#seo yea-ji
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these two films absolutely top my list of favorites that i have seen this year:
Recalled (2021)
(South Korea)
What’s it about:
A woman wakes up after suffering through an accident and starts to suspect her husband. She ends up struggling to find out what is real or an illusion, the truth and the lies as she suspects that he may not be all that he seems.
Lost in the Stars (2022)
What’s it about:
A man’s wife goes missing during their first anniversary vacation. When she reappears, he insists she isn’t his real wife and she has been replaced by a different person. When no one believes him and rejects his plea to find his missing wife, a top international lawyer gets involved in the bizarre case and works to find out the truth behind the mystery.
(a story based on real events)
Both films are a masterclass in storytelling, great acting talent and excellent cinematography. Yes, it is absolutely worth sitting through a whole film reading subtitles. The tension alone is enough to make you just sit and watch. Both films are so riveting with fascinating twists and turns that will leave you guessing.
These two will most likely stay in my list of favorite films of all time for a good long while.
yes, i am aware of the controversy surrounding seo yae-ji and i do not support her at all. i’m not a fan and this is the first time i have seen her in any project.
#lost in the stars#recalled#china#chinese film#south korea#south korean film#asian film#janice man#zhu yilong#ni ni#seo yea-ji#kim kang-woo#film recommendations#film recs#film reccs
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı: 8 Benim puanım: 9
Drama: Hwarang / Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth
Hangul: 화랑(花郞)
Director: Yun Seong-Sik
Writer: Park Eun-Young
Date: 2017
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Park Seo-Joon, Go Ara, Park Hyung-Sik, Do Ji-Han, Seo Yea-Ji, Kim Tae-Hyung, Kim Won-Hae, Yoo Jae-Myung, Minho, Jo Yoon-Woo, Sung Dong-Il
Hayal takımı!!! Şahane ekip! Benim fanatikliğimin çıkış noktası olan dizi. Park Seo-Joon var, yanına Parkk Hyung-Sik koymuşlar, bir de BTS’in göz bebeği Kim Tae-Hyung(V)’yi ikna etmişler. Daha ne olsun. Wooga Squad’ın temelleri atılmış. Çekimler sırasında Seo-Joon ve Hyung-sik o kadar iyi anlaşınca set sonrasında Seo-Joon’un arkadaş ortamına girmek istemiş. Tae-Hyung ise bilmediği bir alanda iyi bir iş çıkartmak için Seo-Joon’dan yardım isteyince ekibe dahil olmuş. Zaten Wooga Squad’ın en küçüğü olarak her biri V’yi el üstünde tutuyor. Hatta bir sohbet sırasında Seo-Joon “onu konserde izlediğimizde ne kadar popüler olduğunu fark ettik, sahnede adeta devleşiyor” şeklinde konuşmuştu. Çünkü onlar için V küçük kardeş gibi.
Konudan çok uzaklaştım. Kırmızı çizgime denk geldi. Dizi, MÖ 1. yüzyılda Koguryo, Baekje ve Silla’dan oluşan 3 krallık döneminde; Silla’da geçiyor. Kraliçe askeri bir yapılanma kurmaya karar veriyor. Soylu ailelerin yüzü güzel olan oğullarına savaş sanatı eğitimi vererek “Hwarang” adını verdiği birliği kuruyor. Bu dizi için bir tarih dizisinden çok tarihi anekdotlar içeren tarihi bir dizi diyebilirim.
Queen Jiso (Kim Ji-Soo), tahtı elinde tutabilmek için genç yaşta tahtın varisi olan oğlu Ji Dwi Rang(Park Hyung-Sik)’ i herkesten saklayarak yönetimi elinde tutmaktadır. Kendini korumak için Hwarang’ı kurmaya karar verir. Prens ise halktan biri gibi yaşayarak tahta geçme sırasının gelmesini beklemektedir. Halk prensin kayıplara karıştığını düşünüyordur. Hiç kimse prensin yüzünü görmemiş, neye benzediğini bilmiyordur. Kraliçenin tek düşmanı diğer krallıklar değil, her dönem dizisinde olduğu gibi Silla içinde de tahta göz diken vekiller vardır. Hwarang aslında vekillerin oğlunu kraliçeye hizmet ettirerek ayaklanmalarını önlemek içinde gizli bir amaç barındırıyor.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon) yakın arkadaşı Mak-Moon(Lee Kwang-Soo) ile onun ailesini bulmaya Silla’ya gelirler. Yolda prens ile karşılaşırlar ve Mak-Moon yanlışlıkla karanlıkta prensi görür. Prensin korumaları bunu fark edince, peşine düşüp “prensin yüzünü gördü” diyerek onu öldürürler. Moo Myung arkadaşını kurtarmak için geç kalır. Bunu ona yapanlardan intikam almak için yemin eder. Bunu yapabilmek içinde Mak-Moon’un kimliğine bürünüp oymuş gibi ailesi ile yaşamaya başlar. Ve tabi ki kendisi başrolümüz olduğundan Hwarang’a katılıp saraya girmenin yollarını arayacaktır.
