#sell watches in croydon
inkwolvesandcoffee · 1 year
Sweet Grains (Alfie Solomons x Reader, Modern AU)
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Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Modern AU, Bakery AU
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Reader
Word count: 3.7K
Warnings: Talk of eating disorders and low self-esteem (based on personal experience, so don’t be a twat), Alfie being a proper gentleman
Summary: Kindness can go a long way. A loaf of bread, a cup of coffee, a conversation to break up the pressure that comes with ambition. Alfie Solomons, the most feared man in Camden and perhaps the whole of London, is full of these little bits of sweetness.
Not that he would admit this outright, of course. However, the men at the bakery certainly notice a change in his demeanour whenever you pop by.
But when you do so to drop off a gift, there soon rises a bitterness that excels that of the dark roast served at The Old Rum House Bakery. Yet, as with the darkest of coffees, Alfie works his magic to reduce the awful taste.
Because he wants the best for you, who is starting to be more than a friend to him. Who else will he grant the privilege of eating his soda bread?
He wants you.
And a new bookie.
Tag List: @zablife @vir-tual @babaohhhriley @hecatemoon87 @potter-solomons @dreamlandcreations @solomons-finest-rum @mollybegger-blog @liliac-dreamer @buttercupsandboys @rose-like-the-phoenix @wandawiccan60
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Gratitude is easy and simultaneously terrifying to show.
Take a deep breath. It’s gonna be alright.
The tin in my hands feels like it’s filled with stones rather than cookies. Also, the design of it, navy blue with gold and flowers, suddenly doesn’t seem that great of an idea either. It would be a shame to throw it away, but the thought of asking for it back once it’s empty makes me uneasy. After all, it’s a gift.
While gathering my courage, I watch people stroll by the bakery in front of me. It is mostly locals who stop to check out the fully stocked window display. Tourists tend to get their food elsewhere in the market. However, even in Croydon they can vouch for the quality and taste of The Old Rum House Bakery in Camden. 
Recently I’ve been popping by here to study for the AAT Bookkeeping exam. Partially because I want to expand and develop my personal skill set, but primarily because I’m well over being a barista and working for minimum wage. The owner, Alfie Solomons, has been kind enough to help me. Although, perhaps it’s better to say he insisted on it in his own way.
The tall burly man kept walking past me and looking over my shoulder during the first few days. Now, I can’t blame him because who wouldn’t get curious when someone sets up an improvised office in their business? On the first day, I was ready to pack up and leave in the blink of an eye. The hairs on the back of my neck remained upright, my hands jittery with the anticipation of being told by a gravelly voice to leave so there would be space for more customers.
But those words were never said.
Alfie let me sit for as long as I wanted.
The one time I had the nerve to meet his gaze, he plopped down in the chair across from me and told me he’d teach me the books. Just like that. I blinked, gobsmacked by his blunt and rather hellbent statement. Since then, he’s been my mentor.
And I don’t want to disappoint him.
One… two… three. Let’s go!
“Y/N, what’re you doing here?” The voice in my ear pierces through the hubbub of the busy street, packed with people enjoying the rare London sunshine by roaming around. Snapped out of my reverie yet still drowsy with dread, I turn to the man with black curly hair who has appeared at my side.
“Ollie, hey, hi! Is- Um, is Alfie… in? Today, I mean? Now?” It’s silly, reduced to a blabbering mess because of a person I know decently well. For as far as one can know another when in a mentor-student relation. Although, sometimes it seems we’re more than that.
Our conversations know no limits, freely flowing over tea and coffee. I can never leave without a loaf of soda bread he refuses to sell despite it being a piece of heaven. It has this certain sweet element, which he refuses to reveal what it is. However, there is one thing I value above all else.
He always makes time for me. No matter whether it’s rush hour or quiet, early in the morning when the bread is still being baked or late in the afternoon when there’s barely anything left and inventory has to be taken, Alfie stops being a business owner and becomes my mentor. Or, rather, my friend. Although, perhaps that’s a step too far. 
We’re close acquaintances.
Very close acquaintances.
The assistant brand manager of the bakery chuckles. “Yeah, he is.”
“Great! Can you give him this?” I hold the tin out to him.
“Why don’t you give it yourself? I’m just returning from my break so he can go on one. I’ll fetch him for you.”
“Oh, no, I’m kinda busy and-’’
“Don’t be shy. Come on in.” Ollie holds the door open and gestures for me to go inside.
Mentally cursing myself, I take a deep breath and step forwards.
The warm scent of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee hangs in the air, vibrant like the murmur of hushed conversation and the clinking of tableware. Here and there some tables are occupied with the customers who remain from the rush hour caused by lunch. However, most of them are almost done. In the back, a couple gets up to leave. Unsurprisingly, their smiles are content.
Because the food here would be fit for a king. 
As soon as I cross the threshold, the broad-shouldered man with slicked back brown curly hair behind the counter turns around. He grows still when his sea blue eyes fall on me, the loaf of bread in his hands entirely forgotten.
My heart skips a beat, skittish under the intensity of his gaze. I grip the tin in my hands a little tighter, but the metal does nothing to cool the flush of heat that washes over me. A queasy feeling starts to set up in my stomach when the awareness I’m showing more skin than usual hits. Nevertheless, I put on a mask and muster a smile. “Hey.”
Alfie clears his throat. He blinks a few times like he’s been rudely woken and needs to ground himself in reality again. An unusual awkward groan falls from his lips as he places the bread he’s holding on a nearby counter, wipes his hands on his apron, and then nods in greeting. “Shalom, love.”
What was that reaction?
The sound of my heels on the stone tiles is incredibly loud in my ears as I come closer. Even an elephant would walk more gracefully and quietly in them than I do. Unfortunately, in my enthusiasm I didn’t calculate in the time it would take for me to learn how to wear them properly and move like a sophisticated woman rather than a lumbering individual.
“I popped by to give you these.” I hold the gift I prepared out to him. “As a thank you for teaching me how to bookkeep.”
“You made these?” he asks as he gratefully accepts the tin. His expression brightens as he inspects the oatmeal cookies inside.
“They’re orange and apricot with a bit of salt. Also, they’re kosher. Spent the entire day in the kitchen trying to get them right.’’ I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and glance at the floor. ‘‘I’m not much of a baker, unlike you.”
“Want me to start teachin’ you that too?”
“What?’’ Mouth dry, I stare at him before I break out in a panic mess of words. ‘‘Oh, no! No, I couldn’t possibly ask that of you. I mean, you have a business to run and-’’
“I wouldn’t mind. Besides, I free up time for you anyway so you can learn the books proper.” He puts the lid back on the tin and carefully places it next to the loaf of bread he held earlier. Then he crosses his arms and leans on the counter. The shadows the artificial light cast on his skin accentuates how sculpted they are, hardened by working long hours. “Time spent in good company ain’t wasted.”
“Look, it’s really nice of you, but I don’t want to take up any more of your time. You should have a moment for yourself as well.”
Completely ignoring my remark, he continues in the same casual tone. “Kitchen is awfully busy durin’ work hours, so it’d have to be after closin’ or really early in the mornin’. Also, I’m not gonna put you among the men. No, if I’m to teach you, it’ll be only us. Way safer and more comfortable, innit? Now, I don’t think you’d like me knockin’ on your door at four when not even the pigeons-’’
“Why?” I ask, nibbling on my lower lip.
“Why what?”
“Why would you pick me up?”
Am I really worth the effort?
“Because London isn’t a safe place for doves. The shadows want to tarnish their pretty feathers, corrupt and break their kind spirits. I don’t want that to happen.” For a moment we look at each other, silently assessing where his comment puts us. His expression still unreadable, careful to conceal the sentiments he harbours towards me, Alfie continues. “If you stay after hours, I could see you safely off to the tube before dusk. If you trust and would let me, of course.”
Surprised by the offer, I open and close my mouth. Nevertheless, no answer or adequate response comes to mind. The absence of a hint he’s joking or simply being politely nonchalant also makes it hard to respond. 
“No means no, don’t it?” A quicksilver smile flashes over his lips, half-hidden beneath his bushy whiskers. “Think it over. You can accept or reject the offer whenever. Until then, it stands.”
