#send a picture of your pet ask a weird question on anon tell me how you think your oc would get along with mine. anything
eye-of-yelough · 5 months
someone needs to come and have a conversation with me before i die of loneliness and boredom. by the way
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theringers · 3 years
V-card anon: hi sorry about that first ask i kinda went into a fugue state (spelling?) altered state of reality maybe when i wrote that and damn near outlined a fic in your inbox
The way we played hot seat was either part of a larger drinking game when a certain card was pulled from a deck, or just on it's own. You sit in a circle, everyone has a drink, usually a beer or cider. In the card pull version, the one who pulls the card gets asked a question by every person playing and if they refuse to answer they drink from their drink. In the standalone, you do that but everyone gets a turn being asked until people get bored and leave. Fun way to find out shit about people. Usually the unwritten rule is that you can't lie. I imagine everyone sitting on shitty chouches and chairs in a semi circle around a table full of cups and bottles playing it
Questions i have been asked: are you a top or bottom? Do you like anal? Wheres the weirdest place you've fucked? Body count? Favorite position (sexual)? Fuck marry kill/ignore people in this room (EVERY TIME I PLAYED I GOT THIS QUESTION)? Tits or ass or other? Favorite non sexual body part ex. Thigh? Ideal fuck buddy? Sex regrets? Etc
Also more weird details i have head cannoned out for some drivers and most likely does not fit with irl personalities, do with this what you will, use it or don't i just have feelings. Also everyone is like compressed in age to like 20-27ish except for some of the grid who i will just think of as younger alumns who come back:
Danny R: social chair, owns a jeep he takes the doors off of in the summer, walks girls home at night to make sure they're ok, tries to DJ house events and is rebuffed by literally everyone, has like 30 pairs of vans you trip over in his room, stolen roadsigns everywhere, masters in something arigcultural or physiological, cutoff frat shirts for days, fuckboy but nice, a bit cringe, will drive around with you at night so you can scream, met reader bc she had a band tee on and wanted to talk to her about it (no gatekeeping)
Charles: some kind of engineering or math degree but no one has any idea how the fuck he's gotten so far, 4.0 never studies, games with other house members, will show up at events randomly you will have no idea how he gets on your couch but he is there, the best and worst taste in clothes, is the only one allowed to play the piano in the house, sweet, cannot help you with studies but is always down for helping you out after, has to be reminded to clean stuff, disaster bi, reader met his gf first and they probably met through that
Pierre: good fashion and music taste, shirt is gone halfway through the night, also fuckboy but wholesome, actually studies, plays a sport for sure probably soccer in some way either club or Division he's too good for rec, will hold your hair back so you can throw up, will tell you your outfit sucks, good at math, also part of the squad that games, econ major, workout buddies with reader anday have taken a math class together
Max: is part of the hockey team he will go pro, also actually studies, got into gaming because of Charles, has the nicest car, is serious until he gets a couple drinks in him, he and Daniel are close and roomed together at some point, owns like 30 sets of the same outfit a white tee and jeans, knows reader through Dan and they get dragged by him to some of the same stuff
Lando: is a pledge or new member his big is Carlos, undeclared major, just happy to be here, gaming squad, used to play lacrosse or something equally obscure, king of knowing where the good snacks are, weirdly good at beer pong, growing into a fuckboy wholesomeness level tbd, probably sweet with reader as she helped him through a blackout or something, met her because she's basically house mom for some of the new boys (the kind of mom who will teach you to do laundry or iron ONCE)
Carlos: hockey flow but does not play hockey, actually studies and is smarter than what people give him credit for, came from a private high school and uni really opened his horizons, also good study buddy, gets along with most people, goes to office hours the most out of the actually studies gang, fun at parties, owns the frat dogs, he and reader met at Office hours (they were the only students) and found they had mutual friends too
Lewis: is/was president of frat, great grades greater bod, did full evolution from fuckboy to good man, has the back tests and the moral support, up for late noght talks about life, definitely was a D1 athlete, best fashion game, implemented no hazing policy, fits into notable alum or PhD category
Mick: undergrad like Lando, also plays soccer or something, too sweet, also walks girls home/holds your hair back etc, cleans parts of the house that aren't his responsibility, higher alcohol tolerance than you expect, everyone is bizarrely protective of him, legacy member (his dad was a legend), drives a motorbike around campus and can't decide between law and psychology, actually studies, met reader through the frat and she would die for him, brings her to class on the bike sometimes because the bike is faster
George: business major, frat treasurer, three ring binder business casual in class kind of guy, nice enough, shirt comes off when drunk, runs marathons and a podcast about investments, best notes in the game and great study partner, actually studies, is drinking monster at 6AM but not because he stayed up late, he and reader met through the frat and sometimes drink wine and bitch together
Lance: hockey player, legacy member, studies sometimes, sarcasm on point, great at stack cup, very chill, knows every good nap spot on campus, also has high alcohol tolerance, is the kind of person who does well in the cold but does not like it, wears headphones so people don't talk to him, great one on one but not in crowds, business major and minor in computer science, probably also met thru Lance's gf but vibe as more introverted people and will cover for each other if one does not want to go out
Nicky: a good boy, part of the walks people home squad, sets up designated drivers for parties, good snack game, future in medical field, good listener, pretty good study buddy, midnight snack enabler, met reader through frat and his gf he and reader are on babysitting duty together sometimes when others get too drunk/high
Yuki: also a pledge or new, majoring in games or computer science as they gave me the same energy as him, games squad, bit of a mad lad, has several stolen street signs, good, met reader through frat and Yuki is the only one patient enough to explain some games to reader, they cuss people out on mic
Esteban: good man, has a full ride scholarship, actually studies, also good study buddy, Dan's little, plays soccer but maybe on a rec team because he prioritizes school, very sweet guy as well, probably chose a really practical major/dual major, met reader through Dan and are also dragged similar places by him
Antonio: manbun, philosophy or classics major possibly business dual, generally good natured but can be seen supplying his own wine at parties, used to be really into metal but kept the hair, does not know that people find him attractive, soccer boi, met reader through frat and she's the only one who will (pretend) to listen to him rant about philosophy
Alex Albon: another full scholarship guy, somehow gets along with everyone, switched majors due to an asshole professor, electrical engineering or computer engineering, actually studies, helps with frat pets,will show you pictures of his cats at home, sweetie, another contender for will hold your hair or walk you home, probably met reader through a class or club and found they had mutual friends and that reader is friends with his gf
Notable alums:
Checo - dad, successful in finance somehow (he looks like an really successful accountant of CFO to me idk why)
Kimi - dad but people forget he is, holds the record for most drinks in 24 hours that will never be come close to by anyone else, shows up on random alum weekends with 2 kegs, legally cannot tell you what he does or he would actually have to murder you
Valterri - was good at a sport when he was there, now a very effective lead engineer at an architectural firm
Seb - environmental or mechanical engineering, all around good guy with someone the best grades in frat history
Alonso - legendary for sexual exploits (consensual)
Anyone I put as actually studies is probably the type reader would hang around for more serious stuff/schoolwork and would probably be closer to, with the exception of Dan bc I feel like he'd be like we're friends now :)) we shall hang or Charles bc he will just show up. I also imagine she has a pretty good friendship with any existing gf, however if a driver does have a gf and he is the love interest sorry bb girl u gotta go for the purposes of this fic
Sorry this is so long hahaaaaaaa glad you liked my Charles thoughts ilu
i honestly wasn’t going to share this like the rest of the anon asks i’ve gotten that i keep close to my heart but this was just too good to keep to myself.
f1 drivers as frat bros/college students headcannon
i’m writing a series - each “chapter” will be a smut with a different frat bro and i’m hoping to post a sneak peek this week some time but here’s something to hold you over and give you some ideas
to my vcard anon - i appreciate this so much. my inbox is always open for ur thoughts bc they are SO GOOD !! can’t wait for you to read the first part of the series bby
PS if some of this doesn’t make sense to u feel free to send in asks (i know a lot of this is focused on american college culture so if u don’t get it i’m happy to explain)
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anthonyjlockwood · 3 years
running fingers through hair + Alex/Luke/Willie 💜
thank you for the prompt, anon!! 💜
here it is on ao3!!
Luke is having a terrible, terrible day.
He doesn’t really know why it’s been so bad, either. But it started off with yet another fight with his parents at breakfast, and then he’d forgotten his song book at the house and had to go back for it, which led to another argument about why he was “wasting away his Saturday playing with that band of his.”
On his bike ride over to the studio, it started to rain, and the cutoff tank he was wearing was decidedly not waterproof, so halfway through the quarter-mile ride, he was drenched.
He just wants to forget about his parents, and the rain, and play music with his friends.
But even that idea is soured when he walks into the studio. Willie’s there alone; it doesn’t look like Alex, Bobby or Reggie have arrived yet.
Luke stops in the doorway once he sees Willie, suddenly feeling very hot despite the cold rain that’s making his shoulders shake.
He doesn’t like to use the word “jealous”, ever. He also doesn’t like to use the word “avoiding”. But over the past few weeks-- months, really, if Luke’s honest about it-- he’s gotten this really strange feeling in his stomach when he’s around Willie.  And when it’s Willie and Alex together, that’s almost worse.
He’s not sure if it’s the whole “third wheel” concept that bothers him; he doesn’t think so, because Reggie and Bobby have been together for months, too, and it’s never bothered Luke to be around them.
But being around Willie and Alex together is… strange.  It almost feels like Luke’s missing something, or missing out on something. Like when he forgets his favorite hot dog topping combo and only realizes once he starts eating that while the food is still good, it's not right.
Luke shakes off any awkwardness along with the last drops of rain, and throws Willie a smile that he hopes looks effortless.
Willie looks up at his voice and smiles back immediately. He’s one of those people who just can’t not smile, and his happiness is like an airborne case of the measles. Luke catches it like a frisbee and can’t help throwing it back.
Something inside him relaxes a little, despite the lingering stress of the fight and the tension of the cold. His muscles ease with a shiver. “Where is everyone?”
“Alex and Reggie are inside with Ray, helping him set up the new T.V. he bought. Bobby’s not here yet… He said he’s gonna be late,” he lowers his voice to a whisper. “I think he and Reggie had a fight or something.”
“Yeah, there’s a lot of that going around,” Luke sighs.
Willie gives him an understanding smile. “Emily again?”
When Luke doesn’t respond, he tries again. “Why don’t you come sit?”
This, at least, Luke can do; he doesn’t want to talk about his terrible day and the terrible things he and his mom said to each other. But he finds that he does want to sit next to Willie, and let his friend’s positive, easygoing nature cover him up like an umbrella, shielding him from the negative thoughts running through his head.
He walks over to the couch, kicks off his shoes, and collapses on it dramatically.
Willie doesn’t indulge his theatrics, though. He just shuffles closer to Luke on the couch and says, “Y’know, I snuck out to come here. Caleb didn’t want me leaving the house.”
Willie’s uncle Caleb-- his legal guardian-- was a buzzkill on a good day. On worse days, he’d try to hold Willie hostage in his room… Luke didn’t know if it was a control thing, or what, but if Willie had to sneak out for this, he knows it must not have been a good day.
“Caleb’s been acting really weird lately,” he goes on.
If there’s one thing Luke can say about Willie, it’s that he has a knack for filling silences. He knows when other people around him are feeling uncomfortable, or if they just don’t want to talk at all, and he fills in the silence effortlessly.
Luke’s no introvert, really, but on his bad days when his mind is in the neutral gear and no matter how hard he hits the gas, he doesn’t go anywhere… sometimes he likes it when Willie takes over the driver’s seat.
“What’d he do?”
“He just… he’s so… controlling,” Willie says at length. “Needs to know where I am all the time, who I’m with. He asked me if I’m dating anyone new.”
Willie turns his head away to roll his eyes, but Luke notices. He’s heard about Caleb’s problems with Willie’s dating life-- all the questions, second-guessing Willie’s choices…
“And then, this morning, he asked me if I’ve ever thought about getting a haircut!” Willie complains. “Like, what the hell is that?! Could you even picture me with shorter hair?!”
The image of Willie with short hair has Luke laughing before he can stop himself. He claps his hand over his mouth-- Willie’s complaining about Caleb; the last thing he needs is to think Luke’s laughing at him-- but Willie sees anyway, and groans.
“This is not funny!”
Luke snickers. “Sorry, Rapunzel.”
Before he can realize what he’s doing, he leans forward.
Willie stiffens at his approach, but he doesn’t shy away as Luke gently brushes a hand through his hair.  It feels soft and smooth under his fingertips, like a blanket. He relaxes under Luke’s touch and closes his eyes, going still as a statue.
Holy shit, Luke thinks. I’m petting my best friend’s boyfriend’s hair. What the--
He yanks his hand back, and the movement causes Willie to startle slightly. He looks up at Luke with wide, worried eyes. “What happened?! Is there a bug on me?!”
“N--no,” Luke chokes out. “It’s just… sorry. It’s just your hair.”
He lets out a low, awkward laugh and just prays for the moment to end, for the embarrassment to just see itself out like the unwanted party guest that it was.
But then Willie joins in on the laughter, and the sound fills up the room-- and Luke’s heart-- with a comfortable warmth that overshadows any regret that might’ve been there before. When their laughter finally fades out into silence, Luke misses it immediately.  He isn’t sure why he’s feeling this way; usually, losing his mind over how cute Willie was is Alex’s jam. And it’s not like Luke hasn’t appreciated Willie for all that he is-- he’s just looked from a distance. Up until now, he’s been like one of those peacocks at the zoo, something that’s okay to admire from afar but impossible to touch, impossible to get close to.
Alex chooses that moment to come back into the room, grimace on his face as he quietly shuts the door behind him.
“So… it doesn’t look like we’re having band practice today.”
“What? Why?!” Luke needs music like he needs air; especially right now, when all he wants is a distraction from these thoughts about Willie. Off-limits, his-best-friend’s-partner Willie, whose soft hair and easy grin are still taking up way too much space in his mind.
Playing music’s supposed to fix that, just like it has fixed every other thing that’s gone wrong in Luke’s life recently. Losing himself in his songs is the only surefire way that he knows to not think about his problems for a while. Running the band practice, making sure that Bobby’s guitar is tuned to perfection and that Reggie knows when to come in during the chorus… it’s those organizational things that distract him the best. Because even though everything’s going to shit inside his head, on the outside everything looks perfect. It sounds perfect. It’s all as it should be.
“Reggie and Bobby are still fighting because Bobby swatted at a bee on the way to the studio, and Reggie just stopped immediately to yell at him for it because ‘bees are essential to nature,’ and ‘they’re his friends,’ and he was offended. Bobby texted me all this.
“So now Reggie’s refusing to come to practice-- or go anywhere else with Bobby-- ‘til he ‘apologizes to the bees’.” Alex snorts. “So we won’t be seeing them for a while.”
He finally crosses the studio to the couch and settles himself down on Willie’s other side, dropping his bag to the floor. “So what have you guys been up to?”
“Not-- not much,” Luke stutters. “We were just--”
“Luke was just saying how gorgeous my hair is, how much he wants to run his fingers through it. He said it’s like the finest silk from China, the most glorious, flowing--”
“Shut up,” Luke chokes out a laugh. “Alex, we weren’t--”
Alex doesn’t seem too bothered, though. He grins at Luke easily and says, “Willie's hair really is something, isn’t it?”
Luke feels his cheeks turn cranberry red. “It-- it’s alright.”
“Alright?!” Willie asks incredulously. “I believe you compared it to Rapunzel. It’s Disney Princess-worthy!”