Dizilerdeki en sevdiğim romantizm, beni en çok etkileyen arkadaşlıklar hep ‘bromans’lar oluyor. Bayılıyorum erkeklerin birbirileri ile olan o güçlü bağlarına, hayranım. Sevdiğim bütün oyuncuları çıkartsak dizinin izleyecek bir yanı kalmayacağını kabul ediyorum. Hwarang’ı izleten şeyin Hwarang cast’ı olması ikonik olmuş. Bir araya gelmek zorunda kalan, başta birbirlerinden çok da hoşlanmasalar da mecbur kalan 6 erkeğin dostluğunu izliyoruz. Park Hyung-Sik’i nasıl da özlemişim. “Strong girl Do Bong Soon” dizisinin Min-Min’iydi benim için. Beğendiğim oyuncuların dizilerini izlerim ama onu hep Min-Min olarak bellemişim ki hiç elim gitmemiş başka bir şey izlemeye. Bu diziyle onu da yıkmış oldum. Şahaneydiler. Seo-Joon ile özellikle parıl parıl parlıyorlardı. BTS’den Kim Tae-Hyung‘un yanı sıra , Shinee grubunun üyesi olan Minho da Hwarang ekibindeydi. Onunla ve sesiyle de burada tanışmış olduk.
Moo Myung (Park Seo-Joon); fakir bir hayat yaşamış arkadaşları için kendini feda edebilecek lider ruhlu bir gençtir. Köpek-Kuş lakabı ile bilinir. Sessiz sakin ama net bir duruşu vardır.
Sam Maek Jong / Ji Dwi Rang (Park Hyung-Sik); kendisi sürgün bir prenstir. Annesinin taht sevdası yüzünden saklanarak yaşamak zorunda kalmıştır. Bir şekilde Hwarang’a katılarak kaleyi içten fethetmeyi amaçlar. Burada biraz yorum katmam gerekirse, çok pasifti. Öyle böyle değil. Ben en azından bir kral duruşuna tavrına sahip olmasını beklerdim. Önünde sonunda annesi çekilmek zorunda kalacak ve tahta çıkacak kişi olacaktı. Ama hiç o ışığı taşımıyordu. Bunun suçlusu senaryoydu muhtemelen. Daha net ve kararlı bir karakter yazmış olmalarını isterdim.
Soo Ho Rang (Minho); Kraliçenin destekçisi olan soylu bir ailenin oğludur. Bütün kızlara mavi boncuk dağıtırken, aslında gönlü kraliçededir. Onun gözünde hiçbir kadın kraliçeye denk değildir.
Ban Ryu Rang (Do Ji-Han); Kraliçenin düşman ailelerinden birinin oğludur. Ho-Rang’ın en büyük rakibidir. Sessiz, sinirli ve en soğuk üyedir. Babalarının düşmanlıklarını devam ettirmeye çalışıyorlardır.
Yeo Wool Rang (Jo Yoon-Woo); grubun en femineni ve en güzel görünenidir. Hikayeye çok bir katkısı olmayan etkisiz eleman olduğunu söyleyebilirim.
Ve Han Sung Rang (Kim Tae-Hyung); sevimli, şımarık ve en çocuksu Hwarang’dı. Aile ismi nedeni ile istemeden Hwarang’a katılmak zorunda kalmıştır. Gerçek hayatta Seo-Joon’a olduğu gibi dizideki karakteri de Moo Myung’a kendini yakın hissettiği için onun etrafında dolaşırken bol bol görüyoruz. Çekimlerde kendi sahnelerinden önce Seo-Joon’a gidip “bu işi ilk kez yapıyorum ve iyi bir şekilde yapmak istiyorum, yardımcı olur musun?” diye sormuş. Seo-Joon ise adeta bir oyuncu koçu gibi her sahnesinden önce onunla ezber yaparak onu sahneye hazırlamış. O zamandan beride çok yakın arkadaş olmuşlar. Hatta bir sohbetlerinde şakayla karışık bütün oyuncuların öyle olmadığını herkese aynı şekilde yaklaşmaması gerektiğini tembihliyordu.
Ve dizideki tek kadın karakter olmasa da ön plandaki tek kadın olan A-Ro(Go Ara) vardı. Dizinin başında ölen Mak-Moon’ın gerçek kız kardeşiydi. Hem sahte abisi Moo Myung hem de gizli prens Maek Jong ile yakınlaşmalar yaşayan bu hanım kızımız, düşük sınıf bir anneden doğmuştur. Babasının soylu olması önemsizdir. Babası o dönemin doktoru olduğu için onun çıraklığını yapar. Ek gelir için ise kadınlara müstehcen hikayeler anlatır.
