#sen tsurugi
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"Drifting again, is she?" One of the ladies posed the question at a familiar couple duo sitting nearby, downing their soda.
Kaga grinned, resting his head against the taller man's shoulder. "No ma'am, she's been around for close to a couple of weeks or so now. Just the usual trips to see her sister and nephews."
"Of course if you wanna be technical it's her nephew's husband, but y'know how Ryuko is with those two, even if she's not often here." Kotetsu then cracked another can for himself.
The ladies only chuckled as the older of them (the same person asking) sighed. "She's a good girl, that Ryuko. I don't blame her for her choices really, just hopin' the heavens would be kinder to her these days, y'know?"
Idle prattle between the ladies and the two men. It's the usual crowd around these parts, nothing too out of the ordinary. But slowly they started to pick up whispers and murmurs around them, of a strange man in a trenchcoat, of red and navy blue, and a painful-looking scar over his right eye, asking around about someone...
"--blue eyes, bright red streak in her hair--"
Hold on. Doesn't that sound like--
"You mean the lady that stayed uphill at Higashiizu with her brothers? Yeah she's around sometimes! Now what was her name again--oi! Mitsuki! What's her name again? That pretty girl that always comes here with the boys on their bikes?"
The lady earlier called out. "Choki, you bean! You know her already! It's Ryuko!"
"Ah yeah! Ryuko!"
Almost instantly, both Kaga and Kotetsu tensed up. "Tetsu...!"
"Who in the--why is he looking for Ryuko??"
It took him a lot of trial and error. Even after he finally made his way back to Japan and the sorta familiar regions, it turned out that no one really knew the name of the girl that saved the world - most seemed to have forgotten about the whole ordeal entirely, in fact. Knowing how well Ryuko dealt with unwanted attention (bad), that was probably by choice. But left him with frustratingly little threads to follow.
That is, until someone sort of seemed to recognize her description and, after eyeing him suspiciously from head to toe (had he looked that bad?!), advised him to come to this place called Izu.
Which was a whole province and then a city of the same name inside that province, apparently. And sporadically full of tourists, at that. People. Lots of people. Made him a bit anxious - he still needed to remind himself he couldn't be accidentally stepped on anymore. But more importantly, he was still looking for one person. What's the expression? A needle in a haystack.
So he did what he's been doing this whole time - he approached the nearest vendor, he did not forget to bow with a greeting, 'cause that's what was polite for human-bodied people to do, and he just...asked.
"Excuse me, very sorry to bother you, you didn't happen to see a young woman around these parts, about this height, blue eyes, bright red streak in her hair, like mine?" He was still talking louder than strictly necessary, just in case anyone ever had trouble hearing him again.
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What are all your Super Sentai ships? (From Dekaranger onwards) You can even including crack pairings, which you started implementing in your AO3 sentai group chat story
Brace yourselves, this will be long…
Otps tagged on tumblr will be listed
* Ban x Hoji (Dekaranger, tagged as don’t call me partner)
* Sen x Umeko (Dekaranger)
* Kai x Yuka (Magiranger)
* Hikaru x Urara (Magiranger, tagged as my shining knight)
* Satoru x Sakura (Boukenger)
* Sosuke x Miu (Go Onger, tagged as red and silver engines)
* Takeru x Mako (Shinkenger, tagged as heaven fire samurai)
* Chiaki x Kotoha (Shinkenger)
* Alata and Eri (Goseiger, tagged as red and pink angels)
* Moune x Towa (Goseiger x Ryusoulger)
* Marvelous x Ahim (Gokaiger, tagged as a pirate and his princess)
* Joe x Marvelous (Gokaiger, tagged as beyond your dream)
* Gokaiger ot6 of any combo
* Hiromu x Yoko (Go-Busters, tagged as the cheetah and the rabbit)
* Daigo x Amy (Kyoryuger)
* Nossan x Candelia (Kyoryuger)
* Right x Tokachi (Toqger)
* Mio x Tokachi (Toqger)
* Right x Hikari (Toqger)
* Kinji x Misao (Ninninger x Zyuohger)
* Yamato x Misao (Zyuohger, tagged as the eagle’s world)
* Balance x Naga (Kyuranger, tagged as bn thieves)
* Lucky x Garu (Kyuranger, tagged as lucky pup)
* Lucky x Stinger (Kyuranger, tagged as shishi sasori)
* Lucky x Tsurugi (Kyuranger)
* Lucky x Garu x Stinger (tagged as kyuranger ot3)
* Kairi x Keiichiro (Lupat, tagged as w red)
* Umika x Shiho (Lupat)
* Umika x Tsukasa (Lupat, tagged as yellow and pink)
* Tooma x Noel (Lupat)
* Sakuya x Sena (Lupat x Kiramager)
* Koh x Nada (Ryusoulger, tagged as dino knight souls)
* Koh x Canalo (Ryusoulger, tagged as the prince and the knight)
* Asuna x Banba (Ryusoulger)
* Canalo x Sononi (Ryusoulger x Donbrothers)
* Yayoi x Canalo (Kyoryuger x Ryusoulger)
* Takamichi x Sayo (Kiramager)
* Shiguru x Juru (Kiramager, tagged as ruby and sapphire)
* any combo of Zox x Stacey x Kaito (tagged as either pirate and prince, gold and purple geats, w kaizer, or zenkaiger ot3)
* Flint x Suzume (Zenkaiger x King-Ohger)
* Sonoi x Taro (Donbrothers, tagged as love under the moon)
* Natsumi x Tsuyoshi and/or Tsubasa (Donbrothers, tagged as either the dream continues, a long dream, or donbrothers ot3)
* Haruka x Tametomo (Donbrothers x Kiramager)
* Sononi x Tsubasa (Donbrothers, tagged as love in black and white)
* Gira x Jeramie and/or Yanma (King-Ohger, tagged as the tyrant and the storyteller, evil beetle and punk dragonfly, or king ot3)
* Yanma x Shiokara (King-Ohger, tagged as w blue)
* Himeno x Rita (King-Ohger, tagged as selfish mantis and stoic butterfly)
* Kaguragi x Racules (King-Ohger, tagged as scheming kings)
#super sentai#ask#ohsama sentai king ohger#avataro sentai donbrothers#kikai sentai zenkaiger#tokusou sentai dekaranger#mashin sentai kiramager#kishiryu sentai ryusoulger#ressha sentai toqger#zyuden sentai kyoryuger
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Tsurugiego polubiliśmy już na samym początku i w sumie trudno nam było to zrozumieć, ale z czasem utwierdziliśmy się w lubieniu go (zajmuje drugie miejsce w naszym rankingu postaci z DRA, czyli zaraz po Utsuro, lmao).