Why me? Why not someone else? Plenty of women would kill to be made the same offer by you. I’m not worth the trouble.
“Yeah.” I clear my throat, though the light tremble in it remains. “It does.”
Another silent moment passes, a few seconds in which his gaze doesn’t waver. I glance around the bakery, praying for Ollie to come through or new customers to come in. Any diversion would be appreciated.
Anything to distract him lest he should see the butterfly storm inside.
“C- Can you stop staring at me?”
“I’m sorry. Ain’t proper, innit?” Alfie stands up straight and puts his hands in his pockets. Watching the street through the window stocked full with today’s bread, he rubs his lips together in contemplation. A thought he voices on a deep breath. “You look lovely, my dear.”
It’s just a pet name. Casual, the way he talks. It’s not affection towards me. It’s not. 
“Oh, t- thank you.” I pluck at the hem of my dress. “I finally had the courage to wear this one. Still feels a bit weird.”
“Well, I think you look wonderful. Much too pretty for Camden, though. But more than right for Bloomsbury or Westminster.” Though there’s genuine warmth in the gruff half-grumbled words and tenderness in his eyes, there’s an underlying bleakness.
And it tells me he knows.
“I- I’m gonna- I-’’ I point at the door over my shoulder. “I should go.”
“Fancy a cup of tea?” Alfie lunges forward and places his palms on the counter like he’s ready to launch himself over it. “‘Ow about we ‘ave one of those cookies too?”
“I don’t-’’
“Just one.” A careful though encouraging smile tugs at the corners of his lips. Evidently he’s not planning to let me leave, determined to use his charm to make me stay yet too proud to openly beg. “It’s good to treat yourself. One cookie won’t do any ‘arm, especially not with tea. Do an old man a favour?”
And like every time he prepares a sandwich for me and refuses to let me cross the threshold back onto the street without a loaf of soda bread, I want to try. Not only for myself.
But also for him.
He claps, the noise loud enough to involuntarily turn my content resignation to temporary shock. Fortunately, the way my body jolts remains unnoticed. “Marvellous. Any preferences?”
“Not really.”
“Hm, maybe a nice pot of yuja, yeah? The sweetness will be in perfect ‘armony with the orange in the biscuits. Besides, it’s almost summer, so it’s time for citrus fruits, innit?”
“We’re barely halfway through spring. It’s not even May yet.”
“The weather’s warmin’ up, though.”
“I still don’t think that makes it summer any time soon,” I chuckle.
“I suppose it doesn’t.” Alfie lets out a breathless laugh, features softened with the kindness he usually displays around me. Nevertheless, there’s also an odd tender warmth in it that is hard to define. It’s the same curious emotion I sometimes glimpse on his face when I drop by to study or when he’s using his own bookkeeping to serve as a real-life example. When I make a mistake and he corrects it, explaining what I did wrong and how to do it right next time.
It’s there in the corner of my eye, vague in peripheral vision. However, now that I see it blatantly before me, I still can’t name it.
“You wait ‘ere, yeah. Give me a moment to prepare everythin’ and we’ll pick a nice and quiet spot.”
While the tea brews, Alfie sets up a tray. With a gentle carefulness that belies his usual rough demeanour, he places the biscuit tin alongside two dainty plates on it. In the meanwhile, I remain by the counter to soak up the sunlight, ever rare here in London, coming in through the windows. Normally I’d feel awkward simply standing around in a place where I could easily be noticed. Yet, it’s never like that when he’s nearby.
Strange, how he is both my peace and my flame. 
Humming along to one of Adele’s songs, Alfie pours the yellow liquid in a chic porcelain teapot. ‘‘There,’’ he mumbles, a proud note in his gravelly voice. ‘‘Done. Come on.’’
He guides us to a small table in a corner in the back, far removed from the other customers and staff. All the while, he stays close yet maintains a polite distance.
Alfie sits down on the chair across from me after setting the table and pouring us both a cup. Neither of us says anything, both content to only sip tea and occasionally meet the other’s gaze. 
Whereas his employees seem to have the urge to talk as soon as their boss falls silent, it’s never been the case for me nor vice versa. It’s the same type of silence as when he reminds me to take a break. The most effective way to actually get me to take one, he found, is to literally swipe my study materials to the side or pull me away from his laptop if he’s giving real-life examples. Afterwards, he’ll pull me to my feet to this very same spot so we can sit down together for a cup of tea or coffee. 
A moment of reprieve, wherein there are no burdens. No pressure to do well, no fear to mess up, no worries about changes.
There’s only us, the world shut out.
Unfortunately, the comfortable silence doesn’t last long. The corners of his mouth turn downwards and his brows knit together as words enter his mind. The way he puts his cup down on the saucer with a clink that’s a little too loud preludes to conversation.
One I’d rather not have. 
However, there’s only so long I can and perhaps want to avoid it.
And when it comes to him, I’m done running.
I want to talk.
Alfie groans, the metallic sound of his rings tapping against the side of the cup strengthening his sense of discomfort. “I know it ain’t right to ask because it’s impolite and not something a gentleman should ask, yeah. You are permitted, by the way, to storm out the door after throwin’ your tea in my face. It’d be a waste but I wouldn’t blame ya. I’d never come back either if someone asked me this.”
Head bowed, I stir my tea. “Alfie?”
“Yes, love?”
“The question.”
“Yeah… right, guess I’m beatin’ ‘round the bush too much, ain’t I?” He presses his lips together for a moment and runs a hand through his beard, lost in contemplation. The long breath he takes comes out as a deep sigh. “Look, I meant it when I said I think you look wonderful. And I’m very bloody grateful you come ‘ere for lunch or afternoon tea. It’s a fuckin’ honour to see you enjoy the food and drink ‘ere.”
“But you’ve lost weight again, ‘aven’t ya?” he asks, his usual warm drawl devoid of emotion.
I shake my head and smile wistfully. Looks like I’m found out. “I don’t even actively try to anymore. It just… happens.”
“Do you eat? When you’re not ‘ere, I mean.”
“Three meals a day. A protein bar for brekkie or a bowl of vegan yogurt with some granola. I come here for lunch or eat a slice of your soda bread with a piece of fruit when I’m busy. Dinner kinda depends on what I’m in the mood for, but it’s generally vegetarian and has lots of veggies.”
“And working out?”
“Almost every day. I can’t sit still. It drives me up the bloody wall. I try to take rest days, but I’m not particularly good at that.”
“‘Ow much?”
I take a sip from my tea. “Too light.”
No workout today, no need. Tea won’t make you fat. Sure, it’s sweet, but not from sugar. It’s okay.
He lets out deep sigh through his nose, mumbles something under his breath, and stares out into the bakery. In the meanwhile, I don’t dare to look up at him.
Terrified of his disappointment in me.
“Look, I’m not goin’ to be the solution to the problem, it’s a journey you yourself will ‘ave to go on. All the same, I wanna ‘elp.” Slowly I raise my head, unsure about his intentions. Alfie sits back with his arms crossed. The only movement he makes is squeezing his bicep with strained forearms. “You’re a strong wonderful woman, clever to boot. I’d ‘ate it if I lost your company due to bad health. Or worse.”
“My health is fine. I guess I’m just too skinny.”
“Which means you’re more prone to sickness. And cold.” His gaze falls on the goosebumps littering my skin. “Can I ask the number on the scale?”
“Forty-six, sometimes forty-five.’’ 
‘‘Please tell me you eat a little more on those days.’’
‘‘I do, try to, but it hardly helps. Still came further down from forty-eight.”
He swallows hard, a slight taper in his breath as he speaks. “I won’t tell you what to do. What you can and can’t eat. You are your own woman and therefore free to tell me to fuck off and mind my own bloody business. Which I should, I’m well aware, love, yet I can’t. We ‘aven’t known each other that long, but I’m quite fond of you. Yeah, you ‘eard me. Fond, extremely. So I worry for you and since I’m also a chronic overthinker, I worry a lot.”
Sure you do.
Because if the King of Camden is known for something, it’s his silver tongue. 