Özetleyecek olursam, tatlı sert bir arkadaşlık hikayesi izledik diyebiliriz. Dizinin akışındaki aşk hikayesinden çok bromansin ön planda olduğu sıcak bir diziydi. Havasında asla ağırlık yoktu. Çok da ciddi olmayan bir atmosferde çok keyfi bir hikaye anlatılıyordu. Dizi müzikleri içinde ise BTS’den Jin ile V’nin eseri olan bir şarkı yer alıyor.
BTS (V, Jin) - It's Definitely You
Raven Melus
#Hwarang#Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth#dizi#yorum#kdrama#inceleme#eleştiri#Park Seo-Joon#Go Ara#Park Hyung-Sik#Do Ji-Han#Seo Yea-Ji#Kim Tae-Hyung#v#Kim Won-Hae#Yoo Jae-Myung#Minho#Jo Yoon-Woo#Sung Dong-Il
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♚ // Face Claim
Full name Face Claim: Seo Yea-ji
Group/Band/Occupation: Actress
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim age: 34
♚ // Character ; Basic information
Quote: Rome wasn’t built in a day – but it burned in one.
l Full name character: [literally translated from their native tongue] Babylon the Great
l Nickname: None.
l Realm of birth(if earth, nationality): demon realm named Niaxevar [translates to Skeletal Valley in human tongues]
l Age: Unknown/unrecorded
l Date of Birth: Unknown/unrecorded [during the inception of Niaxevar]
l Gender: Gender-fluid
l Preferred Pronouns: They, them
l Race: Demon
l Sexual Orientation: Pansexual/Aromantic
l What is the level of Korean and how did they learn to speak it (For non-Korean characters from other realms & other earth-countries): Niaxevarian (native), native-level of any human language
♚ // Character ; Appearance
l Skin Color: Fair
l Eye color: Green [brown in current vessel]
l Scars: None visible to the naked eye [a slit from the neck to the abdomen visible in their ‘true form’ to non-humans]
l Piercings: None
l Tattoos: None
l Hair color: [true form] Fiery ginger; [current vessel] Black
l Abnormalities: NoneHorns/ wings/ etc.: None
l Transformed form: None
♚ // Character ; Personality
Six personality traits: Extroverted, ambitious, deceptive, manipulative, patient, hedonistic
l Likes: wine, wintertime, horseback riding, blue roses, accessories
l Dislikes: cheap dining places, extremely hot temperatures, hunters or priests or both (naturally), anything pumpkin-flavored, narrow spaces.
l Manias: Not really, if you exclude the tendency to find and drive absolutely mad at least one poet per century.
l Phobias: Not a fear, but they really, truly dislike narrow places.
l Animal: Crow.
l Religion: N/A
l Favorite song: Leonard Cohen – You want it darker
l Vice: Wrath
l Virtue: Diligence
Personality description:
Babylon has an oppressive and overwhelming energy: they are callous, yet, paradoxically, soothing. Although they are Niaxevar’s ancient evil, Babylon is, however, nowhere near as fickle as, for instance, the realm’s highest and finest ranks.
Mystery considers themselves a much worse fate. They leave the blood and gore to others, and resort to temptation and corruption. Interestingly, however, Babylon’s stance toward mortal creatures, human or not, has been much more forgiving. Blaming their ill-fate to unknown forces is often their forte, Babylon has noticed, and what philosophy would be more suitable for Babylon to agree with?
♚ // Character ; Powers
Magical Powers:
l Soul Corruption – This ability affects the majority of creatures, wherein humans are unable to resist it, while non-humans can resist to varying levels (most with a great deal of success). This is a passive ability, which means Babylon technically doesn’t control it. It means that any human-mortal soul that spends time around Babylon ends up succumbing to their darkest desires, whereas other creatures feel similar effects (that typically translates to occasional unease, an itch you can’t seem to scratch, long-forgotten desires and wishes unsurfaced, etc.), though are able to keep their soul intact. In essence, humans tend to either go fully mad and perish, or they go to the darkest depths of their souls and succumb to a life of crime and wickedness (thus losing their soul). Non-humans are inconvenienced and tempted at best.
l Mimicry – This is another passive ability that allows Babylon to imitate any spoken language of the people they live around.Biokinesis – Babylon’s only ‘active’ ability allows them to manipulate livings things like plants and animals around them on a molecular level. It can be thought of 'transfiguration’, meaning these things won’t be destroyed, just 'changed’. The ability does not affect humans or non-humans, much to Babylon’s dismay.
l Possession – (semi-active) – the ability to possess a body and use it as a vessel.Non-magical Powers:Aside from enhanced senses, Babylon is quite skilled at sword and/or knife fighting.