Post naturalnie będzie zawierał spojlery do gier, w których się ukazał, czyli do Danganronpy Another and Super Danganronpy Another 2.
Tsurugi już na wstępie stawiał siebie w pierwszej linii do bronienia grupy, ale też jednocześnie wybudował mur oddzielający jego od pozostałych. Takie postacie bardzo szybko odpadają i podejrzewanie, że ktoś spróbuje zabić akurat jego, nie jest niczym z czapy.
W rzeczywistości, Mitsuhiro już na wejściu planował go do odstrzału, ale „coś” pokrzyżowało jego plany i w rezultacie zabił Kiyokę. A tym czymś okazała się zdolność Utsuro do zakrzywiania rzeczywistości, co jest dosyć interesujące, bo był jedyną postacią niepowiązaną z geniuszem, której życie zostało ocalone.
Tsurugi właściwie bardzo szybko ukazał swój pochrzaniony światopogląd w odniesieniu do przestępczości. Nie jesteśmy tutaj do końca pewni, który to był proces, ale kiedy Rei mu wytknęła, że to porąbane, to on powiedział, że nie zdaje ona sobie sprawy z tego, w jakich okolicznościach musiał podejmować decyzje.
Tutaj warto zejść z tematu głównej ścieżki fabularnej i pierwszy raz przyjrzeć się spędzaniu czasu wolnego z gliniarzem.
Tsurugi stwierdza, że nigdy nie miał i nie ma nikogo, kogo by nazwał przyjacielem, a w którejś z późniejszych scen opowiada o tym, jak musiał zastrzelić współpracowników, bo nie było innego wyjścia w sytuacji, kiedy grupa przestępców zrobiła z nich zakładników i użyła jako tarczy. Trzeba wziąć tutaj pod uwagę, że Tsurugi był wtedy zaledwie nastolatkiem, więc to musiało się bardzo mocno odbić na jego psychice.
Fakt, że Kinjo tak bardzo się wystawiał do tego, żeby chronić grupę pogłębiał swój kiepski stan, co widać było najwyraźniej, kiedy obwiniał siebie o śmierć Kiyoki. Twierdził, że to on powinien umrzeć.
Później było już tylko gorzej. Stał się bardzo kontrolujący, jednocześnie próbując przekonać grupę, że robi to dla ich dobra – to było coś, w co zapewne mógł wierzyć, ale nie brał pod uwagę ich zdania i każdy, kto się od niego odłączył, był traktowany jako potencjalny zabójca.
Pozostanie Akane w grze było bardzo interesującym zabiegiem ze strony twórcy, bo to tylko uwydatniło paskudną stronę Tsurugiego, która była po prostu przerażająca. Jednocześnie doszło do tego, że został wykluczony z grupy, którą on sam stworzył.
Wtedy też zaczął się mocno zbliżać z Yukim, co ma sens. Podczas scen w ramach czasu wolnego, Tsurugi otwierał się przed protagonistą coraz bardziej i bardzo mu ufał. Warto wziąć pod uwagę, że ostatni raz można się z nim spotkać w trzecim rozdziale, a później staje się niedostępny – podobnie jak Nagito w piątym.
W rozdziale czwartym mocno mu odchrzaniło i jego światopogląd został zderzony z sytuacją, której się nie spodziewał. Satsuki, która była morderczynią w tamtym procesie, przyznała się od razu, że to ona. Ten proces sprawił, że Tsurugiemu przegrzały się styki i zemdlał, budząc się dopiero po kilku dniach. Nie mamy za bardzo siły na rozwijanie tej części, więc ją sobie darujemy.
W tym momencie, zanim przejdziemy dalej, należy przytoczyć jego ostatni event czasu wolnego, gdzie wyznał swoją największą winę Yukiemu. Przyznał się, że skłamał mówiąc, że nigdy nie miał przyjaciela i opowiedział, kim ta osoba była, po czym dodał, że go zabił. Jednak, on nie zabił Kouheia. Doszło tam zwyczajnie do tego, że się nie zorientowali, że bomba była pułapką, ale znając postawę Tsurugiego, nie jest niczym dziwnym, że siebie obwinia. On za dużo dźwigał na swoich barkach i brał jeszcze więcej na siebie.
Wracamy do fabuły. Yuki zauważa Tsurugiego wychodzącego z sali balowej, a potem zbiera grupę w sali gimnastycznej. W pewnym momencie mówi, że jest mordercą. To jest wprost odniesienie do jego FTE i o całej sprawie wiedział jedynie Yuki, bo on nigdy się przed nikim innym tak nie otworzył.
Interesującym jest, że wybudzenie się Tsurugiego ze śpiączki wiązało się z tym, że przypomniał sobie, co się wydarzyło zanim się tam znaleźli i zidentyfikował Akane jako rozpacz, jednocześnie najpewniej wypierając połączenie między Yukim i Utsuro z racji na to, że Yuki był mu najbliższy.
Myślimy, że scena z Tsurugim proszącym o to, żeby go uderzyli ma głębsze znaczenie niż by się wydawało na pierwszy rzut oka. Wyszczególniony został moment, gdy uderzył go Yuki, a co wydarzyło się podczas procesu? NIESPODZIANKA. Jego ukochany Yuki okazuje się być alterem Utsuro, który stał za morderczą grą (Yuki mógł być hostem początkowo, jednak to Utsuro później wszystkim kierował i Yuki mógł nawet nie zdawać sobie sprawy z jego istnienia).