“We can start small. You already said you eat my bread at ‘ome and I see you eat when you’re ‘ere. That’s good. Let’s start from there. We’ll go explore new foods together and I’ll occasionally cook for you. I’m no master chef, right, but I don’t think my borscht is bad. It’s me mum’s recipe, so I don’t dare fuck it up. I always make way too much brisket as well and it would be a cryin’ shame to throw it away or keep it as leftovers when it can be shared. You see, people have been bonding over food for centuries.” He leans in, his fingers entwined as they rest on the table. Voice lowered to a pleasant purr, he makes an irresistible proposal which I am loath to decline. Nonetheless, I don’t want to readily accept it with an enthusiasm and positivity I haven’t felt in a very long time. The butterflies have to remain contained because to show them would be to rip their wings. “Shall we try and see if that’s true?”
“I’d like that, Alfie.” The mention of his name conjures a beaming smile which shows off his slightly crooked teeth. One of his little perfect imperfections. “I’d like it a lot.”
“Well, let’s start with this.” He grabs a cookie from the tin, splits it in half, and holds one of the pieces out to me. “Small steps.”
I merely gaze at the cookie, my mind and body entangled in a war of control. One side wants to reach out to accept the piece of food, the other advocates to wait for Alfie to retract his hand. In the end, I clench my jaw and fight my very nature to take it.
He leans back, the beginning of an affectionate smile lingering like a ghost on his lips. After a moment of watching me nibble on the cookie and take a sip of tea, he speaks up. “Still trying to get into Shelby’s company?”
I shake my head. “I don’t feel confident enough for that. I’m not really too good with the books, am I? Maybe in the far future. When I’m better.”
“I don’t think you’re doing too shabby. In fact, I think you’re doing pretty well. Simply need to practice, is all.”
It’s basically immediately reaching for the top, the stars far out of reach and only for the gods to touch. As if a prestigious company like Shelby Company Limited would accept a rookie bookkeeper, a nobody without experience. That is, if I manage to pass the exam.
Alfie puts his half of the cookie in his mouth. An appreciative hum rises from his throat as he munches on it. A wave of calm gratification washes away the guilt of eating, replaces it with a flush of warmth throughout my body. I take a deep breath, once again able to breathe a little easier around him.
He wipes his mouth on a napkin, which he then uses to wipe some of the crumbs from his beard. “How about you become my bookie?”
“Pardon?” I squint at him like it might help me understand him better. Either that, or prove I misheard him.
“Would take some of the burden off me shoulders. Let me focus on other things to keep this place open for business.’’ The silliness of his grin amplifies the glow in his cheeks. However, there’s anxious anticipation in the way he twists his rings. “‘Sides, you’re the only one I trust with my finances.”
“Aren’t you afraid I’ll fuck up?”
“You’re a clever little bird so I don’t think you will. You will pass that exam, after all. I’m certain of it. But, if it makes you comfortable, we can figure it out together in the first few weeks. Two pairs of eyes are better than one, innit?”
Not because of second opinions, controlling perfectionism, nor business.
But because we sometimes need help.
And that’s okay.
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bad0gs · 10 months
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⠀⠀⠀ ◜   ♱   :    ₕ��ₗₚ    𝐌𝐄,    i've    got    𝖓𝖔    𝖘𝖔𝖚𝖑    to    sell.    my ǝloɥʍ    existence    𝙸𝚂    𝙵𝙻𝙰𝚆𝙴𝙳
sony   wm-d3   and   headphones   blasting   on   the   subway   to   work   /   weary   from   the   sleepless   night   before,   the   cacophony   of   new   york   screaming   echoes   outside   a   barren   apartment   you   now   call   home   —   yet   the   feeling   of   displacement   atrophies   at   the   nape,   the   scent   of   silk   cuts   and   davidoff   cool   water,   the   inexplicable   comfort   of   pretending   to   be   someone   else,   reputation   to   uphold   and   boy   aren’t   you   a   bloody   disappointment!
◜   ♱   :    𝗗𝗢𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗘𝗥.
full name.   dante   theodore   valmont. meaning.   enduring   \   a   gift   from   god   \   hill   of   the   vale. nickname.   dan   or   danny   (   absolutely   despises.   )   any   sort   of   reference   to   the   divine   comedy   (   also   hates.   ) agent tenent. age.   thirty3. dob.   october   twenty   -   sixth,   making   him   a   scorpio. pob.   croydon,   london. pronouns.   he   /   him, cis male. residence.   previously   mayfair,   london   now   resides   in   manhattan   (   upper   east   ),   new   york.      education.  bachelor of law   at   oxford, later completed a phd in political science.    occupation.   previous agent for mi5, current undercover agent for the fbi,   being   a   sneaky cunt.    religion.   hardcore atheist, family was all that he had to believe in and there's barely of that left. actively denies that a 'higher being' exists. orientation. bisexual, biromantic. hardly gives a shit.
◜   ♱   :    𝗥𝗨𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡.
height.   six   foot,   two   inches. clothing.   relaxed   tailored   slacks   and   handcrafted   sweaters.   wool   coats   and   the   occasional   washed   levi's   501s   with   black   loafers. well crafted suits with his father's leather watch and signet ring. scent.   ​​​​​​​davidoff's   cool   ​​​​​​​water,   ​​​​​​​mixed   ​​​​​​​with   ​​​​​​​the   asectic   ​​​​​​​bite   ​​​​​​​of   lingering   ​​​​​​​silk   ​​​​​​​cuts.   ​​​​​​​ noticable   features.   dimples   ​​​​​​​around   ​​​​​​​the   ​​​​​​​smile   when   ​​​​​​​he's   ​​​​​​​about   ​​​​​​​to   ​​​​​​​lie   ​​​​​​​through   ​​​​​​​his   ​​​​​​​teeth,   ​​​​​​​small   circular   ​​​​​​​burn   ​​​​​​​marks   ​​​​​​​around   ​​​​​​​his   hands   from   younger,   navy   blue   eyes   inherited   from   his   father.    akin   to.   napoleon   usher   (   tfothof   ),   kendall   roy   &   nate   sofrelli   (   succession   ),   sebastian   (   cruel   intentions   ),   don   draper   (   madmen   ),   kevin   lomax   (   devil's   advoate   )
◜   ♱   :    𝗔𝗡𝗧𝗘𝗖𝗘𝗗𝗘𝗡𝗧.
you    only    live    twice,    or    so    you've    been    told.    a    young    blighter    in    middle    class    england,    another    product    of    a    single    mother    and    absent    father    fate.    hardly    destined    for    much    when    the    world    couldn't    give    less    than    a    supersilious    shit    about    you.    backed    into    a    corner    by    playground    bullies    far    taller,    you    get    mean    when    you    become    nervous.    come    home    from    school    with    sickly    purple    and    green    blossoming    around    the    eye,    a    prideful    grin    on    the    lips.    find    a    man    tailored    in    dark    green    waiting    in    the    kitchen,    bumming    a    burning    cigarette    with    your    mother    (    eyes    hardly    met,    why    aren't    they    met    ?    )    you're    told    to    pack    whatever's    necessary,    get    prepared    and    say    goodbye, dad's    here    to    take    you    home    with    an    opportunity    of    a    lifetime.   
the    first    of    four.    old    habits    don't    die    with    the    old    man,    they    fucking    repeat.    seen    as    revenues    before    bloodline,    his    hand    settles    above    your    bruised    eye    before    reshaping    you    entirely    and    it's    the    closest    thing    you'll    call    familial    affection.    leashed    with    a    ralph    lauren    tie    and    sent    off    to    the    best    school    bloodied    money    could    buy.    to    be    a    valmont    was    to    learn    how    to    kill;    not    with    a    fist    but    with    a    smile    ⎯    deceive    to    slip    the    knife    in    their    back    before    realisation    pours    out.     
