#seojung — abstractions.
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nouvelis · 3 years ago
 pak  seojung  /  the  kiss  
 you  typically  wait  until  the  last  second  to  believe  the  truth--because  it  would  destroy  you  to  believe  it,  and  then  find  out  it  was  a  lie.  you  are  someone  who  has  never  wanted  to  want,  but  has  rarely  been  able  to  do  anything  else.  the  idea  that  you  might  have  to  break  down  your  walls  for  the  sake  of  someone  else,  someone  who  could  easily  decide  they  don't  like  what  is  on  the  other  side,  is  harrowing.  why  let  people  get  close  enough  to  be  rejected?  you  are  enough  for  yourself.  and  you  will  tell  yourself  that  every  time  you  catch  yourself  staring  at  their  mouth,  smirking  at  their  joke,  finding  a  reason  to  flick  their  shoulder.  until  the  kiss.  that's  when  the  flood  of  want,  want,  want  bowls  over  you  and  you  realize  that  you  are  torn  between  two  ways  of  living.  oh,  you  think.  because  despite  how  complicated  you  have  made  it,  the  moment  you  kiss,  somehow,  things  seem  incredibly  simple.  they  won't  be  once  you  start  thinking  again,  but  for  now,  for  this  moment,  you  live  in  the  quiet  peace  of  revelation.  oh.
 jung  ara  /  the  missed  opportunity
 this  one  comes  with  a  pang.  it  is  the  wrinkled  brow  of  something  unpleasant  sinking  in.  they've  left  to  find  some  new  adventure.  or  they've  met  someone  else.  and  you  have  only  just  begun  to  understand  their  true  importance  to  you.  you  watch  them  drift  toward  a  future  without  you,  and  in  that  stark  numbness  of  their  absence,  it  hits  you.  oh.  oh,  you  want  them  close.  you  hopelessly,  selfishly  want  them  all  to  yourself.  you'll  support  them  no  matter  what,  but  you  don't  want  them  to  want  a  future  that  doesn't  involve  you.  you  want  them  to  read  the  near-invisible  signs  of  your  love  and  decide  to  take  a  chance  on  you.  you  never  want  to  say  that  you  *used*  to  know  each  other.  so  what  are  you  going  to  do?
 jeong  junso  /  the  late-night  talk
 oh.  you  figure  it  out  when  you  realize  just  how  vulnerable  they  are  willing  to  be  with  you.  it  isn't  everybody  who  could  or  would  stay  up  talking  into  the  night  with  you,  not  with  such  affection  or  easy  familiarity.  it  isn't  everybody  who  is  so  understanding  of  you.  it  isn't  everybody  who  could  bare  their  soul  to  you  in  return.  that  kind  of  intimacy...  it  means  deep  foundations.  it  means  comfort.  it  means  trust.  maybe  it's  a  secret,  maybe  it's  a  story,  maybe  it's  something  you  just  never  thought  of  before  --  but  they  say  something,  late  at  night,  and  you  realize  all  at  once  how  remarkable  they  are,  and  how  special  it  is  to  exist  in  the  same  time  and  space  as  them.  "oh"  indeed.
tagged by @thecosmicsen ( thank you 🥰  )
tagging @celestiialmechanics  /  @protcsts​  /  @f8less​  /  @cvvalier  / @mconlight ​ / @solisocasum 
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nouvelis · 4 years ago
jung ara / like lovers watching the sunset
calm, focused, tender. you need to be loved in the way teenagers kiss in the rain and giggle behind hands. you need to be loved like a child, taken care of, watched over, focused on. you need to feel the warmth of the sun, you need to feel the love rushing through your veins. you need to be reminded that love is worth it, and it’s beautiful to experience. you need to be loved in a way that is refreshing, again and again.
pak seojung / like the burn marks on my hands
you need to be loved gently, taken care of. you need to let yourself be taken care of. you deserve the kindness. you deserve to have fingertips pressed to yours, you deserve soft smiles and quiet laughs. you need to be kissed in the middle of the night, you need to be told it’s okay. you’re used to aggressive love, you need it gently.
pak seoah / till the end of forever
you need to be loved unconditionally. you need to be reminded that love is not temporary, that you deserve it. that those who love you will not leave. you need to be loved the way angels love humanity. or how devils love angels. you need to be loved in greatness, in fullness, you need to be loved hard and fierce. loud, shout it to the ends of the earth, your love won’t leave. you need to be loved when nothing else will be. you need to realize you are worthy even through the end.
baek kyungsoo / like you can love again
you need to be loved in a way that shows you love is sacred, it is divine. you need to be loved so purely, so lightly, so you can learn to love. you need to be loved in the way oceans rise, but also fall. you need to be loved in the way wind rushes through leaves. you need to be loved gently, and patiently, and understanding. you need to be loved in a way that even if you cannot love, you will still be loved.
