can’t pretend that I don’t still love him anymore,” she rambles on, trying her best to be authentic, “We were together for quite some time and—”
“I’m aware,” you finally interject. When she downcasts her eyes, you perch your head in your palm and sigh, “Wooyoung is still in love with you as well. I don’t want to be with someone who’s still caught up on someone else anymore. You understand?”
The way her eyes light up at this revelation makes yours soften. Even though Wooyoung’s actions may be maddening to you, you can tell he genuinely brings her joy. They both truly love each other.
“I don’t know how to go about this,” she admits after a moment of thought.
"Just tell him you want him back. He'll probably end things with me right away," you say bluntly. You feel it's best to give her a gentle nudge to act sooner rather than later, though. So, you add, "I think he’s been planning a trip for us after finals, but I'm sure he'd rather go with you. Please, do it soon."
Underscoring the word please to her might come across as begging, but at this point, you are beyond caring. Going your separate ways after closing this conversation feels like a hefty weight lifted off of your shoulders. In the end, you’ve done what needed to be done in terms of setting the stage; now it was time for her return to the spotlight as the lead. 
The next morning, you awaken to a text from Wooyoung finally breaking your arrangement off. He doesn’t go into any specifics of what happened, but at any rate, you don’t need or care to know. As far as you’re concerned, he’s fully evaporated from your life the moment you delete his text thread. You find that your coffee and breakfast taste better than normal with one less weight of stress hanging over your head. Exchanging many [Good luck!] texts with Yunho has him subsequently requesting to meet with you after today’s exam. That is how you ended up dawdling around your favorite aisle in the campus bookstore just before lunch. You had decided to turn in your textbook rentals early and put all of your faith in your notes for these next few days. The only other thing really lingering over your head was to finally turn in your final paper for Yunho’s class before midnight.
You start to get a bit impatient when Yunho fails to show up after your proposed meeting time, and you wonder if maybe he’s in the wrong spot. With calculated steps, you begin to roam the nearby shelves, reluctant to call out his name too many times in such a quiet place. There are only but so many aisles he could be in within this store anyway. After a couple of minutes peeking into different empty aisles, you finally decide he’s simply just late. You venture back to your original aisle and decide to browse in the meantime; this is the last time you’d ever be stepping foot in this place, so it couldn’t hurt to chew over a last-minute purchase. No matter how frequently this aisle has seen your presence in the last few years, you never fail to find something new that piques your interest. Unfortunately, today’s mark is a small book with the prettiest spine, and it sits just out of your reach on the top shelf. Being unobtainable only makes your curiosity even more inevitable.
Stretching every muscle in your body as far as it’ll give to try and at least graze the spine fails; there’s just no use, and it seems appealing to simply give up. The moment you finally fall back on the heels of your feet, you can feel the sturdiness of a chest slyly pressing against your back while reaching for that very same book just out of your reach. 
“You should really be more aware of your surroundings,” Yunho’s smooth voice hums next to your ear after feeling you freeze up underneath his presence. He plucks the book from the shelf with ease and sighs. You can feel his breath fan out on your neck and even smell the mint on his breath when he adds a playful jab, “Short stuff.”
“And you should really be more punctual,” you quip back, trying your best to ignore his proximity. 
He’s dressed casually today, charmingly sporting a comfortable pair of jeans and an oversized sweater since classes are officially over. If you didn’t already know who he was, a simple glance would have you thinking he was a student himself.
“Oh c’mon pretty, at least I’m here like I said I’d be, right?” He reasons excitedly while offering you a toothy grin that’s way too cute for your liking. The gentle tap of the book on the crown of your head has you scrunching up your nose, and he sets it aside. “You sure this section is private enough?”
“One hundred percent. I used to sit here in my free time when I wanted to read books without buying them,” you admit, adding, “No cameras over here either.”
Yunho eyes you curiously. You're practically glowing today, evident to him by the smile you can’t seem to keep off of your face even when you feign annoyance at his tardiness. He presses a hand to the shelf ledge behind you while the other finds solace in his pocket with his belongings.
“What’s got you so happy today?”
He’s torn between whether you’ll say something about already being rid of one exam, or maybe your spontaneous rendezvous with him here has you that giddy. Your eyes gaze back into his expectant ones and you find yourself finally able to relax for the first time in many weeks. 
“It’s all over, Yunho.”
Normally, a sentence like that would seem ominous, but the wide stretch of your lips has his poor heart shooting into his throat. It’s the way your eyes are lit while saying his name that really gets him. His pocketed hand finds its way to your cheek and his thumb skims the apple of your cheek. This kind of smile is something he hopes he can evoke from you on his own in the near future.
“I really missed seeing you this happy,” he confesses, “You look like you can breathe again, ____.”
