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lupusxdei · 2 years ago
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mature dark fantasy multimuse OC
penned by Sage
reblogs/follows get a wee starter as a token of my eternal gratitude
ad credit: @cvvalier
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tiredtangerines · 3 years ago
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“i’ve  said  it  once  and  i’m  going  to  say  it  again  —  the  answer  is  no.”  it  doesn’t  matter  that  she  is  a  regular  and  a  neighbour  —  joonho  means  what  he’s  said  and  that’s  the  end  of  discussion.  sure,  he  played  the  part  last  time  she  framed  him  in  front  of  her  so-called  ‘friends’,  but  it  was  never  supposed  to  be  continued,  nor  was  he  ever  properly  asked  in  the  first  place.  he  lets  out  a  sigh  and  puts  the  washed  mug  back  to  the  rack.  “why  would  you  even  want  to  go  to  a  reunion  when  those  are  the  people  you’ll  be  surrounded  by?  what  are  you,  a  masochist?”  isn’t  she  too  old  to  be  stuck  in  toxic  friendships?  
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wistfulreality · 3 years ago
a starter for @cvvalier​
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james was starting to doze off when he could have sworn he noticed the female move. immediately, he jumped awake, hovering over her as he watched her eyes open. “babe, are you awake? can you hear me?” he watched as her eyes moved and he couldn’t help but cry tears of joy. after not knowing if she was going to wake up again, he had sat here by her bad in agony day and night. his mother was watching their son out in the hallway though, a check of the time told him that they’d probably come in shortly. he didn’t even think as he leaned in, pressing light kisses to her cheek. “i really thought you were going to leave us,” he whispered, pushing her hair away from her face. “the worst is over,” he noted, feeling relief as he pushed a button for the doctor to come check on her.
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refulgence · 3 years ago
a starter for @cvvalier​​ !
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class had barely started when the teacher was already bringing up term projects. between helping her parents and cheer and band practice, daphne was already starting to frown, sat on her stool, at the thought of how she’d have the time for it. ‘lets just hope whoever she puts me with doesn’t mind doing all the work’, she’d thought to herself as names were starting to be called. she groans as she glances around at whose left to be paired, eyes settling on a few of the faces she knows enough for a few seconds. daphne blinks a few times as she calls oliver’s name, she doesn’t really know him at all ― what joy. stubborn as a mule, though, she doesn’t move, instead tapping the unoccupied space beside her. “hop on over won’t ya?” she calls from a distance, shuffling together her paper and books.
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ofdamnation · 3 years ago
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             ‘  and  who  the  hell  are  you  to  be  able  to  tell  me  what  to  do  ?  my  sister  runs  this  place  .  ’     //     closed  starter  for  @cvvalier​!
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itsacriime · 3 years ago
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A couple drinks later and Mai was feeling the boost in confidence. It had been a while since she’d had a night out like this. Neon lights illuminating the otherwise dark club. The bass of the music almost enough for her to feel it in her chest. She hit the dance floor with a friend until the other spotted someone of interest. And not long after that, they decided to shoot their shot, leaving Mai by herself. She didn’t mind, though. It was, after all, expected to happen. And that left Mai to scout out the place a little better.
Eyes landing on a particular man not too far away, she approached with a smile. “You look too sad to be standing in a club.” Maybe sad wasn’t the right word. But there was something about him that made him stand out among everyone else. “Come on. Have a little fun.” Mai extended a hand in an offer to drag him to the dance floor. ( @cvvalier​ )
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nouvelis · 3 years ago
 she  would  rather  not  tell  him  about  the  dream  where  she  loses  him  again.  
 so,  a  pointed  look  is  all  she  gives  him  when  he  points  out  her  glaringly  obvious  clinginess,  before  she  detaches  her  limbs  from  him  in  a  silent  protest  and  stretches  her  arms  like  a  cat.  “i  didn’t  realise  it’s  such  a  crime,  clinging  to  someone  i  married.”  in  a  drunken  daze,  but  a  marriage  nonetheless.  who  knew  she’d  be  tied  to  someone  in  this  way  one  day  and  accepted  the  fact  fully?  that  she  would  be  this  comfortable  with  the  idea  of  wasting  away  a  perfectly  tranquil  sunday  morning  in  the  most  mundane  way  possible,  hiding  away  from  the  drizzle  that  drums  carelessly  on  the  sheets  of  glass.  
 it’s  terrifying,  still.  when  she  thinks  too  much  about  it.  it’s  why  she’s  stopped.
 hazy-eyed,  she  taps  on  an  empty  spot  on  the  mattress,  content  when  a  loitering  hera  catches  the  cue  soon  enough  and  hops  to  nestle  next  to  her.  perhaps  this  is  why  she’ll  always  prefer  cats  to  humans  —  they  just  know.  “maybe  i  should  cling  to  you  instead.  daddy  doesn’t  want  to  play.”  she  whines,  overly  theatric  as  she  wraps  her  arms  around  the  ball  of  fluff,  as  though  her  human  companion  is  forgotten  entirely  already.  
