#sending some teen noct
nordictwin · 1 year
talk to me about your iwatex headcanons and your big brain au i am b e g g i n g
My friend, I would love to.
General headcanons:
I know it's a commonly used pattern on clothing in the game, but I headcanon that teen!Sol adds that little diamond-shaped pattern to their clothes, because they want to match with Flulu as they grow. Because this is a "Flulu and Sol love each other very much" corner of the fandom.
If Noctilucent was less genocidal, they'd be the reluctant supervisor of all the kids, whenever they venture outside the colony. They'd be Tang's favorite Gardener, and they'd help her realize that Instance probably isn't the best role model.
This may as well be canon, but Utopia is up there with Kom in being loved by the kids - no matter the time-line or universe. They think she's the coolest. (Nem had a little crush on her, once upon a time).
The Overseer, while duty-bound to follow their instructions, is actually bored with the status quo of things. If the humans can learn to co-exist on Vertumna and repeat their past mistakes, then they're actually delighted to see new, intelligent life on the planet. I feel like a lot of those little "Sol vibes with nature" moments in the game? That's the Overseer joining them, feeling their connection to the Wormhole.
Sol and Dys are the Overseer's favorite children, no matter their choices. They don't know, but they've got a god-like grandparent following their every step on the planet.
This is related to another AU I have, and not so much a headcanon as it is canon to that AU, which I've called the Solution AU, where Sol and the Overseer do some ✨✨ space magic ✨✨ and send Sol's soul back to before the Convergent Domain and make Sol a part of Vertumna itself in preparation for the Statros and Helios to arrive, but: in that universe, where there's no Sol among the Stratos, Flulu and Geranium adopt Tang and Dys, and because Flulu isn't afraid of calling Instance out on her unhealthier mindset and the like, they end up as happier children and more open-minded.
Okay, Everyone Knows AU lore time:
Because Tang is already aware that Instance, though having good intentions, is in fact not a Good Person. This means she's also a lot more critical of Instance's methods. This results in Instance gaining herself a tiny rival - annoying at best, when Tang is still pint-sized, but much more of a threat to her position when she's grown and learned more from the Gardeners. There's mutual respect between them, and Instance is proud as a teacher, but a part of her also despises having a child, of all people, question and counter her every move.
Let's talk Governor Eudicot. Eudicot knows there's something up with the kids. She doesn't know what, but she knows there's something with them. All the adults do, but most chalk it up to trauma from the crash or an extreme reaction to suddenly being planet-side. She's particularly baffled by the almost complete 180 from Marz, but... she can't say she isn't pleased with it. I dare say Marz ends up as an unexpected favorite amongst the children, right alongside helpful and cheerful Sol.
As stated numerous times before, Sol is living their best life. Just always so happy and relaxed, it'd driven Vace up the wall, if he hadn't also changed. It's to the point where the Helios think their augment is just "always being happy". Nope, they have Calm Temperament (because that's my favorite augment for them). They just suddenly have nothing to stress about, and their friends are just getting along so much better now? Wow!
Truth is, of course Sol can tell something is up, much like Eudicot. They're a little oblivious, but not stupid. Noct has never been around like this before, Sym is always on the verge of collapsing from laughter, and Vace hasn't broken Rex's arm. They know that for this many things to change, something seriously big must've happened while they were out cold. But at this point... who can blame them for not wanting to question anything? This time around, Sol can get to be a child and grow at their own pace. Nap in the sun, goof off in class, roll in the dirt and all the things they haven't got to do in a long, long time.
As stated before, but even more so for this AU, the Overseer loves Sol to pieces. Truly grandpa's favorite little star child.
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thisfairytalegonebad · 11 months
Vehicular Accident - Whumptober day 22
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Ignis Scientia (mostly), Prompto Argentum (to a lesser degree) Rating: Teen and up Warnings: Car accidents, obviously. Also some description of a broken bone, but it's brief and not too detailed.
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Prompto is trying very hard to stay awake. They’ve been up for almost two days at this point and it’s getting increasingly hard to keep his eyes open. In the backseat, Noct’s been asleep for almost as long as they’ve been driving, and Gladio nodded off too a while ago.
It’s very, very tempting to lean his head against the window and do the same, he doesn’t remember the last time he’s been so tired.
He can’t just go to sleep, though, not if it leaves Iggy awake all alone while he’s driving. That’s like, rule number one, right? Someone’s gotta stay awake to make sure the driver doesn’t fall asleep.
That said, Prompto is starting to think driving to a hotel isn’t worth it. Yeah, it’s raining, and they’d probably freeze their asses off in the tent tonight, but it’s not really fair to make Ignis drive all the way to the hotel just because they want to sleep in soft, warm beds.
“Hey, Iggy?” he starts carefully. “Y’know, I think it’d be fine if you just stopped by the next haven, get at least a few hours of rest. Then we can hole up at a hotel for like two days. Ooor we can even just stop in a parking area and sleep in the car?”
“I will not be sleeping in a car,” Ignis replies indignantly. His hand reaches for the can of Ebony again - it’s barely been five minutes since he’s asked Prompto to open it for him, but it's already starting to sound empty.
“Okay, but-”
“Prompto, I’m fine,” Ignis interrupts him, though not unkindly. “I appreciate your concern, but I’d rather prefer sleeping in a real bed tonight. But you needn’t stay awake for my sake, you can go to sleep if you wish.”
Prompto shakes his head and reaches for the radio to turn it up a little more, even if it might disturb the other two in the backseat. “Nah, I’ll stay up with you.”
Ignis smiles, drains the rest of his Ebony, then asks for another one.
Prompto hands it to him, leans his head back against the seat and watches the streetlights speed by as Ignis drives steadily through the night, eyes firmly trained on the road, hands perfectly placed on the steering wheel.
He’s not sure when he drifted off, but he’s rudely awakened by a deafening crash and a jolt that sends his entire body flying forward, ribs bruising against the seatbelt. His ears are ringing from the exploding noise of the airbag, and he’s vaguely aware of shouting in the backseat.
“Holy shit, did we just crash?!” is the first thing that comes out of his mouth.
The windshield is broken in a spiderweb pattern and there’s steam coming from the engine, and shit, isn’t there a non-zero chance of a car blowing up after a crash?
They’re also sideways on the road, so Prompto locates the button for the hazard lights and pushes it before he starts fumbling with his seatbelt.
His right shoulder twinges as he twists to do so, but he doesn’t pay much attention to it, too fueled by adrenaline.
In the backseat, Gladio’s checking on Noct who responds a few seconds later. Gladio’s voice sounds weird, nasal as if he has a cold, but from the bits Prompto catches, they’re both relatively uninjured.
Prompto himself feels mostly fine too, so that leaves…
There’s no response, and when Prompto looks over to the driver seat, his heart sinks.
Ignis is slumped over the steering wheel, arms hanging limply at his side. Prompto calls his name again, voice rising with panic, and that gets Ignis to stir, thank the gods.
Finally, Prompto gets the seatbelt to release and immediately tears open the door. He stumbles outside and around the car, fumbling with the handle before he manages to open the driver’s door.
“Ignis, hey, you okay?”
“P-prompto?” Ignis’ eyes are wide and he blinks at Prompto like he’s not comprehending what he’s seeing.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me, I think we crashed, uh, are you hurt anywhere?”
“Hurt?” Ignis repeats. He seems confused, and Prompto fervently hopes he doesn’t have a head injury, and gods, Prompto is not equipped to deal with this, at all, he’s barely paid attention in his mandatory first aid class!
So he does the first sensible thing that comes to his mind and cries, “Gladio! You gotta come check on Iggy!”
Ignis starts moving like he wants to get out of the car so Prompto quickly puts his hands on his shoulders to keep him in place. He’s torn between wanting to get him out of the car in case it blows up and keeping him put in case he’s hurt his spine or something, and he can’t remember the correct thing to do.
He nearly cries with relief when Gladio appears and takes his place, curtly asking Ignis a few questions then pulling him out of the car and depositing him gently on the ground.
Gladio’s nose is kinda crooked and bleeding. It looks broken, and that explains why his voice sounds so weird, but he seems to be otherwise uninjured.
In the meantime, Noct has stumbled out of the car as well and comes to stand next to Prompto, paling when he sees Ignis on the ground.
“There… there was an anak, I think, I tried to avoid it but it ran into the car, I couldn’t- couldn’t brake in time, it came out of nowhere,” Ignis rambles, and Gladio gently pushes him back to the ground when he tries to sit up.
“Shh, we’ll talk about that later, okay? Right now, you gotta tell us if you’re hurt.”
Ignis stares at him with wide eyes and it takes him a few seconds to comprehend the question. “I don’t- I don’t know, I can’t tell-”
“Okay, that’s fine, let me check your pupils first, and then we’ll see about the rest,” Gladio quickly reassures him. He gets a flashlight from the Armiger and shines it into Ignis’ eyes, but ultimately declares that he probably doesn’t have a head injury.
Then, he starts prodding at Ignis in various spots. Ignis hisses when he pokes at his ribs, likely bruised or broken from the steering wheel.
Gladio continues the examination and then pauses. “Oh, Iggy, your wrist is broken.”
He gently picks up Ignis’ right arm, but he doesn’t need to prod at it to see what’s wrong with it. It’s bent at an impossible angle and it’s already starting to swell.
Prompto, who hasn’t managed to contribute anything useful so far, frowns when he remembers the way Ignis kept both his hands firmly on the steering wheel at all times. If one of his wrists is injured from the impact, then chances are…
Unsteadily, he drops to his knees on Ignis’ left side and runs his hand over Ignis’ wrist, putting a little pressure on it just to see if there’s a reaction, and sure enough, Ignis yelps and tries to pull his arm away.
“Both wrists, I think,” Prompto says shakily.
The left one doesn’t look as bad as the other one, from the outside, you can’t tell it’s broken. But the other one is almost definitely going to have to be set, and Prompto’s stomach turns in sympathy at the idea.
Ignis is starting to shake now, trembling so hard his teeth are chattering, and while Prompto doesn’t remember a whole lot of his first aid classes, he does remember that in situations like these, shock can set in.
“Need to get him off the road,” Gladio says grimly. “Prompto, help me get him up.”
Prompto moves to help prop Ignis up, but the moment he tries to push him upright with his right arm, pain explodes in his shoulder and he cries out, white spots littering his vision.
“Prompto?” Noct’s alarmed voice appears next to him, and when the pain dies down to a more tolerable level, he becomes aware of gentle hands steadying him.
“Fine, fine, just, I think something’s wrong with my shoulder,” Prompto gasps. He tries to move his arm a little and the pain flares up again, though not as bad as before.
“Check his collarbone,” Gladio commands from where he’s still holding Ignis.
Noct gently runs his hand across Prompto’s collarbone until his fingers come across a small bump, and when he relays that information to Gladio, he nods like he’s already expected as much.
“Broken clavicle, happens a lot in car accidents. It’s from the seatbelt. Think you can hold on a little longer, kid? I’ll check you over once we’ve dealt with Iggy.”
“Sure,” Prompto says quickly. It doesn’t even hurt as long as he doesn’t move his arm, and Iggy’s starting to get really, really pale so he’ll wait as long as he has to.
With Prompto out of commission, Noct takes his place instead, helping prop Ignis up and then summoning a blanket from the Armiger which he drapes across Ignis’ shoulders.
Ignis lets himself be manhandled without complaint, doesn’t make a sound as Gladio puts his wrists into makeshift splints although Prompto can see from the way he’s gritting his teeth that he’s in a lot of pain.
“So what do we do now?” Prompto asks hesitantly. “Call Cindy?”
It’s still raining so making camp is out of the question with how soaked they all are, Ignis needs medical attention - in fact, all of them should probably get checked over by a professional sooner rather than later - and the rain isn’t doing Ignis any favours either with how much he’s already shaking.
Gladio sighs. “Think we have to, yeah. We’re close enough to Hammerhead and I don’t see any alternative.”
They can’t just stay put, though, so they drag themselves a short distance to a small shelter by the roadside to wait for Cindy.
By the time she shows up, they’re all freezing, Prompto’s shoulder is twinging a fair bit even without moving it, and Ignis is barely lucid. Gladio has him tucked against his side to try and keep him warm, and they all keep talking to him to keep him awake, but it’s clear that he needs to be somewhere that isn’t the side of the road in the rain.
Cindy takes one look at them and ushers them into her truck, telling them in no uncertain terms that the car is going to have to wait until the next morning, and there’s enough sense in that that no one tries to argue with her.
In Hammerhead, Cindy lets them have the caravan free of charge, leaving them to get settled while she goes to fetch the doctor from the Prairie Outpost.
They put Ignis into the bed and pile blankets on top of him to stop his shaking, and Gladio, true to his word, comes over to check Prompto’s injury, but there’s not much he can do except help him put his arm into a makeshift sling and tell him not to move it.
Prompto curls up with Noct on the other bed as much as he’s able to with his injury, and despite his best efforts, he falls asleep before the doctor arrives.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
Noctis isn't used to failure. He'd been taught to succeed and that had was exactly what he'd always done. Up until now.
It didn't matter to him that their Intel had been wrong, or that Lazard had apologised to him for sending him on a mission that required a First. It was still the first time since joining SOLDIER that he'd failed.