Something about the way those soft chocolate eyes of his are openly admiring every inch of your face, committing this kind of happiness from you to memory, has you shrinking back in shyness and averting your gaze.
Eager to move the spotlight off yourself, you inquire, “So… why’d you wanna meet up here?”
Oh, that’s right…
Yunho’s decision to drive to campus today mainly stemmed from the fact that you would already be here. He didn’t want you to have to go out of your way just for him to see you, especially after an exam. A clandestine meeting in the bookstore, which you assured him beforehand would be devoid of many students, seemed like a feasible option. He moves to wrap his arms around you, pressing you against his chest in a firm embrace. You don’t hesitate to wrap your arms around his waist.
“It’s going to be a very busy week for me with grading final papers all by myself,” Yunho begins tentatively. 
His eyes close and he focuses on slowing down his heart that’s beating a bit too prominently in his chest when your ear is pressed against it. There are a lot of emotions coursing through him today, many he can’t quite decipher, although he supposes maybe that’s just everything he’s been feeling throughout the entire semester coming to a head: love, jealousy, desperation, angst, and more. Even amongst the newfound happiness blossoming within his chest at such a detrimental obstacle being overcome, anxiety is still the most overwhelming feeling consuming him. It’s a bit nerve-wracking inching closer and closer to the final moments where he can confidently say you’re his with no repercussions. He’s been reflecting on how things will change between you both when finally crossing over this hump, and how things will flourish sans the threats to your futures. He doesn’t want to get too ahead of himself, though.
“Continue,” you encourage him, “I’m listening.”
“I just wanted to see you in person before I have to disappear, and tell you that I know you’re going to do amazing on your exams,” Yunho’s gentle voice imparts. He lowers it further to add, “I’m very proud of you and…”
When he trails off, you turn to plant your chin on his chest and peer up at him with coy eyes, “And?”
“And… I love you,” he whispers, eyes flickering up for the briefest second to confirm you’re still in solitude. 
Your gentle laughter at his neverending caution is like music to his ears. He’s still learning how to comfortably say those words without being fearful of not hearing them back. The feeling of his arms letting you go in favor of his hands holding either side of your face steals the opportunity to return his words of adoration. Instead, you put those unspoken words into the kiss he doesn’t hesitate to initiate. When you reach up and pull him by the back of his neck, deepening the kiss and encouraging him to let go, he feels his nerves finally melt away for this moment and this moment only. Yunho pulls away before he can get too lost in the feeling of not caring where you both are, and the way you’re led to chase his lips has heat prickling your cheeks.
“You know, the store’s nearly empty… Might even just be me and you,” you hum. Yunho’s eyes don’t leave yours, even as he feels your hand mischievously skirt down his chest to tap at the belt buckle under his sweater. When your fingers dare to dance further down to the crotch of his jeans, he finally takes hold of your wrist. “Oh come on, are you still nervous?”
He shakes his head confidently, “Just think it’d be more fun to reward you once your exams are over. Making you wait a lil might be fun, no?”
“You sure you can go a couple weeks without it?” You taunt him with a cock of your head. “All that stress while grading finals adds up, no?”
“Is this coming from the same woman who spent two weeks away from me in the arms of another man before I knew about it?” He immediately counters, eyebrows dancing with mischief. “I’ll be just fine. You, on the other hand, are a needy little thing it seems.”
“Don’t make me consider going back,” you warn him.
Yunho’s eyes find the ceiling as he inhales a deep, frustrated breath. Provoking him like this is unfair and dirty. If he were a man with no self-control, he’d have half a mind to have you in this aisle on your knees, putting that mouth to better use than spouting such nonsense. For now, he simply purses his lips and nods curtly. 
“That’s okay, be that way,” he concedes in a voice low enough for your ears only, “Because the next time I get my hands on you…” 
He trails off while palming your ass through your leggings and squeezing to his heart’s content. The yelp you let out at his fingers sinking in a little deeper than usual makes a pleased smile tug at his lips. He’d say a lot more, let those lewd thoughts entering his mind go freely for once, but the sounds of feet shuffling not too far away shut him up just as fast as he could think to say them. You both separate abruptly and face opposite shelves. How disappointing…
Yunho clears his throat before finally sighing, “On that note, I look forward to receiving your paper tonight.”
“I look forward to you reading it, Mr. Jeong,” you hum, and he can hear the smile lingering on your words. It’s been quite some time since he heard such formalities come from your mouth. “I hope it ends up being worth the wait. You did help me craft it, after all.”
Behind you, his warm chuckle is followed by him laying a comforting hand on your head. 
“See you at graduation, ____,” he whispers. 
When he departs, being left alone doesn’t feel so lonely for once.