l Holy Grounds – Babylon cannot enter consecrated grounds of any religion.
l Devil traps – While regular 'demon traps’ can’t hold them, more sophisticated ones can.
l Exorcism – As any demonic creature, Babylon can be exorcised
♚ // Character ; The Teacher / Staff
l Class they teach: Ancient Runes
l Teaching style: Laid back
l Previous teaching experience: Technically none, but Babylon has tutored humans and magical creatures alike in the past
♚ // Character ; The Past
l Date of Birth: Unknown
l Date of Death: N/A
l Crime Record: Too many to count.
l Has your character attended Insolitus Academy in the past? No
[The following is a collection of excerpts from texts—either translated or in the original language. The oldest of the scripts is as of yet undated and it was penned by an unknown author, whereas the rest have been taken from undated letters, diary entries and re-told stories, penned by other largely unknown writers, with the exception of an Italian monk by the initials of F.L in the 12th century, then in the 18th century an English-born sailor with the initial W.S, as well as by a young Turkish poetess who wrote under the name of Hatice, roughly in late 19th century]
ooc warning: mis-gendering is present in the bio.
ONE. Once upon a time, there was- That is at least how the stories of our forefathers and mothers used to begIn; once upon a time, far removed from the ones we exist in presently. Yes, it’s the most befitting opening for the creations of our imagination. But, this is no story - but a warning: warning to all those who choose to read this story which my grandmother told me. Perhaps, if you look away now - you won’t burn.
At a time when mankind knew no concept of the divine there existed—in the wake of a marvellous explosion—another world. This world, where chaos reigned supreme, was not much different than ours. Its residents were fickle, fiery, charming, and conniving. Their rulers, unlike ours, were imperfect, much like their creation.It is said the these demonic rulers resided within the darkest corners of that world, shrouded in the original darkness that they’d spawned from. The demons, consisting of three brothers, two sisters, and a sixth of whom few dare to speak, were an ambitious bunch, and selfish in their allocation of power.
The youngest assumed to be named Babylon, who’d been tasked with maintaining the balance of the Original Darkness, had been promised an equal share of their realm, and a seat at the table of her siblings. But to keep that seat, Babylon - who’d been rebellious by nature - had to dutifully perform this task, day after day, century after century.Yet, it wasn’t enough. For Babylon, whose hunger for power expanded eternally, it’d never suffice. And when she asked for what was promised, time and time again, she was denied. And so, Babylon came to an understanding: if she couldn’t have the world, no one could.
What happened next was a series of catastrophic events leaving this unknown world in utter desolation. The demon rulers, who were unable to stop it, hurried to salvage what was possible. Fearing Babylon’s might, the eldest executed a most cruel punishment: severing the youngest in half, he separated Babylon’s spiritual darkness from the corporeal one. The demons then left, leaving with Babylon’s essence and locking it away where, it was hoped, she’d never find it again. Half-destroyed and severely weakened, Babylon was thus forced into a nomadic life, in search of her other half - of her spirit, haunting one world after another in her wretched quest.
TWO. Babylon was some of the most extraordinary creatures I’d ever had the opportunity to meet. And if it hadn’t been for my brother’s selfishness and my mother’s generosity, perhaps I never would have.
Be as it may - truly, how spectacular they are. The stories they have told me have opened my eyes to the corruption within not just the walls of this house - but within the fabric of our declining community. I can see it all, more clearly when they are around, but I can see it: the decadence, the immorality, the utter absence of shame and the fear of God. Oh, how do these people not fear Him?Sometimes, when I go to bed at night, I can see Babylon. I can see their stunning green eyes and the shine of their fiery hair. I can hear their voice whispering the secrets of the world around me, showing it to me for what it really is: a wicked desolate place crawling with people that must be removed. Starting from my family. Ending with me.
THREE. My brother Mehmet has recently made a new friend. I can’t remember the friend’s name, though I am confident it may start with an I or a B. In any case, I’m not in any way impressed by this man. He is much too tall, nothing but skin and bones and just enough flesh to act as a cushion. I dislike his light eyes especially - and I’m not exactly sure why. Nevertheless. I wouldn’t be writing this if something out of the ordinary hadn’t happened. And I’m writing this so that I can look at it later, with a clearer mind. I had a dream about Mehmet’s friend. It was a bizarre dream in which I was in a different, darker world. A wasteland across which I walked for eternity, only to find, in the middle of this desert a throne - and upon the throne was Mehmet’s friend, adorned in a golden and purple attire, with a broken crown in his bloodied hands.
[the rest of the diary entry lost]
FOUR. Babylon was like a religious icon - someone you’d sacrifice yourself for. Lovely-eyed, with an unspeakable hunger that no one could satiate, they craved for what was theirs, for what was promised: The Universe. And so, as they turned to face those—myself included—who dared to inquire about their identity and who would soon regret asking, they showed a smile that could devour the world, and asked: Are you ready to burn with me?