Alex lets out a poorly-concealed snort and shoves Willie playfully, knocking him into Luke like a domino. He shoots Luke a grin over his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“He’s modest, too!”
“Luke said he’s gonna be our Prince Charming!” Willie says with glee.
“Luke, why didn’t you tell me you liked Willie’s hair so much?” Alex teases.
“Hey, it’s only fair,” Willie protests, with an impish smirk that sends shock waves through Luke’s small intestine.  “If I have to listen to you wax poetic about Luke’s arms all day, you should be able to handle-- appreciate, even-- that Luke thinks my hair is sexy.” He flips his hair, for dramatic effect, and winks at Luke. “‘Cause it is, you know. He’s absolutely right, and he can say it!”
“You’re relentless,” Luke grumbles. His face feels like a campfire.
“Willie!” Alex’s eyes widen, his own blush sprouting on his cheeks now, like Fourth of July fireworks. “You weren’t supposed to--”
“It’s fine, Hot Dog,” Willie chuckles. “I think Luke feels the same way about you. Right, Luke?”
“Wait, what?!” Luke splutters. “I--”
Luke stops himself, because he was about to deny that, and… he’s not fully confident in his answer, anyway.
He and Alex tried something, years ago, way back before Alex even met Willie… but Luke had been scared back then.  He was still scared now-- the prospect of crossing that line from friendship to more, when so much was at stake… their friendship, the band. Luke’s sense of security.
He can’t still like Alex. He shouldn’t like Willie.
And liking both of them?
Alex and Willie are still staring at him, still waiting for the answer that would make or break the entire afternoon. And Luke opens his mouth to say no, to try to salvage whatever he has left of Alex’s friendship, of his own self-respect… but apparently his brain and his heart and his mouth are not all on the same page, because the word that leaves his lips is, “Yes.”
He braces himself for the impact; for Alex’s eyes to widen in realization. For him to try to backtrack, say that Willie hadn’t meant what he said.  For Willie to use whatever paranormal charisma skills he seemed to possess to try to get them all back on track-- to make some sort of joke or change the subject.
He even prepares himself for one of them to tell him to leave. He wouldn’t blame them, honestly.
But none of that happens. What happens is that Alex steps forward slowly, shakily, and looks at Luke with a strange expression-- fear, confidence, and desire all morphed into one.
Luke’s never seen Alex look like that before, but the sight of it sets his heart pounding in his rib cage again.
“Can I… can I try something?”
Luke nods, so Alex steels himself and grabs Luke by the wrist, pulling him in and smashing their lips together.
The kiss is warm, and fast, and Luke’s heart is beating out of his chest but the sleeves of Alex’s hoodie are soft against his bare arms. He pulls Alex closer, needing more of the unexpected comfort, and Alex obliges, swinging one hand around Luke’s head to hold it in place against his.
Eventually, Luke does need to pull back and catch his breath. When he does he finds Alex’s gaze on him intently; and behind him, Willie is watching carefully, too, braced for Luke’s reaction.
He just… he kissed his best friend. In front of his boyfriend! And neither of them look particularly bothered about it…
How the hell did Luke’s day turn into this? How did he get to this point, panting in the garage studio, sweat prickling against the back of his neck, Alex looking at him like that, fresh out of a kiss, and Willie… looking like he wants to join in?
“Shit, Alex,” Willie teases, letting out a trembling breath. “I don’t think you’ve ever kissed me like that.” His eyes settle on Luke. “Can it be my turn now?”
The kiss with Willie’s a lot different. It’s warm and soft and comforting like Alex’s was, but there’s an edge to it. Luke feels like a teenager again, almost; like he’s doing something he shouldn’t be… but that just makes him enjoy it all the more.
Kissing Willie is like speeding down a highway on a motorcycle-- he can feel the rush of the wind in his ears, the room spinning around him, but he feels grounded to the seat all the same.
It’s exhilaration; it’s jumping out of an airplane with no parachute, and the rush of it only makes Luke want more.
Luke still doesn’t know how his day had turned from bad to how it is now; full of possibilities, full of nerve wracking love and things Luke didn’t even realize he was craving.
When Willie pulls him back in for another kiss, Luke decides he doesn’t even care. He’s just happy to be along for the ride.
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Glad to hear everything is great! And thank you for letting me mention you! And it seems like everyone has had some kind of affliction happening this week (including me), the stars have aligned to shed some blood in honour of Halloween I suppose haha. But you're fine yeah? Wasn't too bad of cut? Oh please tell me just one of your experiences 🙏🏼 I love stories like this, I'll tell you a short one of mine:
I've seen the ghosts of my deceased pets around my childhood home quite a few times. Often right after they'd died. The one I was most fond of (Lulu) woke me up after she passed to say goodbye. She shows up in my dreams sometimes to visit me and to tell me she's alright. 🥰
Oh my heart goes out to that anon who lives in Australia! I've been through something like that too, obviously everyone's exp is different but I just wanted to say there's nothing wrong with having a hard time adapting to a very difficult situation! I just moved to a new country and have already quit two jobs that really weren't the right fit for me. Keep trying and like Colour said before, things happen for a reason and don't be so hard on yourself! At least you know now what doesn't work for you and you shouldn't settle just for anything bc you definitely deserve better!
Anyway, what are your plans for the weekend? 😁
Yeah things are really great for me right now... hope things are great for you too? And no thank you for even wanting to mention me in the picture I really can't wait to see it!! ☺️ I think there is definitely something in the stars right now and that a lot of people are feeling that way!! And yeah I'm fine it was only a small cut, I caught my hand in something but with the way it caught my hand I pinched the skin and it cut it quite deep but only small so I'm all good!! Well one weird thing was one time I was doing a ouija board and my dad who passed away a while ago came through with a message for me... I haven't ever done anything like it since because it just made me feel too many things and I couldn't atop crying so I don't do things like that anymore... but I have just experienced a lot of weird things in this house... doors opening and slamming shut when I'm home alone... cupboards opening and closing in the kitchen when everyone in the house is all sat in the living room... things being thrown off of my vanity and going across the room... One of the worst ones was when I was in the living room with my roommate and we could hear noises in the kitchen... I asked her if she'd invited anyone over and she shook her head telling me no and that it was just us two... we could still hear things being moved around in the kitchen... doors opening and closing, pots and pans being moved around on the draining rack... we both got a little unnerved so I grabbed the first thing I could find in the living room that might be able to be used as protection, I headed straight for the kitchen and when I got in there all the cupboard doors were open but there was no one in the kitchen... I checked the door and it was locked... headed straight upstairs and checked every room up there and there was no one... after that we both just sort of learned to live with the noises and never question it... but so much weird stuff has happened to both of us in this house. I'm glad the supernatural things that have happened for you have been like that. and that she still shows up in your dreams to let you know she is okay!! It was also really nice that she went to visit you to say goodbye. I know I feel so sorry for Australia anon and I really do hope they're doing good and that things look up for them soon. I have no doubt in my mind that things will get better for them but I know how hard it can be to go through things like that!! They 100% deserve the world and I have no doubt in my mind that they will get everything they deserve in life!! Sending out all the positive vibes to them and to you for living in a new country and taking a risk like that- especially with you already quitting two jobs... better things will come for both of you!! You both deserve all the happiness in the world and I am sending much love and positive vibes to you both!! I don't have many plans for the weekend once again tomorrow I am going to my sister's house to watch the Leeds United soccer/ football game with them... I know we're gonna lose but I still like watching us play haha 😂 Do you have any plans for the weekend?
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Modified ask game - here we go!
I hit a follower milestone a little while ago - number isn’t important, but THANK YOU ALL FOR FOLLOWING ME. There are a lot of you, and I’msure that the follows are all for very different reasons, but I VERY MUCH appreciate every one of you, even if we’ve never interacted. As a way for my new followers to get to know me (if they want) I’ve compiled a list of ask games / random questions and will be posting below the cut.  Send me as many as you want, or if there’s anything not listed that you’re interested in knowing, go ahead and ask. I’ll be answering these throughout the week.  Also in the interest of being friendly and proving that I’m a real live person, I’m publicly stating that in certain cases, I’m very open to becoming non-tumblr friends. This means using other social media to communicate - whatsapp, discord (I have an account but have never used it), instagram, that godawful bird app (which is almost exclusively filled with snarky tweets and baseball opinions) ... there are even a few people on here that have my phone number. 
Why do I say this? Because some of the people I’ve met on here have become very good, very close friends. Tumblr sucks a lot. The notifications are wonky, messages don’t send ... whatever it is, it’s unreliable. I know that people on here tend to be very wary about telling people *real* things about themselves, so I respect your privacy, but wanted to put that out there. I’m not just going to pass out my info to someone that messages me on anon and asks, or says hello for the first time, but if we’ve spoken before, and it’s something you’re interested in, let me know. I swear  that on my other social media you’ll see how boring I am; I just pretend to be cool and interesting on tumblr with my hot takes and gardening and pictures of Neptune.
apricot: opinion on 3 in 1 body wash/hair wash?
crop top: what is your least favorite word?
glow sticks: are you into witchcraft?
stereo: do you have a favorite drink?
holographic: indoor or outdoor malls?
silly string: do you play an instrument? is their anything you’d like to play?
blackberries: what’s your favorite album from the 2000s?
picnic baskets: what’s your favorite picture book?
bold: favorite font?
platform shoes: what would your dream roller coaster be?
paper crowns: if you were a color, what color would you be?
vinyl: what’s your favorite scent?
glitter: what’s a good memory from primary school?
silly bands: what’s your favorite plant?
neon: friendship bracelets?
loud: shells or sea glass?
sunflower: what makes you nostalgic?
boots: what was your favorite show as a kid?
springs: what’s your favorite material?
whiteboards: old book smell or new book smell?
pop tarts: what’s your favorite weird drink or food combo?
sequins: how do you name playlists?
lamps: what type of clothes do you like to wear?
old cars: what’s the most fun word you know?
hats: what do you like to do in cities?
Cats or dogs? Why?
Snakes or spiders? Why?
Baths or showers? Why?
Drink you order from the bar?
How do you like your meat cooked?
What is your go to karaoke song?
The beach or the snow?
House or apartment?
Do you get angry playing board games? Monopoly? Scrabble? Clue?
Would you play Russian Roulette?
Truth or dare?
Do you prefer pants or a dress? Either to wear or to see others wearing.
Coke or Pepsi?
Cigarettes or cigars?
How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
What is your earliest memory?
What was your first kiss like?
How do you feel about your mother?
How do you feel about your father?
When you picture home, what do you see?
What is your favorite fairytale?
Why is that your favorite fairytale?
What is your favorite song?
Why is that your favorite song?
What is your favorite sound?
Why is that your favorite sound?
Pens or pencils?
How do you feel about cheese?
What type of cheese if your favorite?
What would you wear to a funeral?
Do you wear pajamas to bed?
Coffee or tea? How do you take either? Two sugars? A bit of milk?
iPhone or Android?
What do you do when no one is looking?
Favorite flower?
Why is that your favorite flower?
Do you have any siblings?
Which sibling is your favorite?
Do you have any children?
Which child is your favorite?
What’s your favorite classic novel? 1984? Oliver Twist? Little Women?
Have you ever been in love?
Where do you go when you want to be alone?
What would be your super power?
What would be your ideal date?
What part of yourself do you wish you could change?
red: describe your favorite shirt
orange: if you could, would you change your eye color? why? to what color, if so?
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated
green: do you have a favourite flower?
blue: preferred type of weather?
purple: a poem you think describes your closest friend
magenta: do you keep your fingernails long or short?
turquoise: favorite sea animal?
fuchsia: favorite land animal?
cyan: are you religious? spiritual?
sea green: can you fold a fitted sheet?
violet: are you a part of the lgbt+ community?
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen?
aqua: do you thrift?
pink: what's your natural hair color?
beige: have any pets? what're their names?
black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
coral: an animal you wish hadn't gone extinct?
grey: how many languages do you speak? do you want to learn any more
maroon: do you care for clothing brands?
rose: favourite scent on a person?
charcoal: have you ever been camping?
claret: do you play an instrument? do you want to learn to play any?
copper: gold or silver jewelry?
cream: any piercings or tattoos? do you want any?
emerald: if you had the option, would you choose to move and live in another country? which one?
lavender: relationship status?
erin: what was/is your best school subject?
mauve: any unpopular opinions?
coconut: a subject you enjoy learning about?
frost: a -core you enjoy?
porcelain: an tv show you used to love?
gold: do you wear your socks mismatched?
honey: your thoughts on magic- does it exist?
rust: form of art you enjoy doing?
ginger: any sideblogs?
cherry: YouTubers you enjoy watching?
wine: do you have a 'type'?
mahogany: your sun, moon, and rising signs?
blood: twin beds, queen, or king?
hot pink: did you/do you had/have strong feelings against the color pink?
plum: a food you've never tried?
lilac: dogs, cats, or fish?
amethyst: do you collect anything?
mulberry: earbuds or headphones?
azure: jean jackets?
denim: kill the spider or take it outside?
sapphire: do you think you can sing well?
mint: favourite flavour of gum?
pecan: shuffle your playlist, what's the first song that comes up?
penny: ice cream or cake?
ash: can you do your own makeup?
jade: ever written fanfiction?
grape: how many blogs do you follow?
chestnut: type of phone you have?
prussian blue: what's your first choice at the vending machine?
aquamarine: beach or pool?
brass: least favorite food condiment?
mustard: how much sugar in your tea/coffee?
silver: ever broken a bone?
burgundy: ever ridden a motorcycle?
scarlet: favorite holiday?
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cutietobio · 5 years
HC’s for Ushijima, Bokuto, Kageyama, Nishinoya, & Kuroo with an S/O who fosters kittens / has lots of pets cats. Like sis just can’t seem to say no to an animal in need. How would they react?
Sure, anon! Hope you like it :’) I apologize for the inconsistent length, but I get more ideas for some characters than others at a time.
- He’s a dog person (confirmed by my group chat, very reliable source) so he’s used to more energetic pets. He does admit that your cats are very calming, and he finds himself smiling at the sounds of their purrs. All of your cats are drawn to him like a magnet, he doesn’t understand why and he sits with a stoic face, hands on his knees while dozens of cats are rubbing up against his legs, chest and one even found its way upon his head. He would remain as still as possible, hoping they find it comfortable up there.
- He’s not very talkative when playing with your cats, but you see the soft smile which graces his features at the funny antics of your furry friends. It’s all very calming, your favourite moments is during a rainy evening when Ushijima cuddles with you upon your couch and all your kitties join in on the love. (catch me crying in the club rn, your head is resting on his chest, legs intertwined, blanket over the both of you and your cats are scattered everywhere. One is nestled upon your feet, a few on the armrests and on top of the back while a very tiny kitten is curled up on Ushijima’s sternum, underneath his warm hand)
- He would spoil them a lot, bringing over treats and exotic-sounding food. The once he came over with cotton candy flavoured meat treats and you soon realized his obsession with strangely flavoured items. Each week he comes back with something weird and you fear that your cats won't like it but you give it to them anyway, to your surprise, they almost never turn their nose to it, and if they do, Ushijima is able to get them to eat it just by holding it out for them.
- He’s surprised upon first visiting your home, only to be greeted by seemingly dozens of cats staring back at him. He lets out a sudden noise of excitement, causing all your furry friends to scatter in multiple directions. Yeah, they’re kinda scared of him and yes, Bokuto looks extremely dejected about it. The whole visit he attempts to warm up to your cats who keep a wary eye on him and pouts when none of them warms up to him. Feeling bad for him, you brought him your newest addition to your cat family which had been a tiny little kitten which you distanced from the rest. It had no power to fight back and instantly curled up into Bokuto’s chest. You swore his eyes grew misty and his smile was absolutely contagious. 
