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kin-olgum · 5 years ago
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Ma boîte à outils pour une vie sans addiction! (Part 1...!) • #spinoza #philo #philisophie #fredericlenoir #lucferry #accordstolteques #mythologie #emc2 #christophegalfard #astrophysique #viebonne #addiction #sensortir #samourai #dalailama #nouvellerealite #comprendrelemonde #laviesecretedesarbres #wohlleben #bonheur #maasai #enkai #nativeamericans #indiens #sittingbull #lakota #ayurveda #sante #corpsetame https://www.instagram.com/p/B_EVcQrq_yC/?igshid=1sf2fomck28xy
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amour-lois-nature · 5 years ago
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À tous les dépendants de la liberté qui souhaitent faire ce qu’ils veulent, comme ils veulent, quand ils veulent.. NOTER QUE : La liberté est une pure vue de l’esprit. La liberté est dans la tête. La liberté est à la portée de chacun et ne dépend ni de ce que l’on fait, ni de ce que l’on a, ni de rien ni de personne. La liberté est dans l’être. L’autonomie par contre est dans le corps physique. L’autonomie dépend de TOUT! Elle dépend de l’argent, des relations conjugales et sociales, des liens familiaux, de l’autorité administrative, des moyens de communication, des transports .... même de l’air qu’on respire. Distinguer liberté et autonomie permet de ne pas confondre le monde matériel et le monde immatériel et ainsi de poser notre demande à la bonne adresse pour obtenir ce que l’on veut! #liberté #autonomie #dependance #dependanceaffective #interdependance #monde #penseedusoir #independancefinanciere #independance #libre #debrouillard #planb #sensortir #reussir #réussir #ensolo #seule #seul #amourdesoi #memepaspeur #courage #solitude #mentalyoga #ecoledubonheur (à Stockel) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0J6AIaCS1o/?igshid=1f1c7j7flel43
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tanagerwriting · 4 years ago
If you’re writing a resume for your initial job, likelihood is you’re additionally writing a letter for your initial job. Then you should hire a professional resume writers. Knowing a way to write a resume letter is even additional vital to you than seasoned job candidates, as a result of it provides you the chance to use for reasons apart from work expertise.
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solangedjenabakasee · 6 years ago
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« Cul de sac » ou La rage de s’en sortir ! Le premier : 1,20m / 2,80m !!!! #solangedjenab #streetartdecanap #ledessindelasemaine #artbrut #couleurs #art #dessin #lyon #grandformat #culdesac #rage #sensortir #streetart https://www.instagram.com/p/BnilsR5HMTG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=isb2u2w6b7ak
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claraware · 4 years ago
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david2sander · 4 years ago
Rudraksha is a divine seed which finds its mention in the Puranas and ancient Holy Scriptures. The Rudraksha plant scirntifically called as the ElaeocarpusGanitrus tree.
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lets-georgeleo · 4 years ago
Custom design tincture boxes play a vital role in the box manufacturing business. There is such a wide variety in terms of the type of materials and products in these boxes. You must make sure that you buy good quality packages to help you in the long run and custom tincture boxes are that are designed to suit your requirements.
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sociogreek · 4 years ago
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mobiom · 4 years ago
Mobiom is a comprehensively customizable food safety compliance software making it easy to demonstrate compliance with food safety requirements and to help your business grow. Contact us for a free demo today and take control of all your business compliance needs.
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kevinrob-blog · 4 years ago
Latest Services : Medical dictation servicesare a process in which a healthcare specialist speaks, and another person writes down the statements that he listens to. The words or dictation gets transcribed into a document using the latest services and software.Medical transcription is the manner in which medical dictation (digital voice) is interpreted into written format (usually in a word document). The audio files typically include the voices of medical personnel, often doctors or their aides, who dictate to the doctor.
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srchealthaustralia · 4 years ago
Maternity support belts are meant to hold the uterus and pelvic floor organs in shape. Pregnancy shapewear compression garments are specifically designed to address sacroiliac joint pain, pelvic girdle pain, vulvar varicose veins, and varicosities. Maternity leggings specifically help address these issues with better support than others. Pregnancy leggings can also support your exercises at the gym. These leggings are also known as maternity compression tights, pregnancy support shorts, or pregnancy compression shorts.
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haroldhary · 4 years ago
if you want to select design and boxes for donuts to enter in market or you want to gain more sales then check our points that helps you to take best decision in selection of custom donut boxes selection and get organization that are high in quality but cheap in rates
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ava1lucas2 · 4 years ago
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ajnaturo-reflexo · 5 years ago
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Petit #partage pour #bien #commencer la #journée :-) #biencommencerlajournee #biencommencer #demarrerlajournee #citationdevie #citation #positivisme #encouragement #courage #citationcourage #citationamitiés #citationsanté #migueldecervantes #mer #paysage #loireatlantique #paysderetz #santé #santeaunaturel #santémorale #santementale #psychologiepositive #volonté #sensortir #objectif #ideal #motivation https://www.instagram.com/p/B1vLXIKIUpm/?igshid=xoxlkizyl4a2
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moi-la-rageuse · 8 years ago
Hier soir, j’avais envie de partir courir, de bouger, de sentir du mouvement là où tout semble figé. Tellement de colère, tellement de frustration. Les deux pieds dans du ciment qui durcit. L’impression d’être dans un No Man’s Land, en dehors des chemins. Période sans visage et sans nom, où tout se défait. Et la vase remonte. 
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mobiom · 4 years ago
We know it’s not easy to morph into an enterprise-wide and completely digitized audit software system overnight, but go through the features of our very own cloud-based audit management system and you’ll soon see how can help you achieve compliance. Proactive is always better than being reactive, and a good audit or compliance management system will help you identify and manage risks and non-compliances before they become issues that could cost you a fortune.
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