He doesn't want to report to Heidegger. He doesn't want to disappoint him. It's a relief when he finds the man's office empty, but the bottle of alcohol - the bottle that was usually stashed away in a drawer - was on display on his desk.
Against his better judgement, and in an attempt to drown away his sorrows, he proceeds to drink himself into a stupor.
//have a teen noct getting shitfaced.
he had retrieved the bottle from his desk thinking that tonight would be another night sat drunk beside a stack of paperwork. another blur of one day to the next - though he had noctis in his life...there wasn't much else. his daughters didn't want to know him, his ex-wife had taken from him - everything.
the pain in his chest only grew harsher each and every day. the doctor's orders - 'don't drink' - but what the fuck do they mean when a man can't stand the life he surrounds himself with? the perpetual reminder that he'd never fight again. the shame that had come with his loss against godo. ( why hadn't the man killed him? let the general die a good and honourable death? not the slow rot he'd have to face whilst stuck behind a desk- )
every pain would pine for him to drink - to numb his senses with a slow swell of poison.
fortunately for his liver, tonight hadn't been the night to drown in a bottle - he'd been called away, a mishap needing his attention on the weapon's development floor. scarlet had called for him & like a dog - he'd jumped.
the bottle had been left but not thought of as he'd quickly helped her lay-out some unruly men. it hadn't taken him long; it hadn't taken time to give them all a quick dressing down ( though not in the way scarlet would have perhaps liked ). his wrath had been quick and furious and entirely again like taking a drink. just another thing to help get him by -
as soon as he'd arrived back at the door of his office, his first thought had dwelled on that first sip of alcohol. the taste ( a taste entirely irrelevant ), the warmth that would pool at the back of his mouth and down his throat. the relief. the weightlessness that came after a few drinks. pressure pulled off of him. the sweet release of uncaring.
he licks his lips.
handle grabbed and door parted from its frame - a slow step to take himself, a glance around the room when he realises that the lights to his office are on. heidegger searches the room with his gaze, the empty bottle of booze - the first thing he notices. he can feel a twitch in his eye, the subtlest clench of his jaw ( that does well to have his teeth grind ). with balled fists, he steps further in.
please odin; do not be an intervention.
( he can picture it now, palmer at the forefront - scarlet to his side. 'we're doing this for you'. lord, it'd make him sicker than the booze ).
instead, he sees a shadow. a nimble figure - someone small. the outline of a SOLDIER's uniform - and then - the turn of their attention to him. the light now on features facing him. noctis. with half-lidded eyes and a strange expression. a wobble in his step.
well, it isn't hard to put two and two together.
heidegger stands for a moment, eyes remaining on the boy - a purse of his lips because gods know he wants to speak but what in the hell does he say ?
should he be enraged? curse the boy for thinking it right to drink? chew him out for stealing - ? heidegger could tell himself that he's angry that the teen thought it right to steal, he could snap because drinking on the job is not the right thing to do ( and he, himself, would never!)
but truth be told - none of that is why he's mad. heidegger feels the familiar creep of anger twitch his nerves because he's pissed that he didn't get to it first.
it isn't that the boy's drunk. it's that noct is and he isn't.
a sobering reality dawns upon the man. guilt - an emotion he isn't all too familiar with but one that has him lowering eyes and gripping his bottom lip between his teeth. he takes a step closer to noct. eyes the SOLDIER not because he knows why the other has chosen to get drunk but instead because he knows how it feels. a moment passes, hardy stare still on noctis - a look that needs no words to explain it.
he keeps in mind when he moves that the other is so drunk - he probably wont remember any of this. and with that, he curves an arm around the boy's shoulder. pulls him into a hug.
"idiot-" he curses, his breath a whisper. his embrace, tight. fatherly. "when you've sobered up-" and with that he parts, hands curled around noctis' arms "we have a lot to talk about."
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sleepingheir · 5 years
Regis is just going to hug Noctis as tight as possible, nothing to worry about. Just dark thoughts cornering him in his mind.
Tumblr media
the hug completely caught noctis off guard, the teenager stiffened in the embrace and fought the urge to either step out or lean in. he’s... fallen out of the whole physical affection aspect as he grew up over the years, the less time he spent with his father-- he sort of began isolating himself. Except for the few friends he had, and even they were kept at a distance. noctis thought back to a blond he briefly met back in middle school, and wondered if he’d be more fun than specs or gladio (they’re good people, he gets along with them, but it felt like something was missing).
“dad...” he found himself relaxing slowly, and returned the embrace, “i’ll be fine.”
it’ll be fine. he’ll be fine. everything was fine.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Okie dokie, the Cor and Prompto sibling thing. Please can we have more? Does Regis discover the magic and come to the half sibling conclusion?
Okay so, as previously established in a recently answered ask, Prompto’s magic gets discovered because Cor runs off to Throw Hands with Gilgamesh. :D Specifically, they wake up to find Cor missing, and while the rest of the Retinue would have taken longer to figure it out and like- would have searched the nearby area for him first, Prompto knows. He grew up knowing the story of Cor the Immortal, he met the man, he was friends with the man and heard the story of how it happened. He heard the story of how to get there from Gladiolus.
Prompto takes off for the Tempering Ground, and after some confusion and HORROR when he tells them where he’s going, they follow. Because who would know where Cor went better than his brother?
They get there, and of course, the place is guarded. Not by Gilgamesh’s creatures, but by Lucian Crownsguard that Cor managed to sneak past. The rest of the Retinue isn’t near as stealthy in arrival, and while they are sympathetic to their prince’s fear for his wayward friend, they are under orders from the king himself to not let anyone pass. Especially not someone as important as Regis. No one has entered the Tempering Grounds and escaped alive, they cannot risk the Crown Prince or his Shield in such a way. Regis argues for it, he shouts and he commands, but they will not listen, and the Crownsguard outnumber them.
Meanwhile, through it all, Prompto stares at the entrance, sealed off by guards but not by doors, with an eerily blank expression. He knows how this story goes. He knows that Cor will be alright. Cor chops off Gilgamesh’s arm before being defeated, and Gilgamesh spares his life.
But what if.
What if Cor isn’t as good as he was last time because Prompto’s been there to shield him from some of the dangers that would have hardened him and honed him? What if Cor gets hurt during a previous trial and is slowed down? What if something goes WRONG in the final fight and Gilgamesh defeats him before he can land that blow that made the immortal Shield spare him? Fights are hair trigger things and Prompto has SEEN how the future can change. The little details if not the broad strokes, and in a fight it’s the little details, not the big ones, that will ruin everything.
What if Prompto’s existence is just enough of a ripple to change the small detail that saved Cor’s life last time?
What if his brother dies?
Prompto starts walking.
A guard steps forward to stop him, freezes in surprise at the gun aimed for his head. The other guards bristle and draw weapons even as Regis frantically orders everyone to stand down and Cid tries to catch Prompto and pull him back. Prompto keeps walking. When a pair of Crownsguard surround him, he pulls out his other pistol from armiger and aims at both of them in silent warning. When more Crownsguard surround than he has hands for weapons, Prompto pauses, bows his head and lowers the guns to the ground.
He kicks one suddenly, sends it skittering between their legs and all the way to the entrance of the Tempering Grounds. A flicker of light, of MAGIC and suddenly Prompto is at the entrance, staggering from using a warp when he is unpracticed (when he is in pain, clinging to his control even as Noct’s magic-now-his BEGS to be used at last). Regis shouts, in shock and horror both, but Prompto has already snatched up his pistol and run, disappearing into the entrance. The Crownsguard do not follow, and they regretfully prevent the rest of the Retinue from following after.
And Regis is horrified, and scared. He’s afraid BOTH of the teens in his care will die in there, but he’s also confused, because he hadn’t given any of his Retinue the power to warp yet. He wasn’t- that was something that took years of cultivating a bond to grant that through a Retinue bond rather than a simple lending of raw magic. He doesn’t know HOW Prompto warped, or how Prompto knew he COULD, because that kick had been calculated, been planned to get an anchor point where he needed it to be.
Then, somewhere deep in the chasm at their feet, where they cannot see and do not know, Prompto finds the door to the first trial and it tries to deny him entrance. So Prompto pulls out a bazooka from HIS armiger, not Regis’s, and opens fire.
The Retinue hear the muffled explosion and all tense. They look at Regis, who’s expression is pinched as he checks his armiger mentally, and that’s when he realizes with a jolt that Prompto’s Crownsguard issued pistols are still in his armiger. Cor’s favorite sword is missing, pulled free and in use, but even though he SAW Prompto holding pistols, using one to warp, the ones Prompto has always used on this trip still lie untouched in Regis’s armiger. A mental check show that ... except for Cor’s sword, all of Regis’s weapons are still stored in his armiger.
So what is Prompto fighting with?
Another muffled explosion, this one so strong it makes the pebbles on the ground shiver faintly, even though it is too far away and too deep for the Retinue to feel it themselves, then a rapid trio of booms, all in quick succession.
Somewhere deep in the chasm, something screams, eerie and primal and it chills Regis’s blood, all of their blood, as there it suddenly cuts off mid-sound and a few seconds later they hear the echoing crack of the shot that killed it.
“That was a sniper rifle,” Cid says with narrowed eyes and clenched hands, and they believe him, because they’ve fought Niflheim snipers before, and out of all of them Cid and Prompto were the ones to take the most interest in enemy weaponry. Regis feels cold.
He doesn’t have a sniper rifle in armiger. He’s never owned one. And there were none nearby among the Crownsguard (who do not use guns very much at all, let alone specialized ones like a sniper rifle over a handgun) for him to have snatched up on his way. So where did Prompto (and it had to be Prompto, Cor didn’t use guns at all) get one?
(Deep in the Tempering Ground, Prompto steamrolls through any opposition, mowing down the stubborn with weapons, and cowing the rest with the magic slowly steaming off his skin and slipping from his control. The daemons do not stop attacking him, but the knights who lie cursed here with Gilgamesh tremble and kneel on battered armor knees before the blond haired king storming past them with fury turning his eyes eerie dawn gold.)
(When he comes across one of the Bandersnatches, the creature screams at him. Prompto pulls out a sniper rifle from Noct’s-his-Noct’s-his armiger and fires. The creature dies with a sniper round through its eye and brain. Prompto keeps going. His skin is burning now, and magic is leaking and trailing behind him like wisps of blue mist and biting flickers of lightning that slowly start to take the shape of melee weapons Prompto doesn’t bother to use.)
(The last trial door refuses to open for him. They have figured out what he is here for now, and while the knights tremble before a king, they have their orders. None are to interfere in the trial of the one who came before. Not even a Lucis Caelum. Prompto pulls out his cannon, then his bazooka, but neither have enough force on their own to make the door yield, and he does not have the strength to hold two in his hands.
Prompto stares at it, and past it he can feel the darting flicker of Cor’s soul, edged with Regis’s magic and drenched in Prompto’s-Noctis’s after years of exposure. He can feel his brother in pain and angry and scared.
Prompto inhales and braces for pain.
Exhales as his-Noct’s-his armiger sings. It surges out of his skin, cracks him open like a desert in drought and bleeds through the openings left behind. The thirteen royal arms sing around him, then over top of them another layer is added in Noctis’s personal favorite weapons, his swords and knives and shuriken. Then over top of them is Prompto’s arsenal. The machine guns, sniper rifles, handguns, biocannons, and bazookas he’d picked up during the roadtrip and used to great effect to defend his king until destiny came and there was no one left to defend but a memory and howling grief)
Prompto’s armiger takes aim.
The door gives way beneath the magic enhanced onslaught of a stolen, repurposed, upgraded Niflheim armory).
Far, far above, on the top of the chasm where the entrance lies, Regis sways, gasping for air in shock and disbelief as a magic aura filled with protective (agonized) rage blooms. It roars under his feet, shaking the land and the stones like an earthquake, howling over his senses like a dragon of the deep. The Crownsguard buckle to their knees, and some of the rookies pass out beneath the howling, furious weight reaching up to them as the Tempering Grounds rocks and shudders from explosions. Regis’s Retinue waver on their feet, protected somewhat by their bonds with Regis, but even with that- it is close. Too close.
Astrals above the magic is so strong.
As quickly and devastatingly as it bloomed, it suddenly winks out, and for over an hour, there is nothing but stunned, breathless silence. No one dares move, no one dares leave. All eyes watch the entrance now. Waiting to see what (if anything) will come out.
It’s Cor.
It’s Cor who is sweaty and battered and exhausted, bleeding in a dozen small places, clothes all torn, face alight with something like terror and regret and over his shoulders-
Over his shoulders is Prompto.
“Help,” Cor whispers as he staggers up to them and they rush to grab him and take Prompto off his shoulders, “I- he’s burning up- he’s-.”
Prompto is burning up, his fever is dangerously high and he looks completely out of it and Weskham wastes no time in commandeering a medical tent and supplies to try to save Prompto’s life.
It takes days for Prompto’s fever to finish leaving, and during those days he’s either unconscious or half awake and sobbing about things that don’t make sense, calling for people Regis doesn’t know. At one point Prompto clings to Regis’s hand and calls him “Noct” and begs him with tears rolling down his face to “not go” and there is nothing Regis can do but cry with him, because he does not know who “Noct” was, but he knows that Prompto’s friend is already dead and long gone.
