queersatanic · 2 years
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism... OK, there's ONE
‘Frifting’ (free shopping) is a legitimate action for the working class to take in ongoing class war. Staying above the poverty line, for many, is a full-time job.
Be sure to target large corporations and not “ma and pa” joints, take what you need, and even what you can (giving to others in need), or at least turn a blind eye.
This is a short guide – DM Semper for more.
Consider establishing a ‘safety radius’ Do not frift close to home.
Ensure you’re frifting during peak hours and the busiest days of the week.
Park (if driving) away from the building, and take CCTV into account.
Wear a mask and cover identifieables – piercings, tattoos, and your hair.
Ensure you can afford what you’re frifiting: “whoops, sorry, I’ll pay now”.
Go to whichever self-serve machine is closest to the staff monitoring them.
Take 2 of each item.
Take off the metal tags. In some stores (eg. UniQlo), barcodes trigger alarms.
Put on the clothes you’re frifting, and layer them: loosest first, tightest last.
Ditch additional clothes & hangers out of sight from CCTV/staff, in other changing rooms, or on rack.
Confused, stressed, & clumsy nerd: dress like IT worker, take a phonecall.
Flirtatious, sexy, & slow to understand: pretend not to understand self-service.
Business/upper-class attire.
Stressed parent/s with upset child: induce your child to throw a tantrum.
Shadow your friend who is “shopping”: take thrifted items and wait for them.
Lastly, make sure you’re not being followed, and be sure to leg it if all else fails.
Semper Floreat does not endorse illegal activity, but recognises that breaking the law is sometimes a human right.
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scott-flyboy-tracy · 3 years
Penny, are you sure we’re supposed to actually eat these cookies?
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* Holds up the plate and turns it around to admire them *
Image: https://www.facebook.com/TheTeacupAttic/shop/?ref_code=share_shop&ref_surface=share_shop
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Further to my previous post
Whilst it’s mildly entertaining that Australian news sources have been pulled, and it’s simple for people to be crying JUST QUIT FACEBOOK! It’s not that easy
Facebook is a hub for many communities, parents, neighbourhoods, to connect and stay healthy.
In a pandemic Facebook was a VITAL way to keep people safe and spread information via news sites about lockdowns, health legislation, mask wearing.
It is dangerous and irresponsible, outside of the big arguments of censorship and legislative regulation, this is a vital way for the public to be connected and informed.
Why is the government playing with our right to information at a time when it is literally vital to the safety and survival of many?
Pages that have been blocked seemingly as collateral damage
AFL Women's
Queensland Health
ACT Health
MS Australia
Dept of Fire & Emergency Services
SA Health
Satire pages (The Betoota Advocate, The Chaser)
Music news blogs/pages
Caxton Legal Centre
ACOSS/QCOSS (Council of Social Services)
Many podcast pages (feminist ones)
QShelter (homelessness service)
Broadsheet (food/hospitality)
Several record labels
All ABC covid coverage
ACT Government
BOM Bureau of Meteorology
1800RESPECT (Domestic violence and abuse hotline)
The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne
Melbourne Period Project
CAACongress (Central Australian Aboriginal Congress) primary health service,
AMSANTaus Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT, Caama (Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association),
Danila Dilba Health Service.
Many community radio stations and shows like Workers Power 4ZZZ
Patient advocacy pages for several illnesses
Health Consumers NSW peak health consumer organisation in NSW.
Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology
Abbey Medieval Festival
Gippsland Jersey a dairy farm
Shelter WA
Immunisation Foundation of Australia
Several charities
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre
City of Greater Bendigo
Coliban Water, Haven; Home, Safe,
Castlemaine Health,
Bendigo Bank,
Centre for Non Violence
Emerging Writers' Festival
3CR Community Radio
Triple R - 3RRR 102.7FM
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Semper Floreat (University of Queensland student union newspaper)
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news-folds · 2 years
University of Queensland magazine article includes how-to guide for stealing
University of Queensland magazine article includes how-to guide for stealing
A student magazine has faced backlash after publishing a how-to guide on shoplifting to support readers through punishing costs of living. University of Queensland’s independent student newspaper Semper Floreat gave readers of its latest edition a three-tiered manual on what it called “frifting”, a shortening of “free shopping”. The piece encouraged students, which it likened to the “working…
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alwaysblooms · 6 years
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queercontentcomix · 7 years
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Here’s a cover piece I did for Semper Floreat, the student mag I work for. It took days sourcing images of people with their backs to the camera, and several hours cutting them out. I think it paid off.
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tim-gardner · 6 years
In my new role with Semper Floreat as Editor of Side-Hustle & Manager of Digital, we're going to be doing a podcast in 2019. Step 1 - Build Community ☑️ #howto #podcasting
— Tim_Gardner (@Tim_Gardner) December 10, 2018
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deepseasquidkid · 8 years
Gordon smiles has he kisses Penny on the nose, then moving to her cheek, then her lips, where he lingers for more then he probably should. Then kisses her neck with butterfly kisses. Then places a kiss over her heart, before taking her hand and kissing her wrist, the back of her hand, palm, knuckles and fingertips.
Then Stomach where he resists the temptation to blow a raspberry, then her knees and feet, before dissolving into a fit of giggles. 
“Sorry, sorry, I love you..”
