#sena 'yes he's helpful to people in need but would he STAY. would he care about YOU'
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ivorysodapop · 4 months ago
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I've been playing a lotta FOM lately so here is the guy I dropped in there in an approximation of its style.. (bc pixel art is. An endeavor.) Hi Torrey yayyy yayyy
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catboysimulator · 4 years ago
Story Five - Swirling Sand and Lightning Strikes
The day seemed like any regular down in the Sagolii desert, Azeyma beating down on the arid environment while the people tried to remain cool during the weather. Most of the miqo'te were within their adobe homes, trying to keep cool while others still continued to work anyway, making sure to keep hydrated as they did so. 
Dhezi was up on the roof of one of the buildings, fixing the hatching and doing some repairs on the adobe, Tani lending him a hand by passing him clay and straw, and also making sure the ladder was nice and sturdy against the building. "Ugh, thanks, primo. I owe ya some drinks, y'know? Y'really have no idea how grateful I am to ya fer offerin' ta get up there, b'cause I sure as hells can't stomach it," Tani groaned while Dhezi merely chuckled with a grin. "S'no problem at all," he assured.
Though, as they were working, they then heard a loud rumble resound through the caves. Tani stood straight as his ears perked and pivoted, listening out for further sounds before sounding out a call of alarm that rang throughout their home. Dhezi blinked and looked around, watching as everyone ran away from their work and the springs, back into their home. "-- What's goin' on? Tani?" he asked, while Tani held onto the bottom of the ladder. "Come down, primo, there's a sandstorm comin'. I'm gonna need yer help coverin' up Azeyma's watch with Maryn," she states. Dhezi wasted no time in climbing back down, rushing over to meet with the Amarila leader. 
"Papa!" Tani called out, "sandstorm comin' in, 'nd I think it's bringin' along some relampago." Approaching Maryn, the yellow-eyed Seeker nodded towards Tani. "I heard the alarm. I will cover the Watch and call in the Matron and Patron. Tani, make sure everyone else here is safe," he advises, before calling out for more assistance. A few other miqo'te came out of their homes to join Maryn, following closely behind him. 
Though, before Maryn could leave, he gazed at Dhezi for just a moment before nodding to him. "You seem like you’re pretty capable, Dhezi. Come with me, we could use your help to pull through this."
"A-ah? Yes, tio," Dhezi agreed with a nod, also following along. 
Heading outside the caves, the group then scaled the side of the mountains up to the very top, where a large slab of rock bigger than the Watch remained. "Dhezi, help the others cover the Watch, I will call for the griffins," Maryn stated, curling his hands together and bringing them up to his mouth, releasing a unique sound that carried through the desert. 
Dhezi watched briefly, before moving over towards the group to begin pushing the slab over the Watch. Previously, this took a lot of effort even with many people, but with Dhezi's strength alone they were able to quickly cover it up and make their way back down and into the caves, way ahead of the storm.
The red Seeker remained atop with his uncle, though, standing beside him as Maryn continued to call for the griffins. He frowned, furrowing his brows as his tail flicked at the tip. "They aren't answering. The storm is fast approaching... They are intelligent creatures, so they should know to take cover either way, yet this has never happened before. Dhezi, you should go back down and take cover with the others."
"-- Tio, I don't feel comfortable leavin' ya up here alone. Please-- let me stay with ya until they get here."
"You must listen to me, Dhezi, this is a dangerous situation. Go back down, I'll be alright,” he reassured his nephew with a smile.
"I--... Okay," Dhezi resigns, gulping with a nod before shifting to start climbing down. Yet, before he can do so, he hears the familiar sound of lightning. Relampago. That's what they meant. He froze up, that familiar sensation of fear clamping down on him like a maw of sharpened teeth, a sensation of dread pounding over him like turbulent waves. 
Maryn noticed this, furrowing his brows as he called out, "Dhezi! Dhezi, what's wrong? Get down there!"
Heaving, Dhezi lifted his eyes towards the approaching sandstorm, noting the bright flashes within the gritty gales. Lightning-- lightning can happen in sandstorms?! Why was he never informed?!
The sand was fast approaching now, and Maryn stopped in his calls in order to rush over to Dhezi, casting his magics in order to form a shield to block them from the storm as he knelt beside his nephew. "Dhezi, hey, what's the matter?! Take a deep breath; breathe!"
Dhezi gulped down a lump in his throat, his shoulders quaking as his paws tightly ball up into fists, his claws digging into his pads. "T-Tio-- Tio, I'm s'rry, I c-can't-- I can't move," he stammers out, squeezing his eyes shut. Maryn draped an arm over Dhezi's shoulders, rubbing at them gently while furrowing his brows, looking up to see if he can try to spot the griffins. The sand pounded against his shield and he grunted, covering his nephew and taking the brunt of the storm.
Lightning struck closer and closer to them the further the storm moved towards them, Dhezi covering his ears each time and bunching himself up further. Why? Why does this keep happening? He thought he had moved on, but no matter what he does, the lightning always holds the upper hand. Tears burned down his face as he grit his teeth, mentally cursing himself out for seizing up, for being unable to listen and do as told, for being an incompetent coward.
Yet, in the back of his mind, he remembered the Sigwa. Remembered K'ilhi and Poki'to. 
Forcing himself, he stands up on shaking legs, brows furrowed and tears hot as they pour down his neck from his eyes. Maryn followed suit and stood with him, keeping the shield up despite the force of the storm. The hairs on the backs of their necks and on their arms stood on end, very much aware that if they do not move they will be struck, and may not survive.