Ciekawym jest, że kiedy Utsuro zesłał rozpacz na ocalałych, to pierwszym, któremu nie szczędził szczegółów był właśnie Tsurugi. Czasami mamy przeczucie, jakby Utsuro celował w złamanie Tsurugiego od samego początku.
No, ale wracając. Tsurugi obiecywał Yukiemu, że się zmieni, prawda?
Zmienił się. Na gorsze. Najpewniej przyczyną tego wszystkiego był fakt utraty bardzo bliskiej osoby, którą był dla niego Yuki, a do tego zdarzyło się to, co powiedział Monokuma po tym, zanim zabrał Tsurugiego na operację po próbie samobójczej: będzie poruszał się na wózku.
Tsurugi został wspomniany wielokrotnie przez Teruyę, który widział w nim wzór, jednak sam pojawił się dopiero w końcówce rozdziału piątego. Widać, że to jest skorupa po człowieku, którym był. Jest chorobliwie blady i jego oczy również stały się szarawe (też część jego grzywki jest obcięta, ale to raczej bez znaczenia). Czy jego prawe oko nie wydaje się interesujące? Tak, to jest powiązane z mocą Utsuro, która chroniła jego życie w poprzedniej grze. Jednak, sytuacja jego jest różna od tej członków Voidu, których oczy zmieniały się wyłącznie w momencie, gdy zostawali oni odkryci. U Tsurugiego był to stan stały lub… On cały czas korzystał z tego, co otrzymał od Utsuro.
No właśnie.
Tsurugi był w stanie żyć tylko dzięki temu, że Utsuro przekazał mu jakąś część swojej mocy, a to staje się ironiczne, kiedy stwierdził, że zdolność Utsuro jest czymś, co nigdy nie powinno istnieć. Los jego i Utsuro są nierozerwalne. Jeżeli Utsuro by przeżył, to, wydaje nam się prawdopodobnym, że Tsurugi nie stałby się niepełnosprawny.
Chcielibyśmy szczególnie zwrócić uwagę właśnie na kwestię Utsuro. Bez mrugnięcia okiem, Tsurugi był w stanie postrzelić wielokrotnie Mikado, przerabiając go na ser szwajcarski. Jednak, z drugiej strony, kiedy wycelował w Utsuro, nie zrobił absolutnie nic oprócz tego, że powiedział mu parę rzeczy.
Z drugiej strony, choć Tsurugi stał się lodowatym draniem, który do swoich celów zaczął mieszać się ze światkiem przestępczym, miał swój słaby punkt. Tym słabym punktem był Yuki, o którym bez przerwy mówił, a kiedy Yuki powiedział, że pierwszy raz widzi go na oczy, to najpewniej go mocno zabolało. Też bardzo emocjonalnie zareagował na to, jak Yuki na niego wrzeszczał. Z historii dodatkowej, która ma miejsce jakiś czas od sytuacji z Mikado, można się dowiedzieć, że Tsurugi zniknął razem z informacją o tym, że widziano Yukiego.
Prawdę mówiąc, chcielibyśmy wierzyć, że mieli oni jakieś szczęśliwe zakończenie, ale jest tutaj haczyk. Jeśli Yuki będący alterem Utsuro i Yuki z SDRA2 to naprawdę dwie różne osoby, to prawdopodobieństwo takiego rozwiązania jest w naszym odczuciu niskie. Tego drugiego Yukiego nie łączyła żadna więź z Tsurugim, więc wydaje nam się bardziej prawdopodobnym, że były gliniarz mógł umrzeć, kiedy go szukał.
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Pg. 19: Himlamb Shogun’s Haori
Hailing from the Far East, the Samurai slash their way into the battlefield of high fashion. Taking from the traditional Hingan ways, the Himlamb Shogun’s Haori is ideal for any wandering swordsman. The Jingasa takes from a previous PiB Catalogue item and has improved it, sporting a beautiful translucent veil that obscures the face in a 315-degree radius, and upon it is a Hingan word meaning “Winter”.
“A blade of blue-white / Cutting through a silver storm / Brings iv’ry silence.”
The artifact weapon whose name speaks for itself: the Hyoga-no-Tsurugi - “Sword of Glaciers” when translated from Hingan. The kanji written upon the steel is a herald to the promise of a long and deadly Winter - one wrought by its wielder’s hand. Feel the snow and ice dance around your blade as you gather your Kenki for powerful and swift strikes, and your “Setsu” Sen will innately be stored, forgoing the need to gather it for the powerful Midare Setsugekka. However, the wielder will find its ice-based attacks enhanced with the fury of a blizzard guiding their sword.
Bring your own storm of cold blood as the Himlamb Shogun. Your mysterious visage will leave passersby amazed as you journey through snow-kissed glades like a fashionable silver specter.
(Credit and thanks to sapphrix.carrd.co/ for the creation of this masterpiece!)