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♡ taglist: @yeos-bunny @sharksandminhos @sannieluvrr @txt-yaomi @thisisntmyrightera @oreoqueen @jadeneliz @atinism @uarmytess @nopension @aaaaajonghooooo @tmtxtf @ateezallday @bloomyroses @shingene @likexaxdaydream @innsomniacshinestar @st4rhwa @eixila @sunflower-png @jadeneliz @witchlaughwoo @ashlurrr @justthattheatregirl @bts-army380 @trivia-134340 @marvelous-llama @uarmytess @hyukssunflower @ateez-atiny380 @dazzlingstarrs @fxckinmingi @348kg @moonlightgrleric @kirilunimimi @tvxqnnie
580 notes · View notes
loserlvrss · 4 months
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the world crumbled a long time ago. humanity could've died off — and, some would say it had — but, in reality, all it did was prosper under new circumstances. broken shreds of what remained, nature reclaimed, intertwining with the wires of the programming. Some would die just to be in the network of higher-ups, and some would rather watch the world burn a hundred times over. the question wasn't, which are you? it's who are you? In a place where somebody is really nobody.
a place where technology hadn't died: the sector one. the place where nobody who was ever somebody lived. a distant place to almost everyone else. only handing itself out on a silver platter to the, self-proclaimed, elite of the elite — old money, nepotism and pure coincidence — people lied, stole, betrayed, killed and died just for a place amongst the best of the worst. no one deserved the title this place disguised them with, wasting and polluting an already hellish world.
but, there was a whisper against the wind. the monarch's reign would soon come to fall — the reapers alongside. sector one would no longer prosper off the graves of its people. the walls would crumble as the old habits died. all it would take was eight pirates and one so-called princess to overthrow reality and start a revolution where everyone could be anyone.
there weren't mercenaries anymore, just a new world. and, all you had to do was step into it.
all rights reserved copyright © loserlvrss 2024
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genre // romance, dystopian, cyberpunk, cybercore, drama, alternate universe, action, enemies to lovers, suggestive, smut, love triangle, multi x reader, series, comedy, post-apocalyptic universe, chapters
estimated word count // ≈ 32-50k
theme warnings // language, descriptive death & fights, blood, gore, sexual & suggestive content, substance abuse (drugs & alcohol)
status // ongoing, will post when i have time <3
playlist // wake up ateez, poison love dreamcatcher, wet dream snow wife, predator lee gi kwang, xs rina sawayama, do or die dpr artic dpr ian, i’m not a woman i’m a god halsey, coma dvii, silver light ateez, supernova aespa, ganma lexie liu, cyberpunk ateez, addicted pixy, another life key, gottasadae bewhy, daisy ashnikko, this world ateez, bad alive wayv, django ateez, claws kim petras, nightmare trendz, bound key, break it off — bonus track pinkpantheress, new world ateez, spoiled bitch tiffany day, eenie meenie chungha hongjoong of ateez, gods league of legends new jeans, dune ateez, the bat nct u, what do you want from me? bad omens, side by side bewhy, misa misa! corpse scarlxd cordhell, set it off league of legends dpr live jimmycline, halazia ateez, rpm sf9, iris pastel ghost
author’s note // tag list open !!
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chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five chapter six chapter seven chapter eight ++ more to be added !!
47 notes · View notes
d4rkthots · 25 days
(Queen of the night part two)
Cis!seonghwa!top (assassin/mafia associate) x Fem!reader!sw!tch (mafia boss/dealer) 2k words.
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。・:*:・��★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*: 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*: 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*: 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
TW (mentions of m^der, violence, and drugs…etc blah blah just don’t read if you’re sensitive or under 18 minors DNI. smut warning ig….unprotected sex, creamp!e, -use protection guys..-, breaking and entering?, dry humping, slight choking..impregnation if you squint. Rough sex, seonghwa tries to make it up to you but he gets an important call…your safety was his top priority..)
Days pass without word from you, seonghwa's anxiety grows. He's holed up in his apartment, watching the news for any hint of trouble. The story about Yuto's demise breaks, and he breathes a sigh of relief. He dials your number, needing to know for sure. The line rang longer than necessary before you answered.
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"It's done then?" seonghwa asks gruffly, skipping the pleasantries. "The news says Yuto's dead. That was you, wasn't it?" He pauses, waiting for your confirmation.
you smirk on the other side of the phone “mmh…”
"Good." seonghwa sounds satisfied. "That's... that's good. You handled it quietly. No heat on you." He takes a drag of his cigarette. "What now? You're gonna take over Ryui's operations?"
“Yeah, now that Yuto and his men are gone…I’ll start from scratch…everything fell into place, I thank you for that…but I’m curious…..whenever the heat goes down what will you do since Ryui’s been sentenced to life…hmm?”