But there are other things to worry about as well. Like the magic that leaks and jolts from Prompto’s skin like static, that snaps angrily at Regis’s own when he tries to soothe it for Prompto’s sake, because the magic under Prompto’s skin is far more powerful than Regis’s and also feral. Angry at being restrained and hidden away for years and years. Regis thinks Prompto is a half-brother, but when they ask Cor what he knows-
Cor tells them a story. A story that Prompto has told him in bits and pieces. About four brothers, about a prince turned king, who gave Prompto a final gift that burns and seethes and hurts yet Prompto treasures anyway because it’s all he has left of them.
“But you said you’ve known Prompto since you were a boy,” Clarus protests.
Cor shrugs and looks haggard by his brother’s bedside, “I have. I don’t know how it happened. He won’t tell me how the story ends. But Prompto’s been an adult before, and something made him a little kid again. In body anyway.”
They almost don’t believe him, but there’s something about the magic coiling and dripping off Prompto’s soul that gives Regis pause.
When Prompto finally recovers, when his fever finally gives way and he is himself again, they ask their questions again. And Prompto shivers in Cor’s arms as Regis holds his hand in solidarity and he ... finishes the story Cor has told them. Fills it in with aching detail.
And so they learn.
His name was once Prompto Argentum, not Prompto Leonis. And he was the Heart of another Lucis Caelum’s Retinue. He was a boy with a barcode on his skin that he hid, a boy grown not from a mother but a science tank, and he have loved his brother-Retinue more than anything in the world. He was a Heart of a prince who lost a kingdom, a king who was one hundred and fourteenth ... and last ... of his line.
Then his king died, and Prompto cried, and somewhere between the new dawn and the despair of that first night, Prompto woke up somewhere else (somewhen else) entirely, with his king’s magic living and singing painfully strong under his skin.
They don’t want to believe him.
But he shows them the things in his armiger, the royal arms and the weapons Cid has never seen yet have his personal touch. He looks into their eyes and they see the age there for what it is. And they believe him.
Regis believes him.
His second sword, one of a pair, brother of Cor Leonis, was once Prompto Argentum, a child who knew them only in passing.
The Heart of the son Regis does not yet have. The son who dies for a Prophecy.
“I can’t do nothing,” Regis bites out later, when they are at a Haven far from the Tempering Grounds, alone among only his trusted, “My son is going to die! It’s not- I can’t just let it happen! How could the other- the future- how could I have let it happen?”
Prompto watches this Regis who is young and reckless, who is helping him learn to control the magic under his skin so it no longer burns him alive when he tries to use it or contain it, who has not yet suffered the tragedies and weight of the Wall that made the older Regis poor of health and accepting of fate. Prompto watches him pace and agonize over a future looming ahead, unable to be calmed by any of his fellow shell-shocked brothers, and ... an idea comes.
Prompto has the magic of a chosen king under his skin, and time to plan, to defy the future.
“I think,” Prompto whispers, “we need to take a detour before we go to Altissia.”
Everyone stares at him and Prompto looks down at his hands, thinking of everything he knows of Noctis, of the magic coiling and grumbling inside him that does not belong to him by blood. He thinks of someone else who defied fate and cheated death, and he smiles bitterly, “If you wanna try to save Noctis. Then we need to go to Angelgard.”
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bgn846 · 4 years
Regression FFXV Promptio Fic
Summary: Gladio gets hits with a status effect and becomes 17 again.  This would be somewhat bearable if it weren't for Prompto's terrible crush on the guy. 
Hands roughly shoved him, sending Prompto sailing off to the side.   Landing in the dirt he covered his head instinctively to avoid getting clocked by the monster they were fighting.  Gladio was already sprinting after it, yelling like a madman and swinging his great sword at the thing.  Of course, it had to be Gladio that had rescued him this time.   Getting up quickly he ran after his friend to try and help.
Stupid, big, loud, annoyingly handsome Gladio had saved him.  One of these days he was gonna repay the favor. Taking aim with his pistol, Prompto fired off a few shots.  The monster slowed somewhat allowing Ignis and Noct to attack next. This day needed to be over, he was tired and not looking forward to the teasing he’d get later for needing help. Maybe he had gotten distracted, Gladio’s fighting style was hard to ignore after all.  The guy was a wall of muscle and even sweaty he looked good.
Six, he needed to clear his head; this wasn’t the way to think during the heat of battle.  Running closer Prompto took another shot and hollered in glee when the monster fell over.  They were finally getting the upper hand, or so he thought. Sure, the big ugly monster thing had tipped sideways; the only issue now was the plume of yellow-colored gas coming out of its mouth.  
Ignis’ voice rang through air ordering them all to take cover.  He clearly didn’t like the look of the stuff either.  Noct came out of nowhere and tackled him, sending them both behind a rock.  Holding his breath and watching the air around them, Prompto waited for the yellowish tint to disappear.
“Is everyone alright?” Ignis asked from somewhere nearby.
“Good here!” Noct replied as he stood and hauled Prompto up with him.
Emerging from their makeshift hiding spot Prompto realized they’d not heard from Gladio yet. “What about the big guy?” he asked trying not to seem too concerned.  Noct knew about his crush but he didn’t really want to have that rubbed in his face at the moment.
“Shit, you’re right,” Noct supplied nervously as he ran towards Ignis. “Any sign of Gladio?” he checked with worry.
“No, the last I saw him he was over here.” Ignis offered as they ran around the monster.
The weird yellow stuff had literally been his last dying breath.   Prompto never wanted to see another one of those things again; it was aggressive and hard to kill. Ignis’ gasp of surprise when they’d reached the other side of the battleground made Prompto panic slightly.   Running up beside him to get a better view he was left dumbstruck.
A dude was standing there looking around like he was lost.  Once he spotted Ignis he huffed out a breath and ran over.  Prompto felt as though his chest might explode as he watched the guy.  He looked like Gladio in a way, but there were some major differences.  Height wise he’d shrunk and his clothes were baggy, plus his hair was short!  What had happened?
“Iggy, thank the six, what the hell is going on?” This, Gladio look-alike, asked with an air of frustration in a voice that wasn’t the normal deep baritone Prompto was accustomed to. He was scanning the rest of their little group and when he landed on Noct his eyes lit up.   “Shit, Noct’s here too.  Who’s the scrawny kid?” Gladio asked with a nod directed at him.    
Prompto chose to sulk as they picked their way back to the car.  It appeared Gladio had been affected by some weird-ass status effect.  He had been de-aged, to the wonderful age of seventeen.
How charming, in the most terrible way possible.  
Dealing with his feelings for twenty-four-year-old Gladio was hard enough, now he had the pubescent teen version to contend with.  One that kept questioning his skills since they’d never fought together before. This stupid status effect needed to be over, like yesterday.
“So you don’t remember anything that’s happened so far?” Noct asked for the third time as they drove along to the next outpost.
“Seriously, I just remember training like usual along with all the other stuff, like school and then boom there was that gross monster dead in front of me.”
“Huh, that’s strange.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, how do you think I feel?  All of this is new and I’m so confused.  I’m supposed to be twenty-four, right?”
“Yep,” Noct offered without batting an eyelash.  The prince was clearly not bothered by Gladio version 2.0 or was it version 1.0, this was so messed up!
“Damn, never thought you’d be able to look me in the eye princess, it’s weird.”  
Noct laughed and leaned back in his seat. “You’ll need to be careful though, you’ve not had the real-world experience your older self has gained.  Stick close and don’t do anything brash kay?”
“Me?” Gladio scoffed, “Never!”
The day was definitely terrible, it had to be cursed or something because not ten minutes later the stupid empire attacked them.  Two dropships full of those irritating tin cans fell from the sky.  With no other choice than to engage them, they all piled out of the car and prepared for battle.
Teenage Gladio was freaked, it was obvious, but the second one of those things went for Noct, the shield in training sprang into action.   His moves weren’t as polished, but he held his own for the most part.   That is until he got overwhelmed.  Training one on one was good and all but when four MT’s came stomping towards you that was a special kind of hell.
This time Prompto was ready, he didn’t need rescuing he was going to be the one helping.  However, he had to figure out how not to hit Gladio.  The guy wasn’t exactly staying in the clear, that kind of fighting style had been fine-tuned since they’d all left Insomnia.
Running faster to get closer Prompto almost had a heart attack when one of the MT’s took a swing at Gladio.  Thankfully, he ducked and fell to the ground.  Without thinking, Prompto rushed over and fired a shot point-blank into the enemy.  It sputtered and sparked falling in a heap nearby.  Hovering over Gladio’s body Prompto fired his gun at the remaining MT’s.  Each shot rang out loudly as he hit his targets with deadly accuracy.  Maybe Gladio wouldn’t be so unsure of his skills now!
Jumping up in celebration when the last MT fell, Prompto turned his attentions back to Gladio.  The not so big guy was staring up at him in awe.  Oops, perhaps he’d overstepped his place when he’d helped out.   Noct and Ignis hadn’t been that far away, they could have easily stepped in to lend a hand.
Slipping into silence he backed away and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry didn’t mean to freak you out there, figured you could use some backup.”
Gladio was pushing himself up off the pavement, that odd look still plastered on his face. “Nice shot, where’d you learn to shoot so well?”
“Crownsguard training, same as you went through.”
“Nah, I don’t remember anyone being that accurate in the range. Seriously where’d you learn?” He asked walking closer with a raised eyebrow. “That was amazing!”
Taken aback by the compliment Prompto suddenly felt his face heat up.  Great, he was blushing in front of teenage Gladio.  Someone needed to shoot him to put him out of his misery.  Laughing nervously he waved him off, “its just practice I guess.”
“You’ve got skill that was impressive.  Thanks for saving my butt.” Gladio offered with a wink as he sauntered past and got back into the car.
“I’ll remind you Prompto that he is technically underage, don’t do something you’ll regret later,” Ignis added coolly as he walked past a moment later.
“You told him!” Prompto bellowed as he turned and ran after the person he thought was his friend.  Noct, the tricky bastard, warped away and got back to the car without having to answer for his crimes. Grumbling at the injustice of it all Prompto slumped in his seat and scowled at the scenery going by.  
Ignis had cited the concern of getting attacked again for the choice to stay in a hotel for the night.  He didn’t want to risk anything with Gladio, not at his peak performance level.  Praying that Ignis would book two rooms so he could hide in one, Prompto almost yelled when Ignis arrived with one room key once they’d checked in.  This day sucked so bad!
Taking a deep breath he followed his friends to the room.  He could do this; the status effect would only last a couple of days at most.  If they were lucky Gladio would wake up taller and less cocky tomorrow morning. Dinner went without incident; he supposed fighting all day had made them hungry.  You can’t talk much when you’re shoveling food in your mouth.
Once the dishes were cleaned and put in the drying rack of the small kitchen, Gladio began asking questions.  He wanted to know everything that had happened to them.  Why were the niffs around? What had happened to everyone?  That wasn’t a pleasant conversation to have at any time. Ignis took the reins on that one and carefully retold the events they’d all suffered through.
He only explained enough to give Gladio an understanding of why the enemy was out and attacking them.  They didn’t want Noct to marry Luna. Ignis left out the part about Insomnia falling and everyone’s fates.   Gladio didn’t ask for more specifics so Ignis didn’t technically lie, he merely omitted certain facts. There was no need to let Gladio relive that moment again that would have been cruel.
Teenage Gladio shook his head in disbelief at the enemy being brazen enough to attack in broad daylight but didn’t comment further.  Standing up he began pacing the room.  “So what’s next, where are we going?”
“We’ve been en route to meet up with Lady Lunafreya.” Ignis offered.
“Cool, so we’re just waiting here till this funky effect wears off?”
“We can’t risk you getting injured, that wouldn’t be fair as you’ve not trained with us all.”
Sighing Gladio nodded but didn’t look too happy about the idea. “I guess that makes sense, I just don’t like waitin’ around for stuff to happen.  We gotta get out there and show the niffs we mean business.”
“Yes, well, all in due time I’m afraid.  Enjoy the break while we have it, we’ll be on the move again soon.”
Humming in acknowledgment Gladio paused when he passed the mirror above the dresser. “So older me is pretty buff huh?”
Prompto quickly looked away when Gladio began flexing and had to bite his lips to stifle a moan when Gladio took off his jacket.  Dear six, his back was bare. No tattoo, no scars, nothing.  Just smooth skin and muscles.  Apparently even at seventeen Gladio still looked like a freaking supermodel.  Unable to look any longer Prompto bolted up from where he’d been sitting at the table and jogged to the door. “I’m gonna go grab a soda or something. Berightback!” he blurted before throwing himself out into the hallway.
Taking off like a flash Prompto ran all the way to the vending machines.  He had to clear his head, this wasn’t good.  Crushing on regular Gladio was bad enough, this was downright painful.  Ducking his head he sighed heavily and began digging for money in his pockets.
“Need some change sugar?” An unfamiliar voice announced, causing Prompto to whip his head up. Standing a few feet away was another hunter.  The guy looked drunk and had his hand extended holding up some gil. “Come on sweet thing you can take it, I won’t ask for much in return.”