history    told    before,    you    follow    in    your    father’s    footsteps.    step    past    silver    gates    of    mi5    and    begin    vigorous    training,    like    childhood    muscle    memory.    icarian    how    you    impress    mentors    and    surpass    peers,    (    THIS    IS    WHAT    YOU'RE    MEANT    FOR:    know    deep    down,    somewhere    under    cold,    reticent    gaze,    he    is    proud    of    you.    right    ?    )    pressure    throbs    at    the    fingertips,    the    golden    boy    wings    itch    at    your    back.    you've    learned    to    survive    on    this    hunger    for    so    long,    callously,    the    mind    reaches    for    something-    anything.    it's    a    fine    line    you    oscillate    on,    reveal    sharpened    canines    to    flashing    cameras    as    if    blood    and    coke    hadn't    soaked    in    earlier.    the    thrum    remains,    a    lingering    constant    that    gnaws    at    the    bloodline.    your    mother's    very    hues    staring    back    from    the    broken    mirror,    nothing    but    pity    that    falls    upon    the    burning    icarus.    that    is,    until    the    fiery    source    dies    out. 
for    a    deity    so    distant,    the    absence    is    felt.   four    raven    black    umbrellas    stand    and    watches    the    fall    of    a    king.    lowered    into    the    ground    six    feet    under,    the    final    curtain    call    of    vincent    valmont    and    all    it    took    was    a    heart    attack.    (    mundane,    ordinary,    bleak:    everything    he    rescued    his    children    from.    )    london    haunts    the    periphery    and    you    can’t    call    it    home    no    longer.    desk    packed    and    find    yourself    doing    an    impersonation    of    someone    well    strung    -    as    if    grief    isn’t    etched    into    sinew    and    marrow.    find    call    it    good    old    english    cynicism,    wrecked    by    the    relief    of    being    unknown.    how    instincts    lead    with    grey    lies    and    charming    white    smile    through    the    interview,    so    what    if    ego    inflated    a    few    stories    ?    and    christ,    despite    it all; your    father    was a    magniliant    figure,    and whatever    was    in    him,    by    god    you    hope    its    in    you.           
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Tories pass Grenfell costs onto tenants
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In 2017, at 72 people were burned alive when London's Grenfell Tower went up in flames. It had been skinned in highly flammable "decorative cladding" to make it less of an eyesore for rich people in nearby blocks of luxury flats.
That charnel house was the opening act on a yearslong odyssey of cruelty that just reached a new climax in Parliament, as Tory MPs ensured that working people - not landlords, developers or manufacturers - would fit the bill for removing cladding from their homes.
Here's what happened, and what's happening. After Grenfell, there were a series of (ahem) burning questions. For example: where would the people who lost their homes live? This fell to the (Tory) Kensington Council, which had been trying to oust poor people for years.
Kensington Council found a way to realise its twin goals of discouraging poor people from living in the borough and doing the absolute least to satisfy its legal obligations: it had the Grenfell survivors bid against their neighbours for homes:
With that question settled (!), the next question raised by Grenfell was, "Do I live in a building with flammable cladding, and if so, what happens next?" These should have been easy questions to answer, but Tory MPs did everything they could to keep the nation in the dark.
Take the question of who should pay to make homes safe. Tory MPs had repeatedly voted down legislation that would have required landlords to pay to make their buildings fit for human habitation. One bill was voted down just months before Grenfell.
That the Tories voted against a bill that would protect tenants from landlords is no surprise. After all, David Cameron's 2012 "war on safety culture" paved the way for Grenfell, and the committee that killed the bill was composed of MPs who were mostly landlords themselves.
Neither the landlords, nor the parliament in their thrall, would pay to make the country's firetraps safe.
Theresa May (who found £1B to bribe the bigoted loons at the DUP) told local councils they shouldn't expect anything for cladding removal.
The rest of the country was just wising up to something May knew: there are hell of a lot of future Grenfells out there. Conservative councils had been on a highly flammable cladding buying spree, because it was 5.7% cheaper than the safe alternative.
The only reason the cladding was for sale at all was because the companies that made it had committed fraud, falsifying their safety reports (the "war on safety culture" had ended, making this kind of lethal fraud easy to get away with).
The local councils who'd saved pennies buying these fraudulent materials went into full CYA mode. They told their residents that information about which homes were affected needed to be kept secret, lest arsonists burn them all down (no, really).
Still, the cladding had to be replaced, and so work began. The same property developers who'd padded their bottom lines by skimping on fire-safety and installing the cladding made millions replacing it.
These companies sent gleeful notes to their shareholders announcing massive increases in their profitability:
and the people who lived in the buildings got sent the bills:
It's been four years since Grenfell, and at last, a new Fire Safety Bill is working its way through Parliament. The Lords amended it to shift the costs of replacing cladding to the landlords who bought it, the developers who recommended it, and the manufacturers who sold it.
But the Tory Parliament of Landlords voted the amendment down. Millions of English people (Wales, Scotland and NI are a different story) are now on the hook for £40-50K in costs.
They're already paying huge insurance premiums because their homes are deathtraps. Banks won't extend mortgages because their homes are deathtraps. They are obliged to spend hundreds of pounds a month for fire-prevention "walking watches" because their homes are deathtraps.
These leaseholds are the cheapest in the country and their residents are the most economically precarious leaseholders. Many are selling at steep discounts to cash buyers, losing everything.
A survey found 90% of the people in these buildings are experiencing declining mental health as a result of the inaction and uncertainty.
These people had nothing to do with the decision to convert their homes to deathtraps, but they are now stuck with the bill.
The three main manufacturers - Celotex, Kingspan, and Arconic - were all determined to have falsified their fire-safety test data and ignored whistleblowers who warned management about the risk.
The newly privatised standards bodies - the British Board of Agrément, British Standards Institute, British Research Establishment - that certified the buildings also operate a revolving door with execs from firms whose work they certify.
None have paid a price. Quite the reverse! Arconic billed HM Treasury for £500k in furlough subsidies last year.
The £5.1b that Parliament has approved for cladding replacement does not come close to the total cost, and tenants are being stuck with the shortfall.
In particular, buildings with fewer than 7 storeys will get *no* subsidy - instead, the government will offer the people unlucky enough to live in them loans that they can't afford.
And while these are tenants, they can't move. They are "leasehold tenants" with 99-999 year leases: they don't own their flat, but they own the right to live there for a century. The building is owned by a freeholder - typically an aristocrat or financial speculator.
These leases are sold as though they were property - when a leaseholder "buys a flat," they actually buy the lease, typically with a mortgage. These leases are now underwater, because they are leases on deathtraps.
To move, they'd have to convince someone to buy their flammable leases. To stay, they have to borrow £40-50k to make their homes safe. They didn't create this situation, but the Tories have stuck them with the bill.
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jam3sacaster · 5 years
British Comedy Shows On Netflix.
some of my favourite british comedy shows on netflix! all the descriptions of the shows are my own!
Peep Show
Set in Croydon, lazy slob Jeremy shares a flat with his pessimistic best friend, Mark. Together, they argue and drink and lull about... mostly causing havoc to other people.
The IT Crowd
Moss and Roy, two IT technicians and best friends, work in the dingy basement of a popular company. When Jen Barber, a woman who knows absolutely nothing about computers, is put in change of them, their life gets a whole lot more manageable.
Friday Night Dinner
Meeting at their parents house every week for dinner as a part of Jewish tradition, brothers Jonny and Adam can never have a normal family dinner... Ever.
Come Fly With Me
This mockumentary, a much-awaited followup to Little Britain, follows the dysfunctional staff of the Flylo airline company.
Little Britain
Following the lives of a plethora of eccentric characters and the mad scrapes they manage to get themselves into.
Little Britain... but Scottish.
If you do watch this...
Bad Education
24-year-old history teacher, Alfie Wickers, teachers the worst class in the worst school... surely he’d be a good teacher, right? Wrong. He’s just as bad.
Gavin & Stacey
Gavin from Essex, England, meets and falls in love with Stacey from Barry, Wales. Their life seems perfect as they speak on the phone everyday. It’s only when they meet that the problems start.
Miranda is a mid-30’s joke shop owner that has the mind of a 10-year-old. This mockumentary follows Miranda’s awkward life, and her even more awkward romances.
Josh, a failing comedian, shares a flat with his best friends from university, Kate and Owen... with constant interruptions from his landlord, Jeff. Just as things seem to be going right for him, someone has to butt in and ruin it.
Andy is going to kill himself after breaking up with the love of his life, Gwen. That is until his sister asks him to pick up his estranged nephew from school. His plans are... temporarily put on hold.
