#senecio vulgaris
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negmo-photograph · 11 months ago
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Fluff that doesn't seem to be able to fly.
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60mm F2.8 Macro
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margocooper · 1 month ago
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Якобея обыкновенная (лат. Jacobaea vulgaris) — растение в большей степени известно под названием — Senecio jacobaea L. (Крестовник Якова, Крестовник луговой). Ядовитое растение, представляющее опасность для домашних животных. Август 23.
Jacobaea vulgaris - the plant is mostly known under the name - Senecio jacobaea L. (Jacob's ragwort, meadow ragwort). A poisonous plant that poses a danger to domestic animals. August 23.
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konjaku · 3 months ago
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紅花襤褸菊[Benibanaborogiku] Crassocephalum crepidioide
紅花[Benibana] : Deep red flower; Safflower(Carthamus tinctorius)
襤褸菊[Borogiku] : 野襤褸菊[Noborogiku](Senecio vulgaris) etc., another name for 沢菊[Sawagiku](Nemosenecio nikoensis
It is one of the pioneer species, which grow early in environments where no plants.
A few days ago, going up the slope of a certain mountain to the ridge, near its top, there is an area where planted conifers have been cut down and has good views and sunlight. When I went there to look for flowers, found Benibanaborogiku blooming here and there.
Its flowering period is considered to be from summer to autumn, but these are still in bloom at this time of year. I do not know if this is due to the environment of this location or because of the prolonged warm autumn. The one in the photo, growing a step higher than the others, turned its flowers downward, swaying in the occasional cold breeze.
The back of the neck is called 項[Unaji] and is usually written in hiragana as うなじ. To feel down and droop one's head is called 項垂れる[Unadareru] and is also usually written in hiragana as うなだれる. And to nod is called 頷く[Unazuku], which is based on the word 項突く[Unazuku](lit. thrust the neck forward). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txQXyM3dLNg
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francescointoppa · 1 year ago
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S – Senecio vulgaris L. – Senecione comune (Asteraceae)
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ooksaidthelibrarian · 2 years ago
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Sea thrift (Armeria maritima), groundsel (Senecio vulgaris), birds foot trefoil(Lotus corniculatus, aka eggs and bacon which is a delightful name) and Geranium robertianum which has a whole number of common names: red robin, death come quickly, fox geranium, stinking Bob, squinter-pip
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navyasri1 · 3 days ago
Oryzalin Market- Forecast, 2024 - 2030
The Oryzalin Market Size is forecast to reach $ 1570 Million by 2030, at a CAGR of 6.98% during forecast period 2024-2030. Oryzalin is a herbicide that functions by preventing plant cell division such as Senecio vulgaris and portulaca oleracea. Oryzalin includes benzenesulfonamide and methyl cellosolve that helps to control annual grasses, broadleaf weeds, woody shrubs, and vines in grapes, berries, and orchard crops, including both fruits and nuts. The agricultural industry's increasing need for oryzalin to remove nuisance plants, such as grasses and weeds, thereby driving the expansion of the global oryzalin industry. 
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lord-allo · 7 months ago
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Jakobs-Kreuzkraut, Jakobs-Greiskraut | Tansy ragwort, benweed, St. James-wort
Jacobaea vulgaris (Syn.: Senecio jacobaea)
[Schottland, April / Mai 2024]
[Scotland, April / May 2024]
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rightaidhomeopathy · 2 years ago
The active constituents in SBL Clearstone Drop are Berberis vulgaris Q, Sarsaparilla Q, Ocimum canum Q, Solidago virgaurea Q, Pareira brava Q, and Senecio aureus Q. It is advised for unilateral or bilateral kidney and ureter stone problems.
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Additionally, this drug aids in kidney stone removal. It works wonders for treating renal colic. It clears the obstruction in the urinary system caused by calcium oxalate and phosphates.
Solidago virgaurea, Pareira brava, Senecio aureus, Sarsaparilla, Ocimum canum, Berberis vulgaris Q, and Sarsaparilla Q make up the mixture.
Unless otherwise directed by a doctor, mix 15 drops of Clearstone SBL in half a cup of regular water twice a day. Before using it, the patient should consult their doctor. It is always preferable to let the doctor know if a patient has ever had an allergic reaction to a medicine. The doctor will advise you on the dosage and a backup drug after reviewing your entire medical history.