FIVE (OOC NOTE): After spending several months teaching Ancient Runes at Insolitus Academy, Babylon was whisked away on personal agenda. After being tipped about the potential location of a specific artifact, the entity submitted a leave request for an uncertain period of time. Leaving their vessel Sarang behind, Babylon resumed their life as designer Helena Martinelli and settled in Italy for nearly a year, only to eventually return to South Korea, again as Moon Sarang, and reclaim her role as the Ancient Runes professor at Insolitus Academy.
♚ // Roleplayer[ optional ]
l Time zone: GMT+2
l OOC! Triggers: None
l Themes/genres you like writing the most?: Dark fantasy, horror, slice of life, occasional splatterpunk
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It's Okay to Not Be Okay 사이코지만 괜찮아 (2020) – Ko Mun Young outfits
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Kdramas/Movies with strong female characters
Eve (2022): Lee La-El (Seo Yea-Ji) When Lee La-El was little, her father died unexpectedly. Powerful people were responsible for his death. After her family was destroyed, Lee La-El prepared for the next 13 years to take revenge. Starting by targeting Kang Yoon-gyeom, one of the main culprits who orchestrated the death of her father. Along the way she becomes torn between her desire for revenge and her feelings for Yoon-gyeom.
It's Okay To Not Be Okay (2020): Ko Moon-Young (Seo Yea-Ji) Ko Moon-Young is a popular children's book author with antisocial personality disorder. She had a troubled childhood and a turbulent relationship with her parents. She develops romantic feelings for a psychiatric caregiver after a coincidental encounter and often goes to extreme lengths to get his attention.
Hotel Del Luna (2019): Jang Man-Wol (IU) Jang Man-Wol is the moody owner of Hotel del Luna. The hotel catering to the dead has been bound to her soul in order to atone for the sins she committed 1,300 years ago. Through the new manager Gu Chan-sung, the mysteries and the secrets behind the hotel and its owner are revealed
My Name (2021): Yoon Ji-Woo (Han So-Hee) Yoon Ji-Woo’s father gets murdered suddenly. She wants to desperately take revenge on whoever is responsible for her father's death. She starts working for a drug crime ring that her father was a part of. Ji-Woo joins the police department as a mole for the drug ring.
Vagabond (2019): Go Hae-Ri (Bae Suzy) Go Hae-Ri is an NIS agent and is currently working undercover at the Korean embassy in Morocco. She is tasked to help the bereaved families of a fatal flight. She helps Cha Dal-Geon whose nephew was on the flight uncover a darker and more sinister conspiracy than they expected.
Sisyphus: The Myth (2021): Gang Seo-Hae (Park Shin-Hye) Gang Seo-Hae is an elite warrior. She can take down the biggest men with just her bare hands. She is a sharpshooter and a bombmaker. She learned these skills to survive in a world that is dominated by gangsters and military cliques. One day she time travels to save a genius engineer.
Mr. Sunshine (2018): Go Ae-Shin (Kim Tae-Ri) Go Ae-Shin is an orphaned noblewoman and a member of the Righteous Army. Her parents were independence fighters who died in Japan due to their colleague's betrayal. She trains as a sniper. An american soldier Eugene meets and falls in love with Go Ae-shin.
The Glory (2022): Moon Dong-Eun (Song Hye-Kyo) Moon Dong-Eun was a victim of high school violence. She waited for the bully ring leader get married and have a child. Now she is the homeroom teacher of her tormentor's child. Her cruel revenge plot begins.
Tomorrow (2022): Koo Ryeon (Kim Hee-Seon) Grim reaper Koo Ryeon is the leader of a crisis management team. The teams objective is to save suicidal people. Choi Jun-Woong (Ro Woon) is a young job seeker who is unable to secure a job. One night, he accidentally becomes a new member of the crisis management team.
Remarriage & Desires (2022): Seo Hye-Seung (Kim Hee-Seon) Seo Hye-seung who lost everything in an instant after her husbands affair and su*cide. She signs up to a matchmaking company Rex for the upper class, and participates in the race of her desires for her revenge.
Under The Queen's Umbrella (2022): Queen Hwaryeong (Kim Hye-Soo) Queen Hwaryeong is supposed to act with grace and dignity, but she has troublemaker sons. The queen decides to abandon strict protocols to transform her sons into deserving princes through education and personal growth, all while navigating the complexities of motherhood and royal life.
Juvenile Justice (2022): Sim Eun-Seok (Kim Hye-Soo) Sim Eun-Seok is an elite judge with a personality that seems unfriendly to others. She hates juvenile criminals and gets assigned to a local juvenile court. There, she breaks custom and administers her own ways of punishing the offenders.