Prompto backed away from the machine like it was on fire. This guy was super creepy and he wasn’t planning on sticking around much longer. “I’m good, thanks,” he managed.
“Don’t get all bent about it, I’m just offering you a good time.”
“I don’t think he wants any kinda time with you buddy.”
Turning around Prompto saw Gladio stalking over like he was on a mission.  Despite the situation, Prompto nearly had another heart attack.  Gladio was wearing a t-shirt now instead of his usual jacket.   The only thing was the shirt was one his.  There, dangerously stretched out over his still developing muscles was Prompto’s moogle t-shirt.
Prompto didn’t have time to react when Gladio stood in front of him and stared down the drunken hunter. He was prepared to fight this guy.
“I suggest you shove off buddy, he’s with me,” Gladio growled, not at all sounding as young as he was.
“What are you gonna do about it?  I saw him first.”
The thing Gladio ended up doing was breaking the guy’s nose.  One minute the dude was mouthing off, and the next he was stumbling backward holding his face. He’d gotten the message this time, and shuffled off swearing about how kids didn’t respect their elders these days.  There was nothing to respect, that guy was a douche.
“You okay?” Gladio asked once it was quiet again.
“Sure, just dandy!” he quipped shakily. “We should get back to the room.”
“Not without our soda!  We had to survive that asshole, we deserve a reward.”
“Fair enough,” Prompto mused as he took out his cash.
“So, uh, do you wanna do something later?” Gladio asked casually as he stepped closer.  
“We could play some kings knight if you want, that mi--.”
Gladio laughed and grinned, “No, I mean like hang out somewhere later, ya know when Iggy and Noct are asleep.”
“And do what?” Prompto squeaked as he was starting to grasp what Gladio really meant.
“I dunno, stuff, we can take it slow,” Gladio smirked with a devilish grin.  “I’m young but I still know how to have a good time.”
This wasn’t happening; Gladio wasn’t hitting on him and suggesting they go do ‘things’ to each other in the middle of the night.  That couldn’t be possible. However, everything seemed to indicate that was the younger man’s intentions.  Gladio was attempting to unleash his un-honed skills of seduction on him.  “I can’t!” Prompto yelped, “You’re only seventeen!”
“Aww come on, you know you want to, besides I’m really twenty-four.”
“I can’t, I just can’t. Ignis told me I couldn’t, earlier.  We can’t make Ignis angry. That would be very bad.” Prompto sputtered as he backed away and bumped into the vending machine.
Gladio pouted but there was a twinkle to his eyes.  He wasn’t upset about how this was going.  The jerk was having fun.  Thinking fast Prompto threw out the only idea he could think of that might save him. “Why don’t we wait until you’re older again, and then you can ask me out?  That way we won’t make Ignis angry and we’ll go have some fun, uh later.”
“So you’ll go out with me?” Gladio checked seriously.  “I just have to wait until I’m back to normal.”
Nodding so fast he gave himself a head rush Prompto agreed. “Yeah for sure, just ask me first and I’m all over that like cheese on pizza.”
Gladio barked out a laugh and reached out to punch Prompto in the arm.  “You got it sunshine, let’s buy these drinks and head back.  I’m gonna ask you out tomorrow and you better be ready.”
Smiling at the statement Prompto got the sodas and the rest of the evening was filled with gaming and talk.  Though he knew nothing would happen in the morning.  Gladio would go back to normal and forget any of this ever happened.  He would never ask him out and Prompto would go back to pining from a distance.
Ignis saved the night so to speak when he announced the sleeping arrangements.  Noct and Gladio would be sharing one bed and he and Ignis the other.  At least he didn’t have to worry about Gladio making a move in the middle of the night.
Sleep didn’t come easily once they’d all turned in.  Prompto kept thinking about what Gladio had said.  Maybe if they’d met under different circumstances things could have worked out.  Gladio was Noct’s shield and he had a duty to uphold.  He wasn’t about to go chasing after him.  That shit didn’t happen in real life.  Finally pushing the thought from his head Prompto fell into a fitful slumber.
Morning came eventually and Prompto had all but forgotten the previous night’s escapades until he opened his eyes.  Flinching in shock he almost fell off the bed.  There lying next to him was older Gladio, watching his every move.
“Easy there sunshine,” he hummed slowly.
“What –what are you doing? Where are the others?”
“They are out getting breakfast.  Ignis said you didn’t sleep well last night so I figured you could use a little extra shut-eye.”
“I can sleep fine without you watching me!”
“Sure, but maybe I wanted to be alone with you, didja ever think of that?”
Prompto couldn’t get a handle on what Gladio was thinking.  Was the man teasing him or being serious?  “Okay we’re alone, so now what?” he spit out helplessly.
“I was thinking we could do something later if you’re up for it.”
Letting out a breath, Prompto groaned. He didn’t want to train with Gladio later that was the worst idea ever.  Figures the big guy turns back to normal and his first thought is training. “I don’t wanna train with you later okay. I’m not re—ompffff.” Prompto’s brain short-circuited. Gladio was kissing him, morning breath and all. Gladio had his hand securely in place at the base of Prompto’s head, keeping him from moving away. When the need to breathe became greater than the desire to continue kissing, Prompto tapped out and Gladio released his hold.
“I never said anything about training,” he offered with a salacious grin. “I thought I was told to ask you out once the status effect had worn off?  Did I misunderstand that request?” Gladio’s teasing tone of voice and smirk wasn’t helping Prompto make sense of what was happening.    
“You remembered?!” he whispered, hardly daring to believe it.
“Sure I remember, sunshine,” he chuckled. “I think the next step is for you to say yes.”
“Om em gee, yes!” Laughing like an idiot Prompto leaned forward again and kissed Gladio a second time.  So maybe de-aged Gladio hadn’t been such a terrible thing to endure; now he just had to figure out what they could do later!
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every-lemon · 3 years
Teen, Gen, 5k one-shot, pre-canon, sickfic
The bells at the top of the door jingle when Noct walks into Teddy’s, the smell of salt and hot grease hitting him like a warm hug after the bitter cold. Prompto's probably gonna tease him for wussing out and driving instead of walking, but it's like Shiva's giving Insomnia the cold shoulder; just the walk from the car to the diner had him shivering. Seat warmers were invented for days like this.
Plus, if he faceplants on the ice before giving tonight's address, he'll never live it down.
He’s starving — Ignis brought him a salad for lunch, so he only ate croutons dipped in ranch dressing — but Prompto’s not here yet and it’s his turn to buy, so Noct doesn’t order. Instead, he slides into their usual booth and pulls out his phone. Huh. It’s . . . kind of weird to even be noticing, but it feels off to not have a text from Prompto. Prompto’s usually here first. Or else he rushes in before Noct even sits down. Or else he sends a text if he got distracted by some amazing photo op on the way. And now that he’s looking, he sees Prompto hadn’t actually replied when he texted earlier that he was on his way, so he texts again: hey u coming?
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pawnshopsouls · 4 years
La riunione del Ringraziamento
“D’yeh think it’ll work?” Reggie asked, careful to keep out of the two large magic rings Lenar was making.
“Pops said if yeh have enough a’ someone’s magic, yeh can summon them anywhere. Well, we have the bracelet from uncle Salem ‘n’ the bolo tie from Pops. That aughta be enough teh try ‘n’ bring ‘em here.”
Reggie chewed on his thumb anxiously. “But what if it doesn’t? Farven said it wouldn’t work back home—”
“Well, we’re not home, are we?” Lenar retorted, looking at his mini Vansian magic book before drawing another rune. “Besides, the Gyro brought us here which means they’re here already. We just gotta move ‘em teh this location!”
The older teen looked down at his handy work and gave a satisfied nod. He then pulled out the bolo tie and the bracelet and set them each in the smaller circle connecting the ends of the larger one. Swallowing and glancing at his little brother, Lenar held the little book in his hand and stretched his other out toward the circles.
“Per voluntatem, et imperium “Magicae est per lucem, “Nos deducere isti probi “hic hac nocte “eve est nobiscum manere et aprici gramine “relaxando animo habere animam!”
For a moment, the two brothers held their breath but to their dismay, nothing happened.
“What?” Lenar breathed in astonishment. “Why didn’t it work? I did everything right!”
“But yeh weren’t wearin’ the bolo tie,” Reggie said, taking his thumb from his mouth. “Yeh need teh use the bolo tie teh do magic.”
“But I was usin’ the bolo tie!” Lenar said, pointing at the circle. “It’s right where it’s should be!”
“But yeh need it teh cast the spell!” Reggie said insistently. “Yeh can’t cast if yer not wearin’ it.”
Lenar opened his mouth to object but then looked at the bracelet and tie. “Maybe... maybe it’s ‘cause we’re human ‘n’ we gotta touch the spells teh make ‘em work?“ he wondered aloud, furrowing his brow.
“But we’re usin’ the bracelet too ‘n’ you can’t use the bracelet!”
Lenar thought for a moment and gave his little brother a soft smile. “Then I guess yer gonna have teh help me then.”
Reggie’s eyes lit up. “Okay!” he yipped and eagerly scooted closer to his big brother.
“Now we gotta get it right, so let’s practice.” Holding the book in front of Reggie, Lenar read the spell with him so they could memorize the words. A few minutes into practicing and they’d already put a good rhythm to it, making it easier to say and remember. Eventually the two of them could repeat it like the verse of a song and were soon confident that they would do it right.
So, grabbing some water before they start, the two boys assembled by the two summoning circles. Taking deep breaths, they both rested a finger on their assigned objects - Lenar on the bolo tie and Reggie on the bracelet. They gave each other nervous glances before Lenar lifted the book and the two read out the inscription.
“Per voluntatem, et imperium “Magicae est per lucem, “Nos deducere isti probi “hic hac nocte “eve est nobiscum manere et aprici gramine “relaxando animo habere animam!”
At once the two pieces began to glow, sending their magic into the runes as gusts of magical wind swirled about the apartment room. The boys shielded their faces with their free hands as the power flickered with the influx of magic. Finally, their room light bulb popped and the whole complex went dark. With their hands still on the magic items, the two boys slowly lowered their arms to see what happened.
“Did it work?” Reggie asked, his voice barely a squeaking whisper.
“I—I dunno,” Lenar mumbled, looking around. “I can’t see, it’s too dark.”
Unable to see much save for the fading glow of the rune circles, Lenar’s face fell when he saw the state of the bolo tie. Its amethyst was shattered from the force of the spell, while Reggie let out a gasping whine at the snapped and sizzling cord of his bracelet. Whatever happened wasn’t going to be happening again any time soon.
But from the dark came a pair of familiar groans, and a shifting of shapes just beyond the reach of the street light from the window. Reggie grasped his brother by the waist, his golden hazel eyes wide with fright as the first figure in the circles moved.
Gingerly, the shadow pushed himself up off the floor, putting a hand to his throbbing head. “What in the—” he breathed and stopped when he heard the strange echo in his voice and saw the black silhouette that was his hand.
The boys looked from each other to the shadow. Lenar opened his mouth to say something but jumped with a second figure moved in the other circle. Slowly, the light from the second circle gathered to the shadow in its center, forming a dim figure of blue-white mist. It let out a soft groan and rolled onto its back, pressing both hands against its translucent head.
“Oh, my noggin,” it groaned, startling the portly shadow beside it.
“Sal?” the shadow asked, causing the mist to lift a hand and look at it.
The two figures pushed themselves into kneeling positions as the looked at each other.
“Stanley, yer all shadow!” Salem stated dumbly.
“’N’ yer all misty,” Stan pointed out, his dark, foggy finger waving at his brother’s body.”
Reggie and Lenar looked from one figure to the other, confused at what they exactly were seeing. “Pops?” Lenar ventured, holding Reggie close. “Uncle Sal?”
The two figures turned to look at them, the pearly two blue-white eyes blinking in the pearly mist while shadow’s two purple-indigo eyes widened at the sight of them.
“.... boys?” Stan rasped, his voice cracking with emotion.
Reggie lifted his head out of Lenar’s shirt, his eyes welling up at Stanley’s voice. “Pops?”
“BOYS!” The shadow scrambled forward, the eyelights blurring as bright tears of indigo magic poured down to the floor. The boys stretched out their arms as Despite his misty appearance, Stan seemed to have enough mass to embrace them, his boys sinking slightly into his semi solid body. He pulled back, his hands going to their faces as he tried to get a better look at them, before throwing his arms around them again. “Oh my boys! I missed you! Ohhhhhh!”
Tears welled up in Lenar’s eyes as Reggie hugged their dad’s waist. Salem scooted closer on his knees, conveying his smile through the shapes of his eye lights before Stan looked over, reached out, and pulled him into the family hug. Together the family squinched close, closer than they’d been in months. closer than they’d been in 900 years.
Finally, Salem pulled away, breaking the rib-squeezing hug. “But how’d yeh do this? What happened, why are we like this?”
“The two a’ yous vanished!” Reggie said, looking up at the two misty figures. “So we used the gyro ‘n’ the bolo ‘n’ the bracelet teh come lookin’ fer yeh!”
Sal and Stan looked at each other, eyebrows raised. “Bolo and Bracelet?” they asked looking at the boys.