tagged by: @f8less 💕
tagging: @f8less ( eunki/vegas! ) / @protcsts / @haruusari / @cvvalier / @celestiialmechanics / @spoiledsovls / @redsunns / @thecosmicsen
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nouvelis · 3 years ago
jeong junso / the "comic relief" 
yes, alright, you tell your jokes and do your bits. you break awkward silences and sing silly songs. but what about when you're not keeping the levity? what else makes up the person who makes others feel good? you're kind. you connect with people. you hate to see others sad. you have a vice or two--who doesn't--but the point is, you are the epitome of what it is to be human, and you are able to encompass the absolutely zany improbability of life as we know it. people are comforted by you. they cherish your spirit and relate to you. but it can be difficult when you're not laughing. comedy becomes a wall to keep worse feelings out, or in. a person who feels any emotion to the extreme will undoubtedly feel others the same way. laughing is great, but... perhaps a big reason you appreciate your family is because there's something you can't stand in a silence.
pak seoah, jung ara & baek kyungsoo / the protective one
it does not require much for you to take someone under your wing. you have a knack for seeing the best in others and rooting for them, and they look up to you in turn. they feel that you are safe to go to in times of chaos or strife, and are calmed by your presence. you take extra measures to make sure everyone feels supported. things that others might not even consider, you have already likely accounted for. in most scenarios, you are "the leader." your struggles tend to come from your desire to provide things to others. you want to give, to see those you love happy, to make wherever you are a place of comfort. your failures hit you hard because you see this as your responsibility, and you hate to let people down. ...okay, yes, there's no avoiding it: this is the parent friend.
pak seojung / the silent sufferer
you love your friends, but the truth is, you go through most of the real things alone. it's better that no one sees you like this. you'll be fine, really, because you're used to feeling this way. it'll pass. it always does. that's what you believe, anyway. you're more likely to give someone advice on a lesson you've learned without telling them how you learned it. you've come to realize that, if they're coming to you for advice, they'll be too preoccupied to ask. it stings, but it's... that's just the way feelings work sometimes. when you're around others, most of these problems seem to vanish, and you're better able to love the person you are. only on the worst days do you continue to hear that insistent whisper that it's, "all a lie because they don't know what's *really* going on." it's not a lie. you are loved. those moments together are real. there are times when you can afford not to be so strong.
yuna / the hermit who helps
at first, you were a resource for the established characters to turn to, but you quickly began to steal the show due to your personality, your usefulness, or your inherently interesting perspective on life. you were pretty much already able to provide for yourself, but the next thing you know, these people are growing on you. instead of asking favors, it becomes an invitation to socialize. you find yourself sticking around for no apparent reason other than you like it here. the people are fun to watch, if nothing else, but ultimately they're just--oh no. oh no, you care about them. you always thought you stayed away from this "relationship" stuff for a reason. it gets messy and isn't worth it unless it really works. for some reason, this group really works. these weirdos are now your weirdos, and if anything happens to them, there will be hell to pay. you were basically already looking after them before this, after all. welcome to the family, hermit.
tagged by @theimpalpable ( ty bub ❤️)
tagging: @celestiialmechanics / @f8less / @protcsts / @redsunns / @haruusari / @cvvalier / @solisocasum / @latibulx / @thecosmicsen 
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nouvelis · 4 years ago
song yuna, jeong junso & jung ara —  because you're exhilarating
falling in love with you is like twirling around in the pouring rain, like the air rushing by on a rollercoaster, like the rapid beating of a heart when eyes meet
pak seoah — because you feel warm
falling in love with you is like waking up from a nap well rested. like sitting at a beach and dangling your feet in the water as you tilt your face back at the sun
pak seojung — because you feel alive
falling in love with you is like jumping off a cliff into the water, knowing the sea will catch your fall. like looking up into the endless sky
baek kyungsoo — because you make them happy
falling in love with you is as easy as breathing. you make everyone grateful to know you and loving you is a privilege. the only greater privilege is to be loved by you
anthony yang — because you feel like coming home
falling in love with you feels more like home than the place I live. it feels like driving home at night as a kid and pretending to be asleep so your parents carry you inside, sleepy and content
tagged by @dacaapo, @f8less & @jeoseungsaja ( thanks ❤️ )
tagging: @celestiialmechanics ( noah/tae ) / @redsunns ( haneul/euna ) / @admelira ( yh/kai ) / @cvvalier ( sj ) / @f8less ( eunki ) / @yeongxmi / @solisocasum ( dae/walter ) / @spoiledsovls ( hye ) / @phantombs / @feardrawn / @jeoseungsaja / @undrowns / @indeath
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nouvelis · 4 years ago
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tagged: @indeath ( thank you! )
tagging: @synthes / @noctevita / @cvvalier / @chaosgrieves / @bckdoors / @spoiledsovls / @jeoseungsaja  / @solisocasum / @mythvoiced / @celestiialmechanics  / @redsunns / @lupusxdei / anyone who wants to!