Rachel, a talented and intelligent British girl, goes on holiday to Thailand. When she comes home, she’s married to the most eccentric American hippie... much to her father’s dismay.
Four friends sell their video game start-up and become instant millionaires. Keeping their daily life normal should be easy, right?
People Just Do Nothing
A bunch of best friends, some decks, 0 brain cells and some garage vinyls. That’s all that creates Kurupt FM.
Big School
Science teacher Keith Church is just about to hand in his resignation before he accidentally walks in on the new French teacher’s, Sarah Postern, interview. Let’s just say he stays put.
The Solana, on Trip Advisor, would probably be rated about a 2 star. But, the Garvey family go on holiday there every single year and... enjoy it (mostly).
Derek isn’t intelligent, nor is he attractive. But he’s incredibly kind-hearted, hence why he’s so popular at the old folks home he works at.
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farahukblog · 3 years
Farah x SoccerBible talks to Ziezie
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There’s undoubtedly a collective appreciation when football meets fashion and music, which is why we’re proud to present the artists featured in the Farah X SoccerBible ‘Unity’ collection campaign shoot. Introducing ZieZie.
Platinum selling artist ZieZie has already clocked over 200million worldwide streams. His rapid rise to success includes heavyweight collaborations with multi-platinum artists including Ms Banks, S1mba, Stylo G and Aitch (Buss Down’, ‘French Kisses’ plus support from key tastemakers including Complex, Clash, Notion, Guap, GRM, Robert Bruce (Capital Xtra) and DJ Target (1xtra). The South London, afroswing rapper has also just released his new single ‘Show Me (Montre Moi)’.  
How are you feeling now there’s a little light at the end of the tunnel, we can get out and see people again and get away…
I feel like the dynamic is weird in that we’re all still adjusting. I’d say that I’m not taking anything for granted any more. You appreciate having control again. It’s a great feeling that everything is opening up again and there’s a good feeling with the sun out and summer here.
You’re dropping fresh music again too - it’s got to feel so good after what’s been a mad year…
It’s so refreshing. I’ve been stacking up so many songs and haven’t been able to release them. I wanted to make sure everything gets released at a good time, when I can do something with it. Now that things are opening up, it feels like a good time to bring new music out too.
Linking up with different artists in the process, let’s talk about the importance of unity for you - what does that word mean to you?
With me, since I first started making music, it’s always been so important to keep it real. The main people that I’m trying to build some form of friendship with is my fans because they are the most important people at the end of the day. They’re the people that consume my music. When it comes to my peers and people I work with, that is about keeping things to people I naturally connect with. I’ve been trying to build that connection with my fanbase - it’s them who I want to make music for. Unity with my fans is the most important thing.
On a basic level, think of a time before you released anything to now. How does it feel to have fans?
It’s crazy. I remember the first time that I realised I was getting noticed...I was walking in Croydon with one of my friends into a store to get some clothes and out of nowhere all these kids from school ran up to me and before I knew it there was this whole bunch of people around me. It kind of sunk in then. I remember from that moment, thinking “life might be a little different now”. It’s refreshing to have that fanbase because they’re honest. Sometimes people you know don’t want to offend you but if your fans don’t like your music, you’ll know about it. It keeps things real and you’ll get a more honest answer. I really appreciate people in general and having their support and that big friendship group who I can talk to whenever I want is special.
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Music can bring people together, so can football, how much do you like what both industries can do for society?
Yeah 100%. A lot of people DM me telling me I’ve inspired them or helped them get through depression by listening to my music. So I now feel like I have an obligation to keep giving my fans my music, which is special. I want to keep giving out that good energy. You never know, someone could be really down and then they hear your music and it brings them back up. I need to make sure I keep being active in that sense.
I’ve seen how football can bring people together since I was young. Me and my dad used to go to this pub all the time, he was a massive Arsenal supporter - he really got me into football. He wanted to have me as his own little football player. The reason I mention the pub is because it was there where I would see the vibe of football. All these people would come together, watch all the games, for this shared love of football. It fascinated me. You’d have die hard fans who would cry when watching the TV. It was there where I saw the influence footballers, just like musicians, have on people.
Whether it’s a football match or a gig, what do you think makes those experiences so unique?
I think that’s the best part of being an entertainer or an athlete. That’s where you do what you love most. You get to see the effect and the outcome from all the efforts you’ve put in. All the writing, the recording, or for footballers, the training and the preparation - that’s where you see it all out there. I feel like it’s the best feeling ever. For me, that’s the only way and the best way to know what kind of emotional reaction a song is getting. I’m not someone who watches views or likes. There could be 50,000 people who have listened to your song but to go to a show and see that room full of people singing it back to you - that’s when you know you’ve done something. That’s why during lockdown,  I’ve not known how to process it. The reaction is all digital. Usually when I perform I can get an idea on whether people like what I’m doing or not.
You must be gagging to get back and perform live again then?
I really am. I want to get out there so much.
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What about where fashion comes into your life, how much do you like to express yourself through what you wear?
I like to express myself in that way a lot. I’d say my mood is very much reflected by what I’m wearing. I’d say you can see more how I’m feeling from my clothes than you could my body language. I’m not a flashy guy in terms of what I wear. I like to express myself through accessories  like my chains. I always like to look good. I’m passionate about what I wear.
The collection we produced with Farah was inspired by Unity and how we in Europe should come together rather than be spread apart - what were your thoughts on it?
I really liked it. I felt comfortable in it. I’d say it was a little bit smasual. A little smart-casual. I liked it a lot. It suited me and I like the idea behind it. It definitely felt like a good mixture and that Unity idea comes across nicely in the collection. I like that it’s different from what people might normally see me in. That’s what I’m about - being open to being different is so important - I like to show people on the outside that it’s not all about the same brands you always see in music. People should be encouraged to wear things they like rather than just because something  has a brand name on it. It’s important to have that perspective on things.
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You’re a creative person who is involved in all elements of what you’re about. From the music to the videos to the merch - all the visuals - how much would you like to break into other industries and create a collection of your own?
100%. I’ve been thinking about that during lockdown. One thing with me is that I think a lot before I do anything. Writing music is where I like to be a little more off the cuff because I like being spontaneous there but anything else, there’s a lot of planning and thinking that goes into it. When it comes to clothing, I really need to think about it. It’s a competitive space and you see so much out there that I’d want to make sure that if I did anything in that space, it stood out as being different. I’d want to think about it and come up with the perfect idea before I did anything like that but 100% - I’d love to design a collection.
This summer… the Euros, the way they bring people in the UK together - how will you experience them and watch the games?
When the Euros comes, when the World Cups come, when there’s any major tournament, it’s amazing. The whole block I live in will bring out the flags. My whole estate becomes a football club for the day. It’s a nice vibe and energy - there’s usually barbecues everywhere, everyone has come  out of their houses and it just bring a good feeling. After lockdown especially, this year is going to be really nice. We need that party.
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sellfurnitureonline · 4 years
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auskultu · 7 years
Procol Crash In At No. 11!
Alan Smith, New Musical Express, 27 May 1967
WATCH OUT for Procol Harum. This British group with that beautiful, beautiful record called 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' is going to be one of the chart sensations of the year.
The name Procol Harum, I'm told, is Latin for "Beyond these things," and without doubt it fits a sound and style far beyond anything else in the Top 30. Certainly record buyers have been flooding into the shops for 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' in incredible numbers.
Sold out Only yesterday I met one pop fan who told me he went into his local record shop and said: "A copy of—" before he could finish the dealer cut in and said: "—the Procol Harum? No. Sold out."
There are five in the group:— Singer Gary Brooker, from Hackney, who was once a member of the Paramounts... Lead guitarist Ray Royer, who also doubles on violin... Islington-born bass guitarist Dave Knights... Drummer Bobby Harrison, from East Ham; and organist Mathew Charles Fisher from Croydon.
They are recorded by A&R wizard Denny Cordell, who also produces the hits of Georgie Fame and the Move.
Says Denny: "About 18 months ago, when I was recording the Moody Blues, I was approached by a guy called Keith Reid, who showed me the lyrics of 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale'. No music, just lyrics.