“Pop’s Bolo tie,” Lenar explained sitting back a bit. “We used that teh power the Gyro ‘n’ it brought us here, ‘n’ then we’ve been usin’ it ‘n’ the bracelet Uncle Sal gave Reggie teh see if we could track yeh down from wherever that dungeon room sent yeh.”
Stan furrowed his shadowy brow. “Okay, but that don’t explain how Sal ‘n’ I ended up here lookin’ like fog clouds on a bad day.”
This time it was Reggie who scooted forward, pointing to the rune rings now burned into the floor. “Well, we were usin’ a summonin’ circle Glass found in the bitty book he got from the pawnery ‘n’ that’s how we used ‘em teh find yeh!”
Stan and Salem stood up and gazed down at the rings now burnt into the wood flooring.
“Oh boys,” Stan breathed, grimacing at the scorch marks. “Oh boys, yeh never do magic on wood. Whoever this belongs to is gonna have yer heads.”
Salem smacked his brother’s shoulder, eliciting a startled yelp. “Are you serious, Stanley!? Yer boys summon us half-way because they ran out a’ magic, leavin’ the rest a’ us wherever we were at ‘n’ makin’ us as good as ghosts, ‘n’ yer worried about the floorin’!?”
“If they did it here, then they must live here!” Stanley snapped back, his chest swelling indignantly. “If they don’t then they’re either rentin’ or tresspassin, ‘n’ if there’s anyone who can read magic here, this is gonna get them in as much trouble as a bad-time burglary!”
As the two argued, the two boys looked at each other, fear of having done something wrong plain on their faces. Lenar licked his lips.
“But—but we can fix this right?” he asked, pushing himself up to his feet. “We—We can get yeh back teh normal, we can go home, right?”
Salem and Stanley looked at each other again, uncertainty in their eyes.
Lenar felt his chest clench and persisted through grit teeth. “Right?”
Stan frowned and gave a sigh, extending his hand toward his eldest son. “Lemme see that book a yers,” he grunted and quickly turned through it’s pages. He hummed and held a page in the book. “Mm. This one should do it. Whada yeh think?”
Salem looked over Stanley’s shoulder, his spectral brow creased. “Well... we can give it a shot. I dunno how long it’ll last though, especially with us casters bein’ ghostly.”
“Mm, yer right,” Stan hummed, tapping his knuckle against his chin. “We need anchors. Vessels to keep our power in until the spell ends.”
Reggie pushed himself to his feet and, shuffling forward, held his hands up for his dad and uncle to look at. “What about these?” In his palms were the broken bolo and splintered bracelet.
“Oh, yeh shattered my the bracelet I gave yeh,” Salem mumbled, taking the bracelet in hand.
Stan didn’t say anything as he took his bolo tie and looked down at it ruefully. He wanted to state how it was one of his favorites but he pushed the thought down. He didn’t need to make his boys feel any worse about using their things to find them. No, he should be proud of them - even if what they did was incredibly dangerous thing to do.
The shadow gave a huff and seemed to smile. “This’ll do,” he said, and held out his hand, the tie held tight in his fist. Salem did the same and stepping back into their summoning circles, they announced their incantation.
“Dai a questo spettro forma e potere “Dagli tempo per la sua ultima ora “Dagli forma, viso e massa “Dagli tempo finché dura la magia. “e quando ha finito, manda l'anima “torna al suo corpo al rintocco di mezzanotte “Che questo spettro perduto possa essere ritrovato “con il suo corpo e la sua vita abbondano!”
The two objects emitted a blinding flash, blue and purple magic filling the room for just a moment before vanishing again. In their place were two men; the first, a tall brunette in blue overcoat outfit with a bracelet of square rune beads on his wrist. The second, a short black-haired fella in a dark purple suit wearing an amethyst bolo tie and leaning on a black derby cane.
The two pat each themselves down, giving soft chuckles of disbelief when the power flickered back on and the boys once again jumped in for some hugs. However, as they did, a sharp, familiar pain shot through Bonely’s side, nearly bringing him down to one knee. He let out a yelp, startling his boys who looked at him with wide worried eyes.
“Oh! Oh, careful boys, I’m a bit fragile,” he said leaning on his cane as he put a hand to his back above his liver, unaware of the golden seam on the back of his black shirt hidden just under his coat.
“Fragile?” Salem echoed disbelievingly. “Since when are you fragile?”
Stanley gave him a flat look. “Since greylim learned how teh wound immortals,” he answered before looking over at his boys. “Now, that day is it? What time are we doin’ here in the mortal world?”
“Its Wednesday!” Reggie chirped, jumping up and down beside Stanley.
“It’s November 26′th,” Lenar clarified with a side smile. “Buon Ringraziamento, papà.”
Meanwhile, deep beneath the earth’s surface, an apothecarist lay sleeping and unmoving on his serving desk. No amount of poking, proding or dousing will wake him. Nor will it wake his brother, the caster of the darklands who is gently slumbering in his bedfurs, presumably sleeping off a lingering food coma like many others in his husband’s army. Both exhibit signs of light magical usage as their runes glow in time with their slow heartbeats, unaware that the longer they sleep, the less chance they have of waking up again
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avianscribe · 4 years
Gimme a title
I played a little game on Twitter, and it was a lot of fun, so I'm bringing it here! 
Gimme a fic title and a character/characters, and I’ll write a summary of a nonexistent fic with that title, that I won’t write. 
Wanna play? My asks are open! 
Here's some results:
Twitter user ForgetTheLyrics: "Why the Caged Bird Sings", Ignis, Noctis, or Lunafreya?
Lunafreya in captivity is a literal Disney princess. She'll go to the window and sing, and summon animals to her who then do her bidding -- sending messages, bringing her favors, sending assistance to fulfill her mission as Oracle, despite her imprisonment.
The Imperials don't know she's doing it -- until someone catches her doing it. They seal her windows, and she's left alone for days -- until her animal friends arrive in a hoard and break into Fenestala Manor to free her.
Twitter user AudreysKdrama: Gladio, "a spoonful of sugar"
Gladio's just starting to take on his responsibilities of training Noctis in weapons and they butt heads from the start. He comes home from his first training session with Noctis just absolutely ranting and raving about how awful and snotty Noctis is.
Clarus listens silently, but after dinner he takes Gladio to the Amicitia Manor's training room, and runs him through some basic drills -- Gladio knows his dad's just trying to get him to calm down, but he goes along with it.
They go through several reps before Clarus gives Gladio some tips to help him work with a recalcitrant prince. (He's had lots of experience.)
Twitter user duskynebula: "Just One Night", XV character of your choice? O:
Prompto's a merman, Noctis a human who fishes at the docks all the time, and Prompto's so curious about him he gambles with Ardyn the sea witch for one night top-side to meet Noctis and just... hang out with him.
Prompto thought that would be enough... but the more he gets to know Noctis, the more he realizes that one night really isn't enough -- but he's already made the bargain; he already has to go back at the end of the night.
(How does it turn out?? I don't know!)
Twitter user _ChocoRae: ‘Hold on to me’ Prompto and Ignis?
A task takes the boys up the Rock of Ravatogh early in the day and Prompto finds the PERFECT photo opportunity -- on a crumbling ridge next to a 1000-foot drop. Ignis sees the fall coming just before it happens and rushes forward to grab Prompto's arm just as he's slipping down--
So with Prompto hanging over the edge, and Ignis on his stomach hanging onto Prompto, Ignis is sliding toward the edge while Gladio and Noctis are working out how to save them both...!
Twitter user mochi_Dragoniac: "Only the Moon Knows" Amicitia family centric?
Among the legacy Gilgamesh left his Amicitia descendants was the Curse... Every few generations, the family genes throw out a werewolf or two. Clarus didn't bother telling Gladio growing up, because it usually skips a few generations, and Clarus's father was the last one.
It wasn't something Gladio needed to know until he was ready to have his own children.
Then Gladio hit his first major growth spurt.
Twitter user SeptimusMew: 'Hands of Iron and Smoke,' Ignis, no pairings
Nobody taught Ignis the "spelldagger" skill; he learned it by accident, while training on his own as a teen. Noctis was particularly fractious one day, and Ignis's frustration erupted as fire from his hands around the hilts of his daggers.
It frightened him so bad -- he thought something was terribly wrong with him. He thought he was cursed, he thought he was an abomination... and he couldn't tell anyone, or he'd be dismissed as Noct's retainer.
At least, he thought. But the skill emerged in him because of his affinity for the King's magic, and the King could help him... if he'd only ask.
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stitchships · 4 years
helo!!! tell me abt ur s/i and ignis :33cc how did they meet?? did they fall in love quickly or slowly??
HII!!! I’ll tag ur new blog so you still see this uwu @jons-ghost-partner
SOOO! My s/i and Iggy proooooobably met at some event for the Lucian nobility or some kind of fancy bullshit. Elegia comes from a family of respected royal healers, even if she herself is a bit too chaotic for the job.   Oho that orrr imagine if Noct got Ignis into trouble at some point in their lives, maybe as teens, and Ignis got hurt!! And they sent him to Elegia’s family and she was training there. (How obvious is it that Doctor/Patient is my dream ship dynamic??) And like, she has to practice on him and they kind of hit it off. But they never really see each other outside of events and banquets. And by the time the game starts she’s long since shipped out to the field with Canis in order to study wildlife so he really hasn’t seen her in a long time.
I’m totally spitballing here! Most of my s/is never have fully concrete stories so I’m happy to receive asks like this so I can mold them a bit better!!! Thank you for sending one in <333
Edit: I forgot the second part of this ask!!!! That’s a toughie, but Elegia definitely fell fast and hard, the moment she saw his courage and his loyalty and heard his schtewpid voice. So even if it took Ignis some time to really warm up to her, I think they were meant to be.
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shiracaelum · 5 years
prompto hcs
i didn't know if you meant hc with an s.o of just him in general so i added some of both💜
He takes a lot of pictures of you when you're not looking. not in a creepy way tho. and has you on his lock screen and background.
him buying matching Chocobo hoddies for you and him!
 loves to play videogames with you his fav ones to play with you are overwatch, Skyrim, Pokemon, and WOW.
making you little spa days at home which include bubble bathes messages and painting your nails and putting on face masks with you.
he gets jealous easily he’ll put his arms around you and nuzzle his face into your neck trying to get you away from that person.
HE LITERALLY CAN'T SLEEP WITHOUT YOU! one time when you and the guys had to sleep in the tent you thought it would be funny to sleep next to Noctis instead of him. he got so upset and whiny. when you woke up in the night you found him on the other side of the tent sitting up staring at you.
send you lots of memes when you're trying to talk to him he’ll just send you a meme of what he’s saying. and when he doesn't use memes it lots of heart emojis and lots of run-on sentences spelling errors.
he real big on self-care he uses facial cream twice a day. essential oils, lotions, face masks you name it he’s got it!
he’ a fiend for kit kats he tries not to eat a lot of junk food but he loves them too much.
he got a dick piercing. when he and noct were teens they got drunk and got one. legends say they got matching ones but no one knows.
he listens to ASMR to help him sleep he like the scratching ones and wood taping.
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thisfairytalegonebad · 11 months
"What happened to me?" - Whumptober day 29
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Character: Prompto Argentum Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Read below the cut or on AO3 here.
Prompto awakens to a world of pain.
His head feels fuzzy, his eyelids almost too heavy to lift, and when he manages to pry them open, he immediately has to close them again because everything is too bright and it sends a spike of pain through his skull.
“Prompto? Hey, you awake?”
It takes a moment for Prompto’s scrambled brain to place the voice.
He doesn’t want to open his eyes again, but his throat is so dry and sore that no sound comes out when he tries to answer Gladio’s question, so he doesn’t have much of a choice.
This time, he only cracks one eye open, very slowly, and eventually Gladio’s face comes into focus.
“That’s it, here you go,” Gladio encourages him.
Prompto takes in his surroundings. He’s lying in a bed, covered with white sheets. One of his hands disappears beneath Gladio’s huge fingers, and the other one has an IV drip in it. Next to him, something beeps steadily, and with all that combined, Prompto pieces together that he’s in some sort of hospital room. Except it doesn’t look like a hospital room, at least not a normal one - there are fancy paintings on the walls and Gladio isn’t sitting on a cheap plastic chair but in an armchair instead.
For a few seconds, he’s almost convinced he was dropped into some sort of alternative dimension until a different voice on his other side says, “You’re in the Citadel’s hospital wing.”
By now, Prompto is awake enough that he recognises the voice - and the accent - immediately.
He manages to turn his head a little and spots Ignis sitting in another of those comfy-looking armchairs, furiously tapping away on his laptop’s keyboard, but he pauses and offers Prompto a gentle smile when he makes eye contact.
“It’s good to see you awake,” he says. “You’ve worried us.”
“Sorry,” Prompto croaks out of habit and immediately erupts into a coughing fit.
Vaguely, he registers hands touching him, steadying him, but he can’t process it through the terrible pain the constricting of his diaphragm triggers.
It’s all-consuming agony, a feeling close to what he imagines someone taking a lit torch and shoving it through his stomach, and for a horrifying moment, he can’t breathe.
Then, he’s being propped up somewhat, just slightly, but it’s enough that his lungs calm down enough for him to start breathing again, but the pain throbs for a good while longer until it finally dulls back down to a more tolerable level.