"Move," Dhezi advises; warns. Maryn furrows his brows and looks towards Dhezi in concern and frustration. "Dhezi--," he begins, his voice sterner, before the red Seeker repeats, "Move."
Taking a deep breath, G'dhezi attempted to still himself; calm his heart. He has one chance to do this, or else he dies. He's very much aware of it.
He recalls that night in The Peaks with Toadie. Toadie kept him safe; protected him from a lightning shot by redirecting it northward. Dhezi has never trained on this, never attempted... but he resigned himself. Whether he lives out of pure luck or dies out of pure stupidity, he's fine with it.
But will everyone else be? 
That thought crossed his mind at the very last second-- right when lightning struck the paw he had stretched out to the skies. He cried out in pain, dragging his other paw down his chest to his stomach, before stretching it out southward, redirecting the bolt of plasma away from his uncle. 
Panting heavily, the red Seeker did not remain conscious for long, falling off the side of the mountain as he heard his uncle's cry of his name, not long feeling the sensation of feathers and a strong back before he had blacked out.
Slowly his eyes fluttered open, staring up at the ceiling of the caves, where the slab had covered Azeyma's Watch. The caverns were lit by lanterns and torches, yet they were spots of light in Dhezi's eyes. He felt warm, comfortable, as though surrounded by pillows and blankets.
It turned out, Rahja has curled up around Dhezi, along with her children. Her head rested off to the side while the fledgelings kept Dhezi supported up against her, resting near and against his legs. Rahja lifted her head the moment she could tell a difference in Dhezi's breathing, turning it in order to look at him. "-- Rahja?" he asked, yet his tone was pained and hoarse. 
She crooned towards him, pressing her forehead to his while her fledgelings also woke up to look up at the miqo'te worriedly. Not long after, Dhezi heard the familiar voices of his family rushing closer, Sena soon within his sight along with Tani and Maryn. "Dhezi!" Sena called out, tone full of concern and fear. "Mijo, mijo, estas bien? Are you alright? Can you hear me?"
Dhezi took a moment, but he gave a small nod. In response, a heavy sigh escaped Sena along with Tani and Maryn, yet Tani's brows were furrowed tight and her teeth grit. "Dhezi-- I ain't ever met anyone so foolish as ta do somethin' like that--! Don't ya understand how TERRIFIED we all were for you?! Ye're LUCKY ye're even alive!" he yelled, before the breath in his chest all but collapsed out of him. He shifted close to his cousin, kneeling close to him and reaching a paw out to place it atop Dhezi's head.
"Y'can't-- y'cant do that to us, Dhezi. Ta us, or ta th'people waitin' fer ya back in Ul'dah. I'm glad ye're alright, but ya can't risk throwin' yer life away like that," she states, firmly, through a trembling voice. "It is important; precious. It cannot be replaced. Do ya understand?"
Dhezi stares up at them in silence, before gulping the lump down his throat and nodding. This is not the first time he had been yelled at for nearly throwing away his life so easily-- yet this is the first time he has come to regret dancing with Nald'thal so intimately. "... Sorry. 'm sorry," he murmurs through his broken voice. 
Tani huffs lightly, nodding and blinking away their tears. "... Try not to move around too much, primo. Ye're all bandaged up. They said s'gonna take a few sennights fer ya ta recover. They're gonna take care of ya," he mutters. Dhezi blinked, yet nodded nonetheless.
CW: Discussions of death, suicide, suicidal ideation.
The first day Dhezi had been tended to, he had seen his wounds, his bruises. His body had the nastiest bruising he has ever developed; yellowed, purpled, and blackened skin mottled along his brown. It was the worst ever, but the medics assured him it would not last. They were bruises, not scars...except for one part. Fractal scarring bloomed along his skin, little patterns of lightning lining his neck, shoulders, chest, and arms.
It was beautiful, really, despite the bruising along the rest of his body.
Only after a few suns had passed and Dhezi was able to move a bit more without his body screaming at him, Maryn dropped by to visit him. The medics that were tending to Dhezi finished their work for the hour, excusing themselves and leaving Maryn and his nephew in private.
Dhezi's ears lowered as his uncle pulled up a chair and sat beside him, gazing at him so seriously. He normally sees his uncle smiling and laughing, fooling around with everyone in his vicinity and being playful-- but now he looked gravely serious, and it scared the younger Seeker just a bit.
"... Si, tio?" he asked meekly, his ears flattened to the sides as his eyes continued to flicker back and forth from Maryn to anything else in the room.
"Dhezi," Maryn began, taking in a deep breath before leveling his expression with the younger one. "You understand that what you did was dangerous, and even potentially fatal, correct?"
"Yes, I'm aware."
"What made you even attempt that?"
"I--... I knew we were 'bout ta get hit, so I wanted t'try 'nd protect ya..."
"Yet, you know I would have been able to protect us, right?"
"... Aye."
"So then, why?"
Dhezi fell silent at that, frowning as he gazes up towards the ceiling. "... Selfish reasons. Stupid reasons. I--," he paused, sighing out and bringing a paw up to his forehead, rubbing at it from frustration. "When I was a kid, I was raised in Ul'dah as y'all know. I was taken in by Mama Azhi when I was only a few moons old, 'nd she gave me th'name Azhi'li. But, th'same day, another kid showed up. A few years older than me, also without a name. She named him Azhi'sae, 'nd he was m'brother.