"I dunno... I thought I might ask if... if there's a place for me with you." seonghwa's voice is hesitant, almost hopeful. "I was Ryui's right-hand man for a reason, you know. And I feel like I owe you, for doubting you for all that time."
you chuckle lightly sucking your teeth for a Second in deep thought. “Okay….fine…”
"Alright then." seonghwa's voice brightens. "I'll lay low a while longer, make sure the heat's off me. Then I'll come back to Seoul, yeah?" He pauses, then chuckles. "You know, I never thought I'd be workin' for a woman like you."
You just smile before hanging up.
seonghwa sets down his phone, feeling a sense of relief and hope. He spends the next few months laying low, keeping a low profile until he's certain the heat has died down. Then, he packs his bags and boards a flight back to Seoul.
You lay on your bed, thoughts and worries crowding your mind. You slowly drag yourself to sit up yawning gently as you get out of bed and walk to your bedroom door swinging it open. you make your way down the large hallway of your manor.
But something was off. You look back down the hallway, you always had at least two men stand in front of your bedroom door for safety reasons. But they weren’t there. You quickly ran back to your room, yanking out a drawer and ravaging through the clothes grabbing your pistol. Before you can turn around two arms grasp your sides one of the hands fly up snatching the gun away and throwing it to the floor his cold breath drew closer to your ear slightly pushing you further into your desk his crotch pressed firmly into your backside…
his hands grip her sides possessively as he presses his chest against her back. He nuzzles his face into the side of her neck, his breath warm against her skin. "Mmh, you were expecting someone else?" He whispers seductively, his gaze lingering on the gun on the floor.
“Just being careful” You turn to face him “You broke in? you couldn’t call and say you were back in Seoul…?” You emphasized your words by slightly pushing him back. “…where are my guards?…hmmm?..”
seonghwa chuckles, his eyes gleaming with mischief as he steps back, keeping his arms around your waist. "Call and say I was back? Nah, I didn't want to give you time to prepare or plan anything. As for your guards, they're currently...disposed of."
Your eyes widen slightly “you killed them? Hmm?”
"Mhm, and I made sure they knew why they were insignificant…before I put them down." seonghwa's smile turns predatory. "You like that? That I took care of them for you?" He looks at you searching your face for approval.
A look of amusement creeps onto your face. You nod seductively “yea I do~”
seonghwa's grin widens, and he pulls you closer once more, his hands sliding down to grip your bottom. "Good. I think I deserve a reward then, don't you?" He leans in to kiss your neck, his teeth scraping against your skin, you shiver softly as he continues. "Something…” he pauses “you've been so busy haven't you? too busy to take care of yourself…let me take care of you tonight hmm?~”
"Mmm?" seonghwa carries you over to the bed, laying you down gently before climbing on top of her.
you blush deeply at his words, your heart racing in your chest “okay…”
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His eyes light up and meet yours, his pupils dilated with desire. his fingers already working at the tie of your silk robe. his hands finally free your robe from your body. He pushes it off your shoulders, throwing it onto the carpet floor, revealing your pale skin and the black lace lingerie beneath.
you sit up allowing him access to the back of your bra.
seonghwa complies eagerly, unsnapping your bra and tossing it aside. His hands slide down to your hips, his thumbs hooking into the sides of your lace underwear. "Lift up," he murmurs, his voice low and commanding. you gently ease your butt up allowing him to pull your panties down your legs, revealing your bare, smooth pussy.
He sets your panties aside before spreading your legs wide, his eyes devouring the sight of you "Fuck," he breathes, his gaze lingering on your pink folds before finally meeting your gaze his hands reach out to touch you, his fingers tracing the delicate folds of your pussy. He gently parts your lips, revealing your clit and inner labia "So perfect," he murmurs, his thumbs gently rubs your clit as he looks up at you with adoring eyes causing you to moan out softly.
He crawls up your body, his eyes never leaving yours. He kisses you. "I want to feel you wrapped around me."
you grin against his lips…“I guess you earned it…hm?”
seonghwa smirks mischievously and quickly unbuckles his pants, shoving them down with his boxers to free his erection. He lines up at your glistening entrance, his eyes locked onto yours as he slowly pushes inside, in response you whine beneath him and gently grind your hips up into his hands clawing at his back. he was so big you felt slight discomfort like he was swelling bigger inside. "Wrap your legs around me," he says gently.
you considered disobeying but play along locking your legs around his waist. He grabs your wrists and pins them above your head as he begins to thrust inside you, his pace slow and deliberate. "Look at me," he growls, his eyes dark and intense. "I want to see your face when I'm inside you."
your dark brown eyes lock onto his as he continues thrusting into your tight channel. "That's it," seonghwa praises, his voice low and gravelly. His grip on your wrists tightens as his pace quickens, his hips snapping back and forth as he buries himself to the hilt inside you. "You feel so good, baby." he groans at the feeling, his thrusts becoming even more erratic as he gets closer to his climax. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he curses, his eyes rolling back in his head. He pulls out suddenly and flips you over, slamming back inside without warning. your body jolts forward your legs trembling slightly as you grip onto the bed sheets, your insides squeezing around his dick the tip of it pressed against your cervix.