Kill Boksoon (2023): Gil Bok-Soon (Jeon Do-Yeon) Gil Bok-Soon is a single mother and a contract killer working for M. K. Ent. Highly regarded by her peers, she has a 100% success rate and is one of a few killers rated "A" by her company. Right before Gil Bok-Soon is set to renew her contract, she gets involved in a kill or be killed confrontation.
Ballerina (2023): Jang Ok-Ju (Jun Jong-Seo) Ok-Ju used to work as a bodyguard. Ok-Ju is friends with Min-Hee, who is a ballerina. Min-Hee asks Ok-Ju for a favor. She wants Ok-Ju to take revenge.
The Witch: Subversion (2018): Ja-Yoon (Kim Da-Mi) A young girl escapes from a mysterious laboratory where she was trained to become a murder weapon. 10 years later, the girl, named Ja-yoon, is living a normal life, apparently without any memory of her past, she becomes involved in a crime.
Special Delivery (2022): Eun-Ha (Park So-Dam) Eun-Ha is a special driver for deliveries. She delivers anything or anyone for the right price. Her success rate is 100%, but she gets involved in an unexpected delivery accident.
Brave Citizen (2023): So Shi-Min (Shin Hae-Sun) So Shi-Min used to be a boxer in her student days. She now works as a contract teacher at a high school. She confronts a school bully, who frequently torments other students.
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KIM SOO-HYUN & SEO YEA-JI as MOON GANG-TAE & KO MOON-YOUNG IT'S OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY 사이코지만 괜찮아 (2020) dir. Park Shin-Woo and Jung Dong-Yoon
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💌 anon requested: ↳ Nayeon x Ko Moon Young outfit comparison
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seo yeji (( more ))
#seo yeji#seo ye ji#seo yeaji#seo yea ji#actress#korean#asian#avatars#jae#edit#forum#rp#rpg#fc#faceclaim#c5
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Korean GLs I'd Watch...
Let's try to manifest a world where some of the biggest Korean actresses were cast in major full-length GL kdramas.
Esom (Because This Is My First Life) and Lee Da-hee (Search: WWW) play partners and besties, who both fall for their respective suspects for a crime spree against the patriarchy. (Think: Evening the pay gap at a major company; exposing scandals of sexist politicians; and chemically castrating sex offenders). Esom's love interest is Park Eun-bin (Extraordinary Attorney Woo), and Da-hee's love interest is Seo Yea-ji (It's Okay to Not Be Okay). It's a romantic crime thriller.
Seol In-ah (Business Proposal) plays a new-money rich girl who hires a former old-money rich girl, played by Yoo In-na (Touch Your Heart), to be her personal assistant out of pity, but pretends she doesn't know her backstory. And Yoo helps Seol navigate rich society. Their conflict is that Seol's family bankrupted Yoo's family, and is getting the life Yoo was supposed to have, including the fiancee, the job, and the house. It's a sweet romantic comedy.
Kim Ji-won (Fight My Way) starts a job at a family law firm and works hard to get one of the partners, played by Son Ye-jin (Crash Landing on You), to be her mentor, but only because she wants her job. She starts off as a frenemie before Ye-Jin's hard edges rub off, and Ji-won develops a crush. Their obstacles are that Ye-Jin is married and in the closet, and Ji-won might be too ambitious to let go of her goals. It's a slow-burn romantic legal drama.
Park Shin-hye (Heirs & Pinocchio) plays a cold fashion house designer who hires an unlikely candidate to be her muse, played by Moon Ga-young (True Beauty). And what starts off as a toxic relationship blooms into a supportive one. Park Bo-young (Strong Girl Bong-soon) plays her head of design, who befriends Ga-young's bestie-turned-manager, played by Kim Seul-gi (Oh My Ghostess). They're the softer side couple. It's a romantic workplace dramedy.
Seo Hyun-jin (Why Her?) and Gong Hyo-jin (When the Camellia Blooms) were friends in college, but they had a falling out after a misunderstanding about a guy. They have a tense reunion as adults when Hyo-jin is setting up her nuptials at the wedding hall Hyun-jin manages. It's a slowburn romantic drama.
Shin Min-a (Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha) plays the wife of a very powerful and abusive man and Hwang Jung-eum (She Was Pretty) plays the maid who is secretly in love with her and helps her escape. They go to Jung-eum's hometown where everyone assumes she's bringing her girlfriend home for the first time, because she didn't have the heart to tell them she got dumped after running away to be with her. Min-a decides to pretend to be the woman to pay her back, and they fall in love. The conflict being when Jung-eum's ex, played by Park Min-young (What's Wrong with Secretary Kim), returns to get her back.