He 'nd I were two peas in a pod, y'know? He always got me outta trouble, always shared his food with me 'nd played with me. We even slept in th'same bed t'gether even until he turned eleven summers. Yet, on that eleventh summer, I saw somethin' I shouldn't have. There was a black mage outside th'gates a'Ul'dah, 'nd I saw 'em do things I know they weren't s'pposed ta, but they noticed me. I tried runnin' away, but I was caught, 'nd they were plannin' t'kill me. Seared m'side with fire, which is why I have th'scars there... Yet, b'fore they killed me, Zisi came 'round 'nd lopped off th'mage's arm with a sword he grabbed from a Brass Blade, grabbin' me by th'arm 'nd makin' a run fer it.
... We didn't make it far. He didn't make it far. Th'mage was aimin' fer me, but... Zisi shoved me outta th'way 'nd took a bolt a'lightnin' straight through his chest," Dhezi explained, taking in deep breaths here and there and swallowing lumps down in his throat.
"Ever since then I've been so scared of anythin' that sounds remotely like lightnin', 'nd whenever there's a storm or someone uses those magicks, I freeze up. I've been tryna get better, yet it's hard. Toadie told me there's no way fer me ta jus'...magically stop, it just takes time, but I've been so desperate to try 'nd get over it that I've been puttin' m'self in stupid situations that risk m'self gettin' killed. Fer th'longest time, I did not give a damn 'bout whether I died or if I lived. I actively sought t'jus' end it all after that happened with Zisi, but I stopped b'cause Mama Azhi told me to. I didn't wanna see her distressed th'way she had been, so I listened. 
Yet, that didn't stop m'apathy. If there was a situation I was in that risked m'life, I didn't care. Until recently. I've been told constantly by so many folks that care 'bout me t'stop bein' so reckless, 'nd I didn't listen. I understood that I hurt people that care 'bout me by bein' like that, 'nd I still didn't listen.
But right b'fore that lightning bolt hit, I realized jus' how ridiculous 'nd selfish I've been. Foolish; childish," Dhezi croaked out, draping his arm across his eyes as he grit his teeth.
"... Fuck, man." He sobbed, choking on his tears as he bit the insides of his cheeks, his claws digging into the pads of his paws and drawing blood.
Maryn moved a gentle hand to Dhezi's paw, prying his claws out of his paws and taking a firm yet comforting grip on his paw. 
"Dhezi... Be proud of yourself, for recognizing these issues. For being self-aware, and understanding the pains you have put not only others through, but yourself. You are not alone, mijo, you never were alone and never will be, even when there is no one around. Do not harm yourself, or beat yourself up... Be gentle with yourself, as there is only one of you. These pains of yours do not need to be handled on your own. You have your family with you, those that remain and those who have departed," Maryn states, his tone gentle and patient.
"I thank you for protecting me, but do not throw your life away so easily. It is precious, and one-of-a-kind. This sense of redemption must be released, Dhezi, for there is nothing left to redeem. You understand that too, right?"
"... Aye," the younger Seeker agrees with a nod, frowning, yet still curled his fingers lightly around his uncle's hand. 
“If you’d like, I can teach you some stuff with lightning. Because while that was a very… terrifying, incident, I can see that you do have potential with it. Have you been told that before?”
“A-ah… Haha, aye… Sure have been.”
“Hm. Would you like to try practicing, then? We will begin with small steps, and go slowly.”
“... I think I’d like that, yeah.”
Maryn gave a gentle smile down towards Dhezi, nodding. “When you are healed, then.” He went silent after a few moments, before speaking once more, "You know, mijo... We have a celebration coming up, called Dancing with the Dead."
"-- Uh? Wh-. Why is it called that?"
The older Seeker couldn't help but to laugh, grinning wider while lowering his nephew's hand from his face. "Every year during the Fifth Astral Moon is when we dance with our departed. We feast and we drink, remembering those who have moved on to greater plains, while they come to visit us from the lifestream to join us in our festivities."
"... They join us?"
"Right. We cannot see them, but we feel them. They are always around us, always there to look over us and keep us company, but we do not always feel their presence. During this celebration, we can feel them stirring our hearts; their warmth and their love. It is a reminder for us that we will never be alone, even when we have come and gone. Perhaps then, you may get the closure you have always been hoping for."
"I see... Thank you, tio."
"Of course, sobrino. Now, get some rest, you're looking worse than a bruised banana."
At that, Dhezi couldn't help but to grin and laugh, rolling his eyes. "Ay, thanks."
Maryn grinned toothily, ruffling Dhezi's hair before standing back up. 
"Sleep well, mijo."
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the-sara-voe · 4 years ago
Chapter 5: The Bitter March
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Luke coasts down the street, the dial tone blaring through the car's speakers. The tone barely skips one beep before Tusa answers.
“Scam calls not accepted”, she stated, as she tip-tapped away on her keyboard.
An arrogant grin spreads across Alvez’s face, as he asks, “I’m a scammer now”?
“Well, you didn’t answer my text about movie night. So yes, you are a scammer”.
“I’m sorry, Pen got a new kitten behind my back, and we are trying to get Roxie and Belle to get along”, he said, the grin still present in his speech.
“Oh”, Tusa said with surprise, a somber hint filling her voice. She bit her tongue to keep her thoughts at bay, saying “Well that’s alright. Is the cat cute”?