#thiji higuri#Higuri Regalia#pib catalogue#Himvat Gallery#high fashion#fashion#haute couture#ffxiv samurai#samurai#winter#FFXIV#ffxiv rp#ffxiv balmung#balmung#balmung rp#hingashi#ffxiv doma
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*•. anime .•*
my hero academia:: denki kaminari, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, ochako uraraka, kyouka jirou, momo yaoyoruzu, izuku midoriya, tenya iida, eijirou kirishima, hanta sero, nejire hado, tamaki hamajiki, himiko toga, setsuna tokage, sen kaibara, juzo honenuki, kinoko komori, itsuka kendo, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, keigo takami, toya todoroki, rumi usagiyama, moe kamiji, kaina tsutsumi, yu takeyama, shino sosaki
attack on titan:: jean kirstein, mikasa ackerman, eren jaeger, armin arlert, annie leonhart, reiner braun, sasha braus, hitch dreyse, bertholdt hoover, pieck finger, porco galliard, colt grice, levi ackerman, hange zoe, historia reiss, ymir, onyakopon
jujutsu kaisen:: megumi fushiguro, yuuji itadori, nobara kugisaki, yuuta okkotsu, maki zenin, toge inumaki, kirara hoshi, kinji hakari, mai zenin, momo nishimiya, noritoshi kamo, kasumi miwa, kokichi muta, suguru geto, satoru gojo, shoko ieiri, utahime iori, choso kamo, hajime kashimo, yuki tsukumo, hirumi higuruma
demon slayer:: inosuke hashibara, zenitsu agatsuma, kanao tsuyuri, genya shinazugawa, giyuu tomioka, shinobu kocho, mitsuri kanroji, iguro obanai, sanemi shinazugawa, tengen uzui, makio uzui, hinatsuru uzui, suma uzui, kyojuro rengoku, tamayo, akaza, aoi kanzaki
haikyuu:: tooru oikawa, hajime iwaizumi, issei matsukawa, takahiro hanamaki, daichi sawamura, koushi sugawara, asahi azumane, yu nishinoya, ryunosuke tanaka, tobio kageyama, shoyo hinata, tadashi yamaguchi, kei tsukishima, keiji akaashi, koutaro bokuto, wakatoshi ushijima, eita semi, taichi kawanishi, tsutomu goshiki, hayato yamagata, rintaro suna, aran ojiro, osamu miya, atsumu miya, akira kunimi, kiyoomi sakusa, tetsuro kuroo, kenma kozume, morisuke yaku, yutaro kindaichi, keishin ukkai, kiyoko shimizu, hitoka yachi, komori motoya
tokyo revengers:: keisuke baji, takashi mitsuya, takuya yamamoto, manjiro sano, senju akashi, chifuyu matsuno, rindou haitani, seishu inui, hajime kokonoi, haruchiyo akashi, soya kawata, wakasa imaushi, shinichiro sano, ran haitani, emma sano, yuzuha shiba, takeomi akashi, izana kurokawa, ken ryuguji, takemichi hanagaki
bleach:: ichigo kurosaki, rukia kuchiki, orihime inoue, uryuu ishida, rangiku matsumoto, yoruichi shihouin, retsu unohana, shunsui kyoraku, soi fon, kisuke urahara, byakuya kuchiki, renji abarai, ulquiorra schiffer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez, shinji hirako, ikkaku madarame, jushiro ukitake, yumichika ayasegawa, shuhei hisagi, izuru kira, szayelaporro granz
bungo stray dogs:: osamu dazai, chuuya nakahara, atsushi nakajima, ryunosuke akutagawa, ranpo edogawa, akiko yosano, fyodor dostoyevsky, sigma, michizo tachihara, tecchou suehiro, doppo kunikida, junichiro tanizaki, gin akutagawa, ichiyo higuchi, lucy montgomery, mark twain, mushitaro oguri, ozaki kouyou, bram stoker, yukichi fukuzawa, sakunosuke oda, ango sakaguchi, margaret mitchell
chainsaw man:: denji, power, aki hayakawa, quanxi, angel devil, asa mitaka, reze, kishibe, kobeni higashiyama, hirofumi yoshida, michiko tendo
blue lock:: rensuke kunigami, yoichi isagi, meguru bachira, hyoma chigiri, reo mikage, seishiro nagi, rin itoshi, sae itoshi, shouei barou, asahi naruhaya, wataru kuon, michael kaiser, alexis ness, ryusei shidou, kenyu yukimiya, zantetsu tsurugi, ikki niko, aoshi tokimitsu, jin kiyora, nijire nanase, ranze kurona, tabito karasu, yo hiori, julian loki, jyubei aryu, oliver aiku, shuto sendo
naruto:: sakura haruno, neji hyuga, rock lee, shikamaru nara, hinata hyuga, temari, ino yamanaka, ten ten, kurenai yuhi, sasuke uchiha, orochimaru
one piece:: nami, vinsmoke sanji, roronoa zoro portgas d. ace, nico robin, vivi nefertari, usopp, trafalgar law, shanks
hunter x hunter:: kurapika kurta, chrollo lucilfer, feitan portor, leorio paradinight, phinks magcub, nobunaga hazama, machi komacine, pakunoda, shizuku murasaki
seraph of the end:: shinoa hiragi, guren ichinose, mikaela hyakuya, yuichiro hyakuya, shinya hiragi, shiho kimizuki, lacus welt, mitsuba sangu, rene simm, shigure yukimi, rika inoue, krul tepes, ferid bathory, mito juujo
*•. cartoons .•*
*•. movies .•*
*•. shows .•*
*•. other .•*
dividers by @cafekitsune
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𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐲𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚 • mother of Sen Tsurugi, and former pilus in the Imperial military.
#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#ffxiv rp#balmung?#viera#you've probably seen like a hundred shots like these over the past two days but really wanted to take my share#and she's the only concept that would rock tank armor dfggsh#a majestic mom#sigyn decentia#about#sen tsurugi#shadowbringers benchmark
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THE GIRLS ... for Internation Womens’ Day x Little Ladies’ Day.
#ffxiv#Final Fantasy XIV#balmung#little ladies' day#international women's day#character: hinako#hinako daigo#hinako#character: sen#sen tsurugi#character: kanna#kanna daigo#character: kurenai#misuzu kurenai#character: eji#eji torgud#character: rhoya#rhoya sonata#character: vision#vision one#character: sixty#seven forty seven#sixty ten#screens#au ra#hyur#viera#miqo'te
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Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru ED10: Sen no Kokuin (閃の刻印)
why do they look like they’re about to drop the most badass album of the year
#Touken Ranbu#TKRB#Touran#Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru#Oodenta Mitsuyo#Sohaya no Tsurugi#Sen no Kokuin
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The Spiriting Away of Marinette Dupain-Cheng
The Spiriting Away of Marinette Dupain-Cheng by SteelBlaidd
It was hard being Ladybug all by herself. Master Fu had told her that he wished he could have given her a partner with the Cat Miraculous to wield but it had been lost with the Butterfly and Peacock that were causing so much trouble.
She wished there was some way to find it.
Maybe this exhibit Alya was dragging her too would have a clue.