“Shh, you’re alright,” Ignis soothes, his thumb gently brushing along the bottom of his eye, and it’s only now that Prompto realises he has tears streaming down his face, but he can’t even bring himself to be embarrassed by it.
The coughing fit has sapped whatever strength he’d had right out of him, and his eyelids start to droop without his permission, but then he’s startled into opening them again when Gladio gingerly pats his cheek.
“Hey, try to stay awake for a little longer, yeah? The doctor’s gonna be here any minute and they’ll want to check you over. Here, this’ll make your throat less sore.”
Prompto expects a glass of water, but instead, Gladio gently pushes some ice chips past his chapped lips. They’re wonderfully cool and they soothe his throat so much that a tiny little sigh of relief escapes him.
“What… happened to me?” he whispers once he deems it safe to speak without having to cough again. He doesn’t remember a single thing that has led to him being in the hospital, which is more than a little concerning.
Gladio squeezes his hand. “There was an ambush. You shielded Noct with your body and got shot.”
His eyes widen in alarm, but before he can make himself ask, Gladio answers the unasked question.
“Noct’s fine, thanks to you. He has to give his statement before he can come see you, but he was ready to fight just about anyone to get to you, so he’ll probably show up in no time.”
Prompto sags back against the pillows, relief making him feel light-headed - or maybe it was the gunshot wound. Wounds? How many are there?
He cranes his head, trying to get a good look at his body, but most of it is covered with a blanket so he doesn’t see anything.
“You were shot in the stomach, about here,” Ignis says, indicating the location of his wound on his own stomach. His expression turns sour as he adds, “You’ve not been given any curatives yet, but I expect that’ll happen soon.”
Something in his voice promises pain to someone, and Prompto’s momentarily confused until Gladio gives a wry snort and explains, “Potions are strictly rationed and are reserved for Citadel staff and military, so they wouldn’t give you one. But Iggy’s been fighting tooth and nail to get you access as soon as possible.”
“One would think that they’ll make an exception for the civilian who quite literally saved the Prince’s life,” Ignis mutters. He sounds absolutely furious and it’s kind of terrifying.
Prompto doesn’t quite know what to say to so much anger on his behalf, so he gestures vaguely at his stomach and says, with all the eloquence he can muster. “’Splains all the… ouch.”
Staying awake starts to become really difficult, so he’s glad when the doctor finally saunters into the room. He manages to answer her questions somewhat fine, even though words are hard, but by the time she finishes the examination, he’s long asleep.
The next time he opens his eyes, there’s less pain, no Gladio and no Ignis, and one red-eyed, distraught Prince clutching his hand.
“Mmmm,” Prompto manages, and Noct’s gaze snaps to Prompto’s face.
“Hey.” Prompto’s throat is dry again, but at least this time he doesn’t start coughing. He’s kind of missing those ice chips, though, and he hopes Noct has a bowl stashed away somewhere.
He doesn’t get to ask, though, because Noct’s eyes are suddenly wet and he’s blinking away tears and chokes, “Don’t ever do that again, I’m warning you!”
Prompto blinks dumbly, processing, then asks, “Do what again?”
“Sacrificing yourself for me! Almost dying! You can’t do that, okay? It’s not allowed!”
Noct sounds so upset that Prompto already has an apology on the tip of his tongue, fully convinced he’s actually broken some kind of law that says don’t try to sacrifice yourself for the Prince before he realises how stupid that is and Noct’s just being Noct.
“I’ll try,” he says instead and it must be a good enough answer because Noct squeezes his hand before letting go, leaning back in the armchair.
“How do you feel? Any pain? Doc said to call if you’re hurting anywhere.”
Prompto takes mental stock of his body before shaking his head. “No pain. Just really tired and sluggish. And kinda achy, I guess? But no gunshot wound levels pain.”
“Yeah, they gave you a potion a while back and now you’re all healed up,” Noct tells him, expression going grim when he speaks again. “You, uh. You lost a lot of blood, so you’re gonna be feeling that for a while.”
His eyes adopt a faraway look and he looks so haunted that Prompto gropes around to find Noct’s hand again to comfort him.
Noct shudders and looks down at their joined hands, taking a deep breath and forcing himself to look nonchalant.
“You could probably retire now, y’know,” he says, carefully casual, eyes trained on some invisible spot on the wall. “They’re gonna give you some sort of military honour badge and you’re gonna get a whole lot of compensation, so you might actually be settled for life. Never having to work again, huh, how’s that sound?”
It’s a lot to take in, and none of it sounds even remotely real so Prompto files that as something to think about once his brain is somewhat back in working order. He opens his mouth, intending to brush Noct off with some light-hearted remark, but what comes out instead is, “I want to join the Crownsguard.”
Noct physically recoils as if Prompto had punched him. “What?”
“I want to join the Crownsguard,” Prompto repeats. “I’ve decided.”
“No!” Noct says, in a tone that allows no argument, but Prompto can hear the fear and insecurity beneath it. “Why would you- Prompto, you almost died because of me, and now you wanna make that your job?”
He’s starting to sound a little choked up, and Prompto doesn’t actually mean to make him cry (again) so he hurries to say, “Isn’t it just gonna improve my chance of survival, though? I mean. I’m not Crownsguard now but I still got shot, so if I’m gonna be hanging out with you anyway, wouldn’t it be better for me if I were trained to handle that kinda stuff?”
Contrary to what Noct may believe, this isn’t an impulse decision. Prompto has to think about what he wants to do with his life, anyway, and it’s not like he’s likely to be able to make a living out of taking photos, so he might as well get a government job that pays him to hang out with his best friend, right?
Noct looks devastated, but when he tries to argue with Prompto’s logic, he seems to draw a blank and ends up just pressing his lips together and averting his eyes.
“Okay,” he says, exhaling shakily. “Okay. We’re not… this conversation isn’t over, we’re gonna be talking about that again, but first, you need to get better. Got it?”
Prompto’s feelings on the matter aren’t going to change, especially now that he knows what it feels like to know Noct is safe because of him, but he’s too tired to argue with Noct about it right now. Plus, Noct looks like he might burst into tears the second Prompto says anything else about it and he kind of really wants to avoid that, so. Better save that for another day.
For now, he nods and lets Noct redirect the conversation to a video game sequel that’s about to come out, and before long he falls asleep to the quiet sound of Noct’s voice.
Read all of my Whumptober prompt fills here.
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zanarkandfayth · 6 years
Aight, answering these questions made me want to know your answers too, I hope it's cool if I keep asking: L - how many times revised before posting, M - any premises on the backburner, P - planned vs. unfolding as you go
Ask away, I don’t mind! :D
L - It depends on my mood/energy/how invested I am in the fic/how long it’s been since I’ve last updated, honestly. Like, for my current fic, when I started writing it I had a buffer of chapters to work off of, so it was no problem to write a chapter, revise it, let it sit for a week, revise it again, then send it to a friend to look over and revise it even more. Then I went from April-July without posting, and then July-October, and so now I’m basically relying on only editing as I go because I feel like I just need to get the chapters out for readers, and intend to go back and edit just for my own satisfaction once I’m done. One-shots are easier to let sit and edit later, since only I know they exist. Drabbles or things under 1K aren’t usually worth the energy for me to edit beyond checking for typos.M - Too many. Mostly all hurt!Noct because yeah, that’s seriously all I write anymore. So nothing fancy or super plotty or whatever. Most of these are for the “bad things happen bingo” prompt card I got, and I don’t really have detailed ideas yet anyways.
1-Teen Noct falls through a few floors of an abandoned building after running out during a fight with Ignis.
2-Touch aversion prompt that deals with, well, Noct having some touch aversion, from the Marilith attack and having the attendant’s dead body on/next to him while he was stuck injured there.
3-Noct takes the Regalia without permission when he’s like 19, to go out riding with Prompto maybe, and ends up wrecking it (I feel like wrecking the Regalia is a staple hurt!Noct fic I have yet to write).
4-Luna’s journal gets destroyed somehow after Altissia, cue Noct angst about losing the only thing of his childhood friend, and also just delving a bit deeper into post-Altissia angst in general.
5-once upon a time before episode Prompto released I wrote some Prompto and Cor headcanon fics involving Prompto being the son of Cor’s childhood friend and her bringing him to Cor as she was dying, and then Cor being the one to get Prompto adopted but getting super attached to him in the few days he had him. I always wanted to write an AU of that where Cor keeps him and raises him, and I have notes written and ideas in mind, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get to it because I’ve lost interest in writing Prompto-centric fics.
6-maybe the Ignis thing I posted the snippet for in the other ask answer.
7-a few other hurt!Noct things I don’t really wanna share just because of topics...
P - I used to be a total pantser, unfold as I go kind of person. It was fine for ficlets/short one-shots, but for longer one-shots or chaptered fics, it was a mess. Plotholes, inconsistencies, unnecessary scenes, taking forever to write, abandoning fics because I ran out of ideas... I outline everything chaptered/long now. Detailed with summaries of every single scene, and I write based off of that. I may still take awhile to write, but that’s usually due to real life, not me floundering around helplessly looking for ideas. If I abandon a fic, it’s generally due to changing fandoms, and only rarely happens.
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thedarklordmegatron · 6 years
Bite Me Like One Of Your Altissian Boys
Finally, on the last day because I am a useless human, here is my Ignoct White Day Exchange piece for @FallenIsel! I hope you like it ^_^ 
Title: Bite Me Like One of Your Alitissian Boys 
Rating: Explicit 
Warnings: Vampires, Blood, Sushi and Sexytimes 
Also on AO3
Noctis is a simple man. He likes his sleep, enjoys playing video games with Prompto when he could convince Cor to release the blonde from house arrest, courtesy of one prank that had gone oh so wrong, he loves Ignis’ cooking when the man was kind enough to forgo the evil that was vegetables. Most of all, he adores the way Ignis would trail those fangs across his body before taking him with enough force that he would feel it for days afterwards.
For all Ignis’ claims that he was a polite and well-mannered man, which, to be fair, he was on a regular basis, he was very much not composed when he returned from work on his birthday to find Noctis laying across the kitchen table.
As much as Noctis would dearly like to claim ownership of the idea, he couldn’t. No, that honour went to Gladio of all people.
With Ignis’ birthday rapidly approaching and having nothing to show for it, Noctis had collapsed on the couch beside Prompto during one of their weekly gaming afternoons, grabbed his best friend’s arm and pleaded for his help.
For whatever reason the blonde’s first port of call had been to dive straight onto the internet, Moogling ‘What can you do for your vampire boyfriend on his birthday?’ And, as expected, the internet had provided them with lists upon lists of potential ideas. From a blood thrall, which had been outlawed in Lucis for over two hundred years (Prompto was very quick to flag that particular site and pass it onto Cor), to some really...exotic sexual ideas that both had only ever seen in porn.
Needless to say, all of those options were firmly filed under ‘Ignis would kill me for thinking about these and never talk to me again.’
After three weeks of searching, they had still been no closer to finding something, and Ignis’ birthday was rapidly approaching. Noctis was seconds away from conceding and admitting defeat when Gladiolus walked in, unannounced as always, and found him groaning unintelligibly on the floor while Prompto scrolled through numerous forums. Prompto had been the one to explain the situation to Gladio, who had helped himself to one of the few beers in Noctis’ fridge, while said Prince was lost in his thoughts.
“Just cover yourself in that sushi stuff from that fancy restaurant he likes, like those girls we saw in Altissia. Hell, smother yourself in the blood thing he drinks, that’ll work” Gladio grunted as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Both Noctis and Prompto had stared at him with stunned expressions before the Shield shrugged, downed the remainder of his beer and strolled out of the apartment without a second glance.
And thus, Noctis finds himself covered in ridiculously expensive sushi from Ignis’ favourite restaurant, with a glass of blood-replacement in both hands, watching his boyfriend in trepidation, waiting for some form of response other than the dropping of his briefcase.
Clearing his throat, he cautiously props himself up on his elbows, taking care not to displace the sushi that Prompto claimed was the reason he needed to bleach his eyeballs and brain.
“Happy birthday Specs,” He says with a semi-nervous smile.
Oh, gods. This was a mistake. Ignis was going to run out of that door and never come back, leaving him with sushi in places no man should ever have sushi.
Noctis is about two seconds away from throwing himself from the table and bolting to the bathroom when Ignis finally moves. In less than a second he’s on the table, kneeling at Noctis’ feet and silently taking in the sight before him. It’s enough to make him squirm and suddenly feel very self-conscious.
When Ignis’ eyes do finally meet his own, Noctis can’t help the quiet whimper that escapes him under the scrutiny of that predatory gaze. The being said, the noise is just enough to bring Ignis back to reality.
“Noct…” He begins before trailing off, sitting back on his haunches and digging his hands into his thighs.
Taking that as his opening, Noctis smiles more confidently this time, holding one of the glasses out to his lover.
“I’ve got a present for you but I thought you might want the sushi first.” Noctis teases, removing one of the Trevally sashimis from his chest and playfully taking a bite of it. As the chef promised, it is absolutely worth the exorbitant amount of Gil he paid for it.