“Despite me not being a cat person, it is adorable”, Luke said, feeling her discomfort on the other end. “Hey, we can have a movie night another night okay”?
His voice is buttery to her, but his words slip past her ears. Just as quickly as he could raise her pulse, it would slow the minute he talked about Penelope. The woman didn’t have a face to her name, but she could summon the rains of the Amazon through Tusa’s eyes. 
They have never met, but Tusa has heard nothing but great things. How she is kind, witty, talented. Garcia even left a note for her. Everyone talks about Penelope Garcia like she is a legend, because she is one. 
Tusa hates being the one to fill Penelope’s shoes. It makes her skin prickle and her throat sour. She doesn’t want to, but she resents the woman. The unfortunate part is, it isn’t because of her reputation that Selemani disliked Penelope so much.
She perked up her voice, going an octave higher, before saying, “Yeah, yeah I know. I was just looking forward to it. But on the upside we avoided Sena rooting for Monty Python for the hundredth time”.
“That’s a good point”, he said before saying, “Hey while I got you, can you help me find-”
“Find the Church that belongs to those shirts? Bud who do you think I am? I already did it”.
Alvez chuckled as he listened to her. “Address is 7226 Grand Blvd, and it’s a Mormon Church. The t-shirts are for a program they have called Home Sweet Home, and proceeds help the homeless. The church makes a lot of money, and last I checked they ordered 6,000 t-shirts”.
“And they got to be storing those somewhere”.
“That’s what I thought”.
“Alright, thank you Chica I’ll talk to you later”.
“Bye”, she said, rushed, hearing him hang up. 
She sat, frozen from the conversation, before she threw her hands to the air. Her hands encompass her face, leaning back in her chair and releasing a groan. All the pressure behind her eyes had moved to her stomach. The aching in her gut festers with every thought of him. 
Slipping her palms down her cheeks to her lap, she says, “Luke Alvez, you are breaking my heart”.
The black pavement glisten in the sun from the unforeseen water shower. Rossi's shoes kick up water drops; upchucked tequila and wasted food becoming more fragrant. The open corridor housed a soiled, kelp-colored dumpster, its neighbors being wrinkled heaps of plastic. Hidden from the opening of the alley, where the ground lay littered in cigarette butts and chewed gum, is the temporary resting place of Daniella Cortez.
"She was propped up against the dumpster", the detective remarked.
Rossi observes the corner. Although the untrained eye would be unable to tell, a small stain of rusty brown glued to the asphalt. Daniella's body had made its presence.
He crouches down, examining the stickers and graffiti that lingered on the brick and steel. The majority of them had faded around the edges and are stained from the decaying muck. "The alley seems fairly secluded in the daytime. How trafficked are the alleyways at night"? Rossi asked while the gears in his head turned.
"Everyone tends to stay away from the alleyways at night, but on Fridays and Saturdays some prostitutes sit here, waiting for guys to drive by. That's how she was found actually".
Rossi's eyes squint. There is one piece of paper, crumpled over itself, but not colored by the garbage mildew. "A prostitute found her"?
"Yeah, said she came back looking for her wallet and found the body instead. She said that the victim wasn't anyone she had seen before, but she saw the victim come out for a smoke".
"Did she see anyone that picked her up"?
"No. She said that she picked up the last guy of the night, and their alibis checked out. Daniella was alone out here".
As the detective continues to ramble, David's eyes fixate on the brick. He slips his hand into a latex glove, plucking the paper from the brick wall. His fingers swivel the folded square open, revealing a manufactured drawing. The thin, black lines branch from one another, to make a set of twig feet, wings, and a minuscule beak. But most startling, the image is clouded in a burgundy red.
"Detective, does this sticker seem familiar to you"? Rossi asked.
The detective hovered over Rossi's shoulder, looking at the image. "That's a sticker a bar nearby uses instead of stamping. Bar's called A Larkin'".
Rossi's face scrunched at the name. "Probably where she was before. Did you guys interview bar staff yet"?
"No, but it is just across the street, I'll take you over there".
Rossi thanks the detective, putting the sticker in a bag for evidence. He stares at the blood-stained lark. Gideon would have thought the lark symbolism was clever for the bar, despite the dumb name.
David halts his walking. Jason believed birds were like people, that they explain themselves through their behaviors. Jason studied their symbolism in various cultures and religions. Birds always had a significance for Gideon, so what was the significance of his letter being with a robin painting?
He pulls out his phone, dialing Tusa. "Selemani"?
Before he could hear her speak, the background rings with metal gently scraping plastic. She must be on her lunch break. Her voice thick and full, she spouts, "Present, sir. You guys get a good lead yet"?
"Not on my end, but would you do me a favor"? He asked, his words spilling like those of a child caught red-handed. "An old friend asked me to look at a case of his. I may have found a potential lead for him, but I need your expertise".
On the other end, Tusa ceases her fidgeting. David could feel her sincerity through the phone. It is something he appreciates about her. Although Penelope's presence is well missed at work, Tusa carries a similar warmth as Garcia. If someone she cared about truly needed something, she would get it for them.
Her voice takes a serious tone, "Alright sir, I'm all ears. What do you need me to do"?
"What is the symbolism of the robin"?
The rattling of the keys is followed by her saying, "Robins represent perseverance, fresh starts, good luck. Associated with spring, Robins tend to migrate during March. Any of this help"?