"Grip the headboard," seonghwa demands, his hands tight on your hips as he pounds into her from behind
in a state of eagerness you grip the headboard arching your back and grinding back to meet his brutal thrusts.
His pace quickens as he feels your hands tighten on the headboard with each thrust. "You like that, baby?" he growls, his voice hoarse with passion. "You like when I pound into you like this?" you nod incoherently, his depth driving you to the edge of sanity.
"I can't hear you," seonghwa growls teasingly, reaching around to grip your throat softly, angling your head to the side so he can see your face. "Tell me you love it, tell me I'm fucking you right, baby." you didnt need to he could tell by the were clenching down onto him he couldn’t staring at the way his fat cock disappeared between your puffy lips the sight was almost enough to make him climax. “Yes! Seonghwa~I Fucking love it!~ your so fucking big!~” You managed to cry out between thrusts.
“Fuck, you’re so hot~” his hips pistoning back and forth as he grips her throat tighter. "You're taking me so well, baby.” his fingers rubbing your clit furiously as he pounds into you fucking you insane. Your legs tremble intensely as you feel yourself growing closer, Seonghwa caught on as well. "I wanna feel you squeeze around my cock as you cum." He bites down on your shoulder, marking you as his as he pushes you over the edge.
You let out a high-pitched wail, your body convulsing as you reach your peak. your inner walls squeeze him tightly, milking your own release from his body. "seonghwa! I'm coming!!~"
"Oh, baby, that's it," seonghwa moans, his control snapping, as he follows suit, thrusting in balls deep. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, his hips jerking forward as he spills into your womb with a low groan. He gently rocks into you slowly, milking every last drop from his dick as he nuzzles his face against your neck, his body covering yours protectively. he breathes, his voice low and satisfied. "your finally mine~,"
You lay beneath him catching your breath weakly clenching around his retreating length. "Mmm, stop that, baby," seonghwa chuckles, nipping at your earlobe, "You'll have me hard again in no time." He withdraws from your body. You giggle softly, pressing a kiss to his lips before pulling away “dont think you’ll be topping every time you simply got lucky…~”
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seonghwa raises an eyebrow at you, a small smirk playing on his lips. "Oh? And what makes you think you'll be the one topping next time, hmm?"
“you’ll find out soon enough~ try not to think about it too much…..you’ll ruin that pretty face of yours..~” You reply playfully.
He chuckles darkly, leaning in to press a soft kiss to your collarbone. "Oh, I'll be thinking about it, alright. And you'll be the death of me." he grins pulling the blankets up over the two of you. "Come here," he murmurs, tugging you close so that your back is pressed against his chest. "Get some sleep, baby."
you nestled against his chest your eyes growing heavier, after a few minutes of silence pass you finally drift off to sleep.
seonghwa holds you close, his arm wrapped around your waist, his face buried in the curve of your neck. He listens to the soft rhythm of your breathing, feeling his own eyes growing heavy. Just as he's about to drift off, his phone buzzes on the nightstand, breaking the peaceful silence.
seonghwa hesitates, torn between ignoring the phone and answering it. Sighing, he reaches for it, sliding out of bed carefully so as not to wake you. He answers the call quietly, slipping out of the bedroom and pulling the door partially closed behind him. "Yeah?"
It was from his informant. “sir there’s an issue, one of Yuto’s cousin’s lived through the explosion word is he’s going to try to assassinate harin because she killed Yuto…he’s planning on going about it tomorrow…”
seonghwa's expression darkens as he listens to the informant's words. "Assassinate Harin?" He repeats, his voice low and deadly. "Get me everything you can on this cousin. I want to know his name, his location, his plan..” He pauses, thinking quickly.
“We got the address about 5 minutes ago, sir..”
"Good, let’s finish this…” seonghwa says grimly. "I'll meet you at the safe house in ten minutes. We'll take care of this tonight." He hangs up the phone, his mind racing with plans. He slips back into the bedroom, his eyes landing on you, sleeping peacefully in their bed.
your eyes flutter open, your hooded eyes landing on his slightly distressed face “what's wrong?…” you ask with a small voice
"Go back to sleep, baby," he says softly, quickly pulling on clothes. "I have something I have to take care of. I'm so sorry, but I'll be back before morning, okay?" He sits on the edge of the bed, tucking your hair back.
You nod softly “please be safe” you kiss him gently
He returns the kiss, deepening it briefly before pulling back. "Always, baby. Lock the door behind me, alright?" He presses one last kiss to your forehead before grabbing his gun and coat, slipping out of the bedroom. You follow after him gently shutting and locking the door before returning to your bed….