Ignis makes a noise that Noctis is almost certainly positive is a whimper, before accepting and draining the glass in record speed. The sight of his not-blood stained lips sends a spark of warmth straight to Noctis’ crotch, and he has to fight desperately to will away his growing arousal, less it displaces the sushi pieces he’d carefully balanced there.
“I-” Ignis pauses to clear his throat, setting the glass aside before continuing “I’m not quite sure what to say.”
Noctis holds out one of the Duscaen rolls with a grin “Don’t say anything, just eat. I spent a lot of money on this.” When that fails to elicit a response Noctis grins brighter and with the worst accent he can manage says “Bite me like one of your Altissian boys.”
That’s apparently all Ignis needed to lean in and eat it straight out of Noctis’ hand. Likewise, the brush of Ignis’ crotch against Noctis’ very naked thigh tells him that Ignis is finding the whole situation just as arousing as he had hoped he would.
“You went to all this effort, for me.” Ignis purrs as he steals a piece of nigiri from the middle of Noctis’ chest, his tongue darting out to swipe at the skin around it in the process. Noctis’ drops his head back onto the sturdy mahogany with a choked off moan.
“It’s your birthday,” Noctis whispers, desperately resisting the urge to thrust up against Ignis. “Wanted to do something nice.”
Ignis chuckles, playfully dragging his fangs along Noctis’ neck “As much as I appreciate this gift darling, I have not fed yet today and I cannot guarantee that I would be able to control myself.” Noctis simply rolls his eyes and grabs his face, pulling him up until they’re nose to nose.
“Iggy, do you think I honestly care?” Noctis asks “I’ve covered myself in sushi, probably scarred Prompto for the rest of his life in the process, with the intention of having you eat this very expensive food then fuck me through this table.” He can’t stop himself from grinning when Ignis’ mouth opens a little, revealing the tips of fangs. “But seriously, if you’re not going to eat this can we at least put it in the fridge? It’s starting to go warm and it feels really, really gross.”
Ignis was fast. Terrifyingly so. Whether it be pinning a cocky trainee who thought their ability to use the King’s magic made them invincible or saving Noctis from seriously injuring himself by dropping or walking into something. However, nothing compares to the speed of his lover in an aroused state. Noctis is almost completely certain that he’s never seen Ignis move at such speed before. Within seconds the numerous pieces of sushi are neatly stacked on plates and placed lovingly in the fridge. The moment the fridge door shuts, it’s precious cargo preserved for another day, Ignis is once again on the table, kneeling over Noctis.
Taking off one another’s clothes was usually a task Noctis relished in. He loved to remove each piece of clothing, kissing the pale skin as it emerged, but he’s so stunned by the turn of events that he can do nothing but watch as Ignis strips himself and throws his clothes across the room. It’s a testament as to how desperate he must truly be, that he doesn’t even pause to fold any of it as he normally would.
Most evenings they would move slowly, cautiously, Ignis far too concerned about his unnatural strength and the threat he poses, to truly let go. Tonight, however, the combination of arousal and thirst seems to be enough that that caution is flung out of the nearest window with a big ‘fuck you’.
Just below Noctis’ jaw, there’s a very faint set of scars from the first time Ignis had fed. It’s those scars that Ignis likes to pay most attention to, running his tongue over them as he laments the fact that he even hurt Noctis for a split-second. At the same time, he lowers himself down, using his hips to trap Noctis’ own against the ancient mahogany beneath them, and bringing his hands up to settle on his chest.
The sheer power radiating from the man above him has Noctis whimpering softly and rolling his hip upwards, desperately seeking some form of friction.
“Say no,” Ignis whispers “And I stop.” They both know that the second Noctis shows any form of discomfort, Ignis will be off him and out of the apartment. It has only ever happened once and Noctis is determined that it’ll never happen again.
“I’ve never said no before, not going to start now.”
The trashy teen novels he'd taken to reading after Ignis first took him on a date, liked to wax lyrical about the feeling of arousal that came with being bitten. How seconds after those teeth sank into your neck you'll be putty in their hands, desperately wanting them to fuck you six ways to Sunday. Lies. All of it.
When Noctis had first offered himself to Ignis, that is exactly what he had expected and, If he was completely honest with himself, had hoped. Instead, what he got was a pressure unlike any other that neither felt pleasurable nor painful, it simply was.
What he hadn't expected was just how aroused Ignis would get.
Seconds into it, the blonde had started rutting against his thigh, moaning softly as drank from his Prince, and Noctis was gone.
So, no. The act of being drank from wasn't arousing in itself, it was having a highly aroused vampire thrusting his very obvious erection into your thigh that caused it.
Ignis makes a soft noise against his neck at the same time he grinds himself against Noctis. Unable to resist any longer, and with nothing preventing him from doing so, Noctis brings his arms up, wrapping them around Ignis’ neck and runs the fingers of right hand through his hair.
It’s a dance they’ve done hundreds of times before, well practised and needing no guidance, and yet it still feels as hypnotising as the first. Unfortunately,  like all good things, it comes to an end when Ignis forces himself to sit upright, gently prying Noctis’ arms away and pressing his bloodstained lips to the back of them.
For a moment neither say anything, too afraid of breaking the comfortable silence between them, but it is Noctis who makes the first move. He frees his hands from Ignis’ grasp and shuffles around until he too is sitting upright, Ignis perched on his lap, before leaning in for a kiss. As strange as it might be, he has long since become used to the taste of his own blood, although he will never enjoy the taste as Ignis does, it certainly doesn’t repulse him.
“Fuck me.” He whispers against Ignis’ lips. Had he not spent years staring at Ignis’ eyes, the way his pupils dilate and his iris’ take on a brighter glow would have been highly unnerving, as it is, Noctis has had plenty of practice and the sight is a promise of pleasure to come.
Sex with Ignis is always an adventure. From the way he will find new positions and new ways to make Noctis scream his name, ensuring that the guards posted outside his apartment know exactly what is going on inside, to the manner in which he is taken.
There are days where Ignis will give in to his more animalistic side, setting a pace so brutal that walking become one hell of a task for the foreseeable future, and then there are times when he loves nothing more than taking Noctis slowly, peppering him with kisses and leaving no doubt that he is loved. It’s not that he doesn’t love the latter, because he does, but there is something so gratifying about being fucked to the point that you can barely remember your own name.
Apparently, lying naked on a table covered in sushi with fake blood in a posh wine glass was the best way to get exactly that.
Noctis isn’t sure if Ignis preps him, not that it would matter considering while he had a shower earlier he had discretely sorted himself out and put in his favourite butt-plug before being sushi-fied, but before he knows what’s going on, he’s face down on the table, gripping its edges as Ignis pounds into him from behind.
“Fuck!” He cries out, burying his face into his arm as Ignis’ fingers dig into his hips. Oh, he is going to have all sorts of bruising come the morning. Heh. Come.
The pace is brutal and unforgiving, giving him no time to breathe let alone consider wrapping a hand around his cock and dealing with the erection that he’d been trying to control all evening. Thankfully, Ignis is an attentive lover, even in his frenzied state, somehow has enough cognition left to take care of that for him without missing a beat. Long, cold fingers that Noctis honestly loves more than any dildo the internet could suggest, wrap around his straining erection and move in tandem with his hips.
Not even minutes in and Noctis is close to the edge.
Ignis’ cock might not be the thickest, but it is without a doubt the longest he’d ever seen and is curved perfectly. It hits all of the right spots and never ceases to make him see stars. Combined with the rough, potentially violent, the tempo of Ignis’ thrusts and the hand on his cock, can it really be considered a surprise that he’s not going to last as long as he wants to?
With a cry, Noctis arches upwards off the table, throwing an arm out behind him and lets go as one of the strongest orgasms he’s had in a while rips through him.
On a normal night, Ignis would usually take that as his cue to pull out and bring himself to completion with his hand, coming on Noctis’ stomach or backside, depending on how and where they’d gotten ‘busy’, but not tonight. No, tonight Ignis keeps his hand firmly on Noctis’ cock and increases the pace and strength of his thrusts. It’s maddening and the intense pleasure of it all has Noctis drooling onto the table, body limp.
He’s shaking and on the verge of begging Ignis to stop when the vampire leans down and bites his neck, withdrawing his left hand from Noctis’ thoroughly abused cock to grip his hips as his own stutter and he comes. Between the teeth in his neck, the hands on his hips and the final stutters of Ignis’ hips, Noctis cries out wordlessly as he comes for the second time in less than an hour.
They lay there breathing heavily as their senses slowly return.
“I-” Noctis clears his throat “Shit.”
Ignis chuckles softly as he withdraws his fangs for a second time that night. “Indeed.” After a few minutes of laying in content silence, fighting to regain their breath, Ignis slowly sits up and pulls out, sitting back on his haunches to admire his handiwork.
“Take a picture.” Noctis murmurs tiredly.
“I would rather not risk anyone else seeing you like this,” Ignis purrs, leaning in to press a kiss against the bruises that have already started to form on Noctis’ body. “You are mine and mine alone.”
“Yours” Noctis agrees.
Ignis is in the process of climbing off the table with the intention of cleaning up the mess when everything goes pear-shaped. He has one leg off when the table creaks ominously beneath them. A split-second later both front legs give out and the pair are sent unceremoniously sprawling forward, Noctis’ flipping over completely and Ignis landing in a somewhat precarious position, bodily-fluids and drinks accompanying them on the unforgiving floor.
They lay stunned for a moment, Noctis blinking up at Ignis’ crotch that had somehow landed on his face, and Ignis at the now horrifically stained rug. It’s Ignis who bursts into laughter first, Noctis following immediately after.
“Holy shit” Noctis cackles, clutching at his ribs “That’s the third one this month! Dad is going to kill us.”
And while that is most certainly true, Ignis can’t quite bring himself to care. It’s the best birthday he’s had in decades.
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promptistrashqueen · 6 years
Unsaved Number (TXT 7)
uh, was feeling this verse I guess? Prompto twisted his hair around a finger, frowning at it. Without the product in it it was a softer shade of blonde and he was distracted by the slight difference in color, or at least, he was pretending to be. It was sort of awkward sitting in the waiting room of the medical center that took up the west wing’s first floor. 
The full functionality of the citadel never ceased to amaze him though he was glad he didn’t have to go somewhere or be escorted to the appointment, though Noctis had certainly offered. Prompto smiled to himself, Noctis was an idiot. What other kind of person started a chocobo ranch in the middle of a city just because their best friend/boyfriend/fiance moved in? Idiots. 
“Prompto Argentum?”
The voice was cool and Prompto looked up to find a man in scrubs looking around the mostly empty room. He gave a small smile and raised a hand, standing quickly. The man offered a pleasant smile and motioned with his head for Prompto to follow. One nice thing, the citadel nurses were just like every other nurse, Prompto had been concerned about a room full of Ignis’.
“You’re here for a basic check up and a therapy appointment correct?”
Prompto shifted, looking concernedly at the scale they came to stop in front of, “Uh, yeah.”
The nurse nodded, “I’m Luc. It’s short for Lucian, pretty sure my mom thought that was funny. Don’t do drugs. Now I’ll just take your height, weight, blood pressure, the usual. Doctor Palma will be in after for anything specific you might need.”
Prompto made a noise of acknowledgement, resisting the urge to close his eyes as he stood on the scale. The nurse made a soft humming sound and asked him to turn around the measure his height. 
Little else was said and Prompto relaxed considerably. The visit was smooth and the Doctor was no nonsense enough that he felt comfortable mentioning some anxiety issues and his stomach problems. She suggested he talk with his therapist first and gave him a short list of potential medications if he wanted to try one. He felt lighter when she got up to leave, glancing at his sheet one more time. She paused and he shifted uncertainly at her little frown.
“Ah, Mr. Argentum, if you don’t mind me asking...did you and do you have access to adequate nutrition?”
Prompto swallowed but nodded quickly, “Uh, yeah, I can use the kitchens whenever I want or Iggy’ll make us food.” 
The woman’s eyes widened a bit, “Oh. Oh I hadn’t realized you were that Prompto. I see. Well you should have plenty of access then. I will send a nutrition plan with you as well though I’m certain Mr. Scientia is handling it fine.”
Prompto inhaled sharply, so it was that bad. He was getting heavy enough again a doctor thought he needed a diet. He looked down at himself, trying not to feel hurt by something he already knew. 
“Either way, please remember that the apprioate weight for an atheletic male in his late teens is higher than your current weight. It says here you’re actively in Crownsguard training so upkeep of a diet is critical, do make sure you eat more from now on Mr. Argentum.”
Prompto blinked...he was...too small? Oh. oh. Yeah, the therapist was a good call. He looked back up at Dr. Palma and smiled.
“I’ll do my best.” 
Noctis was pacing. He hated that he was doing it but well, if he tried to hold still he started to feel useless. Gladio watched him make one more loop and then he sighed, summoning his great sword and giving Noctis a pointed look.
“Training room Princess.”
For once Noctis didn’t argue, just followed his shield, grateful for the distraction. 
“You think I should’ve gone with him?”
“Noct. Prompto can handle this. He’s had a rough time lately but you know as well as I do that he’s scrappy as hell and stronger than he seems, not just on the battlefield either.”
Noctis huffed, “I know that. You gonna use that sword?”
Gladio rolled his eyes but he got the implied thanks just the same. 