Words: 1537, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi | Spirited Away
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi
Additional Tags: Spirited Away AU, Spirit World, something missing
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33613228
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Adrien & Marinette#💚#💖#❤️#Adrien#Marinette#DJWifi#Miraculous Ladybug#♦#R:G#A:SteelBlaidd#Crossover
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@giuliafc PRESENT!
Chapters: 1/3(?) Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi | Spirited Away Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi Additional Tags: Spirited Away AU, Spirit World, something missing Summary:
It was hard being Ladybug all by herself. Master Fu had told her that he wished he could have given her a partner with the Cat Miraculous to wield but it had been lost with the Butterfly and Peacock that were causing so much trouble.
She wished there was some way to find it.
Maybe this exhibit Alya was dragging her too would have a clue.
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with @sagolii-snowflake
Sen sat, atop the wall surrounding the Tenkonto, idly kicking her legs against its surface and looking out toward the rest of the enclave. She was indulging herself in some takoyaki, blowing carefully as she had already nearly seared her tongue on the heat. It was then, as she opened her mouth to take another bite, that she caught sight of something that nearly made her drop them entirely. A large falcon had come from around the peaks beyond the Kienkan. A large, splendid white falcon.
"Oh, by the kami it's her..." Sen jumped down and set down her food. "LADY MOZU!" She bolted for it, although she wound up falling on her face a few yalms in. "Owwww..." She staggered up and rubbed her nose. Clearly she was still feeling the strain of the raid on Castrum Nabreus... Finally she brought herself to keep running, intent on retrieving her sensei.
Mozu sat atop the building next to The Ten Thousand Stalls, the wisps of smoke from her pipe curling from her lips. She seemed to be busy in her thoughts, her brow furrowed as she absentmindedly twirled her pipe between her fingers. Her plate of takoyaki sat steaming beside her, practically untouched. The events that had unfolded days prior still swirled in her mind, and her thumb pressed firmly against the pipe in frustration.
She relaxed and winced when a sharp pain in her side rang out. The strains and injuries she had acquired as well during the raid were still fresh, evident by the swathes of bandages that were wound around her torso, arms and right leg. The ninja hissed through her teeth; broken ribs and pipe smoking were probably not the best combination in her state.
Sen looked up from ground level, then scrambled her way up to the top with the ease of a monkey. She looked upon her master, breathing heavily but excited, only to pause to notice Mozu's takoyaki sitting beside her. "Heyy, don't let those go cold.."
Sen's voice pulled the jonin from her thoughts, and she watched as her pupil easily climbed up to her perch. An amused expression replaced her somber one, reaching behind her for her precious snack.
"Do not worry pupil, you will not ever catch me wasting good takoyaki." she murmured, plucking one of the dough balls with her chopsticks. "So, what is all this excitement about?" she asked as she popped the piece into her mouth, chewing slowly.
Sen scoffed a little and then stepped, crouching down opposite Mozu's side.
"I think she's back, sensei. Take a look." She nudged and tilted her head toward the distance, toward the white lanner in the sky. It was in a state of descent upon the enclave.
Mozu was mid-chew when Sen mentioned "she" and she stopped completely, her head whipping around in the direction of the descending lanner. She swallowed hard and stared silently for a moment before suddenly leaping off her perch to the ground below, nearly bumping into a poor merchant as she burst into a full sprint towards the falcon, leaving the rest of her tako-yaki on the roof.
Sen grinned and watched for a moment as Mozu leapt off, before looking to the tako-yaki plate. She collected it and slid off the roof.
Having reached a safe height to land, the lanner flapped its wings and slowly hovered to the ground, touching down in the clearing near The Yard. From atop Yuki's back, Hinako jumped down and on her feet with a clack. She was dressed back in her Yanxian haori, bag over her shoulder, as she looked around. She was yet kind of frayed for her troubles, as bandages peeked from beneath the collar and sleeves of her haori, and she still looked kind of tired.
The ninja swerved through the crowds frantically as she rushed towards the docks. Her chest burned like fire as she exerted herself, yet she did not let up as she leaped over a cart of supplies.
The ninja came to an instant halt when she finally saw her, eyes wide and chest heaving. Magenta eyes looked over the woman having not seen her in weeks. Unlike Hinako, her own bandages were more visible, the ones tied around her chest stained a light red still.
“Hina...” she barely whispered, walking almost numbly towards her girlfriend. The look on her face made it seem that she was waiting for the priestess to simply disappear in front of her.
It wasn’t until she stood ilms from the woman did she realize that she was very much real. A tentative hand reached out and rested lightly upon Hina’s cheek, callused skin brushing against smooth skin.
When Hinako's rosy eyes met with her lover's, she reflexively tensed up for a small moment, setting her bag down. She couldn't help but recall the vision. How real it felt to her, as much as she told herself it wasn't. The way Mozu's shade looked at her. The way she... she...
She swallowed and watched Mozu get closer, right up until they were practically face to face. She gave a breathy sigh as she touched her cheek. Slowly, she raised one of her own hands to press against Mozu's... to feel her for the first time in too long. Then, she took her other hand, gently cupping Mozu's hand within hers... holding it close.
"Mozu... Mozu...!" Hinako burst into tears. She just wanted to fall into her arms in that moment. It was real, she was real, and she hadn't gone away.
Mozu’s eyes widened when her lover, her light practically broke down in front of her. Her reaction was immediate, without thought; arms moved around Hina’s smaller body to pull her tightly to Mozu’s chest in a deep, form embrace. The ninja practically clung to the priestess as one hand moved through her dark, silky hair and the other gripped her haori.
She winced as the movement aggravated her injuries, but she didn’t care. Her priestess, the light and love of her life was back and real and there. Swallowing hard she peppered Hinako’s cheeks and neck with soft kisses, stroking her hair soothingly with her hand.
“Shhhhh... [I am here, I am here, love.]” she murmured into her horn. “I am here. It is all okay, my light...”
The priestess practically melted into her. Hinako held herself close, wrapped around Mozu's waist as she briefly buried herself in her clothes, sobbing into it a little. All that she had been holding in and trying to meditate away, finally felt relieved of her in that moment, like she could open her heart again.