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nouvelis · 4 years ago
pak seojung / myling 
lost... alone... unwanted... unnamed... abandoned... forgotten.
such is the petrifying fate of the myling children; children born to poverty-stricken women. children who are abandoned or killed, their remains hidden, forgotten by time. their souls are fated to forever roam this earth, searching for their bodies, their names, the love they never had the chance to experience. mylingar cries can be heard, mournfully echoing from deep within the misty woods, luring travellers into to investigate. the deeper they venture into the unforgiving branches, the further from civilisation they strayed, the faster they approached their deaths. the myling would attach themselves to the traveller's back, demanding that they are carried to the graveyard so they can rest in hallowed ground.
with every step the ill-fated traveller takes, the heavier the myling becomes until the traveller collapses into the soil from exhaustion. if they cannot regain their footing and make it to the graveyard... the myling will kill them in a fit of rage.
you are perceptive and often childish, these are the traits that connects the myling to you. your body may mature but your mind remains youthful. growing up never held any appeal towards you, especially since the adult life seems too complicated. if it were up to you, you could remain a child forever. free from commitment, constraint and responsibilities, living life to have fun. just be careful what you wish for.
wishes have a peculiar way of coming true...
baek kyungsoo / banshee
"far, far away something made a single ghostly howl, like a banshee in the dark." -lucy christopher
the banshee, is a creature from irish folklore. though not inherently malevolent, it is said to be a dark omen. the ghostly cries of a weeping woman drift in the air, warning any unfortunate soul who hears of impending death. following her like the train of a morbidly beautiful wedding dress, a thick fog envelops her skin as she croons a sorrowful, haunting song which is filled with concern and love for her family. this song can be heard a few days before the death of a family member and in most cases the song can only be heard by the person for whom it is intended. some even go to argue that it is the banshee's unwitting song which kills the person.
you care very strongly about your family and friends. your loyalty towards those whom you care for is unconditional. you are an excellent and reliable friend, trustworthy enough to bear even the darkest of secrets. secrets which you would gladly carry to the grave unless of course, they harm your loved ones. you will fight tooth and nail to protect the ones you care for, restraint left abandoned. the banshee admires your reslience and passion. it desires to aid you in protecting those you love and to help you navigate a harsh reality just be warned and keep a close eye on the people you love,
your undying loyalty may just become their undoing...
tagged by @f8less 💖
tagging @celestiialmechanics / @protcsts / @redsunns / @spoiledsovls
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nouvelis · 4 years ago
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how many alarms they have set: fifteen, sometimes he gets up from the first one, sometimes he needs them all, boy’s a mess
their favourite app(s) to use: voice memos and notes, for when inspiration hits/diary entries when his thoughts are too loud, likes to practice his singing when he’s alone in the car too
their most used app(s): spotify and socials, he’s either on them A LOT ( which does not end well, either making a fool of himself by exposing his chaotic side or getting sad from criticisms ) or like right now, ignoring the whole world 
someone they have blocked: crazy fans who somehow found his number, sometimes uriel when he’s being annoying as hell, bandmates and manager too — maybe not, he doesn’t want death yet ( lies???? ). oh and his trash of a mother. honestly puts his phone to sleep mode a lot lol 
the last person they texted: uriel, who suspects seojung is planning some shenanigans behind his back. it’s true, he’s trying to organise a surprise birthday party for uriel but now he’s Stressed™ and wants to give up
soft headcanons: photos taken when uriel was on tour in the states and seojung showed up in to surprise him, spent a weekend in san francisco together being dumb tourists. if he could he’d use his pretty bf as his wallpaper, but since he can’t, he uses a pic uriel took of him and it’s a running joke among his bandmates how much he loves his face ( not a lie ). but it actually shows how uriel looks at him and serves as a reminder to try harder to keep himself together, so he can become someone who deserves to be loved this much (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻  SEOJUNG BEST BOI!!!
just cause i’m still ruined by this hc @synthes 
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nouvelis · 4 years ago
👀 + what is your biggest flaw? ( all muses )
under read more cause there are too many!! tysm for sending aaa this is fun (◕ ω ◕✿)
"that my insistence on independence is really just a front to hide that i’m nowhere as brave as i want to be.” yuna thinks of the father she’s never met, her mother’s hand that dawn of december. ice-cold, just like the first snow tapping against the window. she was only sixteen. “i leave first before i can get left, because it’s easier to run and tell yourself that you don’t need anybody. loneliness is safe, but it’s not everything.” a slow nod, introspective. “it’s all good now, though. i’ve gotten used to it — to being braver.” to loving and being loved. to trusting and being trusted. to hope. to the belief that she deserves to be happy for once and she is — the happiest she’s been in a long time.