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sourcherrymag · 8 months
Bogey Hole Blues Pt 1. By Lily O'Brien (her)
  I’m feeling blue today.    There’s a big one coming  They both glance up at the   rough stretch of denim-coloured ocean.  Two heads   bobbing in the concrete tide pool.   Legs   washed out grey in the sun,   kicking to tread water.   Blue blue blue  A wave moves   silently towards them,   gaining height from nowhere.  Peeling back the water   from the rock face   and crashing.  Filling the Bogey Hole with new froth.     Fingers through Benny's blonde fuzzy curls. ​ ​This orb of light is all hers, held tightly like a prize. Benny is tucked in the crook under her chin, head cradled by her bicep. Warm warm warm. Yellow lamp, wooden dresser. She presses her fingers into his skull again and circles them around. She will protect this ball of light forever, close to her sternum, her body closing around it. She pictures cradling her own head.    Is everything okay?    How long have you two been here?  A man’s leaning on the   chain around the tide pool’s edge.   Her toes   Move over the rocks, below:   a drop.  She feels her feet go cold   here’s not warmed by the sun.   Blue Blue Blue  The ocean   swells again. This time she  isn’t facing it, unaware.   She watches Ella’s eyes   widen. Too late.   Whitewash sprays her face.   The tide pool   and ocean connect,   before sucking   back out again. Leaving behind blue.    ​
Lily is a Naarm-based Helen Garner wannabe. Her work has been featured in Stew Mag, Semper Floreat, and Express Media's Toolkits: Nonfiction showcase.
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"I could kill you right now!"
Casey raised an eyebrow.  “Oh?  What have I done to bring this about?”  She handed the cup of tea to Lady Penelope.  “Do try some cake.  Our Mess Hall has sent us up a lovely struesel tea cake today.”
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barnaby-cw · 8 years
◎ = taking care of them while ill +
“Oh dear, Penny, you don’t look well at all,” Barnaby whispers while knelt by her side. He presses his hand to her forehead and can feel the heat rising on her brow. 
Quickly he rummages in his bag and presents a thermometer. “You don’t need to worry about this thermometer, it isn’t going anywhere you don’t want it to,” Barnaby chuckles but tries to keep quiet as to not hurt her head too much. 
It was a digital ear thermometer he had produced from his bag and after clipping on a clean probe cover he places it in her ear. After a few more tests he checks the temperatures he had recorded on a small piece of paper and it was just as he had thought, her temperature was approaching 39C.
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Penny curled up in her father's big leather chair and pulled the blanket around her. She always did this when she was troubled, even when she was a little girl. And something was really bothering her now, that she needed the comfort of her father around her.
Lord Hugh came into his study, his phone to his ear as he finished the conversation.  It meant he was at his chair before he noticed it was occupied.  “Penny, darling?  Have you been waiting for me, sweetheart?”
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news-folds · 2 years
University of Queensland magazine article includes how-to guide for stealing
University of Queensland magazine article includes how-to guide for stealing
A student magazine has faced backlash after publishing a how-to guide on shoplifting to support readers through punishing costs of living. University of Queensland’s independent student newspaper Semper Floreat gave readers of its latest edition a three-tiered manual on what it called “frifting”, a shortening of “free shopping”. The piece encouraged students, which it likened to the “working…
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honeybee-hayes · 9 years
Put a URL in my inbox and I will write nice things about the Mun!
{ One of the best things about interacting with you is that we make up headcanons in the middle of an rp, no previous evidence, no speaking to the other, nothing. It’s just a “oh Penny and Bee totally did this” and we agree and it’s great! You’ve been really nice to me since I joined the fandom, and I really want to say thank you very much for accepting a pre-established relationship between our characters, it’s made everything a lot of fun. }
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soniabigcheese · 9 years
Oh, whilst I remember, I have decided to make @semper-floreat a crack RP. So have at it everyone. This ‘Lady’ isn’t afraid to face danger fully armed, both physically and verbally!!! (sharp wit etc.)
Oh, and once she’s finished ... she’ll sit down and have a nice cup of tea.
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kayokyrano · 9 years
"Tell me"
If you snuck into my room I would:
[  ] Go back to sleep                 [  ] Kick you out[x] Cuddle with you                   [x] Be like “How in the world?”[  ] Let you sleep on the floor    [  ] Become angry
If you kissed me (or hugged) I would:
[x] Kiss or hug you back                       [x] Smile and laugh[  ] Stiffen, and feel uncomfortable        [  ] Push you away[  ] Be shocked                                       [  ] Strike you
If you asked me to go out with you for a day I would say:
[  ] No          [x] Yes          [  ] Most certainly not.          [x] Without hesitation.
You are:
[x] Cute          [  ] Adorable          [x] Attractive          [x] Beautiful[  ] Okay         [  ] Ugly                 [  ] Am not going to grace this with an answer
You are to me a:
[  ] Stranger          [  ] Acquaintance          [x] Ally[x] Friend              [  ] Love                        [  ] Rival [  ] Enemy
I find you to be:
[  ] Pathetic          [  ] Off no consequence          [x] Intriguing [  ] Frightening     [  ] Unsettling                          [  ] Annoying [  ] Infuriating       [x] Pleasant company            [x] Comforting [  ]  Unable to be lived without                            [x] Trustworthy
(- Based of askboxmemes’s post.)
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