❛  well,  you’re  extra  clingy  today. ❜   accepting!  /  @cvvalier​
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admelira · 4 years ago
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“don’t let the door hit you on the way out !” arguments have happened between the pair, but never got to the point of a FULL BLOWN fight. for weeks, tension has grown between the couple  —  fueled by a constant string of seemingly innocent remarks, from a person both consider a friend, but playing the two like fiddles to break them apart  —  until it snapped, and the consequences were devastating. venom filled comments were thrown around, shouted words that could never be taken back and their bond stretched so thin that it inevitably SNAPPED. dakho has experienced loss in the past, and the hollowness carving in his chest from the love of his life slipping through his fingers matched in intensity with losing the one parent that loved him. problem is, he’s too proud to plead for her to stay, and too damaged to show his wounds. “i’m DONE with you.”
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mvxnn · 3 years ago
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a new beginning , @cvvalier​​ ( to any )
          ❛ You look tired .. ❜ Ouki frowns , reaching to press his palm against the other's forehead to check for a temperature. ❛ Have you been sleeping ? ❜
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spoiledsovls · 4 years ago
“ i don't mind. i like laying here, on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. “ gunwoo & yurim!
characters going to bed & waking up together: accepting!
"hmm.." he was deep into thought, the fragrance of her hair was still strong and he took it in bit by bit. he couldn't quite describe it, nor could he give the justification of gravitating towards her. it was something that he kept to himself, not wanting to spill out all of his feelings in one go. "i wonder what you thought before this. you know. maybe, oh, this oppa's chest is nice. wonder if he works out." he jokes, now flexing slightly for her to feel. "now, you're wondering how my heartbeat sounds like. seems like our relationship has blossomed from then."
he's teasing, pushing strands of stray hairs behind her ears. leaning in, there's a chaste kiss pressed upon her forehead while he wraps his arms around her. there was a word to describe this feeling-- he was content. happy. not that everything had fallen to place, but it feels like he's slowly putting the puzzle pieces together. a lullaby plays in his head, a muse for a new song, humming it softly to yurim.
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tiredtangerines · 3 years ago
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“oh. my. god.” ara gasps, hands covering her mouth as her eyes widen with disbelief. “i’ve just been away for 2 weeks and you’re telling me you like someone?” how much has she missed from her work trip abroad? she knew it. there had to be a reason for that suspicious smile he wears when he checks his messages these days. there is only one good actor between the two of them and it’s not him. she was far too thrilled to check out the restaurant’s menu moments ago, now nothing else is on her mind except burning questions for him. the fortunate thing is they are at a private room away from the regular customers, or else her reactions would have drawn curious gazes and unwanted attention. regardless, it is for the best for them to be away from the normal crowd, given that the paparazzi are always so eager to spread rumours about her. “it’s been ages since you’ve last developed a proper crush. this is amazing.” she sounds like she is overreacting, but she’s not — not in her book, anyway. “it’s about time the aunties stop shipping us together.”
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wistfulreality · 4 years ago
a starter for @cvvalier​ - based off x ( sc. )
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chaeyoung stared at all the messages that had been left unread. did she still have the right number? maybe this line didn’t belong to anyone anymore. she didn’t know where the feelings had come from but a few weeks ago, it seemed to overwhelm her, suffocate her. it was as if she couldn’t breathe if she didn’t tell someone, and it didn’t seem right to tell anyone else. they would have told her she was being stupid. it’d been so long already since they even last saw each other. they were two completely different people at this point. and yet, the messages were sent. suddenly, her phone beeped and a message popped up on her phone. “holy shit,” she exclaimed, falling off her bed in the process. there was a response. 
[ sms ] yes, please .. i need to see you.
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refulgence · 3 years ago
a starter for @cvvalier​​ !