It was sheer luck that Rossi and Stephen discovered the letter. Stumbling upon that one book, out of all the books Gideon had, and turning to that page. Sheer luck learning about Harper. Does the robin pertain to her?
Rossi's face relaxes slightly, the corners of his mouth upturning. "Yes, that does help. Thank you, Tusa".
"You’re welcome, sir".
After hanging up, Rossi took a moment of pause. His hand found the picture of Harper before he had told it to. Staring at the baby picture, he said to it, quietly, "You're a March baby, aren't you Harper"?
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sambart93 · 6 years ago
2018.11.28 BACK COAT〜裏裁判 UraSaiban / Backdoor Trial [Review]
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Official Site here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2
Synopsis: After investigation, witnesses to a murder decide that the perpetrator is Innocent. Because of this, the witnesses are left once again to go back and recount their version of what happened and what of the victim. There are only 3 rules in this scenario: The real perpetrator is within their group; you must choose Guilty or Innocent; you must decide there and then even if it’s not the real perp. What happens next?
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Kuranuki Masahiro as Utsunomiya Saku Domoto Shouhei as Tominaga Tatsuya Terumi as Nakano Shouta Arima Ayaka as Hanamura Kasumi Kuramichi Sena as Utsunomiya Ruin Yashima Yakuma as Nikaido Kouki Haneshima Shouta as Ketsushiro Toshiya  Hatsuki Nozomi as Endo Kiriko Okabe Naoya as Ichijyo Hikari Nakajima Kazuhiro as Kisu Makoto Chatani Yuho as Terajima Kae Nakagawa Emi as Enjyouji Aya Saikatsu as Koinuma Shun
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* Non-Spoiler Overall: This was great! It’s the style and theme of story and stage that I love. I absolutely love; people forced in a room that they can’t escape and they suspect each other and there’s no trust and there’s underlying secrets and motives and people turn on each other and people die - everything I love in my dark, messy stories! And they executed it so well! I enjoyed it so much! I loved the story, the mystery, the twist parts, the punch ending. It was all so good! And at the peak / climax of the play, the acting from all of them was phenomenal. It was so well done. The only thing that stopped me from being so invested and so emotionally into it was the fact that the guy next to me was snorting and sniffing up his snot every 10 seconds throughout the entire play and drove me absolutely mental. Rating: 7/10.  If that dick hadn’t been there to ruin my experience, this could’ve easily been a 8 - 9 rating I think.
Spoiler Review
Main Plot - 12 people (9 witnesses, 1 accused and 2 court staff) have been gathered to decide whether the accused, Enjyouji Aya, should be found guilty or innocent of killing Saku’s sister Ruin. However, when the final judgement is made, only 7 people find her guilty, while the actual brother and his childhood friend Tatsuya rule her innocent. Saku pleads for them all to go back to the beginning and to recount everything they witnessed. Because there is non consensus the court staff lock them inside the room and have to start all over again. No one can leave until everyone agrees on one judgement. And there are three guidelines to the lock down which are:
1. The perpetrator IS within their group. 2. You must choose (one) Guilty or Innocent. 3. You must decide there and then even if it’s not the real perp.
So in the story we go through every person’s account and experience that they had with Rui. At first everyone is very positive saying how much they enjoyed her company and how much of a joy she was to be around. But then they get to Aya and she breaks it down. She turns around to Saku in a half-evil-cackle and says ‘do you really think they’re telling the truth? Do you really think this is what they think of your sister? She was evil. She was horrid!’ and she cracks through the rest of the characters’ true personalities. It soon comes to light that she was physically and mentally abusive to everyone around her, and they say the only way she was acting such a way was because Saku himself was being to harsh on her. Apparently he was strict in that: she must go to school, she must eat properly, she mustn’t go and stay out late, she mustn’t have a boyfriend, and she felt that all her freedom had been taken away, and in turn that led her to take her anger out on the neighbours and everyone who cared for her. ‘And that’s why,’ Aya begins, ‘when she asked me to help her fake her suicide so she could shock and knock some sense into you (Saku), I just.... let her die.’ Saku begins to break down; he knows he was strict on her but that was because he didn’t want her to get hurt again, he wanted her to be safe so she didn’t end dying like their parents did. But obviously he was too strict and it made her go strange and mentally unwell. But towards the end of the stage, Ichijo Hikari speaks up ‘it was you that drove her to her death. She was being manipulated. I saw her... I saw her and Tatsuya talking,’ which brings Saku’s childhood friend underfire. Here, Tatsuya goes into manic laughter and completely cracks, he says he wanted to ruin what was left of Saku’s family because he was sick of seeing them (Saku & Rui) making fun of him (Tatsuya) and his situation (his family abandoned him and when he finally refound them, they acted like they didn’t know who he was). He said ‘I know you were laughing at me. Pitying me. There’s no way you were really being kind.’ When Tatsuya was left alone, Saku became his friend and he brought him home and let them have dinner together and everything. But Tatsuya, being hurt too much and too deeply, always thought Saku was just being malicious (which is completely wrong), so he wanted to get revenge: that was manipulating Rui and giving her the idea of ‘pretend to kill yourself. It’ll be the biggest surprise to Saku and it’ll make him stop being so strict on you’ so silly Rui goes through with it and that’s what led to her death. By this point, everyone is crying and emotionally ruined, and the staff of the court ask them to decide who should be held accountable for the death of Rui. Saku puts his hand up. Everyone protests that he’s innocent but he says ‘I found a letter from her. It came through the mail a year after her death. I did her wrong. I just want to go and see my sister.’ so he begs everyone to judge him ‘guilty’ so he can get the death penalty and join his sister. Of course, everyone doesn’t want to do this but it’s either this or they have to choose another among them to be found Guilty. And the stage ends with them judging him ‘guilty’, he gets on a wooden crate, puts the noose rope around his neck and lights out.