"I told him they were beautiful, but I could really do nothing for him unless he had music. So he went away, and I didn't see him until six weeks ago.
"Before I say anything else, the thing about Keith Reid is that he devotes a tremendous amount of his time to writing lyrics and travelling about with the group. He is tremendously involved.
"Anyway, I'd also said to him why didn't he get a group, and six weeks ago he came and played me a demo of the song just accompanied by piano. I liked it. The next thing he had formed this group. And when I heard them perform they just blew my mind.
"We've already recorded the follow-up to 'Whiter Shade Of Pale', and believe me when I say it's just too much. And you know the thing about these guys?—they record in one take. There's no overdubbing or messing about. They just come into the studios and do it on one tape.
"When we recorded 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' I just couldn't believe we'd got it right first time, so I said 'Let's try it one more time.' I was wrong.
"They'd got it 100 per cent straight off. Now I hear it's the fastest selling record by a British group Decca has ever had—it's on Deram—and that 87,000 copies were sold last Friday alone."
Hendrix-like Procol's adviser-lyricist Keith Reid is aged 20 and has been described as a young man with Jimi Hendrix-type hair with dark granny glasses who always sits on music publisher David Platz window-sill. As he has been contracted to David Platz as a songwriter for some time, this may well be a good thing.
According to David, Keith borrowed £100 from him to form the group. Keith then chose Gary Brooker (who also wrote the music for 'Whiter Shade Of Pale') as lead singer, and they spent three weeks at a Buckinghamshire country cottage working the number out. The original demo ran for nine minutes. The name Procol Harum was chosen because it was the name of a prized Siamese cat, and it also meant something and sounded good.
To my ears, 'A Whiter Shade Of Pale' sounds good, too—very, very good.
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sesalondon · 4 years
SOUTH EAST SALON 06 - The Future of Fine Art in a Post-Pandemic World
Wow! What an incredible event. We had our 6th Salon on Monday evening, and 2nd online. W partnered with Nexus Creative, a private members club in Croydon. 
We had a wonderful conversation about the future of visual artists and the creation, exhibition, marketing and sale of their artwork. We were blessed to feature the work of Ainsley Burrows, Roxanne Williams and Natasha Caruana, as well as arts practitioners Swakara Atwell-Bennett and Kimberly Knox. 
Ainsley, while producing numerous collections of painted artworks, produces The Sweet Spot, with his partner Laurielle, which is a Black erotica event that is known worldwide. During the lockdown, they have been running weekly shows on Thursday nights. And South East Salon and Ubiquita Worldwide is producing  preview of Ainsley’s Maroons Rebellion in the fall in Croydon. Roxamme Williams is a painter and entrepreneur who produces large scale portraits in brilliant colour. She produces Merging Inks across the globe, an interactive cultural event featuring live art. Natasha Caruana is a photographer, instructor at University of the Arts London and founder of Work Show Grow,which supports emerging artists with skills, mentorship and exhibition support. Swakara Atwell-Bennett, founder of Better Shared, is a curator who makes opportunities for artists of the global diaspora to market and sell their artworks to larger audiences. Swakara is also a member of Nexus Creative. Kim Knox is founder and CEO of Ubiquita Worldwide, Ainsley Burrows’ representation, and a movement of people from the worlds of fine art, fashion, film, television, music and theatre who converge around a common love of urban alternative lifestyle. 
Watch the event here: 
Join us at our next Salon on Monday, 29 June, when we will be discussing the business behind being creative. If you would like to be involved please get in touch. Please join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram as well. Thank you for your support of South East Salon. 
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mikeyd1986 · 5 years
THE GLOOM IN THE CORNER w/ To Octavia, ATLVS, Elision & In Vanity (All Ages show) @ EV’s Youth Centre, November 2019
I was honestly in two minds about whether I was going to review this show or not, knowing that I didn’t end up staying the whole time. But my general philosophy is that if I’ve got something to say then it’s worth writing about. Croydon is not an area I’m very familiar with, though I have visited a couple of times in the past. Even the Google Maps lady was having tremendous trouble guiding me to the venue, giving me a scenic tour down random back streets and nearly getting me lost. But eventually I found my way to EV's Youth Centre with the nearby shopping centre that ironically I was familiar with.
After arriving at the venue and getting my orientation together, I spent the first hour trying to figure out why I was feeling so anxious. Was it because Croydon is known for being a really dodgy, unsafe suburb? Or maybe because I felt like a stranger in a small crowded band room? Thankfully I’ve learned many coping strategies to get through it like mindfulness and deep breathing exercises. Making conversation is also a major struggle for me but I was determined to put myself out there and break the ice with some of my musician friends.
Interestingly enough, they decided to use the large theater hall to sell band merch, as storage for gear, a free water station and canteen. It was also a good place to hang out and settle my nerves. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about my anxiety, having personal space and feeling comfortable in it is huge. Once I was starting to enjoy myself, I actually engaged in a few conversations and appreciated the venue.
It really brought back a lot of positive memories from when I used to frequent local all ages gigs on a near weekly basis. Unfortunately in recent years, all ages shows have taken a downturn for many different reasons (venues closing down, rise in costs to run shows, lack of attendance). And so I hope that this show in particular will help to reignite the spark and bring about a revival of the all ages local music scene in 2020.
IN VANITY are a four-piece Melbourne based Metalcore band. Despite being a few minutes late, I was so relieved that I was able to catch most of this band’s set. They have been on my radar for a few months now after releasing their debut EP Nodus Tollens in early November. With a mate or two jumping up for guesties, it didn’t take long for them to set the place on fire and get the crowd pumped up. It was such a wild performance and they absolutely killed it. Set List: Burn, Eternal Rest, Paradigm Shift.  https://music.apple.com/nz/album/nodus-tollens-ep/1480324483
ELISION are a four-piece Heavy Progressive Metalcore band from Sutherland Shire in Sydney, New South Wales. This was my first time checking these guys out and they managed to pique my interest very quickly. With an onslaught of aggressive energy and heavy melodic tones, they tore the room apart and got a few people moshing and throwing down. I have a feeling that Elision have a promising future ahead of them. Watch this space! Check out their latest single Human Vessel here: https://music.apple.com/au/album/human-vessel/1480572359?i=1480572360
ATLVS are a five-piece Metalcore outfit from Gippsland, Victoria. Following on from the band’s recent Memoir EP release launch, the boys didn’t waste any time getting things fired up. It was really interesting to see Mitchell James as fill in vocalist. He commanded the stage well and managed to encourage the crowd to participate. It was awesome hearing bassist and vocalist Matthew Borthwick talking about the importance of attending local shows and hopefully making all ages gigs a more regular thing again. Set List: Love, Sick, Epiphany. https://music.apple.com/us/album/memoir-ep/1462786587
TO OCTAVIA are a five-piece Melodic Hardcore band from Melbourne, Victoria. Check out their latest release, Nocturnal, here: https://music.apple.com/au/album/nocturnal/1457882908
THE GLOOM IN THE CORNER are a five-piece Experimental Metalcore band from Melbourne, Victoria. Check out their latest release, Flesh & Bones, here: https://music.apple.com/us/album/flesh-bones/1462044813
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
Opinion: High-flying Crystal Palace can be Roy Hodgson's fitting swan-song
In February of this year Roy Hodgson took his Crystal Palace side to Leicester and oversaw a 4-1 win that took the Eagles further away from relegation’s clutches towards the safety of mid-table.
It was a satisfying afternoon for the seasoned coach, made all the more memorable by the fact that at 71 years and 198 days he was now officially the oldest man to manage a Premier League team. He is still there now of course and with every passing week that record extends some more.
Palace’s 12th place finish last season married nicely to their final 11th position the season before and, with a squad that on paper at least lacks the quality of many of their peers, it is a testament to Hodgson’s coaching acumen and tactical nous that he has consistently managed to keep his side competing on an equal footing against clubs with superior budgets.
What makes his feat even more remarkable is that on taking charge of his boyhood club in September 2017 they were in turmoil, having lost their opening five games without even scoring a solitary goal.