“i want it too much. i never know when to stop. i let it consume me.” seojung blinks from his own admission, the gravity of honesty astounds a man too accustomed to his own lies. there are things that he prefers to keep in the dark, pretend not to exist even when he’s in a room by himself. “i don’t know how to love in a way that doesn’t suffocate. i’m either too much or too little. i hide beneath my anger, i numb myself with vices.” he shrugs — this is not as dreadful as he envisaged, actually. cathartic, almost. perhaps this is why people squander so much just to be stuck in a room with a complete stranger who’s willing to hear their every weep, examine every wound. “it’s only unfortunate that uriel can never get rid of me, now. a fucking shame, really, that he’s stuck with someone like me.”
“wanting to be loved to a flaw.” seoah divulges, folding her hands in discomfort. she stares at the shape of her nails, the puncture from the hours on her guitar as if it is now the most fascinating thing in the room. it is quiet in here, so quiet that she can hear the quickening of her heartbeat, now ablaze. “so much that i let it drown me. let love turns me into whoever they want me to be just so i can keep them a little longer. but that’s not love, is it? that’s desperation. i shouldn’t have to... fold myself into something so small just so people can find room for me. that’s not how it works. not how it’s supposed to, anyway.”
“i want everyone to love me that i end up being everything i hated.” kyungsoo veils it with a laugh, abashed. it feels strange to be vulnerable like this, to bare his bones for another to see and judge and frown upon — it terrifies him to the core. “it’s always easier to hide the unloveable parts, to be who they want you to be. this... idealised version of yourself where no flaws exist. this is the kind that everyone falls for. the jokester, the one who makes you laugh, the one who’s always happy.” except this person never exists, a mere caricature conquered by the incessant need to be adored. “but what’s the point of getting everyone’s love when you don’t even like yourself?”
the actress flinches, wishes to hide beneath another act but a promise is a promise. “that i’m never satisfied with anything i do. i always want to be better, bigger, more.” her teeth graze her bottom lip, ruining the crimson lipstick. “but when will it be enough? can anything measure up? feels like i’m constantly trying to prove myself — i don’t know who to. just that i’ll do anything to prove them wrong.” a grumble from the base of her throat. “i’ve always wanted to be one of those people who can just say fuck it and move on, but i don’t. i never move on, i fixate on every little thing.” it is bound to kill her one day, that much she is certain of. but how can she end it when she doesn’t know where it begins?
ah, the dreaded question. baring his flaws is never his forte — is it anyone’s, really? the truth is always disconcerting. “that i’ve completely lost my sense of self.” the lanky slytherin answers, his voice too calm for the weight of the words enunciated. “i guess seven years of hiding does fuck you up. who knows? maybe it’d started even before that. maybe i never knew who i was as a person, only who i am in relation to others.” a bitter smile falls upon the war-torn man as he takes another sip of americano. it suits him, though, the shade of sadness. “it’s better with annie. she makes it easier... to be me, whoever that is. perhaps she knows better than i do, if i’m being completely honest.”
“whatever that i fall in love with becomes an obsession. it devours me and i let it.” the ballerina hums, a wistful look in her emerald eyes, her mind adrift. “it become something that consumes me all the time. i know nothing of moderation.” soft fingertips trace the wedding band on her ring finger, aureate and cold to touch. “but it’s not all bad, you see. look at all the virtuosos that actually mattered and amounted to something, weren’t they all a bit obsessive, one way or another? isn’t it how people become great? what’s the point of dying a silent death?”
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nouvelis · 4 years ago
rules: share five songs that represent your muse! repost, don’t reblog!
DOOM DAYS by bastille — let's pick the truth that we believe in / like a bad religion / tell me all your original sins
KILL OUR WAY TO HEAVEN by michl — we would say anything just to hear what we want right or wrong / then we lie to be forgiven / we would sell anything just to buy who we're not / any cost / we kill our way to heaven
SKY FULL OF SONGS by florence + the machine — i feel like I'm about to fall, the room begins to sway / and i can hear the sirens but i cannot walk away
MILLION PIECES  by the bastille — the king's a clown / no one is love and it's not a drill / don't look outside / the world is ending / faster, faster, faster, faster, fast
NO CHOIR by florence + the machine — but the loneliness never left me / i always took it with me / but i can put it down in the pleasure of your company
tagged by: @indeath ( thank you!!! )
tagging: you ❤️
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