- Eventually, your cats warm up to him after his constant visits and he never fails to bring them gifts. These include treats, toys and even costumes. He buys these all unironically, he’s genuinely so excited to see what they will look like in the cute sparkly dress he bought because his heart swelled upon first seeing it. Unwilling to disappoint, you dress up one of your more tamer cats in the outfit and Bokuto is almost brought to the verge of tears at how cute they look. He’s very enthusiastic when it comes to your babies :’)
- Frequently questions when you’re considering getting your next cat. You make the mistake of asking him if he would like to tag along with you and pick out a cat to foster, you return home with four additional kittens all snugly asleep in Bokuto’s arms. (...can ya’ll imagine seeing him carrying a bunch of sleeping kittens in his muscular AF arms... I-) 
- Your love for cats is so endearing to Bokuto, he catches himself staring at you whilst you play with them, admiration gleaming within his eyes. Seeing you so gentle towards them makes his heart swell with pride at the thought that he managed to meet and date someone as loving and caring as you. He doesn’t even play his staring off as something else when you catch him and instead he openly admits what a lovely person you are. (your cat is sitting there like...human...proceed giving me attention with the delightful chase of the feather string...why do you love this owl-head anyway)
- The only experience Kageyama has had when it comes to pets is his own fish which he sometimes forgets exists. This is proved canon by my group chat members and I. He’s pretty overwhelmed by the sheer amount of cats you have and finds himself awkwardly stroking one who comes up and rubs themselves against his legs. He looks a bit uncomfortable, not sure what to do. You help him ease up by putting your hand on top of his and guiding it over the soft fur of your cat. 
- Kageyama finds your will to help cats admirable, not that he would do something like that himself, but he can tell a lot of hard work goes into it and he thinks you’re amazing for being able to cope. Many times he finds himself willing to help you clean up or even help bathe one of your cats. His hands are full of scratches afterwards and you feel sick to your stomach with guilt, only for him to offer you a small smile of reassurance and tell you he didn't mind - it was fun, in fact, seeing as he never had the opportunity to take care of his own pet in such a way before. 
- He’s only close with one of your cats. For some reason, this cat eases him and whenever he comes over, he’s instantly greeted by the cat upon stepping through the door. The one time, you caught Kageyama falling asleep upon your bed with the cat curled up against his chest, both of them with seemingly content smiles. You managed to snag a picture and it will forever remain your profile picture because what on earth can top a sleeping Kageyama with his favourite cat snuggling on top of him. (me thinking about Kageyama cuddling with a cat.)
- Your poor cats.
- In the beginning, Nishinoya is in awe at how many cats you have. He doesn’t make an attempt to rush towards them but he definitely thinks their cute. He’s more interested in how he can entertain himself by playing with them. You show him some tricks they can do and he’s immediately hooked, oohing at every minor thing they do. 
- “Whoa! that was so cool,,” 
- “Uh..that wasn’t a trick.”
- Lowkey terrorizes your cats ngl. He’s gonna test out the theory that cats are afraid of cucumbers like he’s seen so many times on youtube and laugh his ass off when one of your cats jump nearly ten feet into the air. He records the whole thing and likely uploads it to social media. He likes to set up pranks for them. The one time you wanted to walk into the kitchen, only to find the entrance blocked off with clingwrap and all your cats sitting expectantly before it, their heads bouncing around in sync. Peering around the doorway, you find Nishinoya sipping on a milk box as he waves a toy around, holding back the snickers at how funny your cats look trying to get through.
- Overall, he thinks its really cool of you to do such a thing. Despite pulling pranks on your cats, he’s really endeared by them. Knowing how much you want to help, he often sends you posts he finds from animal shelters who are looking for foster homes. It makes you happy knowing he keeps your interests in mind when you’re away from each other.
- He’ll come over with catnip one day, saying he wants to see how high your cats can get. “Damn, pass the joint du-” *hiss* “I just want my hit, man.”
- He’s in his element whenever he comes over to your house, your cats literally swarm around his feet upon barely taking a step inside the door. He’s their cat daddy, and you have zero say in the situation. Your cats probably like him more than you and you can’t even be mad at them tbh. Of course, you get a bit salty when your cats, which you have handpicked and rescued from a terrible fate, turn their nose to your cooing and tempting treats and instead find comfort in curling next to Kuroo who is watching youtube videos, not even making an effort to coax them into doing so.
- You have that one cat, the true OG, your loyal disciple who refuses to leave your side. They turn their head at Kuroo like he’s a walking infestation inside your house and they refuse to look at him with their nose up in the air. You don’t pick favourites, you love all your kitties equally, but you do find yourself loving that specific cat more during those moments. Kuroo doesn’t really mind, he just ruffles your hair teasingly and sarcastically comments that it’s good at least one of your cats love you. (yes, you did attack him with a pillow afterwards.)
- He truly doesn’t mind your mild obsession with cats. He loves them and they love him, with the exception of one. He doesn’t encourage you out of the blue but if you talk about potentially wanting to rescue a new cat he’s totally there to support you. This dude buys you so much cat food! You hardly need to go out and buy any, it’s like an unlimited supply. The one time he burst your front door open, carrying two bags of cat food over his shoulders whilst posing theatrically. “Come to me, my sweet children,” he says loudly over the deafening meow’s of your cats that circle his legs.
- He would likely ironically buy your cats these stupid looking costumes and dress them up with literal tears of laughter in his eyes. He lowkey makes fun of your cats and even YOU feel personally offended. But you gotta admit, he brings home really funny outfits and you feel bad for laughing at times. Kuroo is there for all the fun things, but as soon as it comes to bathing your cats or cleaning out litter boxes, he’s outta there.
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kinksvt · 6 years
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anon: Hello!!! Can you do a junhui fwb w/ fluff at the end?:”)
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→ pairing: junhui x reader
✱ genre/warnings: fwb!junhui, rough sex, bit of dirty talk, lotta fluff at the end with a hint of angst
✱ word count: 3,232
a/n: sorry for another long wait! but i hope you enjoy!
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Since the moment you and Jun met, you both knew that what your friendship delivered, it wouldn't be close to just friends.
Since the day he went to a party and drunk texted you that he couldn't even focus on the girl that he was trying to hit it and quit it because he wished it was instead you, things would never just be a friendship. After a night of talking that slowly escalated into suggestive texting into straight out dirty talk and more than revealing pictures of the two of you, it changed the way you and Jun would see your so-called "friendship." But of course, neither of you minded so. You both didn't have anyone in your life besides each other, nor any plans for a relationship.
Thus how you two came up with "Y/N and Junhui's Guide to Benefits." In that guide, there were, rules, to keep your "friendship" steady and without any harm.
Rule number one, you cannot sleep with anyone else without knowledge of the other. Because, for your sake at least, you don't want to catch anything from Jun's horny ass trying to bang anyone he can get his hands on.
Rule number two, you cannot act on anything sexual in the bedroom without the other's approval. I.E that time Jun almost broke your ass because he wanted to try anal without telling you which left you sitting on a bag of frozen fries for two days. Yeah, he still sticks with saying that he "could've sworn" he texted you about it and how you said "sure whatever" in response.
Rule number three, you can see other people, but you must tell the other beforehand. Flashback to when a few months ago into your new set boundaries—minus the rules that weren't yet established—Jun had began talking to a girl. Which led to her being suspicious of you two being so close and brought to the conclusion of kicking Jun in the balls and telling him to have fun with his "girlfriend." Even though you were specifically anything but.
Rule number four, no public skin ship, save it for behind the doors. It's bad enough that some of your friends have raised eyebrows at your guys' "relationship," saying that one of you two are bound to fall for the other sooner or later. But you also don't want people to think that you are taken when you both deep down, secretly wish were true.
And lastly, rule number five, if you do begin to fall for the other, say cantaloupe. You weren't sure why Jun settled on cantaloupe but you didn't bother to question his weirdness. For nearly a solid year already, your guys' agreement had gone smooth sailing—for the most part. Aside from only a few arguments and breaks in talking, everything remained steady and fine.
[10:17 pm] Junnie: hey babygirl.
It was a Friday night, spent binge watching the rest of your favorite show just like every other day. There were times when Jun had joined you and ended up falling asleep on each other. But you were sure that this wouldn't be one of those days. Jun only called you babygirl when he needed you—hell, he used pet names when he needed you period.
[10:19 pm] You: hii, what's up?
You really didn't need to guess what was up though, you liked to act coy and make him admit to what he really wants.
[10:20 pm] Junnie: mmm i bet u already know baby
[10:20 pm] You: do i??
[10:20 pm] You: are you sure?
[10:20 pm] Junnie: dont act like that baby
[10:21 pm] Junnie: or else.
[10:22 pm] You: but juuuuunnnnnn
[10:22 pm] You: im tiredddd :(((
[10:23 pm] Junnie: thats never been a problem before
[10:23 pm] Junnie: now open the door its cold out here
You rolled your eyes, not surprised that he was already there, basically waiting to ask you to let him in. Sighing, you dropped your phone onto the couch and paused your show—getting up to fulfill Jun's plead. Jun's ears perked up when he heard your footsteps get nearer, the sudden click of the door followed by your face instantly made standing in the cold all worth it.
"Get in here you dork," you said, opening the door and moving out of the way for the tall male to enter.
"Don't have to tell me twice," he replied as he hurried inside, pushing off his jacket and shoes.
You laughed to yourself and made your way back over to your spot on the couch. Unfortunately, you hadn't noticed that your hips had a bit more of a sway to it, making Jun silently and smirk slightly. He watched you like a predator as you sat on the couch. You only wore a sweater and shorts, not bothering to go back to your room to put on joggers to cover your cold legs. But, since you hadn't worn a bra—because why would you need an unbearable underwire sticking into your torso when you could be comfortable—Jun noticed that your nipples slightly protruded from the material. He swallowed and was, thoroughly reminded of the reason why he came here in the first place. When he had taken longer than usual to come over to you, you glanced over at Jun, seeing him standing there and watching you.
"What?" You asked, unknowingly. The conversation you two had merely minutes ago already slipped from your mind, until your eyes traveled a bit far than intended and you were also reminded of why Jun came over. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna do something about it? Hm?" You teased him, a smirk toying at the corners of your lips.
Jun chuckled, his voice dangerously low. "I'm not gonna do something about it," was all he responded with, not moving from his spot even an inch. You tilted your head the slightest, knowing he wouldn't not do anything about his hard-on. "You are." Your eyes widened, making Jun smirk and he beckoned you to come to him. Slowly but surely, you walked to where he stood.
You kept your head down until the sound of Jun's fingers snapping captured your attention. His eyes were dark, darker than usual, as he stared into you and his arm moved. His index finger pointed to the floor, asking you silently to get on the floor. You did as he inaudibly asked and got on your knees, looking up at him. "Good girl." He bent down and grabbed your chin, lifting you a bit so he could kiss you.
The kiss was soft but needy at the same time. His tongue didn't waste any time prying its way into your mouth, grazing over your own. You moaned and Jun groaned in response, his cock twitching in his jeans at your sounds. You moved your legs out from under you and Jun got closer. He lowered you to the floor as you two never stopped making out. As soon as your head was on the floor—safely—he broke the kiss and went for your neck. "Ah. Jun,"
He shushed you as he trailed his hot, open-mouthed kisses all around your neck. His cold hand shocked you as it grazed along your hips, going up your torso, underneath your sweater and grabbing onto your breast. "Missed you so much, princess." Jun's voice was muffled as he sucked fresh hickeys onto your collarbone, his hands groping you.
"I- ah!" As you were about to respond, you felt pressure on your clit, a broken moan slipping past your lips. "I know you missed me, baby. I can feel how wet you are already."
You shifted against his touch, "Please Jun, n-no teasing."
He chuckled, "Whatever you want, baby." You lifted your hips as Jun's fingers slipped past the band of your shorts, dragging them down your legs. You sat up and lifted your sweater off of your torso, the cold air hitting your nipples, making you shiver but also get even more wet at the feeling. "You're so beautiful, Y/N." His warm but still cold hands found their way back to your breasts, toying with your nipples.
Leaning into his touch you whined, "Junnie," you whispered.
"Yes baby?" He leaned down to kiss your neck, your hands finding purchase in his hair.
"Please," you breathed, "just fuck me."
Jun groaned, your words sending sensation right down to his cock. "With pleasure," he roughly tugged down your underwear and hastily got out of his jeans. His cock strained against his underwear, cursing you both for being so needy.
If you weren't so turned on, you would've spent the entire night sucking his dick. "Wait," you stopped him as he continued to strip. "Can we move to the couch?"
He laughed and helped you up off the floor. You ran to your requested area as he searched his jean pockets and joined you. "Better, baby?"
He leaned down to give you a quick kiss and tore his underwear off. Jun pumped his cock a few times, making your heat clench around nothing. He opened a condom he brought with and rolled it onto his length. "Ready?" Jun asked, his hand settling beside your head on the couch, positioning himself.
You silently nodded and he pushed his cock into your pussy. With a whine, you scratched his back, his girth stretching you in the slightest, but most pleasurable, way. "Fuck, Y/N," he looked down at you, admiring the way you already looked completely wrecked and you two hadn't even started. "God you're so fucking perfect," Jun said as he pulled out almost all the way and slammed back into you, knocking the breath out of your chest.
"J-Jun!" He fucked into you, making your tits bounce with every thrust.
"You feel so good, baby." Jun moaned rather loudly, he threw his head back and relished in the way your walls hugged him. Jun's cock slid in and out of you, hitting all the spots that made you whimper and cry out his name.
You desperately searched for his hand, your eyes squeezed shut from ecstasy. He got the hint and grabbed your hand, your fingers intertwining together. "A-ah, Jun, f-fuck." You squealed, and gripped his hand tightly.
"Hold on baby," he said suddenly. You opened your eyes as he slowed his pace down. Jun grabbed your legs and put them over his shoulders and held your thighs. He pulled out all the way this time, your juices exiting your pussy and dripping down onto the couch. "You're dripping for me, Y/N.." he said dreamily as he observed the way your heat began to clench again.
"P-Please, please! Jun, put it back in. I'm begging you." Your nails scraped his thigh, trying to grab it. You felt empty and he hadn’t even been out of you for a minute. You needed him badly.
Jun slapped his cock against you, making you jolt from the action. "So so desperate for me, aren't you?"
You began to get more impatient, "Wen Junhui, if you don't fuck me right now I swear to god I'll-" before you could finish, he granted your wish and rammed into you to the hilt, making you scream out his name. He didn't give you anytime to adjust and only began to fuck you harder, hitting you at a new angle as he held your thighs. You moaned with every movement he made, making you feel pathetic.
"Y/N, I've been so hard for s-so long. I couldn't stop thinking about you and fucking your pussy. Oh my god, f-fucking shit." You felt amazing around him. To Jun, it felt as if he hadn't had sex with you in forever.
"Y-Yes, yes please Jun. Please, h-harder." You breathed, feeling your orgasm building slowly. You glanced down at Jun's cock, shifting in and out of you, the sounds of it making your face flush.
Jun abruptly leaned forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. You moved your legs off of his shoulders and wrapped them behind him, wanting to feel him deeper in you. The soft, romantic kiss contrasted against his rough, harsh movements in you, making you get even more turned on. He kissed you gently, his lips like plush pillows against your own. You both breathed heavily through your noses, also cutting in between the kiss to catch your breaths. His tongue mangled with yours, fighting a war he knew he would win. The kiss, his cock moving at such an unbelievable pace made it too much for you, your orgasm building quicker and quicker with each second. "Jun, I'm gonna cum soon." You said against his lips and he whined.