Part one ——> (preview)
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theodoravery · 4 months
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mileyjassie · 4 months
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par: anônimo "rosa" x leitora gênero: adulto contagem: 2 mil sinopse: É uma tarde tranquila e sossegada quando o casal, cheio de carinho e sono, decide fazer um amor cor de rosa.
Os dois estavam na cama, desistiram de mexer no celular um bom tempo atrás, o rapaz estava sentado desleixadamente perto da cabeceira, enquanto a garota estava deitada no meio quase fim da cama, atravessada.
Eles trocavam poucas palavras, baixinho, como se estivessem no sigilo, mas estava calmo, e ele sorria meigo, um sentimento doce que crescia no peito quando ela o olhava e dizia algo legal para ele, mexendo no dedo do seu pé.
Uma conversa meiga, gentil, mas tão íntima, e ambos amavam isso, sentir tal doçura, e mesmo assim, ansiedade.
Ela brincou com seus dedos do pé e ele sorriu da mesma maneira de antes, fazendo-a derreter ao ver o sorriso derretido dele.
"Me beije..." Pediu dengosa, abrindo os braços sem sair da sua posição totalmente invertida, estando com a cabeça entre os pés gelados do seu amor. Ele confirmou com alguns acenos de cabeça, se sentando e deitando a barriga na colcha, se apoiando nos braços, um a cada lado da cabeça da sua garota, encostando seus lábios suaves contra os dela por alguns segundos, esfregando um pouco, deixando-os lisos com a umidez.
O rapaz conseguia sentir a respiração batendo no seu queixo durante o beijo, suspirando e soltando sua própria respiração contra o queixo da garota, aprovando com um murmúrio comprido e sem sentido quando os dedos dela subiram para os seus cabelos, amaciando as mechas macias e recém lavadas, mas agora totalmente enxutas. Sendo assim, gostou de aproveitar-se do momento para levar suas mãos para os seios cobertos da namorada, segurando com gentileza, apertando levemente.
Ela arfou, não esperando isso naquele momento, mas relaxou com o toque, partindo os lábios e recebendo a língua quente contra a sua. Dois suspiros saíram, preenchendo o silêncio.
Os murmúrios e arfares saíram naturalmente, deixando seus corpos mais quentes a cada minuto a mais de beijos e de toques. O rapaz conforme os minutos se passavam ficou estressado com as peças de roupas que o impediam de segurar satisfatoriamente os seios da namorada, então franziu o cenho, soltando uma respiração nasal impaciente, abaixando a blusa até a clavícula dela, puxando o top e achando a pele nua finalmente, gemendo contente contra a boca dela depois dessa ter suspirado alto.
Os dois amaciavam um ao outro, dando carinho com tranquilidade, não realmente tendo pressa, a afobação disfarçada dos dois desacelerando e os deixando lentos.
Ela separou do beijo, segurando a mandíbula do rapaz e o afastando um pouco.
"Tira sua roupa também." Olhou por alguns segundos, vendo seu namorado confirmar com um "Tá bom, espere aí." Se sentou, tirando sua blusa, esperando ela terminar de tirar a blusa e o top para tirar sua peça inferior, vendo ela fazer o mesmo.
Somente com a peça íntima, cueca e calcinha, os dois se abraçaram, ele beijando o ombro dela no abraço apertado e ela beijando sua bochecha. Após mais alguns segundos de selares o rapaz se deitou nos travesseiros abraçado dela, prensando o peito dela contra o seu, entrelaçando as pernas, o casal deslizando minimamente as pernas entre si, um gesto atencioso que fez a jovem e o jovem eriçarem.
Deitada mais confortavelmente ao seu lado, a garota penteou os cabelos do rapaz, vendo-o fechar os olhos e sorrir suave, seus dedos correndo pela cintura dela, parando na curva para dar um pequeno aperto, tentando levá-la para mais perto.
"Vamos ficar assim, tá?" Ele disse num sussurro, subindo sua mão para o meio das costas lisas, deslizando para a costela. Esfregou seu nariz no dela, a beijando novamente, inclinando para perto quando o braço dela abraçou seu pescoço por cima do ombro.
"Está friozinho." Murmurou contente contra a boca dele, buscando seus cabelos novamente. O namorado sorriu, roçando seus lábios nos dela.
"Sim, está bom." Suspirou baixo com o cafuné, pousando a mão no quadril dela, acariciando por cima do tecido da calcinha. "Mas fique mais perto, gosto mais de sentir sua pele...."
Ela o abraçou, se entrelaçando mais ainda com ele, fechando seus olhos quando ele se aconchegou no seu pescoço.
Os dois se acariciaram mais e trocaram mais alguns beijos melosos, o conforto se tornando muito maior, até o ponto em que ambos adormeceram desse jeito.
