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umbrellieo · 2 days ago
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this selfship stuff is getting serious!!
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scatteredraysofhope · 1 year ago
Omg I actually do this while staring out the window on the bus TT
underrated stim: mouthing along to the words of a song as if you are having an argument with someone. works very well with i will survive, for example
you gotta get into character with the facial expressions and hand gestures. my bedroom wall is sick of me. anyway.
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mygameplaydiary · 7 months ago
Woohoo and the City: A Sims 4 Live Let's Play
Raise your hand if you started a Sex and the City rewatch as a late 20 something/30 something person! I know I did.
I recently began tuning into the series after work and I see why it had my mom hooked back in the day. I have been so inspired, I rebranded my Sim Self Let's Play to mirror (as best I can in real time) the series. My selfself is kind of like the 2024 version of Carrie Bradshaw. She is a woman who live alone in the city trying to balance work and her love life.
I still need to work on her girl group! I plan to flesh out her friends off stream so that I lean into the sisterhood Sex and the City highlighted. I will be streaming this every Saturday (unless it is canceled via discord) with the next episode being 9/6/2024 at 12:30 MST
I hope to see you there!
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old-habitz-die-hard · 1 year ago
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roll-a-troll · 10 months ago
You're Moolah Eagear. You're lime. You were assigned cansci. At 7 sweeps, you've made a life for yourself. Witch suits you. You're aromantic, you use rie/rhem/rer/rers/rerself and they/them and it/its and self/selfs/selfself and they/them. Fuck it, you ball. Your pa bat raised you poorly, you don't begrude the creature, though. Would you trade your life for anything else? No, you adapted well enough. You wish you'd brought alternia down with you. When you had the time, you did marching band, and you were shitty, and it kept the time moving, alongside entertaining.. You have branchkind equipped, it's not a big deal.. You use the handle thespiansAzure on trollian. When you type, you use 4 eyes in your emotes and use |Y| for your capital M's, out of childish habit. via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/a3BqVkp, do as you please
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Name: Ind. Dale Valerio Color: Light Khaki #F0e68c Symbol: squiddle Strife Specibus: fancysantakind Handle: gemmeusGambado Animal: panther Pronouns: self/selfs/selfself Age: 16 Birthday: 128th day of the year Sexuality: gay Interests: botany and coin collecting Dream Moon: derse Classpect: Heir of Breath Land: Land of Glass and Waste, an evil place, with zany Leopard Tortoise consorts. It is a place full of volcanoes and twisting mazes. Koios is in pain. Instrument: molo
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quotes-stories · 2 years ago
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wasted-in-my-thoughts · 2 years ago
This morning was awful, I woke up to hearing her screaming in pain. I walked in to try to comfort her. There’s nothing I can say or do that will help. I’m tired, and heartbroken. She keeps telling me she can’t do this anymore. Please fight love, please fight to live.
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lunanoma-blog · 6 years ago
Self. Discovery.
Found myself in a place where the seasons change so very slowly and I have some time on my hands.
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sheshinesforyou · 4 years ago
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Miss you all! I swear I'm doing important things. Please take care of yourselves and i hope you feel my vibe-y fat hugs 💓 #selfcare #selflove #selfself https://www.instagram.com/p/CF29AvnAZr_/?igshid=k5eq1ukxio6p
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tenderlittleyehaw · 4 years ago
Imagine being your FOs stability. No matter what's happening to them, no matter the uncertainty, they know they can trust you to be there, and there's no bigger comfort than that.
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starside-selfships · 5 years ago
Imagine playing a horror game in the dark with a pair of headphones, putting so much focus into whatever you're playing and unable to look around as you're too nervous and scared to do so and or some reason, your heart rate starts rising, even though a jumpscare hasn't appeared on screen. That is, until your F/O scares you, causing you to scream in fear before they pull you close to them, comforting you and apologizing for their action, smooching you over and over to relax you. “Sorry for scaring you~” They whisper.
Bonus: You've told your F/O numerous times that you planned on playing a horror game. However, they've simply "forgotten”.
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roll-a-troll · 11 months ago
Name: Mw. Daraya Jonjet Ancestor: The Haunting Strife Specibus: gunkind Blood Color and Sign: Purple; Caprilo Handle: cadaversGazar Lusus: shrewdad Pronouns: self/selfs/selfself Age: 27 sweeps Interests: herbalism and gunsmithing Sexuality: bisexual Class: Prince Land: Land of Purgatory and Variance, a tender place, with jealous King Cobra consorts. It is a place full of canals of liquid hope and haunted houses. Themis loves this land like her own spawn.. Quirk: have a bad habit of media references via roll-a-troll https://ift.tt/lx7hk6V, do as you please
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that-one-gaymer · 8 years ago
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Haven't posted one in a while so here's to that I guess.
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skyjumperkid · 3 years ago
Never promote my poetry I wrote this a long time ago and I still like it that never happens
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simply-livia · 2 years ago
My selfself save is officially corrupted and I’m no longer able to save it 😭. I’m so sad, but I’m working on a new farm life family.
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