Watch Crystal Palace Live Streams With StreamFootball.tv Below
Presently, Palace reside in ninth after enjoying a tremendous start to the campaign that includes a 2-1 triumph at Old Trafford and clawing back a two goal deficit at the Emirates last week.
But before we focus more on that it’s worth acknowledging to what extent Hodgson has turned around a tainted reputation that threatened to undo several decades spent in the dug-out.
Established as a well-travelled, multi-faceted coach having worked in numerous countries for so many clubs it would threaten bandwidth to list them here Hodgson took on the poisoned chalice of the England job in 2012 and duly spiked his good name.
A shock World Cup exit at the hands of Iceland proved to be the final straw and an embittered departure made matters worse and at nearly twice the age of many top flight managers it seemed that retirement beckoned. This it seemed was how he was going to be remembered: as a failure.
Only then came the Palace gig and a redemption that has reminded one and all that on the training fields Monday to Friday and on match-days there are few better out there than the Croydon-born gaffer.
This season’s early successes have come about despite Palace selling their best defender in the summer and with their star man’s head turned by a summer-long transfer saga. Yet still they have been brilliant, together, and extremely well organised.
Can Crystal Palace finish in the top 7 or even higher this season? Their chances of doing so are rated in the video below…
It would be fitting therefore if the Eagles’ fine form continued until May, to act as an apt and well-deserved swan song for an individual who has given football his life. Indeed how sweet that would be for the romantics among us, for a man approaching his 73rd birthday to sign off with over-achievement.
This though is Roy Hodgson; no ordinary pensioner. This week talks began to extend his contract beyond 2020. Seemingly he isn’t going anywhere yet. Seemingly there are many more satisfying afternoons to come.
from FootballFanCast.com https://ift.tt/2JLO2rx via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/2JJB6Ck via IFTTT
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sportsleague365 · 6 years
Crystal Palace can do with some fresh ideas, as the south London side have occasionally been found lacking in the Premier League under Roy Hodgson. There are easier positions to take elsewhere in the league, so Football FanCast have delved into FIFA 19‘s Career Mode to provide you with an in-depth team guide for the Eagles. THE BOARD’S EXPECTATIONS Take on the Selhurst Park job and the board will hope you can guide the club to a mid-table finish, but their main focus is to control player earnings by keeping growth below 10%. Even though it’s the least of their demands, the board would also like you to sign one defender to the youth ranks and reach the FA Cup’s Round of 16. THE TRANSFER KITTY Palace’s budget for your first season in charge comes in at £42.4million with a £113k wage allowance, but, bearing in mind the most important board expectation, you can only realistically spend £94,000 of the allowance without players leaving. THREE PLAYERS TO BUY Josef Martinez Despite having one of FIFA’s former best strikers in Christian Benteke, the addition of a top-draw forward would be a welcome addition at Selhurst Park. Atlanta United’s Josef Martinez would certainly fit the bill and compliment Wilfried Zaha, but the pacey and strong finisher will cost around £22.5million, and the MLS side are tough negotiators. Franco Cervi Should you prefer playing Zaha as a strike, then look no further than Benfica’s Franco Cervi to fill the wide slot. The Argentine has 5-star skills and will set you back around £19m, but he is beautiful on the ball and can develop a delightful range of passes. Amine Harit Sticking with improving the Palace offence, Schalke’s Amine Harit is a player worth considering. The 21-year-old can play on the right-wing or as a central attacking midfielder and is certainly a star for the future. The Moroccan has a £23million asking price and would be great to build a team around, providing you plan on spending multiple seasons with the Eagles. Watch the video below to check out the hilarious things footballers get up to at Christmas… THREE PLAYERS TO SELL Jason Puncheon Injuries cost Jason Puncheon the best years of his career, and it’s about time his stint at his childhood club came to an end. At 32, he’s not going to be the base of a high-flying Palace squad, and with a board of average attributes, will only be worthy of occasional cup matches to rest first-team stars. Connor Wickham Hereford-born Connor Wickham is another player dogged by injuries at Palace, and it has seen his FIFA stats reflect a lack of minutes. He can still fetch a fair transfer price, and would be a peripheral player should you keep him at the club. Wayne Hennessey It may always be good to have two goalkeepers on the books that can play for the first-team, but in the case of Wayne Hennessey, the former Wolverhampton Wanderers regularly should be transfer listed. The 31-year-old is no match for Guaita, yet still demands to be an important member of the side – a hard act to balance when the Spaniard has a crucial role signed into his contract. THREE FOR THE FUTURE Aaron Wan-Bissaka Croydon-born Aaron Wan-Bissaka may already be a first choice starter at Crystal Palace, but the 20-year-old is certainly one of their players for the future. The right-back will start 74 rated with great pace, dribbling and tackling yet can jump ten ratings over his career to a potential 84, tying in better strength, passing and interceptions. Jairo Riedewald Central-defensive midfielder Jairo Riedewald may not become a first name on the teamsheet kind of player, but the Ajax product can turn into a useful member of the squad, thanks to his ability to play central midfield or defensive role to the same level. At first, that is at a 73 rating, but can move on to be 80 rated with well-rounded defensive attributes and passing. Nya Kirby If you are thinking long-term in your career with Crystal Palace, certainly spare a thought for 18-year-old Nya Kirby, despite his low 59 rating. The attacking midfielder is the brightest spark in the Eagles’ youth ranks, with a potential rating 20 levels higher than his fellow youth team mates. You will need to work on his passing, shooting and strength throughout his career, however, as at first, all he has to fall on is pace and dribbling. #CrystalPalace #Fifa19 #CareerMode
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billwells3 · 6 years
Move Revolution Prioryfields – Squiggle Dot & Squeeze
A big Move Revolution HELLO to Flori from Squiggle, Dot and Squeeze.  As many of you know Flori is the Move Revolution guest blogger about all things ‘crafty’.  Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze get involved with our activities and we love finding out all about their latest ideas! This year we will have three different craft actitivies – one for each day of Move Revolution Prioryfields – all created by Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze especially for you.
We can’t wait to see you this week!
Find out more about what has been going on with Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze this yet… as always Flori has ‘squeaked’ in a few creative ideas just for you!
What has been the highlights of 2018 …. so far? 
Squiggle Dot & Squeeze are rubbing shoulders with lots of other wonderful small businesses at the Natwest accelerator programme which is designed to enable small businesses and give them the support that is needed to grow.  So watch this space!
We were finalists for Muddy Stilettos Surrey Awards.  And we have spread our wings and been involved in some big shows in Bath and Birmingham, making new fans and delighting mini crafters further afield.
We also have got a plan to make one of our work days into a development day so that there are new kits on the way – which being older and wiser will be awesome as we can put all that we have learnt and all that you have asked for into our new products – which means they should be super cool!
    What have you got going on this Summer? 
This summer we are going to bring a ‘Fiesta Summer Party Plan’ newsletter with all the tips you will need to create a fun family fiesta.
Our Facebook page will have lots of craft ideas in the form of videos for you to check out giving you crafty inspiration
We will also be bringing you BBQ, picnic recipes and outdoor games ideas to fill the sunny summer holidays through our Instagram and Facebook pages.
If you fancy a spot of baking you are in luck we have just brought out our new Dinosaur baking kit, so if you are in need of a helping hand, our Roar for more Dino cookies will satisfy you and your mini crafter!
  Our kits are perfect for taking away on holiday with everything you need packed in them! All you need to add is your own crayons, glue stick and scissors and then you are set for hours of creative activity.
Take a look at our
facebook page www.facebook.com/squiggledotandsqueeze
and our Instragram www.instagram.com/squiggledotandsqueeze/
Introducing Flori’s ‘Favourite things’ 
What is your favourite tune?
I love search for the Hero by the M people. Love reminding myself that I am good enough..
What is your favourite cake?
A ‘don’t mess with it’ Victoria Sponge.. that means keeping it old school jam
What is your favourite day out?
We love National Trust Gardens as a day out with the family – Sheffield Park gardens are our number one spot!
What is your favourite musical? 
The Lion King has to be my favourite musical as it transports my mind back to my roots for a few hours of African magic!
Inside the creative mind of Flori… what makes you tick?!
What is your best craft ever?