"Me too, baby. Cum with me?" He didn't need a response, with the way you were looking—like a perfect ruined masterpiece—the sounds you made and the way you enveloped his length like you were made for him, he felt his own orgasm approaching as fast as yours. He sat up, never slowing down his movements as his thumb suddenly came into contact with your bundle of nerves.
You screamed, your clit pulsating with pleasure, developing a quick heartbeat. Your vision began to get fuzzy and your hearing getting muffled. The coil in your stomach was getting ready to go off, you knew you wouldn't last much longer. "J-Junnie, I-I'm gonna cum." You managed to tell him.
"Let it go, princess. Cum all over me." His words pushed you over the edge and with a hard clench around his cock, you came. Your walls clamped onto Jun and that was enough for him to cum as well. You both came with a loud moan of each other's names that you half expected to get calls of complaint from. Jun's cum spurted into the condom, his mouth forming a wide 'O,' and sighed contently. You both stayed in your positions, your heavy breathing the only thing audible in the humid room.
After a few short moments, Jun slowly pulled out of you, making you both hiss with sensitivity. He stood up and disappeared somewhere, discarding his soiled condom. He returned with a warm wash rag to clean you up and also all your clothes. "I wasn't too hard on you was I?" You giggled lightly, his hard side long gone with the condom he used.
You shook your head lightly as he wiped your juices off of you and tried his best to soak it up from the couch as well. You both were still naked but he stared into your eyes, making you feel weird. "What?" you questioned self consciously.
Jun didn't say anything, his eyebrows furrowed and he looked sad. "Fuck." He whispered under his breath, hoping you hadn't heard it.
But you did.
"What happened?" You sat up and got on your knees as he handed you your sweater.
He lifted himself off the couch and stepped into his underwear quickly. "Uhm, nothing!" Jun said, throwing his clothes on and beginning to get ready to leave.
"Wh-" you grabbed your own underwear and slipped them on, your eyes locked onto the figure briskly walking to the door. You decided screw the shorts and ran after him, grabbing his wrist. "Jun? What happened? Are you okay? Was.." you trailed off, nervous to ask your next question. "Was it not good?"
Jun faced away from you, eyes locked on the door. You let go of his wrist slowly, your heart hurting for a bit. He never just left after you two had sex, whether it was soft and romantic or rough and hard and lasted forever. Jun and you always stuck by each other, cuddling, eating and sometimes even falling asleep together afterwards. Why was he in such a rush to leave-?
Looking down at the floor, you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes. Hesitantly, you asked—afraid of the answer, "Are you, seeing someone?" Jun still didn't budge or say anything.
After a long silence of him arguing with himself, he drew in a deep breath. "Cantaloupe."
Your eyes widened and you looked up at him, recognizing the code word you two settled on, nearly a year ago. "I," you were speechless, you didn't know what to say. Your words were replaced with sand and it made your throat dry.
"I didn't mean to fall for you, Y/N. I didn't think I would but, how could I not?"
"Jun," you began to say before he cut you off.
"No. Let me, let me finish." You nodded in response, even though he still wasn’t facing you.
As if he read your mind, he slowly turned around. "I didn't think I would fall for you Y/N but, god how couldn't I? You're so beautiful and you've put up with me and my bullshit for so long. You even agreed to just being friends with benefits and although I've enjoyed that, very much. I feel like it's not enough for me." Jun felt as if he were going to cry. All the pent up emotions and feelings he's had brewing for you for the last few months were about to spill over. "I love you, Y/N. I-I really do. I look forward to waking up and seeing your texts, I look forward to coming over and seeing your pretty face, but it hurts my heart whenever I see you with anyone else."
A tear slipped its way from the brim of his eye and rolled down his cheek. "I remember when you started dating that Joshua guy and he just totally broke you in a way that I wouldn't wish on my sworn enemy. The way you cried in my arms, Y/N, stabbed my heart and didn't leave my mind for days. It killed me seeing you like that, so broken and hopeless."
You sniffled, your vision becoming a murmur of colors and Jun's figure in front of your main entrance. "Y/N," he shifted closer to you and grabbed your hands. "I am so crazy about you. And I love being your friend but, I want to be more. I've wanted to be more for so long I just, didn't know how to tell you. I want to be here with you and not at home, wondering if you'll change your mind one day and leave me. Or laying in my bed, worrying if you're debating whether or not to stay with me. I want to be yours, Y/N. And I want you to be mine. Please, I love you so much. Without the sex, you're still my best friend and my god, I'm certain that I'm in love with you." You swallowed dryly, your heart stinging in a good way. "What do you say, Y/N? Will you be my girlfriend?"
Smiling, you pulled his hands closer to you and wrapped your arms around his torso. Jun cooed inwardly, his own arms wrapping around your frame. "Yes Jun, of course I will." He smiled like an idiot, squeezing you ever so lightly.
“Thank god because if you said no, this would’ve been awkward for a long time.”
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artificialqueens · 6 years
Crazy, stupid, sudden (Craquaria) Part 2 - Catrina
A/N: This was gonna be only a one shot bc I didn’t know if you would like it, but you asked, and I delivered. I had so much fun writing this, I hope you like it as much as I did. Some things: 1. Thanks @likeuranus for giving me ideas and opinions, ily! 2. I used Miz as Cracker’s name in the first part bc I was confused about it (for the anon who said it was like calling Miss Fame ‘Miss’) 3. I didn’t expect you would like it so much! PLEASE REMEMBER TO send some feedback if you liked this part and make me know if you want a third part? 4. Would you be insterested if I do a kind of “side chapter” where I explain Sharon and Alaska’s story better? Make me know at @the-glitter-skeleton and feel free to talk to me lmao I need friends <3 That’s it, enjoy.
Miz is going crazy. She just can’t understand —even when Monet tells her there’s nothing to understand— and her stubborn mind isn’t helping at all.
“So, in summary, you have a crush” her friend says, turning to her locker.
“I do” Miz sighs tiredly, leaning her back on the locker next to Monet’s. “And I don’t know how to get close to her”
“You drool over her since last year, didn’t you have enough time to plan shit like that?” she mocks, changing books into her bag.
Miz opens her mouth indignantly, ready to argue. “I don't—”
Monet closes the door of her locker suddenly, looking at her friend with a raised brow. “Christmas party, five months ago; you, Blair and I were outside the theater when certain girl with aquatic name walked by. ’She’s the prettiest thing I’ve seen around here’ quote by you”
Miz knows she’s defeated when her cheeks burn with embarrassment. “Smart bitch” she whispers as she rolls her eyes. “Are you helping me or what?”
“Brianna, I wasted my time investigating the bus route on Monday for you. After that anything is easy” Monet giggles when they start walking to their first class. “At least you took the chance when you saw her in the bus; she knows you now. And driving her to school was a good start, you got to see her everyday. That’s something”
“But out of my car we don’t talk at all! The longest conversation we had was about weather. Every time we get here she just thanks the ride and goes away” Miz pouts. “And don’t call me Brianna, only my mom calls me that”
“Whatever, Miz” she remarks ironically. “What I’m going to is that you can go closer easily now”
“But how?”
Monet stays silent until they sit at the back of the classroom. The teacher doesn’t arrive yet, and everyone is too busy chatting to care about it. She looks at Miz with a concerned look that makes her friend know she’s focused. She smiles when an idea comes to her mind, tapping on Miz’s arm to get her attention.
“You have to ask her out!”
Fridays are boring. But when Aquaria thinks of it, she realizes everyday is boring. The only interesting part of her days seems to be the way to school and home, when the sees Miz.
But then, everything goes down.
She doesn’t know what’s happening. It’s out of control her every time she combs her hair a little better hoping Miz notices it, or every time she sneaks to Sharon’s room to steal her perfume because it smells better than hers.
It becomes stronger when she looks at her and she can’t help but smiling like a maniac. She knows the feeling, she isn’t dumb; she knows perfectly it’s something she can’t bury. The word love burns into her brain like acid.
Aquaria doesn’t like that word. It’s tough and merciless. She saw the perfect prove with her own moms; destroyed after giving everything they had. Even when Sharon mentions how happy she is now and Alaska assures she’s better alone, she knows Sharon still conserves pictures of her wedding in a box under her bed and Alaska prefers going on business trips so she doesn’t have to be in her huge house that used to be filled with Sharon’s voice.
She doesn’t want that. Miz is nice, funny, special. She’s everything Aquaria has ever wanted and she’s too scared to go for.
It’s useless. She closes her eyes and tries to throw every single idea that has been around her mind this morning away. Her eyes are on the table, quietly chewing on the bread with dry cheese and too much ham of her daily sandwich when a noise makes her lift her head suddenly. It just takes Miz a second to sit by her, looking directly at her soul with those gorgeous big eyes of hers.
“Hey” she smiles. “Mind if I stay here?”
Aquaria almost chokes on the bread as she swallows as fast as she can to answer. “It’s fine” she manages to say, receiving a smile from Miz.
For a moment, they don’t do anything more than eat silently.
“What are you doing tonight?” Miz asks suddenly, her eyes on her food over her plate as she carelessly stings it with a fork.
The question surprises Aquaria. She thinks for a second; she hasn’t anything planned, maybe watching a movie and make dinner for Sharon when she arrives from work, but nothing else. What could she do, anyways? With no friends at all, her nights are just as boring as mornings, but she doesn’t wanna Miz to know that.
“I don’t know” she replies, keeping herself from asking why. “No plans yet, I guess”
“Wanna go out with me?” she asks simply. So fucking simply Aquaria can’t understand why it makes her heartbeats increase.
She can’t think of an answer. She knows she should say no, but Miz is looking at her and the idea seems so irresistible she just can curl the corners of her lips into a little smile and nod. “Yeah”
It’s just going out, she comforts herself, ignoring the huge warning signal in her mind. That isn’t gonna hurt anybody.
“We have a date then!” Miz’s eyes shine.
Aquaria is finally at home, nervously walking in a circle on the living room. After taking her home, Miz said she would pick her up at seven before she started the car again and drove until it disappeared of Aquaria’s sight.
She takes her phone and goes to do the first thing she knows she should have done before, dialing the number of Sharon’s office as she throws herself to the couch.
“Good afternoon, you’re calling to the office of doctor Sharon Needles. What can I do for you?” a voice sounds at the other line of the phone.
“Hey Max” she replies with a smile. Her mom’s secretary is nice and always sends Aquaria cookies in Christmas, which of course was an easy way to gain her boss’ daughter’s heart. “Is my mom there?”
“Aqua! It’s good to hear you” Aquaria can swear she’s smiling even when she can’t see her. “And sorry darling, your mom is going to a meeting right now. Something you want me to tell her?”
“Yeah. Just tell her I’m going out with… a friend at seven. I’ll be back early and I’m taking my phone if she wants to call me”
There’s a puse before Max talks again. “Alright sweetheart. As soon as I see her I’ll tell her”
“Okay, thanks Max” Aquaria giggles before hanging up.
Hours after, Aquaria is still on the couch, watching a boring cooking show she found changing channels with no order. It’s the best way she has to entretain herself a little, even when the meat the old lady is cooking looks gross. It’s way too much salt, Aquaria thinks as she sighs.
Suddenly, the main door opens, revealing Sharon’s figure in the frame. Aquaria jumps in her spot, looking at her in surprise.
“Mom? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” she asks, sitting sitraght.
“I am, but when Max told me you called I had to run here. My baby has a date!” Sharon snaps cheerfully, closing the door and dropping her purse in the other couch to sit next to her daughter. Her smile is the brightest Aquaria has seen in years, and she can’t help but smiling too.
“You left work… for me?” is all she can ask, incredulous.
“Honey, I’d leave that hellhole for you anytime” Sharon assures.
Aquaria knows it’s true when she remembers Sharon dropping the chance to head a stomach surgery in the middle of the morning because she went to Aquaria’s ballet festival to see her perform. Work is her worst addiction, but her love for Aquaria is way stronger.
“Now, are you gonna tell me who is this nice person who asked you out?” the woman talks again, kicking her heels out so she can fold her legs under her on the couch.
Pathetically or gracefully —depends of Aquaria’s mood— Sharon is her best friend. The few hours she gets to see her are to talk about anything, from homework to annoying coworkers, but she didn’t tell her about Miz because the fear was bigger than the confusion and Aquaria couldn’t organize her mind.
But curling her body against Sharon’s, she sighs and decides to shut her mind down for a second. Just for a second.
“Her name is Miz Cracker, I met her days ago. She’s super nice and gentle—”
“Miz is such a weird name” Sharon comments.
“I know, her real name is Brianna, but she doesn’t like it”
“Oh, that’s cool. And you like her?”
The direct question is like a thrown arrow, going right to Aquaria’s chest. Closing her eyes, she purses her lips, looking for an answer. Love, being a group of negative things in her life, is also an untouched topic with Sharon. That makes it even worse.
“I’m scared, mom” she confesses in a small voice.
“Why, darling?”
“What if it doesn’t work?”
“C'mon, you can’t know that if you don’t try. And you’re too young to worry about that. If it doesn’t work, you can try it with someone else! Maybe someone without the name of a cookie as last name” she jokes, petting her hair. “Let those stupid fears outside your head and just enjoy what you can enjoy”
Her words seem to make something in Aquaria’s chest to grow; sudden courage. She doesn’t wanna lose Miz, but if she starts something knowing it can end, at least she’s gonna make it worthwhile. Nodding, she hugs Sharon as tight as she can. “You’re right, so fucking right”
“Nothing new, your mom is really smart” Sharon brags with a smirk, looking down at her watch for a second. “It’s six o'clock, let’s do what I came to! What are you gonna wear?”
Aquaria laughs, being dragged by Sharon upstairs to her room. For some minutes, she sees her mom searching into her closet from her bed, until Sharon turns around with a black dress she hasn’t seen in a while. Her mom looks at it with nostalgia, and Aquaria remembers; is the dress Alaska gave her for her birthday the year before.
Once she puts it on, Sharon takes manage of her hair. She combs it until it’s done and then proceeds with the make up that Aquaria finds unnecessary, but she lets her mom take her as a doll to dress and paint. When she finishes, she can’t stop praising her, petting her head with shining eyes and the biggest smile.
Miz’s car stops outside the house just ten minutes later. Sharon is nervous, maybe more than her own daughter when she hugs her and watches her from the door frame. Miz’s head pocks out of the window, yelling hello and waving at Sharon, who can only do the same.
“You look really pretty” Miz praises when Aquaria pulls into the car. She’s all dressed up, wearing a shiny light purple dress that makes her look adorable with her wavy blonde hair perfectly done.
“Thanks” she replies, a smile hiding behind her lips once the door is closed and the car starts. “You look pretty too”
Miz drives through the now dark streets, until they reach a little restaurant Aquaria has seen before. It’s warm and comfortable, and Aquaria feels even better when Miz reaches her side as soon as they’re walking to the door.
When they sit, dangerously close with their knees touching, it feels good. The thrill of disappointment and fear isn’t as big as Aquaria imagined it before, and when Miz smiles at her and asks what are you gonna have? in the sweetest voice, it seems to disappear.
She’s glad Miz can fill the holes in the conversation every time Aquaria just stays silent because the words don’t come out. She talks about her life, her childhood, stupid things that catch her attention —how could Aquaria know Miz actually loved to cook?— and more important, she gets her to do the same. She opens up; grabbing some vegetables with her fork as she tells Miz things she didn’t even remember before.