When they finally paused Noctis checked the time, frowning when he realized he had a text from an unfamiliar number.
-Highness, thank you for recommending me to Prompto. I apologize if this is too forward but he asked that I contact you and gave me this number. I believe group sessions with you and his other friends may be beneficial, if you are able to make time in your schedule I would be very grateful. Again, apologies.
Dr. Cleary.
Noctis chuckled a little, relaxing a bit. If Prompto gave his personal number he must’ve been comfortable with the therapist. He showed the message to Gladio and sent a screenshot to Ignis before replying.
-We can be there in thirty minutes.
-Oh. I am sorry, I should’ve specified, we would start group in two weeks. I’m afraid I need to do some more individual work with Prompto first.
-Okay. Well let us know :)
-Of course, your highness.
Noctis could practically feel the discomfort at his casual texts through the phone and rolled his eyes. He sighed, feeling the exhaustion of training catch up too him as he took another sip of water and Gladio winked at him before he broke a potion of them both. 
“What, we can cheat sometimes. ‘Sides, you and Prompto have a date tomorrow right? Wouldn’t want you to be too sore, well not from over-doing it with me anyways.”
Noctis snorted and punched Gladio’s shoulder. 
“Thanks big guy.”
Noctis turned and grinned as Prompto crossed the training room, he looked tired and Noctis figured it had probably been a long day for him, but his smile was brighter than it had been.
“Heyaz yourself kid.” Gladio mimicked Prompto’s enthusiastic greeting and laughed when the blonde just stuck out his tongue.
“Alright, I’m going. No nasty on the training mats lovebirds.”
Prompto made a choking noise and Noctis flipped the shield off as he left, making Prompto laugh again. The sound was freer and Noctis felt warmth unfurl in his chest, things were going to be okay.
“How was it?”
“Honestly Noct? It was a lot. A whole lot but...it was good. The Dr. was great and therapy was hard but it was...a start and I really, I feel pretty good right now. You think we can get something to eat? Like maybe some soup?”
Noctis grinned, “Hell yeah we can bud. To the kitchen!”
He pressed an easy kiss on Prompto’s cheek and caught his hand, ignoring how sweaty he still felt in favor of seeing his boyfriend happy.
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15219is2ip · 6 years
Frozen Final Fantasy XV Teen -*DISCLAIMER*- I do not own any of the characters, places or otherwise in this story. I’m not profiting from this. “Reminder to all Insomnia Residents please stay inside a winter storm warning is in effect until Monday at 8 am.” Prompto shut off the TV well there may have gone his Saturday and Sunday with Noct the weather was supposed to get really bad with hazardless road conditions. He shot Iggy a text hey saw the weather don’t want you to risk coming get me if it’s bad stay safe. Noct and I will just have to play Kings Knight over our phones.” He hit send. Went to the kitchen to heat up some soup then settled on the couch and opened the Kings Knight app. He played until his phone literally died on him. Standing up he went to plug it into the charger when the power died.  Prompto sighed he made his way to his bedroom by feel and got under the covers to go to sleep. He awoke with the room still dark his fingers and toes felt like blocks of ice he reached over to turn on the lamp and was dismayed when nothing happened he got out of bed and felt around his sock drawer until he found his heaviest pair of socks he put them on his feet. Wondered if he could locate his gloves in the hall closet and decided he’d just tuck them under his pillow and went back to bed.  Next, he awoke he was hungry and thirsty and the sun was up kind of it was brighter even though most of what he saw was millions of snowflakes. It was beautiful or would be if he wasn’t cold and still without power. He went to the bathroom his foot hit a puddle of water on the floor sending him hurtling into the bathroom he hit the side of the tub with enough force that he heard a dismaying crack from his ankle. All before he collided with the faucet knocking the poor kid out.  He awoke freezing heart racing and breathing hard and fast. The pain in his leg was unbearable and his head felt like it was going to explode. This hadn’t been how he expected to die and let’s get real broken ankle head injury and probably hyperthermia the chances of him making it were slim. His friends probably wouldn’t be able to surpass the roads until Sunday or Monday. He hoped they were warm and safe and that Noct wouldn’t let grief consume him. He also thought of Luna and the promise he had made her to be ever at Noct’s side. “Hey six if you can hear me please help Noct he needs someone he can be himself with not just the prince.”  With that Prom let himself fall back into darkness. Noct was dreaming Luna and he were laying in a field of flowers when suddenly it turned really cold Gentiana approached him. “I’m sorry for interrupting your time with the oracle but your best friend needs you wake up Prince Noctis” she said pressing a flower made of ice into his hand. Noct awoke his hand was freezing he glanced down to see an ice rose in the palm of his hand. Shit it was a message Prom was in trouble. He jumped out of bed and ran to the guest bedroom. Ignus had stayed at his apartment insisting some one should stay with him in case of an emergency during the storm. Now he was glad. “Iggy wake up” He yelled shaking Ignus awake. “Noct..What’s the matter” Ignus sat up wiping the drool from his lips Six he hated that he drooled in his sleep but apparently his sleeping body was less than perfect. Noct said it was cute the on the extremely rare occasions he had awoken Iggy. “Iggy Gentiana spoke to me in a dream Prom’s in trouble she left me an ice flower and it was in my hand when I woke up. Please Iggy..” Noct whined Ignus got up and reached for his phone. “I will call Gladio he’s training with emergency services this weekend. You try to text Prompto.” Ignus commanded. Prom was dreaming again a beautiful blonde woman was sitting in a field of vivid blue flowers. “Hi Prompto, I’m Luna please be strong and don’t give up. Your friends are coming you just need to make it until they get there.  Can you do that for me and more importantly for Noct. You are one of a kind he needs you by his side.” She smiled warmly at him. “I won’t give up. I will never intentionally leave his side.” He swore. He woke up shivering and needing to pee bad but instead of lying still he forced himself to grab the side of the tub. He managed to pull himself up onto the side sitting there a moment. His bladder let lose which was very embarrassing but not his first concern. He pulled the shower curtain around him and rested a moment. His ankle was a dull throb, but it should have been much worse meaning he was losing feeling in his extremities, He needed to get warm. He pulled himself over the side and started pulling himself towards the bedroom and his blankets. He only made it a quarter of the way before he passed out again. “Iggy he’s not answering I called his house too, but no one is picking up.” Noct said. Noct had never been so worried it was unusual for them to not hear from one another and for the astrals or at least their messenger to intervene. “Gladio is close he’s going to pick us up in a Sno-Cat half the city is out of power including Prompto’s neighborhood maybe he just couldn’t charge his phone. We’ll pick him up and bring him back here.” He said laying his hand on the prince’s shoulder. “Dress warm I will pack a few potions and such just in case. They ran downstairs and got into the Sno-Cat. Noct noted that the power was out on this block too only his building had power. “The palace made sure the building had a backup generator.” Ignus answered the unasked question. “It’s not fair because I’m the prince I get warmth and light while everyone else has to suffer.” Noctis whined. “Your security and safety are in everyone interest. If you die, there is no one to maintain the wall when your father dies. By protecting you we protect everyone.” Gladio responded. He pulled away driving as fast as he dared towards Prompto’s place. He prayed the blondie was okay. Prompto became conscience again he took a moment and then started pulling himself towards his bedroom again. It was so hard his muscles didn’t want to cooperate, but he had to keep going for Noct plus he didn’t want to die.  Why was he so cold he couldn’t remember forgetting to turn the heat up but as soon as he got to his bedroom he could cover up. Why was he heading there again? For Noct he wasn’t sure what his bedroom and Noct had to do with each other. He pulled himself along his breathing and heart slowing. He stopped to watch the chocobo in the Hallway when had he gotten a chocobo he was so cute Black fluffy feathers that reminded him of Noct. They were 3 blocks from Prompto’s when they ran into an accident the car had slide into a closed arcade. They hopped out checking the scene they found the driver had a concussion broken arm the passenger seemed fine other then she was minutes from having a baby. Gladio got on the radio calling it in while Ignis got both driver and soon to be mother in the Sno-Cat. There was a brief argument which ended in Noct getting his way they filled bag with a few medical supplies and he left on foot.  He only had rudimentary medical training from Gladio and health class in school and childbirth wasn’t part of it. So, he wouldn’t be much help with the accident victims. He hoped Prom wasn’t too bad off because they would be on there own until someone could get to them. He wanted to run but Ignis had reminded him that if he got hurt on the way he would be putting both him and Prompto in danger. So, he cautiously made his way hoping Prom would be okay until he got there. Prompto was very hot he struggled until he got his clothes off He turned seeing the rare black feathered chocobo had gained a friend a blond feathered one. He giggled now you just need a red and blue one and the gangs all here. The chocobo’s surrounded him laying down next to him. He felt very warm and happy he drifted back to sleep just as he went under he thought he heard Noct call to him. Noct got to Prompto’s and let himself in after arriving late one night before Prom got off work Prompto had made him a key. He insisted he didn’t want something happening to Noct when he could just wait inside. “Prom you okay it’s Noct.” He didn’t get an answer. The house was freezing not much warmer then outside. “Come on Prom where are you Ignus and Gladio are going to take us back to my place.” He called out not finding him downstairs he headed upstairs. It turned into a run when he saw his friend laying naked in the hallway he was very pale his fingers and toes had a blueish cast to them. His ankle was very bruised swollen and there was blood on his forehead and into his scalp. He ran to Prom’s room grabbing his comforter while dialing Iggy putting him on moggletooth. He laid the comforter over Prom knowing that the cold was their biggest enemy. “Iggy it’s bad he’s unconscious barely breathing slow pulse. There is a head injury and his ankle really swelled like the time he skateboarded down that steep hill. The heat and power are out. “He informed Iggy waited for instructions. “Okay first don’t move him and no potions His ankle may be broken, and head injuries are also tricky. The potion my do more harm if not properly administered. Gently check and see if he is still bleeding. If he is, you will need to apply pressure. The other even more important thing is to try to keep him warm layer blankets whatever you can find. Body heat works well too so after you do that climb next to him on his uninjured side and spoon with him. If he wakes up keep him conscience. I will stay on with you, but you need to be prepared in case you lose me.” Iggy informed the teen. Gladio was already on the radio “There is another team a block away Peter is it okay if we transfer you Jessie and baby Gladnis to them they have medical supplies and are more equipped to get you to the hospital. Our friend is in trouble he needs us.” Peter looked at him. “It’s fine we’ll be okay now thanks to you. We’ll send a prayer to the Six for you.” They drove the block meeting up with the other rescue group. They transferred the family to the other team and Gladio took off as fast as the cat would allow. Ignis prepared the back to receive Prompto. The minute the Sno-Cat arrived he sprang out running into the house. “Noct where are you guys.” Ignus called. “Upstairs right out side his room.” He shouted. Noct Gave Prom’s hand a small squeeze. “It’s going to be okay Prom. Ignus and Gladio are here we’ll get you fixed up in no time.” Prompto responded with a small groan. “That’s right Prom come back to us. It’s okay we got you.” He encouraged his friend. Ignus had reached them and was examining his head. Prompto let out a pained groan. “It’s not deep a few stitches and he should be okay. Let’s see that ankle now. This will need splinted before we move him then we can get him some where warm. Ignus immediately got to splinting the ankle by the time he finished Gladio had arrived. “Gladdy look at the Chocobos’.” The Blond slurred has Gladio gently picked him up being careful not to jostle his ankle. “Tell you what blondie when you get better I will personally sneak you into the citadel stables. Just stop taking 10 years off my life every other week okay.” They got him in the back of the Sno-Cat Ignus put Noct in charge of getting him to drink some heated broth out of a thermos while he irrigated and started stitching his head wound. Gladio set up a heated saline solution iv and wrapped him in space blankets. As soon as Ignus finished hi stitches Gladio started heading to the citadel medical wing. The one area of the citadel Prompto visited frequently. The Prince always stayed close when hi friend was sick or hurt so it was determined that it was more secure to just bring Prompto there.  Prom suddenly jerked up screaming tears streaming down his face has his gradually warming skin sent sharp pins and needle pains all through his body. “Prom what’s wrong” Noct cried. “Hurtsss..everywwhere..make it ssstop…Pleassse” Prom begged shivering. Ignis started massaging his limbs “Noct help me massage him he’s regaining feeling in his extremities. It can be quite painful, but we can’t administer pain killers until the doctors access him. This will help get the blood flowing. Prom I’m sorry I know it hurts but you’re going to be okay now.” Ignus assured the two. “Were almost there Prom the Doctor will get you fixed up and ease that pain.” Gladio added stepping a bit harder on the gas. Several weeks latter Gladio, Noctis and Ignus wheeled Prompto into the palace stables. His leg was healing but he still was still tiring easily. His eyes lit up as Noct opened on of the stable doors bringing a beautiful yellow feathered chocobo over. The chocobo kneeled placing its head in the blondes’ lap. “You’re such a pretty baby yes you are.” He cooed to the bird. The chocobo left out contented sighs at the boys’ ministrations. “When you get better you are going to learn to ride Sweetie here. That way you and Noct can go riding this year.” Gladio told him watching him beam. “Thank You I don’t know how you found me, but I couldn’t ask for better friends.” Prom Gushed.
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