I am not giving the story justice. The intricacies and seeing them break down one by one, and seeing the scenes with Rui and the others. It was just phenomenal acting and the way things came to light and revealed were so well done and so great! I really wish I had been able to see this one or two more times. Because I was so invested and I found everyone’s acting to be top notch! There are some specific scenes and things I would like to talk about though:
☆ Domoto Shohei’s acting when he goes from ‘normal childhood friend’ to ‘batshit crazy’ to ‘realising what he’s done and just breaking down completely’ was so amazing to witness. He flowed so effortlessly between these stages and emotions! I was SO impressed! This was definitely his best acting I’ve seen of him so far! I cannot give enough praise to how well he did. I felt so sorry for him too! You should HATE HIM. You should HATE how he manipulated Saku’s sister, but then you learn that he just wasn’t loved and he was abandoned and his parents are more to blame for his messed-up-ness than him. And you pity him for assuming Saku’s actions were through malice rather than Saku genuinely wanted to look after him. And this huge misunderstanding led to him doing something so unforgivable. Yes you should hate him but the character’s story and Domoto’s acting just... you can’t hate him at all!
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☆ I really enjoyed Arima Ayaka’s acting too. I love how Kasumi went from ‘oh yeah she was a darling and I loved spending time with her’ to (when everything gets revealed) ‘she was abusive! She found out that me and Toshiya were dating and she threatened to leak the information. She also hit my all the time! She fucking sucked!’ which was great acting. The scene where Rui is hitting Kasumi had some really good acting. The actors themselves would push each other and a lot of parts were physically real so I was impressed with the trust between the actors and such for those moments. 
☆ Sena did a great job as the sister. She had very few scenes because she was only really in the flashbacks but she did a great job! She could switch her feelings and emotions very well which was great! I love how her outfit is a white dress which could mean so many things: innocent, death, ghost, haunting etc. Good choice in clothing!
☆ I was super surprised to see Yashima Yakuma in this! I didn’t know he was in the cast! I am bias. I really like his face and his acting and this role of ‘serious’ and part of the court team was great!
☆ I really liked Hikari as a character. At first he just seems like a hungover, irresponsible guy, but then we learn that he’s got the key information to unlocking the mystery of ‘what happened to Rui’.  He’s a sweet guy the entire time. He tries to calm people down and tries to stay level-headed and he really is the only character out of them who’s guilty of NOTHING. Also I loved his hair, but that’s irrelevant to the story.
☆ Kudos to Emi who did this dramatic reveal right at the beginning. She’s the one that’s like ‘oh quit the act everyone! We all hated her! Admit it!!’ and her craziness lasts the entire performance. She really does not give a shit and she just lets all the secrets out! I really love how when she’s telling her stories of Rui, she did things like get on the table and prance around and such.
Like I said, I am not doing this story justice and I wish I’d seen it a few more times so I could get more information and find more scenes to love. And as mentioned above, I had the biggest sniffler and snorter next to me the entire time which that took me out of the story SO much. I literally had to watch the stage with one finger in my right ear so I could somewhat block out the idiot’s noises. But alas, I hope this short, short review will suffice.
And that’s all! I have a SHIT TON (I’m not joking) of reviews and reports I am behind on, dating back to like June I think which is BAD. I need to get this shit done asap seriously. I must! xD
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toxickimi · 4 years ago
Ch 3 Day in the Town
After breakfast Azumiral had gathered the four as well as some royal guards to the main entrance. "We will be going to the town square today. Please don't hesitate to purchase anything if you see something you like." "Won't Kimikyo and Kigra join us?" Piper spoke up, causing Azumiral's smile to fade. "Kigra is to be shadowing mother today and..it is forbidden for the young Kimikyo to leave the palace grounds. Now if you'll please." Azumiral turned before Piper spoke back up. "Young? She's twenty years old. She's an adult." Azumiral began to giggle. "Did we not mention this to you? We live thousands of years. She's practically a teenager to us." "Th-thousands...of years?" Piper looked at Azumiral. "We age until we're about twenty-five and then it slows down to an almost halt. Mother is five thousand years old." "What...about you and Kigra?" Preston spoke up, as the group finally began to leave. "Kigra is five hundred and I just turn six hundred and twenty-two not long ago. Kimikyo really is the youngest. Once she turns twenty-one she will be of age. This means she'll be able to marry...if she wants and maybe even unlock her true form." "True form?" Piper walked next to Azumiral. "Yes. What you've seen has been just a training transformation though it is likely she will keep that form there is a small chance it'll change."
As the group walked there was an awkward silence. It dawned on the four visitors they knew nothing of this place. Piper began whispering to Preston, convincing him to get close to Azumiral to learn what he could and Piper would get close to Kimikyo. Soon enough they were at the town square the had shops all around and in the center was a wishing fountain that had a phoenix on the center pillar. "What's with the bird?" Preston walked up to Azumiral as the other wandered around. "That is the phoenix. It's said that it can heal any wound with its tears and antidotes can be made out of its feathers. He breathes this beautiful hue of fire and his wings are powerful enough to put them out. There is only one in the whole world, no one else can turn into the great phoenix." Preston looked up at the statue. "Are there others like him?" Azumiral shook her head. "No just the phoenix...but its been gone for quite some time. No one knows where it is at..." "You called it a him a moment ago...why the sudden pronoun change?" Azumiral looked at the phoenix then at Preston before whispering. "Because he is my brother." She turned walking away to a shop with Preston following behind.