“I like your voice. It’s good to hear it more than just saying yes, no and I don’t know” Miz mocks, gaining a death gaze from her. “I’m serious, though. It’s really pretty. I could listen to it forever”
“I already listen to your voice always, so I can’t say the same” a high pitched gasp comes out of Miz mouth as Aquaria chuckles, looking down at her plate.
“And she can joke! You’re full of surprises. What else could you be keeping from me?”
“Well, you still don’t know I’m actually a secret agent from the FBI” Aquaria grimaces. “Now that I told you, I have to kill you”
“Okay, you joke about the FBI, that makes you even more perfect now” Miz states in a serious tone that makes Aquaria laugh. “Let’s just marry already”
“I wouldn’t mind that” Aquaria replies, not very attentive of her words. When she realizes what she has said, she bits her lip as her cheeks blush. “I didn’t mean to—”
“It’s okay, I was thinking the same” Miz puts her elbow over the table, resting her chin on her hand as she watches the girl in front of her. “You’re beautiful when you blush”
“Only when I blush?” Aquaria teases with a raised brow, the tension tangled in her nerves thankfully decreasing.
“Oh, well—” blinking, Miz seems taken aback. “You’re always beautiful, but, you know, when—”
She stops when Aquaria smiles, letting her know she was joking.
This feels just right.
When they head back to Aquaria’s home, the smiles are still there, and the comfortable heat that seems to go between them too. The car stops just where it did hours before, full of a very deserving silence after everything they spoke. Aquaria looks at Miz one more time before she open the door and for her surprise, Miz is already looking at her.
“This was a good night” the blonde comments. Her eyes shine under the street light, making Aquaria to fall in a small trance as she can only stare at them.
“It was” with her voice becoming little, she answers.
And again the silence. Aquaria turns a bit to open the door and Miz knows she should say something else before she goes. She can almost feel Monet’s gaze over her when she touches her arm, asking silently for attention.
“Aqua, I want to tell you something” in her head it sounded better, definitely. Aquaria is looking at her attentively and she just sighs, the nerves running through all her body. “I— wait, no. I just wanna say— I… like you, Aquaria. More than friends”
The words come out, floating in the air for a second before Aquaria can process them. And the silence hits the car once again, but this time it doesn’t feel right. And at the lack of response Miz sighs again, but this time embracing a mix of disappointment and dispair.
“I’m sorry. Please, let’s just be friends. Forget that. It was stupid— you know what? I’m drunk! Yes, so fucking drunk, I don’t know what I’m doing! I shouldn’t be driving”
With no words at all, Aquaria’s hand reaches Miz’s.
“No, Aquaria, don’t do that” with her head shaking negatively, she pulls her hand away as she looks down. “Don’t try to comfort me, I should’ve known”
“What should have you known? That I like you back?”
Miz can’t belive it. It doesn’t even sound true when Aquaria smiles warmly.
“You do?” lifting her head she asks, her insecurity becoming adorable for Aquaria, who can only nod to confirm her answer.
“I definitely do”
A smile grows on Miz’s lips. Is the only reponse her body produces, everything else is completely blank. Even when she tried to be positive about the topic, thinking Aquaria would have a mutual feeling, hearing it is completely different.
Her eyes can’t help but stare directly at her lips, those that look soft and sweet, those she wanted to kiss since a long time ago. She doesn’t even realize when Aquaria’s eyes are back on her, and her body moves closer, against hers, not having to deal with the seat belt. Her hand goes to Aquaria’s, holding it tight. Miz feels her chin being lift by her free hand.
When she looks up, Aquaria’s face is just inches away from hers. She can feel Miz’s heavy breathing coming out of her lightly open mouth.
It's sudden when their lips smash into each other, both of them closing their eyes with excitement running through their veins.
It's crazy when their heartbeats increase to a point they seem to be breathless, looking for air in the other’s mouth.
It's stupid when they break the kiss and their lips feel unsatisfaced, wanting —no, needing— more contact.
All they can do is look at each other, too shaken to talk. Their hands are still holding each other, Aquaria’s hand is still on Miz’s chin and the blonde’s hand has somehow found its way to her waist. Everything feels right. No, not right, it feels even better. It feels crazy, stupid, sudden; just like everything between them. And that’s absolutely perfect.
“Would be dumb if I say this is the best first kiss I ever had even when I never had one before?” Miz asks, eyes full of daydream. “I sounded so ridiculous and cheesy but it’s true. This is even better than I thought”
Talking in the calmest tone Miz has ever listened in Aquaria, she looks down with a little smile. “It was my first one too”
“Was it?” Miz’s brows raise with surprise when she nods. Pride grows in her chest; she was her crush’s first kiss. That’s more than something, Monet would say. “May I be your second one too?”
“You can be as much of them as you want” Aquaria eagerly replies, pulling her on a messy kiss as the car fills of heavy breathes and wonderful heat.
It feels perfect.
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drferox · 6 years
FAQ update
I decided to post the FAQ as a separate post so it’s more searchable on mobile, as there have been a lot of asks that are simply impossible to answer lately. So doing this will hopefully make the FAQ easier for people to find.
Please remember that I am not your personal search engine. Please use the search function to see if I have already answered your question before submitting. Also please be aware that it may take you weeks to get an answer, and many questions will not be answered at all. Urgent questions are not appropriate.
I am not actually a pet care blog, I am not going to tell you how to care for your mouse/rat/gerbil/fish/bunyip
I don’t really do behavioral questions, especially about one particular animal. That’s not the scope of this blog, too difficult to understand what’s going on through an anon question without seeing the behavior and in some cases it calls for specific case advice which I can’t give you anyway.
I am not a substitute for seeking professional help with mental health. I can do a little first aid if you happen to catch me online, but that’s it. A bandaid wont fix a broken bone.
I am in Australia. We do not have Rabies, wolves, gerbils, hamsters or chinchillas, etc
I do bite sometimes.
Q. I have a gofundme for vet expenses…
A. I gotta give a hard pass on that one. I cannot and will not be going around sharing various gofundme and other crowd sourcing links for vet expenses or anything else. Please understand, once I say yes to one, I have to say yes to all of them or justify why I said no to one, so my rule is I say no to all of them unless I have personally donated.
Q. Can you give me advice to get into a veterinary medicine course?
A. I could only offer general advice about Australian courses, as I have no experience with international systems, and the course I completed has since been revamped. It was over a decade ago that I was applying for vet school, my information may well be out of date, and the USA system is a weird alien place for me. I don’t know or care what freshmen or seniors are, and when I went through uni I didn’t have a major.
Q. Can you give me medical advice about my pet?
A.  No. Please understand no. The only answer I can give you is ‘take it to your local vet’. It’s actually illegal and unethical for me to give specific veterinary advice about an animal I have not physically examined, or that lives outside of the state of Australia that I am currently registered in. I can give you advice about whether you should see a specialist or how to find one, or general information about a condition, but I will not discuss specifics of any one medical case that I am not personally involved in.
Q. Have you written a post or breed evaluation on X?
Please, please, use the search function before asking. There is a good chance I already have. Here’s a Masterlist.
Q. Are the vet stories real?
A. The stories and cases are real, some details have been obscured to prevent identification. Good luck figuring out which ones.
Q. Who drew your art/header/avatars?
Definitely not me. Generally speaking any art has been drawn by the person submitting it, unless they have requested anonymity. The header image and avatars are drawn by the lovely c-rowlesdraws.(LINK)
Q. What’s a “question tax”?
A, A question tax is a silly ‘toll’ that I hoped people would do when asking me their many, many questions. It varies from time to time, but are generally non-vet related questions like “What type of Pokemon would I be” or “Came for the X but stayed for the Y”. These things are optional, but they made me feel more like a human and less like an automated answer bot. I’m not overly worried about it anymore, in fact I often forget to answer them now.
Q. Why does it take so long to get an answer to my question?
A. Because there might be more than 100 questions waiting in my inbox, and I only answer around 2 a day. You have about a 15-20% of getting your question answered, but if you didn’t read the FAQ or decided to ignore it, that chance will be zero.
Q. Can I send you a photo of my pet?
Of course you can, but please be patient before it’s posted. Sometimes there’s a big of a queue, I enjoy seeing other people’s pets.
The pet needs to be your own though, or you need permission to post somebody else’s pet, and I’m reluctant to post pictures with the faces of minors in them.I will also not be posting pictures of pets with cropped ears, docked tails or extreme anatomy that compromises welfare which shows these characteristics in a positive light. This is nothing personal against the animals, which I’m sure are lovely, but against the practice
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whydontwejustblog · 7 years
unusual asks
@anon that said “1-100,” i’m no chicKEN—
spotify, soundcloud, or pandora? spotify all the way.
is your room messy or clean? messy i like to think it’s neat.
what color are your eyes? a boring dark brown.
do you like your name? why? i hate it. i wish it was esteban julio ricardo montoya dela rosa ramirez.
what is your relationship status? what’s a relaytionsheep?
describe your personality in 3 words or less. boring.
what hair color do you have? still a boring dark brown.
what kind of car do you drive? color? …i’m not old enough to drive, but if i was, you better bet i’d have a rainbow car because #yolo. (lmao stop your influence @heartsavery.)
where do you shop? at the candy store. *instantly thinks of heathers*
how would you describe your style? non-existent.
favorite social media account? if i say tumblr, will it start working for me?
what size bed do you have? a queen-sized one. (no, that wasn’t a pun or anything.)
any siblings? i like to think she doesn’t exist.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? i’ve heard of this place called niue, which apparently has pikachu coins as part of their currency, so sign me up. (japan is also another option, because i love the atmosphere in kyoto. except for that one time i got lost at night near a creepy abandoned church.)
favorite snapchat filter? i don’t use filters much since i don’t take pictures of myself, but i’ll have to say the classic dog filter.
favorite makeup brand(s)? i don’t wear makeup.
how many times a week do you shower? i shower around once or twice a day. weird, i know, but it’s normal around here in a country that’s hot all year round. (except, of course, when there are typhoons, because it’s one extreme or another.)
favorite tv show? danger dings (read: stranger things.) i even have a side blog for it. *cough* @anevenstrangerblog *cough* i know the question only asked for one but can i throw in asoue too? i love both the books and the netflix show. malina’s so pretty i cri. ooh, andi mack is another show that i absolutELY LOVE AND—
shoe size? 6.5 in us women’s.
how tall are you? not tall at all. next question.
sandals or sneakers? sneakers are all i own.
do you go to the gym? no.
describe your dream date. with nikolai lantsov. but since he’s “fictional,” i’ll settle for the person giving me a fortune, then leaving me alone for the rest of my life. (but if the person was finn wolfhard / malina weissman / sadie sink, they can *in mulan’s grandma’s voice* stAy fOrevEr.)
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? about 2500 pesos and 2000 yen.
what color socks are you wearing? they’re pikachu socks.
how many pillows do you sleep with? one or none because quite frankly, i only like hugging pillows. sleeping on them is uncomfortable for me.
do you have a job? what do you do? i don’t have a job, but my class runs a business (with a beneficiary who all the proceeds go to), and i manage its marketing and finance. i also design a couple stuff for my mom’s clinic thing, which i guess is considered a job since i get paid.
how many friends do you have? if you don’t count online friends, zero ahaha.
what’s the worst thing you have ever done? lmao idk, exist?
what’s your favorite candle scent? i dunno. most probably woodsy or floral scents.
3 favorite boy names? names don’t have genders.
3 favorite girl names? names don’t have genders.
favorite actor? noah schnapp, my precious son.
favorite actress? millie bobby brown because why not.
who is your celebrity crush? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
favorite movie? the bee movie ahAHAHAHA the original spongebob movie.
do you read a lot? what’s your favorite book? i read waaay too much, and just like any of my other favorite things, i can’t pick just one favorite book, but i love six of crows by leigh bardugo.
money or brains? can i have both?
do you have a nickname? what is it? i’m called stupid a lot, does that count? ahaha :’) micah’s actually one of my nicknames.
how many times have you been to the hospital? too many times to count.
top 10 favorite songs? i have too many songs i like, so i’ll list some i remember right now (and limit myself to one song per artist.) crazy=genius by p!atd, bellyache by billie eilish, migraine by tøp, c’est la vie by maurice moore, glorious by macklemore, for him by troye sivan, my songs know what you did in the dark by fob, non-stop from the hamilton cast recording, teacher by prettymuch, and we the party by why don’t we.
do you take any medication daily? just vitamins, not medication.
what is your skin type? idk dude.
what is your biggest fear? the unknown.
how many kids do you want? zero.
what’s your go-to hair style? just my hair down since i’m lazy.
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc.) i don’t know how to describe the size of my house lmao.
who is your role model? thomas the tank engine.
what was the last compliment you received? i’m not sure if it was meant as a compliment, but that one anon who asked advice from me said they were awed by my independence so there’s that.
what was the last text you sent? i sent “i’m hungry” to one of my housekeepers.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? he IS real. i don’t know what the quackidy quack you’re talking about.
what is your dream car? lightning mcqueen. ka-chow!
opinion on smoking? i’m asthmatic, so personally, i don’t smoke, and i don’t encourage it either. if you’re talking about cigarettes, it harms the lungs of not only the smoker, but the people around them. it also affects air pollution (its effect is 10 times stronger than those of diesel car exhausts), and i’m very against all types of pollution to the environment. (i’m looking at you, glitter, which, if you didn’t already know, contributes to the pollution of waterways.)
do you go to college? i will in 2 years. (i’ll be a wee child all alone in another country :’( @whydontwejustbesomethingdiffrent i’m dragging you along if it’s the last thing i do.)
what is your dream job? i don’t really know lmao.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? who doesn’t?
do you have freckles? no.
do you smile for pictures? i don’t like having pictures of me taken, but i occasionally smile awkwardly.
how many pictures do you have on your phone? i recently cleared out my photo library so now i’m left with only 3033 pictures.
have you ever peed in the woods? no.
do you still watch cartoons? duh.
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonald’s? there are no branches of wendy’s where i live so i’ll go with mcdonald’s.
favorite dipping sauce? does gravy count?
what do you wear to bed? pajamas.
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never participated in one aside from the mini ones we used to hold in class before, which i won because the competition wasn’t exactly tough.
what are your hobbies? photography, bullet journaling, brush lettering, eating, reading, scrolling endlessly through my phone, dying, and other fun stuff. coding and robotics are cool too.
can you draw? @thefangirlingmaster i still stand by my opinion that i can’t.
do you play an instrument? the only instrument i can fluently play is the violin, since i was taught how to play it at 6 years old, but i own a guitar and keyboard which i can sorta play.
what was the last concert you saw? a pentatonix one.
tea or coffee? water.
starbucks or dunkin’ donuts? starbucks.
do you want to get married? not really.
what is your crush’s first and last initial? f.w. (hint: it rhymes with pinn rolfhard.)
are you going to change your last name when you get married? i dunno man.
what color looks best on you? still dunno man.
do you miss anyone right now? no.
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed.
do you believe in ghosts? uh…
what is your biggest pet peeve? my neighbors slow walkers
last person you called? my dad.
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies and cream.
regular oreos or golden oreos? i only eat mini-sized regular oreos.