💜 Your move Kdrama world! 💜
#kdrama#gl drama#gl series#seo hyun jin#gong hyo jin#kim ji won#son yeo jin#seol in ah#yoo in na#shin min ah#hwang jung eum#park min young#esom#lee da hee#park eun bin#seo yea ji#park shin hye#moon ga young#park bo young#kim seul gi
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Seo Yea Ji on her 34th birthday
April 6th 2024
#seo yea ji#seo ye ji#seo yeaji#happy birthday#it’s okay to not be okay#kdrama#tvn eve#lawless lawyer
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“People are all hypocrites. We all live with a lot of hatred but act like that's not the case.”
It's Okay to Not Be Okay (2020)
#its okay to not be okay#itsoktonotbeok#its ok to not be ok#itsoknottobeok#seo yea ji#kim soo hyun#kdrama#kseries#kdrama aesthetic#cherry blossom#writers and poets#dark academia#love#aesthetic#poetry#writing#quotes#literature#classic literature#classic academia#dead poets society#kill your darlings#poem#ko mun yeong
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December Special
(I will update this post regularly)
Hi everyone!
I'm planing on writing exactly five chapters throughout December, which means every Sunday. You guys can send me requests until November 12th. After that, we will decide together, which of the requests I will write. Everytime I get a request for this event here on Tumblr or on Wattpad, I will put it on the list in this post.
You can request anything, it can be completely different from my story. The requests, which I've already gotten and didn't add to this list, will appear in the actual story I am currently writing.
I will not write anything about minors (obviously) and I will only add requests, which I am comfortable with (If I am just not into a certian kink, it is hard to write and I think the smut will suck then).
I will sort the requests by groups/ soloists. You can put in more than one request. I'm also reserving one chapter for actresses only, since I feel like there not as many smuts about them (But I'm afraid I don't know that many).
I will structure the voting as followed:
Everyone has four votes aka I will do four polls, since there are four chapters to be picked. The voting will take place from the 12th of November until the 26th. You can still send me requests during that time, but be aware that the people who already voted might not look at the poll again, until it's decided. I will encourage the people on Wattpad to vote on Tumblr, so that everyone is able to follow the process. But if that's not possible for some, I will allow dms or comments.
I will not announce the winners. I like to keep it interesting so prepare to be surprised ;) The order of the chapters will be decided by me.
The release dates will be:
December 9th
December 16th
December 23rd
December 30th
Please bear in mind that I might not live in the same timezone as you, which means the updates might be delayed for some. I will also notify you, if I will not be able to finish a chapter until the deadline, but I will do my best that this will not happen. Of course you never know.
You meet your exgirlfriend IU at a high school friend's wedding. After the memories of your school times come back, the two of you sneak off.
After just being hired by Dreamcatcher Company, you are already tasked with shooting Jiu's and SuA's special clip. Jiu knows that you are an Insomnia and that SuA is your bias. Maybe you will get to shoot another type of special clip with the two of them, thanks to Jiu.
After another exausting week, Gahyeon visits her boyfriend, who is currently living on Jeju island. Once she gets there, she realizes, that he is cheating on her with someone else. As she walks in, Gahyeon sees SuA,who is already bouncing on top of her boyfriend.
Red Velvet:
You and Irene are coworkers with a special history. The two of you tried out more kinks and positions and places than even married couples. But some things are still missing. Luckily, Irene has a friend, who is working in your company as well. Kang Seulgi. The young intern, who got hired a couple of weeks ago. You were planning on welcoming her properly anyways.
Being a demon has its up and downs. But there is one thing you will never get tired off. People who summon you. Either for fun, or because they are convinced that there aren't any supernatural beings. Or, In this case, three gorgous women, who want to experience more than just meaningless sex with strangers. Joy, Seulgi and Yeri have only one thing in mind, while they summon you.
You have worked with a couple of idols already. THey are often models and embassadors for brands after all. Now you are tasked with filming a small video to promote Jimmy Choo's newly designed dress. The woman who appears in your studio is no other than Cho Miyeon.
Yuna has always been quite kinky. But her Christmas present for you this year is on another level. It's Ryujin. She is kneeling on her bed, wrapped in red lingerie and a bow like a gift. Her hands are tied behind her back, while her eyes are covered with a red blindfold.
Le Sserafim:
You have already tried everything. Drinking warm milk with honey, listening to music, reading a book. Nothing. Working out, spending more time on your job. Nothing. Even after bringing that girl home last night, Yunjin, you vaguely remember her name, didn't help at all. You still can't fall asleep. It's late at night and you are lying in bed once more. Sleepless. THen, your doorbel rings. That must be your neighbour. Chaewon. After telling her about your insimnia, she said she might know something.