She sniffled and turned her head to the side against Mozu's shoulder, beaming, glowing. "Pray forgive, sparrow... I'm just so happy. Words cannot convey how much I missed you." Sen stood and peeked several odd yalms off from the two of them, wanting to tear up a little herself from the moment.
Hinako's eyes wandered, having picked up on Mozu's slightly pained body language, and catching a glimpse of the bandages on her arms. "Are you alright? Have you been hurt?"
The ninja relished in the moment; just holding her girlfriend in her arms was enough to wash all her troubles away completely. She nuzzled and buried her nose into Hina’s locks, breathing in her flowery scent. Her heart thrummed in her chest at the sweet sound of her voice.
She simply stood there, holding Hinako close, rubbing her back and whispering soothing words to her as she cried.
It wasn’t until Hinako asked that she realized how much her side was truly hurting her. Mozu stiffened but held Hina still, surrounding her in her strong arms.
“I-It is nothing, Hina. Me and Sen...sparred while you were away. Got a little carried away is all...” she trailed off as she pulled away slightly, lifting her lover’s face from her shoulder to get a better look at her. Thumbs wiped away the tears from her cheeks as she pressed her forehead to Hina’s, closing her eyes with a heavy sigh or relief.
“I am so glad you are okay...” she whispered, hands still holding Hina’s soft face.
"I see... Must have been quite a show." Hinako held a hint of incredulity that their wounds had been caused by a mere spar, but she was not inclined to press further.
She gazed back at Mozu with a sweet smile. She ran her hands up her lover's back to feel the tone of her arms, bringing them to rest on her shoulders.
"As I am for you... I must have worried you," Hinako quietly replied and sighed, as she closed her eyes and held the moment, forehead pressed to Mozu's.
“You did...” Mozu whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. “But that is over now. You are home, and that is all that matters.”
The ninja released the priestess from her embrace, smoothing her hair back down. Her sharp eyes noticed the bandages around Hina’s arm and her gaze stiffened.
“...you are hurt too.” she mumbled. Her eyes narrowed as she gently lifted her arm, inspecting it. “How did this happen?...”
Hinako's smile lessened a little as she looked over to her arm, holding it up with her other hand, feeling the bandages. She rolled her shoulders a little.
"Mm... I had a bit of an ordeal, out west," she replied. "We all did. I don't even know where to aptly begin to explain... but, we came out safe in the end."
The ninja stared at the bandaged arm for a moment before bringing Hina's hand up to place a soft kiss to the outside of her palm.
"We can all share our stories another time dear. For now, you are home, and that is all that matters." she released Hina's hand before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Now then, I assume you built up an appetite during your flight, hm?"
The priestess chuckled softly and appeared to think it over for a second, placing a finger on her chin.
"Yes, I suppose I have," Hinako said with a hum, putting an arm behind Mozu, looking to her. "It has been a while since I have eaten anything decent."
“Then it is a good thing I am friends with the cooks in The Ten Thousand Stalls. Come, let us get you something to eat.”
With a squeeze of her shoulders she lead the priestess off the docks towards the food stall she had just been at. Spotting her pupil of to the side she gestured for Sen to follow.
“Sen! Come along! Lady Hinako is home safe and sound, and we must celebrate!” she smiled, pressing a kiss to the side of her girlfriend’s head.
"That sounds divine, my sparrow." Hinako walked alongside Mozu, giggling with a flush of warm as she was kissed. She couldn't help kiss back, giving a peck on her girlfriend's cheek.
Sen stepped forward as she was beckoned. She realized then that she had still the plate of takoyaki left behind, albeit they had cooled by now. She picked up one up to take a bite; a shame to waste. Regardless, she looked back up at her mentor. "Yeah! Of course!" She smiled and went over to collect Hinako’s bag, then skipped into a jaunt after the two Raen, as Yuki ascended back into the sky behind them.
#ffxiv#final fantasy xiv#balmung#ffxiv rp#writing#sen tsurugi#Mozu Torioi#hinako daigo#arc: phantom pains#arc: the cracks within#新道 A new road
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Me after watching Hanamaru Ep. 10: “man they look like they’re about to drop the most badass album of the year”
Shirow Miwa a.k.a. Official Artist: “excuse you” (link)
everybody get out
the Miike bros are officially debuting today
#Touken Ranbu#TKRB#Touran#Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru#Shirow Miwa#Oodenta Mitsuyo#Sohaya no Tsurugi#Sen no Kokuin
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Red Caim of Heart
Red Caim of Heart by Caladrius Angel
A series of killings have been on the news for the last month and it has kept the people of Paris on edge.
No one knew who was the next victim, well that was until the renowned heroes of Paris found a suspicious looking map in the alter of the Notre Dame. Will they be able to save the next target or will her blood stain their hands.
True history has always been hidden but why is the truth so protected? What is so important that we need to forget...
(I am horrible at description I apologise)
Words: 3177, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi | Spirited Away, Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug's Parents, Ogino Chihiro, Haku | Nigihayami Kohakunushi, Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Original Characters, Tikki, Plagg, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine
Relationships: Haku | Nigihayami Kohakunushi/Ogino Chihiro, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg/Tikki, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Nino Lahiffe, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Kagami Tsurugi
Additional Tags: Minor Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, I Don't Even Know, Help, no beta we die like men, Spirit World, Accidentally Made a Whole Relationship with Characters that weren't even in the story originally, Horrible at Updating, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Sorry, I dunno I felt like it, Dragons, miraculous, This is what I do when sleep deprived, Probably not the best but ok, Because we need Spirited Away 2
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32507326
#AO3 Feed#FanFiction#AO3 Adrienette#💚#💖#❤️#Adrienette#Miraculous Ladybug#♥#R:T#W:V#A:Caladrius Angel#Crossover#Dragon AU
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Got tagged by @autumn-foxfire to do this ask game :3c
Name your top 5 favorite anime/manga! (or cartoons/shows if you’re not into anime and manga)
Here we go!