My all time favourite is making paint brushes from anything textured I can get my hands on … it is so simple and such a textural adventure
Tell us somewhere you ‘go to’ to be inspired?
My best place for inspiration at the moment is a magazine called Project Calm Magazine… it is beautiful magazine packed with clever ideas and projects.
Help us run even more events!
If you are thinking of selling or letting your home we would love to speak with you. You can chat with one of our Move Revolution team at Prioryfields. There will be team members from all our offices:
Reigate, Redhill & Opted
Croydon Purley & Coulsdon
East Grinstead, Crawley & Lingfield
Brighton & Hove
Haywards Heath Burgess Hill, Uckfield & Lindfield
Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge
If you’d like to chat to us before seeing us at Move Revolution Prioryfields call us freephone on 0330 223 1000 – we can’t wait to hear from you.
    source https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/move-revolution-prioryfields-squiggle-dot-squeeze/
0 notes
alexisbush-blog1 · 6 years
Move Revolution Prioryfields – Squiggle Dot & Squeeze
A big Move Revolution HELLO to Flori from Squiggle, Dot and Squeeze.  As many of you know Flori is the Move Revolution guest blogger about all things ‘crafty’.  Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze get involved with our activities and we love finding out all about their latest ideas! This year we will have three different craft actitivies – one for each day of Move Revolution Prioryfields – all created by Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze especially for you.
We can’t wait to see you this week!
Find out more about what has been going on with Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze this yet… as always Flori has ‘squeaked’ in a few creative ideas just for you!
What has been the highlights of 2018 …. so far? 
Squiggle Dot & Squeeze are rubbing shoulders with lots of other wonderful small businesses at the Natwest accelerator programme which is designed to enable small businesses and give them the support that is needed to grow.  So watch this space!
We were finalists for Muddy Stilettos Surrey Awards.  And we have spread our wings and been involved in some big shows in Bath and Birmingham, making new fans and delighting mini crafters further afield.
We also have got a plan to make one of our work days into a development day so that there are new kits on the way – which being older and wiser will be awesome as we can put all that we have learnt and all that you have asked for into our new products – which means they should be super cool!
    What have you got going on this Summer? 
This summer we are going to bring a ‘Fiesta Summer Party Plan’ newsletter with all the tips you will need to create a fun family fiesta.
Our Facebook page will have lots of craft ideas in the form of videos for you to check out giving you crafty inspiration
We will also be bringing you BBQ, picnic recipes and outdoor games ideas to fill the sunny summer holidays through our Instagram and Facebook pages.
If you fancy a spot of baking you are in luck we have just brought out our new Dinosaur baking kit, so if you are in need of a helping hand, our Roar for more Dino cookies will satisfy you and your mini crafter!
  Our kits are perfect for taking away on holiday with everything you need packed in them! All you need to add is your own crayons, glue stick and scissors and then you are set for hours of creative activity.
Take a look at our
facebook page www.facebook.com/squiggledotandsqueeze
and our Instragram www.instagram.com/squiggledotandsqueeze/
Introducing Flori’s ‘Favourite things’ 
What is your favourite tune?
I love search for the Hero by the M people. Love reminding myself that I am good enough..
What is your favourite cake?
A ‘don’t mess with it’ Victoria Sponge.. that means keeping it old school jam
What is your favourite day out?
We love National Trust Gardens as a day out with the family – Sheffield Park gardens are our number one spot!
What is your favourite musical? 
The Lion King has to be my favourite musical as it transports my mind back to my roots for a few hours of African magic!
Inside the creative mind of Flori… what makes you tick?!
What is your best craft ever?
My all time favourite is making paint brushes from anything textured I can get my hands on … it is so simple and such a textural adventure
Tell us somewhere you ‘go to’ to be inspired?
My best place for inspiration at the moment is a magazine called Project Calm Magazine… it is beautiful magazine packed with clever ideas and projects.
Help us run even more events!
If you are thinking of selling or letting your home we would love to speak with you. You can chat with one of our Move Revolution team at Prioryfields. There will be team members from all our offices:
Reigate, Redhill & Oxted
Croydon Purley & Coulsdon
East Grinstead, Crawley & Lingfield
Brighton & Hove
Haywards Heath Burgess Hill, Uckfield & Lindfield
Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge
If you’d like to chat to us before seeing us at Move Revolution Prioryfields call us freephone on 0330 223 1000 – we can’t wait to hear from you.
    source of this post came from Alexis Bush Blog https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/move-revolution-prioryfields-squiggle-dot-squeeze/
0 notes
Move Revolution Prioryfields – Squiggle Dot & Squeeze
A big Move Revolution HELLO to Flori from Squiggle, Dot and Squeeze.  As many of you know Flori is the Move Revolution guest blogger about all things ‘crafty’.  Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze get involved with our activities and we love finding out all about their latest ideas! This year we will have three different craft actitivies – one for each day of Move Revolution Prioryfields – all created by Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze especially for you.
We can’t wait to see you this week!
Find out more about what has been going on with Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze this yet… as always Flori has ‘squeaked’ in a few creative ideas just for you!
What has been the highlights of 2018 …. so far? 
Squiggle Dot & Squeeze are rubbing shoulders with lots of other wonderful small businesses at the Natwest accelerator programme which is designed to enable small businesses and give them the support that is needed to grow.  So watch this space!
We were finalists for Muddy Stilettos Surrey Awards.  And we have spread our wings and been involved in some big shows in Bath and Birmingham, making new fans and delighting mini crafters further afield.
We also have got a plan to make one of our work days into a development day so that there are new kits on the way – which being older and wiser will be awesome as we can put all that we have learnt and all that you have asked for into our new products – which means they should be super cool!
    What have you got going on this Summer? 
This summer we are going to bring a ‘Fiesta Summer Party Plan’ newsletter with all the tips you will need to create a fun family fiesta.
Our Facebook page will have lots of craft ideas in the form of videos for you to check out giving you crafty inspiration
We will also be bringing you BBQ, picnic recipes and outdoor games ideas to fill the sunny summer holidays through our Instagram and Facebook pages.
If you fancy a spot of baking you are in luck we have just brought out our new Dinosaur baking kit, so if you are in need of a helping hand, our Roar for more Dino cookies will satisfy you and your mini crafter!
  Our kits are perfect for taking away on holiday with everything you need packed in them! All you need to add is your own crayons, glue stick and scissors and then you are set for hours of creative activity.
Take a look at our
facebook page www.facebook.com/squiggledotandsqueeze
and our Instragram www.instagram.com/squiggledotandsqueeze/
Introducing Flori’s ‘Favourite things’ 
What is your favourite tune?
I love search for the Hero by the M people. Love reminding myself that I am good enough..
What is your favourite cake?
A ‘don’t mess with it’ Victoria Sponge.. that means keeping it old school jam
What is your favourite day out?
We love National Trust Gardens as a day out with the family – Sheffield Park gardens are our number one spot!
What is your favourite musical? 
The Lion King has to be my favourite musical as it transports my mind back to my roots for a few hours of African magic!
Inside the creative mind of Flori… what makes you tick?!
What is your best craft ever?
My all time favourite is making paint brushes from anything textured I can get my hands on … it is so simple and such a textural adventure
Tell us somewhere you ‘go to’ to be inspired?
My best place for inspiration at the moment is a magazine called Project Calm Magazine… it is beautiful magazine packed with clever ideas and projects.
Help us run even more events!
If you are thinking of selling or letting your home we would love to speak with you. You can chat with one of our Move Revolution team at Prioryfields. There will be team members from all our offices:
Reigate, Redhill & Opted
Croydon Purley & Coulsdon
East Grinstead, Crawley & Lingfield
Brighton & Hove
Haywards Heath Burgess Hill, Uckfield & Lindfield
Tunbridge Wells & Tonbridge
If you’d like to chat to us before seeing us at Move Revolution Prioryfields call us freephone on 0330 223 1000 – we can’t wait to hear from you.
    The post Move Revolution Prioryfields – Squiggle Dot & Squeeze appeared first on Move Revolution.
from Move Revolution https://www.moverevolution.com/blog/move-revolution-prioryfields-squiggle-dot-squeeze/
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