Going to college is already hard enough, considering your background. Bad grades, devorced father, stepmother and stepsister and so on. The only reason you got in was because of your scholarship. You are not a good student. But a talented football player. And now everything becomes even more difficult. While trying to learn for your upcoming test, someone nocks on your door. Tzyuy, your stepsister. Her and her mom, Jihyo, seemed to have gotten in ahuge fight once again. Can you cheer her up?
Girls Generation:
The one thing you love most about your job is the fact that you see beautiful women pretty much every day. Being a photographer enables you to make them take almost any kind of pose in any kind of outfit. Of course, when you started your career, you never thought about it like this. Until you meet Im Yoona.
Cross groups/soloists:
IU's and Kang Seulgi's competition started, when they caught each other, having sex backstage during an award show, a couple of months ago. At first, it picked up slowly. Random challenges, send via text on the kakaoTalk app, answered by pictures as proof of the accomplished mission. Now, the two of them are tied, desperate to come up with something new. Luckily, IU and Seulgi have alot of fans, who are more than happy to help them out.
One thing idols do best is taking pictures. For Istagram for Facebook, you name it. And Jini is no exception. But this time, unbeknownst to her fans, there is a reason why she only uploaded pictures with her upper body visible. Reading the comments afterwards makes her smile. If only they knew what was going on.
Idols are always stressed, overworked and tired. On top of that, they can't even relax properly. They have to be carefull about heir food, words and actions. And one thing, that some people might neglect, is sexual satisfaction. That becomes a problem for Karina, Jihyo and Eunbi. Having bigger breasts only adds to their problems. Due to stress, their milk production starts to rise. When three of them invite you to join their pre-Christmas party, they obviously have ulterior motives.
December is always hectic for you. Luckily, you are sometimes able to blend out the real world and immerse into kpop. You are a member of a few discord channels and Reddit communities. One night, you see there is only one other person in one specific chatroom. The two of you send each other spicy pics and gifs of your favourite idols, like you usually do. Suddenly, you receive similar kind of pictures from an unknown number. Pictures of Kazuha. Asking your online friend about it, he actually is experiencing the same, but with pictures of An Yujin. What is this about? And what is the last picture you receive? A condom? What is going on?
You immediately harden at th sight of your coworker in her stage outfit. Karina looks like a holy being as the makeup artist finishes her job. She looks up at you through the mirror nervously. You are not supposed to be here. You are perfoming soon as well, your own group is getting ready in the next room. But sometimes, like today, Karina gets stressed and worried before her perfomance. The two of you sneak off, finding a closet that seems perfect for your purpose. You freeze in the door as you see Irene between Taeyeons's legs.
You knew this might happen. You read the script of your new role in the upcoming kdrama. And yet, you are surprised, when your co-star pulls you aside after filming that day. Seo Yeaji's face can switch in a heartbeat. From a cold and emotionless mask, to an adorable, cute smile. While she asks you, if the two of you could practice that one scene, her face shows a new expression. Lust. It's quite a spicy scene after all.
Hong Chayoung is a very skilled and succesful lawyer at the law firm Wusang. Being the Babel Group's legal representative, she does everything to win against the opposition. You used to be a member of Park Seokdo's Ant company. After having a rough time, you decided to start an honest life. But Chayoung is afraid you are going to spill Babel's secret in the upcoming trial (No spoilers for "Vincenzo", hoping for a season two!!!)
#kpop#kpop smut#kpop girls#kpop gg#male reader#dreamcatcher#jiu#lee jieun#red velvet#irene#seulgi#bae joohyun#joy#yeri#gahyeon#kdrama#seo yea ji#gidle miyeon#gidle#miyeon#itzy#shin ryujin#shin yuna#le sserafim#chaewon#twice#tzuyu#chou tzuyu#twice tzuyu#taeyeon
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Just one chance Ko Mun Yeong. Please, I beg 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
#ko mun yeong#its okay to not be okay#사이코지만괜잖아#psycho but it's okay#kdrama#I just want one chance#that‘s all I‘m asking for miss#please 😩😩😩#it would be so serious#seo yea ji#서예지
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It's Okay to Not Be Okay 사이코지만 괜찮아 (2020) Dir. Park Shin Woo, Jung Dong Yoon – Ep. 1
#it's okay to not be okay#seo yea ji#seo yeji#kim soo hyun#kdrama#kdramaedit#kdramanetwork#kdramadaily#userdramas#asiandramanet#asiandramasource#my gifs#*#tvedit#dailyflicks#cherry blossom
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When Moon Gang Tae like caresses Ko Mun Yeong’s head and calls her a “Good girl”?!
I’m absolutely feral, babes.
#i’m ovulating#this is what I mean when I say kdramas are giving me a praise kink#currently watching#kdramas#korean dramas#kdramaedit#kdramadaily#kdrama#netflix kdrama#it’s okay not to be okay#psycho but it's okay#moon gang tae#ko mun yeong#kim soo hyun#seo yea ji#kdrama rewatch
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