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four hundred years, maybe give, give or take... daiyu’s life had purpose. quite a specific one at that ― well enough that she can explain it (in depth, too) without a breaths notice. could show you endless papers of research and paper trails, birth certificates, trying to find some thing, or some one that could lead her to everything she wished for. such purpose made her world go round, ever spinning on its axis until one day it shan’t need to anymore. but daiyu finds she doesn’t need assist in making her world spin lately ― spending many nights hidden away in a place she once called home, growing up. and if she’s not there, well, she’s nursing a glass of wine or several after an evening of turning someone elses world upside down with occasions and experiences he’d never quite managed to find on his own back in that quaint place he called home too. daiyu can count the number of kisses she’s stolen from wei, how many times they left him blushing or almost spilling his wine, how many times he’d tried... and failed at scolding her for getting a little too welcome with his leg beneath some table or hidden in the dark. for everything she can count though, or repeat to memory, there are a few things she’s unsure of. perhaps tonight will be the night she finally gets an answer out of him. whether it’s one she wishes for or not. tonight they find themselves perched at a table upon a terrace of some bar whose name daiyu can’t remember. pushing the glass aside, she pays it no mind, having paid little attention to it for a time now. “wei,” daiyu says out of the blue of comfortable silence “are you courting me? or am i courting you already? i know this is a little out of the blue and i don’t want to ruin the evening but i had to ask. its been bugging me all day.” she pauses only to breathe once, “well, not all day, for a while actually.”
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ofdamnation · 4 years ago
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             ‘  i  just  don’t  think  you  understand  what  you’re  getting  yourself  into  .  ’     //     @cvvalier​  liked  for  a  starter!
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complusiive-a · 4 years ago
@cvvalier​​   /   closed starter.
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in all of his years of practicing medicine he’d never seen anything like this it was almost like something magical was unfolding before his very eyes. from what he’d thought was going to typical procedure healing the various cuts and bruises found all of over their body after chancing upon the other male pretty much left for dead bleeding from multiple points on their body everything seemed fairly normally as soon as he was able to get the other into his home pulling out his equipment which he had luckily a spare of just in case he’d have to do some sort of treatment from home if in the event that he wouldn’t be able to get his patient to the hospital which was going on right now. upon closer inspection of the other he began to notice that cuts and bruises that had littered their body could have not been done by a mere human as they were just too precise and that would even if whoever had attacked them had the help of tools in order to aid them he was thinking whoever had attacked this person was either very precise with where they’d attack the other or they weren’t entirely human , but there was no way that the second option would be real as upon until this point in human there was no exact proof of supernatural creatures existing among humans. what was even more odd though was the fact the other male seemed to be recovering from injuries beyond the speed of light it seemed as while he was still examining them of their injuries their body seemed to heal itself of pretty much all of it’s wounds and again he was beyond confused on how exactly this would be happening for a mere human because he were in their position right now there was no way that he’d magically heal himself up like the other male was currently and despite everything within his body & mind was saying that there was no logical explanation of how and why this was happening to the other every fiber of his being was coming to the conclusion that the other was clearly a VAMPIRE.  "  omg no this can’t be happening there is no logical way that this could be happening to you.  "    
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nouvelis · 3 years ago
 it’d  be  a  lie  to  say  that  it’s  her  first  affair,  but  it’s  doubtlessly  the  longest  one.
 too  long  to  keep  them  unscathed  for  good.  
 too  long  to  make  sure  both  of  their  heads  stay  on  their  shoulders.  
 but  she  is  a  creature  of  desires  and  so  is  he  —  so  here  they  remain,  tangled  on  a  king  size  bed  in  a  hotel  far  away  from  where  people  can  find  her.  a  frenzied   excursion  with  no  limits  in  sight.  yes,  as  the  wife  of  a  mafia  boss,  someone  is  always  hired  to  keep  a  close  eye  on  her,  to  make  sure  she  is  safe  and  unharmed,  to  report  her  whereabouts  and  what  she  does  day  in  and  out.  (  marriage  is  a  lot  like  a  beautiful  prison,  she  finds,  albeit  too  late  ).  however,  things  become  convenient  when  the  man  hired  to  watch  her  ends  up  being  the  main  actor  in  the  illicit  affair  and  with  her  guidance,  a  better  actor  than  most.  
 “is  that  so?”  yuna  asks,  a  perfectly  manicured  finger  tugs  his  chin  as  she  looks  up  at  him.  her  lipstick  is  smeared,  her  scarlet  hair  is  wild  and  loose   over  porcelain shoulders,  but  he  finds  her  more  ravishing  than  ever.  it  is  not  the  first  time  she’s  had  someone  on  their  knees  over  her  beauty,  transfixed  by  the  spell  of  her  sweet  perfume  and  pretty  lies,  but  there  is  something  endearing  about  how  hopelessly  smitten  he  is.  she  could  lie  and  say  the  affection  is  only  unrequited,  but  it  seems  more  palpable  every  day  —  this  fondness  that  stirs  and  grows  from  the  depth  of  her  chest.  dazzling,  damned,  deadly.  she’s  always  been  a  good  actress,  though.  the  best  that  she  knows.  “i  would’ve  believed  you  if  you  hadn’t  said  that  every  other  night.”
“you’ve  never  looked  more  ravishing.”  @cvvalier
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