1. Beastars – Haru is right there in my profile pic you can't expect anything else. The anime is perfectly fine and I adore the op and the ed but it’s the manga where it’s really at. It remains one of the only manga where I could consistently keep up despite not being hugely involved with the fandom and I adore the world, I adore the characters and most of all I adore the expressions. The anime really suffers from having to be pretty and not allowing for the amount of stupid goat faces Louis makes, or Legosi’s puppy excitability or Haru just being a fucking wierdo. The only complaint I have is that I wish the girls got more screen time, they are amazing every time they appear I just wish they had more of a chance to. Especially Juno, Juno really suffered from being just dropped out of the plot. Also one of the lions’ should have been Louis’ age so they could have been gay together, like ye Louis’s ending makes sense but you will never be able to take away ‘I feel more at ease surrounded by male carnivores then with a female herbivore’, just let Louis be gay oh my god, even his fucking dad saw it. Anyway Beastars is great and I love it very much and I am very sad it’s done ;-;
2. Re: Creators – I have very conflicted opinions about this one, despite it being number two. I really owe it an objective rewatch because the second part of it really slapped me in the face with the sudden boatload of fanservice so much that it soured my opinion on it through the rest of the show. Paired with both of my favs getting the short end of the stick in two different ways, by the end of Re Creators I was left with a rather bitter taste in my mouth so I really want to see how it holds up once I know what will happen. So why is it so high up if all I do is complain about it? The first part was just that amazing. It was the first and only time I watched an anime and felt ‘wow this was written for ME, this was written with someone like me in mind’. A story has never felt so personal and so lovingly crafted and I just adored every bit of it and god every time I think about the good aspects of it I want to sit down and rewatch it again to reevaluate the bad. In the end it felt personal, it felt like it was speaking to me and it felt heartfelt and cared for and that for me is something special. Also Magane really needs her own show, like I remember thinking ‘shes izaya but better’ and if that doesn’t scream she needs her own show I don’t know what does. Still bitter at the way they just dropped her at the end my god.
3. Durarara – This one has been a giant in my fandom experience. I wrote my first fanfiction for Durarara and one of very indulgent self-insert stories lead to me roleplaying in private for the first time and the person I roleplayed with eventually introduced me to group roleplay (Blu if ur reading this I love u <3) so it kinda lead to the way I’m mostly active in fandom today and some of my favorite OC’s originated from making Durarara OC’s not to mention Izaya remaining one of my favorite characters ever and someone who I look to whenever I want to make a fun villain. Durarara is a show that is filled with complex human interactions and at some points it really seems like a love letter to humanity. We are all weird, we all have our rich inner lives, even people who look ordinary get up to some stuff you would never have guessed, that’s what it feels like it’s saying. I don’t know there is no objective way to talk about it because it’s been so ingrained in my fandom experience it will simply always remain one of my favorites, no two ways about it. The fics I wrote for Durarara when I was a teen were cringy af and horribly planned but I received so much positive comments and support and I think that always remained a big part of why I kept on writing and why I felt that writing is something that I’m good at. Even now, knowing how bad they were it just motivates me more to keep on improving and whenever I feel down about my writing I always think ‘well people liked that trash and this is better so some people will like this too’. It’s also the reason why I can’t stand cringe culture, honestly I think I’m even more grateful to all the people who saw my baby fics went ‘yikes that’s edgy’ and then didn’t comment, those guys were the real troopers.
4. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki- Kun – number four is where the going gets tough because of my poor memory and differentiating shows I watched, remembered and liked, from shows that left some kind of impact. Nozaki-kun is a dumbass comedy anime/manga and it’s the only manga I can remember ever making me consistently laugh at loud and I feel that that earns it number four spot well enough. The characters are all just lovable and stupid and lovably stupid, and I honestly can’t say there is a pair I dislike. Like it never feels like ‘oh its x character chapter yawn’ it’s always a fun time no matter what the matchup is. I don’t have anything smart to say about it, it makes me laugh, it’s a good time, it doesn’t take itself seriously I love it.
5. Servamp – this really shouldn’t be here because I stopped halfway through the manga and STILL haven’t caught up. But Servamp is the manga that’s constantly on my mind and I never stop thinking ‘man I really should catch up’. The only reason I haven’t is cuz I’m so terribly bad at reading stuff online even though the arc I left off was tense and I really want to know what happened with Tsurugi and Wrath was just given a time to shine and aaaaa one day I’ll catch up. There’s really nothing to say about this show, it’s dumbass vampire shonen and I’m really not sure why I like it so much. The character designs are fun and on point and anime is kinda horrible CUZ THEY DIDN’T PUT IN A WHOLE ARC WHO DOES THAT, but the op is delightfully edgy and the ed is a shameless high school theater style rip off of the kekkai sensen sen ed which is just amazing in how bad and awkward it is. This ed is such awkward dumb trash and I somehow just love it more for it, like it’s so bold about being a trashy rip off, bby what is you doing. Honestly I can’t say anything objective about this series cuz it’s been so long since I actually read it but it lives in my head rent free and that must count for something. Slaps gold star on.
I feel like I should also mention Bnha cuz its the fandom I’m most active in but hvhjvj I mostly like the fanside of BNHA rather than the show itself. For the show itself i think its good with some great moments but that’s about it. I’m just here for fan shit cuz hori made such a wonderful sandbox.
Imma tag @megacarapa @prince-liest @viiyverns-den @livie-stark @lanamnesis and honestly whoever else wants to do this because i dont feel like doing so many tags anymore, i just have a lot of people whos answers i’m interested in uwu
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[Translation and Lyrics] 盾の乙女と黒の騎士 by 葉月ゆら
The second song in the album, this time it describes some sort of fight between a black knight and a maiden wielding a shield. Kinda surprised it’s not on youtube given how hard the beat slaps. Music that describes two people fighting is something I really enjoy and this song does a pretty damn good job, and it even has a stupid made up name for a holy sword, I’ll give it some bonus points for that. Overall great track, you can keep reading down below the cut and see you next time.