Piper find a book shop that sold note books and pens. She had grabbed a few before going to the check out. "That'd be two silver pieces." "Oh...all I have is this gold piece." The shop keep looked up at her. "That'll do fine." Piper handed the gold to the shop keep who gave her fifteen silver pieces back along with an exchange card. "You're not from around here. This will help you. Each kingdom has different currency and exchange rates. This is ours." "Oh thanks!" Piper took the change and the bag of items with her as she left the shop. She went back to the fountain where Preston and Azumiral were, both having bags in their hands. "Ah, I see you went to the book store." Azumiral smiled at her. "Yea, I got some notebooks and pencils." "If you wanted those, you could have asked. I have plenty extra from the princesses studies." "I'll have to keep that in mind." Piper smiled at Azumiral then looked over to see Danse walking back over to them empty handed. "Did you not find anything?" "There's nothing here that peaked my interest that a single gold piece could buy." Azumiral looked at him curiously. "Oh and what is it that you saw?" "Someone was selling cats but wanted three pieces." Danse led Azumiral over to the person selling the kittens. "I see...Danse, these are lion cubs. Do you truly want one?" Danse had thought for a moment before nodding. "I see. Such a big softy for a serious man." Azumiral pulled out five coins to buy the cub and enough food. "You'll want to speak to Kimikyo when we return. She'll have to show you the animal pens and she'll help you train it." "That would be greatly appreciated."
Maxson had found him self in a weapons shop. He had looked around for some time before seeing a simple knife. He also happened to look over and see a small wolf plush. He placed both on the counter. "That'll be five silvers. Would you like these gift wrapped?" "Just the toy." The shop keep wrapped the plush then placed both in a bag. Maxson soon joined the group. "What's you get?" Piper was trying to take a look in the bag, which annoyed Maxson. "If you need to know, I got a knife." "That makes sense." Piper shrugged it off before the group began walking back to the castle.
Once back at the castle Azumiral excused herself before returning shortly with Kimikyo. "Azumiral said we have a new member to the family?" Danse handed her the cub which caused Maxson to raise his eyebrow at his paladin. "I happen to have a soft spot for cats." "Except this is a lioness, not a simple house cat. You do know this correct?" Kimikyo held the cub while looking at Danse. "I'm aware." "Are you also aware you can't take her back with you?" "You're mother said we were allowed to come and go as we please. If it's alright with you Elder Maxson, may I come back her on my free time?" Maxson stared at Kimikyo though it looked as if he were looking at the cub. "As long as it doesn't interfere with your work soldier." Danse nodded to Maxson before Kimikyo led Danse and anyone else who followed to the animal pen. "This is where we keep the animals. We have seven mythicals and seven normal, well now eight." Kimikyo turned to see only Danse and Maxson. "I'll introduce you guys to the family." She handed Danse back the cub before heading to the animal feeding pen. "This is where we feed them and it looks like Vi and Brohm are here." The brown dire wolf looked up from the carcass it was eating them. "Brohm here is our oldest good boy. He was papa's and is currently going blind. Then there's my good boy. Vi! Come say hi." Creaking could be heard from the rafters as the giant Antilles pinktoe tarantula, the size of a full grown horse, made its way down the walls. "This is Vi and he loves meeting new people." Vi walked over to Danse and Maxson, raising one of its front legs up as if the shake hands.
Maxson hesitated for a long moment before reaching out to the spider. "Very...interesting." Danse tried his best to not show it but he was terrified of what stood before him. "I find him when he was a hatchling, his family was killed by poachers and he was about to die." Vi turned to Kimikyo patting her on the head before climbing back up. "He thinks he's human." She whispered to Maxson, before giggling. "Danse, the cub can come over here for food. It's where all carnivores eat." She led them over to a trough that had bones and meats in it. "You can pull from here while it's a cub but they carnoes do like to just like to dig in. So be careful if there's others here. The food gets refreshed once a day, and is slaughtered fresh daily. The left over meats are cleaned and boiled then sold to the fishermen. It makes great predator bait." She continued walking through the feeding pen. "Over here are for the horses but it looks like they are out for their daily run. Over there is the water hole." She pointed to a large watering tank. "It is filtered and cycled constantly so it's always fresh." The three of them began to leave the feeding pen, Kimikyo remaining silent as she led them to the grounds. "This is the training grounds. You are welcomed to bring the cub here anytime but be careful, Iza does like to be out here at night. He's got a temper and is overly protective. Most of our animals come back at night so over here are the sleeping quarters." She opened the other barn that was on the other end of the grounds. "When the cub gets bigger, you'll have to leave her here. Mama doesn't like large animals in the castle...not after what Rose did..." Kimikyo looked slightly embarrassed before showing Danse to the baby pen. "This is where the babies stay...we haven't had a baby in a while so I'll get it cleaned up for you with new bedding. Any questions?" Kimikyo turned to look at Danse and Maxson. "Who's Rose and what did she do?" Piper had appeared, following them half way through the tour. "Oh she's my black widow. She...she gets excited and chased the captain of the royal guard around wanting to play fetch but all he saw was a giant spider...heh. By the time we found the two Rose had him webbed up and cuddled. Luckily she left his head uncovered." "A...g-giant...sp-spider?" Piper went pale. "Two actually." Kimikyo smiled at Piper before talking to Danse and Maxson. "Currently we house and feed A cobra basilisk, two giant spiders, a griffin, a dragon, three stallions, four mares, and two dire wolves." Kimikyo stepped out of the barn seeing the horses returning with the trainers. "Princess Kimikyo, Ganon has been stubborn today. He really didn't want to listen." Kimikyo sighed, shaking her head. "That's a Friesian for you. I'll take him out riding once I change outfits. You can leave his saddle on." Kimikyo turned to look at the others. "Have you ever rode horses?" "We have none in our land." Kimikyo smiled before nodding. "Can you also leave Ai, Kana and Sky saddled and have a few leads on stand by." Kimikyo turned to the group before bowing. "A moment please. I'll have to change out of this dress. While away Sena will give you instructions on handling if you want to ride a horse."