There are no documented negative effects associated with the drug SBL Clearstone drop. Contact your doctor right away if you encounter any negative effects.
Before ingesting SBL Clearstone drop, pregnant or nursing women should speak to a doctor. Keep a 30-minute window open between meals, drink, and other medications and homeopathic remedies. While taking medication, stay away from anything that has a strong mouth scent, such as camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, and hing.
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machelofernando · 2 years ago
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Senecio vulgaris Especie de la familia Asteraceae. Planta de distribución cosmopolita, nativa del Paleártico. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6ZMXBsNGv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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may-k-world · 4 years ago
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Tiny wildflowers! 道端で見かけた小さな小さな花たち 💠
ノボロギク(野襤褸菊)Senecio vulgaris / Common groundsel カラスノエンドウ(烏野豌豆)Common vetch オオイヌノフグリ(大犬の陰嚢)Veronica persica / Persian speedwell オオキバナカタバミ(大黄花片喰)Oxalis pes-caprae / Buttercup oxalis / Bermuda buttercup アメリカフウロ(亜米利加風露)Geranium carolinianum オオバタネツケバナ(大葉種漬花)Cardamine douglassii
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konjaku · 22 days ago
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野襤褸菊[Noborogiku] Senecio vulgaris
襤褸[Boro] is derived from the word ぼろぼろ[Boroboro], which describes something that becomes old and brittle and falls apart. They are still used today. For example, ぼろ, ぼろぼろ, おんぼろ[Onboro], ぼろくそ[Borokuso], etc. mean inferior quality. Often written in katakana.
Every winter since long ago, a flea market called ボロ市[Boro-ichi] is held for several days in Setagaya, Tokyo. It was so named because there was a time when old clothes and farm tools were sold in its history. These days, it is crowded with miscellaneous items for sale. https://www.timeout.com/tokyo/shopping/setagaya-boroichi-market
The etymology seems to differ, though, there is an adjective ぼろい, which is used in the sense of extreme degree. For example, ぼろい話[Boroi-hanashi](Sweet deal), ぼろ儲け[-mouke](Easy money), ぼろ負け[-make](Lose badly), and so on.
In addition, there is a word with the same pronunciation but different meaning. It is written in kanji as 梵論|暮露[Boro], and means monks with a slightly special history. In later times, during the Edo period(1603-1868), they were called 虚無僧[Komusō], so this one is better known. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komusō
Noborogiku in the photo is in bloom in this state, as is 紅花襤褸菊[Benibanaborogiku](Crassocephalum crepidioide). The two belong to the same family, Asteraceae, but are in different genera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNXaJkGu1qI
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francescointoppa · 1 year ago
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S – Senecio vulgaris L. – Senecione comune (Asteraceae), nel parcheggio
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deathtek · 5 years ago
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maoyeamh · 6 years ago
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wildfloweroftheday · 6 years ago
3 January 2019
Groundsel - Senecio vulgaris
This plant has branched stems and small yellow flower heads, which are usually without ray florets (i.e. florets with petals, that you would normally see encircling daisy-type flower heads). Some of the flower heads hang down. The seed heads are downy, each one looking like a head of white hair, and once the seeds are released they leave behind a bald dotted ‘pate’.
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Above: Groundsel in front of the castle.
Below: A smaller example of the plant. (The key is for size reference: I had no coins in my pocket).
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Below: Botanical illustration, English school.
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drhoz · 3 months ago
#2638 - Nyctemera annulata - New Zealand Magpie Moth 
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AKA Leptosoma annulatum, Nyctemera annulatum, Nyctemera doubledayi, Nyctemera tripunctaria and Mokarakara.
A day-flying Erebid moth endemic to all parts of Aotearoa, and feeds on Senecio as a caterpillar. The introduced ragwort Senecio vulgaris has been quite a boon to the species.
The caterpillars are black and yellow, and bitter to the taste. That doesn't stop the shining bronze cuckoo (Chalcites lucidus) from gorging itself on the larvae when they're available, regurgitating the empty skins later.
Quite similar to the related N. amica, which is found in Australia and Aotearoa, and with which it may interbreed.
Fairlie, Aotearoa New Zealand
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