02. 盾の乙女と黒の騎士 (tate no otome to kuro no kishi) (The Shield Maiden and the Black Knight)
Composition, Arrangement:とろまる Lyricist:月棘苑子 Singer:葉月ゆら
Hallow tojita sekai de kiri keburu senritsu tate wo mune ni tatsu otome yuruginaki hana Hollow kuro no cavalier yubi nobasu tsurugi wa yami wo utsushi motsu kemono tsumi no na no moto ni
in a hallow closed off world emerging from the mist is a melody standing with a shield to her chest is a maiden like an unwavering flower a hollow black knight has their grip on a sword through the darkness his brutality can be seen, as if working in the name of sin
tomoru tsuki to hibana kasanete yure ugoku futatsu no kage moeru kiba ni kokoro furuwase kawasu tatakai wo ima sasageru
through the moonlight and the flying sparks their shadows can be seen revolving around the burning fangs that can make a heart waver cross in this battle giving it all
hoeru fantajia sen no yaiba tada ichido kagiri aru inochi wo mai chirasete tatoe shiseru tomo utae fantajia tooi akatsuki no owari takeru honoo tokinahatsu Howl rasen matotte kakenukete yuke
a howling fantasia with a thousand blades at once with no end until someone dies a poetic fantasia until the distant end of dawn the raging fire lets out a howl enveloping everything in a spiral running through it all
Hallow fuseta hitomi ni seinarite sasayaku yuri wo mune ni tatsu otome akaku somarishi Hollow kuro no cavalier chi wo harau tsurugi de hada ni fureru toi kake wa kokoro kirisaita
the hallow shut eyes let out a holy whisper the maiden with a lily on her chest is painted in red the hollow black knight draws blood with their sword piercing through the skin that heart has now been minced
hibiku oto ni omoi (satsui) kasanete ugokanai futatsu no kage kurau yo ni hane wo furuwase kawasu tatakai wo ima sasageru
through the reverberating sound the emotion (killing intent) overlaps paralyzing the two shadows devouring the night and shaking up it's wings, a new fight is about to be offered up
tsugeyo viruvadia sei no yaiba tada ichido owarinaki chikai wo maichirasete koko ni shiserutomo kizame shinkirou haruka omoide wo kotowatte kuyuru honoo toki hanatsu Howl gin no sadame wo kakenukete yuke
showing Vilvadia the holy sword once more a never ending pledge to kill until one of them dies a wounding mirage making all wavering thoughts dissipate a waving fire lets out a howl the silver fate cuts through it all
mayou senaka te wo furutte meguri kuru wakare hohoemi tsuki no uragiri sae ai no yume
a wavering body, shaky hands, it's farewell closes in smiling the moon betrays it's dreams of love
hoeru fantajia sen no yaiba tada ichido kagiri aru inochi wo mai chirasete tatoe shiseru tomo ue fantajia tooi akatsuki no owari takeru honoo tokinahatsu Howl rasen matotte kakenukete yuke
a howling fantasia with a thousand blades at once with no end until someone dies a poetic fantasia until the distant end of dawn the raging fire lets out a howl enveloping everything in a spiral running through it all
If you’re unsatisfied with this translation go ahead and call me out on it, or if you’re too shy to do so but still want a better translation I’m pretty sure meriole will one day update her blog with a more legitimate translation of this so give her a visit, she does a very passionate job!
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Sensō to Arashi no Kami (STRM)
Sen is the leader of team STRM and is an all male group, to parallel the all female team ARCN.
Name : Sensō to Arashi no Kami (戦争と嵐の神)
Color : Cobalt
Appearance : Sen is a 5'5" cis male with short, dark blue hair and yellow eyes. His hair is often very unkempt and messy. Sen wears a ragged black jacket with a cobalt blue bandana wrapped around his right arm. Under his jacket is a blue t-shirt. He wears ripped jeans and black strapped boots.
Weapon(s) : Kusanagi no Tsurugi (草薙劍) - Sen wields two weapons, one is a simple Tanto blade that he uses primarily. His Katana is a hard light blade imbued with yellow dust causing it to function like plasma. He rarely uses his katana because it tends to shatter while using the blade with his semblance. (Sen often has to reforge Kusanagi no Tsurugi, and is very good with the forge for what he specializes in.)
Semblance : Bound Weapon - Sen's bound weapon, Kusanagi no Tsurugi, has and always will be his bound weapon. He has a deep connection with it as it is one of the Imperial Regalia, so his semblance grants him some unique perks when wielding the katana. He is granted enhanced movement, the lightning from the yellow dust accelerates his movement to a degree similar to Time Dilation, and his attacks hit harder.
Personality : Very loud and angry, short tempered. Doesn't seem like he would make a great leader. Doesn't have time for your bullshit. He is a very angry person but the longer you know him, the more you realize he's angry because he cares a lot about those around him. Vertically challenged, and gets very heated when you mention it.
Biodump : Sen comes from a tribe of renegade bandits that prey on local Mistral villages for resources. Sen was one of the chosen to learn to wield the Imperial Regalia alongside his twin sister Taiyo. His sister ran from the clan with one of the weapons long ago, but Sen stayed with the tribe. He continued his training and has become one of the best the tribe has ever seen to wield such a historic and important weapon to his people. He is well regarded within his community, but he decided it was time for him to become a wanderer. With the tribe's boon, he left to learn to fight grimm (and other huntsmen) at the academy; someday he will return to share the knowledge he has learned from the school.
Strengths : Very excellent close-range prowess, and can close the gap rapidly. Very strong while using his semblance.
Weaknesses : Is hesitant to use his bound weapon, often puts himself in disadvantage by using a smaller weapon rather than his katana.
Likes : Seafood, sushi, sashimi.
Dislikes : Short jokes, Dark Chocolate, Shopping.
Fighting style : Trained in the ways of the wandering samurai, but also learned tricks of a trained assassin. Switches between these two fighting styles based on his weapon.
Reference Material
Plasma Katana by Livius Rejman
Tanto blade
Yato from Noragami
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