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? choCOLATE *insert gif of that one fish from spongebob*
what shirt are you wearing? a panda shirt i got from singapore a couple years ago.
what is your phone background? it’s a zoomed in face of the ice cream octopus from dora. my parents say it’s creepy, but i think it’s calming. (i couldn’t post it on here because tumblr says i reached a limit, but if you wanna see it, tell me to send it to you.)
are you outgoing or shy? depends on the people i’m with.
do you like it when people play with your hair? it tickles.
do you like your neighbors? i’d prefer it if they moved far far away (haha shrek reference) and took their horrible karaoke with them.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? i wash my face everytime i shower.
have you ever been high? nope.
have you ever been drunk? nope. (i was gonna come up with some punny joke but i’m too hungry to think right now. which reminds me, i have to go eat something real quick, be right back—)
last thing you ate? oh wow, perfect timing. i just ate mango float.
favorite lyrics right now? it’s from my son troye’s song, suburbia. “swallow nostalgia, chase it with lime. better than dwelling, and chasing time. missing occasions, i can’t rewind. can’t help but feel i’ve lost what’s mine.”
summer or winter? it’s basically summer all year round here so—
day or night? night.
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk chocolate.
favorite month? december.
what is your zodiac sign? sagittarius.
who was the last person you cried in front of? my dad.
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h-styles-babes · 7 years
So, I’ve always been fascinated by Harry’s hands. Men’s hands in general, really, but Harry’s hands are so nice and his rings are my downfall. And I noticed quite a while ago that he seems to never wear a ring on the ring finger of his left hand. And after it was brought up by an anon on @inwhichitrytowritesomething ‘s blog, I decided a short little oneshot was in order. This was supposed to be like fluffy and cute, but it took on a mind of it’s own somewhere along the way. I had to cut it off before I got too caught up with it. Otherwise there would’ve been a full blown sex scene and probably multiple parts, and I’m already committed to a multipart fic atm. So anyway, here it is.
Please let me know if you like it and if you’d like me to do any other short little shots like this in the future. I quite like writing them :)
“Oi, what are you doing?” Harry asked, walking into his girlfriend’s flat after a day at the studio. She was sat at the desk in the corner of her living room, laptop open to a Google search of him. “If you want pictures of me, love, all you’ve got to do is ask. Be more than happy to send you a few. I’m open to requests.”
She looked at him over her shoulder and rolled her eyes. “I’m not looking at you just for the sake of looking at you, ya dolt. I was doing some research.”
“Research?” he asked, more intrigued now than he was earlier. He sidled up beside her and crouched down so he was more level with the screen where he saw various photos of himself from all sorts of events and occasions. “What research, exactly? I don’t see any reason to these photos,” he admitted.
“Okay, not really research, since I can’t actually get any facts to support a hypothesis, and I don’t have one of those either. I was just curious, really.”
“About what, pet?” He reached his hand out and lovingly palmed at her thigh where she sat on the chair. She was dressed only in a pair of panties and one of his black silk shirts that he’d worn the day before and left at her’s this morning. Her skin was soft and warm and it was comforting to him after a long day trying to figure out the final touches of his album.
“In all the time I’ve known you, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear a ring on your ring finger of your left hand. It was, like, a passing thought, but then I got to thinking. Like, do I just not take notice, or do you really not wear one there? So I took to the internet.”
Harry chuckled and pressed a kiss to her arm. She had always been a little strange, but her type of weird fit his type of weird, and he loved her immensely for it.
“What? Why are you laughing?” she whined.
“All you had to do was ask.”
“You were in the studio. I wasn’t going to interrupt for a silly question.”
“And your question is whether I’ve ever worn a ring on that finger?”
“No, my real question is whether there’s a reason for it. Like, that’s where a wedding ring typically goes, but I don’t actually think you wouldn’t wear one there for that reason. I was betting on it being a stylistic choice or some shit like that.”
“Well, that is the reason, so you don’t have to creepily stare at my hands in photos anymore.”
Y/N turned the chair to face Harry, nearly knocking him off balance and onto the floor with her sudden movement. Her brows were raised in surprise and astonishment. “Really? That’s the reason?”
Harry shrugged with a slight pout on his lips. “I feel like the only ring--for me--that should go there is a wedding ring. And since I’ve never been married or anywhere close to it, I’ve never worn one on that finger.”
“That’s…” Y/N trailed off, her heart filling with so much tenderness for the man in front of her, “incredibly sweet, Harry. Corny, but really sweet.” She grabbed his face between both of her hands and bent to press a lingering kiss to his lips. “You’re gonna make a lucky woman very happy one day.”
She would never admit aloud that she hoped that woman was her. She wasn’t itching for marriage in that moment; they’d only been dating for a little over a year. But, she couldn’t say the thought of marriage to someone as loving, compassionate, kind, and lovely as Harry was a horrible thought. She was never one to imagine what her dream wedding would be like as a little girl, but she could see being married to him, already settled and completely overjoyed at the vows they made to each other. They basically lived at each other’s places already, and she felt more in tune with him than she’d ever felt with anyone before. No previous boyfriend had been even a fraction of the man Harry was, and she was so unbelievably content with how the last nearly year and a half had treated them. So, yes, marriage was a little more than a fleeting thought in her mind.
And Harry would never admit it to her--at least, not quite yet--but he felt the same exact way about her.
One Year Later
“D’you get a new ring, H?” Lou asked while standing above him, trying to brush his hair in submission. She should know by now that it was no use. They’d been at this for nearly ten years together. His hair had a bit of a mind of it’s own, and he’d end up running his hands through it anyway, messing up anything she did. He honestly didn’t know why she still even tried, but he didn’t say anything to her. “Haven’t seen that one yet.”
Harry looked down at where his hands were sat in his lap, his left holding onto the fingers of his right. He smiled at the band across his fourth finger, something Y/N had picked out for him because she thought it suited him well, and wouldn’t look too out of place amongst his other ones. It was just a titanium band with a sort of infinity design in the center, so it looked welcome among the others in his hands, but they both knew the significance of it. It wasn’t an expensive piece, either. High end companies didn’t delve into what they wanted at all, so they had taken to a common jewellry counter in a mall while they were in America one day, having decided spur of the moment that this was something they wanted to do.
They hadn’t told anyone but their immediate families yet. Harry didn’t even want to do that, but Y/N made a good point in telling him that Anne would have a right fit if they didn’t tell her right away. She was still a bit miffed that Harry hadn’t told her beforehand, but she tamped that down quickly when she got more excited about their news. And Y/N and him hadn’t really thought of a time to tell everyone else, but Harry knew the people that were closest to him would figure it out on their own eventually. They all knew Harry never wore a ring on his left hand in the place that there was one now for a very specific reason. It might take them a bit to catch it, but they’d eventually work it out.
Harry stroked his thumb across the cool metal, his chest filling with that sense of excitement and wonder he got whenever he thought about the reality of the situation. He never thought he’d be at this point in his life in only his mid-twenties, but when had his life ever gone to plan?
“Yeah, got it a few weeks ago,” he answered as casually as possible, looking back up at Lou, who had stopped what she was doing with his hair. Through squinted eyes, she was gazing down pretty intently at the ring on his hand, and then flicking them back up to his face, trying to catch any change in his expression. While Harry wanted to grin and chuckle at her consternation, he just raised his eyebrows at her in question, trying to play innocent.
Lou almost fell for it, and started to go back to fluffing up his hair, but she stopped mid-motion, and looked back down at him, eyes wide. Harry could see that something had clicked for her, and held back a laugh, only letting his lips curl in a smirk.
There were quite a few people wandering around--they were preparing for a photoshoot after all--, so she braced her hands on the arms of the chairs and ducked low so their faces were close. “Have you gotten married, Harry?” she whisper-shouted. “You’ve run off and got married to Y/N and didn’t bother to tell anyone. You’re a fucking twat, Styles.”
Harry let his laugh out now, and shushed his stylist through pursed lips, trying to keep her from drawing any attention. He pressed a hand over her mouth when she continued to spit out names at him.
“We haven’t gotten married, calm down,” he said. She glared at him and ripped his hand from her face.
“Then why have you got a ring on? Ring on that finger means you’ve gotten married.”
“We got engaged. I put a ring on her finger, and she wanted to put one on mine. Thought it was fair,” Harry shrugged, like it was nothing. But, really, having her mark on him was something he was excited about.
Days after he had proposed, she’d came to him saying that she wanted a way of showing the world that he was hers, too, in at least a subtle way. They had agreed before that they didn’t want anyone aside from their friends and family to know for a while, not wanting the media attention that it would bring. When Y/N had suggested a ring to wear on his ever-naked finger, Harry had agreed in a heartbeat. No one casually glancing at him would think anything of it--he wore five others at nearly all times, anyway--and those closest to them would know they were to be wed when they caught on.
“I’ve seen the both of you loads in the past few weeks. I haven’t seen her with a ring on,” Lou accused.
“She wears it on a chain around her neck when we go out. A ring on her finger would make the evening news. She wears it all other times, though.”
Lou put a hand to her chest and leant back to rest her bum against the vanity edge. “Jesus Christ, H. Nearly gave me a heart attack.” She reached out and smacked the back of her hand against the center of his chest. Harry playfully pouted and rubbed against the spot. “That’s for being a wanker. But congratulations, love.”
Harry smiled and went back to rubbing the tip of his finger against the smooth metal. “Thanks, Lou.”
“Your fans are catching on,” Y/N said as they were laying in bed one night. They had officially moved in together about nine months previous, taking up residence in Harry’s large London home. They had taken to domestic life rather quickly and they lived well together. Everything with Harry was effortless, and that’s how she knew being with him was what was right.
Harry was propped against pillows beside her, reading a book someone had recommended to him, his reading glasses slipping down his nose. Y/N hadn’t even known Harry used glasses to read until they were nearly two years into their relationship. It had surprised her, because Harry seemed like he had perfect vision, and turned her on instantly. There was hardly a night when they were sat in bed reading together that didn’t end in orgasms for the both of them.
He looked up at her slowly, keeping place of his paragraph with his finger. “To what?”
“The extra ring on your hands,” she said. She’d been sat up on Tumblr, where she kept an anonymous blog that she typically used for blogging about artwork and literature. There was nothing that tied her to it, but she had a pretty good following nonetheless. Occasionally she’d use it to search up what Harry’s fans were talking about, especially if he had just released an interview or he’d attended some sort of event. The article and the photos he’d shot about two months ago were released the previous day, so she was excited to see what everyone was saying. She hadn’t really expected to see so much discussion about his ring, though.
“People caught onto that?” he asked, only sounding slightly surprised.
Y/N looked at him with a deadpan expression. “These are your fans we’re talking about, babe. They notice everything. But apparently there was already some talk about your rings before all this happened. Like, it’s a thing people are into.”
She scrolled through some of the posts, finding some dated back a few months and read through them briefly.
“What do you mean ‘into?’”
Y/N choked on air when she read a particular thread of answered asks from a certain account, and then she started laughing, already awaiting to see Harry’s reaction when he relayed the posts to him.
“Women are quite partial to your rings, H,” she smiled, glancing over to see his raised eyebrow. “Particularly how they’d feel against their skin if you were to spank them. There’s quite a lovely discussion about the pros and cons of having them on or off.”
She didn’t get quite the reaction she was looking for, though. All she got was wet knickers and a sexy smirk on his face.
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, angel? Hmm? Like seeing the outlines of the rings on your bum after daddy spanks you, don’t you?” Y/N swallowed thickly. She hadn’t been to terribly turned on before, but now she was absolutely dripping for him, an intense need settling in her belly. “Why don’t you pop in on their discussion and tell them how it feels to have my hands against your bare arse? Or how the rings only come off if you’re being punished for being a bad girl. Tell them how you beg for daddy to let you cum after he’s spanked you properly.”
Her breathing was ragged and seemed entirely too loud in the quiet of their bedroom. She licked her lips. “Harry,” she warned. They were supposed to be discussing how people were getting suspicious of the ring on his finger. She wasn’t quite sure, in her muddled mind, how this had turned into foreplay.
“What was that, pet?” The edge to his voice on the endearment let Y/N know that she was no longer his fiancee. She was daddy’s girl now, and unless she was about to use her safeword to get a discussion back on track--which she most definitely was not going to do--, she was to do as he said until he was finished with her.
“Daddy,” she mewled out.
Harry closed his book and set it on his nightstand, slipping his glasses on top of it. When he turned back, Y/N had her laptop closed and on her own table. Her face and chest was flushed and her breasts were heaving slightly from her labored breathing. She never looked more beautiful to Harry than she did in these moments, completely willing and at his mercy. He was sure something someday--hopefully someday soon, if all worked out in their favor--would surpass the vision before him, but until that day came, this was the peak of his attraction to her.
“Yes, baby?”
“You haven’t spanked me with your engagement ring on, yet,” she reminded him.
“I’ve been busy, pet. And you haven’t been a very good girl, either,” he reminded her.
“I’ve been a good girl today, though,” she offered. All the talk about spankings had really worked her up, and she needed it like her lungs needed air.
“Hmm, you have, haven’t you?” he pondered. “Take your pants off and lay over my lap, angel. You’ll get what you want tonight.”
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cheollies · 7 years
Tumblr media
requested by anons: i combined three request because they were sort of similiar: a boyfriend au + very cuddles + clingy
He’s such a sweet boyfriend
Always taking care of you and making sure you’re okay even before checking out his own health
Also whines a lot
Can often be heard whining ‘baaaabe’ while lying down on a couch or bed with a pillow in his arms and a grin on his face when he sees you
Likes it when you sit between his legs, it makes him feel slightly dominant and gives him a comforting feeling to have you in his arms
Has a matching everything
Rings, bracelets, earrings, shirts, sweaters, shoes, pajamas, basically anything made for couples, he got them for the both of you
He just loves to show you off while making it known that you’re his
Probably got a shirt that said ‘Choi Seungcheol’s Girl’ on it but you refused to wear it because it would embarrass you in public
so now you wear the shirt only at home and honestly it’s so much better than he thought because it really does mark you as his
is the type of guy to have his arm around your neck instead of your waist, it’s easier for him to pull you to him and again it’s a comfort thing and his arm won’t get so tired trying to hang themselves on your waist
Finds it really cute when you wear his clothes, his favorite is when you wear his jackets.
too many times have you forgotten to bring a jacket that he then takes it upon himself to give you his own
But he doesn’t give it up until he’s finished screaming ‘I TOLD YOU TO BRING A JACKET! NOW YOU HAVE TO SUFFER’
only you don’t suffer because he loves you
but he just finds it so cuteee when you put your arms in the sleeves and then they turn into sweater paws because it’s so big on you, and then the ends of his jacket falls just slightly on the mid of your thigh so double cuteness because it’s long on you and covers your cute butt that he knows guys have been looking at
Friends with your mom and literally shit talks about you at brunch with your mom while you’re right there
‘my daughter looks so malnourished, you should be eating more’
Seuncheol with a head nod ‘i have been telling her that every day but she never listens to me’
Will text your mom every day
like your mom visits just so she can see Seungcheol
Already calls Seungcheol her son in law
Sometimes it feels like he’s dating your mom instead of you
Does this weird thing where he kisses your nose, sometimes you think he’s leaning down to kiss your lips and you’re so ready but then you just feel his lips press against your nose and it’s cute but at the same time ‘um your aim was way off’
A very cuddly boy
If you had to describe seungcheol in two words, it would be ‘cuddle buddy’
He’s a huge cuddler
Big spoon or little spoon? Heck he’ll be either one
But he likes the feeling of wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling your back against his as he buries his nose into your hair, smelling the sweet scent of your shampoo and conditioner
He likes to hold you close, asking about your day or telling you about his, sometimes ruining the moment with a very inappropriate question but his arms feel so safe and warm that you always fall asleep in it
But he also enjoys holding you when you’re facing him, because he can look down and there you are, staring right back with such lovely eyes,
And the feeling of your breath against his skin sends jolts down his body
but you did knee him in the crotch one time so he saves those types of cuddles for special occasions
Also clingy
To the point where he refuses to let you go
‘I need to use the bathroom Seuncheol!’