Kimikyo had left to change into a long sleeve shirt that had loose fitting sleeves and a pair of skin tight pants that were tucked into her boots. "M'Lady only one wished to ride so we had sent the other two to the groomer." "Thank you Sena." Kimikyo looked over to see Piper sitting on Kana's back. "Nervous?" "A little." Kimikyo smiled as she climbed onto Ganon's saddle. "Sena are you leading Kana?" "I am, my lady." Kimikyo nodded and looked at Piper. "You have nothing to worry about our mares, Kana expesially, are gentle. It's are stubborn stallions you need to worry about." Kimikyo ruffled Ganon's mane which made him shake his head. Maxson and Danse stood silently, watching Sena lead Kana out of the barn. Kimikyo pulled back on Ganon's reins before he bolted forward out of the barn. Ganon kept running around the training grounds before looking over at Maxson who was watching closely. Ganon bucked up, neighing aggressively before charging at Maxson. "Ganon! Halt!" Kimikyo pulled the reins back, trying to stop Ganon. "Halt!! Heel!" She kept tugging back finally Ganon stopped, inches in front of Maxson. Ganon stomped his hoof on the ground, watching Maxson closely. Maxson didn't move from his spot only stared back at the stallion. The horse turned to his side, before taking off again. Sena watched the whole thing go down before whistling over to Kimikyo and Ganon. "My lady perhaps Miss Piper would like to go on a run with you two." Sena handed to lead rope over to Kimikyo who tied it to Ganon. "R-run? Kimikyo, Ganon took off way too fast and I'm still pretty nervous." "Don't worry Piper, Ganon loves Kana and listens to her. He won't out run her." Kana looked up at Ganon, neighing at him as if upset at him. Kana turned away from Ganon who followed her every movement. The two horses began to gallop lightly, causing Piper to giggle. "He's love stricken isn't he?" "Oh yes he is. It's his turn to mate with her this year. Normally Kana mates with one of the royal guards stallion but Ganon is finally at that age. So we're going to breed them." Piper and Kimikyo went a few laps around the training ground before taking the horses to the groomers. "So this is how they end their day? Pretty lucky." "No, they get groomed once a week but today just so happened to be that day." Kimikyo smiled at Piper as the two walked back to the castle, the guys already having gone in.
Sena had made his way to Aiko's study room where she was busy signing forms. "My queen Aiko. Sena is here to discuss news with you." Aiko's butler stood at the door waiting for Aiko's word. "If it's about the horses I don't care." "It's about Kimikyo, my queen." Sena bowed before Aiko nodded. "What is it? Did she find another pet?" "No, my queen. She took Ganon for a ride but in the midst of it he charged one of the men visiting." Aiko dropped her quill, placing her head in her hands. "Oh Devine, he's dead isn't he?" "No, my queen. Ganon had stopped and accepted him, while our young princess was riding." Aiko looked up at Sena, awestruck. "Are...are you certain?" "Yes, my queen. As you know Ganon doesn't ever take to new people and most would take cover seeing him charge but not this one. He stayed put while Kimikyo was attempting to stop Ganon." "And what of my daughter? Did she have anything to say?" Sena shook his head. "No but I'm sure she's aware of the approval." "Very well. For now we will keep an eye on the two. This may be very good news for us." Aiko smiled at Sena before dismissing him. Hannah, the butler, looked over at Aiko, smiling. "My queen, do you believe this is a good sign?" "It's a sign but you know how Kimikyo has been with men. Always so serious and uncaring." Hannah had sighed lightly. "Perhaps we shouldn't get our hopes." Aiko remained quiet for a moment before looking at Hannah. "Well...they will be gone soon enough...the portal will be moved in four days and that is when they will leave. Whether they come back or not is up to them. When is your next surgery Hannah?" "O-oh uhm..in two days, my queen." Aiko turned to Hannah. "This is your last one correct? Are you excited to be a full woman?" "I am...I finally feel completed." The two remained silent. "Feeling completed...do you think that is what Kimikyo wants? To feel completed?" "I'm unsure of what are young princess wants. However, I do know she wishes to train. Why not let one of those new comers teach her? Show her their ways. To better our bond with them but also give Kimikyo what she'd like." Aiko thought for a moment. "Very well, Hannah. Ask one of those men if they'd be willing and info Kimikyo once you get an answer."
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