cosmicangel888 · 1 year
New Consciousness ~ Flying with IT ALL ~5D
Wow, wow, wow,
I woke up this morning with the most amazing shift of consciousness and simply had to share it,
Gone are the days of choosing resolve on what you simply are not to resolve but to lay with relaxed repose and allow the Heavens, your guides to offer in the blessing of the day,
Begin each day with a blessing of you, for the all, and the all for you - the return, and creation of energy harmonizing as it buzzes by you;
This is what vision popped into my awareness upon awakening, I simply lay there in restful prayer, blessings for the day, I had a vision of walking in a nature field and as my body, mind, fields were taking in the essences a huge yellow insect with long wings flew by me, and as it buzzed I felt my consciousness flutter in with it; the only word I could imagine it being similar is being on a river, and simply being carried with it;
My consciousness was immediately in with the insect; the happy merrily buzzing; not a care in the world, it was so fun.
It was unexpected and it was so divinely trippy and exalting, ©
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I am simply so happy to share this - will share on my next video and I know spirit was showing me the shifts with Schumann lately and our ascension upgrade, and symptoms; these will affect our gifts;
My teams said to me last night as I channel journaled, 'your gifts will be amplified and more refined simultaneously' and it was in a moment unexpectedly, parts of my faery, and elemental essences returned -
From years and years of heartbreak, and trauma, abuse of energy, the simply pleasures that an empath, conduit, crystal being seeks and is what grounds and anchors us to Creation, God, it was turned off due to the harm, damage of dark patterns;
The greatest loving intelligence is Gaia, our nature, and why it is so very key at this phase of our ascension, to work with Gaia in benevolence in wonder, and in pondering, and curiosity and how we are able to heal and expand within such reverence.
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When you are so sensitive, your multi-dimensional mechanisms do what is necessary to 'get through' passageways, so too is our space travel, not all sectors of space hold the same vibration; some sectors of space are very dense, due to the evolutionary heart of that space; so too is our planet, the core and its people hold consciousness and will determine the density of its space to maintain homeostasis - and as the amplifications are enhanced inner / outer, so too will the attunement of all life therein;
So cool
Relax into the expansion dear ones,
Blessings and light
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Email me at [email protected]
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#cosmicOneness #cosmicbeings #celestialOneness
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#footballz happy birthday to Bryan Bulaga! You are v good at keeping dudes from squishing the quarterback! Your name is also just too close to Bryan Beluga that I can't believe that no one has nicknamed you "Baby" In your whole life! How has that not happened? Though I suppose you were probably big as a child and maybe somebody called you that and you cried which, dude, I know how you feel (I was a "sensitive" child)! And maybe you've made it your mission in life never to be called that again! But how you might've convinced all the football media dudes that they shouldn't call you that is a real mystery! Maybe they just aren't as clever as I am? WHO KNOWS! Anyway, I hope it is the latter and that your cake is a Fudgey the Whale, Bryan Bulaga, because it's your birthday! #footballzeroftheday #footballzbirthdays #bryanbulaga #greenbaypackers #rings #babybeluga #childhoodhorrors #sensitivechildren #amithatclever #fudgeythewhale
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