He fell asleep during a movie once, and this was after he came back from practice and he promised that after the movie and cuddles, he would go wash up 
But that promise fell apart because when you woke him up, he’s clinging to you, his arms constricting yours, his legs wrapped tightly around your waist while he’s whining about not wanting to leave
And when you try to leave yourself, he tightens his grip so he’s just basically sucking all the air out of you and it doesn’t help that he still smells of practice room sweat and so you’re screaming in his ear as he rolls off the couch and all around the floor
Dates include him wanting to do every cute thing with you
Petting zoos
Amusement park
He just wants to spend so much time with you while making the best memories he can
Has a little folder on his phone dedicated for you
Speaking of his phone
His background is a picture he took of you trying to down an ice cream and it’s so embarrassing for you but he thinks it’s a cute picture and refuses to take it down
also you’re his number 1 speed dial, everyone found that out when Seungcheol let a little kid play with his phone and the child speed dialed caller 1 and everyone assumed Jeonghan’s or Jihoon’s phone would bring but BAM, you answered the phone and Jeonghan is so salty the rest of the day
Texting Seungcheol is a mess
Most of his messages are him saying he misses you
You get those like 10 times a day
And other times, it’s him ranting about how disappointed he is that one of the members stuck a paper ball up Hansol’s nose while he was sleeping
Won you a thousand bears at the amusement parks and festivals
Went to the beach with you one time
one time
Didn’t like how some of the guys were looking at you in your bathing suit so he prefers to swim in the bathtub
He gets cold easily
so whenever he gives you his jacket, he starts shivering five minutes later and you’re trying to give back his jacket but he refuses even though he’s clinging to you and you’re forced to bring him into a coffee shop where you two warm up with coffee and kisses
is head over heels for you
Seungcheol seems like the type of person who when he falls for someone, he give them his all, it’s everything or nothing with him. He invest so much into his relationship because he believes loving someone means offering them everything. But really the only thing you could ever want from him, is simply his comfort.
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pocket-luv101 · 7 years
Sharing a bed LawLicht and KuroMahi can I pick two ships or just one?
Dear Anon, I didn’t know if you wanted two separate fanficsor one fanfic with the two ships. I wrote something like this for LawLichtalready [Here] so I changed it to sharing a pillow fort (close enough to a bed)because I don’t like to repeat fanfics a lot.
LawLicht {7: Sharing a Bed/Pillow Fort}
“What are you? A five year old?” Licht sighed, exasperated,when he returned from practice and found Hyde. He was used to Hyde setting upsurprises for him so he didn’t think that he could be shocked by him anymore.He was wrong. Hyde had piled pillows and sheets on their bed to make a fort. From its size, Licht was certain that he used every spare pillow andblanket the hotel had.
“Kranz is going to yell at us for ordering so many pillows,Shit Rat.” Licht marched to the foot of the bed where Hyde peaked out of thefort’s opening. He grinned up at him and didn’t appear the least remorseful.With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Hyde wrapped his arms around Licht’swaist and pulled him closer. He quickly hit him over the head before he couldpull him inside. “Don’t think you can charm your way out of this! I’llsuffocate you with these pillows.”
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.” Hyde purred and Lichtcouldn’t look more disgusted with his transparent ploy. Inside he was blushingand Licht wished that his red eyes didn’t affect him as much as they did. “Butthere’s really no need to be mad. I didn’t order these pillows so Kranz won’tyell at us about a big hotel bill. I stole them.”
“That’s worse!” Licht yelled. “You really know no guilt, demon.”
“Nope. But can this demon tempt an angel into joining himunder the sheets?” Licht hated to admit that he was a little intrigued. Hydesaw him eye the fort curiously so he explained. “Your mom called today. Don’tworry, nothing happened. She was just checking up on you because your nexttwo recitals are pretty close. She said not to push yourself too much.”
Hyde quickly explained when he saw worry cross Licht’s face.He knew how close he was to his mother from the relieved smile on his face.“Why didn’t you give me the phone when she called?”
“You were practicing and you would’ve kicked me forinterrupting. Then again, I’ll still get kicked if I waited to tell you. If I’mgoing to get kicked either way, I did the latter so I could talk to your mom.Nice lady. She was a little surprised when I picked up for you though.”
“You didn’t say anything weird and gave her the wrong ideaabout us, did you?” Licht’s eyes narrowed when Hyde teasingly stuck his tongueout. They only started dating recently and he hadn’t told his parents yet. Hedidn’t know how to tell them that he fell under a demon’s spell. “What does mymom’s call have to do with this fort.”
“Come in and I’ll tell you.” Hyde still had his arms aroundhis waist and only let go to take his hands. Licht went willingly and theyentered the fort together. He was a little surprised with how large it wasinside and he wondered how long it took Hyde to build it. When they weresettled inside, Hyde laid back and Licht sat next to him. “I asked your momabout what you were like as a kid. I was hoping that she would send pictures ofyou as a little angel. I’m sure you were adorable.”
“I earned my wings early in life.” Licht said proudly andHyde laughed lightly to himself because his conviction was adorable to him. Hestopped when Licht lightly kicked him. In return, Hyde reached up and gentlytouched the white streak in his hair.
“She didn’t send me any pictures but she did tell me aboutyour childhood.” Hyde remembered their conversation and sat up so they werefacing each other. “She said you never got many opportunities to do things likethis so I wanted to surprise you with a little pillow fort. I couldn’t let anangel sleep on the ground so I built it on the bed.”
“You did this for me?” Hyde nodded and the small gesturewarmed his heart. Licht never had many opportunities to play with his friendswhen he was a child because he practiced so often. He did have a few friendsbut he lost touch with them. He remembered the friend he made a promise to andfelt a little regretful.
Licht never did anything half way. He loved playing the pianoand he immersed himself in it. While most respected that dedication, not manychildren his age had the patients to stay his friend when he rarely pulledhimself out of his busy schedule to spend time with them.
Hyde was probably the first person outside of his family andKranz who didn’t mind. Not only did he fully support his dream, he also gavehim little reprises. Building a fort for him to play in was only one example.He thought back to the time he took him to the KTV and the zoo. He hadn’trealized how much Hyde had done for him since they met.
“So, do you like my surprise?” Hyde looked at himexpectantly.
“This is nice.” Licht couldn’t lie to him even if it wasembarrassing to admit it. Though he did have to add, “But I would love it ifthere were more stuff animals. All the movies I saw had them guarding thefort.”
“Then prepare to fall in love! Meet our stuff animal army.”Hyde pulled down one of the blankets to reveal a pile of stuff animals. Hebrought every animal Licht could want but he had no idea what they would dowith them after they take down the fort. Still, he was proud that he couldsurprise Licht twice in an hour. “Aren’t I the best and most thoughtfulboyfriend ever? I deserve a hug. Come here and give me my reward.”
Hyde spread out his arm, expecting Licht to give him areluctant hug. He was promptly disappointed. “Can’t. The stuff animals need myattention and hugs right now.”
His jaw dropped when he saw that Licht had already buriedhimself under the pile of plushies. The sight would be amusing if it didn’tmean he couldn’t sit next to Licht. He was surrounded by the stuff animals andthere wasn’t any room for Hyde. He doubted Licht would move any to let him in.How could his brilliant plan be backfiring on him?
In the end, Licht was the one that surprised Hyde. He movedthe stuff cat off his lap and said, “Your hedgehog form can sit here. But ifyour quills hurt my new stuff animals, I’m kicking you out of my fort.”
“I thought it was our fort.”
“Then I’ll kick you out of our fort.” Licht corrected andthey both smiled at each other. Hyde chuckled but he transformed and quicklycrawled onto Licht’s lap. Even though he wished that he could be in his humanform, he sighed contently when Licht began to pet him. “Thank you, Hyde.”
KuroMahi {7: Sharing a Bed}
“Kuro?” He groaned at the sound of his name. Kuro didn’t openhis eyes but he felt the bed shift beneath him and he knew that it was Mahiruinstantly. He easily recognized his warm body and soft voice even in his sleephazed state. Mahiru stayed on the far side of the bed and Kuro moved to closethe space between them. Without opening his eyes, Kuro found him and gentlyspooned him.
Mahiru didn’t say a word but Kuro knew that he needed him ifhe sneaked into his room at night. He slept in the guest room and Mahiru rarelycame in when he knew that Kuro was asleep. Kuro didn’t ask why he came into hisroom and kissed his hair instead. In the dark, Mahiru found his hand and lacedtheir fingers together. After a moment, he whispered. “Are you awake, Kuro?”
“Now I am.” Sleep made his voice hoarse but Mahiru could heara tenderness in it. “Nightmare?”
“No. I had a long day but I can’t sleep. I don’t know why.”Mahiru admitted. “Distract me until I fall asleep?”
Kuro rolled onto his side and reached over Mahiru to turn onthe lamp. With its dim light, he could see Mahiru’s weary expression. Hebrushed his fingers over his soft cheek and then trailed them through his hair.As he absentmindedly repeated the gesture, Mahiru relaxed. “I’m not much of anentertainer but what do you want me to do?”
“… I’m not boring you, am I?” Mahiru didn’t answer him andasked a question of his own instead. When Kuro’s hand brushed his cheek again,Mahiru placed his hand over his. “Remember when Licht and Hyde came over today?While Licht was playing with you, I talked with Hyde. He brought up that… youhave needs and wants. Is this enough for you?”
“That troublesome brother of mine.” Kuro groaned and ran hishand through his hair. Why couldn’t he focus on his own relationship instead ofbothering Mahiru? He could feel Mahiru’s worried eyes watching him as he waitedfor an answer. They had been dating for almost two years now but they neverwent further than a few heated kisses.
Kuro would be lying if he said that he didn’t want more withMahiru but he didn’t want to push him. He was willing to wait for him andpressed a chaste kiss on Mahiru’s brow. “What happened to ‘thinking simply’? Thinkingsimply, I’m not going anywhere so there’s no need to rush. You’re important tome and I want to treat you right. When you’re ready, I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” Mahiru relaxed when Kuro nodded.
“You make me more than happy already.” Kuro told himhonestly. He wasn’t the best with words so he knew that he couldn’t describeeverything he felt. But he still tried. “Honestly, this is new for the both ofus. I’ve never been with someone I loved so much. You’re far more than Ideserve or even thought I’d find in my lifetime. So, I don’t want to mess thisup by rushing. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Mahiru whispered and smiled up at him. Kurocontinued to stroke his hair and Mahiru let his warm hand lull him to sleep.When his breathing slowed to an steady rhythm, Kuro pulled a blanket over themand fell asleep as well.
I didn’t know if I should make two separate post for this but I decided to put them both in one post.
[Send me a number and a pairing and I’llwrite a short fic for you]
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easterwings · 7 years
11 Questions
1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
I got tagged by @1000-directions @dearmrsawyer and @alligatornyc    
Thanks all of you for thinking of me! And @writsgrimmyblog said I could consider myself tagged and I’m gonna. :)))   I hope my answers are at least a quarter as interesting as all of yours were.  :)))  I’m going to put them under a cut as it got a bit long:
what is a food that you associate with your heritage or culture, whatever that means to you?  Cornbread.  When I was little my grandmother use to make it in a certain baking tin so it’d come out shaped like ears of corn.  I wish I knew what happened to that baking tin.  Also, iced sweet tea.  Ya’ll.
what is the best smell?  Clean baby, rose petal black tea, both old and new books
what’s a bad habit you wish you could change?  I overthink things a lot. I wish I could turn it down a notch or eight.  I also care a bit too much about things and people and I wish I could turn that off sometimes.
what’s something you like about yourself?  I like to think I’ve got good taste.
what’s a book from your childhood that had a huge impact on your life? A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle.  I barely remember it because I’ve read so, so many things in my life, but I do remember it, and that’s really saying something.
what’s your ringtone? The Verizon default.  On my old phone it was one of the Tenth Doctor’s opening titles but I don’t remember what I did with the audio file.
what do you wish more people realized about you? That I’m really not someone to be intimidated by.  I’m awkward and horribly socially anxious, and I don’t initiate conversation a lot because I’m terrified I’m going to screw it up. 
what song always pumps you up?  “21 And Invincible” by Something Corporate.  I have it on my walking playlist and it always makes me want to move a little bit faster.  
do you grocery shop with a list or do you wander aimlessly?  I have a list I make using the Google Keep app on my phone.  I have a really bad memory and I’d be lost without a list.
what is the best dessert?  Cake.  Give me all the cake.  Yes, even that weird American fruit cake.  Give me that too.
will monsters get you if your feet are not completely under the covers at night?  Whether they will or not, I’m still sleeping with my feet sticking out.  I hate having hot feet.
Do you have a favourite plant?  I realize this is probably a general question, but I’m going to say that my favorite plant is the Calibrachoa I have hanging on my porch.  It’s very fluffy and it’s got loads of little yellow flowers.
Have you travelled anywhere internationally? If so, where? If not, where’s your number one place you’d like to go?  I haven’t but I really really really want to go to Japan.
What do you feel when you look at the stars?  Like the universe is looking back at me.  It doesn’t scare me, though.
When you study/write/do whatever you do, do you feel more productive working on paper or on screen?  Depends.  Usually I’m more productive when I’m working on screen, but sometimes the only way to get the story moving is to write it out by hand.
What is the pillow situation when you sleep?  One pillow, can’t be too soft. 
Do you still buy DVDs or do you prefer to just have everything digitally?  If it’s something I really love, then I’ll buy the DVD.  Same with books.
What’s your favourite kind of jewellery to wear? Do you like earrings, necklaces, rings, etc?  I suppose it’d be rings.  Right now I’m just wearing my wedding set, but eventually I’d like to get a set of stackable birthstone rings, one for my son (garnet), one for my daughter (diamond), and one in memory of August Baby (peridot).  I also want something huge and ridiculous to put on my index finger.
Favourite concert experience?  This is going to make me sound five million years old, but R.E.M. was playing The Omni, and I went to see them when I was about fifteen.  They had an open stage and during “Nightswimming” (my favorite R.E.M. song at the time) they turned toward our section and performed it facing us.  
What’s a book on your shelf that you haven’t yet read, but are really looking forward to?  Tokyo on Foot by Florent Chavouet.  Chavouet is a graphic artist and he went with his girlfriend to Tokyo for her internship.  And he’d wander around while she was out and draw what he saw, so it’s full of his little sketches.  
Do you still have any favourite toys from your childhood? I still have my Bunny Beans from when I was a baby.  It’s a baby doll in a very faded pink bunny suit.  I gave it to my daughter.
Do you hold onto old things or do you enjoy throwing away things you no longer need?  I tend to hold onto things until they’re absolutely falling apart and can’t be salvaged.  And even then sometimes I’ll keep it anyway.
When do you feel sexiest and/or most confident?  When I have on very high heels.  Not stiletto heels, because I’m not graceful enough for that, but definitely something four inches or more.
Mortifying teen-aged memory?  I’m sure there’s tons, but I’ve managed to block them all out.
Go-to outfit?  Sweater and a skirt.
Dream job?  Book shop owner in a little village on a coast somewhere.
Favorite villain?  Laurie from The Rifter Series.  I get her.
Tumblr pet peeve(s)?  The inability to use XKit on the mobile app.