Quando acordou, se sentia muito pesada, sua vista estava um pouco embaçada, mas ainda estava abraçada ao seu parceiro. Bem devagar ela conseguiu manter seus olhos abertos, analisando o rosto amassado e sereno do rapaz, sorrindo suavemente ao encarar seus lábios levemente inchados, rindo um pouco, vendo-o abrir os olhos lentamente mesmo que ela não tivesse feito muito para despertá-lo.
Com um olhar sonolento e ingênuo, ele a analisou confuso, talvez ainda atordoado, umidecendo os lábios.
"O que foi?..."
Ela sorriu aberto, derretida, deslizando suavemente sua mão quente no rosto do rapaz.
"Meu amor é tão fofo."
Ele fechou os olhos mais uma vez, a fazendo pensar que havia voltado a dormir, mas este abriu os olhos devagar novamente, sorrindo pequeno e inclinando o rosto para selar seus lábios.
"Por que ria?..." Murmurou falho, sua voz rouca e profunda saindo instável.
"Nós dormimos..."
Ele deitou a cabeça novamente, quase cedendo à preguiça mais uma vez, e isso a deixava sonolenta também.
"Vem aqui." Ele abriu os braços, mesmo que já estivessem muito perto, ainda podiam ficar mais colados. Se sentindo dengoso, deslizou sua mão para a barriga da garota, pousando em cima da peça inferior. "Quer tentar de novo? Está excitada?..."
A mesma prendeu a respiração, mas pousou a mão em cima da peça inferior do rapaz, perguntando o mesmo.
"Você está?... O que você quer fazer agora?..."
"Hm...O que você quer?..."
"Quero saber o que você pensa..."
O jovem retirou a mão lá de baixo, tirando a mão dela de cima da sua intimidade, subindo nela e deitando contra seu corpo, esfregando o rosto na curvatura do seu pescoço.
"Vamos namorar de novo, devagar, ver onde vamos..." Pediu, beijando a pele do local e também da jugular, afundando seus dedos no couro cabeludo dela, ainda preguiçosamente. "Ainda estou com sono..."
"Eu também..." Murmurou de volta, passeando suas mãos pelas laterais do tronco do rapaz, sentindo a ponta do nariz dele descer até o fundo entre suas clavículas.
"Amor..." Manhou enquanto descia selares grudentos pelo peitoral, parando entre os seios, chamando a atenção dela que respondera apenas com um murmúrio. "Você tá tão quente..." Tirou seus lábios para deitar a bochecha onde fica o coração, aconchegando-se ali confortavelmente, abraçando o torso da garota.
A mesma sorriu, não fazendo muito esforço, deitando o rosto no travesseiro, fazendo carinho na nuca do rapaz, sentindo calor do corpo dele também.
"Você também está quente..." Segurou um maço de cabelo dele, deslizando pelos dedos, separando algumas mechas para o outro lado, criando um penteado carinhoso que dava muito prazer para ele. O mesmo gemeu arrastado, subindo os dedos para os seios dela, passeando seus polegares e ouvindo um suspirar satisfatório em troca.
"Linda." Arfou, levantando o rosto para beijar o seio que apertava entre os dedos, sugando com cuidado e labendo em seguida, contente de ouvi-la gemer, mas ainda imerso no carinho que estava fazendo nela, descendo sua mão para o meio das pernas que lhe rodeavam o corpo, sentindo a umidez quente na palma da sua mão, não fazendo nenhum movimento de verdade, somente apalpando a intimidade da namorada.
Ele a fitou quando essa arfou chorona, descendo seus beijos pela barriga, enfiando a língua no seu umbigo, modiscando sua pele em seguida, ainda analisando as expressões da sua boneca, desejando algo a mais.
Ele se sentou, olhando sereno para os olhos da namorada, tranquilo, satisfeito de notar que ela sabia que nada de errado tinha acontecido mesmo com a parada súbita de atenção. Então desceu suas mãos pelos joelhos erguidos para as coxas dela, seguindo seus dedos com os olhos, olhando o corpo da amada com atenção, deslizando e roçando a ponta dos dedos pela pele, segurando, apertando e largando com carícia, fazendo-a reagir com alguns arrepios e suspiros enquanto este explorava o corpo que já conhecia.
Foi quando olhou a costela que lhe veio esse pensamento, descobrindo o que queria.
Quero tocar as costas dela. Pensou rápido, ainda massageando a barriga macia. Acariciar. Pensou novamente.
Ela notou os olhos dele clarearem quando ele a fitou de volta, vendo sua expressão sorrir, mesmo que não sorrisse.
"Amor?..." Inclinou-se, sorrindo com lábios fechados, passando o braço por baixo do tronco dela, rodeando seu torso.
"Sim?..." Ela arqueou as costas, pousando as mãos em seus braços, genuinamente curiosa.
"Vire-se de bumbum pra cima, tá bom?" Pediu atencioso, ato que piorou o constrangimento da mesma, ela corando forte. O moreno notou, sorrindo e beijando duas vezes a garota, na mandíbula e na bochecha, achando-a fofa. "De frente para a colcha, meu bem." Pediu novamente, se afastando minimamente.
Ela se virou de barriga para baixo, notando quão tenso seu corpo ainda estava, espreguiçando-se e soltando um gemido baixo ao sentir os músculos relaxarem, voltando a deitar-se normalmente, não vendo o sorriso entretido nascendo no rosto do amado que a assistia fazer aquilo.
"Se espreguiçando que nem uma gatinha..." Comentou em tom meloso, segurando as nádegas da namorada, essa arqueando as costas e arfando de surpresa, sentindo os beijos dele começarem de novo no fundo da coluna, subindo por sua espinha. "Eu amo muito minha gatinha..." Soltou mais alguns estalares de beijos molhados pelas costas dela, fechando seus olhos, subindo os beijos. "Amo muito, muito, muito." Sussurrou e tirou os cabelos dela do pescoço, se encaixando ali. "Demais." Ronronou, mordendo levemente.
A garota gemeu, gostando do novo tipo de tratamento, mas ainda constrangida para realmente dizer algo, mesmo assim, não era como se isso o incomodasse no momento.
Os dedos que ainda estavam em uma das nádegas da garota desceram até o calor entre suas coxas, apertando e tirando um gemidinho imediato, subindo de volta e puxando um pouco o tecido da calcinha, fazendo-a pressionar contra a intimidade, tirando mais um gemidinho arrastado.
O rapaz respirou pesado, sentindo seu membro latejar contra o tecido da cueca, pousando dois dedos na sensibilidade da garota e rodeando um braço debaixo do peitoral dela, pousando a mão no caminho do ombro, se abraçando com ela.
"Beijo." Pediu contra sua bochecha, tombando a cabeça quando ela virou o rosto para poder beijá-la na boca, chupando seus lábios e retirando sua ereção da sua única peça de roupa, soltando um suspiro ao usar o indicador para arrastar a calcinha para o lado, deslizando seu membro abaixo de sua intimidade, contra aquele calor molhado.
A garota choramingou com o contato com o namorado, arqueando institivamente as costas, inclinando-se contra a pelvis do garoto, mordendo os beiços ao ouvir os arfares melosos dele, que insistia em roçar e deslizar sob ela, murmurando seu nome, usando o topo do seu membro para fingir uma penetração, deslizando para fora novamente.
A garota lamentou pela provocação, gemendo seu nome e apertando os travesseiros, não realmente irritada, por conta do sentimento bom que vinha com a fricção, deitando sua cabeça nas costas da mão que permanecia no seu ombro.
Ao fazer isso seu namorado suspirou manhoso, se sensibilizando com o gesto carinhoso e soltando-se do abraço, abaixando a peça íntima feminina e penetrando direto, segurando seu quadril e acompanhando o gemido arrastado e alto dela com o dele, abaixando-se para beijar-lhe as costas e a nuca, levantando novamente e jogando a cabeça para o lado, soltando arfares altos e pesados ao entrar e sair infinitas vezes de dentro dela.
"Eu te amo." Ela soltou entre suspiros, soltando um choramingo comprido, sensível com o aumento inesperado do ritmo, que além de mais rápido, se tornou mais forte.
"Awn..." Dengou. "Obrigado, meu amor. Obrigado." Apertou o quadril dela, jogando seu peso contra a garota, se aprofundando nela. "Eu também te amo." Confessou falho, a energia sendo gastada interrompendo sua fala. "Também te amo."
A garota apertava mais os travesseiros conforme seu namorado decidia desacelerar, estocando devagar e profundamente para poder voltar a beijar sua nuca e soltar um "Oh" proposital em seu ouvido a cada investida, rindo ofegante quando recebia a reação que queria, acelerando novamente, podendo ouvir-se claramente o som do choque entre os corpos, chegando o momento em que o corpo da menor encheu-se de espasmos, tremendo sob o toque do rapaz, afundando seu rosto no travesseiro para abafar sua euforia, relaxando quando sentiu o líquido quente a preencher, escutando a grande satisfação do namorado, que não demorou nada para abraçar seu corpo depois de uns últimos movimentos lentos, se retirando e caindo na cama agarrado à ela.
Os dois ofegaram naquela posição, ele abraçado às costas dela, de conchinha, se confortando na nuca dela por longos minutos, então rindo entre arfares.
"Não..." Lamentou brincalhão. "Não durma, precisamos banhar..."
Ela sorriu, pegando o braço que a rodeava e abraçando.
"Não vamos dormir...só descansar."
Ele sorriu, mas confirmou, se aconchegando.
Depois de alguns minutos, os dois dormiram.
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