Kindest gesture you’ve ever received?  I don’t know if it’s the kindest thing ever, but a few nights ago someone sent me a very lovely message right when I needed it.  They don’t follow me but they’d noticed the tags that I’d put on a post that I reblogged from them, and it was so kind of them to send that lovely note and one of the best possible ways to end what was a really bad day.  And my readers, they’re always kind too.  They say the loveliest things.  And while I was filling this out, Steph wrote me a story and it has so many of my favorite things in it.  <3 <3 <3
Kindest gesture you’ve ever done for someone else?  I like to make grids and things for fics that I like, but I don’t know if that’s something that’s considered kind or not.  And sometimes I like to go on anon and send people nice messages, especially if I see someone getting really shitty anons.  And one day I spent hours trying to hunt down the owner of $500 in cash that I found in a parking lot, but I think that’s more along the lines of doing the right thing.  
One Direction and/or solo 1D member dream photo shoot?  Louis, hands down.  I don’t care what else is going on as long it’s Louis.  They can take pictures of him wearing a bin bag eating bran flakes, and I will stare at them endlessly and love them.
Relationship/views on money/personal finances?  My husband and I have separate checking accounts and one joint savings account, and we’ve split up the household bills to where he pays some things and I pay others and we buy fun things for ourselves and each other and the kids out of our own accounts.  I have no idea what that’s called (or even if that makes sense) but that’s how we’ve been doing it for who knows how long now.
Favorite dynamic/type of chemistry you like to read about in novels/fic or see on TV/movies?  I usually like a snarky smart-ass and the person who’s done with their shit but who also cares about them deeply.  And I like it if they’re kind to each other underneath all the gentle teasing.  I just really like it when they’re kind.
BONUS: Song, including lyrics, that best describe you?  Well, if we’re going for honesty, probably all of Garbage’s “Only Happy When It Rains.”   
What’s your favourite quote from a book or poem? From The Fellowship of the Ring, “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
What song makes you want to dance like nobody’s watching? “Pon de Replay” by Rihanna
What’s your favourite ship to read? Tomlinshaw, forever and always.
If you could own one item of clothing belonging to any celebrity what would you pick and why?  I want one of Nick’s coats.  Or one of his jumpers.  I like his taste in clothing and I adore him.  Or Louis’s Skate Tough top.  I love that one and him.
Gif with a hard or soft ‘g’?  Hard ‘G.’  Otherwise I’m going to think we’re talking about a brand of peanut butter.
What’s your favourite fanfic ‘getting together’ trope?  I do like a good drunken snogging.  And it’s cheesy as hell, but I also love the whole “realizing feelings while being sang to during karaoke” thing.  I love that a lot.  And also if they were together before but split up because reasons but then get back together somehow later.
What’s your guiltiest pleasure? This is going to sound so boring but probably Tim Tams.  I don’t let myself buy them too often, because I could probably eat all of them in one sitting.
Most relatable 1D (or solo 1D) lyric? Louis’s solo from “Moments.”  Sorry.  June’s just been a really shitty month.
If you could give one piece of advice to a celebrity, what would it be?  Illegitimi non carborundum
Tell me your favourite joke.  I really love puns and this one from the Gryles interview of legend is one of my favorites:  “I was just looking at my ceiling. Not sure if it's the best ceiling in the world, but it's definitely up there."
If you were famous for a day, what question would you most dread being asked during an interview?  Probably the what do you do in your free time one.  That’s the one I can see myself freezing up on the most.
If you’ve managed to get this far, thank you so much for reading!!!  I will write something in your honor if you tell me what you want.  <3 <3  
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philanddanxreader · 8 years
Dorms #2
Hello,  Love bugs.
Dan X Reader
Warnings- Smut 
Dorms sequal?-anon
 This picks up three weeks after Dan has left uni. Here is Part 1 but it's totally not necessary to read.
It had been 3 weeks since Dan dropped out of school. It was now the second semester and you we're dying without your study buddy. He was always there to hang out with to study or to watch some trash movie to get your mind off of things. You were mostly upset about how things we're left off with Dan. You had both felt a magnetic pull to each other. That was before he ditched you. Now when you walk past Dan’s room you don't feel butterflies thinking about Dan. Now all you can think is how you miss him. The both of you text each other almost every day but you haven't seen him since the day he took his last box over to Phil's. The last night that Dan was in the dorms the both of you had finally gone all of the way. The both of you had become cuddle makeout buddies pretty quick into meeting each other but you had to keep telling yourself that it was just a platonic thing. Well, at least that was before the last night in the dorms. You had actually stayed back in the dorms an extra day instead of going home to be with him. The sex for you was amazing. You were pretty sure Dan was into it to as the both of you had been sexting over text and pictures. He was the only person in the whole world that you would ever trust to do that with. That being said it was really fucking annoying that you hadn't seen him in person for so long. It was a Saturday night that was beyond boring. You had possibly had a few drinks of liquid courage. You and Dan had been talking all evening and you could tell he was trying to sext you. Since you had nothing to lose you decided to call him. You clicked on the little photo of Dan in your contacts before hearing the ringing coming through the phone. Just as you were about to lose your courage you heard Dan’s voice coming from the phone.
“Hey! It’s been awhile since I had talked to you. How are you?” Fuck. Okay, liquor help me out.
“Hey. Ya, it's been a long while. That's actually kinda why I called. Just wanted to talk to you.” Well, really you wanted to hear his voice.But you know it's the same fucking thing.
“It has been. I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I have been a royal dick to you.” They why haven't you called me.
“I understand. We have both been in a crazy bit of time. Listen is it too bold to invite you to come over?” Good job finding your balls y/n.
“Actually would you mind coming over here? Phil's gone and I don't really feel like running into people and answer a bunch of questions. I will sweeten the deal with the bonus of alcohol.” Damn him making you wear pants. You, of course, would do anything to get away from campus. Plus if it means seeing dan you would do it.
“Yes but you owe me.” You couldn't help the stupid smile on your face. He made you feel all stupid and giddy.
“I think I’m actually ok with being in debt with you.” Fuck you and your adorableness.
“Can you send me the address again? I have only been to Phil's once so I just want to make sure that I don't go to a murderer's house.”
“You bet. I will text it to you. It's about a half hour trip. You know if you're going to be staying late you should maybe bring a bag. Just because you don't want the trains to be shut down for the night and get stranded.”
“ Fuck you’re smooth.” oops that one was meant to be an inner dialogue.”See you soon bean.”
“See you soon bean.” You missed hearing him call you Bean. It kinda started one day when Dan was being too adorable for life and you said that it was annoying you. So you said that you were changing his name to Bean. He decided that it wasn't fair if you could call him bean when he said you were cuter and nicer than him. So The both of you have a disgustingly cute pet name to call each other.You quickly tossed a bunch of stuff in your backpack. You didn't even bother trying to bring homework as you didn't have any plans to work even a bit. A long train ride later and you were standing outside of the tall apartment building. You had texted Dan that you were there and that you were locked out like a puppy. You started to feel nervous. It's not like you hadn't spent nights cuddling Dan before. That time you failed your speech you spent four nights in a row cuddling into his chest. Just as you were thinking about the short four months that you knew each other Dan knocked on the door successfully scaring you and pushing your thoughts away for now.
“You’re an ass!” Dan opened the door for you as he ushered you into the warmth.He looked skinnier than before. He was wearing his favourite jeans and the t-shirt you tried stealing because it was like wearing a cloud.
“Good to see you too.” Dan had pulled you into a hug as the both of you inhale each other's scents. Fuck did you miss him?
“I missed you. Was that not super lame to say?” Dan and pulled you into the tiny elevator as he was still hugging you.
“I would actually be mad if you didn't miss me. I would feel stupid for missing you so much.” Dan placed a lingering kiss on your forehead. It was like the two of you had picked up from where you left off three weeks ago.
“Bean.” You felt tears tease the corners of your eyes. Stupid emotions. We're you actually falling head over heels for him?”
“Don't cry, love.” The elevator stopped at the floor and the both of you walked out as Dan lead you to the apartment holding your hand. Once inside Dan took your bag and coat off of you before taking your face in both of his hands. “Why are you crying?” You felt silly as Dan burned holes into you as he attempted to search your eyes for his answer.
“I’m just a wreck without you, Dan. I know I sound like some crazy girl but I just miss you in my life. You must think I'm some sort of stalker.” That's when you felt Dan’s lips crash into yours in a messy kiss. Just as Dan had his hands on the sides of your face you pulled him closer by wrapping your arms around the back of his neck so you could play with his hair. This made Dan moan into the kiss as the both of you pressed deeper into each other. The both of you needed to take a deep breath but you we're sure that if you broke the kiss he would disappear. Dan was the one to pull apart. He continued to kiss down your neck as you took some deep breaths.
“Should we take this out of the doorway. I Keep wanting to toss you to the wall and fucking take you right here.” you giggle as you nod and follow Dan to his room. It's smaller than his dorm room but it feels exactly the same.
“It feels like you never left.” Dan grabbed you into another hug as you rested your head on his shoulder. You didn't feel like crying anymore but if you were being honest you didn't really feel in the mood. Dan could finally read your feelings and knew something was wrong. He pulled you to his bed where he sat down then pulled you in to cuddle up.
“Tell me how school is going.”
“Thank you.” Dan knew exactly what you meant. He was planning on talking about everything. He just assumed it would be after sex in his bed. He could never try and push off talking when you were so clearly upset.
“Tell me Bean. Are classes bad? Did you finish your maths assignment? Did you finally tell Mark to fuck off? I always hated sharing a wall with him,” You couldn't help but laugh as Dan asked you all of these questions. You knew that even if school wasn't meant for him he was still missing it a bit. You told him all about classes and how this semester was thankfully easier. You told him that Mark was trying to get in your pants but you have told him time and time again that it wasn't going to happen. The last thing you wanted to talk about was how you missed him.
“I think the worst thing of all is missing my study buddy. I miss having you around to help me or even just to sit with. I don't want to sound like I'm some clingy bitch but I had just become so used to you that everything feels weird.” Dan was running his hand along your back as you talked. You were waiting for him to respond with something about how the two of you had discussed that maybe emotions weren't so good to add to your relationship.Thankfully Dan let a breath out letting you know he was going to say something.
“I fucking miss you too. Life has kinda been a downward spiral since I left. I thought leaving was the right thing to do. I still think I am right. It's just I’m not sure what I do now. I'm also worried about youtube and what if it fails. I don't have any real skills so what would I do? I have wanted to see you since the second day I moved out. I just don't want you to get in a relationship with a loser. I'm pretty sure I have fallen for you and your cute act. I needed to say that before anything else happens. I don't want this to just be sexual or just a friendship. I need you. After this time without you, I now know at least one thing for sure. It's that I need you as my rock just as much I hope you need me.” Well if you weren't crying before you were now.
“Kiss me you big, stupid, handsome man.” Dan pulled you up as he kissed you just like the way he did in the hall. The lust had returned quickly between the two of you. It was like a literal flame was burning for each other and there was nothing that was going to stop you two.
“ Fuck Dan. It's been too long.” Dan didn't have much of a response besides moaning into your neck as he started to nip and suck at your skin. You stripped your shirt as Dan took a moment to do the same. The cold air hit you as you felt a little shiver run through you. Dan noticed and stopped kissing you immediately. “Don't you dare stop. I have come too far not to be fucked by you. Dan smiled as he pushed you off his lap as he walked to his chair to grab the blanket on the back.
“Here put this on your shoulders. You will look like a superman.” You take the soft item and wrap it around you as Dan rejoins you on the bed.
“Super Woman. Now come back here.” Dan pulled you back on his lap as you feel his hands slip behind your back to undo your bra. “If you think I'm cold now.” Dan pushed his lips to yours to attempt to make you stop talking.
“Don't worry baby I know one way to warm you up.” As you bra was tossed to the side you were surprised by Dan’s lips instantly on your right nipple. The left was between his fingers making sure it wasn't left out. You couldn't help but release a little moan as you felt Dan’s teeth graze over the sensitive nub.
“Can we relieve ourselves from our bottoms? Your cock has been brushing up against my thigh every so often and I need you to fuck me with it.” Dan laughed as he lifted you off his lap so the both of you could take off your pants and underwear. Once the both of you were naked as the day you were born you couldn't help but feel the warmth on need build in your stomach. As Dan made his way give the other nipple attention you reached down to find dan's cock already hard in just as much need as you had. Dan had slipped his hand down to insert a finger in you. He smiled into your skin like a little boy.
“You’re so wet, darling. Do you need something? Have you been fucking anyone else? Because we both know that this is all mine. Your pretty tight cunt is mine.” Dan had started to rub his thumb on your clit as he added another finger.
“Only yours. I don't want anyone else. Only you.” Dan had started to kiss you as you rocked your hips to match the movement of Dan’s fingers. As you started to rock the blanket that was placed on your shoulders fell from you.
“That's right. All mine. My cock is hard for you love. You’re the only one who could make me have precum already falling from my tip.” You couldn't wait anymore as you didn't want to cum just from getting finger fucked by Dan. You would much rather enjoy cumming with Dan.
“Dan I’m going to cum. Take your fingers out.” Dan’s smirk returned as he laughed a little more to himself than to you.
“Trying to tell me what to do pet? Well, I would much rather see you wither around my fingers like the little slut you are. Getting off just with me fucking you with my fingers.” You couldn't respond as you moaned and cried out as you felt the waves wash over you. You had the strongest orgasm that you haven't had for at least three weeks. You could never seem to replicate Dan’s doings. Just as you finally came down from your high Dan removed his fingers before grabbing your chin with the other. “Was that good?” You didn't know you could talk until you squeaked out a Dan. He smiled as he started to stroke his cock as he waited for you to fully recover for round two.
“I'm ready. Your breathing was never normal but you couldn't wait for that to return before needing to be fucked by Dan. His cock wasn't that thick but long. Dan knew what to do with it and that really what mattered.
“Ready? Well, crawl on.” You lifted up as Dan held his cock so you could slide down on him. As you reached the base of him you felt his hands reach for your hips to help guide you up and down. He didn't wait very long before starting to thrust into you as he helped bounce you up and down his member. Hopefully, Dan and Phil’s neighbours didn't have thin walls as the both of you were letting out all of your moans that you could never let escape from your lips in the dorms.
“Put your hands on my shoulders. I want to speed this up.” You obliged as you felt yourself meeting every thrust with him feeling pure bliss. Normally you didn't like the cowboy position but it was great for now because you were able to watch Dans’ face as he fucked you. The other great thing was that you were able to kiss Dan as much as you wanted. He tasted like he always did. It was a mixture of toothpaste and cherry. The cherry was most likely from his lip balm but the mystery was always kinda nice. You were lost in the feeling of pleasure and happiness before you felt your clit being pushed on. Dan was rubbing little circles on the nub as he wanted to cum with you and his own orgasms building quickly.
“Fuck Dan. Count us down. I want to come with you.” Dan continued his pace as if nothing was different.
“Five, four, three, two, two and a half.” You smacked Dan lightly on the chest as you couldn't hold off anymore. Orgasm control was never your strong suit. “ One. Okay, love let go. Dan waited a few more seconds as you felt yourself climax for the second time this evening. Once Dan knew you had hit your peak he finally let his warm seed spill into you. The both of you rode out your orgasms as the room felt hot with the smell of sex in the air.
“Well, that was spectacular. What time is it? Dan looked at you confused as he lifted you off of him careful not to disturb you.
“It’s like one am why?” You smiled as you kissed Dan with a soft peck.
“I just wanted to make sure we still had a lot more time to keep fucking the night away.
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